Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1902, PART I, Page 3, Image 3

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look Vain of Ohambarlaii Bank lacurUirs
. TiTt TlmatGraator Than Eaal.
tat Fair Ahle to Pay All Bllla and
Leave a Sahataatlal Da la are la
tha Treaaarr for Neat
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Sept. 8p-clal.) The re
port of Bank Etamlner W. D. Hartwell
oa tba condition of tha Chamberlain Bank-
log bouie at Terumaeh conflrma the fact)
aot forth In The Bee's report from Te-
eumseh, which were printed yesterday
morning. It la found upon InTeatigation
that tha notes and bllla dlacounted amount
to f30.IO0.9s, but notea to the amount of
$13,000, In exceaa of tbsie shown by the
book, ar alio In tha bank. The amount
dua all depositors. Including banka, la
$71,(17. Of tbia latter amount 12.23 Is
shown aa deposits purely, but IncUidea the
money placed to the credit of the branch
banka In Vesta and Graf. In summing
tip tha condition of affair Mr. Hartwell
flnda tha book value of tha assets to ba
1137,(15, with a probable loss, so fsr as
can ba learned now, of $110,661. The (13,000
of atocka and bonds are all missing. Con
siderable cash and sight exchsnga wss
taken, but Just bow much baa not been de
termined nor estimated. These figures are
taken from the showing made by tha books.
Balaaee la Fair Treaaary.
Members of the State Board of Agricul
ture aasert that tha receipts of the state
fair were sufficiently large to pay all of ita
expense and leave a neat balance In the
treasury besides. While all of the bills
have sot been presented, K Is estimated
that tha total expense of this year'a fair
will not be ao great as that of last year,
otwltbstandlnc UDward of (3.000 waa Riven
for tb construction of additional buildings
and pens for live slock. .
Secretary Furnaa and a few of tha ex
ecutive officers of the Board of Agriculture
were busy at the temporary headquartera In
.the Llndel) hotel today closing up the
business of tha fair. At the grounds there
waa a general atate ot confusion. The last
Of tba exhiblU were being hurried away
and the buildings and sheds were being
closed for the enaulng winter.
. Members of tha board are gratified at the
aucceaa of tha fair. They feel that it has
grown In popularity,, and because of the
manifestation this week will probably ask
the legislature for a small appropriation for
tha Improvement ot the grounds.
Held en Barajlary Charge.
' Fred C. Williams, a young man arrested
In Holdrege yesterday, waa arraigned on a
burglary charge before Judge Cosgrave In
police court today and upon his plea of
not guilty, preliminary examination being
waived, waa bound over for trial In the
district court. He is accused of breaking
m- nf Dr. D. P. 81ms. 1222 O
treat, and stealing aomo gold plate and
a quantity of dentist toola. ,
The police, received a telegram last night
from Mr. Bchack of Omaha saying that her
husband waa not expected to live sod ask -lag
that bla brother, said to be a algn
painter la this city, be notified of hla con
dition. Tha police were unable to And the
The Blkhorn railroad baa taken a train
of twenty-one cars full of atate fair ex
hibits to Yankton, 8. D., for entry In the
. fair which la to be btld In that place next
week. Twenty-five passengers accompanied,
being In charge of, the property.
" Coach Booth Expeeted Mbaday.
Walter C. Booth, coach of the Vniveralty
of Nabraaka foot ball team, la expected
here Monday ' after a summer passed In
Pittsburg. He expects to begin the train
ing for the team Immediately. The open
data for the 8aturdr preceding Thanks
giving has been taken by Crelghton college
. of Omaha.
Crowd. ( Fair Attendants Softer Se
vere lajnrlee When Klhart'e Teaaa
Rill Away.
.'. CREIOHTON, Neb., Sept. . (8peclal Tel-
- egram.) L. Nlhart's team attached to a
bus load of pasaengera enrouta to the fair
grounds became umnenagable and ran away
thla morning. The bua waa overturmd.
throwing the party out on the bard ground.
W. A. Strain bad hla collar bone broktn
and bla forehead cut. Sam Brfckler was
'Injured Internally and may die, R. H. Brown
waa crushed under the wheels, but not.
.serious. A. F. Teheau had a finger broken
and aa arm bruited.
The Knox county fair closed today with
about 1,600 people In attendance.
Salllvaa Gets Hla Foot la It.
. ' FREMONT. Neb.. Sept.' . (Special.)
Tade Sullivan, a prominent farmer living
near Dodge, bad a leg taken oft Juat be
low tba knee by a threshing machine yes
terday afternoon. Sullivan waa working
"on tne stack and noticed a bundle of oats
en the top of the separator that were likely
. to clog jjp the "machine. He got on to
the separator and stepped over toward the
cats to throw them off, when In aome way
'bla foot slipped Into tha machinery nearly
up to the knee.
Thleaahe'a Ooldea Weddla.
j WEST POINT. Neb., Sept. (.(Special.)
Mr. and Mra. Ludwlg Tblemke ot this city
celebrated their golden wedding at the
opera house. The cadet band an1 the West
Folnt Ltederkrans were In attendance and
enlivened tha occaalon with vocal and In
strumental muatc. Aa elaborate banquet waa
-served to the aged couple, their friends
and numerous descendants.' They have
lived on their farm three mllea north of
the eity for thirty-live yeara paat.
. Haha Declines to Die.
FREMONT, Neb., Sept. (.-(Special.)
Fred Hahn, the young man who ran an
oilcan spout two Inches Into his head Just
. above hla left eye last Saturday, la rapidly
Improving and will fully recover. ' For two
daya after ha waa taken to the hospital
on 8unday last the physicians considered
ills case hopeless and bis continued Im-
At first a high cough, all
1 In your throat. You neglected
It. Now it is down deep in
the chest. That means a
low cough, a lung cough,
bronchitis. Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral controls the inflam
mation, heals the torn mem
branes. Talk this over with
your docor.
. Only half a bottle of Ayer's Cherr
' Pectoral cured mo of a dreadful coujr
wnicD bad lasted for over four rears.
Mrs. J. L. Johnson, Winnie, vs.
prorement baa been a aurpriae to tbem.
Though the brala was penetrated and
bruited bla mental condition appears now
to ba In nowise Injured.
Frleada of Absent Kelsoa People Have
Their naplrlone Still Farther
NELSON, Neb.. Sept. (.(Special.) The
continued and coincidental absence from
Nelson of.H. O. Harvey, the Rock Island'
atatlon agiut here, and Mrs. A. W. McRey
nolds. wife bt a prominent and wealthy
cltlxen, has resulted In a general supposi
tion that the two have eloped.
Mrs. McReynolda waa until a year ago
Sarah N. Sheets, a domestic on a stock
ranch near here and the mother of a
daughter whom she brought with her lnt'o
the comfortable home provided by McRey
nolds, who has appeared alncerely dctoted
to both. The wife, however, grow dissat
fled aome months ago and commenced di
vorce proceedings, which her husband auc
ceedel ia having her dismiss during the
last term of court.
Two weeka ago she left her daughter In
ber husband'a care and departed for what
she announced as a visit with relatives In
Iowa. A few daya later H. O. Harvey in
formed hla wife that he had received a tel
egram summoning him to Wlcblta to at
tend his mother, who had been taken 111.
Ina week a letter came from hla mother,
who atated that' aha waa about to atart
east for a visit and expressing her disap
pointment that ahe had not aeen ber eon.
Investigation developed ' that be had
checked his baggage to Omaha and that
Mrs. McRey nolds waa recently at tha Mer
chants hotel In Falrbury from noon until
2 a. m. with a Mr. Martin, whom ahe later
accompanied east. Mra. Harvey baa Iden
tified the Martin signature aa being' tba
handwriting ot her husband and there are
rumors of Mra. McReynolda and Harvey
having held clandestine meetings here In
Nelson. Mr. McReynolda hlnta that others
have been Implicated and Implied that
there may be further developmenta If bla
wife does not return. He hopes, however,
that ahe will.
Mr. Harvey baa been agent here for
aome years and waa well liked. Hla wife
retains her affection for him and la anxious
for hla return, if only for tha aaka of their
two children. He gave her only (5 upon
hla departure.
Bralnard People Petltloa Railroad to
Raw Excursion Trala oa Pres
ident's Day
BRAINARD, Neb., Sept. (.(Special.)
People of this town and vicinity - are pe
titioning the Omaha Republican Valley
Railroad company to run a apeclal train
over their line from Stromaburg to Omaha
the day that President. Roosevelt is In
Omaha, the train to return after the parade.
If the request Is granted one of the largeat
crowds ever out ot this section of the atate
will attend. 1
Comlnar Wlthstaads Frosts.
WEST POINT. Neb., Bept. . (Special.)
Light frosts have visited Cuming county
during the last week, but without doing
any appreciable harm. Corn la In splendid
shape, but backward, needing three weeka
of warm, dry ' weather to properly mature.
Potktoea are being dug and are a monster
crop.' Applo are ao abundant a to ba
nearly unsalable. ' Coaxes are plentiful.
Plums, both wild and lame, are scarce.
Gige Ceaitr Teachers' Institute.
BEATRICE, Neb., Bept. (.(Special.)
The Gage County Teachers' Instituts, which
haa been in session this week, eloaed yes
terday afternoon. Addresses were made
by. Superintendent Fulmar of Pawnee City,
Superintendent, Stephens of tbia city, sad
County Superintendent Staller. The ses
sion haa been a most auccessful one and
a ' larger attendance than ever waa en
rolled. Two Yeara for. Frenaoat OhTeaso.
FREMONT. - Neb.. Sept. (.(Special.)
In the district court yesterday afternoon
Judge Grlmlein presiding, Carl Hanson
pleaded guilty to the charge of breaking
and entering Ralph Beverldge's saloon, and
waa given two yeara In the penitentiary.
Hanaon haa served a term In the reform
achool for atealing and during the laat
year baa. been under arraat for minor of
fenses. Large Apple Crop la Polk.
OSCEOLA, Neb., Sept. (.(Special.)
There will be no one In Polk that will
have to go hungry for applea thla year, for
there will be the largeat cro? that has
over been grown In the county. They are
almoat aa cheap - as "Murphy's," farmers
have ao many of them. They are selling
for 40 cent a bushel In the orchard.
New Elevator at Bloomeld.
' BLOOMFIELt). Neb., Sept (.(Special.)
The erection of a new elevaVsf haa Juat
been commenced, the aame to replace the
one recently destroyed by lire. Thla i ele
vator, which la to have a capacity of 26,000
bushels, will ba owned and operated by a
stock company of the repreaentatlve farm
era of the vicinity.
Beatrice Chaataaqaa Eleete Officers.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Sept (.(Special-)
At a meeting of the stockholders of the
Beatrice Chautauqua association Messrs.
C. L. Reed, Henry Fishbacb and F. B.
Sheldon were elected dlrectora for three
yeara and O. P. Fulton for one year. The
annual election of officers occurs next Tues
day. York Catholics Picnic. k
YORK. Neb., Sept. (.(Special.) The
members of St. Joseph's Catholic church
ot thla place beld their annual picnic yes
terday In the city park. The day waa aa
Ideal one for a picnic, and waa thoroughly
enjoyed, although, owing to the busy time,
there waa aot aa large aa attendance aa
Fairmont Varatlea Eade.
FAIRMONT. Neb.. Sept. (. (SpeciaJ.)
The teachers hsve all arrived for the open
Ing of school Monday. The first teachers'
meeting will be this afternoon. During
the aumreer the' board, haa beautified the
school grounds and Installed a modern
heating sad ventilating plant for the
achool bouse.
Talk Is Cheaper at West Pelat.
WEST POINT, Neb.. Sept. (.(Special.)
The rette of tha Nebraska Telephone com
pany for service to neighboring towna baa
been reduced over 40 per cent Thta action
waa taken to meat tha cut inaugurated by
the Independent Telephone company at
Speaaer ef West Pelat la 111.
WEST POINT. Neb.. Sept. (. (8peclal.)
Conrad Speoner, one of the oldest settlers
and wealthiest landowners In ths county. Is
lying seriously 1ft at bla farm realdence
Juat weat et the city.
Ft.. Rata a. Beatrl...
BEATRICE, Neb.. Sept. (. (Special.)
A fine rain visited thia section yesterday
afternoon. It la estimated that the. rata
fall amounted to nearly, bait aa inch.
Cora Crop Rlpeaa Slowly.
TEKAMAH. Neb.. Bept. (. (Special. r
The corn crop la this vicinity Is ripening
very slowly because of the eool weather.
Ne treat haa yet coma to damage lt
Eabarata Preparation fr Annual leuilon
oflutoG. JLE.
Splendid Mat ( Fine Speakers la oa
the Program and Varied Assort
aaeat af Asnasenaeats Pro
vided for Midway.
HASTINGS, Neb. Sept. . (Special.)
Evervthlna: la no In readlneaa at damn
Sherman for the entertainment of the an
nual atate Grand Army .of the Republic re
union, which will be held here all next
week. All Indications are most favorable
for. one of the largest and liveliest meet
ings of the veterans of tha civil war ever
held In Nebraska.
An unauually large number of tents have
been called for and Quartermaster vCreetb
haa been kept busy answering the calls
for accommodations and locating the many
posta making requisitions for quarters. Tha
committee baa eystemattsed the work and
have every street In the tent camn lettered
and every tent numbered. . Each officer
wiu be prepared by reference to a book ha
carries to Inform any comrade Juat what
tents ara ocennled hv ant nn,i
Camp Sherman la moat beautifully altuated
on nign ground with sufficient slops to give
a One view of the surrounding country. It
Is less thsn a mile from tha heart of tha
city and la Just aa the buffalo left It. The
grounds will be Illuminated by (00 'electric
lighta, which have been carefully located
ao aa to light the entire aroitnda An n.
eeptlonally larre number of attract Inna have
oven securea jot tne midway, and many
gooa speakers have accepted invitations to
be present, among which ire William J.
Bryan. Who Will anesk hers Mnnitav after.
noon: Captain Henry, one of the ni
men for camp life, who will put new spirits
into the old soldiers; Chaplain Jesse Cole
Of the famoua Etahth Wlscnnaln !ala rw.
ment, known aa the "hummer," will ba on
band to addreaa the comrades unon various
subjects. Commander Llndt, commander of
tha Iowa State Grand Armv nf tha ttniitiit
win oe present during the week; Comrade
nuicn.nson or ues Moines will also be on
hand to entertain. Congressman 8hallen
berger will sddress the neonla AH Pnnmi.
slonal day. Governor Savage and staff will
oe nere on Governor s day, and Senator
Dietrich and 8enator Millard wilt .n.b ...
Congressional day.
A large tent haa been erected for tha hen.
em or ins public at large and It haa a Beat
ng capacity of nearly (.000. Thin tent win
lighted by electiicitv and here nm. Una
mUSIC Will DO discoursed hv a lam ..hni-tia
cnoir unaer toe directorship of Dr. Casell
Reeeptlo. for Pastor a.d Bride.
HUMBOLDT. Neb., Sept. . (Special.)
I pleasant social event occurred Thursday
ivenlng when the members of the Christian
hurCh of thta city save a rerenttnn n tholr
pastor, Rev. Bert Wilson, who returned from
rainaen witn his i bride. The affair took
place at the church narlnra which ware
ilcely decorated with sotted nlanta and rut
flowera, and waa aurprlse to the pastor.
Mr. and Mra. Wilson will not take up their
residence here at this time, but Intend each
finishing a course of study at tha Cotnar
uuiTnrsiiy, BOa win mererore live at Beth
any for the present.
Last of the Family.
HUMBOLDT. Neb.. Sent. li
The death of Samuel Hunzeker, which was
noted In these columns a few da ain
marked tha extinction of a famiiv r
name who came over from Swltxerland ever
fifty yeara ago. Mr. Hunseker'a death fol
lower cioaeiy upon that of hla Bister, Mra,
Hum. whoas demlae occurred on Rnnriav
August (1. while Mr. Hunzeker naaaed awa
three days later. There ara many other
famlllea of the aame name In thla aentinn
but theae are the last of thta Immediate
firaady Goes to Silver Creek.
wear point vk s a
Prof. L. P. Grundy, a former teacher ot
tne grammar deoartment of tha nuhlla
achoola of thla city, baa accepted a po
sition a principal of the nubile schools
or silver creek. Neb.
Killed by a Trala.
ELM CREEK. Neb.. Bent. (. rSnerlal Tl
egram.) Aucuat Jascrtkt. an aa-ed Herman
wiaower or this place, was struck by a train
thla afternoon. Beveral ribs on bla left aide
were broken and he died four hours later,
To Parehase Bast of Carnegie.
BEATRICE. Neb., Sept. (.(Special.)
Tha Woman's club of thla city contemplate
purchaalng a fine bust of Andrew Carnegie
to place In the new public library building
when completed.
Mra. Mary Cartla. Blair.
BLAIR. Neb.. Sept (.(Special.) After
an Illness of aeven weeks, during which
time ' ahe was mostly unconscious, Mrs.
Mary Curtla. wife of J. F. Curtis, died
at the family residence on Grant atreet
this morning at 1:30. Bra. Curtla fell from
a cherry tree over a year ago, receiving
injuries from which she baa Buffered ae
vera palna In tha head. Mr. and Mra. Cur
tla are old residents ef this county, being
married at Da Soto In 1(, and first com
ing to Nebraska la 18(2. She leavea la
tbia eity a mother, nearly (0 yeara old,
and of ber Immediate family ber husband,
one daughter, three son, all residing at
Blair, and Dr. J. M. Curtla ot Calhoun.
Levi Asheafelter.
COVINA, Colo,. 8ept. (.Levi Ashenfet
ter, a noted Indian fighter on the Wyoming
frontier in the early daya ot warfare with
the aa rages, died near here from accidental
Injuries sustslned while loading hay. Ash
en felt tr waa a wealthy ranchman. He waa
a veteran of the civil war and at Ita cloae
waa transferred to the mountain division,
Philip J. Bailey.
LONDON. Sept. (.Philip J. Bailey, tha
author, died at Nottingham today. Ha waa
bora In ltl(.
WEST POINT. Neb., Sept. (.(Special.)
Ths approaching marriage la announced ot
Mies Lily Stuefer. the second daughter of
State Treasurer Stuefer, to Charlea Kuntxe
man of Cedar Creek. Neb. The wedding w 11
be Wedneeday la this- city,' sad will ba the
most brilliant social event of the aeaaon.
8TURGIS. S. D., Sept. (.(Special.)
Wilbur C. Flathers and Miss Carrie M
Boylan. both of Piedmont, Meade county,
were married at tba residence of ' the
bride's pareota. Mr. and Mra. William Boy
lan, September 1, Rev. W. D. Atwater off)
- - Mere aaat-K ina;aa.
ARBOR VI LLE. Neb., Sept. (.(Special.)
-Mr. Frank C. Merchant aad Mtaa Essie
M. Klngeoa of this place were married
laat night at tha borne ef the bride.
large number ' ot friends of both parties
were present.
WEAT POINT, Nsb.. Sept . (Special.)
Miss Emllls Mobl of this rlty wss married
en Friday last at Colorado Springs. Colo.,
to Dr. N. H. Kelley, formerly et this place.
They will reside at Sallda, Colo., where tha
doctor baa a practice. The bride la a
lece of Oil Inspector Sonnenicbetn and tha
groom a former practitioner of thla city.
Several New Bnral Delivery Rentes
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Sept. (.(Special Tele
gram.) Postmasters sppolnted: Iowa O.
P. Wendt, Pelro. Woodbury county, Ia. South
Dakota C. U. Hanna, Shlndler, Lincoln
Rural free delivery service will be estab
lished on October 1 in Iowa aa folowa:
Charles City, Floyd county, six routea, em
bracing an area of 11( aquare miles, contain
ing a population of 1,950; the postofflce at
Carney to ba discontinued and Nileavllla
supplied by rural carrier. Hamburg, Fre
mont county, one additional route; area.
eight a iquare miles; population, 425. Pel la,
Marlon county, three routes; area, sixty-
three square milea; population, 1,656; the
postofflce at Peoria to ba supplied by rural
carrier. Rlverton, Fremont county, one
route; area, twenty-one aquare mllea; popu
latlon, 610; tba postofflce at Hinsdale, Lee
county, la., ordered discontinued after Sep
tetnber 30.
Miss Florence 8. Parker of Sun River,
Mont., has been appointed a cook at Lower
Brule Indian achool. South Dakota, and Miss
Jessie M. Young of White Eagle, Okl., at the
Omaha Indian achool.
Mas Roaa haa been appointed a subatltuts
letter carrier at Atlantic, la.
Aarreeaaeat by Which Coffee la Bo
Admitted to Fraaee at
Hlalaaaas Daty.
WASHINGTON. Sept (.--The president
haa proclaimed an agreement entered Into
with the government of France on August
21 .ast . extending an important trade ad
vantage to the Island of Porto Rico by tha
admission of the coffee produced In that
Island to the French markets at tha .mini
mum tariff rate.
Thla was accomplished by a apeclal agree
ment made 4etwen Acting Secretary Adee
for the United States and M. de Margerle,
charge for the government of Franca here.
Thla agreement in turn amend the com
mercial arrangement of date May 28, 1898,
which waa the first drawn under the terms
of the reciprocity section of the Dlngley
That arrangement applied only to FTance
and to the United Statee proper, and the
amendment Just entered Into extenda it on
one aide to Algeria and on the other to
the island of Porto Rico, as the general
features of the tariff schedule affected,
while aa to Porto Rlcan coffee It la provided
that It ahall enjoy the minimum French
tariff rata until February 28, 1908, by which
date It la expected a further extension can
he arranged.
Grand Vlsler Salt to Be Iteaponalble
far Lelsehsnaa's Troable
la Terkey.
WASHINGTON, Sept. (.It la learned at
the State department that Mr. Lelschmsn,
minister at Constantinople, baa reached a
moat aatlafactory agreement with tba porta
aa to the complicated and delicate quea
tlona which have been tbe aubject of ne
gotlatlona between the United 8 tates and
Turkey tor ' several years. Consequently
his service baa been extremely aatlafactory
to tbe department. Ha ha concluded suc
cessfully this phase of bis work and baa
been granted leave of absence.
It appeara that tha principal difficulty
experienced by Mr. Lelacbman waa due to
the impossibility of finding any Turkish
officials with whom be might do business
properly authorised. He would enter Ipto
an arrangement with one or the other
of them, and tbia arrangement would be
disavowed by the grand vteter. After sev:
eral experiences of thla kind, Mr. Lelsch
msn came Into peraonal communication
with tbe aultan, and tbe later, on hearing
ot the manner the minister had been ob
structed in bis work. Issued an order to the
effect that all tha arrangements entered
Into by him with the aubordlnate officiate
ahould be carried out In good faith.
Title to Land la Diapafe Is ta Ba Set
tled la Dlplenaatlo ,
WASHINGTON, Bept. (.Acting Secre
tsry Adee baa been Informed by the Japan
ese legation here that Captain Roaehlll,
who undertook to lay claim to Marous
Island and take poasesslon, sY rived at that
Island on July 10 laat.
He waa met there by a Japaneae war
ahlp, tha commander of which banded to
bim tba lettera addreased by the State
department, pointing out the advisability
ot hla avoiding any forcible demonstra
tion to support bla claim.
Tbe captain accepted these letters a
sufficient and left the Island about a week
later. He baa not lost any right ba might
have bad, according to the State depart
ment, and If be baa any Juat claim It may
be puraued to a conclusion In the uaual
diplomatic channel.
Retires later Ante Llaatt.
WASHINGTON. Sept. (.Brigadier Gen
eral William H. Forwood, aurgeon general
ot tbe army, today retired under the age
limit. He will be succeeded Monday by
Brigadier General Robert M. O'Reilly. Gen
eral O'Reilly waa recently In charge of the
medical department corps of the Depart
ment of California and waa the official
White House physlclaa during tha two
terms ot President Cleveland.
Reveletlealsta Are Heated.
WASHINGTON. Sept. (.Mr. Bowen,
United States minister at Caracas, baa tele
graphed the Depsrtment ot State that an
eagagement between the revolutionists and
government troops occurred yesterday on
tbe mountain Just behind tbs Americsn le
gation, lasting four hours and resulting In
tha rout of the revolutionists. The aoiae
of combat waa beard distinctly at tha lega
Fareeast far Sehraeha Promisee An
other Any ( tha Rlht Brand
at Cara Weather.
WASHINGTON, Sept. (Forecast:
For Nebraska aad Kanaaa Fair, warmer
Sunday; Monday fair.
For Iowa Fair, warmer Sunday; Monday
For Illinois Fslr Sunday and Monday
variable wlnda, becoming fresh eouth.
For Missouri Fair Sunday and Monday.
For North aad South Dakota Fair,
warmer Sunday; showers and cooler at
night or Monday.
For Wyoming and Colorado Fair Sun
day; warmer la eastern portion; fair Mon
day. ' For Montana Partly cloudy Sunday;
probably showers snd cooler la northwest
portion; Monday fair and cooler.
forpss Snpposed to Ba Chicago FngHiTt
Located ia lows.
Lettera aa Body Cenfeae Crimea at
Which He Waa Saapeoted aad
Serve ta Identify II I m
ae Haa Waated.
CHICAGO, Sept. (.The body of a man
thought to be William Bartholin, murderer
of hla mother and aweetheart in Chicago
six weeka ago, waa found today In a field
near Lowther, la., 890 miles from Chicago.
A bullet hole In the bead and a revolver
on the ground beside the body showed bow
the bunted fugitive had died. In the
pocket of tbe man's coat waa a letter con
fessing to the murder ot the twV women In
Lettera signed "Minnie Mitchell," tbe
name of Bartholin'a murdered fiancee, also
were found In tho suicide's pocket.
The body waa found In a flax field, aix
miles from Rlcevllle. Tba discovery
waa at once reported to the town
authorltlea and the body waa removed to
Rlcevllle. There It waa recognised aa that
ot a man who had been In the locality for
aome time. A number of persons recalled
that the atranger had been aeen around the
town tor several daya. To aome who had
talked with him he gave tbe name of "Wil
liam." To others he said he waa William
Boscoe. At a hotel he registered aa "Ed
wards." He disappeared a week ago today
and It ia presumed that It waa then that be
took bla Ufa In despair of eluding the po
lice and In terror of being captured.
The town authorltlea at once noticed the
resemblance the body bore to the desctip
tlon of the Chicago fugitive which Inapector
Hunt of Chicago had aent to every town
within 800 mllea of Chicago. U waa then
that a more careful examination waa made
of the body and the note confessing to the
murders waa found. Tbe town authorltlea
buried the body, but it will be exhumed to
remove any doubt that may be raised aa to
the Identity of tbe suicide.
Bartholin'a note referred to 'he two tour
dera In Chicago and declared ihat no one
except himself waa concerned in the com
mission of the crimes. Tbe note filled
one and a quarter pagea of ordinary letter
paper and waa signed "William Bartholin."
The lettera found on the body were written
two 'years ago and were algned "M. M
The Initials are supposed to atand for Min
nie Mitchell.
' 7 Folats of IdeatlScatloa.
The body Itself furnlshea several points
which are similar to those In the amended
police description of Bartholin, Issued Au
gust IS. Chief of these Is tbe upper falee
teeth. The undertaker who bandied the
body found In Iowa aald tonight the upper
teeth were false and "set In a white
plate." Aa to whether there were two
gold-crowned teeth in the row, another
means of "identifying Bartholin, the under
taker could not remember, and the body
waa burled today. It waa apparent death
had occurred several daya ago, and it la
due to that fact that aome ot the polnta
of Identification have been obliterated.
Bartholin waa 88 yeara old. Tbe under'
taker could not estimate tha age of the
man whose body wss found In the field.
He could not estimate the weight. Bar
tbolln weighed 160 pounda. Tha undertaker
estimated the height at alz feet The
fugitive waa five feet ten inches. Bartholin
bad brown hair and large none, mouth and
ears. The undertaker aald the balr on tha
bead of the body waa "light." Tha time
Intervening atnee death bad made accurate
statements aa to the ears, nose and mouth
Impossible. The undertaker could not say
whether the dead man bad blue eyea and a
acar on hla left cheek, aa did Bartholin.
Whoa He Flrat Arrived.
Three weeka ago the auspect arrived at
Rlcevllle. He made bla way to the Wilkes
hotel and registered aa "William Edwards,
The atranger aeemed Jaded when be ar
rived at the Iowa hotel and rested for a
few days. To those with whom be talked
be aald hla name waa William and be did
not use the name Edwards except Infre
quently. After a week tbe atranger began
to look for work. He Inquired about Rlce
vllle, but found nothing. Then be made
abort excursions Into ths country and
found work on a farm five mllea aouth of
the little town. Out of the eight ot tbe
Rlcevllle police, tbe man almost dropped
out of their minds until Friday. Dr. Pratt,
the village doctor. In paastng along a road
by a flax field, noticed a body. He went to
the body and ascertained that Ufa waa ex
tinct. -When he returned to Rlcevllle be
called up the coroner ot Howard county at
Cresco and notified him of the discovery
A verdict of autclde was returned by the
coroner's Jury-
Chleaaro Police Iavestla"ate.
When the suicide first appeared at tha
Iowa town be registered at the Hotel
Wilkes. He had hla breakfaat taken up
to his room and remained In bed all the
forenoon. Upon arising he avoided entering
the dining room. He aeemed troubled and
was very quiet. Later be went out Into
tbe country In search of work.
The lettera and eonfesaton found on the
body are in handa ot tbe coroner, who la
now at Lime Springs. Ia.
Unable to receive any official Information
from Rlcevllle concerning tbe finding of
tbe body auppoaed to be that ot Bartholin
Chief ot Police O'Neill decided to aend two
officers to tha acene of the suicide. The
officers selected to go were both personally
acquainted with Bartholin, and In caae the
body la that of the murderer wtll have no
trouble In establishing hla Identity. Tba
detectlvea left Chicago at 11 o'clock over
the Chicago Great Weatern railroad, ac
companied by Robert Mitchell, brother of
tbe murdered girl.
Coateats af Ceafeealoa.
The confession which waa found in the
dead man'a pocket waa dated Auguat 81,
and In it the writer declared that be. killed
hla mother, Mrs. Anna Bartholin, tor her
money, and later murdered bla sweetheart,
Mlsa Minnie Mitchell.
All others who have been arrested In
the case are exonerated In the confession
although Bartholin accuses Minnie Mitchell
of being a party to tbe plot to murder bla
The murder of Mrs. Bartholin, ths con
fession runs, waa accomplished according
to a plot arranged between tbe two lovers,
and later Bartholin killed Mlsa Mitchell.
Ths confession explicitly states that
Thompson, Claffy aad Couneelman, the other
auspecta their names are mentioned In the
order given are guilty of no complicity
la the murder.
Syadlcate Baya Large Trnet la lilt
aela aad Ballds Railroad
Threach It.
CARBONDALE. III.. Sept. (.Deeds to
ths landa which have been purchased. In
volving thousanda of acrea of coal, have
been filed in tha countlea of Jackson,
Franklin and Williamson, thirty-one deeds
having been filed In Jackaon county. Tb
consideration In these transfers la mora
thsn 1100,000. Tbe conveyancee are te ex
Congressman W. 8. Foreman and In a few
instances to Peter Jeffrey, tbs Isat named
being connected aa general manager with
lolloy, tigor 8 Go:.
New Black and Colored
Dress Goods
Correct and Fashionable Styles
Monday wa place before our patrona tor
Inspection tha most select stock of autumn
and winter dreaa goods It baa aver been
our privilege to show.
A complete eolor line ot 41-inch canvas
cloth, atom serges, whip cords, Cf
etc, choice assortment, at OvIC
A fine line ot El-lncb tailor cheviot, gran
ite clothe, basket weavea, rope etamlnee.
ate., colored and black,
at 11.25 and
A tempting array of tha lateat clotha In
colored and black, including "cheviots,"
"sibellnea", "camel'a balr", "canvas
clotha" and "basket weavea" d fj f
a very choice assortment at . . O KM
A few extra fine novelties forerunners of
the later winter styles, heavy rough ef
fects, shaggy albellnea, bouretto effect a
and Scotch plaid, In colored
and black, at 2.00 and
New fall Silks.
An attractive collection of new fall atlka
la plain and fancy weavea, Including tbe
newest effects In molrea, both black and
colored, and the lateet fall fad, TARTAN
Special Advance Sale on Blankets and Comforts
White and colored fleece blankets, white and colored
wool blanket's and all kinds of cotton, down and wool tilled
comforts; the prices we are quoting on these are fully one
third less than they can be bought for at any time later in
the season. Be sure and get bur special prices before buying.
LTolIoy, Sfigor S Oo.,
Cer. Fsrnsn end Fifteenth Sts
By tho Author
First Edition.' 75,000.
Making 100,000 Copies
opnwi nv pis si
01 LUILLU UlllEi
"A great story, full of sonority and vigor. We are sure
the reader will like it." New York Sun.
Hundreds of testimonials pronounce it as standing in
the highest rank of modern fiction. Beautifully bound, $1. 60t
G. W. DILLINGHAM CO., Publishers, New York.
To a Lover of Good Music;
The Kimball Piano
Is tbs Most Satisfactory Instrument ot ths Age
its tone is purity unqualified. Its every detail a
marked evidence of perfection. New styles now ar
riving from the factory are suited to all tastes and
purses. Embracing everything from the simple ele
gance of the colonial, to the newest decorative art
achievements, and from the cottage upright 'to the
concert grand.'
This Week's Special Bargains.
1,000 Knabe Grand used at concerts ,...$575
$600 Hallet & Davis Piano, used ..... $240
$450 Kimball Piano, second hand $11)0
$300 Kimball Piano, second hand ............. .$145
$300 Arion Piano, nearly new .$175'
$250 Guild Piano, used $130
$250 Smith Piano .$122,
The best new piano ever sold in Omaha for only $155 i
on $5.00 monthly payments. ,
We rent new high grade upright pianos for only !
$4.00 per month. , . 1
Apollo, Angelus, Kimball and Pianola, from $185
and upward. Easy payments.
1513 and 1515 Douglas Street.
Grand Sacred Concerts
tba Conaoliaatsd Coal company, whllo tha
former la ths promoter of tha ayodlcats.
In Wllllamaon county there have been 81ea
US deed, tba body ot land comprlalng a
trifle mora than 1,000 acrea. A railroad la
now building (rom Fountain BluSa on tha
Mississippi rWsr to and through thla land,
and tha dsvelopments will begin aa aoon
aa tha road la completed. It la known that
tba flnal terminus of tba road ia to ba on
tha Ohio rWer. probably at or near Ool
conda. . . j
Fire Destroys Freight Sheda.
DL'BAND, Mich., Sept. . Ths Ana Arbor
A Grand Trunk railway freight aheda here
have been destroyed by Bra. S'.sty cara of
coal and a freight trala half a mile down
tha track from tha aheda ara now burning.
Tba loaa will ba at least $160,000.
ITIre la Brewery riant.
, CINCINNATI. O.. Bept' . Early today
Are broke out la aoma mysterloua manner
oa tba third floor ot tha plant of the Inde-
Skirts, Suits, Jackets
and Scarfs
for Autumn aad Winter Wear.
Wa ara offering aome specials for early fall
In Cloak and 8ult Department. A full
black cheviot walking skirt
levlot walking aklrt $5
Very line oxford grey walking
aklrt. at
Walking Skirts, with alot and lap seams.
In blue, brown and grey Scotch
mixtures, very stylish
Pedestrian aulta In blue, brown and grey
Scotch mixtures, also black made In the
new Norfolk and Flat Seam Jeckete
equal in style snd fit to any (IlOr)
custom made ault, at aPaWV
We are ahowlng a complete line of ladles',
misses' snd children's short and long Jack
eta for early fall and winter, at lowest
prices. ,
A complete line ot medium and heavy
weight capea, plain and trimmed. In tha
late ahadea of pearl greys, castors, tana
and reds.
These cool evenings call for Fur Boas.
We have two apeclala.
A 45-inch Sable Oppossum Scarf pj CZ(
4 tails, very wide, at OeO'J
A genuine Sable Fox Scarf, 45 Inchea long.
two very large tatla and
trge tatla and Q 50
four pawa
of "ST. ELtVIO."
Second Edition, 25,000.
Before Publication Day.
Work guaranteed. Post
graduate. No students. We
are here to stay, .
Small Charges tbr All Materials Only.
Teetk extracted free. Uold crowns, S3 88.
Teeth cleaned free. White crowns, V 6.
Soft fll'lnga free. Bet of teeth,
Room '. 1522 Douglas. Opp. Boaton Stars.
Open Wily. Nights till 4. Bundays.10 to .
pendent Brewery company at Canal aad
Walnut streets and tha plant waa destroyed.
Fire me a Charles Jennings and Charlea
Hollla were caught under falling wall and
aeTsrely Injured. Jennings probably fatally.
Tba loaa tf estimated at 1100,000, with la
autanca covering it.