Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1902, Image 1

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The Omaha Daily Bee.
Prisidiit Eectsd Hsnorary Ifembsr of
Lscomstivs Fireman Brotherhood
ltMiTelt Likes ths Idea and Pays Giysrs
' Anothsr Compliment
Xaisi ths Emphatic Declaration ta Orowd
at Chattanoega,
juraards It aa One of tha Brat aad
Moat Satisfactory Selection
Which He Haa Made
for OIHce.
f HOT SPRINGS, N. 0., 8ept, 8. The spe
cial train bear In r tfce nresldentlal nartv tr.
Tired at Hot Springs tonight. The night
wlll be spent here, the train being sched
uled to arrive In Ashcvtlle at 8:30 a. m.
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., Sept. 8. Presi
dent Roosevelt today waa elected an hon
orary member of the Brotherhood of Lo
comotive Firemen. He attended the execu
tive session of the order In the morning,
walking from the hotel to the auditorium,
a distance of a few blocks, escorted by
Grand Master Sargent, a committee of the
brotherhood, and a detachment of Troop B,
stats guard.
The brotherhood Drat held Its executive
aesslon. Acting Grand Master Hanrahan
.welcomed the president, saying his presence
would do good to organized labor, not only
in tola country, but In Canada and in other
countries as well.
I The president returned his thanks for ths
welcome, and said he was glad to be with
the brotherhood. He said the firemen's
'brotherhood was the result which naturally
, cornea from the application of the principle
lof common sense 'to their work. He said
Jthat organized labor never had made an
unreasonable request of hlra and that if it
bad he would have denied it.
P Para Compliment to. Sargent.
In speaking of the appointment of Grand
Master Bargent of the brotherhood, to be
' commissioner general of Immigration, the
president said it was one of the most satis
factory appointments to him and to ths
publio that he has ever made; that Mr.
Sargent haa a hard body and not a soft
Juuii 7. HcNaiuee of Columbus, C, cce
of the grand officers and a democratic mem
ber of the legislature, moved that the de
gree of grand honorary membership be con
ferred upon President Roosevelt. The mo
tion waa referred to the committee on
constitution and bylawa, whose recommen
dation waa unanimous that the motion be
accepted. The report of the committee waa
accepted by a rising unanimous vote, and
amid great cheers.
The president thanked the convention for
the compliment paid 'him, and Grand Maa.
tor . Sargejjt .thenf ay him a pass which
admits him to all meetings of the brother
hood. '
At this point the brotherhood adjourned
until tomorrow morning and the public waa
admitted to the auditorium . to hear the
president's address. While the people were
being seated, the band rendered "America,"
the president and the others in the hall
Mayor Chambliss delivered a short ad
dress of greeting, in which he welcomed to
Chattanooga all the Bremen, whether they
came from Canada, Mexico or Oyster Bay.
After an addreaa of welcome In behalf of
the state by Governor McMillan and an ad
dress by Grand Maater Sargent, Inter
spersed with music. President Roosevelt
was introduced by Acting Grand Maater
Hannahan. His reception waa most en
thusiastic, tha audience rising to Its feet
and oheerlng.
Heart to Hedfet Talk.
Ho said:
Mr. Grand Master, Governor McMlllln,
Mr. Mayor, My Brothers and All of You
Men ana Women of Tennessee, My Fellow
Cltlxens, My Fellow Americans: I am glad
to be here today. 1 am glad to come as the
guest of the brotherhoods Let me join with
you, the members of a brotherhood of this
country. In extending a' most cordial wel
come to our fellows from Canada and
Mexico. The fact that we are good Amer
icana only makes us all the better men, all
the more desirous of seeing good fortune
to all mankind.
1 needed na pressing Influence to accept
tne invitation tennerea tnrougn you. Air
wast I regard as the fundamental virtues
of cltlsenaTitp can fall to do so. I want to
see the average American a game man, an
honest man. a man who can handle him
self and. does handle himself under difficul
ties. Shermaa'a Compliment.
Tha last time I ever aaw General Sher
man I dined st his nouns and we got to
talking over the capacity of different types
of soldiers, and the general happened to
say that if ever there were another war
and he were to have a command, he should
endeavor to get as many railroad men ax
possible under him. I asked him why, and
fie said because on account of their profes
aiou they have developed certain qualities
which are In a eoldier. They are
accustomed to enduring hardships; tnev are
. accustomed to Irregular hours (laughter
and applause); they are accustomed to act
on their own responsibility on their own
initiative and yet they, are accuatomed to
obeying orders quick ly. (Applause).
f There a not anything more aoul-harrow-lng
for a man In time of war, or for a man
engaged in a difficult Job In time of peace,
than to Jtlve an order and have the gentle
man addressed say, "What?" The ratlrotd
man haa Hot to learn that when an order
Is Issued there may le but a fraction of a
second In which to obey It. He has got to
learn that orriereare to be obeyed and that
on the other hand there will come plenty of
crlalses In which there will b no orders to
be obeyed and he will have to act for him
self. v Not War Problems Alone.
But. gentlemen, the period of war la but
a fractional part nf the life of our re
public and I earnestly hoie and believe
that It will be even a smaller part In the
future than It has been In the past. It
was the work that you have done In time
of peace that haa especially attracted me
to you. that made me anxious to come
down here end see you and made me glad
to speak to you. not for what I csn tell,
but for the lesson It seems to me can bo
gained by all of our people from what
0J have done. (Applause).
At the opening of the twentieth century
we face conditions vastly changed from
what they were In this country and
throughout the world a century ego. our
complex industrial civilisation under which
prog reus haa been so rapid and which the
change for good haa been so great has
seen 'he ero-'th e-f mr.nv !erd"nclH that
are not for good, or at leant not wholly
for good, and In consequence we, as a
people, like the rest of civilised mankind,
find set before us or solution during the
cumin century problems which need the
best thought of all of us and the moat
earnest desire to solve them well If w
expect to work out a solution satisfactory
to our people a solution for the advan
tage of the nation. In facing these prob
lems It must be a comfort to every well
, wisher of the nation to see what has lieeu
done by your organisation.
I believe emphatically In organised
labor (cheers and applause). I believe
(Continued on. Second Page-)
liannaban, and tnrougn you my welcome
to Uils Tneetlng. I have alwaya admired
) really the railroad men of the country and
do not see how any one who believes In
Rmperor William Kntertalas Officers
at Potsdam Sees Menace) In
the Electric Cars.
BERLIN. Sept. I. Emperor William en
tertained 110 guests at dinner tonight in
the new palare at Potsdam. His majesty's
guests were nesrly all visitors who have
come to attend the maneuvers and Included
Major Generals Henry C. Corbln and Samuel
B. M. Young and Brigadier Oenrral Wood.
United States army, and their a'des; Lieu
tenant Colonel J. B. Kerr, military at
tache to the United States embassy; Com
mander William H. Deehler, United States
naval attache; Earl Roberta, commander-in-chief
of the forces of Oreat Britain; Mr.
Brodrlck. British secretary for war, and
other British generals who are here for the
maneuvers, the visiting German princes
snd the commanding generals In charge of
the maoeuvers. The empress of Germany
waa present, sitting opppslte the emperor
with Earl Roberts on her right.
After dinner the emperor mingled freely
with his guests and engaged the American
generals In a half hour's conversation. He
again expressed his very high appreciation
of the manner in which his brother, Admiral
Prince Henry of Prussia had been treated
In the United States, spoke of his admira
tion for President Roosevelt and sail he
fervently thanked God for having spared
the president's life at the time of the Pitts
field accident.
Electric cars, continued his majesty, are
the enemies of humanity. He referred to
the number of persons who have been killed
by electric care on the streets of Berlin.
Tonight, as on former occasions Emperor
William discussed the possibility of his vis
iting America some day. ' This idea evi
dently presents great attractions for him,
but he adds regretfully, "I fear I never can
realize that dream."
Commander Beehler was Invited to the
dinner .tonight, although he doea not at
tend the maneuvers, because Emperor Wil
liam vptnted to bid him farewell before hta
return to the United States next month.
The emperor has presented Commander
Beehler with a large photograph of him
self bearing the royal autograph. He ex
pressed his regret at the recall of the
American naval attache and asked him
what new thing he had heard about the Ger
man navy. To this Commander Beehler re
plied: , , .
"The fog signals for vessels which Indi
cate the direction In whloh the ships are
moving: they ought to be introduced into all
navies." ,
A special train bore his majesty's guests
from Berlin to Potsdam this evening, and
tomorrow a train will leave here to carry
the emperor'a distinguished guests to the
maneuvering fields. During the evening at
the new palace Earl Roberts and General
Wood engaged in a long conversation, In
which they compared their respective ex
perieuces iu Suuih Africa and Cuba.
thousand soldiers are camping In tha open
air tonight and 12,000 more are quartered
In farm houses. The troops are waiting
for the four days' sham battle en an Im
menae scale fiat will begin at dawn to
morrow. Emperor William will arise at 8
o'clock tomorrow and leave Potsdam at 4
o'clock In order to be early on the Held.
A great blue and white pavilion, fringed
with gold hanging, hta been pitched on
the southern shore of tjie Welssenaee, and
here Emperor William v W1U ' bivouac
Wednesday night. - He will lead tha cavalry
division on Thursday. There waa some
alight skirmishing by 1 the cavalry today.
The roada about are In wretched condition,
having been cut up by the recent rains.
Soldiers Harried from Panama. Ex.
pectins an Inisrgeat
Attaek. ' '
COLON, Colombia, Sept. 8. Over 1,000
government troons r hiirrUillv nt in
Colon from Panama yesterday afternoon and
additional intrencbmenta are being erected
at Monkev Hill, a mile from Cnnn nn tha
railroad, and other polnta, in expectation
oi an insurgent attack. '
The gunboat Boyaca, which waa captured
by the Insurgents from the government,
has been seen mobilizing troops under the
command of the Insurgent General Herrsra
In the direction of Panama.
Colonel Grueao, prefect of Colon, haa
been raised to the rank of general and ex
pects to take the field should tha insurgents
attack the isthmus.
Attorney General, However, Refuses
to Disenss Title to Panama
Caanl at Present.
PARIS, Sept. 8. P.. C. Knox, attorney
general of the United States, who arrived
yesterday, la stopping at the Hotel Pits.
He declines to say anything on ths subject
of the negotiations for a clear title to the
Panama Canal company's property.
Special Assistant Attorney General
Charles W. Russell, who haa been here for
aome time, went to England to meet Mr.
Knox and communicated to him all the re
sults of his preliminary investigations, ao
Mr. Knox comes to Paris fully Informed on
the situation.
Pretender to the Throne Organises
Serloas Revolt Against Saltan
of Morocco.
LONDON, Sept. 8. A dispatch from Tan
gier saya the aultan of Morocco haa ordered
that a large army be collected In readi
ness to leave Fes on December 1. Its
destination has not been dlsclcsed.
Recently dispatches from Spain stated
that the revolt aga'nst ths sultan of
Morocco la spreading In an alarming manner
and that It may be necessary for the powers
to Intervene If they wish to preserve the
statue quo in the country. The revolt Is
beaded by the sultan'a brother, Mohammed,
who la a pretender to the throne.
Boer Generate Expert to
Six Mentha la This
Conn try.
LONDON. Sent. 8. General Botha'a im.
retary, Mr. Bredoner. said this evening that
tne uoer generals expect their tour of the
United States to occuoy six months. Al
though tha generals have arrived at na
definite dec'ston on the subject, their lec
turing tour will probably begin In Great
Britain. The generate will proceed to The
Hague tomorrow, in order to attenit th
gathering of tha, Boer leadera and prepare
prvgraua lur me suture.
Karthejuako In Prase.
OAU, Department of Basses-Pyrenees,
France. Sept. 8. A strong earthquake shock
lasting six seconds waa felt here at 8 30 this
Mary Peterson Lying at Faint of Death
with Ballet Wind in Breut
Assailant Rial from Home and
Dlsappeara aad Belief la that
He Haa Killed Him
self. Shot through the left breast by a rejected
suitor, Mary Peterson lay at a late hour
last night at the point of death in her fath
er's hoUSA at PaMfl mtTt TAt f
Olsen, the would-be murderer, was a fu
gitive from Justice and ponlbly a suicide.
Drs. Glsh and Condon attended the wounded
woman, but from the first there was profuse
Internal bleedlDg and they expressed little
tope of her recovery. The police had two
men at the two bridges and at other placea
of advantage, but were unable to capture
the man during the night.
At the time of the shooting Mary Peterson
was sitting at the back of the kitchen facing
the door, which ia the entrance from the
etreet. Just across the table and facing
ber was her younger sister, Pletlna, and
to the left nearest the door the old mother
sat. Suddenly Olsen opened the door with
out knocking and taking three ateps toward
his victim, which brought him to the side
of the younger sister, he drew from his
pocket a rovolver and fired at a distance of
only two feet, the bullet striking Miss
Peterson in the breast and paslng downward
in close proximity to the heart. The would
be murderer then turned and fled through
the gate and east on Pacific atreet. Neigh
bors hearing the shot, ran to the house and
helped carry the atricken woman to her
bed and aent for Dr. Glsh and notified the
police. Dr. Condon waa later summoned.
The ehootlng occurred at ten minutes after
8 o'clock.
Love Long; Drawn Oat.
Olsen had been hoplessly In love with
Mary Petersen for almoet ten years, in fact
alracat since he came over from Denmark
with the family He had been rr t-
epondent for a long time at her refusals to
marry him and bad talked of going away to
Denver ao aa never to see her again. He
had several times threatened to kill himself.
LaBt Saturdsy he came to see Miss Petersen
and she waa not at home, being purposely
absent as she wished him to know that his
visits were dlstaateful to her. Olesen sat
for some time moodily talking with the
mother and younger sister. Retina, so she
says, told him that her sister did not want
him to come again, and that she would go
with any fellow she chose to. He went
away without making any threat, but came
back only to kill the girl.
Olsen bad practically made his home with
the Peteraens for yeara and waa in the habit
of speaking of them as his relations. This
tne ramny disclaim, aaylng that the young
man became acquainted with them coming
over on the ahlp from Denmark and that
as he bad no home they took him in, fed
and washed for him at such times aa he
waa out of werk. The young woman had
never cared for htm and had been much an
noyed by his persistent attentions.
Bid Hla Friends Good Bye.
Olsen Is a dairy worker and haa lately
been employed by Nils Nellaon at Fifty
seventh and Center streets. At about (
o'clock yeaterday evening, ao hla empoyer
told the police, he came down from hla room
at Nellson's dressed In his best clothes and
bid everybody goodbye. He refused to say
where he waa going or what his Intentions
were, tut said he would not return. Nell
eon saya that he has noticed the man has
been acting strangely for several daya.
When his room waa searched last night a
note waa found In the pocket of hla old
trousers, which were lying, with his other
clothes, on the bed. The note was in the
Danish language, and translated reads:
Oct 8. Now I will say farewell to all,
everybody I love In this world. Farewell
all, kind friends. Nels Flng owes me $100,
that I think will be enough to pay the
funeral expenses. N. Nellaon can keep my
baggage. h. P. OLSEN.
From this it Is evident that the deed
was premeditated. The police conalder
that It ia a hint at suicide also. During
his residence in Omaha, Olsen had worked
In various dairies, among these places
being Jacob Jenson's and Hana Jacobsen'a
In East Omaha. He Is aald to have been
formerly a drinking man. He at supposed
to have had some money In banka. He
waa So years old, 6 feet 8 Inches tall, and
weighed ISO pounds.' He waa of dark com
plexion, dark eyea aad black hair and
rather a thin face. He wore a dark auit
and black aoft hat at the time of the ehoot
lng. In two photographs In the possession
of the police he is shown with a short
mustache, but la aald to be now smooth
His victim waa it yeara old and tha only
aupport of the family. Her father, Lars
Petersen, haa been hopelessly paralysed
for several yeara and unable to leave his
chair. Her mother la quite elderly and the
younger slater, Pletlna, ony a achool girl.
Miss Petersen was employed at the legging
factory of L. C. Huntington st Son, lilt
Jackson street.
The police have notified the authoritlea
at Blarr, where OUen waa said to ba a
frequent visitor at the house of one Peter
Hcndrlckson. One of the neighbors of the
Petersons says that he heard two ahots
fired, but no bullet mark could ba found
in the room.
Only the Largest Steamers Abla to
Pat Ont. Tana Paralysing
Pasteager Trafllo.
ROCHESTER. Sept. 8. A gale which be
gan on Thursday night ia sweeping Lake
Ontario from the west and paralyzing pas
senger traffic. Only the largest steamers
have been able to put out and they have had
some exciting adventures.
The storm is causing most trouble to the
hundreds of tourists, who, flocking from the
Csnadlan lakes, are in the north shore
ports, unable to reach home, except by
train, which means a roundabout trip by
way of Toronto.
The United States life saving crews on
the lake shore have doubled their watches.
Aeeldeat to Inloa Paelfle Orerlaad
ta Which Track Saffers tha
Only Damage.
EVANSTON. Wyo., Sept. 8 (Special Tel
egram.) A sleeping car la tha westbound
Union Pacific flyer left the rails near
Castle Rock this morning, and although
oo one waa Injured, and the damage to the
train waa slight, trains was delayed twelve
houra by the accident. The derailed car
ran for nearly a mile on the ties, and the
track waa badly damaged. Repairs were
made about o'clock tonight and trains
are again running.
Glvea People a Chance to Express
Views oa Sites for Pablle
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Sept. I (Special Tele
gram.) Secretary Shaw, "who has taken
charge of the location of certain public
buildings in Iowa, has evolved a scheme
whereby he may know the wanta of the
people In the particular cities in which
public bulldlnga are to be located. The new
method of getting at every shade of publio
opinion before finally buying a site will
be put Into operation Immediately and is a
simple one and gives every citizen ample
opportunity to register his views as to
where the postofflce should be located.
Immediately upon receipt of the apeclal
agent's report on sites is received. As
sistant Secretary Taylor will cause an ab
stract of the report, containing a full de
scription of the site the agent may recom
mend to be printed and copies forwarded
to the postmaster, who shall post It In a
conspicuous place. This circular will In
vite citizens who mar not approve of the
recommendations of the agent to record
their disapproval In written protest, ad
dressed to the secretsry of the treasury.
This circular will allow thirty daya from
date of poetlng In which the cltlzena' views
may be recorded.
S. J. Brown of Des Moines, Dickinson F.
Lett of Davenport, la., and Harvey H.
Humphrey of Slsseton, S. D., have been ad
mitted to practice before the Interior de
partment. Patrick H. Shanley of Polk county has
been appointed to a position In the Treas
ury department.
William W. Zimmerman and William L.
Crawford have been appointed substitute
letter carriers at Dubuque, la.
The comptroller of the currency haa ap
proved reserve agent for national banks
as follows: The Des Moines National bank
of Dea Moines for the First national bank
of Tama, la.; Continental National bank
of Chicago and Union National bank of
Omaha for the First National bank of
Lyons, Neb., and the Continental National
bank of Chicago for the First National
bank at Valentine, Neb. '
Ed Johnson and Joseph H. New-bold have
been designated aa members of the civil
service board for the postofflce at York,
Neb., and W. H. Hodge and E. K. Gooman
at Lead, S. D.
The postofflces at Triumph, Custer county,
and flock Bluff, Cass county. Neb., have
been ordered discontinued.
First Lieutensnt Frederick J. Herman,
Ninth cavalry, haa been ordered to duty
at Fort Robinson, pending arrival of hla
regiment in the United States, when he
will Join his station.
Haan't Abandoned Hope of Get
ting Greene aad Gaynor.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 8. Marlon Erwln,
the special assistant to the attorney gen
eral in the prosecution of Captain Oberlln
M. Carter and Messrs. Green and Gaynor,
haa Just returned from New York, where
he went in connection with civil aulta to
recover $500,000 of assets t the government.
Regarding the Greene and Gaynor extra
dition matter Mr. Erwln said: "Judge
Caron's decision reversing; Judge Andrews'
judgment and discharging the prisoners
from custody before we could have our
hearing before the extradition commis
sioner Is by no meana regarded by the de
partment of Justice as ending our efforts
to accomplish the extradition. It is true
that we have made no appeal under the lawa
of Canada from the decision of Judge Caron
discharging the prisoners. It makes no
difference how many Judges may decide that
our proceedings were well founded, as
Judge Andrews decided In this case, If the
prisoners can find one Judge who will decide
otherwise and free them, there Is no appeal
from auch a Judgment, however erroneous.
"The United States employed in Canada
the ablest counsel that could be obtained
there and the latter have no doubt of the
correctness of Judge Andrews' decision,
holding that extraditable offenses are
charged. While we have no appeal, I will
cot aay that we are entirely without rem
edy. Whatever remedies exist will be ap
plied in the proper way at the proper time.
Meanwhile the defendanta are practically
compelled to keep close to their city of
refuge. It la sufficient to say that tha ex
tradition proceedings are not ended."
Question Cornea Ip for Discussion In
the Honse of Commons at
HAVANA, Sept. 8. The matter of Cuban
loana was discussed at length in the
House of Commons today. A majortty of
the membera were clearly In favor of ob
taining a loan of 835,000,000 and of giving
President Palma the option of raUing the
entire loan at once or of raising it in two
parte of $31,000,000 and $4,000,000. It Is
proposed that provision be made to meet
the Interest on the loan and to establish a
sinking fund by" setting aside 10 per cent
of the customs receipts snd by putting a
tax on alcohol. It la estimated that the
latter measure would produce, $1,500,000.
The idea of establishing a lottery to meet
the loan haa been abandoned. An amend
ment waa introduced today to Increase the
loan to $40,000,000 and to set aside speclflo
loana for interest and sinking fund.
Downpour of Water Only Thing that
Will Epldemle Raging
In Philippines.
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 8. "A bountiful
downpour of rain Is the only remedy which
will check the cholera epidemic now rag nx
In the Philippines." So said Captain E. H.
Southall, a surgeon In the United Statea
army, who has arrived here on the transport
Buford. Captain Southall was for a time
In charge of the cholera hospital In Mant'a.
In speaking of the epidemic Captain South
all said:
"The Americans In the Philippines seem
unable to cope with the cholera plague.
Despite ths rigorous methoda used to sup
press It, the dlsesse seems to spread and in
crease. It Is very difficult to get correct
figures of the mortality due to cholera be
cause of the fact that the natives h de the
dead and try to keep knowledge of the pres
ence of the disease from the authoritlea."
Mra. K. P. Johnson, a Womaa Saffra.
gist, Takes Her Life la
St. Loals.
ST. LOUIS. Sept, 8 Mrs. E. P. Johnson,
a woman suffragist, committed sul-lde at
her home here today. Insanity, which Is
supposed to have resulted from the bite of
a mad pet tiived to have led to
tha suicide.
Initial Bannitn of ths G. 1. B. Opeci
TJndtr Anipicisns Circumstances.
Soldiers Find ETerythlag la Good
Shape for Their Arrival at
Camp Sherman, Near
HASTINGS, Neb.. Sept. 8. (8peclal Tele
gram.) The annual stste reunion of the
Grand Army of the Republic waa opened
here today when Camp Sherman waa turned
over to the Department Commander C. F.
8teele, who Immediately took charge and
gave the camp a touch of military life.
Almost the entire day was spent In prepar
atoiy work, but now everything Is moving
along smoothly.
The only event at Camp Sheridan today
was the addreea by Hon. W. J. Bryan.
The speaker was met at the train by a
large delegation of Hastings' prominent
business men and was escorted to the
grounds in a carriage containing Mayor
Miles, W. H. Lannlng and J. N. Lyman. On
account of the Inclemency of the weather,
there waa a small attendance on the grounds
when Mr. Bryan arrived, but there were
enough to crowd the large tent where
the rpeaklng took place. After "America"
had been cung, and Invocation pronounced
by Rev. John Prower, the speaker of the
day was introduced by Commander Steele.
Mr. Bryan began by saying that while he
waa a colonel and came by his title honestly
he never desired to be addressed by that
prefix except when somebody else who had
no lawful claim to the title was being
so addressed. In the Spanish-American
unpleasantness he had learned a great
deal about war and one thing was that
the women left behind Buffered more than
the men who marched to the front, as
they were not only left with a double duty
to perform, but had alwaya that picture
of death's battlefield before them. How
ever, It was his opinion that those of the
Spanish-American war who did not see aot
ual aervice did not feel as though they
were real aoldlera and yet they were aa
true and loyal aa though they had fought
In the thickest of the fray.
Enlogiaoa the Volaateera,
Mr. Bryan said he did not enjoy talking
when there wasn't any politics in It and
then he began to eulogise the American
volunteer eoldier, who la a warrior in time
of war and a good American citizen in time
of peace. He fights better for love of court
try than the hired soldier, who fights only
for the almighty dollar. Mr. Bryan'a def
inition of a patriot waa one who gives his
hesrt and hand to his country, also fc'.a life
If need be. He wanted It thoroughly undrr
stood that he was very much in favor of
liberal pension lawa, and then he closed
with a few quotations from Abraham Lin
coln, whom he consldera one of the greatnat
men that ever lived.
A camp fire waa held tonight under the
charge of General A. V. Cole and it waa
quite lntereating and well attended.
The program for tomorrow is a band con
cert by Bond'a military band at the camp
grounds at 10:30. Iq the afternoon Judjte,
Norrls. republican 'candidate for congress
from the Fifth district,- will address the
veterans. A camp fire will be held at 8
o'clock and will be presided over by some
local man, aasisted by Chaplain Jesse Cole
of Marshall town, Ia., who will deliver hla
famous lecture on "Four Years to the
Front." A. R. Hutchlna of Des Moines will
also speak.
Tha attendance waa aomewbat light this
afternoon, but all the late Incoming trains
have been heavily loaded and the camp
grounda are now thoroughly crowded.
Laborera Spend Terrible Night, bat
Miraculously Escape Cropa Are
Reported Entirely Ruined.
KINGSTOWN. Island of St. Vincent,
Saturday, Sept. 8. The slghta in the Wind
ward district of this Island resulting from
the eruption of the Soufriere volcano Sep
tember S, are very Interesting. The Ra
bacca river even now la a stream of fire, a
quarter of a mile or more wide. The
greater part of the Rabacca estate la
wrapped in vapor and there are mimic
eruptions everywhere. The river bed la
continuously throwing up columns and
dense clouds bf steam, mud and pebbles.
The land haa spread farther aeaward and
la changing considerably the appearance
of the district from what It waa prior to
September 8. This waa probably caused
by the ejecta that flowed down the slopes,
filling the aea about the coaat. ,
Fifty laborera, deceived by the apparent
quietude of the volcano, were working
within the 3re sone Wednesdsy, at the
extreme north of the Island, when they
suddenly saw evldena of aa approaching
disturbance of the mountain. They were
unable to leave the spot before electric
flashes and an outpour of gases drove them
to their shelter, where they remained at
the base of the mountain throughout the
terrible night, while forked lightning darted
In all directions around them. The men
miraculously escaped unhurt and arrived
at Kingstown yesterday.
The port officers at Chateau Belalr, who
aaw La Soufriere from the sea yesterday,
made the following report! "The moun
tain la considerably lower than before Sep
tember 8 and the appearance of the sum
mit haa changed. A large proportion haa
evidently been blown off and the bill baa
a much more Jagged contour. The neigh
borhood la altered. New rldgea, valleys
and a strange ravine have been cut In the
west side of the volcano, down to what waa
formerly the Carlb settlement of Haracat,
where liquid matter was seen flowing dur
ing the afternoon of September 8. The
northweatern estates, Petite Bordello and
Sharpea, are covered with from -ten to
twenty inches of gritty substance. The
crops of arrowroot and cocoa are ruined."
During the night of September 4 there
waa a terrific, storm, accompanied by
blinding lightning and terrible peals of
thunder and a moaning aound from the
agitated crater.
Innovation latrodnced at a Meeting
of tha Prlende at Asbary
ASBURY PARK, N. J.. 8ept. 8. The gen
eral conference of the Boclety of Friends
tcdey took up the consideration of educa
tional work. The principal paper read was
by Joseph B. Walton, principal of the
George school in Pennsylvania, Ita prin
cipal topic being "Ths School." An Im
portant announcement made thia afternoon
was that It waa no longer necessary for
Quakers to retain their headgear in meeting
and the entire assembly waa asked to re
nova hat.
Forecast for Nebraska Fnlr Tuenday and
Wednesday; Warmer Wednesday.
Temperature at Omaha Yesterday)
Hoar, Dea. Hoar. 'Dea.
5 a. m TO t p. m tto
A a. m . . . . . . e)7 2 p. m ...... OO
T a. m At 8 p. m t
a. m.....t:i 4 p. m Mil
n n. ni HI R p. nl tit
1 0 a. m A3 el p. m ..... , :l
11 a. m Hit T p. m 1
13 m so a p. m KM
O p. ra K7
Next Sunday, September 14, will be
the first anniversary of the death of
President McKlnley and on the sug
gestion of the Cincinnati Times-Star It
is planned to have every church in the
land hold appropriate services at the
regular morning hour. The Bee urges
that this beautiful idea be at once taken
up by all the various churches of Omaha
and Nebraska and neighboring states.
The memory of President McKinley will
be forever sacred to the American peo
ple and suitable observance of the first
anniversary of his untimely death will
be but an evidence of patriotic recogni
tion of the great loss the nation Buffered
ty He bereavement.
No Effort Is Made- to Secure the Re
lease of Thompson, daffy
or Connselmna.
CHICAGO, Sept. 8. All doubt as to com
plete Identification of the body of William
J. Bartholin, found In the flax field near
RIceville, Ia., was dispelled tonight when
Dr. H. C. Waach, Bartholin's dentist, de
clared that the crown and bridge work on
the teeth of the lower Jawbone taken from
the body had been put in Bartholin's mouth
by him six years ago. Dr. Waach also
recognized the sound tseth in the Jaw as
belonging to Bartholin.
No effort waa made today to secure the
release of Oecsr Thompson, "Daddy"
daffy or Edward Counselman from the
county Jail on writs of habeaa corpua.
a .
Wealthy Bookmaker In Chicago la
Robbed of Jewelry Worth Four
Thousand Dollars.
CHICAGO, Sept. 8. Surprised while loot
ing the residence of Patsy King, a wealthy
bookmaker at 1429 Washington boulevard,
a negro thief leaped over the bannisters
of the stairs from the second to the ground
floor and made hta escape with more than
$1,000 worth of Jewels.
The robbery occurred today while Mrs.
King, her slater and children, were at
breakfast. While rifling a Jewel case
which he found In a dresser drawer the
thelf was alarmed by hearing Mrs. King's
sister ascending the stairs. He rushed
into the hall, leaped over the bannisters
and escaped.
Spokane Gas Light Company Makes
Charges Against the
SPOKANE, Wash., Sept. 8. The Bpokane
Casllght company today In a signed letter
to the Chronicle charges that the strikers,
by causing the arrest of the assistant su
perintendent and engineer "conspired to
bring about a calamity, which, if successful,
would have wrought death and destruction
to many homes. The gaa boiler was very
low. With no one understanding the boiler
remaining at the works the pressure would
have been withdrawn from the malna and
the gas extinguished. With the pressure
restored the escaping gaa would soon have
mads desolate the homea of many."
Maurice Brennan, Veteran Actor,
Stricken with Apoplexy While
Playing at Terre Haute.
TERRE HAUTE, Ind., Sept. 8. Maurice
Brennan, an aged actor playing an en
gagement with a comedy company at tha
Grand Opera house, this city, was stricken
with apoplexy at the end of the first act of
tonight's performance. The aged actor died
a few minutes later im his dressing room.
Brennan Joined the company in Chicago a
week ago.
Three Hundred Bricklayers Walk Out
Beeanae Dissatisfied with the
Shifting of the Men.
CHICAGO. Sept. 8. Three hundred
bricklayers employed on aewer work
throughout the city here have gone out on
a etrike. The men, who are paid $9 a day,
quit work without notice. Unsatisfactory
shifting of men was given as the causs of
the walkout. The strike haa tied up all of
the sewer work In the city.
Joba C. Best Pays the Penalty for
Murder In Massachusetts
BOSTON, Sept. 9. John C. Best was
electrocuted for the murder of George E.
Bailey of Saugus at 12.22 this morning
at ths state prison. Best's crime was the
particularly atrocious murder of his em
ployer and aupposed rival, George E. Bailey
of Saugus, whose dismembered body waa
found In aacka In a pond.
Edna Cheatham and Mary Lilly Con
anmed la Barn at Aurora,
South Dakota.
AURORA, 8. D., Sept. 8. Edna, the only
child cf G. D. Cheatham, and Mary, daugh
ter of Fred Lilly, both children about 4
years of age, were burned to death in a
barn here yesterday. Ths young brother of
the Lilly child Is supposed to have kindled
the fire with matches.
Movements of Ocean Vessels Sept. 8.
At Bremen Arrived Bremen, from New
At Boulogne Pur Mer Arrived Nonrdam,
from Now Yoric, fcr Rotterdam, and pro
ceeded. At Antwerp Arrived Zeeland, from New
At New York Arrived Vaderland, from
Antwerp; Minneapolis, from Indun.
At Yokohama Arrived America Maru,
from Bun r'ranclsco. Sailed Tacom.t, for
At Cherbourg Sailed Fuerat Bismarck,
for New York.
At Glasgow Balled Laurentlan. for New
At Genoa Arrived Algeria, from New
At London Arrived Minnehaha, from
New York.
At Uuil-Sailed Colorado, for New York.
Maay It. Lonii Offloiali Are Taken
Into Custody.
Absconder Eaturai Horns Aid Tails ths Full
Itory of Beedliii.
How ths $75,000 in Monsy for Buying1
Votes Was Distributad.
Ona of the Membera of the Combine
Tells the Whole Story of tha
Crookedneaa ia the
ST. LOUIS. 6ept. 8. A sensation waa
caused today by the Issuance of bench war
rants for the arrest of eighteen members
and former members of the house of dele
gates on the confession of Delegate J. K.
Murrell, who fled to Mexico last eprlng
after being Indicted for bribery by the
December grand Jury In connection with
the alleged boodltng operations of the mu
nicipal assembly In relation to the grant
ing of atreet railroad franchises, and who
unexpectedly returned to the city and aur
rendered. He Is now in the custody of
Circuit Attorney Folk and will, it la stated,
be granted Immunity from punishment for
turning state's evidence.
Following are the names of the alleged
combine members for whom bench warranta
were Issued, charging bribery and perjury
in connection with Suburban Street rail
way and other legislation:
Ed E- Murrell, John H. Schnettler.
Charlea F. Kelly, T. E. Albright, George
F. Robertson, Louis Decker, t John Helms,
Charles A. Gutke, Adolph Madera, H. A.
Faulkner, Julius Lehmann, Edmund Bersch,
Otto Shumacher, John A. Sheridan, Charlea
J. Denny, William Tamblyn, J. J. Hanntgan
and Emtle Hartman.
Warrants were served on Messrs, B. E.
Murrell, Schnettler, Albright, RoberUon,
Helms, Gutke, Faulkner SbUmacher and
Hannlgnn. Albright and Faulkner were re
leased In bonda of $30,000 each. The othera
arrested were- allowed to go to their re
spective homes In the custody of deputy
sheriffs, who will remain with the accused
until they shall have furnished surety for
their appearance in court when the caaea
are called for trial.
With tho exception e? William Tamblyn.
who was a member of the last house of
delegatea and la now said to ba In Cleve
land, all the Indicted delegatea are be
lieved to be in the city. Delegate Kelly
telephoned to the district attorney - this
evening that he would surrender tomorrow
morning and give bond. The police are
watching the bridge and other possible
avenues of escape from tha city and It will
be difficult for any of the Indicted meg to
remain long out of tne hands of tha law.
Statement Made by Marroll. .
J. K. Murrell made thu fiilimlini sfrs'r.
ment for publication toaay; - ,
1 have surrendered unconditionally to the
circuit attorney and have made a full and
free confession. 1 could no longer stand
the agony 1 endured aa a fugitive from
Justice and the wrong done me by the par
ties Just as guilty as I, who made me tneir
CaiUamWnot permitted to give the detalla of
the evidence that I have put the circuit
attorney In possession of.
This will all come out on the trials, and I
am willing to go on the stand and tell all I
know. I held the key to the box In the
Lincoln Trust company containing the $75,
(hiO bribe money to go to the house of dele
gates upon the passage of the snburban bill.
This money was put up as the purchase
price for the votes of the romblne, that
prire having been agreed upon.
The combine of the house of delegatea
. i . i. n wv.Am 'This n m
was coinpuaeu ui mireici ii m:n. '-
bine held frequent meetings In the room ad
joining tne nouaa oi m.
'1'here the moat of the schemes to get
money for votes were concocted. When tho
suburban matter came up before the com
bine I was selected to negotiate with Philip
Stock, the representative of the Suburban
railway, as to the bent price we could get
for our votee upon .the passage of the bill.
I reported the various negotiations to the
combine meetings and waa Inatructed by
the combine from time to time what to de.
Ha Held the Key.
When the nrlce waa agreed on they
designated me as the person to hold the
key to the box containing the $7f,000, which
we were to get when the bill waa paased
and signed by the mayor.
The deposit of the money, 'the amount
and the oondltlona were duly reported by
nie to the combine meetings.
I am not permitted to make the opera
tions of the combine on this particular mat
ter public at this time. The purpose of the
combine was to control legislation and sell
legislation for the benefit of the members
of the combine.
Shortly before the Suburban bill the com
bine sold their votes on the lighting bills
for 47,5oO.
This money was handled by Kelly, which
waa paid to the membera of ths combine at
a meeting arranged for that purpose st
Julius lvenmann's house. Each member of
the combine received $2,500.
I was present and saw that money paid
to the various parties. These are only two
liiHtances, but there are others, evidence of
which la In the'poasesslon of the circuit at
torney. These two Instances show, how
ever, what haa been going on In the munic
ipal aaaembly.
We did not look upon what we did aa a
serious crime, as It had gone on so long
without Interruption that It waa not re
garded by thoae who participated In It aa
morally wrong. Until the present circuit .
attorney took office no sincere effort, ap
parently, was ever made to punish what
was being done as a crime.
I have lived in St. Louis all my life and
have many friends here. 1 have been honest
heretofore In all matters, and have done
no man a wron, and thouaht I would not
take h dollar from any peraon unlawfully, -but
the practice of the combine In the as
sembly taking bribes was so frequent that
1 went along with the tide and did not
realize the enormity of the offense and my
conscience waa seared in that regard.
Appreeiatea tho Crime.
These boodle Investigations have made
me see the crime In all its hideoiiMiiess. No
matter what happens to me I will de all I
can to aid the circuit attorney In breaking
up the boodle gang that has so long con
trolled affairs in thia city, and to atone aa
far uh 1 can for my awful mlatake.
After my Indictment and the commence
ment nf the boodle prosecutions the gang
got together and r albert money for the pur
pose of lighting the cases, and to retain
the supremacy of the gang. This money
waa used to employ attorneys, and for
other purpoaea.
juinia i.cnmann, r.rimunrt Hersoh and
John Helms acted as touchers or drlllmus
tera for the wltnesaes who were to apiwar
before the grand Jury, though it seems they
were not very succeaaful.
I communicated with Mr. Folk through a
good friend of mine who Is nut a member
of the gang, but Mr. Folk refused to make
any terms whatever or give any promlae aa
to what he would do In caae I should re
turn. I then determined to make an uncon
ditlon surrender
1 feel beuer and happier and my mind Is
easier now than for months. I propose to
give the state all the aid In my power, and
I hope that rny conduit will he such that
In future yeara I may regain tha conlid-na
of my fellow citizens.
It is stated that J. K. Murrell returned
to St. Louis last Friday and surrendered.
The fact was kept secret until today, when
the members of the June grand Jury were
called together by Circuit Attorney Folk
and Murrell was brought before the body.
Murrell'a confession was read aud resulted
la the issuance of the a ax r aula.