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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1902)
The Omaha , Daily Bee. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 28, 1902-TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS TRUSTS A MISNOMER President Eoe f Americas. Bar Auooiatira St Consider the Title. NOT ONE FIDUCIARY ELEMENT IN THEM t The Ire, Ee Eiplaia, Keither Truiting Nor Mnch Traited, REVIEWS THE CAREERS OF MONOPOLIES Most of EU Annual Address at Saratoga Ocnoerni Them. TOUCHES ON OTHER TIMELY TOPICS Rotors to Primary Elections aad Ml orlty Representation and Doakta Election of Senators. SARATOGA, N. T., Aug. ST. The Amerl tn Bar association began Its twenty-fifth annua"! meeting here today. There was a Urge attendance of delegate when the meeting wn called to order by President U M. Roae of Little Rock, Ark., who then delivered an address. He spoke of the work of the association and of the effort of the Individual mem ber during the past rear. Feeling refer ence waa made to the death of President McKlnley, an Illustrious member of the American bar, and to other member of the association who have appeared before the Great Judge sine th last meeting of the association. President Rose then took up the question of trusta nod tome of the other leading topic of the day. He said in part: We are all by thla time ramlllar with What are called "trusts;" so-called, per haps, because they contain In their com position not a single fiduciary element. South Carolina has passed two act on thla subject. The first act forbids all per aons, natural and artificial, to form pools, trusts or combinations for the purpose of regulating or fixing the price of any article of trade or merchandise, or to limit the quantity of any article of manufacture or commodity, or of any repair, or the premium of any insurance. An exhaustive definition of monopoly ia given, and the practices of underselling with a view to stifle competition and boycotting are de nounced. Heavy fine are prescribed for any violation of the act; and, in addition, any domestic corporation Infringing its provisions shall forfeit It charter, and any foreign corporation ao offending shall forfeit It right to do business within the tate. The aecond act relates to procedure. The attorney general may make an application to a Judge of the supreme or circuit court for the examination of any suspected per son, wnicn snail be hau "uriure iiio juiia himself or before a referee; the Judge hav ing power to Issue preliminary injunctions to prevent violation pending the Investiga tion. The person charged may be com pelled to produce all books and other docu ments relating to the subject of the ex amination. No witness shall be excused from testifying on the ground that hi tes timony may tend to incriminate him, but no witness shall be punished on account of any transaction concerning which he tnay testify. There ha been legislation along the same lines In other states, developing, nowsver, no new features. ' Without .Apprehension. A German writer,' who ha lately written ft book about American trusts, count the American bar among these parasitic Instl. tutions, saying that we hold meetings for the purpose of regulating fees, a very sur prising statement that could hardly have been made by anyone save a foreigner un acquainted with professional life In this country. It U due to the truth of history to say that no such meetings are held, and that we can look upon the pending contest for supremacy between the United States and the beef trust. If not with Indifference, at least without apprehension. Our country during the lost thirty year ha witnessed a change of such magnitude aa to be without a single parallel In his tory. By means of vast aggregations of money corporate monopolies have been t. tsbllshed tn almost every branch of Indus try. What effect these tremendous crea tions will have on our future destiny morally, socially, financially, legally, no one ventures to predict with any degree of confidence. If It Is true, aa said by Oliver Cromwell, that no one goes so far as the man that does not know where he Is toing, we are apparently entering upon a ong Journey. Monopolies are a old a human history, and we cannot doubt that by their grinding oppression they kept men and women lying wake of nights long before the first page of history waa written. They were for bidden by tho laws of ancient Greece and Home; they were forbidden by the com mon law of England, and the common law waa relnforood from time to time by stat utes. For a while during the reign of fclliabeth they flourished, for the virgin queen waa prollno In progeny of that sort. At on time she had licensed more than fifty monopolies to prey on the community. Hume, the historian, was amused at their Dumber and rapacity. He says: "When this list was read In the house a member cried: 'la not bread In the number?' 'Bread,' said every one In as tonishment. 'Yes. I assure you," replied he, "If affairs go on at this rate we shall have bread reduced to a monopoly before the next Parliament.' These monopolies were so exorbitant that In some places they rained the price of salt from 16 pence a bushel to 14 or IS shillings." He adds that these grievance were "the moat Intolerable for the present and the most pernicious In their consequences that were ever known in any age or govern ment." In order to build up sn empire In the east Parliament granted a monopoly to the East India company, which became so oppres sive that Its overthrow was a matter of necessity. It soon learned to charge 400 per cent profit on every article that It sold, and the tea that It sold became so Inferior In quality that it had hardly a trace of the plant of tha. name. Of course these reaulta were not reached all at once; prices wera raised gradu ally and stealthily under pretense of de creased production. More Tits Fast Thousand Monopolies. Instead of fifty monopolies we have at present more thin i.wu, to aay nothing of price and rate fixtug and profit sharing pools, with buying and selling agencien, exercising functions similar to those of the trusts, all organised fur the purpose of fixing prices arbitrarily. Without the ad vantage of fixing prlcea In this manner there would bo no motive for the combina tion Of many diverse Interest in one. In most cases neither the purpose nor the power is dented; on the contrary they are proclaimed tor the object of raising the price of corporate securities. That the ad vantage arising from suppressed rivalry and the power to dictate prices 1 duly appreciated is shown by the vast amount of money lavishly Invested In these com. blna lions. As the number of these runs hlsh up Into the thousands, we might naturally suppose that the procves had been exhausted, but every day brings Its report of some new and gigantic alliance, the future of which cannot be predicted, since must of these corporations are authorised to buy up the stock of any other corpora tion ao that they may at any time acquire supreme coutrol over Induairlee extremely remote from thoee ostensibly In view when tnry were first created. The first success of one or these com binations, If successful at all, la alluring In a high degree. If the property Is capital ised at twice Ita value, the loweat capital isation known, and the securities are floated at par. the result Is that the former own ers find themselves twice aa rich aa they were before, and at a very trifling outlay of time, money or energy, to aay nothing of a future of Immense possibilities. shall not be aurorUed, therefore, when told that many similar organisations are started with the deliberate Intention of swindling unsuspecting stockholders. Nor need we hae been when the gov ernor of New Jersey, by proclamation of January 10, li2, declared 6sA charters granted by that state forfeited for non payment of taxes assessed for their issue. Two of these Infant decedenta were at (Continued oa Seventh, Page.) BODIES OF FAIRS ARE MOVED Greatest Seerery la Observed aad Services Arc Conducted ia Church Durmrat. PARIS, Aug. 27 The bodies of Mr. and Mr. Charle U Fair, who were killed Au gust 4 Id an automobile accident near Ev reux, France, were removed from tbs Church of the Madeleine at o'clock tonight after a brief service held In th vault of the church In the presence of a dozen person, among them Mr. Gowdy'-'lted State con sul general here, the U' ',( the family of Mr. and Mr. Fair an.. ,,Jt- !Ms, man ager of the Hotel Reltx, who w cargo of the arrangement for the renx 'he bodies. A cross and a wreath of white 6ov wer ratmA nn ti jvfflMB hafnM' onlA -. movai. me comn were taken away In two undertaker' vans. In order to avoid at tracting attention the first van drove oS a soon a it waa loaded, th eecond following Ave minute later. They proceeded aepa rately to the freight station of the Western railroad, where the coffin were enclosed In packing case. So much secrecy was ob oerved with regard to the hlpment of th bodies of Mr. and Mr. Fair that as late a 6:30 this evening Mr. Ellis declared that nothing had a yet been settled with regard to their removal. Mr. Ellis refuse to name the port from which they are to be ent or the steamer which Is to take them. The bodies may be forwarded to Cherbourg to night and embarked on the American line steamer St. Louis for New York, or they may be shipped to Havre tonight and pos lbly sent over to Southampton and put on board St. Louis at that port St. Louis leave Southampton and Cherbourg August 30. CONTROVERSY MORE BITTER Members of Sacred College Take Bide In Former American Girl's Trouble. ROME, Aug. 27. The Rosplgliosl' con troversy I Increasing In bitterness and nearly all the member of the sacred col lege here have become participant. Prince Rosplgliosl, under the advice of one of the cardinals, ha formally protested to the congregation of th holy office against the order forbidding the assistance of a nun during the recent confinement of the princes, hi wlfo. The prince la withhold ing the salaries of the priest on hi es tates, who are allied to the prelate who oppose him, and 1 turning over these sal aries for the benefit of clergymen who are under the authority of those cardinal who sympathise with blm. Princes Rosplgliosl, who was Miss Ma rie Reld of Washington, D. C, was mar ried to the prince after her divorce from Frederick Parkburst of Bangor, Me. The Roman Catholic church did not recognize this divorce and refused to give permis sion to a nun to nurse the princes at her confinement, holding that the marriage to the prince was non-existent. ' The princes gave birth to a daughter August 3. RICE CROP IN JAPAN FAILS Cold Weather Makes Prospects for nwanllfisVj People Veer Gloomy. YOKOHAMA. Aug. 15, (Via Victoria, B. C. Aug. 27.) Th extraordinary weather this year In Japan makes the prospects of a good rice crop the main food of the people very gloomy. The thermometer has hardly reached 90 degrees In the open, and baa been generally dodging around 65 to 75 degrees. Heavy rain baa been falling, culminating In ty phoons on July 10 and 1L The wind blew at hurricane velocity, the rivers rose six and eight feet, embankments were carried away, whole villages were Inundated and the reports of loss of life and damage to property are dally growing. Luckily the-rain, which la so dangerous here, fell at the right time In Corea. A magnificent crop of barley, which has al ready been harvested, together with full rice fields, will put Coreans In an enviable position. SCHEME TO BEAT SHIP COMBINE BBBBBBBBSaa Brltlsb Government Has Plan Com plete, bat Hot Vet An. aoaaced. ) (Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, Aug. 28. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) The Dally Mall says there Is reason to believe that the British government'a acbem for coun tering the Morgan combine la now complete. The detail of the scheme are not known, but the broad principle will be planned to protect freight carried In British vessels against any attempts to corner trade. The Mail adds that those conversant with the facta affirm that the government scheme Is likely to have a aerlous effect on the ship ping trust. DEFEAT PROVISIONAL TROOPS General Iford Meets with Reverses aad Iahabltaats of Two Provinces In Haytl Rebel. PARIS. Aug. 27. A dispatch received her from Cape Haytlen. Haytl, ssys tha troop of General Nord, th minister of war of the provisional government, have been defeated and forced to evacuate Llmbe, and add that the fighting continue. It Is further reported that the Inhabitants of Aux Cayes and Agulns have risen against the provisional government and that Gen eral Simon, commander of the Department of the South, who ha declared himself In favor of General Flrmln, Is marching on Mlragoane. TO MEET MORGAN'S COMBINE Brltlsb Government Believed to Be Aboat Ready with Its Plan, Except for Details. LONDON, Aug. 28. The Dally Mall this morning say It believe th government' plan for meeting the Morgan shipping corn bin I now completed and that th govern ment department are discussing and work ing on th detail. The plan is in charge of the colonial office, says th paper, which fact 1 an augury for thoroughness and efficiency.' WHERE RAIN ISJERY WELCOME llanla Correspondent Sends Word tbat Parched ladla Rejoices la Dowapoar. LONDON, Aug. .28. "The beneficial rains of the last week," cables the correspondent of the Dally Mali st, Simla, India, "have changed despair Into bop for millions of Indian cultivators. t FOR CONTROL OF UTILITIES Annual Convention f th League of American Municipalitisi Open. MAYOR ASHLEY OF NEW BEDFORD TALKS Favors Home Rale for Cities aad Ray They Should Have niat to On Itllltles If be Cltl Ben rteslr. GRAND RAPIDS, Mich.. Aug. 27. Two hundred delegate were present at the open ing session today of the eixth annual con "Mon of the League of American Munlcl- is In the furniture exposition building. . tomorrow It Is expected there will be 200 more delegate present, making the con vention one of the largest ever held by the league. An address of welcome by Mayor Palmer of Grand Raplda opened the morn ing session. This was followed by an address by Presi dent Charles S. Ashley, mayor of New Bed ford, Mass. ' Home Rale for Cities. Mr. Ashley said that much thought and discussion had been given to the subject of municipal administration by the mem bers of the league and they had been the cause of provoking concentrated attention to the question of municipal ownership. Continuing on this toplo he said: Home rule for cities. No dependency of the city upon the state. Each municipality onouia oe a law unto itself upon matters purely local. We should have a right to own and 'control the public utilities. I ask you to note that I say "have the right to own," for I do not undertake to say that at this time in every community It would be a feasible thing to exerclao tnat rignt, but in the very nature of things It is a privilege which we should not be longer denied. Competition In the nroducts of the nubile service corporations too often means that consolidation will follow and the consumer eventually pay all the bills. Pure monopoly meant that the price de manded will be far beyond the fair capacity of the debtor to pay. Regulated monopoly, through the Instru mentality of the state. Is a farce and prac tically amounts to legalised bunco. The right to enter Into the field with municipal ownership provides a means of saying to the oppressor. Be square and de cent with us and we will pay a proper price to you; if not, we ourselves will pay to our selves, buy of ourselves and the amount expended will be that which ia of itself right and not wnat yoj extort. Regulation tbat Regulates. This would come pretty near being regu lation that would reguiate, and the regu lator Is the party naturally and rightfully the one to uo it. An experience of elgtit years in the mayoralty nas brought me tace to face with the state and lta servants, as well as with the great companies and their officers. 1 am referring to the arbi trary acts of great organisations, to un reasonable schedules and rates of charges, to high prices and poor service, to ever lasting greed, big pronta and soft snaps. it it is irirn liiMt Mi. :...!:-!.:.: i .-.? e- - Is entitled to only what is fair as a re turn in a business Investment, it is equally true that great corporations which exist by the license of the state and are the creatures entirely of the law have no In herent right to receive more than what is right ana Just, Ureal public utility monopolies are fertile in resources ana learned in trickery. The field, being granted to them ostensibly to protect the people from the ultimate le siilts of competitive warfare, the supply of "water" being enormous to make a large dividend shrink to (Inures nnmlnaiiv J-U the machinery and -devices for fonoeal. wn-iauia ii ir i,oiiu issues neinir nnnrmi mnf auk wnivlp im.vuim- ueen sec in nianon to state in its wisdom creates lta boards and vuieaus in restrict, regulate and control. Ana tne quality of this supervision Is poor; the sue and strength of the state's arm when raised In behalf of the city's run, ma wuras oi tne song, "You can hardly notloe it at all." Benefits of Manlclpal Ownership. I do not urge munclpal ownership as a club to exterminate, but rather as a means to a remedy and a solution. With It you u A " "eat your own civic nouse Tiold and ride In your own streets and lead your electric wlrea wherever electricity has a duty to perform. I charge no corruption upon the a genu of the state; the fault Is In the system; they are not by the tenor of their ap pointment subject to any control of the city; they come In dally contact with the fi?mp? " nd ,helr representatives and nicjr ir.iii io tnma as tneir visitor think: they lose their identity as citlxens them selves, and have come to listen to the voice too braxen and out of tune. Give us home rule for cities, independence of the state in matters of nnni. iAo.i cern; freedom from guardianship and the v, . wo win wnn our own. Mayor Head and Mayor Jones. At thla afternoon's' session of the conven tion Mayor J. M. Head of Nashville, Tenn., wa the first speaker, his topic being "Transportation and Taxation." He advo cated public ownership and control of pub lic and quasi public utilities. "There 1 scarcely a city In the United State," said be, "that Is not taxing its cit lxens almost up to the limit of endurance, and many of them are trying new and doubt ful methoda of raising the necessary rev- nue to meet the ever-Increasing demand of modern city government." Mayor Thomas O. Hayes of Baltimore spoke on "The Contract System." The feature of the evening session was the address of Mayor Bamuel Jonea of To ledo. His subject vti, "What la Crime and Who Are the Criminals?" Ha said society was tha real criminal and not the man or tbs Individual. In condemning the present criminal system be said: "The preacher In the pulpit, the Judge on the bench, the worklngman on the street are a part of this system, whjch la sick from head to feet, and must share In the evil until we purge the whole mass. The sending of the poor man to the workhouse because bs cannot pay his fine 1 but Imprisonment for debt, yet we boast that the debtors' prison has been abandoned. If we believe the prison did good we would occasionally put our children there, but there la not a judge who would not move heaven and earth to eave his child from such a penalty. It Is not new laws tbat are needed, but th repeal f old ones." REFEREES EXCHANGE VIEWS Those Employed In Bnnkrnptey Work Attend Association Meeting Now at Milwaukee. MILWAUKEE, Aug. 27. Separata courta to deal with the bankruptcy proceedings, with referees as judges; greater care upon the part of the agents of the commercial reporting agencies In preparing reports covering th financial standings of trades men atd greater care upon the part of merchants In extending credit to the smaller tradesmen were advocated by Pres ident Thomas T. Crittenden of Kansas City in his annual address to th National Association of Referees In Bankruptcy to day. A closer relation with the National Credit Men's association was urged. "Th Duties of the Referees" was dis cussed by Referees N. B. Smith of New York, Lewis of Wisconsin, Whlted of North Dakota, Lawrence of Oklahoma, Mc Cutcheon of Georgia, Dixon of Illinois and Dean of Kentucky. Expenses of Administration ia btate and Federal Systems" was discussed by Referees Proudflt of Georgia, Somervllle of West Virginia, Dexter of New York, Lam bert of Indiana, Cary of Wisconsin, Dugaa ol Ohio and BueU of Iowa. GERMAN STEEL MEN COMBINE Make Tp to Exporter the Amoaat Lost by SelUa Their Prodaeta Abroad. WASHINGTON, Aug. 27. The Iron and steel makers of Germany nor have a com bination behind their back which will en able them to continue wllh better chance for ultimate success thplr stubborn and per sistent fight In tbe markets of Europe, South and Central America, Africa and the east. Thl fact Is brought out In a report from United State Consul General Frank Mason at Berlin, dated August 1, which waa made public at th State department today. The consul general reports that after a full discussion of the unsatfsfsctory condition of the home market representatives of the coal and Iron industries of Germany assem bled at Cologne, decided upon a return to the system of export bounties which was Used to such food effect In tha or tne uerman industrial expansion. There upon a union was formed between the coal and Iron interests to provide export boun ties among all the leading syndicates In tbe metal and mining industries. This vast and powerful export association, says Mr. Mason, Is based upon aa agreement that its members shall contribute te pay to such member export their products a bonus equal to the difference tetween the current prlcea of the merchandise in the German markets and the price actually obtained for it aDroaa. The bounties to be paid on ex ported metals are calculated upon the amounta of raw materials Consumed in their "production. J The consul general says that the mid summer outlook for the erman metal and mining Industries la not, so reassuring as had been confidently hoped for since the beginning of the year. It la nevertheless true, says Mr. Mason that the exports of Iron and steel are enormous and steadily in creasing. During the first half of ths pres ent year the figures reached 1,602.742 tons, as compared with 994.404 tons for the earns period of last year. The increase In the aggregate valuea of these exports was only from 257,143,800 to $70,852,600. , This compar ison between the bulk of product and the bulk of money, says Mr. Mason, makea the vital fact of the situation apparent, that a large part of the vast amount of exports has been marketed abroad rather on the basle of a clearing out Bale, In which the goods were offered at whatever sacrifice might be necessary to secure their sale. AFTER AMERICAN FIGHTERS Ships and Men for Colombian Kavy Being; Secared la United . States. ' WASHINGTON. Aug. 27.-Captaln Henry Marmaduke, who served during the civil war on the famous confederate Ironclad Merrlmac and on Alabama K.a inin. the Colombian navy and will sail for that republic on the new war vessel which bas been purchased at Seattle, Wash., by Be nor Concha, the Colombian - minister at Washington. Announcement was made a few days ago that two ex-gunners of the navy had cast their lot wit a the Colombian naval service, so that Captain Marmaduke makea the third American who recently has taken that etep. . ; ; . The Colombian govcrnr "t liins to at tarlr fhe-xeToiaUoyoir. U(t . theacUlti coast of Colombia abeut the middle of Sep tember. The new war vessel on which the finishing touches are now being placed at Seattle waa formely Jessie Banning and will be renamed by Colombia. It will start on Its journey down the coast to Panama In a few days, and the Colombian govern ment authorities express confidence that It win oe aoie to dispose of the revolution ary fleet without much difficulty. Its arma ment la kept aecret, but it has a tonnage of 1,200 and la well equipped. Tho Co lombian government is negotiating for an other war vessel which. It la expected, will shortly be purchased and dispatched to re inforce the one about to leave Seattle. Co lombia haa been handicapped so far by tho absence of a single government vessel on the Pacific coaat, especially in the matter of dispatch of troops to the Isthmus of Panama. The revolutionists have three vessels on that coast Boyaca, of 600 tona, recently captured from the government forces, but represented by the latter to be old and much In need of repairs; Padllla of 800 tona and the tugboat Darlen. WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Secretary Shaw Selects Sites for Pub lic Balldlnnrs In Iowa Cities. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHTNnrnv a..- a . . . ,. special Tele gram. 1 Repratarv Ck. , a . .. - ' j una. iouay aeciaed upon building sites In Atlantic and Iowa City. Is. The aite for the building at Iowa City Is located at the northeast corner of l.vnn a n H t' . v. . . , ....miuii sireeuj ana cost 17.80a. Maaara U7 . . . . H. ... ,iUUGUa ana II. w . Fulton, trustee, donated the alte at At lantic. It is located at the northwest cor ner of Fifth and Walnut atreets. uenjamin u. smith has been appointed postmaster at Rochon, Polk county. Neb vice B. Rochon, resigned. ' The noatofflpA t xi A ir . - . xjancasier county, Nebraska, haa been re-established, Wtth Tnhn Tt7 IT- . ' - -uU ... iusubii, postmaster. Dr. James S. Wilson haa been appointed a pension examlnap anran . .... - . --.avu ai Auuurn. Neb., and Dr. J. M. Carroll at Rolfe Ia uu' Morey oi Gordon, Neb., haa been appointed a teacher at Fort Shaw Indian acbool, Montana. TO HELP CHINESE MAKE MONEY State Department Sends Machinist and Assayer to Mint at Tlea Tain. WASHINGTON, Aug. 27.-The State de partment recently received communication from tha Chinese governmea't atatlng In ef feet that It was proposed to start up the government coinage mint at Tien Tsln and asking that an assayer and a machinist from one of the mints of the United States be recommended for employment therein Ths matter was referred to Mr. Roberts the director of the mint, with tbe result that Leonard McGrunder, assistant aasayer, and L. O. Emory, auperlntendent of machinery both from the New Orleans mint, have been engaged for this service and are expected to aall for China within a short time. FIRED FIREMAN FIRED BACK tew York Stata Jastlea Orders Stnrgla to Restore Chief Croker to Dnty. NEW YORK. Aug. 27. Justice Hall. In the supreme eeuit today, granted a per emptory writ of mandamus directing Fire Commissioner 8turgls ta Immediately re store Fir Chief Edward F. Croker to ac tive duty a chief of th fire department. Mr. Croker waa rUv4 Uua acliv duty laat week. PHILIPPINES BADLY SHAKEN Geieral Chaffee Xtporta Ulndanao Visited by Earthquake. FALLING WALLS KILL TWENTY M0R0S Amerlean Soldier Are Headquartering Near, bnt None I Known to Have 8 offered Any Sertoae Injnry. MANILA, Aug. 27. The island of Min danao baa been ahaken by a scries ot earth quakes, which commenced August 21. Tbe inhabitanta were terrorised and a few Moro were killed. There were no American casu alties. Tbe commissary buildings and the Mcro forts were badly damaged. Brigadier General Sumner, In command of the Amerl can troops in Mindanao telegraphs that a doxen heavy earth shocks and 400 slight tremors were felt at Zamboang, Mindanao. WASHINGTON. Aug. 27. The War de partment today received a cablegram from General Chaffee at Manila reporting the oc currence of a aeries of earthquakes on the island of Mindanao. Twenty persons were killed by falling walls, the victims all be ing Moros. The Americana In the vicinity escaped and the dispatch ssys there are ne reports that any ot the soldiers occu pying that portion of th island affected sustained any injuries. The upheaval occurred In the country ad jacent to tbe Lake of Lanao, In the Moro section of the Island near Camp Vlckers, which Is now the headquarters of the American forcea atatloned In Mindanao. General Chaffee's cablegram says the mountains and rivers and other streams were considerably disturbed and much damage waa done. The extent of the dam age, however, was not reported. It is pre sumed her that the seismic shocks oc curred about five days ago, though ths date is not mentioned In tha dispatch. This It the first serious earthquake re ported from that country during American occupation. The moat Important previous seismic disturbance in Mindanao waa the one that partly destroyed Palak, Kota Batu, and the village on the banks of the liver Mindanao In 1872. This phenomenon closely followed ths eruption of the vol cano of Makaturtn. General Chaffee cabled also that the mil itary situation In that section remains quiet and unchanged. No attacks have been made on the American forcea at Camp Vlckers since the last report, which waa cabled eight daya ago. Frederick Dorr, the proprietor, and Ed ward O'Brien, tbe editor ot Freedom, re cently convicted ot sedition, have been fined $1,000 without imprisonment. A. R. Dorr, manaaer of the paDer. waa fined $25. Dorr and O'Brien were sentenced August 25 to six months In BlUbid prison and each was fined $1,000 for libelling Benito Le garda, a native member of tbe Philippine Civil commission. TWO DEAD ANTJ ONE DYING Result of Qnarrel Whleh Ocean fa n Woman's Apartments In NEW TORK. Aug-. 27. LUils Hall. 2 yeara old, and Joaeph Campbell are dead and an unknown man la dying In Bellevue hospital aa the result, the police say, of a quarrel In the woman's apartments in East Twenty-fifth street today. According to the police the two men en tered the apartmenta and tbe quarrel en sued, during which four shots were fired. The Hall woman lived In three small rooms In ths rear of the first floor of a large tenement. Her almost nude body waa found on the floor ot the bedroom, with a bullet hole through her heart. Campbell's body, fully dressed and also shot through the heart, waa lying behind that of the woman. The other man lay dying In the aame room, a bullet having entered the base of tbe brain and severed tha spinal column. According to the tenanta In the house the two men entered tbe woman'a apartments this forenoon, eounds of quarreling were heard aoon after and one woman says she heard four shots fired In rapid auccesston. The police Identified the woman later as Llzsie Otto of Stroudsburg, Pa. Tbe dead man waa Arthur Campbell, a window dresser. Papera found on the wounded man tend to identify him aa Christian Gana, a United States artilleryman. AGREES AS TO TRACY REWARD Sheriff Gardner Concedes It to Creaton Men and Goldfinch Forgery Charge Appenrs. SEATTLE, Wash., Aug. 27. A Davenport (Wash.) special to the Times says: The matter ot the distribution of ths Tracy re ward la about to be settled. Sheriff Gard ner has notified the five Creston men that If they will agree to share the reward with Goldfinch, who gave tbe Information that led to the capture of the fugitive, be will withdraw bis objections to the psyment of tbe money and aid the Creston pesse to se cure it. The same special states, also, that crim inal charges arising from the Tracy case have been preferred against Floyd Johnson, telegrapher at Creston. He has beees ar rested upon a charge of forgery, tho com plaining witness being Constable Straub of Creston. About tbe time that the Oregon bandit was killed near Creston a New York newspaper telepgraphed to that place to Eberlff Gardner, asking him to send a dla datch describing the end of the famous bunt and draw a sight draft .upon them for $50. Johnson, It is alleged, auppressed the mes sage and sent a dispatch over the name of Charlea Straub, one cf the Creston posse of five. He then, it is charged, forged Straub's name to a sight draft for $50. GATES ASKS AN0THe"r COURT Wishes to Traasfer Injunction Snlt from Jndsra Malllas to Fed. eral Jodge. DENVER, Aug. 27. Attorneys for John W. Gstes and hla associatea, who are seek ing to secure control of the Colorado Fuel and Iron company, today filed a petition tn th clerk'a office ot the United States circuit court asking that the injunction suit now pending before Judge Mullln in th district court be transferred to tho United States circuit court. The petition will be beard next Saturday by Judge Cald well. Aa grounds for the petition the attorneys allege prejudice of the people, as shown by uewspaper publications, numerous excerpts from which ars cited In the document, one of the most voluminous ever filed In the court. The Injunction issued by Judge Mul lins caused an Indefinite adjournment of tho company' annual else lion a week ago. CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Fair and Warmer Thursday; Showers Friday. Omaha Hoar. Drsr. Hour. Ilea. R a. an .. 1 p. in TT a. m n it p. in TH T a. m Rs a p. m T:i a. m at ' 4 p. m Mil a. m...... IH 5 p. m mo 1 a. m l l p. an T1 It a. m 74 T p. m T7 1' M TU M p. m T4 W p. m 71 TELEGRAPH MANAGER'S END Thomas V, Reynolds of an Francisco Kills Himself While Tem porarily Insane. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 27. Thomas W. Reynolds, for twenty-three years In the em- ploy of the Western Union Telegraph com- pany, and for several . years past business j niauaa.r of the company In this city, shot ; and killed himself In the office of the com ; pany. General Lamb, general superintend ent of the Pacific coast division, stated that he was of the opinion that Reynolds' act was due to temporary Insanity. So far as j the officers of the company know Reynolds' accounts aro In first-class condition. Reyn olds loft several letters tn which he ex pressed the fear of approaching Insanity and assigned that aa the cause for hi suicide. A few day ago the traveling auditor of the company arrived here and began hi regular investigation of the books. Hla work waa completed thla morning and, ac cording to the atatement of Superintendent Jaynes, the books were found absolutely cor rect. "There Is no shortage," said Superin tendent Jaynes. "The books of Mr. Reyn olds are all right and tally to the eent. Tbe only explanation of hia suicide la tem porary insanity." PITCHED BATTLE AT RED ASH Conatables Oast Strikers' Families from Coal Company's Houses nnd Much Shooting; Ensues. HINTON, W. Va., Aug. 27.-Great ex citement In the vicinity ot Red Ash and Beury today was caused by the constables moving ths striking miners from the com pany's houses. About forty families, who were notified to leave the houses of tho Red Ash Coal company, refused to vacate, and when the constables began to remove their household goods a volley of shots was fired at the officers from the opposite side of the river. They returned the flro wtth rifles. It Is estimated that 800 shots were fired. The shooting was all at long range and no one on the Red Ash side is hurt. Ahont forty deputies who have been sta tioned at Thurmond and other polnta in the striking district were rushed to the scene of the shooting, and a late report now states that the men who opened tho fire are now aurrounded. The officers are removing the household goods and tha houses will be occupied by other miners who are willing to work. The coal output Is steadily Increasing. Yesterday 110 cars of coal and twenty three cars of coke were loaded. ATrwWYirANrifrrGow Mustn't Stay Sow, So Courts Avow When Pressed to Decide "Exclusion" Row. KAN8AS CITY, Aug. 27. Judge Phillips of the United States district court today up held the decision of United Statea Commis sioner NuchoU, who ordered that Ah Yu and Ah Gow, Chinese boys who wers ar retted on the charge of violating the Chi nese exclusion law, should be deported. An appeal will now be taken to the United States court of appeals. Ah Yu and Ah Gow came from Mexico and were destined to New York to enter the service of the owner of a combination of Chinese laundries. They had not certifi cates and were arrested here by federal officers. The Chinese appear to be abund antly supplied with money, and It Is thought the case Is Intended to test the new exclu sion law. WICHITA FOLK MUSTN'T TOUCH Telephone Company Procures Injunc tion to Protect Its Perpen dlcalar Appurtenances. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 27. In chambers today Judge Thayer of the United States court of appeals granted an Injunction restrain ing tbe city of Wichita, Kan., from Inter fering with tbe polea of tbe Missouri and Kansas Telephone company, which for sev eral years has been using the streets of that city for Ita linea. The case waa set for further hearing before Judge Thayer In Wichita, September 15. MAY CUT GLASS, BUT NOT PRICE Three Grent Companies Uet Together to Bevel tha Edge of Patrons' Purses. PITTSBURG, Aug. 27. The price-cutting war between the three great window glass companies may be ended at a meeting to be held tn Pittsburg tomorrow. If an agreement is reached, aa expected, It will mean tbat the American Independent and federated co-operative companies will pool Issues and fix a uniform price for window glasa throughout the coming fall. Movements of Oeenn Vessels Amm. 2T. At New York Arrived Washtenaw, from Seattle and Tacoma; Llpurla, from Genoa: ("arthagenlan, from Glasgow; Majestic, from Liverpool. Sailed i'hl!ulelphii, lor Southampton; Oceanic, for Liverpool. At Llz:ird Paused La Lorraine, from New York, for Havre. At Bremen Arrived Kaleerln Maria The-rj-sa. from New York, via Plymouth and Cherbourg. At Pl mouth Arrived Moltke, from New York, for Cherbourg and Hamburg, and proceeded. At Cherbourg 8iilrd Kaiser Wllhelm der Crosse, from Bremen and Southampton, for New Yurk. At Liverpool Arrived Ivernla, from Bos ton, via tjueenstown; Lancastrian, from New York, Sailed Helgtnland, for Phila delphia, via Queenstown. At Hong Kong Arrived previously Hy aries. from San Francisco, Seattle and Ta coma. via Yokohama, for Manila ; Indraa amha, from Portland, Ore., via Yokohama. At Havre Roads (Aug. 26) Arrived Nako from Sap Francisco, via Valparaiso, etc At Yokohama (Aug. 28j Arrived Duke of Fife, from liong Kong, etc., for Tacoma At Bologna (Aug. 26i Arrived Ryndara from New Vork, for Rotterdam. At Brow heart PasBcd Steamer Teutonic, New York for Queenstown and Liverpool. At rVllly Passed ritramer Moltke, from New York for Plymouth. Che-bourg and Hamburg. At Antwerp Arrived Steamer Nederland, from Philadelphia. At Southampton Sailed Steamer Kaiser Wllhelm di r Grosse, from Hremen for New York, via C'htrbourg. At Movllle Arrived Steamer Anchorla, from New York for Olasgow. At Queenstown Sailed Ultonla, from Liverpool, for Boston. Arrived HaverfurU from Philadelphia, for Liverpool. ' PRAISES THE FARM President ItoeitYelt Atpts It ii the Heme ol Trot Americanism. HE LIKES THE HONEST, SUGcLl YEOMAN Admires, Toe, His Eiuicucs and Hit Independence. BANGOR CROWD HEARS THE SPEECH Thtnuidi Till Fair Greundi to Lilian and Cheer. TODAY HE WILL GO INTO NEW HAMPSHIRE 4nlts the Pine Tree State to Preach Ills Gospel of Progress and Plain Honesty Across th . Lin. BANGOR, Me., Aug. 28. The preslden tlal train from Ellsworth reached her at 11:23 and departed at midnight by the Dan ville Junction route, via LewUton. for Port land. All tha member ot the party had re tired. t ELLSWORTH, Me., Aug. 27. The presi dents second day In the Tine Tree state waa full ot Interest. Starting from the gov. ernor's residence at ao early hour, he waa taken for a ahort drive about the city of Augusta and at 9:30 left for Baugor, where the principal speech of the day was deliv ered at the fair grounds In the presence of an Immense audience. The closest attention was given at Watervllle, where from far au 1 near came hundreda to see and hear tlu Brat president who ha visited Maine in many years. In anticipation of hla coming a general holiday was declared and all busi ness was suspended. Just before leaving Augusta the president heard that hla old guide, "Bill" Bewail ot Island Falls, Me., who had accompanied him o many hunting expedltlona and who had been for a time employed on his ranch In Dakota, was at Bangor. He immediately wired Congressman Powers at Bangor to "corral" him and hold onto him until he reached that city. That the congressman carried out these instructions waa fully proven when be produced the tall, rawboned, red-whiskered hunter upon th president's arrival. And So Waa Dill. "I am glad to see you Bill," said the president, whereupon Bill replied. "You ain't no gladder than I be." Then It waa fiat the president told tis storr of friend ship of many yeara with the old guide and hunter and how, many yeara ago, while on a hunting trip through Maine, owing to the ahortage in the meat aupply, they had eaten muskrat together, which the president said waa the laat meat he bad eaten In Malna before thla trip. Tha prealdent seemed to delight In the rural simplicity of the man and insisted that be abould alt down to din. . oer with him. Bill, therefore, had the dls. Unction, that comes to but few of dlnin ttrrfieTmer-rSdcvrtlta of Ounjaf Ion- and the governor ot hia state at the aame time. While at the fair ground someone sug gested to Sewall, who waa aeated on th platform with the prealdent, tbat h should go to Washington and secure an appoint ment aa postmaster, but Bill bad already received this honor, and aaid to hla In quisitor: "I be postmaster already." On the drive through Bangor tbe pres ident's carriage waa stopped in front of tbe portico of the Orphans' home, where tbe little ones were assembled, and they greeted him in song. Emphasizing PersonnI Policy. Before beginning to speak at the fair grounds the president, noticing tbe Jam ming and pushing ot the crowd tn front ot grandstand, cautioned tha people to be careful of the women and children and asked them to show their capacity to man age themselves, which Immediately had the desired effect. The platform from which the president spoke waa directly in front ot the grandstand, which waa packed with humanity. Behind him waa another dense crowd. He humorously Informed his audiencea tbat he did not think be faced both ways, but that on tbat occaalon he would have to. On leaving the platform he drove around the race track In response to cries from the audience that be do ao. Tonight the president dined here at the home of Senator Hale, who accompanied the party from Bangor. At the depot when th train pulled in tbe persldent waa eacorted to a platform nearby and delivered a abort address. He left at 10 o'clock for Nashua, N. H., and other points In tbat atate, where he will apeak tomorrow. Talks at Bangor Fair Groaads. BANGOR, Me., Aug. 27. Tbe special train carrying the prealdent and bla party ar rived here at 1 o'clock, on schedule time. The president was met at the train by President Beal ot tbe Eastern Maine Stat Fair association, Senator Hale, Congress, men Llttlefield, Fowera and others. The party Immediately started for a drive about the city, going later to tbe fair grounds, where tbe president mads aa address, aay. lng; I am glad to greet the farmers of Maine. During the century that has closed ths growth of industrialism haa necessarily meant that cities and towns have increased in population more every day than the country districts. And it remains trus now, as it haa always been, that In the last report the country districts are those In which we are sure to find the old Amer ican spirit, the old American habits of thought and ways of living. Almost all of our great presidents have been brought up in the country and most of them worked hnrd on the farms In their youth and got their early mental training in the healthy democracy of farm life. The force which made thes farm-bred boya leaders of men when they had come to their full manhood, are still at work In our country districts. Belf-help and In. dividual Initiative remain to a peculiar de gree typical of life In the country, life on a farm. In a lumbering camp, on a ranch. Neither the farmers nor their hired hands ca.i work through combinations us readily as the rnpitallala or wage-workers of Cit!r-s can work. ' Proarrsslveaess of tha Farmer. It must not be understood from this that there haa been no mange in larmiug and farm life. The contrary , ttie taw. i'iui his been much change, much progreoa. The Grange and similar organisations, the farmers' Institutes and all the alllancea which promote intelligent co-operation and give opportunity for social and Intellectual intercourse among the farinara, have played a large part In raising the level of life and work In the country districts. In the do main of government the Department of Agriculture since Its foundation, has achieved results as striking a those ob tained under any other branch of th na tional administration. Wa live in an era when the best results can only be achieved, if to Individual self help w add the mutual self-help which comes by combination hoth of rU'sena tn the Individual capacity, and of citlxens working through the state as an instru ment, liut after all this haa been said. It remain true that the countryman, the man on the farm mure than any other of our ciltxens today Is called upon continually to excrulss th qualities which ws Ilk to