Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 20, Image 20
TTIE OMAHA DATLY TJEE: BUND AT, 8EPTEMBEft 7, lfK)5. 20 SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements tmw ! will lake mailt IS alasT edition and nttl 80 p. sa ls MorilM !!. ft at. 1 1-ao a war rs laaertlaa. a m ntl thereafter. ( taksa far les thaa 2.1 far taa rs ! Ilaa. TkM aelrtlseoat ssast aa aa eoaaeeotlvsly. Advertiser, ar rqaalla -ftsred thrfk, ri (r,aM4 ta a naktrtl leilsr la ara at Taa Ha. Anniri address sell! $ deliver u aaalU t hook !. FOR SALE CIGARS. $J0.00 IN GOLD. It pays to buy your cigars of us. You may wake up ome day anil tlnd yourself the possessor of Fifty Dollars In Gold that we give away to our customer! each month. , Butler & Miller. N. W. COR. 16THAND FARNAM 6TS. SITUATIONS WASTED. SITUATION wanted by young lady- five years experience In fire Insurance offlca as stenographer and policy c!er,c. i 47, Baa. A-74X 14 I TOUNG married man of 26 yeara la open for a road position with a c.othlng and dry goods or gnt' furnishing goods house; have had seven years In general stocks and one year on the road; wish to cult retail buslnee on account of health; , monthly and all expenses to atart; pejm best of references furnished on appllca- rent position If satisfactory; self-ad- tlon; will take any good territory Ad- dress J 43, Bee, A JAPANESE good family cook wants situa tion. J 39, Bee A-M632 8 BOOKKEEPING or other office work even ing. Address J 61. Bee. A S23 7 WASTED MALE HELP. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND and TYPEWRITING, 716-717-718 New York Life Building. Thl Is a trlctly select epeclalty school Ct shorthand and typewriting. The early Instruction Is individual, and during the entire period of attendance each student recelvea careful personal attention from experienced teachera. Students of this school are filling the best positions from amanuensis to court re porter In Omaha and other cities. The equipment Is first-clans, and no one can visit the school without being Im- fressed with the refinement of the place, t Is the school to which mothers should end their daughter for Instruction and careful guardiauBhip, and the securing of the best positions. ' There la a special demand for honest, honorable young men oi ability and good habit. Only tnat kind will be admitted to the school. A trial week Is given free. Money will be refunded tor uii.xpired tuition in caau stuaenu wish tor any reason to leave the WANTED Canvasser. Man familiar with , buok anu newspaper worn preferred. Must be nun tier. Apply Hoom lui, Bee Biag. B 299 IS FOR HALF A DAY'S WORK. If you live In the country or In a small town and have a good acquaintance among tne tarmer and stock raisers In the neighborhood you can make 5 easily by tour or five hour' work. Write us and we will send you our proposition. The Bee Publishing Co., Solicitors' Dept., cimana, jeo. a Mill WANTED A good man In every county to take subscription tor The Twentieth Century farmer. . Our agenta make good wagea everywnere. tteterencea required Adores, Twentieth Century farmer. umana, nea. B 18 OOOD messenger wanted; first-class pay. a. u. x. co., ui a. win. a ..'i in SOLICITORS WANTED. THE GUARANTEE FUND LIFE ASHIH.'IATlllN. Want live local agenta In every town In Nebraska. The proposition possesses spe cial merit and is easily written- Baiary or commission to the right man. Address, J. C. Butflngton, Secretary, Alliance, Neb. B MiJa WANTED, two cook for Wyoming west era railway. Labor agency, SlO 8. llth. B M7S7 WANTED, five well dressed, well educated solicitors to oo special work In connection with dally newsiaper; liberal salary and eommiaslon; bring references. Call lor F. C. Kuitnell, mom 107, Bee building, after t o'clock a. m. B 400 WANTED, a good all around man In steam laundry; must b a gooa sturdier and Ironer. Addres Lexington Steam Laun dry, Lexington, Neb. B M6oa 7 WANTED, experienced clothing salesman; must be a hustler and sober (single pre ferred); steady work to right party; ref erence required. Speler ft Bullions, Friend, Neb. B MU17 7 TRAVELING salesmen, also advertisers, w are business, no sample-selling con cern) straight salary paid. Triumph, Dallas, Tex. B M612 In- WANTED, an Industrial life Insurance man to open new field; railroad town; special offer to rlKhi man. Adurcs W. J. Mason, . Beatrice, Neb. B Mtuo 7 WANTED, experienced salesman In dress aoods department. Address J 87, Be. . R-620 7 WANTED, experienced dress goods sales men. J. L. Brandeis ft Son. B 6.'8 7 WANTED, experienced salesmen or lea. ladles In cloak department; only those tnat nave nao experience need apply. J L Brandels ft Bona. B 628 7 WANTED, experienced shipping clerk; on that ha had experience In checking and packing dry goods; no other need apply. J. L. Brandels ft Son. B . 7 WANTED Flrst-claa pant and vest maker; plenty of work and good p.ty. Eddy Bros., Fremont, Neb. B M643 8 WANTED Drug clerk, an assistant, single young man, 3 to 5 years' experience; references; state salary wanted. Address Box I, Lead, So. Dak. 11 M64U ( RELIABLE, sober and industrious clerk for general store In central Nebraska; must have experience In dry goods ana not afraid of work; salary H'l per month; give reterencea. Address J 85, Bee. B-M638 7 WANTED Competent carpet layer; steady - work all the yar through; one that baa worked In a cleaning plant preferreu. Btuebner Bros., St. Jobeph, Mo. B M633 8 WANTED, a first-class atarch man or a first-class hard goods man; starch mm preferred. Address Ward Bros. Co., Aber deen, S. D. . B M630 s WANTED, a few harnessmakers on light and heavy work: also one taddle cutt'r. Address J. B. Sickle baddlery Co., 81. Loula, Mo. B M618 7 TRUSTWORTHY pron In each county to manage business ot old established house of solid financial standing; sira.giit bona, fid weekly salary of 818 pild by check each Wednesday, with all expfiises, due t from headquarters; money advncid for exptnai. Manager, lli Caxton bl'lg , Cal cago. B Mttli 7 WANTED for U. Army; Able-bodied uiv married men between age of 21 and Si, ci litem of Untied biata. of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speaa. mad and writ EniUh. lor lutor fciatini, apply to P.ecrulung OtBcrr. Hih and Dodai at., Omaha, and poatofhoe building. Lincoln, Nebraska. , It I EARN proofreading; situations secure J; (13 to $-5 weekiy. Home Correspondence School, Philadelphia. B WANTED, men who are weak or diseased to write for free booklet edited by the leading and most successful soeclullM In the United States Ad'lresa J. Newton Hathaway, M D, G Commercial Block, Sioux City, la 11 wanted oho wear trusses; a great chance. Trum free; no tlm lost from , preiu work. Ales Bpeirs, Box ett, sst brook. Main. B WASTED MALE HELP. Yes, THE FALL TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE Is Now Open IN' BOTH THE DAY AND 3VENING SESSIONS. Tet It la not too lata to enter. Students have been enrolled every day during the week and a large number have made arrangements to enter on Monday. JOIN THEM. Student are admitted at any time and the tuition la reckoned from the date of entrance. Complete Business Course. Complete Shorthand Course. Complete Typewriting Course. Complete English Course. Apply for IUuatrated Catalogue. Boyle' College. New York LI fa Building, Omaha. B COLORED man to travel In Nebraska; $50 dressed envelope for reply. Address Man ufacturer, 702-fc6 Dearborn St., Chicago. B Jul WANTED, man of good appearance to travel In portion ot 7ebraKa; ataoie line; light work; salary and expenses; young man over 21 preferred; elf-addreesed en velope. Manager zuz ronuac iag., -"i cago B-700 GOVERNMENT position; thousands of appointment to b male: txaminauons toon In every state; hundred that we have prepared by mail have been ap pointed; circular 161, giving full particu lars as to positions, salaries, date and places of examinations, etc.. mailed free. National Corespondence Institute, Wash ington, D. C. WANTED everywhere, hustler to tack signs, distribute circulars, sampiew, etc. no canvassing; gooa pay. nun ovnru tng Bureau, Chicago. B-759 7 $78 PER MONTH and traveling expense ?ald salesman on Baking Powder and Ex racts; experience unnecessary. Purity Co., Chicago. B OFFICE boy, state alxe, references, wages, etc. J 50. Bee. - B 7d3 7 SALESMAN wanted, to call on doctor only on behalf of the leading firm In the business; also one lor country district. State experience. Addres P. O. Box Ktt, DkU-alnhl. Lu Tl 7Ftff 7 WANTED, a young man with one or two years' experience In the retail drug busi ness, Who desires to Improve his condi tion; must ne energetic, wining 10 wora and have the best of recommendations; hours, 7:30 to 5:30; a good opportunity for the right party. Addres J is. Bee. B 711 7 ARE TOU dissatisfied with your work? our Booklet, "Are your Hands near tells how we have Qualified thousand in pare time for salaried positions in more congenial and profitable lines of work. Write International Correspondence Schools, Box 166S, Scranton, Pa., or call day or evening, Omaha office, 637 Paxton FIFTY men, fifty team, wanted for street work. E. A. Wlckham ft Co., Council Bluffs. B 751 7 WANTED. LABORERS for eteam shovel work near old paper mill. Also DRIVER AND SCRAPER HOLDERS near Green packing house, near Council Bluffs. Hall uraaing ana construction co. B M824 13 GOOD tailor wanted right soon. Pari . Woolen Co., 1415 Douglas. B 825 7 WANTED, two e-ood house painters: good Job for sober men. G. t. Nelburg. West olnt, Neb. B M818 t WANTED, cutter for merchant tailoring business; good steady poaltlon for flrst clars man; applications confidential. Apply Sunday 4 p. m. to Wilson, Hotel Miuara. b uj i- 8ALESMAN for local merchant tailoring buatnesa; an excellent and permanent position for a man of ability and trade acquaintance; applications confidential; apply Sunday at 4 p. m. to Wilson, Hotel Millard. B-803 7" $12 WEEKLY copying letter at home, either sex. Send stamp for particulars. King Mfg. Co., 248 Warren Ave.. Chicago. B 6U7 i WANTED In every locality, men to dis tribute circulars, sample, etc.; steady ' work, good pay; experience unnecessary. National Dlst'ng Bureau, Chicago. B 689 7 YOUNG man to travel; $W month and ex penses; experience unnecessary; send references. William Co., Chamber Com., Detroit, Mich. B-716 1 YOUNG man travel, $50 month and ex pensea; experience unnecessary; enclose self-addressed envelope. Manager Per kins, Manhattan Bldg., Chicago. B-670 7 MECHANICS, engineers, electricians, fire men; free Instruction In engineering and drafting will be given a few well recom mended men. American School ot Corre spondence, Boston, Mass. B 712 7 ' WANTED, ten men In each state to travel, tack signs nd distribute samples and circular of our goods; salary $60 per month and $2.75 per day for expense. National Soap Works, Chicago, 111. B-871 7 WANTED, men of good address to dtllvr our little home savings banks in Omaha; Jood compensation guaranteed. Apply to . G. MacFsdyean. department manager, Brandeis ft Sons, bankers, 16th and Doug la. B M6j4 7 WANTED Two furniture salesmen and one carpet seleaman for retail mislnea In Omaha. Good ealariea for right men. Plate age, experience and furnlsn refer ences. J 46, Bee. B 6607 MOLER Barber College. 1302 Douglas St., want men to learn the trace. No waste ,of time. All the advantages of steady practice ny free work. Years of ap prenticeship raved. Shop experience and waves Saturdays from start. Poaltion waiting graduate. Call or write. B M727 13 WANTED, registered drug clerk: voung Oerman preferred. A. W. Atwood. Pl"tt mouth. Neb. B M8 8 WANTED SALESMEN. WANTED, experienced aalesmen to call on all kinds of business houses, manufactur ers, wholesale and retail stores and banka, to Introduce and sell our magnifi cent advertising calendar, comprising over too different styles, all original, Itte, handsome pattern, nothing like them ever seen before; customers want and buy at once on seeing them; really fia com- fiet'.tlon; wonderful works ot art. We pay arrest commission. Those giving exclu sive time to the work readily make $1K to tljO every week. We guarantee them to b the best sMe line for traveling men ever heard of. Write at once with refer ences. All commissions paid promptly. Burcess assured. American Novelty Co., Cincinnati. O. 751 ? SALESMEN want'd: sell our $1 bottle aarsaparllla tor Sac; beat seller; 2"0 per cent profit; write today for terms and terri tory. F. R. Greene, 68 Dearborn St., Chi cago. 711 7 SALESMAN wanted; I have a poaltlon for a Ural-class specialty talesman for Ne braxka and Iowa territory and will pay uth a man UuO per month and expenses; permanent poaltlon, salary guaranteed. SALESMEN to sell perfume, toilet soaps, etc.. to dealers: 8100 monthly and ex penses. Plumer Perfumery ft Mfg. Co., Bt. Louis. Mo. .13 T WE PAY $25 a week and expenses to men with rig to Introduce Poultry Compound straight f alary: send stamp. Eureka Mfg. Co., 84 E. 18th St., Kansas City, MO. 11 7 WANTED Salesmen by manufacturer of grocers' snt-cialtles. Give experience fully. Hood salary to hard worker. Ad- Ore, Boa Ul, Chicago, 111. WASTED MALE HELP. Omaha Commercial College. Grand Opening of FALL TERM. More Than One Hundred New Students. Fifty More Next Week. ALL DEPARTMENTS BOOMING. NEW CLASSES TOMORROW Pointer No. 1 Now Is the time to begin. If possible do so tomorrow. Pointer No. J More than twenty new stu dent have entered our Nigh School al ready. More have arranged to enter to morrow night. Four sessions each week. Tuition nominal. Begin now. You can have any branch desired. Pointer No. S it will Day you to watch next Sunday' paper. You will have a , chance to win one of six crises. Pointer No. 4 Prof. Mosher s new book on Mosher-Gregg Shorthand I now ready. It ta the finest thing ever published on shorthand. More than a hundred ordei have been received. It present the Greg system of shorthand In such a logical and Simple way as to save the student half his time and worry, besides enabling him to write more legibly and with a greater de gree of speed. Every Gregg writer ought to obtain a copy In order to adopt the wonderful Improvements made upon this system. The Improvement are so mar velous and far-reaching as to forever dis courage the use of this system as now presented by Mr. Gregg In hi revised edi tion. It will be sent to any address upon receipt of $1.50. It la elegantly bound and contains many new features not found in any book thus tar published upon short hand. It is a self-Instructor. Pointer No. 6 The following extract from a letter received irom Mr. uregg is pretiy good evidence of the thorough work done in Gregg Shorthand at the Omaha Com mercial College. The letter was -received without solicitation and could not be made much stronger: We are glad to learn of the success your student are having with Gregg Short hand, and as we naturally, desire to have the system taught In the best possible manner we have no hesitation In saying that the Omaha Commercial College is the only institution In Omaha In which we would recommend Intending students of our system to take a course. A far a we are aware there la no other school In your city having a teacher competent to give Instruction In Gregg Shorthand, and as a recognition of your enterprise In In troducing this system we have granted you the exclusve agency for the state of Nebraska." Rohrbough Bros., 17th and Douglas, Omaha, Neb. Ft SALESMEN WANTED. FIRST-CLASS traveling salesmen wanted to call on the retail trade; high-priced men Investigate. The ElyBlan Mfg. Co., Detroit. Mich. -693 7 SALESMEN to sell toilet soap to dealers; $100 per month salary and expenses; ex perience unnecessary. Louis Ernst Co., bt. Louis, Mo. CIGAR salesmen wanted; experience un necessary; good pay. Emanuel & Co., Station "J," New York. WANTED FEMALE HELP. Nrnn a p is a AND SHORTHAND COLLEGE BOYD BUILDING, OMAHA. , A. CONG, A. M., LL. B., President -ABSOLUTELY THOROUGH." WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY. CHICAGO, 111.,: Sept. 1, 1902.. Prof. A. C, Ong, Omaha, Neb.: Furniture shipped today. Two floors newly furnished throughout. Elegant golden oak roll top desk and revolving office chairs for every student In the commercial department and Yale lock box desk for the student of the shorthand department. These furnishing will give the most complete furnishing of any Institution west of Chicago. Call and ae an up-to-date equipment of a modern business training school. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. Prof. Lowry, principal of the commercial department., the best known and con ceded to be the most popular and efficient commercial teacher and accountant in. the west, no supervision or tne Booaaeeping, Actual Business and Banking Depart ments. Prof. A. G. Guthrldge. principal of the Shorthand deoartment. Is the only nhort- hand and typewriter Instructor In Omaha teacners ana received nis diploma. PURE GREGG In this school a specialty is made of by the author in hi Kevlsed Edition. NIGHT SCHOOL Prof. Guthrldge. the acknowledged Gregg school for teacher, will conduct a two-hour session on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evening tor all stenographers holding positions and other of whatever sys tem, who wish to gain a higher speed. Charges nominal only $1.50 per month. Night c:akaes in Dooaaeeping ana cngusn orancne ana snortnana. Call and Investigate the best furnished instltjtlon west of Chicago, the advan tage we are offering, the work we are doing. 777 7 WANTED, ladle and gentlemen for steady employment; salary tJ month. Call 1 to 7 170'Cas st. Monarch Co. C M618 7 WANTED, a good girl for general house work; small family, good wages. 218 8, 88tb ave. C M650 100 Girl. Call Canadian office, 16th ft Dodge. C-167 WANTED, two young lady student to learn halrdresslng, manicuring and chi ropody and scientific massage. Call or write Room tM, Bee Bldg. C 188 WANTED, lady cook. Eureka Restaurant 1604 Cass B. C 700 WANTED, good wage to a good, cook; none other need apply. 2324 Harney. C M765 NURSES' COLLEGE, Pueblo, Colo.; three months' course; diplomas; open October l; writ. C-M782 818 1 WANTED, working housekeeper In family ot three adiita. Address J 14. Bee. C 4S1 WANTED, experienced salesmen or sales ladies In cloak department; only those that have had experience need apply. J. U Brandel ft Bon. C-626 7 WANTED, girl for general tiousework; must be good cook; references required; mall family, no children; good wagea. 2911 Woolworth ave. C M6l9 8 WANTED A refined young girl to assist with houseworg. Apply Detween m ano 11 a. m. and t and 7 p. m. at 252 Dodge at. C MS! 10 WANTED A good girl for general house work in small lanuiy. ue o. outn mi. C M63 7 WANTED Housekeeper; widower $2 wishes refined housekeeper. Address victor w 11- Uam. gen. delivery, Omaha, Nebraska. C M63i 7 OOOD girl for general housework. 2917 Jones. Enquire Bunaay. w 1 WANTED, cook and laundrea at 1118 8. Si. ACTIVE Catholic lady to work at home; $34 paid for 12 days trial; permanent it sat:- tactory. Joua cngwan, iaaeaiue mug Chicago. C 704 7 LADIES, copy letter at home. $10 per 1.000; send atamped envelope for application. -Monarch Novelty Co., Dept. 68, Chicago. c 1 01 r LEARN proofreading; situations secured; $15 to $J5 weekly. Home AJorrespondeno School, Pbiiaaeipnia. c LADIES to do plain needle work for us at home; we furnlrh material and pay 17 to 1D per week. Bend stamped envelop to Bianuara CO., inuiana ah., uhiiiu, iu, C 604 7 830 PER THOUSAND copying letter and returning to us; $5 weekly made working evenings; encioe stamp. ror m.iruc- tlon. etc.. addreo X-Ray Co., Toledo O. WANTED, girl for general housework 2918 Maaon St. C .S niSL for eeneral housework: none but' competent need apply. IUI I, norminay. Mxa i. A- Kuan. WAITED-FEMALE HELP. $10 PER l.Ono copying letter to be ent to us; paper free; two wamps with appli cation. Illinois Industrial Union, Iek K, Chicago. C-M T LAD1E8 to do piecework at their home. We furnish all material ana pay from $7 to til weekly. Hend stamped envelop to Koyal Co., 34 Monroe St., Chicago. C 74-7 WANTED, experienced ealesladle In dr gnod department. J. L. Brandels it Sons, Boston Store C T2 11 WANTED. onri lrl for sreneral house work email family. Mrs. Carter, 424$ Burdette. C 7W 8 WANTED, a girl for cook or general house work; best wages. Apply 1120 Park ave. C-7S7 7 HELP WASTED. WANTED, for Work In sugar beet fields, families, single hands, men with team ana wagons; gooa wages pm, lung juu. btandard cattle Co.. Ames, neo. MOTS 11 $12 WEEKLY, doing writing at home; either sex; two stamps fo'r full particu lars. Gable Co., Real Estate Board Bldg., Chicago. i FOR RENT Fl'RNISHED ROOMS. DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. ir iva $1 PER WEEK-422 8. 18th St., One block outn oi court nous. tu ivs AETNA HOUBE, European, 13th and Dodge. Bi SUU VIENNA HOTEL 1011-15 Farnam Street E Ml 7 TWO nlee,C)ol, furnished or unfurnished room. Cun Davenport. J ul COOL, neat room; new flat. 220 North 17th. Ji i n ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th ft Chicago. ROOMS. 2580 Harney. E 875 7 NICELY furnished, cool rooms; modern. zvu narney. . y&j A SUITE of room, newly furnished and papered; modern. Including telephone; suitable for couple, or two or more men. I 2216 Douglas E M143 3 NICE room, light housekeeping. 1112 S. 11th. ,E M27S NICELY furnished room, single or en uite; rates reasonable. Midland Hotel, ititn ana cnicago. taoia NICELY furnished rooms ome small and some large, at 616 N. 20th st. E M553 LIGHT housekeeping room, 625 8. 21st Ave., cneap. tjvui iu ELEGANT rooms, with or without board. Burt. E 60S 7 2 NICE furn'hed room and kitchen; ref erences required. 1412 S. 17th. Call be tween 5:30 and 6 afternoon. E M637 8 FOR rent Neatly furnished room: gas, neat. Dam. zia nowara. a itff 7" NICE room for gentleman. Ave. 1921 St. Mary" HI M750 16' THREE room for light housekeeping. ftlO a, m. m m,7u r WANTED FEMALE PKty.P. nr TOTMroo Will send bill ladlnr next mall. AMERICAN SCHOOL FURNITURE CO. who has attended the Gregg school for SHORTHAND. teaching GREGG SHORTHAND a set forth SPEED CLASS. Instructor and rr&duate of the author's FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. WELL furnished Darlor and other rooms: Dam, teiepnone; reasonable, 1U22 Callfor. ma. hi M 766 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING 2566 Douglas et. E MS20 06 DESIRABLE room for a gentleman; mod ern conveniences and teiepnone; refer- viiucs required. &sut uougia at. E 806 7 Fl'RNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Merriam, comfortable summer home. Tel. 85. F-201 CENTER HOTEL 210 N. 17th; half block from P. O. ; transient: $1.25 per day; home cooaing. mu " TWO nicely furnished room. 808 S. 20th St. M&46 !& FURNISHED rooms, with or without board ; rate reasonable. Midland Hotel, in anu cnicngo, jj FOR RENT Desirable front and back par- 1.. 910 Ca OH.W . If rf.A FOUR first-class rooms for housekeeping, near Kountze Place, good neighborhood. Address j ou. Bee. . T HOTELS. LANQE HOTEL Upstair. 15th 4 Jackson. list 1 BARKER IS ft Jones; American, European. 190 7 rOR RENT INFIRMSHKD ROOMS. DESK room space. $5 per month: ground floor room In the Bee building, facing Farnam street; no expense for light, heat or Janitor service. R. C. Peter ft Co.. rental agent. Bee building. O 116 FOR RENT STORKS AND OFFICES. FOR RENT Th building formerly occu pied by The Bee at 91 Farnam at. It has four etorles and a basement which wa formerly used as Th Be press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C. C. Rose- water, secretary, room 100, Be building. l-il FOR RENT Store In first -class location; tent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters ft Co., ground floor, Bee Bldg. t 206 1307 HOWARD ST.. 3 stories and concrete basement. F. D. Wead, 1624 Douglas St. I-fcSJ 11 UNITED STATUS NATIONAL pNK BL'ILDING A, lia arnanl 8t. 1-764 7 STOREROOM. 1511 Leavenworth, only $11 K. C. Peters ft Co., ground floor, Be bldg. 1778 7 toKM tit zotn and uoage. cneap. Apply to W eishana' Mantel Til Co. 1798 AGENTS WANTED. WANTF.D-Canvasslng agent In every ccunty to solicit subscription to this TWENTIETH CENTl'RT FARMKR. Steady employment, with assured good In come. Agents In the country with horse nd buggy especially desired. Canvaaser make easily Stt to $luo pr month. Ad drees. Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, umana. zis ARB YOU Catholic and unemployed See me. Hlxenbaugh, 500 ware block. J iw $22 WEEKLY and all expenses for men with rigs to introduce fouitry lompntina; straight salary. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 64, Parson. Kan. 4738 7 AGENTS everywhere; $5 hour guaranteed (salary or commission!; greatest aiscovery OI tne age; no competition; oou per cent profit. For sample and particulars, en close stamp. Albaugh Mfg. Co., Chicago. j w i IFnYOUR business requires agents, or woui.l ne increased ty using agents, get our advertising method for securing them. Snyder ft Johnson Adv. Agency, Tribune Bldg., Chicago. J-6 7 WANTED, permanent house to house so licitor on commission to sell Bhreddea Wheat," "Cream of Chocolate," "Jelly Teen" and "Royal Luncheon Cheese." Address, with testimonial letter to F. H. Black. 1205 Union avenue. Kansas City, Mo. J-715 7 WE PAY $22 a week and expenses to men with rigs to Introduce foultry compound. International Mfg. Co., Parsons, Kan. J 717 7' WANTED, manager In every city, county, to handle best paying business known; legitimate: new; exclusive control. Phoe nix Co., 15 W. 88th St., New York. J TAl i- CANVASSERS, sell our Star and Horse shoe Photograph Frame, writ for full particulars. Sample, 25c. Glen-Rock Nov elty Works, Glenrock, Pa, J-708 T STOP RUNAWAYS Pocket hitching post hitch horse solid instantly; carry in pocket; sight seller; agents wanted. Poc ket mtcning rost co., Kicnmona, Indiana. J 707 7' YOU CAN earn big money handling our Christmas specialties; no capital or ex perience necessary. For samples and par ticulars address inn & Co., Chicago. J 706 7" 1-. AGENTS, don't work for others: learn a profession In ten days that will pay $10 to $25 per day. Prof. S. A. Weltmcr. Ne vada, mo. J WANTED, organisers: we pay lck. aeel dent, death and old age benefits; top re newal contracts. American Fraternity, Washington, u. c J SALARY or commission to sell famou glass burner, an electrlo light on kero- aense lamp, million In use, sample by man, mi cents, illustrated literature tree. Monarch Novelty Co., 815 N. W. Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. J WANTED Live agents, with one or two- norse rig, in every county in the united States, to solicit and sell American Live Stock Powders and best Hog Cholera Remedy In existence. Will pay snot cash salary or liberal commission. We mean business and want hustlers, but no time to fool with street loafers and dry goods box statesmen. Address with references. American Live Stock Powder Co.. Shen andoah, Iowa. J 753 7 AGENTS, one good, Industrious man In eacn county to sen medicines, stock and poultry remedies, flavoring extracts, ground spices, etc., to farmers for cash or credit Pay for goods by vending us one half your cash collortlon each week. Pan make from $600 to $1,500 each year. Thla is best season to commence work. Don't answer unless you mean business and can give personal bond and reference. Mar shall Medicine Co., Kansas City, Mo. J-742 7 WANTED Agents for churn; makes butter in one mm.; xzou per mo. guaranteed; outfit free. Baxter Churn Co., Hamilton, O. J M6S8 7 WANTED, man In every city where artl- nciai gas is used to sen our Magic tint Igniter; no more matches needed; last forever. Mario Gas Icnlter Co.. Indian apolis, Ind. - J 7D9 7 EMBROIDERIES. STRONG N. Y. Import house desires to - make arrangement with a flrst-clasa agent for Nebraska, Iowa and Kansas; must be well acquainted with jobbing and large retail trade; strictly commis sion basis; references. Address Switzer land, 511 Temple Court, N. Y. City. J WANTED TO RUNT. room. Hotel Monona, Onawa, la. dress J 26, Bee. K-M570 7 A LADY wishes room and board In or near Bemls Park; references exchanged. Ad dress J 26, Bee. K M570 7 WANTED, 8 unfurnished rooms, with board, close In, for four adults; state price. Address J 22, Bee Office. K-M526 10 THREE to five unfurnished room, with private bath, for light housekeeping; only two In family. Addreus, giving full par ticular. J 17, Bee. K-M740 8 WANTED, by young man, room or room ana boara in strictly private ramuy. Price no object; references exchanged. Address J 49, Bee. K 732 7 FARM of eighty or one hundred acres. win pay caan rent. Address, j ta, Bee. K-667-7 THREE or four unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping by old lady and daugh ter. State location and rent wanted. Ad dress, J 24, Bee. K-6687 WANTED To rent by a small family. iurnianed nous ot 7 or s room; must b modern. Address J 51, Bee. K 768 7 WANTED, a small farm near town, with good barn; will pay cash, rent; prefer immediate possession, tt. u.. Bee omse, Council Bluff. K 782 11 WANTED, to rent. 8 or 4 unfurnished room with heat, for light housekeeping. J 67, Bee. K-ll 7 WANTED TO BUT. I WANTED, to buy ktock of general mer chandlae for cash: write or telegraph C R. Woodruff, St. Joseph, Mo. N WANTED, large else hard coal double- heater and kitchen range; must be rea sonable and good condition. Address J 54, Bee. N ".94 7 BANK counter and railing, with or with- out door, for room 16x19 ft.; give partic ulars amd prices. J. W. Welpton, Oga lalla. Neb. N 785 11 WANTED, to buy. second-hand typewriter, Kemlngton preferred; must oe cneap ror cah. Address c. f. Klnker, ki Broad way. Council Bluff. N 817 7 FOR lAl.E-FlRMTinE. CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2OJ0. New and secondhand, bought, sold, exchanged. UAfi FIRST-CLASS hard coal burner, 2518 Jone at. 0-576 FOR SALE, furniture of t-room house, consisting of bedroom seta, 8 gas sloven, tc Call before iue.aay. ztiu Harney st, O-twl 7 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. CLOSING out buggies cheap. Johnson A Roberta, John Deere Bldg., lutn and Leav r-aui Da- NEW and secondhand buggies and wagons low prices. Frost, 14th and Leavenworth . " PFEIFFER la closing out his stock of bug gles at 26 per cent discount. 27th and ivcavenworin. r-aut A GENTLEMAN'S stylish road mare, reg littered in the American 1 rotting rtegis ter, and a yearling Ally from same mare sired by Thorndine. record Z:ll. r- u. Myears, 20th and Pierce. r 7 7 I GOOD family horse. 1218 Farnam street P 661 O-6 FOR SALE, good, sound, reliable saddle horse; eaay gait, gentle. Address cor. le.pondence to J 41, Omaha Bee. P 760 7 FOR BALE MISCELLANEOUS. WHITE sawdust; season checked oak tlm bers, cheap; hog fence, etc. vol uougias, d out NEW and Mcondhaad typewriters. 1111 Farnam. Q 8v FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE, phonographs: superior to any other musical Inatrument; $5 up. The Wlttmsn Co.. 1H21 Farnam. Q 2' INDIAN good and relic. 1119 .Farnam. -2 IDIIAND safe cheap. Derlght, lilt Farnam. J 209 100 STYLES trusses; catalogue free, flhrr man ft MrConnell Drug Co., 16th and Dodge, Omaha. W 2u7 VIM puncture-proof tires. $4 . and $7.00 per pair. Omaha Bicycle Co., ism and cm- cago Bt. Q-210 EDISON phonograph. $10, $20 and $.10; moulded records, Soc each or $5 per do.; new wheels, $15 up: 2dhsnd, $5 up. Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and Chicago 8ts. Q-211 L. M. E. always hurry. Tel. 780 Q-M21I EDI80N, Columbia phonographs; agents wanted; write. Fredrtckson, 15 ft Cap. Av. Q M47 El FOR SALE, good S. 500-pound flour scale, desk, stove, letter press, etc. Call at j6 Jones street. Q So5 FOR SALE, bed loungo. 26th at. inquire 516 S. Q-623 T BASE BURNER. 2001 Burt. Q-605 10 FREE, four full quart Forest Belle Rye Whiskey; write at once. A. Weller Snn, Distiller. Ironton. O. Q 735 7 VIRGINIA homes; learn about Virginia lands, soil, water, climate, fruits, berrlea, mode of cultivation, price, etc., by read ing Virginia Farmer; 10c for $ month aubscription. Box W, Emporia, Va. Q-784 V SEWING MACHINES. Monday Only. CHEAP. Monday Only. White, five drawer, drop head $16.00 Standard, five drawer, drop head 20.00 Davis, five drawer, drop head 20.00 Household, five drawer, drop head, good as new, 26.00 New Home, five drawer, drop bead.... 26.00 Wilcox ft Glbbs, box top Singer Tailoring, In good condition Standard, drop head Wheeler ft Wilson. D 12 . 25.00 , h 50 10.00 SO 00 These machine are all In perfect condition ana tne latest tning tne factories produce, and such machines a the usual agent sell for new. Box top machines, all standard makes, with the latest heads, complete with attach ments, from $1.00 TO $15.00. We rent machine at 75c per week or $2.00 per month. We repair and sell part for any machine manufactured NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. Geo. K. Mlckel, Mannger, Corner 15th and Harney. 'Phone 1663. 334 Broadway, Council Bluff, la. 'Phone B-618. 612 N. 24th St., South Omaha, Neb. 'Phone t. y 6647 HARP for sale; large double action Erard. cneap. case. 301 Boyd theater. Q-4S0 T FOR BALE, oneK-horse power gasoline au- tomoDiie engine witn an attachments; entirely new and ready to run. Price, $126.00. Address J 3, Bee. Q-M755 7 FOLDING bed. t ruts, bedroom suit. couches, chair and other article of fur niture; alio bicycle. 116 So. 25th Bt. Q 762 7 TRY the dry hone, a pew feature In the DarDer Business; Indorsed by leadlna bar bers; satisfaction guaranteed; by mail, ieorge ieiana, uumap, la. Q-784 7 FOR SALE, fine new upright piano, ma- nogany case: would consider reasonable caan pavment. balance monthly, j j. Q-814 7 1200 ROUND OAK, hot blast and other aort coal stoves to traae for hard coal burnera. Levlne's Furniture Store. 804 N. 16th St. Q 802 7 BUSINESS CHANCES. ':o GET In or out of business call on Wll llama, Koom 411. McCague building. . Y-242 IF YOU WANT CASH for your buslnes, citv urODertv or rarm. send lull particu lars with best price and I will tell you how to get It, provided It Is located In the United Btates. My plan I a winner. Write today. Emerson De Puy, De Moines. Ia , sixth floor Iowa Loan and iruat Duiiuing. 1 jamo y WHEN you want to buy, tell or exchange your ouBinene or property quick, see j. 11. Johnson, 848 N. Y. Life. Y--M243 'VANTED First-class druggist who ha means to erect building, stock and man age same; best location in Nebraska; ex clusive drug business of town of boo, backed by large rural trade. Addres J si. Bee. x Mu94 10 MEAT markr lor rent. Including fixtures; win rent cneap to right party. m pm 26th. Y-4U8 7 I'URNITURE of 10-room, completely equipped, nne location, xjou. 7-room fiat, well located, $.90. These are snaps; ue quick. J. li. Johnson, n. X. ute. Y-M614 J.fOR SALE at a bargain, a frame flat, 4 aimriiiiBiiiB, uii o. join it., viuaua, iviii. for $744; can be bought for $5,3u0; pays about 12V4 uer cent net on the Investment. HOTEL In Dodge, Neb.; win sen furniture and lease, iiuu; it s a 12 per day nouse; big commercial traae; lots 01 Doaraers; mnnev-maker 1CMERSON DEPUYk DE8 MOINES. IA. i-moii - ItOTICE to railroad contractor: I have 100 miles to suDiet 01 nrst-ciass team worn on Iowa ft St. Loui railway, running south from Novinger, Mo., on the O., Q. ft K. C, crossing Santa r e at Biddie, pass ing through or near the town of Macon, Mo., thence aouth In direction of Pari. Mo. W'jrk run exceptionally good team work, good material and can pay good price. Right-of-way all secured and work be commenced at once, pronie and all Information In regard to the work at tne general omce or ima line, icmervuie, la. William Kenetlck. Y M6U 11 JfOR SALE Good paying meat market; only snop in town; reason tor selling, other business. Address j , see. Y-M658 11 HUY wheat and corn: $100 Invested In grain or SlUC'K vy uur Hie nieiuuu plan .iiuuki result in a profit of $250 to $500 within 80 days. Write for particulars and send for our free book, "Modern Methods for Safe Investments." M. B. FloweMk Co., Bank er and Brokers, Trader Bldg., oppoalt Board of Trade, Chicago, 111. Y-733 7 lfOR SALE Barber shop and complete fix tures; In first-class condition, r ine open ing for a good, steady barber who can run hi own business and keep open Sun day forenoon. Married man preferred. For information Inquire of J. II. Krauae, West Point, Neb. V M664 9 IIPECULATORS-BIg boom In Wall treet. Buy stocks. Buy wheat and corn. Boya ft Merrill, Room 4, New York Life. Y 662 7 THIS Beat New Jersey." Charter pro cured under South Dakota law for a few dollar. Write for corporation law, blank, bylaw and forms to Philip Law. rence, late assistant secretary of state, Huron, Beadle County, South Dakota. Y 4W6 7 CORPORATIONS often experience difficulty In selling Capital stock. ineir propo sitions contain every element of aucces, but they fail to secure necessary capital. WhyT Becauae the possibility or loss exist. Present a proposition without risk, and prospect of large profit, and stock sell readily. W can put your proposition on this basis through under writing and aid In the aale of your securi ties. Central State Underwriting Co., Tacoma Bldg., Chicago. Y-6h8 7 IF YOU have a business or financial propo sition to promote, get our successful method of financial advertising. Hnyder ft Johnson Adv. Agency, u4 Tribune Bldg.. Chicago. T 487 7 DO YOU want to purchase a stock of gen eral merchandise or hardware? If so write va. We have it. Wheeler ft Co.. Kansas City. Mo, Y-718 T MERCHANTS financially embarrassed can arrange for spot cash buyers for their merchandise through Wheeler ft Co., Kansas City. Mo. Y-711 7 DON'T GAMBLE OR SPET'LATE. BE A BOOKMAKER. x Our weeklv dividends corroborate our claim that bookmaklng Is a sure money mak ing business. Co-operate with us; $50 anj upward will net big earnings weekly. Send for booklet. Homer H. Selby ft Co., Bt. James Building, New York City. T 721 7 WE CAN collect your old bill. W are turning worthless account Into ready cash for hundreds of firms. No collec tion, ns pay. United Protective Associa tion Kansas City, Mo, I 7u BUSINESS CHANCES. GENERAL M ERCHAN DISE-H fmo to $R- um; ciean, staple stocks in live country towns; profitable business; can use good Improved land for the larger stocks UROCERIK $l,li0 to It..'; tine, MRln stocks. In and out of city; paying hnsl ress; can be had at right figure. 1 1 A K D WARE 82,fi"K to $4.5u; up-to-date utock In city and country towns; pond land and cu"h considered for some. IKl"OS-4:.boO to $6W; clean, staple storks In and out of city; would consider good Income prop erty for the former: the latter does II.nk) rronthly business; It's a hummer. BOOTS AND SHUF.S $5 lX to $7,; A-l stocks; $-0,000 annual sales; a liberal discount Oc tober 1. IMPLEMENTS AND BUGGIES Well selected stock In live Neb. town, controls large trade; $i.,om cah or good land will do. 8TEAM LAUNDRY PLANT Live Neb. town of 7,fi people; $l,9K to i.v mommy nusinecs: is.xni in good Neb. land will suit. NEWSPAPER AND PRINTING PLANTS $10iO to $1,500: welt located In Neb, towns; good propositions; will consider good land for one. UAKKKV AND CONFECTIONERY $!I0 to $1,500; In and out of rlty; nne trade; will give good deal. SHOE-SHINING PARLOR-One of the best In the city; right figure. CI GARS AND NEWSSTAND Fine location In city; stock, fixtures nd furniture ot 8 rooms; finely equipped: A SNAP; owner a nonresident. MKS8ENGER BUSINESS Paying proposition; cash or good lot, $. LIVERY BU8lNESS-$7,O0O for stock, barn and residence In good Neb town; food farm will do. ROOMING AND tOARDINO HOUSES From 7 to 30 rooms; well located; doing good business; completely furnished; some of them great bargains; will nay to see me at once. WANTED. PHYSICIAN, with $2,ow to buy half Interest In office In city; $700 to 1 1 inn -nn,Ki --1. . muiiuil (Mill IVWCIUtB, FULL PARTICULARS concerning any. thing In this lint can be had at my office. J. H. JOHN8ON, N. Y. LIFE. WOULD 100 to 200 per cent profit weekly aatisry you? if you have $500 to $5,000 to Ir.vest, It will earn a much or more It you will com her prepared to avail yourself ot our exclusive Information per taining to absolutely honorable and per fectly safe business propositions, which will, when promptly and properly taken advantage of, yield larger dividend than any other forms of Investment- Handle money yourself. From those unable to give matteia personal attention, we ac cept sums of IJ5 and upwards. Our con fidential, trustworthy facilities afford all there I to successful speculation. W. 8. Cleveland ft Co.. 6M East 45th St.. Chi cago. Y-475 7 MAKE YOUR MONEY EARN MONEY. A SAFE INVESTMENT, weekly divi dends, sums of $20 up received; your money always at your command, and all money to your credit can be with drawn on demand. W have earned and paid between 6 and 4 per cent each and every week. This 1 no gambling, but a legitimate buslnes proposition. Best of reference throughout th United States. Write for our booklet free. Ad dress H. Brolaskl ft Co., Suit 408. loi Dearborn St., Chlcagp. 111. Y E. J. ARNOLD ft CO. of St. Louis. Mo., race horse owner and bookmaker, In vite the speculative publlo to an Investi gation of their methods. Thl 1 an old and long establlHhed concern, amply re sponsible and reliable In all Its dealings, A rigid Inquiry Into their business will develop a condition unattalned by any other Investment proposition ever offered for public participation. Subscription to their capital may be made In amounts of t'M and upward, subject to withdrawal In full on demand. Dividends paid In cash fifty-two times every year. The best pav ing safe Investment In the country. Refer ences: Banks, trust companies, commer cial agencies, St. Louts business men and prominent men everywhere. For full psr tlculars address, E. J. Arnold ft Co.. 9th and Pine St., Bt. Louis, Mo. Y INCORPORATED $125,000, MONEY, MONEY II II makes V'm ny nor pnro rJ system of turf Investment. Entirely New Plan Free. Write for Prospectus. TUB ARMSTRONG-BALDWIN CO., Turf Com missioners, 602 Omaha Bldg., CHICAGO. Y-708 ! FOR SALE, stock of general merchandise. Invoice $16,000.00; good location. Addres C. M. Street, St, Joseph, Mo. . Y DRY GOODS, notion, furnishing; nw, well selected stock; controls large trade; long lease; cash or land; Investigate. H. Stlre, St. Paul, Neb. . Y MANAGER W have a good position for a capable man, with satisfactory references, to take charge of the office and business In Omaha of an old established Chicago . manufacturing company, who are manu facturer and Jobber of good used la every section of the United Statea) aalary $1,200 per year and a liberal commission; must invest $1,000, which Is held a secur ity during the term of employment. A. A. Heffley, 610 Royal Insurance Bldg., Chi cago, lillnol. Y-730 7 WANT to buy a nice clean stock of grocer ies or general merchandise, $3.00 or $4,; no real estate wanted In the deal. Ad. dresa Merchant, J 48, Bee. Y 728 7 GOOD hotel for rent and fixture for sale in county seat town of over 2,0u0 In west ern Iowa; fine location and doing good business. Present proprietor has other business which demands all his time. Cash or on easy tarma. J 44, Bee. Y-M728 8 FOR SALE, a stock of general merchan dise; opening stock bought new three year ago; located In the county seat of on of th bet countU In central Ne braska; stock will Invoice about $7,000; good reason for selling. Addres J 24, Bee. V EASY MONEY Incorporated $100,000 $10 make $o()0 by our sure and safe system of turf investment. Entirely new plan free. Writ for It quick. It cost only a postal card. The Douglass Daly Co., Turf Com missioner, 1U Clark Bt.. Chicago Y-748 7 FOR each $100 Invested In a great legiti mate enterprise you will receive toOO profit In 80 day. Capital and profit guaranteed by a leading bank. Act at once. 'For par ticular, address Syndicate, P. O. Box 528, Chicago. Y 743 7 SMALL Steam Laundry for sals; all ready to take possession; near Omaha. Addres J 52, Be. Y-764 7 PNCREASE your Income by securing an Interest In one of the most profitable In dustrial enterprise In the world. Sma.l cash payment, three years' time on bal ance. Will pay annual dividends of 50 per cent or more. Continental Sugar Re fining Co.. 8U Loul. Mo. Y TWO lady tailor doing an extenalve busi ness in taiior-maue iuiii aim ui"ir, etc.. In a growing city of 60,0i population, would like to sell goodwill, furniture, etc.; control best trad In city and vicinity; satisfactory reason given for selling; ref erences given and required; only those meaning business requested to answer thl. Address J 55, Be. Y-JS3 7 A CHANCE for a fortune W pay t per cent weekly lor smau investments 01 i" and upward. This Is an opportunity for the small Investor without a parallel. Full particular free. John J. Ryan Co operative Investment Co., 5o Common wealth Trust bldg., Bt. Louis, Mo. Y 788 7 $10 EARNS $2 every 15 dayr larger amount in proportion; sena 1 or nn-umr. National Fiscal Agency, $7 Brooks bldg.. New York. Y-818 7 $2,600 BARGAIN. -room modern house, large barn, full lot block eaat 24th at. motor line on Grant St.. $1.0u0 cash, balance eaay; must be sold quick. J. II. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y-778 7 I HAVE designed and constructed a num ber of automobile during the past four years and would like to Interest some gentleman In building a number that have all of the very latest of Improvements and of the very latest design; will give above party one-half Intsreat In two very strong Inventions 'on which patents will be applied for) for sufficient capital to construct th same In four different sixes of power. Have very good refer ence a to what I hav don In thl line and also show photographs of the cars I have built and the aatlsfactlon they are giving, together with references as to my ability a a mechanlo. Party can handle hi own money, and any gentleman that ran afford capital sufficient I can assure them that I hav what I claim. This M not an experiment, but has been tried and proven. If this Interest you address J 6. Be. Y-217 FOR SALE, best rooming house In Omaha, at a bargain If taken at once; two blocks from P. O. Inquire Levins' Furniture Btore. 804 N. 16th St. Y-JH t FOR KXCHAHGE. SEVERAL stocks of clothing and furnish ings; want clear western land and cash Write for particular to Lock Box :."6, Fall City, NeU Z 471 7 1