TRACE OF THE PHILIPPINES tfw Coidition PrTiig a Stimulus to Commercial Lift. UNITED STATES GETTING LARGER SHARE Jjealar liar, a Pat, oat a a,re. facnalve flamatary f the Trade for Ike raat Three , Years. WASHINGTON. Sept 7.-Tb trade sta tistic of the Philippines lor the calendar year lt9. 1900 and 1901. a published by Ihe, Barrau ft Ioaular Affair of the War department In !ta rnonthly bulletin for De cember. 1901. shr.w. a determined cOort on the part of the eammerclol world at large to Snvad tha lirtu&trlal field afforded by tho islands. Wi:h what aucceaa la ahown by the fart thit the Importation of merchan dise for the year 1901 establishes a new record, the value of rood purchased dur ing this period exceed og that of any pre vious year In the history f t the archlpelajo. The statement made In this rev.ew of J flillpplne commerce relate exclusively to oorts which are duly entered and paessd Ihrough the Philippine custom houses, but "do not Include supplies Imported by the 1'nlted 8tates government fpr the use of the rmy, navy, marine hospital aervlce, or by the Insular government for Its use, or that of Its subordinate branches. For tx- mplo. the Manila lee plant, costing In the neighborhood of $1,000,000. the govern -went printing plant, which coat about $200. ooo, large uppll In tha way of school books, furniture, etc., for the Department f Public Instruction, were all purchased lu the United States, but do not appear In the commerce of the Vnlted States with the Islands. The Insular distributing agent t Washington disburses something like $1,000,000 per annum for the Insular gov ernment, all of which Is for merchandise purchased In, the United Statea. The In ular purchasing agent at Manila also pur rhaaes extensively in I he United 8tatea as ell as In other countries, so that the toul volume of trade between the United 8. ate and the Philippines Is much greater than PJear from the following: Aaalysls of Leading; Imports. Below Is furnished an anaiysla of the leading articles Imported and exported; comparisons between tha business of the years 1R93, 1!00 and 1901; relat ve propor tions of trade of different countries with the archipelago, and other data which is considered interesting and may be of bene fit to any wh anticipate relations with the. Island In business way. Trade In the islands has received an Im petus since their transfer to the United P'.ates which, under tho present oondltlcns, is bound to continue. The only visible fac tors which, wlU In any way check or Im pede aa Immediate greater development are Jack of m-ans of transportation and of proper agricultural machinery and methods. The conatructlon of railroads and high ways and the Improvement of barbers will necessarily be gradual, but the Introduc tion of proper farming machinery and Im plements should be Immediate. Natives are not expected to take tha Initiative in theae matters, but they will udopt improved methods which are brought Wo their Immediate notice; for Instance, were a number of Intelligent farmers, us ng up-to-date appliances, distributed among the different provinces, the trad In all that goes to properly equip a farm or tilantatlon wonld soon reach great propor tions. It would doubtless pay some of our manufacturers of machinery to experiment (wlong this line. One of the alleged m' "'H of, the Spanish fovernrapt during 1M .ownership of the archipelago was tho i Dscouragement of real estate tenure cn lie part of the Inhabitants, the latter on I'll account being reduced to a condition f peonage, or at the beat, living aa squat t'.ra upon crown lands and subject to evic tion without notice. By leg elation now pending the United States government pro poeea to make It possible for the natives f the Philippine Islands to secure for themselves landa in fee simple, and nothing Is better calculated to Induce thrift. Indus try and a law-abiding apirlt on the part of any Individual than a home surrounded by a few acres of land that he may call his carp. crease In Imports and Export. By reference to the figures herein It will be shown that the Imports Into the islands roae from a little more than $19,000,000 J899 to nearly $25,000,000 In 1900. and to nor than $80,000,000' In 1901. the Increase for 1901 being 57 per cent over 1899 and tnor than $1 per cent over 1900; exporta having risen In the same period from nearly $15,000,000 in iB9 to about $23,000,000 In 1900, and approximately $24,500,000 In 1901. Custom duties on merchandise rcae from $4,411, 80 In 1899 to $7.700,6T In 1900 and to $$,164.46$ In 1901. During the latter years of Spaniah ownership the revenue from this source averaged between $S,000, 000 and $3.(00,000 annually. It Is Interesting to note the fluctuations In the volume of trade nnder tha new order of thing as regard It distribution. In 1899 the United State supplied 7 per eent of the import; In 1900. 9 per cent, and in 1901, 12 per cent; the United Kingdom, 17, S3 and It per eent for theae years, re spectively; Spain, 14. $ and I per eent; Germany, 5, 7 and 7 per cent; France, 2, 4 and t per cent; China, Including Hong Kong, 43, 31 and 16 per cent; British East .Indies, 4. 7 and 11 per centi Japan, 1, 2 and 4 per eent; all other countries, 7, 10 and SO per cent. . Quite a large portion of the Fhillpplne trade la via Hong Kong, and from reports, especially of exporta, it would appear that Hong Kong furnishes the archipelago considerable part of Ita Im ports and absorbs a large percentage of Its exporta. This, however. Is not the case, as Hong Kong la simply a distributing , Frugality, thrift and ability mark the American, and in manufacture ing and commerce have placed the United States first among the nations of the world. No institution so typifies the growth of the country as The Mutual Life Insurance Com pany of New York. It has paid policy-holders more than any other company in the world. Its assets exceed those of any other company in existence. AjMta,acr $352,000,000 Aawuat fU a Felicy-lwietn, vr $569,000,000 Writ far Where SJwH I Iaaur f The Mutual Life Iksuranci Company of New York Pkmas A. McCmv, Pnaiiaal. li.KMIXU BROS., Maaasers. Jfi Melaaa. la. Oaaaaa. Sen, K. A. t'astle. a. Kohn. W. B tiln. Jr.. J.eph Trick W. J Trkk. Mis K. M. Hey Lckla, svcaJ agitata. point, besrlng a relation to the Philippine, products similar to that of Chicago to the grain rrops Of Illinois and contiguous atates. It has not been found practicable Ihua far to trace the origin of Imports from Hong Kong, nor the ultimate destina tion of exports aent to that point. With the completion of the harbor Improvements at Manila, which are now well under way, and with the honest and equitable pert tharges which are now In vogue, Manila la deatined to secure from Hong Kong a great part of the trade now controlled by the latter. Manila Is by nature located for the distribution of Imports and exports of eaatern Asia and Oceania. The distribution of Imports by continents for 1901 waa: Europe, 44 per cent; Asia, 42 per cent, and North America, 12 per cent. There were no Imports from South America and but an tnslgnlfuwnt amount from Africa. Of exports Europe received C7 per cent, Asia 22 per cent. North Amer ica 19 per ien. Australasia supplied 2 per cent of Imports In exchange for 2 per eent of exports. Diatrlfeatloa of Export. For the three years named United States took 27, 13 and 19 per cent of the exports respectively; United Kingdom, 24, 35 and 45 per cent; Germany, lea than 1 per tent for each year; France, 3, 11 and 5 per cent; China, Including Hong Kong, 27 per cent In 1899. but in 1900, when ex ports to Hong Kong were first recorded separate from those of China, the latter Is discharged with but 1 per cent, and in 1901 lees than 1 per cent of the exports. Hong Kong receiving 16 per cent in 19O0 and 12 per cent In 1901, which would In dicate but little actual trade with China In 1899; Spain. 7. 7 and 5 per cent for the three respective years; Japan, 7, 2 and 6 per cent; British East Indies, 3, 4 and 3 per cent, and all other countries, 1, 9 and 4 per cent. Tho great Increase of exports to the United Kingdom constated prin cipally of hemp, a large portion of which eventually reached this country; the ex ports of this article to the- United States shows over $1,000,000 Increase In 1901 over 1899. While the United Statea la yet be hind certain other countries in the Philip pine trade, there haa been a great In crease in Its exports to the islands, which, during the last years of Spanish control amounted to an annual average of barely 3 per eent of the total, as compared with 12 per cent In 1901. The twelve principal articles, in the order of their Importance, exported from the United Statea during the year 1901 were malt liquors, wheat flour, iron and steel and their finished forms, paper In lta different forms, distilled spir its, glassware, care, carriages and bicycles, oils, cotton goods, wood and Its manufac tures, leather and its manufactures, and watchea and clocks. Take More Wheat Floar. The Importations of wheat flour amounted In 1899 to $382,261, In 1900 to $75,23 and In 1901 to $353,869, of which the United States furnished 17 per cent la 1S99. 26 per cent in 1900 and 98 per cent In 1901; this would indicate a remarkable Increase In the ratio aupplied by the United Slates, but as China, including Hong Kong, Is credited with 81 per cent In 1899 and Hong Kong alone with 66 per cent In 1900, the presumption la that the shipment so noted for thces two years originated In the United States. One of the remarkable features In commerce of recent yeara I the new and rapidly Increasing demand for wheat flour in such countries as China, Japan and the Fhillpplne islands. It will be a matter of prime Importance y North America should the people of the Philip pines adopt wheat flour aa a staple article of food instead of rice, the latter being at the present time Imported by them In enormous quantities from the East Indie and China. Great Drltala Leads la Cotton,,. Cotton goods constitute the most im portant imports of the Philippines, aggre gating more than $7,000,000 In 1901, which waa nearly one-fourth of the total amount of merchandise Imported during that year. These goods were furnished by msny coun tries, the United Kingdom leading with 48 per cent, Spain following with 11 per cent, British East Indies with 10 per cent and Germany 9 per cent. The United States furnished but S per cent. The quality of the good is a matter of first Importance In this trade, as tha people of the Philip pine Islands are like those of other trop ical countriea in preferring the cheapest material obtainable, provided It be In flashy colora. It may become posalbl later on to dnduce the people to choose a better grade of these goods, but It will require considerable time, and In the Interim It will be necessary to cater to the peculiar taste of the native in order to secure their patronage. Hem) Chief Export. In value Manila hemp constituted very nearly two-thirds, or $15,878,640 of the ex ports of the islands for 1901. the United Kingdom taking 65 per cent and the United State 26 per cent direct; more than $890, 000 worth won't to Hong Kong, but doubt less nearly all of this eventually reached the above named countries. The United Kingdom, via London, the controlling market, distribute hemp to continental Europe and furnishes the United State about one-half of the latter' aupply. It aeema probable that the United State will soon secure Its own hemp from the Phil ippine by direct shipment, as the change mad affecting export duty present ad vantages to American importers of which they will naturally avail tbemselvea. A dlrgnc of th bulk or of a large part of thla trade to United Statea will doubt less have a tendency to Increase exchangee of other commodities. Exports of hemp have Increased largely since the Spanish American war, the quantity for 1901 being In excess of 1899 nearly 80 per cent and of 1900 40 per cent and in value nearly 100 per cent and 20 per eent, respectively. This wide difference in value would seem to Indicate a great depreciation in th selling price of hemp, but It must be re membered that owing to the effect of the war the price of hemp waa greatly In flated and the demand for It for some time after th war waa In execs of the supply. With th return of peace and th In creased output the price haa naturally again become normal. Tobacco was next in value a an export in 1901, showing a healthy increase, which promises to continue. The figure for 18!'3 nd 1900 and 1901 ware $1,931,253, $3,261. 232 and $2,631,941. respectively. There was a very wide distribution during 1901. the countries taking the moat being Spain) 24 per cent; United Kingdom, 23 per rent; Hong Kong and Australasia, each 15 per cent. 8ugar export for 1901 show an Increased valuation of about $160,000 more than the pswvlous year. . Th development and pros perity of th sugar Industry will depend to a great extent upon th adoption of modern economical method of reduction. Of th $2,500,000 worth exported in llKil Japan took 4 per cent'. 39 per eent waa ahlpped to Hong Kong and thence probably re-exported and 12 per cent went directly to th United Statea. Charted wlta Mleallaa- data. Tom Morrtsey, who give, his address at Thirteenth and Chicago tut fcr rested last evening on suapk-iun vf tntiig one of th two mm who stole a bolt of cloth from th eatabllKhment of Nicoll the tailor. Saturday. The man answers the description given of one of th pair even to having his right hand bindagcj' wliii white cloth; and he la said to have been en near there about the time of the theft. The police know where the other man Is and he will probably be ar retted this morning. The two went Into the tailor tiaturday evening, and while one talked to the man In charge, lb other llooed .way with tfc cloth. THK OMAHA DAILY HER; MONDAY, SEPTEMIIHH 8, 1002. TEL JED SOKOL CELEBRATE Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of Bohtmian Sxiity ii Pleasantly Ob'trvad. ONE OF THE CHARTER MEMBERS PRESENT peer he by If. W. Rartos. Joseph Mlk mw4 R. Rcirwittr, Athletic Raer rlaea. Mnale and Play oa the Pro ram. On September 3, 1877, twelve of the Bo hemian residents of Omaha associated themselves together under the name of Tel Jed Sokol, for social enlovment and physical and Intellectuel Improvement. In the years that have elapsed that organiza tion haa experienced some visclssltudes, but yesterday a society numbering 140 ac tive members entertained its friends in honor of the twenty-fifth anniversary. The entertainment waa given In the Bohemian Turner hall on Thirteenth atreet, near Dorcas. For this occasion the hall wss attractively decorated with American flags and wreaths and festoons in which the red and white of Bohemia were tastefully Intertwined. At th front of the stag potted palms and other greon foliage furnished a pleasing decoration and in the middle were placed portraits of several of the more prominent members of the society. At one side of tha stage was bung a handsome silk American flag and on the other the banner of the Tel Jed Sokol. Oldest Member There. When the exercises began at 2:30 there was seated upon the stage Frank Jelen. sr., who was one of the original twelve members of the society and still takes an active interest In its affair. He has three sons who are active members. With Mr. Jelen eat John Sokol and John Konvalin, who were among the charter members, but do not now belong to the society. Others who occupied scats upon the stage were the speakers, K. W. Bartos, Joseph Mlk and E. Rosrwatpr. and Councilman Hascall and City Clerk Elbourn. After an overture by Korlsko's orchestra an addree of welcome was delivered in the Bohemian language by K. W. Bartos, who Is next to Mr. Jelen the oldest of the pres ent members of the association. His re marks were followed by a song by a chorus of young men and women under tho direc tion of Prof. Korlsko. Joseph Mlk delivered an address In the Bohemian language. In which he dealt with the history of the organization and it varying fortunes in the course of Its twenty-five year of existence and at the close of hi speech there was a brief In termission. Part aecond of the program was Intro duced by an orchestral number, after which Joseph Mlk Introduced E. Rosewater, who addressed the gathering In Engliah. Speech by Mr. Rosewater. Mr. Rosewater said in part: "I have been asked this afternoon to tell you what I saw of the people of Bohemia when I came here thirty-nine years ago, and I would be clad to do ao. but the fact la there were no Bohemians here at that time. When I landed here we stopped at a place which I judge waa not more than 100 yards from thia spot, and I may say that I made my entrance Into Omaha head first, for the stage coach upset. "That was tbo Omaha of 1863. Since that time I have aeen this city grow al most Into Sarpy county, where, to be sure. it Is known as South Omaha, but. It I nevertheless a part of the growth of this city. It ha in that time grown from a population of 4,000 to more than 120,000. There were at that time two or three -famine of Bohemians In the state. Today there are nearly 10.000 in thla city and 8outh Omaha and fully 60,000 men and women of Bohemian birth and origin In the atate of Nebraska, reckoned among the most thrifty and prosperous of our clti xens. I rejoice to be with you on this oc casion of your twenty-fifth anniversary, and although you are an old aoclety, I can lap over your twenty-five years and go fourteen years farther back than that. Bohemians Are Progressive. "The first Bohemian families to settle in Omaha lived below here In two ravines and some of them in dugouts, underground, with sheetlron chimneys to their dwell ings, but now we find tbem among our moat prosperous citizens. They came from Bohemia because of the advantage offered by this land of promise and many of them went from here to the fertile val ley of the Platte or the Elkhorn and are now proaperous and wealthy farmers. Jn Bohemia but few can own great farms as o many are able to do here. In that land of Imperialism and autocracy they have not even their own language when the Auatrlan power can bo exerclaed. I was back there to my old home eleven year go and my heart throbbed for those peo ple, aa It always did and always will for anything that I Bohemian. "I greatly regret that It should have been intimated and by one who wa once my friend that I waa coming here today merely because we are about to have an other election. I am aorry that any at tempt ahould have been made to have It appear that I cam for any other reaaon than to congratulate you that your oclety ha successfully paaaed through a quar ter of a century of hlatory and that you have here the finest hall of any -branch of the foreign population of thia city. Hall and Society Credit to City. "Thla is a fine hall and I wish we had aa good in other parte of the city, and yours U a society which 1 a credit to you and to the city. Two years hence Omaha will celebrate the fiftieth anni versary of Ita corporate existence and then If I am her .you and I will gather together to observe that event." One of the pleasing features of the pro gram was the presentation to Frank Jelen. sr., of a handsome medal in recognition of the fact that be I the only remaining one of the charter members of the society. The presentation speech waa made by Joseph Mlk. in the Bohemian language. The medal la a fine plec of work and Is Inscribed with the name of the recipient, the dates 1877 and 1902 and the monogram of the Tel Jed Sokol. On behalf of the society Mr. Mlk alao presented Mrs. Jelen and Mra. John Kon valin each with a, handsome bouquet in recognition of their valuable services to the organization. The bouquet were tied with ribbon of white and red, on which wa printed In letter of gold the name of the aoclety. A class of flftceu young men of th or ganization gave an interesting athletic ex hibition on parallel bara. under tha direc tion of B. W. Bartoa. athletic instructor. The program closed with one act of the play "Vzletem Sokolim," which la llu trative of the life of a turner. In the evening the association enter talned lta friends at a' dance in the earns ball. FINK TAKES A SECOND GUESS when i apposed Holdap Mea Klra Rt. volvrr He Htopa Rac for Home. R. O. Fink, bookkeeper in the office of the city treasurer, had an experience Saturday night which for a time was highly exciting, but In the outcome mas not attended by serlou roauli. On of Mr. Fink dUUxaa was taken suddenly 111 and at a late hour he had occasion to go to a drug store to procure medicine. As he ws returning to his home Mr. Fink observed two men skulk ing In the shsdows snd otherwise acting In a suspicious manner and he .tried to avoid them, hut they called out to him to halt. Recalling recent accounta he had heard and read of holdups In the residence portion of the city. Mr. Fink had no disposition to mnke the closer acquaintance of the two strangers, and relying upon his ability a a runner, he started for home at his best pace. When one of the mm fired revolver behind him, however, Mr. Fink took his other guess, and reflecting that he had only 75 centa In money and two bottles of med icine of which the supposed robber could rob him. and that his life was worth more to him than all of that, he came to a sud den stop and allowed the men to approach. Then It wa discovered thst the two strang ers were detectives In plain clothea and were looking for footpads. Amusements. At tho Boyd. One doesn't expect too much of the Wil liam H. West minstrels with William H. West left out. and so one is not disap pointed at the show. In many essentials the spirit of Billy Weet still permeates the performance. One of these Is the music, which is etrlctly hlgh-grsde and first class. Harry Sylvester sings . "Soldier Boy" with much expression and the chorus Is given with lime light and variation of theme effect that are most effective. Clement Stewart, an English tenor, ha a voice of remarkable purity and great flexibility, which waa shown In its full power in his ballad of "Dreaming" and the encore with which he responded. George Jones, who la getting almost too big to be called a "boy" baritone any longer, has still the powerful but melodious organ which has been heard here before. Frank Hammond, Jules Burnett and John II King contribute "coon" ditties to the first part, and Billy Van unloads a lot of verbal Junk. For a finale a novel arrangement of " 'Way Down Upon the Suwanee River" la sung by a quintet, composed of Messrs, Chipman, Stewart. Jones, Sylvester and" Miller. This Is really a climax and was very much enjoyed at both parts yester day. In the olio are the customary danc ing, singing, musical and acrobatic turns. with a monologue by Billy Van. Both mati nee and evening performanceawere well patronized yesterday. Another perform ance will be given this evening. SUNDAY NIGHT AT CONCERT Mild Gvealag Attract Falr-Slaed Crowd to Hear the Italian Band. Twenty-five hundred people, more or less, paased through the gates at Fourteenth street and Capitol avenue last night to listen to t-llery s Italian band. The un usual mildness of the evening caused a preference among the crowd for the outer seats, and the vacant chairs were those In the two flank sections of the reserved places. The matinee program today will be: 1 March North Coast Limited Overture Martha Trumpet Solo Some Day Hiff. Palmn ....Rlvela .. Flotow Welling "Die Walkurre," Grand Fantaele... Wagner Prelude Ride of the Valkyrie Duet Maglo Fire. Solos by Slgnorl Palma and Dl Natale. II. March Boulanger Desormes Polka Butterflies J Rlvela Prelude Act 1 Faust Gounod Selection The Serenade Herbert Incidental Solo by Slg. De Mlltris. DURAND M1Y STAY ON TICKET Condition of Democratic Candidate for Governor In Mlcbloran Greatly Improved. FLINT, Mich., Sept. 7. The improvement In the condition of Judge George H. Durand, tha democratic candidate for governor, con tinues beyond the greatest bopea of hi friends. Today hi temperature, pulse and respiration have been normal and bis appetite Is good. He walk about his room with perfect ease and sleeps well at night. His friends and family today notified Chairman Whiting that they would be able to announce at the conference of party leaders In Grand Kaplds next Tuesday whether or not Judge Durand' name could be left on the ticket. Hi improvement baa inaplred th hope that the Judge can make the ran. FIREMEN READY FOR BUSINESS Prealdeat aad Former Grand Maater largest to 'peak oa Open. Inge Day. CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., Sept. 7. Th eighth biennial session of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Fireman will open her to morrow morning. About 600 delegate ar rived today, Including the grand officers. The firemen will ibe In session three weeks. The delegatea will be welcomed to Chat tanooga by Mayor Chambliss. and to the atat by Governor McMlllin. Former Grand Master Sargent will then address the con vention, after which President Roosevelt will speak. It I not expected that the convention will get down to business before Tuesdy. Britisher aad German . Collide-. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 7The British ship Deanmount, from Newcastle, Kng land, to this port, and the G.-rman bark. Prof. Koch, which alled yesterday for Mistley, England, collided last night In a fog near the lightship outside the harbor. The port mizxen rigging of Deanmount was carried away. Prof. Koch probably sustained no damage, aa it proceeded on the voyage. CHEAT AMERICAN FARMER. Combines Have Mo Terror for III! for Ho I "It." The American farmer, aaya Harper' Weekly, la the greatest man In the world. A "combine" with a capital of tl .000,000,000 le a great thing because It la a combine, but Il.buO.uuU.uOO relatively to the capital of money brain and brawn Invested in tha agricultural Industry In this country la not at all a great thing. Figures simply stag ger jnd fai: down when they attempt to represent the real foundation wealth of America, which la agricultural. We are all when we attempt to con template that wealth, very much in the position of th Irishman who had to look aeveral times In order to see the tali build ingtaking it Utile by little. One section of the view U the information, entirely accurate, that the farmers of Minnesota and the Dakotas have received t3uv.ouu 000 for their products thla year. Another Is that the corn crop of the atate of K a opus this year will be i,000,(iO bushels. Ht 111 an other, that II 0.0u, at the lowest estimate, fell In one soaking rain in the single terri tory of Oklahoma the other day the rain having checked the growing menace of a fortnight a dry spell. In a alngle year the milch cows of the United states yield product equal In value to one-half of the capital of the Steel trust and there are more cowa at the beginning of the new year than there were before. Behind tha agriculture Is the agricultur ist, and the American farmer is gaining In Intelligence, In mastery of his soil and in fUueae for political power quite aa rapidly as his product tre Increasing in magni tude, lie may be merely waiting to be or ganised Into a vast and Irresistible public force. Or, again, he may be slowly and sadly recoiicllln himself to the knnwMsa that he la a paaidve force only like his own fartlle acres, which, by Intelligent cultiva tion ana exploitation, are made to yield rlchcroa or (bus wfco fcnvw how to at AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Preposition to Submit Anothsr Bead lime to Vets of Citizens, MONEY TO GO FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS Parks aad Rnalerarda, Sew City Hall and Kxtensloa of Hewera Amoaa tho Thlaara Deelred by Bond droeatea. There Is talk about town regarding proposition to submit another bond Issue. It Is planned by those who are working up the deal to ask the people at the Novem ber election to vote bonds in the sum of $500,000. The money derived Is to be used. It Is said, in making public Improvements. Of the sum voted $75,000 Is to be used in parks and boulevards. This will lnclud the parking of a number of street and the purchase of Syndicate park from the South Omaha Land company. Then there are two new parks planned, one In Brown park and the other in Corrlgan addition. Next will come the apportionment of $60,000 of thla bond issue to pay the over lap. If this is paid it will place the city on a first-class financial footing and there will be no need to discount warrants for a time. The problem of a newer for Mud creek I aleo being agitated and with this Issue of bonds a sum will be reserved for the pur pose of paying half of the cost of this pro posed sewer. It is reported that If th city will pay half the cost the Union Stock Yards company and the packer will pay the rest. A city hall Is also wanted and It Is esti mated that It will take $".0,000 to purchase a site and erect a suitable building. As It 1 now, the city officers are scattered. The mayor has his office in the Masonic block, while the city attorney Is located in an office building on Twenty-fourth street. The assistant city attorney Is In till another location. A main sewer Is also wanted east of Twentieth atreet and also one in Corrlgan addition. Then there come the Bellevue road. It Is estimated that this road can be paved with brick and the street curbed for $100,000. It Is understood that general Indebted ness bonds for $500,000, to run for twenty years, can be sold at a premium and that the Interest will not amount to more than $20,000 each year. On the present valuation thla proposed issue of bonds will increase the tax levy 2 mills. The levy now Is f mills. O'Donald Arrested Aaraln. Officer Rasmussen arrested Thomas O'Don ald yesterday and Is holding him at police headquarters on suspicion. On September 25, 101, O'Donald was arrested here by Mile Mitchell, who was then chief of ponce, on tha charge of being a suspicious character. At that time Mitchell was hold ing the man for Information from out of the city. Two day after his arrest O'Don ald managed to break out of J ill by bor ing through the brick wall In the rear of the cell room. He returned to South Omaha yesterday and was arreetcd. Now the po lice propose to hold him long enough to look up hi record. Board Meets Tonlsjlit. A meeting of the Board of Education 1 on the bills for tonight. It Is understood that the question of more outilde room will be raised and the chance are that ar rangement will be made for the tempo rary car of children who are watting for tha opening of permanent roan at th Hawthorne and high schools. Tile question of painting the. high achool b tiding will most likely come up. as bids are to be opened. The cost of tha palming of the building la estimated at $400. . A contract may be entered Into for the construction of a four-wing addition, to Lowell school. Bid were opened for this work a week ago, but were considered too high, and so contractor were given seven days In which to submit new bids. No Conncll Meeting; Tonight. Owing to the fact that three members of the city council are out of the city, there will be no session tonight. Welsh is at Atkinson, Neb., with relatives, Mike Smith is with his wife visiting friends In Colorado and O'Connor will leave today for southwestern Missouri. It Is expected that enough members will return to the city by September 15 to make a quorum. There Is nothing of importance before the council Just at this time anyway, and the three members who are gone took advan tage of the dull times to take short vaca tion. Filling Bis; Washout. Something like 6.000 yards of dirt la being hauled from the grading on Twenty-seventh atreet to the big washout at Twenty-third and E street. It will take a large quan tity of dirt to All thi hole, but the city Is doing the best it can with the fund at It command. A contract was let for dirt to fill this washout, but the contractors could not deliver the goods, so that the street and alley committee had to look elsewhere for dirt. From the original contract of 8 cents a cubic yard the city now bad to pay 12V4 centa per yard. The filling of this big bole and the other expense attached will cost th city a large sum of money. Propose to C'loae. Business house in South Omaha are talking over the question of closing all stores at 6 o'clock on the evening that President Roosevelt visit Omaha. It Is un derstood that a meeting to discuss the mat ter will be called soon. Still Show Increase. Rcceplts of live stock at the yards here still continue to show an Increase over last rear. When business closed Saturday night the official returns showed an Increase of 68.618 cattle. 27,487 hogs and 33,598 sheep. Heavy runs of cattle and sheep are looked for at tbe yards this week. Magle City Goaalp. A union meeting of all the young peo ple's societies in the city was held at the 7 The The purest, mildest, dainviejt bser e.vcr tiweJ. We have made it because thousands have asked for it, and thousands more want it. Perhaps you are one. Brewed in absolute cleanliness cooled in filtered air then filtered then sterilized after the bottle is sealed. Jos. Schlitz Brewing Co. Cor. So. 8h 6c Leavenworth .Sin., Telephone t'l J. 5 GOOD BOARD 1 mmm m THE PERFECT FOOD" roN BRAIN and MUSCLE MALT A-VITA is good board for all mankind. Relished by old and young, sick or well. MALTA-VITA is the original and only perfectly cooked, tlwreufhty malted, flaked, and touted whole wheat food. MALTA-VITA is the perfect food : perfect in taste, perfectly cooked and malted ; perfect because MALTA-VITA contains all of the elements necessary to sustain life and invigorate mind and body. Perfect health, sound, restful sleep, clear complexion, bright eyes, clean, white teeth, sweet breath are the blessings that follow a regular diet of MALTA VITA. A week's trial of MALTA-VITA as a diet for breakfast and supper will convince the most skeptical of the superior merits of MALTA-VITA. Beware of imitations. Insist on getting MALTA-VITA, "The Per feet Food." Requires no cooking, always ready to eat for safe by tracers. MALTA-VITA PURE FOOD CO. Battle Creek, Mich. Toronto, Canada MUSICAL FESTIVAL SPECIALS Monday Afternoon 2:30 Special Popular Music Matinee. Monday Evening Musical Favorites 8:15 SPECIAL The Warner Quartet. Misses Nel'.le Porter, Bess Blackburn, L.ulu Johnson, Helen Tinker. tent. Twenty-third and M streets, yester day afternoon. F. W. Shotwell has gone to Chicago to visit relatives. Phil Kearney post will meet tonlsht at the post hall, TwentySlxth and N Btreets. Rev. Smith addressed a meeting of wom-n at the First Presbyterian church last even ing. Councilman Patrick O'Connor leaves today tor a two weeks' visit with frlenUx in M'vsouri. There will be a drill of the cavalry troop aim a buxlnces meeting of the troop at the armory tonight. Mrs 1. H. Denton and daughter Ruth of I.nGrai.gc, Mo., a:e here, the guesta of Mr. ard Mrs H. C. Richmond. The tegular meeilngs of the Live Stock exchnnire have been changed from the tlrel ViiiiUhy of each month to the ttrst t'rldtv. Exceedingly low rats, Omana to Hot Springs, South Dakota. August 80 to Sep tember 10, 1902, $14.50, Omaha to Hot Springs and return via Northwestern line. Ticket offlc 1401 Farnam street. To Kan Lines Through Oklahoma. SHAWNEE. Ok!., Sept. 7 At a meet ing of the directors of tbe Guthrie, Shaw nee & Coalgate Railroad company It was decided to put surveyor In the field at once from Shawnee through Ada to Col gate, thence northwest to Outhric. More Unite Than He Seeda. John Anderson waa takn In charge by the police last night, he being drunk and delirious. Anderaoti hod cut the sheets of his bed, where he rooms on the second floor of 2u7 North Seventeenth street, into ribbons, had pulled down the curtHins and nailed them up again, and turned the mir ror to the wall, by the time the patrol wagon arrived fpr him. He explained these actions by saying that aa he lay sick a number of very large bugs kept annoying him by making motions at him through the window. - lie noticed thla in the mirror, and tried to close up everything; but one bug managed to get in and climbed on the bod. Anderson saya that he tried to hold the bug, but could not, neither could he throw It out of the room. He was put on a cot in a cell where he could be under medical observation. LOCAL JJREVITIES. Five dollars damage was done to a barn In the rear of the residence of Isaac Levi, .'11 Howard street. Hunday morning by a small tire which was started by children pluyinK with matches. The department ex tinguished the blaze. Jack Hawkins, who has a pench.tnt for attempting to commit suicide and who on several occasions has been unsuccessful owing to the facility of the police sur geon's pump, hud a good chance to cros the river early Humiay morning In a purely legitimate manner, but rd soon as hln feet got near the brink Hawkins maile a run for the police station to again try the efficiency of the pump. He wan brought around all right. This time Hawkins look an over dose of cocaine by mlutuke. Mew n Mil Beer V MB it) Price same us cur "Epott." THE SIGN OF THE PERFECT FOOD THE GREAT DYSPEPSIA DESTROYER ;gs SCHOOLS. Racine College Grammar School "The School That Makes Manly Boys." Pupil Study Under aa Instructor.' It Graduate enter any College or University. Social and Athiatlo Advantage. Military Drill. For Boys of H to 17 Year Old. Illustrated Cataloru sent on applt cation to Henry Doagla Roblasoa,Waraa, J Raetna, Wti I Lake Forest College REV. RICHARD D. HARLAN. M A. 'resident. Classical, English and Scientific oouraa. Most beautful suburb of Chcago, on hlgS wooded bluffs on Lake Michigan. Bern, rural surrounding; healthy; inexpensive. Quod dormitories. Modern gymnaaura ax ceilent athletic fact Itlea; CO-educational. For catalogue address Box 50. LAKE FOREST. ILL Missouri Lexington, wramorlb Miiltarr Aeawai Oldest and largest military sehosj In central west. Oov't supervising and equipment. Amy offlosr do tailed. Col. SaJxford sellers. U. A., ELECTRICAL, ll'PPLIES. Western Elecirical Go. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Electric Wiring, Bells and Gas Lighting. O. W. JOHNSTON, Mgr. 1610 Howard St Davis & Cowgill Iron Works MANUFACTURERS AND JOBUURS OK MAI HINERV. QENKitAI, REPAIRING A SPKCIALTT. Agency of Dodxe Manufacturing Company of Mlshawaka. Ind. Fuli supply if their goods always in .stock. ll-3-5 Jackson 6u, Omaha, Neb. Tel. 6J8. E. ZABKI8KIE. J. li. COVGlI,U Agent. Manager. DR. McGREW Treat all forms of DISEASES AMD DISORDERS OF Hon Only 27 Year F.iperlenoe, IT Years to Omaha His reiuarkalb suc cess has oevar beea equaled and every day bring many flattering report of the good lie Is doing, or tii relief he lis given Hot Springs Treatment for Syphilis And all blood I'olnoni.. Nti"RKEAKINO OUT" ou t skin or fki o and all internal algu .f ihedlhxitso dl'uppckr atuuee. iny or trie woist iorinoi mct-lCC uiayb permanently UidkAdkcurad 0 u than 3U O UlOIOflftri C many casu can be cured VAniUUuLLb In THAN ft UAY. No pn i n -- in j i' u 1 1 i f i tr. niiCD OH fifin "see cured ef i:erv- uvcn tjy uuu "" ions of viirtliiy una ail unnatural wedkncKsc of mm. Stricture. Olt-et, Kidney und Bladder InnrnMt . Hydrocele, cured (x-rmanently. QUICK Cl'nE8-l)W CHARHE8 Trmtmrut by mall. 1. O. Box TM. Offic over 21S 8. 14th trert. between Farnam gnj DoukW 61.. OMAHA. MU. a M