Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1902, PART I, Page 4, Image 4
SENATOR LODGE ON TRUSTS Diwwuei Them at Close of Bute Ctmpaipa in Maine. FAVORS SUPERVISION AND PUBLICITY To Do Anar with Duties on Truat MM Articles Wonld, He Thinks, Be Only Punlshlnn; Inatendof HrtiUllic the Makers. PORTLAND. Me.. Sopt. . The atate campaign waa ended tonight by the re publkans with a big rally, at which Sena tor Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachuaetts was the principal speaker. He gava his attention to the trust ques tlon. In opening he urged hla hearers to continue In power the republican party. Referring to the war in the Philippines lie aald he belle Ted "the embers of insur rection still smoulder in Springfield, Oroton and Boston." He said that the subject most in the minds of men waa that of trusts and tbat the prealdent had recently aid some strong, wise words upon the subject. Senator Lodge aald that the prealdent waa not at liberty, as he was, to dlacuaa It from a party standpoint. He described the trust In a technical way and aald that to 95 per centlof them there waa not the least objection. To undertake to destroy them by raah legislation, he aid; would bring on at the preaent time the most disastrous business panic that could be imagined. He aald that undoubt edly the great combinations preaent cer tain dangers and certain evils and that at present the difficulty waa In distinguish ing among the corporations. He had been asked: "What' are the evils of the trust?" and he had replied that they can easily be enumerated. First and more serious Is that there Is a great popular suspicion about them. Somewhere there ought to be some means of a atate con trolling what It createa. He aald thla W.1S an evil, because under this govern ment he did not believe tbat anything a creature of the government should be be yond the government'a control. There had been many schemes proposed to solve the trust question, and chief of these waa legis lation. Reckless legislation would be de structive to property. Woald Me Only Punishment. Another solution proposed is that ot weeping away the tariff duties on articles that a truat makes. He aald that that sounds easy, and would be punitive, no doubt, but the moat It could do would be to reduce profit. Som trusts would suffer and Senator Lodge said that he would like to aee the Meat trust punished that way. The Steel truat, he said, Is organized to compete In every market of the world, while many other companies having been built up under the protective tariff, would be dealt a death blow should ths tariff be removed. "You may reduce the profits of th Steel trust," he asld, "but you leave it master fit the Held. If you took off the outy on wooieua, the Wool trust wouiu probably cloas every one of its mills." Senator Lodge thought the methods ot regulating trusts by putting them Into the control of ths publlo through the govern ment Is the silliest remedy ever suggested. He thought the first remedy Is supervision and publicity and the latter is the first thing to seek. In this connection Senator Lodge referred to the suits against the railroad merger and ths Injunction against the Beef trust In conclusion, he said tbat this country wants to retain pros . perity and at the aame time meet the queatloa of trusts. He said some means must be found to bring them within the Isw not to ruin them, but to regulate them, to make the public understand them, to remove the mystery and the discon tent. PORTLAND, Me., Sept. . At the close . of the state and congressional campaign tonight the republican leaders assert that they will re-elect John F. Hill on Monday by about 18.000 plurality. Two years ago Governor Hill's plurality was 83,000. but at that Urns there was much mors Interest in the contest than there Is now, as ,lt was the year of the presidential election. It is generally conceded th"t all four ot tho republican congressmen will be re elected. The legislature, as usual, will be easily republican, although the democrats expect to make gains In both branches, especially In ths house. The principal Interest In the election centers In ths four counties where the Issue is enforcement ot the prohibition law. JOHNSON OPENS THE CAMPAIGN Dodges When " Aaked to Preacrlba a Homedy for Trnat Evils. . LORAIN, O., Sept. 6. Th "democratic tat campaign was opened in this city tonight. A tent with a seating capacity of 1,500. people waa crowded. A drenching rain began to fall during the speech of Rev. Herbert Blgelow, candidate for eecretary ' of state, and continued during the rest ot th meeting. The principal address was that of Mayor Tom li Johnson of Cleve land. He prefaced bis formal remarks by an Invitation to any republican to come for ward and debate th Issues ot th cam palgn. No on responded. Mayor Johnson . then began bis speech, In which be referred ' entirely to state issues. , When Mayor Johnson bad finished hla speech be Invited queatlona from hla hear- . era. He wss asked as to a . remedy for trusts. Replying, the mayor said tbat ths campaign of fairer taxation Inaugurated In Ohio would, be thought, remove a great many of the objections now held against trusts. He said that the Immense holdings of th United State Steel corporation did not necessarily make It an objectionable corporation, but that Justice was not done th people In the matter ot taxing Ita Im mensely valuable or and other m'nlng properties. These, the mayor declared. were taxed at but a email percentage ot tbelr value, while the holdings ot ths farm ers and property owners ar taxed at ap proximately full value. Archbishop Sails for Havana. NEW ORLEANS. Sept. C-ArchbUhop vat.r"" saiiea ioaay ior Havana. TEnDEiifnjs TJo ILBCxo BqsZ Often CUarjreo With Us Because w overeat of them. Indl re lion follows. But (here's t way to . escape euoh coDsequenoes. A dose ot a ood dlcrestant tike Kodol will relive yon it once. Your stomach la simply too weak to digest what you eat. '1 bat gall Indirection Is. Kodol digaU the food without the stomach's aid. Thus the stomach reU while the body is strength nad bv wholesome food. Dieting is un necessary. Kodol digests any kind ot good food. Strengthens and invigorates. Hartal Hakes Uoh Red CSood. Prepared oely by E. C. Pa Witt Co.. Chicago. l(atibHLieroum)ptS ttrneoh.toc six. ttWiri'SicuciSALVE A eerUlo cur tor piles and kla disease. DUKEDOM QUICKLY settled s Adjust th Matter la Most Informal Manner While at Eton, LONDON, Srpt. . How the duchy of ?"Vo bo quot a young relative who waa at Eton with Trince Arthur of Connaugbt. the rightful heir of the duchy, and th duke of of Albany, now duke of Ssxe-Coburg and Gotha. What happened the day ths news came of Prince Alfred of 8axe-Coburg and Gotha's death waa told In his own words: "Connaught met Albany, who was a Jolly, decent chap and much mors popular than Connaught. and aald to him: 'Look here, you have heard. I suppose, thst they want me to go off to Germany and be duke ot Coburg' I " 'Yea ' said Albany. I -Well continued hla cousin. 'I am going Into the British army, and I am not going to turn German So that's all about It. You can go and b duke ot Coburg. It will Just suit yon.' " 'But,' said Albany, I do not want to go to Germany and I do not want to leave Eton." " 'Look here, young chap,' said Con naught, who Is a year or two older, "you've get to be duke of Coburg "and It Is no use talking rot. Next Sunday you are going up to Windsor to lunch with grandmamma, and mind yon. tell ber its all right, and that you agree, ir you don i, iook out ror squaiis and take care I don't kick you Jolly well all around the school yard.' "So, of courae, Albany had to give ia, bs causa he la supposed to be a rather dellcat chap and Connaught could - easily cave kicked blm if he had wanted to." PUBLIC MAY VISIT ABBEY Leaalna- of Abbey Near Site ot Battle of Hnsttnsrs by American Caases Tempest In Teapot. LONDON, Sept. (.A tempest In a teacup I has been raised at Hastings by a report that M, P. Grace, brother of formar Mayor Grace of New York, who recently leased Battle abbey, near th sit of th battle of Hast- I Inga. bad deolded to curtail the public'. privilege of Inspecting the hlatorlc edifice. It was asld that admission would be . - ... ,, v granted only one day each week, and upon devoted to the aid of local charities. Instead of allowing Popl. to the abbey every day a. formerly. The Inhabltanta ot Ha.t- inga were, therefore, thrown Into consterna tion, and one paper went so far as to say: "Mr. Grace baa evidently lived long enough In London to be thoroughly Imbued with the principle that an Englishman's house Is his castle." Mr. Grace informs the Associated Press that no change whatever will be mad. When the late duchess of Cleveland, to whom the abbey formerly belonged, resided on the estate, th public waa only admitted on Tuesday and thla rule will be continued. When the Graces are away the public can aee the ahow place every day on payment Of a small tee to heip the poor ot Ksaiiuaa. Referring to other rumors that he was desecrating the Interior of the building, Mr. Grace said: "It Is all quit absurd. Every thing remains as It It. All the ancient fea tures of the building. Inside and outside, will be preserved. W are only putting in electric lights and baths, Ther was not a bath In th whole place." ALL MOURN VIRCHOW'S DEATH Emperor William lends Family of tho Decenaed Scientist Personal Mesaasre of Condolence, . BERLIN, Sept. (.A vast number of telegrama of aympathy from all parts ol the world have been received by Prof. Vlrchow's family. Empesor William and members of the cabinet sent to th family condolence. Th emperor's telegram con- eludes: "May th Lord God comfort you In your great sorrow and may the thought console you that the great discoverer, physician and teacher, whose life work I opened up new channels tor medical I science, is mourned In grateful recognition by the whole people." Most ot the papers today fill many col- I umns with sketches ot Prof. Vlrchow's career. Th Vosstsch Zeltung tells again the story ot Prince Bismarck's cballeng- lng the professor to a duel In 1865 for re- marks -mads In the Chamber of Deputies. It now appears that Prof. Vlrchow's broken thigh Joint never healed owing to bis great age. The professor himself, as long as his strengtn lasted, made dally observations of me wouna ana demonstrated to the at- tending physicians by mean of Roentgen Ray photographs the nature of the free- I ture. PRIESTS ARE URGED TO WASH nemaricaoie reniion ia rorwarsea to the Pone by n Well Known Eceleslaatle. LONDON, Sept. (.According to the Dally Chronicle's Rome correspondent, a well known ecclesiastic has forwarded a remark able petition to the pope. "In the interests of civilized society and the honor of religion In Italy" bo begs the pontiff to grant plenary indulgence to all priests or monks who shall wash themselves dally, with extra partial Indulgence to those shaving regu larly at least three times a week during a specific period. "Students belonging to Teutonlo and Anglo-Saxon colleges at Rome," continues the correspondent, "are easily recognisable by their general neatness and cleanliness, but In the Italian aeminarles and monaatle novltlatea tbe traditional sanctity of dirt holds sway, "Ia most of them soap, hair brush and looking glass ar worldly luxuries, excluded by rule, and th clerics emerging ther from perpetuate the traditions. Th pops on occasion has evinced annoyance at th unkempt condition ot monk who hav com In clos contact with his august person. Visitors to Italy wlil heartily welcome the innovation. " TRAM CAR WRECK IN GLASGOW I'amaaaseabla Car Loaded with Pne aeon-era Hnahos Down Incline to Certnln Collision. GLASGOW. Sent. A tram fr hvini unmanageable while going dowa tbe Ren- field street Inline tonight and crashed into three cara which were waiting at a cross ing. On of th wsttlng cars was driven through the front of a shop. Twenty ot ths passengers who were Injured were r moved to an Infirmary. The drivers ot two of the csrs sod several of the paassngsra are In a critical condition. P0RT0 RICAN ENTERS PROTEST Commissioner to tnlted Statee Con- areas Doeen't Llk tho Trensary Clrenlnr on Examination. SAN JOAN. P. R., Bept. I. The Port Rlcan commissioner to tbe United 8tatss congress has addressed a lengthy protest to Secretsry Shsw sgalnst th United States treasury circular referring to the examina tion ct Porto Rlcan entering the United States. He claims It is opposed to the act of April I. 1800. and lnatata that the Is- ' T' . .,,,ii. t landers ar citlsens. according to clioa seven oi toai apw THE OMAHA DAILY HlSEi HUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1IWJ. . SAND AND PEBBLE SHOWERS They Ira Destroying Plantations Surround tag Velcanio La Soufrier. N0TIFH0 TO GET AWAY Appalling- Phenomena Continue Night and Day and St. Vincent Is Now Stifled wrth Heat, Ashe and Smoke. ST. THOMAS. D. W. I., Sept. . Advices from the Island of St. Vincent are tbat a alight eruption of La Sou f Mere volcano oc curred nt noon September , The outbreak accompanied vj rumDimgi tan ciuom ma eoau OK lns population irom ueurge ow "d Chateau Belalre. On the 4th. at 7:30 In the, morning and again at 10 o'clock nigni, ioua noises reaemming munaer were beard. These noises were acrom- panled by electrical dlachargea from La Soufrlere, which continued until 3 o'clock in the morning, whsn a continuous roar began, lasting until 4 o'clock. This was followed by a murmuring sound which was heard until s a. m. In a short time the bosvens wero obscured by duet or smok and the scene was something fearful. No- body alept at all during the night. Ths duet, the advice state, has not yet fallen at Kingstown or Georgetown, but th at mosphere has a basy look. Pebbles fell at Baronellle at 4 o'clock on the after noon of September 4. Reports from Chateau Belalre are to the effect that there has been a heavy fall ot sand there, and that the arrowroot plantations on neighboring eatatea have been deatroyed by th sand. N deaths are reported. Eraptlon la Moat Terrlte. KINGSTON, Island of St. Vincent, Sept. 1. Authentic) reports received here from various sources confirm the statements that ths eruption of Mount Pelee during the night ot August 30 was the moat terrlflo ex- perlenced. Th captain ot the French Transatlantic steamer Salvador, which has arrived bare, furnished th following: I left Fort do France at 5 o'clock In the "n " ' ; ,.&JnlJ, waa violent eruption. At 4 a. m., August 81, on approaching the Islands of Les Salntes, volcanic ashes began to rail. I Brrlved' off p0int-a-Petrle. Gaudeloupe. at unt'J jj, o'clock, everything being obscured ' - ' f0ne mdmln,.trator of the Island to leave Georgetown, Chateau Bellatr, and the villages and estates In the northern portion ot the Island were evacuated this afternoon. There is no telephonlo communication with the affected district, the operators having left their post. Appalling- Phenonemon Witnessed. KINGSTON, St. Vincent, Sept. 4. An ap palling phenomenon waa wltneaaed her last night. It lasted from 9 p. m.. to 8 o'clock this morning. A terrible eruption of the Soufrlere volcano enveloped this whois l:!ssd ' la en slsctrle cloud and smoke. At 11 o'clock this morning th? atmos phere is still unsettled, but ths eruption is apparently subsiding. The sun is ob scured and oppressive heat prevails. The sea is slightly agitated. Sand has fallen ten miles from tho city. No sand has fallen here. The northern cities ar deserted. No Intelligence was received to- from chteu elulr- " i. believed to Bare uecn uesiroyea. Officials have been sent from her by boat I to visit ths nortbern parishes and If pos sible to report on the destruction of prop erty and loss of life. The heat In Martinique is said to b al most unbearable. Details of the Distraction An official who has Just returned here found that Chateau Bellalr was safe. Only a small quantity of sand and stone fell ther. An adjacent estate, Fltzhugh's, suf fared greatly, all cultivation being de- stroyed. Th parish is being evacuated. There wsa no loss of life Georgetown Is also safe. No on van- tured within the fire sone, the Boufrlere being still in eruption. The destruction ot the Carlb country is presumably complete The eruption of yesterday was longer In duration and more violent In action than even the flrat dire outburst ot May 7. With a haunting recollection of St. Pierre, Martinique, and the- last disaster here, the people converged on Kingstown and ran to and fro, seeking shelter from the cloud spreading over the bill toward the town, while abocks of earthauake. though not severe. Increased ths panic." At 1 a. m. loud, raold eXDloslons ware mlhrled with the continuous terrible roar, and the Cimmerian AnrkiMi' rhinviJ IntA Ann. stantly glimmering firmament. Illuminated by forked llahtnlnc. balls of fir ascendlna- from th crater, and bunting into ma teorlc shows. Such a scene the wildest flights of fancy could not have Imagined, Tbls lasted until t a. m. Dread of Tidal Wave. Th rumor tbat a tidal wave was ex pected caused Increased agitation and hun dreds of people fled to the bills adjotalng tho town. Superheated clouds rose to an Immense height and rain clouds below sent ; down two showers. At ( a. m. silver clouds were isaulng from the crater and throughout the day they moved slowly northward. The heat waa abnormal and there were renewed in dications of a further outbreak of the vol cano. Last Bight there were unmlstakablo sign cf Mount Peleo (Martinique) being In eruption Soufrier. simultaneously with th GRUMBLE ABOUT THE RUMBLES French Peonl Displeased with Cov- Mnrtlnlqn Dlstnrbaneea. (Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS. Sept. . (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) Both th official scientific mission, which emphatic ally declared tbat further eruptlona ot Mount Pelee were not possible for a long time. Everybody oolnts to tbe American scientists' wsrnlng that th volcano la atill dangerous. Another caus of discontent la the apathy of the government, which. ttu Mm " for. mke" 00 ffort t0 " ,m,T wlu untl lo- loroiauuB rcauuea new ivrt buu ib iuu cabled here. Everybody aaka If American newspspers can hire correspondents and dispatch boata to get tbe news through, why cannot the 'French government T Anxiety Is Intense regarding Martinique's ultimate fat. Unadelonp Is Sate. WASHINGTON, Sept. I. Ths State de partment today 'received the following In response to an Inquiry: POINT-A-PETKIE. Bept. . Guadeloupe safe. FLGKANDXN. Vice Consul. Let t'ontraot for Sen Wall. GALVESTON Tex.. Bept. .-The county commissioners held a SDectal meeting to day and awarded the contract for the treat ea wall to J. M. O'Kourke A Co. of I inv.r Th wall will ha built on aranlt- I concrete and the rip-rap apron In front of I he wall will be of ssndstone. i ne ma on hls basis la ll.m.Ila. of which Utt.OW will p4ld , Ma w, Mt )A Th. w,u I la to bo ouUhsd wlihia OUeei raoutba. NO ATTACK 0NM.ITED STATES Sensatloanl Report from Ostend Con- Itatlvrly Denied. BRUSSELS, Sept. . It is offlclslly an nounced that the report that the American delegates retired from th International commercial congress at Ostend because of th treatment they received there Is un founded. Americana were among the speak era at the closing session who congratu lated the congress on Its work and thanked the organisers, and the official delegate from the United States, Mr. Shattuck, apoka at th Penultimate sitting In favor ot an International metric system. Ther war. no attack, either direct or Indirect, on the protectionist policy of the United States. LONDON. 8ept. (.Frank A. Vanderllp of New York, who attended the Oatend commercial congress In response to a tele gram of the Associated Press anent th al leged withdrawal ot the American dels gates from congress, telegraphs from th steamer Umbrla, on which he starred homeward from Liverpool, as follows: "Absolutely no truth in statement. I know nothing on which to base It.'' ' CHURCH TO BE ATTRACTIVE Moving Pletares Will Be on Exhibi tion and Coffee Served at Clos of Services. LONDON. Sept. . Th Rev. William Car. Ills, honorary chief secretary of th church army, whirh he founded in th slums In 1881, Is introducing what la designated here as "American Ideas of Religion," with a vigor that startles his more orthodox breth ren. His latest Is a moving picture service, commencing next week. The picture will be the chief attraction of the midday serv ices at his church In Eastcbeap. Only sacred representations will be allowed, ac companied by a short address,' and by this means Rev. Carllle hopes to attract Lon doners to his church. At the conclusion ot the service all the worshipers will be given a free cup of coffee. JEWEL SWINDLERS LOCATED Men Concerned Is Great Frauds Franco Now Thoaarht to Be In Living; la Brnsll. MONTEVIDEO, Sept. . It Is reported that Roman D'Aurlgnac and Frederick Humbert, who were charged with having been concerned in the great Jewel frauds in France, have been living recently in Florida, thla republic. It ia said D Aurlgnac arrived, bere a month ago. He waa accompanied by a woman. He went under the name of Mil ton and said be was a Boer. On August 12 be was Joined by another man, who was known aa Dreyctnet. About a week later they came to this city and then set out for the Brazilian frontier. They probably are now living in Braxil. Drevclnet Is believed to be Fred erlck Humbert. Preventive for Typhoid. i LONDON. 8ept. . Prof. E. A. Wright's investigation of typhoid Inoculation, cover lng five years in South Africa, India, Egypt and Great Britain, has resulted In tbe publication ot voluminous statistics dem onstrating both the preventive and curative reeults of Inoculation:, which has rsduced the mortality four fold. Prof. Wright be llsvea better results will be attained in the near future, owing to his experience in the use et vaccine. Payment of Priests Stopped. , BREST, France, Sept, (.The govern ment has stopped payment ot .the salaries of eighteen priests, belonging to various parishes ot Brittany, who took prominent parts in the recent troubles accompany lng the closing of the unauthorised schools. Striking Colliers Fined. ' LONDON, Sept. 6. Three hundred and seventeen striking- colliers were fined $40 each at Doncaster today for leaving work without notice. Kin Vlslta tho Carnegiea. LONDON, Sept. 6. King Edward visited Andrew Carnegie and Mr a. Carnegie this afternoon. HE DIDN'T KNOW THE LINGO. Narrowly Escaped an International Complication In Germany. ' A Harvard graduate tells in the New York Tribune this story on himself. Says he "The summer after graduation I was trav ellng alone through Germany. Before land ing in the country I had thought that I knew considerable about the language, having spent two years In the study ot it, with a finish of Goethe and Schiller. But I soon found that a reading of the poets' or th 'Nlebelungen Lied' did not help mi whsn I wanted to order a beefsteak at a hotel or was Inquiring ths distance to the next town. Indeed, as I went farther up the Rhine I found myself more and more confused by what I beard, and had finally made up my mind that an American can not learn the German language out of text books, or even by a week's sojourn among ths Oermsn peo ple themselves. 'I hsd reached this sober conclusion when I entered cn evening a small ton or 'gast- haua,' Just outside th town of Heidelberg. Thirsty from th hot sun and dusty road, I managed to order a glaas of beer. Whits th heavy German innkeeper was drawing anothsr I put my feet on tbe table to better as my legs. At ths other end of th t ble sst a number of German soldiers, drink lng and smoking together. A few moments Ister one ot the soldiers arose hastily and taking off bis cap, addressed me at some length. Not knowing a word that wss said I concluded thst yes would be a proper aa swer, and so I said, politely: 'Yah, yah! 'There was a moment's pause, and then a aecond soldier sprang to bis feet. He re peated over thn apeech of the first soldier, snd then all the group In uniform stared at mr By a natural Inference, I new decided that If 'yah' was wrong, a negative answer must fit the question, so I smiled plsss aatly and, taking off my hat, answered Neln, neln, Dimmer. "AH th aoldlers now sprang to their feet and there might have been International complications at the preaent time between th United States and Germsny It the hotel keeper, who knew a bit of English, had not aald: " 'Young man. they hav aaked you twice to tske your feet off the table, and threaten If you do not thst they will throw you out of the house.' "At thla the stars and stripes were pulled dowa before I realised that I had beaten a retreat." McMillan Not n Candidate. rETROIT. Bent (.William C. McMllla announced a: noon today that he will no be a candidate for the United States sen-iti to succeed his father, the late Jamea Mc M'llall. The conclusion was aMiniwi riir.kit truli, v mttt-r m conference betwee Mr. McMillan and a ni'.mbor of his political IrUTiiU. To Hans tar KUHaST Fireman. BUTTE. Mont.. Seut. . James Martin who killed Mrvman James William at bil ver Bow Junction last May, while th la I tar was realstlng a holdup, was todjiy sn iao was found guilty of murder la tbe fin bvcrve. ts l lu L semenvvu. THE GREATEST BENEFACTOR. ! 'I COUNCIL eLUrrta, IA. SIOUX PALLS, D. I .j1 . i if Mr. R. Do Heely. Mgr. Equitable Life Assurance Co. Omaha Vebr Dear sir-" s ' To experience the pleasure of 11TX INSURANCE the llrlng roust wait for the maturity of a Tontine policy. Recently I enjoyed this privilege in the JCqultatole by acceptance at the allotted time of a wm streater than I paid in premium on a policy of 3,000.00 Ordinary Life 20 year payment. The greatest benefactor and frisjnd is the Life Insurance Agent ko incites you for five times more than you. thinx you -anti in after years you will bless him for lto My belief in Life insurance is so strong that I will give youths opportunity of ' insuring me for an Very truly youre, The best evidence of the true mony of those who have measured it by hard rule of life who have carried it steadily through yean of prosperity and adversity and have, at last, pronounced it good. THE EQUITABLE. MAY TRY TO PLACATE POLES Emperor Beet How Hew Affair Stand at" Poeen. OLD BREACH ABOUT AS WIDE AS" EVER Two Rare Will ftot Mis, Kven In Bnalaosa Affair, and Controversy How Affects Even Their ' Prayer, to Almighty. P08EN. Prussian Poland, Sept. t.Yba emperor's personal Inquiries Into tbe rs sons for aggravated publlo feeling here will probably result In soma measures destlssd to relieve tbe local tension. He told Arcb blshop Btablewskl Thursday that be re gretted tbe fact that tbe Germans and Poles could not live In tbe same commun ty without hating each other and expresi-ed the hope tbat the virulence of this feeling might be mitigated. Th situation certainly Is moat unpleas ant. The Poles refuse to transact business with tbs Germans, and whenever possible tbey avoid them, and the Germana buy of German shopkeepers only. .This boycott of race by race Is relentlessly enforced through a code of opinion that makes ons who brei.ks It a traitor to his people and unworthy for women to apeak to. Each party to Vila allent social economic war assert that they are merely defending themselves and tliat yielding means race suppression. The Poles who know German refuse to speak it and French Is sometimes the common medium of communication. The language queatlon sseme tbe only thing msklng the Polish question an excust for hereditary wrongs and th Poles .sgre .that It .is not vivid enough to Inspire the present day-to-day war. Malcoa Praying Difficult. What the Polee are especially angry over ia the requirement In tbe acboola that the Lord's prayer must be learned in German. How, tbe Poiea ask, can ons pray In a German language? And In this the Polish Catholio church supports the Poles. The administration apparently did not forsee tbe effect of this order, but it cannot well withdraw It under Are. A- violent local question Just now Is the expectation tbat a German not knowing Polish will bo appointed head of th Rac- slnskl library, a famous collection of 10,000 Polish volumes open to the public The publlo la Informed thst there Is not the least chance of the government giving up Its determination to reduce the uae of the Polish policy begun by Prince B!amack. It la having tbe effect designed and in sev eral generations must win. Ths Polish outbursts of the Isst few months are only Incidents. The government does not waver. Tbe Poles also admit tbat tbsir language Is rather loalng than gaining ground and this consciousness embitters them. The burgomaster, Herr Witting, a German, who la about to Lav Poaen and become man ager of the National Bank of Berlin, at a aalary of $26,000, told Emperor William whan his majesty asked what he thought of th stories of Polish conspiracies snd sec ret movements towards Independence thst ther was nothing whatever In them and that tbey simply were inventions Intended to barm Poles and further confuse tbe sit uation. EMPEROR MEETS AMERICANS Genernls Carhla, Yoona- nn4 Wood Preaented at Close of Bar's Maneuvers. BERLIN. Sept. 6. Major Generala Corbln and Ycung and Brigadier General Wood were prosatd to Emperor William today at tbe Markendorf parade field, near Franktort-on-th.-Oder, after tbe parade was finished. General Corbln was presented first. Tbe emperor welcomed him most cordially. Among bis msjeaty's flrat words were hearty thanks for th attentions shown to Prince Henry during th latter' visit to tbe United States. After further conversctlon Emperor William presented General Corbln to ths empress. WMle Oenersl Corbln wss con versing wltb ber majesty tbe other Ameri can generals war. presented to th emperor. Tbe whole ecene wss Impressive. Emperor William was mounted os sn Iron gray bora. which many Americans wbo have visited the parades on tbs Tempslhof field have admired for Ita statuesque poaea aa th troop Bled paat hla majeaty, and tbe American gen erala war mounted on On baya from tbe sanporor's stable. While lb Introductions were taking place the, German officers as if ... knmHL value of life assurance is the tesii H. D, NEELY. lYIanssrer for Nebraska. , Merchants' National Bank Building, Omaha. sembled In the vicinity to hear the emperor criticise the performance of their respective troops during tbe parade. Additional splen dor was addled to tbe scene by tne presence of Lord Roberts, Mr. Brodrtck, the British secretary tor war, and a party in brilliant British unlforma wbo had been preaented before the American generals.. Emperor William Invited all the American generals, with their aides, and Lieutenant Colonel John B. Kerr, the United States military at tache at Berlin, to dine with him at the New palace, Potsdam, on Monday night. On tbe special train going to Frankfort-on-tbe-Oder was Prince Henry, who cam up especially from Hamburg for the parade, arriving In Berlin at 5 o'clock In the morn ing. In the royal waiting room at tbe Fried erichatrasse station - ths Amerlcsn party were presented to him. Prlnc Henry con versed with the Americans all tbe way to Frankfort-on-the-Oder, speaking enthusias tically of hla American trip and tbe frlenda be bad made In the United States. He ex pressed bis purpose to visit the United Statea again after his naval aervice la com pleted, but more privately than on the oc casion of his previous visit, so as to have a better opportunity to atudy the country and Ita people. The empress arrived at Frankfurt-on-Oder at noon, and the emperor and the crown prince, Frederick William, at the bead of the troopa of tbe Third army corps, followed at 12:80 p. m. The bur gomaater welcomed the emperor and em press. His majesty, replying from the saddle, expressed hla thanks for the town's devotion to the Hohensollerns. Their majesties this afternoon proceeded to the new palace at Potsdam. . The foreign officers who were present at today's review on Markendorf parade field were received by Emperor William, wbo shook bsnds with them In the - moat cos dial manner and spoke with each Indi vidually. The review passed off without a bitch. The weather was brilliant and the guests were delighted with their re ception and with the excellence ot the re view. A special train bearing the em peror's guests, including the Americans preaent, returned to Berlin at 1 o'clock this afternoon. The Americans will start early Tueaday morning to wltneaa the flrat ma neuvers. Mrs. Corbln snd Mrs. Johnston have gone to Paria, via Dreaden. MARK TWAIVS FIHST WINKING. Hove He Bossed tho Joh of Rolllnff Stones Down Incline. In the September Century Rev. Henry M. Wharton tells this anecdote of Mr. Clemens as a boy, which he heard In Hannibal, the humorist's old home: A favorite sport of tbe boys waa to go to a high hill near an old mill and atart a loose rock down the steep side until, gath ering force and velocity. It finally went crashing Into tbe water below. On on occasion an ill-directed mlaaile aaaalled the mill and made a hole through it Ilk the path of a tblrty-pounder. Th miller ran out and lifted up his voles In prayer, be seeching heaven to spar him and bis prop erty, promising. If the prayer waa answered, never to ask soother favor of the Almighty while be lived. One Immense boulder, partly burled In the hlllslds, promised to the mind of young Ssm a lot of tun. H. called tbe boys together and thua addressed them: "Fellows, this is a bigger rock than ever rolled dowa any hill; It will tak lots of work to move ber. but when shs starts all ths ''world can't stop ber. We can lift her out. I will be th boss, and you fel lows work, and ws will see the greatest thing that ever happened." Many Sunday were spent In tolling at th sides and un derneath the great rock. - The "boaa" nsvsr for a moment lost bis nerve, but cheered the others on In tbelr work, until on day they succeeded In turning over the great mass of stone. Over and over It went, fas ter and faster, till the boys were frightened almost out of their senses. They did not know where or how the thing would stop. It wss msklng for ths road Vhlch wound around tbs bill; some ons might b pass ing; or, even if not, the wsy might be for ever blocked. Tbey watched and wondered. At last it struck tbe oad wltb tremendous power, snd. tsklng a mighty leap, landed in the channel of the Mississippi river. Of course no one knew who did It, but It is said tbat H waa neceaaary to send a gov ernment dredge to tak th obstruction from th stream. Kills Ihrtstl of Kentucky. GREENS Bl'Rrt. Ky.. 8pt. . Dr. J. J. FVoker. a prominent phyviclMn living tan mllfs onl of this place, today shot and ui moet Inatantly killed Henry A. ( hrt.tla, a y unt farmer and stork trader, il"'4 near Hci kiaaviile, in i-ount. T. aroit smcststsm w. aejeiln-fo". wsa rat si at MINERS STILL DETERMINED Mitchell Eaja They Stand Firm u Erer ii Their iirike. 0PERAT0PS ASSUME TO BE CONTENT Ther Bt .to that Their Onlnnt from the Pennsylvania Fields Last Week Waa Greatest Sine th t Tronhl Began. WILKESBARRE. Pa.. Sept. . At the close of the seventeenth week of tbe miners' strike both, sides to the contest say they are satisfied with the situation. Tbe operators state thst tbe output of coal this week was ' greater than any other week since th strike . began. The striker, oa the other hand, claim, through their officers, that the efforts of the big compaalea to resume mining have been a r'gnal failure, aa they have been us able to tet miner's to cut the coal. At strike headquarters It Is admitted that the wasberles afe turning out a certain amount of coal, but It Is claimed tbat tbe total output is only a drop In the bucket. President Mitchell said tonight that tho miners were just as determined as ever and tbat all talk ot them going back to work was without foundation. Tte mining village of Hudson, where a house occupied by a nonunion workman named Lawrence Faranaakl was wrecked laat night by a mob, was very quiet today. Sheriff Jacobs aent a farge number of depu tlee to the scene and upon their arrival the crowd tbat bad gathered on the street dis persed. Trouble waa threatens! at th Franklin mln ot the Lehigh Valley Coal eompany thla morning. A number of striker gath ered t 'ntercept nonunion men oa their way to work. Deputy shsrlffs hurried to the place and dispersed the crowd. Robert Lewis of the United Mln Work, ers, who came hr from Virginia last night, hsd another conference with President Mitchell this morning. He then left for the south. At Work at tho Old Rata. CHARLESTON. W. Vs., Sept. 1 The coal miners' strike In the Kanawha and New River fields, involving 16,000 miners, which has been In existence slnoe June IB, la prac tically at an end. Each local union 1 Instructed to go back to work on tbe bsst terms possible, without regard to the action ot any other local.- Sev eral of the largeat op.ra.tors In th New River field hav made terms with their man and will resume on Monday. ' No conces sions have been granted and from th miners' standpoint the strike ia a complete failure, the men returning to work at th ssm rat aa before th strike. There Is great activity her among the operator getting ready to start up. Evic tions will stop at onoe and old ma will b given employment wh.r possible. Moat of th atrlkar ar happy that it will aooa bo. ov.r, as many want out under protest In ths beginning. TAMAQUA, Pa.. Sept. . Fearing that aa effort would be made to stop the neanalon men In the Panther Creek valley from go, lng to work thla morning Major Oearhart aent Company F, Twelfth regiment, out oa patrol duty. Although a number et strlk. era gathered on the streets there waa no disturbance. Th Philadelphia A Reading company baa laaued orders tbat winter quarters be erected for the deputlee on duty at the vaw rloua coliiertee. Tbe men are also being supplied with blankets and heavy alothlna BRAMWEIX. W. Va.. Bept, a.-About 1.000 more striking miners resumed work today In th Norfolk 4 Western, making a total ot J,600 to resum alnc yesterday morning. Buatnes in thU region will be resumed by Monday. Boh" Evana la a.nrern.. WASHINGTON. Bept. I.-Ordsr were' aent forward by the Navy depaitmant today de taching Rear Admiral Frederick Rodsera from command of th Asiatic station and di recting him to return to th United States Th. detachment of, Rear Admiral' will leave Rear Admiral Robley D. Evans now ia command of th station, la suprem. command, with Rsar Admiral Freak Wild th senior squadron eommander, ' Domnerats Nam. KNOXVILLE. T.nn., Sept. 1-Th. elL crats of th. Second conareaaloniT At today nominated cSloneHeTvey H? w.-1 ;ah of Allv.r Bprln.a. Ten .1. i(i', d.t. for consreas to oppo, iienry R G? t son. the preaent c.ria.mer.? whS . ii?! nominated by the republican " ) 1 '