The Omaha Daily Bee. KSTA11LISHKI) JUNE 10, 1871. OMAHA, MONDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 8, 1902. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. A IT IS BARTHOLIN'S Xodj Found at Ilceville Poeitiyely Identi fied m that of Chicago Murderer. IT IS EXHUMED AND AGAIN EXAMINED Chicago Dentist Bacagnisea tha Qold Orewned Teeth He Fillai GROWTH ON TOES ANOTHER MARK It and tha Lettere RernoYe Lut of the Faint Doubu CHICAGO DETECTIVE MAKES HIS REPORT tVlres Chief O'Xeil from Itlrevllle that Identification la omplrtf-Story of Bartholla'a Hereat Mad Wanderings. RICEVILLE. Ia.. Sept. 7. The body which wa burled here yesterday morning and which waa believed to be that of Wil liam Bartholin, waa exhumed thla after noon and positively Identified aa that of the Chicago double murderer. The Identification waa made by William Mitchell, a brother of one of Bartholin's victims, and Detective Andrew Rohan of Chicago, who arrived here this morning from Chicago. Dr. A. J. Coey of Chicago, who came here with Detective Rohan, cut out the lower Jaw of the dead murderer, which contained the two gold crowned teeth which have figured so largely In the description sent broadcast throughout the country for purposes of Identification. The Jaw will be taken to Chicago by the de tective. Bartholin's body waa found last Friday afternoon about six miles from Ricevtlle, as told in the Associated Press dispatches last night, by J. 0. Pratt, a resident of Ricevtlle. Mr. Pratt was driving to Elm and when parsing a flax field saw the body lying against a stack of flax. Thinking It was a man asleep, he paid no attention, but on returning found the man still there and upon Investigation discovered he was dead, with a revolver lying by his left band. Coroner T. 3. Carpenter was notified and the body waa moved to an undertaking es tablishment at Rlcevllle. There J. B. Mc Cook, editor of a Rlcevllle psper, discov ered that the dead man bore a striking resemblance to the published plcturea of the Chicago murderer. Inquiry here de veloped that Bartholin came to Rlcevllle August 6, before the bodies of Mrs. Barth olin and Miss Mitchell were discovered. Thomas Phee, a contractor doing some work here for the Great Western road, advertised for laborers In Chicago on Au gust 5, offering free transportation to the place of work. Among thoaa who re sponded was Bartholin, who hired under the name of George Edwards. He worked at the construction work for but half a day and haa since been working on a threshing machine and In the harvest Id until last Saturday morning, when he was-last area leaving-RicevtHe In the direction of the place his body was found. Text of the Confession. The text of the confession left by the aulclde, aa made public by Dr. T. 8. Car penter, coroner of Howard county, fol lows: To Whom It May Concern: I want to atate I am the Bartholin the police are looking for. Also wish to certify I had no asnlstance of any kind from anyone. Thompson, Clalty and Counselman are all aa Innocent aa an unborn child and should be freed at once. I cannot go Into details In regard to the crimes. They were not planned. It was all Minnie and I could do. Mv mind Is wandering. Bueh a drop In life In a short time. Two months ago traveling In the best of company: today living the Ufa of hoboes, a murderer. I intended to go- into details and tell all. but I can't get my mind centered. Even my handwriting Is disgraceful. Hut above .all things. I ask. clear everybody from under suspicion. There Is no second party; I am the lust. W. J. BARTHOLIN. In the note signed Bartholin there Is evidence of great mental stress. After the words "It was all Minnie and I oould do" comes an Illegible scrawl, clca-ly abowlng that the wr ter had no intention to connect the girl with the crimes to which he referred In the preceding sen tence. At the same Is apparent that Bartholin and Miss Mitchell shared In aome trouble to which the au'rlde referred. Several notea to Bartholin, algned "M. M." and Identified by William Mitchell as the handwriting of hta sister, were turned over to the brother, who seemed eager to prevent their publication. One la a specimen of the rest. It Is addressed to "Dear Will" and Informs the recipient that the girl could not meet him that night. Two of these missives are a'gned "Your Darling Sweetheart, Minnie." All are dated In Chicago during April. The confession was written on note paper and dated August SI, the day on which Bartholin is believed to have killed himself. Remalas at Hotel Five Days. The fugitive murder r reached Rlcevllle on August . one day before thj discovery In Chicago of the body of Minnie Mitchell and three days before the remains ot his murdered mother were found. He worked half a day on a Chicago Great Western railroad bridge here. That even ing he registered at the Wilkes bote! as George Edwards, telling the c'.erk he was 111 and wanted a secluded room. He took advantsge of the plea of Illness to hare bis meals sent to his room and to av:ld notice by remaining In his apartment. Wilkes, the proprietor of the hotel, aiy Bartholin was at his place live daya before starting off into the country, In aearch of work. When he had gone and tha news paper plcturea of the fugitive found cir culation hero, no one thought of associat ing him with the Chicago Crimea. Bartholin found ready employment aa a harvest hand on the farm of John Hlgglna, where ha worked for a week. No one thee can recall having seen blm read a news paper and a few at work on the farm had yet to learn ot the Bartholin myatery, the harvest aeason having been at its height and little opportunity being f.und for news paper perusal. When the fugitive had fin Ished work at the Hlgglna farm he went to Charles Hoeft's plsce across the plain. Three days' work there ended the harvest making and then Bartholin returned on the afternoon of Auuit 30 to the Wilkes hotel. The next day, it Is supposed, ha killed himself. At all events, it is cob aidered certain that he wrote his farewell confession in the Wilkes hotel on August SO, before seeking the spot at which he com mitted suicide, la Dsn McConnell's flsx fl-ld, close to the farm of John Higg ns. Woman losshl la AI4 Hint. It developed here today that Bartholin had been In correspondence with an unknown woman la Chicago who had endeavored to aid blm financial!) after his arrival here. (Continued an Second Page.) GARDENER NOW SINGS PRAISE Major Who Reported Water Care Ar rives to Declare that Philippines Are Farina; Well. MANILA, Sept. 7. Captain J. J. Peresh lng, who Is In command of the American force at Camp Vicars, Mindanao, reports to General Chaffee that several ot the Moro chiefs whose forces have attacked Amer icans, hare rejected all friendly overtures and that he has been unable to reach any understanding with them. The bresklng of negotiations with the Moros, Captain Pc reining reports, will probably bring on a crisis In the Moro situation. It is be lieved In Manila that a renewal of Moro attacks will result In retaliation by the American force The military record shows that since the Bayan fight last Msy the Moros bsve made twelve attacks on American soldiers, killing four Americans and wounding twelve. Including one officer. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 7. Major Cor nelius Gardener, who reported that the water euro and other forms of torture were used against the natives In the Philippines, bss arrived here on the transport Buford. The report was made In December last while the major was civil governor of the province of Tayabas. "I do not know that I am to be called to Washington," said Major Gardener. "I will report to the military headquarters here at once." "Your friends say," suggested a repor ter, "that every effort is being made to pre vent you from proving the truth of your report." The major answered: "I made my re' port as I saw things and as I saw them to be true, as a matter of duty and con scientiousness, and for the information of Governor Taft and the government. I con sidered the report in the nature of confi dential information and not for publica tion." "Had you any idea, major, that the docu ment might be used for political purposes?" the major was asked. "Politics! Politics! Why I have never mixed in politics of any sort. My politics consists of (he declaration of independence and the golden rule. The civil government In the Philippines has had difficulties to contend with, but they are now gradually disappearing. I believe civil government to be a success In the islands, and I be lieve the work done by the civil govern ment In organizing provincial government will stand aa a monument to an honest and able administration. The better classes of the natives the educated classes ap preciate the difficulties and approve of the efforts made by the commission." BERTI PROBABLY DEFEATED Fears Entertained at Panama that Herrera Was Successful at Aaraa Dnlce. PANAMA. Colombia, Sept T. The gov ernment general Morales Berti, who has been beselged by the insurgent forces under General Herrera at Agua Dulce, haa prob ably been defeated. The government gunboats returned here last night from an exploring expedition. Officers of the expedition report having landed at . Teguata,. where the Insurgent garrison was defeated after a alight skir mish. A few Insurgent prisoners were cap tured and it Is from these men that the news of the government's defeat at Agua Dulce has been obtained. General Berti had been besieged since July 18. The troops of his command must have Buffered terribly from lack of sup plies during the last days ot the siege and it Is said they were compelled to eat horse flesh. Up to August 30 General Berti bad not surrendered, but since that date he Is believed either to have done so or to have forced his way out of Agua Dulce. General Bertl'a brave and heroic defence ot Agua Dulce has been admired even by the in surgents as one of the most brilliant pagea In the history ot the present revolution. Early In August the port ot Agua Dulce was captured by the insurgents and the government gunboat Boyaca, with rein forcements for Gene-"' erl. also fell Into their handa. These facta, coupled with the acarclty of government troops at Panama and Colon, made it Impossible for General Balszar, governor of Panama, to render Berti assistance. In government circles, however, the hope is still entertained that General Berti has forced his way out ot the bealeged town, but there is nothing to con firm this suggestion. If General Berti were defeated It is believed tbat General Herrera could have prolonged the insur rection for a few months. It Is understood here that the govern ment will take no active steps against the Insurgents at Agua Dulce until the ar rival here of the new Colombian war ves sel Bogota, which haa been purchased at Seattle, Wash., by Senor Concha, the Co lombian mtnlater at Washington. Psnama and Colon are both atrongly protected. HE IS NOT COMING OVER YET Baroa Schwartseneteln Saye There is No Prospect of aa Aaahassador- hip. Already. NEW YORK. Sept. 7. Baron von Munn von Schwartxensteln, German minister plenlpotenary at Pekln and formerly mtn later and charge d'affalra of the kaiser at Washington, emphatically denies the stories which have been published that he Is about to be appointed ambassador to the United States. He declares that he has no reason to believe that the German government contemplates, for the present, sny change whatsoever In Its representation at Wash ington. Baron von Munn. who haa been visiting friends st Newport, and at Bar Harbor, ail'.a on Tuesday for home on a six-months' leave of absence. AMERICANS JUMP RIGHT IN Two Firms Sead Aareata (a Spain aa Recommendation af British Consul. LONDON, Sept. 7. A dispatch to the Dally Mall from Malaga, Spain, says that as a result of the British consul at that place having called, attention to the open ing tor British trade,the agents of two American firms are now there prospecting for the construction of two new rallroadi. "Helping our Rivals," la the headline given by the paper tor this dispatch. WHERE PAPERS ARE FAVORED Uaverament of Pern Wan Id Like ta Have Their Materials Admitted Free af Daly. LIMA, Peru. Sept. 7. The government has presented te the Chamber of Deputies a project for the reduction ot the varloua Important custom duties. It Is proposed to reduce the duty on paraffin te 20 per cent, and printing presses, types, paper and ink tor newspapers are to be admitted tree. PRESIDENT ARRIVES EARLIER Roosevelt Special Will Pull Into Omaha at 4:20 in Afternoon. ALLOWS TIME FOR DAYLIGHT DRIVE HERE Senator Millard to Consult with Sen ator Dietrich aad Congressman Darkett aa to President's Trip Through Nebraska. S. fy, 'rd is In receipt of a telegram from ' ""ortelyou, private secretary to Preside. -elt. giving tentatively the latter'a lu Nebraska, and leav ing Senator Mill.. . ork of perfecting the plans for rec. ,t In the various towns. As Is well known, the senator has been working In conjunction with the board of governors of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben in planning for the reception at Omaha, but not until this time could definite plana be made. The most important point In the senator'a advices la that the presidential train will reach Omaha at 4:20 p. m. September 27. This admits of a daylight carriage drive be fore dinner. If desired. Senator Mllard has asked Senator Diet rich to confer with him In regard to the reception at Hasting , ar.d the latter reached Omaha Sunday evening, expecting to meet Senator Millard today. Congressman Bur kett will be consulted In reference to the reception at Lincoln. Senator Millard has special directions for the local committees, which will be Imparted at the proper time. HE WILL BE BOSS SPIELER t Dr. William T. Wilson of Philadelphia elected to Supervise Filipinos at St. I.onls. NEW YORK, Sept. 7. Governor Taft of the Philippines has appointed Dr. William T. Wilson of Philadelphia special com missioner to represent the Philippine gov ernment In the preparation of the extensive exhibit which Governor Taft Intends shall be made at the St. Louis exposition. The government of the Philippines will participate in the exposition on a large scale In order to demonstrate the re sources of the Islands to the world. Dr. Wilson Is In New York consulting with President Francis of the exposition on the character and scope of the exhibit which will occupy forty acres. The appropria tion for It already exceeds $500,000. Dr. Wilson Is at present director of the Phila delphia museums. He is a graduate ot Harvard and for years was an Instructor of botsny In that university. He resided In Germany several years pursuing studies in his science and received the degree of doctor of science there. He waa director of the School of Biology at Pennsylvania university, from which Institution he was called to his present office In Phllapel phla. ' He la a member of a large number of scientific societies and associations at home and abroad. Dr. Wilson haa appointed Dr. Gustave Nlederllng to take charge of pro motion and Installation of the exhibit. Dr. Nlederllng represented the Argentine re public at the Paris exposition of 1885 nd at Chicago tn 1893. He haa been connected in a scientific capacity with nearly every exposition in the last twenty years and at various timea has conducted scientific ex peditions In various parts ot the world. RED TINGES THE COLOR LINE Four Persons Sacrifice Blood . When White Folka Insult Mr. Taylor, Who Is Black. OSCEOLA. Ark., Sept. 7. Two men fatally shot and two seriously wounded Is the re sult of a fight between three white men and a negro on a passenger train near here this afternoon. , ' "Bldy" Taylor, a negro, boarded the train and walked Into the coach for white passen gers, saying he proposed to find seats for two negro women. He was told by a pas senger tbat he was In the wrong car. Tay lor, It la said, then drew a revolver and be gan firing Indiscriminately. H. O. Fisher of Rosa, Ark., was shot probably fatally. R. Hume, also of Rosa, was wounded mor tally by a bullet from the negro's pistol. E. W. Shulte, who Is a traveling man, was seriously, although not dangerously hurt. Humo fired upon the negro, the ball striking Urn Id the breast. Taylor waa arrested and brought to the Osceola jail tonight, while the two wounded men were placed in a hos pital here. At midnight It Is reported thst a mob is being formed for the purpose of lynching Taylor. Hume and Fisher are well known men ot Rosa. CHURCHMEN JRISE IN WRATH Injury to Their Friends In Kansas City Joint Marks Beginning; of Another Crusade. KANSAS CITY. Sept. 7. The raid on a joint in Kansaa City, Kan., last night by a doxen churchmen, during which one man was shot and stabbed and another aertcusly hurt, has aroused a bitter war between the churches and the joints. A msss meet ing of 600 church people waa held in the Washington street Methodist church today, at which a fund of 1500 was raised with which to begin a crusade against the joints. The church men who were arrested by the police last night were refused ball until a committee from the mass meeting today waited upon County Attorney Enrlght and prevailed upon him to arraign tho men that they might be released. Audrew Mathey, proprietor of the Jo'nt, fearing more trouble haa gone to the Mis souri side of the line. The county at torney has assured the church people that he will close the Joint tomorrow. Paul W. Radamacker, who waa shot and atabbed, la In a precarious condition. PUBLIC ROAD IS TOO NARROW Old-Time Enemies Could Nat Paae Wlthoat Engagtlaa; la Bloody Fight. DURANT. I. T., Sept. 7. A bloody battle waa fought about ten milea eaat of here last night between Rev. W. F. Whaley and his two sons. Alt and Ernest, on one side, and J. H. and J. A. Rtohardson and tbelr brother-in-law, Mr. Watenberger, on the other, In which the elder Whaley w'aa killed and Alt, bia aon, had both arms shot to pieces, and J. A. Richardson received a severs flesh wound In the thigh. There bss been trouble between the Wbsleys and Rlchardaona for the laat few months and yesterday the two parties met on the highway.. i Dealaoa Helpers Get Busy. DENISON, Texas. Sept. 7. The strike of helpers in the machine shops of the M s sourl, Kanssa A Texis here. Involving about 260 persons, has been settled. The men re turn to work tomorrow. Soma af their de meada ware granted. BODIES OF FAIRS RECEIVED Are Carried from Ship by Dorkhande and Placed Aboard a Chi cago Special. NEW YORK, Sept. 7. In a specially con structed mortuary chapel on the upper deck of the steamer St. louls, which reached dock today, were the bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie L. Fair, victims of an automobile accident in France. The chapel waa draped heavily in black, caught up In broad bands of white ribbon and rare floral offerings were bsnked around the bier in great profusion. The casketa were consigned by Henry de Bourniel to Hermann Oelrlchs. They were removed to the Grand Central depot and placed on the palace car Ben Wyxls, which wss attached to the Chicago Special, which left at 8 o'clock. It waa not known to the passen gers ot the) ship that the bodies were on board until noon on Friday, when the ship was a little more than twenty-four hours from Sandy Hook. In some way the news spread through the salon dining room while the passengers were at luncheon and created Intense excitement. From that time until the ship reached Its dock great Interest prevailed among the passengers and many applications were made to Cap tain Passow for permission to view the mortuary chamber, but all were refused. Even after the ship docked and the bodies were removed the officials refused to allow any one except the immediate relatives who came to claim the bodies to enter the chapel. It waa after 9 o'clock this morning when two plain black hearses, with closely drawn curtains, drove on the dock, fol lowed by an ordinary public carriage. In the carriage were Mra. Herman Oelrlchs and Mra. William Vandcrbllt, jr.. sisters of Mr. Fair. They were met at the pier by agents of the New York Central railroad, and Colonel Jay, who attended to the de tails of having the bod lea removed to the lower floor of the pier, where they were placed in the second csbln waiting room. It was asserted by the quartermaster who stood guard at the gang plank that Wil liam K. Vanderbilt, jr., was also on the pier and waa on the ship at the time the bodies were taken oft, but if so he did not Join the others In the waiting room, nor did he go to them from the pier when the bodies were taken away. An undertaker from Trinity chspel took charge and in the presence of the two sis ters the plain pine boxes were moved. In- l side these boxes was a wrapping of heavy lead, hermetically seated. This wss opened and the caskets removed. Each body rt-aUd in a plain casket of maple, un polished and unadorned with trimmings of any kind save four broad bands of silver, which were bound about each shell and riveted In place. The caskets were boroe in the hands of dock laborers, called from the gang which was already at work breaking out cargo from the ship to the waiting hearses. Six to each casket, dressed In blue jumpers and overalls, the picture Of these sturdy work men acting as pallbearers was only an other striking commentary on the utter lack of display which marked the entire reception ot the bodies. Neither Mra. Vanderbilt " nor Mr. Oel rlchs would give any Inforryatlon as to the final disposition that woa beToade of -the bodies. The hearses, however, left the pier about 1 o'clock, followed by the single car riage containing Mrs. Vanderbilt and Mrs. Oelrlchs. They were driven direct to the Grand Central depot, where the caskets were placed In the palace car Ben Wyzls. Later they were removed from the car and taken to an undertaking establishment, but shortly before the departure of the special they were returned to the car Ben Wyzie. The caskets were placed side by side In the rear tectlon of the car. On that containing the body of Mrs. Fair was a large cross of white roses, on the other an Ivy wreath. TEN INJURED IN COLLISION Motor Cars oa Fort Snelltng; Line at ' St. Paul Meet with Terrlflc Force. ST. PAUL, Sept. 7. Two electric cars on the Fort Snelllng line collided this evening and ten persons have been taken to the city bcspital from Injuries received in the wreck. A motor car and trailer were re turning from the fort heavily loaded with passengers. Approaching from the city was a heavy single car, the headlight on which had been extinguished. It is not known yet just who was to blame for the accident, but the cars met at full speed. The motor car and trailer from the fort were broken Into splinters and the pass engers ground and crushed beneath the debris. The list ot those injured la as follows: J. F. Foy, motorman. Robert Burns. William Brown. Otto Bens. B. C. Hennlnger. V. Van Beck. H. J. Btrachota. F. W. Olllnshaw. Nels Johnson. Emit Gottwald. Nona are fatally injured. CONDEMN C0AL OPERATORS Mass Meetlna; at Chicago t'harch Cen aarea Many for Conditions la Peaasylvanla. CHICAGO, Sept. 7. Sentiments of a radl ral nature, censuring President Baer, Gov ernor Stone of Pennsylvania, President Roosevelt, and mine owners generally, and blaming them for the condition now exist ing in Pennsylvania, were expressed by speakers at a mass meeting at the First Methodist church tonight, and the expres sions were applauded by the audience. Immediate arbitration of the difficulties bet we n the miners and the corporations was the keynote of the meeting and resolutions appealing to Governor Stone to act In the matter were adopted. Pastors, lawyers and sociologists were among the speakers. The meeting was the result of an appeal by the committee of one hundred, which was organised by the local carpenters' union a week ago. Bishop Fallows presided and among the speakers were Judge Dunne, Dr. Thomas of the People's church. Rev. J. P. Brushlngham of the First Methodist. Dr. Strong of the Oak Park Congregational, Rev. Dr. Swift and Clarence S. Darrow. FOR ROBBING AND ROASTING Joha Bandera Is Arrested aa the Slayer af Joha Pldock la Idaho. POCATELLO. Idaho. Sept. 7. John San ders was arrested today in Cornish, Just over the Idaho line in Utah and lodged In Jail here, charged with the murder of John Pldock at Downey, on August 21. Pldock'a body was thrown on a pile of burning ties and It waa a mass of roasted flesh when found. Robbery la aupposed ta have been the motive. FINDS A GRACIOUS I10ST P resident Booaerelt Royally Entertained by City ef Chattanooga, INSrECTS PARK AT TOO BRISK TROT Goes Over Historic Battlefield at So Smart a Gait that Several Mem bers of Hla Party Are I'nhoraed. CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., Sept. 7. Presi dent Roosevelt wss the guest today of the citizens of Chattanooga and right royally they entertained him. He came to Chat tanooga primarily to attend the national convention of the Brotherhood of Locomo tive Firemen and tomorrow he will be the guest of the railroad mra, but todsy Chat tanooga as a whole entertained him. From early morning until late this evening he was driven from one historic place to an other and the details of the battles that have msde this city famous were explained to him by men who were participants in the struggles. The battlefields of Chlrka mauga. Missionary Ridge, Orrhsrd Knob and Lookout Mountain were driven over. Tonight he attended the First Baptist church, of which Rev. J. W. Brougher Is the pastor. The presidential train arrived here promptly at 8:30 a. m. There was a larre crowd at the station and, notwithstand ing the day was Sundsy, the president waa accorded a warm welcome. A committee, composed of Governor Mc Mlllln, Mayor A. W. Chambllss, Congress man John A. Moon, General II. V. Boyn ton, General A. P. Stewart and Captain J. P. Smart, members of the Chirkamauga Park commission; General A. W. Wylle and Captain J. W. Shlpp, entered the pres ident's car and welcomed him to the city. Trolley cars were In waiting and after the formal greeting was over the start for the Chlckaraauga battlefield waa made. At the entrance to Chlckaraauga park the Seventh United States cavalry, under command of Colonel Baldwin, which acted as the pres ident's escort through the park, waa drawn up. The president, with General Boynton. president of the psrk commis sion, mounted horses and after the other members of the party had entered car riages the drive through the park began. Seta Too Fast n Pace. The cavalcade was hardly under way be fore the president started his horse at a sharp trot and for a mile and a half led the regiment a merry chase over the bat tlefield. The pace was so hot that several of the troopers were unhorsed and it was necessary to call the ambulance corps Into service. Atter Inspecting a portion of the field the president stopped at the camping grounds of the regiment and reviewed the regiment, together with the Third bat tery of field artillery, under command of Captain Nlles. The review took place upon the spot where thirty-nine years ago, on- a Sunday morning, the confederate brigade of General Manlgault of Hind man'a division waa repulsed In a desperate charge by a portion of General Wllder's brigade of cavalry. i, ; - ... :.At.thei neluslott.oJ the review,, the Seventh cavalry went through their new callsthenica drill. The troopers were dis mounted and to the accompaniment of the band performed their evolutions. Tho president at first waa disinclined to wit nets a drill on Sunday, but upon its be ing represented to him that the mer were particularly anxious that he should see the drill as this was tho only oppor.unlty he would have to do so, he consented. Lunucheon was served soon afterward and then divine services, which the president attended, were held on the park grounds. Prayers, Cheers and Applause. The services were conducted by Evan gelist Porter and were of a very impressive nature. At their conclusion the president made a short address to the soldiers. He complimented them upon their soldierly ap pearance and also for the splendid drill they had executed. He said he had enjoyed his ride with thom very much. His re marks were frequently Interrupted by clapping and when he concluded the sol diers, led by Colonel Baldwin, gave him three hearty cheers. The president also complimented the members of Troop D of the state guard, under command of Captain Fyfe, which formed a guard of honor at the depot and which also accompanied him on his visit to Lookout Mountain. At the conclusion of the president's re marks, and as he was about to depart from the field, the soldiers called for "Garry Owen," the selection of the atralns of which the Seventh cavalry went Into the battle of the Little Big Horn, where Custer and so many other brave men lost their Uvea. "Yea, give ua 'Garry Owen," " said the president. The band struck up the spirited march and rendered it amid cheers from the crowd. A very pleasing Incident occurred shortly before the president resumed his Inspec tion of the battlefield. A delegation of cltlzena of Georgia, headed by H. R. Harper oi nome, presented to blm a cane cut from the Chlckamauga battlefield. It is of hick ory, with a silver head and band aultably Inscribed. On the head is the following: "Presented to President Roosevelt by citizens of the Seventh congressional district of Oeorg a, September 7, 1902." On the band are the names of six of the generals who partici pated In the battle of Chlckamagua Long street. Wheeler, Hood, Roeecrans, Thomas and Boynton. Tha Seventh Georgia dlat trlct waa the home of President Roosevelt's mother and he alluded to this fact In ac cepting the gift. From Hla Mother's State. The presentation speech was made by Hon. Moses Wright of Rome, to which the president responded as follows: My Dear Mr. Wright: I cannot say how touched and pleased I am. 1 can imagine no gift that would have pleased mw more than to have the young men from my mother's state present me this cane with the names of six generals, three of whom wore the blue and three of whom wore the gray, hut whose descendants and klnfolk are equally loyal to the flag as It now Is I want to mention one curious thing. You have on here General Wheeler's imme I served under him at Santiago. General Hood fought In command of the southern army. One of hla sons was In my regi ment and fouKht with great gallantry. I am so much obliged I can t tell you how I appreciate It. No gift could have been more appropriate, given in pleasanter spirit und exactly at the right time. I thank you most warmly. When he resumed his inspection of the battlefield the president dispensed with the cavalry escort and entered a carriage with General Boynton. Secretary Cortelyou and Acting Grand Master Hannahan ot the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, whoae convention begins here tomorrow. Snod graas tower, which is seventy feet high, was soon reached and, notwithstanding the warm weather, the preatdent walked to the top, where a splendid view of the battlefield was obtained. General Boynton and Captain Smart pointed out the many points of inter est and explained tha positions occupied by tbs different commands. The president was Continued Second Page.) CONDITION 0FTHE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Fair and Cooler Monday. Tuesday Fair; Frost Tuesday Morning In North Portion. Temperature at Omnha Yesterdnyi Hour. Dear. Hour. Drg, ft a. m . . . . . . A) 1 p. tn MJ n a. m ns St p. m Ml T a. m tin a p. m K1 a. m 411 4 p. ni M(l I a. m IX n p. m Ml 10 a. ni . , , . . . Til H p. m . . , . . , KK 11 a. m ? 7 p. m HI 13 m Ttt N p. ni TN O p. m TS GIVES B0ST0NA SEVERE JAR Powder Magaslae F.xplodes, Killing One, Wonndlni Othera and Shak ing; Earth for Miles. BOSTON, 8e'pt. 7. One of the powder magazines at old Fort Wlnthrop on Gov ernors Island, upper Boston harbor, blew up this afternoon with a detonation that was beard at points twenty miles awsy. The cause of the explosion Is not known. Albert H. Cotton, msrrled, of Sommer vllle, who was killed, and five Injured were brought to the city by the police boat, and while It Is believed that this Is the extent of the casualties It is possible that others may be found suffering from the force of the concussion. The injured are: James Crowley, aged 21. Christian Kntidsen, aged 39. Charles Flannagan, aged 23. Dennles J. Swanson. aged 24. Paul Barry, aged 26. All have flesh wounds besides suffering from shock. The missing are: Joseph E. Wakefield of Maiden. James Ryan of East Boston. Negotiations have been pending sometime for the release of the Island by the gov ernment to the city aa a part of the lat ter'a park system, and although a transfer has not been completed, the guard over the Island has been somewhat relaxed of late, and as a result numerous clubs and pleasure parties have made use of It, es pecially on Sundays. The government's only representative there being an or dnance sergeant, who is to maintain a watch over the entire island. There are several old ramshackle buildings at the eouth end of the Island, but the fort itself, only a little being visible above ground, Is of stone, some of the granite blocks being of Immense size; some of these blocks were hurled 100 yards, while one of the largest was sent through the sir and came down through the citadel, making a hole large enough to drive a team of horses through. All over the Island the effects of the ex polislon are visible, while In Eaat Boston ani South Boston and the city proper the concussion was sufficient to break win dows. The powder explosion consisted of about 1 1 tone and was stored in one of the num. bar of casemates built under the ground around the citadel. Otljer casemates were ctiipty. Each of these apartments was built with granite walls twenty-five feet thick and covered with earth and masonry to the depth of thirty-five feet. At first it was supposed that bonfires on tbs Island caused the explosion, but later tbs police learned it waa Impossible for jibe fire to reach the magazine from the "dt,Ulde "and' they' decided the cause is"un explainable. During the afternoon there w.jre several hundred visitors on the Island aad many were close to tho magazine. Many wore thrown to the ground by the con cession. That all of them were not killed la considered almost miraculous. Sergeant Tliomas Shaw, in charge of the premises, was at his quarters at the other end of the island, when the explosion occurred. COCAINE FIEND IS MURDERER Aed Negro at Terre Haute Kills Thomas Burke and Slashes Mrs. Barke. TERRE HAUTE, Ind., Sept. 8. Thomas Burke Is dead at his home here, with hit head almost severed from his body, and his wife is In a dangerous condition from either knife or razor wounds Inflicted by Matthew Alexander, colored, who has been employed around the house for the last five years. Alexander entered the room in which Mrs. Burke was sleeping with her 13-year-old daughter at midnight, while her bus band lay asleep on a couch on the other side of the room. Mrs. Burke was awak ened by feeling the keen edge of a sharp Instrument drawn across her cheek and her acreama aroused her husband. Burke rushed to the rescue of his wife, but be was only partially awake when slashed s-ross the neck and face by the negro. When Burke fell, dying, upon the floor the negro rushed out a aide door, but at tempted to re-enter the room after the door was bolted by Mrs. Burke. Burke died almost Instantly. Hla wife held bis head, sobbing and moaning, as the blood dropped from her face on that of her hus band. No cause la known for the tragedy, as Alexander bad been well treated and trusted by the family. He ia aald to have become a slave of cocaine recently and he may have been under the Influence of the drug. The negro had not been captured at an early hour this morning, but many men are seen upon the streets on the way to police headquartera and the Jail, threatening to lynch him. ARSENIC POISONS HUNDREDS Mexico Town's Cltlseaa Are Dying; from Effects of Meralng; of Pols oned Waters with Pare. ATLANTA. Oa.. Sept. T. A special to the Constitution from Santiago, Texas, saya It Is reported here that reliable Informa tion has been received of the destruction of life at Maplaml, Mexico, by the breaking forth of arsenic springs in the mountains near the city. It Is reported that the waters of the arsenic springs have united with those of the springs which sapply the city with drinking water and the distributing reservoir is said to be thoroughly impreg nated with arsenic. As a result thirty are said to be dead and over 400 are seriously 111. This Is the first information received of the matter and it was some time before the source of the poison was ascertained. According to reports by that time hundreds were ill all over the city and physicians were wired for from all the surrounding mining camps and towns. The cltlzena are now suffering for wsnt of water. Movements of Ocean Vessels Sept. T. At Lizard Passed: Zeeland, from New York, for Antwerp; Minnehaha, from New York, for London: Kroonland. from Ant werp, for New York; PenUnd, from Phlla delphla. for Antwerp. At Urow head Passed: Bovlc. from New York, fnr Liverpool. At -SouthamptonSailed : Ifnheniollern, from Bremen, for New York: Moltke. from Hamburg and Houlogn, Huer Mer, for NVw York. At Qutenatown Sailed: I'mbrla, from Liverpool, for New York At Liverpool Arrived; TefcO, from New SINK FIRMIN'S BOAT Gannane Tafce Revenge en the raft that Hel4 Up Their Markomaniia. CREW ESCAPES BEFORE IT IS SUBMERGED Tint Tire the Veseel, After Whloh Thirty Shells Shatter it te Pieces. FIRMIN IS A 'RESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE Kaiier'e If en, However, Proceed on Theory that He ii a Pirate. UNCLE SAM WILL REQUIRE A REPORT In Case Thla Haytlen Troabla Saoald Hesnlt In an Infrlnsjemrnt on Moa roe Doctrine There May Re Something Do In a;. CAPE HAYTIEN, Haytl, Sept. 7. Tha tnnboat Crete-a-Flerrot, which was In thj service of the Ftrmlntst party, has been sunk at the entrance of the harbor of Oon alvea by the German gunboat Panther. De tails of the ocrurranre are lacking. The crew of the Crete-a-Plerrot left it before it went down. The German gunboat Panther arrived at Port-au-Prince September 5. It was an nounced from Cape Haytlen, September I, that the German steamer Markomannta, Captain Nansen, belonging to the Hamburg American Packet company, having on board arms and ammunition sent by the provis ional government ta Cape Haytlen, had been atopped September S by the Flrminlst gun boat Crete-.-Pierrot at the entrance to tho harbor of Cape Haytlen and that an armed force sent on board the steamer from the gunboat took possession of the war mu nltlona in spite of tho protestation of Cap tain Hansen and the German consul. The seizure ot the Markomannta has been char acterized aa an act of piracy. But a dispatch from Berlin to the Associated Press, dated , September 8. said German government cir cles did not take a tragic view ot the seizure of the German vessel, but that satisfaction would be demanded. "The Foreign office agrees with the view held by the represen tative at Port-au-Prince," said the dls ratch, "that the action of the Crete-a-Plcr-rot was piracy," but It wss not then known whether satisfaction would be demanded at ence or the result ot the revolution In Haytl would bo awaited. Flrat Fired by Crew. PORT AU PRINCE. Haytl, Sept. 7. The German gunboat Panther arrived here Sep tember B and received Instructions from the German government to capture the Flr minlst gunboat Crete-a-Plerrot. It left Im mediately for Gonalves, the scat of tha Flr minlst government. Panther found Crete-a-Plerrot In the harbor of Gonalves and the commander of the German gunboat In formed Admiral Killlck on Crete-a-Plerrot that he must remove hla crew and surrender' his .vessel Is five mtniitea. Admiral Kill lck asked that this fine be extended to fifteen minute. This request waa granted on the condition that the arms and ammuni tion on board Crete-a-Plerrot should be -abandoned when Its crew left It. The crew of Crete-a-PIerrot left that veanel amid great disorder. At the end of fiftoen min utes Panther sent a amall boat carrying an officer and twenty satlora, who were to take possession of the Flrminlst gunboat. When these men arrived at a point about thirty yards from Crete-A-Plerrot flames were seen to break out on board of It. It had been fired by lta crew before they left it. Panther then fired on Crete-A-Pler-rot until it was completely immersed. Thirty shots, all told, were fired. There Is much feeling here against the Flrmlnlsts and their cause is considered to be a bad one. 'Soldiers are leaving here to attack St. Marc. Port Au Prince la calm. Vnrle Sam Not Involved. MANCHESTER, Mass., 6ept. 7. Count Quadt Wykradt Isny ot the German em bassy was seen tonight In relation to the sinking of the gunboat Crete-a-Plerrot by the German gunboat Panther. He said that he had not heard of the Incident until Informed ot It by the Associated Press and for this reason be waa not prepared to make any statement. He did say. however: "I have given the matter little thought, as It is entirely outside of thla country and for that teason I do not expect to receive advices concerning It from my govern ment. While I do not care to make any prediction as to the outcome, I feel quite aure and aafe In aaytng that no Interna tional complications will arise with this country. This is all I care to aay In re gard to the affair." Will Await Minister's Report. WASHINGTON. Bept. 7. The deatructlon of Crete-a-Plerrot without doubt will be made the subject of an official report to thla government by United Btatea Minister Powell, who is now at Port-au-Prince, Pending the receipt of that report thera Is, in the opinion of the officials here who have kept tn touch with affairs, little likeli hood of any action by the State depart ment, and, indeed, Judging from tha char acter of the Instructions transmitted through the Navy department to Com mander McCrea of Machlaa, there will ba little disposition to question the Justice of tha treatment accorded Admiral Killlck. Tbe United Statea naval officer waa spe cially Instructed to prevent interference with commerce and In the execution of those orders he was obliged to warn the rebel admiral tbat be must not search foreign shipping else Machlaa would use its force against htm. The threat waa ef fectual only so long aa Machlaa remained In Haytlen waters and aa soon as It headed northward Killlck held up the German ateamer Markomannta and seized Its cargo and arms. While the State department has not adopted the German view that Killlck was a pirate, it has, on the basts of its, own instructions to Commander McCrea, never admitted his right to Interfere with foreign shipping. It, however, did enter tain a doubt as to whether Killlck waa not privileged to operate aa he did in the case of Markomanula, provided the seizure was made within the three-mile limit and so within Haytlen waters. Monroe Doctrine Doesn't Figaro. However, any question that might arise aa to tbe legality of the action ot the com mander of Panther la one that the State department probably will regard as solrly between tha government of Germany aul Haytl, and as the latter government al ready has denounced Killlck as a plra'a and bad' besought Commander McCrea to seize bis ship, tt la certain that It will make no Usue in this matter. As thera bss been no attempt on the part of the German commander to seize any Haytlen port, of course the Monroe doctrine can not be regarded aa Involved in this Ind-