TITE OMAHA DAIliY BEE: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1002. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Bull Influene iaoctitnbt to Brima Zli- menti and 0itnl Trend is Lower. CORN RETREATS AFTER EARLY UPTURN Wkul Trade Dall and Wnkit Fol lows Initial rirBM la Oats Hoc Pralirti Art FaJrlr Active. CHICAGO, Auk. 26 All markets had a downward trend today. Fine weather In the northwest, where the spring wheat harvesta are exerting a bin Influence on world prlcea, and the possibility of 1n creaaed movement,' worlled the edge off of wheat. Corn eeemed to have been over bought on the fear of ecsrclty for near contract. Good crop report did the rent nd sympathy Influenced down-turna In other pita. At the cloae September wheat waa 4iv4jC lower, Beptember corn Mo off and September oats 64.0 down, Provisions closed Jijo "P t 6c down. Trade In wheat waa a dull, lagging affair for some time. There were ocoaslonsi apurta of activity, but In general the trad era simply allowed prlcea to Blip away gradually on the Influence of the north western markets. There had been fair weather in the spring country for twenty four hours and predictions were for a con tinuation of the favorable conditions. Ca bles were Indifferent, weather being One both In England and France and the spot demand waa disappointing. Cool weather In the northwest, together with poor grad ing here and lighter receipts of wheat probably waa the reason why there was no heavy selling pressure In wheat. Cash etuff northwest was as much as 14c lower and the demand waa alow. Mlnneapolla and Imluth were not getting much wheat, but there were prospects of an Increased move ment. September here started a shade to H4c lower at 724,0720 and slowly fell off to 7l'4c. closing weak. ft'Ao lower, at 71c. Local receipts were 477 cars, one of contract grade, and Mlnneapolla and Buluth reported 2X2 cars, making a total for the three points of 759 cara, against R72 laat ui and 1 0B9 a vear aero. Primary re ceipts were 1,193.0(10 W, compared to 1,231,000 a year ago. eeanonrn clearances m wn-m and flour equalled 2i0,noo bu. The world'a Visible supply decreased 1.906,000 bu. There waa a limited demand early for Beptember corn, on the influence of higher cables and poor local grading. Stocks were falling off. Ralna aleo retarded the matur ing corn. These factors started a little bull movement early and September corn once more aold at 0c. The pit, however, soon took on a heavy aspect. In the enthusiasm during the last bull turn It aeemed that too much atuff had been taken on. Holders weakened from their bullish position and n the wheat break let go of atuff. The high price deterred shorts from covering freelv and prices broke. Beptember waa rrntlc. Fluctuatlona were rather wide. Beptember eventually aold down to 57o and closed weak. iSkc down, at 68c. Re- relnta wcra 80 care, six of contract grade. Gate showed a little firmness at the start, with corn, but at once weakened on fair offerings. Cash business of late has been slow because of the Inferiority of arrlvala. Ri1nta wera bit. at 633 cars, although only eighteen cars were contract. There were rains In some of the oat fields, but enndltlnns northwest were very favorable. Commission houses had selling orders and proteaalonala scalped on the bear side. Beptember sold from S3c to a weak cloae, Sin Inwer at S3e. Provisions were only fairly active and were somewhat Irregular. Hogs wera com mandlng much higher prloea and there was some support. Lard waa In good demand. Pork and rlba, however, were sold freely on the bulge and slumped. September pork elnaed Kr down at 816.8714. Beptember lard 7V4c up at $10.96 and September irib 6o off at (10.15. VatimaUA tnf frtmiwrtw; Wfcet 200 cars; corn, 20 cars; oata, 260 cara; hogs. 28,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles.1 Open. Hlgh.j Low. Close.l Tes'y. au pickled, bellies, (11.26911.00; pickled shoul ders, 6H.irrfi9.UO; pickled hams, (II.jO. ,ard, steady; western steamer, tu.io; au gust clored at (lo.hS, nominal; rennen. aulet: South. America, Iil.l compound, t..S2HfJa.zr; continent. ill.&. Pork, steady; family, 320. nu 21.25; enort, clear, tin. ivpu.w, mens, (IS 2;l(ul 25. Rl.'TTKK Hecelpta, l!i.42Z page. : nrm; state dairy. llil.V; creamery, lilic. ( H hl'.bK Receipts, H,u paga., nrm. fancy large, 10tlttc. KtiUn Receipts, ,iw pm ; nrm; eie nd Pennsylvania, 2oH'H21e: weatern candled, 18ij20c; western, uncandled, Wit 1H M ) i . A km nrm. MF.TAIJ4 About the only noteworthy feature In the domestic metal markets to waa the sharn decline In tin values. amounting to 26 points, whereas the Eng lish market was steadier and reported a net advance for the day of 6s, cloalng with spot at 121 6s and futures at am fs. Bpot clost-d here at 128.104! 28.20 and weak. It la rennrted that the advance laat week was due to manipulation and could not be sustained under existing conditions here and abroad. In-copper there waa not mucn doing and price changea were narrow. Standard spot closed at $10.vu 11.20. lake at tll.604Ml.66, electrolytlo at 8ll.30611.46 and casting at lll.l'ifll.w. uonarai easeu mi 3d, making final quotation on spot lis td and on futures 51 18s d. There was no change In the lead aituatton spec in the local market being held at HI, A moderate demand for spelter In the do mestic market sustained prices steadily, with spot at t6.60. The English market waa unchanged at 18. No changes were noted In Iron on this side. Warrants are unchanged; No. 2 foundry, northern, iza.no ft 26.00; No. 1 foundry, southern. t22.0023.00. English markets report slight declines. Olaagow closed at 67a d and Middles borough at 62s 10Hd. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS. Wheat Sept. Dec. May Corn . Sept. Deo. May Oats 6 Sept. Sept. b Dec. May Fork Sept. Oct. Jan. pt. Oct. Jan. Bibs Sept. Oct. Jan. 72UfH 69T70 4347l44 40. S3W ,804981 IT 10 17 16 14 16 10 96 9 90 1 46 10 26 10 00 7 82m 72141 nvu 8l7sH 70 69 60 44 40 33$. HI 81 HIS 16 07 10 97H 92W 8 47H 10 26 10 06 7 824 67 I 89T4 S3 0 18 87Vi 17 00 14 80 10 8TV4 86 8 40 10 10 t 97U 7 TVi 67HInA(nH 69470 Condition of Trade an.d Quotations on Staple and Fancy Froduee. EOOS Candled stock. 16c. LIVE POULTRY Hens. tWSIOei roosters. according to age. 40-50: turkeys. 84fl0c; ducks and geese, 6&6o; spring chickens, per lb., Iliffl2c. butter Packing stock, lzc: choice dairy, In tubs, 13lc; separator, 2021c r nEisn CAUGHT FISH Trout. 10c: her ring, 6c; pickerel, 8c; pike, 9c; perch, c; buffalo, dressed, 7c; punflsh, 6c: blueflns, tc; whlteflsh, 11c; catfish, 13c; black bass, 18c: halibut, 11c; salmon, 16c; haddock, 11c; codfish, 12c; red snapper, 10c; lobsters, boiled, per lb., 27c; lobeters, green, per lb., toe; Dunneaoa, luo. OATS-Old, 48c; new, 36c. ' ' - BRAN Per ton. (14.00. HAY Prlcea Quoted bv Omaha TOliolaaala Hay Dealers' association: Choice, No. 1 upland, (7.d); No. 1 medium, (7.00; No. 1 coarse, (8.60. Rye straw, (8.&0. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. De mand fair; receipts light. VfcKJJi riABLKB. NEW CELERY Kalamaxoo, too. POTATOES New. rer bu.. izrhfot GREEN ONIONS Par dos.. according ta Ise of bunches, l&20c. i urtivif per. bu., 300. BEETS Per baeket. 40o. GREEN CORN Per dos.. lo. CUCUMBBRS Per bn . 2So RADISHES Per dos., 10c. WAX BEANS Hnma vrnvn na basket, 26o; string beans, per market bas ket, 2ac. LABBAQB-California or home a-rown. new. lc. ONIONS New hnm wii In w. bu., 66c. ' ' TOMATOES Par marVo Ual,. mohm NAVY BEANS Per bu.. 12.16. FRUITS. PEACHES California.. Tta r-. ioe8c. ' PLUMS California. Der four.haaket crate, fancy, (1; Japanese. In beach hn tl; Kelaev. Jaoan. ner fnne.hMire 81.10; Tragedy, tl; peach plums. 81: P. D.' plums, tl. PRUNES Per box, 81. PEARS California, iwr Kv 11 7K. rt,ni'i Favorite Colorado. 81.26. m,KH Hummer vH.tlM r KKt IJ.20, p" . CRABAPPLES Per bb!., (2.60. CANTALOUPE! Omiiulna, H V loupe, per crate, (3.50. WATERMELONS Crated, lR20c. GRAPES Southern Catawbas. ner 20-Ili. crate, (1-60; home grown, per 8-lb. basket. No. 1 hard, T8c; No. 1 northern, 76c; No. 1 northern, 72p73Hc. KliOUK First patents, 83 4 .00; second patents, 83.73.86; flrst clears, (J.uxii.ii; second clears. (2 .xi.y BRAN In bulk. (11. 2.11.00. . tfcaaces In Available Mappllea. NEW TORK, Aug. K.-Pneclal tele graphic and cable communications received by Hradstreeta show the following changes In available auppllea, compared with last account: WHEAT United States snd Canada, east of Rocklea, Increased. 2",0"O bu.: afloat for and In Europe, IncreHsed. 1,700,000 bu.; total supply, Increased, !,8,0(i0 bu. CORN United Btatea and Canada, east Of Rockies, decreased, 2.KN.0OO bu. OATS United States snd Canada, east of Rockies, Increased, 1.317,000 bu. Among the more Important Increases re ported are those of 2.000 bu. at Burling ton, 200,000 bu. at northweetern Interior ele vatora, 84.000 bu. at Omaha and 60,000 bu. at Winnipeg. The leadlne- decreases are those of 210.- Ono bu. at Manitoba, 119,000 bu. at Depot Harbor, 79,onO bu. at Newport Newa, 63. 0 bu. at St. Joseph, 68,000, bu. each at Chicago private elevators and at Portland, Me., and 60,000 bu. at Nashville. Toleda Grain anal Sec. TOLEDO, O.. Aug. 26. WHEAT Dull and easier; cash, 72Hc; September, 72VsO bid; December, TlVjc bid; May, 72c. CORN Djll and easier; caeh, ClHc; Sep tember, Wc bid; December, 42c. OATS Dull and easier; September, (4c; December, 81Hc SEEDS Clover, fairly active and easier; October, (5.S7H bid; January, 86.47H bid; No. t alslke, 7.3iXa1.40. RYE 61VaC, nominal. Philadelphia Prodaca Market. PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 26, BUTTER Steady; extra weatern separator creamery, 19Hc; extra nearby prints, 2ic. EGGS Fresh nearby, 21c, loss off; fresh western, 21c, loss off; fresh southwestern, 19c, loss off; fresh southern, 16&17c, loss off. CHEESE Firm; New York full creama, choice email, 10c; New York full creams, fair to good, yvoiuo. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, Aug. 26. FLOUR Steady. WHEAT Lower; No. 1 northern, 77o to 74Vc; No. 8 northern, 77o to 73V40; Beptem ber, 71c. RYE Easier; No. 1, 62Hp. ' BARLEY Steady; No. 76(8770. OATS Steady ; standard, 3Hc. CORN September, 68140. Peoria Market advices. Rustnese did not continue brisk, but prices were mostly steady and the market closed Arm, Atchison at t7H; Balti more sV Ohio and Union Paclrtc were the features. Kaffirs sagged a fraction. Gold premium: Pome, 76; Madrid, St.76; Buenos Ayres, 129.4; Llxhon, 28. PARIS. Aug. M, Puslnesa waa quiet on the bourse today. The apprt ach of the set tlement provoked profit-taking. Rentes were weaker and there was less Investment demand. Foreigners were Irregular. Span ish rails were In demand. Metropolitans hardened. Kaffirs were easier on salea for london account. The private rate of dis count was 2 per cent. BERLIN, Aug. 24. Exchange on London, 20m 49pfg. Discount rates for three montha' bills, IS per cent; for short bills. 14 per cent. There waa little feature on the bourse today apart from a demand for Portuguese Mcutitlea, Prlcea generally were slightly higher. Kew Terk Money Market. NEW TORK. Aug. 24-MONET-On call, steady, 83 per cent, closing offer at 3 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 4W64 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Heavy, with actual business In bankers' bills at (4.87 for demand and (4 8416 for sixty days; posted rates, t4.8o474.86Vj and (4.88; commer cial bill. (4.E3MH 84V. SILVER Bar, 62c; Mexican dollars, 41"c. BONDS Government. strong; state, steady; railroad, steady. The closing quotations on bond are aa follows: 0MAII1 LIVE STOCK MARKET Another Bi; Inn of Cattle, but Detirabl Gradea Held Fallj Euady. HOGS OPENED TWENTY CENTS HIGHER Largest Reeelata ef Sheep en Heeord ansl the Sapply for the Year to Date Row Shows an laereaae Over Laat Year. Receipts were: Official Monday , Official Tuesday SOUTH OMAHA, Aug. 2ft. Cattle, ..11.071 .. 6,726 Hogs. Sheep. 2.6 19.9S9 8.000 23.000 V. S. ref. (a, reg 69 coupon ..... do la. reg , do coupon ..... 'do new 4s, rag do coupoa .... do old 411, rg.. do coupon do N, reg do coupon .... Atrhloon son. 4s do adj. 4a B.I Ohio 4a. do ma do conr. 4s.... Canada 80. . Central of Oa. I do la Ino Chea. aV Ohio 4Ha unicafo a A. C , B. A Q. a. o, M A B F g. -14L. N. unl. 4a. Max. Central 4a. ..10414 ..1U ..lots, ..100 ..too ...104 do la Ino M. A at. U 4a... M., K. A T. 4a... da ta N. T. Csntral la. do sn. ivw.... N. J. C. tn. la. No. Paeiao 4a.... do la N. A W. cob. 4a. .lOX. 'Readlna sen. . 1"IH L A I H c. .tl nt. u a. r. .lio'l at. L. a. w. la. .iiohI do is . II V S. A. A A. P. a .!( o. Pacific 4s.... ISs.. H'4 So. Rallwar la.. 4a... MT Texas A Pacltlo lllT., 8t. U A W. C. A N. W. a. 7a...Us Union Pacific 4a (.., R. I. a r. 4a....loavt do conr. 4a. ccc a Ht L . 4a.. 10 Wabaih la.. Chlcaso Tar. 4a so Colorado So. 4a 44 Donvar A R. O. 4a.l01Vi Brla prior lien 4s.... 100 do taneral 4a MV r. w. a u. c U...114 Hoklng Val. 4i...lo Bid. Offered. do la. do deb. B Waat Shore 4a.. Wheal. A U B. Wla. Central 4a. Cona Tobaooa 4t .tsiVi . i . ti .104 .10 . MVi .101 .107 .! .104 7 .101 .... an-ii la.. .117 Is. ..100 .... rH .... o 4V Ill la.. 130 4s.. IV, ....IMS 111H ....11 10 V II 1194 4a.. IH M .... 44 I PEORIA, 111., Aug. 2. CORN Firm, In active; No. 8. 69c; No. 8 yellow, hoc, OATS Quiet; new No. 8, fc34ie, track. WHISKY On the basts of 81.31 for fin ished goods. NEW TORK STOCKS AND BONDS. Boston Stock ((notations. 68 43 9 39d40 2J 83 6H 437 40H 27H 33 30H'H'S0H 81 0 1 87V4 17 60 14 80 10 96 t 86 ( 40 10 16 10 00 T 77V4I 1 924 17 06 14 &2H 10 I I 82V 8 40 10 20 9 96 7 72Vi crate, (i.ov; nome grown, pe TKUriUAIj FRUITS. BANANAS Per bunch. aLCcordlnap tn t2.26(g11.75. LEMONS California Llmoneira, 84.00 4.26; Measlnas, t4.6OHt.00. r ORANGES Valenclaa 4.76(8.0O; Mediter ranean sweets, (4.004.26. -irNn;A'jfL,rJ per crate, (4.2&W4.60, CIDER New York, (3.76. HIDES No. 1 arreen. Mil! Nil t arreen tc; No. 1 salted, 8c.' No. 8 salted. 7c; no. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12V4 lb., 8c; No. 1 veal calf. It to 16 lbs., 6c; dry hides, 83H2c; sheep pelts, 76c; horse hides; l.60iS2.60. ruruunNrtr id., do; shelled, 6c. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, ner lb.. lie; hard shell, per lb.. UVtc; No. 1 soft I in .V Volume ef Deallngra Large, Market Active, bat Wavers at Close. NEW TORK. Aug. 26. The volume of dealings In stocks rose well over 1,000.000 shares today. The market showed great animation at different times during the day and gave ail Impression of strength, owing to the enormous buying on an upward rarrs of a few stocks, but the speculative profit-taking under cover of this strength vent persistent and widespread. The market became so honeycombed by the closing out of holdings by powerful speculative Interests that It showed a de cldfdly crumbling tendency In the closing hour. There was no reason to accompany the relapse any more than there waa te account for the previous notable advances. There was no more solicitude over the money today than has been expected by warning cautions for some time, and es pecially since the market took on the pres ent DroDortlons of the sacculation. It Is highly probable, nevertheless, that the large operators In stocks are alive to the possi bilities of money difficulties and are de sirous of making their successful turn be fore actual stringency sets In. Jla a u 1 a 1 1 i xi z ftul, 11101 0 ncio no fur ther transfers of currency today to the In terior through the subtreaaury and loan bills were quite freely negotiated In the foreign exchange market. But discussion Is already heard of jiext Saturday's bank statement and ways and means for relief of the money market by the Intervention of United States treasury authorities are already canvassed without throwing clear light on the course to be pursued. The sec retary of the treasury rescinded the stand ing order of his predecessor for the pur chase of government bonds In the market at a fixed price, and he Is reported to have determined not to renew this method of re. leasing .surplus government funds to the market. Increase of government depoeita with the bank would require Increased hold- BOSTON. Aug. 26. Call loans cent; time loans, 4H6 per cent. cloning 01 siocaa ana Atchison 4a lot 1 Mex. Cantral 4s U Atchtaon 4 do ptd 10 Boston A Albany. ...Ml N. T., ft. H. H...JM Fltchburt p'd 144 I'nlon Paetno 111H liei. Cantral n A mar. Sugar 1 do Bfd it American T. A T....17J Dominion I. A B.. Haas. Eleotrlo do ptd tTnlted Pratt .. United Copper V. a. 8tal ... do ptd Westings. Common.. .110 Adventure II Ailouea J"4 Amalgamated 44 ..lit 4 41H 0 bondi Btnthara Calumet A . Heel Centennial Copper Rant .... Dominion Coal ... Franklin Isle Florals Mohawk Old Dominies ... Oeoeola Parrot .. ..... Qulncy Baata re Copper Tarnaraok Trlmountala ..... Trtnltr unites Btatea ... Utah Victoria Winona Wolverine Daly Wast . P6 per Official .... N ....(40 .... 17H .... 17 ....14z4 .... 101, .... ll .... 4 .... IT ....! .... 1H ....17 .... 4 .... It .... to .... (0 .... lis .... .... (7 (1 656, 18.033 16.299 12.910 10.8T3 10.232 Two days this week....l7.79 Fame daya last week. ...16.877 Same week before 9.7i0 Same three weeks sgo...ll.3A9 Same four weeks ago.... 6.31 Same days laat year 8.863 RECEIPTS KOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of rattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for tne year to date ana comparisons wun last year: 1000 10A1 Cattle 603.637 456.795 Hoga 1.645.404 1.604.973 Sheep 711.146 Tl,217 42.VW 32. 5 2.949 17.559 18.416 .2,128 Inc. 46.842 40.431 1,029 Date. I 1802. 1901.1800.1SW.188S.1S97.!18!). i Hi I 78 7 89 T t:4l I 841 7 aoll 6 W 1 ZiVsl 7 1' v August 1. AUgUSt 1. August . August 4. August I f August r. August 7. August 6. August I. August 101 August 11 August 12 August 13 August 14 August 16 August 16 August 17 August is 6 fry,' 1 411 i (6 S 15 4 19( I 7 1 t 1 15 T 04 6 78 8 FA 6 73'v 67! August 191 August 20 August 21 August 22 August 231 August 24 August 26 August 26 72 6 79V, 88V, T 00V, 98V,. I 66 I 741 V4 6 74 6 78 6 74 ( 78 6 77 6 83 e t 89 6 87 5 78 6 87 6 91 6 91 7 10U 7 80Tt ( 97 6 18 I 151 6 10 0 S 04 6 141 6 161 6 04 6 00 4 99 e 4 96 4 97 4 97 4 98 6 00 4 96 4 : 4 33 4 43 4 45 4 291 4 35 o I 4 43 4 44 4 82 4 36 4 47 4 60 5 08 6 02 1 4 42 6 Oil 4 42 4 971 4 41 6 021 4 42 6 05 14 40 4 3 74 8 6 3 CI ' I 8 77 4 38 4 37 2 81 4 S2i 3 67 4 28 3 67, 2 C7 8 48 8 74 e 8 7T. 3 7W 8 74 8 66 8 67 8 75 e 2 69 8 74 8 811 3 75' 18 feeders.. lo7 4 ?S I cows W I 1 feeder... lnw ( o 8 cows lis 8 40 2 heifers... 6M ( 25 3 heifers... 7X) 8 10 7 cows 878 2 40 88 feeder. .1 4 15 6 cows 873 2 85 5 feeders.. H'.'4 3 60 31 cows...,.l'iS4 3 15 85 feeders.. 7:-8 3 !6 1 cow 1160 3 15 29 feeders.. 85 4 00 8 cows 970 8 75 12 feeders. . 879 1 76 Scows 9 CI 2 50 2 heifers... 810 3 25 4 cows 92 2 90 1 heifer.... 610 2 85 20 cows M2 3 75 10 feeders.. 7tto 3 25 11 cows V2 2 35 13 cows 963 8 05 1 bull 1"2 3 00 SOUTH DAKOTA. 127 steers.. .1170 4 25 36 cows 1092 I 35 42 steers... .1172 4 25 1 row 940 8 U 14 steers.. ..1125 4 35 4 cows 1125 8 00 tij steers.. ..121') i 00 60 cows 1147 4 60 14 cows 1ii36 3 75 6 cows 13 3 75 115 feeders.. 1237 4 40 81 feeders.. 1213 4 40 17 cows 1016 2 85 TEXAS. 61 steers... .1068 8 60 IDAHO. 66 feeders.. 969 4 60 8 feeders.. 1146 4 96 COLORADO. 15 rows !J 2 60 10 heifers... 627 2 75 9 feeders.. 674 3 65 2 heifers... 616 2 26 2 calves... 285 4 50 MONTANA. 20 feeders.. 1260 400 2 cows 7S 3 00 1 bull 1310 160 1 row 690 8 00 A. IJidlne Neb. 24 feeders.. 1137 4 25 13 cows 893 2 C2.75; balls. (J.8.VM .25; calves, 85.507.0O; Texas and Indian steer. (2.7666.00; cows and heifers, (2 nj M. HtKiS Receipts. s.i head; market no higher; nlg. and lights, (7.2.vh7.6v; packer. ;.;tMr7.7o; butchers, 37.6otj1. (. 8 HUE I AND LAM US Receipts. 2,100 head; market ateady; native muttons, (3.50 4i4.60: lambs, tl.Mi.r: culls and bucks. (2 6.v,f4.O0; stock era, 1.6"jJ3.60; Tcxana, (3.10 63.90. 18 feeders. 1 feeder. .190 4 f seders.. 1100 2 feeders. .1100 C. 5! feeders.. r97 2 f cedent.. 82n 893 8 75 John King-Neb. 47 feeders.. 1223 4 60 70 feeders. .1198 4 60 6 feeders.. 1144 3 75 1 feeder. ..1110 3 25 E. Norris-Neb. 4 25 23 cows 978 4 25 2 cows 1060 1 feeder... 8W 8 00 1 bull 1380 13 feeders. ( cows.. J. F. Raymond Neb. 3 45: 3 47 3 57 3 63 3 43 3 45 I t 43! 8 53 3 51 8 56 3 64 8 68 e 3 70 8 71 8 86 3 73 3 70 8 76 8 83) 8 81 3 72 8 91 2 76 8 77 166 2 8S 2 W 3 03 2 rt 2 71 e 2 75 2 90 2 80 2 74 2 83 2 83 e 2 84 2 92 8 88 2 79 2 86 2 97 e 2 86 2 79 19 cows... 4 cows 27 cows 9 cows... 8 cows 892 8 75 920 2 85 B. M. 806 2 35 .1036 .1075 6 feeders. 2 cows.., Fox-Neb. 2 feeders.. 623 4 calves.... 135 1 calf 690 1 calf 140 1 bull 1210 2 calves.. 7 heifers.. 8 cows.... 25 cows.... 93 cows.... 1 cow., Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road waa: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r s. C, M. ft Ht. P 4 O. A St. L 4 Missouri Paclflo 1 2 Union Paclflo System 63 7 C. A N. W 2 F., E. M. V 78 15 C, St. P., M. A 0 8 B. M 139 . C, B. A Q., 8 6 K. C. St. J t C R. I. P., east.. 8 C, B. L A P., west.. .. 1 London Stoek Market. LONDON, Aug;. 26. 4 p. ra- Closlnr stock quotations: Console for do aoeoant. Anaconda .... Atehlaon do pfd MT4 .100 Norfolk A Western... do aid Ontario A Western. ., PennsrlTaale , Keaalns , do 1st pfd do Id pfd Southern Railway..., do p(4 ,,&. s ; . I'nlon PaetBo do ptd United States Steal.., do pfd , Wabaah do pfd. Spanish 4s Rand Mines De Beers def.) Baltimore A OM....llU Canadian Paclflo 1411 Chesapeake A Ohio... M . Chicago 0W H Denver A R. O II do ptd M Kiie 4144 do 1st pfd 7H do td pfd HH liiinoia central ..its LoulevUle a Nash... .140 atlasourl, K. A T.... a ao pro as New fork Central... .14 BAR SILVER Steady ounce. MONEY 2VG4 per cent. The rate 'of discount In the open market for short bills is x per cent ana ror three months bills Is 2&2 13-16 per cent. 7414 M 17 Vi ns. u 44 rr 41V4 1M lie , m 4IV, 4Vt 4 . tlV, . 1 at 24 l-lfld per til JliLvJ " 5 securuy, ana 11,079,137.97; corresponding day laat year, I"- CMivmiw ,11 RUVriH- I ai 1M171 K7 SI .. a - J. wan Rir. m Bank (:tearlns. OMAHA, Aug. 26. Bank clearings today, a Old. b. New. No. 2. ranh nuntatlona were aa follows: . FLOUR Steady; winter patents. (3.40 2.80: stralghta. (3.10W3.40; clears. (2.80g3.0o; soring apeeiais, (4.20; patents, to.ouus.io tralahta. 13.00d3.35. WHEAT No. 2 aprlng. 73c; No. spring, 70w71c; No. 3 red. 71V,4i2V,o. PORN-No. 2. 62c. OATS No. 2, 284329V,o; No. t white, 824 RT15 No. 1. 61e. BARLET Fair to choloe malting, BWlc , SEED No. 1 flax. 31.41: No. l nortnweat em, (1.47; prime timothy, 84.40; clover, con tract a-rade. (9. ' PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 814.86 fl 90. Lard, per 100 lbs.. 310 KMW0 87V,. Rhnrt ribs sides (loose). 810 OOWIO IO. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), (8. 75 8.87V,. Short iup sides boxed. 810.76iS10.87Vs. WH1SK.T On the basis of high wines, i 81 The following are the receipt and ship ments: shell, 10c; No. 2 hard shell, 9c; Braxlls. per lb.. 14c: Alberts, oer lb.. 12c: almonds, soft shell, 16c; hard shell, 16o; pecans, large, jer lb., 12o; small, 10c; cocoanuta, per doa., OLD METALS A. B. Alnern ouotea the following prices: Iron, country mixed, per ton, (11; Iron, stove plate, per ton, (8; copper, per lb., 8V,c; brass, heavy per lb., 8Vic; brass, light, per lb., 6Vo; lead, per lb., 8c; glno, per lb., 2V,c; rubber, per lb., (Via St. Lonta Qraln and Provisions. - ment Dona auotatlone is sunnnaen to raw I numini a . .1 - 1 m, j. rr.?t.Er,paraVonJ! br. bnker" to this end, balances. (2,331.241; New York exchange, 16 but the scanty floating supply of govern- I s,ifj. i.,mi . h.ne uau tn- nunl hM. m.b.. - - ..ii.,.. I - .-, v- . .V;rr " . . i"iiy sixty days, (4 .88 tor aemana. effective In llftlna Drlces to a nolnt which I a 1 ,,mo a..- -n ukami I , . , . . . - . - - - - , oi. mJKJIOt AUK w. viceiuiRn, vo.uv.mi , P" "l.lne Pont D?.tn on banking I balancee, (1,168.661; money, steady s.t 64 ST. LOUIS. Alii. 2A WHEAT T-nwer ino. x rea caan, elevator, ooc: track. 61 circulation and on the holding of govern mrni ueposits. There waa nothing In the ruling rate of money today, which fell to 3V, per cent, to Indicate solicitude on the part of specu lators. The leadership of the market In point of strength was assumed by Atchison, the argument being that the higher price recently achieved by other stocks war ranted an advance In that stock. Meantime the higher prices for other stocks were In viting the enormous speculative llaulda- uon which finally broke the market. Deal ings continued verv Isrra In Union D.ia Baltimore A Ohio and Southern Pacific, but per cent; New York exchange, 26o discount. CINCINNATI, Aug. 26. Clearings. (2.715, 400; money, 8V,i3 per cent; New York ex change, 16o discount. BOSTON Aug. 34. Clearings, $19,494,174; Balances, i.e.a.y.e. NEW YORK, Aug. 3d. CI sarin ga, $228, 731,753; balances, (6,327,987. BALTIMORE. Aug. 26. Clearing, $4,430, 669; balances, 8673,951; money, 6 per cent. Condition of tke Treasary. WASHINGTON, Aug. 28. Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the aren- 67V,c; September, 6c; December, 65VW they all yielded sharply to the nravalsnt I eral fund, exclusive of the (160,000.000 gold 65Sc; No. 2 hard. 66V&8c. profit-taking. v prevalent: reMrve Jn the Ovlslon of redemption. inere waa more doing In other parts of the market than yesterday, but the con gestion In the leader was still acute and w.rew lrrt lar Portions of the list In which the dealings were quite Insignificant, especially the Industrials, which were af V Ct?J? .P0""101' by t forcible sentiment "guiainm expressea py the presi CORN Lower: No. 2 Cash. 67c: track. 68c; September, 56V,c; December, 47V.O. OATS Weak; No. 2 cash, 28Uc; track, 29c; September. 26Hc; December, 26Ho; No. 1 wnue, 4zc, 01a. Kilt-Lower at 69 Via FIX)UR Firm: new red winter natentn. $3.2033.30; extra fancy and atralght, (2.CKii (.16; clear, (2.7502.85. RKE1V-Timothv 1.1 (W4 9K CORNMEAL Steady at (2.90. shows: Available cash balance. i205.2i8.S46: gOlO, tlUV, (4,412. Cotton Mnrktrt. NEW YORK. Aug. 2. COTTON-Fu-tures opened strong; August, 8.56c; Septem ber, 8.83c; October, 8.27c; November, (17c; , . t . . . . , . - , " , . . " J 1,1001- 1 Liecsmusr, e.K, tfsuusi, o.aov, 1 cuius, j, fni- The market-closed heavy, although A50c: March. 8.10c: May. 8.14c. VS" -.rrov,'jr f."1 "oweat. spot cloaed quiet, steady; middling - Receipt. Shipments. .... 21.0TO 14,000 ....276.000 823.000 ....106.000 682.000 ....(06.000 2S3.C0O .... 26.000 141,000 .... 32,000 1.000 Flour, bbl Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu Rye. bu Barley, bu On the Produce exchange today the but tor market steadier; creameries, 154fl8V,c; dairies, 13V,t17c. Cheese, steady, lOHrVo. Eggs, steady; fresh, 17Vic. SEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. BRAN Firm; sacked, east track. 37c. 1 ket waS. in Fhi frCV'tyD ,n..tne bond "' land. 8c; middling gulf, 4l4c; sale. (60 HAY Firm to good, timothy. 88.0XalJL60: w,.w" i" Hnlon ?clflo convertible, be lea. prairie. (6.508.00r ". r. "ail "ZT1 ,Vlpa n y w1,n the atock. I ST. LOUIS, Aug. 2.-COTTON-flteady : vm BAj-steaay at n.n. r vadiii ti tt.T V"vA 'oiaa aaies, miaaiing, ovc; saiea. none; rsccipn, i (.notation ( the Day on Varloes Coansaadltlea. TORK, Aug. 26 FLOUR Ba- I NSW Mints. 84 kt.2 bbla.: exrjorts. 23.326 bbl teady. but less active, the wheat decline .checking buyers, winter patents, (3.6utg1.9o; winter atralarhta. MKa3.5o: Minnesota pat ents, (3.HCK04.OO; winter extraa, (3.U0(3.26; Qitlnneaota bakera. (3.15(h3.36: winter low sradea, 82 8o3 .06. Rye flour, steady; fair To good. (3.2tKu3-40; choice to fancy, $100(1 1.70. CORNMEAL Dull; yellow western, $1.2C; city. (1.24: Brendywtne, 83.453.6&. RYE Steady; No.- 2 western, 60c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 2, 6c; track, state, bb,Oitc, c I. f ., New York,- 1 BARLEY Dull; feeding, 470, c 1. f. Buf falo to arrive. WHEAT Receipts. 265,276 . bu.; exports. 124,481 bu. Spot, easy; No. 2 red, 76VeC, ele vator; No. 2 red. 77SW7SC, f. o. b.. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth. h-ic, f. o. b., afloat; Ts'o. I bard Manitoba, 89c, f. o. b , afloat. .Wheat waa steady at the opening, but weak thereafter, feeling the effecta of fine weather predictions, together with consid erable unloading of September and later poaltlona. Other selling motives wore easler cablea, fine weather abroad, dlsap pointing export buslneaa, small aeaboaxd .clearances and heaviness from outside mar Iketa. The cloae waa weak at VJ7c net lloaa. Mav. 74tr75Wc. closed 74 Vic: Sentem- iber, 75 7-16ff7S 7-lbc, cloaed i5Vtc; December, 721fr73ic, cloaed 72TTae. ' 1 CORN Receipt. 13,650 bu.; eiporta. 7.781 .bu. fcuot. easy; No. 3. too elevator and ,frc, f. o. b., afloat. Option market .opened ateady, but doveloped weakness as a result of easier late cablea, a better .'weather outlook and the wheat decline, , rloalna- Vtila net lower. Ma v. 44Vsia45c. cloaed 44ic; September, tM6Vic, cloaed a5Vic: December cloaed at 48Sc . OATS Receipts, 3i,00O bu. ; exports, 8,195 pu. C!, ssbici, e new, w, .-u. e. Xic; No. 2 white. 40c; No. 3 white. 37c; itrack. mixed, weatern. 3.ti37e- track, white. oictoV'. Option also were affected by tin weatner proepecia, cioaing rainrr weaa. May closed at 3tc; December, (otjoc, cloaed St. Sc. H AY Julet; shipping, m-QTOc; good to choice. Lust1.10. KICEV-Irregular; domeatlc, fair to extra, 4'vftviVac: Japan. 4Vt6c. HOPS Firm; stat. prims to choice. 1901 crop. 19Vk623Vic; lswO, ltic; olds, 6(i9r: atat. common to choice. 19ul crop. Zlv28c; 1"4 crop, lfcp!e; olds, 7610c; Pacific coast, 191 cron. iAHc; 1") cron. lhjjc: olda. 7bluc LEATHER Firm; hemlock sole, Buenos 'Ayres. light to heavy, UtTc . HIDEb Firm: Galveston. 30 to 26 lha 18c; California. 21 to 26 lbs.. 19c; Texaa dry. 34 to to loa., lie. WOOL Steady: domeatlc fleece. 26S80c. TALLOW Dulll city K3 per pkg.). (Vio; .xuntrv (iikas free!. Wa'oVc. PROVISIONS Beef, quiet; family. (1500 Sib 00; mesa, (it uxpit w: oaer Bame. wn.oQ MUi packet. (!4.uoH.u0; city exua Iadia IRON COTTONTIES (1.07t HAUUliVU O D-IOfjB'f l-loc. HKMP TWINE-!. PORK Lower: jobbing, old, 818.97H; new, H7.27Vi. Lard, higher at (10.60. Dry aalt meat, teady; boxed, extra shorts and clear ribs, 310.60; short clear, (11.12V,. Bacon, steady; boxed, extra shorts. (U.37V,; clear ribs. tn.60; short clear, (12.12. . METALS Lead: Steady at (4.00. Spelter: Strong at (5.25. i"w 1 1 n' ti r 1 , . . , . springs 12c; turkey. Iiy,4fl2(ic; ducks, 7V,c Chi",ptd geese, 4VisC IrLJk ir BUTTKR Dull and weak; creamery, 16 20c; dairy, 146fl7c. " EOUS Firm at 16c, loss off. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 10,000 16,000 Wheat, bu 221,000 128,000 Corn, bu 23,000 79,000 Oats, bu 6.0U0 4,000 Kr veuue, a.w,uuu. united Btatea old 4a dvanced V, and the 2s and 6s t cent .h-hN-,-U-?w,loi'r the con price on I Atchlsoa do ptd Bal. A Ohio do ptd Canadian Patino Canada Bo , 4'4'8t. .101T4Bo. .lHSs Chea. A Ohio.... Altoa. Chlcato. Ind. A 1 do pfd Chicago A B. 111. Chicago A O. W. do 1st pld do Id ptd Chicago A N. W. C. R. 1. A P.... Chicago Tar. A do pta ,.llVl .. M .. (IX .. 4SV .. .. 71 .. is ..111 .. MV. .. WVi ..141 ..mm Tr... 13V, 4044 Llvereeol Grain and Provision. LIVERPOOL, Aug. 26. WHEAT Spot, No. 1 northern, spring, Arm. 6s 34d; No. 2 red, western winter, steady, 6s Hd; No. 1 California, strong, 6s lVkd; futures, quiet; Beptember 6s fed; December. 6s KVd. UUKXM Spot. American mixed, steady. 6s llVjc; futures, dull; September, nominal; Uctober, 5a 3V,d; January, 4a Id. PROVISIONS Beef, ateady; extra India meaa, 107s (d. Pork, firm; prime mess, weatern, nrm, sis od. Hams, short cut, 14 to 16 lbs., steady, 60s 661. Bacon. Cumber land cut. 20 to 30 lbs.. Arm. 64s 6d: short rib. 14 to 24 lbs., steady, 59s 6d; long olear middles. Itaht. 28 to 34 lbs., steady. 68a 4h1: long, clear mlddlea, heavy, 35 to 40 lbs.. steady, bos; short clear backa, 18 to 30 lbs.. steady, 6s; clear bellies, 14 to 14 Ibex, Arm, 62s 6d. Shoulder, square cut, 11 to 13 lbs.. Arm, 49a. Lard, prime weatern, In tierce, steady, 64a; American refined, In pa.Hi, Arm. 62 9d. CHEESE Quiet: American finest whits. steady, 47a 6d; American Aneat colored, quiet, 48s tkl. 1 a llu w trime city, staaay, n 5a; Australian, In London, Irregular, 87s 3d. FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter, oulet. 8a 3d. HOPS At London (Pacific coast), steady, (j7. BUTTER Nominal. PEAS Canadian, oulet. 6a 3d. Hecelpta of wheat for the last three days, 243.0u0 cental. Including 2a8.0u) centals American. No recelpta of American corn. c. c c a at. l w Colorado ao. do 1st pfd do-Id pfd Del. A Hudnoa.., 11. L. A W Denver A R. O.. do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do Id pfd Great Nor. pfd.. Hocking Valla.. do pfd Illinois Central . Iowa Central ... do pfd Lake Brie A W. do ptd I,. A N Manhattan L.... Wet. St. Rr Max. Central . . . Nat. Rr. of Max Minn. A St. Mo. Pacitc at.. K. A T do pfd N. J. Central ... N. T. Central .. Norfolk A W.... do ptd Ontario A W.... Pennsylvania ... Readlut do 1st pfd do Id pfd a u ti r... do 1st pfd do Id ptd at. u s. w do pfd 8t. Paul Paul pfd. raciflo ..in .. H .. 4US .. M .. 42t r. iov, .. 44V, ..111H .. 3Vs .. 13 .. 44 .. 17V, .. 4" .. .. 64 .Us bales; shipments, 144 bales; atock, 11,988 LIVERPOOL, Aug. 26COTTON-Spot. sttu business, prices nrmer; American mia dllng, fair. alJ-82d; good middling. (t-32d middling, oa- low miaaung, 4 a-sia; gooa zo-ua; orainary, 4 iv-ua. 1 ne !3V .. 77 .. 61 ..ns ..178 .. 48 .. M .. 414 .. 70 .. 6 ..l7Vi 80. Railway ao pro Texas A Paclflo... Toledo. 8t. L. A do of d Union Paclflo do pfd Wabaah do pfd Wheellnt ALE. ao id pfd Wla. Central do pfd hXdama Ex American Ex IM V. 8. Ei ui Walla-Fargo Ei if Atnalfamated Coppsr. 64 Amsr. Car A F 14 do pfd ta Amsr. Lla. Oil 19 do pfd to Amsr. 8. A R 44 do pfd tl Anse. Mining Co 10! Brooklyn R. T 47 Colo. Fuel A Iron... 76 Cpn. Oss 121 Cont. Tobacco pfd...lllva 69 is ii 2J-9 60 144 72 270 238 411 120 173 66 244 41S 37 68 60 211 8.744 Total receipt 287 63 96 11 The disposition of the day' receipt waa as follows, eacn buyer purchasing tne num ber or neaa inaicatea: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Bbeep. Omaha Packing Co 494 1 1,951 Swift and Company 664 731 4.141 Cudahy Packing Co...... 1,21 857 1,168 Armour Co zw Armour, from K. c O. H. Hammond Co R. Becker it Degan Vanaant Co Carey A B Lobman uo W. I. Stephen .1 Hill A Huntxlnger William Underwood Livingstone A Schaller.. Hamilton at Kotnscniid.. L. F. Hun H. L. Dennis A Co B. F. Hobblck Wolf A Muman Sheridan Meat Co Baulrea .. Other buyer f7 2 36 910 2 85 8t 2 85 , 750 2 85 R. Delesdermer Neb. 40 2 00 1 bull 672 2 60 6 feeders. .. 7S0' 2 06 6 cows.... C. D. Stewart Neb. .,1116 3 26 2 cows.... B. B. Brooks Wyo. ..1137 4 40 47 feeders.. lioo ..1000 8 00 3 feeders.. 973 Blattenhrrg Broa. Wyo. 22 feeders.. 1011 4 60 1 feeder... 1000 M. Bnencer yo. 23 feeders. .1181 4 80 Banner tt Co. Wyo. (I feeders. .1O6O 490 Prlchard 4V 70 feeder.. 750 4 75 4 70 6 36 6 36 6 36 C. Yates Wyo. 4 80 2 feeders.. 6 4 80 25 feeders.. 677 O. Myers Wyo. 8 80 6 feeders.. 80S ( 80 2 feeders.. 9V) (80 1 feeder... 1028 8 00 Charles Fogg Wyo. S steer.. ..1168 4 25 2 feeders.. 770 1 steer 1110 4 26 1 feeder... 930 1 steer 1210 4 25 21 steers.. ..1147 16 steers.... 988 3 90 29 steers. ... 990 Paulson tt Goodrich Wyo. (1 cows 9R3 3 06 2 feeders.. 880 4 feeder.. 897 4 00 Ira Karman Wyo. 12 feeders.. 1129 6 00 1 cow 1170 2 feeders.. 1276 6 00 6 cows... -..1040 1 feeder... 1040 6 00 1 cow. 4 80 4 80 2 (0 2 95 2 75 2 50 4 30 3 25 2 00 4 75 8 00 4 00 2 35 2 85 3 00 2 85 980 750 920 846 2 75 13 steers.... 920 26 steers.... 1201 1 steer.... .1150 1 steer 1010 J. 1 feeder... 850 43 feeders.. 923 O. 1) feeders. . 897 1 feeder... 900 16 feeders.. 821 4 cows 1087 Hayes Wyo. 23 steers... .1015 16 steers.. ..1010 14 steers... .1234 1 steer 1070 4 60 4 00 3 60 4 70 4 70 5 35 S 35 4 85 4 35 3 80 3 80 3 80 3 80 2 80 4 46 4 10 40 I 40 8 40 3 60 CHICAGO I.IVK STOCK MARKET. Cattle Blew Hoes gteady beg Steady and Latnfc Streagr. CHICAOO. Atie. 26. -CATTLE Receipts. 6,500 head. Including 2,000 westerns; market slow; good to prime steers, (7.7fVol75; poor to medium, (4.0c4j7.26; stockers and feeders, 32 506.26; cows. (1 5V(irS.S0; heifers, 2.6tv 6.0; csnners, (LBcB? .50; bulls, (2.505(5 c: calves, (2.75(67.26; Texas fed steers. (S.00'3 (.00; weatern steers, (4.O0Sf60O. nuiMt Receipts. 11.000 neaa; estimated tomorrow, 23.000; left over, 1.600; market I0fi20c- higher: mixed and butchers. (7 35-J 7.8ti; good to choice heavy. (7.6'tf7.96; rough heavy, (7 0iMi7.55; light. I7.26ft7.80: bulk of salea. $7.4tW7.6. 8HEKP AND LAMBS ReeeDts. H.0OQ head; shee,i steady; lambs strong; good to choice wethers, (3.6vir4.00; fair to choice mixed, $2.6011 3. 75: western sheep. $2,601(3.85; native lamba, (3.5OS4.U0; western lambs, $4.6fK7 5.50. Omclal yesterday: Receipts. Shtcments. Cattle 20.206 4.6S8 Hoga 21.000 6.281 Sheep 26,824 1.015 Kew York Live Sleek Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 2A-BEEVE9 Re celpta, 283 head; dressed beef, steady; gen eral aalea, 8W2c per lb.; cablea quoted American steers .t lStfltc, dressed weight; refrigerator beef at HVio per lb.; export today, 100 cnttle. CALVES Receipts, log nead: dull: re ported ssles of veals were st $8.256.60 per 100 lbs. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recents. 7.61 head; sheep, steady; lamb, slow; sales av- eragen lower man yesterday a close; sheen sold at (2.00fj3.50; culls, (1.60; lambs, (5.0CK$ 6.75, on deck at $7; culls. l4.2r.JN.75; dressed muttons, general sales, Ntfic; dressed lambs, HOGS Receipts. 1.0S2 head: Arm: a deck of mixed western hog told at $7.35 per cwt. St. Joseph PT. JOSEPH. Live Stock Market. Aug. 26. CATTLE Re- rnlnta 1 Tli ti-B4. tiVOriC . . I .. I. ' I , u,.-,. ..tin,. . "-( lv. ,,,-, , ,,u,lvt, l4.504tS.26; cows and heifers, (1.7M6.00; veals. ;i.o"vi.2d; mills and stags, (2.50iitj.00; stock- era and feeders. $2.88W, 35. HOQ8 Recelnts. 4.812 head: 10S4ftn hlsrhert light and light mixed, (7. 30177. 50: medium snd heavy, (7.357.70; pigs. (4.007.00; bulk. 8I1KEP AND LAMBS RecelDta lit head: steady. Wvomlna- Land and Cattle Co. Wyo. ys ieeaera..iiis 987 , 990 ( 80 2 64 4 10 8 25 1.247 71 208 5.384 Total (.638 8,087 16,388 CATTLE There waa a liberal run of eattle here today, but atlll not nearly as heavy a yesterday. A will be seen from the table given above, there I a good In crease for the two days over the same 4 66 61 cows., 10 feeders.. 1077 8 76 80 cows., H. Banner Wyo. 17 cow 1080 4 40 Q. Devore wyo. cows 1062 4 10 9 cows 1071 1 cow 850 8 26 1 cow 930 M. B. North Colo. 21 heifer... 769 2 96 1 bull 1290 8 25 1 cow 920 3 60 W. Little Colo. 29 cow 851 2 90 2 heifer... 633 2 63 24 cows..... 89 2 80 W. Beckman Utah. 42 feeder.. 955 4 10 4 feeder.. 965 $ 26 William Smith 8. D. H feeders.. 9"3 4 00 1 feeder... 1000 4 00 8. O. Bheeneld s. v. 42 steer.. ..1203 4 60 XI rn a Th.r. w u en evtremelv lloht run of hogs here today for a Tuesday and in fact the supply was the smallest that It has been at this time of the week in a long while. The supply at other points was also small, so that tne mantel went up Dy lamp The market opened Juat about 20o higher, with the bulk selling right around (7.30, aa against (7.10 yesterday. The choice loads sold from (7.36 to (7.50, while the com moner grade sold from (7.27V4 down. It was not wnat wouia rje cauea an active Slonx. City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Aug. 26. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Recelpta, 2.000; market ateady; beeves, (5.75?f7.50; cows, bulls snd mixed. (2.6004.26: stockers and feeders 82.76 65.00; yearlings and ralvea. 12. 5t Kg 4.25. selling, I7.10C7.30; bulk, 17.15. Stock la Sight. The following table show the recelDts of cattle, hogs and sheen at the Ave nrfnclna; maraeta tor Auguai o: cattle. Omaha Chicago Kanaaa City. St. Loula St. Joseph.... Totals 6.726 . 6.500 .18.000 . 9.500 . 3,723 Hogs. 8.000 11.000 $.600 $.000 4,813 Sheep. 23,001) 18.004 5.90( $.100 111 .43.452 24.81$ 49,111 Tjtx-avsg iui tug rv wty m vwa vuts dx iwvj s - . . - w. Berod of last week and as compared with pitri, 'uruw""a vfZ ,7!: . .1 sirTl.. t & Ti J He same days of last year the recelpta liberal order they did not like to pay the 416.85c; May, 6.85Q6.96c; July, .00tt6.10o, Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Aua. 2(.-40FFEE Rnot Rio, ateady; No. 7, Invoice, 6e; mild. Arm; Cordova, 8(gllHc. Futures opened steady, with prices 10 point lower. From the start the session was one of profit-taking by the local professionals, but with enough publlo SmCCU,. ".I've buiiK and Euiuoran. demand on hand to almost offset the realising move ment, wun one or two exceptions private advices received from the crop country were Just as bullish as ever, primary mar kets were steady to Arm and European sentiment waa atronaiv arraved on the bull side. Wall street was the leader of the selling, with both Importers and the bull leader o fieri ng , late montha. The latter bought nearby positions. The market was finally steady, with prices net 10g16 point lower. Sales amounted to 100.000 baas. In. eluding August at 6.40G8.46c; September, 6.4((fi6.45c; October, S.40ti6.45c; November, 6.50aS.66c; December. 6.604j6.6oc; March. 6.75 are about double. Considering the supply, the market was In very satisfactory con dition and no great change In price took place. ine same aa oa men tne case lor some time past, there were very few cornfed steers on sale. About all that could be said of the market today 1 to call It prac tically steady witn yesterday, aitnougn there were not enough cattle offered to make a test of values. The cow market was active on all deslr able grade and no quotable change In the price pa'd waa noticeable. The medium and common stuff was of course rather low and the market a little uneven. As a general thing, though, the prices paid aver age about steady with yesterday. Bulls, veal calves and stage also sold In about tne same notches they did yesterday, Th stocker and feeder trade continued active and the good, heavy, dehorned cattle were. If anything, a little stronger. The demand from the country for that class of stock continue very liberal and equal to the supply, so that speculator take hold of them In good shape. The commoner grades, and especially the horned cattle. were rather slow sale and certainly no more than steady. That class of stuff sells so uneven that it 1 difficult to tell Just what the market I. Interest centered around the weatern cattle today, but the quality of the fat stuff was nothing extra. The strictly choice cattle were In active demand and could safely be quoted steady to strong. Other kind ware about steady with yesterday, unless it was something of very Inferior quality. Good western feeders were also steady to strong and others steady to weak. Range cows were steady If at all desirable and a string from Wyoming sold as high as (4.40, but they were strictly choice and It waa remarked that a better bunch of graasers ha not been seen on this market in a long ume. nepreseniativ aiea". BEEF STEERS. advance and there waa considerable Jockey- lna?. Toward tne close tne market weaxenea a little and the laat sales were largely at 17.26. Belter were slow about cutting loose at that Agure and as a result It was lat be fore a clearance was made. Representative sales: No. ... 74... No. AV, Ml Tl 101 46 141 64 141 10 lot 47. 14. 16 TO II 16.. 16 II.. 41.. 60.. 47.. 41. 64. 46.. 46. 14.. TO. 15. II. 10. M.. 44. 60. . 70.. .171 .830 .147 .146 .160 ,.2l ,.111 ...140 ...WO ...141 ...Ml ...16 ...U4 ...Ml ...Ml ...114 ...31 ...176 ...Kl ...144 ...141 ...147 .111 .161 Ba. Pr. 40 7 N .. t 10 T 1 M T 14 f M 7 It 7 7 U 7 16 7 16 7 25 7 16 1 16 7 17 T tO 7 W 7 10 7 10 T SO t 10 I M 1 10 T 10 ... 7 SO ... 7 M ... 7 10 ... 1 to 40 7 It 140 40 140 140 iio too to iio loo no 40 to 40 140 40 40 70... to... 70... 11... 17... 44... 43... 67.. AV. ....131 ....II ....Ml ....120 ....114 ....lot ....Ml ....161 ....tot ....131 ..164 TT 131 17 166 T4 160 17 114 II 131 77 Ill It II 44 14 74 131 11 121 Bh. 10 40 110 40 lit 140 'io iio IN to 44.. II.... II.... Tf.... 46.... 74.... 44.... 76. ..114 ..111 ..4 ..111 ..131 ..lit ..141 10 M iio to 40 14 Pr. 7 to T 10 7 M 7 10 7 M 7 10 7 tt 7 (0 7 10 7 31 7 lt 7 12 7 36 7 16 7 36 t 16 I II 7 It T 16 T II 7 16 7 It 7 It 7 3 T 36 7 4 T 46 T 60 I 60 . tv'elOen. Klevtrlo ..1 . sa Hocking Coal ....i. 1 .110 Inter. Paper 10 I . 601 do prd T4 "'1 i-ieof uaa , so . NsUou.l Biscuit 47 .136 iNatlons! Lead 14 .16 No. American 121 .13.-.!Paclflc roast 74 .141 Pacific Mall 42 . !;People's Oss 104 . 1 Pressed t. Car 6o 1-....7..11I do pfd 17 ruoman r. tar nm .. 13 Republic ateel 11 .. 44 I do pld 70 ,.1M Sugar 182 ..14.1 Tena. Coal A Iron... I .. 71 Union Big f 14 .. 1 do pfd to .. 36 U. a. Leather II ,.ll do pfd it ... es.U. g. kubber It ... tl do pfd It ... 74 U. B. Htoel i ... 1! do pfd uH ... j Western to lea 16 ... 74 Amer. Locomotive.... ts ... 17 do pld t4 -K'K.. Vj. Duutaon ss C. ....Is4 do pfd. , 41 Kansas City Grata and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 26. WHEAT Beo tember, oS4io5c; December, tag3c; I caab. No. 3 hard. ebUwk.': NO. 8, s2tu4c; No. 2 red. 6c: No. 3. 64&64V.O. CORN September. 47Vc; December, S4i,(fi 4c; cash. No. 3 mixed, 68Vc; No. 3 white, toe; No. 3, 6uc. OATS No. 3 white, 36c RYE No. 2. 47il48c. HAY Choice timothy, 89.0069 59; choice prairie. 8600. BL'TTER Creamery, 17618c; dairy, fancy, 16c. tOGS Firm; fresh Missouri and Kan sas stock, 14VtC, loss off. cases returned. neceiins. eniptnenta. New York Miulan annotation. NEW YORK. Aug. 2.-The following are the cloalng prlcea on mining stocks: ordinary. sales of the day were 6,000 bales, of which 6uu were lor speculation ana export, in cluding 1,600 American; receipts, 6,000 bales, all American. Futures opened Arm and closed stesdy. American middling, g. o. c, August, 4 50-64d, sellers; August-September, 4 46-64I&4 46-64d, buyers; September-October, 4 36-64u4 87-64d ; October-November, 4 27-64d; November-December, 4 28-64d; December January, 4 27-64d; January-Febuary, 4 26-64 fe4 27-o4d, sellers; February-March, 4 26-4 4 27-64d; March-April. 4 26-64fe4 27 -64d, sell era; April-May, 4 26-644 27-4d. sellers. GALVESTON. Tex.. Aug. 26. COTTON Firm. 8 9-16C. NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 26 COTTON Futures, steady ; ' August. 8.60tii8.51c: Sep tember. 8.27rqt.28c; October, 8.1fttS.15e: No vember, 8.0'o8.10c; December, 8.098,8.10c; .lnnitapv ft tbjtfi ' Whrnerv Ifs. kM March, 8.11((i.12c. Market, Arm; aalea. SuO bales, ordinary, 7 l-loc; good ordinary. I -ic; low mianng, ii-isc; middling, 8'4c; good middling, 8c; middling fair, 9c, Receipts, 930 bales; stock. 80,60 bale. Wool Market. BOSTON. Aug. 26. WOOL-The market has been quieter this week, but values hold nrm. 1 nere has been a pretty free move, ment In territory woof at full Drlces Holders are Arm and decline to sell unless they can see some profits over the high prices paid In the country. Strictly Anc clothing. 63ft6&c: An and Ane medium, Utp tie: medium. 43 Hoc. Texaa wool rontlnuea Arm, with the position very atrong. Fall cleaned basla, nominal, 464j48c; twelve montha, ab'iioUc; alx to eight montha, aprlng. 52(n65c. A very good Inquiry la noted for California woola. with the market Arm. Northern county cleaned basis, 53(p66c; mid dle counties. 4s4360c; southern, 45a47c: six to eignt months, I3ai4c loss, stronger fleece wools are noted with offerings small, but quotations sre strong. Ohio and Pennayl vanla XXX, nominal, eonJJlc; XX and above. 28i29c; X, l(27e; Michigan X. 3t0 zttc. Delaine wools continue especially Arm. Some seller are claiming very high prices on delaines, with prices about 33c lor nne umo. Ohio An delaine. 3132c Michigan. 2xc: No. 1 combing and doming. ZNntoc; coarae, Z44T2WC. ST. LOlls. Aug. 26-WOOL-8teady medium and combing, lrl8e; light. Ane 1ioioc; neavy, nne. luejiac; tun-watnea, tjCoc. Ms. Av. Pr. Ne At. Pr. M ION 66 40 lilt 71 COWS. t Nt IN 1 ISO I tf t 717 I 40 14 171 I tl 4 M0 1 64 1 11 I 00 144 I 60 1 470 I 00 1 110 I M 1 776 I 00 711 I 71 1 1010 I 00 Ml I Tt 1 100 I 06 I lltO I K 14. . 1031 I 06 11M I 16 1 140 I IS 1 1017 3 S 1 tOO I 36 II 71 I 66 11 lot I SO 17 1014 I 6 BULLS. 1 1140 3 7 1 1M0 I M 10M I 00 1 130 4 16 STAGS. 1 111 I 35 Adanu Cos Alice Breeoo - 6 Hruntvlcs Cos I Comttock Tunnel.... I Con. Cel. Va 11 Horn Sllrsr I3i Iron Bllssr 10 LeadTllul Cos t Untie Chlal .. Ontario Ophir Phoenlg Polos! Baraga 8 terra Nevada Hiss 1 1 Hopes . standard . It .171 .lie . . It ,. . li Wheat Corn .. Oat .. ..78.") ..60.6IO ..14.UU0 67.6 24.0 14.000 Minneapolis Wheat. Klonr and Bran. MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. 28 WHEAT Sep tember, oo; December, 44c; oa track. Foreign Financial. LONDON. Aug. 26. Money was In good demand today for the payment of railroad dividends and for stock exchange purposes. Dlacounta were Arm. On the Btock ex change buslneaa waa quiet and waa gen erally moderately Arm. Consuls eased on further rumors of the forthcoming French loan. Canadian Pa rifle benefited by the Increase In the traffic returns. Americana opened with a good demand oa New Yota Ev.ner.ted Apple. 4 Dried Fr.lt. NEW YORK. Aug. 2. EVAPORATED APPLE8 There Is no change in the mar ket, bpot supplies of attractive fruit are scarce and prices virtually nominal. Com mon to good are quoted at gloc; prime, loeu,e: choice. llfllc; fancy. UV12c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRt'ITS Spot prunes maintain their Arm position, espe cially on the larger sixes, which are re ported cleaning up. Quotations range from 3c to 7c for all alset. Aprlcota are la good supply ana rattier eaay in tone, ine fruit In boxes being quoted at te an In bags at 6ift7c. Peaches are dull a 8o for unpeeled and 10c for peeled. Cincinnati Whisky. CINCINNATI. Au. 2. WHISKY Dls tiller' finished goods, firm on baa la of 11. iX 1. 1 STOCK CALVES. in 8 76 tot 4 K 171 4 60 BTOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 63 1 76 1 707 I M 440 I 16 1 611 3 76 66 I K 1 1136 t0 STOCKERS ANn FEEDERS. tit I M I Ill 4 W 610 I 16 44 4 26 Tsl I 0 11 61 4 II 1164 I 16 14 101 4 16 1040 4 16 10 1066 4 40 WYOMING. 11 feeder.. 952 1 bull 1040 6 steers... .1014 8 feeders.. Ybi 39 feeders.. 9"9 14 feeders.. 721 13 feeders.. 1069 26 feeders.. 978 88 cow 9 11 cows 928 1 cow oO 1 cow luuO 14 No. 7 feeder 1 feeder.. 11 feeder.. 774 11 feeders.. 70J 1 feeder., .wku 17 feeders.. vnO 28 feeders.. lOaO 1 feeder. iw I feeders.. 790 5 feeders.. 1082 I feeder... 940 It feeders.. 1063 3 feeders.. 770 26 feeders.. 9f6 6 feeders.. 752 II feeders.. 797 J feeder.. .1040 feeders., lest ? feeders.. "M bull 120 17 cows 833 18 feeder.. 7K6 1 stag 6m 1 heifer.... 626 I feedera.,1023 11 feedera.. axl U feedera. 2 feedera. 3 cows.... 12 cows.... 43 cows.... 12 eows. ... 8 cows. 1 bull. 3 26 2 60. 2 60 8 60 4 00 3 50 3 90 3 80 3 10 2 60 8 00 2 26 NEBRASKA. 1 cow 890 1 cow 1100 2 cows 1"30 3 feeders.. 990 2 feeders. 2 cows.... 12 cows.... 8 cows.... 33 feeders. 1 calf bulls.... 1215 8 710 913 1044 luOO 1120 S 75 2 75 2 75 4 00 2 60 2 60 2 90 3 10 4 00 6 26 2 75- SHEEP All previous record for sheep rerelnta were broken today, wnen about 23,000 head arrived. Several trains were late In arriving, so mat 11 was aimcuit 10 ten just how many were on sale, but still It was certain mat ine previous is vculd be broken by a rew nunarea neaa, On November 11. 1B0L 22.862 head arrived, w hich ha been the heaviest run up to this time. Packer took noia in gooa snipe mis rrf miner and all the buyers were out early. As a general thing the market was Just about 10i'15c lower on both sheep and lambs. Ths handy weight yearlings did not cell that much lower for as high as 34.00 was paid, which would look about ateauy with voaterdav. Aalde from a few of the cholceat bunches, though, the market waa lnwee all around. Trading waa acllv and the bulk of the desirable offerings was dis posed of In good season. Feedera were also active and good stuff commanded steady prices, but the common klnda were a little lower. As will be noticed from tne tame 01 re- cetnta today big run wipe out the de crease in the year's supply to date, aa com' Dared with the aame period or last year, There Is now an Increase for the year lo data of 1.929 head. Quotations tor cuppea sioca; uooa 10 eholre vearllnKK. I3.76ir4.00: fair to good. 13 &oi3.75: good to choice wethers, 83.253.50; fair to gooa weiners, ao.uuias.io; cnoice ewes. I3.0u(u3.26: fair to good ewes. Ubrii 2.90; good to choice Iambs, 35.26g5.50: fair to good lamba, 8s.U0i's6.26; feeder wethers, I' 7ow3.36; feeder yearlings, 33.263.50; feeder lambs, 3.WU4.zo; iceaer swes, ti.mtfl.eu. Representative sales: No. Av, 12 run ewes 107 Utah ewes 318 Wyoming ewes , 811 Utah wethers 1392 Wyoming feeder yearlings. 3 cull ewes 37 western ewes.., 8 native lamba 317 Wyoming feeder lambs 40 Idaho cull ewes 34 Idaho ewes 561 Idaho sheep and yearlings.. 156 Idaho yearlings Oil and Rosin. OIL CITY. Pa.. Aug. 28. OilCredit balances 81.22; certlAcates. no bid: shlu ment, 107,628 bbls.; average, 87,721 bbls.l runs, 19,019 bbls.; average. 75.269 bbls. SAVANNAH. Oa.. Am. 28. nitTiiroan. tine, Arm at 44Vo. Ronln. Arm: A. B. C D, 3110; E, 31.15; F, $1.20; O. 31.26; H, 3170, I. 31.95: K. 82.66: N. 33.60: WO. 33.60: WW. $3.80. TOLEDO. O.. Aur. 28. OIL North TJmn 89c; South Lima and Indiana. 84c. NEW YORK. Aua. 28. OIL Cottonseed. quiet; prime yellow. 41Vffl42c. Petroleum steady. Rosin, steady. Turpentine, Arm. LIVERPOOL. Au. 28. OILTurnentlna, spirits, quiet, 84s. S.g.r Market. NEW YORK. Ana-. 2a I'mnn.. Arm; fair retlnlng. 274c; centrifugal 96 test c: molsnses sugar, 2c; refined. Arm. NEW ORLEANS. Ana?. M8imiR. Strona: nnen kettle. 2U.ax.1Ao nrxmn pe centrifugal, 8&34c; centrifugal yellow. aH4o-itc; aeennas, lV33c; molasset sugar, dun; centrifugal, b'ulitc. Dry Good Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 26. DRY GOODS An average business has been done today In cotton goods by the home trade and the tone of the market Is somewhat ateadler. Print cloths are Arm. but not auotahly higher. Hosiery and underwear In fair demand at previous price. Mellette an Aetlve Grain Market. SIOUX FALLS, g. D Aug. 26. (Special.) -With five grain elevator and two track buyers purchasing wheat thl year, the town of Mellette expects this fall to be one of the best grain market of ltt Bit in the tut. THE REALTY RECORD. Item filed In the register of deed and county clerk's office on August 26: Warranty Deeds. O, F. Raff to Charlea Flnlayson, lot 1Z, bioca 3, vaney urove ii.nw O. W. Durkee ai.d wife to Emma S. Ranaom. lot 12. block l. Hernia park boo Anton Cera to Francis Cera, lot 16, block 1, Patterson's First add lad Anton Cera and .wife to John Cera,' lot 1. block z. aame 100 W. W. Keyaor and wife to O. ' W. Carr. lot 21. block 13. Omaha View.. 100 Margaret V. Solomon to O. O. Hind- mar ah, lot 11, block a, Solomon add zoo Halt Claim Deeds. S. C, Steele and husband to Tukey at Allen, lot 7. block , curton mil.. J. W. Robinson to Ellen A. Bracken, lot 8, block 140, lorence 83 116 93 107 80 95 71 111 54 94 103 89 . 96 Av. Pr. 817 3 26 870 2 60 929 710 820 810 . 841 . 860 . 920 .KD0 24 feeders.. 1033 feeder.. 65 8 55 a 00 8 76 4 00 4 16 4 76 3 70 4 36 4 26 4 25 8 50 3 70 3 56 3 55 3 26 4 36 3 60 3 70 3 00 4 26 3 26 1 00 4 40 8 76 8 85 3 45 3 60 2 66 i W 3 90 3 60 3 26 4 00 4 00 Av. Pr. 778 33 3 Zo 3 00 NO 7 feeders 2 feeder.. 936 2 feeders.. 6 1 feeder... lOnO 13 feeders.. 971 2 feeders., 2 feeders., 8 feeders. 6 feeders. 2 feeders. 1 feeder.. 1 feeder.. 18 feeders. 21 feeders. 1 heifer... 1 cow T cows.... 8 cows 2 cows.... 1 stag 1 bull 2 bulla.... j bull 16 cowl ... 6 cowl..,. 8 cows ... 16 cows.... 9 cowi.,.. 28 cows..., 10 cows 1010 975 960 . 843 . 966 .10-6 . 8 20 . W0 . 834 . 931 . 630 .1J"0 . 871 . 93i . 975 .930 .1420 .14-0 . 420 . tail .1055 . 937 . 9ril . 885 825 30 cows., 1 cow... I cows.. 9 cows.. 1 cow... 4 cows.. M3 ..1130 ..1040 .. 944 . .Ilia) .. 3 50 4 20 3 U0 3 50 8 70 8 70 4 26 4 26 4 00 4 15 4 00 2 60 2 60 2 90 3 00 3 66 3 60 8 60 2 75 4 60 2 20 2 90 2 00 3 20 2 50 2 75 2 6 2 2 6 2 90 3 80 3 76 t 44 Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 28-ATTLE Re ceipts, 16,000 natives, 2.000 Texsns; Calves 2o0 Texana, 675 natlvea. Fat cattle dull . nrl 1.-.,. rnsi. steady to 10c lower; Blockers ana leeoers. sienay 10 """') choice export and dresaed beef steers, 7.o0 -t- m irood. ikkit-7.45: stockers and feedera, $3.0w&aE5; western-fed steers, 4 26 tj5 36; Texas and Indian steers. 33.0txfi4.10: Texas cows, 31 .7634 00: nstlv cows. ll-OOw 6 5u: native heifers, I2.90i4 26; csnners. 8LO0 tj300; bulls, 82.sf3.75; calves. 32.JW6 35. in x"ih n.rii,t 1 &o0: msrket excited. 15 .- hlsrher: too. 17.70: bulk of sales, 87.40 t7.o0; heavy. 375r7.70; mixed packere. 37 20 760; llnht, i7.1i47; Yorkers, 7.4ur7.M; plB&tvir.p afin LAMBS Recelnts. 6 800: natives, stesdy: westerners, lower. Native lamba, 83.2olo : weatern lamba, 43.00tut.i; native wettiera, to.4Uia4.tu; wratrrn wriiirn, . .. J 4s4 j; Mf A If, T aw si as 8Z.uta.u; lea ewes, --'. ',7""t clipped yearllnge, 33?T3oo; Texas, cllped aheen. 2.NiH; stocker and feeders. 2.)(0 2.90. t. Lo.ls Live atock Market, bt Tnrri Aiia- 28 CATTLE Receipt. B5o0 head. Including 8.000 Texant; market !o hut utead v: native shlpi lng and ex,ert ateera, t6.O2i.06; dreaaed bee-' and butcher steers M. 15411 30; steers . :r,ur i.w lbs., 33 6' '54. 60; stocker end f?eaer. 32.ip4 70; cow and helwrs. $3 Kgi.OO; canners, 31.76 Pr. I Total amount of 2 00 I 3 00 a 3 IS 3 67V4 fg 4 60 fTji rJ 4 60 J 2 if y I eovarsd transfer. 1 1 82.K4 Specialist In all DISEASES and Dl80ROEftS of MEN. 12 years la Omaha. SYPHILIS eured by the QUICK KhTk safest method that he rt been die- goon every sign and symptom dltappe completely and forever. No ."BREAKING OUT" of the disease oa the skin or faoe. A euro that 1 guaranteed te he permanent for Ufa. BLOOD DISEASES 30 60 VARICOCELE detention from work: iwret is s ui wiio ttit cutting, pain; no rk: peraantnt euro guar antetd or MONEY KtFUNDKD. WaCAK M81 from Excesses or Ylotlma te Nervous Debllrty or Exhaustion. Wast ing Weakness with Iany Decay In Yeunf and Middle Aged, lack of vim, vigor and strength, with organ Impaired ana weak. Bl'AlCTlIiB cured with a new Horn Treatment. No pain, no detention from, business. Kidney and Bladder Troubles. Consultation Free. Tretntaaent by Mall. CHARGE LOW. 289 . 14th St, Dr. Soarles & Ssarlet, Cmatu, M. till vs it i Lt 1M iiv;.i;,;'t!; TsvJr. Fsuuyruytii sot a slaal fsllurei kjsitsst. nuo4 eusilau caeat reusrsU la a fa eaei lui a gkaraaaa a MeCeaaeU Drug Co , Osvtaa. Met.