Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Image 13

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    tjnbay Bee.
3 PAGES 13 TO 24.
HI opEoias flirniaa sales ..ami era
j The
'I U I I
And unequalled varieties of newest, handsomest and most stylish merchandise, in all lines. TI1E SALES ON DllESS GOODS INCLUDE TOE BEST TKODUC1IONS OF LEADING DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN LOOMS.
ThP iipw itvlPH In Biiits skirts and jackets have an air of beauty and elegance that will be appreciated by every woman of taste. See the new becoming and artistic creations in millinery. NOTE THE ASTONISHINGLY LOW
PRICES IN 'THESE SALES Be sure and take advantage of the big silk bargains. Get Uayden's grocery prices. FIT YOUR BOYS AND GIRLS OUT FOR SCHOOL AND SAVE ONE-THIRD TO ONE-IIALF THE COST
Excursionists to the musical festival or any visitors to Omaha, at any time, are invited to make nayden Bros, headquarters. Free writing and waiting rooms. Baggage checked free. Every accommodation free. Con
Bider this as your store, and make yourself at home at HAYDEN BROS'. We will do everything possible to make your stay In Omaha as pleasant and profitable as possible. HAYDEN BROS.
, . . : ' i "
Wonderful Sale of Silks
Monday w place the best quality of it Ik that we acquired from th Boschmm
Eldredge atock on apeclal aala. Thta la th largest atock of allka that wi aver pur
chased at ona time, and only a portion co uld be placed on aala previously. Wa find
great lot of elegant allka that rental. d unpacked. All are now opened and we
offer them In Monday sale at prlcea, co nsldering quality, that border on the eenaa
tlonal. FINEST BLACK PEAU DB SOIE DRESS SILKS. They require no deacrlp
tlon Ton all know their beauty and elega nee. BEST BLACK TAFFETAS, that
means none better in the world. Not onl y the beat, but also the wldeat of taffeta;
uch beautiful walstlng allka, allka for ak Irta. linings or trimmings are aeldom seen
in this country. Surely thla sale has neve r been qualed. The qualities are ao extra
fin and the price are ao extremely lo w. TO ALL LADIES who admire silk of
exquisite beauty in qualities of unusual fin enesa wa extend an Invitation to Tlslt th
Big Department Monday and Inspect this g reat gathering of allk loveliness.
' Black Peau de Sole, SO Inchea wide, worth
$1.00, on sale monday at 67 He.
Black Peau de Bole, 21 Inches wide, worth
11.75, on sale Monday, at 98c.
Black Peau de Sole, 24 inchea wide, worth
$2.00, oa aale Monday at $1.15.
Black Peau d Sole, 24 inches wid. worth
$3.00, on sal Monday at $1.4S.
Black Peau de Sol, 27 Inchea wide, worth
$2.60, on aala Monday at $1.86.
Black Peau de Sole, 36 Inches wide, worth
$3.60, on aal Monday at $1.75.
Every yard of theae Peau de Sol are
allk on both aide, la all pure silk and
warranted to wear.
Fin Black Taffeta, 20 Inchea wide, worth
19c, on aale Monday at 39c.
Fine Black Taffeta, 21 inchea wide, worth
$1.00, on sale Monday at 67Vtc '
Fin Black Taffeta, 27 Inches wide, worth
$1.26, on aale Monday at 69c.
Fine Black Taffeta, 27 inches wide, worth
$1.86, on aale Monday at 76o.
Fin Black Taffeta, 36 Inchea wide, worth
$1.76, on' aale Monday at 98o.
Fin Black Taffeta, 36 Inchea wide, worth
$2.00, on aal Monday at $1.10.
Fins Black Taffeta, 64 Inchea wide, worth
$8.00, on aale Monday at $1.75.
This ! Inly the hlfgest aal Of
Black Taffeta ever held.
Black Raglan Taffeta, I 17 Inchea wide
and strong; as steel, la all silk and the
heaviest 27-Inch Black Taffeta mad, sell
at $2.00, and we offer in this aal at 98c
Black Grenadine in 100 choice pattern,
all fin silks and 44 Inchea wide, styles to
suit wary taste, and not often do you hav
a chance to buy such legant grenadlnea
worth $L00. $1.50 and $2.00 for auch a
price, 89c.
W offer yon an - elegant Black Moire
Silk, in full yard wid, for Monday sale,
that beats th world: it i worth $2.50, and
w U for prlo of common narrow good,
SO boxes of On Black Corduroy, 22 Inchea
wide, in real fln round cord, in black only,
and worth 75c. on aal at 26c.
Stripes, Dots and Brocad Silk Hand
some allk for waists, in most stylish color
inga and newest weave, mad to aell for
$1.25, w sell at 49c.
Monday your cholc of very beat and
hlaheet grade costume Corduroy, in ex
treme wide hollow cut cord; thla lot In
cludes every shad and ar worth $1.50,
at 8o.
Great lot of fla 27-lnch wid Colored
Taffeta, all rood color and a splendid
quality, actually worth $1.00 at 49c.
A Wonder Bargain in Crepe D Chen
100 pieces, all allk Crepe De Chen, 24
inches wide, in white, cream, black and
very oolor, la mad of finest silk and ia a
most perfect and beautiful quality, and r
tall for $1.26; we offer at 6c.
Bilk worth $4.00 and $5.00 go at only
11.75. These ar undoubtedly th finest
silks that were ever brought into th west;
for elegant evening wear they cannot be
surpassed; such magnificence must b seen
to be appreciated $4.00 and $5.00 for $1.75.
Peau de Slante la a moat wonderful allk.
la 24 inches wide, all allk, warranted to
wear and guaranteed to wash, is mil la
all colore; for service it cannot be equaled
by any allk in th world, worth $L60, and
we sell for $1.00.
. Taffeta Slant. In black and all color,
is all silk and for th money cannot b
beat, on sale at S9o.
Whit or Black Liberty Satin, fin and
oft and most beautiful lustre, worth 60c,
on sal for 80c
Black Waah Bilk, all allk and yard wide.
worth 75o, on -sal at 35c.
The1 New Black and Whit All Silk Check
Taffeta, in real fln grade, oa sal at 49o,
We fill mall orders to your entire satis
Autumn Styles.
We haven't time to pr par for a Grand Opening
Day with muslo and flowers, but w ar alway ready
to aupply yon with th newest atylea and best qualltlea
very day. We are opening np th new good every day
In thla department For th aeason of 1902-1 we hav
gathered together from th foremost market of this and
other oountrlea the latest and beat that th designer
produce. We hav thousands of new women' tailored
ulta ranging In prioe from $6.00 to $100.00.
We can positively assure ynew skirt at $1.00 to $75
ach. Wa have thousands of Jacket, from th lowest
priced to the moat expensive, and other women' gar
ments in Ilk proportion.
W can positively assure on that ther ha never bees.
season when our atock was ao complete, ao xtenaiv
and at th sim time so reasonably priced.
found ad w will say that early purchasers can save at
least 26 per oeat by buying between now and Oct. 1st.
iM women' tailor-made suits, very beat
Veaetlana, silk lined throughout, with a
drop taffeta allk skirt, nicely trimmed with
th new styles, bought to sell AA tf
at $30, early autumn price.... gall lUU
175 women'a tailor-mad ult. In six
distinct atylea, in chavlota and serge,
blacka, blues, brown and tan, bought to
,,U.L:.26: 15.00
300 pedeatriennr and dress salts In blouse,
Norfolk and other stylos, bought to aell
for $16 00- Q Oft
on al at .. WwU
150 women' aulta, bought to sell at
wa Ml M
Arriving daily by express.
W hav on particular lot in brows a.
Una, castors, grays, bluea and reda. Skin
nera satin lined, bought to aell
lor $18.50, early autumn prlo
Monday in the Bargain Room
We ar going to mak Monday an exciting day aa regards bargains.
Every hour in the day you will find every counter loadod with special bargain
at from 1-8 to 1-5 of what you could buy these goods at any other place in thla
western country. Remember they are neither poor nor shoddy goods, only Brat
class goods bought by us at the end of the season from th leading mills at from
1-8 to 1-2 of their regular fall price and put in thla room to close them out quick
It the most ridiculously low prices.
We defy any other house in the west to
give a 64-inch strictly all wool cheviot, a
64-lnch strictly all wool tailor suiting or
64-Inch strlftly all wool plaid for $1.25
aa we do for 75o a yard.
We defy any other house to give a 68-
Inch all wool plaid backed golfing cloth, a
53-inch extra heavy Brilllantine, worth
$1.25, a 64-Inch all wool black serge, worth
$1.60 and a 50-inch plaid, worth $1.50, for
49o a yard.
We have thousands of yards of new Vene
tians worth 75c for 49c a yard. ,
Thousands of yards of extra heavy skirt
ings in Oxfords, grays, browns and blues,
at 26c, 89c and 49c a yard.
For other dress goods bargains aee extra
$1.00 taffetas, 80 shades, at 59c.
$1.00 fancies, Roman stripes, etc., at 49c
15c Eclipse flannelettes at 10c.
75c fanclea, black and color, at 89c
A large line of silks in plain and fancies,
will go at 25c a yard.
A large line of velvets, worth 60c, in
blacks and colors, will go at 25c a yard.
Other specials in allk department in bar
gain room.
We are headquarter for these line of
Cotton plaids, worth 15c, at t l-8c.
25c eiderdown for wrappers, kimona and
25e eiderdown for wrappers, klamo and
waists at lOo.
19o printed serges for waist, kimona and
wrappers at 10c,
64c allk finished print at $o.
Simpson' black and whit and allver
gray print at 8 7-8o.
Black sateen at 7Ho.
Fin black sateen, silk finish, worth 19o,
for 10c.
Th beat apron check mad for 5c
Tard-wid cotton flannel for 6c
Tard-wlde silkolln. regular 19o grade,
In short lengths, at 6c ,
Boy's 60c knee panto for 19c.
Boy' 75c all wool knee pants at 35o and
Boy's $1.00 knee pants for 50c.
Boy's $2.00 school suits for 95c.
Boy's $3.00 all wool suits for $1.25 a suit.
Boy's $4.00 all wool suits for $1.75 and
Boy's $2.00 all wool long pants at 95c.
Men's $3.60 and $4.00 pants for $1.75 a
Men'a $2.00 all wool pants for $1.25.
Men' $2.50 all wool pants tor $1.50 a
Ladies' French corsets and girdles, worth
$1.00, for 39c.
McKay common sense waist for boy
and girls, worth 75c, to close at 19c.
Ladles' underskirts, worth $1.60, for 68c.
Bummer corsets for 6c
Men's whit and colored handkerchiefs
at 6c.
Cotton flannel husking mitt and glove
at 6c.
Ladles' gaui underwear, worth 50c, for
lOo and 19c
W will sell yard-wide, unbleacbed LL
muslin, best made, only 10 yard to a
customer, at 3c a yard.
FROM 10 TO 11 A. M.
We will sell extra heavy and extra wide
German blue calico, only 10 yard to 4
customer, at 4 7-8e a yard.
FROM 9 TO 8 P. B4.
T7 "SITS cc!! rr?ft. !
and light color, the regular 13Hc and 15c
trade, only 10 yard to a. customer, at
S7-$o a yard.
PROM 4 TO 5 P. M.
We will sell th remainder of onr high
grade wash goods, ranging from 15c to 39o
a yard, only 11 yards to a customer, at lo
a yard.
Several other aale during th day which
will b announced from th floor.
Special Salo on School
School begin Monday and you will hav
to hav shoes for th boy and girl. Tou
can av from 25o to 60o a pair by buying
Saturday. W hav a very complete Una
of th H. W. Merrlam good, which ar
th standard school shoe.
Misses' School Shoe. $2.00. $1.50. $1-25
and $1.00. i
Child' School Shoe. $1.60, $L'25, $1.00
and 90c
Boy' School Shoe. $2.00, $1-50, $1.25 and
Youths' School Shoes. $1.75. $1X0, $1.10
and 98c.
W secured for our exclusive as th
finest line of women' walking aklrta, from
New Tork City. They ar her and will t
on aale Monday morning. New and dis
tinct creations la style shown only by
A Special Leader for
Women' fin vie! kid, lac, patent tip.
opera heel, McKay eewed, worth $3.60, $1.98.
Men' vloi kid. box calf and velour calf
bale, would be good valu at $3.00, $1.96.
Women' Serge Slipper, worth 50c, 25c
Closing out all the ladles' Oxfords, In all
leathers, worth up to $4.00, at $2.48 and
Sol agent la Omaha for th STETSON
and CROSSETT shoe for men and th
ULTRA and BROOKS BROS.' shoe for
China Dent
Monday moral ng from I o'clock until
we put on sal 60 dose percale wrappers,
with 15-lnch flounce, aeparat waist lining,
extra wtde at the hips, rin.
worth $1.25 at uUC
From t until 10 o'clock, w put oa aal
60 dosen women'a flannelett wrajpera,
heavily fleec lined, trimmed with braid,
ruffles over shoulder, 15-inch fiounc. bought
to sell for $1.60,
Monday' price
Monday morning from 10 to 11 o'clock
we put on sale 390 women'a rainy-day skirt
bought to sell aa high as $5, I ft f
your cholc at iUU
Monday morning from 11 to 12 o'clock
60 dosen women' waists, that sold all
season for $1.00, $1.25 and $1.60,
will be closed out at
Special Salo Ladies' and Children's
Ladle' fin Ltol Thread Vests, assorted colore, low neck and sleeveless. fl
worth 360, 89 and 60c closing oat at y lUw
Ladle' fin Belfast Mesh Underwear, la Vests and Pants, mad of pur line and
trimmed with fln linen lace, recommended by physician for health under- PA.
wear, sold for $3 00 each, closing out at a garment ............ WUU
LadW Outing Flannel Gown now en aal at 60 up.
To mak room for eur new tall good w will claa up all th odd and end la
ur Corset Department. Corsets that sold from $1.00 to $5-00 all go at 49c Monday.
Ladlea' plain black and fancy Lisle Thread Hoae at 25c, worth 60c
Ladles' plain and fancy Ho at 13 '4c, worth 15c
Boy Bicycle Hoae, 26 quality, at 12V4.
atlases' Ehawkntt Hoae. 25o quality, at 15c Seconds.
Another lot of Imported cample lust ar.
rived. Theae ar mostly fln china plates.
cup and saucers and aalad dishes, all of
th fin 25o to $1.00 value, go at 10c.
All of our enda and odda la gold finish
glassware for tomorrow at 6c
Decorated toilet eeU, $1.59.
Decorated cupa and saucers, 2He aach.
Mason fruit jars. 49c
Plain whit plate, cup and saucers, lo
6 nice fruit tumbler for 9c
Jelly glass tops. ( for Ic
just received an Importation of th
finest line of Bohemian water set and
beer atlnea ever brought to Omaha; set
from 90c up; atine from 25c up.
Piano Sale
Still Continues
La at week wa a great week for piano
bargain In our piano department. Many
customers called only to look our stock
over. When they found the great values
we ar offering they ordered pianos de
livered at one to their homes. This woek
w expect to close out th remainder of
thla atock of slightly used instrument,
which consist of Fischer's, Wegmaa,
Steinway, Kimball, Franklin, Haloes, Ja
cob Doll Lester, Cable, Kingsbury, In fact,
every piano that ha aver been used; also
eleven new sample pianos that hav not
been catalogued will be cloaed out at $138,
1148.' $157 and $1(5. Ail must go this
week. We tune, move and repair planoa.
Squar pianos, $10 00. $15.00. $20.00 and
$5.00. Complete line of Chicago Cottage
organs. Writ tor catalogue at HAYDEN
Linens, Linens
60-inch Turkey-red tabl damask, 60o
quality, Monday 25o a yard.
68-inch union bleached table damaak, 35o
quality, Monday 19o a yard.
68-inch all linen, bleached Irish table
linen, 75e quality, Monday 49o a yard.
72-inch all linen, bleached Irish table
linen, $1.00 quality, Monday 62o a yard.
60-lnch half-bleached Scotch table linen.
45c quality, Monday 29c a yard.
62-Inch half-bleached Holland tablo
linen, 60o quality, Monday 86o a yard.
72-inch extra heavy Scotch table linen.
90o quality, Monday 62He a yard.
3-4 all linen as tin damask napkins, $2.00
quality. Monday $1.19 a dozen.
6-1 all linen bleached napkins, $1.25 qual
ity, Monday 79o a dosen.
Bleached and unbleached muslin, io a
9-4 unbleached sheeting, ISo value, Mou
day 16o a yard.
8-4 bleached sheeting, 20o quality, Mon
day KVie a yard.
1$ yarda Old Glory muslin for $L00.
Monday will be remnant day on table
tinea and toweling at leaa than half price.
Hardware, Stoves
and llouscfurnishings
.... f
1." !"
Deep cut on Gasoline Stoves and Re
frlgerators. We don't want to mov on
to our warehouse and will make prlcea
to suit. It will pay you to buy tor next
Did you aee that green and whit agate
ware? Nothing like it ever brought to
Omaha before. On sale now. Every piece
warranted. It'a a beaut!
Hardwood hose reels, 49c
Lawn sprinklers, 19c
12-guag loaded shells, 35c
The best gas oven, $1.25. -
25c steel padlock, 10c- -
Ralndoor lock, 11c
$-arm towel rack, lOo.
4-tie carpet broom, 16c
4-gallon water coolera, $1.95.
Fancy wood ealtbox, 5c.
Photo holders, 14x21, 7c
Wood-fram wringer, $1.19.
Warranted rubber hose, 7c
Screen doors, 55c
Double-barrel ahotgun, $8.95.
I-burner gasollno atove, $2.69.
Buck, saw and frames, 49c.
$-foot stepladdera, 45c.
25c 2-bladed pocketknlfe, 10c
8-quart granite dlshpans, 39c.
S boxea wax tapers, 10c
Decorated breadbox, 39c.
Shoe brush and dauber, 9c
Galvanized tub, 37c
Groat Shirt Sale.
Jen's $1.50 Shirts,
'Xionday at 49s
The greatest shirt sale ever
held in Omaha. A grand line
of samples, including all sizes
in men's finest madras cloth
shirts, all the newest styles, the
very best brands, regular 1.50
qualities, IQf
on sale at Ub
Embroidery Salo
Monday we will place on aale all odd
pieces and broken sets of embroideries and
inserting, worth from lOo to $1.00 per
yard, at price from So to 89c. This will
be the greatest closlng-out embroidery
sale aver held in the city, from the heav
iest to the very finest Swiss goods. Come
early Monday morning. Closing out all
over embroideries.
$1.60 all-over embroideries for 79c.
$1.00 all-over embroideries for 60c.
.$5.00 all-over embrolderie for $1.60.
Do not mis this sal.
Curtains and
Great Special Sale
of Lien's Hosiery
75c sox at 19c
600 dozen men's fin lisle-thread am,
embroidered and in lace effects, tanuy
stripes and plain colors, all Imported goods,
full fashion, made to sell -at 60o and 71,
your choice, I fl A
Monday, at US
Lien's 25c sox at 10c
43 dozen men's fin maco yarn sox, in
black and fancy colors, full seamless, reg
ular 25c values, I f M
on sale Monday at lUW
The Leading Dress Goods House of the West
Our stock 1 now complete and we are ahowine the rrsnde.t tin. A-...
goods ever ahown in this western country, In this department. No good less than
60c per yard and not over $10.00 per yard.
Every weave, every shade and every style made for the fall of 1901 la to be
found In this stock.
B sure and attend th special sales in our hlgh-grad drees goods depart
ment. "
Carefully read th following Items:
Th new coronation cloth, black and
bluea, t $1.98, $1.50 and $1.25 a yard.
New snowflak from 69c to $3.60 a yard.
Tailor suitings, 64 Inches wide, from 75o
to $7.50 a yard.
High grade novelty pattern, from $1.00
to $10.00.
Hand embroidered skirt pattern, cut
and ready to sew together, from $42.60 to
$65 per pattern.
Every imaginable ahades, weaves snd de
signs made in walstlngs are shown in our
high grade dress goods department - at
from 50c to $2.C0 a yard.
Gros Roman high-grade French flannels.
double warp, the finest printings that was
ever made, at a yard, 75c
In order to Introduce our high grade
drees goods, we will sacrifice a few pat
terns at the ridiculously low prices. Do
not ask to see these goods only at the
time advertised, as we will be compelled
to refuse you.
From 8 to 11 au na.
46-lnch strictly all wool etamlnes, regu
lar $1.25 good and only 1 pattern to
customer, at a yard. 89c; all ahades an'l
From lO 12 a. at
W will sell $3.60 English whipcords !
twenty ehadea, only 1 pattern to a cus
tomer, at a yard, 75c
From 3 to 4 p. m.
W will soil any Venetian, cheviot OP
tailor suiting marked $1 to $5, in colors
only, of blacks, at exactly half the market)
From 8 to S p. m.
Wa will sell our high grade Parla shirt
waist patterns, aome embroidered, some
appllqued and some trimmed with fin
fur. .
Only 1 pattern to a lady at 45 per cent of
the marked price.
600 patterna to select from.
Remember that no aamples will b sent
out of town or mail orders filled, as tha
ale will last only tor a short time
Our regular line of fall iimplee are now
ready and wlU be sent to sny addreas free
of charge.
The -new All Silk
lining In lining dn-
Sartment. liayden
tob. sole agents
for Omaha.
Jeuv Fall Cotton Fabrics
In Wash Goods Depi.
Dree Goods and Walstlngs in tha finest and choicest
weave. COPIES of the finest imported silk and wool fabric
now shown in GREATEST VARIETY in this department.
Beautiful walstlngs, all the popular
shades, browns, tans, greens, bluea, reds,
etc., handsomely finished with bright mer
cerized stripes, etc Look equal to th
$1 grades, at 25c yard.
PANNE FLANNEL, all cotton, finished
in such a manner that an expert could
not tell th quality a few feet away, made
in all tha popular walstlng colors, striped
in fancy black effects, 80o yard.
ECLIPSE FLANNEL, the greatest cot
ton fabric for fall wear ever put on the
market; all the newest, choicest styles,
very oolor that Is shown in fancy wool
flannels, made full yard wide, FAST COL
ORS. The line is greater than all other
Omaha storea combined. Over 2,000 pieces
now ready for your inspection, 12Ho yard.
Albatross fleece suiting in dree and
walstlng styles, extra heavy fleece and a
handsome fabric, 15c yard.
Choice styles In yard-wide flannelette,
all full pieces, dress styles, lOo yard.
New yard-wide VELOUR for walstlngs
and a handsome skirting fabrics on sal
in our lining department at 75o yard.
Send for free samples of all ths new!
fall cotton fabrics.
Autumn Millinery Display
First In th field with th most fashion
sble and newest creations in autumn and
winter hat. A handsome display of the
new styles from Berlin, London, Paris and
ths leading eastern style makers. Hun
dreds of choice hats now on sale. Call
and sea thl early showing. Th opening
season prices are much below the regular
Optical Dept.
Spectacles and Eyeglasses carefully fitted.
Finest quality lenses ground to order, If
required. Up-to-date frames and mount
Dig Sheet LIusic Sale
Tomorow morning we will place on sale
6,000 copies of "Bowery Buck." by Turpln;
"Mississippi Bubble," by Haines, and
"Peaceful Henry." by Kelly, three of th
best celling two-steps on th market at
present, only 19o per copy, by mall 20oj
regular price 25c
We hav lots of other pretty ballads
and marches we will include In the big
To obtain these special price mall or
ders must be received not later than
Wednesday, September 10; otherwise regu
lar' rates will be charged. Mall orders
filled the same day we receive them.
Coys' School Suits
Hayden's, headquarters for boy' clothing.
Boys' Suit, in finest cheviot and cassl
meres, in vestee, Norfolk, and double
breasted styles, on special sal at $1.50,
$1.95 and $2.50.
The' finest line of boys' novelties ever puf
on sal at $2.60 to $6.00.
Lien's Hat Salo
A rare opportunity to secure high grad
60 dozen men's fine sample Hats, secured
from a large hat manufacturer of Phila
delphia. Thla lot includes the very lataat
atylea in bat. Fedoraa, Columblaa, Pana
mas and Fashes. You can hav your
cholc of any of these Monday at th very
low prlc of 85c.
Flannel Dept
No ether store can offer you ths bargains
In lace curtains we are making In our
drapery department.
$5 Irish point ruffled curtains at $2.50 pair.
$4 Irish point ruffled curtains at $1.60 pr.
$2.25 Bobblnett ruffled curtains at $1.50 pr.
$3.60 Bobblnett ruffled curtains at $2.60 pr.
$6 Brussel net curtains at $3.60 pair.
$( Brussel net curtains at $4.75 pair.
$6.00 Brussel net curtaina at $4.75 pair.
$4.00 Swiss tambour curtains at $2.26 pr.
$5.00 Swiss tambour curtains at $2.75 pr.
$7.60 Swiss tambor curtains at $$.00 pair.
$1.60 Nottingham curtains at )1.00 pair.
$2.00 Nottingham curtaina at $1.25 pair.
Wall Paper and Paints
Th largeet stock in Omaha to aelect
from, at prlcea one-third to one-half leas
than the regular prices.
Fin whit blanks, per roll, 2Hc
Fln gilt at $Vic per roll.
All other grades in proportion.
We sell cemeatlco the beat wall finish
on the market. In 12 shades and whit.
Any on can apply it; only 85c per package.
The best grade of heady-mixed paint on
the market at 98o per gallon. Varnishes,
stains, enamel and brushes, all at greatly
reduced price.
1 cases $3 Inches wide extra heavy Shaker
Flannel, per yard, 8Vo; worth 10c.
I cases white wool Flannel, per yard,
12HC 16o, 20c and 25c
t case California Embroidered Skirt Pat
terna, 40 Inchea long, 15-inch flounce, extra
heavy, fancy stripes and plaids, each 49c;
worth 89c
W hav now 273 dozen home-mad Bed
Comforter to select from, filled with extra
fine whit cotton, covered with the best
value in sollollne, outing flannel, sateen
and Doming, extra large size and extra
low prlc.
Carpet Salo
Extraordinary bargains in rugs, both In
factory-mad and one we mak from abort
length of carpet
100 Rugs made from remnant of carpet,
in Wiltons. Axmlnlstera, velvet and. Brus
sels; th entire lot on al at about halt
the same qualitiea would coat If mad to
order. Bring your' measurements, a they
com in all sites.
All th 9x12 and 9x10 Smyrna and Brus
sels Rugs, worth $15.00, 60 different styles
to select from, all go on aale at $3.98.
9x13 Brumela Rugs, worth $30.00, the en
tire line, all new and desirable patterna,
on aal at $12.98.
600 carpet aamples. In velvet. Axmlnlater
and Brussels, on sal at 60o, 75 and 98a
rN k 111
Autumn Opening Salo of Furniture
(Uail Orders Filled.)
Largest variety, newest designs, finest
finish, lowest' prices. W would Ilk to
hav you com in and so th high quality,
finish, auperlor workmanshlp and beauty of
th furniture now on aal In our three big
furniture floor.
W will sell you a Bed Room Suit, con
sisting of bed, dresser and commode, for
$11.90. Thl I a good, substantial auit,
mad of hard maple, nicely carved and fin
ished. The dresser ha two large and
two small drawers, fitted with locks, and
has a good, large 20x24 beveled mirror. It
is worth $18.00; sale prlc only $11.90.
All our Couches at $3.95, $4.75, $5.75 and
up to $10.60, ar covered la best grad of
velour. All color, design and pattern.
We sell some Iron Beds for less than $2.00. Our better Beds rang from $3.50 to
$20.00. We guarantee to save you fully 25 per oent W hav bed at all prloea,
at a difference of 50c between each price. ,
W Invite your inspection of our complete lines of kitchen, dining room, bed
room, sitting room, parlor and offlc furniture .There 1 not a want that we cannot
upply and save you money on.
PICTURES A splendid line of new Pictures, embracing every subject and suited,
to all requirements, now ready for your Inspection.
Like Cut, $5.05-
Like Cut
When Tired Shopping
Get a cup of our delicious cocoa and a tasty, fresh cracker at
our demonstration counter free. We are introducing our elegantj
cocoa and chocolate and pure fresh crackers.
Special Salo on Groceries
9 9 ,D- 'or ehoto
a.aC Java and Mo
cha Cotta.
de r.
lb. for
for 1 lb. Royal
linking Pow-
5f 'ir i lb. Roy
OUC al taking
for good can
for sack Corn
11m P"- Fruit
fIC Pudding.
nr. rr 1 lb. Dr.
OOCfricVs Bak
tug l ouder,
qn. for lb. Dr.
LtfZ Price Baking
for a pound
of Tea.
I lb. for Whole
Wheat Flour.
7iC $e!Un.H"ty
Afl. for 1 lb. best
i Creamery But-
a, tor 1 lb. Old
saG Qov. Java and
hiucha Coffe.
40c KIufi
shoe or Bear.
AA In. for best
J C Rolled Oat.
mfor Lea A
Perrln's Bauco.
r for 1 lb. beat
I9G Golden iuo
for ran beat