Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1902, Page 9, Image 9
THE OMAHA DAILY J.EE: TUESDAY, SEPTEMREIt 2, 1002. SPECIAL NOTICES evlll aa-. takea .til la aa. tmr tha In rdltloa ana III U N a. mm, tmr !( til la-say eaTtlea. flat, 1 l-8e a ward Nrst lasertlea, la a ward thereafter. Batatas takea far lees tbaa IV far the Brat Ineer laa. Tmr mm ad vertlaesacata sanai aa raa eenseeatlTely. ' A4Trtlarrc, fcy reaaaetlaar 8ered rbeek, raa have aaawara ad dressed Is a anas-hered letter la aara af Taa Ftenr. Aaawara aa ad greased will ha dellvrra aa arassatsuutaa at taa) tank aalr. TOR SALE CIGARS. ,$50.00 IN GOLD; it r to buy your cigar of us. Tou may wtht up some day and flnj. yourself tim poHsrasor of h'ltty Dollars In Gold that five i;r to our customers each month. Butler '& Miller, jf.-.W. COfC.JSTW'AKD AivNAM . STS. . 086 VASTE0 MALE) HKLP. DRUG CUBRK, registered 1n Iowa or with 4r4Ni or -tqiir years' experience; German pieferred. Cull on or address t17 Main at., " C'lraiioll Bluffs. " " - BM475 2' WAN'fEDCanvasser. Man familiar .with book and newspaper work preferred. Must'-be huatier. Apply 1 Room lu7 Be Bunding. B aw " t : a Dira work. ' If yot "llveVln the country or In- small town, ana nave a gooa acquaintance among the farmers' and stock miner In tho neighborhood you can make t& easily by four cr live hoars' work. Write ua and . we will send you our proposition. The Bee Publishing1 Co.. Solicitors' Dept., Omaha, Neb. ' ," .'. , B-U-iU ANTED X food man- In every county . to take 'ib:nyilona for The Twentieth ..'Cel.tury farmer. Our "gnte make good wage everywhere. References required. 1 Acrti ess. Twentieth . Century ; farmer, OmtUt. Neb. ' ; . . . B-613 WANTED ; : Laborers for Steam Shovel Work Netr old paper, mill; also- ' ' S v- ; DRIVERS Tot wagofi Work near 'Green' packing bouse, Co. Bluffs, la. HALL. GRADING CONSTRUCTION CO. . . B-M178 8 GOOD rneaneniera wanted first-class pay, : A. D. T. Co.. 212 8. 13th. B 727 81 WANTED; flrat-clnsa aeWlng machine aalea , man ' toi Omaha- ' Good salary. Also : young .man In every live town In Ne " bi-asku' to represent ui; .Nebraska Cycle Co.. Omaha. B M4H7 CIVIL service, government positions; about 10.0UU appointments made last year; only common school education required for examination; ealarlea large;' work easy; catalogues of Information free. Colum ' . blail Cotrespondenca College, WBshlng- WANTED A good all arcund tinner and plumbff. muni be aober; references re- -quired; a .steady Job. to the right man. - vAddreas fowler. 4 Gott, Fonca City, O. T. . .. ... ..1 - , B-M17 WANTED Good kalesmsn o sell Eclipse ? stock food In each county la lows; har- Vaster men preferred."JiXulpa Stock Food G0.1, Atlantic,. iowa . ' B-MM i . a.a, iiitiH ivf wm'i Lfipvr irausj on.iy eight' weVs Required wages ,Suturdays; ; r tcols 'prA;nted; diplomas, granted; poal- ' nuns wailing grauuaies; caiaiogu maiiea -free. Moler barber College, , Uk'i Douelua atreat. SOLICITORS' WANTED. THIS UUAMANTEE UND LIFE slants live '.local agents in. fvefy' town In fueorasK.. xne pruposiuun pusaeescs spe- ".. clal pierlt; And Is easily written. Salary br'cpmmlfiston to the right' man. Address '. ..VC. tsuftliigtuh, Secretary , 'Alliance, Neb. ' .,-' ; , , , ' . , B M736 WANTn:'tWd"tbdVsJ fofwyomlng wtfat , ,ern railway. Laboi agericy, JluvS. 11th i'Vut A xinrft' I. . .u .. - K .. and steady- job. to g9od man,- Address J. ., t"oster, Aberdeen, 8, D. . B 804 8l ' .WANTED, man and wife without children to work on the farm. Address. Lovd W. . Prouty. .Randolph, la. . B 32S 81 WANTED for V. 8.' Army; Able-bodied un ( ; married .aiep. between ages of 21 and Hi, . clUienM of United . States, of good char- aoter . and -temperate -hablta. , who can ateac, reaaV and write English. Fer infor . -r.iation apply to, Keeruitlng Officers, 16th and. Dodge at.,: Omaha,- and poetoince . building. LI n 00 In, Nebraska. - - B v WAMTKD ALKMKfl. , SALESMEN wanted for Nebraska and Iowa who Can sell-Acetylene Generators; a man who haa been .'successful selling . typewriters, cash registers, safes, scales, ' ato.; should succeed with our article; aal- ay, traveling : expenses and Interest in proi!ij Dring wmiea application, stating . references, after September 6. H H. : ' Healan. 4U7 80. Jth' St., Omaha. Neb. . . urn 4 WANTPp, flrt-clas experienced Brltan nifa aalesman for Nebraska, Am., News - paper Assn., .suite U2,'. New York Ufa iug., umiui, Jy : ACTIVE specialty aalesman to take Derm - anent agency for Well established rl.u . of goo Us W facturles and stables; no capuai, nut smau Dona requireq. Ad . dreaa Vtacul Co.. Kat Cambridge. Mass. MB44 2 . Hi :a 'lVAJltEri-JKliMALB HELr. . 'KM Girls. . Qall Canadian offlca, Uth Jk Dodge.' ,-.:!' - O w WANTED... two young lady students to learn, kalrdreestiig, - manicuring and chi . ropody ana - sclmulftc , maasag. Call or - wnu tiuuu ZMi timm Blug. C ae WANTED, fadycook.- uxeka Restaurant iwi van u u 70U - WANTED; a competent girt for housework. Mta.'U,.' 'UuaK-cl, Uu Lafayette Ave '.. , ; ...... C i4 . WANTED Good wages -to a good' cook,' none other need apply, 2U4 Harnvy. ' . c-m;. KURStir COLLEG10, Paeblo, Colo. three - months' course; .diplomas; opens October .,,1; write. ; , . C-M7M Bls, WOHTHT yoUrtg person to take scholar .ship hi Omaha's leading business and . shorthand college and puy for. It when t(n;r is fliilshod and position secured. Adiifess H, HO. Beev . . U Mi37 8. vVANTEDtwenty-flve first-class millinery makers. Apply at to manager tnllll- Sioiy department, 2d flour, iiwslon Store. 1. U Ucandets at Puna. . . C 81t 1 , WANTED, good girl for general house- r work: no- waslUug, good wages. - Mrs. J. . L. Baker.. &J4 So. th Ave. . C 4U 81 WANTED, working houaekeeper in family ef threa. adults. Addreea J 14. B-e. . C 481 WANTKn Yourm glrror boy to sew car pet. People's btore. - C 6J3 ! WANTED-rA. good girl for general house. worK 434 N. lid St. t C 63i - A NTEH nurse glfST 8. SSth. C-M5S8 . 1 PER 1,009 COPYINO letters to be sent a ub. paper free; two slamis with ap- pilcation. uuupls luoHietrlai L ulon, Iept. ";K.C4ileago. -. t; . C M541 2 ITCafti RJK.lTi-HolgC8. HOUSES,' stores Bbla, Paxton block. D 710 (i:) ,CH AJtLFS, four-room cottage: rent ) 111, 'Wm. K .Potter, receiver, Omaha Loan and Trust Co.. U'Bitto block. Dns -ROOM modern, good'' repair, on So. t?d avenue. 'Phone &. .. . D 777 imi iriii W n h t r HUUOLOj.. Pavta Co.. . sUI "Bee Blrtg. D ."Ui VAN and kaggags wagons, --Tel. lli D 701 TO MOVB right set Omaha Van Storafa Ca. aflise a'arnaio, or Tela. liJ-J. ..1 ... D 104 for rent notprs. FOR RENT "-room, moVrn, brick reel. dence, 24: Erakine t., 115. 8-room, modern, brick residence -861 - N. Zmh at.. 8.v , . 8-room frame residence, city' water, 100J 8. 2th at.. Its. BKENNAN-IiOVB CO., 8u9 So. lath BC D M2S9 4 FOR RENT. 1S42 N. 22d at, 7-room hours, . . - - , . ".."14 8. 22d at., -room hone. t!0. The Omaha Really Co., 1301 Douglas . j..' D-M9( MAOGARD Van Btorage.Co. Tel. 1494 D 7u6 feEK PAINE, BOSTWIC'K ft CO. fr cholca houses. G01-2 N. Y. Lire Bldg. Tel. lms. D 704 ' GOOD modern S-room house. 2504 Blnndo. D 713 HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker block. D-7ul MODERN, steam, 7-rooro,, House. Tlanrd, N. 23d. ,., lh12i TEN-ROOM house, all modern. 220 Har ney street. . ,-. ... D-M314-1 FOR RENT-Splendld bulkflng In whole sale commission dlatltot.-' T. Tk Wead, 1834 Douglaa. - D M1S I Fc)R hENT. 10-room brick', house, bath, laundry, furnace, $3D. Keys-at 201 . Capitol ave., on-premlaes. ..; L-t-M16t t FOR' RENT 8-room all modern house, Oeorrla ave., vacant In a few flayx J. H. Pherwoodi 8J7 Iw Tofk Life bUlg. phone 3HS. D M17I 40 PO. -2TH AVE.; fin looatlori, -room, modern flat. - . - WM. K, POTTEK, Receiver, - Omaha Ixan A Trust Co., . ' luJ Brown Weok. , ' ...v - . D 290 262S CALIFORNIA ST. Ten-rootn modern house, large lawn, stable for -barses and buggy; In good repair. 1906 Capitol Ave. DM2S3 10 ROOMS furnished,, close In., modern, steam neat. Address it 07. Be. '- v D-31S ! FOR RENT Elerant. brick, ten-room real oence: everyining mooern; aown town; liiRt the place for a flrst-clis bonrdlng nousm Brennan-Love Co., Due South 13th DESIRABLE B-room' house, 830 B. 21st st. inquire 101J a. zsm ar. u aiou FOR RENT, seven-room house, modern, ex cept iurnace. inquire oia b. zbin st. D-624 7 2104 MAPLE ST., 7-r, modern, except fur- nace, is. r9 Burt at.. -r.-air rhoaefn. new. 122 60. 2107 Plnkney st. l-r, all modern, -fine place, will repair, 2M. . .. 22'.S Burt St., 8-r, modern, except furnace, IZT.OO. PATNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Tel. 1781. Main Floor N. Y. L. PMg, s D M53K -ROOM modern detached house. Inqnlre Zb4 oapttol ava. - ... . ... ... D Uiitt FOR RENT-Ft'R.f ISHED ItOOMS. ELEGANT rooms, finest location In tha DE WET. European hotel. 13th and Farnam. 1 ... . . ...E-715 tl PER WEEK. 422 8. lh". St.. one block uuiii i court nouse. . id 71c AETNA HOUSE, European. 13UT and Dodge VIENNA HOTEL, 10U-1S Farnam St. NICE front parlor. . 2001. Burt E 207 I ' NICB errpl furnished or' unfurnished COOL, neat rooms, new flat. ,230 North 17th. ifl-7& 8-17 ROYAL hotel, European. Iftth and Chicago, E929 ROOMS, 2680 Harney.. E 75 7 NICBLT furnished, cool rooms, modern. Ailt.alarriey. , . . . B KS WaVniea furnished room. (4 a month.' 62S ATO, & SI9 A SUITE of rooms, newly furnished and suitable for couple or two or more men! 921A - TViiivlna ... . , - - A ...... -ww... Lj in is 1 aNIi? h 0on" "'I?1 housekeeping, lllj ROOMS for rent; also barn. 810 So. 27th , , ',- v JEJ 119 1 Jft'R VIHIfPn rnntn. ..lit. . , . a - - - - ..- " . . 1. Vi milium uuuru. uini-L-iiuwi v.wo-Diocas irom f. O. 11(19 vnicago. ; . .,-'- EJ17 ! rooms for light . Housekeeping. 11a 80. 36th jive. . E-39 Sl WANTED, g unfurnished rooms, ad u Ibis with state f board, close In, for four price. Address J 22, Bee omce. t E-M526 NICELY furnished rooms, suite; rates reasonable. 16th and Chicago.- single or en- M'dland Hotel, FOUR furnished rpoms, with range; also heated room for' gentleman minlovefl nights. 2117- Sherman ave. E M548 2 FURXISHED ROOV AD BOARD. Marrtam; comfortable summer horns. Tel. U. . . . - - . .F-71J TT XT TPfl ' TJ rvT1 IT T 1 ma V ' as wu w a .a, av n. ii,n, nan Diorit from p. traaBlent, U K per day; homt twc nicely rurnlahed rooms. 808 8. 20th st r Man Blu FURNISHED rooms, with or wtthou board; rates reasonable. Midland Hotel lath and Chicago. - m i . jf- - 4 HOTEL!. LANGE HOTEL, Upstairk. ' lata si Jackson. BARKER. 13 & Jones; AmerC . European 1W Br- rOit RBNT V'MrVRNlBliED ftOOMg. DKSK room saace.' ti r month artui,nrf , fiowr room ln .Tba.Bea twlklliig. lacing t amain atreet; no expensa tor light, heat . v, 1.1111U1 .nvicv. iv. v.. sisters at Co. 1 ratal agents. Bum- Buiratng. U lit FOR HHKT-8TORES " AND OFF1CK9, FOR RUNT Desk room or larg"e apace BuilabM lor inei chauuwe broker or party douig cusineaa in wuoiesale Uisirict. la- tltuie ucue at -o.. iarnaui street. . . . I AtU34 FOR RENT The building formerly occu pied by The lice at i Farnain 8L It has tour. alorioa and a baeement mrhlca w aa turuieny uacd ag The see preaa room. Thia will be rented very reasonably, if iiiiTimm aptii at ouce to J. u. AOSS water, seot vtary, room iU, Baa. building, . as FOR RENT Store In flrst-clae location rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters 4k t.u., gtuuuu uoor, tm isiug. AGENTS WANTED. WANTED Canvassing "gehta In every . county to solicit subscriptions to THa! , miMiLKi mkhlK, C.l..W ........ WWUU UVU . 11 coiue. Agents In the country whu horse and buggy especially desired. Canvasaers mako eaauy kmi to iuu per month. Ad' dress. Century Farmer Solicitors Bureau, lies ouiiuiug, umaaa. - Htii ARB YOU a Catholic and unemployed? bee me. nixenoaugn, sou ware block. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED Furnished room with bath, In Oat or with private family ; references, 11 as, care ie. . jasi t WANTED Few rooms for. light house- llpg; nnrt h f I.eVre t., be'yef.Tj car tinea. Aaareaa, 4 u, eea. iv o 1 WANTED To ' rent, faraa ln eastern Ne- Drasaa or weatern lowa. atcAsian ros. prigga, Nebraska. , K 634 e' WANTED, by small family, furnished house, 7' or 8' rooms: seiiQ aseation- and W4NTRD TO BfT. WANTED, to buy. severs! email residence properties In Omaha: must be cheap and nur car line. Address Me, Bee office. Council Bluffs. N M477 6 WANTED Second-hand hand elevator to uoe for three stories cheap for rash. Address J 1. Be. N MniKI 4 FOR SALE Ft RMTI RE. CHICAOO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. iw ana second nsnu, oougnt, soiu, exchanged. O tTOR SAL-H0lSh, WAGOSS, ETC. CLOSING out buggies cheap. Johnson a Roberta, Jonn Ueere Bldg., 10! n and l,eav. . P-M321 S NEW and second-hand buggies and wagons; low prices, f rost. 14th and Leavenworth. P 721 PFEIFFER Is closing out his stock of Duggies at 20 per cent omcouni. zvtn ana ICavenworth. P M1S4.' 1 J -J.' . '. - FOR fALE MISCELLANEOUS. WHITE sawdust; aeaaon checkid oak tim- oera, oneap; nog leuce, ato. mil Uouglas. i-tU .. FOR 8ALB Phonographs; superior to any otner musical instrument; to up.., Tha W itiman Co., 1S21 Farnam. (J 78 NEW and secondhand typewrltera Ilia Far- nam. . , . - w ii . FOR BALE Eight showcases with tables'. also six wall cases, all In good condi tion. Inquire of Herman M. LefTert, Jeweler,, euv Broadway, Council Bluff a, -M323 6 INDIAN goods andv rellca. , 111 Farnam, W ' 2DHAND aafs cheap. Le right, 111a Farnam, 100 STYLES trusses;' catalogue free. Sher- imi ac meuillieil UIU wv., ism auu Dodge, Omaha. . . . .. Q 724 , VIM punctore-proo-tires, 84.85 and 87.00 per pair. . umui oicycie CO., ittn ana 111 cagg Sts. Q 721 PIANO for sale or trade. G 14, Bee. V JdU B4' EDISON phonographs, 210, $20 and 830; mouiaea records, mjc earn, or to per aos ; new wheels, 115 up; Idhand, 85 up. Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and Chicago Sts. Q-M221 L. M. E. always hurry. Tel. 780. Q M354 EDISON, Columbia phonographs; agents wanted, write, frearickson, 16 u cap. at. W M547 SIS FOR BALE Good 8,600-pound flour eeale. uesKB, stove, letter press, eie. can at 80ii Jones street, ,Q Sii. FOR BALE, bad lounge. Inquire, HIS 8. .tk a. er "HI W 4 ' CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant 1614 Cass St. o r-i MME. GTLMER, genuine palmist, 215 8. 15. H h3 ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. Amu, vapor batha, 124 N, 16th. R. 7, MME. 8MITH, hatha. 118 N. 18, 2d floor, R 1 ... . T 142 85" GLADYS RUSSELU 28 8. 16th, 8d floor, a A4 D-H' GRACE O'BRYAN of Ky., 720 So. 13th. . T M4 Bli ' FLKSOgAI,' PRIVATE hospital- before and during cen- nnement; uauics aaoptea. Aake bt. airs, uarucia. rei. iea lui. u TSi V1AVA, woman s way to heajth. Hdma treatment, ttooaiei tree. iH Alee tiioa., Omaha. fj 7M TEL. 7M for L. ii. Jfi. maasengera. U-MS34 GRAMOPHONES and aappllea, wholesale aiiu. nwu, .wuiiina .a-iaaoko.. uis uoug- 8HAMPOOINO and halrdressln. 2bc. In uiumtugD witn ina aiiiery, uzm tme uuiiuing. lei. jut, u 73i CHIROPODY a specialty. In connection sv llffl ' a ri a lj t V. . 8s - m ... ,a v lei. lilS, U 7M. DR. B. M. JACKSON,- room 4. Frenxer u.u, vuronio aiseaaes a specialty; cou sultadon free. , (J jja 830-hUPTURB CURED FOR 830-No knife. ' uu oeunuos. iron ouaintiss.1 Bend tor booklet, etoi EMfIRE RUP TURE CUKE CO., Wa.N. Y. Lite Bldg.. Omaha. U i31 HA1RDKES81NG, manicuring and chlrop- wjt iur mum omy, in connection with The Bathery. Ut-tM Bee liiog U 731 PRIVATE aanltarlum for . ladlea before ana uunng conunement. Lr. and Mrs. Uerlacb. u N. luth St., Omaha. . , . 4J44 PARIS WOOLEN CO. New locaUon, Mi Douglas. 'Phono L-222L i , i.- ! . v '.-. U 464 hU PRIVATE home for ladles before and dol ing -confinement. Baolee adopted. Aire. uurgei, as-w xiuruette at. . C4i4 eepui ELITE PARLORS, 614 8. 16th St., 2d floor. MME. 8MITH, baths. 118 N. 18, 2d floor, R. 2. 0 ou o-i "SUCCESS don't konalst'ler never mikln blunders, but on never matin' tha same Diunuer twict. Don't blunder, amoke STOECKER CIGARS;''.; ' .... .. -, U-iMi27.I pi ph.'ith' th. i.i k. ...i a-e " aw a -t auv v tvj J as 1 1 va alio guui, - head Seple.nber "What td Eat.'" News ucKivii vciua.- j ... u A104O 1 MOftEY TO. LOAN feaCAL gSSTATK. MONEY to loan ou Improved Omaha real atalu Preuuan-Love Co., Sun H. 13ih. 4Vs PER CENT 6n business property, k per cent on reslueiica property. Opuona to pay whole or pan anytime, . Wv B. MlklKLE, ul U. ll tit. W-740 WANTED, city loana aad warrants, V i art. am dinltn t Co., lJ-o Faruain St. W 741 r aam ua city loans, low rates. W H. Tbuinaa, First Nau Bank BlUg. Tel. lbts. w j WANTED, city and farm loana; alao bond nuu waii.iiu. fl. l. leieTB a Co., Ill Farnam Bt., Bee Bldg. W 743 LOW RATES. Private money, -PAYNE 1NVESIMEN1 COMPANY Main Floor, New York Life Bldg W-T44 8 PER CENT loana. Garvin Bros., NX PRIVATE money. F. D. Waad. 1524 Douglai r i U00 UPj low rata. Prlchard, ITU Farnam. , .I PRIVATE money. Sherwood. 837 N - W-748 4H TO 8 JVC. money. Bemla Paxton B k - ' W-748 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY WHEN you find It necessary to borrow, five us a trial, after which we will by air treatment attempt to retain your patronage. We loan trom $10 up, on fur niture, pianos, live stock, ato, Wa.alse . make loana to . . SALARIED PEOPLE without mortgage or lndorser. We do not deduct Intel eat In advance, we charge nothing for making or filing papers and our service la quick and confidential. Wa - always try to please our patrons. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. ! Hri ? Trad B'lg TeU im. (Established 122 sue 80. 16th St. X-M512 LARGEST BUSINESS- IN LOANS TO BALAKIED PEOfLE, nierchantJ team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity, easiest leruia; 44 offices' in prtn ' clpal cities. Tolwaua 440 Board of Trade JUdg. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTF.1.9. MONET loaned en furnKnra, Tlra ftock. jewelry, to samriea peepie. roley lxait Co., sue to Duff Green. 8 Barker bilrk. X-7M MONEY loaned on plain note tn salaried pei'pie; nuvinece oonnnenuai; lowest ratea, 814 Paxton block. The J. A. llutto.i ( . X-784 DO YOU NEED MONEY t SALARY AND FI HNITl'RE LOANS. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Room JoS. Third Floor, Paxton Block. ....... X-35 MONET loaned" on pianos, fumltyre,'" lew. 11 y , noreea. vowe, eiu. V . . iwn, 111 o is. X-J67 Chattel and Salary Loans PHOENIX CREDIT CO., Successor to J. W, Tsyloe. TeL T45. 838 Paxton P.1ork. . . v X-M733 -BlSINESS -CMANCF.S. TO GET In or out of buamesa call on Wil liams, ttoom ill, mcuague Duuaing. WHOLESALE bakery for sale', good loca tion, and good trede; falling heaith is rea son for selling; new brick ovea. Ad'lrss Box. 375, Geneva, is'eh. .... Y M227 I WOULD like to correspond with parties wno win ta-ae an interest in tne develop ment mining nrospectf. G. W. Pack ard. Deadwood, 8. D. Y MI99 2 WHENtyau want to buy, sell or exchange yoyr nualness or property quick, see J. It. Johnson, 848 N. Y. Life. Y M75 IF YOU WANT CASH for your business. city property or tarm sena tuii particu lars with V-iH price and I 4rllf fell yau now to get- it, provmea it is located In the United States. My plan a winner. Write today. Emerson De Puy, Des Moines, la., sixth floor Iowa Loan and . Trust building. . Y M345 Si FOR SALE, a hotel and furniture, with - - j .. . n.tinr, nun. 1 u a tunving town In central Nebraska. The only hotel In the town. Good business already established. C. A.- Robinson, Kearney, Neb. . . Y M796 84 A RARE CHANCE The best cattle feeding anu grain tarm in tne Missieslppt valley, 1,400 acres, rich, black aoll. high creek bottom land, with some aentlv sloDina ' upland; used for years for feeding and gracing; pari cultivated, with heaviest of crops; corn on bottom land will bo t to . loo bushels; blue- grass pasture heaviest kind; located In rich corn belt of North Central Missouri; adjoining station on trunk line of Bante Fe railroad, 86 mi'es from Kansas City; well fenced, mostly hog tight; large brick dwelling, two-story tenant house, large barns and "cattle sheds, self-feederB, stock scales, seven windmills and central pumping station with gasoline engine and three miles pipe for Water; this Is the best money maker on the market tor feeding purposes and grain raising; an examination will verify these claims; owner old and wanta to re tire. Price.' for a abort time, 860 per acre; . worth $75 for a permanent Investment, Address B. P. Baauchamp, Brookfleld, Mo. , . Y M163 2 WRITE us at once and We will show you now every o invested now will make you $46.. Greatest opportunity ever offered smalt Investors. No racing. Legitimate business' proposition. Address. Anglo American Corporation, 78 Fifth Ave., New York. . Y 3S0-85 FOR SALE A -valuable -patented article, witn trade partly established; or will take partners. Address J 15, Bee. - . . Y M507 2 NEWSPAPER ROUTE-A good Chlcaao newspaper- route In the best town In lowa; good reasons far selling. Address John E, Strayer, Waterloo, la. Y-M530 4 IF YOU HAVE" mTSlMtrsta TO "FT Tj cyinii Anu bk C'S,. Wis CAN BENE FIT YOU. SHOULD' YOU WANT TO BUT DON'T FAFL'-TO. SieR lift 1 WP! ..HAVE ALL CLASSES OF BUSINESS ANU MANUFACTURING INTERESTS TO DISPOSE OF OR 'SECURE ADDI TIONAL CAPITAL. -V HAVE SEVERAL GOOD .PROPOSITIONS FOR PARTI R WITH CAPITAL FROM $500 TO $5,000 A.. L' BcnviC'l-Ja. ALL BAr'E INVEST MENTS. COME AND -8EE US OR WRITE. MARKS BUSINESS COMPANY, . . . 436 Good iyook, lies Moines. , -i- : ! 1 ' -m kh... . A GOOD OPPORTUNITiT-JWO dollars will ... -earn -i 200 -dollars; mottep-. fully secured; , larger suras pay m equal proportion; you may witnaraw your .money on demand central security Co.," 9 wall at, New York. '' Y M642 2 A CHANCE FOR A FORTUNE We pay per cent weeaiy -ipr small investments of 810 and up wards ;,t hi la an opportunity for the small inveator without parallel; full particulars free. John J. Ryan, Co- Operative Investment en., 808 Common wealth Trust Bldg.,- 8t.. ,Uiuls, Mo, Y M546 f POR SALE REAL ESTATE, OWIN3 to change of occupation, owner .aesires to sen nta place at once and will sell at a bargain: If taken before BeDtem- btr SO; 6-room house, newly painted and . repaired, gas, trult, chicken tuase, etc., lot 50124; don't answer, this - unless you lean buAlness.. Price, $1,500. Address j 4, uee. Ktc 327 FOR. BALE, cottage -In Hanscom Place,' 6 rooms, furnace, bath, gas, paved street, near car; lot 45x150; rent, $26.00 per month, plus wster tax. Price, $3.0u0; can be pur chased la-, payments. Address J 9, Bee. RE 443 FOR RENT, 8-room modern' house, $30. ' SJit c rancia bu . - -. ke 421 CHEAP HOME with one or more acres of nice land, at 36th at. and Avenue D, Coun cil Bluffs.; close" to car line and twentv minutes' walk from Omaha; new cottage and plenty of fine shade trees: easy terms; a bargain. Call on .or, address Robert . Young... at Water Work, 37th- St.. and Eiroauway, iouutui oiuiie. x c il . 1 Q i NEBRASKA "ttANCH AND: STOCK FOR ' SALE. . .- About 3,000 acrea of deeded- land,, located on ,jthe Nrobtara river, in Keya Paha county, one of the. best ranchea fu.the best ranch country in Nebraska; ha good bulldlnri ' and fully equlped for handling stock; will carry trom i.uuu to o.wjv head of cattle: will sell stock and' aH equipments or land' '-alone; -would consider good, residence or , Income property tn Couricil Bluffs or "Omaha In part .payment. Address C. H. cnristy, uaivern, la. - uti M4(tl HOUSES, lots, finu, ranchea, loans;' alao . nre insurance, ueinis, paxton clock. - '-..-...' '" RE 764 10-ROOM nouse, nearly new; water, gas, an. AnA lumrn u mnln o . I . V. . . I . rent $25. Inquire' Wm. I. Klerstead, City 11 aii. u tn FARMS FOR SALE Improved farms in Buffalo county, $10 to tM per acre: one crop win pay lor tne lanu. w. n. uraaa meyer a Co., Kearney, Nebraska. KE M148 826 GEORGIA Ave. .home for sale, ali modern house, part caan,- Dai.- long time. J. li Sherwood. 837 N. Y. Life. Phone 8t8. . . .. REM174 TUKEY SON.- Yes, we have. one house for sale In Clifton Hill, at 4328 Patrick Ave., south front, full lot. 5-room cottage In tip-top ahape; price only $1,150, but at this pries we nerd some casn. A. P. TUKEY A SON, 444-448 Board of Trade. .... - RE 1 SUBURBAN REAL1 ESTATE. For eale, tracta of $ acrea, 5 acres, 6 acrea, Rich fruit and truck land. Bound to In crcaae in value. Starr'a place, southwest of city, west of South Omaha, 61st and C street, adjoining Uonndj A. Fayette para. J. A- marr, mi rea oiag. RE M18J PUEBLO No better Investment today than good conservative and Judicious In ' vestment in Pueblo realty. Orln 8. Mer rill, Baxter block, opposite P O . Pueblo, 010. , RHi uia Bi" - 1 . - A ' BARGAIN-$1.5na - 4 7 he southwest corner 24th and Davenport. - lxS4V, with house renting $; all S)ieclal taxea paid. The beat location in Omaha fur double house, flat or store and hat; will always rent, ind only $1,500. Noth ing so cneap in mat locality. Reason able term. WALLACE, HI BROWN BLOCK. KE M181 FOR SALE, or rent, fine 12-room house, all modern, shade, nice lawn, barn. No. Doll Paclllu St. TeL 27u. 11 L. Whit ney. RE M519 8 RANCH and farm lands fpr aala by tha , Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. Mi'AUeeter. land couimlsslonur, Lhiou Pa . via Aleadquarlera, Ouutba, Neb . JtE-784 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE". A MONTHLY payment bargain In 8 roots vuuae. u. aa imtunger. m ounn w. RE M538 EA8TERN Kansas land, prir $10 to $.10. Aourraa i. rt. Kilter, iatcs center, nan. as. RE-M1H4 B-J FOR SALE, M acrea fruit and jrardan land, eight-room house, good baru, ap plea, cherriea, plums, eight seres In tim. ber, two miles from ir line. Address lot 8. First, Council bluffs, la. BE-fr8 BEE PAYNE. BOSTWICK CO. for Choloa bargains. l N. x. Lite Bldg. Tel. 101. . HE-7S1 WILLIAMSON VlAZt 1308 ' RE 762 HOUSES and lota tn an parts of city; also acre property ana mrm lanas. Tne o. r. Davis Co., Room 852 Bee Building. R-78t GEORGE G. WALLACE, real estate, mort J gage, rentals, insuranoa. urows mora. , RE 764 KEI-fiEY'8. wall paper, 17th arvi Douglas. I'none itws. . kb -via 1 LOOK AT THIS Two small houxes at a bargain. Must bs closed out within the next two weeks. 8100 cash, balance 610 monthly. . H. Parrotte, U4 Paxton block. RE 167 8-3 SHORTHAND AND TYPE WRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N.' Y. Life. - ' ' . 7t BOYI ES college, court reporter principal. n. x. Lira. in NEB. Business- Shorthand College, Boyd Theater. TI9 Omaha Commercial college, 17th and Doug las; bookkeeping, shorthand, telegrapny, Penmanship, art; night school 60S MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, tbs asknowledged leading specialist In diseases of women In omana, would call tha attention of suffering ladlea to hi unsurpassed accommodations before and during confinement and bis treatment for irregularities, no roautor what causa. Call or address, with stamp. Dr. Pries, Arlington. Block, 1511 Dodge, Omaha. T67 LADIES' Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best; aare; reliable. Take no other. Send 4c, stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Ladies" in letter by return mail. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Pa. OSTEOPATHY. G ID. E. ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Huite sla, m. x. Lite iiiug. . Tel. lebi. - - -778 MRS. GRACE DEEGAN, 838 Be building. Tel. two PHONOGRAPHS. WE ARE western headquarters far Edison phonographs and records, prices, $10 up. Neb. cycle Co., 15th and Harney. A19S8 828 MANK ACTLR1NQ. P. MELCHIOR, 13th and Harnay, ma chinist, i.a pMAHA Safe and Iron Wks. makes a spa- Ciaity ot lire cacapee, iiutteia, uwi. auu safea G. Andrsen, Prop., 102 8. loth 8U -77 EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. PRIVATE loasona la bookkeeping;, sto.i night class Mond., Wed., Frl. G. R. Kathbun. room 16. com i at i Dana CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repair ing promptly attended to. a. ucniitrev, 80th and Lake street. . 878 ACCORDION PLEATING. IDEAL PLEATING CO., lAtt HowardV, PAWNBROKERS. alumni f . t EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, aucommodat lug; all business coufldenual, U01 Douglas. - 781 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. ' JuUa Vaughn, 480 Raocge Bldg. m STORAGE. OM. Van Btor. Co., Wl Fara, Tela. l9-8t. i TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere, P. H. Pbilbln, U08 Farnam. 'Phone 784. TRUNKS AND BAOOAOB. TWIN CITY EXP. 'Phons 1717. 808 So. lltb jais. L. M. E. haula trunk. TsL 78tt M8S MIXED country scrap, till stove plats, 88. Alpirn, soil Farnam. T78 TINNERS AND CORNICES. H. SAVAGE, 8828 Farnam. 'Phone, JUL . Mms hi FLORIST. U HENDERSON. Ul Farnam. TeL 1268. gaud for price list, out flowers ana plant. M74 . AKNOtMCKMENTS. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Tels- . phsna 180. 8U Botua TWrveaow street. . . . 778 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. BTiLLMAN a PRICE, IIU.I. N i Bk. Bid. PATENT. PATENTS Sues a Co., Bea Bldg.. OmuhAJ no lee uaiesa suovosatui. auvioe irwe. Bai SIS GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans . cesspools and vault, remove garbage and dead anlmala at reduced price, aa N. 16. Tel. !. ise NICKEL PLATING. OMAHA PlAtlKg Co.. Bs Bldg. . TsL 8518. 7J MIS1CAL. MRS. F. H. WRIGHT, pUno, 118 Webster BC - 11 a- WANTED TO BORROW. ' TO BORROW 8400 on real estate, unlm proved, but ample security. Address J iu, uee. os - ELECTRICAL REPAIRERS. GRAND Electric Co., 18 Jackaon. TeL 2846, ITATIAHV FACTORY. STATUARY and ornamental work. 712 8 16 Alt LAI DRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry: shirts. 6e: collars. tc; cuffs, 4c. 1750 Leaveaavorth. TsLA-KM FIR DRESSIN6. O, R. GILBERT CO.. taansrs, 1414 So. 18th. Ill TIPKIn ITRRS. LAMBERT TYPEWRITER, price 130; la lent, efficient, oursbie, easiest to learn, ure and enre for; sent an approval. Mon ro A Co., 811 No, 16th St.. Omaha. -M12 AUTOMOBILES. ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILES. Derlghfa, 111 r-arnam ssreet. --74 BALU TIES. OMAHA Hay P-ale Tie Co., 811 North l"h. 788 LOST. IjOST. ' wstcHf fob hnd gold medal, with name ana monogram; utierai reward. IT. B. M. Riley. 88 Douglas block. I-ost MS40 2 GOVERNMENT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR TIIRER BRICK PullillriRH and Water and Sewer Fv-tems Dchartment of the Interior, Office of Indian Affairs, Washington, D; C, Aug. 26, WL Sealed proposals, endorsed "Proposals for uuiiuing. etc.j i.nnmneriain, Boutn lakota. and addressed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Washtnxton. D. C. will be received at the Indian OiUce until two o'clock p. m. 01 inuroav, evpt. ai, 1 isr. mr rurnisning and delivering tha necessary materials and labor required to construct and complete one dormitory, one school house and one addition to dormitory. All of brick, with Plumbing, aoetylen gas piping amd steam neat, and extensions to the water and sewer systems at the-Chamberlain School, 8. D..: in atrtot accordance with nlnnn. specification and Instructiona to bidders which may be examined at this ornre, the offices of the "Improvement Bulletin," Minneapolis. Minn.: the "Araus-Leador." Bioux Falls, S. D. ; "Tha Her," Omaha, Neb.; the "Inter Ocean," Chicago, 111.; the Builders' and Traders' Exchanges of Omaha, Neb., and Milwaukee, Wis. !' the Northwestern Manufacturers' Association, Bt. Paul, Minn.; the U. 8. Indian Ware houses at No. 265 So, Canal St., Chicago, Til Wn IIO -TC-.ft V 1. , ' I . . . ..... ..u. , ,. yuri.-, ,.w 1,11 . and No. 817 Howard at., Omaha.- Neb., and at the school, r or further. Information atinlv to Jno. Fllnn. Sunt, Indian School. Chamberlain S. D. A. C. Tonner, Acting commissioner. . ta-z-4---ll-l3-l6-l4j-20 CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. Omaha, Neb., August 15, 1902. Sealed pro posals, in triplicate, suoject to tne usual conditions, will be received ' here until 10 'clock a. m.. September 8. 1902, and then opened, 4a the presence Of attending bid der, for one hundred and fifteen (116) Draft Mules, to be delivered at either Chi. rago, llu Bt. Louis, Mo., dr Kansas City, Mo. V. 8. reserves right to reject or ac cept any or all proposals, or any part thereof. Blank' forms for blddlna- and cir cular giving full Information and require ments win ne turnisnea on application to this office. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked "Proposaia for Mules," and addressed to JNO. W. pt'LLMAN. Chief Q. M. 4t-D18-1981-2 LEGAL NOTICES, MONITION.. In the Untied State District Court for the District of 'Nebraska. South Omaha Pontoon Bridge and Ferry Company, a corporation, llbellant, against the Steamboat Henrietta, her engines, boilers, machinery, tackle and furniture. In admiralty.- In obedience to a warrant of selxure to me directed, In tha above entitled cause, I have seised and taken Into- my possession the following described property: The steamboat Henrietta, Its engines, boiler,, machinery, tackle and furniture, for tha causes set forth In the libel now pending In the United States district court for the district of Nebraska, at Omaha, Neb.- I hereby give notice to all persons clulmlnn; . n ..14 ...-ihrd - -r.. 1.. 1 ! I . . .r ! : r r- engines, boilers, machinery, tackle and fur niture, knowing or having anything to say why the same. should hot ba condemned ana forfeited,, and the prooeeda thereof flta- trmuico according to tne prayer 01 tn libel, that. they be and appear before. the said court, to .be held In and for the dis trict of Nebraska, at the united States courtroom. In tha city of Omaha, Neb., on tha 15th day of September, 1902,. at 10 o'clock on the forenoon of that day,. If the same shall be a day of jurisdiction, other wise on the next day of Jurisdiction there after, then and there to interpose a claim for the same, and to make their allega tlona in that behalf. T. U MATHEWS. U. 8 Marshal District of Nebraska. posTomcra notice. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, a changes may- occur at any time.) f . ' Foreign malls for tha week ending Sep tember 6, 1U2, will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at the general postofllce as fol lows; PARCELS POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing; time shown be low. ... .- ' Regular arid Supplementary malls close at foreign station half hour later than closing time shown below (except that supplement ary mall for Europe and Central America via Colon cloaa one hour later at foreign station). Traaaatlaatl xialla. TUESDAY At 8:30 a. m. for ITALY di rect, per s. s. LJgurla (mall must ba di rected "per s. a. LJgurla "). WEDNESDAY At 6;30 a. m. for EUROPE. rer a. a. St. Paul, via Southampton (mall or Ireland must ba directed 'per a. s. Bt. Paul"); at 8:30 a. m. (supplementary .10 a, m ) for EUROPE, per a. a. Majestic, -via tueensiuwu.: THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND, ITALY. SPAIN, POR TUGAL. TURKEY, EGYPT, GREECE, BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAR QUEZ, per a. s. La Bavole. via Havre (mall for other parts Of Europe must ba directed "per s. s. La Bavol ), B AT U RD AY A t 8:80 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. a. Etrurla, via Cjueenstown; at 7 a. m. for ITALY direct, per a. a. Trave (mall must be directed "per s. a. Trave"); at 7:80 a. tn: for NETHERLANDS direct, per a; a.r Staatendam . (mail muat bs di rected "per s.'s. Btaatendam");' at 8 a. m. for BELGIUM direct, per a. a. Fries land (mall must be dlreeted "per a. a. Frlealand '): at 8:80 a. m. for SCOTLAND . a 1 reel, per a. a. Astoria (man must Dm ai reotsd "per a. s. Astoria J. PRINTED MATTER. ETC. This ateamef i takes- printed matter, commercial papers 1 and aamplea for Germany, omy. The - aame class of mall matter for other parts of Europe will not be aent by thia ship . unless specially directed by It. After, the closing of the supplementary transatlantic tnall named abov-, addi tional supplementary malls e 'opened on th: pier of the American, English. French and German steamer and remain open until 'within ten nilnutt of (he hour "of sailing of steamer. Mail fer Seat aad Central America. ulsDA West ladies, Els. TUE8DA At T a. m. for NEWFOUND- LAND direct, per s. a. Rosalind; at 1:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a.- m.) for ,- CENTRAL AMERICA (except Costa Rica) and SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS, per a. s. Advance,, via Colon (mall for Guate . mala must be directed "per a. s. . Ad , vanee"); at 6.30 p. m. for JAMAICA, per a. a. Admiral Farragut, from Boston. ' THUKBDAY At 4.30 a. m. for NORTHERN BRAZIL, per a. a. Alps, via C'eara, 1 Maranham, Para and Manaoa; at 8 a- m. for CUBA. YUCATAN, CAMPECHE. TA ' BASCO.and CHIAPAS, per a. s. Esper 1 ansa (mall for other parts of Mexico , must be directed "per s. a. Esperansa "); at 6:80 p. m. for JAMAICA, per a. a. Ad miral Schley, from Boston. FRIDAY At 7:0 a. m. for BRAZIL, per a. s. Byron,-via-Peruambuco, Bahla, Rko Janeiro and SuntoB (mall for Northern BraxlL Argentine, Uruguay and Paraguay . must be directed -"per a. s. Byron' j; at 10 a, rn. for ST. MARC, PORT AU .'PRINCE, PETIT GOAVK, AUX CAYK8 and JACMEL. per s. a. Prlna Win. 1U (mall, for other parta of Haiti, Curacao, . Venezuela, TrlnioHtd. Brltlah and Dutch Guiana, must be directed "per a. a. Prlns Wm. Ill"), at 12 m. for MEXICO, per s. S. Santiago, via Tampleo, Campeche and . Tuipam (mail must be directed "per s. s. ' Baatlago''); at 6:30 p. m. for BERMUDA, , per steamer from Halifax; at 11:80 p. m. , for NEWFOUNDLAND, per a. a. Corean, trom rnuaaeipnia. 1 fit TI'DI , 1 V A. filA - .... IDI1VU . . . . . . mt IUI Al.bll TINE. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per . a. Horace; at 8 a. m. (supplementary 6 80 a. m.) for PORTO RICO. CURA CAO and VENEZUELA, per . a. Phila delphia (mail fur Savanilla and Carta gena roust ba directed per a. s. Phlla- Se luhla''); at 8:30 a. m. (sunolementarv 1(11 ml fop t'ORTl VV UriVI. 11" A1A1CA, MVA.MI.1.A and CARTAGENA, per a. a. Alene (mall for Costa Rica must b directed "per s. s. Alene"); at 9:20 a. m. (supplementary 10:80 a. mi) for HAITI and SANTA MART A, per a. . Adlron. . oiri at lu a. m. tor clba. per Morro Castle, via Havana; at 10 a, m. for utttMOA ana -j kiiuau, per - s. s. Grenada; at 12:30 p. m. lor CX HA. per s. s. Curltyba, via Matausaa (ordinary mall only, which must bs directed "per . . Vj V. , 11 u . ... Malta for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, and 1 hence by aieamer, close at thia trace dally at 6.30 p. m. (connecting v . rosTorpirn notice. cltse h4e every Monday. Wertneedsy an-1 Saturday. Malls for Mlquelon. hy rail Im P"Mon, and thuce hv steamer, clo. at thia office daliv it 6 m p. m. Mails for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Florida, and thence by steamer, close at tills ofllce dally, except Thursday, at 8:30 a. tn. (the connecting closes are made on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed for dlapaich by stenn-er, close at this ofllce dally except S'mday at 1:80 p. m. and 11.30 p. nr. Sunday at 1 p. it. and 11;H I m. Malls for Costa Rica. Bellse, Puerto Cortes and Guatemala, oy rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, close at this office dally rxrept Sunday at 1:JQ p. m , Sundays at "1 p. m. (con necting closes here Mondays for Pellr.e, Puerto Cortes and Guatemala, and Tues days for Costa Rica). "Registered mall closes at 6 p. m. previous day, Traaapaelaa Malls. Malls for China and Japan, via Vancouver and Victoria, li. C close her daily at :S0 p. m. up to September i. Inclusive, for dispatch per a. a. Emprees of China "(registered ntall must . be specially ad rlrexeed. Merchandise for U. 8. Doaial , agency at Shanghai cannot ba forwarded via Canada). " Malls lor China and Japan. Via Seattle, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to Sep tember 3d. Inclusive, for dispatch per , a. a. Tosa Marti. (R.glstered mall must ' be directed "via Seattle"). Ma Ha for China and Japan, via Tacoma, close here dally at 6:80 p. m. up to-September 6th. Inclusive, 'per a. a. Victoria. Malls for Hswail, Japan, China and first-class- matter for the Philippine Islands. Via San Francisco, close here dally at 8:30 p. m, up to September Inclusive, for dispatch per a. a.. Hong Kong Maru. Malls for Hawaii, via Ban Francisco, clou . here dally at 6:80 p. m. up to September .Nth, Inclusive, for . dispatch per a., a 'Alameda. Malls for the Philippine Islands, via' Baa Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to September 11? Inclusive, for dls ' patehe per V. B, Transport. Malls for Australia (except - West Au stralia, which goea via Europe, and New Zealand, which goes via San Francisco), and FIJI lelands, via Vancouver and Vlc- - torla, B. C. close hare dally at 6:80 p. m. after August 30th and up to Septem ber 13th, inclusive, for dispatch per a. s. Aorangi. Mails for Hawaii. Japan, China and first class matter for the Philippine Inlands, - via San Franolseo, clw ier daily at ' 8:30 P. rn.'up to Septemt'er' 14. Inolualva, for alsparch per s. a. Ohina. 1 , Malls for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at ' 6:30 p. m. up to September 2th, Inclu sive, for dispatch per s. a Mariposa. Malls for Australia (except - West Au stralia, which Is forwarded via Europe), New Zealand, FIJI, Samoa and Hawaii, via Ban Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. after Beptember J8 and up to September 30, Inclusive, or on arrival of . a. I.ucanla, due at New York, Septem ber 20, for dispatch per a: a. Ventura. Transpacific malls are forwarded lo pert of sailing daily and the schedule of clos ing Is arranged on the presumption of their" uninterrupted overland transit, . Registered msll closea at 4 p. m. . pre vious day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Postofflce, New York, N. Y Aug. 29, 1901 RAILWAY TIME CARD. , 4 INION STATION IOTH AND MARCY. ' assMawaaawa Chicago, Reck Island A Paclflc. EA8T. Leave. Arrive., Chicago Daylight Lim ited a 6:00 am a 6:46 am Chicago Daylight a 7:00 am a 9:33 pin Chicago Express bll:15 am a 6:6 pm Des Moines Local...' a 6:20 pm bll:f-0 am Chicago Fast Express.. a 6:06 pm a 1:16 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Lim ited S'KA Sf - m 4KX Bn Lincoln, Colo. Springs. Denver, Pueblo and Weej ai:80jm ap-.tjpmv Colo.,1 Texas, Cal. a '..--. c Oklahoma Flyer 6:20 pm a 12:40 pm Vnloa Paeifle. " .. .... r Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited... a 6:40 am a 7 HO nm The Fast Mall...".. a 8:60. am a 8:21 pm caiirornla Express. .....a 4:26 pm . Paclrto Express all:80 pm. , Eastern Express - ' a 4:86 pm The Atlantic Express-. '"' a 7:80 am The Colorado 8pectal...A 7:10 am a 8:40 am Chicago Special.......... ' i ' 8:40 am Lincoln,1 Beatrice and Stromjburg Ex..'..:..b 46 pm blt:R pm Grand Island Local... ;..b 8:80 ptn'b 9:S5 pm Illinois Central. c! blcagq Express ..a 7:20 am 6;1 pm bicaijo, Minneapolis a.. 1 . - Bt. r-aui iimitea, a t:m) pm 6:t gm Minneapolis a St. pauliv- Express b Ii20 am bl4:8t pm Chicago Expreas ... al0;36 pm, Wabaan. 8t. Louis "Canon Ball" Express .A .68 pra a 1:10 am fit. Lou 1 Local, Council 1 Bluff ,.,.a(:15am al0:30 pm MlBBOnrl Pselle. Bt. Louis Express. .....?.10KK) am" A 8:26 pm K. C. a St. L. Ex.......al0:60 pm a 6:1S im Chicago, Mllwaake A St. Paal. Chicago a Omaha Ex..b 7:40 am b 8:40 pm Chicago Limited Ex. ...a 6:01 pm a t. 60 am Chlcaara Northwestera. "Tha Northwestern Lino." , Leave. Arrive. Fast Chicago. ........ "....a 3 40 am a 7:00 am Mail .....a 1:00 pm a 8:80 am Local Sioux City. a 6.10 am a 8:60 pm Daylight St. Paul.. a :3S am al0:26 pm Daylight Chicago.,... ..a 8:00 am mil 20 pm lineal Chloaa-o. ......... ,.aKt:M am a 6:30 pm Local Carroll a 8:55 pm a 10:00 am Fast Chicago a 4:56 pm a 4:06 pm Limited Chicago a 7:46 pm a 8:20 am Fast 8. Paul -1.. a 1:66 pm a 8:15 am Fast Mail; . a 2:40 pm Local Sioux City.. b 8:55 pm blO;00 am 1 BJS I BURLINGTON STATION IOTH etc MASON ... ' ' , . ' 1 - Barllasttaa A Mlsaaarl River. ' Iavs. Arrive. Wymore, - Beatrice and . Lincoln a 6:40 am bll4 am Nebraska Expreaa a 8:40 am a 7:46 pm Denver Limited a 4:26 pm a 6:46 am Black Hills and Puget ... Bound Express all:10 pm A 1:10 pm Colorado Vestlbuled Flyer .a 8:10 pm Lincoln Fast Mall. ......b 8:10 pra a 8:17 am Fort Crook and PiafU- . 4 . mouth b 8:20 pm bll:Vfam Sellevue A Pacific Jet.. .a 7:60 pm a 8:27 am ellevueai Pacltio Jct,..a $.00 am Kansas City, St. Joseph at Conaell BlnsTs. ; '; ' Kansas City Day JS....a :20 ani, a 4:05 pm St. Loo's Flyer.... '... 5;10 pm all :15 am Kanaua City Night Ex.. a 10. 30 pm a 606 am Chleagta, Bprllngton A Qalney. Chicago' Special. ...... ...a 7:00 am a I 0j pm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex.. a 4:00 pm a 7:30 am Chloago Local.... a 8 80 am all :00 pm Chluago Limited...... ...a 8:06 pm a 7:W am Fast Mall 1. ...... a 2:46 jm a Dally, b Daily except Sunday, e Sun day only, d Dally except Saturday, a Dally except Monday. WEBSTER DEPOT 1STH A WEBSTER. ( alcaao, Oanaka. St. Paal, Mlaneapolls . as I-eave. Arrive. -a 9:00 pm all:20 am b 6:46 am Mlssonrt Twin City Passenger.. ..a 1 Sioux City Paasenaer;..a : I 4:30 am L t:u0 nm Emerson Local b I 6:40 pm Fremont, Elkhern ' A Valley. Black Hills, Deadwood, Hot Springs ....a I Wyoming, Casper and , 1:09 pm a 5:00 pm 1,00 pm . 41 b $:00 pm Douglas a 1 1 1:00 pm Hastings, York, David city, superior, ueneva. 4 Exeter and Seward. ...o IM pm - ivorroiK, Lincoln ana Fremont b ' Fremont Local 1 7:80 am I 7:30 am b 10:26 am Mlssaarl PaelSo. ; Nebraska Local, . Via Weeping Water -b 4-10 pm al0:25 am STEAMSHIPS. IIQLLAKD-ERICA LI 'IE ' New York-botterdaai, via. Hoologna, S. M. - -r New Twin-Screw a. g. of U,0u0 tona register ."S" Potsiaia ioXu. Apply to Harry Moorea. 1601 Farnam street; J. B. McNally, Id Farnam street! H. 8. Jones, lMTi Farnam street; Loula Keas, First National bank, Omaha. : Business $t!mutatrs BEE WANT . ADS 1