Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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labert A. Johnion Takes Strychnin and
Eiai in Twenty Miauui.
an Ha Jaat Secared a Divorce from
Oaa Hatband and That Wn
Enough to ftatlsfy
Because she would not promise to marry
him at coon as he, had secured a divorce
from bla wife. Robert A. Jdhnsnn of Avoca,
la., committed suicide yesterday moralug
by swallowing strychnine In the apart
ments of Mrs. Cora Le High at 603 West
Broadway. . Dr. Clearer, whose office la In
the same building, waa summoned within
a few minutes after the young man bad
taken the poison. Every effort to aave the
unfortunate young man'a life waa made,
but without avail. The act waa premedi
tated, ae before leaving the hotel at which
be waa stopping to lslt the Le High
woman Johnson wrote a letter to his
mother. In which he said his life had
come to an end. This letter was found
In bla pocket' after the body bad been re
moved to the morgue.
Johnson, who was 23 years of age and
son of A. Johnson, deputy sheriff and
court bailiff at Avoca, came to Council
Bluffs Saturday from Carson, where for
aeveral months past he hae been employed
In a livery barn. He stopped at the Re
vere house, on Broadway, but a few doors
from where the woman. with whom he ap
pears to have been infatuated lived. Tart
of Saturday evening he spent with hor
and, according, to her statement, he ap
peared to have been drinking.
After partaking of breakfast at the ho
tel he wrote a letter In the hotel office,
presumably the letter addressed to his
mother which was found on blm. It was
written on the hotel paper. Finishing the
letter, he crossed the street to the apart
ments ot Mr. Le High, where an hour
later he ended his life. , Mrs. Le High has
been living but a short time at 602 Broad
way, under the name of Miss Cora Prlco.
Last Thursday ahe waa given a divorce
from her husband, William F. Le High, by
Judge Macy in the district court here on
tatutory grounds.' She Is a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Price of Carson. Hor
husband, William Le High, was a brother-in-law
of the eulclde's brother, Charles
Johnson. According' to Mrs. Le High's
statement, young Johnson had been want
ing to pay her attention for the last
month. .
Story of the Womaa.
From the woman's story it appears that
young Johnson, after reaching her apart
menta, at once commenced his protesta
tions of affection for her, asking that
ahe promise to marry him as soon as be
could secure a divorce from his wife to
whom he had been married about a year,
but from whom he had recently separated,
fine says she told blm that she liked him as
well if ; not better than any other man,
. but that she did not intend to marry
I Again. "Well, if (you won't promise me
' 1 will end my lire right here by swallowing
this strychnine," and suiting the action
to the words young Johnson rose from his
chatr and taking a small package from his
vest pocket, poured the contents Into his
mouth. Mra. Le High bad not expected that
be Intended to carry out his threat, but
when she aaw blm place the paper to hia
mouth tried to seize it, but he bad swal
lowed the powder before she succeeded in
taking the paper from him. With tbe eamt
deliberation wlh which be bad swallowed
the poison young : Johnson walked to the
table and pouring out a glass of water,
drank it. He then stepped over in front ot
the bureau and looked at himself In the
glaes. While thus engaged the drug com
, menced to have its effect and he stag
gered toward the bed, upon which he threw
himself. The woman, by this time thor
oughly alarmed, summoned Dr. Cleaver,
who happened to be ' In hla office. The
tomach pump and the uaual remedlea
were applied, but proved of no avail and
the young man waa a corpse In about
twenty minutes.
The father arrived from Avoca In the
afternoon and will take the body with blm
thla morning. This sudden taking off ot
two ot his aona within a few weeka proved
a terrible blow for blm and he waa com
pletely prostrated after reaching here and
learning the full particulars of his son's
death. It ia but a few weeka ago that an
other aon, Fred Johnaon, was knocked
down and killed on the streets In Avoca
by a. man named Hector.
The Jetter which young Johnaon bad writ
ten to hla mother was turned over to the
father. In it the. young man wrote: "My
lite baa come to a cloae. ' My wife and an
outside lady have caused my life to come
to an end." Continuing, he wrote that all
his debts had been paid and that Tie had
policy of Insurance for 11,000. Wishing
them all goodbye he wrote that be would
meet tbem all in heaven.
The father said that, last Frldsy bis son
had telephoned from Carson that he was
coming home that day, but later In the
day they received a letter from him In
which he stated he was going away ana
would be gone about two weeks. He said
he had about $18 and that his mother
need not worry about him, as be could take
care of himself. .Mr. Johnson said he was
not aware that hla eon had formed an at
tachment for the Le High woman. The
young man bad been kicked on the head
and severely injured a number of years ago,
since When at times he haa been hardly
responsible and was easily led. Three
year ago be got into trouble in a case In
tbe district court here, which led to his
Indictment on a charge of perjury and the
indictment of a young Omaha attorney. The
case against Johnson was, however, finally
Coroner Treynor decided it was unneces
sary to hold an Inquest.
Katie to subscribers.
All the numbers of "The Living Animals
Cf the World'' are" now complete and can be
obtained for the next few daya at the Coun
cil Bluffs office of The Bee. It la requested
that those desiring to nil out their numbers
call at once and get them, as unsold copies
will be returned In a abort time.
Arrested lor FleklasT Poekats.
A man giving the name of John Murphy
was arrested about tbe closing hour ot the
Elks' street fair Saturday night charged
with picking the pocket of Robert Hunting
Ion, a former member of the city fire de
partment. Huntington felt a hand In hla
pocket and grabbed It. but too late to re
cover his pocketbook containing a check
for $10 and some small change. He suc
ceeded, however. In keeping hla hold on
it Pearl St., Council Bluffs. 'Phone $7.
Murphy, who not only tried to break away,
but offered Huntington money to release
blm. The two men who later gave tbe names
of Theodore Wilson and Arthur rhilllns
came to Murphy's nld and a general rculTle
ensued, but Huntington held to his . man
until Constable Albertl and several special
policemen arrived on the scene and ar
rested the trio. Huntington's pocketbook
was not found on Murphy. Among Murphy's
effect was the usual date book of fairs and
street carnivals carried by members of the
light-fingered gentry.
Davis sells paints.
Cravel roofing, A. H. Read. 541 Broadway.
Ions. City Yooth Has a Lively
Experience In a Krrlaht
Hull Hood, a youth from Sioux City, was
found about 1 o'clock yesterday morning
In a freight car at the Northwestern local
yards bound hand and foot. To the train
crew which found and released him young
Hood told a pitiable tale of being abused
and robbed by two tramps who occupied
the car with him from Sioux City to Coun
cil Bluffs.
Hood said he had boarded the train, at
Sioux City, Intending to go to Missouri
Valley. In the car with him was a tramp,
who was Joined by a companion at Mis
souri Valley. The two men Induced the
boy to remain with them and continue the
Journey to Council Bluffs. After the train
had pulled out of Missouri Valley the two
tramps attacked young Hood and bound
his handa behind his back and also bound
his feet. The tramps then robbed him of
a $10 bill, some small change, a pair of
gloves, a silver watch and a shirt. When
the train reached the upper end of the
yards In Council Bluffs the two fellows
Jumped from the car, closing the door be
hind them. It was an hour 'later before
young Hood succeeded in attracting tho
attention of the crew and securing his re
lease. He la being cared for at police
Plumbing and heating. Btrby aV Son.
N. V. Plumbing Co., telephone KU
Works Short Chnna; Racket.
Lawrence Nelson, whose right name Is
said to be Harry Nrstlehcuse and to hall
from Omaha, was arrested at a late hour
Saturday night charged with short-changing
Ray Cook, a Broadway grocer, out of
$4. He was also identified as the person
who had short-changed a boy at the Tre
mont house saloon out of a similar amount
and had attempted the same trick at several
stores on Broadway. He was arrested near
the postofflce by Detective Callsghan and
mado a desperate attempt to escape.
Davis sells glass.
Davis sells diuga.
Stockert sells carpets and rugs. '
Wanted, ortlceboy. Dr. Woodbury, SO Pearl.
Leffert, eyesight specialist.' 409 Broadway.
T r nnH Vta V. . .. 1 T -
Ing friends in Chicago.
Pyrographjc outfits and supplies. ' O B.
Alexander & Co.. 333 Broadwav. Tel sot
MlflHea Aria arA T.llllnn T t,t-
Sioux, la., are guests of Miss Louise Her-
Mrs. W. L. "Williams of Mynster street
Is home from a visit at Creston and Corn
ing, Ia.
E. B. Edgerton left Saturday for Nor
folk, ' Va., to attend the grand lodge of
Red Men.
The regular monthly session of the trus
tees of the public library is slated for this
Miss Anna McOargill of Imogene, Ia., 1s
the guest of her aunt, Mrs. E. Rogers of
Washington avenue.
Mrs. W. J. Durlln of Milwaukee and Mrs.
A. XV. Griffin of Chicago are guests of Mr.
and Mrs. T. B. Edgerton.
Estrayed. hefer ealf with white forehead.
Owner can have same by applying to Jo
seph Boggs, 1905 South Eighth street.
Rev. S. Alexander of this city has been
elected moderator of the Council Bluffs
presbytery of the Presbyterian church.
MIri. Mary D. Wallace of Mill street left
yesterday for Humboldt, Ia., to resume
her duties as assistant principal of the
High school.
Miss Vandercook, a teacher in, the Wash
ington Avenue school for a number of
years, has resigned to accept a, pusttlon
In the public schools in Omaha.
For good rigs, rubber tire, or anything
in the livery line, we can euply your wants
at a reasonable price. Horses boarded and
cared for, $10 per month.. Marks 4 Co,, 159
Broadway. Phone 108.
Mrs. Ellsworth, living on Avenue H, be
tween Tenth and Eleventh streets, died
last evening. The house was under quar
antine for smallpox, a member of the
family being down with the disease.
The sisters In charge of St. Francis'
academy are planning another large four
story addition to the Institution. This ad
dition Is made necessary to furnish ac
commodation for the constantly increasing
number of pupils.
The fire department was called out shortly
after midnight Saturday to the old motor
power house at Twenty-eighth street and
First aveuue, where slacking coal had set
fire to a shed, which was destroyed. The
damage Is merely nominal.
Shaduklnm temple, Dramatic Order of
the Knights of Khoransan. will meet Sat
urday night at St. Alban's hall In the Mar
cus bloca to escort a number of tyros
th aeBUlnn art hetno- mariA ni the fulrhful
The city council will meet In adjourned
session tonight, when It Is expected that
some action looking toward the annullng
of E. A. Wlckham's contract for the pav
ing of Harrison street will be taken, a he
has failed to comply with the Instructions
of the council to commence work on that
Bill Farrell, a well known character
around the local livery barns, was arrested
yesterday afternoon, cnargej with larceny
as bailee of fl given him by a man 'With
which to purchase a bottle of whisky. Far
rell stand that when he went to the sa
loon to buy the whisky the bartender re
fused to sell It to htm. lie denied any in
tention ot appropriating the cash.
Refase to Pay Taxes.
WATERLOO. Ia., Sept.. 7. (Special.) The
Board of Supervisors Is closing up the ac
count with the tax ferrets who went over
(he bocks of this county. 8ome $55,000 in
back taxes was collected and a similar
mjunt still remains uncollected. This
amount Is charged against a half dozen rich
men who bave positively refused to pay.
Some worthy ones have been released from
paying taxes charged against them. The tax
ferrets kept a list of these and did not urge
the collection. The county treasurer will
sue the big fellows who have refused to pay
and they will come before the pubic eye
whether they ever pay or not.
YoanaT Womaa Msalaa.
WATERLOO, Ia., Sept. 7. Special.) The
friends of Miss Sophia Tarcho of Cedar
Rapids are much exercised over ber mys
terious disappearance. She came here to
attend the meeting of. the Young People's
lilUanca of the Evangelical church and alnce
then haa not been beard of. She purchased
a ticket on the certificate plan, but .the re
turn certificate has never been turned In to
the rallrcad company. The affair la shrouded
ia mystery.
Ara Simply Perfect.
Dr. King's New Lite Pills are prompt,
safe, gentle and always satisfy or no pay.
Heat lor stomach and Uvsx. tic.
Dei Moines Dialers Unable to Inpply a
Pound to Their Oastomin.
Mate Printer Xow Hits the ew Code
Ahoat Ready for DUtrlbnlloa
Little Evidence Aatalnat
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Sept. 7. (Special.) The
users of hard coal In Des Moines and In
most of the cities of Iowa are mt'eh con
cerned over the anthracite coal strike In
the east. There Is not a pound of hard coal
to be had In Des Moines. Not one of the
fifteen dealers In hard coal Is able to sup
ply even a wagon load of the stuff to a
customer. The fact that Des Moines Is the
center of a large coal field does not alter
the fact that a great deal or nam coal
Is In demand here, and when the users of
hard coal sent In their orders they were
told to wait, and now the Information comes
that they cannot be supplied. A represen
tative coal dealer has been sent to Chicago
and the east to see If arrangements cannot
be made to procure a sufficient amount of
hard coal to satisfy the customers until the
settlement of the strike. Tfc'r ' considered
I nouDtrui ana many or the people are put
ting away their hard coal stoves and In
stalling soft coal furnaces in their houses.
The leading dealers say they have informa
tion from the east that Indicates the coat
strike will be brought to an end in a few
weeks. As a result of the scarcity of hard
coal there Is an increased demand for soft
coal and the Iowa mines are all running full
time and paying good wages.
Sfw Iowa Code Ready.
The work on the new Iowa code supple
ment Is now completed except the binding
and this will be done as rapidly as prss ble.
The code supplement, which was authorized
by the last legislature, to Include all the
laws which have been passed since the is
sue of the 1897 code of Iowa, will be a
volume of 900 pages, almost aa large as the
code Itself, and It is so arranged that it
will be In fact a second volume of the code
and the two books will form a complete
edition of Iowa laws. The edition Is to be
of 15.000 copies. As soon as this is out of
the way the state printer will issue a new
edition of the code of 9,000 columes, which
will be sold by the state. The revised
edition of the school lawa of the state has
also Just been completed by the superin
tendent of public instruction and it Is
ready for distribution.
Little Evidence Against Lewis.
There is small prospect of discovery of
the author of the Peterson murders through
the arrest of Thomas Lewis. He Is to he
given a preliminary hearing next Tuesday
In a Justice court. The city detectives
and all who have investigated tho matter,
say there is but alight evidence against
Lewis connecting him with the case and it
Is all of such a circumstantial nature aa to
be open to doubt. It appears that the evi
dence against Lewis was all produced by a
police officer and after he had made a
thorough inveatlgatlon it was all aubmltted
to several lawyera and others and they
declared it of no use. There has never
been any clue to the murderer and public
Interest In the matter has disappeared,
Des Moines Horse Show. "
The success of the Des Moines horsa show
In the past Is to be far' outdone in the
horse ahow which Is to be held In the city,
commencing one week from tomorrow. The
entriea for the show this year are more
than ever before. In the class of the model
horse there are sixty-two entries, single
roadsters fifty one. trotting or pacing
roadsters fifty-six, runabout, thirty-nine
park horses twenty-nine, gig horses twenty!
gaited saddle horses twenty-eight, ladles'
turnout forty, and so on through tbe fifty
classes In which prizes are offered. A new
feature of the show this year Is the class
of Jumping horses and in this a number
are to come from Canada. Among the en
tries from outside the state for the show
are those of Mrs. "Jack" Cudahy with her
famous heavy harneas horses "All But
King and "More Than King." The show
win be in the new stock pavilion of the
State Fair association.
Conrt In Session Four Days.
SIBLEY. I... Sept. 7.-(Spec!aI.)The
four-day session of the district court of Os
ceola county closed Saturday with the buai
naj generally disposed of, and Judge Hutch
neon and Court Reporter F. M. McOloth
len return home.
Iowa Stat News Notes.
thT eir totatb ,fl,C an'dne
building to be completed April. 1903
d&Vpu'fir.on11 Tne ede'ral
The managers of the Clarlnda Chaul.i.
anaactual'anfl?E?rt to tlw.toSS holder,
an actual profit this season and will en
large operation next season
dental 'klTSnVf'e8 aclfou"t of the accl
. .J . '"Sf .of nve hunters In one dav
1.'cen ?ho""S- seasSn open.?
birds e" alm08t a" fa,al to men a? To
A thrtriitas-R lni...i -
of Charles Creglow "ca.hier of .l.??1
left it inrfet god shapnK d"ar anl
lm.T.T;'7 .murderer and
X!y brave "nd " child "had"
TWO h l n rl rtxA anJ w..
i JlZ ,ht newl? completed state as
.m, a1 .cterolte. he transfer being ef
fected without the slightest accident
sold for I'M tm. . .i18" ,ust b'""
"eiVn" Tl-. T.h'" the Pacer', tlrst
made a record of iAZ. on wn,en ne
vh,"DFlTmlngt2n the -yar-old child cf
Fred Rich met death In a peculiar man
ner The little fellow while playing fe?l
his lower Jaw striking in such a manner
ss to cause his teeth to cut nearly through
his tongue and In spite of all the physicians
could do he bled to death In a few hours
v'Jrtteen tfarm,e" f NUes township,
Floyd county, have formed a trust miJ
bought a complete threshing outfit, at a
?KBf I'h'S0' ,Tt'" .ru,t l formed tS d5
their Individual threshing Instead of hlrins
otftr' JW1;. A local ra,n dealer. It is
said, advised the comblnaton and that an
other Is now forming in Chickasaw county
for a similar object. .wu,.7
The title to hundreds of farms In north
western Iowa Is settled by the decision of
Judgo Shlrss of the federal district court
hi ihe case of Brltt against Melsterllng
The Sioux City St. Paul Railroad com.
pany claimed these lands to be within Its
grant from the government. The court de
cides In favor of the homestead settler and
"an'"1 th rantee of ,b railroad com-
Wyomlaar Campaign Apatbetlo Be.
eaase Repabllcans Have No
Serloas Opposition.
CHEYENNE. Wyo., Sept T. ( Special.)
The political situation in Wyoming la
marked bv apparent apathy upon the part
of the voting masses of all parties, and
Interest in the coming state and con
gresitooal election la almoat entirely lack
Ing. The result U leclloa el the sa
tire republican ticket from top to bottom
Is already a foregone conclusion and, as Is
sometimes said, It Is all over but the shout
ing. This condition ot affairs, this con
fidence In the republicans snd a desire to
continue for another four years can be
traced directly to the present administra
tion of state affairs.
The democrats are making a half-hearted
fight, but merely to maintain their or
ganization from year to year, or until
"something turns up" that will he favor
able to tbem. The difficulty to secure
candidates at Rawlins who were willing to
be slaughtered clearly Indicated as much.
Indeed, a full ticket waa not nominated,
n candidate being named for associate
Justice of the state supreme court to suc
ceed Chief Justice Potter, whose term ex
pires this fall. Judge Potter Is the re
publican nominee to succeed himself and
his election Is practically assured, al
though former Chief Justice H. V. S.
Oroesbeck has announced his candidacy
on the socialist and Independent ticketa.
Mr. Groesbeck is quite popular In the state
and will make a good run. but he will
hardly be In It with Judge Potter, who la
one of the most able Jurists and most pop
ular citizens in the state.
Widow of Marderer Weds.
CASPER. Wyo., Sept. 7. (Special.)
Mrs. Bertha Woodward, widow ot the late
Charles Francis Woodward, who murdered
Sheriff Tubbs and who was hanged In tho
Jail yard here on the night of March 2ft
last by a mob, waa recently married at
Livingstone, Mont., to David Schoellng, a
prosperous rsnchman of Lost Cabin, Wyo.
Schoellng had known Mrs. Woodward for
some time and during the confinement of
her husband in the Jail at Casper be ren
dered tho couple every assistance possible.
Fire Has Fall Sweep.
LANDER, Wyo., 8ept. 7. (Special.)
Since the special agent of the government
abandoned the forest fire on the Popo Agle
river no local attempt has been made to ex
tinguish it and the flames are now rushing
through the valuable timber at an alarm
ing rate.' Nothing can now stop It and the
fire will doubtless burn until fall rains or
winter snows extinguish it.
Heavy Stock Shipments.
CASPER. Wyo., Sept. 7. (Special.)
Heavy shipments of stock are being mads
from this place, Glenrock and Douglas.
During the week 128 carloads of cattle
were sent to market, three carloads of
horses and eighteen carloads of sheep. Next
week there will be at least z.uuu came,
1,000 sheep and fifty horses go forward.
Survivors of the Wars Generonsly
Remembered by the General
WASHINGTON, Sept 7. (Special.) The
following pensions have been granted:
Issue of AugUBt 18:
Nebraska: Originals Joslah E. Howland,
Silver Creek, $6; George W. Frailer, Exeter,
$S. Increase, reissue, etc. George Zelgler,
Superior, $12.
Iowa: Originals Charles Morltz. Du
buque. $S; Charles Parker, Vllllsca. $6 (war
with Rnaln. Increase, reissue, etc. Wil
liam Guthrie, Grandvlew, $10; Patrick Nich
olson, Nevada. $12; William W. Ellis, VII
llKca, $36; James Rlchey. Oakland. $10.
Widows, minors and dependent relatives
Matilda Brooks, Ottumwa, $12; Martha Y.
IwiB. Toledo, $12; Sarah Dodge, Sioux
City, $12; Ella Patterson, Colfax, $8; Sarah
E. McCall, Boone. $12.-
soutn uaaoia: inurco, reissue, cit,
William More, Webster, $10.
Pioneer Nebraska: Legislator.
ARUNQTON. Neb.. Sept. 7. (Special.)
John A. Unthank, an eld and respected
eltl2n of Arlington, died 'yesterday at t
o'clock p. m. The deceased waa 83 years
old. He died suddenly ' from a atroke oi
apoplexy. He was a member of the leg
islature in 1859 and 1860.
Bertha Thompson, 11 years old, grand
daughter of William Looalng, ar., died at
6:30 p. m. yesterday from an attack of
Dedicate Advent Chorea.
TRPtTMSEH. Neb.. Sent. 7. (Special Tel
egram. I The new Advent Christian church
of Tecumseh was formally dedicated this
ftemnon. Rev. W. Alford of Lincoln de
livered the dedicatory sermon and he was
assisted in the services by Rev. J. E.
Kers. The Adventlsts are not a strong
factor In this city and consequently their
church is not a large one, but it is very
convenient in 1U appointments.
Northern Nebraska, Northern Iowa
aad the Mountain Districts to
Feel It Tuesday Mornln.
WASHINGTON, Sept 7. Weather fore
For Nebraska Fair; cooler Monday.
Tuesday fair; frost Tuesday morning In
north portion.
for Iowa Fair: cooler Monday. Tuesday
fair; frost Tuesday morning in north por
For Kansas Fair Monday. Tuesday fair
and cooler.
vnr Colorado and Wyoming Fair; cooler
Monday. Tuesday fair; frost Tuesday
morning In mountain districts.
For Missouri Fair Monday. Tuesday
fair and cooler.
For Montana Fair Monday and cooler
in east portion; Tuesday, fair.
For South Dakota Showers ana mucn
cooler Monday; Tuesday, fair; frost Tues
day morning.
For North Dakota Fair Monday and
cooler In east and aouth portions; Tues
day, fair; frost Tuesday morning.
Local Record.
OMAHA, Sept. 7. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation comparea nn
the corresponding day of the last three
' 1902. 1501. 1900. 1899.
Maximum temperature ... M 79 Si H
Minimum temperature ... n ij oi
Mean temperature 72 73 73 70
Precipitation 00 T .00 .32
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this day and since March 1,
Normal temperature 67
Excess for the day 5
Total excess alnce March 1 117
Normal preclnltalion lutncn
rienclencv for the day 10 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1 21. 90 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 1.37 Inch
Hetltleni y for cor. perioo, ivn... s.nincnea
Deficiency for cor. period. 1!K)0... 2. M Inches
Reports from Stations at 7 P. M.
asi; e
: ? : 3
a : 3 :
-,: Si :
Omaha, clear
Valentine, cloudy
North Platte, partly cloudy.
Cheyenne, cloudy
Salt Lake City, clear
Rapid City, partly cloudy...
Huron, cloudy
Wllllalon, cloudy
Chicago, clear
St. Louis, clear
St. Paul, partly cloudy
Davenport, clear
Kansas City, clear
Havre, partly cloudy
Helena, cloudy
Bismarck, clear
Galveston, partly cloudy ....
81 : K; .00
M 9, .00
86 .01)
7 hi
48 6
70 -no
Ml .00
T Indicates trace ot precipitation.
Local Fortcast OfUcial.
A thousand and one useful and valuable premiums
in exchange for wrappers from
White Russian
A household and laundry soap made from the
purest materials under modern scientific conditions.
No fatty odor or grease stains in the clothes
the result Of pOOrly made SOap. Call for Premium List,
1615 FARNUM ST., OMAHA, or bring the wrappm to our itore and select yonr premium.
Wsitarn Bankers Say it Will Baquira Much
KoTeThan LaitYear.
Xew York and Other Money Centers
Mast Fnrnlsa This la Addition
to the Amount Now In
the West.
(Prom a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Sept. 7. (Special Tele
gram.) President Herman Kountze of the
First National bank of Omaha, in answer
to a series ot Interrogatories sent out by
the New York Evening Post relative to the
probable needs of currency to move crops
this year and the amount likely to be
taken from New Tork, says he thinks that
the actual needs , ot currency In the west
will be larger than last year. That bal
ances and loans now In New York will
probably be called more closely than last
year. In reply to a third interrogatory,
whether the amount of money now on de
posit or loan at New York City Is larger
than at the same time last year, Mr.
Kouctxe says he cannot answer, as the Im
mediate locality about Omaha le generally
furnished with currency by Chicago and
St. Louts. As to the atandlng of banks
he says in his locality they are generally
In good condition, with fair cash reserves.
To a fifth Inquiry he says: "I expect a
more active demand for money and higher
rates. It Is, of course, difficult to say
positively what . may a take place in the
next ninety days or four months. Corn is
later than usual, but If we have no frost
and have warm weather until about Sep
tember 25 the promise for the - corn crop
is exceedingly good."
Other replies to these Inquiries were re
ceived from S. H. Burnham, president of
the First National bank of Lincoln: T. C.
Rounds, president ot the Citizens' National
bank ot Des Moines, and Arthur Reynolds,
president of the Des Moines National
bank. To summarize these opinions, nearly
all bankers replying agree that the west
will need much more money to move crops
this year than waa needed last year, tbe
reason being that the yield is so much
greater than expected earlier In the sea
son. It is thought that between $20,000,-
000 and $30,000,000 will be withdrawn
from New York banks In the next four
months to meet demands for moving crops.
A very Interesting case to be tried at the
coming term of the United States district
court la suit brought by the United
States against K. W. Pumphery of
this city as aurety upon the bond of the
late "Buck" Taylor, who waa Buffalo Bill's
right hand man for many years. Taylor in
the summer of 1894 started out with a
"wild west" show of his own and to put
on an acceptable Indian act engaged fifteen
Sioux Indians of Rosebud Agency, S. D.,
to tour the country with him, giving
pbasea of Indian life, bareback riding, war
dances, etc. Taylor to secure the consent
ot the Interior Department for moving the
Icdiana from their reservation wsa com
pelled to give bond for $5,000 that the In
diana should receive their salaries and at
the close ot the season be returned to the
reservation without expense to the gov
The ahow prospered for a couple of
months and the "ghost" walked regularly.
But In a short time bad times set in and
tbe Indiana were compelled not only to go
ltbout their salaries, but had hardly
enough to eat. Then the show disbanded
In the dead of winter at Louisville, Ky.
Without money or food and their clothing
In rags, they finally succeeded In acquaint
ing tbe commissioner of Indian affairs with
their plight and were promptly sent home
at the government's expense. Thereupon
suit was brought on the bono! to recover
back pay due the Indiana and the cost of
their transportation home. The supreme
court of the district held that the bond
sued upon was invalid because there was
no law requiring It to be taken. The court
of appeala, however, reversed this decision
and now the question comes before the
district court aa to bow much the Indians
are entitled to.
Pair of Stories Characteristic of the
National Capital Pish Hook the
Bond Between Two Men.
(From s 8taff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Sept. 7. (Special.) Min
ister Wu's successor, like tbat able diplo
mat himself, will not require the aid of
an American secretary in the conduct of
tbe affairs ot tbe Chinese legation. Both
the present and the future representatlvea
of tbe Flowery Kingdom In Washington
have been well educated In the English
language and each thoroughly understands
a great deal ot the American slang which
does duty tor idioms. But until a few
yeara ago an American was always at
tached to the Chinese legation and he was
usually a man with knowledge ot the Chi
nese language and ot China itself. The
position waa tilled for a long period by
Colonel Bartlett who, during his stay In
Washington, formed a warm friendship for
Sevellon A. Brown, for many years chief
clerk of the State department.
While lounging In Mr. Brown'a office one
day Colonel Bartlett aald casually:
"Where do you propose to spend your
"As usual," was the response, "I shall
go to my boyhood homo in Cayuga county.
New York."
"I havo very vivid recollections of that
county," said Colonel Bartlett. "I, too,
spent my boyhood days there. One day
while Bitting on a bridge which crosses
Cayuga creek a companion drew his fish
line up with such force that the hook at
tached was Imbedded deep in my thumb.
We ran to the nehrest doctor, he holding
my thumb tight and I yelling lustily. The
hook was cut out and the pain soon left
me, but the scar is here still and will re
main with me for life."
"Shake," said Brown, "I'm the boy who
Jerked that line. But during thrse years
that I have known you as a Chinese diplo
mat I never supposed that you were the
boy I marked for life."
Some enterprising reformers In Boston
are about to inaugurate an antl-tlpplng so
ciety. It will probably share the fate ot
the "anti-treat society," which was formed
here a few years ago. The prime mover
In the organization was Dr. Hessel, the
attache of the fish commission, who waa
largely responsible for tbe Introduction of
that hog among fishes, the German carp,
Into the waters of the United States.
Mcellug liie duciuf uue eveuiua Su old
friend said: "Have a glass of beer with
me. Dr. Hessel."
"No, sir! no, sir!", was the reply, "I am
president ov der new anti-dreat aocledy.
Ve each bay in $5 to der dreasurer und
It any von dreats anodder .or accepts a
dreet he vorvelts der. fife und all de reat
trinks It oop."
About tea days after the friend again
met Hessel, who said heartily, "Hullo,
Sharley, coom und bat a peer."
"But, doctor, how about your anti-treat
society?. You may be expelled if you treat
me." , . . , i-
"Oh?" 'replied DV.' Hessel, "der dreas
urer vent oop mlt some vrlends der odder
night und dey trank bop a few boddles ot
Rhein vein. Den be- fergot hlmsullut und
dreated. Und he-dreated again; und den
he dreated some more. Und bretty soon
all der funds in der socledy got broke oop.
Now ve all trlnk veneffer ve git der
ehances. Let's haffer peer!"
That waa the end of Washington's society
for the discouragement of the treating
Makes Answer to Petition In Involun
tary Bankruptcy Filed by
, Creditors.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D.. Sept. 7. (Special.)
Charles C. Crabtree, for some years a
member of the firm of Crabtree Broa. of
Miller, has filed an answer in the United
States court in this ' city to the bill of
complaint ' of some of the firm's cred
itors, who are seeking to hsve the Arm
declared an involuntary bankrupt. The
firm Is one of the best known in the cen
tral part of the state. The creditors al
lege that ' the firm's stock was recently
traded for land situated in Cherry county,
Nebraska, the transfer having been made
for the alleged purpose of defrauding the
creditors. Charles C. Crabtree declares
that the partnership was dissolved March
1 last and that at time the firm was solvent
and able to pay all debts. He states that
on March 1 the Indebtedness of the firm
aggregated $6,500 and that the firm had a
atock valued at $11,000. He alleges that
on March 1 when he. conveyed his Interest
In the stock to his brother, the brother
agreed to pay all the debts of the firm.
He further declares that he (Charlea C.
Crabtree) can pay all his Individual debts
and asks that he be granted a jury trial
during the regular October term of tbe
United States court in this city so that his
solvency can be passed upon and fully de
I.. C. Th ranee of Vermilion' Likely
to Die as Reanlt of Visit
to Dive.
YANKTON. S. D.. Sept. 7. (Special Tele
gram.) L. C Thranee, a State fair visitor
from Vermilion, was stabbed while In a
negro dive this morning. Physicians say
he will not live. Six arrests hsve been
made, but Thranee is not able to make a
statement and no witnesses can be found.
Farmers Ont of Bankruptcy.
SIOUX FALLS. S. D.. Sept. 7. (Speclsl.)
Judge Carland of the United States
court In this city has granted releases in
bankruptcy In the following casea and all
clalma against the parties accordingly
have been canceled: Edward C. Coffleld,
a farmer, whose postofflce address is Wa
houda; Charles E. Case, a farmer, who
lives near Hlghmore, in Hyde county.
Brewed in a plant at cleaa aa the
your inspection 58,971 TUitora Is it year.
Mini Operators Anticipate No ImmadiaU
Drop at 8trika'i Indict;,
They Don't Believe that, When Peace
Is Restored, More Thaa Three
Foarths the Mines Caa Be 1
Operated Immediately.
PHILADELPHIA. Sept, 7. The mine
workers' strike enters upon Its eighteenth
week tomorrow, with the lines between the
miner and the operator drawn almost as
tightly as when the suspension waa In
augurated on May 12. There were many
predictions that the contest would be over
by the first week in September, but If the
miners of the union are to be believed the
struggle will continue for months, unless
the coal companies grant concessions.
Some of the operators looked for a seri
ous break lu the ranks of ihe men weeks
ago and admit that they are surprised at
the way the strikers are holding out.
Rumors are current, and in fact statements
have been made by prominent men In and
out of the trade that the strike will 'be
ended this month. President Mitchell
maintains he knows nothing of a posstblo
early ending of the trouble and says ha
knows nothing ot any negotiations looking
to that end.
The only move now in contemplation
is the suggestion that Governor Stone call
an extra session of the legislature for the
purpose of passing a law that would hare
the effect of amicably and speedily ending
the deadlock. Governor Stone has given the
matter considerable thought and. has an
nounced that if a bill can be framed that
will have the desired effect he will imme
diately convene the, legislature.
Tenth of Normal Outpnt.
Last week more coal left the mining re
gion than In any previous week since the
strike began. Statements have been made
by mining officials that the shipments for
the last six working days aggregated 100,
000 tons. The normal weekly output is a
little more than a million tons. The strik
ers and their officials dispute the clalma of
the mining superintendents and maintain
that most of the coal now going to market
Is "washed" from the great culm piles and
tbat the remainder Is coal that had been
blasted before the strike began or fell
through the breaking of rotten timbering
during the idleness. Nearly all the fuel
that la leaving the coal fields Is not reach
ing the markets. A considerable quantity
la being taken by tbe railroads for their
own use.
The number of men at work throughout
the entire anthracite territory is difficult
to obtain. It is safe to say, however, the
number compared with the total number
of workero estimated at 145,000. is small
and that among those at work the cer
tificate miners are few. Coal Is being cut
in some of the mines, but as fas as can be
learned much of it is being done by
"bosses." The coal companies say they
have long lists of the names of men who
are ready to return to work, but are un
willing to take the chance of violence.
With tho coming of cooler weather the
companies look for a break, believing that
the relief now coming to tbe mine workers
will not hold 'out long and that tbey will
be compelled to return to prepare for the
winter, which is usually a rigorous one in
the mountain regions. Company officials
do not look for a rapid decline In the price
of coal after the strike is over because
the demand will be greater than the sup
ply. It Is estimated that not more than
75 per cent of the mtnea will be In condi
tion for immediate operation when the
strike is ended.
HUNTINGTON. W. Va., Sept. 7. Secre-tary-Treasurer
Wilson of the United Mine
Workers' received several hundred dollars
In contributions from labor unions here to
day for the striking miners. He denies tbe
reports that the strike Is settled In the
mines along the Chespeake & Ohio rail
way. Hontlns; Faraon Wilson.
DULOW W. Va.. Sept. 7.-Rev. Morris
Mlson, who yesterday morning killed his
wife and escaped to the woodlands is yet
at large. The belief of many la that th
aged parson has committed suicide and
searching parties are scouring the wood
lands in the vicinity of his home at Genoa.
Kiowa Suspects Denied Bond.
Federal Judge W. H. Clayton has denied
bond to Charles Colland, postmaster at
Kiowa, I. T., and George 8. Beatty. a young
physician, who were Indicted recently for
the killing of Gyp Ralley. the Cincinnati
(O.) clothing aalebman. at Kiowa last May.
WS fiR
cleanert home kitchen alwayi open to