THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 0, U02. 2 t i COMMISSIONERS ARE LIABLE Oitj AtUney Informi Broatch'i Board of Ita Financial Limitation. SOME CHANGES IN FIRE DEPARTMENT Bara Refases Appoint Men Wki Casnnlet Probationary Term, bat Install Others. Despite Chief Recommendation. In response to a recent Inquiry tha Beard of Fir and Police Commissioners aaa received an opinion from City Attor ney Connall to the affect that the mem bara of that body could be held personally liable for any Indebtedness Incurred by the appointment of mora men to the fire or po lice departmenta than the respective available funda for salsrles la sufficient to pay. In part Mr. Conn ell aays In hit com munication: "In my opinion the Intentional creation of any liability In excess of law would ere ate a persenal liability. A clear and ex press limitation la placed on the board by the charter aa to the employment of offi cer and men for the Ore and police de partments. Such employment can only be to the extent and limit that the fund pro Tided by the mayor and council tor that purpose will allow." The Bra department fund Is very low at thla time, but there la no present anxiety aa to the , police fund, which Is in better condition than for a long time past. The -cammunlcatloQ of the city attorney was plaoed on file. Board la Myaterloaa. The present board haa adopted a very mysterious method, the obvious purpose of which is to avoid publicity as far as Is pos sible. Beside the executive session at tha elese of the meeting, which is becoming regular. It has also become the custom to pen the sitting with an executive session and by that means to have all business carefully arranged before the open meet Ing begins. Even in spite of that precau tlonary arrangement It at times becomes necessary for the members to get their head together and confer privately in the court of the public demonstration and It '1 not Infrequently done. It waa Indicated In the course of the meeting that the board will hereafter re (fuse to draw upon tha fire department fund ' for the payment of damages entailed by reaaon of aCcldants In which the depart- tment la involved, taking the ground that the liability should fall upon the city In the lima manner a the responsibility for accident from a number of other cauie, auch aa a defective aldewalk, for Instance. No decisive action waa taken, but the mem ber in a sort of Informal discussion agreed with 'Commissioner Wright that the board ahould shift tha payment of these damages to tha city. There waa some question as , to the legal atatus of the proposition and ' action was for that reason deferred. Revokes Sobstttnte List. On motion of Commissioner Spratlen the entire list of substitute firemen waa revoked and the following list substituted: Chrls ' Ulan Clauaen, Leonard Brown. Michael Qulnlan, John Miller. John F. Miller and David L. Camp. The only name which ap peared on both lists was that of Michael Qulnlan. Chief Salter reported that Frank Brundage and Harry Trimble bad completed the stxty Iday term of probationary appointment aa ! members of the fire department and recom mended that they be regularly appointed. On motion of Mr. Spratlen the ch ef waa Instructed to Inform the two men that their ..aaswlwsa-war. not required. . The reason ' Riven waa that in the present condition of the fund the board would best not appo'nt any new men. Later In the evening, bow aver, after a secret conference with the chairman and other members, Mr. Spratlen 'instructed the chief to appoint Christian Clauasen and Leonard Brown from the sub stitute list and a man named O. L. Fox, so had been on the old substitute list. Igaor Chief's Recommendation. The resignation of Joseph Lank aa captain of hose company No. B was accepted and a communication from the chief waa read in which he recommended Patrick II. Dempsey for the vacancy thua caused. A petition wa also presented from the residents In the vicinity of No. 8 house, which Is located at 'Walnut Hill, in which the board waa urged to advance Lieutenant John J. Ormsby to the position of captain. On motion of Mr. Spratlen Mr, Ormsby received the appoint ment. Tha resignation of George O. Trexler, driver of engine No. 3, waa accepted. Tha greater portion of tha open aesslon , waa devoted to a formal hearing of tha case of Officer Anton Inda, accused of having smallpox in hie family. Testimony In Inda Case. Dr. Arnold and Officer Wooldrldge of thi Health department were called upon to testify to tha effect that on July 2 and 10 ' last ona of Inda'a son waa discovered to be , 111 with amallpox and at that time the child waa nearly recovered, although the . case had never been reported to tha Health department. Chief Donahue of the police department etated that Inda had performed hia regular dutlea aa an officer until the evening cf July t. when the department waa notified by the health .officers thst there waa smallpox in Inda'a family. Inda, who conducted hla own case, and while acting a hla own attorney referred to himself strictly in tha third parson, called Dr. A. W, Riley, James Bchnelderwlnd. Dr. E. Holovltschlner and one or two other witnesses to show that tha boy, who was quarantined by Dr. Arnold July SO. had not at that time or any other . time bad amallpox, but a few montha pre viously had chlckenpox, and that two of ' Inda'a other sons after the quarantine had been" established developed amallpox. Tha case waa taken under advisement. LOCAL BREVITIES. Mr. Ernest Rlssi has riled complaint against her husband charging that h beat and bruised her. Benson lodge No. 221, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, is still congratulating Itself over the success of its members in captur ing the prises In Important events ac tba picnic given by the Home Social club at Krug park last Saturday. William Kohln son won the fat msn's rare. The bowling contest waa won by C. 8. Selleck. Both of thes belong to the Benson lodge. TrassMo AO UaA, called Dyswda, ladigmtina, Castrttta, Haart bnro,. w'atcrbrath. Catarrh UlcrrsHo ri Snach. ale NAU'S DYSPEPSIA CURE Orr. (ha inner U oinf oi tba stomach, V know ft wlU weak a couipUU cur. Try it I ttaiU lieu, Sn a'wn, a. V For sal by UharroaB Mc Connell Drug Co.. W. Cor. ls'h and Dodge Bta.. Omaha, and Leading druggieta. CIRCUS IS BIGGER THAN EVER niasliBB" Brothers' haw lsrsntl Itself, Daye J. J. Brady, the Agent. J. J. Brsdy, agent for the Rlngllng Brothers" circus. Is here. He la full of the theme and to hear him rattle off figure to show that the Baraboo show Is the 'grrateat In the world'' Is a circus treat la itself. 'Yes." said Mr. Brady, "the Rlngllng clr- cua Is bigger this year than evsr. We use more cars, present mora acta, both new and familiar, and carry a larger menagerie and horse troop. One thousand peoplo are on tha pay roll; 300 of these are performers. Five hundred horses are used la one way and another, many of which are beasts of fin pedigree and great cost. The draft horses are beautiful specimens and none cost less than 1300, from which you may form an Idea of the money the Rlngllngs have tied up la thla department aloaa. "Of course In the too. the giraffe ia our star feature. This odd animal la cared for like royalty and baa a valet to attend to her smallest wishes. Even the milk tor her la Imported and only the choicest herb age la her diet. She never dr'.nks water. nor eat meat, and la the only wild creature that cannot utter a sound. In the troop of thirty elephants tha Rlngllngs carry about halt of the entire elephant population of the I'nlted States. "Everybody with the Rlngllng show la boarded by the management. One day'a sup plies for this purpose Includes 1.000 loaves of bread, 600 pounds of meat, BOO pounds of vegetables, 75 gallons of coffee, 60 gallons of tea, 50 gallons of milk, 100 dosen egga and J, BOO pounds of Ice. The animals eat dally 600 pounds of meat, 600 pounds of vegetables, 100 bushels of oats and 60 tona of hay. We carry a barber, a dentist a pharmacist, .a bootmaker, a blacksmith, a detective, a doctor, a postmaster In fact about every professional requirement of a well regulated village may be found with this great mod ern abow. "The canvases number twenty and cover twelve acre of ground. The big "top," as it is called, Is 540x210 feet, and the largest ever made. The Rlngllng Brothera' circus is the highest development of ths circus Idea, and well worth looking over as a matter of Information." GOOD PROGRAMAT FESTIVAL, glamor Rlvela Presents an Interesting rrocram of First-Clem Masle. A cold wave. Hot chocolate. A big au dience, and a popular program. This la the offlcUi bulletin of laet night' proceeding at the Omaha Musical Festival. The pro gram was well made up and very Interesting. There was no trashy music of any kind, but there was a goodly collation of those things which appeal to the good taste of the aver age audience at musical affaire. It was more suggestive of the old Innes popular nights than anything else. The band played wUh ao much warmth that there waa a large and gratifying de gree of comfort administered to the au dience. Signer Rlvela wag generous ia Lis eDCCre and satisfying in bis general work. Hla presentation of Godfrey's famous old fan tasle on Scotch air waa Immensely Inter estlng and showed good interpretation and skillful score-reading on the pert of the cenductor. The experiment of treating "Old Scotch" with a dash of "Italian bitters' waa surely a big success. me narpist, Mgnor Hetaro, was given a double encore and waa accorded all of tha applause be could desire. H is unquestion ably a fine artist, and one might Imagine, a wonderful lmprovlsateur: The Wagner quar tet, composed of the Mlsse Porter, Black burn, Johnson and Tinker, sang several se lections in a simple and unaffected manner. which won the good grace of the audience The voice are, generally (peaking, good, but the Impreeslon 1 made by the harmon ious ensemble. Even In the matter of dress the harmonies are preserved. These young women will sing again tonight. Never since old Transmlsslsslppl Expos! tlon daya haa "La Paloma" been played aa It should be until Rlvela conducted It. He give it the national "atmosphere." No Venom In 'Em. No poisonous purgatlvea enter Into Dr. King's New Life Pills. Essy, but prompt. they cure or no pay. Only 25c LOCAL NEWSDEALERS UNITE Form Association and . Determine to Kisct Common Price far Chi cago Papcra. , Fifteen local newsdealers held a meet Ing last night In Bill a Kleser's ator and organised tha Omaha Newsdealers' associa tion. Henry F. Kieaer was elected tem porary president and Robert Freeman ap pointed aecretary. Mr. Nelson, agent for tha Chicago papers, agreed at thla meeting to aell all Chicago papera at IH cants until h received further instructions from Chicago. Tha association, learning that a repre sentative of tha Chicago Record-Herald waa In the city and that representatives of other Chicago papera would be here, decided to meet again Thursday night. It waa agreed that Nelson would have to guarantee a common price of IV centa for tha paper, or no Chicago papera would be handled by the association members. Hot daya followed by cool night will breed malaria In ths body that ia billoua r coatlva. Prickly Aah Blttera is vsry valuable at thla time tor keeping" tb stomach, liver and bowela well regulated. DELTA TAU DELTA BANQUET Members of Fraternity Enjoy Social Feast Prior to Foralag Chapter. Preliminary to the formation of a local chapter of the Delta Tan Delta thirty mem bers of that fraternity held a banquet at the Her Grand last night. Tba charter for the Omaha chapter haa been applied for and If the attendance last night is to b taken aa a criterion the chapter will be large and active. Some dozen colleges and universities from different sections of tha country were represented by members of their respective alumni. W. S. Summers acted aa toastmaater at tha banquet table and these toasts "wsre given: "Our Fraternity," by E. J. Cor nish: "The Alumni." O. W. Wattles; "The Undergraduate " Roy Towle; "Tha Ladies R. H. Msnley; -Tha Crescent." A. B. Lev erett. COLORED REPUBLICAN VOTERS They Will Hald Merlin at Washing ton Hall !! Wednesday bveaiaa. Tha colored republican voters of Douglas county will hold a meeting at Washington ball Wcdneaday evening, at S o'clock. Tha meeting haa been arranged by a committee rone sting ot J. a. Pegg. C. M. Johnson W. R. Dudley, George Collins. Rev. J. W, Clarke, A. W. Willis, T. P. Mabauimltt, W M. Cannon. Rev. W. M. Houaley, B. Greer and 8. H- Baxter. The meeting will be addressed by M. Singleton and A. Willi, and all candidates for congrsaa have been invited to he pre eat. LAST OF INITIATION NIGHTS Only One Hot Week ii Which to Jin Kiighti of A-8r-Bn. ARRANGEMENTS FOR DAYLIGHT PARADE Fred Miller, Mho Will Mar Charae of It, Calls for Volunteers Large Crowd at the Den Last Night. There Is but one more Initiation night at the den of tha Knights of Ak-8sr-Bsn thla year. The Board of Oovernors hoped to be able to continue until September 22, but because of the early date of the first parade It was found necessary to drop this plan and all the work to be done at Initiations will hsve to be completed this week. The chairman referred to tha parades and announced that Philip Miller had been appointed to take charge of the display of the fraternal societies in the daylight pa- rade. Mr. Miller called for volunteera to assist In the work and promised one of the most attractive daylight parades ever given by the society. There la still room for about a dozen volunteer on floats in the electrical pageant and the chairman, Fred Metx, desires them to report as soon as possible, as drills will begin upon the con. luslon of the initiations. The work at the den last night was most attractive, the prtnclpsl feature being a came between Al Sorenson and Beach Taylor. Both men had many backera, ana when Mr. Taylor captured practically an of the counter he waa wildly cheered, while even the closest friends of Mr. Sor. enson were forced to laugh when he quit ith less than half the "dough" that the veriest amateur secured. W. F. Ourley was the principal epeaker and addresses were made by Q. M. Hitch cock and F. A. Brogan, while Frank Dun lop made his final appearance of the season in Impersonations, the hit of the evening being his representation of a member of the Italian band protesting against a re cent criticism of the music renaerea 07 the band. Oat of Town Visitors. The following people from out of the city wer present: From Nebrssks F. H. Horak of Colon. Colonel O. B. Jenkins of Falrb'jry, J. 8. Johnson of Schuyler. K. S. Clark of Oretna, O. M. Ounnell of Poxton, O. Kay- er or Hellevue. J. J. Meunnin. i. ' of Fremont, Frit Nlcklaa of Syracuse, B. B. Weber ot Valparaiso, . n. - michael of Pawnee City, J. C. Rabe or Shelby, T. C. Duncan and Dan Bergman of Sldnev, J. G Maher and K. T. Humph rey of O'Neill. H. O. Thomas ana w. n. Swarfs of Harvard, W. W. Cleveland, W. H. Banner, K. L. MeAaam, ur. r. r. Ktghter and J. R. Ferns of Lincoln. From Iowa r . c Haywara oi j-"-b Molncn. H. J. Sllper of Boone, A. Ranschert of Tabor. W. S. Kelly of on damln. W. V. Dorward of Onawa, A. H. Newman of Cedar Rnplds. F. Burchmore of Dubuque and C. E. Barnard of Sioux City. From Wyomlng-U M. Clayter of Ervay. Paul Berg cf DeRanch, W. 8. Miller and D. Beaton of Split hock. From Missouri JetT W. Bedford or urns- vllle, J. P. t'Ber of Kansas City. N. U. Winston. C. H. Pierce, Nelson Hagenauer auu A.. ouehier of pi. iaiuis. From Colorado J. C Amenat or George town and J. F. Kyle of Montrose. From Illinois Josepn uross, l,. r: xioipe, R S Ballmsn, II. O. Stokes, W. H. New hall,' J. J McFarland, J N. Stewart, F. M Hnitnuin. H K Freeman and A. J. Dutcher of Chicago, W. L. Qansutt of Rock Island. From New York A. H. Kaimus, E. uor- nell, M. F. Jones, John N. Hlckok, Isaac Schlff. N. Qleick, M. J. Rosenthal and T. B lnd or New Yora jiiy From Otaer states w. M. nonroeoer, William H. Mackle and J. H. Mettendort of Philadelphia, L. K. Carmlchael and M. C. King of Spokane, Wash., W. H Dis ney of Terry. 8. D., Charles A. Levlne of Chattanooga, Tenn., K. J. Gross of Mil waukee, W. 8. Jefferson of Cincinnati and Captain W. H. Adams ot Louisville, Ky. A Wonderful Chance. Weak, sickly Invalids are aoon changed by Electric Bitters Into healthy men and women. They cure or no pay. 68c. THE REALTY RECORD. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Monday, September s: Warranty Deeds. Frank Pechae to Mary Pechac, sV& lot 6. block 1, Hawthorne add $ 1 Patrick Scannell to B. J. Bcannell, lot 13, block 2, west Hide aoa no. ; lot 12. block 1, Folsom Place; lot 14, block 1. Brown park 100 400 13 1 700 K. B. Holm and wife to J. P. Jensen, lots s7, 28, , cunningnam a u. a add II. 8. Thomas et al to E, M. Garnett, lob 6. block 46. Florence Augusta Iange to Margaret A. Nagl, lota 7 and $. block 171. Omaha National Life Insurance company to ueorg tiarnes et al, lot , Aldine aauare 1. Tukey & Allen to Henrietta J. Nel son, lot 4. block 7, Clifton Hill E. L. Howe and wlfs to Anna Rach- 1,660 trio man. s 60 ftet of e 132 feet lot 83, Redlck's ii sdd Hans Uoldstadt to August Bock. wV4 ne4 4-14-1J G. H. Herri and wife to Pauline 6.000 700 1.000 Meyen. lot 77, block 7. Bedford Place Ella M. Tsschuck and husband to O. W. Logan, w 10 feet lot si and ett lot 79. Hickory Place M. T. Clark and wife to Morris New man, a 17.7 feet lot 4. block , Omaha 723 Augusta Snider to Marv Berger, lot . block 368. South Omaha 17$ 1SS J. E. George to Joseph Chromy, w 40 feet of e W fett lot 22, Moloney's add Deed. Chemical National bank to Augusta Snider, lot . block 368, South Omaha 150 Total amount of transfers .. .$16,149 Woman's Work in Club There wilt be a meeting of the local Women's Christian Temperance union Wed nesday afternoon, at which both aides of tb Temple situation are to be presented and the matter aettled whether pr not the $100 shall be paid that over a year ago waa voted to be paid to the Temple fund In case the $300,000 bonds be redeemed. There wa a meeting yesterday morning of the Nebraska Ceramic club, called spe cially for the exchange of vacation notes. In Tlew of tb division of op'nlon in tha Nebraska Women's Christ an Temperance union and among the unions of the stats regarding the attitude of the national orga nisation concerning the building in Ch'- eago known as Willard Temple, Susanna M. D. Fry, corresponding aecretary of the National Women's Chr'stlao Temperance union makes ths following statement to a member of the local union, that ths women may know tha facta from tb atandpoint ot the national executive committee: The Board of Temple Trustees la an In corporated body, separate and distinct from the National Woman's Christian Temperance anion from the very first. The temple never was taken up by the National Woman's Christian Temperance union as a department of lu work. From tne very nature of the case ths National Woman a Christian Temperance union rever had any authority over the busLnena of ths Temple Trustees. Mrs. Carve, the or'.gUiator of the temple idra. was. how ever, allowed to sollrlt mouey from the unions because of her avowed purpose to purchase the temple and present it to the national organisation for headquarters and as a means of revenue. There waa. bow ever, never any written agreement to this effect and the verbal promLm haa not been continurd since the national refused to lend further aid to the enterprise. The following axe some of the reajmus why the national voted 2 to 71 at the St. Paul convention In ltfta to discontinue all affilia tion with the temple enterprise: Caattaxy to the rsaoljuoa v tb uaUocal DOUBTFUL HONORS DECLINED Nominee on Democratic Ticket at Webster CHy Refnsa ta Make Rare aad Withdraw. WEBSTER CITY. la., Sept. S. (Special.) H. M. Sparboe, nominated by the Hamil ton county democratic convention ten aays ago for auditor ha now aecnnea tne nomi nation. Thi leaves tne county aemocracy without a ticket. But two nomination were made this yev. These were for auditor snd attorney. C. A. Blernatxkl. nominated for attorney, de clined the nomination the day after tha convention because he wa not in accord with the party. Aa the democratic party I In the minority and aa the action of the ctate convention In repudiating ilver dded to the disruption It Is hardly likely that the county central committee will take it upon itself to place a ticket in the field. Roller Wrecks Rendering; Plant. ATLANTIC, la.. Sept. 8 8peclal.) The rendering establishment a halt mile north of the city, belonging to Ben Cate was blown up yesterday. The boiler, which was an aged one, had about twenty pounds of steam when the explosion occurred. Mr. and Mrs. Cate and William Lawson, who waa visiting at the place, were standing only fifty feet distant and the brick and debris was thrown all around them, but miraculously none of it struck the trio. The building was valued at $2,000, Mr. Cate has given out that he will rebuild. About half of the boiler was blown seventy-Ova feet In the air and carried 300 feet from the scone of the explosion. In Its flight it took the top off an elm tree four Inches in diameter, and In the fall burled Itself in the lawn to a depth of two feet. Agent Gets CRESTON, Ia., Ill Commission. Sept. . (Special.) The Judge ha rendered his decision In ths Interesting land case Involving the pay ment of commission for the sale of land. It was a cae In which the Bollinger Land company and the Nix A Kelly Land com pany, both of Alton, aold a piece of ground for a Mr. Able In Washington state on the same day. The notification of the Bol linger sale reached him first, but In the meantime the Nix Kelly purchaser had paid for the land, Including the commis sion, and takeu possession of the same and the Bollinger purchaser had bought other land. The Bollinger company aued for the commission on the sale and received Judg ment for the full amount asked, $290. Dnnlap Patting 'on Airs. DUN LA P, Ia., Sept. 8. (Special Tele gram.) Never ahone a light so fslr In the streets of Dunlap as those which Illuminate the town tonight. The light Is furnished by the Dunlap Light, Heat and Power com pany, and tonight marks the beginning of the light service, the plant having Just been completed. The town has been greatly Improved In the past summer. Old awnings have been removed, cement sidewalks have taken the place of old wooden ones and with the addition ot the light, heat and power plant, the town has discarded Its backwoods appearance and is putting on metropolitan alra. Rack Into Newspaper Business. CRESTON, Ia., Sept. 8. (Special.) Postmaster . Paul McLean, who aoms montha ago retired from the newspaper business, baa again taken up the editorial pen and will direct the policy of the Cres ton Gaxette, taking charge today. The pa per has been purchased by Clarlnda par ties, whose names are not given, and tha business part will be run by a corporation, while McLean will write the editorials. TVcvr Bonding Collapses. CRESTON. ' Ia., , 8ept. 8. (Special.) The stone foundation ot the M. E. Cassiday store building at Lorimer gave way yes terday and caused the west wall to col lapse. Tho building was almost completed and will be about a $3,500 loss to Mr. Cas slday, as the part that remain standing Is so badly out of plumb that It will require rebuilding. Inhaled Chloroform and Died. BIOUX CITY, Sept. 8. Dr. J. J. 8chlawig. a prominent physician of 8loux City, died today by inhaling chloroform. He had been addicted to the habit for several years. Onr Locomotives In Japan. American locomotives have found favor with the Japanese railroad officials, because they are cheaper and better than those made In England, which I another very important victory for American products. In medicine, we also have the best remedy for stomach, liver and bowel complaints that science has ever been able to produce, namely, Hos teller's Stomach Bitters. It will cure any one suffering from dyspepsia, indigestion, belching, insomnia, nervousness, or malaria, fever and ague. A trial will convince you. Arrested for Wife-Beat Ing- Andrew Murphy was arrested late last night on the charge of wife beating. The couple have only been marled a few montha, but this Is the second time Murphy has been arrested on the same charge, the nrt time being May 7. when the bridal rosea had scarcely faded. He was given ninety aays for his first performance, but was nardoned after servlna tart of his time Last night Murphy went to his home at 1914 California street and proceeded to amuse himself by beating his young wife. He kicked her In the mouth and then, taking off his shoe, proceeded to beat her with It. The police were notified and took him to the station, the wife being made romfort- aoie for tne ment in tne matron s room. She was severely bruised, but not seriously Injured. convention asking that the building ahould not be erected on rented ground, the tem ple was built on leased ground, for which a rental of $40,000 per year must be paid. The national asked that the building should not exceed In cost .ou0 or li0,ou0. The temple cost $1,266,000. The national asked that the work nhould not be begun until Mrs. I'arse had collected $fO0,Oi)O for the purchase of the temule. This was totally disregarded. After eleven years of heroic effort on the part of Individuals and unions Mrs. Carse's report at the St. Paul con vention In 1898 showed that while nearly tiM' had belli given with which to pur chase the temple, she had purchased and paid for leas than $40,000 worth of stock. There was, therefore, no hope of ever pur chasing the remainder of the $00.000 of atock and paying off the $&JU.uOO mortgage upon the building held by Mr. Marshall Kleld. To complicate matters Mrs. Carae haa is sued her own -personal bonds to the amount of $.'iu.00l. These are known as the tem ple trust bond and were not authorised by the National Woman's Christian Tem perance union. When the temple was dis continued as an affiliated Interest Mrs. Carse had spent JlO.OuO in floating her bonds and hud paid $3.uG0 Interest on them and bad already defaulted on the interest on these bonds and had notified her bondhold ers that she would not pay but TO centa on the dollar, lb us repudiating her per sonal obligation before the national re fused to longer countenance the enterprise. It should be remembered that ail these expenditures on the experiment of her boruts and the $HUuu speut In decorating Willard hail and various oiner sum', amounting to over $3uu,tt. wers paid ojt ft the gift fund sent in to purchase tha u triple. These and other bad conditions convinced the jiaiional that it could no longer stand before ths public In the at titude of encouraging the effort to buy the temple. I'p to the time of the St. Paul convention the national was aasured from time to time that it had no financial obli gation In the matter whatever. Since lha temple has been dropped It ha been claimed by Mrs. Carse and others that there la a moral obligation on the part of the national to redeem Mrs. Caxse s per sonal bond. From the very nature of the case , no auch obligation could exist, tint the national would be obliged to pay tba debts of ail thrca at ta U. tarsals he rtlu- Swcot, crlia Must Havva It. " I am arranging to spend a few weeks at Cape Cod, and want to know bur ' Force 1 there, I must have It, aa it ha been of great benefit not only etf, but aleo to my daughter-in-law and her little ones. (NeaM furnished oa saplteaaoa ) AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Contract Lat for Fonr-Koam Addition, to Lowill School. COST SEVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED C. McDonald Pats la the Lowest af Five Bids and Gets the Job das Company Laying; New Mains. The feature of last nlght'a meeting of the Board of Education waa the letting of a contract for tba erection of a four-room addition to Lowell school. Five, bids were presented ssd T. C. McDonald proved to be the lowest bidder, so he waa given the contract. Hla bid was $7,515. The other bidder were Salmon, Brlgga, Park and Weiie. All of these were over $8,000, with the exception of Brlggs and McDonald. Salaries of teachers and Janitors were fixed for the school year. There was no attempt made to confer at length about tha painting of the high school building. A number of bids were submitted, but these were not opened, tha matter being deferred for another week. There waa soma little talk about the election ot a truant officer, but as there seems to be a difference of opinion of the members, no selection wa made. On a vote, Sullivan received tour votea and Jackman three. Two members of the board declined to vote and President Miller did not inalst upon their casting ballots. Superintendent McLean reported that the attendance at the school was Increasing daily and that more teachers would soon be required. This matter was referred to the teachers committee and the superin tendent. An adjournment wss then tsken for one week. Complaint Aboat Streets. Drivers of coal and feed wagon complain about the condition of streets In tha vicin ity of Eighteenth and U streets. It is asserted thst on account of washouts It Is impossible to deliver either coal or horse feed. The city baa been working ita force hard to fill up wasbouta, but the engineer Is now kept on the Jump all ot ths time and ia paying attention to aome of the big fills. The smaller washouts will be taken care of later on. Preparing; Drnlns. City Engineer Beal waa engaged yester day In preparing proper drains tor E street at the Intersection of Twenty-third street. A All of the big washout is also being made and it ia thought that when the drain and nil are completed that there will be no more bad holea at thla point. It will take at leaat 6,000 yarda of dirt to fill tha wash out, which could have easily been stopped bad attention been called to It In time. Laying; More Malna. Manager Davia ot the Omaha Oa company tated yesterday that he was now laying mains on O atreet between Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth streets, on K street from Twentylflfth to Twenty-sixth street', and on and Charity fore affiliated with it. It should not be forgotten that months before the national was thus accused of repudiating a moral obligation Mrs Carse had repudiated her Interest entirely and notified her bond holders that she would pay but 70 centa on the face value of her bonds. It Is to be rememberd that her bondholders are secured by temple stock, which they can have transferred to their own names any day, according to the terms of the bonds, and that there is nothing with which to reimburse those who gave nearly IJU0.0U) to sirs. I'srse. it snould also be known that, according to the official statement of the owners of the temple, Mr. Marshall Field et al. It made a few thousand dol lars each year for four years after It was opened. Since then it haa run behind every rear one year nearly $14,000. another over 12,000 and In lKtl It ran behind $&.6M.7o. The building Is now In debt to Mr. Field for Interest on hla $6,0ou mortgage $H7, fO. Under these circumstances what would the national do with the tempi If It owned It T It la true that Miss Willard dedicated the BSth year of her life to an effort to pay off Mrs. Carse's bonds, but It should slso be remembered that ahs si. id at the same time that her thought did not rjn far enough to Include the ownership of the temple. "If by the termi nation of this year. November 1. lint, we cannot raise the tlOO.iM) we ahould disas sociate ourselves from ths enterprise aa an affiliated Interest. "The effort now being made by Mr. Oars ts not for or ty the National Woman's Christian Temperance union and It would be wi fr.r Individual wotild-bc oonors to rememoer that while the na tional stood ny tne temple, it took more than four-Hfths of what was riven to hnv the temple for the expenses of the enter prise and that unless the last doliar of the mortgage Sj0.O0i heid by Mr. Field can b paid off it can be foreclosed at any time and all that has been put In be swept away, and all unions should remem ber that Mrs. i'arse promised the St. Paul convection that she would no longer ap peal to them. Miss Wlilaxd having aald the ear previous that the unions had done enujgh; they munt not be appealed tn any more: Torn we now to Uie Gentllaa,' meaning the rich." BlSANNA M D FRY. Correrponding Secretary National Wo man Chxialiaa Ttmtraiica Cuuin. Jim Dumps had always felt quite blue When rent and other bills fell due. Collectors seemed to fill the air, And landlords sprang from ev'rywhere. TIs different nowj no blues for him, Since " Force " has made him " Sunny Jim I" Ths Rad-to4erv Canal adds daily deposits to health's banlf account flak of wheat sad nail Cate! Ct14. O street from Twenty-third to Twenty- fcurth street. A soon aa the grading la completed on Twenty-seventh atreet mains will be laid. Pipe for thla work la already on hand and the gaa company Is only hold ing back on It work until the graders place the roadway on the level agreed upon In the petition presented to the council and approved by the city engineer. Wife-Beater 'sentenced. One of the first prisoners brought before Judge King yesterday afternoon waa Jo seph Queenan, who Uvea at Thirtieth and R streets. He was charged with beating his wife and aa he could not deny the charge very well tho judge sentenced him to twenty day in the county jail. Big; Sheep Receipts. Monday was a big day at the sheep barns at the yards In South Omaha. Ninety-six cars came in and theae contained 27,493 head. This waa the lariat uiuuieul fur one day in the history ot the yard There is a demand for sheep here, and especially feeder sheep. The market held good and large shipments are looked for today. Pro clous to the big shipment of Monday the banner day was on August 2, when 25,944 head were received and yarded. Receipts of cattle, sheep and hogs atlll show an in crease as compared with the aame date last year. Dennis Carey Secarea Jsdgaesl, Dennis Carey,' formerly a Janitor at the high school, secured judgment against the Board of Education in Justice Caldwell court yesterday for 1 $55. Carey contended that he had a contract for a year and an ex amination of the record a kept by Secre tary Lott ahowed that the contract entered Into with aCrey waa for the entire school year. At a recent meeting ot the board Carey was dismissed before the time of his con tract had expired. He therefore brought suit to recover tha pay for lost time. Aa there is money In the school district fund Just now an effort will be made by Attorney Henry C. Murphy, who has charge of ths case, to take tep to aecure this amount for hla client. Illinois Officers Com I a a. Today officer from the reform school In Illinois will reach here for tha purpose of taking back Albert Dahl, who waa arrested a few days ago for violating hla parole. Some time today Dahl will be arraigned In police court and will then be turned over to the officers from Illinois. Made City Gossip. Thomas Hoctor haa returned from a trip to Ottumwa, la. W. B. Olln haa gone weat to look after business matters. E. P. Emery has gona west and expect to locate in Washington. Zack Cuddlngton la here looking after his property Interests. Perry Wheeler la home from a trip to Chicago, where tie visited relatives. .,Jam.', V Ch.'ak ha gone to work for the live tock department of tb Bock Island. C. W. Miller ha returned from Den ver, where he attended a convention of letter carriers. ..Ep", Cory'f the Union Stock Tarda Na tional bank'has returned from a two weeks' vacation In Colorado. The Lotus club has reorganised for the Wlnwr'.lth W- 8' Kln prudent and J B. Watklns secretary and treasurer. The drill team of Ancient Order of I'nlted Workmen lodge No. -227 will give a dance at Old Fellowa' ha'l Wednesday evening. Aa Miss Emma T. Hermann cannot reach here from the east for some time owing to the illness of relatives Superintendent McLean has placed Miss Julia Willard In charge of the Albright achool. Drives All Before It. Aches and palna fly before Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. So do aorea, pimplea, bolls, corns and ptlea, or no pay. 25c. HICKEY "OUT FOR THeTsEASON Omaha Third Baseman Caa Kot Re same Work Acquisitions ta tha Team. Third Baseman Ed Hlckey will not play another game with tb Omaha thla season. His arm Is still hopelessly out and will not recover In time. Hlckey worked out, Sat urday to see it the week' rest had helped htm. but be could not throw across tha diamond. In a throw to first base on Sep tember 26 here, la a game against Colorado Springs, Hlckey jerked a ligament In bis forearm loose. Ha played out that game and started another, the second of a double header, Immediately afterward, but could not finish, Creighton being aubetltutec'. Meanwhile it la thought that the new &c. quisltlon. Graham of tha Three I league, will push Petey Burg off third bag,, aa ha ts said to be a hitter. Graham will join the team Wednesday here, aa will Wright, the new first baaemaa, also a Three I man. The fruity product of the American Wine Co.. St. Louis: Cook's Imperial Ex tra Dry Champagne. Suits every taste. Try the Great lorlBern Uses Between aioax City and It. Paal. Leave Sioux City dally 110 p. m., ar riving Minneapolis t ha . m.. St. Paul 7:20 a. m. Solid vestlbuled train of buffet sleeper and day coachea. Interchangeable credentials certificates Is sued. FRED ROGERS, CeoJ. Paaa. AgJ., Sioux CUjc, loss. pp &0 Y If I can to my- MANEUVER CAMP AT RILEY Will Cover Aboat One and Oae-Qoar-tcr "qnare Allies on Smoky Hill Bottoms. Captain O. C. C,reFS, quartermaster, la now making preparations for the reception of the regular troops which will reach Fort Riley for the maneuvers beginning Sep tember 20. The camp will cover an area of about one and one-quarter square miles, on the Smoky Hill bottoms, across the Kansss river, directly south of the post proper, with Its front resting on the river's southern bank. Ita front will be about one mile In length and lla depth about one and one-quartor miles, ex tending to the line ot bluffs that forms the southern boundary .of the Kaw valley. Tho dinerent arm of the service it be ar ranged in camp In the following order: Cavalry, artillery. Infantry, engineers, ho Tltal corp nd signal corps, with General Bates' teadq-'arters at the extreme south west corner, on a slight eminence overlook ing the antire bottom. The regimental streets will run from northwest to south east. The veterinary hosplti. f be cen trally located in that pclion of the camp assigned to mounted troops, and dally lec ture will be delivered there on bippology and on tba general far of public1 animals, when In the garrison oTin the field," i wo pontoon bridge will b thrown across tha Kansas river, north of the camp, which In conjunction with the Iron government bridge which span , this stream farther weat some 500 yarda distant, will greatly facilitate the paeaage of troops from ths camp to the vast extent of the maneuvering grounds, on the northern side of the river. The camp location will also be convenient for the transportation of stores and sup plies from the railroad, the. Una passing within 509 yards ot ths camp, on the rlver'a northern bank, and adjacent to the three bridge. "No hitch has yet occurred la the ar rangements for the maneuver division at Fort Riley," said Major General Batra. "Everything ts running along smoothly. I shall leave here with my staff In about eight daya. From latest Information there will be about 7.000 soldiers Involved In thi division. Tha proportion of state troops will be large, for Nebraska will- rend two regiment of lnfsntry, Kansa two and two batterlea of field artillery, and Colorado and Arkansas each battalion of Infantry." That Awful Cold,' And Its terrible cough can toon be cured by Dr. King' New Discovery for Consump tion. Try it. No car, no pay. 60c, $1. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Captain H. E. Palmer leave thla evenUsH for a week's visit at Sheridan, Wyo. At the Millard: Thomas Starr, Chtcagaf J. L. Hall, Kansas City: 8. C. Rlchsrd. Davenport, Ia. ; 11. 8. Boal, Sheridan, Wyo, Mrs. K. H. Sprsgii has gone tn Kansas City for a week's visit with friends. When she returns she will be accompanied by her daughter Grace, who has been In Kansua City for a month. . ... Time seems most untimely when be bring a woman to the turn of life. Life la or should be at ita ripest and best for lier, and she ap proaches thi chanee with a dread of it effect born of her knowledge of the suffering of other women at thi aeaaon. There is not the slightest cause for fear or anxiety at thi period if I)r. Pierce' Favorite Prescription ia used. It give health of body and cheerfulness of mind, and by ita aid the pains and pang of this critical period are pre vented or cured. Dr. Pierce' Favorite Prescription I woman 'a medicine with a wonderful record of cures of womanly diseases. Disease that all other medicines had failed to cure, have been perfectly and permanently cured by the use of "Fa vorite Preacription." "I feel it my duly to write you a I hiw receimd so much benefit from the um of v-jof tttedKioe.e savs Mr, ljuie A. Uuwnun. of Ke w Mauuaorsa, Washington Co., ohu. "I httve takes fuar bottles of Favorite pretcrlptUin ' lot female weakness sad change of life. Before I brgaa taking U I could not do anything. I had such pain id my bead and ia the bavkor tny set k that I thought I would lose my miail Now I ran work every day. I recommend ' l7avunte Fre srnptios' to all females suHering ia tbe period of cbange of lite, It ia the be medicine I hsve fouud. "Favorite Preacription" baa the testi mony af thousand a of women to it complete cure of womanly disease. Do not accept aa unknown and un proved substitute in its place. Keep tha bowela health y by the utuci wa oi Dc Piarca'a Pleasant Fallen, . aw -a 3