Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 29, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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Cit; Attorncj Held, that Sam Havs En
1st Aiids Illegally. . '
Caanell Una o Authority to Periact
Anioaili from (iearril F for
Special 1'arpMfi, Arrordlac
to Atforaey'o Oplnloo.
In tha light of an opinion received from
tba city attorney yesterday ,byComptroller
,Westberg as to tbe provisions of tbo city
charter for the appropriation of money
from tb city funds uy the mayor and' coun
cil, tbe general fund. Instead of balng over
drawn $6,896.51, has a balance of 14,J.r8.4,
and none of the appropriations of the pres
ent year, wltb the exception of .those of
February last for tbe maintenance of the
various city departments according to estf
tnatea approved In due form, are legal or
affective. v.
Included -under that .head are the follow
ing Items, which the council sought by or
dinance to appropriate to the uses stated:
May 27, 1902, market house."..... $ la.oflO
July 1, 1K"2, ireasurer'a department..
Julv 1. Va, tax commissioners de
partment 2iO0
July 1, i:2, Funston avenue EM
July 22, iWi, street signs 2.WD
Toiaf , $11,250
Tba charter. In section 77, provides aa a
method of procedure that tbe council and
mayor before appropriating money for any.
specific purposes, -except as otherwise pro
vided for, shall secure from the city comp
troller a certificate tbat there Is money In
the fund to meet the appropriation, and the
comptroller ' may' then be required to set
aside the amount necessary to meet the ap
propriation and that amount cannot be
used for any other purpose.
In tbe case of each of the so-called ap
propriations In the statement given above
tha formality of aecurlng the comptroller's
certificate as to the fund was omitted and
therefore none of the amounts named waa
legally set aside for the purpose designated
by the council. ' '
Tha opinion of City Attorney Connell as
given to Mr. Westberg Is as follows:
In compliance with your request for my
: opinion as to the effect of setting aside
from the general fund any money by orul
nance for some specific purpose, I would
say that the only authority 1 know for
, auch action Is found In section 77 of the
charter, which makes it the duty of the
mayor, on or before the first day of Feb
ruary of each year, to secure from the
head of each department of, the city an
estimate of the probable cost' of such de
partment for the current year following,
and which when corrected and approved
are to be filed with the comptroller, who
Is thereupon rerulred to deduct the amounts
shown by such estimates from the limits
of funds available for the expenditure of
the city for the current year. When this
deduction is made the amount so deducted
Is not subject for draft for other purposes.
In addition to the deduction so required It
Is also proper and necessary to make de
ductions for tha amount of any contract, or
other liability created, to cover which the
comptroller haa given his certificate that
there are funds available to pay the aame.
The mere fact that a certain sum is set
side by the mayor and council for some
mnMA nurnn wlthnut the creation of a
liability, does riot require the comptroller
to deduct the same from the fund desig
nated, nor prevent the sum so set apart
from being used for any proper and neces
sary purpose and therefore paid out on
the Issuance of a proper warrant. If the
mayor and council without a contract or
the creation of a. liability desire to reserve
any part of the general fund for specific
purpose this can be done by keeping the
expenditures for other purposes within such
limit aa to enable this to be done. .
It la mjr optailon, therefore, that any
balanoo.ln the general fund not Including
the February estimate, deductions to which
reference la made, and not covered by any
firevlously Issued certificate, of the romp
roller, la subject to use by the mayor and
council and may be paid out at any time
on warrants authorised for such purpose
without reference to the setting apart of
funds for other special purposes, where no
actual liability la created.
Jetter Company , Orders Plans for
Eight Btrnctares at Boats .
' The Jetter - Brewing company of South
Omaha haa placed an order wltb J. P. Guth
for plans for the construction of number
of buildings at tbe brewery. These build
ings will Include a carpenter ahop, car
penter storeroom, a cooper shop, cooperage
v. art house, pitch yard, wagonshed, buggy
abed and stables. The buildings will be of
brick, two stories high and will occupy a
ground space of 71x246 feet. They will be
located north of the brewery on a line with
the bottling house on Y street. The archi
tect will advertise for bide In a short time,
and .lt Is expected that the buildings will
be completed this season.
1 lira Al to Uag Lit.
Electrie Bitters give an active liver, per
fect 'digestion, healthy kidneys, regular
bowels, fine appetite, or no pay. 60c. -
' Jaeksoalaa'a Picnic.
' Tickets may be had, free of charge, for
the Jacksonlan club picnic, Saturday at
Courtland beach, of all club members. Hon.
YV. J. Bryan, 8enator Patterson of 'Colorado;
all the candidates on' the democratic atate
tickets, and congressional nominee, O. M.
Hitchcock, will address the gathering.
1612 5 : HARNEY Sis.
We close Labor Day 10 a.
Saturday and as far as practicable carry your poods home in
person so as to lighten our early Monday morning delivery routes
and enable us to close promptly.
00 A.
We mean to make tomorrow (Saturday) our banner bargain
day. Bargains will speak out loud in every department on
every floor. This paper cannot carry all of tbemx-some are on
pages 2 and 3. But come tomorrow (Saturday). Surprise bar
gains all around.
ERED TUESDAY. Our entire institution '
SHUTS DOWN AT 10 A. f,l. Sharp, Utsr Day
' , 7. n. DEUIIETT CO. '
16th and Harney 8ts.
It Will
Conducted Primarily for
sfealear of Small
. Depositor..
By the Incorporation under the state
banking laws U Brandeta Sons, the
owners of thBoston Stere, will about Sep
tember open In direct connection with tbe
store the first department store bank to op
erate outside of New York or Chicago The
firm his Incorporated with $100,000 capital
for a general commercial banking business
under the aame of J. 1 Brandels a Sons,
Bankers. Its mode of operation will differ
slightly from the regular banking-house,
but It wilt be along the lines tried with suc
cess by New York and Chicago department
s'crts. Deposits will be received from tl
to 11, COO, but the latter .figure will be the
maximum limit accepted. On all , deposits
4 per Cent Interest will be paid after the
money has been on deposit for three months
or ever. Cnllka a savings bank, deposits
may be withdrawn without notice.
"Tho plan la not aa experiment nor a
novelty," says Mr. Brandels. "It haa been
proven successful in the two biggest cities
In tbe country," and what Is good for New
Ycrk and Chicago Is' rood for Omaha. There
Is no reason .why Omaha should not be tho
first city west of the Mississippi to have a
department store bsnk. In this as well as
In all other desirable Innovations Omaha
should be the first to enjoy the conveniences.
"Our bank will be conducted primarily for
the convenience of 'small depositors. It Is
not the Intention of tbe operators to com
pete wfth other Omaha banks, nor will the
accounts of merchants be sought. The
hours tL-banking will be from 9 a. m. till
6 p. m. except, on Saturdays, when the bank
will remain open until 9 p. m. Checks on
all other banks will be cashed during tbat
time, and Inasmuch as the other banks will
close much before this, the proprietors of
the new concern expect that this conveni
ence will be widely appreciated."
A unique plan for extending the conven
iences of tbe bank is being contemplated,
and it will soon be put In operation by the
proprietors .of the Boston Store. About
10,000 gua metal banks will be sent out
from the establishment and placed In the
homes of Omaha people. On the accumula
tion of $1 or more the little safe deposit
boxes may be brought to tbe Brandels bank
and the contents will be placed to tho credit
of the depositor," drawing interest from the
day deposited. ., A
The officers of the new bank are: A. D.
Brandels, president) H. H. Brandels, vice
president; J. L. Brandels, secretary, and E.
Brandels, cashlerT The officers say that the
money left on deposit will be used to buy
gilt-edged securities. , In no case, It is said,
will any deposit money be loaned out.
The banking department will be a hand
some affair. It la being fitted up In tbe
south end of the balcony, overlooking the
main floor of the Boston Store. It will be
easy of access and the furniture and fittings
are all to be modern and attractive.
James Martin Seriously Injured by
Overturning; of Rapidly Go
ing Vehicle.
By the overturning of a mall wagon at
Sixteenth and Webster, streets at 1:30
o'clock yesterday afternoon James Martin
received serious Injuries. Martin, with M.
Rcblnson, the driver, was on' the mall
wagon enroute to the Webster street depot
from the poatofflce. "The horses were going
fast, and In turning the corner the wagon
upset This threw both men Into the street
Martin struck oa his head and received a
acalp wound. He was considerably bruised
and perhapa injured Internally. He was
taken to a nearby i drug store and later
removed to his room at the Utopia In the
police ambulance. The driver of the wagon
waa not Injured. - Both horses were thrown
down, but neither was Injured. Martin
was attended by Police Surgeons Hahn and
Mick, and it la not known yet how serious
his Injuries may be.
Sam'l Burns sells twelve thin ice tea
tumblers for 60 cents.
Bla- Special Event Scheduled, at Km
Tbe number of big special events to be
pulled oft In quick succession will keep
all eyes on this favorite resort for the
next half doien days. Tonight Huster's
superb concert band will render a pro
gram composed of selections from the
successful up-to-date light operas. The so
loist of the occasion will be Huster, the
favorite of America's trombone players.
The most pretentious and 'blggeet qutlng
of the aeason will occur Saturday, when
the Ancient Order of United Workmen will
have their annual festive day They have
arranged a lengthy program of games. Tho
principal feature, however will . - be th
competitive drill for the Worley cup by
the crack drill team of Nebraska. Each
team will be accompanied by a large body
of rooters, and It Is expected ' that tbe
visiting attendance from out In the state
will reach 6,000.
On next Tuesday all the -different Ger
man singing societies of the city will com
pose a choir to give a .concert commemor
ating the battle or Sedan. Over fifty male
voices, representing -the cream, of local
vocalism, will render a program which haa
been under rehearsal for the past two
months. '
m. Please do vour Bliorfnino- on
; '" V Omaha )
Boot and Daughters af Jsrojalsm Vak
SnooeM af Go-OpermtiTs I teres.
Sapreme Grand Officers Elected In 4a
Afternoon and Baaaaet to King
and Haeea-Eleet Oeenra
at Klcht.
The moraine session of tha Anns anil
Dauchters of Jerusalem wss a huav nna. Tt
was devoted strictly to business of the or
der. Of chief Importance waa the report of
'.he supreme grand scribe, Harry R. Graham
of Kansas City. .AH committees, also, sub
mitted their annual reDorts and moat in
teresting among these waa that of the com
mittee on the co-ODerative bualnea arM
mercantile auxiliary. This la a branch of
the regular organisation which waa estab
lished Just a year ago at the alxth annual
convention, held in Columbia, Ho. The
matter was considerable of a business ex
periment and Its great success experienced
In the first vear'a iif latni . , - ,thAM
for much enthusiasm by the delegates when
tne committee had made known the con
tents of Its reDOrt. Thla showlnv makes tha
auxiliary an assured and Bermanent feature
of the order.
Another feature was the Introduction nf
the new decrees of klnaa and nuaena nf
honor. This was presided over by Emma,
ijeneer or Kansas City, queen of honor, and
the ceremonies were formal and Impressive.
All the members of the aunrema rrmil
council participated In full regalia, with
robes and headdress, and after the sesaton
was concluded DhotoaraDhs were
the supreme officers.
Election of Offloere.
All but half a SCOre of the memhera nt
the supreme grand council were re-elected
to omce. Tne eletlon resulted:
8upreme grand king, James R. Gordon of
Kansas City, re-elected: aunrema mrmA
queen, Minnie Beecham, Kansas City, re-
electee; supreme vice grand king, Charles
H. Lewis, Kansas City, re-elected; supreme
vice grand queen. Nannie Roberts. Kuhi
City; supreme grand treasurer, Eliza Brown,
n.ansas uity, re-elected; supreme grand re
corder, Georgia A. Woods, Kansaa City, re
elected ; supreme grand scribe, Harry R.
oranam, Kansas City, re-elected; supreme
grand queen mother, Annie B. Brown, Kan
sas City, re-elected; supreme vice grand
queen . mother, Asa Shannon, Denver; su
preme grand master, T. B. P. Robinson,
Kansas Citr. re-elented:
high priest. Rev. George MoNeal, Kansas
iity, Kan., re-elected; supreme grand high
priestess, Maggie Brown, Omaha; supreme
grand cup bearer, Zelia R. Walker, Butler,
Mo.; supreme grand left cup bearer, Alloe
M. Smith, Omaha; supreme grand right sen
tinel. Carrie Duncan, Denver; supreme
grand left sentinel, Alloe Morrison, Payette,
Mo.; supreme grand Inner guard. Rev. J.
W. Cluke, Omaha; supreme grand outer
guard. Rev. Parker, Denver; supreme grand
medical examiner. Dr. J. N. Birch, Kansas
City, re-elected; supreme grand counselor,
M. H. Martin, Kansaa Ulty, re-elected; su
preme grand lecturer, Prank Williams, Kan
sas City, re-elected; supreme grand cup
bearer, John Beecham, Kansas City, re
elected; supreme grand organiser, Rev. O.
P. Henderson, Clinton, Mo., re-elected.
A board of attendance was named as fol
lows: Little Dickson, chairman? Mr
Minor, Katie Avery, Llssle Blackwell, Nellie
itoDinson, c. A. Edwards, R. R. Howard.
The board of Judgea chosen Is: Carrie
Read, chairman; Alice Austin, Sallle Martin,
Ida M. Smith, Hulda Jones, N. C. Pearman,
C. H. Jordaj.
Banqnet to Klnar and Qneen.
Last night occurred the banquet In honor
01 tne King ana queen elect. This was
given under the To ft. nil. aTA m Ant Af than
tlve committee. Harry R. Graham waa
master 01 ceremonies, and toasts were
responded to by the following: Laura
Bradley of Denver, Colo., M. E. ; Maggie
Franklin of Fort Bcott, Kan., M. B.j Anna
B. Brown of Kansas City, M0.4 Dr. J. N.
Birch of Kansaa City. Mo.; Frank Wil
liams, esq. of Kansas City, Mo.; P, L.
Barnett, esq. of Omaha, Neb.; Dr. George
H. Shaffer, D. D.; Ida M. Smith of Bloom
in gton, 111.; Captain I. H. Jordan of Kan
sas City, Mo.; Irene Johnson of Kansas
City. Mo.; William Yates of Omaha, Neb.;
Carrie B. Roes of Vlnlta, I. T.; A. T.
Thomas of Sapulpa, I. T.; Ellta Shannon
of Denver, Colo.; Carrie Duncan of Den
ver, Colo.
Friday Is the gala outdoor day. There
will be a business session In the mom
Ing till 10 o'clock, when all such sober
topics will be abandoned for the parade
and picnic, the latter to be at Hlbbeler's
park. It la planned that this will be the
greatest social affair among colored people
In Omaha for many moona.
The parade will form at 10 o'clock and
a brass band will lead the participants to
the park. The entire day and evening
will be passed there In a general good
time and the colored population will turn
out enmasss to co-mingle and exchange
greeting with the visitors. Meals and re
freshments will be served.
oaaa People Taka It, feat They Re.
pent and Then Giro Polio
8am Cohen was arrested yesterday by
Officer Wilson on a charge of passing worth
less money. Cohen bought two handker
chiefs, one from Mra. Abrsm Schlalfer, 410
South Tenth street, and one from J. Sllver
steln, 607 South Tenth street, and paid for
hi purchases with bogus 1 bills. In each
Instance he secured some change. Silver
stein, thinking the bill was not good, re
ported to Officer Wilson. The latter saw
Cohen and attempted to arrest him. Cohen
ran Into an alley near the Reea printing
houre and was not overhauled for almost a
block. He had considerable of the money
on his' person when taken to the station.
Inventory Show f4,200 la Cask and
18,000 In Saloon Prop,
An Inventory of the eatat nf U7in. n
Oatrander, who died several weeks ago, waa
niea yeeteraay in county court. Besides
M.200 deDOsited in hanlr tha ahrf..l. .v.
personal property la the saloon on Fifteenth
irci, 01 wnicn Mr. ustrander waa propri
etor, amounting In all to ahnnt tit nnn n-v -
saloon fixtures. Including chalra. are ap-
i h.juu, ana tne rest or the list
consists almost entirely of liquors of vari
ous kinds. September 10 Is tha data set
for Iwo.rtvg In this esse.
Water Mala Bnrete.
At midnight the six-Inch water main on
Twentieth atreet burst about three feet
from its Juncture with the twenty-Inch
pipe down Cuming and for over two hours
the streets In the vicinity were running
full of water, the sewer at Seventeenth
and Burt streets being the furthest polnl
reached. Not enoua-h water carana. hw.'
ever, to do any damage, r'red Jenaon waa
silting before his saloon at 11 o'clock and
saw a fountain of water burst through the
P vrmrni nva or six reel in tne air. He
telephoned the water company, but aa
seven valves had to be clowj, ft waa not
until after I o'clock that the flow ceased.
The pipes were laid about seventeen years
gu. a note over a vara in ammeter was
washed In the taver-"nt cluaa to the juno
Uoo of tha car tracha. - - -
Laaaard Ktis Spends Two Hoars In
Da-Tawa Stare.
Another famotia anlt fne fataa Imnrtum.
ment came near coming to a had Wednes
day night, but haa been declared off for
good and auffintent reaanna lTnr tnnra than
two hours Leonard C. Kohn thought he
was in involuntary confinement and forced
to resort to desnerate means to reraln
his liberty. It seems young Kohn Is em-
piorea in tne waiter o. Clark wholesale
establishment and Includes among ' his
other assignments that of locking up at
night. Thla responsible duty la performed
by letting down an Iron bar across the
door and snapping a patent padlock to
aeep 11 m piaoe.
When readr to make his snrtla Tnaa.
day after til the Other men had rnn hn
found to his dismay that the door was
ciosea, ana through tbe glass he saw
the padlock snapped tight on the stanle.
It waa nearly 7 n. m.. and a auesMonuhl
propoaltlon whether the manager, who
Carries the kev. annM hn I neat oil at ail
After keeping the telephone busy half an
nour setting relatives and messengers in
motion to find tha liberator, tha nrtannae
sank back In a chair with a book in de
termined resignation.
Finally after two hours ha mrmW
that the man with the key was supposed
to be looking' over, a traveling salesman's
samples at one of the hotels and, after
more telephoning, he. was discovered and
summoned to the store. Watching Im
patiently for hla arrival, Kohn turned the
knob and. behold, the dnnr nnenait vM-
the Iron bar had not been dropped nor
naa tne door been locked at all.
Toung Kohn has been onenlnz ntha
things than doors since.
Jail Life Seems to Asrree with Anton
Christiansen, the Wtfa
Anton Christiansen, who murdered his
wife last Saturday afternoon, is bearing up
well under his confinement. He Is In "mur
derer's cell," next to the door of the Jail
office and within a few feet of the desk of
the turnkey. He Is looking better than at
any time since his arrest. He never speaks
to any of the attaches of the Jail unless he
Is spoken to, and teems to take no Interest
In anything that goes on around him. He
has not yet been arraigned and will likely
not be until his brother, who is now some
where In the west, arrive In Omaha.
Chrlsttansen'a cell Is tha one In which
"Tommy" Walton 1 and Mrs. Elisabeth
Thompson of Boston held their five-hour
conference on the night after Walton's ar
rest for defrauding her out of several thou
sand dollars, which ended with the two
kissing and making up and the complaint
being withdrawn.
Meat Wko Started to Take tip cir
cus Tickets Get Jail
Ed Moore was sentenced to twenty-eight
daya and O. W. Russell to thirty days In
the city jail by . Police Judge Berka yes
terday. These men came to Omaha sev
eral daya ago with the announcement that
Rlngllng Bros', circus bad changed its route
and would not show here. They then pro
ceeded to take up advertising matter that
had been left la stores and with it the
complimentary tickets that had been given
to the storekeepers for the use of their
windows. It was the Intention of the men
to sell the ticket. Considerable of this
kind of work waa. done during the visit of
Buffalo Bill's show to Omaha.
Kot Urcr-Wlie.
There Is an old allegorical picture of a
girl scared at a grasshopper, but in the act
of heedlessly treading on a snake. This Is
paralleled by the man who spends a large
sum of money building a cyclone cellar, but
neglects to provide his family with a bottle
of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy as a safeguard against bowel
complaints, whose victims outnumber those
of the cyclone a hundred to one. This rem
edy Is everywhere recognized as the most
prompt and reliable medicine In use for
these dlsesaes.
Meeting Sixth Ward Republican club
August 29, Twenty-fourth and Burdette
Hon. W. P. Gurley will make principal
address. Candidates Nelson C. Pratt, M.
A. Hall, A, C. Trout and others will be
Tanajler TeaapU Arranges for Special
Proa-ram at tk Musical
A special meeting of a committee of the
Nobles of the Mystic Shrine of Tangier
temple was held at the Commercial .i..k
rooms yesterday to arrange for "Shrlners
nigni" at tne Musical festival. The ex
act date was not decided on. hut i ,m
be some time next week. An especial pro
cram la beinr orenared In wkih .1
Shrlners" quartet will have a part
Laaer Kiveia la composing a new march
for the oocasioa which is to bs called the
Shrlners' March and be dedicated to
Tangier temple. Colonel H. C. Akin, Im
perial potentate of the order, will deliver
an address, - .
Wheat and Par Frnlt Combined.
Never before In the history of concen
trated and predlgeatetf foods have manu
facturera been able to prepare any cereal
In a manner that would be at once highly
nutrltloua, aaturylng to tbe appetltea of
the strong as well aa the weak, delicious to
the taste of nearly everybody, snd equally
well adapted to serving at breakfast, din
ner snd supper. These four essentials, from
the standpoint of the manufacturer, have
been attained In CERO-FRUTO. There Is
Simply no other prepared cereal food like It
With It. CEROFRl'TO is sustaining to a
wonderful degree, containing, aa it does,
100 PER CENT NUTRITION. Through its
use the digestive apparatus Is not over
worked. Instead of experiencing a feeling
of uncomfortabieness after eating, one feela
refreshed by this food, because the great
est amount of nutritive energy with the
leaat degree of digestive exertion la ob
tained. Thla la a food, moreover, equally
well adapted to old and young, weak and
strong. It Is delicious to the taste; It puri
fies the blood, It is a
being at the aame time a tonic for the
nerves and a remarkabl muscle-builder.
t'ERO-KRl'TO la a combination of the
beat wheat wltb the beat fruits. It re
quires no sugar in serving and the flavor
la decidedly "fruity." The manufacturers
claim, and physlclane attest, that CEHO
KHl'TO Is easily assimilative In all condi
tions of the digestive system. It does not
produce satiety. - It la ready to eat when
Hold by all grocer. Samples free for the
asking. Addrt-as
"An AU-Day-Food"
5?l ar 1 P st t I Oaf 4a Tl(aw
The Association of Nebraska County Offi
cers, organised at Lincoln August t, haa
now actively taken up Its business and Is
preparing for vigorous work In the course
It has laid out for itself. President Harry
C. Miller of this county Is sending out no
tices to all of tbe county officer In the
state who were not present at the meeting
mentioned, informing them of the purposes
of the association and the methods to be
followed In the accomplishment of those
purpose. His letter Is accompanied In each
Instance by a printed copy of tbe minutes
of the first meeting and a copy of the by
laws. The primary object for which the asso
ciation waa formed Is to "take steps to
secure a uniform length of four years for
tbe terms of all elective officers In the
state of Nebraska."
Headquarters will be opened at rooms
400-401 Ware block and the legal business
of the organization will be conducted by
Lyale L Abbott of this county.
Lake Okoboji and Retnrn tt.OO.
On next Saturday evening, August JO, at
p. m., the Milwaukee railway will run
a special excursion train to Lake Okoboji
and return. AH day Sunday at the lake.
The fishing at Okoboji Is reported to be
first-class. This will probably be the last
opportunity offered Omaha people this sea
son to see this beautiful resort at the low
rate of $3. The, special train will arrive
at Omaha on the return trip at about 8:30
a. m. Monday. Reserve berths early.
City Ticket Office, 1504 Farnam street.
Telephone 2S4.
General .Western Agent.
' Chlcaa-o 90.50,
Rock Island system.
Tickets on sale
August 29, 80 and 11 and September 1.
City Ticket Office, 1323 Farnam street.
Dea Moluea nnd Itelara, S-fr.50.
Via Rock Island system. Dates of sale,
August 21 to 30. Final return limit, Sep
tember 1. City ticket office, 1323 Farnam
Publish your legal notices in The Weekly
Bee. Telephone 238.
Y.u Wear Shoes yj
That's Conceded U
Have you seen the value In this wait
for women folks at 12.50 always T
All leatnera all shapes.
He carry no madiine sewed shoes.
The only store that sells women's,
boys' and girl's shoes that can say so
women s Monogram Welts z will
Mlsees' Monogram Welts $2.0iJI
V 111 IU I en mviuiii'Ki CLIU vicui ot 10 U.ll.P"
Child's Monogram Welts 6 to 8. .11. 26
Every shoe we carry always hanj
a sewed half sole. No pegs or nails
10 ooiaer.
Sorosis Shoe Store
203 S. 15th St:. OMAHA.
Knrback Bloek.
Frank Wilcox. Manager.
Send for catalogue.
P. 8. Our prices are always the
same we never sell our 12.50 shoes for
Something Will
In Omaha retail drug circles In a few days
which will cause the fall of the SCALES,
been bulled over the eyes of a few of the
PRETENDER in this fight of the Omaha
combine against the cutting of prices. A
few FACTS, not PRETENSES, which we
have in our nut will bust the whole hot
air outfit higher than a kite.
$1.00 German Klmmell Bitters 75o
ll.uu rjexine rius ibc
$3.50 Marvel Whirling Spray Syringe. .12.2a
fci.00 Cheater s Pennyroyal Pllla $1.00
c yuinaceioi oeai ior coiaa 200
frevent nay never witn uem catarrh
Powder 30c
$1.00 Peruna toe
$1.00 wine caraui 49c
$1.00 Parisian Hair Tonic (guaranteed) 75c
2oc Mermen's Talcum Powder lie
60c Pozzonl Face Powder '. 25o
25o Laxacola 20c
fel. T4T. S. W. Car. ltk and Cklnngr.
O) Indianapolis, I lid $19.40
(1) Ft. Wayne, Ind 19.20
(1) Toledo. Ohio ZL.4
U Sundusgy, Ohio 24.00
(1 Lima, Ohio 21.00
(1 Columbus, Ohio 23.10
tl) Dayton, Ohio 22.00
(1) Sprlnglleld, Ohio 22.50
O) Richmond, Ind 21.00
(1) Kokomo, Ind lb
(1 Terra Haute. Ind. 135
tl) Evansvllle, Ind 18 60
(1) Cincinnati, Ohio il.w
(1 Louisville, Ky 21.50
(1) South JUena, Ina 17.S0
tl) Logansport, Ind. 14.25
(2 St. Paul, Minn. ISO
(2) Minneapolis, Minn B0
t2 VVaicrvlile, Allan. (Lake Te tonka) 7.60
(2 Duluth, Minn U 60
(2) Winnipeg, Manitoba 32.10
12) Spirit Luke. la. )
(3) Waupaca, Wis 20. J5
(3 Milwaukee, Wis IS. 75
(3 Oahkoah, Wis ID 75
(3) Port Huron, Mich Tl (6
13) liuffolo, N. T 41.50
(1) Da tea of aale: September 2d, lh, Wth
id aa. Keturn limit no aays.
(2) Dates of aale: September l-10th In
clusive. Return limit October list.
During remaining aays or August, rate
will be ons fare plus UM.
(3) rstes of sale: July 1st to September
JOth. Keturn limit October llat.
Also circuit tours via uuiutn or Chicago
and S'eamer. via the Great I-aU-s. In ad
dition to above, special excursion rates to
many other points in onto, inaiana, Mlune-
aota, Wisconsin, ortn Dakota, etc
Correspondence aoiicited ana Information
cheerfully given.
( all at Illinois central Ticket Office. No.
1402 Farnam St., or write.
W. xl- BKIUL
Plat Pass. Agt, 111. Cent. R. R.,
Omaha, Nab.
11 a t a f w
Friday Is
Stupendous bargains on counters and bargain squares
males this the most important remnant sale of the season,
$1.50 Casslmeres at 50c.
All the highest grade of strictly all wool rasstmeres and suitings, com
prised of ladles' cloth, homespuns and sackings, purchased from a high-class
Isdles' tailoring establishment on Fifth avenue. New York, ranging In lengths
irom 1 yaras to yarns. all m yards in
width, suitable tor ladles' walking skirts
snd Jackets, children's early fall cloak
In gs and boys' trousers, In plain goods,
dark colors and mixtures, also checks
and plaids, on sale on front bargain
square at, a yard
$1.25 Dress Goods at 35c n Yard,
All tba imported strictly all wool henrtettas, French serges, etamlnes.
mistrals and batistes. In creams, light blues, pinks, reds, navys, rj
browns and black, ranging In lengths from t to 6 yards, on sale . J" C
on bargain square at, a yard w
Imported Dress Goods Remnants ut 15c
Short remnants of high class dress goods In black and colors. These are
Imported sample pieces and represent nearly every fabric lmagl-
nable In dreas goods. These remnants are In plain colors, checks I
' and plaids and go at, per remnant ;.,
Dress Goods Remnants 5c entire piece.
In this assortment you will find short lengths of tucked and pleated
walstlngs, black dress goods remnants. In plain, brocades and
fancy novelties, all on sale on main floor bargain
"squsre at, per piece f
; Silk Taffetas and Yard-Wide China Silk, 39c
; These silks oome In lengths from 6 to 8 yards and many pieces of them
matob, la all shades snd colors of taffeta and yard wide black -
and cream colored China Silks, on sale on bargain iUP
square, at. a yard ,' "-"
75c Cassimeres at 25c.
'- Having purchased from a large manufacturer of clothes all the ' short
lengths of cassimeres In oxford grays, especially adopted for f
walking skirts, boys' snd men's wear, all heavy weight goods, JjP
go on sale in the basement, at, a yard "' w
7c Stand-ard Prints at 31c Fine
prints id long remnants, OjC
2ftc Cambric WHistiiiRs Vt ' 8tc
Printed Cambric Walstlngs and
' Shirtings would be cheap QU
at 25c a yard, at ...OJt
Table Damn k; nt 2c Drummers'
j samples table damask and towellngs
. suitable for napkins, etc., OLr
go at, each aSJ.
7tc Muslin at 3c 36 Id. wide, an-
bleached muslin, worth
easily 7c a yard, at OJW
25c Imitation Flannel Waist
ins at 10c 39 in. wide fine
imitation French flannel 1fr
would be cheap at 26c, go at...'"'
7c bhaker Fi.uinel ut 3ic Good
heavy material, 3JC
15c Scotch Ginchams at 61c
Scotch and Chambray Olnghams,
, worth all the way up to lr
16c, at LI aw
Watch Our Jj
Wind qws LI
'Ml Tl TBI
m ma
One fare plus $2
to many points
September 2, 9,. 16 and 23.
Good returning for 30 days.
Tickets sold via Chicago,
Peoria or St. Louis,
Ticket Office, Burlington Station
1502 Farnam St. ICtti and Mason Sts.
Telephone 250. Telephone 128
K OMAHA stmlppod of the Keater srsteas af tawtttetas, tSsj
r-f- tT only Kectey Institute ta Nebraska. Cores Prnaksnaeaa. Cares
UblaUl rjrog Uaara. Booklet tree. Address ail battots) S? &
INSTITUTE Home Treatment for Tobaoco Habit cost $S
If you are In doubt about the price
or style of your wtnur KUK8, try
506 Karbach Oik.,
40c Mercerized Sateen at 15c
New lot all colore 15c
12ic Rrandenberg Percales at
6tc-r30i percales lu long rem
i?.1::?: 6jc
50o Flannels at 19c All wool
eiderdown flannels all 10r
colors at ..
19c Art Oeninis at 8tc Art,
denims, cretonnes, etc., Qlr
great value, at C7f W
25c Figured Lawns at 5c All
the remnants of figured lawns,
dimities, batistes, etc., 5C
$2.00 Carpet Remnants at 69c
Iong remnants, fine Velvet and
Wilton carpets all lengths up to
enough for good slsed fSQr
room at
5 . . Wich Hur
for round
in Ohio
If tens of thousands who suffer from these
diseases could only realize that the use of
"Actios" will positively cure them, they
would Investigate. Other tens of thousands
have been cured and we will mail you the
printed evidence for the asking.
Puray & McArdle, Agents.
H-K Arlington Block, 1511 Dodge 8 1 rest,
Omaha, Neb. -' .
'Deputy 8taU Tatacteavtaa
Food Inspector.
ILL. BmCC.OTTI, D, Y. s.
Offloa aad Infirmary, lata aad Ms sea ttav
Jj Omaha, Neb. Teiephoua Ml