Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 04, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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rnUratl Drill Helpi I wall th AtUldance ,
U Twenty-riT. Thousand. '
, . . t
. '
Feople ef He. i
kraalcst Hold Mrttlna km 4 Or- j
fFYom Btaff Correnpondent.)
LINCOLN. Sept. I. Tba stat fair had
Ita big day today. The attendance la es
timated to have been not far from tho 25,001
wark, or aomo 1,009 wore than last year.
Tho railroad brought In 1 many extras,
vb.ll their regular tralna were piled to the
guarda. The Burlington waa rompelled to
send "out extra coacbea on 'specials al tig
the main lino aa far west a Fairmont t
bring In the people who could not get ou
tba regulars or apeclala arranged
This was fraternity day and large num
bers of tba aecret benevolent orders of the
tat were In attendance to wltucei the
competitive drill between the representa
lives of the Modern Woodmen, th Work
men, tba Knights and Ladles of Security,
tho Degree of Honor, the Roval Highland
ers and the Ladies of the Tented Marca
Bees. '
The Woodmen were reprecented by camp
'o. 120 of Omaha: the Workmen by Union
Paclt; lodge, No. 17, Omaha; the Maccabees
if vrnt No. 21, Omaha: the Highlanders by
Bonnie Doon castle, Lincoln; the Knights
and Ladles of Security by a Lincoln team.
Each team was given fifteen mlnutea in
which to complete Its drill and the order
waa determined by lot. Appearance counted
for 2 points, uniform for 20, distance and
movements for 2 and number of movements !
lor M.
Th drill of th secret organization uni
formed teams it th state fair was won
bv Camp 120, Modern Woodmen. Omaha,
with score of 95 points; Bonnie Doon
castle, Royal Highlanders of Lincoln, waa
aecund with St polnta; Union Pacific lodge
No. It, Ancient Order of United Work-
' men, Omaha, waa third.
Th Nebraaka Corn Improver' associa
tion met at the Llndell hotel tonight and
authorised President Smith to appoint a
, committee to recommend a standard type
of corn, which shall alao b conaldered aa
th standard la judging th merits of corn
displayed at fairs or other. expositions. It
taa also proposed that steps be takea to
rrrang for a corn show during the fall or
t inter next year.
Deaf ana Daaab Association.
Th first of a aerlea of meetings of deaf
f nd dumb Nebraakana waa held thla morn
leg. Tbe object is to secure a closer fel
lowship between the afflicted vones and to
irganlze a atate association that will work
'cr the Interests of the mombera. Among
(lose registered up till noon were: Ruasell
Smith and wife, Charles Hsrtman, August
Xsbersteln. Miss Maud Zwelfel, Profs. Roth-
't - - Hur.3 ssi Mrs. Julia Msrchsll cf
r a aha, Dean Smock, Mr. and Mrs. James
'tewlns. Mrs. E. B. Hlllla and Perry Seeley
f Lincoln, Arthur Spencer of Elyrla, John
Hoaentbal of Haatlnga, Mr. and Mrs. Ab-i-am
Grosswldow and Mr. and Mrs. F. S.
lielanoy of Clearwater, Charlea A. Kluge of
i heney. Ban Hashberger Of Cedar Bluffs
i nd Pearl Randall of Iowa, Rev. Philip I.
Keecnataf of Chicago. Many mor Were
t reaent at th afternoon session.
Mr. Bryan, at th Invitation of the con
tention, spok to them this afternoon. Ills
i peach was necessarily slow, an Interpreter
tcclng and translating th sentence as ho
i pal:, then, HI.', remarks.. were oompli-j
nentary in character nd in support of tba
) rojects of th promoters.
Want aa ladastrlal Horn.
Tho association will have aa one of Ita
tdeets th establishment of an Industrial
.'.on for th deaf and blind. A bill to be
. ;ire;ented at th next legialature providing
ior this will probably be tha outcome of
u discussion. H. E. Dawes, who was
t uperlntendent for four yeara of the atat
.trbool at Omaha, Is her and I strongly
arglng the need of such aa Institution. The
visa la expressed that this b located close
to some large city. In order that tbe In
tatea may have the benefit of music and
a market for th ware made. The blind
hav a love for muslo that is pathetic and
v.lsjt to ba located near to some place
veer th opportunities of hearing the beat
r.r frequent.
Russell Smith of Omaha afirlated as tem
porary chairman, with August Koberstetn,
also of Omaha, as secretary. Rev. Hasen
i.iaf of Chicago, who la a noted deaf mia
t'onary, delivered th morning lecture,
welling upon th reasons why an asso
ciation would be a great benefit, touching
vartlcularly on the need of fellowship.
Remarks along th same line were mad
by Prof Rothert and Superintendent Bte
wart of Omaha.
A ccmmltte on constitution waa named,
consisting of Messrs. Rothert, Hartman,
Knberstein, Reagan and Ferris.
Sessions will be bold tomorrow and Fri
day. ' '
ills Mlaa a Blank.
Charlea B. Turner, manager at Adams,
Gag county, for J..H. Melville, th lum
ber dealer, waa brought to th city on a
eot thla morning and lodged. In a local
hospital. Th doctor who examined him
pronounced him Insan. although hop la
held out of complete recovery.
Turner has been complaining - of over
work recently. A few daya ago while ait
ting In hie i office hla mind suddenly left
him and blare, then ha haa been without
reaaonlngaor thinking powara. He had been
married but tan months. He was taken" to
th asylum wrapped In abawla, hla cloth
ing, aent In a trunk, turning up miaslng.
Turner Is II years cf age. He cannot walk
and had to bo carried Ilk a child.
I.taeola la Brlof.
William : O'Phea, senior member of a
local printing Una, waa hound over to
dlalrlct court, today on a complaint Died
tj hla "sou .and daughter, charging him
labia s
and all such complaints. t , AppW
and knfl-i KaKv and mafKri will
What's cooi for bafev is cood
everywhere. ,
I want every woman deslroua of a beau tlfui complexion to try my Wl ten- la set
Snap, It prejervea the crtamlfst skin and ir.akea ha.-sli ki aoft antf freeh. i waut
every person afflicted with ekln dimigurem ents, plin)l-a, blockheads, eruptions, or
with bard, scaly scalps lo try It. It will cure any akin dlkorder, and It la a snampoo
without an equal. I want everyone looking for a medicinal soap and ftl a toilet
luxury to try It. Nothing else will ault them afterwards. M UN VON.
If yu have blood trbuble thot shos
ments use-my Dlooa cure u aui onv em
and you nave mom puicnea. aauuw isin
my liver ci
ure. It
lit Eive you uwi nt ill
pia. preventing proper
latneM and that "worn out" look, take my stomach cure. You can then eat all you
Tike of what v,.u like, when you like And your akin will glow with youthful freah-nese.-
Ml NYON. , ' .
iau arch itrei,Ti raiLAncLrai a. reus. -
with Ustlng Ihreafrtied tn kill them.
0"8he declared that tbe chtldrea ba1 con-
splred to get all bli property and send
htm to Jail. Tbe testimony allowed b bad
terroriied bl family for year.
, '' " f h
In preparation a response to the signed
statement of Mr. Rose water in Sunday's
Ha promise something red hot. Ma
was distributing photographa of th Mc
Bride note to all callera today.
Tn, seventh Day Adventist of the atata
began a ten davs' camp meeting tbla veo-
log at Lincoln park. Nearly 125 tenia have
already been pitched.
W. J. Oay, a painter, la under arreat
at the pollre atatlon on the charge of pair
ing counterfeit money. Ha had a 110 bill
of a New Drunswlck, NV J., batik, which bo
waa trying to have changed.
The Fourth congressional committee baa
derided to open headquartera at York,
where Chairman McCloud lives. '
The State Board of Purchase and Supplies
held a short session thla morning and au
thorized the issuance of advertisements for
bide. '
. . ,.,
Brother gay Mlaaln Cashier Will
Return anil Settle It
Everything;. I
TECUMSEH. Neb., Sept. I. (Special
Telegram.) Word baa been received, in
directly from Caahier Charlea M. Cham
berlain of the defunct Chamberlain bank
of Tecumteh. Hla brother. Clarence K.
Chamberlain, who realdea In Chicago nod
who waa a stockholder and director in the
failed Institution, wires the officers of the
bank here as follows:
Charlea completely prostrated on account
of delay In raising funds. " Will return and
settle with all depositora. Signed, ' C. K.
Mr. Chamberlain haa also written a long
letter to the bank'a officer concerning the
1ank"e failure and tho earn la now in th
hands of the examiner. It waa known that
Mr. Chamberlain went east to raise funds,
but most people discredit th theory that
he will return to th city of hla owa will.
Nor do they believe he could make a good
settlement with the depositors should he
return and yet they question tbs reason for
sending th telegram In question.
The depositors of the bank held a meet
ing tor.tght and decided on Jame A. Mc
Pherrin of Tecumseh a a proper person to
present to the attorney general and the
State Banking Board as a candidate for th
appointment aa receiver. It Is believed
tbe examiner will finish his work on th
case tomorrow. '. .
Cat Down Farm Mortaragrea.
NEBRASKA CITT, Neb., Sept 2, (Spe
cial.) Th report of th mortgage Indebt
edness for th month of August waa tnado
public by the county recorder today. ' On
farms It shows that eleven mortgages were
placed on record, valued at 123,934.94, and
that twenty-three, representing 134,422.62,
were released. On city property twenty
Instruments for $11,744.35 were Sled, and
eighteen, valued at t9.S21.80 were takea
from the record. This shows a net de
crease for th month of 18,685.13.
Valnnble Aalaaal Killed. '
HEBRON, Neb., Sept. t. (Special.)-!
During th rain storm last Friday even
ing a valuable two-year-old Hereford hull
on th farm of C. A. Myer, five mile west
of here, waa struck by lightning and In
stantly killed. Th weather her la vary
favorable for corn and ther I aa abund
ant crop throughout th county, . Thar Is
mor stock food raised her this season
(ban haa been produced for years.
Dnda-e Mortsraae Roeora. "
FREMONT,, , Neb.. Sept. . (Special.)-;
The following Is the mortgage record of
Dodge county tor' th month of August l
Farm mortgages recorded, six; 'amount,
$l.i19.89; releaaed, twelve; amount, $1
673.S4. Town and city mortgages recorded,
twenty: amount, $12,696; released, thir
teen ; amount. $0,055.23. Chattel mortgages
filed, sixty; amount. $12,438.12; released,
twenty-three; amount, $3,190.43.-
Aecaiod Haa Sent to Jail.
TABLE ROCK. Neb., Sept. $. (Special.)
When th case of Richard Law waa called
In Justice Marble' court th party under-
arrest for criminal assault, tha prisoner,
not being ready for trial a . continuance
waa taken until September 12 and bail was
placed at $1,000. Th priaoner not having
procured th necessary bondsmen he waa
committed to th county 'Jail at Pawnee
neavy Vlel of Wheat.
CULBERTSON. Neb,, 8ept J. (Special.)
Henry Wacker, a farmer living near
tha Riverside irrigation ditch two and a'
half mllea weet of Culbertaon, threshed this
week 8,600 bushels of wheat from seventy
acres, an average of fifty bushels to th
acre. Two acre mad aeventy-flv bushels
to th acr. '
Defeat Rcfaadlaa; Boa.
WTMORE, Neb., Sept, I. (Special.)
Th refunding bond proposition was sub
mitted to th voter of this city yester
day and waa defeated by nln votes. Th
second ward defeated the question by two
and two-thirds votes and ths first ward
by aix and one-half votes.
tnilaatrlal School Girls Entertain.
' GENEVA. Neb.. Sept. . (Special.) Last
night the girls from tho Industrial achooi,
under th supervision of Superintendent
Clark, gave an entertainment In th opera
house, proceeds to go to th new Methodist
Episcopal church.
arpr Conntr Deaaoerats. . .
PAPILLION. Neb.. Sept.. $. (Special.)
Th Sarpy county democratic central com
mittee met in Papllllon yeaterday after-
, .
ventlon at Gratna Saturday, September 20.
Viae Prospect for Cora. !
GENEVA. Neb.. Sept . (Special.)
Kllmore county never had better prqspecta
for a corn crop than th present, it ia
atlll green and growing.
wi!l be crowing babiss as
soon as mothers use
Witch-Hazel Soap
At once it Cures' the little
ones of prickly hat, summer
eruptions, baby rash, hives
lathcr plentMy, Jt it dry on,
nlo"7 rest.
for erown folks. Price 15c
in eruptions and pimples', or other dlsfle-ure-
en nnpunma. n your iivrv ia uui i urun
or Diuiiny tvmpiciiun, a n.iu yvu iu wj
n ana iduu luuaa. 11 ) ou nv iuuviiuji
lation of food and causing couat-uuent
E porta sad Iptachea at jfMtiif af Omaha
, District Association,
Ikiwn Qala of Over roar Million
Members la the I alt States la
Loss Tbaa a Haadred
At the meeting of the Omaha Baptist as
sociation yesterday, .after the appointment
of committees and the election of officers
at the forenoon session, the afternoon was
devoted to missionary work. The flrat
speaker waa Rev. K. A. Ruasell of Or J,
secretary of the Baptist Publication so
ciety for the state of Nebraska. He apoka
particularly of the colportage wagon work.
This wurk is doing well with one wagon,
which visits isolated places, but mora
wagons are desired. .
Rev. C. E. Tlngley of Blair delivered a
atirrlng address on the subject of "Home
Missions." Ha referred especially to the
work among the Indians and the negroea.
"It takes Sl.0ofl.000 to kill an Indian, ac-
cording to Untied States statistics," he
said, "and but $200 to convert one." Ho
said that the work with the negroes is be
coming the problem of the country. The
work of Booker Washington Is In line with
the work of the Baptist .Home Mission so
ciety. He also referred to Immigration to
thia country and the work necessary amoug
these Immigrants. .
Rev. H. .Williams of Dea Moines, tbe
newly appointed secretary of the Mission
ary union, spok of the world-wide mis
sionary effort. Nebraaka haa given to
these missions about $3,000 during th year
and twice aa much la desired next year.
If each Baptist In th atat will glv 1
cent a week tbe desired fund can be
cured. Mr. Williams also spok In tba
evening, dwelling particularly upon mis
sionary work on tba part of th Baptist
Toung People's union.
Work la Nebraaka.
Rev. C. W. Brinstad, stat secretary of
th . Nebraska state convention, presented
the condition of th work In the tat.
Ther ar bow sixty aelt-aupportlng
churches In th state, a gala of twenty In
two year.' The stat organisation la mak
ing extensive plans to push the work and
for this $10,000 will be . required. The
speaker pledged himself to either rats this
sum or leave the stats society deeper In
debt than it ha ever been.
At th session last night Rev. J. C. Jonea
presided at the prayer aervic. M. O. Mo
Leod was not present and the tltu he waa
to have taken la apeaklng of th Interna
tional association waa occupied by Rev. H.
W. Williams, who talked of mission.
By special requeat Rev. J. W. Conley'
address was devoted to a history of the
growth of the Baptist chcurch In th coun
try. The speaker dlaplayed a banner show
lng tho growth of the church, as follows:
The first Baptist church In the present
TTnitM! BtatMi waa established at Providence
in 1639, the next at Newport In 1644, th
third at Boston In 1662. In 1790 ther wr
68,000 Baptists in th country, or on to
every sixty of the population. Since then
th growth has been:
" One to POUU-
Number, lation of
. 671.291
. 770,831
1SX, with Other Doaootlaattona.
H also showed the turaerlnal strength
of th Baptist chureh aa compared wun
other denominations. He analyred these
latter flgurea, showing th relative growth
of th Baptist church and Its distribution
over th country. Other denomination
have moved along parallels of latitude, hut
th membership is fairly well distributed
over tha country, giving them relatively
greater opportunity. "Ita societies cover th
country In every branch of tba aervic and
with Increased power comes lncreaaed re
sDonslblllty. Its representatives ar in
high places In tba educational world, in
creasing the power of th church members.'
He appealed for aid for all of the agencies
of the church.
A business session will be held this morn
lng, th women's societies will have cBarg
of th afternoon aeaalon and the convention
will close this evening with a general meet
ing. Delegates who arrived yesterday war:
Mrs. G. W. Reynolds of Fremont, Mrs. F
B. Wood of Ntckerson. Mr. and Mra. M
Lonquer and A. Lonquer of Wahoo, Miss
Llnle Rodman. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Par
melee of Tekamah, Mr. M. Davis. Miss
Louis Kline, Miss Sarah Aronaon and Mra,
Emily Aronaon of. Blair, Rev. I. C. Jones
of Sliver Creek. Rev. D. E. Eller of River
side," John Schram of Wahoo, James R,
Fore of Tekamah, Mr. and Mra. James
Cockrell of Springfield, Mr. T. L. Ketman
C. A. Morse. Mrs. H. . Moseley and Miss
Addle Moseley, F. M. Orlswoid of Fremont,
Mrs. L. A. Bedal of Blair. Mra. Charlea Mc-
Monlea of Tekamah, Rev. and Mr. M. G.
Bentlev of Linn Grove, la., Mra. Kerr of
At the morning session of th Omaha
Baptist association Rev. F. W. Foster wsa
elected moderator for the year and Rev.
II. E. Ryder of Tekamah clerk. Committees
on obituary, en th atat of tha church
and on the next aeasioa war appointed.
Th morning was devoted to the reading
of letters from th various churches In
th association district and they were re
(erred to tbe committee on th stat of
tha church, which will report at th session
to be held Thursday morning.
In th absence of Rev. B. F. Fellman, th
doctrinal sermon waa preached - by Rev,
R. K. Eccles of Immannel Baptlat church.
Three Itrascs Nearoon Who Visit
Town Ar lader Saapleloa, hat
Cannot B Loeote.
OGALALLA. Neb., Sept. S. (Special Tele
gram.) Mile' hardware store at Paxtoa
haa been burglarized, tho aafo bring blown
opea and 1 1 JO lu currency and om checks
Suspicion attachea to tbrea ucgror who
were aeen In Ogalella Sunday playing craps.
Their gambling device was found la th
store at Pazton.
Sheriff Harrington has wired to all points,
but haa no trace of tba negroes yet.
Tlrva of Supporting- Family.
FREMONT. Neb.. StpL ,S.r(Cpelai.) In
the diatrtrt court toay Judge Holleubeck
granted Mra. Mary otoblnsoo ot Bcrlbnar
a divorce from her husband, Charles Rob
Insou, oa tha ground ot failure lo support
jnd cruelty. They wer married thirty
year ago and during tbe greater part of
thla tlni Mra. Robinson haa supported her
huaband and family aad in addition to
that has putd 8,K0 of his debts. When
she refused to let him have tba recta of
a psrt of her land for spending money h
becura very violent aud abusive aad the
auit resulted.
rirmorrata Xenalaate a Masker.
TABLE ROCK. Neb.. Sept. . (Special.)
At tbe democratic sea&torisl convention
j that convened here at th. perr. bouse T.
I J. cut, a JTaiia Clijr banker. iciv4 th
omlnation for state senator from tbla
senatorial district Th populist party of
Richardson county waa conspicuously ab
sent and those of that faith from Fawne
county withdrew, probably frightened by
tba thought of supporting a banker. So
fusion will not enter Into the senatorial
campaign Id thia senatorial district.
Crelcatoa Fair rroaalsea Well.
" CREIOHTON. Neb., Sept. I. (Special
Telegram.) Th Knox county fair opened
her today with very favorable conditions,
weather cool and good attendance. Tho
woman's band of Lynch will arrive tomor
row. The speed entries ar all full and
a floe racing program la promised.
To Reballt City llnll,
NEBRASKA CITT, Neb., 8ept. 8. (Spe
cial.) The fight that has been on for the
past eight months relative to the rebuild
ing of the city hall waa compromised last
night and the council determined te build
on tbe old site.
Delegates to Botte Congress Ar A"
aylas; tbe Prospect of Cabinet
BTJTTE, Mont., Sept. I In the Interna
tional Mining congress today papera were
read by Walter H. Weed and Prof. J. E.
Spurr of the United States Geological sur-
vey; Engineer P. P. Redpath, Anaconda;
Prof. J. A. Holmea of the MInea depart
ment of th Louisiana Purchase exposi
tion, and Mr. P. L. Holland, Catena, III.
Prof. Holme spoke on th value of ex
positions in promoting mining, and Mrs.
Holland on "Our Present Need, a Depart
ment of Mining."
The committee on resolutions recom
mended the resolution introduced by 8. M.
Dlgvowlty. endorsing the Kerns bill, pro
viding for the amendment of section 2322
of the revised statutea. endorsing only the
Brat part of the bill providing for the
abollabment of extra lateral rights now In
Th committee also recommended that
th aecond part of the hill providing that
only on claim can 'be located In a dis
trict by a single individual be not en
dorsed. Discussion waxed warm over the
Dignowlty resolution. . Tbe adoption of
the resolution offered by S. D. Curtis en
dorsing the bill of Representative S. D.
Woods, providing for a federal depart
ment of, minea and mining, was recom
mended by th committee.
J. P. Hendricks of Illinois ' offered an
amendment to tbe rules providing that any
person interested la mining or kindred
pursuits may become a member of the con
gress. Action waa deferred.
Vast Copper Property la Arlaoaa 1
Parehase by Rockefeller aa
Others for 8,000,000.
ST. LOUIS, Sept 3. Th great Lincoln
Coppet Mining company, controlling on of
the largest mining properties in Arizona,
has sold Ita holdings to a syndicate of Chl
CS.S3 asd C!s--'.icd capitalists, Emon-
whom ar President Worth of Chicago and
John D. Rockefeller.
While no statement as to the eonstdsra-
tlon has been made public by those di
rectly concerned It Is said th amount paid
was 28.000,000. The deal la on of th
largest of th kind mad In recent years.
Attorney Q. Offenbacher of St. ' Louis, who
negotiated th sale, said this afternoon that
the final details had just been disposed of
and that the papera making the tranafer had
been forwarded to be placed on
rsenrd. '
. Th eompanr owns 1,08 acres of tntnerai
land In Pima county; Arlattaa. thirty mile
south of Tucron. Beside Copper, th mining
of which Is th principal industry of the
company, gold, silver and lead are found
la paying quantitle on th property.
FREMONT. Neb., Sept . (Special.)
Clare Harrington and Prudence Maud
Brown, both of this city, .were married
at noon today at th realdenc ot th
bride's brother, W. S. Brown, on North
Ny avenue In th presence ot a limited
number of Invited guests and members
of the respective families. Rev. F. W.
Leavltt of Weat Point performed the cere
mony. After the ceremony refrahmenta
were served. The newly married couple
are both lit -long residents or mis city
snd have boon clerks In Eddy Bros.' store
for several years. The bride Is the young
est daughter of the late Isaae Brown. Tbey
leave today for aa extended wedding tour
through the weat
This Day, the Foreeoster Pledgee, Will
Wltaess Aaothe Aaeenetoa
of Heresry.
WASHINGTON, Sept. I. Forecast:
For Nebraska and South Dakota Fair
and warmer Thursday; Friday, fair.
For Iowa Fair and slightly warmer
Thursday; Friday, fair and warmer.
For Mlaaourl Fair Thursday and'cooler
In southeast 'portion; Friday, fair and
For Colorado and Wyoming Fair Thnrs
day and warmer ia eastern portion; Friday,
For North Dakota Fair aad warmeri
Thursday; Friday, fair In the east, showers
and cooler la west portion.
For Kansas Fair Thursday and warmer
In north portion; Friday, fair and warmer.
For Montana Fair Thursday and warmer
In eaat portion; Friday, ahowora and cooler,
Local Reeor
CMAHA. Sent. 3. OfflclHl record of tem-
iwniun and oreclnltatlon compared
the corresponding day of the last three
'" U02. 1901. 1D50. 18M
Maximum temnjratur. . . 5 87 83 HI
Minimum tempesature.... 67 AO 66 M
tlMn tAfnneratur 61 ,4
Vreclnitation .... 00 00 U0
Record ot temperature and precipitation
at omah. Neb., for thla day and since
March 1. 103:
Normal temperature
Tendency for tbe day
Total exres since March 1
Normal preclnltatkm
IttRfUiifv far the dav
, v
10 Inch
OS inch
.21.4$ Inch es
I'rrolpltetlon since March 1
Deficiency since March l
lfflclency for cor. period, 1WU..
Deficiency for cor. period, 1900..
. I ll Inche
. 1.03 Inches
. 2.4 inches
norta Irons atatlon at T P. M.
.-... .wkaiher, ... . ; 5 :
. . : o i ; a a
- ' ;: ' : at: I j
: li? 1
Omaha, clear
Valentine, clear
North Platte, clear
Cheyenne, cloudy
Salt Lake, clear
Rapid CHy. partly cloudy.
Hurun, clear
WlHUton, clear
Chicago, clear
St. Louia, cloudy .,.
8t. Paul, partly cloudy.,..
Davenport, clear
Kan wis City, clear
Havre, partly cloudy
Helena, partly clojdy
Bismarck, cloudy
Qaiveaton, clear
061 .00
21 .00
74 .00
72, .110
74' .10
0 .OU
tl .u)
T ladlcataa trace of precipitation.
Local JTorecaat Official.
V aaaaanaaam
Wit Bill Foster is Close tm HeaU f Impart
William' Ueueuger. -. ,
Kalso Orders Historic Pee a rortla
- ratloa Destroyed aa th Waa
irons the Bnaflower Stat Ad
vertises the Groan.
POSEN, Prussian Poland, 8ept. I, The
emperor and empress reviewed th trrop
today, following the presentation of th new
colors to the regiment by the emperor.
The police were somewhat stringent In their
efforts to keep the grounds clear.
The grekt fortifications that made Posen
a generation ago on of the moat Impreg
nable strongholds in Europe and second
only to Mctt in Germany and which have
been ordered by the emperor to be demol
ished, aa hla majesty announced to the bur
gomaster yesterday, in reply to that offi
cial's address, consist of twelve miles of
hugs earthworks and masonry ramparle.
They wer begun in 1820 and were never
really finished, because tbey were contin
ually modified aa the art of defenae and of
fense developed. About jr.0.000,000 has been
spent on these fortifications, first and last,
and yet a gun was never fired at tbem, for
the place was never belesjuered.
Field Marshal von Moltke. while visiting
Posen early In the '80s said to the com
manding general: "But thT are obly earth."
"What did you think they were?" asked
tbe general In surprise.
"Why," replied the field marshal, "I sup
posed they were of gold from what haa
been apent on them."
Now, with three lines in the Gazette, the
emperor abandons tbem. But the mere
work of demolition will .cost several more
millions, of which the municipality will
gladly pay Ita ahare. Although the popula
tion of the city, about 115,000. will apread
mile or two In every direction beyond
the wall, no brick or atone building can ba
permitted within a half-mile sone, so that
no enemy may be able to find cover. The
natural growth of the city ia thua suf
focated. The Inhabitants of Posen peti
tioned Emperor William to cancel the mili
tary decree establishing the fortification
and he chose the time of his visit to do so.
Wilt "abstltate Fort.
The old fortifications will be replaced by
ring of thirty-one forts wall beyond the
city limits. This, strategically, is the great
fortress looking toward Russia, and It will
cot by any means be weakened. The de
fensea will simply be modernised. A real
estate agent who had lived twelve years in
Kansas Is already advertising town lota for
aale in tbe old fire sone.
Later Emperor William reviewed another
of those scenic corps parades that take
place in various parts of Germany every
September. About 40,000 troopa were on
the square mile of lawn composing the
maneuver field. The governor of Warsaw
and eighteen Russian officers rode In ths
suite ot tne emperor and empress.
Returning from this parade Empercr Wil
liam and the empress passed between lines
of children three miles long, the boys on
one side and the girls on the other. There
were 11,000 ot them, all shouting frantically,
ab ne roae aown tne lines the emperor
dropped hla aevere expreaslon, sometimes
called his "regimental tace, and looked
kindly and almost tenderly on the childish
ranks. He glanced to the right and to the
left and aaluted contlnuoualy with his field
marshal's baton. Many ot the children pres
ent vr those of Oermaa settlers la Prus
Ian Poland. 2,000 of whom with thair fam
ilies had been brought Into Posen from, tha
country by. special trains.
Epidemic of Crime Break Oat
Portaaral aad the Government
1 Heavy Loser.
LISBON, Sept. 2. There Is an CDldemlc
or fraud In various parts ot Portugal.
Forgers of bank notes on a large scale have
been arrested.
Robberies of ammunition and war ma.
terlal from the arsenal at Llabon have been
discovered and the government has been
defrauded to the extent ot $500,000 by exctaa
men accepting bribes and enabling large
breweries to evade dutlea.
Burglars entered Constas bank here Mon
day night and stole $100,000. They entered
the bank by a subterranean passage made
by themselves and broke open the aafe.
A dispatch from Lisbon, dated August 27,
said a great sensation bad been cauaed by
the arrest of several high officials, charged
with defrauding the atate to the extent
of $400,000 and with accepting bribes.
Caarlaa Is 111.
ST. PETERSBURG, Sept. 8. The Official
Journal De St. Peterabourg today contained
the following announcement:
Some months aero certain chana-ea oc
curred In the condition of the caarlna which
inaicaiea pregnancy. inow, owing to a
deviation from the normal course of preg
nancy, her majesty haa had a miscarriage.
There are no complications. Temperature
and pulse no'ninl.
Falllasx Off aa Compared with Last
Week aad Heavy Decrease
for Tear.
CINCINNATI. Sept. I. (Special Tele
gram.) Price Current says: The present
marketing of hogs Is comparatively light.
The total western packing Is 270,000, com
pared with 135,000 the preceding week and
855,000 last year. Since March 1 tbe total
la M35.000, agalnat 11,840,000 a year ago.
Prominent place compare aa followa:
" 1902. in.
Chicago .12).000 S,fc6,0n0
OMAHA 1.066.000 1.215.0O1
Kansas City ! "0,000 1.7"9,oO0
Bt. Joseph 7K1.UU0 1.O3U.0U0
Bt. Louis 617,000 Mo.OtiO
ndlana polls 447,OuO bsD.'M
Bloux City 443.000 S9I.000
Bt. Paul 175,000 249O10
Cincinnati 36.000 25y,000
Ottumwa 1H3.OU0 ISQ.WO
Milwaukee ..v lKl.ooff S61.r0)
Cedar ttaplds IM.OoO 235,000
What is it? The begin
ning of gray hair, falling haiiy
baldness. Extremely un
tidy, and annoying, too. The
remedy? Ayers Hair Vigor
It keeps the scalp healthy,
stops falling of the hair, and
always restored color to gray
hair. An elegant dressing..-
"I am satisfied vlth Ayer Hair
Vigor. It restores the natural color to
my bair, prevents it from falling out,
and makes it moist." Betsey A. Elder,
E. Macbiai, Me.
I1.M. AllirsulMs. J. C AYLI Levtil. Kata.
With ' Catarrhal
Miss Kate Brown. Rerordlng Secretary
of the L. C. B. Asaoctatlon of Kansas, in
a letter from 805 N. Seventh at., Kansas
City, Kan., aay:
'For seven yeara I have not knowa
what It waa to upend a well day.
I cought a aevere cold which I neglected.
It waa at the time of menstruation and in
flammation set In and prostrated me. Ca
tarrh of. the. kidneys and bladder followed,
my digestive organs gave way. In fact tbe
cold disarranged my whole system.
"I spent hundreds of dollars with
doctors anil medicine, hat derived hat
little benefit nntll I kesss treatment
with Peraaa. i kept taking It for nearly
nine months before I was completely cured,
but 1 kept growing better gradually ao that
I felt encouraged to continue taking Pa
rana until my health waa restored. I send
my thanks and blessings to you for Pe-
ninj. ' Miss Kate Brown.
A neglected cold la frequently the cause
of death.
It la more often, however, tbe causs of
some chronic disease.
i Miss Kate Browa.
Imparts to Shirt Waists, Linens and'Muslins a deli
cacy and freshness such as no other starch can give.
For by all ftrat-claas crooer.
A case of
When you drink BLUE RIBBON you are
dl'fhklna; the beet for yourself. !betr for your
horn and th entertainment of your friends.
Your physician will tell you art Impure beer is
unhealthful. he will also lell you a perfect ex
tract of pure malt and hops is good tor you,
such is BLUE RIBBON the perfect brew.
GTOR2 B'r'H. Co.
I t t- . i van -
l leiipnong it.w I
W. A. WELLI, Solicitor, 3ii Broadway, Connell BlnnTa, luwa.'
Western Military
-. - Catalogue and Omaha references on application. t7
f$ Vcntworih Oilitary Academy SP-
5dFJ Government supervlelon ami equipment. Army ofltnr detailed. rmtrm tot Umveraltm,
CgTg Rational Academies r lor U. CPU SSNPFOHtt SELLtBS
Hnuvvm i an, ioip.a,
Freckle.. Moth Paisbea,
Haah ami bkm die
rae. aad every
blemish on beauty,
and deflea detec
tion. It haa eiooi
th test ot 64
trs. snd Is so we taats
it to ' be sura- t
Is properly .made.
Accept no counter
feit or similar
mi. Dr. It. A.
oeyre said to a la
dy of the haul-toe
la patient)!
"Aa you ladles will use -them. I recom
Mend 'GOUHAUP'H CKJiAM as the leaal
harmful of all the akin preparatlona." Kor
sale bv all Druggists and Fancy Ooods
Dealers In the U. 3 and Europe.
KKHD. T. HOrKlfcS. I'rop'r,
17 Great Jone St.. N. Y.
k ones lltirtiud bjrGmif et B.ceck Mel..
Imperial Hair Regenerator
It taV Mir (air n4 stasfwlsrM rMfty fcf ttat.
It M relilir Ml
Ova Wat lot )
It to ireMlaulr Mfc.ssttiijr rflt4. ll
tFiaaaf . it it eqin r
flf LAftT MONTHS. lajMlt fKaJf wtort. tfM
Bd a ptuatacn. tw Arrt ita i iwta
rnvay awssai ass. ar swa psn ,
Imperial Chemical Co.. I. tV. 23d N. T
Sola by Sheirrian McConoell Dru Co.
Omaha. IS ok.
Pacific Coast
2lt4Mt to SKATTXE.
tK2 ! to SPOKANE.
r.M to Hl'TTB.
miM lo HEI.KNA
tiM.OO to SALT LAKE. .
Tickets On Bale Kvery Day In
rilr Tlrk.t OHIt
a If VM 3 NI'VS B.AMt q.!cmr core
i 1 VM r Sruui-.eilre.'m.ulabuM,
L?J t9 K v. f.tllne lueuliood. tfr.lni. lowte.
KYI Ja 1 Married n.a .ad lntmiiD(
I . m.m ati.iihii.l lasTtJ
Lkjx: MLunUitinc rfui;i
. .s. , H.aW '1 -.11.1 liasU sMiT
rc(t.rra. i.uu m
aMrtUsa sfe UuCUAU l4 C- 0tAV hmt.
rt t-
Derangements of tho Pelvic
Hundreds of Dollars
Spent In Voin-rPe-ru-
na Cured.
Tkere Is not an organ In the body but
what is liable to become seriously deranged
by a neglected cold. Diseases of the kk'.
neyi. bladder and digestive orRnna are all
frequently the result of a neglected i-old,
Uundreda of dollara are spunt on clocloia
and medicine trying to cure these diseases,
but until the true cause of them 1' dis
covered, there will be no uso in using
Dyspepsia medicine, diarrhoea medicine
and constipation medicine Is of no good
whatever when catarrh I the cause. The
catarrh must be treated. The cause being
removed, tbe drrangemcnta will disappear.
Peruna eurea catarrh of the digestive
organs, the urinary organs or any of tbe
Internal organs.
A Congressman Letter.
Hon. Joseph' B. Crowley, . Congressman
from - Illinois, writes from Robinson, IU.,
the following praise for the great catarrh:
tonic, Peruna. Congressman Crowley ays:
"Mra. Crowley ha taken a number - ol
bottles ot Peruna on account of nervoui
troubles. It haa proven a strong toolo ami
lasting cure. I ran cheerfully recommend
It." J. B. Crowley.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna
write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a ul!
statement , of your case, and he. will bt
pleased to give you his . valuable advict
Address Dr. Hartman, President of Tb
Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio.
i -
fcr s i
mill I I l II II II
24th YEAR
Draliatig School
kUnball Kail. 24J Wabsb-vn Chicago.
TJJRSf nrzarsft sbpt. a.
fcatalog Mailed Fre.
0th year. The Cellrse a I'nlT.nltr trelneS (ae.
Bltf. OenB.n-Am.rlcea tUukrvetory. bf
epetiUllata. Wa. H. D.rber, Concert PtenIM (Mri. Profeseore Guerne, Plchtcl, Kueium.l. For
r . Hoberta, Thorn... H For r.t.lotue ed
trees - JOHM W MILLION, PrralOcjit. .
No. el Coll.. Place, tiexicu. Me.
Every 7bman
Is Bjtereuea snd shookl rneir
abuel Ut9 wenoerral
MARVEL Vfhiriiafl Spray
TBS new .eiM ern
I huerttf. (Set StL
llBs K&. auTH RM
Mlkaar. sMii aaancl sLsVmi fdaT 1.
futtnid book isalit U iiTea
full M--"vnl rtlrtv ur,t,a.
Ta.narlau.lailla, MAHtLl a" 4
JUom H4 Tim Bidg.. N. T.
r or wai oy
Corner hlxttenth and Dodge streets. Omaha
is the worst )itaL-e on taitn, ye', the
tsslal lo cur WlitN YOU KNOW
WHAT TO fJO. Many have pimples, spot
en th sain, sores in the mouth. alci.
falllna hair, bone tialr.s. catunb; don't
knew It la BLOOD I'uibON. bui t UK.
BKOWN. 835 Arch Bt., HilIariMpniH, Pa.,
for UROWN'8 Bb'Jl CURB. U per
hottlei laata onw month. Bold only by
Sherman & McConiiell Drug Co., IHlh ai.4
l)olv ets.. umana.
Uiunil MUomMe i ,r
.. i.vHU lAtl. .....
I n Biai ' " "uratusl
tiiu.iK... or alretliui
f nueeas PMO'brenM
Vemlu., eail a Jt aey ieV
gout ot tuuauu. 1
Fnnw ' . il.e
1 hHt by Urac-ata:
or sent it Mm wia444ft
o. aa.
eane.. prrrvall, ajf
or a eoiu 9 s
sa say
V V, J I
" h i t ' J
J iteuiiM e,
a an et www.
r- l