Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 17, Image 17
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, FETTVEMIIEII 7, 1002. 17 MONEY TO MOVE THE CROPS S. Weight If Paid in Silter Dollar. BUSINESS OF TRANSPORTING CURRENCY How Mar Crrl4 Bark Fort j la the Tl .tateo lras- tleellr He) J1 7 Express. ' If the twa billions of dollars, at which the BMt conserratlTa experts thle year a ' record-breaking crops, were to be pa'.d In Hirer coin, the round dlske of wh e metal t puckering string end then fastened with in Ingenious lock, almost as difficult to undo, except under the right circumstances I end bjr the right person, the tnost km Calculatiens Abeat the Amount d eleborste eomblnstloo safe lock. Besides, eacn lork snowe number wnicn is changed automatically every time the ap paratus It touched. Bo perfect Is the fastening thus "provided that It would Virtually be Impossible to get Into bag of currency packed for shipment without cutting the bag end the company has suffered practically no losses from dls honrat employee tampering with the bass containing bank notee since adopting the hew fastening, whereas in the old days of sealing was fastenings suota losses were not at ell uncommon. Before being put Into the bags the notes are mads up Into packages. Five dollar notee are packed In 120,000 lots. Their bulk depends upon whether they are new required would fill a.wo ircigm car., . or not Twenty thousand dollars in fcoldlng $1,000,000, weighing thirty tons. ...,.. n((W( wou,d mak. , p,ckage ,eVeral The weight of the entire payment woum u 10.000 tone end It would take 109 locomo tives to haul It In as many twenty-car ii.. fh train crews would number at least K00 men. and several regiments of troops would be needed to guard the bulky measure during lte transit from the mint to lie farmers. The picture thus brought before tne im agination llluetratee the difference between .v. and the modem systems of Igrlculture, of transportation, of money and Dt exchange. Even so late as nu -i... tn Kountrv In the world wee ca pable f producing any such unthlnkably raet crope, and. even naa my laced, they would bare been unavailable, Me.naa it would have been Impossible either to move them to the consumers or to -Ha tha mnnif t n nav for them. Back El W V I W S.UW - w inches thick and $1,000,0000 in such packages would make a pile about' three fest high, four feet long and two and a half feet wide Shipping; the Cash The precaution taken to insure tho safety of currency shipments are elaborate In the extreme. The package of notes or silver coin are first locked or sealed In the regulation bags. In the shipping offlce of the express company. Then the bags are placed In small safes which are closed with combination locks and then hauled on trucks to the cars, where the small safe are unlocked and their con tents taken from them and placed In the big car safe. It Is as near burglar proof as human Ingenuity can make It, but no one has yet succeeded In building a safe that would not yield to dvnamlta if nrnn- n the days when cola wae the only money rly aapgltX. Whoever shall Invent a the transportation by sea of enough cash I oeTtc, tnat than a0 a.way w)tn express In silver to pay for thle year s crops wuum robberies will certainly be eure of save employed a flotilla or sailing veaaew. fortune while Its land transportation wouia nay Heavy currency shipments do not he sees, a big task for 100 caravan. Even in n M a rule unt ome tlm- after th fold Its weight would be 4,000 tone, and it tnk begin to pay out the cash to the Would have taken at leaat that number of buyers and the farmers. At first each teams of oxen or horses to hsui it over xne i 0 tna western and southern sub rude roads that were then tne nest mgn- treasuries, located at Cincinnati, Chicago, ays. . St. Louts and New Orleans, Is well sup- Tfutav the chief oroblera furnlsnea oy m i da from the Internal revenue and cum. great crops Is their transportation. The I tom, payments which have been accumu- paylng for them Is comparatively easy, i utlng for some time. As long as this fhrnuvh the working or tne moaern creun supply lasts the eastern banker who has lystem, nowhere so well developed as In I to send money south or west merely has In thunder are they?" the United Btatee, there is always a mucn I to buy "credit" for the sum required. "They're friends of mine and I offered imillir movement of actual money in ban- I land duplicate drafts to Waihlna-ton and to buy Lauzanne back lust to help thcra Sling the crope than might be supposed, I to his western correspondent and the sub- out, but the old man's daughter has get rafts, checks and other commercial paper I treasury nearest the latter will release In the cheetnut for a hack and she won't sell repressntlng cash being peasea oaca ana i currency the sum named. It is after the nim. it was Diabio's lauit tnat Porter got torth In lieu of ths vertlble notes and coin. I supply in tbe eub-treasurlee is exhausted the fall, eo tbey were willing to part with ret notwithstanding this convenient sys- that the long-dlatance shipments bstweeu him ana I took the brute." tem there te a large and steady business bankers are resorted to. This was certainly a new role for Crano Ions in the traneportatlon of actual money. Shipments of new paper currency from o play, Langdon thought; his employer riAmmerclal caDr is all right for exchange, Washington are going on all the time, the helping people out when they were In but actual cash has often to be usea m sums to redeem Old and worn ones being nimcuities was a revelation. The trainer settling balances between banks ana u is considerable, just now, also, the banks ieit inclined to laugn. no aoubt there ilea naaded for the payment or wages ana are taxing advantage oi certain provisions ws someining duck or it an, aome tout tor small purchases. Because of a well un- I of the law to increase their circulation must bave given Crane Information of a lerstood commercial law tbe currency in ana me government nas been printing and lttsl ganop uiaDio naa aone ana ne naa Hreulatlon away from the commercial cen- sending out new notes In pretty big Rone aown to Kingwooa to Duy tne Dorse, tere has constant tendency to accumulate I batches for some time. Preparations for thinking that Porter would be selling some In thoaa centers, from which it must no I me regions wnere tne Dig crops are raised oi aim racers owing to me acciaent. redistributed In order to be available for I have been going on both in the banks Langdon tried to remember what Shandy it nrrt&tned work. This redistribution is 1 aud in vvasuiugion siuce the lalier iail ut c9d about D!zb!c, cr whether the fccy colng 6n continuously, but Is mucn heavier juiy or tne eariy part oi August. There ama mcouonea nis name at an. In tho sp-lng and fall than at other times, I are practically no shipments of currency "I wonder what condition he's in?" the the movement being from tne east to ma irom iu bbi id mo racinc coasi tor tne itmnnoa, qucBiiuuiugiy, weet and the south In the spring to lurnisn movement oi crops, tne coast getting its "Physically, I think he's all right; It Ilia farmers and planter with currency supply of money for that purpose mostly seems he galloped eomethlng under forty in aea durlna- the Planting season 1 in gold, which is more popular there than miles with Porter before he came a croD- ' l .... - I I . K . . V. - t . I n . mm I n . . ..... and In the fall to pay tor tne narvesung ui u i.u v, uuu iuo miuv m dm mo- per. oui i unaersiana tney naa an imp or tha erooe planted In the spring. I cco. a boy, sneeay or snaney " The transportation of money tnis tan I - w .., - Bnanay." corrected utngdon hecan some weeks ago and will continue "Yes, that's the name," affirmed Crane, aaTcni months to come. While tnose wno uo ui iu ncran men in iue woria is arawing a aemi-circie in tbe air with his you to look after him, Langdon," he sold. "Their man. Oaynor, will aend him direct to your stables." The trainer's face brightened. "Did you get Lueretla. after ell?" "No, I bought a big black, Diablo." The look of delight faded from Laogdon'e eyes quickly. "The devil!" he exclaimed. "That's what I said; that's hie name." "But he's tha most uncertain brute that ever wore a set of plates. You'll get no good of him, sir; he's bad, clean through. It'e come down to him from his second sirei Robert the Devil, without a bit of ths good, either. He'd break a man that would fol low htm." "He won't break me," answered Crane, quietly; "nor you, either, Langdon you'va got too muoh sense." This subtle tribute mollified the trainer. Crane proceeded: "I remember the home quite well. Four thousand was paid for hlra as a yearling; as a 1-year-old be was trt?d out good enough to win the Futurity; but when it came to racing he cut it and finished in the ruck." 'That's right," commented Langdon, "He owes me a good bit,-that same Johnny; his people thought him a lead-pipe cinch, and I went down ths line on him, to my sorrow." "Just so. You know him as well as I do. It's a great way to get acquainted with them. Isn't It, Langdon put your money on and have the good thing go down?" Langdon had the highest possible opinion of his master's aatuteness, and began to waver in hie antipathy to Diablo. You think he's really good, then, slrt did he show you a fast trial?" "I didn't even see tho horse," Crane an swered, looking dreamily out of tho win dow. "I bought him to " he paused, re flectively; ho couldn't tell Langdon why he had bought him and he hardly cared to have his prestige with the trainer destroyed. He continued, shifting In the subject matter a trifle. "You did John Porter up over Lausanne last summer, Langdon ' Me? questioned the trainer. Was Crane forgetting his share In the matter. "Ties, you!" affirmed the other, looking him steadily In the eye. "You sold him Lausanne and Lauzanne was loaded." Langdon said nothing. What the d 1 waa coming? Well," drawled Crane, "Porter's badly hurt; he's out of the race for some time to come. They're friends of mine " "They're friends," mused Langdon, "who A Rich Mia Starving. One of the richest men in the world Is know do hot like to give cut Information I starving to death. The worry and anxiety cigar, "and he's a devil on wheels, by all la detail there le BO doubt as to tne mag- I nec"Bry iuu. auer Dim immense 'aituda of this vear'g shipments. fortune has destroyed his digestion and . w ur.rlll., Vmmt. I lnB siomauu canuoi, luereiors, properly ' ' I assimilate nourishment. If your stomach It la true that the depoelts In tbe banks tl ln a lka condition you cannot take of the Interior are larger now than ever I a better medicine than Hostetter's Stom before and thle has led some to suppose I acn Bitters, because for fifty years It has that the currency to handle the crops oouia been making weak stomachs strong and be provided largely by the banks upon ins i curing Indigestion; dyspepsia, headache, ground. But many oi toeie nanaa o constipation ana biliousness. Be euro to try it. Avoia suostitutee. anfc their currency east In great quan tities s deposits In the New York banke ts order that It might earn an income ny bains loaned out In Wall strset and else where, and now It must be shipped back to the western banks before It can be paia out to the farmers. The only material Thoroughbreds. (Continued from Sixteenth Page.) accounts, uiaoio s no angel, aa you ve said, Langdon, and thle boy made him a buap worse. You've handled some bad horses in your time and know more about it than I do, but I'd suggest that you put westley he's a patient lad to look after the black; give him quite a bit of work and when you've got him right, try him out wKh something and If he shows any form we'll pick out a soft spot for him. Let me ssu, he's a maiden fancy that, buying a f-year-old maiden!" Langdon laughed approvingly. Crane was evidently coming back to his view of the case. "Well, a I have said, he's a maiden and we will try and congratulate him out of that class. It will be a great chancu for a killing If we caa round him Into his it, difference In thle matter between 1902 and come I can't aay, your father will lose nrevloua years la that formerly the banks Rlngwood and it will belong to Mr. Crane. or the interior were oongea '- """ uu i.u..i 2-year-old form and you can do money to nanaie tne cropa; w, , " ""'" Langdon, if anybody on earth can Instances, tbey Simply nave to wuauraw m.i even u r. enouraoerea. - .Now TTe h,m n hj reputation . their eastern depoelts Tor a lime. auib stooa in maecision tor a mue, thought Crane, 1(1y brushing specks of rracticauy an tne iruiri.i"u v i - r i cigar ash from the front of his coat rency, eitner in com or uu on, mvu vua u.r uuu., -just aa I thought," mused Langdon- the bands of the express eompaniee. is mssea ner. 0id ,... -ot . hor. .ft.r hi. somewhat generally supposed that the gov- "i understand, mother." she said, "you are heart. Everybody thinks Diabio's no good. ernmsnt moves us own money irui worryiua nr iam ooar oiu uiaca, over mj but the boss has found out something, and Ihgton to subtreasunee ana oeiweea mo., iuiure, ana over isiuer. ana it is coining dui g on for the biggest kind of a coup branch stores, but this is not so. ah tne worry, worry, worry all tne time. But 1 11 "How's the Dutchman comlna: on?" aaked I save Rlngwood for you, mother. I hope Crane, Intimating by the question that the father will soon be well again and that luck aUbJect of Diablo had been closed out, for win cnange, nut anyway, moiner, i promise k the present at least you an no maucr wmi euor u coais ms "Great. Hw Cleans UO bla four auartS I you shan't sacrifice the house you've lived three times a day and is as big as a cart I In all your Ufa." bores. I never bad a better doer in my Mra. Pcrter s eye were wet with tears hands. If he keeps well, and I think he of gratitude. She wae thinking only uf the will, you have a great chance with him for redemption of the place through Crane, but the Brooklyn derby.' I - I "TBtt i eneouraclnr. There ara anma had taken from them. They were Inspired by good horlei , lt th0ught. White Moth, and la faith that she eould save their fortunes others. However rn Wk tha nnichm.n without sacrificing herself to Crane. If not, to win $50,000, asd there'll be $10,000 In that li sos laura, mam was orava, mam was a (or y0Ui Langdon, if it comes off." porter, ana wouia Keep ner wora ana save Rlngwood even at that price. government money la moved by one express company, the head of which holds a high place la public life. Naturally the transportation of money Is one of the most Important departments In this company's business; It le by no mesne overlooked by the other companies, In fact, since they all do a big money moving busi ness with the banks and other monetary Institutions. And all, of course, pay much attention to the proper safeguard pf the money In transit. Uold Bhlid. Curiously enough, though there Is now more gold in thle oountry than ever before, there are practically no shipments of gold for ths purpose of handling the crops. Ths shipped currency le all In silver dol lars and bank notee, the latter being largely In email denomlnatlona. Often a ahlpment of $100,000 will all be la $1 notes. This Is because the farmer wants his money la convenient form to pay out la wages. Nearly all the $1 notes go to western points, uch small notes not being wsnted In the south. There sliver dollars are In greater demand, mainly because the negroes, who make up tha great bulk of the southern in dustrial problem, like cart wheel dollars better than bank notee. Big shipments ara moved weet as well aa south, however, . and, ot course, tons and tons of these ship ments are In half dollars and dimes., besides nickels and eenta, for making change. Returning to gold tor a moment, It may "be Interesting to know that Its transporta tion from the esst to the wait Is exceed ingly rare at any time. In 1893, during the prevalence ot the currency famine, some gold was so transported, and at ln tervsls the yellow metal In quantltlea le eent from Baa Prancleco to the east, but all ordinary currency shipments are con fined to note and silver. It seems that while the country aa a whole has decided la favor of gold as its monetary standard, the people do cot like to use It as an ictual circulating medium. The packing ot at Ivor for shipment Is much simpler than the packing of notes, since owing to its great bulk and weight every $1,000 weighing sixty pounds It would bs dlflcult for a tblef to get away with aay considerable sum in silver. It le therefore placed tor shlpmsnt la plain, trong bags, which are tied and tbe knot protected with a wax aeal. With notes It Is different, at least ia . ths case of ons company. This company ships Its bank notee aa well aa Its silver In bags, but the bags are eeamless and of a spscial atout setton fabric, woven In the company's own mills and fitted with a peculiarly ingenious strap and lock fatten ing that la held to be far euptrlor to aay a.allng waa arrangement ever devlaed. Tbe mouth of the bag contains a number of sills rimmed with metal, through which the strap le passed, drawn taut like CHAPTER XIII. Journeying back to New York Crane re viewed in detail bis interview with Mra. Porter. He congratulated hlmaalf upon his sapl- The trainer's mouth watered. Money was his god. Horses were all right as a meant to an end, but the end Itself wae gold. Practically, he would stop at nothing to at tain that end; hie avaricious mind stimu lated by Crane's promise came at once to the disturbing element In the pleasant pros pect. Shandy's report of Lucretla'e good ence in having instituted his love suit by form. prrsy. With all hts masterfulness he was "Did you find out anything about Porter's very considerably in aws of Miss Allis. mare, Lucretla I know White Moth's form; Thsre wss a not-to-be-dsuoted expression both fit snd well, tbe Dutchman holds him In her extraordinary eyes, which roads him aafe over the derby journey." feel that a love tilt with her would be a "No, I didn't hear anything about Por- scmswhat serious business. He pictured ter's mare." hlTself as aa ardent lover; he would eut a "I have." said Langdon, decisively. "I tfroll figure In that role, he knew emotions paid a boy to keep an eye on her, and he were hardly in his line. He might feel such saya ahe'll bs hard to beat." an assertive emotion as love quite ae Crane frowned. "What boy?" he asked, strcngly as anyone In tae". did, but eould be abruptly. t eiprets himself with faulJeas consistency? "Shandy." Ke rather doubted rt. His usual albw-ad- "Well,-just drop that; chuck that game, vanclng method wae certainly ordained of John Porter has his own troubles. If be this intricate endeavor, and he had made cn wll. let htm he can't If the Dutchman treat progress with the mother, the one keeps well; but anyway, our own horaea above all others to be placated; adveralty, will keep us fully occupied." . - contlnucus as It promised to be, would prob- Langdon wss dumbfounded. If Crane had ably settle Porter'g Influence In his favor, opened the bible sad read a chapter from Hie plan of action plainly was to be often at. Luke be wouia not nave been more ea st Rlngwood, to tamtltarlia ths household tonlahed. It had occurred to him that be with his presence; the acquiring of Diablo B,a a0M remaraaoiy eraart tning; ne naa would facilitate that. ! expected commendation for his adroitness Dlablo-a skatel He laughed to himself looking arter his msster s interests. This over his purchaas. Certainly Langdon u""","uu" u ..... .v would laugh at him. too; not openly, ct the touting off or an opponent a horaea was course Crane wouldn't tolerate that. What new dlacovery in his master's character, an Influence thle girl had over him. to be wher wor tBe yway? Presently sure! Any men who had endeavored to sell Crna woul1 b akln n,m t0 lTe the Pub" blm a bad horse would have bad a hopeless la,r run Ior lnelr mone' ccn ume out- taak; with but a nod of encouragement All at once a light dawned upon Langdon from Allla bs would have bought every -C'ene wae doubling on him. He ssw It horse-all the useless crocks they hsd-ths e a fiaah-hls smployer had a tout on the etable wae full ot them Lausanne amongst around himself; this was tow be hsd got tha reeL DeIt some good performance of Dlablo'a. The Influence was dividing hie nature Into " waa clever; he could appreciate a dual one: etartlnc Into life Infantile crane rose m nie estimation again thouchta of a aeneroua morality: aa unrest I Quite humbly he answered: "Very well of rreat vigor was coming to him. retrlbu- It s not my funeral. I ll bring the Dutch tlon. possibly ths power to feel tbe differ- men to the post fit to run the race ot hie gives you any encouragement, and I'll eee about placing him." After Langdon had gone Crane lighted a fresh cigar and let hie thoughts circle about Allla and Diablo. It would bo just like ths play of fate for the horse to turn out good. not that John Porter bad got rid ot him. When evil fortune eet Us hard face against a man he could do little toward maklbg the wicked god smile, and Porter, even when be wae about, waa a poor hand at com pelling success. Jakey Faust learned of Diabio's trsnsltlon from Poi ter's to Langdon's stsble. Thle In formation caused htm little Interest at first; Indeed he marvelled somewhat at two such clever men as Crane and Langdon aoqulrlng a horse of Diabio's calibre; certainly Crane would not have touched him unlesa there waa more In the horse than the public knew. Faint's business relationship with Crane waa, to a certain degree, tentative. Crane never confided utterly In anybody; If agents obeyed bis behests, well and good, and each transaction was always complete In Itself. He had dlacovered Faust, and used him when It suited his purpose. Some time after the acquisition ot Diablo, Jakey waa reading his morning paper with much Interest upon tbe entriee for the Brooklyn handicap, published that day. There were all the old campaigning handi cap hones, as familiar to Faust as his fel low members of the betting ring. As his eye ran down the long list, a sudden little plg-grunt ot surprise bubbled up through his fat throat: "Gee, Diablo! Oh ho, Mr. Crane!" He tore out the list and put It In his pocket; then he eat for a time thinking. The result was a run down to Oravesend to pay just a friendly visit to Langdon. As far as Crane waa concerned the trainer and the bookmaker were like two burglar suddenly coming upon each other while robbing the same house; they were some what in a condition of armed neutrality to ward each other. Faust hoped that Langdon would talk about Diablo; but the trainer was like most of his guild generally, a close-mouthed man, so Jskey had to make his own running. "What's the boes goln' to do with Dia blo?" he asked Langdon. "Must 've bought hlra for a work horse, I guess." the trainer answered. "Is he any good?" "He can eat; tbat'a all I see from him yet." "What did he buy him for?" "To help a snoozer that was slttln' In bad luck." . . Faust had an odd habit ot causing his fat 'side to ripple like troubled water when he wlBhed to convey the Impression that he was amused; he never laughed Just the rib ripple. "What's funny?" Langdon asked, eyeing Jakey, with querulous disfavor. "Crane buying a horse to help a man, answered the cherub, wondering if Langdon was so devoid ot humor as to take it seriously. "Crane told me so himself," eald the trainer; "Porter's hurt, an' I guess they're in a hole, an' tbe boss took over Diablo." "Say. Dick." and Faust edged close enough to lap iue ui.uei' iuau'a ilu. W bla thumb; "were you born yesterday? I say," continued tbe cherub, for Langdon had turned away somewhat impatiently, "what's the good av glvln' me that guff? You didn't etand for It yourself not on yer life. Th' old man's pretty slick, buys a bad horse to help a poor mutt, an' enters him in th' Brooklyn, eh?" "The Brooklyn!" exclaimed Langdon, thrown off his guard. With corpulent Intensity the Cherub mel odramatically drew from his pocket the clipping and tendered It to Langdon, watch ing the latter'a face closely. "That's the pea. Dick, eh?" he aaked. Langdon was thinking. Was Crane doubling on him all around? Why the devil hadn't he told him? "Now you ain't takln' tn that fairy tale of Crane's any more'n I am, Dick, why can't we do a bit for ourselves over this; it won't hurt the boss none won't throw him down? This horse was a good youngster. an' Crane didn't get him without seem' him do eomethtn'. You jest keep me poetod, an' if he shapes good I can back 'm fer an old- time klllin'. see? I'll divvy up straight." Langdon didn't anewer at once not with satisfaction to Faust; he knew that Crane held the butter for hie bread, even the bread Itself; but here was a man with cake, and he loved cake. Finally, in the glamor ot Jckey's talk of untold wealth to be ac quired, Langdon swayed by je cupidity of his nature rather than hie better judgment. promised half-heartedly to co-operate with Faust. But no sooner had the latter gone than the lode-star ot Langdon's self-Interest flickered clearly in view, and he promised Mr. Jakey mentally a long trip to a very hot place Indeed rather than a surreptltloua partnership over Diablo. It was some little time after this, while Faust was feeling somewhat Irritated at the absence of information from Langdon, that he had an Interview with Crane. "I want you to back the Dutchman to win fifty thousand for me over the Brooklyn Derby," the latter said. "But there's, no winner book on It," ob jected Faust. "That's Just where your clevernees will come in," suavsly answered Crane. "There's no hurry, and there are always people look ing for foolish money there's one such in Chicago, O'Lesry; and I fancy they could even be found in New York. But you ought to get fifty to one about It If you put It on easy." "I see you have Diablo entered for the Brooklyn," Faust put out as a feeler. "Don't you want a commission worked on him?" "I didn't enter him that was somebody else's foolishness, and I don't want' to back him." "He's a hundred to one." "A thousand would be short odds, I should say," answered Crane. "But watt a bit. I bought him just to well, I took him from aome people who were tired of hie cannibal ways, and promised to have a small bet on him the first time be ran, tor for the man." The equivocation was really a touch of delicacy. "You might take the odds to fifty for me; there's not one cbsnce in a million of his starting, but I might forget ail about thla little matter of the bet, even if I were foolish enough to pay post-money on htm." "Hadn't I better dribble on more from time to time, t be has a chance?" "Not of my money, thanks!" the "thanks" clipped like a steel trap, and the buelness waa completed. Fauat went away more than ever sus picious of Crane and Diablo. That $50 be ing put on for anybody else was bunco. Wbst was Crane up to anyway? It he really meant to back the horse he would not have started with such a trifle. Per haps Diablo had bees' stuck in the Brooklyn simply to see hew the handlcapper would rate him. Faust wss convinced that Crane had some big coup tn view; he would wait a little. and at the first move have a etrong play himself. (To be Continued.) a1- -. 1 FACT ence between an avarlclouanesa fathering dishonesty, and this nsw recognition ot other rights. On his arrival la New York he sent for bis trainer. "J bought a horse at Rlngwood I want life; If Lucretla beats' htm tt won't be my fault I thought perhaps you might want to hedge a bit on Porter's mare." "I don't think It I'll stand the Dutch man; there are too many iu to start back ing (hem all. Let me knew it the black f SI A AGAINST FAK W. A. CbOX.M.D. The Original Dr. Cook that others try to imitate. My treatment can only be had at our office. DOLLAR paid for results cot obtsloed Is more expensive than $2.00 It you let what you pay for. There are doctrra who give maximum reeulte at mlnl- lum cost and doctors who give minimum results at maximum cost. There ara good lawyers and poor Iswyers; goood merchants and poor ones; good doctors and fake doctors, though advertisements are not always a aafe guide In forming con clusions. The (am we have won in the last 23 years as specialists In private diseases ot men has not been acquired on flowery beds cf ease. Two consecutive yeate have never pasted without the appearance of some pretender or Imitator to deceive and burden tbe reading pubic with their falsities, who. In some Instances, keep it up for a num ber of weeks or even months. They are able to do this becaute many people needing treatment pay little attention to advertisements or ph)elclana until necessity drives them to do so, when they are about as apt to take up with the misleading statements ct the fake specialist aa the honest doctor, la this way his business Is maintained until h's false pretenses and failure to cure show what he Is, and be makee room for another grafter, or, perhaps, changes places with him In some other city. We can give you the names of many such defunct establishments of the kind In thla city In the last two or three years, and will forfeit $1,000 In gold if some of tbe present concerns whose glaring self-praise daily promises so much are not numbered with those ot the paat In less than a year. There Is no necessity for temporising with your condition and no excuse for following strange gode. We have Interests In common with you that make us a permanent fixture; our methods and treatment are supported with refer ences from the best citizens and our guarantee Is backed by unlimited capital. There la a vast difference between fame and notoriety, and thla point should not be lost eight ot what reading the "tinkling cymbal" advertisements thst fill the dally papers. We believe that If every man fully realized the Importance of attending to Varicocele, or any of the manhood-sapping diseases ot the system, they would attend to the matter as quickly as they would step aside when a railroad train la approaching them under heavy speed. ' VARICOCELE We avoid te knife In curing thle condition. No detention from business. The functions are fully restored to their normal state. Never Is there loss of function as Is often the case where the vessels are cut, or punctured or burned with aa - electrlo needle. A complete cure is guaranteed. Do not be deceived into allowing part of these tissues to be removed. What you want Is to have them restored to their normal condition. You will have a loss of function In proportion to the vessels destroyed. Have you suffered with nervous complications, and made poor recovery? If so, we can assure you a complete restoration to per fect health, strength and vitality. We also cure, to stay cured. Blood Poleon In any stage, Stricture, Nervoue Debility, and all reflex complications and as sociate diseases and weaknesses of men. To these maladies alone we have earnestly devoted 25 of the best yesrs of our life, and claim advantages over other physicians In their treatment. We make no charge tor private counsel and give each patient a legal contract in writing to hold for our promises. It afflicted it le your duty to Investigate a cure that has msde life anew to multi tudes ot men. If you cannot come to our office, write us your symptoms fully. Our home treatment Is successful and strictly private. Office Houre $ a. m, to t p. m.; Sundays, 10 a. in. to 12:30 p. m. Address, COOK MEDICAL CO., 110-112 South 14th Street, Omaha. (Over Dally News.) J 44 On Every Tongue Scientifically distilled; naturally ajjed; absolutely pure. Best and saf est for all uses. For more than two generations "Harper Whiskey" has been known in the United States as "The Aristocrat" among high-grade whiskies. Its fame has continued to spread until now its reputation is In ternational and it is sold everywhere. OCRNHCIM BROS- Dtstftlera. Loulavtlle. Ky, V. S. A. MORE CHEAP EXCURSIONS VIA Move Your Office. While there are only about ten vacant rooms In the whole Bee Building, there are anions them, some of tbe very choicest offices In the building and also Bouie. which, while not bo desirable, can be rented at a very low price. Tbe rental price you must remember, Include light, water, beat and Jan itor service as well as Immunity from fire Insurance because the building ts absolutely tire-proof. ' " ; - ' ', List of vacant rooms In FROkVi viviAHA ID Indianapolis. Iud fl96 t,i)t l. vttne, ind i.-0 U 'i'oleuo. uuio (D aauuurgy, onlo UJ uma, onlo U.w) ill CoiumbuH, Ohio .. U Lfuyton, Ohio Z-.vD ll-fepi'iiiauelu, Ohio u tt.icftu.oiia, lua ii.w KoKuiuo, ind ut 'ierr Mauie. Inu l.ii U fcvansville, l..d li W IU incinnaii, un.u t,l Louisville, Ky Jl.W yl) euutn tsena, ina (lj lJanport, Ind , IS U 00 Bt. Paul, Minn K 80 li!) Minneapolis, Minn SW V aui-Ville, Mum. (.Lake Tetonka) V.tiO U Duluth. iilnn U.tW (i) V Iniupei;, Manitoba 32.10 U)-Bpirlt Luke, ia S'W U Waupaca, Wt 0.s U Milwaukee, wis ilia (3) Oshkoeh, Wis 19 V5 l-Forl Huron, Mich !2it l3 Huffulo. N. Y 4) SO U Uales oi saie: Bepiemoer iu, in, iua and fcKi. Keturn limit ito days. (2) Dates of sale: September l-10th In clusive. Keturn limit Oclobr JUL Lurliiir rtmMinliik days or August, rate will be one (are plus 1100. (l Dates of sale: July 1st to September SOlh. Keturn limit October 31st. Also circuit lours via uuiuin or Chicago and Btuainer. via the Ureal Lakes. In ad dition lo above, special excurslun rates to many other points in Ohio, Indiana, Mlnne sola, Wisconsin, North Dakota, eta. Correspondence soncitea ana iniorraation chaertuliy given. Call at Illinois central jicuei urnce, no. t'arnam dt., op write. PUL rasa. At.. 111. Cent. R. R , Omaha. Neb. The Bee Building First Floor. t Rental v ' ' Per Month. SUITE 101 1 There Is no f.ner offlce setts in Omaha than this one. 1 It is lo.. cated Juat on the right hand ct the great marble stairway, and has un usually large windows looking tvuon the front entrance way Ot the build ing. It fronts on Farnam street. One room le 17x19 and the other axis. It has a burglar-proof vault, marble mantel piece, hardwood floors, and will be frescoed to suit tenant Price t73.CS ROOM lOTi Hers la a room that will be particularly adapted for aa architect, or some one who needs a north light. The room Is 20 leet square; finished throughout in hardwood. Including the floors, and is a bargain at. Vrtoe 120.00 Third Floor, v ROOM 8Si This is the only room on the second or third floor vacant, and is on ef the choicest rooms In the building, it is 17x32, and can be divided to suit tbe tenant If a private otrtce ia doalred. It is a deuldedly handsome pttice, having entrance facing the court, and windows looking out on Seventeenth street. It has a very large burglar-proof vault, hardwood floors and is just the kind ot an offlce that le hold to obtain ordinarily. Trie I50.0S The following symptoms ara cured: Pains In Side and Bark. Bmotherlng Sensation, Coaled Tongue, Bloated Btomach, Want of Appetite, Bleepleasneaa, Headache. Keeling of Fear, Bad Dreams, Bad Memory and LaQtlppa. W dajra treatment tm cents. All Druggists. DAYS TRIAL uveUL. vft , lsaUsrf.4a) 4. eUeai tn fcaisss. law MMf , f SIISBI f . W'UisirS), u t Mf Mifir r five . tnm it, i tu i vru m Imtm, mm Mews. R P Emmet, N-49-51 Oood Blk, Denver, Col Jill J V B yllkt4rMra Fourth Floor. ROOM 481i This room la lSxll feat and i aces the court, Is a light, room, and has a burglar-proof vault , pleasant . Prloe $20.0 SVITB 614 1 This la a very large room. 17x and well ventilated, it la very seido The Bee Building. It could bj ueed a largt number of clerks, or requlr leweier, or manutacturer's agent, w Ing. or It will be divided to ault the ROOM fiOi This Is a light, attractlvs roo and while It faces the west, being o soma one not In need of large floor s ROOM Bill This loom faces the court ana vault, and as It is near the telegra numbei of grain firms, it would be a desiring Arst-cltse sccommodstlon. ... Fifth Floor. 43 feet. It fscea west, but is very light in that space pf this slse Is offered In to advantage by some lirra employing -lug Urge floor space a wholesale ho would like to be in a fireproof build teuunt Price 1M.0S m. It has a stationary wash stand, n the fifth floor It Is llgiit. end for fiace, would make a fine offlce.. Plica f 10 M a lhxM feet. It naa a burglar-proof ph omce and on the same floor with a particular good room for a grain firm I. Prtoe tM Sixth Floor. CITE eiOi Thla eonslsta of two rooms, both lJHxU'4. Ksch of them has a large burglar-proof vault, have been newly decorated and ars rooms where , any bualnees or professional man may ba comfortable. Price for the two f3t.M R. C. PETERS & CO., Cental Afenti. Ground Floor, Bee Buildlnx