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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1902)
"1 THE fJMAllA DAILY BKEi SUNDAY, SEPTEStnEn 7, 1002. 21 A x FOR ULB-niCM ESTATE. D. V. SHOLES CO. SIS M. T. Life. - Tel. 823, and house, F-2724. BARGAINS. SC14 Burt, fiKxlGO, large oak trees. 7-room modem hnusn, nice home, very cheap, tor quirk sale, $2.ino. tMO Harney, 50x132. 7-mom. well built. strictly modem, large barn, real snap, $4,200. 1113 Brlgga, between Pierce and William, 60 foot lot, 6-room house, ll.orn). VACANT. Cxl2. on 24th. near Laird, all specials paid, S-N-A-P, $.,00. (3x134. on lth, near Lothrop, B-I-O I good loti, DWIGHT LYMAN'S, I cor nr, each 60x124, all $700. 73x1, I2d Ave. and Dodge, CHOICE BAR GAIN, $4,500. 4x132, N. w. Cor. Iflth and Farnam. CHEAP, $4,000. 166x17, nth and Howard, exceedingly fine, $12,600. ACRES. 1 sere and 4-ionm house, well, email barn, ' Ilea superb. 42.1 and C Sts.. 11.200. '10 acres, 44th and L, square corner, beau- FARMS, '140 acrea near Wilbur, Gage Co., fine, well improved, tug bargain, 4S. wtv irrfi, new ittnu. una liiiiirwvmiiciiia, Saunders Co., offered owing to death of owner 146 rver acre '80 acres nneet and beat Improved farm In SARPY CO., I sets of buildings, cut Into three farms. P per acre u a a anap; 'OS. acrea near Onawa, la., exceedingly fine owner must aell quick; reduced to $49 per acre. '40 acrea, Pierce Co., a very fine Improved stock farm, iM acrea fine tame hay, bal ance cultivated, 80 acrea fine grove, water, etc.. 127 60. 160 acre well Improved, fine land, BARPT CO., )7.bU. 130 acrea. but I mllea from Union Stock yards, SARPY CO., well Improved, fine rarm, km. 11,000-acrn ranch Dawes Co., an excep tional fine ranch, 118,000. .Also fine ranch near Wrav. Colo., with large ranch, good water and atock If wanted. Price of ranch. $9.0X1. Also fine ranch, large range, cut 1,000 ton hay on rjeeaea ihiki, witn over sou neaa stock, near ijOisu riw e,, finest country In state, 260 acrea second bottom, well Improved, equal to Iowa land, 7 mllea from town, at $38 per acre. Thla la a ten strike winner. MISSOURI Is the plana to get In on land rise. They are not awake there yet. but buyers are flocking In and our man Is acourlng the etate now lor nne Dargains. pee i a. RE-667 T BEAUTIFUL HOME.- In 4Hv Wc c.rnim Ins-ainn um I Ill HIV. .TV1. lOIUIIU '"-""V" " 1 effier a ten-room, modern residence, Interior in quarter sawed oak, pol 4shed floors, large hall, cloak room, etc.; everything in the very finest shane: eat front in one. of the most attractive locations to be founds Price Is $10,000. Let us give you particu lars. . W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1130 Farnam St KB 788-T . yOR BALE OR EXCHANGE Stock and arani garlic, critu.i Acuiaaaa, vctv .uc. 280 In cultivation, balance paature and meadow, new five-room house, barn, wind mill, eta., three miles from good town. WM per acre. Will take Sume Omaha property, part cash; easy terms for bal ance. Calf on or write ,rOwner," Bee Building. Telephone 1442. RS 669-8 RANCH FOR BALE 1. 540 acres In paature and hay land. 1.020 fenced, hi hay land ' and well watered. For further Informa tion address, W. S. Plers.ll, Atnswortb. rteo. itn, oyi- FOR BALE, Texas rice land; 14.600 acrea of nne prairie land; tract corners at county seat; ten miles of river front, abundant water, easy lift: railroad through land; no finer rice proposition In Texas, write lor particulars, w. w. Miller, Xlaro Block,' Houston. Tex a. RB M671 11 WB CAN sell your Cleveland real estate; give price and aescrlne ruiiy. The It. is. IJevney Co.. 129 Kuclld Ave.. Cleveland. O. Reference, th Garfield Savings Bank o. mar ie i Own Your Home! WHy Pay Rent ffhe Industrial Hems Company ( Amsrloa rners you ins , Best Plan On Earth to BUT OR BUILD A HOME. A man et fjiooerata means can aeoure a HUWs un der our plan anywhere In the United titataa. The Industrial Home Company lias copyrighted plans, and la the FRIEND of the HOMELESS." BIB THK MANAGER and GET FIO l'Rt.8. or write him. Bend t-oeat stamp ior repiy. Office 221 Board of Trade Bldg., pmaha. k. m. wiLut, mgr. NOTE this list of genuine bargains: KKHI lULMtts. SiUAUTl KUL HOMJ -room modern bouss, fot0iooxfi,n'42d":nd ru!n7n.ntf orubb"y' CAN ACCEPT 840. 00. lot lOOxljtl, 42J and Cuming, ,. .I,,,... nivr rn lilinnun y-room house, lot 8uxli, near uat , ana weosier, J.ouu. A new K-room modern house on 27th, north of Cuming, lot rHxl26, Ji.abO. On 17th. Deal Boyd bt.. a sieclal bargain la offered, consisting of a lot ioxlii. with a smau cause. Darn, nuggy ana cnicaen ahea, aome fruit and shrubbery on the place; price t&x). VACANT LOTS. Nice residence lot on Bpauldtng, bet. 24th and 26th 6 la., permanent walk; price, $7u0. Two lots on or. 2,ih and bttratoga. 50x127 each; price JoiJ for the two. Terms to suit Lois on Burt Bt., between 27 lb and 28th, in Avondule Park, each 80x160 ft.; $000 per lot. Lot on. Webster St., 6oxluO. about 1V0 feet est ot 83d Bt.; price $omi A lot on llamlltou, near 33d, in Bemls f ara, eoov ACRE PROPERTIES. Five acrea of land with a small store building and residence combined, located on 8oth St., between Omaha and Florence; price exceptional looaiion. About 8 acres In city of Florence, adjoin - Ins wster works on north; would make a uice chicken or rruit farm; price H.JoO. FARMS. 40. acres north of Florence. In Washington county, near county line, about 25 acres under cultivation, small house and barn, ?rtee $1.4u0, or will lease for term of years or cash rent. 10 acrea In eastern Kansas. 1 miles from s county sat, 40 acrea under cultivation. 2U acres in nay. la acres lu orchard. 8 acres In pasture, small house and barn, close to . school, trete In orchard loaded with 1 fruit: price tM uer arr: terms to suit. The above urluea are subject to change. CH Rio hOXLH, rd and Cuming 8u. Tel. POTTER. FORGAN & HASKELL If you are thinkinsr of buildine and want to be in a good neighborhood. , . . , . .1 let us show you a lot 58x135, on 33rd I between Farnam and Dcdge. It is the cheapest lot left in this locality. 420 ' New York Life. RS-474-7 FAKE oil and mining stocks. Do not own them. Obtain free sample ropy Finan cial Bulletin, containing Defunct Stork List, latrat mining uews and valuable lu- fnimailun to lnvrstora. Bulletin furnish ing Co., Bos 1042. Denver, Colo. Y GEORGIA Ave. horns tor sale, all modern house, ptrt cash. bsV. Ion lime. J. it. blxrweoiL fcfl N. Y. Ufa. Phone IS ron sale real estath. SWEET & HEADLY Special Bargains. A MINE OWNER. Who haa purchaaed a residence in lw-nver and la ievmg ma otty permanently, desires to tell hla mod ern residence at once. There are seven rrarnin, beautiful shade treea, trult and shrubbery: lot 60x132; south front; good location. Worth about $3,000. Price ii.fruo tbla week. 6-roorn cottage. In good repair, full lot and only one-nali block from Sherman Ave. car. It aold thla week, $800. 4-mnm cottage. At CONDITION, on' North sm Bt., one Diock irom Marney car, iitu. 7-room house. In good repair, good bsrn. city water, run lot, soutn rront on lotof HI. A BNAf at 11.700. a-room cottage, in fine repair, modern ex cept rurnsce, lot xizi, eouin irnnt on Decatur St. ANOTHER BARGAIN at 12,000. i-roorn cottage, city water, gas, large fantry, ann room on seconn noor tor two urge rooms, lot 68x129. Thla In a NEW bouse, built by owner for home. Haa FINE SHADE, In OOOD neighborhood and Is the REST BARGAIN on North 24th Bt. at $1,6J0. S-room cottsge. city water, gas and sewer. w h,UL. KVIL.T, with large nicely arranged rooms; two full lots, and has 40 cherry. 20 plum and to peach trees and small fruft. ALU BEARING. North part of city- three blocks from car. ANOTHER BARGAIN at $2,100. WK HAVE VACANT LOTS NORTH, SOUTH, EAST OR WEST IV) AND UP. KABT MYMKNT8 OR CASH. BEE US BEFORE BUYING. aWKIT HEm.t?T. TeU 1472. 613 New York Life Bldg. RE-724 7 FOR SALE or trade, an extra quality 12. room residence in Hanscom district equipped with every modern convenience. desirably located near boulevard: fine barn, trees, cistern; will trade for larger residence or unimproved property; extra low price ior casn. Address M, care f. o, Box 1172, Omaha. RE SARPY COUNTY FARMS FOR SALE. 169 acres, well Improved, near La Platte, $60 per acre, 160 acres, well Improved, near Springfield, 'x per acre. 220 acres. Improved, S miles south of Pa pil lion. liO.OUO. 96 acrea. 1 miles from South Omaha. W.6O0. 1 Art . ..II naae fllr,. Id EA per acre. Desirable Investment Properties. 'or i-stoir brick, comer, in good r- $ for brick buainess' block, wen io- IftlCU, ICttOcU) IX3IIlB,l )MV VMll J V4tVa W ISf 1 per cent net Houses For Sale. $S.WY. t-room modern house. 301 Marcy St. $2,300, s-room modern cottage, (21 N. 41st Ave. $2,200, 8-room modern house, 30th St., near caaieuar. , AVA, UU lTl iuuvviH liwuN., bmS 18th Bt. $2,000, small house, large lot, S. W. Cor. 25th and Chicago. $1,600, pracUcally new house, 114 N. 25th Bt, Desirable, Cheap, unim proved Lots. $3,100, 22 ft. 1 on Farnam,' between 10th and 11th Bta. $l,ao0v east front on 86th St, north of Far- . SE25, 33 ft on 22d St., I blocks north of High scnooi. ' ' $uuu for lot oa Caas St. near 30th St $400 or large corner on ISth St. In Kirk' wood addition. $30 for large lot on Franklin St., H block west ot Military road. For further Information call on or address GIiJORaE & COMPANY, 1601 FARNAM BT. A CALIFORNIA BARGAIN. BEAUTIFUL tract of cultivated land containing 20.U00 acres in Central Call' xorrnia, suitapie for immense stock ranch or colonisation purposes. Can te pur. chaaed In a body for $20 an acre. By sell ing it out in small tracts it win eaauy average $o0 an aor. Present owner must aeu quick. ADVANTAGES OF THE FROrKRTT. Perfect Irrigation from the greatest river ana purest water in California, with fl ireiKin raie io uae water. Healthiest climate In the state, as proven by the lowest death rate. $26,000 artistic residence, elaborate servant's Quarters and 7b miles ot fencing. Orchard 6,000 Bartlett pears, 20,000 prune trees, all klnda of family fruit. 3$ to 40 bushels of wheat raised to the gore last year on thousands of acres. Bean crop last year paid $100 net profit per acre, wnue the potato crop netted $tfo per acre. ; Address for particulars, UNUOLN INVESTMENT COM PANT, aw uaraet ti., nan fT&ncieco, cax FOR SALE, cottage In Hanscom Place. rooms furnace, bath. gas. paved street near car; lot uiihi; rem, za.uu per montti ius wster tax. i'rioa, ta.uuu; can be pur ccaaea in payments. Address i , Bee. KE 44J SPECIAL BARGAIN wp havp a Nir.p w?nnM house, 2 lots, south front AUK ON UKAOc, f-IINE SHADE UNb BLCJUrv l-KUM CAR LINE ic cm r dv Mnwnv MnnM tic 1 ii owi- u i nnviiun i nwv't v l. 'YOU i WILL rlAVC IU nURRI, R. C. PETERS & CO., Ground Floor, Bee. Bldir. RE 7W t FOR 8ALEJ 40,000 acres of best selected rsncn lana in tracta ranging irom 4 to I,) acres. Write G. W. Bpencer, Alns worth, Nebraska. ' RB 761 T C( nch For Sale at a Bargain son acrea, suo of wmcu is lenonl ana cross fenced; barn 10ux40; six-room house; an abundance ot water; large rang ad jacent; 21 miles south of Akron. This Is one of the most desirable cattle ranchea In eastern Colorado and Is a rare chance for any man who wants a flrst ruus property of this character. Ad dreas William Taylor, Harrtsburg, Colo. RE ISO York County Farm; must sell quick; Sf ii estate; saennce. vnristian, tots.. Neb. RE- BRAND NEW COTTAGE Five (5) rooms; modern except furnace; nrst-ciass in every respect; small shade trees; at 2017 Miami street. It you want a bargain see us Monday. GARVIN BROS. 1404 Farnam Bt.. Coral Nat. Bank Bldg. RE47S7 8HIMER A CHASE. H.00O 4-room cottage, near 26th and Bur- dette want otrer. FOR QUICK SALE. tl.TOO New 4-room cottage all modern, ex cept furnace, special inducements oiierea .4K-7-room cottage, near high school, city I water, sewer, etc. Two ,ot, Mth ioeVgUs-want offer. One lot on 8p-ncer. near 24'h want offer. improved grain and stock farms abu acres in v.emrai rseorasK.. i hi in cum. vation. 120 acres pssture. baiance meadow and grasing land: good house, barn, wind mill, well, tank, etc.; rolling land, good soil. 24 mllea from good town. The owner lives In Omaha and will consider Improved eltv property as part payment. Fire Insurance. Houses for Rent. hltlUtli L'HAta, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel 1441. RB 771 FOR SALE, the best It-acre garden place In rrrallv traveiea location, near I'ounru Bluffs: lies line: rich ground; fine pw buildings. Address F, Bee. Council piufTs. we, ri. r FOR SALE. U acres fruit and gardea Una, eigni-ioora nouse, gooa urrt, ap olea. cherries plunva. eight acrea In tim ber, two mllea from car line. Address lot B. First, Council Bluffs, U. rOR ULB-JtCIL BflTATB. FOR HOMES Near (th and Williams, close to car. on paved street, paving paid for, email house and lot. only $901). On B. 18h, near ear, lot 14x12ft, 4-room house, city water In yard. Price. $1.0uo. On 10th street boulevard, near Grace, lot 44x140. east front, 7-room hotiso, with modern conveniences, no paving taxes; suit re sold. I'rioa. xj.&o. All 1,,-Tiiia iivw iiuniri ii viviwiii ii.iu.n. half-block from car. In prettiest part or park, good lot. shade tree. Price, $1,500. On Georgia ave., short wa south of Iav- enworth, fine nearly new e-rcm residence, with fancy hardwood finish; must be aeen to be appreciated; price reasonable; Dee It and make oner. TO BUILD ON Pull city lot. Wxiaa, near 14th and Caae, near trackage. Owner must sen and wants offer. Suitable for warehouse. Large lot north of Pernio park, block from car: alse. A)xl27. Price, onlv $.150. Borne of the finest residence sites In Omaha at around $1,000 In Bemlti park; also one or two cheaper ones, tan lor prices ana descriptions. TO GET RICH Buy alfalfa land In th Plnttf aliy. Her la ttta PaABT harB ii nf t haa k irl Vflll atxin find: 120 acres, near Overton." In Dawson I counrv. w in iir improvements. icnooi i v.r .k.. alfalfa atnob II wIlK trk t iOO hnn anri I I win iinrw a areaier ii im;im. limn I vou ran derive from anv half-section In owa costing $20 00. T!ie price la $I.KX T A wn Vv.V4.wb I, aA mam BUfMtf I TOi 10l seres, near Tisxlngton. fenced, thre fourths cultivated, Including 15 acres In alfalfa. Bub-irrlaatad. Price. n.MO. 160 acres, near North Platto. mils to aide-! track. Fair buildings, fenced, half In alfalfa. Irrigated. Price, $4,600. Send for a copy of oar -ALFALFA FACTS." 'AYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, MAIN FLOOR N. Y. L. BLDG., OMAHA. RE 775 7 CHEAP IOTB. Near ths end of new Harney street car line, north of Bemls ptirk; also lots near 24tn st. and Ames ave.; also lots fronting on and overlooking Miller park $71 to $1W each, $6 down and $6 per month. Bemis, 1 y axton block. tin. on i i CHEAP GARDEN LAND. 20 acres just west of city, close to macada- Illixvu Birrst, BlilKiiuiuiy ui)ii7ii I'm ii mi, I vegetables and poultry. Can offer this I week for $2,850. HICKS, 419 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. RE 823 7 FOR SALE or exchange, good Inside, 1- rnom modern aweiiins. near man scnooi. $3,900; part on mortgage, or will consider property c one-half. Address J 63, Bee. RE M805 9 RC1 PETHRS & CO. av iwl-f vv-'al Ornnnd Floor Ree Bids. MXrk this list ot bargains and call us tip or sea us at once: l-room modern. 2m h and Plnkney. $3,000 8-room modern, 17th and Lathrop 1,600 Double nat, 26 rooma, rents tor Tver month 1.800 SO acrea .Douglas io., is mue west ot Benson, fine Improvements 112 acres 21 miles southwest from 4,400 I Q?re?. Mm imnrovementa, per acre 30 66o acres finest alfalfa ranch In Platte valley, near Overton 9.500 800 aoo 176 140 acres In Custer Co 140 acres In Hitchcock Co 140 acres In Dawes CO.... 120 acrea in Gosper Co... 900 ' 600 400 900 ISO acrea In Frontier Co. lao acres in Holt co 140 acres In Keva Paha Co 160 acrea in Sioux Co 260 120 acres In Merrick Co.; will take Omaha property as part payment; owner wants to move to city. 880 acres 4 mllea north of Wausa: fine improvements. o per acre, tin sue 7 OOOD INVESTMENT. t houses on full lot within mile of post- omce, near zttn ana ieevetiwortn st , renting for $21 per month or $252 per year. Price only 61, sou. ttemia, f axton block. RE 796 7 FOR RENT, 8-room modern house, $30. 3314 Francis bl - , nt-a HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also ore insurance. Bemis, raxioa diock. RE 744 FARMS FOR BALE Improved farms In Buffalo county, $10 to $J0 per acre; one crop will pay for the land. W. H. Grass- meyer ar Ce , Kearney, Nebraska. RE M145 S 94 SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE. For sale, tracts ot I acrea, 6 acres, 6 acres. 6 acres, acres or more, iioo per acre. a auiwa, a ivici vi uiuid. iw Vr acre Rich trult and truck land. Bound to In- crease In value. Starr's place, southwest of city, west of South Omaha, 61st and C streets, adjoining Bonfield tt Fayette park. j. A. oiarr, tn use oiaa. RB M18S EA8TERN Kansas land, price $10 to $30. Address D. K. Ritter, Yates center, Kan- aaa. Kit mum ba" OWING to change or occupation, owner deslrea to sell his place at once and will sell at a bargain; If taken before Septem ber 10; 4-room house, newly painted and repaired, gas, iruit, cnicken house, etc., lot 60x124: don't answer this unless you mean business. Price, $1,600, Address J 4. Bee. RE 827 PUEBLO No better Investment today than good conaervatlve and Judicious In vestment in Pueblo realty. Or In 8. Mer- . rill, Baxter block, opposite P. O., Pueblo, coio. ittu aii2e ea- A BARGAIN-H.600. rtW. aitiitkeaaal autvMaass iA K a. nj4 riaiunfUiai AllV 99V1A ,u w vsy a, v-vl MCI tiui etllVX Asxywlllvi 9x64H, with house renting $8; all special taxes paid. The bent location In Omaha for double houae, flat or store and flat; will alwaya rent, and only $1,600. Noth ing so cheap la that locality. Reason able terms. WALLACE. IU BROWN BLOCK. RE M 1X1 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union Facino Railroad company. B. A. McAliester. land commissioner, Union Pa clflo Headquarters. Omaha. Neb. RB944 40 ACRES, email house, barn, all fenced. s gooa wens, jv acres cuitivacea, oaisnee pasture, can give immeuiat possession. Price. 11.700. Will take some South Omaha property as part payment. Bemls, Paxton block. it a. lift i BEE PAYNE. BOSTWICK It Co. for choice bargains. BUI N. X. Life BlOg. ' Tel. lOlf. xuv til U1! I lAMSnN CHARLES E.. 1204 waa ii w , . rarnam street. RE 144 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also vers property ana rarm lanas. me u. jr. Davis Co.. Room 6bl Bss Building. RE-147 WHY PAY RENTT OWN YOUR HOME! Bee the Industrial Home Co. of America. oest plan on earth I Office, 221 Bd. of Trade Bldg., Omaha. R. M. Wilde, mgr. tun Oil oct X KELSET'K. wall paper, 17th and Douglas. rnone uua. no J GEOROE O. WALLACE, real estate, mort. gaga, rentals. Insurance. Brown block. RE 14$ OOOD HOUSE. 9 rooma. near car line. ii. boo; small payment a own, oaianee monthly lostallataata, Bemls. Paxton block. RE 7aS 7 FOR RENT HOUSES. ROU8ES, stores. Bemls. Paxton block. D 190 rlgnr x Co.; office lUlVi f arnam, or Tela, l&s-fctu. D 1W 4-ROOM modem, good repair, on 8. 82d ave nue, f none to, u i i HnilQlQ e." Parta of city. .The O. nUUOCO f. Davis Co.. 601 Bee Bldg. j wi BEE PAYNE, BOSTWICK CO. for choice nouses. 801-1 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. Tel. lflt. D 196 FOR RENT, eevan-roooa heuae, modem ex cept lurnacc. inquire kl . Im st. D-tM 7 FOR RENT, t-room all modern bouse, Georgia Ave., vacant tn a few days. J. H, Sherwood. M New Zerk Lite Bldg. rOR RKCT HOlBKg. R. C PETERS & CO., Grourxl Floor, Bee Bldg. thoio" s. sot h. 11 room a. modern. RLo 131 8. Mh, 7 rooms, mo1em. :'n on 2vs C snltol ave.. I rooms, modern. HS.0O 2633 Spencer, rooms, modern. The above are ft few. We have others. Call and get list D 70 T MODERN, steam, 7-room house. Tliard, zu. i. Z4tn. D 123 40 SO. TH AVE., fine location, -room. mooern nat. WM. K. rOTTEK, Receiver, Omaha Losn A Trust Co., tot Brown Block. D-M0 l-ROOM modern detached house. Inquire arts capitoi ave. u M5t VANS and baggage wagons. Tel. 1195. i 12 , MAGGARD Van aV Storage Co. Tel. 1 1 lt HOUBES and flau. Rlngwalt, Barker block. D127 -ROOM modern, good repair, on Bo. JCd v - cotta.. ix rooms. iu s. th. Le MM3 7 a. nrvr a tinnaa 11 1T. ...... r2R RENT, houae. J314 Francis street, 300B- Omaha Realty Co.. isol uougiaa Ht. J OfJ HOUSES! HOUBES!! HOUSES:'! 2310 Sahler, l-R. cottage, city water, only 1038' 8. 18th, l-R., cemented cellar, city water, as. i rm WJ . dim, w v-l ' iii. . , 1 1 J" w. HON., s-K. cottage, city water in side. $14. 1221 Poppleton ave., choice t-R. modern cot tage in parx aistrict. i-a. 811 B. lth ave., coxy t-R. modern cottage. Only $'."0. lot S. 16th ave., fine 7-. modern house. rlaht ud to date. 140. tll Calltornla, l-R. MODERN, close in. (27.60. 1312 Lincoln blvd.. l-R., ALL MODERN, NEW. HOME, choice location. $32.60. 1215 Mlama, 8-R., modern. In line ahape. 122.90. $343 Harney, fine new l-R. ALL MODERN nouse. iv. 1724 N. 27th, 10 ronms, modern; will rent to two lamiues. we nave a nna 7-R. nouse. barn and out- ouiiaings, lull acre of ground, for rent tjcioDer l. PA TNEL BOSTWICK CO.. 'Phone, 1014. 401-1 N. T. LIFE BLDO, D 7il 7 . ,, , , 7- . -ROOM all modern house,, 4820 California street, bath, furnace, gas. perfect repair, I $19.00. Key at 4S25 Cass. 'Phone black-1671, I u tea c TEN-ROOM house, all modern. 2208 Har ney. I Mt42 FURNISHED cottage, 1526 Capitol avenue. ior nine weeks. u W631 8 modern house. 22d St.. near California: rem reasonaDie. . Apply at room du, n. X. uis Duuaing. jj M629 NET l-room cottage, modern, nice yard. shade trees, closa In. 860 S. 18th St Tion, 1 reasonable. - . - i D 664 7 7-R. 1604 N. 28th. US. K-r 4410 N. 2tth, $10. s-r moo., mis Amu. vet. eweet Hum a ley, ji N. x. Life. D 739 T FOR RENT 8719 Marcy street, fine. hand. some, modern, lo-room nouse; barn; large aruunna. Mi. do. 602-4 South 28th street, 9-room modern houses, cheap. 1503 South 81st street, 9-room all modern nouse, ito.uu. D. V. SHOLES COMPANY MO New York Life. Tel. 829 and F-2724. D 666 7 1817 CAPITOL AVE. 8 rooms, modern. UT,- 2019 Bt. Mary's Ave., 12 rooms, modern, no; otto areaine, s rooms, new, moaern, 122.50; 1546 S. 26th, 6 rooms, modern. $20. Ann mngwaii uros., uarker Block. D M646 DUNDEE, 9-room house. In good repair. u. xa jonnaon, sit do. iota et. i P M8S1 9 GOOD HOUSES FOR RENT. 702 So. 17th, 10 rooms, modern, $35.00. 624 So. loth, 9 rooms, modern, H5 00. 2001 N. 18th, 10 rooms, modern, $32.00. $406 So. 10th, 10 rooms, modern, $30.04. 827 bo. Z4tn, rooms, city water, $13.50. 77 So. 90th, 6 rooms, city water. $S.0O. 2515 Marcy, 1 rooma, city water, $7.00. 180S Dupont. 1 rooms, city water, $6.00. GARVIN BROS.. 1404 Farnam St. Com. Nat. Bank Bldg. 1531 GEORGIA AVE.. 1 rooms, porcelain bath, furnace, good gas grate In front panor. iuu tot. nne ansae, uo. Another 4-room modern cottage, $28. Borne small houses. J. H. SHERWOOD, 937 N. Y. LIFE. D 771 8 I io-R. MODERN, steam heat, 19 Davenport, J(.r. modern. 2215 California. V 9-R. modern, brick, 2107 Plnkney. a-n. moaern, z-il'z narney. 9-R. modern. 918 8. S3d. l-R. modern. 233 Seward. 8-R. modern, new, 1921 8. ISth ave. 8-R. modern, 22 J at.. South Omaha. l-R. modern. 2684 Hamilton. 4-R., city water. 1418 Leavenworth. s-it., moaern rottsge, ill B. 29th St. 4-R., modern. 2610 Parker. 1 t-R. cottages. 16th and Franklin. jr. JJ. WEAll, lb24 DOUGLAS. D 788 U 1018 SHERMAN AVE., 4-room modern flat. 111 S. 18th ave., eottage, $10 2104 Maple, 8 rooms, modern except fur nace. 118. 1769 Burt. 4 rooms, new and modern. $22.60. FATNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Tel. 1781. Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. D 774 7 FOR RENT, a nice all modern 7-room house, hot watsr heat. Inquire 1148 Park ave. D819 7 JOHN N. FRENZER. OPP. OLD. P. O. 401 N. Ud at.. 1 rooms, modern. $3i. D suo CLAIRVOYANTS. GYLMER ' OMAHA'S FAVORITE PALMIST. If you desire to know your future consult Mme. uyimer. tne only lire reader In the west today who Is recognised authority. On all affairs of lire Oylmers advice Is the best to be obtained. She Is without doubt the leading palmist ot the country today. Chargea reasonable. Parlors, 215 8. 16th, In Granite block, 2d noor. lake elevator. a mt 7 MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 1614 Cass St 8113 MME. GYLMER, genuine palmist. Ill S. Ii. S 214 ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. AMES, vapor baths. 124 N. 16, R. 7.1 T-W 811 GLADYS RUBSELL, 421 & 18th, Id floor. T M438 c GRACE O'BRYAN of Ky.. 720 B. 13th. T M4K3 B12 MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15. Id floor, R 1, 1 Mbol Ol MME. LE FRANCE, measeurtet, 2821 Far. nam. T MW4 O PERSONAL. ' pniVATE liorpltal before and during con- nnement; oaoirs auopieu. zju Oram bt. Mrs. Uarou's. leL tt -ili. . U 21a VIAVA, woman's wsy to health. Home treatment. Booklet tree. M Bee Bldg., w iiiaji a. u an TEL. 780 for L. M. B. messengers. U-ill GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale and retail. Collins Piano Co., 1&2 Doug . U-217 PRIVATE sanitarium for ladlae before snd during connnement. Dr. and Mrs. Uarlacb. eul N. 16th St., Omaha. U-C3 SHAMPOOING and balrdreaalng. 16a. In I connection with The Bathery, li4-2a Bee I buiidLng. TeL lilt, U Us CHIROPODY a specialty, In connection with Tha ttatnery, rooma xia-220 Bee Bl'ig. 'leu ilia JUJ DR. B. M. JACKSON. R. 4. Frenser Blk.. chronlo disaaaae a spool!!; oousultatlou PERSO'ALS. $v-RUPTURED CURED FOR $30-No knife, no Pain, no rietenuon from tul pess. 8nd for booklet, etc. EMPIRE RI PTVRE CVRE CO., 122 N. T. Ufa Bldg.. Omaha. U HI HAIRDRESPINO, manicuring and chlrop- ortv, for ladies omy, in connection wttn Tha Bathery. MS-Ui Bee Bldg. U-S21 PARIS WOOLEN CO. New location, 1411 Douglas. Thnne L-rSL U 414 810 ELITE PARLORS. HI 8. 11th St., 2d floor. V MaZg 87 PRIVATE home for ladles before and dur ing confinement. Babies adopted. Mrs. purget, 2620 Burdetto St. U 4,4 Sept 11 liME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, Zd floor, R. I u u BIS SUCCEaa don't konslst In never makln' blunders, but on never makln the same blunder twlct." Don't blunder, smoks STOECKER CIGARS. U M527 T OMAHA Dye Works, 1515 Howard, ths isBnionsme cleaners or laaies ana gentle men's dresses and suits, lace curtains, draperlea. ' U 804 Ol UNINCUMBERED American farmer of B0. in comfortable circumstances, would cor respond with honest, respectable, Intelli gent lady under 40. Address J 18, Bee. U-M634 J THE Atlanta Sanatorium, opium, morphine ana whisky habit cured in from 10 to w days. Call or write Dr. M. T. Davis, 101 Walton St., Atlanta, Ga. U726 7 HANDSOME, Intelligent American lady. worm, win marry immediately ana assist kind husband financially. Address, Bene, ut van uuren ot., Chicago. U OS 7 WEALTHY, attractlv lady, $30,000 bank would marry and financially aid kind hus-. Dana. "Amiable," 62 Koken Bldg., St. Louis. Mo. V 6S2 7 GENEROUS gentleman, wealthy, but lonely, elegant home, will make home happiest Place on earth to kind wife. Governor, 812 Holland Bldg., St. Louis, mo. u KU r INDEPENDENTLY wealthy young lady seega Kina ana atrectionatn husband who can Invest her money Judiciously; would marry soon. Catherine, Box 83, St. Louis, Mo. U 721 7 $3 TO $9 per week paid ladles to furnish us aaareseee. oriental Toilet Co., 19 N. 6tU oi., neaaing ra. u HO EVERY man, young or old. should know all about Yolilmbln. Write for literature. Kenwood Med. Assn.. 48 Dearborn St.. v.nicago. u 7VZ f I WAS saved from consumption after my case naa oeer. pronouncea incurable and nopeiess by eminent physicians. If vou are suffering from this dread disease and will write me L will gladly tell you how It was done at pome. My sole object Is to be of some benefit to humanity. Rev. Melvln L. Peden. Pastor Church of Christ, m Dione St., uiDsonDiirg, u. u oiu V RETIRED merchant, middle age, worth imrm -..v.. -, v,.. .i.v...i $90,000. seeks at once poor but faithful wife. Address Mr. Hamilton, 403 Omaha ciag., irnicago. u etfc 7" DEAR LADY, did you ever realise that wnen you pay xix.uo or $i5.oo tor a hat that wo could sell you at $5.00 that tha dear lady friend who highly recommends a certain place often gets a very large reduction In price for herself for the con sideration of her Influence among her menus? our price strictly one price, ana Ice water free. PENNELL, Millinery, 1514 and 1514 Doug las et., over ine Dinger omce ana Lind say jeweiry store. l I MAKE a specialty ot chronlo ' and nervous diseases and cure . cases which I undertake. Consultation Free. Dr. B. M. Jackson, Specialist, Frenser block (15th and Dodge Sts.), Omaha, Neb. Office Hours, 9 to 4 and t to 8' p. m. flundivi. 10 to 12 nmnj Out of town sufferers, write P. Box 152. x An oi gooa appearance, wen middle agea, very weaitny and I want to marry an Intelligent, practical, sympa thetic lady, no matter what her circum stances or station in me; more attention la paid to hunting gold than a true com panion, hence the number of unhappy marriages so why not go about It In a business like manner? It la of -no conse quence how people become acquainted, the paramount thing la the individuals. and 1 have set aside custom, as the hap piness of a uretlms is of more moment, believing there Is somewhere In thla broad land a genuine woman whom can love and with whom I can share my vast fortune. If she will only lay aside her scruples, as I have mine, long enough to address, Mr. Weller, Real Eatate Board Bldg., Chicago. U 747 7' YOUNG man of refined manners, aged 27, fair education, home loving disposition, strictly temperate, well employed, solicits correspondence with Intelligent girl under 27, one with some means preferred; Protestant preferred; no objection to widows; object matrimony: triflera and flirts excused. F. Cook, 628 Jessie St., Ean Franclrco, Cal. U 758 7 A WONDERFUL French clairvoyant. What he tells comes true. Bend 10c and birthday. Prof. E. Garnot, Box 1179, Bos ton, Mass. t U 762 7 YOUR fortune told from cradle to grave. What l ten you comes true, eena aime and birthday. Prof. J. Myers, Drawer 704, Chicago. U 746 7 FOR MEN, rare list of books, rubber goods. photon, inclose it-cent stamp for list to King Co., Carbondale, Pa. U 744 7 $10.00 PIN-MONEY Monthly easily earned at nome; no canvassing or peuaiirg; only naif nours work ween aaya; eena iwc for outfit. Instructions, stationery and six Mel O Day s latest copyright songs elegnnt 60c editions, postpaid. The M arse fi ner Bureau ot Music, Omaha. U 761 7 SUPERFLUOUS hair, warta and moles per manently removed oy electricity; consul tation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Misa Allender, 1611 Douglas. GRADUATES EMPLOYED Every gradu ate ot tho Kharas School or Magnetic Osteopathy la employed at from $tio to $85 per month by the Kharas company. Mag netic osteopathy Is new painless snd per fect curs for chronic diseases. Hundreds of testimonials. No drugs used. Patients msy pay AFTER they are cured, and no pay unless cured perfectly. Btudents may oav tuition out their aalarles after we employ them. Large illustrated catalogue free. Call Saturdays or address frof Tbeo. Kharas, Bee Bldg., Onvahs. Nb. IT S2J 7 MONEY TO LA ON REAL ESTATE. 4tt PER CENT on bualneas property. 6 per cent on residence property. Options to pay whole or part any time. W. a. ME1KLE. 401 8. 16th St. W U6 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real astate. Brennan-Love Co., 109 B. mn. W-C4 FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas. First Nat. Bank mag. iei. ibis. W-227 I PER CENT )oana. Garvin Bros.. 1G04 Farnam. W-2J0 WANTED, city loans snd warrants. W, Farnam Smith Co., l&w rarnam st. W-221 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants, rt. c feters sb i.o., i.ui Farnam at.. Bee Bldg. W Z2s LOW RATES. Private money. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Main Floor, New York Life Bldg. W 229 PRIVATE money. F. D. Weed, 1624 Douglas. W-aJl I lioo UP; low rate. Pilchard. 1711 Farnam. W J32 4H TO I P. C. money. Bemia, Paxton Blk. w 234 WILLIAMSON CHARLES E , 1201 r arnam street. W MANUFACTIHINO. P MELCHIOR. ehUiUt. 13th and Howard, mt Jk4 CM AH A Bute and Iron Wks. makes a spe cialty of ore escapes shutters, doors and aies. u. Anoreen, rrvp., iua m. win at. MOftHY TO L4AH CHATTBL. MONEY WHEN you find It nece"sary to borrow. give us a trial, aiier wnirn w win, fair treatment, attempt to retain your patronage. We loan from $10 up, on fur niture, plnnoa, live stock, etc. We also make loans to SALARIED PKnrt.E without mortgage or endorser. We do not deduct Interest In advance. We charge nothing for making or filing pnpera ami our service Is quick and confidential. We alwsvs try to please our patrons. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO, 119 Hoard of Trade Bldg Tel. 22). (Established 1892.) So. 16th St. X-237 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team atera, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; easiest terms; 40 offices In prin cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Board ot Trade Bldg. X-238 DO YOU NEED MONEY? SALARY AND FURNITURE LOANS. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Room 901, Third Floor, Paxton Block. X 940 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; ousinees connaentiai: lowest raies. 614 Paxton block. The 1. A. Hutton Co. XM1 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew- elry, horses, cows, etc. C F. Reed, sis B. . X 234 MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock. Jewelry, to salaried people. Foley Loan Co., Suo. to Duff Green, 8 Barker block. X-236 Chattel and Salary Loans. PHOENIX CREDIT C., Buccessor to J. W. Tsyloe. 745. 431 Paxton Block. X 2 Tel. MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading specialist In dlseasea of women in omana, would call the attention of suffering ladles to his unsbrp&ssed accommodations before and during confinement and his treatment tor Irregularities, no matter what cause.' Call or address, with stamp, Dr. Pries, Arlington Block, 1611 Dodge, omana. zoo LITTELL'8 tJquld Sulphur stops Itching Instantly; If positively cures sny skin dis ease on eartn quickly ana permanently. In order to prove Its merits we will ship Sostpald to any address In the United tales or Canada, on receipt of 15 2c stamps, a package of Llttell's Liquid Sulphur, Llttell's Liquid Bulphur Oint ment and Uttell's Liauld Sulphur Roup. The Rhuma 8ulphur Co., 1764 Austin St., Waco, .Texas. mi Y- LADIE8, use our harmless remedy for de layed or suppressed period; It cannot fall; trial free. Paris Chemical Co., Milwau kee, wia. DR. W. HUTCHIN80N, specialist of women and children: 80 years' practice. Otnce, 2206 Cuming. Residence telephone, -27o; omce, b-z&h. LADIES' Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best; safe; reliable. Take no other. Send c, stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Laaies" in letter by return mail. Ask your druggist. Chlchestsr Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa. LADIES You should use Oxe-Nln, a sure and harmless specific. It cures and prevents all ailments; peculiar to your , sex. For particulars addreas Oso-Nln Co.. Ill Center Ave.. Chicago. PATENTS. A NEW INVENTION. Lewis K. McClel. Ian of Cedar Rapids, Neb., has Just pro c'.ir.vl a pstcnt for CT5 etcee5!r!s!y "rrnta "Self-Opening and Closing Farm Gate." The patent was procured through Bues at Co., Bee Bldg., Omaha, Nab. Inventors desiring free Information ahould wYlte to ua and send for our free handbook. We ask no fee unless patent Is allowed. For Cuthbert Vincent of Omaha, Neb., we lately procured an allowance of his In vention In 20 days. This Is what Mr. Thomas Morrln of the Mills Bldg.. San Francisco. Cel.. says: "I congratulate you on your good work In overcoming the Interference of the German patent. Thla Is the third time that I was denied a patent through German Interference and THIS 18 THE FIRST TIME THAT I HAVE BEEN SUCCESSFUL." All thoaa Interested In patents ahould ad' dress Bues 4b Co., Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Bend lor our tree nana oook. -681 7 FATENTS Sues Co.. Bee Bldg., Omaha; no fee unless success rui; aavice tree. 681 819 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. GREGG 8 H.. Touch T. W.. Bus. Branches. Teleg. Cat, Free. Om. ColL, 17th Doug. 608 A. C. VAN 8 ANT' 8 school. 717 N. Y. Life. Hi! BOYLES college, court reporter principal, . X. uie. ua NEB. Buainess tt Bliorthand College, Boyd's i neater. ii EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. PRIVATE lessons In bookkeeping, etc. ; night class Mono., wea,, tru u. k. Htthbun, room 16, Com'l Nat 1 bank. M52S CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attenaea to. 20th and Lake streets. J. T. uenntree. 31V OSTEOPATHY. GID. Br at ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Suite 515, N. X. Life Bldg. Tel. 164- S70 MRS. GRACE DEEQAN, 638 Bee building. Tel. 2y68. DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING In families or at home. Mias Sturdy, 2580 Harney. . coo vit INDIES' tailoring and dressmaking.' rea sonable prices. Miss jonnson, zam ana Leavenworth St., over Howell's drug store. iuugx II" ACCORDION PLEATING. IDEAL PLEATING CO.. 1510 Howard. ZM PAWNBROKERS. CAUirfi i nia ii viiiiw, . mi.ui.. a-i-uu,iuwa w ing; ail bualneas connaeuuaL uui uougias. STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Ramge Bldg. 2V TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tlekets everywhere. P. H. Phllbin, 1506 Farnam. 'fhone tm. 2M GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY OARBAOE CO., cleans oeespools and vaults, removea garnage and oeaa animais at roauoea prices. ii a. is. Tel. li .a seo JUNK. MIXED country scrap, $11; stove plate, $8. Aipirn, eux rarnam. ex FLORISTS. L. HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam. Tel. 1251. Bend for price llgt, cut flowers and plants. saioe ANNOUNCEMENTS. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Tele phone 1190. 411 Bo th Thirteenth street. 262 FUR DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO., tanners, 1424 S. 13th. :iii AUTOMOBILES. ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILES. Delight s. 1119 rarnam street. STORAGE. Oat Vaa Star. Co., 15UVi Fern. Tela 1569-841. WASTF.D i ALU HELP. W7 FARNAM SMITH & CO. Manage Estates and Other Properties Act as RECEIVER, EXECUTOR, GUARDIAN AND TRUSTEE for CORPORATIONS, FIRMS, INDIVIDUALS and fiscal agents of CORPORATIONS 1320 Farnam St. Tel. 1064 LOST. LOST, a black leather pocketbook. contsln Ing a certificate of deposit on the Com mercial National bank of Council Bluffs; also other papers; tinder will leave same at Bee office, Council Bluffs, and receive liberal reward. Lost M LOST, lady's brown puree, letter "S'; en- fravea; money ana it. it, ticket, newara or return to Bee. Lnst-416 7 LOST, red stone oval setting scarfpln. Leave at Bee office and receive reward. Lost M 9 When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra, stroke or two of the pen to mention the faot that you saw the ad In The Bee. PHONOGRAPHS. WE ARE western headquarters for Edison pnonograpns sna recoros. 1'rices, tio up. Nebraska Cycle Co., 16th and Harney. TYPEWRITERS. LAMBERT TYPEWRITER Price, $20. Is fast, efficient, durable: easiest to learn. use and care for. Sent on approval. Mon roe . Co., 811 No. 16th St., Omaha. M2ftt 1 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. STILLMAN tt TRICE. 23 U. 8. N1 Bk. Rid. ELECTRICAL REPAIRERS. GRAND Electric Co., 14 tt Jackson. Tel. 2844. K LAUNDRY. OMAHA 8 team Laundry; shirts, 8c; collars, ao ; curia, 4c lit) Lieaven worth. Tel. IrM STATUARY FACTOR.. STATUARY and ornamental work. 712 8. 14. MS38 BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co.. 811 North lth. TRUNKS AND BAGGAGE. TWIN CITY EXP. 'Phone 1717. 60S 8. 18th. L. M. E. hauls trunks. Tel. 730. 192 STOVES REPLATED. GOLD, silver and nickel plating. Omaha 628 Plating Co., Bea Bldg. Tel. 2586. BRASS FOUNDRY. I BRASS and aluminum casting, nickel plat Ing and finishing. Specialty Mfg. Co., 41 I. Msm Bt.. i ounru murra. UNION STATION JOTH AND MARCY. Cttleagfo, Rock Island A Paclfle. EAST. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Daylight Lim ited a B:00 am a 4:46 am Chicago Daylight a 7:00 am a 9:86 cm Chicago Express bll:15 am a 6:05 pm Des Moines Local a 6:20 pm b U:&0 am Chicago Fast Express.. 6:06 pm a 1:25 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain' Lim ited a 6:60 am a 4:68 am Lincoln, Colo. Springs. Denver, pueblo and West a o:u pra ...a 6:20 pm all: 40 pm Colo.. Texas Cal. Oklahoma Flyer Hllnola Cemtral. Chicago Express a 7:20 am a 1:10 pm tTincago, Minneapoiie St. Paul Limited a 7:60 Dm a 1:06 am Minneapolis et Bt. i'aui Ei press ..b 7:10 am bl0:ffi pm .. alO;J6 pm Leave. Arrive. ..a 9.40 am a 7.80 pm ..a 8-50 am a 1:25 pm ..a 4:26 pm ..all:30 pm .. a 4:16 pm a 7:30 am ..a 7:10 am a 2:40 am m.Mn - Chicago Express.., Ualosv Paelfle. Overland Limited , The Fast Mall California Express.... facino Expreea Eastern Express The Atlantic Kxpreas, The Colorado Special Chicago Special , . . -. a. v aw and b 4:05 om bll:W pm Lincoln, Beatrice Btromsburg Ex Grand Island Local. . ..b 6:10 pm b 9:35 pm Wabash. St. Louis "Canon Ball" Express a 5:65 Dm a 1:20 am Ot. Louis Local, Council 1 niuns a s:u am siu:so pm Chicago tt Northwesterm, "The Northwestern Line." Leave. Arrive. Fast Chicago ...a 1:40 am a 7:00 am Mall a 7:60 pm a 8:30 am Local Sioux City a 6:10 am a 8:W pm Daylight St. Paul a 7:36 am al0:2S pm Daylight Chicago.. .a 8-00 am. all:20 pm Ivoeal Chicago Local Carroll Fast Chicago Limited Chicago ...al0:65 am a 6:10 pm ...a 4:00 pm a 9:n0 cm ...a 4:66 pm a 4:06 pm ...a 9:10 pm a 9:20 am ...a 7:56 pm a 8:16 am a 1:40 pm ...b 4:09 pm b 9:60 am Faat Bt Paul ..... Fast Mall Local Bloux City..., Hlssoaurt Paclfle, St Louis Express.., ...alOKX) am a 4:25 pm ...ai0:50pm a 4:15 am a. C a Bt. L, JUS... Chicago, MOwaakee Bt. Paul. Chicago Omaha Ex..b 7:40 am b 1:40 pm Chicago unuiea Jt....a :w pm i i;wim BURLINGTON STATION 10TH MASON Barllagtoa V Mlssoarl River. Leave. Arrive. Wvmore, Beatrice and - Lincoln a 6:40 am bll:66 am Nebraska Express a 8:40 am a 7:45 pm Denver Limited a 4:26 pm a 4:15 am Black Hills ana x'uget Bound ExDress all:10 Dm a 1:10 cm . Colorado Vestlbuled Flyer a i io pm Lincoln Faat Matt b 1:10 pm a 1:17 am Fort crook ana fie its mouth b 1:20 pm bll:0S am Rellevue St Paclfla Jet... a 7:60 tim a 1:27 am Bellevue s Pacific Jet... a 1:00 am Kaaaas City, St. Joseph A Council Blaffs. Kansas City Dsy Ex.. ..a 9:20 am a 4:0 pm St. lxiuis f iyer a :iu pra ail . 15 am Kansas City Night Ex..al0.30 pm a 4:16 am Chicago, Barllaataa tlalacy. Chicago Special a 7:00 am a 4:06 pm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex. .a 4:00 pm a 7:80 am Chicago Local a 9 10 am all 00 pm Chicago litmitaa a :'A pra a t:: am Fast Mall a 1:45 ia a n.llv. b Dally except Sunday, e Sun day only, d Daily except Saturday. . Daily except Monaay. WEBSTER DEPOT ISTH tt WEBSTER. Chicago. St. Omaha, Paal, Mlaaeapells A LeaVe. Arrive. Twin City Passenger. ...a 4:30 am a 9:00 pm Btoux City r,asaenger...a x:w pm u:aiim Emerson Local b 6:40 pm b 1:45 am Fraanoai, Elkbora Mlaaoart Valley. Black Hills, Dead wood, Hot sprmga a s:w pm a :oo pro Wyoming, Casper and Douglas d 1:00 pm 1:00 pm Hastings, York, David i ity, superior, ueneva, Exeter and Seward. ...b 1:00 pm b I KM pra Norfolk, Lincoln and Frnmont b 7:90 am b 10:26 am Fremont Local c 7:20 ant Mlssoarl Paolfle. Nebraska Ix cal. Via ti.K-AU74 a-attl Weeping water.. D 4:10 pm aio; en