Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1902, Page 2, Image 2
THE OJIAHA DAILY tUtSDAW. BEPTEMBEK 0. 1002. MAINE CASTS LIGHT YOTL lUpubllcsnS Gail ta th Bturni in - Obrstorial Electioa. CONTEST EXCITES GREAT INTEREST Ralt of the Flaht la Comma, In lowly, hot fn Drmoeraf Fall to Ha. ...Thai Owi Aarwher. , "r TORTLAND. Me., Sept. I Maine rolled tip a big off-year plurality for .hfi repub lican la the election tody, It approtl matlng 27,000 In comparlaon with 12,000 for the average of other years. Complete r. turna will be lata owing to the remoteness of many towpi. Figures from 240 cHlos and towna give Hill, republican, 40,982; Gould, democrat, 24,587. The ssme town two rar ago jrave Hill, republican, 47, 411; Lord, democrat, 27,754. Tb legislature, while aa usual strongly republican, wilt, have an uncommon num ber of democratic member, eoine of the strongest, republican towns of the state electing' representatives of that party. The seDate wfll have one democrat In Ihirty-oa meraber,t I M. Staple of Knoi county. In the First' congressional dlstrict'Con gressman Amos L. Allen, republican, was re-elected over Dr. Beth C. Gordon of Portland, democrat, and Fred B. Irish, socialist, with a plurality of about 6,600, as against a plurality of 7.000 two yeare ago, lr. Allen, who succeeded Thomaa B. Reed, tor whom he was secretary, ran te hlnd,hla ticket Id Tor and Curaberlaal couatlsa,'. Dr. Gordon's personal popularity contributed to this result. An Incident waa the Increase of the so cialist vote, which grew from 70 two year ago. to 800 this year In Portland alon. In the Fourth district, owing to its great area, the returns Will not ba completed until late tomorrow,- bat the cstlniate la that Congressman Bowers haa been re elected by a plurality of 7,000 over Thomaa White, democrat. In the Third district Congressman E C. Burleigh got the prohibition vote and ran slightly ahead M his ticket in defeating E. H. Henson, the democrat. In the Second district Congressman C A. Llttleflald had no difficulty In defeating .his demooratlo opponent running well ahead of his ticket. ., The city and county contests nearly , all P res n ted features, but the moat Interest lng was that in Cumberland county, of whlsh the lata Rv. Samuel Pearson waa sheriff.-', Tba contest for the shrievalty today wa woo by Pennell, democrat, by I, 009 in Portland and, nearly 2,000 in the county. Chairman Blmpssn of the state committee tonight, aenfa message to the president, saying: "Maine baa gone republican, aa It once went for Governor Kent. We have carried the state by a plurality of 25,000. Hevi elected the entire delegation In con gress by a large majority. Have chosen every senator with one exception and ZtswrSy , If but quite, fvuf-fiflua uf tu legis lature. The Pine Tree state indorses your administration with no uncertain voice-' A like measage was sent to Senator Hanna, aaylng: "Maine haa today shown her appreciation of the. republican policlea which have given to our country a pros perlty .unequalled in the hstory of the world." , Congressman Burleigh sent a message an. nounclng the result to Congressman Bah cock of the republican congressional com mittee. He said that the average off year republican plurality has been 12,000. - MANY-WANI-TQ BE GOVERNOR Cloa Coateet Is Anticipate la Demo. ratio Itata Convention ta . Meet la Dearer. V 1 DENVER, Sept.' 8. There promises to he warm fight la the democratlo state eon ventlon, which meets in Denver tomorrow. over the nomination for governor. The leading candidates are Governor Jamas B. Orman, Judge B. C. Stimson of Cripple Creek and Judge Theron Stevens of Ouray. ' Oman will probably receive over 400 votes on the first ballot. To be re nominated he must have 461 votes, and hla epponenta anticipate, he will lack the requisite number on the first ballot and will not be able to hold his forces together on subsequent ballots. More than 200 delegates are Instructed for Stimson and 126 for Stevens. Othr can didates are Samuel C. Spencer of Ounnlson, General Joseph Maupln of Fremont and R. H. Malone of Denver. HALSTEAD OUT FOR CONGRESS Veterava Xtwtpsaer Ma a Dealree Represent the Second District of Ohio. ta CINCINNATI, Sept. 8. The Times-Star announces that Murat Halstead, the veteran editor and author, la a candidate for the republican nomination for congress In the Second Ohio district, represented In the last three congresses by Hon. Jacob H. Bromwell. There are several others aeektng the nomination. Tfist Kevnalleaa Aaaemalo. FORT WORTH. Tex.. Sept. 8. The atate republican convention will convene here tomorrow. E. H. R. Green haa arrived In hla apeolal car. The colored delegatea are In the majority. ' There la no mention of a gubernatorial candidate, the real contest being over state chairman. MAKE RAID AT LONG BRANCH Gamblers aa Keepers of Disorderly Honaee Are Arrested aad Heavily Fined la Coort. ' FREEHOLD, N. J.. Sept. I. The men ar rested In connection with the raid on al leged gambling establishments at Long Branch, some week ago, were arraigned before Supreme Court Justice J. Franklin Fort today for aentence. Ernest Wltte of the Casino and Oraham Woodward of the Hollywood hotel will atand trial and their casea wsnt over. The. other men who were Indicted by the grand Jury pleaded non vult to the charge of keeping d sorderly houses. Justice Fort tlmpeaed a fine on each. In each cass ths court announced that if the accused were again tound guilty of similar practices a aentence of Imprisonment would be Im posed. The fine. were as follows: William P. Jaaea, David Johasoa and Samuel Emery V the. New Terk club, $2,900 each; Phil Scrofula Few are entirely free from It It may develop ao slowly aa to canse Utile If any disturbance during the wbola period of childhood. It taay then produce Irregularity of the stomal n and bowels, dyspepsia, catarrh, aad marked) tendency to consumption before manifesting Itself In much cutaneous eruption or glandular swelling. It is best to bo sure that yuo are quite free from It, and for Its complete eradica tion you caa rely oo Hood's Sarsaparllla Xba beet of all utediclues tor all Aiuuotk. Daly. Jr., of the Pennsylvania club, $1,000, and William H. Hallawell,' keeper of the restaurant St the Pennsylvania club; 800. Justice Fort waa very severe upon the local authorities of Long Brsncb. He saM .hey conld hare prevented gambling if thry had choten to do ao. Before Imposing the sentence he snld It would be a much more pleasant duty If the court were about to pronounce aentence upon those who bad been guilty of misconduct In office. He aald hat gambling had been carried on at Lot t Hrsech with the acqulearence If not with the approval of those who were sworn to uphold the law. IS MADE UNION MAN (Continued from First Page.) In organisations of wage workers. Organisation Is one of the laws of our soclel and economic development at this time, but 1 feel that we must always keep before our minds the fact that there Is nothing sacred In the name Itself. To call an organisation an ornn fil iation does not make It a good one. The worth of an organisation depends on Its being bandied with the courage, the skill, the wisdom, the spirit of fair dealing as between man and man and the wise self restraint which, I em glad to be able to xay, your brotherhood has shown. (Ap- d turn . rou now number nearly 44.000 members. Daring- the two years ending: June 30 laet you- paid Into the' general anu Denenciary runas close upon ii .sou.uw. More than tS.wO.OuO have been paid lu since the starting of the Insurance clause In the constitution have been paid to dis abled members and their beneficiaries. Over 60 per rent of the amount paid waa paicr on account or accinents. uentiemen, nat is a surncient commentary uonn the kind of - profession which Is youre. Tou face death and danger In time of peace a tin time, of war those ''wearing Uncle Sum's uniform must face them. . , Only Admire tba Toller. T6ur Work Is hard. Do you auToc-ose that because of that 1 pity you? No. not a bit. i aon t pity any man wno .aoe hard work worth' doing. I admire him. (Great ap plause). I pity the creature who does not work, at which ever end of the social scale he may regard htm self as being. The law of worthy work well done la the law of the successful Amertean life. I apeak te the Hrotherhood of. Locomotive Fire men, but -what I aay applies to all rail road men, not only, to engineers, who have pervert an apprenticeship as firemen: to conductors, who a a rule have served an apprenticeship -as brakemen, but to all the men of all the organisations con nected with railroad, work. I know you don't grudge my Baying that-through you i mn isiMiiia iu an. ioe rauroaa men or the country. rou. in your organisation of railroad men .have taught' two Wssons,' the lesson of how much can be accomplished by mu tual self-heIp---heIP of the type that helps amuner in me only way Dy wntrn, in the long run, a man who is a full grown man really 'Can be helped, that is by teaching mm 10 neip nimseu. jtou teaon tne bene fits of organisation, ' and you teach the need of keeping absolutely unimpaired the faculty of Individual Initiative, the faculty by which each man brings himself tq the nignest pqtnt or perfection by exercising the special qualities with which be 14 him self endowed. Individuality Is Reqalred. 1 Much can be done by the brotherhood. I have Just hinted In' the geperal figures I gave you at how much haa been done, but it still remains true in the brother hood and everywhere else throughout American life that In the last' resort noth ing can supply the plaoe of the man's own Individual qualities. We need those, no matter how the organisation la outside. The steady way in which a man can rise i !!iiiatrri rtv a mil thin that han. pened yesterday. I came down here over the Queen & Crescent railroad and the general manager who handled my train and who handled yours was Mr. Magulre. I used to know him In the old days when he waa on his way un snd he beaan rlaht at the bottom. He waa a fireman at one time. He worked his way straight up and now he Is general manager and he put this convention here and he put me here. (Applause. Forgetting the H verged Vlrtaea. There Is in modern life, with the arov of civilisation, with the crowth of luxury. a sudden' tendency to softening the na tional fiber. There is a certain tendency to forget, in consequence or their disuse, the rugged virtues which' Inspire life and I feel that professions like yours have a tonic effect upon the whole body Dolittc. It la a aood thins: that' tharc ahonld be a large body of our fellow cltlaens that there should be a profession whose mem bers must, year In and year out..' display these old, old qualltlea of courage, daring resolution, unflinching willingness to meet dansrer at need. I hope to sea all. our Deo pie develop the softer, gentler virtues to an ever-increasing degree, nut i nop never to see them lose the sterner virtues that make men men. I feel that the profession of railroading Is a fine antl-scorbutlc that It doea away with the tendency toward softness. In American citlsenshlp we can succeed fiermanently upon only the basis of stand ng shoulder to shoulder, working (n as sociation by organisation, each working for all, and yet remembering that we need each so to shape things so that a man ran develop to beat advantages all the force and powers at his command. Greateat of AH Needs. We need good laws, we need a good fun damental law of the type that we call the constitution, but bark of It all lies the need for the lack of which nothing else can supply the need for a higher average of Individual citlsenshlp. That we have got to have. It la Just aa It la in war. when we went into the Spanish war a lot of our national guards were armed with the black powder musket, a weapon that makes the crossbow rather recent by com parison. It alwaya irritates me to1 see any or our troops armed Wltn aucn a weapon. want to see eacn man . nave tne nest weapon, but If the man la c poor creature, no matter how good his wespon la he may be beaten by a good man with a club. 'I want tne best type or weapon, out i warn the man behind the gun. It ia ao in our clvlo lire, in rlttaejisnip. I want to see a good framework of organ isation; I want to see a gooa iramewora under wise lawa or corporate organisa tion: I want to see good lawa on the statute books for all Of us; I want to see our admirable constitution, whenever the need comes, rendered still more admirable, even if it is necessary to amend It. but remembering the Importance of all that, oh my friends, what 1 hope we will, never forget la tnai in me ibbi reaon me yruo lem of aood citlsenshlp is the problem of producing good men and women.. That is the lundameniai proDivm. lasalratloa of the. BattleBelda. And nnar let ma sav a word, speaking not merely especially to the brotherhood, out speaking to all our cltlaens. Governor Mc Mlltln and Mr. Mayor, I fall to how any Ameriian can come to Chattanoog and go ovr ne great Damrnema u near neighborhood the battlefields here in state and Just across ths border In my .nth' .1.1. nr iiMirr a-now anv Amer ican can come here and see evidences of the mighty deeds done oy tne nitm "j wore thH blue and the men who wore the gray 1 fall to aee how any man can come v.- n.i i,,u ii,.,,n t hH avidencea and not go away a better American, prouuer oi inn country, proud because of the valor die played on both aides, the devotion, (he loyalty to the right as each side saw the MM wwm . . In my regiment there aervad under rr.e In tha ranka a aon of General Iiud, Who commanded at one time tha confederate army against General Sherman. Tba unly captain whom 1 had the opportunity of promoting to first rank, and to whom this promotion was glvan for gallantry en the field, was Mlcah Jenkins of South Carolina, tne aon oi a conieorst nuctii,. wu"-: name you will find recorded among those who fought at Chlckamauga. Two of my captains, and by a strange fatality the best two captains were killed at Santiago one waa Allvn Capron. the fifth In line, who from father to eon had served In the reg ular army of tne cm tea oiairsi ww "au served In every ar in which our country had been engaged. The other. Bucky O'Neill. Hla father had fought under Meagher when on the day at Fredericks burg his brigade left more n-en under the stone wall than any other brigade did. I had In my regiment men from the north and south, men from the eaat and wt, men whose fathers had fought under Grant and whose fathers had fought under Iee; college graduates, capitalists' sons, wage workers, the man of means and the nian who all his life had owed each day'a bread to the day'a toll. 1 had Catholic. Protestant. Jew and Gentile. Among niy captain were men whoae forefathers had been among tbe first white men to settle on Massachusetts bay and on the banks of the James, and oihera whose parents had come from Ger many, from Ireland, from England, from ram a. They were all Americans and noth ing eta and each man stood on hia worth as a man to be Judged by It, and to (all or auccead accordingly a he" did well or 111. Mere Skirmish, bat a Brave Oar. Compared to the giant death 'wreatlea that reelad over tne mountain about this city tha nght at Santiago wa the merest klnnlih. but tha aubrlt in W hlrjl Wa haudled ourselvea there 1 aoAe wa tb Spirit In which the men had handled inrm selves In the big war and the eplrlt In which we nave got n race our duties as cmsens If we are to make this republic what It must be made. lesterrtsv In nasslna over the Chlrka- mauga battlerleM I was immensely struck . in, mi, nil mr ii i rnii- ,17 irn,in n, i.f the union and confederate soldiers from Kentucky who fell on that battlefield. The Inscription reads as fnllnws: as we are united In lire and they united In death, let one monument neroetuite their deeds, and one people, forgetful of all asperities, forever hold In grateful remem brance the alorles of that terrible conflict which made all men free and retained every star on tne nations nrtg. (Cheers and applause long continued.) Moral of It All. That Is a rood sentiment. That Is a sentiment by which we can all stand, snd oh. my friends, what does that sentiment have as Its underlylna snlrit? The anlrlt of brotherhood. (Cheere and applause.) I firmly believe In my rountrvmen and therefore I believe that the chief thlna necessary In order that they shall work to gether la that they shall know one another, mat ine norinerner snail know the soutn erner and the man of nn ncnintinn hnn the man of another occuiitlon: the man who woras in one walk or lire know the man who works In another walk of life, so that we mav realise that the thlnaa that rilvM us are superficial, are unimportant and that we are ana mini ever be knit together Into one Indissoluble mass by our American manhood. (Cheers and applause.) After the auditorium meeting the presi dential party took carriages and led a magnificent parade through the principal streets of the city. The procession stopped at the county courthouse, where, from an Improvised platform in the yard. President Roosevelt delivered a short address to 10,000 people. The presidential party left at 1:20 o'clock for Knoxville. Seialaary til r la' Gift. CLEVELAND, Tenn.. Sept. . The presi dent's train reached here at l:S0 o'clock. The preeldent appeared on the rear plat- torm ana a bevy of g ris from Centennary Female college presented a handsome bou quet of flowers. The president made a brief address, thanking them for the gift. He was greeted by about 2.000 people. The train then proceeded toward Knoxville. peaks In Pelting Rain. KNOXVILLE. Tenn.. Sept. 8. President Roosevelt braved the elements late this afternoon and In defiance of a hard rain storm, waa driven through streets lined with people at a stand on Main avenue. nearly a mile from tthe depot, where ho spoke to 12,000 people, who stood quiet. while a drenching rain poured down on them. AH along the line of march the presi dent stood with bared bead, bowing to the cheering throng. He aooke as follows: My fellow citizens and countrymen: I am sorry for m v aaka that th nin should have come at this particular mo ment, but youieeded It and I am glad you Warma Trnaeaaeeana Hearts. It waa six years before the outbreak of the revolutionary war that the first little settlement out of which grew the great aiaie oi Tennessee was rounded, and It was here In this region that the mounted riflemen gathered under the leadership of Sevier, the shaft In memory of whom you see mere gatnered to go across the moun tains and strike at Klna'a mountain the decisive blow which In the end freed tho southern states In the revolutionary war. (Applause.) Right from the beginning the Tennesseeans showed themselves to bs typical Americans In the way in which they proved their ability to contend In time of peace. Great has been Tennessee's share In the Jeadshlp of the country, alike In war and in peace. (Applause.) Ten nessee has won her place the typical Ten. nesseean stands as embodying so much We are glad to call him the typical Amerl can because tne Tennesseean has ' never shrunk from the roughness of life. Respects to "Old Hickory." For elxteen years the presidency of the United States haa ben filled by Tennes seeans. Tennessee has always borne its part In the leadership of the nation In peace and in war. The state of "Old Hick ory" Is a state of the entire American republic, because everywhere throughout the union we claim the greatest or Ten nesseeans, Andrew Jackson, aa one of the greatest of Americans and as an American whom all Americans delight to honor. (Cheers and applause.) There were differ ences ss to Andrew Jackson's policies, but the character of the man. his rugged hon esty, his absolute fearlessness, his de votion to the right as he saw the right, are the qualities which we nerer can af ford to lose sight e)f In this republic. At thta time the storm had broken with such fury that the president's voice could not be heard ten feet from the stand. The entire party again took carriages and waa driven to the residence of Mrs. William G. Browntow, wife of Tennessee's great editor, former governor and United 8tates senator. The president called on the aged woman and spent several minutes with her. Then the University of Tennessee was visited, after which the party returned to the depot. The special pulled out promptly at 7 o'clock. Hot Springs. N. C, will be reached about 10 o'clock and the party will spend the night there, going to Ashevllle at 8:20 o'clock tomorrow morning. NEBRASKA IS ACCOMMODATING Rellaqolsbee Right to Encampnseat This Year la Favor of the Na tloaal Capital. WASHINGTON, Sept. 8. A general order wa issued today from the headquarter of the Union Veterans' union, calling the sev enteenth national encampment of the union In this city, October t. 10 and 11 next. The action Ik the rellnqulahmeht by the Ne braska division of It rlgbt to the encamp ment. this year, owing to a general desire of the veteran ef tbe union to meet In this city with the Grand Army of the Republla. ALL-AMERICAN TEAM CHOSEN Rtfleaaea to Ga to Ottawa Are Picked from Aataag Last Coatestaat at Sea (ilrt. SEA GIRT, N. J Sept. $. Competition for places on the All-Amerlcan rifle team that will go to Ottawa. Can., next Friday waa the only shooting done at Sea Girt to day. The scores were made on the 800, lam and 1 OOO-vard ratines. Tha namee of the men to constitute the All-Amerlcan team at Ottawa, eight man and two alternates, follow: captain vt 11 llam B. Martin New Jersey: Private rteoraa E. Cook. District of Columbia; Cor poral K. V. Casey, New York; Llsutenant Thomas Holcomb. Jr., United 8tates Marine corpa; Prlvata M. W. Parker. Massachu setts: Private Walter O. Hudson, New Jersey; Lieutenant W. W. Cookson. Dla trlct of Columbia: Major Olendle B. Young, ntatrlet at Columbia: Lieutenant H. H. Lelsir. Pennsylvania; Lieutenant Horace M. Bell, New Jersey. Mlaa Neetr'o y Defaalt. CHICAGO. Sept. 8. Miss C. B. Neely of Chicago defeated Miss Winona Closter man of Cincinnati by default In the Hnal In singles for the women's western tennis championship on tne courts oi me ivm wood club today. After playing one set of the match Miss C'louterman wss taken .t..ic ana waa unable to continue the play. MIks Neelv was In the lead. Miss Neely will meet Mlaa MrAteer. the present holder of the title, in tne oattie lor tne cnam plonshlp tomorrow. In the doubles Miss Neely and Miss Banka defeated Mlaa Par ker ana miss i nempiin. -. -, a, Msmnhta Nash villa. 11: Memnhls. 2. At Lit t la RcMk Uttle Rock, t: Atlanta, 0. At Hhreveport onrevepon. v; nirmini Warn t M At New Orleans Chattanooga, 6; New Or leans, V . cgra f-yachad la Georgia. CORDEU Ga. Sept. 8 New haa been received here of the lynching of a nearo named William Mobley near Wenona. five mile south of hern. Moblay attempted to assault the youug daughter of a farmer named Granger. The negro was raptured and dellveml to a bailiff, wno atartea wltn h'm ta the county lull. He was taken from the bailiff by a mob and summarily put to death. Isswiag aa Lake gaaerlar, DI'TTTH: Minn Sept. I Masters of in coming veaseU at this port raywrl snot n aa auperiur ioay, blow at Monroe doctrine Oomniftt en Gsrmtrj'f Aotioa ia Siskin Hkjtitn VesML SITUATION OF PERILOUS TENSION gllsh Preee Praises the Prealdeat for Overlooking the lacldent Aaalogr Retweea Roosevelt aad Emperor Wllllea. LONDON. Sept. 8 Intense Interest has been evoked here by the sinking of the revolutionary gunboat Crete-a-Plerrot at Oonalvea, Haytl, by the German cruiser Panther and the morning papers devote lengthy editorial articles to the Incident. A majority of the papers agree that there Is no likelihood of serious consequences de veloping, but they expatiate on the omin ous possibilities which the affair has evoked. The Dally Telegraph says: "There is no doubt that Germany was perfectly within her legal rights In sinking the Crete-a-Pierrot and she has secured a permanent and scrupulous respect for her mercantile flag throughout South American waters. No International complications will follow, but it Is Impossible to overlook the danger that some similar Incident in the future may drop the spark Into the raagatlne of the Monroe doctrine." Will Canse n Teaalon. The Telegraph holds that the precedent established by this vigorous application of the "mailed fief if followed cannot fall to bring about a situation of perilous ten sion. The, strict principles, the paper says, with which American statesmen regard Monroeism are one question, the suscepti bilities of the American people are an other. The latter might become excited, while the former were not technically contra vened by an incident such as the slnklcg of the Crete-a-Plerrot. The Dally Mall dilates on the gratlfylug unanimity of tho views of Washington and Berlin concerning the incident and ssys It believes the German captain of Panther haa done a good service If his actton forms a basis of common action against Irre sponsible states like Haytl. The Morning Post says the incident is valuable as introducing some necessary limitations to Monroeism as set forth by 1 "resident Roosevelt and asks: "If tbe punitive process should Involve the occupation of territory for lta purposes what would be the attitude of the United States?" Prealdeat and Emperor. The Dally News publishes a striking analogy of the personal characteristics of Emperor William and President Roosevelt and refer to the possibilities of two men "of such amazing energy, who have so far only served their apprenticeship," being brought into "a conflict so powerful and o piquant that the faintest hint of It is sufficient to send a wave of excitement throughout the continents." "If Panther's actios w mnt s a hint to America, President Roosevelt," says the News, "has very astutely turned a blind eye to the signal.' He declines to see any hint. A smaller man than the president would be tempted under such circumstances to play to the galleries. He has acted with characteristic good sense In brushing the matter aside as a trivial incident which has Illuminated by Its brief flash the vast sea of possibilities that would have to be faced should the old world ever come Into direct conflict with Monroeism. '' The Standard saye: "Germany has re sented Interference with her commerce by the anarchlstleal West Indian blacks and as promoted a regular and commonplace action with the maximum of emphasis and that Is all." WASHINGTON, Sept. 8. As was expected. Mr. Powell, the United States minister to Haytl, reported promptly to the State de partment the sinking of the Haytlan gun boat Crete-a-Plerrot by the German gun boat Panther.' ' ' Both of the 'minister's dispatches are dated yesterday at Port au Prince. In the first dispatch the m'nlster said it was re ported that Panther had called upon Kllllck to surrender; that he had refused and that Panther had sunk Crete-a-Plerrot and all tbe crew-bad been loat. The aecond and later dispatch corrected the statement as to the crew, saying that they had eacaped. The minister promised to make an extended report by mall. . Tbe Navy department was also informed of the event In the following dispatch, re- I ceived from Commander McLean, in com mand of the United State cruller Cin cinnati!: j PORT AU PRINCE. Sent. 8.-Secretarv of the .Navy, Washington: German gun boat Panther sunk Crete-a-Plerrot at Gonaivea. Crew escaped. Panther re turned to Port au Prince. M'LBAN. A matter stand, there 1 nothing to be done by the State department at this Junc ture. The official have not changed their view that the Incident wa one between tne German and Haytlan government and that It wa' not our business. The Berlin ad vice to the effect that the Haytlan govern ment had expressed lta satisfaction with the situation being brought to tb atten tion of tbe department here, went to con firm tbe official in their position. No American Interest hsve been affected unfavorably. In their Judgment, and a tha United State ha not recognised the rev olutlonst In Haytl, there 1 no on to make complaint to thla government. On the whole, it IS felt that the termination of Kllllck' carr In summary faehlon may have a salutary effect, not only In Haytl, but alio In South and Central American countries, where heretofore the (lightest revolutionary disturbance has been made the pretext for vexations and expensive In terference with foreign merchant vessels. Only recently ths British cruiser Phaeton waa obliged to force the Colombian govern ment to release tbe British steamer Equa dor, which It wk Intended to impress Into service a a troop transport, while atlll more recently Commander McCrea adopted a similarly vigorous course with respect to this same Admiral Kllllck and It la not doubted that had he remained in Haytlan water he would have seled the Crete-a-Plerrot for violation of hi warning to let foreign eblpplng alone. Altogether these active naval measures are expecting to have beneficial results throughout that section of tbe world, so far aa foreign commerce 1 concerned. . BRIEF .FILED IN STEEL SUIT Case Be Dismissed la Opposed by Casaplalaaats. NEW YORK. Sept. 8. A brief was filed today In Newark. N. J., by tbe complainants In the action of J. Asplnwall Hodge, Jr.. and others against tbe United States Steel Cor poratlon to prevent ths retirement of 1230,- 000.000 preferred stock and tbe Issue of 8260.000,000 bonds by tbs corporation. Ths brief filed oppose a motion by tb corpora tion'a attorney that th pult be dismissed aa a conspiracy.. Affidavits by Mr. Hodge a to hi good faith la tb suit and by James H. Lancaster denying alleged admission by hlin to a clerk of Mr. Quthrle, of counsel, fur th defendant corporation, also wer filed today, The brief Iliad by tbe attorneys for Mr Hod, accuse th United Bute Steel cor poratlen and Its attorneys of tampering with James H. Lancaster, a witness for the complainants, of being afraid to examine Mr. Hodge, of Intimidating would-be com plainants and of attempting to delay a Judicial decision on the merits of the rase. "As the position of these professional majority stockholders becomes more safe from ordinary attack, their boldness in violating equity and good morals propor tionately Increases," ssys Mr. Hodge, through his lawyers. "It is becoming more and more Important for them to stifle In quiry In court and therefore, as a first step, to make It so disagreeable to sue them that they will not be sued." In conclusion, the complainants ask for an early decision on their motion on the Injunction to restrain the proposed retire ment of stock and issutl of bonds. FOR GOOD ROADS CONGRESS Presldeat Moore of the Association Goes to St. Loals to See About the Date. CHICAGO, Sept. 8 W. H. Moore, presi dent of tbe National Good Roads associa tion, Will visit St. Louie this week to confer with the world' fair directory Mayor Wells and the leading commer cial organizations of that city for the pur pose of deciding, at an early date, where and when the next good roads convention will meet. In the national convention held at Central Music hall, Chicago, November, 1900, a delegation from St. Louis Invited the national good roads congress to meet In that city In 1903. The executive com mittee of tbe National Good Roads associa tion has decided to make the meeting to be held In February or March. 1903, Interna tional and will Invite .Hon. John Hay, sec retary of state, to have delegates appointed from all foreign countries. He did this be fore tbe International roada congress In Buffalo In September. 1901. An Improve ment - of the : common roads has been agitated In thla country for years. Tbe great cities, railroads, manufacturers, farm era and the government all agree that the United States must, of necessity, se cure better roads. It la figured by officers who have In hand the convention to be held early next year, that, owing to the vigorous campaign work and the operation of the good roads train by aeveral leading railroads, to be followed by others since the last conven tion was held, the next year's meeting will be one of the largest and most Important Industrial conventions ever called In this country. Other cities. Including Chicago, want tbe next convention. MEET DEATH IN THE ALPS Two Member of a Vienna Tonrlng flab Fall Six Hundred Feet. VIENNA. Sept. 8. There were three fatal Alpine accldenta last Sunday. Three members of tbe Vienna Social and Touring club while ascending the Rax AIpe lost their way. Two of the climbers fell a dis tance of 600 feet and were killed. The third member of the party, who survived. was obliged to stsnd upright upon a narrow ledge of rock from uuvu uf euuuay uiii.ll 10 o'clock Monday morning, when he was res cv.ed. A maker cf musical instruments while on a climbing expedition fell and was killed on the Klestergelstlge near Vienna. Tbe death record on tbe Rax Alps for the pres ent season baa reached the total of thirty two persons. 1 DEATH RECORD. Drop Dead from Heart Fallarv. SCHUYLER. Neb., Sept. 8. (Special.) F. -W. Plats, for many year a prominent cltlroa of this place, dropped dead of heart failure In grove on tbe road side, one mile north of Octavlo, late yeaterday aft ernoon. At tbe time of his sudden death Mr. Plats was with hi daughter, who had accompanied hlm on a trip overland to Butler county. The two had Just finished eating a lunch. Mr. Platx aroae from tbe ground, took a few step forward, placed his hand td hi head though In pain and Immediately dropped to the ground. HI daughter rushed to his side and found that he was dead. She secured assistance and the body was brought to Schuyler last night. Mr. Plats was pioneer cltlien of Schuyler and for number of years had operated a brewery near here. This ha been closed down for some months, owing to his 111 health. He was a man of mean and much Influence In the community and a member of the Ancient Order of the United Work man lodge. ' Of hla Immediate family Mr. P't leaves a widow, three sons and three daughter. He wa 68 year of age. The funeral arrangement have not yet been announced. Crestoa Boalaee Has, CRBSTON. Ia., Sept. 8. (Special. )- M. M. Ford, one of the oldest and best known oltltens of this city, died yesterday at th hospital In Clartnda, where be had been for treatment for the last few month. Mr. Ford was for a long tlm engaged In business here and attended to It so clcaely that It affected hi mental and physical faculties. He waa supposed to be recovering hi mental balance when he took lick with pneumonia, which finally caused his death. Tbe remains will be brought to Creaton for burial today. William Owen, Thayer. THAYER, Neb.. Sept 8. (Special.) In the death of William Owen. York county loses a pioneer settler and one of It most respected citizens. The deceased located on a farm near Thayer, la 1882. H leave surviving blm four on, two daughter and hi wife, T. P. Owen, a business man of York, I a on. FIRE RECORD. Bar a Horaea. SIOUX FALLS, 8. D., Sept. 8. (Special Telegram.) Fire, the origin of which I a mystery, on the farm of Ludwlg Subert, five mile southwest of Sioux Falls, last night burned a new hsrn, seven head of horses and other property, causing a lose of $4,000. Colorado Forests Baralag. LYONS, Colo.. Sept. 8. Advlcee from Long Peak are that fully six forest fires are burning In that vicinity and are beyond control. Large areas have already been burned over r.nd mlllona of feet of valuable timber deatroyed. Pllea Cared Wlthuan tho Kalfe. Itchiog. blind, bleeding or protruding pile. No cure, no pay. All druggist are long standing. Cure ordinary case la ls dara: th worst case in fourteen day. On authorized by th manufacturer of Pas Ointment to refund money where It telle to euro any caa of pllea, no matter of how application give ease and rest. Relieves iuLlna Sastantly. Th! lo new discovery and la tb only pll remedy sold on a posi tive guarantee, no cure, no pay. Price 60c If your druggist don't keep It la stock send us 60c In stamp and w will forward same by mall. Manufactured by Paris Medicine Co., St. Lout. Mo., who lso manufacture the celebrated cold cure. Laxative Brome- Qulaln Tablet. Mia aad Woaaaa Drawaed. GRAND HAVEN, Mich.. Sept. I -Harry Ford of Frullport and Miss Km Kea-ne of Kalamasoo were drowned today In Spring lake. They were memoere ot a yacunna: oarty of seven Thalr boat capalsed. the rest of th trty wt rvud. STRIKER? FATAL MISTAKE They till Italitn HnnUf, luppeted ta I Kenunioi Miaer. LATER FIND UNION CARD IN HIS POCKET His Companion Is Stabbed Several Times, bat May Rerover It I ram Flsehrr la Danger ef l.yaehlag. WILKE9BARRE, Sept. 8. A fight tcday between striking miner at Maltby resulted In th death, ot one roan and the fatal In- Jury ot another.. Both victims were Italians. The men killed was Slstleno VancasteUI, aged 8(1. Hie companion, Frank Portay, waa stabbed aeveral times and Is In tbe like barre hospital, not expected to live. Last nlgbt It was rumored that two of tbe Lehigh Valley company' mine were to start today with a full force of men and the strikers had pickets on all road lead ing to th mine to intercept any men who might be on their way to work. A heavy fog prevailed and It waa difficult to see peo ple In the roadway. Shortly after 7 o'clock strikers on guard at the Maltby colliery saw two men approaching, carrying guns. The stranger were (topped and striker crowded around them. One strlkar In the Crowd who spoke yie Italian language said the men were starting on a hunting trip and that they were union miners. The other strikers did not understand what waa said, and believing that tho foreigners were nonunion men on their way to work, at tempted to take the gun away from Van castelll. He resisted, a fight ensued and soon the two Italians were lying In a pool of blood in the roadway. Shot and Stabbed. Vancastellt wa shot In tb side and th left aide of hi face wa crushed In. -His companion, Portay, wss stabbed In the side, several times. A number of coal and Iron policemen wero soon on tbe ground after the gun discbarge was heard. They found Vancastelll dead and Portay unconscious. The wounded man was brought to the. hospital and the dead man waa taken to h:s boarding house nearby. In one ot the pocket ot Vancas telll' coat wa found a union mlner'a card, The' new of the trouble brought a large number of deputy sheriffs to the scene and on (heir arrival the mob dispersed. No ar rests have been made. Angry Mot) Want niraa Fischer. A crowd of striking miners, mostly for eigner, remained all night around the lockup at Edwardavllle, where Hiram Fischer was confined. I The prisoner wa held up last night a ha wa returning from one of the mine where he 1 employed a a coal and Iron police man. Thinking hi Ufa wa in danger, be fired Into the crowd and two of tho bullets struck Mrs. John Kasmaugh, a Polish woman, who waa aeated on the toop ot her house some distance away. After firing the shots Fischer was set upon by the mob and beaten ao badly that be wa left for dead on tho road. Later he wa taken to th lockup, where a physician was in attendance a. greater part of the night. . Thl morning Fischer was a little better. Notwithstanding hi condition, the mob gathered on the outside ot the lockup and wanted to break down the place and lynch him. The etrong guard that Burgess Danno had provided prevented thl. Sheriff Jacob and a large number of deputies went to th scene. The friends of the dead Italian have sworn vengeance and threaten to kill th men who committed the assault. oo. their' countrymen. Coal Coropaay'a Large Claim. TAMAQUA, ' Pa., Sept. , 8. Today ' th Pennsylvania Coal and Navigation company claim to have more men at work then It ha had on any other day sine th atrik began. ,Th company, however, will not glv out a definite tatment aa to h num ber of men who are mining coal. Onlv (wo of the colllerle are being operated, No. 4 and 12. v - - . ,-. Thla morning a company of soldiers and the governor' troop patrolled the valley. They report that there were no disturb ances. a . ' ) " United Mine Workers, leader deny the company ha mad any gain. They say all the men are standing firm. The company, they assert, ia making a strong effort to break -the trlkt but 1 not meeting with success. President Mitchell stated today that the report cent out from Scrantoa to the effect that he told a friend that the atrik would "be over on September IS and that the strik er would hav to go back to work to sav the miner' union, was a "pure fabrica tion.'.' He aay b never made uoh a re mark to any peraon. It I stated here that the Parsons local of th United Mine Work er ha passed a resolution - to return to work on September 15. Fire la Mine Extlagalahed. BR AM WELL, W. Vs., Sept. 8. The fire In the west shaft of tb Pocahontas Colller le company la practically extinguished. The company ha offered 11,000 reward for information that will lead to the identifica tion of the parties who set fir to th mine. Goverdar Disperses Troops. CHARLESTON. W.Va.. Sept 8. Governor White today ordered tbe signal corps and five companie of th military away from th New River coal field on th assurance that they will not be needed longer. The miners are returning to work, 300 to 600 resuming today. v Porto Rlcaas Aid. SAN JUAN. P. R-, Sept. 8. The Federa- clon Libre branch of the American Federa tion of Labor baa passed a resolution ex pressing aympathy with tbe striking Penn sylvania miners. The members of tb Fed- eraclon Libre will he assessed 6. cents weekly while the strike lasts, which w 11 probably net the striker about 1160 monthly. HYMENEAL. Megrne-Seversea. HARVARD, Neb.. Sept. 8 (Special.) At the Christian church yeaterday Imme diately following th. morning service. Rev. Bhlrlcy married Leroy Meg rue te Miss Bertha Seversoo. The young people nave grown from childhood In tbe same neighbor Cured of Asthma After 35 Year ot Suffering. Tt win be gratifying to Asthmatle read ers to learn that an abaolute cure has at laat beea discovered by Dr. Schtffmann That tbe remedy Is an effectual one cannot be doubted after perusal of such testimony as that of C. W. Van Antwerp. Fulton. N Y., wbo ssys:. "Tour remedy (flchlffmann's Asthma Cure) Is the best I ever used. bought a package of our druggist and tried It and one box entirely cured me of Asthma, and I have not had It since. I can now go to bed and deep all night with perfect com fort, which I have aot done before for 85 years, and I thank you for th health that I now enjoy. I hope tnat you win puonsn this letter, that others may learn of Its wonderful virtues." Sold y all druggist at EOc and 8100 Send tc stamp to Dr. R. Schlffmann, Box till. St. Paul, Minn,, for a free sample pack- ' hoed and will commence thetr married Ufa on a fine farm six miles north of this city. BOY CRUSHEDUNDER PIANO Freight Track Overtaraa atnd Catches Hint ( nder Heavy In strument. . , COLUMBUS. Neb., Sept. . (Special Tel egram.) Herbert Way. 18 yeafs of age. was Instantly killed tonight about 8:30 by the overturning of a freight truck causing a piano weighing L00 pounds to fall upon htm. He was employed as helper at the U. M. depot. Trains Collide at Hapld City. CHADRON. Neb., Sept. 8. (Sprclsl Tele- gram.) A special freight train that left here this morning at 8 o'clock was standing on the track at Rapid City, when a stock train from the west came through at a high rate of speed and crashed Into It. The trainmen all Jumped without Injury except Brakeman Frank Harrison, hi waa seri ously but not fatally hurt. Superintendent Harmon left for the scene with a wrecker and aid. It wilt take several hours to cleat the track. The east bound mail will be sev eral hours late. Two Large Slloa Calldpae. BEATRICE, Neb., Sept. 8. Special Tele gram.) One of the two large silos belong lng to Cummtngs A Lsng of this rlty cel. lapsed today, slightly Injuring a small boy. The building was only In a partial stat? of completion and the cause tor collapse ia unknown. Preparing for .Fait Maneaver. LEAVENWORTH.' Kan ," Set. 8.Fmir troops of the Fourth cavalry and a bat talion of engineers left here todav on an overland march to Fort "Riley to take part In the fall maneuvers, which begin Sep tember 2. The Sixth regiment of Infantry will start tomorrow, TIk troops will follow the route that plainsmen (wk fpr the west In early days. Summer Safeguards II it thl duty if )i'kiii 'f litrr koui hold pTvtvit tgttnsl th htitlh-rtritt ft culiar tttmm r. Promptwu intlutrrtt punt fA'.. malt Jits mould of tit trrct'it urioui li.avu, ftrhtpt diatk.MUNYQN. Munyon's Homoepathic Home Rrme dies arc the surest tuferuardi against disease. If they are not in the nous they should be bought and kept on hand. In case ot sudden development of the sympto-tis of any trouble the proper cur for that trouble should Immediately be obtained at the dtuggisfs. For Indigestion and dyspepsia take M'jp.ytsn's Dyspepsia Cure. For h",d ache from heat, or caused by nervousness or prostration, take Munyon's Headache Cure It will cu.-e In three minutes. For bl tousnes. jaundice and liver troubles Munyon's Liver Curs affords quick and rmj nt relief. For disorders of the blood, and eruptions that are chiefly an noylng In summer, take Munyon Blood Cure. Munyon's Rheumatism Cure Is felt usually In one to three hours and in a few days cures en t'rely. Munyon's Pile Ointment speedily and positively cures all forms of piles and Is especially efficacious In alleviating the Fain Intensified durfag' fcot' 'weather' f you are subject to colics, rsmps and diarrhoea always be fortified with Mun yon's D. D. snd C cure. Munyon's Constipation Cure has relieved thou sands of the most obstinate cases where everything else hss failed. A separata cur for each dHoasa I at all druggtsto, 25c a viaJL LOW RATES TO Pacific Coast Via '' ROCK ISLAND SYSTEM 25.00 to 1X58 ANGELES. 2AOO to SAN FRANCISCO, US-OO to PORTLAND. ' S2ft.H) to 8EATTLR 1 3r r SKII.SO to SPOKANE.-, ,, r S20.00 to BCTTE. 1 40-00 to HELENA. ' "" eM.OO to SALT. JVAKE. 1 Ticket On Sste Kvery Day In SEPTEMBER and OCTOBER. City Ticket Offlre -IftSS FAB! AM ITRKK'f, made on Taeaday aad Wedaeeday of thla week will draw Interest for the entire month of September. J.LBrandeis&Sons S. 4 per cent Interest paid on dryoslta. AMI SEMI "ITS. ' BOYD'S I Woodward tk Burgee, ( - Managers. TONIGHT, WBDIKIDtr MATItKK aad WEDNESDAY NIGHT, ALONG THE MOHAWK Price Hoc, 60c, 75c. Mat., 26c. bOc. NEXT ATTRACTION JAMES BOYS I MISSOURI. Friday and Saturday matinee and evening UUSICiL FESTIVAL ROYAL ITALIAN BAND CAVALIERE EM1LIO R1VELA. Director. Fifty-five Muelclana. Twenty Soloists. EVERT AFTERNOON and EVENING 8:80 o'clock.. . 8:lt o'clock AT AUDITOnnjll PAVILION. Fili.aiiih end ("ajjltn! Ave. Otneral edmiealoa, tat. tiaservd seat, lOo antra. Mat'nee. tbe. . UO I ELS. IIIB III 1 1. Un 1 1 U Qmaha LaaaJi.g Uof I J sph ialTeatlhesi ' LUNtrlUoW, FJF'i'Y CENTS. I 12 a to 8 p. m, I t SUNDAT t-M DINNER, Tie. I Steadily Ircraaalng lualaava haa aeeaeeU 1 and an erilarnat of tba caf. flunking lu foimcr tapaaitjr. lipilfl&l i. V tt - j t-4 -f V ' a f V a'' A I A, n