THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, SEPTEMTIETI 0, 1002. DAY IS TO SUCCEED KEYSOR QoTirnor BTagn Namsg Inpreme Csnrt Oomminioiw for District Bsnch. . - - TERM IS ONLY UNTIL AFTER ELECTION Ja4ge Day Ineertala Wbrlhrr lie Wlahea to Relinquish Ilia Preaent roatllen to Arrrpl the Prorfffd Plare. (From a 8taff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Sept. 8. (Special.) Oeorge A. Day of Oittaba, member of the supreme court commission, hai been appointed by Gorcrnor Savage to succeed V. V. Keysor as judge In the Fourth Judicial district. The announcement waa made this aft rncon. Immediately arter the receipt of Judce Keyaor'a resignation. Judge Keysor leaves to Join the faculty of Washington univet Ity law achool Id St. Louis. The ap pointment will be effective fieptembT 2P. If Judge Day accepts the appointment lie must necessarily resign his position as commissioner, in which event his successor will be cSio&en by the aupcme court. It la understood here thnt Mr. Day will ac cept, for the term of tha present court commission will expire on April 1, next year. j Had Judge Keysor held over for a few days In October his appointed successor j could have retained the office until the next general election after, the one which ! M to be held -this year. An It Is, however, an election of a Judge will be necessary nd Mr. Day, If be accepts the appoint ment, will unquestionable be a candidate for the nomination. Day la la Doubt. It la not certain that Judge Day will ac cept the appointment. On the contrary, it Is more probable that he will not. The first Intimation Judge Day had of the gov ernor's action was at 8:30 o'clock last night, when a reporter for. The Bee called t his residence at 3203 Marcy street. ' "I had no Idea that Judge Keysor In tended to resign at this time," said Judge Day. , "It waa my belief and the belief of the other candidates for .his position that he would ' pot resign . before the 23d. At this time I cannot say whether or not I will accept the offloe. If I did, of course X would have to resign aa a -member of the supreme eourt commission' and I have con siderable work, yet unfinished on that. I believe that" it: would not be; fair for me to resign and leave the ether members of the commission .to do, that "I am certainly surprised at the ap pointment, for Judge Keysor said that he would not resign before the 23d. I shall consult with my friends before making a statement as to whether or riot I shall ac cept the appointment." DROP PLAYTHINGS FOR BOOKS Bore aad Glrla of Nebraska Towns Fill ichoolroonia o Over '"' ' flowing' . rP.EMONT. Nb,' ? (Special.) The fall term of the public schools com menced today. Superintendent Laird and almost the same corps of teachers are In charge, there being only three of four change. The attendance' today waa larger than usual, the high achool and eighth grades being taxed to their limit. WEST POINT, NeS., Sept. . (Special.) The public schools of the city opened this morning with a larger attendance than ever before. The need of ward schools to accommodate the constantly Increasing number pf achool children Is more and more nppaert every year. - . STUART Neb., Sept. 8. (Special.) The publlo schools opened today with the same corps of teachers as were In charge last year, except- an assistant principal has been added to the foroe. Oolant to Labor aa Af laatonarlea. ""FALLS CITY. Neb., Sept. 8. (Special.) Francla Tucker and wlfo occupied the pul pit at the Presbyterian church here Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Tucker are here on a visit with the letter's parents. William Boose and wife. ' before sailing tor China as medical' missionaries, which they will do October 15.' , They both gave very In teresting talk on China and missions. Both these young people have been prepar ing themseivea for this work for the last Bine years. They, are graduates of the Nebraska State university and the last four year .have been In Chicago In med ical training. Mr. Simon Davie sang a olo at the morning service, accompanied by Mis Alice Cleaver, a noted violinist. Demented Man Makes Troable. LKIGH, Neb., Sept. 8. (Speclsl.) D. D. Johnson, a wsJl-to-do farmer living one nd a half miles west, of town, became de mented yesterday ' morning and kept the family and neighbors In excitement during the forenoon.' He waa so unruly that he ' drove the family from the house ,and one of hie aona waa driven into a corn Held to avoid blows from a hammer which waa In - the hands At the demented man. Word waa aent to town for help and Constable Crla van. together with J. L. Austin, wont out and took Johnson to Columbus. His home I Just across the Colfax county line in I-latte. county ' - jt , ", Rob- Det OrHre. FREMONT.' Neb.. ' Kept. 8. (Special.) The dental office of Dr. Theodore Adama was entered Saturday or Sunday and about ITS worth of supplies, consisting of gold aad teeth atolen. They were taken frcm a drawer In a. caae and not mlssad until this morning. A man by the name of Wil liams, who la now under arrest at Lincoln charged with going through a dentist's of fice there, is suspected of having done' th? I Job. Wlien arfesled lliere In had some dental tools In his possession and . Is thought to hav made a specialty of going through dentists' offices. Xa Criminal Cases oa Docket. WEST POINT, Neb., Sept. . (Spelal ) The regular fall terra of the district court of Cuming ceunty opened thla morning, with Judge Guv ,T. Grave pf Pender on the fcench. Fifty-seven civil ,caea are on the docket, two-thirds ot which are old mat ters held on. the docket tor payment of Coat and no criminal cases whatever. Palo cheeks, white lips, and languid step tell the story of thin blood, Impure blood. Doctors call it "anemia. They recommend Aycr's Sarsaparilla. Ask them and they will tell you Just why it makes the blood so rich and red. Anetnle peopls art almost always constipated. Their livor is sluggish. Tber nave- frequent attacks cf sick headache, nausea, biliousness. Just eoa of Aycr's Pills each night will cor rect thaao troubles. U maw J. C a TO GO Lewetl, aUaa, Pale. Thin IS IT AN EPIDEMIC ? Vital Statistkt Show is Alarming Increase Iq is Already Prevailing Diieaie Are Any Exempt f At no time In the history of direaae has there brrn such an alarming increase In the cumber of cases of any particular ma'ady as in that of kidney and bladder troubles nor preying upen the people of this roun 'ry. . Today we see a relative, a friend or an ac quaintance apparently well, and In a few daya we may re grieved to learn of their serious 1 )nes or sudden death, caused by that fatal type of kidney trouble Brlght'a d'sexs?. K.dney trouble often becomes advanced Into acute stages before the afflicted Is aware of its presence; that Is why we read of si many sudden deaths of prominent busi ness and professional men, physicians and cthcrr. Thsy have neglected to atop the lctk In time. While scientists are puzzling their brains to find cut the cause, each Individual can, by a little precaution, avoid the chances ol contracting dreaded and dangerous kidney trouble, or ercdicate It completely from their system If already afflicted. Many precious livs might have been, and many more can cl le saved, by paying attention to the kidneys. It is the mission of The Omaha Bee to benefit its readers at every opportunity and th n fore wo advise all whq have any symp io.ns cf kidney or bladder trouble to write today to Dr. Kilmer Co., Blnghamton, N. Y., frr a free sample bottle of Swamp-Root, the celebrated specific which is having such a great demand and remarkable success in th- cure of tbo most distressing kidney and bladder troubles. With the sample bottle of Swamp-Root will atao be sent free a pamphlet and treatise of valuable Informa tion. Don't make any mlatake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Blnghamton, N. V., on every bottle. DETERMINED TO KILL HIMSELF Plattamoath Hat Hsek Trouble wltk Escaped lamale of Clarlnda Asylum. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., Sept. 8. (Special.) Sheriff J. D. McBride Is having much trouble with the insane man who was picked up on the street here last Friday, who gave his name as William Jones. Sat urday afternoon Deputy Sheriff Schlater caught the man with a piece of glass which he had broken from a window, with which It waa aunnoaed he Intended to attemnt to commit aulrlde The class waa taken from ' Pnrt an1 that many other cuts and photo coramit suicide. The glass waa taken rrom , grapnB w, , gent , for tne Ham pur. him and another prisoner was Instructed to keep a close watch during the day, while another man was employed to watch him during the night. Yesterday afternoon he took a blanket from his couch, and get ting upon a chair fastened one end around his neck, but was discovered while trying to fasten the other to the bars at the top ot the cage. The sheriff then took every thing from the cage, except the bare cot and has no further fear of his killing him self. It Is now known that the man's name Is Lon Smith, and that be escaped from the Asylum for Insane at Clarlnda, la. The above name was found on all his clothing except his coat and vest. A telephone message from Clarlnda thla afternoon stated that Smith bad been a patient there for several months and bad escaped four or five day ago. That no one knew where he came from and that be was not wanted there. The Insanity board will probably pass on hi case tomorrow. I.Ike In thei. Old.. Times. OSQEOLA, Nb., 8'ep'tr's.'-'(pec'ial'.) The young people of the First Methodist Epis copal church. In ' the services yesterday morning, were taught how their' father and grandfathers did in their services In old time. The choir and organ was dis pensed with, old hymn were given out and lined, the men sat on one aide ot the church and the women on the other, and the ser mon was preached by one of the work-out preachers of the Nebraska conference, Rev. O. A. Hobson, who waa a former Methodist preacher In the county. After the public services a class meeting waa held with J. F. Campbell, aa leader. Gallty le Verdlet of Jory. YORK, Neb.. Sept. 8. (Special.) The time of the court for aeveral day ha been occupied with the case of the State against Charles Edward. Ha waa here during fair week and claimed tdk follow the occupation of ahell engraver. The mother of little Lena Robertson (wore out a warrant, charging Edward with criminal assault upon her 13-year-old daughter. The jury was out all night' and did not render a de cision until next day, which waa guilty. Edwarda will be sentenced to th peniten tiary thla week. York Pastor Goes to Aabara. YORK, Neb., Sept. 8. (Special.) Rev. O. M. Chapman haa resigned aa pastor of the Christian church at this place and ac cepted charge of the Christian church at Auburn, Neb. Mr. Chapman was very suc cessful In h's work here and waa held in great favor by the people. Under his pas torship many member have been added to that church and the church ha besn rebuilt and I now one of the prettiest Id the city of York. Mr. Chapman expect to complete hi theological course at Lincoln. Land at Habile Auction. TECUMSEH. Neb.. Sept. 8. (Special.) One of th biggest public sales ever held in the atate will occur in Tecumaeh Tues day. P. H. Hopkins, capitalist, for many years a resident of this county, and whose name Is associated with many public enter prise in this city, will offer 900 acres of Johnson county land and several business blocks and residence properties In Tecum seh for sale to the highest bidder under the hammer. Mr. Hopkins will re-Invest his money In Missouri soli. York Srboals Open. YORK. Neb.. Sept. 8. (Special.) The York public schools opened today with the largest first day's attendance In the his tory. ' Owing to the rapid growth of the city and the large Increase of students every room is filled and all classes are larger. The school board has leased tho large church building near the high achool, which will be used for school purpose. Dates of Jobaaea reanty fair. ' TECUMSEH. Neb., 8ept. 8. (flpectal.) September IS to 19 inclusive are the datea of the Johnson county fair, and it ia be lieved the show thla year will be an un usually good one. Secretary E. H. Grist report entries in all line as coming In lively and believes a splendid showing of the county's resources will be made. The speed ring will be a feature. Fair Datea at Kelson. NELSON. Neb.. Sept. 8 (Special.) The twenty-fifth annual fair of the Nuckolls County Agricultural soe'ety will be held here September 23 to 26 inclusive. Liberal premiums and purses are offered for exhib its and the races. Rlekardsoa Convention Called. FALLS CITY. Neb.. Sept. s. (Special.) The republican county convention haa been called to meet In Falls City Thursday Sep'ember 18, to place ia nomination three candidate for th legislature and a county attorney. WORD TO SCHOOL OFFICERS Remarks of Itate Snperintsndsnt Pertinent to Opening f Schools. STATE FAIR DOES WELL FINANCIALLY Prartleally All of the Nebraska Sa tloaal Unardanea Vote la t.o Into tamp at Fori Riley. LINCOLN, Sept.. 8. ( Special.) Superin tendent Fowler this afternoon sddrctsed the following salutatory communication to superintendents and principals of schools throughout the state, calling their atten tion to many matters of Importance In con nection with the new schrol year: At this time, the beginning of another school vmr, I drelre to extend to you the heartiest greeting? of this department and our best wishes for the succeed of the scrrols under your supervision. May auo atuntlal progress mark the year s work from month to month. 1 hope the following suggestions may prove of some value: hoiie to meet many of you in Lincoln during the superintendents' and principals' section meeting. (ctoi.r IB. IT. IK. A splen did program is bdng prepared. Sw tlio Ai.gust issue ot the Nelirntka Teacher. A rare treat is in store for all who attend. This meeting means more to city superin tendents anu principals than even the Btate Teachers' association. You cannot afford to miss It. , .Many cares of sickness mny be attributed :to Impure drinking water. Remember that In the majority of cases the wells or hydrants at the school houses have not been used during vacation, and that the water l very likely stagnant and unlit for use. See to it betore school begins that a supply of pure, fresh water is available. And all school yards should be cleared of weeds and rubbish. A new school law plnces 1'nlted States history among the requirements for a ".hird grade certllkate; reduces the number of third grade certificates to which one person It entitled from three to two; makes at tendance at teachers' county Institutes compulsory, and after July 1, requires a knowledge of the elements of agriculture for first and second grade county certifi cates. permit me to call the attention of county superintendents to their duties as stated In section 14 of subdivision 7, und superintend ents in metropolitan cities und In cities of tbr first and second classes should ro-.iper-are with the county superintendents In theie reports. i ne superlntenoent of the Ne braska School for the Deaf at Omaha is R. r.. fcui,rt. and of the Nebraska School for tl.t Blind at Nebraska City Is J. T. Morey. ghovrlnsr of School BaUdlng-a. The biennial report of this department will be Issued January 1, next. Much of the copy for It Is now ready for the printers and will be sent to them Immediately. Other copy will be forwarded as prepared. "School Buildings and Grounds In Ne braska" will be revised and will torm a part of this report. We hope you will loan us again the cuts of school Dulldlngs used in tne tormer publication for use in thin re pose. Photographs should be forwarded to us before October 15 to InHure their use. VIllHges employing from three to six teachers Fhouid not attempt to do more than two years of high school work, unless in exceptional cases. Particularly where the principal is required to teach all or a part of the eighth grade subjects he should not be required nor should he attempt to go beyond the tenth grade. Manv inquiries are received at this orhVe relative to a two years' course for high schools. Permit me to sugecRt the following: Ninth grade, ad vanced English grammar, wltn Kngilsh literature and composition, civil govern ment and bookkeeping, algebra, pnysicai Beogiapliy , irniii giade, I lie i ui ij, uiKr'oia and plane geometry, botany and xoologv, general history Teach these well and do not worry. The work of the Nebraska Teachers' Read ing circle Is. as you know, voluntary, but there should b teachers' reading circles in a majority of the counties of the state. Interest and civility in reudlng circle work depend largely upon the encouragement from the auperlntendent or principal. If he manifests interest and enthusiasm In professional study his teachers are guided by his example. This is a valuable auxiliary In securing better work in your schools which we Know you will appreciate. You and your teachers cannot afford to miss this opportunity of spending, at least one hour a week in the study and discussion of Hodge's Nature Study and Life and one or more of the ala other books recom mended by the reading circle board. For circulara of the reading circle work -and outlines of the various books apply to your county superintendent. Promotion from the eighth grsde to the High school should be a clearlv defined step. Pupils are often permitted to slide along from year to year through the eight grades but in the eighth grade, where In a well-eraded school all common ohnnl subjects are completed, there should be called a "halt." I believe that no other one thing that Is possible and practicable would do as much for the public schools of Nebraska us to have It well understood mat me eigntn grade is not necessarily the eighth year, a division of the course to be completed In a term of nine months, nor that it la a year of preparation for the High school. (Let us drop this idea of preparation for something clset. Hut let us have It thoroughly understood that ine eignin grade ia a placn for the aatla- factory, intelligent completion of all com mon school subjecta. and that It U no disgrace for a pupil to remain there two years. I believe no other one thing would raise the standard of our high school work so rapidly and so thoroughly as to keep about per cent of our pupils In the eighth inus wu years. tllath School Axe Limit. Establish a minimum age for admission to the High school, say 13 years. Many of the rural district, non-resident pupils compare favorably with those of the city or villege because they have gone over their higher arithmetic, geography, gram mar, history and physiology two or three winters In succession, and are more ma ture than their city cousins. In common school subjects I wish to Include reading, writing, spelling, written and mental arith metic, geograpny, I nited states hlatory, English grammar and composition and nhvaioloav. Omit prosody In erammar. but emphasize the ability to read, write and speak tne Kngnsn language correctly, and to spell. Superintendents and principals should be Arm In requiring pupils to go over a yeur'a work a second time when It has been but Indifferently comnleted. In cities and vlllaue there should be held an examination lor promotion from the eighth grade to the High school, as rigid us thut required by the county superin tendent for graduation from the rural school, and with special emphasis on the fiuplrs knowledge and use ot the Kngllxh nnruaae. It might tend to Increase the Interest to have graduating or closing exer cises for the pupils who complete the eighth grade or grammar school course, held in the mgn acnooi room roicer man In a public ball or an opera house. Cer tificates of the completion, of the work hnnM be aranted. aivlna final (trades. either for examination, or based partly upon classwork. entitling tne noider to admis sion to the High school without further examination. Let us urge upon pupus me necessity of denvlna themselves the pleasure of social diversions during the school week, and to make Friday evening the time for fun and recr atlon. tint ine nome must co-operate with the achool In thla plan if good resulta are to ensue. We often hear parenta complaining against so much "party-going and party-giving" among our voung people. Yet if purents fall to aid in a proper control of these amusements, "the bad health and wasted energy and poor work due to party-going must remain wttnoui remeoy. The nroner co-operation of the home Is a necessary fac.or in the success of the school. Patrons' meetings offer a si.lendld opportunity to enlist the Interest and sym- rathy of parents in school matters. Let he home Join hands with the school on this motto. "The school first, society after wards. Iet tne nome stand by tne school in a reasonable amount of home study by pupils In the grammar grades and In the high school. Hon. H. H. Bhedd, president of the Ashland Board nf Education, haa this to aay for home study: "If the high school had no other purpose exceot to furnlah the youne- with constant employment in the evening, it would be no amall advantage. Insofar as it requires their close attention at home It Is a splen did co-worker wth the parent It would be a moral calamity If there were no study ing at night, it ia a aafeguard to manv young people. Welcome the hardest work that the high school requlree If It shall t.e the Incentive that keeps the young person faithfully at home and at work durlnr the evening. There are no bad companlonehipa mixea up wun i-aun or algebra, mere is no fear or danger connected with the study of literature or science." The benefit to pupils of a thorough review of the common branches during their higher course cannot be too etrongly em- Iihaalxed. imperially la thla true of read ng. spelling, letter writing, arithmetic, geography of the T'nited States and Its possessions, 1'nlted States history, English grammar and composition. The subJHt of letter writing Is the moot generally practiced and, practically con- ACREAGE OF NEBRASKA IN GRAIN LutoHt ripures Compiled by State lluronu of Labor anil Industrial Statistics. Covering an Important Feature of the Crop Situation in the State. LINCOLN, Sept. 8. (Special.) Figures have been compiled In the Bureau of Labor and Industrial Statistics showing the acreage of the different grains In nearly all ot the counties In the state. The total ot winter wheat Is shown to be . 39. 171, the acreage of winter wheat alone being 1.S2S.498. The acreage of corn Is placed at 6,435,680. In the appended statement the figure on wheat In Thelps and Saline counties and on corn in Hooker, Knox, Phelps and Saline are merely estimates, based upon the report made In former year. All other figures are taken from the returns cf the tax assessors and are considered as nearly accurate as any so far obtained or published. Comparison with former years Is impossible for the reason that the bureau never secured figures from more than a third ot th counties. Following Is the tabulation of the returns: COUNTY. Antelope Haulier Itlalne Hoone Box Butte.... Boyd Brown Buffalo Burt Butler Cass Cedar Chase Cherry Cheyenne .... Clay Colfax Cuming Custer Dakota I h wes lawson tlxon Podge , Douglas Dundy Fillmore Franklin Furnas Oage Oarlield Oosper Grant Greeley , Hall , Hamilton ... Harlan Hayes Hitchcock ... Holt Hooker Howard Jefferson Johnson Kearney Keith Keya Paha.. Kimball Knox I-nncaster ... Lincoln Logan Loup Madison Merrick Nance Nemaha Nuckolls Otoe Pawnee Perkins Phelps Pierce , Platte Polk Red Willow.. Richardson ., Rock Saline Sarpy Saunders Scotts Bluff., Reward Sheridan Sherman Sioux Stanton Thayer Thomas Thurston .... Valley Washington . Wayne Webster Wheeler York 34fi 9 I I- aoi I fvl 46.431 60 63.0S! 16.434 1221 :62l 124.187) 7,s:i 211; 10,5!C, 23 1 2M 3X.611I 15 6,Svj fi06; 7S!, 97.33"l 44 611 6.1.5' IS 73.071' s;t: S0,335i I 3.1721 81.375 DO, 161 48,Vi MS 16.4351 4i i I 17.22X 43.717 30.S63! 77,13l! 331 1 79! 131 i 4.1.H13 2.442 4l 105! 73i B.4Kt; 9.47KI 26,0151 ifl.nsil 41,1SH 19,4791 , I 4D.IMI, 2241 37,738! 30.0171 31.5721 22,Ofioi 5511 2S,lilfi! 691 1 52.609! 27i 9.672' 2'4i 5161 e2,3f4i 4.R79 741! U9 69.219 1KI1 81.15ll ...).... Total .. .... 1,828, 19C sldered. the most Important of all kinds ot composition. It is indispensable in busi ness. To be able to write a good letter Is greatly to a person's advantage In any oc cupation. Manv excellent situations are obtained by teachers, clerks and others on account of this ability, and quite as many are lost through the want of It. The Importance of grammatical analysis In the study of Kngilsh can hardly be overstated. Prof. William D. Whitney of ale unlvetsitv and editor-in-chief of the Century Dictionary, saye: "Give me a man who can with full Intelligence take to pieces an English sentence, brief and not too complicated, even, and I will welcome him as better prepared for further study In other languages than If he had read both Caesar and Virgil and could parse them In the routine style In which they are often parsed." If any person shall willfully and mali ciously Injure or deface any church edi fice, schoolhouse, dwelling house or other building, it fixtures, booka or etpp-jrten-ances, or ehall commit any nuisance therein, or shall purposely and maliciously commit any trespass upon the enclosed grounds attached thereto, or any fixtures placed thereon, or any enclosure or side walk about the same, such person shall be fined In any sum not exceeding 8100 Sec tion 111. chapter xlv, criminal code, com plied statutes of Nebraska for 1901. . .ii. f inxnrnnratton of the Kearney Drug company of Kearney were recorded In the secretary of state omce xoaay. Th. eomnan haa a caDltal stock of 85,000. Its incorporator are: Daniel M. Atklson, James B. Atklson. Nellie AtkUon and Louise Atklson. Guar.-tsmea Vote to Visit Riley. u...i. .11 n,nanloa in the Nebraska 11cm 1 j i 1 u.i.,.-.... - - - V.11...1 n.arA have voted in favor of participating in the forthcoming military encampment at Fort Riley. So far a known not a company ha taken the negative side. A few have not given an expreaslon, but they are expected to quickly fall into line. Owing to the fact that the encampment Is held outside of the state It Is discretionary with the troopa wnetner mey go or um. state Fair Receipts. The entire receipts of the state fair, in cluding the $2,000 appropriation from the state", were approximately 834,000. Of this amount $3,423 came from the concessions on the grounds. Secretary Furnas has re moved his office back to his home in Brown ville and will settle up the business of the business of the last fair. Kearney t'oaaty Refaade Boads. Refunding bonds Issued by Kearney 1 . J 1 1CC1 county to take up an ibbuo maue iu m. DAWN ANTICIPATION. Tbe physical ffls and needs of aa expectant mother have been the theme of thought and study for ages, and all physicians know that her peculiar condition requires an additional aid to nature ; an elaaticiher for the expand ing muscles and a strengthener for the sinews upon which Is brought the strain of child weight; so that tbe little one shall have per feet health and symmetry of form ; a lubri cating balm that will enable her to go about with grace and ease; quiet and steady nerves, aud Lcr Muula bvisg acting harmoniously for the rood of herself and child. MOIIItrS IRIIMD, if used diligently through out gestation, will soften the breasta, thereby preventing cracked and sore nipples. All tissues, muscles and tendons straining with burden will soften, relax, become soothed, stipple and elastic from its continuous appli cation. All fibres in the abdominal region will respond readily to tbe expanding cover containing the embryo if MOTHIR'S f iltNO la admi n Iste rede sternal 1 y all d uri ng pregnancy. Of drurrWt SI 00 per bnttla. A ImlM - M x barhoxi F H t . Writ. Tns RAbr'IfcLD RbbULATOS CO., AtUata, Oa. is ' ACREAGE. A 9 ? 9 5 S? i 35? a. ?::: t $ i ! ; ! ? : ' ! ! to ; . 1.7fil 72,999; lS9' 28.492' 111.367; 41.275; 2,256 S.Oflc;, 670 1 46! 5.259 1461 I 106.54.1j 42.426 406 . 4. 223 804 1 32.0O01 . 2. RR 21.702! 7.4.15i 4.S21, 104.41 1 37.797 24.2191 K9.3.16, 2S.964I 3.532! 115.49s' 52."9 7.7S9! 119.8.101 40,42, 26.9191 K't.i69 45,t.1o 3. Ml 20,117! 211 1.2521 11,65 S.S2 6.966' 7,767 84 741 66,869 17.6421 14.726 75.54ii 40.244' 37.4881 107.4541 42.02S 12.8Kii 183.7931 22.01SI 15.442! 41.1631 7.522 2.06.; 4.245 981 7.6841 77..V5I 13.SIS6I 14.3fi 41.415 14.6611 2.0lf, 104.350 ; 36.236 4.654! 61,9291 15,219 8,0 22.851 821 42 S9.040 31,264 216 51.692 6.411; 4.511 67.449! 1,618! 155.315' 41.9821 2.224 14.6611 2.6821 6.1911 61.929; 2.650 si no 10,9241 63.6131 15.916 3.151 69.1961 34.677 190 103 2(1 33,279 1.904 62.184 3.615 2.942 63 411 209 3.618 1.1.371 67 7 942 i 7011 22.0421 I l.:33 ,936 71.226 17.247! 94.3711 26.854. I 66.185 15.8181 6.471 65.221 14,671; 8631 6.971 1421 8.8091 29.070 4,028j 645 612 89 63.771 i 36; 162.381 75.6181 4.1211 61.178 2.003; 1.224t 10,447 229 2.601 7.S51 1.5(i9 24.41.1 1C0.S70 71.1641 116 59,161 18.764' 1,1981 74.751 18.649 , 59,10s 11.0411 62,901 12.5I6 458 148,267 42.563i 65.564 13.760 3,289 16.098 1 70.000 24.956 83.602 40,392' 22.318 106..151 64.816 803 8G.277 34,995i 14.449 51.0771 351 1 9 K7.6211 1R.965I 6631 12.09.11 1.7331 I 80,0(101 1 3.2fi4 55.473! 15.9731 3.611 178,496! 69.3241 46o 8.3021 1.4771 611 99.7811 41,675 8.970 9.8941 731 9.7191 61.017 14.4001 4041 14 529 22,0631 83.472 2S.975! 41 89,951 . 26,7621 '.'..4.077 71 18,3n9 46.948 11,51S 13.1101 73.7011 17.288; 24.7111 ' 71.63.-il 28.1751 56,8501 1O2.012I 36.619; .181 65.19.11 10.3781 1.2441 8.0071 3,105; 185 91,941j 37.471 630,6731 5.415.6801 1. 652,6181 1.F4HI 396 6.509 476 579! 66 351 1 2.891 1,156 1,519 201 8471 683 39.272 310 9A4I 2.9l 6.fill 513 2.230! 2l,9 677' 4.161 715 t 61! 3 4.1' .1 417 2.62. 513 5,464 ! 2.5H 2 092 ' 2.i'3'1 38,7101 3,649 55! 65" .P75 l.?52 42.737 ' 2.0(4 1,100! 1,073 1,371 927 909 616 714 38 2.5941 164 4.269; 64 16.27 497 1.6461 18 1.224! J 23 16,9151 75 "'iizM! ""226 14.8771 697 2.6491 2,186 7,256 ,150 2.6?2 129 6.346 3.466 12.409 362 "16.608! ""'818 r,737! 372 4.2081 inj 1861 374 411 211 311 36 ""l'.37i 40 9.885 2.324 1,181 1.144 441 6 6.35Sl 184 16.4MI 424 6,0981 262 2081 ?9 9,015 15 1,4901 99 213 14 171 139 ""S.T70 ' 8 143 9.1421 ' 3,756 i 4.9MI 707 12,890 679 1,138 162 I 460 2 R3 90 1 6,697 ! 4.16 I 41 22 I 2.4921 715 I 6.5621 415 1 21,9021 169 I 1.0791 145 ! 2.652 10,130 I . 6.3V3 100 1 ........ I 172 1,92 ' 11,0631 603 I 1,36.11 86S 7S7I 8,704 I B.21 V) l.7 39 j 4,149 1.003 433.8131 73.834 for the aid of the Kearney Canal ft Water Supply company, have been registered In the auditor's office. They aggregate $20,000 and draw 5 per cent Interest. Articles of Incorporation of the Hub Clothing company of North Platte were filed In the secretary ot the state's office. The Incorporator are: Jacob Wolfe, W. T. Banks and Edward Burke. The Lincoln city school resumed work to day with a normal opening attendance. The new central building at Fifteenth and M streets and aeveral annexes to other buildings will be opened within the next few weeks, or aa soon a th construction is completed. It la expected that the aver age attendance for the year will exceed that of last year. Foot Ball Player Work Oat. The university foot ball squad, under the direction of Captain Weatover, bad Its first work-out on the campus this afternoon. Coach Booth is expected tonight and will Immediately assume charge of the training. Following is a completed schedule of the game to be played thla season: September 27 Doane college at Lincoln. October 4 Colorado college at Boulder. October ll Grlnnell at Lincoln. October 18 Minnesota at Minneapolis. October 25 Missouri at St. Joseph. November 1 Haakell Indians at Omaha. November 8 Kansas university at Lin coln. November 15 Knox at Lincoln. November 22 Crelghton at Omaha. November 27 Northwestern at Lincoln. Captain SI or dock Contest. Former Captain Murdock of the Wyraore battery of artillery waa before Governor Savage this afternoon contesting the recent election of C. Yoder as captain of that organization. The trouble dates back a year, beginning at the expiration of Mtrr dock'a term. Murdock Insists that Yoder Is not duly qualified for the office. Adjutant General Colby and Judge Advocate General Brown are both in favor of the approval of Yoder'a election. The hearing will be continued tomorrow. Boumlnar 4'barrh Convention. HARVARD, Neb., Sept. 8 (Special.) Judge Slabaugh and C. S. Payne of Omaha addreaaed the friends of the Christian church yesterday morning, outlining the convention of this denomination to ba held In Omaha In October, with a view ot sollc Iting attendance. sXnV',i af V lli litlii PE-RU-MA CURED HIE. IT WILL CURE YOU Accept rV We" 11 For health and happiness there is no beverago that can approach our beer. It Is always pure, of uniform , quality and of the highest excellence. It has that ' lnsclous flavor, combined with a body and etrTcgtb 'that is the delight ot all connoisseurs.. . t 'tJfcJU''' -- MUSICAL FESTIVAL SPECIALS TUESDAY Matinee, 2:30 Sec Program. -TUESDAY EVENING-SilS-Speiat Ennugj merit, WAGNER LADY QUARTET Misses Nellie Porter, Bess Blackburn, Lulu Johnson, Helen Tinker. ' SCHOOLS. Venlrotih Uiiifarw ficademy Government supervision and equipment. Army efBrer (Waded. I'repKrra fur Universities NatlnnMl Aeademleaorfor Life. CUL. Men Suffering from loss of nervous fo'c- often owe thclrcondltlorhto yoirt? f 1 Itnorfnce that fearful enemy to l:enltli. It ia the buaines of tr-Ience to -repair the damage caused by the thoughtless practices ofyouth. Nervous Debility never f;ts well of llvrlf. Its victims drag through a miserable existence, weak, lUtlest, despondent. literally feed the hungry nerves, giving them the prerine iug'redlenta de manded by nature. This wonderful remedy cures Nervous iJebi'.ity, stops all drains, replace wanted tissues, sends rich, warm life blood tingling through every part, making every or ran act and causing you to glow with health. " 1.00 per bos: S boxes (with guaran tee to cure), So.00. Book free. T 'sonifT ttauno ''oi nnjrr A wimuio mnos( 'mi9 Sn irj a uoiKrr '(jbuio ''or) w uun Xq ojiss jo, DR. McGREW SPECIALIST. Treats all forms of DISEASES AND DISORDERS OF MEN ONLY 37 Yean Experience, 17 Years In Omaha Ills remarkable suc cess haa never been equaled and every day brlnas many Mattering rt'Hril i nil. iww m . ' - - ne naa given Hot Springs Treatment for Syphilis . .. ,1 di A ll..lnnu Vn.'DUl'l L'l(! ( kl'T id all Riooa I'olaons. ' b 11 1 iu akin or face and all 1 ou 1 10 akin or face and all external signs of thedlese dUupiiear ai one BLOOD DISEASE. r ueriiianeni.iy riirvu 1.. I... tlian xn h,r. Ulninrtnri f 1 urn minrant.ed in iMiiiwwuCl. 'f-"'t THAN lf. tiCt Oil nnfl 'cases cured of nerv UVtK OU UUU us dclilllty. loss nf vitality, unnatural dibcharK-'s. Pirlcture. Oleel, Kidney und lilHd'Jer ldHeases, Hydrocele. WflCK CIRKS-IX1W t'HAHOES. Treatment by mall. P. O. Box t. Office over 216 8. 14th street, between Karnam an J Douglas Sl., OMAHA. NKb. foBDRUMKARDS MHITI DOVfc CUMC nrviir .'mlli ludcxruy t rr tt( fur iroal drink. Ilia apnctlw t'ir wnirh cannul iIm after u.u llilt lemrdr. Oivra la any Unuk liMiuu A ato.uuuu luu t., buau, a. illi or wtlliiKit KuiifcieaifA ul pa'ieai i iacrr-. mi i 111 m w " ici it law mm ;-.1.'.'-ii.t:A. .1 I. .'.'.- t, s... E3o Other. ST0R2 BT?G CO .J TELEPHONE 1260. OMAHA Oldest and largeit unary icoott ia bsNUr-UHU ecLLt.HB, le. A 1 6upt Sf IJOOI.S. Lake Forest College REV. RICHARD I.. HARLAN.. 41. A. Presldenl, . , ' Classical, English and Sclentiflo oetcrsa, llotl beautful suburb of Cm ago, on hlga wooded bluffs en Lake Michigan, fiems. rural surrouiidlnss; iicaltliy; .nexpeiiaiva. Good dormitories. Mo. lent gymnasjm ' ( cellent athletic fncl itiea; co-djcatl(inaL For catalogue address 1 Box 50. LAKE FOREST. ILL SGML "BILLS REDUCED SpnvMnl tntnn4tlon und rbat(t on nrWiont ftc m tui 'or lltmroj uniJtl4-r ot fcturipnU in ot wrnl bt:M(1riI huMx of Vm tin hnt niar.ijin, (im'.-H 111 ,i) mirtH ot t!f r-vr trv f! ..It'frr. rtnnn Liitir1 B'rtliMf ScImk I-; MiJ:arv St hooh :u hocln of Law, Mrd'inA, pcneNtrw, lti;trnrirr, Hunnm, M'il", Arl. W invi f4rrrMit iiutnc f"i oui r-Tonnj who wish to U-nrt hot 4wtio, or wtio hum ctiUitreo tn t. ('HLilofftio of tinr nrlifHi) freo. American educational Compiny, SlADrttrbflrn t.. t h.cua 111. Every Woman laicuruu? and ft) raid kew aouiif 1 do wci awni MABVCL Whlrtira Soraw h new ki StHm. Jwm. turn iad iwiua. real . I s Mftl ft a. V ll' 'til u'i'' 1 " w "w v aa aua bh,i x: we aau Uiar, (ml wn4 tuuno for t buimted Wok Ml,i.1t kitm lull n. rl,n.l. l4 rfi,..: ., .(.. valuaol 10 l.1i. Minvm f A. Iloom tit Times Bldg.. W. t. s tir, V rur baie oy SIIKItM4 MIUNM.I.h DRtt. CO,. Sixteenth and Uodge Kir.'en. Omaha BLOOD P O I SOW Is 1 he worst diaca.te on tuiui. it, tns easiest to euro VVIItN VuC KNOW WHAT TO 10. Many have I'liiiplea, spo's on the akin, sores in the niouta ulcers, falling hair, bone pair., iturin; don't knew It la HIAJOO PJ.SON. fcen i to J 1 ft. BROWN. iiS Arch t.. PluliidHinia. Pa., for BROWN'S BIxL CI.IOC. i'.iit pr buttlo; lusla on. month. Mold only by riherrrfsn & M",'on-,ell Drua- Co.. Hith ard Kidge 8ts.. Omaha. . 1 Brown's Capsules :f?rr,!.ni.w:,l,,i lixige Sueo.. 1 Postal Card Will Get It j Bi urn n nADV av TLit ' T Twentieth Century farmer l The Best Agricultural Weekly Weekly. Ad, I areks. Oman.. ri. ' O .1 i I