Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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Philadelphia. Cen tral Labor Union Pioposei
Action Against tha General.
morning. But the extension of the closed
season to September 1 has caused chickens
to attain a greater growth and placed them
In better condition to look out for them
selves. They are now large and strong
and will not be slaughtered as easily as
some anticipate.
ALARMING DUST IS FALLING debs talks of socialism
Repabllraa aad Deasoeratle Par
ties Are Alike as Reamrda
Indications of Another Eruption Frightsi
People ef Many Isles.
Savraor la Asked Alan ta HrntK
lllut fr Order to ' Shoot Xoa
waloalata Cornered la
PHILADELPHIA, Aug. M. The Central
Labor unloa of PblladelpblB, at Its regular
meeting today, unanimously adopted a res
olution denouncing Brigadier Oeneral J.
T. 8. CJobla, la command ef troops now In
the anthracite Beldi, tor Issuing an order
calling on hle'meq to ahoot strikers If
they resist the authority of the militia.
The resolution asserts that It "Is Illegal
lo kill cltlaeaa of Pennsylvania, who ara
guaranteed a trial by jury for any of
fense they may commit."
Tha resolution request! Ocvernor Sione
to revoke the commission of Oeneral Gobln
and the civil authorities are aiked to havn
the general Indicted and tried for "threat
ening the lives of clt liens of the stale of
The secretary of the onion was In
atructed by the union to send a letter of
protest ta Governor Stone for the alleged
breaking or a promise that he Is said to
nave tnnde to tho three anthracite district
president to tha effect that be would not
permit the state troops to cacort nonunion
men to and from the mines. It la claimed
that tha governor made tbla promise to
Presidents Nichols, Duffy and Fahy on the
occasion of their visit to Harrlaburg In
Cornered la a I'knnk.
TAMAQUA. Pa., Aug. 81. Only one dis
turbance was reported In the Panther creek
valley today. While John and Albert
Kutzck, nonunion men, were leaving the
Bt. Michael's Hungarian church at Lena
ford they were attacked by a number of
foreigners snd were compelled to return t3
the church for safety. After remaining
there for some time they succeeded In mak
tar, tbelr escape.
This afternoon officials of the Switchback
railroad notified Major Gearbeart that strik
ers were Interfering with their pasaengers
at SummltIlll. Company E of the Twelfth
.regiment was sent to the scene and suc
ceeded In restoring order.
Tomorrow morning a large force of sol
diers will patrol the valley and protect
nonunion men while on their way to work.
WILKESRARRE, ra.. Aug. 81. Jacob
Smith, a policeman In the employ of the
Kingston Coal company, was held up by
two men today while on his way to a col
liery to sea one of the officers. His assail
anta took bis revolver away from him and
gave him a aevera beating.
Hundreds Hansrry aad Homeless.
PARKERSBURG, W. Vs., Aug. 81. An un
expected situation has resulted from the or
dering out of the National guard to preserve
order In the coal fields. Tha soldiers whose
symcathv was all with strikers frsrs ths
first have used their Influence with the
men who are at work and have persuaded
ao many of them to join In the strike that
the detachment stationed at Rush Run had
to be recalled and sent to another point
to keep It from emptying tha mine. I
Hundreds cf families are sleeping tonight
under the skies. It Is estimated that over
a thousand families have been evicted In the
New River Valley and moat of them had
I no place to go. Some of them had friends
land saourcd shelter, but tha majority are
: homeless without so much as even a tent to
shelter tham, and there Is talk of a sub
scription to. buy tents for them. Food Is
scare with them and the condition of the
men la pitiable in the extreme. Soma of the
soldiers have even shared their food pro
vided by the atatea with some of tha hun
gry families.
Blow l Piap Hoaee.
' 8CRANT0N. Pa.. Aug. 81. The pump
.house of the National washery at Mlnooka
I was blown to pieces early today by dyna
mite. Manager Sharkey says no damags
was done to the colliery and work will pro
ceed. It Is not known who put tha dyna
mite under the building.
Tha Oxford colliery In Weat Scranton haa
added a powerful searchlight to Ita weapons
of defense. Tha Oxford Is now turning out
I (TO tons of cosl dally.
PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 81. President
Mitchell of tha mine workera spent the day
at Atlantic City, returning to this city late
tonight. Mr. Mitchell denied that he went
to the seashore to see Senators Quay or
, Penrose, and says he did not see either
'of them, or any person on the settlement
lot tha atrlke. While ha will not admit It,
j there Is a belief that, ha saw aeveral per
sons on tha subject of donating relief to
tha striker.
' President Mitchell will . be the central
figure In the Labor day celebration here to
morrow. He Is to make two addresses at
'the labor picnic to be held at Washington
park, on tha New Jersey side of tha Dela
ware river, a few miles below this city.
The entire proceeds of the picnic will bs
given to the miners' relief fund.
B9.48 Omaha ta Chirac.
On aala August 21, 80, 81. September 1,
Milwaukee railway.
' 1501 Faxnam streat.
oath Dakota People Prepared to
Estoraslaats Prairie
SIOUX FALLS. 8. D-. Aug. 81. (Special.)
Long before the sun rises tomorrow morn
ing thousands of professional and amateur
marksmen will bo sallying forth from every
city, town, village and hamlet In South Da
kota enroute to the rural regions, for ths
purpose of shooting prairie chickens, the
.opea sesson for these feathery dsnlsens
f tha plalus commencing at midnight to
night. All reports Indicate that chickens
ara very plentiful In all parts of tbs state,
and aome rare aport is anticipated. If ens
ware to Judge by the tone of ammunition
which has been haatlly gathered together
today In preparation for the morrow's
sport, they would expect that every prairie
chicken la South Dakota would be dead
within an hour after sunrise tomorrow
Easily discouraged?
Things look dark? Can't
sleep well? Restless and
"worn out? "Nervous ex
haustion,' your doctor says.
Ask him if he knows of a
better nerve-tonic than
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Sixty
years of SUCCeSS. an sVjSs.
One treat cause of nervousness Is
constipation. Impurities that
are sb-
be removed from the
sorted Into it. On
Ayer's Pills
each night, lust one. will keep the liver
and bowela la a healthy condition
U Stata. . --- .C,TCJl.CQ, lnt0.aW
Trial ot Walklaa shields for Morder
the Moat Proailaoat Case
a Docket.
SlOfX FALLS, 8. D.. Aug. 81. (Special.)
A number of the United States officials
whose headquarters are In Sioux Falls have
departed for Deadwood, and the remainder
will leave Monday to attend a regular
term ot the federal court, which convenes
at that place next Tuesday, with Judge
John E. Carland, presiding. The United
States grand jury will also convene Tues
day morning, while the petit Jury will re
port on Friday morning. A grest msny
cases, some ot them of Importance one
being a murder case, will come before
tha grand jury. The murder case, when
It reaches the petit Jury, may result In
a verdict inflicting the death penalty, In
which event Sioux Falls would have Its
first hanging In about a score of years.
The person charged with murder, whose
trial will be the sensational feature of the
Deadwood term, li Allen Walking Shield,
a notoriously bad and worthless Sioux In
dian, on the Deadwood reservation. The
crime was committed lsst May, the victim
being Mrs. Sarah Ghost Face, an Indian
woman. The motive of the crime was the
desire ot the murderer to possess himself
of the woman's 17-year-old daughter, ot
whom ha was enamored.
Very Near a Crime,
To allow constipation to poison your
body. Dr. King's New Life Pills cures it
and builds up your health or no pay. 25c.
Ch a rarel with Vnaataral Crime.
The police last night arrested Albert Mc
intosh, a youny colored man, who Is
charged with navlng committed an Un
naturxl crime upon Artie Herman, the 4-year-old
adopted son of Mrs. Una Carter,
who lives at Thirteenth and Dodge streets.
At about 8 o clock last eventna- the little
colored boy came home crying with his
clothing covered with blood. He was taken
to the police station and attended by As
sistant Surgeon Mick. Although severely
Injured he Is in no danger of living. The
child said that Mcintosh enticed him wjth
offers of candy to accompany him to a
vacant building. Two men are now serv
ing life sentences In the Lincoln prison
who were sent up from Omaha for similar
offenses. A tramp named Johnson was
sentenced In 1KH7, and James Sparks, a
negro dog catcher, has served eight years
of his sentence
Dr. Miller Kills Wife aad Self.
CARROLLTON. III., Aug. 81. Dr. A. O.
Miller shot and killed his wife today and
attempted to kill hla little daughter, but
succeeded in Indicting only a Bllynt wound.
He then swallowed a dose of laudanum
which caused his death In the Jail after he
had been arrested. He had been drinking
heavily of late, and thla, combined with
Jealousy, caused the trouble.
Mary Stelgener la a complaining witness
against A. Peterson because she has a
Sue itici v ru Ki ma lianas last
night In their home at Seventh and Pierce
streets. Peterson was arrested about 11:40
o ciock and was drunk at the time.
Charles H. Dnun-hertv of Oreenwoort W
Vs., was taken In charge by tha police last
night, as he showed unmistakable evidences
ot insanity. The man was in the Hurt
street mission and seemed to consider that
be was a philanthropist.
Captain Spone McCoy and Lieutenant Mc
Coy, hla wife, who have been working for
the Volunteers of America In Omaha for
some months, were eriven a farewell re
ception by their comrades last night. They
go to i. raui ana Minneapolis to carry
on tho mission work there.
At 6:30 o'clock last evening ths ' nnnVa
made another of their periodical emergency
unnnrs 10 me city iiDrary in answer to a
false burglar alarm. The watchman of the
library had locked up, thereby setting the
alarms, and when outnide remembered that
he had left something Inside which he
needed. He then opened the door, forget
ting the alarm. It rang. It Is now nearly
six weeks since the last similar alarm.
Soma time since Vie Peterson and Mrs.
Peterson separated and she has been room
ing at 821 North Sixteenth street and ho
at the Klondyke hotel. Last night Peter
son went to his wife's rooms to get a din
ner bucket which he considered to be his,
and Mrs. Peterson refused to let him take
the same. Peterson then set upon his wife
and beat her unmercifully. Two boys
rooming In the same building heard the
noise made by (he struggle and one ran
for a policeman while the other fought the
husband. The boy was badly beaten also
before the arrival of the patrolman and
Peterson himself suffered considerably. 1
Union and
la the Labor day Issue of the Western
laborer the following article by Theodora
W. McCullough waa given a prominent
One ef the first questions, often the very
first which the young man must answer
abea emerging from hla chrysalis stage as
apprentice to the activity ot lite ae a jour
neyman la, "Will I join the union?" Sub
sidiary to thla question, but so closely con
nected as to be almost Inseparable, are
the questions, "What will the un'.on do
for me?" and "What can I do for the
union?" Too often the answer to the first
of these Is sufficient to determine the an
swer to the main query., and tho aecond,
which la really of vast importance. Is never
answered. During but years of Servitude,
while mastering the rudiments ot his trade
for no one so well knows aa the old Jour
neyman how little of the real art of the
craft the apprentice actually masters before
he la admitted to full fellowship In the
guild as a master craftsman the young man
bears much of the union. It takes oa no
definite term for him, yet he feela Ita In
fluence on every side, i Intangible snd Itn
prndera'ble, but with a decidedly palpable
(xlstence, ths uniou hedges him about, and
he dally fetls the effects of Its rules and
regulations. Frequently, It may be, ha con
ceives a repugnance for an Institution he
cannot understand, but whose movements
have fo marked reflex In all that surround
him In the ebop. He may conceive the
a ti n that tho anion la a monster of soma
scrt, designed to crush out Individuality,
to repres ambition, and to prevent de
velopment ot personality. Thla la. In brief,
tbs nctloa that many uninformed people do
have of trades unions. Or, the apprentice
may gain the notion that the union is eTrne
scrt of a powerful organisation that la
going to aecure tor him ateady employment
at remuaaratlve wages, whether he deserves
it or not
It matters not how ha roaches either
of these conclusions, tor both are wrong.
In the first place, a union correctly
conceived and properly constituted, and no
unloa can endure unless It Is both, does
not repress or circumscribe the Individual
with intolerable conditions. Sometimes It
may happen that ths aeifish Interest of the
individual runs counter to the beet interests
of the anion. In such Instances the union
must, in the very nature of things, control.
But no laudable endeavor or legitimate am
bition or aspiration of the Individual is
over hampered by membership to a trades
union. Unions establish minimum ' wags
scales, but never a maximum. Thay oc
casionally establish a maxhnum limit to the
daily task to be required of tsir
bars, but these regulations ara Invariably
based en the law ot exchange, so much
lsbor for so much money. Such regulations
are of Immense service to the employer, aa
they do away avlth all uncertsinty as to
expense In coaaectlea with tha Ilim of
labor la hla business, and enable him to
calculate jttia eetaeae. This ta but oao
French Vessel's Officers Tell Em
phatic Story, bat It la tint foa-
rrard, Taoaah (he Martlalqoe
tables Are Available.
POINT A' PITRIE. Island of Guade
loupe, Aug. 31. This entire section has
been covered with a cloud of fine dust
since 5 a. m. and the populace la panic
stricken. Fine ashes sra falling continually
In a slight drizzle. Seml-darknrss Is over
the sea and ships In the harbor seem to
be enveloped In a cloud of smoke.
Advices from Basse Terre, Island of
Ouadaloupe, assert that since daybreak to
day the entire island has been covered
with a cloud of dust, coming from the
southeast, the direction of the Island of
Martinique. The population of Basse Terre
is greatly alarmed.
ROSEAU, Dominica, B. W. I., Aug. 31.
The thick mist which enveloped Roseau yes
terday wss taken as it approached for a
rain storm. The dust is still falling, but
during the night of August 30 the quantity
of dust which fell here was greater than
on any previous occasion since the first
eruption of Mont Pelee. At nightfall ot
the 30th a dark cone-shaped cloud, emit
ting electric flashes, arose In the south,
but was gradually obscured by the mist
caused by the falling ashes. Rumbling
noises and a few detonations were heard
during the night of the 30th. The people
here are quiet. No newa has yet reached
here from Martinique
ST. JOHN, Antigua, B. W. I., Aug. 31.
Many very loud detonations were heard
here from 9 p. m. last night to midnight.
BASSE TERRE, 8t. Kltts, B. W. I., Aug.
31. A series of loud reports was heard
here last night from 7 to o'clock.
Aaother Krsptlon Reported.
A severe eruption of Mont Pelee, Mar
tinique, was reported to have occurred at
noon, August 21. This report waa brought
to Castries, Island of St. Lucia, by officers
ot ths French steamship Dahome. This
eruption was followed by total darkness
five miles away from the volcano. A dis
patch received from St. Thomas, August 2$,
said that between 10 In the morning and 3
In the afternoon ot August 35, clouds of
dust were seen In the direction of Mont
Pelee from the Island ot Dominica. Deto
nations were heard and there were light
showera ot volcanic dust on the Island.
The following message was received from
Dominica, Tuesday, the 2Cth: "Since 3
p. m. Tuesday prolonged rumbling noises
In quick succession have been heard from
the southward. There Is every Indication
that Mont Pelee is In violent eruption."
A dispatch from Paris, dated August 28,
said the latest dispatches received at the
ministry of the colonies from Fort De
France, Island of Martinique, were dated
Mouudy, August 25. TUey made no mention
of the reported eruptions of Mont Pelee.
The Paris dispatch said also that the cables
to Martinique, both north and south, con
tinued to be Interrupted.
Efforts made to communicate by cable
direct with the Island of Martinique have
proved unsuccessful. Telegraphlo commu
nication with that Island from New York
la still Interrupted.
Veteraa Hack Driver Dies.
Mike Roche, who for years had been a
hack driver and has had his stand before
Foley's saloon on Douglas street, died yes
terday evening at 7 o'clock in Louis Bett'a
livery stable on Capitol avenue, from heart
failure, brought on by dropsy. The remains
have been taken to the parlors of Bralley
A Dorrance. Roche, who has a room In
the stable, lay down at 3 o'clock In the
afternoon, saying that he would take a
nap. When called In the evening he did
not respond and an Investigation developed
the fact he was In a very low condition.
Medical assistance wss summoned, but the
old driver only lived a few minutes after
the arrival of the doctor.
ZUCK Mrs. a. W., on Sunday, August il,
at the home of her brother, W. 8. Har
rell, 23d and J streets, South Omaha.
Funeral from the residence on Monday,
September 1, at 5 p. m., Rev. Dr. Wheeler
officiating. Interment at Clarlnda, la.
the Individual
reason out of many that might be cited In
support of the proposition. In no sense
do these regulations interfere with the
growth ot the individual. In wage acalea
a clause, always present, reads: "Provided,
That nothing in this contract shall be In
terpreted to prevent a euperior workman
from receiving a higher rate of wages."
This In itself la an incentive to the In
dividual, for he has before him always the
fact that If he become uncommonly skill
ful aa a craftsman, he will gain more money
aa well as a higher position In the esteem'
ot his fellow workmen and hla employer.
What doea tha union do for the indi
vidual? In the very beginning It is a
guaranty of his integrity aa a workman.
When he is accepted as a member It is
after the union haa been satisfied that ha
Is sufficiently versed lo the affairs ot his
trade to meet the requirements of the craft,
to do a fair day'a work In a workmanlike
way for a fair day'a wage. In guaranteeing
his integrity as a workman the union doee
not accept responsibility for his eonduot
as a man, but tha Influence, of tbe union
Is Inevitably for good in thla direction.
In order to maintain hie standing with hla
union tho member must deal fairly and
honestly with his fellow members, and this
naturally leads him to deal fairly and
honestly with his fellow men. In this way
the trades union has aided In elevating the
standard of citizenship and ths resultant
moral tone of the oommunlty. If the union
accomplished no other end, this la sufficient
to entitle it to commendation and respect,
not only from its members, bu from every
body. But the union doea mora for the
Individual. It makes the cause of one of
Its members the cause of all. It fights
ths battle of the Individual because tbe
battle of the Individual Is tbe battls of
the union. In this regard the responsibil
ity Is divided, but rests with equal weight
on all. Unions ara often accused of be
ing unreasonable, tyrannical and oppres
sive, charges which are almost invariably
unfounded, snd generally msde by persons
who have either been made to feel the
power of ths union or have not thoroughly
examined Into tbe merits of the matter
which calls tor the condemnation. Only
rarely does a union come down with Its
full force on an Individual workman. When
It does it merely exercises the highest
function of oraarnlsed society, thst of pro
tecting Itself from a discovered enemy.
Trades unions ara usually patient and long
Suffering, conservative In dealings wltb em
ployers, rendering faithfully all they prom
ise and exacting in return only what they
agreed upon. In effect, a trades unloa Is
a labor tiust iu whlub lis members pool
what they have to sell, and undertake to
maintain a stanJard selling price therefor.
It Is not claimed that the trades union ss
It Is at present has reached the limit of
perfection. For that matter, nothing mun
dane or temporal baa. But the claim la
made, and I believe wltb reason, that ths
trades unloa of today le fully abreast of the
la spite of the Inconvenience of sitting
and In many Instances standing in the hot
sun, a large crowd listened for more than
an hour yesterday afternoon to Eugene V.
Debs' address on "Labor Problem."
As waa te be expected, Mr. Deba dealt
with hla subject from a socialistic stand
point and his principal attentloa was given
to the existing relations between capital
and labor. Speaking of politics, he said:
"The political parties are ail alike. I wish
I could find a man some time who la clover
enough or sufficiently well Informed, or
even a good enough liar, to chow me some
real difference betweea ths republican aad
the democratic parties, aa far as their re
lation to the working people Is concerned.
The republican party Is dominated by tbs
big capitalists and the democratic party
by the little capitalists that can't get In
among the big fellows, or find It more to
their Interest not to do so, and the result,
as tar as tho worklngman Is concerned. Is
the same. Both are devoted to the Inter
ests of wage slavery. Don't you know
that if you were earning $10 a day. It
would cost you $11 to stay on earth? The
republican party is for Imperialism and ex
pansion, and the democratic party pro
claims that policy to be an outrage. If
you are on one side or the other, I would
like to have you give me a reason for it.
A party is merely an expression of the
economic principles of the class It rep
resents. The republican party Is for ex
pansion because It has goods to aell and
wanta a market for them; the democratic
party has nothing to aell and doea not
need the market, and for that reason op
poses expansion and declares tha present
policy of the United States to be an out
rage upon the Filipinos. The more Im
perialism and expansion we have the sooner
the big fellows will get through with the
little ones.
"Competition Is war, and the big capital
ists are coming more and more to avoid
it. Every country on earth has a big stand
ing army and is equipped for wsr, but they
all agree that war la cruel and they will
not Indulge in it. In ten years there will
be no competition and It will cost you more
to raise a bushel of wheat than you can
get for it. Rockefeller Is a living example
of the fact that competition does not pay
and that consolidation does pay. Competi
tion la going, and going fast."
Delegates from St. Paal, Minneapolis
aad Dalnth Spcad Issssy
la Omaha.
A delegation of letter carriers from
Minneapolis, St. Paul and Duluth, enroute
to the national convention which today
meets at Denver, were the guests of the
local association Sunday. They were shown
over the city and spent some time at the
Bee building, looking over the plant of the
paper ud meeting the euiior, who has
taken considerable Interest In affaire In
which they are Interested.
The party carried with them literature
booming the coming meeting of employers
and employes to be held at Minneapolta
this month, and all were out for the re
election of John C. Keller ss president ot
the national organisation. Those In the
party were J. A. Hanson, "C. W. Schwertn.
O. C. Hawklna, F. J. Milter, C. A. Cav
anaugh. U. O. Herrlck, QV A. Olson and
M. F. Donohue of Minneapolis, E T. Light
bourne, L. J. Tlemey, Mr. and Mrs. M. A.
Conroy and Mr. and Mrs J. P. Malay of
St. Paul and Robert O. Maloolm of Du
luth. Rot Over-Wise.
There le ao old allegorical picture of a
girl scared at a grasshopper, but In the act
of heedlessly treading on a snake. This Is
paralleled by the man who apends a large
sum of money building a cyclone cellar, but
neglects to provide his family with a bottle
of Chamberlain's Collo, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy ae a aafeguard against bowel
complaints, whose victims outnumber those
of the cyclone a hundred to one. This rem
edy is everywhere recognised as the most
prompt and reliable medicine In use for
these dlseseee.
Some Thoughts Appro
priate for Labor Day.
times, progressing aa rapidly and as ra
tionally aa are any of the other component
elements of what we term civilization. In
the ranks of organised labor are to be
found the brainy men, the men who think, of
the several crsfts whose handiwork la the
very cornerstone of organised eoclety. To
be given a good atanding in this honorable
company la not the least ot what a union
can do for an Individual..
Wbat can tho individual do for tbe union?
Much of the answer to this question de
ponds on the Individual, for It is essentially
a personal one. Ha caa advance the cause
of his union materially by always remem
bering that he la a member, and that as
such member he cannot alone assume the
full responsibility ot bis actions, but that
a portion at least of credit or censure, as
bis conduct Is praise or blameworthy, must
and does fall on the union. If he does re
member this, be will be a better union man,
and eoneequently a better citizen. By
keeping constantly In mind bla responsibil
ity to the unloa for the benefits and priv
ileges he derives from membership, lie will
be aided in the discharge of his duty to his
fellow craftsmen and through them to eo
clety. For few men are so utterly, hope
lessly selfish that they can go on and on,
enjoying tbe advantages that accrue through
the union of men of any sort, and never
give a thought to tbe source from whence
those advantages flow. In the development
of tha Individual tbe growth of the union Is
fostered. No man Is so humble or so ob
scure but his personal conduct haa aome
effect cn those around him. Once a man.
who ached If the world would miss him., was
told to stick bis finger into a lake, with
draw It and look for the hole. True, there
le no hole left, but the sticking of that
finger Into the lake act partlclea of water
Into motion, and even that alight disturb
ance waa felt in tbe farthest part of that
body of water. So It Is wltb the individual.
He may not amount to any more than
finger thrust Into a lake, but even that
alight commotion has its effect and la felt
in aome degree by the whole. Let every
union man feel that it is on tbe Individual
that the strength aad standing of the union
depends, and that as the Individual Is a man
of character and force, eo tbe union will
have credit and Influence. Thle la the best
way to make return for the benefits de
rived by the Individual through the exist
ence of the union. Individual responsibility
does not end with mere payment of dues
cr with obedience to regulations any more
than good cltlsenehlp consists solely In pay-
meat of taxes and observance of the laws
Good union men must take aa active part
in the affairs of the union, giving to all the
benefit of their thought and experience. No
one mau haa ever yet done enough for so
clety to fully discharge his obligations, and
ao ona unloa man bas ever fully repaid the
union for tha benefits and advantages he
baa derived from membership.
"The Perfect
Millions Are Eating- MALT A-VITA Tbe Perfect Fool"
1 1 15
Malta-Vita is so prepared as to be easily digested and assimilated by old and young, sick or well. Large
packages at ig cents at your grocers.
Malta-Vita Pure Food Co.
Battle Creek,
Ohio Democrats Will Do Nothing Until ths
Mayor Arrives.
It May Not Even Reaffirm the Kansas
City Platforas, bat Costs Itself
ta State Issues Polit
ical Notes.
SANDUSKY, O., Aug. 31. The demo
cratlc atata convention will be held this
week to nominate candidates tor secretary
ot state, supreme Judge, dairy and food
commissioner and a member of the State
Board of Public Works. There are fewer
candldatea In the field than usual.
The most prominent man mentioned In
connection with the nomination for secre
tary of state Is Rev. Herbert 8. Blgelow,
pastor of the Vine Street Congregational
church at Cincinnati. Blgelow Is a close
friend of Mayor T. K Johnson of Cleve
land, who will preside over tbe conven
tion.' There is a lack of candidates for places
on the atate ticket and no slate la likely
to be made until after the arrival of Mayor
Johnson with the Cleveland delegation on
Tuesday morning. It is understood that
Mayor Johnson will bring with him the
platform, which likely will be adopted
without opposition. It is by no means
certain that the Johnson platform will re
affirm the Kansas City platform or Indorse
Bryan by name. The general opinion Is
that Johnson will confine tbe resolutions
almost entirely to state Issues, Including
especially his vlewa on taxation, franchises
and all public utilities. The drift of opin
ion la that tbe McLean men will make no
contest for anything except for control of
the state central committee.
Ella Hards' Daassrsasly Saras as
Reaalt of ftssirtl with
Ella Hardy waa dangerously burned by
the explosion of a lamp thrown at her
about 11 o'clock last night In the Midway
hotel by her lover, Elmer Graham, during
a fierce altercation. The woman'a chest
and abdomen were deeply burned, about
one-fourth of the body surface being af
fected. Dr. Hutton waa summoned. The
noise of the explosion of the lamp and the
woman's ahrleks brought up the guests
from tbe lower story and they threw a
blanket about her and extinguished the
flames. The furniture of the room was
also considerably damaged. It is said that
Graham helped In thla work and then made
his escspe. There was another woman In
Ella Hardy'a room at the time of the
trouble. It la reported that during the
quarrel between tho Hardy woman and
Graham aha seized a knife and advanced
toward blm. The man la said to have
warned her that If she advanced further
he would throw tbe lamp. She still ap
proached and be hurled the light, which
exploded on striking. The principles are
negroes, and Graham bas only Just come
to tho city from Wichita, Kan. At a late
hour last night his arreat bad not been
fleeted. He la supposed to have crossed
the river.
May Yet Bs Savra.
All who have severe lung troublee need
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption.
It cures or no pay. 60c, $1.00.
Tls-Top Poslttoa.
meeting of the directors of the Manitou at
Plke'a Peak railway, C. W. Sells, for twelve
years manager of the road, waa elected
president, to succeed H. 8. Cable, who Is
now general superintendent of the Rock
Island. Mr. Sells will continue to act aa
gemral manager also.
g. 8 Swartley ot Philadelphia la at the
David Wlsa of Chicago Is a guest at tha
John W. Atwood of leaven worth, Kan.,
registered at tha Millard yeaterday.
Mr. F. H. Wright. ornlnt and choir
director at Trinity cathedral, has returned
from Chicago and iulncy. 111.
C. T. Taylor will succeed C. H. Peeplea
today aa manager of the Millard hotel.
Mr. Peeplea will leave tomorrow to accept
a hotel position In Pasadena, ( al. Mr.
Pea pies mads many friends durlnj tha year
that he nianased the Miliars.
Food" for Brain
Removes the Cause of
Dyspepsia and Insomnia
Marts-Vita is the vital, the life-giving food; tha
invigorator ot brain and body.
Malta-Vita is rich in phosphates, or brain food
Malta-Vita is the original and only perfectly
cooked, thoroughly malted, flaked and toasted
whole wheat food.
Malta-Vita contains all of the gluten of the
whole wheat, and is the peer of all prepared foods
as a bone and muscle builder.
Perfect Health Is Sustained
by a Perfect Food
Malta-Vita, "the perfect food," eaten for
breakfast and supper, Insures perfect diges
tion, and removes all causes of Insomnia and
dyspepsia, oorfofthe ills of life are due to
poor digestion. Perfect health, sound restful
sleep, clear complexion, bright eyes, clean, white
teeth, sweet breath, are the blessings that follow
a regular diet of Malta-Vita.
Beware of Imitations. Insist on getting Malta
i Vita, "the perfect food." Requires no cook
ing, always ready to eat.
Michigan Toronto, Canada
August 20, 30, 31
Sept. I.
Farnoiti Street
disordered digestion makes itself si sulfas
la a snaddy or blotchy complexloa, aervoae weak
ness aad Irritable tamper. Tbe right remedy la
(Prickly Ash Bitters
It la the beat baastlftar oa earth because It goee to the root of
the troabls, la the liver aad bowels aad removes It aatlraly. Im
parts freshness aad bloom to tha complexloa, brightens ths eye,
promotes good digestloa and caserfal spirits.
All the Parts
The Laving
Animal of
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Complete in Twenty Four Parts
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Price 10c each By mail 15c
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