lil TIIE OMAHA DATLT HEE: TIT ESP AY, SEPT.EMl.ETt 0, 1002. BIG CONVENTION'S PROGRAM Principal Event if Meeting of Obrixtiai Church Next Month. PROHIBITION RALLY TO COME FIRST Caanaitinlon Sorrier Cor About Ten Tkoaaaad Mrmbrrt of the Ibirrh BelnK Arranged for Sfinday Afternoon, Orlolicr 11. The first meeting of people who will take part tn the Christian rhurrh convention next month will be held at the Coliseum Sunday, October 11. nearly a week before the convention la to open. Thla meeting will be composed of the deacona f the Christian churches of Omaha, 8ou:h Omaha, Council Bluffs, Fremont, Flatts Biouth. Lincoln, Missouri Valley and sev ral other towns near Omaha. They will come to 'rehearse a part of the service of the convention which will take place the following Sunday, and will be, prob ably, the most Impressive service of the convention. On that day, Punday, October, 19, there will be a union communion service at the Coliseum, at which everv member of the Christian church-then in the city will take part. The service will be held at 2:30 o'clock tn the afternoon, and If the at tendance Is what is expected more than 10,000 persons will take part, and it mav be ncccasary to bold an overflow meeting In one of the churches close - to the Coliseum. For this service it will be necessary to provide a large number of communion vessels, and, as the communion can be administered only by regularly ap-j pointed deacons of the church, the com mittee having In charge this service will have to secure the attendance of a number of these officers sufficient to serve the largest congregation which can be brought together In the building. Prohibition Party Mertln. Tne first regular meeting to be held In connection wltlj the convention is ono which bas no official connection with It, out is to be composed of persons who are delegates to the regular convention. This Is a national conference of that part of the prohibition party who are members of the Christian church. It Is an Idea which was Introduced at the convention at Minne apolis last year and which promises to be a feature of future Christian church con Tentlons. Last year, the day before the convention opened, a number of active pro hibition partisans found themselves await ing the opening of the convention and held an Informal conference, at which they dis cussed party affairs. The result of that conference was the appointment of a com mittee charged with the work of making arrangements for another meeting on a larger scale to precede the meeting this year. This meeting has been called at the Coliseum Wednesday, October 15. at 1 p. m. and will continue ajitll Thursday evening. There will be an address by Oliver W. Stewart, national chairman of the party, and short talks by other speakers of na tional reputation. ' i c m I !r. n Proper Opens Thursday. The convention proper will open Thurs day night, October 18. with a reception to the visitors. Addresses will be made by prominent citizens of Omaha and Nebraska, probably Including the mayor and the gov ernor. The regular business meetings will begin Friday, October 17, with the business of the Christian Women'a Board of Mis sions up for consideration. This board will probably occupy two days with Its affairs, closing with a session Saturday afternoon. Beginning Saturday afternoon, a session being held In another hall, there will be a rally of the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor. This Is an interde nominational meeting and Invitations are now being aent to local societies of this or ganisation In all churches and to the Bap tist Toung People's union and Epwortb League, asking them to send representa tives. While the meeting Is Interdenomi national, the reports and the business transacted will have especial reference to the work of the society in Christian churches, the program being arranged by John B. Pounds of Cleveland, O., national Secretary of the society for the Christian church. The evening session of the Chris tian Endeavorers will be held at the Coli seum, with an address by some prominent member of the society. Big Bible Class Meeting. The services Sunday morning , will open with a bible clsss at 8 o'clock.' at which all bible students of the city and all visi tors are expected to be present. The pul pits of the city churches will be occupied by visiting ministers at 10:30 and 11 o'clock In the morning, and at 2:30 the union communion service will be held at the Col iseum. At the conclusion of the commuplon serv ice there will be a union service tor men, under the direction of the local Young Men's Christian associstlon. The principal speaker will be John R. Mott. That night the visiting ministers will again occupy pulpits In tbe city churches. Monday morning the Foreign Christian Missionary society will open Its business meeting, the sessions to continue for 'a day and one-half. Tuesday at noon the American Christian Missionary society will begin Its work and continue until the close of the convention. This society is probably the most Important- ons of the church, as It embraces parts of all the work done In the United States, Including the church extension society and the benevolent so ciety. CHRONIC DIAHRHOBA Care by One Bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aad Diarrhoea " Remedy. "My father had for years been troubled with chronic diarrhoea and tried tvery means possible to effect a cure, but all to no avail." says John H. rirkle of Pblllppl, W. Ya. "He saw Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy advertised In the . Republican and decided to try It. The result U'ODS bottle of It cured him and he has not suffered with this dlsesfio ,fcr over eighteen months. Before taking this remedy he waa a constant sudrrer. Ha Is now sound and well and, although 60 years of age, fan do aa much work as a ycung nun. Tbes are facts snd you csn use the al-'-vo If you desire." Mr. Zlrkle and his publish the Phllippt Republican. Notice! Great military doings at encampment. Hot Springs. S. D. 1 The United Ststes troops from Fort Meada ' march to Hot Sprtngs, arriving there Sep tember 10, and will remain In camp for three daya. during which time the head quarters band from Fort Meade will be there. A polo tournament between the officers from Fort Meade and Fori EuVuoi will fcs played and other games and entertainment! given. v A military ball will be given at the Evans bote! on Thursday evening, September 11. VII. aa. Ill 1,-. .., tha'lnn.l i t rmtH VM entertainments of tbe season at Hot Springs. Very low rstes are made fur this occa sion by tbe Fremont,' Elkhorn Missouri Valley railroad. Inquire at local t cket offices. J R- BUCHANAN. General Passenger Agent. Publish your lsgal notices la The Weakly Boa. Telephone M, . HAVE SOME IDEAS TO OFFER Omaha's Delegates to l4(i at American Maalelpalltlea Will Preaent Report. It Is expected that the city council will receive at Its meeting of Tuesdsy evening a report from the official delegation which represented this city at the recent confer ence of the Lea rue of American Municipal ities at Grsnd Rapids, Mich. The members of this delegation, which consisted of Coun cilman Zlmmao and Hasratl and Assistant City Engineer Craig, have declined to make public In advance the contents of tbe re port, but It Is understood thst It will con tain some Important Information and recommendations. One subject upon which It Is understood Councilman Hascall has something to say Is legislation. One of the Ideas moat forcibly presented at the con ference was that tbe cities are too much hampered by legislation, and that legisla tive bodies, being made up predominantly of country members, sre not so constituted ss to most Intelligently pass upon the af fairs of cities. Mr. Craig, discussing this question, said: "The feature of the convention which struck me most forcibly was the strong inclina tion toward the home rule policy among the city officers present. It was found that some of the states have carried the matter of legislation to such an extent that their principal cities are almost hopelessly muddled. Ohio la one of those states. Laws hsve been passed there applying to cities of certain population and prescribing different conditions for those places than apply elsewhere In the state, and the stat ute books are filled with laws that apply only to certain cities. The supreme court has now decided those laws to be unconsti tutional and the cities which have been operating under them do not know where they stand. The same state of affairs would apply to this city and state. In a measure, and the question Is one that is sooner or later to be considered here." Speaking of Grand Rapids, Mr. Craig said: "James O. Blaine once said It was the largest city of Its size In the United States, and I am convinced he waa right. It Is certainly an active place. The municipal government Is entirely In the hands of young men, and they are hustlers. The mayor Is a very young fellow, but a smart man and a live one." FORMER MERCHANT IN JAIL James S. Romlne Brought Back to Nebraska to Explain to Creditors. James S. Romlne, formerly a prominent Nebraska business man, with establishments at Bridgeport and Mitchell, who disappeared some weeks ago about $40,000 In debt to many wholesale houses. Is In the county Jail here and will be taken to Mitchell. Romlne waa arrested In Worcester, Mass., and was brought here by tbe sheriff of Scotts Bluff county. He came without requisition papers. He Is charged with obtaining money under false pretenses. Among Romlne'a creditors are several Omaha firms. These and the amounts they are alleged to be out are: M. E. Smith & Co., tl.OCO; Martla-Catt Hat com pany, $600; Nebraska Moline Plow com pany, $1,600; Beebe A Runyan. $1,000; King man Implement compapv. $400. Several business men In Lincoln, Chadron and Alli ance are also reported to have been de frauded out of various sums. One, a Mr. Norton of Altance. is reported to have Bold Romlne his entire stock and building for $5,200. The stock was valued at $S,700 and no payment was made on this aale. A Milwaukee piano firm Is said to be out $4,000 for pianos which Romlne had pur chased. Some weeks ago Romlne sold his general merchandise stock at Mitchell to a sister and the one at Bridgeport to a nephew named Blackburn. When tbe wholesale firms learned of the salsa thsy called for settlement and learned that Romlne had left the country. The chase for him con tinued from state to state until he waa finally corralled in Worcester, Mass. Romlne was considered by the wholesale houses as one of the safest merchants tn business In Nebraska. He started his stores on a small acale, and gradually, aa he ob tained the confidence of the wholesale houses. Increased his stocks, until their total value was up In the thousands. He had good credit with every firm with which he did business and was highly respected and trusted by the citizens of ths com munity In which he resided. He was for merly a resident of Chadron, Neb., and Is said to have secured about $10,000 from old friends there before leaving the state. He la S3 years of age and is married. LIMITS AUTOMOBILE SPEED Coaacllmen Decide oa Fonr Miles for Parka aad Klght (or Boalerards. In general committee yeaterday the city council after some discussion agreed that Omaha is too thoroughly a metropolitan city to exclude automobiles from Its parks, boulevards or streets, but that public safety and the rights of those who drive horses demand that the speed of automo biles running within the city limits should be regulated. The members present were Councllmen Zlmman, Burkley, Troatler, Lobeck, Mount, Whttehorn and Hascall and by a unanimous vote they decided upon an ordinance to regulate the speed of automo biles in the parks to not exceed four miles an hour and on the boulevards to not ex ceed eight miles per hour, aa a substitute for the ordinance to exclude them from the parks and boulevards altogether. The list of field assessor whose appoint ment was reported by the tax commissioner to the council at Its last meeting was ap proved. The appointees are twenty In number. The matter of the proposed alley or street from Harney to Farnara street between Thirty-third and Thirty-sixth streets was laid over to the next meeting of the com mittee. On petition of aorae of the property owners an alley of twenty feet waa or dered and at the last meeting of the coun cil a petition signed by seventy-five prop erty owners was presented. In which It was urged thst a fifty-foot street be opened In stead of the alley. There was some doubt expressed as to whether the council had authority to open a street at, that place In the manner proposed and the postponement as fur the purpose of having that point tatud. The City Board of Equalization will meet this morning at 10 o'clock. Paceptlinatly Law Tales far lepfeasa her and October.' . Every day during the months of Beptem- 'ber and October, l&ot. the Colon Faclfio will sell one-way aeUlera' tickets at ths following rates: From Missouri river 120.00, Ogden and Bait Lake. $20.00, Rutte and Helena. 3 60, Spokane. 115.00. Portland and Ashland, San Fran cisco, Loa Angeles and Eu Diego. City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam at. Ttone Jit. I'nicn Station, 10th and ilarcy. 'Pbone I2t. Exceedingly low rata. Omasa to Hot Springs, South Dakota. August 10 to Sep. tember 10. IMS, 114.10, Omaha to Hot Springs aad return via Northwestsra lias. Ticket offise U01 Faraaoi sweat. TOO 3ICCI1 TAX MACHINERY Ru rani Answer Haiti Observations on Omaha's Awessment litem. CONSIDERS IT COMPLICATED AND COSTLY Telle How City, Conaty, Srhool and State Taxes Are Assessed and Collected Together at the Minnesota Capital. Hon. P. Conley. city and county assessor at St. Psul, Minn. wss In the city yesterday enroute home from a visit to Colorado and Utah. Mr. Conley waa surprised when, upon Investigation, he ascertained that the assessment and tax collection system tn Omaha and Douglas county required the services of four different official depart ments. "It strikes me," ssld he, "that you have not only a costly, but a somewhat compli cated system. St. Paul, in Its relation to Ramsey county, Is Just like Omaha In Its relation to Douglas county; that Is, In both counties ths bulk of the taxable property is located within the boundary lines of the cities. Therefore, I believe that our sys tem for assessing and collecting taxes could easily be applied in Douglas county. "We have Just one office for the assess ment of property for county, city, school snd state taxes, and Just one office for the collection of the taxes. The assessment of all property Is made by the city and county assessor, who Is appointed by the mayor, the president of the common coun cil and the county auditor, and who ap points his own ssslstants and Is held responsible for their work. City and Connty Officers Kquallse. "Tbe assessment thus made Is equalized by a board comprising the mayor, tbe county auditor, the assessor and two mem bers each of the city council and Board of County Commissioners. Thus, you see, the city and county each participates In the appointment of the assessor and In the equalization of the assessment. The as sessment thus made answers for county, city, state and school purposes, each cor porate body fixing Its own tax rate. "The taxes are all paid to the county treasurer, who. In turn, pays the state Us share, the city Its share, and the school board Its share. Therefore only one set of tax books Is kept, the city treasurer's office being relieved of the work of collect ing taxes. In Omaha, I understand, all this work Is done both by the county and by the city, making the maintenance of tax departments by both corporations neces sary and putting a great deal of unneces sary work In the city treasurer's office. I wouldn't care to criticise your way of doing business, because i am not suffi ciently familiar with your local conditions but at first glance it appears to me that you have a lot of unnecessary official ma chinery and expense." TWENTY MEN LEAVE SHOPS Boatonlaaa Desert the I'nloa Pacific and Join the Strike Forces. Twenty men left the Union Pacific Omaha shops yesterday In a body, Joining the - strikers. This defection occurred among the men who came out from Boston Saturday and had been anticipated and even predicted by the union forces. The original number of the Bostoniana who went Into the shops Saturday was forty nine, but two left soon after coming. It waa learned shortly after the arrival of these men that the majority of them were union craftsmen and held cards In their respective organizations. It Is said that It was their purpose to leave the Union Pa cific's employ, after a couple M days In the shops. They arrived Saturday forenoon, rested the remainder of that day and Sun day and were, therefore, over the fatigue of travel by Monday morning. Strikers predict that nearly. If not all, these forty-nine will leave the shops, and It Is believed that their defection will set In motion a wave of discontent and unrest among the other shopmen which may re sult In a wholesale desertion. The officials profess to be Indifferent to any such possi bility, however, and maintain their ability to preserve an adequate force of shopmen at all hazards. President O'Connell of the International Association of Machinists has sent out a circular letter from his office in Washing ton to all business agent of machinists' unions appealing for the strongest co-opera tion they can muster for the Union Pacific strikers. In this connection O'Connell urges the greatest diligence tn the matter of preventing wherever possible, by legiti mate means, the sending of nonunion labor ers into shops of the Union Pacific to sup plant strikers. "Thla strike must be won," says Presi dent O'Connell, "for It means much to this organization, whether It Is won or lost." To demonstrate the active Interest taken In this fight by the International body, the president calls attention to the fact that he hss sent First Vice President Conlon from Washington and Third Vice President Mul berry from Chicago, the former to be sta tioned In Omaha and tbe latter on the west ern end of the Union Pacific division, to share with the other leaders tbe responsi bility of promoting the struggle against the Union Pacific for the suppression of the piecework system. Incidentally O'Connell Informs the local machinists that twenty-seven men hired by the Union Paclfio In Boston left that city Thursday for Omaha, following tbe forty nine who came from 'be Hub Saturday. Many "of these are union men. District and local President Kennedy of the bollermakers has Just returned from Kansas City, where he went In the Interest of the strike. He found a lack of aggres sion on the part of the strikers at Arm strong and arranged to have a large picket force kept on duty and a more positive course pursued. He also organized a fed erated board among the allied orders en gaged In the strike, such aa exists here and which is largely Instrumental for prose cuting the fight. District Secretary Grace of ths machin ists has reports from Cheyenne which state that fifteen men left the shops there Satur day and two Friday. He also has a letter from North Platte saying that four of the nonunion force there left, but that aeven new ones were taken In. J. W. Kline, executive committeeman for the blacksmiths, has returned from a trip to Havelock and other places where be has been organising the blacksmiths. At Have lock he effected an organization of twenty of the Burlington employee and at Platts- mouth formed a small union also of Bur lington men. He got together twenty-two of tbe Northwestern employes at Sioux City. Mr. Kline will leave on another or ganising trip, making the towns along ths Northwestern and Burlington routes, where be expects to meet with profitable results. He says the blacksmiths all ovor the country are In the proper mood for or ganization aand the greatest difficulty Is gemng enougn organizers. Fuaeral Notice. To the meroVters North Omiht lodge No. 159, A. O. I'. W., you are hn.eby requested t attend the tuner il of Brother John tl. Schark. Service at Dodder's undertaking parlors. SUd and Cuming. Tuesday, Sep tember . at 1:A p. m.. sharp. Interment at rjprtUtfweU cemetery, Sister lodges in vited. 1 . ikuij-i., Matter Workman. V. M. aUcCUl.l.ttiiaU. becuniar. ft Wstrh Our U Ui WlndoH$LjQ)j Four Great Sales Huge lots of high grade goods on special bargain pale together tolay, September 9. $5.00 Waist Patterns at $1.95 Hundreds of Imported French flannel, elaborately embroidered and tucked waist patterns, every pattern containing enough French flannel for an entire ladle.' waist. In reds, all shades of blue, green heliotrope, pink snd creams, beautifully silk embroidered In harmonizing colorings, enough -4 f embroidery for the entire front of waist, collar, cuffs and M shoulders also enough handsomely tucked material to make a H very pretty and serviceable waist on sale today on main ft atuaimsa floor bargain square, at Sale Fine Muslin Underwear Samples From a leading muslin underwear manufacturer we have purchased all his samples and surplus stock of high class muslin underwear. The lots were secured at Just one-third their actual wholesale price. This underwear Is made of the finest muelln cambric and long cloths snd very elaborately trim med with lace and embroidery. This will be sold In four lots on bargain squares st 25c, 60c, 75c and 98c. In Lot 1 Handsome lace and era- ln ot 3 Night gowns, very .ij.... . i m showy skirts with deep flounce of broidery trimmed corset covers erubrolarv and lace skirt chemise and drawers-worth r- and drswers-worth mm r- up to 75c-at. In regular way up ch -aWOW toll.75at .P In Lot 2 Gowns, skirts, Bkirt t'lHJ' J)"0.1 " ntlerwear . , . .. from this New ork stock. Including chemise, drawers all beautifully (towns, skirts ntid skirt chemise made trimmed with embroideries and of 'Jl J"" S"1 c ,and l,n o8 trimmed with the best laces, ?m- wlde showy laces some slightly broideries nnd Insertions skirts snd mussed worth ii n mm sklrt. chemises In this lot would sell - P ELI fl - resularly up to $3.00 a gi C to 1.2 at, ajllLl- piece-all go on bargain II Si C each w square i 3 J W Sale of Highest Grade Embroideries We have lust TTrVM RR Vhl. Ktrpet l?v embroideries and x. Colman Brothers are known all over the Uplted States as f!ST dealers In the very finest and hlxhest arade embroideries. vr. I We were 'ortunRte tne embroiderv JjyV- proportional bargain. The very finest lots of embrold-a-r erles are hpre In SwIar! nainsook, ramhrles. narrow and V'lrla 11'Ml V10 a nil Bo also mary wide and These are the finest embroideries we have ever placed on sale today at 10c, 15c, 25c, 39c, 60c a yard Oil Cloth and Linoleum Sale. Today the oil cloth and linoleum sale bigger, greater, stronger than ever. New lots placed on sale. AH of the remnants of 25c and 60c floor oil cloth ISc AH of the heavy 50c and 75o Linoleums, a square yatd 25c All the extra heavy, best grade of Inlaid linoleum, worth up to $1.60 at a square yard 49c Vatcii Cur JSCS flMOE.'S. Watch Our Windows llOPiSFlS Wid I WE ARE NOW ROCK SPRINGS Lamp and Nut HAKKA EgS and Nut at ARKANSAS ANTHRACITE Famnoe Coalat $9.00 per ton, delivered Prompt and Efficient Delivery Service 2,001 Pounds to the Ton Guaranteed. C. W. Hull 20th and Izard Sfs. A DROP IN PRICE OF GOAL SOMETHING NEW FOR THIS YEAR Rock Springs, all sizes ,$6.50 Ohio, all sizes. $7.00 Both well known high grade coals, same as handled by us for years. Looks like a permanent reduction, but you can be on the safe side by pur chasing now. C. B. HAVENS & CO., Tels. 317 and 825. WORK FOR GOOD COLLECTOR Aodttorlam Company Has Job to Offer mm Active aad Persist, cat Mas. The Auditorium company wants money to pay the contractors for the steel work and desires to secure the services of a good collector to handle the collection of the first and second assessments which are now outstanding. It Is said that there Is sufflcient money outstanding on these two assessments to pay the steel contractors and to leave a balance In the treasury, but the money must be collected soon, as tbe material will be ready for delivery in a few weeks. POSTAL RECEIPTS INCREASE Omaha Office Dora Tea Per Cent More Business This Augmt Than Iast. Receipts for postage, including sales of stamps and the like at the Omaha postofflce for the month of August, shows and an In crease of over 10 per cent. The figures are: August, 1902, $39,369.84; August, l'JOl, $35, 117.69; Increase, $4,202.15. Ainoinctnrili of the Theaters. "Along the Mohawk," which comes to ths Eoyd on Thursday rcming for two night, and a matinee. Is a pastoral comedy of un equal Interest. Its scenes are laid In one of the powerful towns in the historic Mo hawk valley, and the characters it Intro duces are studies from life. MLu Julia Klngsley and Mr. NeUon Lewis, who bsve the leading roles, sre well known to Omaha people, as they been seen bere seversl times, the last time In vaudeville. One of tbe features of the play is tbe Introduction of a large newspaper printing press in operation on the slags, Brintioc the Mohawk Dally Beacoa. m iiiii ii m m w ii i mil .1 m am imt mil if T Ti)i A II i ' i SBManmaaajMmaBjBBBBBB MWtieaaawaia.iaaMSsaSBK. purchased from Colman Brothers (65- i.Vu VnrU rMtv. US MM vat-rim nf th fln.tit Hamburgs, both Insertions and edge. ,D securing at a very low figure their stuck. Thev Will be ottered at tbe same nmbPrtlrloolaa n nA Insnsllnns 4 e matoh narrow embroideries in sets to match. SELLING at.. .$6. 50 per ton, delivered $6.00 per ton, delivered Company, Te!s. 429-409-75. 7ir 1522 Farnam St. made oa Turailar aad Wednesday of tbts week will draw Interest for tue entire month of September. J.LBrandeis&Sons BANKERS. 4 iter rent Interest paid oa deposits. CHRISTIANSEN IS NERVOUS Wife Marderer, Whose Preliminary Hesrisg Comes Tharsday, Is I BrvMLlug Bowb. Anton Christiansen, who murdered his I wife, will be given a preliminary hearing I In police court Thursday morning. Chrls i tiatisen Is In the county Jail and the strain which he Is undergoing Is telling on him. I For several days after he viewed the body of his wife at the morgue Christiansen held up well and appeared unconcerned about tbe shooting. A few dsys alter being taken to the county jail, however, he began to breik down and now makes no effort to Jioncsal bis tsellntca. GOAL u An Exceptional Offer School Suits The values that we call your special attention to in our children's department are without doubt the best that have ever been offered. They are suits that are made of the finest cheviots and eassi mores, in double-breaste,d and Nor folk styles. The double-breasted come in sizes 8 to 15. The Norfolk come in sizes 4 to 12. They are just the thing for school wear. STRONG, STURDY, STYLISH. Children's suits worth ?2.50 for Children's suits worth $3.50 for Children suits worth $4.00 for We are 'showing some very headwear and furnishings. fid m I I' rim put TOLLEY, CJ Presents some very attractive openings for farming and stock raising. If you're interested ask for a copy of our booklet, The North Platte Valley. It's free. K OMAHA EELEY INSTITUTE Men's $3 Shoes We want to call your attention again to our new $3 shoe. Msny men came to see this shoe after our first an nouncement and It made many friends for us. Genuine vlcl kid uppers with heavy single soles. These are genuine vlcl kid and not dongola kid we guarantee them to wear better thsn any J3.50 shoe you have ever been offered and a comparison will show you we do not exaggerate any. Box calf uppers are with single or double soles, either style $3.00. Droxol Shoo Co., Omaha'a Cp-io-date Shoe Hons 1st F 411 MAM THUET, Call and a X Bee Advertising Man J will call on you to get a Want Ad or J a Half Page. WHEN YOU BUY A til up 238 You r Dot paying for CUUOMOS. ftClifcAlti, t At.E DEALS, ETC., bufi for FINE QUALITY I1AVANATOBACCO. EQUAL to IMPORTED CIGARS, J. ft. IUCJB HEUCANTILE C1QAJH CO., Manf,. It. Leula. Vuloa Made. of Children's I 3 1.50 $2.00 $2.50 swell fall styles in boys' mi, 5 Ticket Office, Burlington Station. 1502 Farnam St. luth and Mason Sts. Telephone 250. Telephone 128 On of the best equipped of the Keeley syetem of Institutes, tjfc oaly Keeley Institute In Nebraska. Cure Drunkenness. Cores Drug Users. Booklet free. Address ail mUss sa a. sarta. Home Treatment for Tobacco Kablt. cost St! SERVED TO THE BEST j FAMILIES Ilf OMAHA who appreciate the high quality of the Mets beer as a beverage and as an In y.goratlng tonlo the Mets Is every day. Our line brew Is gaining favor every day with both Invalids and convalescents, as well as for a table beverage. If you haven t yet ordered It don't fall to do so. It will repay you In both health and strength. Metz Bros. Brewing Co, Tel. Ill, osiska Or Jacob Neumayer. Agt., care Neumayer Hotel. Council Ltlufts. Iowa. THEY MUST NOT CALL ' Harle Haas Drug Co., wholesalers of Coun cil Bluffs, la. ; K. E. liruco St Co., and Richardson Drug Co. of Omaha all have city salesmen who call on the retail drug trade of this city but hot one of them no not even Mr. Hoyt nor our friend 81 csll on us because the OMAHA DHL'd TRt'8'P SAYS NO! Talk about your coal trust. The only difference Is theee are no PRE TKNDKRS in the coal combination ; It Is a "pay up or freeze this winter deal" with those people but W'B can buy eooils CH KATE R THAN BEFORE WK VEKH3 BLACKLISTED, that's why wo beat these Jeojjle out. 1.60 Fellows' Syrup Hypnphoaphates.. JOo 13.50 Marvel Whirling Spray Syringe... 11.25 fl.ou I.lMerlne (Lambert s . fc(0 Prevent Hay Fever with Qem Catarrh Powder gn,-, 2fe Laxative Bromo Quinine 12o Hie Qulimcetol (guHmnteed cold cure) 11.00 GKR.MAN K I. MM ELL BITTERS.! 76o 11.00 Peruna ('cause it's srlvertlsed).... Ua 2oc Carters Little IJver Pills Iiiq Chester's Pennyroyal Pills $1.00 OPEN ALL NIGHT. SCIIAEFER'S CUT PRICK DKUG STORE Tel. 74T. a. w. ( or. luth aad Cblaa. CURt TOUMEIM La Btf fer Munatulsl .JEMS J ' la I unvi f dlx-btrtf-x.afixxiai.loij, tiritai.ou ef alcorMlasi M u auteura. f a 0 a S SMajbraaas, PfcftaM ''-T-aritn; raiDlaas, ao4 aiit eagPa rHltwusOHiU Ti 0s. gaal f aaiaoiwn " L1CL J 1 J. r t V I 7 i f, .A