Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1902, PART I, Page 12, Image 12

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Special Bargain In Our Bnement Drtti Goods Dept
25c Dress Goods, at 12k
The greatest hars;alii ev er offered In doslrsble
dree Roods, jIhMs nnd r hfrks, strictly I 1
wool; !o tuftei rrnn-r hair effect. In plnirtu;
1 stylet that are nhnwn principally
I J I " Bn'' " (roods; on nale In our
V biiecmcnt rirras goods department,
at l-'He. yard.
Black Silk Velvets at 39c
Having made a fortunate pur
chase of 100 pieces of black silk reive', we
f will place them on sale la our
jVxC basement dress goods depart
tnent at aOo a yard.
50c All Wool Wai slings 25c
59c Basket Cloths 29c
I . . I i i ill I ,? I.
All this season's colorings In all wool wait
ings, rads, blues, greens, castora and blacks;
First showing of desirable dress oods la
basket cloth, strictly all wool, in aU shades
the moat desirable goods (or ladles' waists or
children's dresses, on sale
on main floor bargain
square, at, a yard
of fray, brown, navy,
black; 0 Inches wide,
on sale, at a yard
rj"l3) Olfl
i f -v
iwiy onowin
oi Kei
Fall Modes
exay Grand Special Sale Black "Bonnet Silks"
....... wnMM. in these line black Lyons silks all the new weaves in dress silks that have never been shown before
are displayed in great variety at our silk department. Bonnet's black peau de soie and taffetas have the reputation for high
class trade only, but we have bought such large quantities that we can offer over 200 pieces at the following popular prices:
25- Iti. Bonnet Black Taffeta, worth 89c, at 55c 36-ln. Bonnet Finest Pure Dye, worth $2, at $1.25
24-iti. Bonnet Black Taffeta, worth $1.00, at 69c 22-in. Bonnet Black Peau de Soie, worth $1.39 at98c
26- iti. Bonnet Black Taffeta, worth $1.25, at 75c 24 in. Bonnet Black Peau de Soie, worth $1.75, $1.25
30 in. Bonnet Oil Boiled Taffeta, worth $1.75, at$M0 27 Uu Bonnet Black Peau de Soie, worth $2, at $1.39
27- in. Bonnet Oil Boiled Taffeta, worth $1.50, at 871c 22 in. Bonnet Armure Brilliant, worth $1.50, at 75c
Extreme novelties in velvet waist
Ings, the most complete line ever shown
in Omaha, new hollow cut velvet cords,
new metallic printed velvets, new hair
line two and three-tone effects, new vel
vet plaids, new printed velvets; about
85 different styles, all go at
One case 100 pieces high
grade taffetas In all the
leading street and even
ing shades, including black
and white the beat bar
gain ever . offered In all
silk taffetas. We es
pecially recommend these
taffetas for fine dress lin
ings. Special Monday at,
Slzty-flve pieces of 27-Inch
all silk, washable "Floro
dora" peau de sole all
the new fall shades they
hare a rich finish not
usually found In wash
able silk. Every yard Is
guaranteed. Our price
Monday at half their regu
lar value, a yard
125 pieces of new ideas in Moire,
Velours, Antique and Francais
something different from the old style
Moire. We are showing the latest
French chic effects in printed warps,
Louis XIV. dots, Roman stripes,
point'elle, canelle. The entire lot will
be placed on special sale Monday at 75c
and 98c a yard.
75c-98c-125 50c 75c 75c-98c
Blind pebble cheviot, 5 inches
wide, regular price CQP
1.25, at.... OVC
Canvas etamine, $1
quality, at.... ..
Mistral etamine, $1.257 EJ,-.
grade, 56-in. , at...
Twine etamine, $1. 25yCLt-,
nnflHtv. 4fi-in. " at.. Ow
j , ,
Eelskin cloth, east- 1 ffl
ern prices $1.39, at"
Panama camelshair, 1
$1.50 value, at....v
The above are black goods
of the latest order.
Fine Scotch flaked worsteds,
one of the most popular fan
cies of the season in two
grades worsted sold else
where at $1.50, we offer for
$1.25. The regular $2 grades
at $1.65.
$1.25 $1.65
English Coronation Cloth,
54 inches wide the very Bwell
effects worn so much in the
east sold generally at $1.50
and $2.00
JjR drtM goods business has
V been phenomenal during the
pastvxtk. Tlie pretty fall fabric
have been admired by the hundreds
o buyer vho earn tout to find th
latest and most fashionable drtst
goods, ' We offer the correct fash
ions at irresistible prices.
Mistrals, H-in. wide, 7CS-i
regular price $1.25,
Creme Cheviot, 7r
$1.25 quality
Camel's Hair Panama, sold
everywhere at 1 flf
$1.50..... lJVJ
New Wai stings, E"t
75c quality.......-'-'-'
Heavy Creme Woolens, ex
treme style. We are selling
Coarse Twill Cloth Panama
and Yachting Worsteds at
$1.00 $1.25 $1.10 ad $1.50
- t Kk 1 K I
The Season's
Prettiest Suits
Here are the new
Blouse, Norfolk, Fran
ces and Feplln suits
In the new oxfords,
sibellnes and snow
tlalce suitings new
black and white novel
ties with the new pa-
uin, serpentine ana
ared skirts all the
new colors of the sea
son at
$14.85, $19. $24.50
and up to $69.
New Silk
Costume Skirts
The most fetching
styles In costume
skirts may be seen in
this very special as
sortmentskirts made
In the biased patterns
and pleated effects
peau de sole, etamines,
taffetas, etc. all over
silk drops at
$12.50. $17.50. S20
$25 up to $62.50.
Smart Suits and Skirts
New patterns in the most stylish and etching suits and
jackets are to be seen in our suit department The styles this
season are wonderfully attractive.
$10 and $12 Golf Skirts at $5.98
Two immense racks of elegant and stylish golf
skirts all the new mannish materials with yoke,
pleat' and box pleat and slot seams. There are 75 sam
ple Bkirts in this lot and no two are alike all the colors
that are to be worn this season any one of these
tXlJXt E AQ $12.50, $17.50,
Monday at
These suits will be very popular this
fall In this display we have the new Prince
Henry, Norfolk, Blouse and Eton Jackets
skirts in the new box and kilt pleated ef
fects materials are the new cheviots and
suitings, oxfords, meltons, black and white,
etc, at
J o O $22.50 $39
Modish Walking Suits at $8.98
A very handsome lot of very modish golf and walk
ing suits, mostly samples are shown in our suit de
partment at prices temptingly low. In this display
are the new Norfolk blouses, Etons, etc All the nov
elty fall suitings many are
worth as high as $15.00 all in
one lot at I if o
Golf skirts In the new suitings, with the
latest In flounces, box pleat and kilted ef
fectsall the popular shades Including the
new blue, which will be the rage for fail
coloring In skirts at
$7.50' $8.98,
$9.98, $12.50
and up to $19
Trimmed Dress Hats Over 100 styles of
pretty turbans, shepherdess and other new effects in
fine quality velvet hats copied from very costly for
eign models first
showing on Saturday
Ladies' and Misses' Tailor Made Hats
at $1.95 Thousands of handsomely tailored
hats just arrived from New York City made by the
leading manufacturers and guaranteed to be ab
solutely the correct thing
Saturday at
Celebrated "Strauss" Tailored Hats Here is a collection of the choic
est tailored hats that you will possibly find for the money A , f" pszf
" . ; .
' ' .4
( K : ' . V
V v , ' ' " :
in America perfection in the art of tailoring hats is cer
tainly reached in this make. Ask for "Strauss" hats
Trimmed White Street Hats-
Special showing of all the newest ar
rivals in trimmed white street hats at
1 Dozen Children's Felt Flats
in green only. Tha very newest
shade In best quality Eng-llsh felt, Vj (T
special prices A GZ Q CZ
Saturday at l'-'-'-'
$1.50 Ostrich Plumes at 75c
Several hundred good quality 14-inch
length good ostrich plumes -
a regular $1.50 value, at.
generally sold at tl on sale Monday
Black Satin Roses six in a bunch
regular 50c ralue
75c Feather Pompons, 35c 180
dozen fine feather pompons, edged sensf
with chenille, sold everywhere "
at 76c at -S W
50c iS 75c Embroideries 25c yd
Big lots of all kinds of embroideries on bargain square,
in medium and extra wide widths, namely, up to
18 in. wide, in nainsook and cambric, in a great
variety of styles; also insertings in me
dium aud wide widths; many embroid
eries in this lot worth 50o and 75o a yard, go at. . . .
$1 and $1.50 Corsets at 50c
Hundreds of styles of sample corsets, including all
the well known brands, in every size aud almost
every style, including straight front Ri
effect; in white, back and drab, go at Vv
All Linen Handkerc'fs 8Jceach
On bargain square we offer a thousand dozen ladies'
and men's all linen handkerchiefs, in all widths
of hemstitch, medium weight and sheer
linen, worth in regular way up to 20c,
ieer Q 1
20-Cent Laces at 35 Cents
5,000 yards of fine laces on bargain Bquare, in
torchon, Normandy vals., Point d'Esprit, net top
Orientals and black silk laces and f
insertings, all go at a ' yard. i2v
Newest Styles of Men'sClothing
St.' J r.
Th. very swellest garments for fall wear
are on display. Ws show goods that are
well fitting, well looking and priced so you
can well afford to buy.
Our Great $7.50 Special
Everybody Is talking about our 7.60 suit
sale. Hundreds of customers have come In
for the purpose of seeing Just how good a
suit we were offering. They found Just
what we told them they would a $12.50 or
$15.00 suit selling for $7.50.. These suits
are ail wool they are new, fresh and styl
ish they come In a great variety of pat
ternsthey are in fact Just the sort of suits
you havs slways paid about double ths
money for. Fall weight and fall cut It Is
most emphatically the suit to buy If you
want a swell, well fitting suit at little
Rogers, Peet & Co, 's Clothing
Correct in Style Perfect in Fit
The fall (styles of this cele
brated clothing are the haaid
Bomest creations in men's wear
to be seen in Omaha. This
firm makes the best ready to
wear clothing that skill and
talent can devise. The general
run of custom tailored suits
cannot be compared to them in
beauty or workmanship. It is
the clothing for well dressed
men those who take pride in
the fit and style -of their gar
ments. Suits and Overcoats
SI7.50 to $35.00
Swell Fall Suits at $10
Newest effects, swelleit designs, fashion
ably tailored. Values that loudly speak
their own praise. Thousands of suits in
worsteds, casslmerea, ch.vtots. thlbets,
tweeds, serges and clay worsteds. In any
size or shape required. Only for the fact
that we have bought them In great quan
tities can ws offer you thess real $16 and
$lt values as low as
Elegant Fall Suits at $15
Thes. are absolutely high class suits,
equal In quality and superior In fit and
style to these offered elsewhere at treat
five to ten dollars more money. Try tbam
on, examine them carefully and If you are
a Judge of good clothes ws know what you
will aay. All styles and colors can be
found In this magnificent lot
Grand Sale of Oilcloth, Linoleum
MONDAY is the big sale of Oil Cloth and Linoleum for
which we have been preparing you for some time. It is
the entire stock on hand and accumulated lots and remnants of
Oil Cloths and Linoleums of a well known western manufacturer,
who was forced out of business by the forming of a trust. The
stock had to be sold for spot cash and closed out quick, so we
bought it all and. bought it very, very cheap.
We offer the biggest bargains in Oil Cloth and Linoleum
that has ever been heard of, We are going to sell all the rem
nants of Floor Oil Cloth that was in this stock, no matter what
kind or quality. It all runs in long remnants and there are hun
dreds of pieces to match, so it is equally as
advantageous as though it were in
full pieces, and they go at a
square yard
Between September 10th and 16th we will
open up a new Shoe Department on our Second
Floor. Finer, more comvleta and ht.t
sgsjMMr- Jt vifwi VsjnLisAtsV ,
than any ehoe store west of New York It will be a ;ehoe storm
not only up-to date, bid vqy-to-mvrrow.
We guarantee every pair and will replace any that go wrong
free of charge. If ever a seam rips, we will sew it up free will
not cost you a cent.
Boys' Batln Calf Shoes
Sizes SH to IS on sale
In basement at ..
Girl's Dongola Shoes sizes
12 to J spring heel
lace In basement at ....
Girl's Dongola Shoes slses
box calf and velour calf
spring heel on
mala floor ..... .....
I lltt to
Girls' button calfskin shoes rj f
sites 1J to 2
Girls' Titan calf lace shoes ma
slses tell
Girls' button calf skin shoes
slses 8 to 11 t)"C
Youths' sstln calf shoes -v g-y
slses 12 to 2. $1.60, $1.15 and ....VOC
Boys' calf and vlcl kid shoes . 4
sixes 1 to 6, $1.60 and
We will sell all the remnants of linoleum
no matter what kind or quality. There
are hundreds of pieces of one pattern, they
are all in long f
lengths, per Bquare
yard, at
All the full pieces of Oil Cloth. These
goods are absolutely sound and perfect and
in full pieces, nothing the matter except
that we bought them remarkably cheap,
and offer them Monday, F?--r
as long as they last, 1
at a square yard. ........ sTTf
We will sell all Inlaid and Mosaic Lino
leum, in long lengths; there is no better Lino
leum made; it generally
sells for 1.50 a
yard, at a square
All the Linoleum in full
worth up to f 1.00 a yard
This is all absolutely
sound and perfect,
goes at a square yard
All the Table Oil Cloth,
all qualities, grades and
kinds, from this im
mense stock go at a yard ....
pieces that is
7 l-r
JL 2
Never Was There Such a Sale.
Four new fall styles and genuine
vici kid lace shoes with patent tip,
cloth top, Cuban heel and exten
sion sole, at
$1.98, $2.50
and a
Half -
Ladies' vici kid shoe with a patent tip, (J CP
kid top, extension sole and military heel A-P.O vJy aD3
And two styles of Ideal kid, patent calf and fl - e rv
patent poleskin shoes at .43.cDvJ
- naif a dozen new styles of French kid shoes with Louia Wi
and Empire heels, plain kid CI O Qly r- V ftVp-.
and cloth toppings, at P pu,DU, 45
Ladies' enamel patent goat and genuine Ideal kid shoes Hth
mUitaZ' UU,aDd wiT heel8' IlaIn welt' "tension d
rope stitched soles with the three new toes.