TTIE OMATtA DAILY BEE: SUNT) AT, AUGUST 31, 1902. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL MINOR. MESTIO". Davis sell run. fltockert sells carpet and rur. Leffert. eyesight speclsllst. 40 Broadway. Wanted, office boy. Dr. H. A. Woodbury, dentist, JO Pearl at.. Council Bluffs. Elka' fslr week, cabinet photon at tl.2S dosen. Williams, opposite pustotllce. Pyrogrphlc outfits and supplies. C. E. Alexander At Co., 333 Broadway. Tel. SM. Wanted at once, boy with pony to carry See route. Apply at the office, No. 10 Pearl street. The public library and all railroad freight office In the city will be closed Monday on account of Labor Day. Entrance to Dr. F. T. Beyberfa office during the Elka' carnival will be through the main entrance of the fair. The regular meeting of Fidelity council, Royal Arcanum, will be held at 7 o'clock Monday evening to enable the member to attend the entertainment of the supreme officers In Omaha. For good rigs, rubber tire, or anything In the Tlvery line, we can suply your wants at a reasonable price. Horse boarded and cared for, $10 per month, Marks at Co., 15S Broadway. Phone 108. Rev. D. C. Franklin, D. D., presiding elder of the Methodist church, left yester day for Des Moines to attend the funeral of Rev. Myron C. Waddell, former pastor f Broadway Methodist church of thla city. The funeral of Mr. Charlea Warren will be held this afternoon at 4 o'clock front the residence, 1015 Blath avenue, and burial will be In Walnut Hill cemetery. Rev. W. 8. Barnea of the Flrat Presbyterian church will conduct tha services. Richard Jacoha, charged with assaulting Major Matt Ttnley at, Lake Manawa on the night of the sham battle waived ex amination before Justice Bryant yesterday and was bound over to the grand Jury. His ball waa fixed at $100, which he fur tilshed. Henry A. Da via, aged 81 years, died lata Friday night at Bt. Bernard's hospital. One aon, Arthur A. Davis of Chicago, and two daughters, Mrs. Rhoda Smith of Pomeroy, la., and Mrs. Clara J. Smith of 400 South Eighteenth street of thla city, survive him. Booth No. IS la the true repreeentatlve of the Bouriclus music house. The organ stands upon the building and all klnda of Instruments are offered to the music loving public. Whistles, fifes, soboa, anything that will help to make the Elks' enterprise harmonious and noisy. Three dollars, if you live In Council Bluffs, will buy a ticket good for twelve leasons at Morand's dancing school, Crelghtnn hall, Omaha. Adults meet Tuesday and Friday, S p. m.: children, Saturday; beginners 10 a. m.; advance, 2 p. m. Opening assembly, Wednesday, September 8. Admission, 60c per couple. Mies Helen O. Gunneraon, aged 22 years, died yesterday evening at St. Bernard's hospital from fever, after an Illness of three weeks. With the exception of a sister, Mrs. J. Anderson, 1231 Seventh ave nue. Miss Gunnerson's relatives live In Sweden. The funeral will be held Monday afternoon at S o'clock from Mrs. Ander son' residence and burial will be In Walnut Hill cemetery. The services will be con ducted by Rev. A. A. Magnussen. DeLong, the Printer, sella confetti. With the diarrhea. Bishop J. W. Hamilton of San Francisco Will preach this morning at the Broadway Kai'uoJUt church a4 will ' short address in tha evening. This will be the program at the evening service: Pilgrim's Chorus (Tannhauaer) Wagner Cradle Song Gottschnlk Cujue Anlmam (Stabat Mater) Rosslnt The Lost Chord Sullivan Prelude Aria, Salve Dlmora ...Gounod Gloria, In O vBealy Hymn No. 90 Nearer, My God, to Thee , , Mason Scripture, Hymn No. 87-Arlse, My Soul. .Arise.. Edson Prayer viu.,'. Response Sanctua White Choir. Offertory Ave Maria Gounod-Bach Anthem Gently, Lord. Oh, Gently Lead Ua ...; Nevtn Addreaa by Bishop Hamilton Hymn No. 82 From Every Stormy Wind that Blows...... , Haatings Benediction Postlude Gloria (Mass No. 12) ...Mosart Rev. Mllfgrd ZgK. pastor of the First Baptist church, Is home from bis vacation trip and will preach at both aervlces to day. At ' the evening service Miss Stole, representing the borne mission work, will make a short address. All services and meetings will be at the usual, hours. Sun day school at the mission at Twenty-second street and Avenue B will be held at $:S0 p. m. "The Demand to See Jesus" will be the subject of Rev. James Thomson's sermon this morning at the First Congregational church. Sunday school will be held at the close of the morning service and the meet ing of the Christian Endeavor society at 7 p. m. The First Church of Christ, Scientist, will hold services at 11 a. m. In the Sapp building, when "Man" will be tha subject of the lesson.. Sunday school will be held at tha close of the services and th reg ular testimony meeting Wednesdsy even ing' at o'clock. Th Second Church of Christ. Scientist, will hold services at 11 a. m. It Hughes' ball. The midweek meeting will be hed Wednesday evening at t o'clock. Rev. 8. Alexander will preach this even ing at 7:45 o'clock in the church at the corner ct Seventh street and Seventeenth avenue. There will b preaching services at Ep worth Methodist church, corner of Twenty fifth atreet and Avenue B, today at 10:30 a. m. and p. m. Rev. B. Hill of San Francisco will - preach at the evening aerviee on the aubjoct, "Divine Healing." At Grace Episcopal church there will be morning prayer at 11 o'clock; Edwin J. Abbott, lay reader. Sunday school will be held at :46 a. m. Connell Approve Farina- Assessment Th city council met yesterday morale g and Inspected the recently completed paving on South Seventh street, between Broadway and Fifth avenue. With but two exceptlona th council adopted the assessment schedule as prepared by the city engineer. Two piece of property were found unable to bear th tatlr burden of the coat of the im provement assessed against them and th city will assume $400 of the expense. The city council also Inspected the grade at Third street and Ninth avenue and de cided that th street supervisor should place K gang of men at work there. The aldermen also held a short session as board of health at which a number ot bills were allowed. E k canes at DeLong's. Real Estate Transfers. These ttansfers were filed yesterday in the abstract, title and loan office ot J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl street: Richard E. Turner to Ixnils Baroda, lot 14, b'ock S, Hughes A Doni phan's add., w. d $ 350 Eva A. Saunders- to James H. Craig mile, part lot 1. block 3, Fairmont Piac add., w. d 1.200 Isabel! Lytle et al. to Henry J. Wa geek, lot 3. Auditor's sjbdlv. ut aei 13-76-43. w. d 4u0 County treasurer to J. P. Green shleMs. lot t. Auditor's subdlv. mtSi neH 6-74-43. t. d I Bams to F. E. Roff, lot 14, block 29. Rums' add., t. d I Five transfer total Marriage License. Licenses to wed were issued yesterday to th following: Name and Residence.' Age. Arthur K Dli key. Omaha i Fern Roberta. Missouri Valley, la U William Young. Ascot, la 0 paarl Mason. Ascot, la 31 Burt T. Dalson. Council Bluffs 2J Aana A. liwlaiaaler. Council bluff U BLUFFS. ALL READY FOR LABOR DAY Complete Program ef tha ExtroiiM and Sporti U Giwa Oat. MAYOR MORGAN MASTER OF CEREMONIES Liberal Prise List (or the Participants la Sporting Events Donate by Easiness Firms of the City. Official announcement of the program ot the exercises and sports at the Labor day celebration In Union Driving park Monday afternoon was made by the committee yes terday afternoon. Mayor Dell O. Morgan will act as master of ceremonies at the exercises, which will begin at 1:10. It Is expected that these exercises, consisting of addresses, will oc cupy about one hour, and the first evsnt on the program of sports will be called at 2:30 o'clock. This is the complete pro gram, with list ot prizes, etc; Addresses "Advantagee of Organised Labor," Emmet Tinley; "Labor Condltlona of Today," Rev. John Wllllama, rector of Bt. Barnabas' church, Omaha; "Labor Legislation," Postmaster and State Senator A. 8. Haxelton; "Labor Conditions In Coun cil Bluffs in the Early Fifties," Rev. Henry DeLong. Men's Free-for-All Race First prise, $5 watch chain, presented by Herman M. Lef fert; aecond, $2.60 umbrella, preaented by M. Marcus. Free-for-All Race for Women First prise, $5 trimmed hat, presented by Whltelaw A Gardiner; second, $2 parasol, presented by Culver A Woodbury. Girls' Race (Under 10 Tears) First prize, $3 doll, presented by J. D. CrockweU A Bdn; second, $3 girl's coat, presented by Novelty Cloak company. Boys' Race (Under 10 Tears) First prize, $3 boy's school suit, presented by Smith A Bradley; second, $2.60 pair boy'a shoes, pre sented by B. M. Sargent. ' Egg and Spoon Race, for Women First prise. $4 parlor lamp, presented by Petersen A Bchoenlng; second, $1 framed picture, presented by C. E. Alexander A Co. Sack Race First prise, $4 crayon picture, presented by W. J. Carveth; second, fifty pound sack of flour, preaented by A. P. Bcofleld. Two-mile Bicycle Race First prlxe, $5 Knox hat, presented by John Bcno com pany; second, $3 Longley hat, preaented by Metcalf Metcalf. . Half-Mile Bicycle Race First prise, $3 fountain pen, presented by DeLong, the printer; second, $3 pair of shoes, presented U n A. Pierce A Co. Newsboy' Pony Race First prise, $3 cash; aecond, $3 book, "Stoddard" Views of America," presented by The Omaha Bee; third, $2 cash, presented by Council Bluffs Nonpareil and Omaha World-Herald. Three-Mlle Automobile Race Flrat prise, one year's subscription to Omaha Dally News value $5.20; second, 60-cent pipe, pre sented by C. N. Petersen; third, 60-cent tie, presented by Rargaln Clothing store. - Hase Ball East Ends against Quicks; prise, fifty Pilgrim cigars, presented by Malonev Cigar company, and fifty Santiago clgara, presertea by t-eter jensen. Bewnu game: Clgarmakerg of Omaha against the clgarmakers and printers of Council Bluffs; prise, base ball and bat, presented by Mor gan Dickey, and a baae ball, presentei. by D. W. Bushnell, and one by L. C. Brack ets . 4 Davis sells glass. N. T. Plumbing Co.. telephone ISO. STATE CAN: 3T COLLECT TAX Judge Wheeler Rales on Inheritance ' Case of tho Addlsoa - Cochran Estate. i Judge Wheeler of the district court handed down his decision yesterday In the case in which the state treasurer sought to subject the Addison Cochran estate to the payment of the collateral inheritance tax. His ruling was adverse to the etate. The questions Involved In the action had not before arisen In this county and this made the case one ot more than ordinary Interest. Addison Cochran died In April, 1896, leaving an estate which the admin istrator, under the terms of the will, was required to convert Into cash and as soon as possible distribute among the heirs. The collateral Inheritance tax law was passed about a week before Mr. Cochran's death, but did not go into effect until July 4 ot the same year.. Judge Wheeler held that while the heirs did not obtain title to the estate they acquired an undivided right to an interest in It immediately on the death of the testator, which could uot be affected by subsequent legislation. Had the law gone into effect at the time ot its passage then the estate would have been subject to the tax. Nearly $10,000 waa in volved In the suit, which it I expected will be appealed to the supreme court. At torney General Mullan appeared for . the state. The motion of the defendant for a new trial and a modification of the decree In the divorce suit of Mary McGlnnes against James B. McGlnnes was , overruled. : The motion of the defendant for a new trial in th suit of A. Goldstein against the St. Paul Fir and Marine Insurance company waa argued and taken under ad visement by Judge -Wheeler. Gravel roofing, A. H. Read. 541 Broadway. Plumbing and beating. Bixby Boa. Davis sells paints. Action la Insane Cases. The Board of Commissioners on Insanity yesterday applied to the state board for the parole of 8. Borenson. committed to 8t. Ber nard's hospital In May, 189$. The applica tion waa made at the request ot the Odd Fellows, who will cars for Borenson. In the case of Eugene Vader, the board decided to parole him for ninety daya on trial In the car of his wtf. H is a patient at St. Ber nard's hospital. In the case ot Harry Green, committed to Bt. Bernard's June 20. 1902, It waa decided to release blm September 8. After investigating the condition ot Mi chael Datley, committed to St. Bernard's for observation last Monday, he was decreed in sane and will be kept at the hospital Instead of being sent to Clarlnda. The application for the parole of Harry L. Brlnkley waa denied, as the report of the superintendent at Clarlnda ahowed he was not a fit subject to be released at this time. Confetti! Confetti!- DeLong, the Printer. Rase Ball at Maaawa. The Smith A Bradley will . line up this afternoon at the Lake Manawa ball ground against the Lee-Glass-Andreesen team of Omaha. The latter team has rs cently consolidated with th old Original and I putting up a strong game now. To mak matters doubly interesting- a small purs ha been hung up for. thla game, Th game will be called at 1:30 o'clock and the lineup will be as follows: , BAB. L.-G.-A. Msxfleld Catcher Co An. .her Pitcher.. Faey-Welsh-NelT it hug art First base Clark McCarthy Second base Bradford Hrewlck Shortstop Waller fcutUr Thud base Drlacoll Duncan Leftfield Dunn Honarth Centrrheld Cosgrcv Ortmin-MUca ..Kightneld Uuef Llaht Is the Street Fair. i The nine-foot csnvas fence surrounding th Elks' street lair and carnival grounds was placed In position yesterday. Work waa rushed on the booths and many ot the decorations were complete by last evening. The main entrance was lighted up last evening for the first time, snd despite the rain attracted large crowds. The fountain In Bayllss park has been strung with electric lights snd was also lighted up last evening for the first time. Hew Elevator Contract Let. C. R. Nicholson, the real estate agent, stated yesterday that while unable at this time to make public the name of the firm Interested, contracts for the erection : of the new elevator had been let and that work on it would probably begin within two weeks. The elevator Is to be located convenient to the Northwestern and Illi nois Central tracks. Mr. Nicholson stated further that the elevator will be con. structed temporarily to hold 100,000 bushels. One of the persons said to be Interested In the new elevator was in the city yesterday, but Mr. Nicholson declined to make his identity public. Elk canes, 15c. partment. DeLong's stationery do- W. L. Thlckstun will be at studio, over Bit Broadway, Tuesday to enroll pupils In piano and singing. WILSON CAN HAVE THE PLACE Iowa State Agrlenltaral ' College Won Id Like to Seeare Service of the Cabinet Member. DES MOINES, Aug. 30. At a meeting ot the board of trustees of the Iowa State Agricultural college held last Thursday the subject of a successor to the late W. M. Beardshear was discussed only In an informal manner. It was agreed that no selection should be made until 1903. There is no doubt that if Secretary Wil son should resign that he could have the position. Members of the board seen to day, of which there are two In this city, staUl positively that no overtures had been made to the secretary and that If he desired the position the board would be unanimous for hie election. - When asked whether the position had been tendered even In an informal manner, the reply was that It had not been offered to Mr. Wilson In any manner or form. YOUNG QUARTET GOES ASTRAY Extra Girl and Young Men Take II. legal Honeymoon and Caaso Sensation. ATLANTIC, la., Aug. 80. (Special.) Rev. Wilcox of Exlra was In the city yes terday looking for his 17-year-old daughter, Mary, who. In company with Miss Gllll lan, also of Exlra, and two young men, came to the city late Thursday evening. They registered at one of the hotels in the city under fictitious names. Sheriff Marshall located the party about t o'clock yesterday morning, but when he rrMtwl th rlrls tho ynnnr men had slipped out and left the city. A search waa In progress all day, but not a trace ! ' f the two young men could be found. Rev. Wilcox left for Extra on the after noon train for his home, taking with him his daughter. IOWA PRISONER A WIZARD James Hagent Makes Second Delivery In Union County, Freeing;" ' Aeeaaed Companion. CRESTON. Ia.. Aug. SO. (Special Tele gram, y The second successful Jail deliv ery from the Union county Jail within a month was accomplished today. James Nu gent and Harry Mitchell, both held for alleged burglary, escaped. Nugent had escaped once before and made another al most auccessful attempt. Blnce that time he has been shackled to the door. He unlocked the shackles and all locks in the Jail, and with his companion walked out in broad daylight. t ' Bloodhounds have been plsced on the trail and it is expected that he will be captured soon. GROOM CHARGED WITH THEFT Iowa Falls Man May Spend Honey, moon In Jail Unless He Se eare Necessary JJondi. IOWA FALLS. Ia.. Aug. 30. (Special.) Unless he secures bonds, E. D. Shaffer of this city will spend his honeymoon In the county jail. Shaffer was arrested here Thursday night on the charge of larceny, the apeclfio charge being that he stole $50 from th dwelling of Charles Koppas, who lives west or the city. Shaffer was mar ried last week, and It is alleged the money taken was used to defray -the nuptial ex penses. Shaffer was - bound over to th grand jury, which convenes October 20, and unless bond are secured Shaffer will have to remain In jail. RE-AFFIRM OLD PLATFORM Montgomery Cossty Democrats In traet State Delegate for Re -affirmation of Kaaaas City Planks, RED OAK, la.. Aug, JO. (Special Tele gram.) The democrats of Montgomery county held a county convention here this afternoon. A small attendance selected delegates to the state, congressional and Judicial conventions and nominated candi dates for county office. All nominations were by acclamation and all candidates drafted, as this county Is overwhelmingly republican. Resolutions reaffirmed the Kanaas City platform and delegates to the stats convention were Instructed to vote ant work for reaffirmation at the state convention. BULLET. THROUGH HIS HEART Hlcholaa Arena Take HI Own Llfo In Hi OIBc Chair at Remits, Iowa. , LEMARS. Ia., Aug. 30. (Special Tele gram.) Nicholas Arens, who conducts a branch office at Remaen, nine miles east of her, for th Gehlen Milling company of this city, committed suicide this morning by shooting homself through the heart. He did not appear as usual this morning and his office was found locked. The door was broken in snd his lifeless body was found In a sitting posture, a revolver still In his right hand. His accounts are being overhauled. He wa about 45 years of age and leaves a wife and large family. - Shoota Himself Accidentally.- - BOONE. Ia., Aug. 30. (Special Tele gram.) Charles A. Lindsay, special po liceman, accidentally abot himself today with his own revolver, the ball passing through his stomach, causing death in half an hour. He waa an old resident and a veteran ot th civil war. Stork llrokera Fall. BUFFALO, N. Y., Aug. SO.-John F. Meany A Co , ntuck brokers, suspended to day. A'superm-lal examination of the firm' book shows that the luial loes will ag gregate at lean $li.f"i0. The losses. It ts stated, will fall almokt entirely on In titut, nhiuU ietl tu teauiu soon. CUMMINS GETS THE FACTS Will Take Up and Decids on Bock Iiland JUorganixation at Onos. PRISON POPULATION ON THE DECLINE Hot Fight Over Des Molars Postofflcr, hot Congressman Hall Will Post pone Action Until After Election. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, Aug. SO. (Special.) Gov ernor Cummins will be ready In a few days to announce tha result ot his Investi gation Into the reorganization of the Rock Island railroad under the ownership of the Moores. At the time the new company was formed, with a capital ot $125,000,000, under the Iowa laws, and at tha same tlmo a New Jersey corporation formed to own the stocks of the Iowa corporation and a scheme devleed by which only a small part ot the stock would have any voice in the control ot the property, the gov ernor announced that he would cause to be made a thorough Investigation ot the case to see It the reorganization scheme was In accordance with " Iowa law and to determine whether it was contrary to public policy. He has had some difficulty In securing all the facts surrounding the reorganization, but announced today that he had finally done so, and that some time next week he will be able to make public the result of his investigation and state what action be can or may take. The attorneys of the Rock Island have In sisted all along that the reorganization Is entirely legal and unassailable, and that the governor will be unable to do anything even if he 'should conclude that it Is a commercial organization in which the pub lic ts Interested.. The announcement of the governor will be awaited with interest. Prison Population Declining;, The. report of Warden Hunter for the year on the prison at Anamoea shows that there has been a steady decline of prison population for five years, from $26 June 30, 1898, to 412 the 30th ot last June. There were 208 received during the year, four being under sentence of death and three to serve life sentences. There are now thirty-eight lifers at the Anamosa prison. There are twenty women at the prison. Of those received during the year there were six negro men and fire negro women. Two were divorced, fifteen widowed, sixty eisht married and 115 single. Twenty three were Illiterate. The oldest person received at the penitentiary during the year was 65 and the youngest 16. There were co escapos and no attempt to escape and forty-one were let out on parolea. The pfloon received two who are totally blind. The value of the labor done by prisoners, aside from the work necessary for the management of the prison Itself, was $72,521.29. The new administration build ing Is now practically complete. The state has land and buildings at Anamosa valued at $1,886,057.35. A new stone building is being erected within the prison inclosure for the cooperage works, destroyed by fire last March. Poatofflee Controversy. t A lively campaign is under way here for the Des Moines poatofflee. The principal candidates for the place are Dr. Schooler, the present postmaster, and County Treas urer McKay,' who was manager for Captain Hull's campaign for renomlnatton last win ter. The race Is regarded aa a close one. Captain Hull, -who has not yet disposed of the matter, has gone to New York City to take charge of the congressional campaign and has sent word he' will not return here until after the election. In this way he will avoid the embarrassments of the contro versy during the fall. An effort la being made to sidetrack McKay by Inducing him to become a candidate for mayor. Death of Iowa Pioneer. A, C, Barrett, one ot the pioneers of Bre mer county, died at his home in Waverly last night. He was the father ot State Sup erintendent Barrett of this city, who was yesterday called to his bedside. Mr. Barrett had lived In Bremer county for about fifty years. ' His wife died last December. He leaves four sons. Including the state super intendent. .. The last of the special transfers of the Insane patients from one stat hospital to another took plac today when about v-enty-Ove ware taken from Mount Pleasant to Independence, going over the Burlington and Rock Island roada. State Fair Final. The exact sum realized by the State fair management on the week's work was not far from $53,000, but all returns will not be In for some days. The balance to the good of the fair management will be expended largely in permanent Improvement during the next year, and plans are already being made for this. Th abstract In the case of the state against A. M. Hunter, from Ringgold county on appeal, was filed with the supreme court today. Hunter wss convicted laat Novem ber of the murder ot Homer Holland at Mount Ayr and given a life sentence In the penitentiary. Marion Trusty of Winnebago county has also filed notice of appeal to the sup i em court from hi conviction of crim inally assaulting his stepdaughter, on which conviction he was given a twenty-year sen tence. Marens Held to Graad Jwry. James Marcus, colored, accused of shoot ing B. W. Liggett with Intent to kill, was held to the grand jury and remanded to jail In lieu of $1,000 bail today. He Is the colored ccachman of the Bearles family who live In the arlstocrallo section, who got Into a quar rel with Liggett when the latter called to see Mlas Bearles, and In the quarrel shot Liggett The latter has fully recovered, but bad a narrow escape. Marcus declined to give any evidence In the ease at this time. There have been rumors that the case would finally be compromised, as It threatens a scandal in high life, but the prosecution has not shown any disposition to let up In the case. ' Cnmmin la tho Campaign. Oovernor Cummins will soon enter the po litical campaign.. Ha will make ssveral speeches in Iowa under the auspices ot the republican state committee, and he will alao speak in Indiana, Illinois and Mlnnesota. His services are desired In other states, but it is doubtful It be will be able to go else where.. H ha a data for a speech before th Marquette club In Chicago, October 9, snd one before the Good Government club of the University of Michigan, lase governor wlU alao speak at several non-polltlcal meetings In Iowa, at an old settlers' re union at Creaton, September 10, at the Slat fair of Illinois October 1 and at least two addresses during th Odd Fellows' meeting In Des Moines. Richard Wegener, who shot himself with suicidal Intent on Friday and was reported dead, did not in fact died, but is Ic a criti cal condition snd will die. But little has teen found out about bis case or his ante cedents. His brother statea that he is a barber by trade. Nothing has been heard directly from bis wife, who was telegraphed of th attempted suicide. Dr. Hug-hes, many years a prominent den- tlt here, was arrested today under th act providing for sending Inebriates to the state hospitals. Some time ago he wss sent there under an old law which hsd been seldom used and he procured his release on habeas corpus proceedings, questioning the regu larity ot the proceedings. He was arrested again today under the new law by which about fifty persons have now been sent to the hospitals. TWELVE MILLIONS INCREASE Xatloaal Rank Inform Shaw They Wish to Prepare for that En largement of Clrealatloa. WASHINGTON. Aug. JO. The receipts of the Treasury department for the month of August, just closing, exceed the expendi ture by $5,955,812, an unexpectedly large surplus. The total receipts were $48,606,813 and the expenditures $42,620,000. For the same month of last year tha total re ceipts were $45,305,125 and the expendi tures $39,351,497, a surplus of a little over $6,000,000 The big surplus this month has been at tained in the face of the heavy cut made by congress in the way of wiping oft of the books the taxes Imposed on account of the war with Spsln. This act ot congress de creased the receipts by something like $6, 600,000 a month. In July ths receipts from Internal revenue fell off more than that figure. This month the reduction Is not so large. The receipts from the different sources have been aa follows: Customs $26.WS.230 Internal revenue 17.K25.3K8 Miscellaneous 4,498,213 For August of last year the customs receipts were $21,462,171, and Internal rev enue $22,036,784. The increase in customs receipts over the same month of the corresponding year Is over $5,000,000, showing that the country is buying more heavily abroad each month. The falling off from Internal revenue is less than $5,000,000. The expenditures are something over $2,000,000 greater than tor the same month last year. In accordance with the suggestion ot Secretary Shaw, national banks In the large cities are preparing to Increase their cir culation by the deposit of bonds. Blnce a few weeks ago, when Secretary Shaw asked the banks to' prepare to meet any emergency by increasing their circulation the banks have notified- the controller's office that they want to stand ready for an Increase of $12,250,000. A large portion of this currency Is now being printed at the bureau ot engraving and printing and will be ready for the banks so soon as the deposit of funds Is made. The Increased circulation will not be taken out at all unless the banks are satisfied the money will be needed In trade channels to relieve the situation in New York or elaewhere. The $12,250,000 does not Include the cir culation being taken out by the new banks and by regular banks In different parts of the country that have not been com municated with. FENCED RANGE PROFITABLE Mnch Vantage Gained by Enclosed Graslng Land Necessitated PIERRE, S. D., Aug. 30. (Special.) Stockmen -on the Sioux range, who ara deploring the fact that homesteaders are taking up the government lands and re stricting tire free range, will find that tha fact that they muat keep closer watch of their cattle may not be, altogether against their interests, If the reports from Colorado ranges ara an Indication of the results of such conditions. A recent Issue ot a Colorado stock paper speaks of the condition in that state, which compel cattlemen to fence their ranges, and gives comparative figures of 1of&;s and difference In quality of cattle whlcB have been held on fenced ranges and thosi allowed to run free. The difference in loss of cattle through the year alone shows a large credit to the benefit of the man with the fenced range, while there is further profit In the fact that the owner of the fenced range can control the manner In which hie pastures are fed down, and hold any portion he de sires for winter range, or hold It over for the next spring. He also has absolute control of his breeding stock, and In this way also gains. The Lumley Cattle company, which op erate ranches Just east of this city, on Spring creek, at the lower end of the old Fort Sully reservation, and at Little Bend, in Sully county, will try the experiment ot communication between the different ranches with carrier pigeons. A number ot these birds are being bred at ths horn ranch, and experiment will soon be mad In sending messages between the rsnches with them. DEMOCRATS DRAFT TICKET Delegate Meet at Bell Fonrche aad Choose Connty and Legis lative Candidates. BELLE FOURCHE, S. D. .Aug. 30. (Spe cial Telegram.) The democratic county and legislative ticket was nominated at a con vention held here today. William Morse waa renominated for 8herlff, A. B. Bbockley renominated for au ditor, J. H. Plereon for treasurer, George B. Roes for register of deeds, Wllllsra Fried for clerk of courts, T. W. Laflieche for state's attorney, M. L. Chunlng for member of the house of representatives. TO USE THE WIRELESS WAY England Has Plan to Pat to Prac tical Teat the Marconi Tele graph System. LONDON, Aug. 30. One of the latest wireless telegraph schemes is th proposed installation of a combined lightship and ocean telegraph station 100 miles west of the Lizard. It Is suggested that a vessel provided with a powerful searchlight projected against ths clouds mark the position of tha station at night. Th wireless plant Is to be powerful enough to command the fair way of the channel and exchange new and orders with passing vessels. Should the experiment succeed It is pro posed to establish a number of such ships along ths coast. It is thought that they will be particularly valuable In the trans mission of meteorological reports and storm warnings. IS INTERESTEDIN BARTHOLIN Danish Ceasel at Chicago Negotiates (or III Government la Marder Case Developments. MILWAUKEE. Aug. 80. Concerning William Peter Bartholin, father of Wil liam Bartholin, who Is wanted in connec tion with the murder of hia mother, fur ther details havs been aecured from ths Soldiers' home here, where he died.- Bartholin came from Chicago In 1896 and stated that bis. wife, Annie, lived at 4310 Calumet avenu. that tbey had no chil dren' under 16 year of age. He was reg istered as having been born in Denmark, where he was a laborer. The Danish con sul at Chicago in 1897 made inquiry of Bartholin's death, staling that bis govern ment wanted It. STRENGTHEN THEIR FORCES Army ef Defenoa and Attacking 8qnadr Uie Lut V msnta, MACARTHUR AGAIN VISITS ALL THE PORTS Make a Tear on War Yacht, with Large Staff General Grady Gives Signal Corps Some Addi tional Orders. NEWPORT, R. I., Aug. S. The amy ot defense and the attacking squadron under Admiral Hlgglnson have spent the first twenty-four hours of the period of prepa ration in strengthening their forces. The Massachusetts heavy artillery came from Boston today, part going to Fort Rodman, at New Bedford, and six batteries coming here as additional reinforcements to Forts Adams and Oreble. Tbe army also re ceived an addition in the Rhode Island signal corp ot twenty men. The Massa chusetts naval brigade wa aent on board the warships by means of two naval tugs. Thla evening General MacArtbur again visited the forts In th vicinity, this time on tha war yacht Kanawha, accompanied by a large staff made up of officer, not only of this division, but from th War de partment. The gunboat Gloucester, which cam tn during the forenoon, left for th fleet at t o'clock with th mall. It may return tomorrow, at Admiral Hlgglnson has until midnight on Sunday to disappear from th coast, war being technically declared at that time. During the afternoon Brigadier Grady arrived and occupied this morning Inspect ing the signal corps, paying particular at tention to the searchlight station at Price's Neck. On bis recommendatloa a third telephone wire was strung to the station, so all the signal stations from Fort Adame around the southern end of tbe island of' Rhode Island to western points are now connected by telephone. Just at sunset the big steam yacht Kanawha came into the harbor with Gen eral MacArtbur. The arrangements at th fort In this vicinity are complete, but tbe evening was spent Id additional search light practice. Tomorrow night the guards at all the forts will be strengthened and the signal stations fully manned in preparation for the attack, which, according to the rules, may begin any time after midnight. INSPIRE FOREIGN EDITORS Roosevelt's Remarks on Monroe Doc trine Start All Their Pencils Gotng. LONDON, Aug. SO. "A hated rivalry which may some day be settled by tbe ar bitrament, of the sword," seems to fairly sum up the Saturday Review's opinion of the relations between Great Britain and the United State. Discussing President ' Roosevelt's pro nouncement on Monroeism, the always bit terly anti-American Saturday Review uses the president's speech as a text on which to enunciate a long sermon on "American greed and hypocrlcy," and the danger threatening the British empire from the United State' future expansion. It says. In reviewing the history of the Monroe doctrine: It Is unfortunate. If not exceptional, that the United States cannot be satisfied with the plain, straightforward policy of self Interest, without attempting to explain It as a disinterested and highly moral posi tion. It was on thla basis that the war with Bpaln was undertaken, resulting in the Philippines being annexed and Cuba being put under the heel. South America's natural resources are naturally enormoua, but the Individual statea cannot act to gether. It Is plain that .they will not long resist Amerlcsn extension southward and American protection from European as; greesion will soon Incubate In occupation by the United States. Proceeding to discuss tho effect of Monroe Ism on the British empire, the Saturday Review says: The United States is the only great power separsted from the British empire by noth ing but a lard frontier and it is the settled object of the United States ultimately to Includs Canada.. The United Statea la com mercially growing faat at our expense, and, judging from Its present progress, the Dower ot the United States In wealth and numbers will soon exceed that of any rival we have, possibly excepting Russia, whose position In- relation to us territorially la not nearly so critical. Under these clr cumstancea It Is perfectly clear that the power we need be most concerned about Is America. Commercial rivalry ultimately resulta In a trial by force; It la the only settlement. The policy of either country must avoid anything which will Increase the other's power. On that principle the United States haa steadily acted In oppos ing us diplomatically, never conceding a point. We, on the other hand, have usually s;nne out of our way to help the United 8tates. In the matter of the Isthmian canal we lost ground and America gained. The only balancing advantage would ba such active friendship on the part of America that we might count on her meeting us half way. Ot such friendship tha Saturday Review haa shown again and again thnt there la neither evidence nor likelihood. There. Is no question of liking or disliking the Americans. It Is simply a question of which shall ultimately get the better of the other side. The controlling factors make It Impossible to put the position of the two countries In any other way. A curiously divergent view Is expressed by the Spectator on the same topic. It says: We are glad, In the Interests of the United Statea and Great Britain and the peace of the rest of the world, that Presi dent Roosevelt announced in such clear and Unmlstskeable terms that the Monroe doctrine will be enforced by the United Statea at all coats. The Monroe doctrine Is a danger to peace only If and while it Is undefined, AH authoritative statements of the policy of the United States In this particular are most welcome. We hold that th mainUn,nj nt t h Mnnrna rineirln J In aa good for us aa for the United Statea. We, like the United States, have no desire to see the statue quo violently altered by the efforts of continental European statea to carve out for themselves colonial em pires In Central and South Africa. It would ault us no more than the United States to see Germany establlrhed In Southern Brasll or elsewhere on the western continent. Proceeding to point out that Monroeism cannot rest on aid, but is based on power, the Bpectator continues: ' The power on which It must primarily rest ts sea power. If the European state know that America baa sea power enough to enforce the Monroe doctrine It will be scrupulously respected. Th moment they see the doctrine Is based only on paper It will be disregarded. To make the doctrine effective, America must build a fleet un questionably stronger than that of France or Germany. She need not trouble to out build ua, as we not merely agree to, but may be said to be passive supporters of the Monroe doctrine.! BERLIN. Aug. 30. President Roosevelt's fresh declaration of th Monroe doctrine ha been received ber with an air of won der. The tone generally assumed Is one ot surprise that tbe doctrine should be re affirmed so energetically at a moment when no European powsr dispute it, least of all Germany. Moreover, it Is asserted, that Germany gav it assent to th doctrln soon after Presldeut Roovlt' assump tion of the presidency and that the But department ha abundant knowledge that Germany doe not even contemplate se curing coaling stations In th western hemi sphere. Some auspicious critics suggested that something must b going on behind th diplomatic screen to occasion th presi dent's enunciation. The foreign office tells tbe correspondent of the Associated Press that official circles by no means sbar th nawspspsr xclts menl. . It read to speech in connection with the definition of th actrla con tained In th president's last znsssag to congress which thoroughly satisfies Ger many. Th disposition in some quarters to regard President Roooevelt's speech as directed against Oermany Is wholly In admissible, because Oermany, a the Amer ican government know never designed ter ritorial acquisition on th American con tinent. Several of the newspapers here crowded their reference to king ot Italy from the chief editorial position In order to com ment on President Roosevelt's speech. NO SECOND CARDINAL NOW Latest Report i that Pope Doesn't Propose to Bo Harried hy tho Press. ROME, Aug. 10. The reports relative to tbe creation ef another American cardinal are unfounded, or at least prematura. For fifteen years efforts have besn made to se cure another American member of tbe sa cred college, but it wo found that the American episcopacy was not sufficiently favorable. General Dl Cesnola came ' to Rome to advocate that Archbishop Ireland and the late Archlblshop Corrlgan both be promoted to avoid their rivalry, but New York's geographical position was regarded at the Vatican as being too near Baltimore to permit of Archbishop Corrlgan' ap pointment With the passing away ot Arehblshop Corrlgan tbe situation waa much altered, and it Is considered that a satisfactory solution of the Philippine ques tion might bring recompense to Archbishop Ireland for his services tn the affair. . At the Vatican It Is said that newspaper talk will only delay Archbishop Ireland's chances, as the pope Is always irritated at the Idea of anything being Imposed upon him by the press. Mgr. Guldl. the apostolic delegate In tho Philippine Islands, will be nominated Arch bishop of Stavropoll, the only titular arch blshoprle vacant. The Obaervatore Ro mano will tonight officially announce both, the appointment to Manila ' and tbe con flrmant ot the episcopacy. Mgr. Guldl. after receiving an official let ter this morning saying the pope wished to glv him a special mark of his benevo lence and haa appointed him apostollo dele gate at Manila, asked for an audience, which the pope Immediately granted. ' Mgr. Guldl thanked the pontiff for tbe honor conferred on him and the pope said that from the moment it waa apparent that tho negotiations regarding the friers' lands would be continued at Manila, he thought Mgr. Guldl - was the most competent and most fitted to carry on th delicate ne gotiations. The apostolic delegate In the Philippine Islands was also received by Cardinal Oottt. tbe prefect ot tbe propaganda, who said to him: "I love you as though you were my on." After his consecration Mgr. Guldl will be Instructed to proceed to his post Imme diately, arriving there about November 7, He will take with him an English prelat a his secretary. GERMAN STEAKS LUXURIES In Berlin They Cost Forty-Fonr Cento Per Ponnd and Are Climbing. BERLIN. Aug. 80. The price of meat In Germany continue to rise and the town council and other bodies and the newspa pers tn every part of the empire, are dis cussing what Is called 'the meat famine." The butchers' guilds advanced the prlco of meat this week from 2 to B cents per pound. A good steak . costs 44 cents a pound In Berlin. Markets ' are generally reported statistically 26 per' cent higher now than in .1900. although In Rotterdam. Paris, Vienna and Buda Pest they are only 10 to 16 per cent higher. Germany' mora rapid advance Is attribute to the scarcity of home anlmalj. the exclusion ot foreign livestock and the prohibition ef canned, meats thus suspending large American im ports. Hsmburg figures show. that the Imports of American salt and smoked meats tn 1901 were only 128.800 metric hundredweights, against 305,800 In 1898. The Imports of sausages have shrunk In the same time from 18,000 to 880 metric hundredweights and American canned meats from 19,600 to 10,200 metric hundredweights. Berlin slaughtered In July 6,110 fewer animals than in July, 1901, in spite ot the Increas ing population, and the slaughterings were further diminished tn August. The official authorities of the kingdom of Saxony report 6 per cent decrease in the slaughterings since 1900 and a great lack of animals suitable for butchering. A number of important municipalities have petitioned the government to open tho frontiers to livestock. The Prussian min ister of agriculture, replying to a depu tation of the Posen council making sueh a request, said it was impossible to with draw the exclusion decrees, averring that the exclusion i of foreign animals had im mensely Improved the veterinary - condi tions of Germany. RAJAH'S GIFT N0CHEAP SWORD Its Tain Amonnta to President's .. Salary 'or Twelve Months' Official Labor. ... (Copyright. 1902, by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, Aug. SO. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Ths - Jew eled sword presented by the maharajah ot Jaipur to King Edward, encrusted with gems and worth $50,000, Is the most valua ble aword In England. Hitherto the sword given by tha Egyptians 'to Lord Wolseley bad that distinction, but, with Its hilt set with diamonds, 'It is worth only one-fifth as much as ths king's. The standard cost of a sword of honor such as the city of London presented to Lord Roberts and Lord Kitchener Is $526. The sword the Ameri can nation presented to Admlrsl Dewey Is said to have cost $10,000. . The shah of Tersla has a magnificent saber worth $50,- 000. The only sword in the world more valuable la that belonging to the maharajah of Baroda, India. It hilt, scabbard and bait are massed with ruble, emerald and diamonds, th value of which is estimated to be $100,000. Manager Philip York of the Tlvola Muslo hall will Introduce ozone Into the audi torium every evening soon. Electricity working on chemicals will produce - a re freshing atmosphar and will dispel all Im pure air. The countess of Warwick denies ths re port that she haa been benefited to th ax tent of $1,000,000 under Cecil Rhodes' will. But she recently netted a large sum la speculation in South African shares. . DEWET GETS A COSTLY GIFT Representation la ' Silver ' of Boers Captarlng an Armored British Train. ' , (Copyright, 1902. by Press Publishing Co.) THE HAGUE. Aug. 80, (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) The mag nificent gift for Dewet, from Miss Anna Postman of Zurich, Switzerland, passed through her recently. It was a coaMy and highly artlatic representation In allver of th capture by Boor of a British ar mored train. Dewet waa depicted in- tha background directing th burgher. Elgin Batter Market. ELGIN, IIU. Aug. 80. Monday belirg Labor day tha butter Board of Trade hold Its weekly session today. There was a light offering of butter, but no sales. Tho market was declared steady at li cents, oalaa ef LU Wek, tUa.Uuo youada.