Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1902, Page 5, Image 5
Till; OMAHA UAH JtEtt; TUESDAY, REPTEM11EK 2, 1002. ' mm V OHAHA WIXS BOTH CUES uhj'i Ui2rUken Laid Ont Cold bj JUrarWB Hired Urn. fcORftlNG GAME FULL OF WRANGLES aW ! Vsaalr Abbatt Get Bath la a Taagle, bat Dee Hat AaTeet General Retails. Omaha won yesterday morning's game from De Moines off two pltchcra by a scors of I to J. First tha local won from Hollar In four Innings br 1 to 0. Then, becsuss Hbat twlrler beefed ao continually on ;TJmplr Abbott's ball and strike Judg omenta, he waa put ont of tba came br Jthat official. Morrison waa substituted to tart tba fifth and Omaha won from him 4 to J. batting him all over tha lot In tha eighth Inning. , Rourke's men put up gams far su perior to that of Sunday. The1 morning Is traditionally a poor time of day for baaa ball players and a cool one la etlll 'worse. ;Howver, there was a spunk and a keen Ca about moat of tba work of the ahans that waa good to see. It seemed jas If they couldn't do enough to suit them selves. Tha sole unpleasant feature waa squabbling with tha umpire, of which there was much by both teama, but especially by Qulnn and hla crowd. Thla Is tha flrt time an umpire has had nrach trouble la Omaha since tha crusade against the fraternity waa on a eoupla of montns ago. But It ahould be aatd In ex tenuation that Abbott waa very yellow in neveral cases. Once or twice a man was atkllfc Vllasf. flat aaraaa ?A tflar '1 vliia 4Th an La aa pt coat Frank Oenlne fire bones to tell .Abbott this In so many words. Oa of Tfcomae' Freaks. There waa one rldleuloua feature. In the seventh Thomaa atood on first and 'Oondlng sacrificed him to second with a ball along first baa line. Abbott called tha ball a foul and Thomaa was brought back.' Oondlng Immediately put another in the same place and Thomaa waa down to econd with it, but came back when be aw rhara tha ball had gone, aa he was aura Abbott would say "foul" again. So Oondlng waa out, with a aacrlflce hit to his credit that wasn't a aacrlflce, aa Thomas was still on first. He came near getting caught coming back, and tha people were treated to tba unusual speotacla of seeing man daah madly for first baaa the wrong way around. Graham gar three hits and pitched ball plenty good enough to win most of the time. In tba ninth, however, an error by Dolan, hit by pitched ball, a fielder's choice, one single and a long fly . let la two runs for Des Moines. With a beautiful catch of line fly, Ston nipped the visitors' only other chance in the bud. This was la tha Ightb, when Graham grew very careleaa and after two outa put two men on bases with four balls each. Clark's single made It three and tha strong hitter, O'Leary, waa at bat. At that time Omaha had but two runs and It looked very gloomy. O'Leary hit out over tha lnilelders, a low, hard ' drive. Eton ran Ilka a deer and took It at hla knees. The crowd went wild. Omaha acored In tha fourth with two Ingle) and a hit br pitched ball, Thomaa' beautiful single bringing In both talllea. In tha eighth Dolaa's double and alnglea by Carter, Oenlna, Thomaa and Oondlng amassed four. mora.' Omaha had heap bits all tba war, Dolan throwing in a beautiful triple in tha sixth that counted for noth ing la tha acora, but looked good. About 100 people aaw tha game. Tha acora l , r, - OMAHA. . AJo. R. H. O. A. EL 4 0 0 10 0 11 1 I 8T U 1 i A. Eo 5 I s io o o 3 55 "i Rtona. If. Carter, rf... ......... Genina, 8b. Dolan. as .. ....... Ftewart, 2b..... Thomas. lb,MM. Oondlng, c....... Graham. o ! i ! fears, cf . Totals .'. . 10 : , ; . , DES MOINES. AB. R. R. Clark, of... O'Leary. aa. 4 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 uuinn, zd Pavla. lb liackof. If.... Warner, rf. Iturg, Sh. s.. ...... Hansen,- o.... Hotter, p Morrison, p Totals 81 1 Stewart out In aecond for attempting to bunt third atrike. Omaha 0 0 0 I 0 0 4 Des Moines...; 00000088 Earned rune: Omaha, 4. Three-base hit; Dolan. Two-base hlta: Stewart Davis Sacrifice hlta: Carter, Oondlng. Stolen bases: Stewart Dolan. Double nlav Hansen to Qulnn. Baaea on balls: Oft Oraham, J; oft Hoffer, 2. Hit by pitched ball: By Oraham, 1; by Hotter, 1; by Mor rison, 1. Struck out: By Oraham, 8; by Hoffer, l: by Motrlson, 1. Left on baaea: Omaha, 6: Dea Molnea, . Tim of game: Liu umpire: Aboott Afteraooa Gaaa. Five thousand people saw Omaha wla tha afternoon gams la a crawl by a score of t to 1. -It was simply a ease of outbat, out' field and out tally. While Brown was a puEile to the Undertakers, Feeney let the Indifferent local hitters slam thirteen safe ones off him, four mora than a bag; while very man on the Omaha team fielded sharp and clean and was la ths gams at every turn, the visitors exhibited soma work that was notably ragged; ths bungling belag specially apparent la tha case of Catcher Welgerdt, who was allowed to go three la dings. Omaha's first rua cam la the second, , and waa acquired la a peculiar manner. Dolan bit safe for Just one corner, and without any assistance from another bat ter, finished ths circuit on a passed ball, which Welgerdt let roll out the gate rather tbaa chase It hard. It came In hla mitt la the first place, too, but he allowed It to bounce out and away, while watching Jos for a steal. Well, Oa-taba took another that laalng, tour mora In the third on only two hits, ons In .the fifth and two In the elgth on Carter' three-bagger. Everybody on ths team but Qenlns made a alt, and such a aticker aa Pitcher Brown took two, oae 'a tws-aacker. ' Feeney cannot be blamed much. Ths support he received was disconcerting, to Iff' r will CUES any caae of - , Stomaoh Trouble Chronio Dyspepsia or Indigestion, na mittsr hew se verethecaae mav be. Itgoestath root of tha evil. Handredaof chroo. io drapeptic who kavssufTeted lot vest hv been complete! cured, by KAt'h DafEfblA CC1E, "Save eeSWea vtlk ataMei llluiiiitaii,M te uae Sae e b-wla ewe eea S4 aa, ai4 atvlntklfrfar, L.uaeaaelaUS Sei rt.ia iai. rM,.1' Tmus. lt9, fcM. Mass, tend to 1BAS K. MAC. 8M8nsij.Ll 8l)f fur trse bouklat B01OK BOTTlE For sale by boarmaxi at klc nneil Drug I'., corner lain end Ddss tH., Omaha, kkU cvaU leaiaig IU Visa's Ua, say the least. Even old Joe Qulnn with hla catcher waa worked en the double steal cleanly In tbe third by Orahara aad Carter, the latter scoring. The same thing failed no ticeably when O'Leary and Qulan tried it oa 8tewart and Oondlng. Then the t'nder takera made but four hits, and Feeney didn't bare a chance anywhere to win. Dee Molnea took ita sole tally on a double hit followed by a baaa on balls and a single la tha third. "Daeky" Hals Shews I s. 'Ducky" Holmea arrived from the Detroit American league team In the morning, and was on deck for the afternoon game. He played left la beautiful style, Backof re placing Burg at third. The score: OMAHA. AB. R. H. Btone, If... Carter, rf.. Oraham, cf 0 Oenlrrs, 3b Dolan, as Btewart, 2b Thomas, lb Oondlng, c .. 4 .. 4 Brown, p....... Totals...- 35 t 13 37 16 DES MOINES. AB. R. H. O. A. Hark, cf 4 0 0 1 0 O'Deary, aa 2 0ft t Vfulnn, Zt 4 0 12 2 Holmes, it 4 o l 4 Davis, lb I 0 11 0 Hackor, lb I v 1 2 S Warner, rf 2,0 0 0 0 Feeney, p 10 0 12 Welrerdt. o 1110 1 Do beck, Cee X V 0 0 1 Totals 22 1 4 24 It I Omaha 0 2 4 0 1 0 0 1 I Des Moines 001000000-1 Earned runs! Omaha. 4: Dee Molnee, 1. Three-base hit: Carter. Two-baee hits: Btewart, Btone, Brown, Welgerdt. Sacrifice. nit: Thomas. Btoien oasee: carter (Z), Oraham, Holmes. Double playa: Dolan to Thomaa, Hackor to u Leary to Davis. First baaa on balls: Off Brown. 8: off Feeney, 2. Hit by pitched ball: By Feeney, 1. Struck out: By Brown, 4. Passed bell: Welgerdt. Left on bases: Omaha, 4; Dea Molnea, 4. Time: 1.20. Umpire; Abbott. Brewers Wla Oa aad Los Oa. KANSAS CITT. Sept 1. Although Swormstedt held Kansas City down to three bit In the first game, tbe home team won out through errora by the vlsitora. Milwaukee took a lead of three runs In the first Inning of the last game and waa never headed. Attendance, 2,000. Bcore, first game: K.H.D. Milwaukee ... 001001000 I I I Kansas City.. 02000100 281 Batteries- Kansas Cltv. Welmer and Messltt; Milwaukee, Swormstedt and Lucia. Bcore. aecona game: R.H.E. Kansas City.. 000001000-22 Milwaukee ... 200000100-41 Batteiiea: Kansas Cltv. Nichols, Messltt and Kemmer; Milwaukee, Adklna and Lucia. it. Joseph ta tha Whole Thtaar. ST. JOSEPH. Sent. 1 Flv thousand peo ple aaw St. Joseph defeat Peoria In two gamea today. Score, first game: St Joseph..... 3000vlS00-e73 Peoria I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 I Batteiiea: St. Joseph. Glada and Roth: Peoria, Jones and Wilson. ec ore, aecona gam: R.II.E3. St. Joseph 00081181 0-11 16 0 Peoria 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 18 f 8 Batteries: St. Joseph. McFadden and Garvin; Peoria, Faulks and Uanford. Deaver la Abasia' Baa. DENVER. Sent L Denver won a double- header by superior all-around playing, The second game was called in the seventh in ning on account oi u argues, ucoree: First rame: R.H.E. Denver 0 MiHtlHUi Colo. Springe ..0 0 0 0 8 0 1 0 04 T 8 Batteiiea: Denver. Mosklman and Wil son; Colorado Sprlcf Jonea and Hauaen. Second same: R.H.EL Denver I 20200- 14 2 Colorado Bprlnga ...1 0 1 1 14 U 2 Batteries: Denver. Eyler and McOonnalLt Colorado Springs, Foreman and Hauaen. gtaateUaar of tha Tessas. Plaved. Won. Ixst. PC. .&tu .61 .m .661 MO .427 .407 .294 Mllwaokew ..IMH.11I 70 48 Omaha u.....llft H Kanaas City... D 6 47 60 El 6ft 67 67 81 Denver ....m.m......iis v St Joseph..., 117 C2 Colorado Bprlnga... .117 60 Des Moines... 118 4 Peoria IIS 84 No gamea today. GAMES OF NATIONAL LEAGUE Hevv fork loses t Bt. Lawis Beeaas f Bags Fleldlaai at , All Tlaaea. , NEW TORK. Sent 1. Th New Torks losfth morning game through their ragged neiaing. 'iney nit me Den muco naraer than Bt Louis did, but mlsplaya by Browne, Lauder and McGann loat the gamea. Bt Loula fielded splendidly. Curry was bit hard oy Mew xorK ana Murpny repiacea mm. Attendance. 2.200. Bcore: sr. Lotus. I tnnr yoric. R.U.O.A B.! U-H.O.JL.X. famlL th... I 4 2 1 4 4 Browns, It... 4 Duns, so..... 4 Madan, lb., i 0 Bnxlls. et.. 4 howormsn, e t Lsadsr, lb.. 1 Smith, tk.... S Crania, rf... S 4 Taylor, .... 4 4 Mattk'v'a . 4 1 4 SaoM. St.... s Btmlsr. If... Donovan, rf. 1 Km nr. m... S i 2 14 t I 1 I I r 1 6 Bruhoar, lb. f II Hsrtaiaa. Is. 1 I 1 Rroa,. ....... SSI Currr. p 1 2 Marphr, ... 44 ToUla 4 T It II 41 Totals 4 11 IT 14 I Batted for Taylor In ninth. Bt Loula 201S00004-4 New York 08011000 04 First baaa on errors: Bt. Louis, 4. Left on base: New York, 8; St, Loula, 4. First bass on balla: orr Taylor, l; off Murphy, L Struck out: By Taylor. 8; by Murphy, L Three-base hit: McOann, Two-base hits: Cronln, Brodle, Curry Mtolen basest Brodle. Lauder. Browne. Bmoot (2). FarrelL Smith. Double play: Kruger to Farreil to Braahear. Hit by pitched ball: By Taylor, . unwi runs: xora a lime: l:iJ. Umpires: Latham and Irwin. Makee ft Tvra Straight. Bt. Louis also won the afternoon esma. hitting Mathewson hard and again fleldlnc cleverly. The visitor bunted a good deal and thla sort of play seemed to rattle the local Infield. Attendance. liWO. Score, aft ernoon larai; ST. LOUIS. t NEW TORK. R.H.O A . I n. H.O.A C rairalL Ib... 1 I T I Browne.. If... i i Sraoot, ef 4 8 4 8 I 1 1 s eiuuns, ss e 1 I 4 ; 4 McUeaa, ih., 4 8 14 ! 1 4;Brodle. ef.... 4 111 I Bow.rman, e. I 1 4 I 4 ( Lauder, lb.... 1 I I 4 I 0 Smith, lb.,.. 1114 1 4 sk'rouln,' rt.... 0 I t I i I Slslathewaoa. p I 1 4 4 Barclay, U. .. I Donovan, rf.. Kruaar. SB... 1 I I Braahoar, lb.. 1 1 14 Hart man. lb,. 4 11 O'Neill, S....1 Terkea. 4 1 I I 4 TsUls I 11 It U e Tot la I U 17 It Bt. Louis 0 88800- New York 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1-2 Earned runs: New York. 1: St. Louie. 2. First base on errors: St. Louis, 8. I .eft on baaea: New York. 8; St. Louis. 8. First base on balls: Off Mathewson, i. Struck out: By Mathewson. Ji; by Yerkes, 1. Two- osse nit: i.auuer. riaorince hits: Braehear, O Nell. Kruger. Stolen bases: Krusrr. Smith, Cronln. Double play: Farreil to rasnear. wild pi tones: Mathewson (2), Yerkes (2). Umpires; Latham and Irwin. Time: i:tu. Reds Los to Bostoa. BOSTON, Mass., Sept. 1. Rasrged fielding by the vlsitora In the eeventh and ninth innings of this morning s game gave the victory to Boston. Eascon waa batted hard throughout, but stupid base running in the eighth kept the visitors' ecore down. Thlel nan a pasaea proved very costly. Attend ance, i.yju. Bcore : . , . BOSTON. I CINCINNATI. k H.O.A E I R.H.O.A.E rsaier, ir.... ill siuaniis. n... Sill Tenner, lb., lift Bevkle. 16 . till Demont, lb.. 1 ( aiaer. rf .. 1 Orem'sr, Ib. 4 4 4 1 4 t'rewturd, rf. I 1 4 I 111 Seymour, tt. I I I I 118 4 Pelta, Sb 4 111 111 I ronoras. as. I I 1 I 111 Stalnrai. k. 4 41 1 14 1 l'Malouer. ... 4 1 4 4 4 1 4 ailbleliuaa, p. I 4 4 I Lu.k. cf.. Laos, SS. , Moras, s. Eaatoa, p. ToUla , T 4 17 14 I Totals I 1J-H 11 Two out when winning run acored. ' Boston 414180 2 T Cincinnati 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 14 Earned rune: Boston, 1; Cincinnati, 8. j wo-Dase nua: tteckley, Corcoran (i'l Oremlnger. Sacrifice hits: Lting. B'.elnfeld 4.21. Stolen bases: Moran. Crawford. Double Play; Stelnfeld to Plots to Berkley First base on balls. Oft Esston, 1: off Thlelman i. Hit by pitcher: by Thlelman, 1. Stru out: By Eaaton, 8: by Thlelman, 4. Passad ball: Moran. Wild pitch; Las ton. Time 16. Umpire: O Day. Hea Cet Et, Cincinnati batted MaUu-key bard in the two Bret lanlng of the afleroou gam st oring i.' runs ana inning tne game, fools Uiuugb UAsuadv, luanaacd lo keep th home team's hlta well scattered and unpro ductive of runs.. Attendance, 4.43i. CINCINNATI. . BOSTOK. R.H.O A.R.' H It f) A B. Dnnlln. If.... Ill rlMv. lb . I 1 1 t'nolKT, If ... 4 S Tnnr. lb... 4 tmont, lb.. 4 0.rm-T, rf f 1 I 4 It 4 4 t'rawford, rt.. 4 4 4 S-rmour. rf . . 4 I I PIU, 2b til I'drrorin, M.. 4 11 tlnf-ld. lb. 1 I 1 Prsm, e.... ' 1 I Pool, a 14 4 IKirofnlncor, It 1 l.u.h. cf 1 lon. m t Klttliilso, .. 1 Mtlitk.r. .. S ltxtr 1 Totals. I in I Toiala 4 11)11 4 Batted for Malarkey In the ninth. Cincinnati 2 8 0 0 0 0 1 0 07 Boston 0 2 0 0 0 0 24 Two-baee hits: Seymour 2. Three-base hit: Pelts. Home run: Klttridge. Btoien base: Lush First base on bails: Oft Ma larkpy, 1; off Poole. 4. Hit by pitched ball: By Poole, L Struck out: Bv Malsrkpy, 3; by Poole, 4. Time: 1:48. Umpire: O Day. Barke'a toaa; Hit Wlaa liaane. NEW TORK. Sept. 1 With Brooklyn one run to the good In the hpulnnlna of the ninth Inning the I'lttshurg batters got at Donovan's carves and pounded out two rune of the . earned variety. Ieach and Wagner singled, Tannehlll suppllfd a aacrl flce and Burke's long hit to right brought In both the tleing and winning runs, aa the home team could not get a man as far aa second base in the latter half of th final Inning. Attendance, 4,500. Bcore: PITT8BITRO. BROOKLYN. R.H.O A B. K HO A B Ctar. If 4 Beaumont, cf 4 Iach. lb.... 8 Wasnar. lb.. 1 Tannehlll. rf. I Burks, lb.... 4 Conror, as.., Clramor, a... 1 Chasbrs, e... s I I Sharker. U. 4 4 I 1 4 k irr. rr... e i s s e Dolan, ef.... S4I41 lahln, aa... 4 14 14 MrCraarr, lb 1 1 4 4 4 flood. Ib.... 1 1 I I 1 Irwin. Ib 1 t I 1 harn. c. ... 4 1 4 1 4 DonoTaa, a. 4 4 1 Kliaoa 4 4 4 4 Touts 4 I 17 4 Touts i in i i Batted for Donovan In ninth Innlnsj. Pittsburg 0000001124 Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0-2 Earned runs: Pittsburg, i; Brooklyn, 1. Left on bases: Pittsburg, 8; Brooklyn, 7. Three-base hits: Keeler, Flood. Sacrifice hit: Tannehlll. Btoien bases: Clark, Dolan. Double Plays: Bherksrd to McCreery; Con roy to Wagner. Firet base on balls: Oft Donovan, J; off Chesbro, 1. Hit by pitched ball: By Donovan, 1; by Chesbro, 1. Struck out: By Donovan, 6; by "Chesbro, 4. Time: 1:41. Umpire: Kmslle. Leaders Lead Brooklya. Plttsburt, outbatted Brooklyn in the afternoon game. Leach's wild throw In tha first inning let In three runs. In the alxtli and eighth Innings the visitors batted Kltson freely and Ahearn's poor throwing enabled the champions to steal bases with Impunity. Attendance, 7,000. Score: riTTBBl'RO. BROOKLYN. R.M.O.A W.l. u u n A a Clark, If 1 1 6 4 4 Bheckard. If.. S s I e S Beaumont, ef. 0 Leach. Ib I 4 1 I 1 Knier, rf.... 1 Dolan, ef I Datum, as.... S McCroerr. lb. 1 Flood, lb...., Irwin, Ik 4 Ah earn, c... 1114 14 4 4 0 14 1 4 74 1114 14 14 14 4 1 14 14 Wagner, lb... I 111 Tannehlll, rf. I I 1 rurte, is.... e (Wnroy, aa.... 1 Smith, s 4 Leaver, 4 4 I I 1 1 4 1 4 Kltaon, a . e.uu. a a a a Totals...... 6 14 177 11 I ToUla t 14-M 14 2 Burke out; hit by batted baU. Plttaburar 0 1 o 0 o t A 1 1 a Brooklyn 810001200-7 Earned runs: Pittshurar. R: nrnnlrtvn a Left on bases: Pittsburg, 9; Brooklyn, 7. Two-base hits: Clarke, Burke. Three-base nua: jeeier, nueon. Home run: Irwin. Stolen bases: Leach. Warner. Burks. Leever. Sacrifice hit: Dahlen. First base on balla: Off Kltson, 4; off Evans, 8. Struck out: By Kltaon. 2; by Leever, 2; by Evana, 1 Time: 2:10. Umpire: Emalie. Whack Ip at Philadelphia. PHILADELPHIA. Sont. 1 Chlcairn and Philadelphia broke even on a double- header today. The first game was a miser- aoie exnioition. in the second the locale could not hit Taylor, while Duggleby was batted treely. Attendance, 6,214. Scores: irai same; PHILADELPHIA. I CHICAGO. R.H.O.A.E h. H.O.A. I. Thomas, ef .1114 S.Blsale. 1114 1 Wolrortoa, III I I 4 Dob be, St.... Barry, rr i l i Krua. It 18 4 Hulawiu. as.. I 1 1 Klin, c. Tinker, lb..:. I Chanoe, lb... 4 Jennlngi, lb.. I I I Erars. as..... 4 Lowe, Ib WUllama, rf.. 4 Khoadea, p... S Doom, . is Pouglss, e... 4 11 Child, lb.... 4 4 I Whits, t I Totals.. ,8 I M II 8 ToUls 11 14 27 I I Philadelphia 1 0 2 0 1 4 8 0 U vmcago i I v v v v v u a Earned runs: ChJcaaO. 1. Two-base hits: Slagle, Jennings. Sacrlflc hltsi Iobba, Douglas. Stolen baaea: Klingt Thomas. left on baaea: Chicago. 10; Phil adelphia, 13. First baaa on balls: Off noaaea, e; on wnue, . etrucK out: tty hoades, 1; by White, 11. Wild pitch: r'hlle. Time: 2:80. Umpire: Brown. Second game: CHICAGO. I PHILADELPHIA. R.H.O. A. . Thomas, cf... 4 4 10 1 Slaala, lf... I lie WoWertou. Ib 4 0 S Dobbs, ef 2 11 siuarrr, rt s Krai, If 4 11 Kilos, s SIS Tinker, lb.-. 114 Monetae, lb.. 4 4 II Even, as 4 4 4 Lowe, Ib 4 4 4 Willlasis. rf.. Ill Tailor, p Ill Hula wltt. an.. 4 4 1 Jennings, Ik.. 4 4 Douslas, a.... 114 Chillis, lb.... 4 1 4 Uugglsby, .. 4 1 4 ToUls.. 1 4 It U 1 ToUls I II 17 11 1 Chicago 0 1008. 8 000-4 Philadelphia 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 Earned runs: Chicago. 4. Two-baae hlta: Tinker, Dobba, Douglas, Dougleby. Three- case mis: Hiagie, Lowe. Dacrince nit: Kllng. Left on bases: Chicago, 11; Phila delphia, 8. First base on balls: Oft Dug gleby, 2. Struck out: By Taylor, 4j by Duggleby, 2. Wild pitch; Taylor. Time; 1:80. Umpire: Brown. taatdlaa; f th Teaaaa. Won. Loat P.C. b& 28 .762 60 56 .ta M 63 .014 67 66 .609 65 57 .487 60 61 .460 45 65 ,4o 88 71 .866 Pittsburg .... Brooklya .... ...IIS ...116 tiosion ... Chicago . Cincinnati Bt. Loula .1U9 .112 .113 Phlladelphl New York no 110 (lames todav: St. Loula at New York. Pittsburg at Brooklyn, Chicago at Phlla. delphia, Cincinnati at Boston. GAMES IN AMERICAN LEAGUE t. Loat Wla Third Straight (rasa Hw York, Featnr Belag th ritchlagr f BadhoaT. ST. LOUIS. Bent. 1. Moraine game: The Bt. Louie team won the third atralght game from Philadelphia here thla morning. The feature of the exhibition waa the pitching oi Buonorr, toe bu Loula twiner, sbuttlug out the Athletics up to tha ninth Inning and allowing them but three hit. Attend ance, 2.SU0. Bcore: BT. LOUIS. 1 PHILADELPHIA. R H O A.E.I R.H.O.AB. Bnrkett, U... I I Hart eel. If... 1 114 Hemphill, rf. 1 I 4 Heidrlck. ef. I I I 4 rulta, ef I 4 I I 4 4 4 Davla, lb.... 4 4 14 4 1 4 I L. Croaa, lb. 4 1 1 1 1 Anderaoa, lb, 1 1 14 Wallace, ss.. 1 S I McC rot's. Ik 4 1 Padden, lb.. I I Kahoo, e Ill Nudhoff. a... 1 I 4 1 0 4 0 4 e I 4 Beybold, rf.. 1 1 Murphy, lb., I I I 1 I M. L'roas. as. 4 I 4 4 Bchreck, ... 4 4 4 I 4 WadselL p... 4 4 4 I 4 Touts .!. St. Louis. I 1 IT 11 ToUls 1 I 14 11 I ... 1 1 0 8 1 0 - Philadelphia .... Earned runs: hits: Anderson ...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 St. Loula, 8. Two-base Baorlflee hits: Wallace McCormlck, Sudhoft. 8eybol. ouble playa: McCormlck to Anderson. Passed ball: Kahoe. Stolen bases. Hemphill. Hit by pitcher: By buuhoff, 8. Bases on balls: Off Waddell 2. Struck out: By Sudhoff, a, or vvauueu, s. iett on oases: Bt. L.OU1S, 7: Philadelphia. 4. Time of game, 1:20, umpires, tneriaan and Johnstone. Thaaka to Kahee'e BaerlMc lilt 8t. Louis won the afternoon gam In an other close finish. Powell belnar liiaini. mental In bringing In the winning run for tne secona lime aunng tne series, with the score a tie In the ninth Innliiw Vfltehell knocked Kahoe senseless by hitting hlin on the head with a pitched ball. Thla filled th basea and Mitchell was so rattled by the mishap that he gave Powell a baaa on bans, forcing in tne deciding run. At tendance, ,eo). Score, afternoon game; ST. LOUS. i ' PH1LADKLPH1A. R.H.O.A.E. K H O A E. Burkett. 11... 1 4 4 Hartssl. If... llo'phlll, r-et 1 I Helexlrk. ef., 1 I Prlel. rf 4 Anderaoa, lb. 4 11 Wallace, as . I I 4 Mct'urm'k. Ib I I Padden. lb... 4 Kahoe. 4 4 I Powell, p 4 4 4 rulu. rf 4 11 4 bevla. is..... I 11 eat., croaa. jo.. I I I 1 Selboid, rf.... Ill 1 Murphy, lb... 4 14 I 4 M Croaa, as.. I 4 4 I 4 rVhret. .... I 4 I Mitchell, p... I 1 1 1 a el I ToUls I 1-31 M : ToUla 4 4 IT 11 11 One out when winning run was scored. St. Louis 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 14 Philadelphia 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0-8 Esrned runs: Bt. Louis. 1: Philadelphia, 2. Two-base hits: Heidrlck-, Davis, rlel. bold. Three-base hit: Murphy. Sacrim-e hit: Mrl'ormuk. Double plays: Murpny lunassiNirai; Mireca to Al. t'roae lo Davis Passed balls: Kahoe, 2. Btoien base: Ka hoe. Hit by pitched ball: By Mitchell. 2. viiiu pttcn: roweii. hirst base on balls: Off Mitchell, 7; oft Powell. 2. Struck out: By . Powell, 2; by Mitchell. 1. I -eft on basse: Bt. Ixjuls. 7: r'liiladelphla. 7. Time: 1 umpires: Bneridan and Juhnatone. tapld FleldlBg Helps WsiklsgUa DETROIT. Bent. l.-McCarthv Pitched i splendid game this morning and would have aeuree a shutout but fur surae atuulj tteld lug la th tust loiilug. Aii that ha waa given etiperh support. Barrett, Leplne and tiieaeon earn made marvelous catches. At- tendance. 1.012. Score: DKTROIT. WAdHINOTON. R H.O.A K I R H.O.A. B. Herler. If... Ellwrf'S. as.. Csasr, lb.... Barrett, ef... Berk, lb Leplne, rf.... Oleaaon, lb., Mrtlutre, e... McCarthy, p. I I 1 1 Pnrle, lb.... 4 1 4 I Lee. ef 1 I Delebentr, It I e Keiner. rf .. 1 t'nufhlls, Ib, I 4 Kl. as 4 arT. Ik.... I 1 1 1 I 1 Clarke, .. I liFaltea. s.. 4 4 . 4 Total 4 I 17 It l Totals I I 14 It I Detroit 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 4 Washing on 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 Two-base hit: McOtiire. Sacrifice hit: Beck. Stolon bnses: Harley, Beck. Bases on balls: Off Patten, 1. First base on er rors: Detroit. 2. Left on bases: Detroit, 7; Washington, 7. Struck out: By Patten, 6; by McCarthy, 1. Double play: Ely to Doyle to Carey. Passed ball: MeOulre. Time: 1:30. Umpire: O'Laughlln. Pitcher Lee I Good te Detroit. Ie'a delivery Suited the Detroit team nicely thia afternoon and they proceeded to fatten their averages after the first in nine;. C'asey'a home run wes a beautiful drive to the clubhouse. Mullln was given high-class support by his team mates. Doyle's elngle and steal, followed by Kelster'a safe hit, scored Washington s only run Score: DETROIT. WASHINOTON. R.H.O.A.E. Deri, lb 1 I 1 I 1 R.H.O.A.E Hafley. If.... 1 Elberfeld, ss. 1 Caaejr, Ib I Barrett, ef... 1 Beck, lb I LeTlne, rf.... 1 Gleaeon, lb., 1 Buelow, s.., 1 Mullln, p 1 Lee. p llehantt, If I V Kelater, rt... 1 1 outhlln. Ib. I 4 I I Kir. es 1 I arer, lb I 4 It will, , 4 1 1 birth. cf. ... 4 4 1 Totals II II J7 II 1 ToUls .. 1 I 14 IS I 0 0 2 -13 0 0 0 0-1 Detroit 0 2 2 4 0 Washington 1 0 0 0 0 Home run: Casev. Sacrifice hit: Beck. Stolen bases: Doyle, Huelow. First base on balla; Off Mullln, 2; off Lee, 1. First base on errors: Washington, 1. Left on bases: Detroit, 8; Washington, 8. Struck out: By Mullln, 1; by Lee, 2. Double plays: Olenson to Klberteld to Heck 2; Leplne to Elberfeld. Time: 1:40. Umpire: O'Laugh lln. C'levelaad Shale Oat Boetoa. CLEVELAND. Sept. l.-Cleveland shut Boston out In the morning game, the visi tors finding Moore a puszle. Sparks waa an easy mark for the locals, who proceeded to fatten their hitting averages. He also re reived miserable support. Attendance, 4,190. Score: CLEVELAND. . BOSTON. R.H.O.A.E.! R.H.O.AE. Bay, ef 444 tDoiighertr, If 4 1 1 Bradley, lb.. I 1 I Lajole, lb... Ill Hickman, lb. 1 I IS Plokftrlng, rf. I I 4 McCarthy, If. 1 I 1 Gochna'er, ss I I 4 Bemla, o Ill Moors, p 4 1 I stahl. ct 4 114 1 4 Parent, sa. .. 1 1 I 1 4 0 Freeman, rf . 4 1 1 1 4 4 4 Oleaaon. lb.. I 4 4 1 1 4 Larhanee. ib 111 1 1 I Ferris, lb.... 4 1111 4 Crlrer, e..... I 1 I 4 4 Sparks, p.... 4 4 1 I 1 ToUla 14 II 17 11 1 ToUla I I M II I Cleveland S 1 0 8 0 1.0 0 10 Boaton 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Two-baae hlta: McCarthy, Lajole. Home run: Pickering. Sacrifice hlta: Lajole, Moore. D)iiUe play: Parent to Ciiger to Ferris. First base on balle: Off Moore, 1; off Sparks, 2. Left on base: Cleveland, (; Boaton, 7. Struck out: My Moore, 2; by Sparks, 8. Passed ball: Bern is. Time: 1:4d. Umpire: Connolly. Repeat th Doe for Lack. Cleveland shut Boston out again this afternoon, Bernard being a pussle. The locale ' hit Dlneen at will. Th crowd waa th largest that ever witnessed a base ball game In Cleveland. The players were surrounded by a human wall, while the roofs of the stands and tho fences were black with people. Th paid admissions numbered 17,2bo. Score: CLEVELAND. i BOSTON. R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E. Bay, ef I I 4 4 OlDoughartr, If 1 I Bradley, lb.. 1 I I Lajole. lb.... I I 4 Hickman, lb. 1 1 II nick, rf 114 liuCariiiy, it. 4 B I Gochnausr, ss 4 I 8 Wood, o 4 1 1 araham, p.. 1 statu, cf S0I4 4 Parent, sa.... 4 4 4 1 I 'Freemen, rt.. 18 14 Oidleaaon, lb.. 4 14 1 e Leunance, to. tf Ferrle, lb..,. Ill OiWerner, s..., 4 I I 1 'Dlneen, p.... 4 4 4 1 ToUls I 11 17 It II ToUls 4 4 14 7 I Cleveland 10018040 8 Boaton 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Two-bas hlta: McCarthy (2), Bay Lajole, Flick,' Freeman. Stolen bases: Bay (8), Bradley, Flick, Hickman, Lajoie. Double plays: Oouchnaur to Lajole to Hickman, Lajole to Hickman, Ferrla to Parent to LaCnanc. First baa on balls: Off Dlneen, 2. Left on bases: Cleveland, t; Boaton, 4. Struck out: By Dlneen, 4; by Bernhard, 1. Time: 1:28. Umpire: Connolly. , Chicago Wlaa ha Oae. CHICAGO, Sept L Chicago easily won the first game from Baltimore by bunch ing hlta, with baaea on balla. The errors of the vlsitora also helped the locals to win. Both teama played loose ball In the aecond game. Strang e three errors giving Baltimore three runa In tha eighth and Robinson's wild throw allow lug to looals to tie tha scors In the ninth. Attendance, 13.100. Score: First game: CHICAOO. BALTIMORE. R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E. Strang, lb.... 1 1 H Mct-I'd, ef 1 I I I 1 r. Jonas, cf.. I 1 Oreen, rt 1 4 1 Darts, aa 8 I MerUs, if.... 1 1 Daly. Ib Ill labell. lb I 1 11 B Mcflaad, sill ristt, p I 1 I Howell, If..., Williams. Ib. 1 1 T. Jones, lb.. I I Mathlaos, lb. I I Arnm, rf I 4 Ollbert, ss.... I Oistalth, e 4 uutler, p 1 ToUls.. 4 11 ri 14 4 ToUls. , .4 14 II 4 DIM 10 0 1-4 Chicago 0 2 0 1 1 Baltimore 0 0 0 0 8 Left on base: Chicago, T; Baltimore, . Two-base hits: Piatt. H. McFarland. WU llama. Saciitic hlta: Green, Mertee, Strang. Btoien baaea: Oreen, Mertea, Davie, Isbell (2), Gilbert. Double play: K. McFarland to Isbell. Struck out: By Piatt, 8; by Butler. L Paased ball: E. McFar land. First base on balla: Off Piatt, 6; off Butler, 6. Hit by pitched ball: Howell. Time: 8:00. Umpire: Carruthera. Second game; CHICAOO. I , BALTIMORE. R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E Strang, lb.... Ill F. Jones, ef.. I 4 4 Gnu, rf 4 I 4 HH.Mcrr, m t i Howell, It.... 4 11 OiWIIIUma, Ib. I 1 4 Davis, ss e i s Mertea. If.... 4 14 Daly. Ib 4 4 4 labelL lb 4 4 II B Mcrlsad. (Ill Oiifflth, S....4 4 4 in. jenes, l.. l !Mathlaon, Ib. 1 Arndt, rf 1 Gilbert, as.... 1 iRoblaaoa. .. 1 t witue, p ToUla.... . I 4 It II 4 ToUls, . I I 17 14 4 Chicago . ....2 0 0 0 1 ....0 0 0 8 0 0 0 8-8 Baltimore 0 0 8 0- Left on bases: Chicago. 7: Baltimore. T. Two-baae hits: Strang, E. McFarland, Mathlson, T. Jonea. Hacrince hits: L. Jonea (21. Green. K. McFarland. Isbell. Btoien baaea: F. Jonea, Williams. Double lays: Gilbert to Williams to T. Jones; I'illama to Ollbert to T. Jonea. Struck ...V. r . .. neith a. K v 1S7I1 t'l... UUI, J UMIUll , "j . v. . v. .. 1 1 -. i ff rilml. a- nir v 1 1 , . a UUQ VII wmiM. . v.. .... .., m , v , . . 1-d , Hit by pitched ban; Howell, u. McFar land. (Us me caneu account aaraneea.) Time: i.iu. umpire: t-arru uners. Btaadlag f th Teasae. Played, Won. Lost. P.C, Philadelphia .in 68 48 668 St. Loula ... ..114 ..113 ..112 ..lot i 62 64 (7 62 45 48 48 42 60 67 61 67 46 .664 .662 Boaton Chios ero .645 .600 Cleveland ... ashlngton .460 Baltimore .. .4 Detroit .am Games todayt Boston at Chicago. Phlla delphia at Detroit, Baltimore at Cleveland, wasnington at dl iuuia. IN AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Colasnha Paaehes Tw Holes la T led' Ticket Wllhat Mr Thaw Half Trying. COLUMBUS. O.. Sept.' 1 Columbus won both games from Toledo today without much effort. The locals hit McNeal and Hughey freely, while both McMakln and Curtis were very effective. Attendance, 8.21S. Scores: First game: COLCMBVB. I TOLEDO. R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E Hart. lb. 4 Beides, rf 1 McPerlaa. rf, I I 41 Perns, ib...t 1 I 1 lkleluos. lb.. 4 17 4 4 I III. Turner, ss 1 1 I 1 0 araaaa, ..... 4 I 4 I 1 (inks, cf e 4 4 4 4 smitb. sb..... 4 I I 4 1 ( osasall, rt.. 1 1 I 1 I 1 yk, if 1 I 6 McNeal, ..... 4 14 11 T Turner, Ib I Vioi, Ib 1 Knell, It 1 Foi, 1 Houke, as.... 4 McMakls, p.. I Totals f I 17 II !( ToUls 1 4 14 7 4 Columbua 1 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 7 Toledo 0 0044100 41 Stolen baaea: Belden, McFarland, T. Turner. Knoll. Sacrlflc hit: Hopke. Double play: Hopke to Hart. Struck out: By McMakln. 1: by McNeal. I First base on balla: Off McNeal, 8. Time: 2:18: Um pire: Tindlll. Second game: COLIMBI'S. I TOLEDO. R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.AE. Hart, lb I 4 4 1 4 Bursa, lb.... 1 I 4 I Beldea, rf I Merarlaa, af. T. Vurner. IS Vlei. lb Knell, If I My era, s I Htke, ee.... I 11 Klemow, lb.,1 is I I Mil. Turner, as 4 4 I 4 I 1 oramus. ..... 41 Ollka. of 4411 III Smitk. lb.... 1 S 1 I 111 CosewelL rt.. I 4 18 4 1 Mo.k. If. 11S Curtla, p . 4 4 1 4 4 H uhej, a.... 1 1 ToUla I II 17 14 41 ToUls I I M 14 I Columbua 081814 4 Toledo 14144140S 8 k: . I h. . . . Ii . .( Vnnll U .. . n baaa hlta; McFarland. K.noiC Mars. Ttuss- bss hit: Hopke. Double plsy: Hopke to Vlox to Hart. Struck fut: By Curtla, 1: by Hughey, 8. First base on balls: Off Cnrtl, 8; off Hughey, 8. Hit by pitched ball: By Curtis, 1. Time: 1:4. Umpire: T'ndlll. Heeslere Take 'Em Both. INDIANAPOIJB, Sept. 1. tndlanatmll won two games from Louisville today. The largeet crowd that ever attended a morning game, 4.RO0 persona, rooted th home club to victory, sending Dunkle bal looning when his support went back on him. The afternoon crowd wsa also a record breaker, nearly 17.0tXt crowding onto the field. ButhofT wsa Invincible and Kerwln waa pounded at will, the locals Increasing their lead each Inning. Bcore, Arat game: INDIANAPOLIS. I LOVISVILLB. R.H.O.A.E I R.H.O.A.E. Hoarlerer. rf. 1 I Onwell, cf..., 1 1 4 4 4 Pot. lb Coulter, rf... Grim. lb.... Kihta, lb... O'Brien, as. WoedmS. If Ktlhne, lb.. Heydon, e... Williams, p Bonner, lb... 1 Camel, lb... 1 Flournoy, If. . 1 ClTmer. rf-cf. 4 Olfl'-haub. lb.... I chrlrer, e... 4 Smeehan, as.. I Ounkle, p.,.. 4 Totals 4 4 17 II ll Total 4 II 14 11 I Indlnnnpolls 00081880 Louisville . 8000000204 First base on balls: Off Williams, 1; oft Dunkle, 2. Struck out: By Williams, t: by Dunkle. 4. Two-base hit: Woodruff. Three base hits: Bonner, Klhm. Double pley: Williams to O'Brien to Klhm. Btoien bases: Kuhns, Fog, Bchaub, Clymer. Left on bases: Indisnapolls, 4; Louisville, . Time: 2:Pi. Umpire: Haskell. Bcore, second game: INDIANAPOLIS. I LOUISVILLE. R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E. Hoirlerer. rt. 1 0'Olwell, rf... 1 1 Bonner, lb.. OlOaniel. lb... SlFlosrnoy, If. !ClysMtr, rf... llrVhaab, Ik.. espies. 0Sheehan, ss. j Kerwln, ... 114 Foi. Ib Coulter, of... I Klhm. Ib I Womlrs, If.. I O'Bhlen, as.. 1 1 1 I 11 I II, Ik... 1 Heydon, e..., 4 Sudhoft, p... 1 ToUla IT II 17 II l ToUla I 14U 11 I Sudhoff out on bunt strike. Indianapolis 1 2 9 0 1 1 8 0 -17 Louisville 0 0 1 8 0 0 0 0 0-8 First base on balls: Off Budhnff. 2: off Kerwln, 8. Struck out: By Sutthoff. 1: by I.ri will, 4, i wu-unnv . V . . u i . - , , Klhm (2), O'Brien, Heydon, On nee 1, Clymer, Kerwln. Home run: tteyaon. oaennce hits: Kuhns. Sudhoft. Double plays O'Brien to Klhm, O'Brien to Fo to Klhm. left on basea: Indianapolis, 9; Louisville, 6. Time: 1:60 Umpire: Haskell. 'Alt aa 'Alt at Mlaaeapolla. UtVUl-lDATTa O.nt 1 UlnM..nAll. I." i.n i t, . ii l i - j . v , ... 11111. uu.m and St. Paul broke even again today. In tne first game Miller only allowed tnree hits, two of which. Wllmot's double and Grant's three-bagger, coming In the ninth, with a base on balls, gave the Millers their onLy scores. Dlllard s home run In the third gave the Saints their lead. In the second game St. Paul tied the score In the seventh by bunching hits, but doubles by Lynch and Martin In the tenth aaved the game for Minneapolis. Attend ance, x.sbe. ecore, nrst game: ST. PAUL. I MINNEAPOLIS. R.H.O.A.E. , R.H.O.A.E. Oeler, Ib... 1 I I I 1 Lynch, lb.... 4 1 Shannon, cf Dlllara. If.., O'Lally, It..... llYeaser, ... I Wilraot, rf.. OjWerden, lb. Chech, rt. .. Huaeine. lb Kelly, lb..., Hurley, e.., Marcsa, aa. Millar, ... OfVjuniin, Sullivan, cf. Orant, lb.... Torrenoe, p. 'Brers Totals 4 11 17 H 1 ToUls 1 I IT 11 1 Batted for Torrence In the ninth. St. Paul 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 1-4 Minneapolis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 88 Earned runs: Minneapolis, 1: St. Paul. 2. Bases on balls: Off Miller, 4; off Tor rence, 3. Two-baae hit: W 11 mot. Three base hit: Grant. Home run: Dlllard. Struck out: By Torrence, 4; by Miller, 2. Stolen base: Qutllln. Left on bases: Min neapolis. 7; St. Paul, 9. Time: 1:35. Um pire: figgemier. Score record rm; MINNEAPOLIS j ST. PALL. n is s-k A aw I a tr A A t n.n.w.n.v. . s . v , je, . s . Lysca, lb.. Lallr, If.... Brera. e.... Wllmot, rf. Werden. lb wilt lIOUr. lb.... 14111 shannon, cf.. 1 l 1 0 nnigird, it.... l i ( heeh. rt 4 4 4 I 1 Hu.irtne, lb.. 1 1 4 4 Qulllls. ss.. Kellr. lb. 4 1 14 t 14 11 1 4 1 T 114 8 SulllTan. ef Hurler, e. Orant. lb... Marcsa, ss. Martin, p.. ICogaa, p.... ToUls 8 11 44 17 l Totals T II 44 24 8 Minneapolis 0 0 8 6 0 1 0 1 0 1-8 SL Paul 0 10000601 0-7 Earned runs: Minneapolis, 6: Bt, Paul. 4. ' Bases on balla: Off Martin, 8; oft Co gan, 7. Three-base hit: . Sullivan. Double clave: Orant to Oullltn to Werden: Mar- can to Hugglns to Kelly; Cogan te Kelly. Btruca: out: tsy Martin, z. Btoien oaaea: Werden. Sullivan, Byers. Sacrifice hit: Hurley. Left on bases: Minneapolis, 8; Bt. raui, 7. Time:, x;iu. umpire; rigge- puer. Eaea Get Reresge at Kawrlll. KAKBA8 CITT. Sent. 1 Kansas Citv and Milwaukee each took a game today. uear waa sieaay at criucai times in tne first same. McDonsld was not effective in the aecond game, having pitched yesterday. Attendance, 8,006. Scores: irst game: KANSAS CITT. f MILWAUKEE. R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E. Rothfuaa, rt.. 1 4 1 1 0 Dunran, If... 4 8 11 Berllle, ..... 1 11 WrBrlde, Cf .l Nance, ef.,., 8 I 1 t 1 e e Brnieoecs, SB 1 s Jl-Hallman, rf.. 1 8 1 rilniman, sa. 1 4 4 4 Runkle. tb... Ill t Donahs, lb.. 4 I II Oraoj, Ib 1 Leeee, as.... 1 I Smith. If 4 McAl)4's. Ik I Oanson, lb... 4 1 14 4 4 8 peer, 4 lit uear, p a i i i scauu, .. s 1 T ota la I 14 17 II l ToUls 4 14 14 17 4 Kansas City 0 0810081 8 Milwaukee 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 84 Earned runa: Kansas City, 8; Milwaukee, 1 Two-base hits: McBrlde, Donahue, Nance, Grady, Leewe. Three-base hit: Gear. Sacrifice hlta: Mc Andre we, Gannon, Gear. First baaa on balla: Off Gear, 8; off MeAndrewa. t. Struck out: By Gear. 8. Double playi Rothfuss to Gannon: Um pire: Altrock. Second garnet MILWAUKEE. KANSAS CITT. R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E. Dunsaa. If. 4 4 11 0 Rothfuss, rf.. 1 1 8 4 4 Mc Bride, ct .l a. hleberk, Ib 4 Mailman, rf.. 4 8 1 1 1 I 1 I f,; 4 T 1 1 : bti lie, . I 1 Thlel, lb.. 1 4 Ores, lb. 1 t 1 1 118 4 117 1 1 II I 1 114 1 Cllnrmaa. ss. 1 I e Leewe, . aa Hunkle. IB... I Donahue, lb.. I Hialth. If 4 114 4 14 14 MeAneea, lb Mr. 1 Oansoa, ef... 1 1 barber, a 4 McDonsia. I.I I t I 1 Oesr. p 4 1 ToUls.. I 17 II 1 Nane t ToUls 4 11 17 II I Nance batted for McDonald In the elsrhth. Milwaukee 1 8 8 0 0 0 0 2 1 Kanaas City 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0-8 Earned runs: Kansaa City, 4; Milwau kee, 6. Two-baae hlta: Bunkle, -McBrlds (2), Bchleoeck, Leewe. Three-base ht: Hallman. Sacrifice hlta: Bevllle, Grady, McDonald, Bpeer, Hallman, Dungan, Don ahue. Stolen base: Donahue. Double play: Sclilebeck to CUngman to Dungan. First base on balls: Off Barber, 8; off McDonald, 4. Hiruca out: tsy uaroer, I. Hit by pitched ball: By Barber, L Umpire: Al trock. Steading; f tk Teaasa. Played. Won. Lost P.C. Indianapolis1 Louisville ... Bt. Paul Kansas City Milwaukee .. Columbus ... Mlnneapolla .....1J0 11 89 .675 78 8$ .470 64 63 .8 (9 61 .4!2 IS 63 . 466 84 6 .ta 41 81 .842 88 84 .317 .118 .119 lao 11 121 121 123 loieao .. Gamea today: Milwaukee at Kansas Cltv. St. raui at Minneapolis, iuisviue at In disnapolls, Toledo at Columbua. i Tkree-L Lags Qaase. At Rock Island, morning gams: R.H.E Rock Island 8 10 7 Davenport 8 8 8 At Bloomington, morning game; Decatur 14 11 Bloomington 2 8 At cedar Kaplda: Rot k ford t T Cedar Kaplds 1 4 At Terre Haute Morning game: Terra Haute 4 8 Evansvllle 8 10 Afternoon rames: At Cedar Rapids Cedar Raplda, 4; Rock- ford. 8. At Terra Haute Terre Haute, 8; Evana- ville, 1. At Davenport Davenport, I; Rock At Bloomington Bloomington, IS; De catur, z, Play All Areaad Peaeiers. . BEEMKR, Neb., Sept. L (Special.) The Pender base ball team met Its Waterloo here yesterday, when It played the Beemer team. Score: Beemer 1 4 1 2 0 4 8 17 Pender 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 08 Batteiiea: Pender, Fleming, Schrempp, Stubberfleld and Hannon; Beemer, Davis and Fehllman. Struck out: By Davis, 10; by Fleming, 8; by Stubberfleld, L L'mplre: B. Duu. Dieta Wla at Lyaa. Th C. N. Diets club defeated the Lyona team Monday at Lyona In a very close and escltlng game. Score: R H E Lyons 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 1 8 8 C. N. Diets.... 101010 0 10-481 Batteries: C. N. Diets. Hathaway and Devlaon; Lyons, Smith and Taylor. The Result of 25 Years Wc had 25 years of soap-making experience before we could make Jap Rose. It represents the utmost that cost and skill can do. Jap Ro 1 ' trass aaawl One-sixth of it is pure glycerin. All the oils are pure vegetable, treated with antiseptics. Has the perfume of nat ural flowers; transparent. JAMES S. KIRK ft COMPANY, CHICAGO WTlifft Dncol'in Uundry lAl DADNIIM vie a nivviii FUTURITY GOES SIX HEATS Gail Hamilton Finally Wins Bit: Irsnt at Hartford. JOHN Mo, FAVORITE, GIVES HER A CHASE Reel Rob Also Get la for a Piece of th ' Moaey hr Groat Flats Caaler th Whip. HARTFORD, Conn., Sept. 1. Th 810.000 Futurity for S-year-olds was ths feature of ths Charter Oak grand circuit meet here today. A Held of eight startera la this race waa reduced to three in ths final heat. Gall Hamilton took first money. It wss a great racs, heart-breaking nnisnes characterising a majority of tb heats. John Mc. was ths favorite In ths betting, selling with Oall Hamilton $50, Wig Wag 36 and the field 825. John Me. and Oall Hamilton fought It out In a royal battle. It took six heats to settle ths question of supremacy, the Pennsylvania boras being beaten by a nose In the final. Red Robe, from Macon, Oa., put up a spirited race, taking third money. This horse beat out John Mo. In th fifth heat under th whip, making the alxth heat necessary. In ths 2:80 trot Wllque, after a stub born contest, took first money, with Rythmic, th blind stallion, aecond. Els beat were alao necessary for this racs. Ia ths first heat ths watches of ths Judges went astray, consequently bo time was taken. Zephyr was withdraws after ths fourth heat. In ths 2:19 trot Ths Roman won In straight heats, having an easy time aad outclassing th field. Th best racing of tba dav waa nrovlded In tha 107 naea tba day was provided in tns 1.07 paca, uari wiiaea taaiug nrst money, 'winning th two laat heats In comparatively easy styls. Th 1,600 purss In this raes was divided, th three leading horses la each heat dividing $500. About 8,000 people war In attendance. A light wind from th south blew down th homestretch. Th weather was very warm, exoellent for fast time and th track was remarkably fast. Summaries: Hartford Futurity, foals of 1898; purss 310.000: Oall Hamilton, blk. f., by Oak land uaron-Jennte uuise. oy Baron Wllkea (Hudson),,.., 14 3 John Mc, b. c. (Milan) 3 11 Red Robe, b. f. (Brady) 3 7 3 Bell Moor. ch. f. (Oeers) 7 3 18 1 18 8 4 1 8 7 dr Direct View, b. c. (A. Mo Donald) 3 3 4 3 3ro Kentucky Wllkea Junior, b. 0. (Ryeraon) ... 4 8 7 6 4 to Wig Wag (Thomas) 8 I 8 t 4 ro Sister Collette, b. m. (Cahlll) da Time: 2:15, :17H. 3:ltt. 3:174, 3:194. 2:18H. 3:80 trot, pur 83,000, three heats In five: Wllque, b. g., by Queechy, by Wllkea Spirit Junior (A. P. McDonald) 8 8 113 1 Rythmic, br. s. (Hudson) 3 13 8 13 Darwin, g. g. (Eckert) 1 8 8 3 8 ro Zephyr, b. m. (Geers) 1 3 4 4 dr Horace Wilson, ch. s. (Shank) 4 4 5 dr Alfred Star, br. s. (Cahlll).... ds The Quaker, br. g. (Clark).... ds Time: Firs) heat not given, 3:15, 1:094, 2:124, 1J1, 1:131. 2:18 trot, purs $3,000. three heats In five: The Roman, b. g., by McKlnney- Wanda, by Eroa (Benaon) ... 1 1 I isonj ... i i ney) S 4 (Hhsnk i 9 3 Is) 8 4 8 Maasette, bin. tt. (Blerney) Patchen Maid, rm. m. ( Austin Bov. b. a. (Lwl Baron Bell, b. s. (Hudson) 3 8 8 Authoress, blk. ro. (Utrador) 3 3 3 M. M. D.. b. m. (McKlnney) ds Time: 1:124. 2:1V 3:07 pace, purs )l,to9, three beats, on mile each: Carl Wilkes, ch. g., by Wilkes Nut wood (A. McDonald) Til Dumont W.. b. g. (Krnest) 18 8 Riley B., blk. s. (Ervin) 8 8 3 Tou Bet, b. g. (Walker) 3 8 8 Nathan Strauss, b. . (Curry) 9 T 2 The Blehop, b. g. (Wilson) 3 8 4 Sphynx S., b. g. (tipear) 9 4 3 Annia Dross, ch. g. (Kent) 3 8 7 Lottie Smart, ch. m. (Loomls) 4 8 3 Martha Marshall, b. m. (Noble) da Time: 3:06. 3:08. 8u4. Regatta aa Harlsas River. , NEW YORK. Sept. 1. Th thirteenth an nual regatta of the Middle Statea Recall association besan today on the speedway course. Harlem river. The racea were one mile atralght away and were rowed with the tide. Ther were alxty entries. Includ ing oarsmen from Philadelphia, Baltimore, Newark, N. J., and Toronto, Canada. The meet prominent sculler entered waa Scholea, the Canadian, who waa defeated by Tltua at the neinoy riana in July. Tltua aa not entered. Association senior singles, first trial heat, was won by Frank Wessely, First Bohemian club of New York; Jess 7-owers. Nassau B. C, New York, second. Time. 5;1&H- Junior double sculls: First trial heat won by Rysa and Teevea. 2awanhaka. New York; Swanaon and Koblusen, River aide Boat club, Nw York, second. No time taken. Junior four -oared gig, second trial heat: Sop Wrspptrs otchgaro4 for valuable premiums, at our tor, CtTDPtrr. Dl ee a iimii Peacefuldlumber Always follows a night-cap of Gold Top bottled beer. Its a healthful tonic, invigorating, bracing and upbuilding. A few caaea of Gold Top wla Oftlm save a doctor's bill. JETTE.i BREWING CO So. Omaha, Neb. 'Phone I. Omaha Office, 'Phone 1641 LtE Micnru, Wholesale Dealer, 1018 Main. Co. Bluffs. Pnon 80. Arundel C, Baltimore, won; Wahnetah Boat club. New Tork, aecond. Time: 4:58. Oae-Legared Pitcher Wlaa. FREMONT, Neb., Sept. l. (Speclal Tels prraui. ) Tlie. Fttthiuiit Gi'iaiuw had ho trouble In beating th Fowlers this after noon by a score of 15 to 4. Fremont'a one legged pitcher proved too much for th kids. Their hlta were few and acatterlng and their errora In the outfield costly. The Originals pounded Heln hard and bunched their hlta well In the third and aeventh innings. Their errors were much less costly than those of th kids. There was large crowd out rooting, principally for the kids. Scors: Original 118 10 14 1 J-18 Fowler 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 04 Base hits: Originals, 16; Fowlers, 8. Struck out: By Daum, 4; by Heln, 8. First base on balls: Off Daum, 4; off Heln, 8. Batteries: Originals, Daum and Mlliken; Fowlers, Hein, Konln and Harma. Boathera Assoelatloa. Morning games: At Atlanta Memphis. I; Atlanta, 1. At Nashville Nashville, 12; fihrev port, 8. . At Chattanooga New Orleans, 7; Chat tanooga, 6. ' At Birmingham Birmingham, 0; Little Rock, o. Afternoon gamea; At Birmingham Little Rock, t; Birming ham, 1. At. Chattanooga Chattanooga, 3;' New Orleans, 8. At Nashville Nashville, : Shreveport, 8. At Atlanta Atlanta, 8; Memphis, t. Champloaahla f Doadee. The First Dundees and Second Dundcea played a close and exciting game for the championship of Dundee, the First team j winning by the narrow margin of 8 to 4. ana Drvviiu it-ttui luuiin iiaiurii, an easy mark, but could; do nothing against Perry, the umpire. Barttlet allowed thirteen base on balls, while Anderson allowed only two. The feature of the game was the pitching and all-around good playing of Anderson. He allowed but three hits and struck out twelve men. Creaeeats Los All Three. NORFOLK. Neb.. Bent. 1 (Bnecial Tela. 1 tram.) The Norfolk Brownies took all fl,ree game of the series with the Omaha i ureecent tfaturoay, yesterday and today. ths score for the three games being ,'. n1 t0 Tod 4 to I: by In- Norfolk .. Creacents 033 13 0 0 -3 1-4 0 tat Pair Races. LINCOLN, Sept 1. (Special Telegram.) The raoea resulted: Roadster club, one mil: Plolett ... Ill Nellie Ash 3 i 3 Anna Will 4 8 3 Ogonts 3 4 4 Time: 8:1H. 3:2oU, 3:1H. Trottlna. one mile. 1:40 class; Mark Hanna Ill Amarla 3 3 3 Queen Tolus 3 3 8 Abdul Hamld 4 4 4 Time: 3:27Vt, 3:24 Running, one-half Druggist Billy Van Over Again mile: ,..3 1 1 .. 8 Ids .14 1 ..4 Ids .. Ids .. 8 ds .. 7ds much wood May Villa Kingston Nancy Time: 60, 60, 6L Ceatral City Wla at Teaals. CENTRAL CITY. Neb.. Sept. 1. (Special Telegram.) The tennis tournament in dou ble at Central City today between Fuller ton. Grand Island, St. Paul and Central City players was a decided success. Per slnger and Carnahan of Central City won their match In the finale. - mm i i A I7eal!i Indigestion Is oftan causod by otp ating. Aa mlnent authority aays tha barm dona thui exceeds that from tba excessive tu) of alcohol. Eat all tha food food 70a want butdon'iovor load tba stomach. weak stomach ma refuse to digest what you eat. Then you need a good dlgestant Ilk Kodol, which digests Your food with out the stomach a aid. This res. and tha wholesome tonics Kodol contains aoon reitora health. Dieting unneces sary. Kodol quickly relieves the feel ing of fulness and bloating from which soma people sutler after meals. Absolutely cares I ndlgestloo. Kodol KattsfVo TobIo. Prepared o ly by E. C. PsWrr-r AOox. Chicago. Th rttferAllr,eU almesahaaAe rcwurnmictAiaY lUStUS The famous little pills foi constipation. EASY f-OIIEY ! ! IMCORPORATCp Si BMkee 4ie br eur aa re s4 safe aretes .1 tart Iseeetaieait. aatirely see) slaa gSSa. Wrue lev M idS. THS IX) I. OU ASS lALI CO., Tail b.a kWaws, lit Vasra Buses, mil, a. , I