Xlllj UMA1IA LtJxlLiX BEE! If If IDA Y. AUOTIRT "H. inn W El 1612 & HARNEY STS. -uig Closing Out Sale of Friday, en bargain elrc.e, mi our fancy colored tod "mired Lmii and Ba tiste tbat old op t H yard wall the laat at yard 17-Inch henry Outlog Flannel, In fancr ehecke and atrtpca, all fast colore, la length up to 14 yerda, worth IHc, at rard 17-lnch fancy Flannelette, all tha Daw fall coloring and pattara for wrapper, kfmona. ato., at yard 27-Inch haaTy quality Apron Checka, food, faat colon, o grade, at yard ;,. It-Inch Medicated .Sanitary Abaorbant Blrd'a-Ey Cotton, tan yarda to S a place apaolal at par pleoa '41-Inch bleached Pillow Can Muslin, heary, atrong thread, UHc quality, V at yard a. . ... . . -a cieacnen snooting sain grade He V l-4 Bleached Sheeting 11a grade t Clearup of Summer Ties I 'White lawn with embroidered collar tope, colored dimities and lawn with . white etrtpee and dots about 71 dosen, all worth up to 16c, all at one prloe KM doien Laeea, Cotton Galoona, la white, wide, also Torchon Lace from 1 to yaro ail on aai at yard. New Fail Belts t Our first shipment of Fall Belts, comprising all the latest atylest Faggoting Belt each Baeket Btlteh Wood Bilk Belts " Puffed Batla Belts each 1 Colored and Black Pleated Satin Belt at , Plaid SUk Belts J each Xlaatle Belta cut steel trimmings ml , Theee hare metal buckle and the new Fall Dress Goods Bargain Circle Main Floor Special ralue In worsted fabrics for SCHOOL DRESSE3, Including all the' new and desirable shade of blue, brown, gray, mixed noreltlea, and at marked-down prloes. Xi. Inch double-fold Worsted Serges, In all wear epeolaJ at yard ... n naiaa, new, nauaeome patterns, on lor waist 4 and children' dresses, at-yard I .Fin wear hard Bnlsh f)oubl-Fold Serges, In all tha desirable ehades. mm worth tto, at..... Y2C A 1 w - m tM.11- Main Friday Carpet Specials ; MATTING RKMNANT& From S to 10-yard for Fridftr per rrj.... ' H04tt Wool Rug Frisco per MVsl Third NIOBRARA AGAIN GARRISONED Vint aad Tnlr Battalias af Twenty Flftfe Iniaatrr itallaa" ,xi -. -' avt Vebiaika Fort. VALENTINX, Neb.. Aug. t. Special.) Fort Niobrara baa now .taken on new Ufa, .th poet being fully garrisoned, the first time alno tha outbreak of th Spanish war, when th Twelfth Infantry left for Cuba. ' On August II tha First battalion of the 'Twenty-fifth Infantry, under the command at Captain Rose I Bush, arrlred and tha Third battalion, with headquarter and band, arrlred this .morning, commanded by th regimental commander, Colonel A. H. Bowman. ' Colonel Bowman command post, hi staff consisting of Captain Joaeph D. Lettch. Adjutant; Captain Amos B. Shattuck, com mlaaary; Lieutenant P. J. Lauber, quarter master, and Lieutenant M. A. W. Shockley, poet surgeon. Lieutenant Colonel Phillip Reed com mand the Flrct battalion, comprising Com pany A. Lieutenant J. L. Dodge; Com pany' B, , lieutenant William Taylor; Com pany C. Captain Roes L. Bush; Company D, Lieutenant Henry Hlegenataln; battalion adjutant. Lieutenant Carl A. Martin; bat talion quartermaster. Lieutenant Ned M. Oreen. Tha Third battalion la commanded by Major Daniel H. Brush, comprising Company I, First Lieutenant W. S. Mapea; Company X, Captain William H. H. Chapman; Com- anny L, Captain M. D. Cronln; Company M. Captain Joaeph P. McNeill; battalion ad jutant. Lieutenant James McD. Comer. Regimental Chaplain T. O. Steward accom panied the command from the Philippines. On Monday morning, while on the Union Paclflo In Wyoming, a baby girl waa bora to Amlgoa, on of th Filipino women, of whom there are three along, wire of the enlisted men. It has already been chris tened "America Wyoming." Otherwise the Journey waa without special Incident and no accident or casualty occurred. The eltlsen are very much pleased to have th troop her once more and enjoy tha music of th regimental band. Officers aal men eeem very much pleased to get i back te the states and look forward with pleasure to getting settled again to gar rlsoa Ufa. C1RL SUSPECTED OF MURDER Xts Tsay Daalap Alleged la Have Fotseaed Warn a la Aledo, nilaala. YORK. Nsb.. Ant. 88. (Special.) A. R. TetiUnaoa, county sheriff frotn Aledo, 111., ha been her collecting evidence to be need la a murder trial at Aledo, Miff! I am Tm-aal-m. m . J vMat itw wajajata Bgo TlflUVQ mO tamllr of Jidn NloholU. who Htm at HUUld ftdaitlom to Tork. Before Mist YourDottor . 'Always comes promptly? Ever faithful? Saved your life? Then hold fast to him. We believe In doctors. Ask yours about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for hard colds, coughs of all kinds, asthma, bronchitis, and other throat and lung troubles. For 60 years doctors have used It. "I hart used Ayer's Cberrf pectoral for 52 yearn. J oat a littla of it cure a cold and atop a cough." A. G. Hamilton, Marietta, Ohio. 8fa,ia,lL8. A & Al U COl. LswcB. Mass, EMMETT C0o Fancy Batistes & Lawns lc ....5c ...82c 4 c 43c Qc quality -4 IOC 4 ( , IOU 10c ecrue and black, from 1 to SVfc Inches 4 tnobea wide, worth up to Wo .5c 50c 48c 50c 50c 75c 50c crochet ring fastener. th new shade for fall ,122c - Floor Unffthfl. 2Bo to 50c 4Uu 10c for Friua yer . rin AiC 8c Floor Dunlap visited Tork she wa discharged from a candy factory at Aledo and in her place a Mia Dool wa employed. After visiting her she returned to Illinois and again naked for her place and we re fused. ' 'r She I charged with purchasing a box of bonbons and distributing the nam among her friends, among whom suppos ably wa Miss Dool. A short time after Ward Miss Dool died. w.lth every, symp tom of strychnine poisoning. ' Charged with buying strychnine. Miss Dunlap admitted she bought strychnine at Tork for the purpoae of killing her corns, and the objeot of the trip of A. R. Ton ilnaon waa to learn of what druggist In York she purchased the strychnine. A thorough search of the drug registers of this city during all the time of Miss Dunlap' visit here no Word waa made of any sal of atrychnln to Mis Dunlap. Timely Ralna la Ga- Ceaaty. BEATRICE, Neb., Aug. Sg. (Special.) According to Zimmerman' government gauge the rainfall of the laaf two day is 0.84 of an Inch. This put the ground in fine shape for fall plowing and Insures a good corn crop for Gaga county. Th apple crop is the largest this season known In the history of Cage county. Woman's Work in Club There will be a meeting at 10 o'clock Tueaday morning of th Women' Chris tian association In th parlora of th Young Men' Christian association. The year' activity of the Omaha Woman' club ha commenced, though It is still a month before the opening fall meeting of the organisation. There waa a called meet ing of th directory Wednesday morning to conaider the plan propoaed by tha de partment of household economic for Intro ducing domestlo science Into the proposed two-year high school course. While the dlreotory and the club have ever been in favor of Introducing domestic science Into the public schools and th women are most anxloua that it should be included In the high school course, they hesitate to urge Ita adoption now, lest their action bo ac cepted as an endorsement of the proposed two years' course, regarding which there 1 a wide variety of opinion. Prom 8 until 8 o'clock on Tuesdsy after noon, September 2. the Woman' club will hold an Informal reception in the club rooms for Mrs. Wegla Hopehatl Tracy of Boaton and Mrs. Mary Moody Pugh. who Waa wm n i-n mA ihl. T asms. . UM , liVUl A-'V U T 6 to make her home here. Mra. Tracy was among the charter members of the club and on. of th. women most active in It. early work, and wa. at on. time leader of th current history department. She will be In the city for a abort time and the women of the club embrace thla opportunity to meet her. Mra. Pugh haa not only been prominently connected with the club for ! aeveral years, but is widely known over the state for her work In the interest ot domestic science, and ah will be heartily welcomed back after her abaence of over a year. The Invitation has been extended to club members and ths frUnds of Mr. Tracy and Mr. Pugh. At th aanual meeting and eleetlon of officer of th local Wemcn'a Christian Tempers ao union, held Wedneaday after aooa. Mr. Mary O. Andrew, wa re dacted president; Elisabeth Covell, vice president; Mra. Patterson, corresponding eecretaryj Mis Om Sh!roek, recording secretary) Mra. Tlldea, treasure, and Mr. Wataoa B. Smith, chairman of the high achoot lunch committee. Aaide from the election and tha rou tine reports little business wa. transacted. It waa decided that the matter ef eoetiun lag th union's support t th work at th ALL READY FOR EXHIBITS Entrj List for But Fair Nxt Wtek if How About Gampltta. PROGRAM OF PRINCIPAL EVENTS Of WEEK fay the Fratcralty Society Drill Teams Are te) Have sa laalaar. (Front- a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Aug. 28. (Special.) Practi cally all of th work preparatory to the tate fair, except the arrangement of the exhibits, waa concluded today. A few en tries may yet be made, but they will be In the minor classes. Monday at the fair haa been designated as Labor day. The special feature will be the racea in the afternoon, which will consist of a free-for-all trot or pace, under the auspices of the Lincoln Roadster club, for prizes aggregating $400, a race In the 2:40 trotting class -for 8200 and a running half mile and repeat for $75. Oa Tuesday the speed program will con sist of a 2:80 trot for $400, a pacing race and three-fourth mile running dash. Prior to the racea W. J. Bryan will de liver an address In front of the headquar ters building, speaking upon agricultural topics. The awarding of premiums will begin on this day and continue until the fair close Friday afternoon. Wednesday will be Fraternity day. The special drills will be the feature. Tha competing team represent the Ancient Order of United Workmen, the Degree of Honor, the Royal Highlanders, the Knights and Ladles of Security, the Modern Wood men of America and several other secret orders. Sales of Hereford cattle and Berk shire and Duroc awlne will also be held on Wednesday afternoon. , On Thursday a second sale of Hereford cattle will be held. In the afternoon there will be the usual racea. Friday will be Fruit day. Specimens of the native fruit will be distributed by the Horticultural society on this day. There will be racea again in the afternoon. At 11 o'clock Friday morning all livestock on exhibition will be brought together for a parade through the grounds. Route for Army Veterans. The official route for the Nebraska Grand Army train to the national encamp ment In Washington in October will be by the Rock Island from Omaha to Chi cago, by the Wabash from Chicago to Buffalo and from Buffalo to Washington by tha way of Harrlsburg and Baltimore. The train will be made up In Omaha. The department headquarters car will leave from Falrbury, one will go from Lincoln, one from Hastings and two will be re served for the veterans at Omaha. De parture will be on the evening of October 4. Brief atops will be made at Chicago and Buffalo. Article of Incorporation of th Nebraska Cooling and Cold Storage Safe company of Tork wars rcccrici is the secretary ef state' offloe today. The company U cap italised for $10,000. Ita Incorporator are: H. C. Page, H. C Klelnachmldt, M. M. Wlldman, F. L. Crownover, A. B. Chatter ton and G. P. Chessman. Former Postmaster Harley will probably not recover the use of his toot, which was fractured in a runaway accident at Mal colm yesterday. Two bone were broken and the physician attending believe that if tha wound heal tha Joint will remain tiff. Th remain of O. P. olson," who was drowned at Burlington, la., on Tueaday, were brought to Lincoln , tonight. The funeral will be held Saturday. E. R. Butler, for aeveral years assist ant ticket agent at the Burlington depot, bas been appointed city ticket agent for the Elkhorn railroad. He will assume th new position September 1. SURPRISES SURPRISE JOINT Sheriff' Ralda Shady Establishment, Captarlnsr Frank Miller and Barrels of "Boose." DAVID CITY, Neb., Aug. 28. (Special.) The citizens of Surprise, a small village in the southwest corner of this county, have been suspicious for some time that liquid refreshments were being sold with out license. Yesterday morning Sheriff West, with a search warrant, went to Surprise and searched the building occupied by Frank Miller and found five barrela of beer and about five gallons of whisky. The sheriff city mission should be referred to a com mittee, which should outline a plan to be presented at the next meeting. Mesdames mien, ii. t. reuers, o. w. Covell. J. P. - . . wii.cuuun oi lost ene not only Row and Wataon Smith constitute the Pd'1f(,1L he possessed to the bond hold committee. V?- "Vthe labor of her fifty-nine years. committee. Over a year ago It waa voted by (he union to pay 8100 to the tempi fund upon condition that temple bond were to be re tired. This has never been done, however, owing to tba Incoming of a new adminis tration and the uncertainty of th out coma of the temple situation, and when the matter wa brought up in a meeting several weeks ago It waa urged that the muuy oe pain a voted by the union, eon Iderabl dlsauaalon aroae and It became fm'.iA ,hd 'loppod there the trus avident that th.r . -Ma?ferfa "" "r. ssra. Andrews, the nnlon'a preeldent, declared that the money should never be paid while ahe waa at the head of the organisation, and thla created an undercurrent of feeling tbat refuses . Muieira, ana it waa Anally .decided that the temple altuatloa should be thoroughly u.nn8IIW Bua reported to the .ninn and the second Wednesday of September .i ior me decision by . the union winner me money should be paid. Ther aeema to be a preponderance opinion among the members in few. paying the money, especially a. the Urn- th. atata uon and the ruT? other unlo n", " Th August Temple Appeal, In debating the question of temple finances, says: This Is exactly the position in which the national officer of the Women' Christian Temperance union have placed the Temple trusters and the nobie minority who ire standing by thera. What is the situation T In a tune of prosperity it was decided to ? h i uu"u,"a ior me national Woman'a ."iourcJ-ra irrs ror tne society, "hli w. . i ,llrf r ltue the building vis commenced and com pleted In UsZ. It waa found necessary in 1W1 In order to hold control of the stocit or the building for the Woman'a Chrutian Temperance union that the trusters Usue 83UO.UU0 collateral bonds The Vollaterelbe InaT aloe In the building, the bonds sold ma sioc in tne building, the bonds very rapidly, aa the Christian publlo fc i-erfeot confidence in the Integrity of I W oman a liuiatlan Temperance unl had th UHifiesa Was Vrv Trrmi,r,sm thla a. . , . " , ws nan laiJisa fJi? ali went well, but a change cam in times i set In wnjen lasted ior rank and file of over seven years. The the Woman'a Christian jemperance union faithfully aent In their little gifts and the trustees were able to pay Interest on the bonds for Ave rears ..It h amounted to tiu.Kjj. Then they were forced to etop, but they made arrange ments with the bond hnldera ... ... . .," aa aoon a they were able the amount they had put in the bonOa, lea the iuiereau Dim and the "boose" to this city. Miller pleaded not guilty. His trial la et down for September 8 before County Judge 6kll REQUISITION F0R ROMINE Aeeaeea at Dlapealac af Property te Which Ha Had Ha Title. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Aug. 28. (Special Tele gram.) Governor Savage baa Issued I requisition for James 8. Romine, who is now under arrest In Worcester, Mass.. and wanted" In Scotta Bluff county to answer charges of fraud. The complaints are made by William R. Blackburn of Gering. Deputy County Attorney Gardner of Scotta Bluff county and several wholesale dealers in merchandise, among them being the Western Supply company of this city. They charge Romine with feloniously disposing of property with Intent to defraud credit ors. It is set forth In the petition for the requisition that Romine came to Oerlng a few montha ago and, representing him elf to be a wealthy business man, dis posed of a large stock of merchandise to W. R. Blackburn and others, collecting money therefrom to the aggregate amount of $30,000. And it Is further asserted that Romine had never fully paid for these stocks of goods. Sheriff Rooney C. Camp bell waa appointed agent to bring the man back for trial. TARGETS FOR UNSEEN FOE Rajahn Family of Ellis, Nebraska, Victim af Aaaaalta aad Threat ened with Violence. BEATRICE, Neb., Aug. 28. (Special.) There has been conetderable bad blood tn the neighborhood of Ellis, this county, for the last few days, growing out of petit larceny, chicken stealing and other depre dations. A family named Rajahn I the target for the assault. A short time ago their home was stonsd and fired Into, and yes terday the fsmlly received a threatening letter, warning them to leave town within the next ten days or stay at their peril. The authorities are Investigating the case and arrests are likely to follow. New Lodare at Osceola. OSCEOLA, Neb., Aug. 28. (Special.) ine uramplon castle. No. 326, of the Royal Highlanders, waa organized here last even ing with about sixty members. It was or ganised by M. M. Boles of Lincoln. Ths team from Gresham castle of sixteen mem ber came up and assisted In the organisa tion. The followlnc are tha officers? P. I P., William Campbell; I. P., C. M. Grovener; C. C. William Cole: evangel, Ruth Miller; secretary, D. C. Cole; treasurer, Albert Ryan; guide, Roy Ludden; warder, A. J. Haslewoed; aentry. Frits Rasmussen; her ald. HuJda Faulk; first worthy censor, Maude E. Cole; aecond worthy censor, Don E. Oeesaman; chief apearsman, Arthur E. Baum; chief archer, C. E. Kidder. The manager are Carl A. Oleaon, Alvl Sargent and Minnie Ryan, and the medical exam iner la Dr. L. M. Shawr After the Installa tion refreshments were served. Way a Prepare far Carnival. WAYNE, Neb.. Aug. 28. (Special Tele gram.) The citizen of Wayne have made great preparations for a street fair and carnival, to be held In this city Septem ber 4, S and . Over $5,000 In attraction here have been procured and there will be everything to please vUltors. Reed's fa moua Sioux City band, with the Carroll and Wlsner bands, will. . furnish music. Three performances will be given each day. It will be the biggest event ver held in northern Nebraska. Sarpy Fair at Sprtaaaeld. SPRINGFIELD. Neb.. Aug. 28. (Special.) The nineteenth annual fair lot the Sarpy vuniy Agricultural society opens here luesaay, September 9, and the prospect are bright for the beat fair ever held by the society. The speed program Is a good one and Is being rapidly flllod. Concession of all kinds, except game of chance, are com ing in, and for a special feature Prof. J. W. Hall of Omaha will glva a balloon ascen sion and parachute leap every day of the fair. Browa County Beads Exhibit. AINSWORTH, Neb., Aug. 28.-(Speclal Telegram.) Brown county chipped a big car of agricultural stuffs for ths exhibit at the state fair this evening. There Is a very complete line of all grasses, cereals, veg etables and frulta. The finest ever sssn In this or adjoining counties and Brown county confidently expecta a very high rating in polnta on ita display. and Charity hr1,?.'WnIa(, fSU deeP,y the dlatres this brought upon hsr constituency, for the tP -MWer2n.owned almo" exclusively by Jh2 . lei r,Dboner" V their husbands. At fiTl- .'e,,ene n.ad bn h work God iriiL. LStillm8e,f' Almt her laat con , wr.d w cry for someone to fniu-IS I re"cua of tne Temple. Then wSaweTbS. UP VTKS that the Temple could not be paid lor and r.. - "" ira resting .Jn.' hrl,,t!5n Tempernce union and word of complaint, instead of this there has been a continual hir.A,..n ' I 1"" O m.y mrc I'OIU. WtJ WOUId effort the trusteea have made To pay oft 'Lto unlu" can iaKe un any line r work it chaoses, but surely to mnA at Tempto wire"" Id foVfhe P c '? KTSf .i0"" " "!?,..bui'd!nr were ?e income to SDenrt. .v.rv s -n . . . would be spent for Woman's ChrlaYlan Temperance union worafrom the T a gust Temple Appeal. ' Last Thursday evening the members of South branch gave a fareweU party for Miss Margaret O'Connell, who haa for four or ueia me position of extension sec retary of the local Young Women'a Chris- :,""?C,.t'.?n' "d wn Saturday to accept a almilar position with tha Minne apolis association. There waa general ex preaalon of regreat at Miss O'Connell' de parture, the member, of Maragaret Fuller literary-clasa presenting her a handsome silver .ouvenlr In token of their esteem. rriday afternoon the Sunshine club, which Is composed of the younger glrle' held a farewell for her. Mia O'Connell' will be greatly missed In the aaaociatton M! Nellie Q. We'ser of Shippensbarg. Pa., has been elected to succeed her and Miss Elvira Oberg will act aa assistant aecretary. Mia Tlcknor. who Is to sue eeed Miss Helen Woodsmall aa physical director, la now at Lake Geneva with Miss Welker and Miss Obera. tha the.. ,.. omen being expected her next Tuesday. arrested Miller and brought -Hi .S memor'alv ,We have broken no law of the organisation. All that is required of iu members la to aign the totaf ab- r- -au utj ycany dues 11 "mbf .ot th Woman'a Christian the ornl.ailon tamoVt honorable Tor A MA';.,; i ild .r d.hi HIS SHADY CAME -BLOCKED Omnia Man Trapped by Tuij Wit Im perwiatei a Woman. OFFICER SAVES HIM FROM FEATHERY COAT Levi Marray Advertise for Girl a Make Meaey, hat Raeplelaa I Araaaed aad th Gaasa Is Fraatrated. NORFOLK, Neb.. Aug. 88. (Special Tel egram.j a tew daya ago there appeared an "ad" In a local paper for young ladle to travel In a covered wagon, take In fair aad race meetlnga and make big money. Answers were to be addressed to a post omce box number at Norfolk. Th "ad" had a suspicious look and a decoy letter waa mailed to the address given and a kubw cirq repiy waa received giving a meeting plac at 11 o'clock laat night. a young man, dressed aa a woman, met joe advertiser and was hired to o with him. starting at Battle Creek today. Th bargain roncluded they started for the camp and were overtaken by several men wno were In the deal with the female Im personator. The man, who gives bis nam aa Levi Murray, Junk dealer ot Omaha, a man about (0 rears of are w .kM and carried to the Norfolk river, where It wa proposed to throw him In. He pleaded o hard, that he had Just recovered from a troke of paralysis and that such treat ment might kill him, that they comoro- mlsed by turning the hose on him. They would have tarred and feathered him but for the arrival of the night watch, who car. rled the old man off to Jail. with the old man were his son. aged 18 yeara, and a young woman 18 years old, who gave her name as Stella Leasure. The girl saya that her mother kept a boarding bouse at Fifty-sixth and Center streets, Omaha, and she haa a hrnth.r who worked for the Nebraska and Iowa Creamery company. She ears ahe kent book, for J. Waidellch at Sixteenth and California, Omaha, until about three montha ago, when ahe started out for Lin coin with the old man and boy with a load of Junk. At Davey the old man started her out on a life of shame and haa since been making the towna along tha Elkhorn railroad with her. Here he thought he would try advertising for another. Murray la held awaiting the return ot the county attorney, who I away. Mr. J. Waidellch, when seen in retard to the story last night' aa his residence. 4022 North Thirty-third street, said that the girl had been in hia employ until about three and a half montha ago, at which time he dismissed her, as her work was not ot a satisfactory character. Three weeks after she left hia service he saw her on the street with her mother, but does not know when she left the city. While the girl waa In Waidellch' office she received many letter, several from Murray, whom she had known for seme time. The old man, ao Waidellch understood, two or three times wrcts nsking Mies Lcasurs ta marry him. This she refused to do. A messenger boy, who was aaid to be the old man's aon, came to see the girl aeveral time also. CANDIDATES AMONG PIONEERS Old Settlers ef Dakota Coaaty Attract Tboae af Bath th , ' Parttaa. . DAKOTA CITY, Neb.. Aug 28. (Special Telegram.) Two candidates for governor, beside other candidatea, mingled with the 8,000 or 4,000 people at the Dakota county old aettlers picnic held hern-today. John H. Mickey, republican candidate for gov ernor, and W. H. Thompson, fusion can didate for the same office, vied with each other in shaking hands with the ploneera. Among the otbr candidates present were m. Mortenson, republican candidate tor treasurer; Nell Breanan, fusion candidate for land commissioner; J. J. McCarthy, re publican candidate for congress: N. P. Warner, candidate for state aenator, and John Wyborg, candidate for atate aepator. The plcnlo was the greatest success in the history ot the Pioneers and Old Set tlers' association of Dakota county. It was the twenty-first annual reunion. The picnic was held In Clinton park, a few miles west of the city. Speeches were made by George D. Perklna, J. T. Spencer and Rt Rev. Bishop P. J. Oarrlgan ot Sioux City. The following officers wea elected: Wil liam Armour, Dakota county, president; J. T. Spencer, Dakota county, aecretary; E. W. Caldwell, Sioux City, vice president. EIGHT THOUSAND AT REUNION Womaa'a Relief Carp Day la Draw In; Card at Cambridge Csnplre. CAMBRIDGE, Neb., Aug. 28. (Special Telegram.) There were 8,000 people In at tendance at the Grand Army of th Re public reunion at thla plac today. Hon. W. Norrla addressed the people In th forenoon. In the afternoon Mra. Morgan, Thla was Woman'. Relief corps day. Cap tain Culver gave an address on the Philip pines. The ball game between Mlnden and Me- Cook resulted 18 to 1 In favor of Mlnden. The same teams play tomorrow. The tennis games resulted aa follows: Arapahoe, Beohner and Ernmett, 6-2, 1-2, 4; Wllsonvllle, Walter and Johnson. WU.onvllle. Brown Apten, (-4, 1-8, 6-2. Arapahoe, Mooney, Saddler. Feet Severed fresn His Body. FAIRMONT, Neb.. Aug. 28. (Special.) Laat evening Peter Larson, a ' brakeman on the B. A M., after opening a awltcb, attempted to Jump on the pilot of the en gine, bxtt missed hia footing and waa thrown under te wheels, cutting off both feet. One waa severed three inches above the ankle, the other about three Inches below the knee. Amputation was per formed this morning and he Is still under th influence of th opiate. The young man' horn I in Lincoln. He Is a mem ber of th Ben Hur lodge of that city. Dlios Ploaeera' Pirate. ALLEN, Neb., Aug. 28. (Special.) Fully 000 people attended the old settlers' and pioneers' picnic of Dixon county here. Al len and Emerson played ball. Seore, S to in favor ot Emerson. Wakefield girls beat Allen at basket all. Crelghton de feated Randolph ball team to 7. Prof. Wlnterringer made a balloon ascension. Two bands, an Indian massacre, racing and speaking by Congressman Robinson, J. H. Mickey. J. J. McCarthy and old settler were the principal attractions. Bea Has SEWARD, Neb I.odse Pie ale. Aug. 28. (Special.) The Ben Hur picnic Tuesday waa enjoyed by tuua iiiit, ailcotiga tha attendance waa not as large aa expected on account of an erroneous announcement that tha picnic had been postponed, and th lodges from York, David City and Lincoln did not attend. The chariot race between Seward and York courts waa won by the Seward team. The Delightful Odor of natural flowers the clearness of crystal. Dainty, for only vegetable oils are used in it. Soothing, because one sixth is pure glycerin. traaa Sol, -Moderate in price, yet a dollar could buy nothing better nor $io, for no man would know how to make ita This is toilet soap perfection, JAMES . KIRK It COMPANY, CHICAGO White Russian ssvsst 16X3 FARNUM STREET. C1 OWAN MOUNTS A THRONE Minister Oong.r Shawn Unuaual Oanrtetj bj China'i Dwt jr. AIR COMMISSIONER IS ALSO HONORED at press Promise that Her Empire Will Be Well Represented at St. iLoaia Bspoaltlen Sende Greet laar ta Prealdeat. TACOMA, Waah. Aug. 28. Oriental ad vices Just received state that the audience granted. July 26 at Pekln by the emperor and empress dowager of China to John Barrett, commissioner general ot the St. Louis World' fair. waa exceptionally notable and remarkable. It wa th first time In the history of the L-ninese court that their majesties have ver received any commissioner from a foreign land on a almilar mission, but this innovation was followed by a still more striking one. At th conclusion ot th ad dresses exchanged by the emperor and com missioner general, th empress dowager. In violation of all precedents, invited Minister Conger and Commissioner Barrett to as cend the throne, diss or platform ttaelf, where she engaged them In a private con versation . through a high Chinese official who eould apeak English. After asking many questions about America, th preel dent nnd the World' fair, she stated that China would take part and aend an Imperial commissioner la order to promote the com merce and the friendly relation of both countrlea, and particularly requested Mr. Barrett to convey to President Roosevelt China's deep appreciation ot the generou attitude of the United 8tate toward that country during the recent troublea. WASHINOTON. Aug. 28. The Inference to be drawn from a reference to Minister Wu Tlngfang in a Victorian dispatch that hia term at Washington has been extended for another three years, cannot be explained by the official of the Chinese legation here. The laleat official information which the minister haa received was a communication from Pekin Indefinitely poatponlng hi de parture from Washington. Mr. Wu' suc cessor, Liang Cheng, who Is with the spe cial coronation mission, headed by Prince Chun, te about due In China, and it is atated by th Chinese officials here that he ex pecta to return to take up his new duties In Washington next spring. In that case Minister Wu will not leav Waahlngton until April or May next. Tha usual term of a Chlneae mlniater at on post Is three year and by May 1 next. Minister Wu will have aompleted lx yeara of aervloe at Washington. However It la atated her that after a three-year' term at on post, no limit I fixed to a furth.r stay. SettUaar Wolf Baaaty CI a I as. PIERRE. 8. D., Aug. 28. (Special.) The tat auditor 1 (ending out warrant to cover claim under the wolf bounty law passed by to laat legislative session. The total amount asked for under tha new law la 12,011. Of this Stanley county call for the largeat amount, eertlflcatea having been filed from that county amounting to I68J. Meat of tha counties of th a tat are represented In th claim, tboae which ar not In th llat being Clark, Clay, Deuel, Paulk, - Hutchinson, Hyde, Jerauld, Law rence, Lincoln, Spink, and Sanborn. All th others ar represented la th ll.t ef claim.. Ckllsita txu.m It, "My llttl. boy tok th. croup en night," say F. D. Reynolds of Mansfield, O.. "aad grew ao bad you eould hear hm breath all over th bouse, I thought he would die, but a tew doses ot On Minut Cough Cur ! Iteved and sent him to sleep. That' th. last w heard of tha croup." Oa Minut. Cough Cur la absolutely safe and act al one. For cough. - cold, croup, crip, asthma and bronchitis. Insaraac Ceacera talta Yaaktaa. YANKTON, p. D., Aug. 28. (8peclal Tel egram.) Th main office ot the Western Maaonlc Mutual Aid Insurance company, Gilbert Strevenaon, secretary, I being moved from thla city to Los Angelea, Cat., because of a quarrel between the organisa tion and the atate Insurance commissioner. Panltlv Caacht at Dewltt, BEATRICE. Neb., Aug. 28. (Special Tel egram.) Clyde Peck, wanted at Leon, la., on a charge of aeductlop, wa arreted at Dewltt today. He was brought her by th heriff and lodged In Jail to await tha arrival of an officer from Iowa, who haa been notified. SCHOOLS. Lake Forest College REV. RICHARD D. HARLAN, ti.. A. President. ClaaatcaJ, Eaglteh and BclantlAa court. Most twautful suburb of Chcaga, oo hls wooded bluffs an Lake Michigan. Siu rural surrounding; haaltby; liiaxoenalva. Good dartnttorto. Modern gymnaaum ea oellant athletic faclltlee; co-aduoaUeaa, Far entalcgu addrea &!.& . UKE.FIUEST. ILL aaaal will rsa SPECIAL TRAINS LINCOLN, CO,, Account of STATE FAIR on September 2, 3, 4, as follows: Leave Omaha .... 8:15 a, m . 8:23 a. m. 8:31 a. m. 8:41 a. m. 8:54 a. m. 9:05 a. 9:15 a. m. 9:27 a. m. 9:40 a.m. 9 :52 a. m. Albright Gates Hichfield Meadow ' South Bend .. Murdock . , ... .' " Alvo ........ " Prairie Home. " HavelQck ... ., Arrive Lincoln, Fair Grounds, 9:57 a. m. Arrive Lincoln Station 10 a. m. Returning Leave Lincoln 6:30 p. m. One fare for the round trip. ' Tickets on sale Sept. 1 to v. Final return limit Sept. City Ticket Office, 1S2S Farnam 8t Omaha Over a Thousand riilcs a Day ON "THE COLORADO SPECIAL" DINNER IN CniCAGO TODAY; ' .' BREAKFAST IN OMAHA NEXT MORNING; DINNER IN DENVER SAME EVENING. '! TRIPLE TRAIN SERVICE ! To Denver 115.00 For Round Trip TO COLORADO VIA UNION PACIFIC Sept. 1 to 10 CITY TICKET OFFICE. 1324 FARNAM ST. , PHONTS 116. i ' UNION STATION, 10TH AND J MARClVi PHONE aa. I ICROOLI, Racine College Grammar School "Ths School That rMas Oanly Boys." Pupil Study Uader aa lastraotor. Ita Graduate enter any College ar University. floolal and Atoleti Adratae. Unitary Drill. For Bays at s) ta IT Year Ola. Illustrated Catalqru eaat on appit. eatiaa to Baarr Deaalaa Hblaaea,Waraa, t Baelae, Wtsaeasla. I DVORAK Dramatic School MOWAfiP IJVOKAJC Xraotor. kiaaeaa Hail, Ut Wapaen-ar, Chicago. ACTING ELOCUTION FAX I. TfJHif . VBOIX9 HBIT. & Catalog Mailed Pre. lflaaourl Lxtortak wssiwsrlk January ansWUnai Oldaet aad largest military ecaosl in central wsaL Gov't aui-orvuit.,4 jjJV. &Md awUeara, U. A, j