Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 19, Image 19
THE OMAHA DAILY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 7,-1902. ID WHENCE COME THEIR NAMES OSlcial Infenngtiou for IaUbiUnta efl Hebrukt end lew. LOCAL NOMENCLATURE IS EXPOUNDED Pref. Gannett of the Geeloglral ier Tf Gives Hie Version Of the Hn lsT mm Origin of N.snes at (From Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Sept. . (SpccUl Corre epondence.) Tbe geological survey now baa In press a bulletin prepared hjr Prof. Henry Gannett on the origin of many of tha name. of places In the United States and It Is a most important contribution to geographic 1 knowledge. Its circulation will doubtless I go far to awaken Interest In matters of local hlatory, tradition and folklore and so stlrau- late greater discrimination in the selection, as occasions arise for new names, of those that have aome Intrinsic value and that will for all the future Convey a distinct meaning. Mr. Oannett's book contains over 10,000 names, of which over 100 are of names of places in Nebraska and something near 160 towns, cities, counties, etc., mentioned In Iowa. Tha Nebraska and Iowa place names follow: Nebraska. AlexandriaVillage In Thayer county, named for 8. J. Alexandria, secretary of state. Alma City in Harlan county, named for the daughter of one of Its first settlers. Antelope County, named at the sugges tion of ander Oerrard in commemoration of the killing and eating of an antelope during the pursuit of some Indians. There are many places In various parts of the country which bear this name, generally. In reference to the presence of this animal. Arapahoe Town In Furnas oounty, named from an Indian tribe. The word means "pricked," or "tatood." Aten Village In Cedar county, named for John Aten, a state eenator. Ayr Village In Adams county, named for Dr. Ayr of Iowa, a railroad director . Banner County, ao named because It was considered the banner oounty of the state when named. Battle Creek Village In Madison oounty, altusted on Battle creek. Bellwood Village In Butler county, named for L. J. Bell, Its proprietor and patron. Bennett Town In Latncaster county named for a resident. Blaine County, named for James O. Blaine, ninir fltv In Wsahlntrtnr Mimtv fim,l I for John I. Blair, part owner of the Bloux City A Pacific railroad. I Blyvllle Village In Knox oounty, named for George W. Bly, early settler. I nn. vintt rnunv knrf town tiamaii frnm I a butte in the county. ' i Boyd county, named for James E. Boya, governor of the state in 1891-93. Brownvtlle City In Nemaha county, named for the first setUr, Richard Brown. hi "n thir fmi. Unit mimK Vfi.- sourt. I Brule County In South Dakota, towns In Knn coumy, jMeDrasna, ana jjoukiss I oounty, Wisconsin, and several other plaoea, i named for a trtDe or inaians. in wora I "brula" means "burnt." and the tribe; the Brule Bloux. were said to have acquired the name from being caught In a prairie fire and being badly burned about the thighs. Buffalo Counties In Nebraska, South Da kota and Wisconsin, city In New York, numerous creeks, rivers, towns and vil lage., nameu uocuh u fornjer pres ence of that animal. Burt County, named for Francis Burt, governor or tne territory in ism. Butler County, named for David Butler. Cass County, named for General Lewis Cass, governor Of Michigan In 1820. Cedar This word, with .various suffixes, forms the name of numerous features throughout the country. Counties in lows, Missouri and Nebraska." 163 postofflces. with or witnout sumxes, ana numDeriess rivers, cheeks, etc., bear the name, referring to the presence of the tree In the vicinity. Chadron City In pa wee county, named lor an old rencn squawman. Chase County, named for ' Salmon P. Chase, secretary of tha treasury under President Lincoln. ' r-lorlr PMot YinmA tnr Ttr lilt V rt.rV first member of the territorial council from Dodge county. '. Clarks Village In Merrick county, named for 8. H. H. Clark, superintendent of the union racino rauroaa. , Colfax County, named for Schuyler Col fax, vice president bf the United States under president urant. Colllnsvllie Town In Dundy county, named for Moses Collins, early settler. Cowles Town In Webster county, named for W. D. Cowles, a railroad man. Cozad Town In Dawson county, named -ior tne original owner 01 tne site, jonn J. Coiad. -1 t. Cuming County and town, named for T. B. Cuming, governor of the territory In 1861-60. Cummlnsvllle Village In Wheeler county, I named for J. F. Cummins, county clerk. Custer Town and county, named for Gen eral George A. Custer, who was killed by ths Indians on the banks of the Rosebud river in lsrs. Dannebrog Village In Howard eounty, wnicn was settled ty Danes from Miiwau kee. Wis. Dawes County, named for Jamea W. Dawea, former governor of the stats. Deuel County, named for Harry P. DenisL I superintendent of the t'nlon Pacific. I Diner Village in Jeirerson county, named for H. H. Dlller,, early eettlet. Dodge County, - named for Augustus Caesar Dodge. United States senator from Iowa. Douglas County, named for Stenhan A I Douglas of Illinois. Doniphan Village in He.", county, named for Colonel Alexander William Doniphan, a distinguished western soldier. Dundy County, named for Judge E mr S Dundy. I Elsie Town in Perkins county, named fori the daughter of C. B. Perkins. I Kmerlck Vlllaae in Madison countv. I B"in.ra for J-ohn .kmerlck, an early settler. Fillmore County, named for Millard Fill. more, president of the United Btates. ' rr&nKiin coumy and town, named for Benjamin Franklin. Frontier Countv. so named because It - i Fullarton-Cltv In Nanre countv. biikmI fnr Rajliiall Villler riv mtm hmmn I Si Gaso CJo? That's the raoBl Question a woman . gskg herself when sat reeds of the cures I of womanly diseases by the use of Dr. mere s favorite rreacnplicw. Why shouldn't it cure ber f I Is it a complicated case i Thousands I of anch cases have been cored by " Fa vorite Prescription." Is it a condition which local doctors nave declared in- . curable f Among tne hundreds of thou- ' sands of sick women cored by the use oi. Dr. Pierce Favorite Prescription th rre re a great many who were pronounced incurable by local doctors. Wonders have been worked by "Favorite Pro scription " in the cure of irregularity. weakening drains, inflammation, ulcera tion and female weakness. It always Helps. It almost always cures. Three veers ago. writes Mrs Jaha Graham, ta., "I haa s very baa stuck of dropay wbich ft at with heart trouble, as J also a very weak bca. At times I was su bed laat I did ao know what to d wh myself. Mv children sdvued me to take vmr 'Favorite rrescriptwe. bat I bad brea taking so muck meak-iac from the doc tor that I was .Utcou raged wuk everythlag. I came te Philadelphia I years ago. aad sick ing ap ens ef your little soak see day begaa te resa weat your meauaM im eoo rar sncra, i determined to try it myself, t took sevca but tles, and le-dav I am a stiDSS. well woman. Weighing isa sounds. Have sailed m pound Since i started, to ane ' rnroril rreaenpttoa. ' Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets clear Lfc ouilcxloa end sweeten the breath. A Bumper The New Tork Bun baa thli ta ear of tha nation's corn crop: In tha history of cereal productions there baa never been uch an enormous crop of corn aa ta being gathered In the United Statea thla rear. It will aggregate 2.6SM51.OO0 bufhela, or more than the eutlra corn crop of the world for 1901. The corn railed In tha United Statea will be sufficient to euppljr tha needs of the I world for this and next year, even should there be a total failure In 101 Corn harvesting Is now In progress In the United Statea and not until snow flies In December will this enormous task be ended. Even then farmers further south will not hare finished husking the gc'4t ears standing In their fields of brown. Tber know It makea Utile difference so far aa prices are concerned. A record of sales of corn in the past ten rears shows that tba highest prices are obtained In late tall and winter and that prices are 25 per cent below the average Immediately after the gather- Ing of the crop begins In the early autumn. Last year tha corn burned as It stood ripening In the fields, just a few weeks before It had matured. But this season there have been no drouths In ths corn sections. Nor have there been any floods of a general nature. The weather, in fact. has been Ideal for corn growing. The stalks have grown rank, the ears havs spread and lengthened until twelve-Inch ears and fifteen-foot stalks are not uncommon In tha corn belts! In Kansas they are telling of farmers getting lost In their cornfields. The crop for 101 fell short of the ex pected yield by 40 per cent; this year it goer ahead of the predicted yield by 10 or 16 per cent. Bight states last year did not raise enough corn for borne consumption. The exports fell short 1,000,000 bushels. The yield was only sixteen bushels to the acre and 4,000,000 acres were not cut at all. In 1896 the average yield was twenty-eight bushels to the sere, except In Kansas, where It was forty bushels. Kansas last Funk Town In Phelne counts, named for tr-ts. r unit, r Furnas County, named for Robert V Furnas, rovernor In 1873-75. Garfield County In Nebraska, named tor President James A. Garneld. Ollea Village in Brown county, named for "e nrst postmaster, uues Meaa. Orand Island City on Platte river, which ! divided into two channels at that point by an Island nearly fifty milea lone. Orant County and villa-, named for u. o. nu. , Greeley-Vlllage In Holt county, named for Peter Greeley .... HaJnesville Vil age In Holt county, named for 8. 8. Haines, early settler. Hall County, named for Augustus Hall, lormer congressman irom iowa. tui, i "'"" winirir ui mm uiwnor, iow-d. . ..""i" ullli. nummimu . Hayes. Henderson village in zork county. named for David Henderson, on of its first settlors; Hitchcock County, named for Phlnaaa w. Hitchcock, senator from Nebraska. Holdrere Town In Phelps county, named for O. 'W. Holdrege, superintendent Bur lington at Missouri railway. Iron an station In Holt county, named lor W, H. lnman, early settler. Johnson Village In Nemaha county. named for Julius A. Johnson, landowner. Kearney City In Buffalo county, named for General Phil Kearney. Keith County, named for John Keith of North Platte, Neb. Kenesaw village in Adams . county. named for Kenesaw mountain. Kennard Town In Washington county. named for Hon. Thomas P. Kennard, secre tary of state, 1867. . : , Keya pana county ana river, an Indian word, meaning "turtle hills." Kimbau county, named tor jonn r. jura- ball. -r.-- - Lancaster county, named lor tne county Lancaster, In England. Lincoln county, named for president Abraham Lincoln. - . .... Little Village in Holt county, named for L. B. Little Logan Creek, named for Logan Fonta- nolle, a friendly Omaha chief. Logan county, named lor General jonn A. Logan. Loup County, named for ths tribe of Pawnee Indians. . Lyons Village In Burt county named for Waldo Lyons, an early resident. Madison county, named for James Madi son, fourth president of the United States. Martlnsourg village in jjixon county, named for Jonathan Martin, Its first settler. Nance County, named for Albinus Nance. Nellgh city in Antelope county, named for Hon. John D. Nellgh. Nelson Village in Nuckolls county, named for C. Nelson Wheeler, who owned the town site. Niobrara River and a villa se In Knox county, an Indian word, meaning "broad or large water," or "running water." North Bend city in Dodge oounty. so called because It is situated In the north bend of the Platte river. Nuckolls County, named for an early ir O'Connor Town In Greeley county, named for Bishop O'Connor, Ogalalla Village In Keith county, named for a tribe of Indians who were so named hmuu. when thev aiurnM. threw ashes tin the faces of ach other: the word mean- n "mtturini " "thmin Omaha City In Douglas county, an Indian word, meaning "upstream;" also the name of a' tribe, designated "upstream people." O Nelll-Clty in Holt oounty. named fsr nni Jnhn n hjiii riv ..itUr Ord Cltv In valley county, named for n.rmi v. rt r nr . orvllle-town In Hamilton eounty. named r.uui nr..inti .irfnr Osceola Village In Polk eounty. named for the Bemlnole Indian chief, Otoe County, named for the Indian tribe. PaDllllon Village end oreek in Sarpy county, given the French name because many butterflies were seen upon the banks ui tue viviu Pierce County, named for Franklin meaning Platte River; a French wrd 'dull. flat, shallow. Rawhide Creek, aald to be so named be cause a white man was nave' upon its banks by a party of Pawnee India.-.. Kd Willows-county, so named on scce int of the abundance of trees of this species Heed Township in uutier county, named for David Reed, a pioneer. Reldsvtiie vlilare In Knox county, named for Charles J. Held, the nrst settler. Rising City Village in But:er county named for the owners of the towntlte, A w. ana b. w. mwng. Rock County, so named on account of the rocky character of the soil. Royal Village In Antelope county, named for Koyal Thayer. Rulo Village in Richardson county. named for C'harln Rouleau. Balnt Derlon Vl:lie In Neman county. named for Joreph Deiion, an Inltan rhief Of the Otoe tribe. Balnt Paul City In Hovnr-1 county. named for J. N. and N. J. P&Jl. Its ttrtt itllers. Saline County, ro nsmed because of the presence ef salt springs or salt dposli within Its limits. Sarpy County, named for Peter Sarpy. Schuyler City In Colfax county, named for Schuyler Colfax. Seward County and city, named ror Wl.- ltam H. Seward, the American statesman. hhencan county, named ror uenerai Philip H. Sheridan.. bherman county, named tor uenerai w. T. Sherman. Sioux County, named for the Indian tribe. The word Sioux means a "species of snake," ths appellation ef the tribe being enemies. SDriDk-neld Village in 8arpy county, so named because of the presence In its vicin ity of an abundance of springs. Stanton county, named tor uiwin m. Stanton, secretary of war under Lincoln. Steele Village in Jefferson county, named for D. M Steele, railroad man. Stuart Village In Holt eounty, named for Peter Stuart, early aettler. Table Rock Village in Pawnee county, so nsmed because situated near a large flat topped rock. Tecumaen city, namea ior tne enawnee Indian chief, the generally accepted mean- .tit of the word Deing - pan tee r crojemng. Thayer County, named for Governor .'ohn M. Thayer. Thurston county. named for Senator ;ilin at. Thurston. rivsnes Villase In Butler county, named for General Vivos en 8. Grant. Valley county, so named on account oi the topography of (tie county. Valley Town In Douglas county, so named because situated at the Junction of (he Republican Valley branch of the Union Parlriu and the main line. Wnhoo Town la Saunders eounty, Indian n tajiing a species of elm, but In the Miaoil dialect meanUif "egg." Corn Crop year averaged ten bushels or lees to the aero. The Sunflower state always runs to the extremes. The acreage of corn this leer la much larger than last. It Is I per rent more, or in2, St9. 928 acres. This Urge acreage Is due to the fact that 1,500,000 acres of wheat, sown the preceding fall, had been froien out and were plowed up for corn. Conse quently these 3,000,000 acres, which are largely In Kansas, Nebraska and Iowa, will not yield their owners much profit. If any. The cost of ths wheat plowed up was $S an acre and the coet of the corn J5. Tha yield must therefore be above thirty bushels and yield 40 cents a bushel to profit at all. This Is Improbable. Bo t per cent of the corn crop will yield nothing above the expense of sowing and gathering It, The principal corn states are those of the middle and central states. The summers are too long for good corn production In the south and it is too drouthy in the far southwest tor certain yields. Illinois Is ths 1 a.liig corn stste. but Kansas. I.r a, In diana, Missouri and Nebraska are big corn producers. Corn Is hsndled In a much different man ner than a doxen years ago- Then tha man did all; now machinery does It. Little corn Is husked by hand; In fact most of it is gathered as Is wheat, husked by machinery and shelled by a patent shelter. The cob Is ground up with tie fodder and makes good feed; In fact the fodder Is considered 1 per cent of the crop. There are corn fields In Kansas and Oklahoma that covar (.000 to 6,000 acres, and from tea to twenty corn harvesters run through them, one fol lowing another. The corn stalks, with the ears, are stacked In rows by these harvest ers; later they are hauled to a thresher or shelter, the ears torn from the stalk and the grain from the cob. The cost is very small. In 1900 the United States raised 2,000, 000,000 bushels of corn; In 1901, 1.600,000,- Washington County, named for General George Washington. Wayne County, named for General An thony Wayne, hero of the revolutionary war. Webster County, named for Daniel Web ster, the ststesman. White River, so named because the soil near Its head la white clay. Wood River Village in Hall county, so nameu because situated on the banks of the river of that nam. Iowa. Adams County, named for President John Adams. Adel Town in Dallas county; so named from Its situation on a dell of North Rac coon liver, formerly written Adell. Acheyedan Creek, An Indian word, mean ing, "The place of weeping." The name was given by the Indians upon the occa sion of the death of some relatives. Ackley Town In Harding county, laid out In 1867 by J. W. Ackley. , Afton Town in Union county, laid out In 1864 and nsmed by Mrs. Baker, wife of one of the proprietors, from the little river in Scotland immortalized by Burns. Many other places in the United Btates bear the same name. Agency Town In Wapello county, named so because formerly Indian agency. Alden Town In Harding county, named for Henry Alden, who settled there in 1854. Algona City in Kossuth county, Indian word meaning probably the same as "Al gona," "Algonquin waters." It is said to be the Indian name for Lake Superior. Allamakee County. The Iowa Historical society says It wss named for Allen Makee, an Indian trader. Haines "American In dian" gives allamakee, Algonquin Indian, meaning "thunder." Altoona Town in Polk county, situated on. the highest point between the Des Moines and Mississippi river. A derivation of Latin word altus, "high." Ames City in Story county, named for Oakes Ames. Anamosa City in Jones county.. Some authorities .say It was ' named for the daugher of Nasimus. an Indian chief. Haines gives tne meaning "you walk from me." Another theory derives It from ana moosh, "dog" or species of fox. Badger Creek, so named from the pres ence of that animal. Baldwin Town in Jackson county, named. for Judge Baldwin, i Beacon Town In Mahaska county, named for Lord Beaconsfleld. Bennett Town in Cedar county, named for Chet Bennett, a railroad man. Benton County, named for Senator Thomas H. Benton of Missouri. Berea Town in Adair county, named form the ancient city in Macedonia. Blackhawk County and town in Davis county, named for a noted chief of the Sac and Fox Indiana. Blue Grass Village In Scott county, named from a variety of grass which grows In Kentucky. Bonair Town In Howard county. A French word, meaning "good air." Boone County, city and creek, named for Captain Boone, United Btates dragoons, who captured Des Moines valley above Coon Forks. Bremer County, named for Fredrlka Bremer, the Swedish authoress, who spent some time in the region in 1850. Buchanan County, named for President Buchanan. Buena Vista County. The name of the field upon which General Taylor won his victory. Spanish word, meaning "beautiful view." Burt Town In Kossuth county, named for the president of the Union Pacific railroad. Butler Oounty, named for William O. Butler of Kentucky, a general in Mexican war. Carroll County, named for Charles Car roll of Carrollton, Md. Carroll ton City, same derivation as above. Cass County, named for General Lewis Cass, governor of Michigan, ls-U ' Clay County, named tor Henry Clay, Jr., who fell at battle of Buena Vista Clayton County, named for John M. Clayton, senator from Delaware. Coralville Town in Johnson county, so nsmed from the coral formation under ths to u. . Cru ford County, named for William H. O.awiorw secretin of the treasury under prviluer.t Monroe. Ctesior. city in Union county, so named beiaure it wax l.i highest point on the C'nl cago, Burlington 6c vjuincy railroad. Laiiloi.ega iuwji In Wupeilo county, an InuUu i.aine, uieunlng "yellow dollar, or piacu gc so. a. Da.ia County, named for Georae M. Dallas, lce prendent jnder James K. Poik. Dv is county and town in Decatur county, i.umed for Garret Davis, memuer oi coi .reas. Detour County, named for Commodore Stephen Keiatur. Deep River Towji In Poweshiek county, nauita iroia a tftn near. Dej Moli.e Hlvtr, county and city. This name ia thought to have been derived from tho ti.ui.iii word, mlkonang, meaning "ma load. " unis mime. .as applied by I lie In au.iia to u pi ne in tne form of itioiiidaa. wu.tu tne rie,.cn k.iurieneu into uom, can I l-o .lu-i.Vir i.viere UtS moms. Finally li. name became uauoclated with the trap monks, anu the river by a spur.ous ei j inoiony waa called "la riviere uus muiiua, "the river of the monks." i-..Ll..naon County, named tor Daniel S. D.i.-.i.Bon, United btates senator liom New 101k in UU. Doon Town In Lyon county, nsmed from a liter In Dows Town in Wright county, named for a rauioad coiitiuctor. Draktsvllle iown in Davis county, named for John A. Drake, who laid It out. Dubuqje County and city, named for a French trader. Juilen Dubuque. Duncombe Town in Webster county, named for Hon. J. P. Duncombe. Durant Town In Cedar county, named for Thomas Durant. Dyersville Town in Dubuque cojnty, named for a former owner, Jamea Dyer. Dsart Town in Tama county, named for a town In Scotland. Earlvllle Town in Delaware county, named for its first settler, G. M. Earl. tldora City in Hardin county, a corrup tion of the Spanish Kl Dorado, meaning "the golden or gilded lar.d." Ellsworth Town in Hamilton county, named for a banker at Ioa Kalis. Kmmett County, named for tha Irish patriot, Robert Emmett. Ep worth Town in Dubuque, named from the town In Lincolnshire, England. Esthervllle City in Emmett county, named for Esther A. Ridley, wife of one of the original proprietors. Felix Townships In Grundy counties, 1111 nols and Iowa named fur Felix Grundy, senator from Tennessee. Fontanelle Town In Adair county, named for a trapper In the employ of the Ameri can Fur company. Fort Madison City In Lee oounty, named for James Madison, president. Calculations on the Amount and Value of the Harvest. 000 bushels. In 1894 the crop was near to the present bumper yield, making 1,285, 000.000 bushels. Last year, because of the scarcity, corn sold at excessive prices. In Ksnsas the farmers obtained 90 cents a bushel for the crop. The average price was 40 cents. The whole crop sold for $929,655,768. In 1899, when the crop wss twice as large, the pries obtained by the farmers was $629,210,110. The value of the corn crops last year wss $10 an acre while in 1894 the greatest corn year prior to this one $6 was the average price ob tained by the farmers. In 1880 corn sold in some parts of the United States for 10 oents a bushel, the lowest price ever known. The corn crops of the United Statea are worth from $600,000,000 to $900,000,000 every year. The exports average from $175,000,000 to $200,000,000 annually, or one tenth of the yield. Only 25 per cent of the corn raised Is exported from ths states where it is grown. Boms states never raise enough corn to supply the home needs. The middle west states are the principal corn producers. Illinois Is ths principal exporter. There are about 6,000,000 farm in ths United States, ol which $.000,000 produce corn. The average coat of producing aa acrs of corn is $5.73, divided in this way: Seed, 77 cents; planting, 78 cents; culti vating, $1.02; husking and putting In crop, $1.14; wear and tear of tools, 23 oenta; rent of land or Interest on value, $2.47. The average cost of production per bushel Is 14 cents and during the last ten years the average price of corn to the farmer has been 26 cents. The average yield in ten years Is twenty bushels per acre, hence the profit upon corn land per acre can be reckoned at $2.40. This Is leas than the profit on wheat, and for that reason corn, which has for many years been a popular crop, la slowly giving way to wheat. But It will be a great while before the United States ceases to be the principal corn raising country of the world. Franklin County, named for Benjamin Franklin. Grand Junction Town in Green county, so named from its position st the Junction of the Keokuk at Des Moines and Chicago & Northwestern. Grant Town in Montgomery county, named for General V. S. Grant. Greene County, named for Qpneral Na thaniel Greene, revolutionary soldier. Greene Town In Butler county, named for Judge George Greene, Linn county. Grimes Town in Polk county,' named for Senator Grimes. Guthrie Center Town in Guthrie county, named for Captain Edwin B. Guthrie. Guttenburg City In Clayton county, named for the Inventor of printing. Hamilton County, named for William W. Hamilton, president of the senate In 1357. Harlan City In Shelby county, named for Senator Harlan. Harrison County, named for William Henry Harrison, former president. Hawkeye Town In Fayette county, named for a noted Indian chief. Henry County, named for General Henry Dodge, governor territory of Wisconsin. Hepburn Town In Page county, named for Congressman Hepburn. Hull Town In Sioux county, named for John Hull. Illyrla Village in Fayette county, named for the ancient kingdom of Austria. Iowa State of the United Btates, county In that state and a county in Wisconsin. The name is derived from an Indian word, meaning "sleepy ones," "or "the drowsy ones. Iowa Falls City In Hardin county, named for the falls in the river. Jackson County, named for General An drew Jackson. " . Janesvllle Town In Bremer county, named for the wife of John T. Barrlck, Its founder. Jefferson County, named for Thomas Jefferson, third president of the United States. Juilen Township in Dubuque county, named for Juilen Dubuque. - Kamrar Town in Hamilton county, named for Senator Kamrar. Keokuk City and county, named for an Indian chief, the word meaning "running or watchful fox." Keosauqua Town In Van Buren county. An Indian word, meaning "the great bend," so called for a bend in the Des Moines river. Keota Town In Keokuk oounty. An In dian word meaning either "gone to visit" or "fire is gone out." Kossuth County, named for Louis Kos suth, the Polish patriot. Lake City, named for a lake near the town. Larabee Town In Cherokee county, named for Governor William Larabee. Lee County, named for a member of the New York Land company, Albany. Lemars City in Plymouth county. The name is composed of the initials of the women who accompanied its founder on hie first visit to the spot. Llmesprlngs Town in Howard county, so named from the springs in the rocks. Little Bloux River, a translation of the name originally given it by the French, Petite Riviere des Sioux. Lone Tree Town in Johnson county, named for a single tree which stands in the prairie McGregor City In Clayton county, named for an early proprietor, Alexander Mc Gregor. MadlBon County, named for James Madi son, fourth president of the United States. Mahaska County, named for the greatest chief of the lowas. Malcolm Town in Poweshelk county, named for an early Scotch settler. Manning Town in Carroll county, named for a merchant of the place. Manson Town In Calhoun county, named tor a resident. Maquoketa City In Jackson county and liver in the state. The name Is derived from sn Indian word, variously translated as "high bank," "feather," "a bear." Marlon County, named for General Fran cis Marion. Mart. hall County, named for Chief Justice John Marshall. ' McdiapoliB Town In Des Moines county, so named because It Is half way between lijrilngton and Washington. Mllcnell County and town, named for John Mitchell, the Irish patriot. Mitchelivilie Town In Polk county. nameo ior l nomas Mitcneu. Monroe County, named for James Mon roe, tilth president of the United States. . .Montgomery county, named for General Richaru Montgomery, who was killed In the on Woebec. Mouitoii lown In Appanoose county named ior an engineer on the Chicago, Bur liugton dc sjuincy. iMshnaooina rtlver, an Indian word, meaning "canoe making river.'' O'Brien County, named for the Irish patriot, wiiliam Smith O Hrien. ucneyeoan iown in Osceola county, an Indian word, meaning "place of mournlnar. Osceola County, named for the Seminole Indian cniel. Oakalcoaa City In Mahaska county, nain.d for the wife of the . Indian chief, ilahaaka. Page County, named for Colonel Paae of 1 rmo aiio iame. raio iown in Linn county. A Spanish word meaning "stick." Pella Town In Marlon county .jolonlsed by Dutch settlers, to whom ths viord meant city oi reiuge. Peosta Village In Dubuque county. An Indian word, meaning "gorge In the rocks. Pocahontas County, named for the cele brated Indian print-ass. Poweihlek County, named for an Indian chief. Wuasqueton Town in Buchanan county, derived from an Indian word meaning "rapid water." Red Cedar River, so nsmed because of the abundance of this tree once found upon Its banks. Rediieid Town In Dallas county, named lor Colonel Kedneld. RltiKgold County, named for Major Sam uel rtinggoiu, an omcer in tne Mexican war. Rolf Town in Pocahontas county, said by some authorities to be named for the young Englishman who married Pocahon tas. but by others for the man who previ ously ownea tne town sue. Sax: County, named for tne Indian tribe, name said to mtan "red bark." fchell Rock Town in Butler county, so namea on account oi tne rocxs near the river. SIgourney City In Keokuk county, nsmed for the poetess, Mrs. Lydla H. SIgourney. Sioux Many places In the United Ststes bear the name of thla Indian tribe, county and city In Iowa. The word meaning a "species of snake," the appellation of the tribe being "enemies." Spirit Lake Town In Dickinson county, named from the lake which the Indians called "spirit water." Tama County. An Indian word, meaning "beautiful, pleasant, lovely," or for the wife of the Indian chief, Poweshiek. Still another authority states that It la named for a chief whoee name meant "bear whose voice makes th rocks tremble." Tsylor fouuty. named for General Zach ary Taylor. Tttonka Village In Kossuth county. An Indian word meaning "big house." Union County, named to express the sen timent which now actuates the people of the United States. Valley Junction Town In Polk county, so named because situated at the Junction of the Chicago. Rock Island 4V Paclfio and Des Moines Valley railroads. Van Buren County, named for Martin Van Buren, eighth president of the United States. Volney Village in Allamakee county, named for Count Volney, the French writer. Wadena Town In Fayette county, prob ably from the Indian word "town." Wapello County and city, Indian word, given the two meanings, "pioneer" and "the little prince." Wapslplnicon River, so named because of the root which Is found In great abundance upon Its banks. Indian word, meaning "white potatoes." Warren County, named for Joseph War ren, who fell In the battle of .Bunker Hill. Washington County, named for General George Washington. Waubek Town In Linn county, Indian word, meaning "metal" or "metallio sub stance." Wayne County, probably named for Gen eral Anthony Wayjie, hero of the revolu tion. Webster County, named for Daniel Web ster, the statesman. Whiting Town In Monona county, named for Senator Whiting. Williamsburg Town In Iowa oounty, named for an early settler. Winnebago County, named for a tribe of Indians, the nam meaning "people of Lbs dirty waters." Winneshiek County, named for aa Indian chief. Woodbury County, named for Levi Woodbury of New Hampshire. Worth County, named for General W. J. Worth, an officer In the Mexican war. Wright County, named for Hon. Silas Wright. Zwlngle Village in Jackson county, named for Ulrich Zwlngle, a Swiss reformer. PRATTLB OF THE) YOUNGSTERS. Angry Mother Now, Bobby, don't let me speak to you again) ' Bobby (helplessly) How can I prevent you, mamma I Mother Did you learn anything at Sunday school today? Bobble Yee'm. ' Mother What did you learn T Bobble That Adam was a orphlnt. Teacher Why did the 'anclenta believe the world waa square Instead of round T Bright Pupil 'Cause they didn't have any school globes to show 'em different. The caller wore a pair of those spectacu lar shoes with soles projecting half an inch beyond the uppers. Little Tim looked at them tor a few mo ments In silence. "Mr. Squllford," he said at last, "what you got cowcatchers on your shoes for?" "Now, then, Tommy," said the stern father, "are you sorry T" "Yes, sir," sobbed Tommy, who had been punished. "And do you remember what you're sorry fort" "Yes; I'm sorry 'at you're so blamed cross." The children had quarreled and WUIle lind ntruck TOKE'.!. Iastesd Of retitrnlne the blow, Tommle turned and ran down the hall. "Where are you going, Tommle 7" asked his mother. 'Kitchen," answered Tommle tersely. What tort" 'You said If anybody was mean to me to heap coals of fire on his head, an' I'm goln' for the coala." One of Brooklyn's small school bow, ac cording to the Eagle, has Just returned to town from his first vacation in the o wintry since he became a public school pupil. Naturally he had a good time and the word, vacation, has taken on for him a V end vivid meaning. On the trip hoswward through the sound the youngster anw for the first time a lot of porpoises at plsy. He studied their huge backs, as they roia and disappeared, for several minutes an! anally burst out: "What do you call 'em, pspa?" "It's a school of porpoises, my bo7," re. plied his father. The little fellow watched tne gamoois ot the porpoises for a few minutes, when he assumed an expression ot sympathy and ex claimed: 'Papa, don't they ever have a vacation?" RELIGIOCS. tk. hiahnrt nt Mackenzie River, who is a Christian worker among the Arctic regions, Is 100 miles from tne nearest raurunu mo tion and receives his mail only three times yearly. Rev. Anson Phelps stones or iew ior. iroposes to make a tour of Swltserland on nnf Ha has nlwavs been noted as an en- hnaiaatir nedestrlan. seldom using a car riage, altnougn ne owns several. The Buddhist temple at Sacramento, built bv the Jaoanese at a cost of U.OuO, Is said tn renemble a residence, rather than a tmr.i Thla is the first temtilc for the worahlD of Buddha in the United States. The city of Pittsburg, pa., is claiming that It Is about to have the finest Roman Catholic cathedral on this continent. The nM inwntnwn mthedral was sold to Henry Clay Frlck for 11.250,000. and the new one is expected to cost $700,000. It will be one of a group of notable new buildings clustering about fiiiSDurg s puutic ii. Rev. William F. Sweet of Everett, Mass h.. Aecunied the duIdU of the First Prea byterian church of Passaic, N. J., Sunday morning, became so earnest in the delivery of his sermon that -be caused damage amounting to $100. He had scarcely begun his discourse wnen nis rigm arm snut out in a gesture and a large vase containing r-iit flowers fell with a crash to the floor. anm of the nieces lust mlsBlna- the wor shipers in the front pews. A minute later a neavy isioie reii irom me uean.. xiie cuu gregatlon tittered. Later away went a mill alalia filled with Ice water. It aatled up against the choir loft. When the table on which the glass had stood fell, with a pitcher of water, and landed against the front pews, it was more than the congre gation could stand, and the sacred edifice rang with laughter. Rev. Mr. Sweet laughed, too. When the congregation had become quiet he went on as though nothing had happened. Anticipation A life insurance policy is uually for a long period. The record of the company in which you insure, therefore, becomes of first importance. The Mutual Life Insurance Com pany of New York gives you the best security for the future. Its AaMts, larger than those of any ether life insur ance company in ths world, caad $35 2,000,000 It kas paid Pallcy-hoUais ever $569,000,000 trkicti i or than iny ckr ltf Umituic d i-"T im si4cac ku uteuncd. Writ it "Wktn Shall I Insui The Mutual Life Insurance Company or New Yoek RatMAae A. McCvasv, Pneidant. i FLEMING BKOs., Managers. Des Moines, la. Omahs, Bee. K. A. CastlaL 3. Kohn. W. B. Olln. Jr., Joseph Trick. vV. J. Ttlck. Mine K. M. Key ixlda. aoecaj agents. DEWEY & STONE 1115-1117 Farnam Stroot ANNUAL DISCOUNT SALE ! The second week of our great CUT TRICE SALE com niences Monday morning, with hundreds of new pieces of new furniture added to take place of those sold last week. Davenports Couches, Sideboards, lUass and Iron Beds, Tables, Dressers, Chiffoniers, Brass and Iron Beds, Parlor Goods and hundreds of other pieces of furniture at DISCOUNTS of from 10 to 50 per cent. You can hardly appreciate this reduction until you come in and investigate for yourself. Here are a few samples. rg j r i , nr swizr-w Brass Bed, full else, round extension foot end, two Inch posts, four Inch knobs, combination scroll and spin- die design $48.00 less 38.40 20 per cent discount Three Section Oak Book Case, very heavy top, base and corner columns, oak back and shelves, splendid case, $50.00 less 25 per O'T GZf cent discount.. Oi OU Five-Foot Oak Sideboard, fancy shaped front, 20x45 Inch, French plate mirror, beautifully made and finished $65.00 less iQ f" 25 per cent discount.. O e A. J Thousands of other pieces with We again emphasize the fact that the REGULAR MARKED PRICE on us over you will surely buy. DEWEY & STONE Absolutely Reliable. mi ...TO s.s Oram AND Uoehingion CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FARNAM ST- 'PHONE 318. Look Out Agent " Every Woman is laUiaaUU and shawl know nbuni tuo woiaitrns MASYTL Whirling Spree . naw arH4 inae larfwn. 1MM lib r, )ua Caji. M CMeUsnMsl nak44g4LiE T r tmt a. lireT.'t'.rr.i: mi r. tut aa4 ,.n. r for 11- lualralW book ataVlt uira. run parlilr ana 1 rS.'tl.mi In aiuiu la laJiaa. sssRVaJ tl fteen 4 Time M. tor oaie or IHEHHiS ak na'lU.h.La, DRIIO CO, Corner nutans Lb maA LM&M streets. Oman es,Mfcsl Ik 1 na Xa rrr FURNITURE GO Mahogany Parlor Tables finest French Marquetry top hand -carved legs a beautiful table f 48.78. less IS per cent discount. 36.50 Mahogany Library Table, tops S0x5t with lower shelf, plain but rich and1 handsome $48 00 less O IS per cent dlsoount.Oaw5e.tniO Oak Hall Tree, 18x40, French pattern plate mirror, large bos, fceavje. brass books and umbrella holder $25.00 less $5 per O-S cent discount lOeawaiO even greater discounts on every floor, every discount is GENUINE and from the ORIGINAL. TICKET. If you look FURNITURE GO III5-III7 F&rnsm St. H J mm tor tho - ?" jia kr f Cheap Rates, $14.50k Ansrast SO te September lOtn Incla.lve. Round trip to HOT SPRINGS, SO. DAK. Splendid golf links. Expert Instructor. Northwestern Line." Horphinti Habit Cured Anyone who wishes to be cured of mor phine or other drug habits will learn some thing to their advantage by addressing Daniel Sellers, lock box K3, Oman, Neb. TREEtoL&DIES OoKtRTHlT TSStfltl e rthaOalr KEfcl kat w unrailaa. aa ItNMT Mil mwrmt ana. la Haara. S. 1 1 r Wnt.4r awm,t MWt, MlaM kaak BtantiaS. attOa.aaaMl Sat-S. ...