Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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dent, which, after all. Id the opinion of
official, may tend to a speedy settlement
of the Internecine troubles of Haytl.
The administration's vlea, of the affair
It that It la one whose adjustment must
he worked out ae between Germany and
the quail government with which the for
mer la In dispute. The United State In
terests eo far cannot be regarded as Jeop
ardised or Interfered with In any war. Trie
fact that there has been a brush between
German r and the revolutionary element
In a country constantly embroiled In In! ne troubles, to far as can now be
foreseen, will not result In action by this
government unless the Incident should de
velop Into an attempt, such as Is now con
sidered Improbable, to acquire territory.
In that event the t'nlted States would
promptly Intervene. The Incident, It Is
stated. Is much less serious from a diplo
matic point of view than If the actual
government of Haytl were one of the prin
cipals instead of the firmlnist government.
President laa't Talking.
CHATTANOOOA, Tcnn., Sept. ".AS
aoon aa the Associated Press dispatch
from Cape Haytlen was received here to
night It waa shown to President Roose
velt while he was at church. A reporter
later visited the Read house, where the
president Is stopping. The president had
retired, but Secretary Cortelyou atated
that the president had nothing to say
about the matter at the present time.
What the Veasrla Arc aaa War They
Hanaea Be Slartlna;
CAPE HAYTIEN. Haytl, Sept. 7. Crete-A-rierrot
was a steel vessel of 930 tons
displacement. It waa armed with one 6.2
Inch gun, one 4.7, tour S. Inch, two Maxim
machine guns and four Nordenteldt ma
chine guns. Crete-A-Plerrot was formerly
In the service of the Haytlen government
and Admiral Kllllck was commander of the
Hayttan fleet. June 27 of this year Ad
miral Kllllck disembarked troops from
Crete-A-Flerrot to support General Flr
mln,, one of the candidates for the presi
dency of the republic, and after refusing
to recognize the constituted authorities ha
threatened to boraboard Cape Haytlen. Con
sular representatives protested against such
action being taken, but their efforts failed
of surceea for, a tew days later, the ad
miral did bombard Caps Haytlen, but little
damage waa done. Bince June 27 Crete-A-Plerrot
has been operating In the In
terest of General Flrmln.
The Haytlan government disavowed tho
action of General Kllllck In bombarding
Cape Haytlen and ordered his arreat.
Panther la a cruising vessel of lees than
877 tone displacement and was built In
1901. It Is armed with eight 8.4-inch quick
firing guns, alt 1.4-inch and two machine
guns. Panther left Germany July 29 for
. the Caribbean sea.
Whea Revelation Started.
The present revolution In Haytl started
la ths month of April of this year and
General Tlreaiaa Simon Sam, president of
the Haytlan republic, resigned hi office
and left the Island In May. For the laat
month American Interests In Haytl have
been looked after by Machlas, Commander
McCrea. It recently developed that at
least six European nation confided thy pro
tection of their Interest In Haytl wholly
te the United Btates naval forces In Haytlan
waters. Admiral Kllllck recently declared
Cape Haytlen to be blockaded, but this
blackade was admitted to be Inefficient
and was abandoned by the admiral after
Commander McCrea had made certain rep.
' resentattons to him concerning It In a
letter to the Flrnlnlst admiral, Commander
McCrea Informed hlni that he was charged
with the (protection of British, French,
German, Spanish, Italian, "Russian and Cu
ban interests as well aa these of the United
Slate and that he would prevent a bom
bardment of Cape Haytlen without notice
la advance. In reply to this Admiral Kll
llck promised to observe the usages of
clrlllied warfare In case it became neceaaary
to back with his guns the military forces
operating near Cape Haytlen, and called
his attention to a decree ordering the port
of Cape Haytlen In a state of blockade.
Commander McCrea communicated the fact
of the blockade of Cape Haytlen to the
foreign consuls there and advised them to
make a formal protest, which they did. It
then became apparent that the blockade was
Ineffectual, as aa American schooner had
come In, reporting no blockade.
Blarkade that Didn't Blockade.
When this fact had been established Com
.mender McCrea, proceeded to Cagnette,
found Crete-a-Plerrot In that port and sent
Admiral Kllllck a letter in which he said
that the government of the United States
considered the blockade of Cape Haytlen not
effective, even as a "do facto" blockade, and
the United States denied him (Admiral Kll
llck) the right to search or vlalt any Amer
ican or foreign vessel attempting entrance
Into the harbor of Cape Haytlen. To this
Admiral Kllllck replied that he appreciated
the conditions and admitted the Inefficiency
of the blockade, which he abandoned. The
blockade Incident was thus closed and Ma
ehlas sailed August SO from Gonalvea for
Crste-a-Pierrot stopped the German
steamer Markomannla. sent an armed force
on board and took possession of the war
munitions It carried after Commander Mc
Crea had told Admiral Kllllck that be had
no right to visit or search any foreign ves
ael attempting ta enter Cape Haytlea and
after the admiral had admitted bis blockade
t b Ineffectual.
. Flrmln and HI Oppoa.ata.
' There are three candidate for the preal
deacy of Haytl, Callsthenes Fouchard, Sen-
eque Monplals Psrre and M. Flrmln. The
Flrmlalsts have been active and In some
cases successful in their engagement with
the forcaa of the provisional government
with forces under General Nord, minister of
war under the provisional government. M.
Flrmln Is considered by many people to have
the brat chance of gaining the prealdency.
In 1881 he was minister of finance and tor'
alga afflalra In the cabinet of President Hip
polite. He directed the negotiations with
Admiral Cherardl, who had been sent by
the Washington government to try to ob
tala a lease of the Mole St. Nicholas, and
he aueoecded In ahowlng that the cons tit u
tloo of Haytl forbad the alienation of any
portion of the territory of the republic Un
der President Sam, M. Flrmla was also mta
later of finance and general affairs, and
later minister of Hayti to France, where be
waa decorated with the ribbon of the Lgloo
of Honor.
Paper float at B.aota.
HACKENSACK. N. J.. Sept. 7. The
plant of the Campbell Wall Paper company
at Bogota, near Hackensack, waa destroyed
by fire tonight. Loss. $175,000. The mill
closed down Indefinitely oa Wednesday
night. About two . week ago the works
passed lata the bands of the Union Paper
company. Five hundred hands were em
ployed. The, cause of the fire la unknown.
BlUoasite, sour stomach, eonstlpav
tiou aud all Uvsr HI are cured bj
Hood's PiHo
The non-trrrtaUng cathartic Price
26 cent ot all druggist or by suail of
UL Uwo4 Cv, JLoaell. Mm.
Passenger and Freight Train Cams Together
at Brakes Bow, Head On.
Dead Ma a Wii Stealing a Ride aad
Was t'aaght Between the Trader
aad Baaarasre Car aad
Head Was Crashed.
BROKEN BOW, Neb.. Sept. 7. (Special
Telegram.) A serious railroad wreck oc
curred here about o'clock this morning be
tween passenger train No. 41 and freight
train No. 47. A colored man who waa rid
ing between the tender on the passenger
engine and the baggage ear, waa Instantly
killed. His skull was crused and one foot
cut off. In a book found In hi grip, was
the name of "Preston H. Hlgglns, bom
October, 1860." There was no other Iden
tification except a bottle of medicine
bought at a Grand Island drug store, and
an apron, that Indicated he was a cook. He
bad only sixteen cents on his person.
Coroner Robinson empanelled a Jury this
evening, which viewed the remains, but de
ferred an Investigation until Wednesday
morning, when the train crewa will be re
quired to be preaent. The fireman of No.
47, Charles Tubbs, formerly of Arnold, this
county, waa severely scalded, but will live.
Several other were bruised and cut with
glass. Among the number waa Mr. J. W.
Ramp of Galesburg, HI., and Mr. Julia
Ramp of Warrensburg. Miss. The former
was hurt In the back of the head and left
eldo and for a time was rendered uncon
scious, but waa taken to the Commercial
hotel and later to her brother's, C. C. Big
gerstaff, two miles In the country. Her In
juries are not serious.
Mrs. Julia Ramp sustained only alight
bruises of one ankle.
EmsTla a Complete Wreck.
' The engine of No. 41 I a complete wreck.
The other engine is not materially dam
aged, except the tender, which wa de
molished. Most of the lamp and glass
In the front car were broken and the ves
tibules were crushed together. A freight
car between the two engines was a com
plete wreck. It had In It two registered
shorthorn cows for J. O. Brenlser of this
city, bought at the state fair. One of the
cows lost one horn and half of one foot,
while the other escaped apparently un
- Just upon which crew the blame will rest
Is a question. It I reported that No. 41
wa not due for nine minutes and
that had It not been running ahead of time
No. 47 would have had Its car on the side
track. It I claimed on the other hand
that the rule of the company permit of no
switching on the main line within ten
minutes of the arrival of an incoming train.
The engine on No. 47 was coupled onto
the rear end of the cars it had In tow. tak
ing them back to run In on the side track
with a car of cattle coupled en in the rear.
The passengers say No. 41, which had Mike
Nolan In charge of the engine, waa run
ning at a high rate of speed and It wa
probably Impossible for him to check up af
ter he saw the approaching freight before
the collision came. Fortunately the fire
man or No. 47 waa the only one of either
crew that wa seriously Injured.
Tne crew began at once to clear
the wreck that oovered the eidetrack and
In leas than three hours No. 41 waa speeding
on Its way westward with Its badly shat
tered coaches and human freight. The
wrecking crew arrived later and haa been
at work today clearing the main track.
Camp All Ready aad Oeonpanta
Are Expected la tha
HA8TTNG8. Neb.. Sent. 7. rSnaHai t.i..
gram.) Not until tomorrow afternoon at
:30 win the annual state reunion of the
rand Army of the Republic be
Tomorrow la what Is called "getting In day,"
ana tne entire forenoon and much of the
afternoon will be devoted to the lnr A 1 1 rtt Af
the various posts that will arrive. The only
icature nxea ror entertainment during the
day is the address to be delivered by Hon.
W. J. Bryan. The speaking will take place
In the big tent at Camp Bherman at 2:30. In
tae evening there will be a eampflre, which
will be conducted by Commander Steele.
Everything about Camo Bherman I. (...
aa It should be. Assistant Adjutant General
Mart Howe Is on the grounds and baa ex
pressed himself aa belna- areatlv nt.4
with the condition and location of the camp
ana ne is oi tne opinion that there will be
aa exceptionally large attendance. Besides
being the state reunion of the Grand Army
of the Republic. It also includes the Spanish-
American soldiers. Woman' Relief corpa,
Ladles of the Grand Armv of tha Ram.hiil
circle and Bona and Daughters of Veterans
A test was mad tonight of the alertrl.
light In camp and they gav perfect satis
faction. There are over 800 electrte iirht.
carefully strung about the grounds, and the
illumination or tne camp 1 all that eould
be asked fur.
Depositors la Oral aad Vesta laatlta.
tloas Caa Havo Their
- Maacy,
TECUMSEH. Neb.. Sept. T. (Special Tel
egram.) Tb branch bank of tho Chamber
lain bank of thia elty will opea for. busi
ness tomorrow morning. The depositor
can draw out their money in full If they
want It. Later aa effort will b mad to
reorganise tho institution. L. A. Oraf 1
president of the bank at Graf aad C. C.
Reed ot the one at Vesta.
Jama A. McPherrln ot thia elty, who
wss selected ae a proper person to recom
mend to the attorney general and
the banking board for appointment as re
ceiver of the bank here, at a meeting ot the
depositors, decline to accept the position
even it appointed. David R. Oder, a bus!
nessmaa of Tecumseh, left her the Tues
day following the closing of the bank on
Saturday for Oklahoma. Ho write a
friend her that he saw absconder Charles
M. Chamberlain la St. Joooph. Mo., oa bla
trip. The bank official her presumed that
he waa east at that time. Mr. Oder saya
Chamberlain waa terribly broken up, that
he aald that be waa going to return to
Tecumaeh and that the bank had enough
funds to pay oat with. Chamberlain wepi
like a baby.
Train to Leave Falls City.
FALLS CITY. Neb., Sept. 7 (Special )
It Is stated by one who knowe that the
Missouri Paelfie plug traia to Omaha and
Kansaa City will ' be running from Falls
City within a month. Tho railway 00
clals were tn town a tew days ago aad
met a committee at clUaana. All the com
pany ask 1 the donation by the city ot a
couple acre ot land tor the accessary ad
FORT CALHOUN Neb, 8ept, 7. (Spe
rial.) A runaway here resulted In a seri
ous accident. Mrs Warllne and a young
woman friend were driving dowa mala
street when a boy oa a wheel rode up be
hind lbs team, paaslng so close to them as
to frtghtea these. Ths teats started to run.
Mra. Warllne waa unable to hold then aad
In turning the corner the buggy was upset.
Mrs. Warllne waa dragged for some dis
tance. The bone Just above the ankle Is
broken square off. Her hip is crushed snd
she received Internal Injuries, how ser ous
haa not yet been determined. The young
woman had her wrist broken. One horse
was crippled and the buggy Is a total
HI Crowd at Street fair.
WATNE, Neb.. Sept. 7. (Special Tele
gram. ) From 3.000 to 5,000 people attended
the closing day of the street fair and car
nival here yesterday. The concert by Reed's
Eloux City band and the performances by
the Collins Carnival company, the Ferris
wheel and other attractions furnished fun
for all, and last night wss a hot time In
the old town until late In the evening.
The ball game between the Surbcrs Land
Agency team and Home Indians stood 5 to
3 In favor of the latter at the end of the
sixth Inning, but owing to a close decision
cf the umpire the former refused to play
longer and the game was given to the Wayne
nine. Batteries. Wayne. Sherberahan and
Barta; Homers, Raymond and Blackbird.
Name Cos (or Senator.
HARVARD, Neb.. Sept. 7. 8peclaU
The twenty-fifth senatorial convention for
Clay and Hamilton counties, for the nomina
tion of a candidate for state senator, was
held at Stokes opera house yesterday after
noon. Hon. J. M. Cox from Hampton waa
nominated by acclamation. Thirty-two del
egates made up the convention.
Large Crowd Greets Karris.
HARVARD, Neb., Sept. 7. (Special.) Last
evening at Stokes opera house a large audi
ence greeted Judge George W. Norrls, re
publican nominee for congress from this
d'strlct, and ex-Congressman E. J. Halner.
These gentlemen ably discussed the po
litical lasues that at this time most Inter
est the American cltlten.
Fall City to Have Street Fair.
FALLS CITY. Neb., Sept. 7. (Special.)
Fall City will have a street fair and
merchants' carnival from September 30 to
October 4.
Former I'alted States Seaator Expire
la Sew York After Suffering
wltk Cancer.
NEW YORK, 8ept. 7. William Nathaniel
Roach, who was' United States senator from
North Dakota from 1893 to 1899 died here
today. He had been 111 from cancer al
most from hi coming to tht city, where he
had made hi home after retiring from the
senate. Under special treatment here ha
progressed favorably, and a month ago It
was announced he was out of danger. He
suffered a relapse and died after having
been confined to his bed for a total of ten
William N. Roach was born In Washing
ton September 15, 1840. He was graduated
from Georgetown university; served a a
clerk in the United Btatee quartermaster'
department during the civil war; removed
to Dakota territory In 1879; was the mayor
of Larlmore from 1888 to 1887, and was
twice the democratic nominee for governor.
but was defeated on both occasions. Mr.
Roach was twice married, hta first wife
dying In 1885. In 1899 he married Mrs. Al
exander L. Pollock of Salt Lake City.
The funeral arrangements will be made
tomorrow. An effort will be had to have
members of a senatorial committee who
served with Senator Roach attend. Tb In
terment will be in Washington.
General James 'Williamson.
NEWPORT. R. I., .Sept. 7. General James
. Williamson of New York died at' Jame.
town, R. I., this evening. General William
son was a well known lawyer, and came
from Kentucky to New York,v where ho
established a large practice as a lawyer.
During the civil war he waa breveted hrlr.
adter reneral for ronatnlniimia hnrv u
was commissioner of p'ubllo land under
President Grant and waa president of the
Atlantic & Pacific railroad until It was
merged Into the Santa Fe. when he became
Its counsel. The body will be taken to New
York for burial. A widow and four daugh
ters survive him.
Row. C. F, Zlmmermana.
CLEVELAND. O.. Sent. T P.v f v
Zimmerman, editor of the German Evan
gelical magazine, Sunday achool papers,
leaflets, etc., and tor twenty years pre
siding elder of the Wisconsin conference,
died In this city tonight. Rev. Zlmmer
mann waa very prominent In his church and
had lived In Cleveland for seven years. He
waa b years old.
Mr. Henderson, Jollet.
JOLIET, HI., Sept. 7. Mrs. Helen O.
Henderson died here today, aged 88 years.
She wa on of tho oldest settlers in Jollet.
She was born In New York, came to Jollet
In 1835 and had lived here ever since. She
wa the wife of Judge Hugh Henderson, a
well known Jurist, who died In 1854.
Losooeo of Crook Nation la Iadlaa Ter
ritory Said to Plan Cottoa
GUTHRIE, Okl., Sept. 7. There are all
manner of reports relative to the leasing
of the landa In the Creek nation, Indian
Territory. Some of the largest companies
ara said to have secured control of a much
as 100,000 acre each and to be reaching
out tor more; other are said to control
from 20.000 to 50,000 acre each. What
the companies Intend to do with these ex
tensive tracta la pussllng the realdenta of
the territory. A recent report atated that
It Is the Intention ot one company to break
the land Into small parcels and plac south
ern negroes on them with the object ot
growing cotton on a large scale. This plan
I vigorously opposed by the residents.
Pretty Near Time to Stop.
Wouldn't It make your friend mad te
tell her she was la reality a drunkard
but many women are drunkards uncon
sciously from the use ot coffee, which
wrecks their nervous systems, and they
seem unable to reform.
A lady tn Philadelphia, Fa., waa very
badly affected by coffee, causing ber to
have nervous prostration, and shs finally
wok up to the fact that she waa la real
Ity a coffee drunkard. Her doctor bad
told her that she must give up coffee, but
she seemed unable to do It.
One day she read aa advertlaement about
Poatum Food Coffee and thought ahe would
give It a trial. She says: "Coffee had
such a strong hold oa me that at first I
did not make It all Poatum, but added a
tablespoonful ot coffee. After a while I
quit putting coffee ta at all, and aooa
found I felt much batter. Continued use
stopped my headache aad biliousness, and
I aoon noticed that my aervousnsss had
evidently left mo for good. Now I would
aot asa anything else, and the smell of
coffee makes me sick.
"I am using your Grape-Nuts also, and
think It a wonderful food. I lately cured
aa attack of indigestion by eating nothing
but Grape-Nuts and drinking Postum tor
two week, and now I caa oat solid food
aad feel no distress." Name given by
Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mica.
feintjlvania Kailroad Ha fire Freight
Wrecks ia Twenty Hoar.
Accidents All Oresr on Comparatively
Short DlTlaloa Much Frerloa
Freight Consanied la
ALTOONA, Pa.. Sept. 7. Fivo freight
wrecks occurred today between Johnstown
end Harrisburg on the Pennsylvania rail
road system.
The first occurred at 3 o'clock this
morning and waa caused by a runaway
freight train crashing into another freight
train at McOarrey'a station, three mils
west of Altoona. Ten ear and the loco
motive ot the runaway train were derailed.
Fireman W. O. Allison brok his left arm
In Jumping from ths engine, but ne one
els was hurt.
A short time later a freight train on
the Cresaon aV Clearfield road parted near
Frugality and, tha secttona coming to
gether with great force, several car were
wrecked. Brakeman J. E. Gutcball wa
taken from under the ear dead aud
Brakeman C. E. Steele died on hla way to
the' hoapltal.
Later there was a wreck at Port Royal
caused by a burned journal. Nine cars
loaded with valuable merchandise are eald
to have been destroyed.' Shortly after
ward there was a wreck at Milierstown
and five loaded cars are said to have
been broken to pieces, the result ot a
broken wheel. Another wreck occurred
at Ryde and several care were broken up.
(Continued from First Page.)
One of these letters Bartholin accidentally
dropped from hts pocket and Charles Hoeft,
the farmer for whom Bartholin wa working,
read a few line of it. Bartholin, however,
took the letter from him after he had read
the flrat few lines. Hoeft state that the
letter waa addressed to "Oeorge Edwards,"
the name by which Bartholin was known
tere, but that the letter began "My Dear
est Will." A he remembered It, the letter
"My Dearest Will: Lay low and get along
a best you can." Then came a reference to
some money matters not yet settled In Chi
cago, for which the receiver ot tha letter
had evidently been looking. Continuing, It
said: "Keep a stiff upper Up and I'll be
able to help you as soon "
Hoeft had read no more when Bartholin
appeared and seized the letter. Thia wa
about August 25, and the following day Bar
tholin left the Hoeft farm.
An Impression had gained ground here
that an Immense reward had been offered
for the body of Bartholin, dead or alive.
Borne placed the figure at 117,500. When the
coroner'a jury yesterday returned a veruiul
that the suicide waa Bartholin A frantic
effort was made to secure the reward. These
endeavors prompted efforts to conceal the
facts of the suicide's Identity. Coroner Car
penter lives twenty miles from here and
the note found on Bartholin' body were
taken to his home.' Today detective and a
number of newspaper men arrived from Chi
cago with the brother ot Minnie Mitchell
to confirm the identification of the body. It
had been presumed that Bartholin might
have killed a man' and deposited notes on
his person In ore to end the search 'for
himself with the t impression , that he had
committed suicide But Lieutenant of De
tectives Andrew Jtohan, Dr. Coey and Wil
liam Mitchell are- convinced that the body
la Bartholin's.
After the removal of the suicide's jaw
for purposes of identification by Dr. Coey,
the remains, blackened by decomposition.
were relnterred.
Bartholin's remains now rest in a pauper's
grave. The revolver with which he com
mitted suicide Is a 32-callbre pistol, known
to have been in his possession In Chicago,
and aald to be the same weapon with which
he killed hts mother and aweetheart.
Certain It I Bartholin.
CHICAGO, Sept. 7. Chief of Police
O'Nell says there Is no doubt as to Identi
fication of the body found In a field in
Iowa as that of William Bartholin. Coey,
the dentist who filled Bartholin's teeth,
was taken to Iowa last night with De
tective Rohan and has fully Identified hi
work on the teeth. Letter from Minnie
Mitchell were found In the coat pocket of
the suicide.
The following telegrams have juet been
received at police headquarters:
RICEVII.LE. Ia., Kept. 7.-Francls O'Nell,
Superintendent of Police, Chicago: Coro
ner Uvea twenty miles from here; body
burled here yesterday. Coroner on his way
here. Will have body exhumed this after
noon. Letters supposed to be written by
Minnie Mitchell and signed M. M. were
found on body of the dead man. Dr. An
drew Coey la here with me and will ex
amine the teeth.
Lieutenant of Detectives.
RICEVII.LE. Ia., Sept. 7.-Francls O'Nell,
Superintendent of Police. Chicago: Have
body exhumed. Dr. A. Coey held the ex
amination, found the upper teeth false and
lower right teeth crowned as description,
also the corns on left little toe. No doubt
a to the Identification. Will leave here
Lieutenant of Detectives.
Other Suspects Will Be Held.
"The charges preferred by the police
against Claffy, Thompson and Counselman
will bo heard by the next grand Jury,
which convene one week from Tuesday,"
aald an attache of the state's attorney'
office tonight. "The confession of Bar
tholin Is not a ukase guaranteed to free
everybody. The fact that Bartholin killed
three people, including himself, will add
no great newa to thia piece of written
testimony ha left behind. There may be
many strong evidences Involving these
three mea. The evidence must bs heard,
wherefore the accused must remain in
jail In default ot ball, unleaa released on
habeas corpus, and I hardly believe that
1 possible."
Rev. McArtaar Says it Makes a Demaa
of God and a Fakir of tho
NEW TORK, Sept. 7. Rev. Dr. R. 8.
McArthur, at the 100th meeting in the
Evangel tent today, aasalled the doctrine
of baptism. He claimed that the dropping
of water on an infant at birth was heathen
ish, and that the idea that God would for
ever condemn an Innocent but unbaptlsed
babe make him a tyrant, a monster, a
This, coming from Dr. McArthur, had
a woaderul effect on hla bearera. They
arose to their feet and applauded wildly.
Tho scene was striking.
"Baptism," he declared, "never saved a
human aoul. The doctrine of baptismal re
generation Is unarrlptural. Tbe beliefs
gathered about Infant baptism form one ot
the saddest chspters in church history.
Thousands through all the ages have be
lieved that a child dying without belag
baptised was eternally loat. This dark and
earthly auperstltloa has cast a gloom over
tho history of tho church for centuries
"This doctrine Is heathenish, pure aad
simple. Tho Idea that God would condemn
an lnnnocent bab because some oa had
aot put a few drop of water on Its head
arxt tare makes God a monster, a demon.
Rather than believe In such a God I would
be a confirmed Infidel. This doctrine of
baptismal regeneration makes the minister
ot religion a worker of tragic, a fakir, a
performer ot ecclestlcal miracles. 8uch a
teaching Is In .violation of all sound scrip
(Ccntinued from First Page.)
greatly Interested in many of the monuments
which mark the battlefield and after read
ing the Inscription on that erected by the
stale of Kentucky bad Assistant Secretary
Barnes moke a copy of It.
oathera Children Relate.
The drive extended through Missionary
Ridge to Orchard Knob. Along the route the
president frequently was greeted by groups
of people to whom he responded by raising
his hat. At one point of tho road a number
of children waved small American flags as
the president passed.
When Orchard Knob was reached the pres
ident walked through It to the 'rolley cars,
which conveyed tho party to the foot of
L'.dkout Mountain. At the top ot the moun
tain a large crowd had assembled, which
cheered the president as he left the car.
Accompanied by General Boynton and tbe
other member ot Ms party, the president
proceeded to Point Lookout, whore a mag
nificent view of tbe valley of the Tennessee
and surrounding country waa had. Her
General Bonton welcomed him In the fol
lowing words:
"I am glad to welcome an American prince
this time, and doubly glad to aee you and
your secretary here after the accident of
last week."
The president responded with a smile and
a bow. General Boynton then described to
tbe president briefly, but graphically, the
different operation connected with the bat
tles around Chattanooga. He found the
president an attentive listener, he frequently
Interrupting the story to ask a question.
When General Boynton had concluded the
president remarked: "It Is a wonderful bat
tlefield." I Dinner on Mountain Top.
Dinner was served on the mountain and
then the party returned to the city. During
the progress cf the trip down the mountain
side a number of children threw two large
bunches of goldenrod to the president, who
stood on the front platform of the car. He
caught one ot them and waved his thanks
to tho little folks An Immense crowd was
assembled about the hotel and they cheered
the president as he alighted from his car
riage. One of tbe Incidents of the day which
pleased the president very much was the
meeting of three members of his old com
mand, who served with him tn Cuba. Tbey
were Lieutenants Cartwell and Palmer of
the Seventh cavalry, both serving with him
as privates, and Mr. Croker of Georgia, who
was with the president at San Juan.
The president tomorrow will address the
convention ot the Brotherhood ot Locomo
tive Firemen and also the citizens of Chat
tanooga from a stand erected near tha
courthouse. He will leave for Knoxville to
morrow afternoon.
Kaeivllle Is All Ready.
KNOXVILLE. Tenn., Sept. 7. All details
have been completed for the vlalt of Presi
dent Roosevelt tomorrow. The program Is
short, owing to hts limited stay. Imme
diately upon arrival at 5 p. m. he will be
met by the local reception committee and
escorted by the local battalion of tbe Sixth
regiment to the Woman's building cn Main
avenue, where he will deliver an address.
A carriage drive to points of Interest will
follow. . . ..,..
Attorney General Arrives la Pari to
Look Into Panama Canal
PARIS, Sept. 7. P. C. Knox, attorney
general of tbe United States, arrived here
Attorney General Knox left New York
August 27 on board the steamship Oceanic
ot the White Star line for Paris. He went
abroad for the purpose of obtaining -a
clear title to the property bought by the
United States from the Panama Canal com
pany and to Investigate the treaty between
that company and the Colombian govern
ment, which Is to be transferred to the
United States.
Mr. Russell of the Department of Justice
has been engaged for the last six weeks
In Paris In Investigating the matters which
took Mr. Knox abroad.
Amerlcaa Cob. traction C.mpaar In
vite Everybody to Whoop I'poa
Establishing Sew Btatloa.
GUAYAQUIL, Ecuador, Sept. 7. Tbe J.
P. McDonald Construction company, an
American concern constructing tbe rail
road from here to Quito, has Invited the
Ecuadorian authorities to attend the inaug
uration tomorrow of the railroad station at
Alausl, which is situated at aa elevation ot
7,600 feet above the sea and distant ninety
mile from Guayaquil. The government has
decreed that tomorrow will bo observed aa
a feast day In honor of tbe opening ot
the Alausl atatlon.
laalsts an Seadlaax Torpedo Boats
Thronsrh Dardanelles fader m
Commercial Flaaj.
CONSTANTINOPLE. Sept. 7. Russia haa
declined to accept the dental ot the port
to allow four unarmed torpedo boata to
pas through the Dardanelles under a com
merclal flag, and has written tha Turkish
authorities insisting that the boata ha al
lowed to go through. Tbe porte. It Is said,
will appeal to the power In the matter.
Gorki Play a Pallaro.
BERLIN, Sept. 7. "The Petty Townspeo
pie," a play by Maxim Gorki, the Russian
author, was presented at the LesMng theater
here laat night and attracted a great audi
nee ot first-nighters. Tbe play was a dis
tinct disappointment. Although Interesting
It Is utterly lacking In dramatic action and
la merely a series of scenes from Russian
provincial town life, loosely thrown to
gether. The keen observation of the prac
tical storyteller, detailed to atudy Russian
characteristics, held the attention of the
audience and brought out considerable ap
plauae during tbe flrat three acta of tbe play.
but at Ita termination "The Petty Towns
people" wss almost hissed.
latcrfera la Workmea'o Meetla.
BARCELONA, Sept. 7. The police of this
city Interfered todsy In a workmen'a meet
ing and made several arrests. A crowd
then tried to arrest tbe civlllsus, and
mounted guard fired oa the people. On
workman was killed and several wounded.
Galdl t oasreralloB.
ROME. Sept. 7. Mgr. Guldi, who was re
cently appointed apostolic delegate- In tbe
Philippines, will be consecrated September
29, Cardinal Rampola officiating.
Hoala ae ay Katie.
If a paia. sore, wound, bura, scald, cut
or. pile d la tress you, Bucklen' Arnica
Salve will cure It, or no pay. 26a,
Betainri Operations to Regain AtUutitn
New Gives. Palee,
Naples Correspondent t ables to Lon
don that the Ancient Deatroyer
Reaamrd Baalne.a Last Sat
ardir Moraine
LONDON. Sept. 7. A special dispatch
from Naples says that large volumes of
flames were Issuing from the crater of
Mount Vesuvius, Saturday morning.
Emperor William Will Pnt Ills Army
Thronajh Ita races la Mock
In preparation for tbe autumn maneuvers
which begin next Tuesday, 92,000 troops
are spreading over the countryside In two
armies, one of which Is marching to tbe
eastward from here by various parallel
roads, while the other is marching west
from Posen. It hat been raining all day.
Tbe general staff, which Is the brains of
the German military organization, once a
year puts opposing armies Into the field
under what would be the probable condi
tions of war and notes tbe results, es
pecially In the higher question of strategy.
Each regiment and division Is exercised
frequently In minor maneuvers In. all
weathers and under various topographical
condition, but the grand maneuvers In
which several army corps are engaged, take
place one year tn one part of the empire
and the next year In some other locstlou
and are for the working out of fresh com
binations on a great scale.
The operations now beginning will be
extended over a territory which is. roughly
speaking, thirty miles wide and fifty miles
long. Tbe hostile army, the Blues, Is
popularly assumed to be Russian. It Is
supposed to have penetrated the frontier
and to be advancing. It Is composed of
the Fifth corps and fraction of other
corps. The whole is somewhat less than
50,000 mea strong, of which 26.000 are In
fantry, 17,000 cavalry and comprises four
regiments of field artillery, detachments
of horse artillery, machine guns, balloon
ist, pioneers, telegraphers and a commis
sary department
The advance guard ot the Blues Is sup
posed to have crossed a line marked by
the river Obra, a tributary to the Warthe,
and to be seeking to gain the left bank
of tile Oder and possession of the railroad
junction at Frankfurt-on-the-Oder.
The defending army, known as the Rede,
Is made up of tbe Third army corps and
the First division ot the guards. It la
somewhat more than 40,000 strong and
composed of 28,000 Infantry, 12,000 cav
alry, five regiments of artillery and tbe
usual complement of aeronauts.,
Tho outpost cf the two artel's are to
come Into touch Tuesday morning between
MesertU. Schwlebua and Butschen. This Is
ail the general staff at present permit
outsider to know. Strategical movement
and tour days' fighting with blank cart
ridges are to follow under the observa
tion of Emperor William and tbe most
gifted military commanders of Germany
and foreign officers of distinction from
Italy, Great Britain, Russia, Austria and
the United Bute. The British group In
clude Earl Roberts, Generals Kelly-Kenny
and Ian Hamilton.
The maneuvers In the purview of the
general1 staff, are a part or the combination
that engage the whole army in Imaginary
action. It Is probable that in the calcu
lations of the general staff the forces are
In general contact with each other or with
lue lurce. IU IIIRIH, MUU IJ ""I 1M i
conjunction "i armies on paper, having '
an object not revealed to tbe public. Tbe
chief value of the maneuvers, therefore,
lies in a consideration which Is only per
ceived by the board of strategists at the
top of the general staff, while foreign vis
itors, not even those ot the first rank, will
see the full meaning of the operations.
Their professional Interest will be en
gaged in witnessing large bodies of troops
handled in the field.
The German officer taking part in the
maneuver are very much In earnest. The
operatlona are no pleasure trip for them,
but a time to test their Judgment and skill
In executing details in the field. Their
tending with their superiors and their
promotion depend upon their own conduct
and that of the men whom they have
trained, but under conditions quite different
from the barrack room and the parade
Bridgetown Crowd Declines to Permit
Removal of Patient aad Trouble
KINGSTON, Jam., Sept. 7.-The steamer
La Plata, which arrived here last night
from West Indian ports, brings news cf a
riot at Bridgetown, Barbadoes, August .
There haa been an epidemic of amallpox
at Bridgetown, and on that day a crowd
of tOO persons refused to permit the re
moval of a smallpox patient for Isolation.
The authorities were attacked and atoned
and several of them were Injured. The
riot act was read to the crowd and the
police charged It. The crowd fell back
cowed, and numerous arrests were made on
the charge of rioting. The authorities at
Bridgetown were so alarmed that word was
sent to tho island of Bt. Vincent for a war
ship. , The British cruiser Retribution Im
mediately left Kingstown for Bridgetown.
All waa quiet at the latter port, but the
smallpox thero continues to Increase at
an alarming rata.
At a representative meeting yesterday
afternoon of the augar planters of Jamaloa
resolutions war passed condemning Great
Britain's neglect of the West Indies, re
sulting almost In ruin to the sugar in
dustry, setting forth tha total Inadequacy
of the measure proposed by Great Britain
for the relief of the West Indian sugar
planters and calling for federation with
Canada aa the only means of retrieving the
fallen fortunes ot Jamaica. Although the
aubject has been much discussed lately,
Hair - Food
Falling hair, thin hair, gray
hair starved hair. You can
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footf. Then feed your starv
ing hair with a hair-food
Ayer's Hair Vigor. It re
news, refreshes, feeds, nour
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"I have tried two 'best ever sold'
preparations, but Ayer's Hair Vigor
beats them all for restoring ths natural
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very soft snd smooth." Mrs. J. H.
Marcrum, Sumner, Miss.
fl.M. ail sratfUi. J.C AVU CO., Lewali, ftaa. '
yesterday wan the flrM time a definite pro
posal for federation with Caiimli wa mud -.
ladlaent Armenian In Paris Atlenii
tn Kmnlatc Royalty tand l
Jnlle.l for It.
PARIS. Pfpt. 7 As the hsli cf Persia
vas returning to his hotel this afternoon
a man who claims to be an Armrnlsn waa
arrested for trying to approach his maj
esty's carriage. The prisoner sid Ills only
intention was to ask"
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