SPECIAL - - MOTIGES rill bo likra til la aa. far Ik veatagr eaHloa aaa til "SO p. am. sseralagr aaa gaaday edltloa. tales, 1 1-S war Aral laserflea. la a wore, thereafter. Nathlaa- takes fa lea laaa xr.a for ka arl laser tlau. These advertlaessaata Baut fca raa eoaseeatlyoly. Advertisers, by- reaaaatlasr aaa. "ere eh celt, kava aaewera aa a krr4 letter la ear f Tka Bar. Aaewara aa adareeeea will delivers aa preseatauiaa taa ekaak aalr. rOR SALE CIGARS. $50.00 IN GOLD. ft pays to buy your cigar of u. You may wake up tomg day and find youmclf the possessor ol Fifty Dollars In Gold that ws give away to our custom each month. .. .Butler & Miller, M. WV COR.'" 1STH AND FARNAM 8T8. WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED-Canvssser. Man familiar with book and newspaper wurs preferred. Mutt ' be hustler. .-. Apply noom Jul He buUulng. b 21 ' ' ti FOR HALF A DAY'S WORK. If you live In Uie country or In a small town and. have a good acquaintance among tha tarmers and dock raisers In tho neighborhood you can mane to easily by tour tr nva hours' work. Write us and we will send vou our proposition. : The bee Publishing Co., Solicitors' Dept., Omaha. Neb. AS M-i UOOD mesengers wanted; flrst-clQRS pay. A. 1), T.. Co., 2U 8. 13th.' B 7-'7 818 WANTED, two eooka for Wyoming west ern railway. Labor agency, 41') H. lnh. B MVs7 SOLICITORS WANTED. THE GLAKAN'IEK FUND LIFE ASSOCIATION. Wants live local agertts In every town- In , .Nebraska. The proposition possesses spe "clal merit, and is euBtly written. Salary or commistilon tq the right man. Address 1. C. Bumngton, aecrelary. Alliance, Neb. B Mi 36 WANTED, inen to learn barber trade; only eight weeks required; wages Saturdays; ttols presented; diplomas granted; ponl tlons Waiting graduates; catalogue mailed free. Molcr Barber College, l&U Douglas 'street. . B 72 bi WANTED, bench, light floor and heavy floor moulders and machinists for out of town: steady work to good men. Call on Fairbanks, Mo.ne & Co., 1102-4 Farnam St., for particulars. B Mttol So WANTED--A good man In every county to take subscriptions for The Twentieth Century Farmer. Our agents make good wages everywhere. References required. Address, Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha. Neb. B 613 WANTED, to correspond with a civil engi neer, who understands railroad construction.- Address 11 M, Bee. B M53ii 30 DRUG! .-CLERK Registered; must have moustache or willing to grow one, black ' preferred. R: 1 .Hestwood & Co., 1501 .Park ave ' - - . B 131 2s WANTED, 1 good molders for heavy work. Address Ceir Rtiplds Foundry and Ma chine Co., Cedar Kaplds, la. B Zit 28 WANTED, an -experienced shipping clerk for large retail dry goods store; state TThflt politic? b ol H nftri how Inn 17 I n enrn 'position. Address 11 62, Bee. B 138 lih . WANTEDr-Harness makers and cutters on fceavy and light harness; steady work for Jood men;, no labor trouble. Dodson, Inner, Brockmann Co., Minneapolis, Minn. - ii M144 2 V-r WANTED Laborers iot Steani Shovel Work Near old paper mill; also DRIVERS ' $91". ?gon' work';per' Oreen'a " packing bouse, Co.' Bluffs, la. HALL GRADINU it LONSTKUCTION CO. -. . . B-M179 WANTEDA good all around tinner and plumber; must be sober; references re quired; a steady Job to the right man." Address Fowler & Uott, Ponca City, O. T. B-M17I WANTED-"-Oood salesman to sell Eclipse stock food In each county In Iowa; har vester men preferred. .Eclipse Stock Food Co., Atlantic, Iowa, B M2Su 4 TRAVELING salesmen to handle a full Una of Disk Talking Machines, sundries and supplies; liberal uoinmlwtlons and exclu sive .territory; give references. Manager Sales, P. O. Box No. 307, Toledo, O, . , B M.S8 29 WANTKD-SALESMEt, WANTED A first-class experienced Brlt anntca .salesman - for Nebraska. ' Am. Newspaper Asbu., suite &22 New York Life Bldg.,, oniaha. . ' , . WANTErTravellng salesmen to sell to the retail trade our line of boots and . shoes one In aouthern Nebraska and one In Kansas. Men of good hublu artf 10 QulretL 1. with an 'unuerstandiug of the busias and an acejualntance and trade In, the seoilomf country mentioned. . No vthurs uonl apply. Keierences required beals & Torrey Shoe Company, Milwau kee, Wisconsin. (mu . ji IALKSMEN wanted for Nebraska and Iowa who can sell Acetylene Generators; a man 'who.. has been, successful selling typewriters,' cash registers, safes, scales. et.v should succeed with our article; salary,-, traveling expenses and Interest In profits; bring written application, stating references, after September 6. K 1L Healun,. 17 80. 16th b't,., Omaha, Neb.' WAITED FEMALU BELT. 10 Girls. -Call Canadian oftlce, 15th & Dodge. WANTED, : two- youtig lady students to learn halrdresslng, manicuring and chi ropody and scientific massage. Call or write Room Z- Bee Blag. . c i WANTED, lafly cook. Eureka Restaurant ItsH Cass St. . , C 7w) WANTED, a competent felrj for housework. Mrs. M. k. Dumcnt, Lafayette Ave. '. ,.HJ. C-3 ARE YOU a Catholio r and unemployed? boe me. Hixaubaugh, MH Wars block. 4 c S7 WANTED Good wages to a good cook; none other need apply, .ZLH Harney. C M7S5 NURSES' COLLEGE, Pueblo. Colo.: three months' course; diplomas; opens October 1; write. , C M782 Sis WORTHY young person to take scholar ship iu Omaha s leauing, business and shorthand college, ahd psj for It when course Is finUbe.l and.. position secured. Address If, 30. bee. C MJ7 Se WANTED, experienced floor woman In fac tory, for shirt and pauls. Address If M, . C Ml!i00- rOR R-ET HOtSEB. HOUt'kS, stores. vbemls, Paxton block. - 1 ' D 710 il2 CHARtra, four-room cottage; rent 111. Win. K .Potter. ' receiver, Omaha Loan and Trust Co., M Brown block. I li FOR RENT g-room. modern, brick resi dence. 24;W Krbkino St., J15. $-room, pneru, , brUk fesidence, Sfil N. 3th St.. tJ&. 1 '. . " ' (room frame residence, cify water, 1501 S. Ma U Hi ... JUCNNAN-IiOVB. CO.. . iv So. Uta St. - --. -- D MJk 4 FOR RJCNT, 1SA2 K- Z-4 -. 7-room house, 1214 8 2Jd St.. t-room house. 1U atio Ouiaha Realty Co., ttul Douglas St. ' . - . . (-ROOM modern, good repair, on Sq. v& avenue, 'phone tel. D--777 . . HDIJSFS ,n Part '"y The o. uuuoco v. Davu Ce-i M Bf!e Uli1 ' D-7uj VAN aaa baggage wagons. TcL li'-i. U-714 ron nr.!Tiioi.trs. TO MOVE right get Omaba Van Storage Co.; office li-lli Farnam, or Tls. 1 -$. D 703 MAOUARD Tan A Storage Co. Tel. 1496. SEE PAINE, BOSTWICK CO. for choice nouses, vn-i r. x. ure mag. Tel. 101s. D 7i4 GOOD modern 8-room house. 1504 Blondo. D 713 HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker block. UVM il'?8IiP,e st-Vl"- modern except' furnace, 27 Burt St.-e-r.. all modern, new. $2.50. 217 I'lnkney Bt.-8-r., all modern, fine place, will repair, $.'4.60. t-n i " moderr cept furnace, PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Tel. 1,81. Main Floor N. T. L. Iildg. I MlM MODERN, steam, 7-room tiouse. . Tlsard, FOR RENT. 10-rnom brick house, gas, bath, laundry, furnace, $30. Key at 2fiol apuoi are., on premises. l M161 2" FOR RENT Rnlendid building In whole sale communion oistrict. F. I). Wesd, io- uoufiii. , ., JJ MJ08 3 POH PENT a-i-nn. .11 . 1 - . ------ - - ...... 1 mi uiuuri 11 iiuuio, I 1 0 Cfiy t a 1 - ' t-n . . n . . I .. . Jk..m T P. ' , . Bill in B, icw linjn, j, J Pherwood, tM7 New York f,lfe bhlg. Phone - . . , - U Mill ) SO. 49TH AVE., fine location, D-room, 13 80. 2M St.. I roomn and bath. WM. K. POTTER, -Receiver,. Omaha Loan A Truat Co., ' J3 llrown Block.. , . ' D-271 FOR REMT FIRMISHE0 BOOMS. t7 7-4 1MIM . ,m nn,t location In the w. apiLoi Are. ai MSift DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. . . . It 71 SKl lr4 8' utb- one block wun uuuse.. IS 716 AETNA HOUSE, European, 13th and Dodge ... E ilai" VIENNA HOTEL, 10U-10 Farnam St . ' E-lM S7 NICE front parlor. 2001 Burt. E 307 1 coof furnished or unfurnished COOL, neat rooms, new flat. 20 North 17th, . . .. E-760-S-17 ROYAL, hotel, European, 16th and Chicago. FINELY furnished rooms. 1709 Dodge. ' ' EMSoo 80 ROOMS. 25 Harney. E 97J 81 NilrFf furnished, cool rooms, modern. 2011 Harney. E S3 'En'c furnished room, S4 a month. 63 " . AS 143 Sl A SUITE of rooms, newly furnished and Danered: mwtcm inni...n . ... 1111.1UU11H leiepnune J21 11 ?r cou)le or two ur more men. vv,;ulnADLii!i room ror gentleman: . modern, private, close In. IV 2,' "ee-. E MJ84 ' FURNISHED front room, detached house, steam heat, close In. 1LU& Farnam ti MS6 31" R 11.K room' uht housekeeping, njj Ai M279 rdRXIgHED ROOMS Aim sntsi THE ROSE, 2020 Harney, rge parlors, single or ensulte; also ' smaller roomE rates reasonable. F 6ii a" Merrlam, comfortable summer home. Tel 85. . ... . F7i; CENTER HQTEL, 810 N. 17th, half mock cooking -J trnBient. hom5 cooking. . FHW & TWO nicely furnished rooms. 80S S. 20th st. NICELY furnished rooms wlth board; good wiiwn walktaVTi'bWZ Raterrea. able. Apyl at 2to Cass St. Tel, A-2633. -sMnuiL ' F A1847 3d HOTEL. LANGE HOTEL, upstairs. 13th ft Jackson. A3J fl BARKER. 13 A Jones; Amerl. & European. ISO 87 FOR REST- lAiFtRMSUEO ROOMS. DESK room space, 6 per month; ground IllV.r r.....n n '1-1 1 1 1 . ... I HM .. . . 4 uv sn Dunning, XaclliB Jf arnam street; no expense for lighU heat or jaiiiior service. R. C. Peters & Co.. rental agents. Bee oulldlng. G H6 ' FOR HUNT STORES AAA OFFACttS. FOR REN T Desk room or large space Uoing busineas tn Wnoieaaie uisirlct.'Au iuj AAsna Co., xe arnapj sueet. i-lMLUi FOR RENTThe building formerly occu- Sied by Vhe.Aics at M Faruaia St It aa lour stories and, a basement which was Xormeny used as The bee press room Tula wm be-rented very reasonably. '-. xt imeiested apply at onve to C. C. Rose water, secreiaiy, roonl 100, Bee ou'hding. . , , . 1 i FOR RENT Store In first-class location reut reasonable. Apply R. c. Peters k Co., ground iloor. Bee bldg. 1 36C STORE, with fixtures suitable for grocery" Mi Leavenworth St 1 ooi lis WANTED. WANTED Canvassing agent in every county to solicit subscriptions to THrf TWENTIETH .CENa'VHY FARMEic Steady employment, with assured good In come. Agents In the country wun horse and buggy especially desirva. Canvassers make easily u to $Iuo per month Ad dress, century Farmer Solicitors' Hursau bee bullulng, Omaha. ZU SOMETHING NEW ! I Just out. Bend for sample, uomuiiieuoa uoor IvnoD and Bell, No- cutting or ruining the door. Put on any door in a sioment. No batteries to worry about. No springs to wind. Noth Ind to get out of order. Own your own bell. No landlord to' trouble. Price and bell absolutely guaranteed. Send 11 50 for sample. Agents wanted. WESTERN ELECTRICAL COMPANY, 1213 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. J 71 ARE YOU a Catholic and unemployed? bee me. Hixenbaugo, 6uu Ware block. - im , U - .. - J , ,, . IS WANTED TO HkuAT. i . YOUNG lady desires room and board In a private family where terms are rea sonable; Baptist family preferred. Ad dress it 21, bee. K lOuO WANTED--Furnlhed room with bath In hat or with private family; references, II 69, care Bee. K-M 4 FOR SALE riHIlTlHl!. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel ij.0. New aud secondhand, bought. sol exchanged FOU MALE HORgEg, WAGO.3, EIC. C1-OS1NG out buggies cheap. Johnson- St Roberts, John Dene Bldg., iOth and Leav P-MJa Sk- NEW and second-hand buggies and wagons; low prices. Frost, 14th end Leavenworth. P 721 PFEIFFER Is closing out his stock of buggies at 26 per cent discount. 27th and I.ru ven worth. p M104 FOR BALE MISCELLASEOll. WHITE sawdust; season check d oak tim bers, cheap; hug leuce, euk 9ul Douglas. 4iXI FOR BALE Phonographs: superior to any other mimical Instrument; up. The Witiman Co.. liLi Farnam. Q 7a NEW and secondhand typewriters. ln Far- 100 8TYI.ES trusses; catalogue free. Sher man a McCoiineil Drug Co., loih and Dodge. Ouiaha. J 74 INDIAN goods and relics. Ill Far s am. Q 7A. IjtHAN'D sate cheap. Drlght LUJ Farnant THE OMAHA DAILY IllSjE; FIU DAY, AUGUST 29, 1002. FOn. IALR-Milt F.LL ATI F.Ol S. vim punciure-prooi tires, 11.93 and r7.D0 per pair. .imana uicycie lo.. istn and ( hi. cago Sis. 7 PIANO for sale or trade, a 14. He. Q-M127 S4 EDIfON nhonos-ranhs lift. r and ! moulded records, toe each, or tS per dos. ; , " u-ie, ii up; znnsnci, so up. umana oicjrcio vo., ibtn and Chicago His. W-M2:: L. M. E. always hurry.Tel. 780. Q MSo4 a-uinuiN, ceiumbla riaiogrRph; agent wuiFu, wrn. r reuricKson, 15 l p. Av. Vt M547 SIS "OR SALE Two cows, fresh, at 28? Web- -ver di. ti 242 2S' V . "Ai,hr-oood 1,500-pound flour scale, desks, stove, letter press, etc. Call at "- siieei. tj soft NEW No. 9 Remington typewriter, cheap; V.1n. tnl" thlm nP- John Hay Kuhn, I 1 Nat'1 bank building or telephone v Aiinu &r WILL BE abroad two years: while absent will give right party use Of my Stelnway piano for care of same. Address H 56, " W M15 81 tfl SOHMER piano, beautiful mahogany MU rv, 1 1 1 m I . . . i -. ....... rm. muni runnse 1H I'll on same by Sept. 1; will take Address 11 Do. Ree r xict oi . ... 1U I , 8225 WILL buy my Chlokertng piano. Just as good sa new; family broke up, no fur ther use for It; wHI sell on ensy monthly payments; no Interest asked. Addrejg 1 1 C7 1 1 . . ...... ill, ' "-r. IV Ml Ml J clairvoyants: MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant 1614 Css 8t 8729- MME. GTLMER, genuine palmist. 81S B. 15. 8 83 ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. AAlEd, vapor baths, 124 N. 15th.. R. 7. T 616 SIS MME. SMITH, baths. 118 N. IS, 2d floors R I 1132 86 GLADYS RU8SCLL, $23 S. 16th, 8d floor. rt tf inn ct n 1 Bln-D-3' GRACE O'BRYAN of Ky., 720 8o. 13th. i M4s ew FERSOAAI. PRIVATE hospital before and during con- """'"""i oauies uuopiea. jvs urant Ht. Mrs. Garden. TeL F-11S3. U-733 VIAVA, woman s way lo health. Horns fc. -ui.u,Me VVVaa,sT0f, AsTVO. 49 X6 Hi Omaht, O 7S4 TEL. 780 for U M. fi. meiwengers. GRAMOPHONES and Mpplleo. wholesale onrl ratal r..i wtl r, -, e .. ... , v .Vveas. VV1UU" 47 LU,. lOigJ lOUK U-73i SHAMPOOING and ha'.rdresslng. 25c. In ,. .Vi iT J Joauiery, i5-aio Be building. Tel. 1716. U 737 clI.IRPODY a specialty, in connection V i "thery. rooms 316-220, Bee Bldg. Tel. 1716. U 736 M. JACKSON, room 4. Frenzer iiTutlon Tree. """"" a W"jJ:- 830-RUPTURB CURED FOR 830-No knife. aJ . ' , . oetention irom business, gend for booklet, etc. EA1PIRE HUP CUKE CO., 932 N. Y. Life Bld, Omaha. U S3! . 7-' , wiuj, i conneouon with "mii io-4iu om ijiug. iiai rR.jyAJB an,tarLum 'or ladles before "-' --iiuiieineni. DC and Mrs. Gerisch. 403 N. 15th St., Omaha. . ' U-449 New location, 1415 Douglas. 'Phone L-222L . u 464 810 PRIVATE home for ladles before and dur- ".uiiiiin-uiciii. uuuies aaopted. Mrs. ELITE PARLORS, 615 8. 16th St.; id floor. ...... T1L4 r.ou t-vt w jo nj MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 8d floor, R. t U Oil B-1S "A FRIENn In nai la - el i i u -- - ... ..u u . . . - 1 1 l. aimuru, . you.K?ppen to be feelil badly- and netfd u.h.a.f, vuuiiii yuur nervei irjf a ' STOECKER CIGAR! and you will then fully appreciate the sen- ... ....... . i.i concu iu ia aoove quotation. u tm si ' MONEY TO LOAN HEAL, ESTATE. MONEY to loan- on Improved Omaha real '. ctiuiMui.ug.il WO., V9 ' B. 13th W 739 4H PER CENT on business property.' b per cent on residence property Options to pay whole or part any tlma, W. B. MEIK.LE, 401 S. 16th St 1 W-740 WANTED, ctty loan and warrants. W t n.ui oiiiiLii ec to., ijzu A1 arnam St. W-741 FARM and city loans, low rates. W H - -. WOIH J3lUg. 1 ei. ItFfcS. W-743 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds Anil wvarfttnta U . . . . . . Farnam St., Bee Bldg. W 743 T Diirria t.i . -. mo. rrimn m oney.. t i V X- L- I Hn ... irt . Main Floor. New York UfsBldg ' W-744 iER CENT loans. Oarrln Bros., . l04 M ft frllal m r W 746 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wsad, J524 Douglas W 74 8100 UP; low rate. Prlchard. 1718 Farnam - W-J47 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N.- Y. U W 748 4V4 TO S P. C. money.', Bemls, Paxton B k. W 74 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTEL. MONEY loaned on. furniture, Uva stock. ...ui.cu tcupie. roiey Ixian -o., sue. to Duff Green, Barker block. . X 756 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, lew- eiry, oorses, cowr, sic, C. F. Reed, 819 S. 18. X-767 MONEY WHEN you find It necessary to borrow, give us a .rial, alter which we will by fair treatment attempt to retain your patronage. We loan from $10 up. on fur niture, pianos, live stock, etc. W also make loans to SALARIED PEOPLE without mortgage or Indorser. We ds nut deduct Interest In advance, we chargs nothing for making or filing paper and our service is quick and confidential. W always try to pleuse our patrons. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2J8i (Established 1392) 3v6 So. 16th St. X MilJ DO YOU NEED MONEY? SALARY AND FURNITURE LOANS. ' RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Room Sua, Third Floor, Paxton Block. X-635 MONEY loaned on plain not to salaried oeopie: ousineks connaenuai: lowest fate. 514 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Ce. X-754 Chattel fend Salary Loan PHOENIX CREDIT CO.," Successor to J. W. Tavl,, TeL 745. & Paxton Block. X-M73 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO jauahiiu rturus, merchants, team Stern, boarding house, etc.. without se curity; ealet terms; 40 offices In j.rin clpal cities. Tolinau. 440 Board of Trad Kl'Jg- X-761 BlSINESg CHANCES. TO GET In or out of bunea cell on" Wil liams, noom 411. McCague butlding. Y-768 WANTED In Kansas or Neoraaaa, pasture iu piemjr oi rougu leea, nsy, mock corn, sic, for about six moulha for right hun dred to one thousand cattle. W. V. Mo Uuure, bucua Vista, Colorado, T-761- arsisEss chancrh. IF YOU WANT CASH for your business, city property or farm send full particu lars with best price and I will tell you how to get It, provided It 1 located In the United 8tafes. My plan a winner. Write today. Emerson De Puy, Des itmea, ia., sixtn noor tows Lioan snd irusi Duiuing. T M3IS S9 W'HOLESALE bakery for aale, good loca tion snd good trade; falling health Is rea son for selling; new brick oven. Adilrsa Box 375. Geneva, Neb. - Y M2i7 IP YOIT want to invest few hundred or ,.,.,unmii in kuiiu pair Tunney-ms. King lie, Omaha, or write him care I'mlrni Electric Ry., Light, Heat and Power Co.. I re t Jin lows IT ei n. Y-117 31 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange our Dusmess or property quick, see J. H. Johnson. 848 N. Y. IJfe. Y MTU FOR SALE, a hotel and furniture, with livery barn In connection, In a thriving town In central Nebraska. The only ' .e!.!n, tns town. -Good business already .nmiiiucii,. v a. fnuuinson, Kearney, Neb. . , Y M7W S4 FOR SALE, meat market, well equipped, doing good business, slaughter hnuxe ' UllMli mnA K n ...... ,t t I i . " ...... v .. . . xj . B i . vi in ,, nuini mm" tlon, building leased, town of 1.500 In southwestern Iowa, rood reasons for sell. lng. Addr lire- H 54. Bee. Y 141 31 A RARE CILANCEThe best cattle feeding and grain farm In the Mississippi valley, L acres, rich, black soil, high creek 'bottom land. With some gently sloping upland; used fnr years' for feeding and (graaing; part cultivated, with heaviest of . crops; corn, on bottom land will go W to Jfllt bushels; blue gras pasture heaviest kind; located In rich oorn belt of North Central Missouri; adjoining station on trunk line of Sante Fe railroad, 95 mi'es from Kansas City; well fenced, mostly hog tight; large brick dwelling, two-story .tenant house, large barns and cittle sheds, self-feeders, Stock scales, seven windmills and central pumping statlor, with gasoline engine) and three mile pipe for water; this is the best money maker on the market for feeding purposes and grain raising; an examination will verify these (lalms; owner old and wants to re tire. Price, for a short time, SS0 per acre; worth 875 for a permanent Investment. Address B. D. Keauchamp, BrookMeld, Mo. . . Y M163 t I HAVE a stock of general merchandise iwo years om, snout xs.wm; must be sold in two weeks; the first offer will be ac cepted. 8. Herns, Carroll, Iowa. ' Y M?St 31 for Exchange. EXCHANGE Modern residence, 15 minutes' wins, irom umana f. u., w.o cRh for a good home farm. F, D; Wead, 1524 Doug-'u- Z-M169 30 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. MONTHLY payment bargain In 8-rooin hull met I 1 Xt K n . 4 .-mm ' 1 t A Bwuv vsi. aa iiuiiai , ATIIUIia ffU, RANCH and farm lands for aal by th vjnivu -ciii(. ndiiruiiu company. a. A. McAUester, land commissioner. Union Pa cllio Headquarter, Omaha, Neb. RB 765 EASTERN Kama land, nrlce 810 to t.m. .1.1 T". i. ..... -. n . xv, niuir, latcs center, Kan sas. ...... rttMH4 B23 10-ROOM nouse, nearly new, water, gas, cwei, ii no idwu, near inuiur ana scnool; rent 325. Inquire Wm. 1. Klerstesd, city Hall. i D 491 FOR SALE, 31 acres fruit and garden lanu, ngui-rom nouse, gooo nam, ap ples, cherries, plums, eight acre in tim ber, two miles from car line. Address Ivd S. First, Council bluffs, la. RE Si Near HighSchool A. P. Tukey & Son offer three lots on the Vomer nf :th nrt OVi i rw u., u , Ani.r .w.-k encn. un graue, nne etone siaewaik. All in shape to build On.' Partlea wanting a home within walking distance and near High School arid Crelghton college will be suited with these lota. '-'We are going to make a .quick . sale pf, ' these lot. The fourth lot was sold yesterday. A. P. TUKEY & SON, 444-i Board, ft , frade. . r.XaVgairi..-Tor?l" VI KM li CO. fnr i.ki.1. idg. " Tel; 1016. 1 . - r- i. mit 1.. . i . rf dn, RE 761 WILLIAMSON r.3,- RE 763 HOUSES and lota In ail parts of city; also hviv yiyk'v, ij .iiu IHrm maui. 1 ne V. U . Davis Co., Room frsi Bee Building. ; ' RE-763 GEORGE O. WALLACE, real estate, mort- sse, icuuui, insurance, crown block. R&.-764 HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans;' also iii. insurance, jseuiia. .caxtou block. RE 766 KEL8EY'S. wall paper, 17th and Dougla. 'Phnn. ' t. I.- PUEBLO No better Investment today iimii gooq conservative ana juaicious In vestment in Pueblo realty. Orin S. Mer rill, Baxter block, opposite P. O., Pueblo Colo. ,.-.. RE M126 S-5 GOOD COTTAGES 514 N. 24th, 7 rooms, modern J2,u00 3320 Meredith Ave.. 6 rooms l.uoo 2&13 N. 20th St., 8 rooms, modern 2,000 A, P. TUKEY & SON, 444-445 Boaxd of Trade. - -...- RE 134 28 10-ROOM modern, - a well built house and corner lot, paving on both side fully - paid- up, 2224 Chicago: rental, SUM; price, 84.000. W. H. Gates, 617 N. Y. Life. 'Phone 1204. . . . RE 136 2i FARMS FOR SALE Improved farms in , Buffalo county. 310 to -IM per acre; one crop will pay for the land. W. H. Grasa meyer at Co., Kearney, Nebraska. . ' , -. . RB M145 826 LOOK AT. THIS Two small houses at a bargain. Must be closed out within the next two week. $1U0 cash,., balance 310 monthly. J, .H. Parrot,le, 634 Paxton block. . , . RE 167 8-3 i .. A .BARGAIN-Sl.SOO. The southwest corner 24th and Davenport, 69x54"4, with houae renting 88; all special taxes paid. The best ' location In Omaha . for double house, flat or store and flat; will always rent, ind only $1,500. Nothing- so cheap -In that ' locality. Reason able terms. WALLACE, 311 BROWN BLOCK. . ' . - V . RE-M181 GEORGIA Ave. home for .sale, all modern house part cash, bal. long time. J. H. Sherwood. 937 N. Y. Life. Phone 38. . " ' RE M174 FOR SALIC Mountain ranch of 450 acres; timber,' spring water, good stock build ings, 44 acres under cultivation, all fenced; seven miles from Sturgis; crop and some stock, $4,000. Address A.'E. Howe, Til ford, Bo. Dakota: ' RE M2S3 81 I AM agent for 200 or Soft houses, flats and stores; everyone rented at a good price; tenants and landlords happy; If yoj want to be made happy list your houses with me and I will fill them with good paying tenants. J.. H. Parrolte, Paxton Block. RE M2J2 A31 FOR sale, 10 rooms, - well furnished, fine location roomers, $350; 7-room rial, good location, $190. be quick. J. II. Johnson, N. Y. Life. , i RE-M1S3 29 , SUBURBAN REAL ' ESTATE. For aale, tracts of 5 acres, 6 acres, 6 acres, 6 acres, 5 acres or more, $lfi0 per acre. Rich fruit and truck land. Bound to In crease in value. Starr's place, southwest of city, west of. South Omaha, 61st and C streets, adjoining Bonheld & Fayette park. J. A. Starr, 817 Bee bldg. KE-M185' FEEDING FARM Only three rhiles from South Omaha Stock Yards;. 95 acres, 7-room house, large barn, granary, windmill, run ning water. Price will be advanced after Sept. 15, 1902. See or write . W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., Sole Agent, 133 Farnain St.. Omaha. RE M177 ) MEDICAL. SR. PRIES, the ssknowledged leading specialist In diseases of women In Omaha, would call the attention of suffering ladle to his unsurpassed accommodation before and during confinement and hi treatment for irregularities, no matter what cause. Call or address, with stamp. Dr. Pries, Arlington blocs, 113 1. .' , Omaba. - ;g EXPERT ACCOtNTAWT. FRIVATE lessons In bookkeeping, eta ; mam class Mona., wed.. Frl. O. R. itatnDun, room la, Com'l Natl bank. M5?3 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repair ing promptly attended to, J. T. Ochiltree, Bun ana iak. srreets. 4iV THINKS AMU BAUUAUB. TWIN CITY EXP. Phone 1717. 506 So. lth M783 L. M. E. hauls trunks. TeL 790. A1S5S JUNK. MIXED country scrap, $11; stove plate, 88. Alptrn, 902 Farnam. T7 TICKET BRUKERI, CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere. P. H. Philbln, loo. Farnam. 'Phone 784. s&a STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co., 1S11H Farn. Tels. ir.B9-t. JK ACCORDION PLEATING. IDEAL. PLEATING CO., 1510 Howard. i:n PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; ail business confidential. 1301 Douglas. . 7S1 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING, CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. Till DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING In families or at home. Miss murdy. ZbTO llarney. 823 ASl TINNERS AND CORNICES. E. SAVAGE, 3823 Farnam. 'Phone, 2U1. M43 81 FUR DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO., Unners, 1484 Bo. llth. 768 ANNOtNCEMENTS. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Tele phone 2190. 611 Boutb Thirteenth street. J79 FOIND. LADIES' gold watch. Call 1313 N. 24th and prove property. t'ound 277 2S LAW AND COLLECTIONS. 8TILLMAN & PRICE, 23 U. 8. N'l Sk. Bid. PATENT. PATENTS 8uea Co., Bee Bldg , Omaha; no fee unless successful; advice free. Ml S19 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, Sc; collars 2c; cuffs, 4o. J 750 Leavenworth. Tel. A-17S3. 773 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans v-doLwC). &r,d v-u!ts, rs;riCvcs b;s and dead animals at reduced prices. 621 N. 16. Tel. 1779. 780 FLORIST. L. HENDERSON, IMS Farnam. TeL 1258. Send for price list, cut flowers and plants. -M784 ' AUTOMOBILES. ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILES. ' Delight's. 1119 Farnam street. - ' - - 7W BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale TI Co.. 811 North leth. ' -786 Electrical repairers. GRAND Electric Co., 16 at Jackson. Tel. 2846. .' -783 STATUARY FACTORY. STATUARY and ornamental work. 712 S 16 MM8 PHONOGRAPHS. WE ARE western headquarters for Edison phonographs and records. Prices, $10 up. Neb. Cycle Co., 16th and Harney. M989 S23 OSTEOPATHY. QiD. E. ALICE JOHNSON, osteopath. Suite 615, N. Y. Ufe Bldg. TeL 1664. ' 778 DR. A. T. HUNT, 511 McCagus Bldg. Tel. 2353, 774 MRS. GRACE DEEOAN, 538 Be building. Tel. gtwj. 58 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT 8 school. 717 N. Y. Life. 76a . BOYLES college, court reporter principal, N. Y. Life. -7S8 NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. 770 MAGNETIC HEALING. IF A sufferer with pain and disease con sult, tree, the gifted MAGNETIC HEALER and VITAOPATH physician. Dr. Cha. L White, 1915 Farnam street. 93S 31 TYPEWRITERS. LAMBERT TYPEWRITER,' price $20; 1 fast, efficient, durable, easiest to learn, use and care for; sent on approval. Mon roe m Co., 811 No. 16th St., Omaha. M125 MANUFACTURING. P. MELCHIOR. 1.1th and Harney, ma chinist. 776 OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks. makes a spe cialty of fire escapes, shatters, doors and safes. G. Andreen, Prop., lot) S. 10th 8t, 779 NICKEL PLATING, OMAKA Plating; Co.. Bes Bldg. TeL 2535. -787 MUSICAL. MRS. F. II. WRIGHT, piano, 1813 Webster St. 1378-4 POSTorFICB NO I ICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as changes may occur at any time.) Foreign malls for the week endina- Aurust 80, 1UU2, will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at tne general postomce as iouows: 1'arcel post malls close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. ' Parcels post malls for Germany close at S p. m. Mon day and Wednesday. Regular and supplementary malls close st foreign station half hour later than closing time shown below (except that supplement ary mulls for Europe and Central America via Colon close one bour later at foreign station). Traasatlaatle nails. BATURDAY At 7:30 a. m. for NETHER. LANDS direct, per s. s. Noordam (mail must be directed "per s. a. Noordaru"); at 8:30 a. m. (supplementary 10 a. m ) for EUROPE, per s. s. Lucanla,' via Queens town; at 8:30 a. m. for 8UOTI.AND di rect, per s. s. Ethiopia (mail must b directed "per s. s. Ethiopia"); at 10 a. m for BEIXS1UM direct, per s. s. Zeeland (mall must be directed "per s. s. Zee land"); al 11 a. m. for DENMARK di rect, per s. s. Norga (mall must be di . reeled "per a. a Norge"). PRINTED MATTKH. ET(?.-Thls steamer lakes printed matter, commeicial paper FOSTOFFICB NOTICE. and samples for Oernrany only. The same else, of mall matter fur other pirt, of Kumpe will net be Sent by this sl.lp unless Sclsliy oirectcd by l After the cioslnir of the supplements! trsnsatlantlo tnalls named bov, nil.il tlonsl supplementary . malls aie opr..J on the pieis of the American, rnKllnh, French snd Herman Sle.un.'rs and remain t pen until within ten minutes of the hour of sailing pt steamer. Malls for Smith and Central America, . West ladles, Et. ' FRIDAY At 10 a. m. for GRENADA and TRINIDAD per s. M. Maraval; at 12 m. for MEXICO, per s. Matansas, via Tamptro tmsll must be directed "per s. a. Matnnsns"); at 12:30 n. m for 1NAGU snd HAITI, per s. s. Psloma. BATURDAY At S a. m.' for BERMfDi, per e. . Pretoria; at 9 a. m. for PORTO RICO, per s. s. Conmo, via San Junn; at 9 a. m. (supplementary ::t0 a. m.) for CURACAO and V ENKZURLA, per . Maracalno (mail for Suvanilla and Carta gena must be directed "per s. . tnr!i caibo"); at 9:9 a. m. (mipplementnry lt a, m.-fnr- fXlRTCNM ISLAND. JAMAICA. SA VANILLA, .CARTAOKNA and GREYTOWN. per s. s. Alles-hanv (mall for Costa Rica must -be dlreet-'d "lr a. -s. ' Alleghany '); at 10 a. m. for CUBA. per . . Mexico, via Havana; at hum a. i. ror mkazii per s. s. Svra cuea." via FVmambuco and Santos (mull for Northern Brasil must b directed "per s. s. oyracusa ). Malls-for Newfoundland. hV rail tn Mnrlk oyunry, ana fnence ny steamer,- Close at uiis oinc oatiy at :) p. m. 'connecting close here every Monday. Wednesday and Saturday). Malls for Mlquelon, by rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, close at this office dallv at 6:30 p. m. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tamna. Flat-ids. and thence - by learner, close. at this office daily, except Thursday, at "6:30 a. m. (the connecting 'closes maue on raonaays, eanesdaya and Saturdays. Malls - for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by stramor, close "at this omce dally except Sunday at 1:30 p. m. and 11:30 p. m., Sundays at 1 p. m. and 11:80 p. m. Malls for Costa Rica, bellse, Puerto Cortes and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, close at this ofllce dally exeept Sunday st n:30 p. m., Sundays at 'l p. m. (con necting closes here Mommys for Belize, Puerto Cortes and Guatemala, and Tues days for Costa Rlcs). Registered mail closes at 6 P- m. previous day. Traaspaclfle Malls. Malls for- Hawaii, -Japan, China and flrst- ciass, matter lor the Philippine Islands, via Sun Francisco, close here daily at 6:30 p. m. up to August 25lh, inclusive, for dlsnatch ner a. Knm, Malls for the Philippine Islands, via San r rancisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to August 2nth. Inclusive, for dls- m'i pnicn per u. d. transport. ulla fnr U.w.H - 1 .. . ... .. rkl.. . -. a . class matter for the- Philippine Islands, via , Ban Francisco, close iere dally at 6:30 p. m. up to August 29th, Inclusive, for dlsnatch ner s. a. riuAWe . i Malls tor Australia (except ' West Au- sirana, wnicn is rorwaroed via Europe), New Zealand, FIJI,: Samoa and Hawaii, via San 'Francisco, close her dally at 6:30 p. m. after August 16th and up to August 30th, Inclusive, or on arrival of s. s. Etruria, due at New York August 30th. for dlsbatch ner s. a. Mnnoma Mails for China and Japan, via Vancouver ana victoria, a. u.. nose here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to Beptemher-2. Inclusive, for dippatch per s. s. Empress of China (registered mall' must be specially ad dressed. Merchandise for U. 8. Dostal agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Canada). Malls for China and Japan, via Seattle, ciose nere uaiiy at :.) p. m. up to Sep tember 3d, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. e. Tosa Maru. (Registered mall must be directed "via Seattle"). Malls for China and Japan, via Taooma, ciose nere uaiiy at s:u p. m. up to Sep tember fith. Inclusive, ner s. a Victoria Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30vp. m. up to September stn, inclusive, tur uispaicii per a. a. Alameda. Malls for Australia (except West Au stralia, which goes via Europe, and New Zealand, .which goes via San Francisco), and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver and Vic toria, B. C, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. after August 30th and up to Septem ber 13th, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s, Aorangl. ,. Malls for Tahiti gna Marquesas Islands, via San Francisco, close here dallv at 6:30 p. m. up to September 3nth. Inclu sive, tor aispatcn per, . a. Mariposa. it '-.' - ' Transpacific' ?narls are forwarded to port ': of sailing dally and the schedule of clos ing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted .overland transit. Registered. maA closes at 6 p. m. pre vious day.' CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Postofflce, New fork, N, Y.', Aug. 22, 180. LEGAL NOTICES. MONITION. In' the Untied States District Court for the District of Nebraska. South Omaha Pontoon Bridge and Ferry Company, a corporation, llbeilant, against the Steamboat Henrietta, her engines, boilers, machinery, tackle and furniture. In admiralty, . In obedience to a warrant of aelsure to me directed. In the above entitled cause, I have seized and taken Into my possession the -following described property: The steamboat Henrietta, Its engines, bolleri, machinery, tackle and furniture, for the causes set forth irt the libel now pending In the United States district court for the district .of . Nebraska, at Omaha, Neb. I hereby, glvs noUee to all person! claiming the said, described steamboat Henrietta, Its engines, boilers, machinery, tackle and fur niture, knowing or having anything to say why the same should not be condemned and forfeited, and the proceeds thereof d's. tributed- -according , to the prayer -of the libel, that they be and appear before the said court, to be held In and for the dis trict of Nebraska, at the United State courtroom. In the-dry of Omaha, Neb, on the lBth day of September, 1902, at 10 o'clock on the forenoon of tltat day. If the same shall be a day of Jurisdiction, other wise on the next day of jurisdiction there after, then and there to Interpose a claim for the same, and to make their allega tions In that behalf.-' T. L. MATHEWS U. 8J Marshal District of Ntbrask'n. RAILWAY TIME' CAKb. " tnitAua itut'K ISLAND A PflPtrtn Rn Urna r1'"l'V, i I.T!'"'! - Ro,'k Ilnd Route" -City ! ' -L Ticket Office, 1323 Farnam ftreet. Telephone 42. Depot. .i . ' Jemo end Marty streets. Telephone 629. . Leave. Arrtv . -EAST. Chicago Daylight L t d..a S:00 am' a :46 am Chicago Daylight Local. a 7:25 am. a 9:35 pm Chicago Express .......bll:l5 am a 6:06 pm Des Moines Local. a 6:20 pm bll:60 m Chicago Fast Express.. 6:06 pm a 1:25 Dm . WEST. Rocky Mountain IVt'd..a :50 an ' a 40 am Lincoln, Colorado Bpgs., -Denver,- Pueblo: and We' AV'-L"'- 1:30 P" : Pm Colorado, Oklahoma eV Texas Flyer a 6:25 pm ai2:40 pm a Daily, b Dally except Sunday. ' WV UN ION.PACIFI C--TIIB t ' 8mrla"i -ajotrt)--General " " 1 1 gfflce"- E. Cor. Ninth and It - - II Farnam St. city Ticket Jit . ly 'flce. 1324 Farnam k. Tele! Lhona '. It. Tenth and sS.J' Marcy St. Telephone (.29. The Overland Limited. . a 9 40 era a j'sDm The Chicago-Portland . . V Special ...... a 9:40 anv a 1M run The Fast Mall a 8 60 am a 8:26 pm The Mall and Express.. all :30 pm a 4.35 pm The Colorado Special. ..a 7:W ru a 3:40 am Lincoln ben trice and ' ' Stromsburg Express. b 4:08 pm The Pacific Express a 4:36 pm The Atlantic Express... bliJi pm a 7:80 am b 8:36 am Orand Island Local b 5:30 pm Dally, b Daily except gUnduy. rn- rrBVRHNOTONMIS- Jini .i tiniill ourl Stiver Railroad "The B 'UUJ,H Burlington Route "- Gen !fi4iiiH"(i Ifiiiii; I eral Ofhces. Northwest Corner Tenth and Farnam Streets. Ticket Office., ljut c . . iri i.t w f .i niu iciriingiiD, burlington Station, Tenth and Mason Bts. Telephone 128. ' Sou Streets. -siaave. Arnve.' Lincoln, Hastings and McCook a 8:40 fin a 7:46 pm lincoui, iirnvvr, i.ui" rado, Utah, C'allfornla.4 4:25 pm a 3:10 pm Alliance Express a 4:2s pm a 3:10 pin i.incoin at inaca nnis. .an :iu pm a f 46 am $1 on I ana, Puget Sound. all :10 pin a 6:46 am Lincoln Fast Mai; d $.10 pm a 9:17 am Wymore, Bea'i ce and Lincoln '...... 1:40 am bll:S5 am IMnvcr. Colorado, Clan , and California . Fort Crook, So. Bend, ' Louisville, Plattsm'lh b t tO pm Bellevue, Plattsmuuth A Paclflo Junution. ..a 7:59 pm a 6:45 am bll:0S am a 8:27 am tteuevue, lltlllmomg sc pacific Junction. ...... .a 8:N am a Daily, to Pail except Sunday. 0 p!LWAY Tint: AltD-Coatfnnrd. KANSAS CITY. ST. JO. liiiiOAiiiirDi'i n-ph & Council IllufTa Rallroml "The Hurlington j;ule " Ticket t'Hlce, IjiiS Ke.rnam Street, Telephone ltepot. Tenth and Mason Htreets. Telephone 12S. ,. ... 1eave. Arrive. Kanse City Day Ex. ...a 9 .: am a 6 0fi pin Kaniis City NiRht Kt alO SO pnt a 8:16 am St Louie Fiver, for 8:-. Joseph nj Sf. ixuns.a 8:10 pm all:15 am a Dully. - - .. CHICAGO, Bl.'RUNGTON AV Wuinry Railway "The Burlington Route" Tlckrt Pfllce. 15i3 Farnam Street. Telephone 200. liepot. Tenth and Mason Street. Telephone 128. Arrive. e11: pm a 7:sn am a 4:05 pm 1:41 pm, Dsvlleht Chlcaro flrs. Leave. P'"1 at:noam C hlcao rattbuled Ex. a 4m pm Clilciiao laical ktnr.,1 k a-n . m Chicago Umlted ........a 8;u5 pm rust Mall a Dally. , - .-Vji. - iio.-ivc'ii ratlf it; AtAID- i-'"' Ticket nm DahV..., fU.:!''! Corner 14th and Douglas Jj: Telephone, 104. Depot. i, tt Lnlon otatlon. Arrive. St. IaiuIs and Kansas City Express a10:00 am a :2S pm a 6:16 am iv. c, tit. x press... alO:SO pm m-hvb rmm -ifiin snu Webster Streets: , Nebraska- Ixwil, Via Weeping Water ...b 4:10 pm alO.45 am a Dally, b Dully except Sunday. WABASH RAI LROA D Tic- RVmviA k'1 omcp' l F,n,am JiHAl Street. Telephone 323. De- lY-ii p0t. Tenth and Marcy St, w . Telephone, J). v , . ... . i St. Louis Express .a 6:55 am a 8:20 am di iiuiui i,orni irom Council Bluffs) a 9:14 am . 10:J0 pin a daily. . CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE St. Paul Railway 'ity Ticket Office, l.VH Farnam Street. Telephone, 4. lepot Tenth and Ma sou Bts. Telephone, 629. Leave. Arrive. IMlUPAUX Chicago & omaha Ex...b 7:40 am b 3 40 pm Chicago Limit. -a ti.... i:n inn a j:w am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. FREMONT. ELKHORN A Mlnsourl Valley Railroad "The Northwestern I Jne" General Offices, united Slates National Bank ' Building,. 8. W, Corner Twelfth and Far. nam Bts. Ticket Ofllce, 1401 Farnam St. Telephone 561. Depot, 15th and Webster bis. Telephone I4u. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills. Dead wood. Hot Borings a 3:00 Dm a 5.-00 pm Wyoming. Casper and Douglas d 8:00 cm e 1-00 pm Hastings, orK, imvid city, buperior, ueneva, Exeter and Seward. ...b 8:00 Dm b I MX) Dm Norfolk, Verdlgre and Fremont b 7:SQ am bID:K am Lincoln, Wahoo - and Fremont ..b 7:80 am blo:2fi am Fremont Local c 7:30 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Bun- day only, d Daily except Saturday. Dully except Monday. CHICAGO NORTH western Railway "Tha Northwestern Line" City Ticket Office, 1401 Farnam St. Telephone 66L Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Tels phons 629. Leave. Arrive. all:20 pm aiv:i0 am a 4 :06 pm a 4 :06 pm a 8:45 pm a 9:20 am a 8:30 am a 1:30 pm Fast Omsha-Chlcago....a 8:00 am Ixcal Carroll-Omaha. -.B B:t pm Ixical Chlcaao-Omaha.:-.al0:56 am Fast Omaha-Chicago.;.. a 4:56 pm Fast Mall .....a 8:00 pm Omaha-Chicago L't'd...a 7:45 pm Fast Mail Cedar Rapids Passenger a Dally. b Dally except Sunday, CHICAGO, ST. ' PAUL, Minneapolis Sk Omaha Railway "The ' North western I Jne" General ' Offices, Nebraska Dlvl-' 'elon,' 15th and Webster Bts. City Ticket Office. 1401 Farn sir. St. Telephone 56L Depot, 16th and Webster Eta. Telephone 1458. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passengei 6:30 am a 9:10 pm Sioux City Passenger.;. a 8:00 pm all JO am Emerson Local b 6:30 pm b 8:30 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Rallroad-Clty Ticket Of fice, 1402 Farnam Street. Telephone, 146. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Bts. .'' Leave. Arrive. Chicago Express . Chicago Limited . ...a 7:35 am a 6:10 pm ...a 7:50 pm a 5:06 am al0:3i pm blO:8S pm a 8:06 an a 10:00 am Fast Man Minneapolis A St, Paul ExDress ..b 7:35 am Mlnneanolls A St. Paul Limited a 7:60 pm Fort Dodge Local from Council Bluff b 4:50 pm Fort Dodge Iocal from Council Bluffs 1:00 m a Dally, b Dally exoept Sunday, STEAMSHIPS. IIOLLAND-AUERICA LKIE New York-Rotterdam, via. Houlognk, . M. New Twin-Screw . . of 13,000 tons register. isxzr-- Nooraani .ut 1UA. Twln-Screw M.l-.J nnr. a Steamer diaienaain 10 a. m. Twin-Screw .Bteamer Sept. IS. 10 A.M. Apply to Harry Moores, 1601 Farnam street; J. 8. McNally. 1323 Farnam street; H. 8. Jones, 1502 Farnam street; Louis Ness. First National bank. Omaha. NO TRACE OF HUFFMAN' LAD Police Now Thlalc Letter Was Writ lea to Get Newspaper . Notoriety. , I The police have . found no, clue , te the whereabouts of Iny Huffman, from whom I letter,- was -received Wednesday, .morning stating that he had killed hU mother's In fant child and was on his way to the river ' to take , his own life. Huffman formerly sold papers qn North Sixteenth street, but the newsboy who knew him said be bad not been seen By any of them sines February, when he cut the braid of hair Iron the head of Dora Jack man. While th pcllc are now Inclined to believe the latter was written by one other than Huffman, or that Huffman wrote It to get bis nam In tha papers, they ar making an effort to find out aomethlng of the young man. Th re port in th Bosrd of. Health are being searched to find if a Mrs. Huffman bad ersr been reported dead. f ELLOW PASSENGER WITH FAIR Ebb II Braadels of basaba Recalls Crosslagr tha Oeeaa with Vletlaa af Aataasoblle Aecldeat. The automobile by which Charles Fair and his wife were killed, recently In franca had mora than ordinary Interest for one umana man.. Emll Brandels of this city bad met him and counted blra aa on of tls personal friends. "I became acquainted with Mr. Fair two year ago on my way to ' Europe, when w wer fellow passengers on Deutscbland. He proved to b a royal good fellow, generous to a fault, but demo, cratlc and approachable In every way. Ills weeJth cut no figure la social Intercourse, W played cards together frequently. HI wife wss on board at tha asms tim kn. did not corns out on deck until ;h last day of the voyage. J met blm afterward a couple of tlms ia Paris snd faucd fcljn the same genial person. It's too bad he should die so suddenly,' What Fallows Grip r PjeumoDla oftss, but aaver wkea Dr. King's Nsw Discovery for Coosumpttoa m Hied, u cures colds gad grips. 50c, $L