T1IC OMAHA VA1L,Y DEE: "WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1902. r ( i 1 PRESIDENT BURT ARRESTED Judge Berka Imtjss Tsn Warrants for Uiion Pacific Preiidmt FALSE IMPRISONMENT IS THE CHARGE ra Strike Breaker from ladlaaapell File Complaints, Allealna- that In lea Iaela Deprived Them of Their Liberty. President Horace O. Burt will appear -or Judge Berka in police oourt Wcdnee lay morning at o'clock to answer to the charge of fain Imprisonment preferred against him by ten men whom the Union Pacific Imported Into Omeba from Indian apolis to become employes In the shops In place of striker. Warrants for the arrest of Mr. Burt and W. Arnett, general employment agent of the Union Pacific, were Issued by Judge Berka yesterday morning upon the com plaints of these ten men. The warranta were placed in the bands of Detective Drummy for service. At 2 o'clock In th afternoon President Burt, accompa nied by Edson Rich, one of th Union Pacific attorneys, and Charles L. Dundey, also an attorney, walked Into the police station and gave himself up, say ne he understood a warrant bad been Irsued for him. Crummy had started down to the .Union Pacific headquarters to serve the warrants, when he met Mr. Burt and his lawyers going to the police station. Ha did not serve the warrants, therefore, until the station was reached. President Burt listened attentively to th reading of the papers. He then gave bond of $1,000 and was released to appear In po lice court in the morning. His attorneye, Rich and Dundey, signed the bond. When the preliminaries were over Presi dent Burt smiled and. with hla hat In hand, walked Into Captain Mostyn's private office, apparently the least concerned man In the tatlon over what had taken place. He ap peared in a very good humor, but declined to make any statement. He took a seat In the captain's offlce, picked up a copy of The Morning Bee and read the account of his Interview of the day before and also the ac count of the action planned against him, of which hla arrest wa the outcome. Ha smiled and commented freely upon the facts published. As soon as the bond was signed the president, with his lawyers, left the station, bidding the captain and other offi cers adieu. Arnett Oat of Town. It Is understood that Mr. Arnett left th city Monday night. Comes now Millard F. Kldd, who first being duly sworn, deposes and aaya "that on Horace O. Burt, president of the Union Pacific Railroad company, and on W. Ar nett, general employment agent for the same corporation, did within the city limits of th city of Omaha make an unlawful as sault upon Millard F. Kldd, and him, the said Millard F. Kldd, there and then un lawfully and Injuriously, against th will and without th consent of him, th said Millard F. Kldd, and against the laws of th Stat of Nebraska and without any warrant, authority or jusunama cause whatever, did unlawfully Imprison, confine and detain for a long time, to-wlt, for the apace of twenty four hours. This Is a' copy of a complaint, ten of which were yesterday filed agalnat Pres ident Burt and W. Arnett of the Union Pa cific Railroad company . by th following named men, who, with eight others were Imported to the city Sunday from Indian apolis to take placea , of strikers . In the shops';" Millard F. Kldd, Lewis Olllland, I la Farrell. W. T. Bhlpley, Ed Smith, Wllliard Burns, Oscar Dewltt, James Sargent, Mal colm Worthlngton and Lewis Lord. As has been published In The Bea four of the men went to work in th Omaha shop and did not therefor join in th action against th company. Th other four did not appear and swear to complainta yes terday morning, although they wer In th group that consulted ih county attorney Monday. Jade Issues Warrants. Th complaints were mad out In th county attorney' office, th case being placed In the hands of Deputy County At torney Thomas, and wer sworn to before Folic Judge Berka, who issued warranta of arrest for President Burt and Mr. Arnett. Th charge preferred In these com plainta Is that of falsa Imprisonment and la brought on th allegation that th men wr locked In th cars In which they wer being brought to Omaha by the com pany' officials and wr denied their aldness By Shampoos with And light dressing with CUTICURA, purest of emollient akin cum. This treatment at once stop faHine; hair, remove crusts, utile, and dandruff, soothes irritated, itching surfaces, stim ttlaica the hair follicles, supplies the roots writh, nourishment, and makes the hair grew upon a twect, wholesome, healthy calf when all else taHa. Millions Use Ctmccaa Boar, assisted by Ctrncuna Oiktxkst, lor prreerviag, purifying, and beautifying la eila, for oleaaalug th ecaJp of crutta, scales, and dandrug and th Mopping oi falling hair, for eoltaotag, while n. tng, and sootiilag red, rough, and eor hands, for baby rathe, Itchlngs, and chafing, and (oral! th pnruoae of th toilet, bain, and ornery. Millions of women iu CuTlcva. oar la th form of hatha for annoying Irrtta. dona, lnnammatlona, and chafing a, or too fre or oflenalT pertplratlon, la Hi form of Waahas for ulcerative wuakneiac, and for aaany sanative, anUaapUo purpoaa which readily suggest themaelT W women. Complete Humour Cure, SI. Ctmouaa Boar fifte.), teeleana the akin of ' cruaia andaoaiee, and eofieu th thickeued 'unci, t unci aa OlM-aaxT (Mo.), to In stantly allay tubing anU Inflammation, and eootte and Baal, and ( t'Tiut aa HkmilvsjiV 1IUL (Hoc.), to eoul and cluuue Uia Muou. OW'Pa Rwrnithiu Ctoeolate Co!e4) ana M, taaleiaee, odorUaa, aeononilsal eua eulale for Um eaWbrate liquid Cittioub ka OLVIKT a wall a tor all ulnar blood aarlUf ead humoar auras, la ecrew-eap vtafc). euetata tng so auaas, prion, 14. ot ttwtMl (ha Wert. SHa.li IWaati r-v V" V Frea lti IhiM fenrfy.?gl" 6' Prevent liberty for that length of time. While they complain of losing $5 each for fee deposited on securing the promise of work In the Union Pacific ahops at II cent and 29 cents an hour and thlr regular positions back In Indiana, they are unable now to proceed with any action designed to remunerate them for these losses. The crime alleged against the officials Is a misdemeanor and 1 punishable by a fin of from $100 to 1500 or a term of Im prisonment In th county jail ot not mora than on year. President Kennedy ot th boiler makers Is In receipt of a letter from Chey enne, two days late, which state that but live men are now employed In the shops at Laramie. The picket force there and at Cheyenne la said to be greatly enlarged. A decided dump wa experienced In the Omaha shop fore yesterday. Twenty-Tour nren In all left and joined the strikers. Nine of this number bad just com Into the city during the dsy, form'ng part of a group of fifteen Imported from the east. Despite th trouble threatening th officials over .hi r cent Importations from Indianapolis, -.here-fore, the tide of immigration continue. Besides thos who deserted th ranks at the shops th fore wa reduced by twnnty flve others who wer shipped by the com pany to North Platte, where th-y will be put to work. LARGEST SINCE FIRST NIGHT Attendance at Maaleal Festival Ikawi at Gradaal Increase front Opening, Not since the opening night of th Mu sical Festival has there been so large a crowd present aa there was last night. This crowd waa almost as large aa that of the first night, and was an Increase ot fully 20 per cent of th next largest at tendance. This Increase in the attendance has been gradual sine the opening night, there being a larger attendance at each matinee and concert since th opening. Saturday night will be devoted to popular music. Th booths last night wer mors generously patronised than on former oc casions, and the women In charge wer kept busy during the entire evening. These programs will be carried out this afternoon and tonight: MATINEE. March Kllarlty Barrett Overture Semiramlde,.. Roaalnl Flute Solo Prayer ,....fopp Slgnor Lamonaca. Grand Selection Martha Flotow Soloa by Slgnorl Palma and Llberatore. PART II. March Th Buffaloes Engelmann Intermeno L Rose Aschar Funeral March . Rlvela La Oloconda Ponchielll Galop Dances of th Hour EVENING. Symphonic March Dlavoll Roasl Rlvela Overture Saracen Slave Mercadante Trumpet Solo Holy City Adams Slgnor Palma. Minuet Paderewakl The Story of Pierrot Costa Pantomime opera. Incidental oboe aolos by Slgnor Ferullo. PART II. Polka The Butterflies -. Rivela Harp Solo Selected Slgnor Setaxo. Sextet Lucta Donlsettl Slgnorl De Mltria, Dl Natale. Marino, Curtl, Oreco and Dl Fulvlo. March A Frangesa Costa EIGHTH WARD CLUB - ELECTS Repabllcaa Body Selects C. J. Ander son President to Saeeeed . E. M. Tracy. An election of officer of tha mtitfc Ward Republican club was held last night and th occasion brought out on of th largest crowd which. has ever met In tha present club room.. Before the business of th evening waa taken up th hall was loased for th campaign , and permanent quarter were established at Twenty-second and Cuming street. . Th candidates for president wer C. J. Anderson and E. M. Tracy. . Ther wer 181 vote caat, of. which Anderaon re ceived 121 and Tracy 82, th former being declared elected. Mr. Anderson took charge ot th meet ing and upon motion of W. J. Broatch a vote of thank was extended to. Mr. Tracy, tha retiring president. B. B. Zimmerman waa elected first vie president by acclamation. Samuel B. Leon ard wa elected second vie president tn th same manner. W. F. Cowger waa chosen secretary in Ilk manner. C. M. Weed waa chosen assistant secretary. For treasurer, Charlea Leslie, waa (elected by acclamation. The club then adjourned for on week. Two Candidates Endorsed. At a meeting of th Republican club of th west end of th Seventh and Ninth warda last night, a vot ot endorsement was given the candidacy of Frank O. Davl for th legislature and W. A. DeBord for county attorney. FIRE RECORD. Pralrl D (alts Mill. PRAIRIE DU CHIEN, Wis., Aug. 26. Fir late tonight in th Prairie Du Chlen Woolen mllla caused a damage of fully $150,000. Th main building of th plant, which contains th offices, finishing room and shipping room on th first floor, th carding and picking room on th second floor and the drying room and pants de partment on th third floor, and the build ing containing tha washing rooms, dy room and wool rooms, and the large ware house, where hundred of balsa of wool wer stored, war destroyed. Th mill was on of th largeat tn th stat. About 100 persons were employed In the works. Plro at Roaaland, B. C, ROSSLAND. B. C ' Au. !. On of tha beat portions of thla plac waa wiped out by fir yesterday. Half a dosen business houses wer destroyed. Th loss 1 1100,000. Work New Gam In Onaahn. Eddie Moor and O. W. Russell wer ar rested laat night for 'working On soma Omaha business men a trick which Is thought In local do lice circles to be new. The day after the advance agents of RUig- ung tiros, circus nau been through th city sticking Minos mi. he in store windows and giving out comiillmentary ticketa for the privilege of So doing two well dresaed men entered these same placea of bual-n-s and Informed th proprietor that owing to a change of Itinerary the show would not be In Omaha. They then took up the advertising paper and the ticketa. with thank for th ua of the windows. The pair are aald to have realised hand somely on tickets for th Buffalo Bill show which they obtained In this manner. Fraternal I'nlea Delegate. Representative of Kebraaka lodge of the Fraternal I'nlon ot America mat In dis trict convention yesterday to elect dele gatea to the supreme lodge, which will con vene In Denver next October. The meet ing was held at Fraternal Union of Amer ica hall. 151 Farnam street. J. L. Kaley of Omaha was made the president and VI rs. Charles Vance of Wymore waa chosen aa secretary ot the convention. The dele gates aelected to represent this district were R. E. WcKelvy and K. O. Bailey of Mondamln and Banner lodges. Omaha. LOCAL BREVITIES. Dr. C. W. Hayes of Oil Lake street haa returned from Iowa. A meeting will be held under tha ana. pices of the First Ward Republican club rnuay at a u ciock p. m. at Lincoln hall. Sixth and Pierre atreeta. All candidates are respectfully Invited to attend. Floyd J. Campbell has filed suit tn th district court against the Omaha National bank and th Flrat National banK ot Schuyler. Neb., to recover MiKli which he aiiegea to De au nim as one of th cred liurs ot M. Yetter at Co., Insolvent. CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Ifgjor Sands in Oommuiication en Folic Commissioners' Salaries. BARELY A QUORUM AT THE MEETING Contract with Western Anchor Fence Company for Street Stan I Ap proved Rontlno Matter Take I'p Time. On behalf of the Board of Fir and Police Commissioners appointed by him, Mayor Moores has notified th city council In a communication received laat evening that that body maintain it position and rights aa tha only legally existing Board of Fire nd Folic Commissioner of th city of Omaha and the claim of Ita members to draw salaries aa such. Th full text of this communication is as follows: In accordance with the action taken by the Board of Fire and Police Commis sioners of the city of Omaha, duly ap pointed by the mayor and city council and comprised of the mayor, ex-offlclo chair Matthev H tnlllna. Vatrlrk P H,(,v ntiil George A. Mead. I bee to Inform your honorable body that said board la holding regular session at tne omce or the mayor in tne city nan on Monday or each werK. I further give notice. In accordance with the action of aald board, that each of the member claim to be and are the only lawful member of enld board and as such are entitled to the salary provided by law. I am directed to notify you that each of aald members claim such salary. Tou are further notified that any allow ance or payment of salary to the parties recently appointed by the governor as members of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners of Omaha will be unau thorized and unlawful. Th mayor' communication was without discussion placed on 111. Several Member Away. With President Karr still away and Messrs. Zlmman and Hascall gone to Grand Rapids to attend the convention ot the League of American Municipalities, and Mr. Burkley absent, there waa barely a quorum present and th council took very little action ot a decisive character. Mr. Mount presided. A proposition wa received from th Omaha Realty company tor th settlement of general and special taxes now standing against a number of parcela of property In various part of the city owned by that company. In its communication, which Is signed by A. P. Dodge, Jr., the company re late that the regular taxee on the property amount In all to $1,374.60, and the penalties and Interest on those taxes to 13,111.98, be sides which there are special taxes, chiefly for paving and curb and gutter work, which, without Interest, amount to $15,60168. The company proposes to the council to pay $20,891.6$ In full settlement ot these taxes and urges aa an argument In favor of tha offer the statement that many of the special assessments were In district where for some technical defect the proceedings ot the council have or would be declared by court to be Invalid and th assessment thereby nullified. It Is suggested that the amount offered is probably much more than the company would be compelled to pay it It should be constrained to contest the taxes in court. Tne communication waa referred to the judiciary committee and the assist ant city attorney. The appointment by the mayor of John C. Lynch aa a member of the board for tha examination of plumber waa approved. Contrast for ttreet Stems. The contract between the city and the Western Anchor Ftnce company for the work of placing street signs throughout tha city waa presented by the city attor ney, executed on th part of th company and accompanied by the bond of the com pany for the faithful performance ot the contract, and the bond and contract were approved by the council. A report from the city attorney recom mending the payment to the Barber As phalt company ot the aum ot $2,894.06 from the judgment fund, that amount being th reserve for the repaying of Cuming atreet from Thirty-second to Fortieth street, wa adopted. From the South Omaha Land company waa received a communication urging that Ttwentleth atreet to the north line of 8outh Omaha and Twenty-third atreet from Vinton to tha north line of South Omaha be paved. It waa placed on file. A delegation from the Prospect Hill Im provement club, of which Charles Unltt waa spokesman, urged the council to com to th relief of the Prospect Hill dis trict in th matter of much needed Im provements of varloua kinds. Mr. Unltt represented that the aewer ' which ha been so kindly granted by th council at th request of th Improvement club had been found to be Ineffective by reason ot poor water service. The atreeta alao needed grading and there was much need of sidewalk in aome place. Th matter of water supply waa referred to th com mittee on fire, water and police to report at the next meeting. An Invitation from Tel Jed Sokol the Bohemian Gymnastic club to tha mem ber of the council to attend aa enter tainment at Bohemian Turner hall. South Thirteenth atreet near Dorcas, on Sunday, September T, at 2 o'clock p. m. was ac cented. HYMENEAL Prentke-Morrl. A nrettv 6 o'clock wedltlnv waa inUrnn. lsed on Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Max Morris ot 1135 Park avenue, which united their daughter. Miss Hattle Morris, and Mr. David Prentke of Cleveland. O. Onlv ahaiit twantv.flva aueata were nreaant anit thav wv frm among th relative and nearer friend. it was on or tn noma affair that are th mor Impressive for their simplicity. in opening chord of th bridal chorus from "Lohengrin" announced the coming of the bridal party, which desoended the stairway, crossing the reception hall and front parlor between the graduated row of palma that formed an aisle to the far Corner of the room, where a eananv of ferns, amllax and white blossoms waa sup ported by white pillar and under which the marrlaae vows ware aald. Rahhl Ahram Simon officiating. The bride waa gowned In white organ die over white taffeta, with trimmings ot lace, and carried a bible and a few spray of swansonla She waa attended by her sister. Miss Juliette Morris, aa maid ot honor, her aown belne- of mhlta rren with trimmings of applique. Mr. Marcua Feder oi cieveiana acted as best man. Aa elaborate wedding supper followed, th ntlr company being aeated at one long table, which waa handsomely trimmed with archea of green, atudded with whit blossom. Mr. and Mrs. Prentke left last evening for an extended tour through the east and will be at home after October 1 la Cleveland, O. ' Th bride is the second daughter ot Mr. and Mr. Morrl and will be greatly mlaaed In Jewish social circles, of which sb has been a favorite since her Introduction. Mr. Prentke is one of Cleveland's promi nent young business men, being at ths head of the wholesale jewelry firm that bears hie name. BaldwlnCrlttndea. CRETE. Neb.. Aug. ?. (Special.) George W. Baldwin and Miss Myrtle Crtttenden, both of this place, were married here at conn today. Rev. a. W. Mitchell of Franklin, aaalsted by U. A. French ot Lincoln, official- tng. About fifty relative and Intimate friends were present at the ceremony. Mr. Baldwin la a well known lumberman of Crete, having been in that business hare for a number ot year. Miss Crittenden is well known In th educational circle of the (tate, having been preceptress and In structor In Franklin academy for five years. Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin left this afternooa for a two weeks' trip to Salt Lake City, after which they will be at home here in Crete. Poller Warbartaa. PIERRE. S. D., Aug. 26. (Special Tele gram.) A telegram received from Toledo, la., today announces the marriage at that place this morning ot Judge H. O. Fuller ot the state enpreme court te Mrs. Lucy Warburton, both residents of thla city and well known over the state. NO LIMIT TO EXTRAVAGANCE According to Xew York Jndare Has - hand Cannot Cnrtall the Need leas Bapcasce at HI Wife. NEW YORK. Aug. 18. Justice Spring of th New Tork supreme court, sitting la th appellate division, has handed down a de cision In which he holds that gross ex travagance and forgery committed by a wife to raise money do not in this state constitute a cause for action for a limited divorce. He, therefore, refuse to reverse the action ot th lower court, which dismissed the complaint in a suit brought on the grounds mentioned. In discussing the case. Justice Spring la quoted as having aald: A husband takes a wife for better or worse, and because "he doea not conform her expenditures to his notlona of economy is not a ground for casting her from him. MISSING BOY FOUND ALIVE Mlasoarl florae Trader tnapected ot Murder I Row Held for Bratallty. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 26 A special to the Post-Dispatch from DeSoto, Mo., eaye: Con stable Fulcher of thla city, who baa been out with a posse hunting for the boy who waa supposed to have been kidnaped and murdered by Charlea Fulkeraon, a horse trader, near thla city Friday night, dis covered that the boy la alive. He wa aeen in Bonne Terre Saturday morning. The boy, who refused to give hla name, eald he lived at Kennett, Mo. Fulkeraon, who, the boy aald, owed him money, took the boy to the wood and beat him, telling him he would kill him if he ever turned up again. Fulkeraon is in jail at Hlllt boro. FORGER IS N0J UNDER PAY Story that Banker Acre to Bribe Noted Crook to Let These Alone I Not Trnc. NEW TORK, Aug. 16. James R. Branch, secretary ot the American Bankers' aaaocia tlon, today gave the following statement to the Associated Press: Tha report 7,h!cSi h&a &pimied in s iuul many papers, to the effect that Charles Becker, who I serving a sentence for forgery, will be paid a salary, or oenslon. by the American Bankers' association to stop nis career in crime, la absolutely un true. He is now at San Quentltt peni tentiary, California. DEATH RECORD. Give Estate to Charity. CANTON, O., Aug.!t. 16. Mrs, Kate B. Aultman, widow of Ceraellua Aultman, died today, aged 74. She leaves an estate valued at $360,000, moat of which Is distributed la publlo bequests. The deceased givee $100, 000 to the Aultman hospital, $25,000 te the public library and $25,000 to the Flrat Meth odist Episcopal church of thla city. Mount Union college receive $25,000. Th residue of the eatate, eatlmated at $100,000, la to be used to establish a home In Canton for' homeless aged women.' Ex-Governor Hon dir. ROCHESTER. N. T., Aug. 26. A apeolal dispatch to the Democrat and Chronicle from Watklna aaya that ex-Governor George Hcadly of Ohio, died at that place thla even ing, aged 76 year. He and bis family had been at Watklna for aeveral weeks. The remalna will be taken to Cincinnati for Interment. The ex-governor had been 111 tor aome time and came eaat for hla health. He grew worse day by day and died at 5 o'clock thla evening. Orrla L. Stnrtevant, York. TORK. Neb., Aug. (.(Special.) Orrln L. Sturtevant died last evening at hla home on Eaat Hill. Mr. Sturtevant waa an old soldier, serving three yeara in the civil war in Company H, Ninety-second Il linois, enlisting at Rochelle. He leavea a wife and one son. The deceased waa a Mason and the members of that order had charge of the funeral, which occurred thia afternoon at 1 o'clock. Peter . Hoe. NEW TORK, Aug. 2. Peter S. Hoe, the last surviving member ot the original firm of R. Hoe A Co., manufacturer of print ing presses, I dead at Upper Mont Clair, N. J., from heart failure. Mr. Hoe waa born In New York eighty-one yeara age. In 1890 he retired from the Arm and haa lived line then in New Jeraey. Marlon Trlsler, Fort Calhoan. FORT CALHOUN, Neb., Aug. 28. (Spe cial.) Marlon Trlsler, the youngest aon of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Trlsler, died at St. Jo seph hospital in Omaha August 22,' agsd 12 years. Boya Charared with Theft. Mrs. D. C. Bothwell returned tn her house, 1524 South Twenty-flth avenue, be tween s ana o clock yesterday aftttmoon and was just In time to save some small valuables which she had left In the houee from belna stolen. John Thatrher nt An. ton Skllinaki, boya of about 10 and 14 years of as. Ilvlne at Twentieth and Hlckorv street and at 1424 South Twenty-fifth street. wvi in mt duuh ac ine time OI Aara. Bothwell's return and mada thalr uuu through the window by which they had en tered. Thev had nartlallv rananckasl tha house, but old not obtain any plunder. The two wer arreatea a couple or hour later. teal a Bnneh ot Penntea. Dr. F. I. Deanecher and famtlv have been absent from their home, t:n Webster street, since last Friday on a camping tx- pvumun. r nen iney reiurnea alonaay they found that the house had hn an. tered and about 112 worth of pennlea taken. As a revolver and varloua other things uaa ful to a burglar were lying about and were not taken, the doctor has come to the con clusion that the thieves were small boya The pennies taken were In two boxes, one ?' wn,ln w" maraeq witn tne amount, $8.50, which it contained. Search for Silverware. The police have been asked to locate vari ous articles ot silverware stolen lately In Council Bluff and which the authorities of that city believe will be found in Omaha pawnshop. Laat night at about 10 o'clock a sliver teapot and a number of knlvea. forka and spoons were taken from the house of Fred Johnaon. Hi Fifth avenue. On the 24th similar tableware waa mleelng from Ed Brown's and the Vandevere resi dence, 101 Bluff atreet. Marriage Lleenaea. Licenses to wed were Issued y-rday to th following: Nam and Residence. . Age. John C. Oat. Wahoo. Neb 23 Kdith Knapp, Ithaca. Neb...., Is Joaepb Marek, Omaha 25 Joaie N. Bohacek, Omaha 80 Benjamin Blajek. Omaha 22 Alolae Uejdek, Omaha 22 AFFAIRS AT SOUTll OMAHA Kajor KouUky Calls on Oiliient to Observe Labor Day. I FORMAL PROCLAMATION IS ISSUED Prealdeat at Board ( Rdaeatloa la DIre-eted to Proearo More Reona fee the Pabll Sehool PapUa. In accordance with former custom, Mayor Koutsky thla morning Issued this proclamation In connection with the ob servance of Labor day on the first Monday In September: Whereas, ' Under the laws of the atate of Nebraska the first Monday In the month of September In each year Is declared to be and is set aside as a legal holiday and known as Labor Day; and, Whereas, Such day la so designated and set apart as the proper recognition ot labor, who by their energies end toil are yearly building up this country and Improving and developing the material, wealth and resources of tne nation, and whose num bers and Importance are constantly Increas ing and demanding and properly obtaining higher recognition; now. Therefore, I. Frank Koutsky, mayor of the city of South Omaha, hereby request that Monday, September 1, be properly ob served, and to that end the several offlce of th city be closed and further request that all bualneas houses and business place of said city be closed between the hours of I a. m. and t p. m., and that ail person join in and partake of the festivi ties and enjoyments of said occasion. Dated at South Omaha this 27th dav of August, 1902. FRANK KOUTSKY. Mayor. ' Miller Most Art. President A. V. Miller of the Board of Education hae been directed by member of the board to proceed at once to eecure a number of outside room for the accom modation of pupil at tha opening of the schools here on September 2. While a number of additions to buildings are In course of construction. It is asserted that the cannot be completed in time, and therefore other rooms will be needed for pupil to occupy until commencement, or rather the close ot the first eemester. It Is understood that the rental of the rooms authorised will only be temporary, a the addition to the buildings now being built will be ready for occupancy not later than the commencement of the eecond semester. No Changes Yet. Although the city council ordered some change made In the court room eome weeks ago, no start has been made and no blda for the work have been asked for. The reso lution passed contemplates the change of the position of the railings In order to give more room for the public and to pro vide Beats for visitors. Some chsnges were also ordered regarding the location of the mayor' and the police Judge' desks. Some of the membere of the council want to know why the order have not been carried out. Want Street Graded. A petition haa been filed with the city clerk, signed by a number of property own er asking for the grading of B atreet from Twenty-third to Twenty-fourth. Thla mat tar when property brought before the coun cil will be referred to the city engineer and the city attorney. A report will be re quired from these officials before the coun cil will direct the city attorney to draft the ordinance neceasary for the work. As the district Is euch a abort one some of the members of the council are of the opinion that the work could be done with the atreet grader and a little financial assistance on the aide from those Interested in th prop erty on sal in thla vicinity. Decrease Wiped Oat. With yeeterday's receipts of 25,844 head of sheep the decrease was wired out and a comparison with th cam date laat year show a healthy increase In th receipt ot cattle, hog and sheep. Thla Is especially gratifying to commission men doing busi ness at the yarda and to the management aa well. While the big run of aheep rather crowded the alleys for a short tlma there waa bo congeation, aa the big barn will hold double th number received yesterday. Seeking; Information. Officer and members of the South Omaha Cavalry troop are aeeklng Information from the adjutant general ot the state of Ne braska In regard to the request for the troop to go to Fort Riley, during the ma neuvers the latter part or September. What the troop wanta to know Is whether It will be required to take its horses and equip ment or will these be furnished at Riley. Tha officers of the troop intend going to witness the maneuvers, but if It will be necessary for the troop to carry Ita equip ment and convey horses the expense will be more than the troop can afford at thla time. Mario City Gossip. Mra. John Flynn la visiting in Missouri. Jay Williams waa reported on the alck Hat yesterday. Mr. and Mra A.'T. Everett announce the birth of a eon. The banks and city building will be cloaed on Labor Day. Mr. and Mra. L. C. Olbson are back from an eaatern trip. The young aon of Mr. and Mra. James V. Chlsek Is quite sick. r William P. Hannon of Louisville, Ky., is hare vlaltlng friends and relatives. Ed Newvllle haa taken out a permit for a stone building at Polk and Railroad atreets. A case of scarlet fever was reported yes terday at the home of John Wolmsey, Twenty-fifth end Polk etreets. James Lowry, one of the well known cltlsens of South Omaha, Is stopping for a tew days at Excelsior Springs, Mo. Dr. McDonald has returned from an ex tended eastern trip and will remain for some time looking after hla property In terest. By action of th Board of Education, Mlaa Mary Rawley ha been transferred from th unassigned list to the regular teachers' list. STRIKERS SEE PLACES FILLED American Steel Company Starts Ita Mllla at Lehaaea with la. ported Moaaalenlete. LEBANON. Pa., Aug. 28. The American Iron and Steel Manufacturing company tonight atarted a aet of rolllna mllla with negro laborers Imported from Reading and otner piacea. The three plant have beeu idle aince May 1. the comoanv refn.in. te grant aa Increaa to the puddlers. One inousana men atruck and fully twice that number were thrown out of work by the shutdown of the mills. The new men ar being lodged and fed la the mllla. The strlkere are greatly aroused over the new turn ot affairs. Mitchell Hae Mysterloo Visitor. WILKE8BARRB, Aug. 28. Charlea S. Vcaaey. the mysterious visitor who came to thla city and held a two boura' conference with President Mitchell of the United Mine Workers, laat night, returaed to New York today. He declined to aay who he repre sented or what hla mission waa. Mr.' Mitch ell said Mr. Vessey'e visit to town had nothing to do with a aettlement of the coal strike. ' The authorities of the Lackawanna com pany threaten te enter suit against the au thorities of Duryea borough. It ie alleged that a number of constables of the borough arrested two employe of th company without cauae. Soldier Prevent aa Oathreak. SUMMIT HILL, Pa. Aug. 26.-Exclta-ment prevails throughout th Panther mil boai i iiii-ii. ii. in sSUaj creek district today. At daybreak the strlkera assembled to prevent nonunion men from going to work. Anticipating trouble, Major Oearhart sent two com panies of soldiers tn trolley cars from the camp In Manila park to this place and their presence prevented a possible out break. Several nonunlonlsts had been at tacked and the town was in a turmoil. The eoldlers escorted the workmen through the mob that had collected and placed them in safety on the cars which carried tbem to their work. MAY TIE UP STREET CARS Chicago tn Grave Danger of Troable that Will Precipitate Strike on All of the Lines. CHICAGO. Aur. !. fJrave nnaalhlllllaa n a strike that may tie up all the street rail way iinee or the west and north atdea ot ttls city confront the officials of the ITnlnn Traction company. Today by an overwhelming vote the local union of the Amalgamated Association of 8treet Car Employes refused to accept the proposition made by President Roach sev eral days ago. The overtures of the com pany, which Included an lncrA. nf 1 iui an hour In wages, the dissolution of a rival employes association and the employment of none but union men was hallotted n h nearly 8,000 men yesterday. The vote were counted thla morning and although no public statement waa made ot the vote it was estimated that the radical men carried the referendum against the company by nearly ten to one. An agree ment between the union and the railway company exists whereby disagreement rhall be settled by arbitration. Wiiiieiu Mahon, international president of the street car men, exerted hla Influence to avert any strike action and to urge that the union live up to ita lawa. A rupture, however, occurred between the local officials and President Mahon and he left their meet ing with a statement that if the men atruck without trying arbitration the general union would not aupport them In the Issue. Striker Placed Under Arrest. HAZLETON. Pa., Aug. 28. Suspecting that another attempt would be made to resume operations at the No. 40 colliery ot the Lehigh Valley Coal company today, many strikers' pickets were stationed along all of the approaches to the mine. Most of the nonunlonlsts who attempted to reach the colliery were turned back, but no serious trouble occurred. Three strikers who are alleged to have partici pated In yesterday' riot at No. 40 col liery ar under arrest. Other arrests are expected. Machinist Helper Strike. DENISON. Tex., Aug. 28. The ma chinists' helpers of the Missouri. Kansas A Texaa railroad, to the number of 100 went on a strike today. The helpers' asked for a 15-per cent increase. NO INVITATION fb" AMERICA State Department Denlea Honor of United Action la Ven . esuela. WASHINGTON, Aug. 28.-In view of cable reporta from Europe indicating that a movement le on foot to have the United Statea Join Germany, France and other powera with a view to suppressing the disorder In Veneiuela, it is learned at the State department that no euch move as the one suggested has taken official form. It is the belief of officials that the report growa out of the request made by aome ot the foreign powera about a month ago that the United Statea join In a declara tion that the blockade established by the Veneiuelan goverpment waa ineffective. At that time the American government de clined to enter Into a concert for this declaration, on the theory that If the Venesuelan blockade was ineffective It was quite needless to make an international declaration of thla fact, aa the ineffective ness of the blockade would serve all of the practical needs of commerce. Since then there have been no steps taken by the foreign powers toward a concert of actlou with the United Statea relative to Vene zuela. CHANGES IN BIG NAVAL GUNS Length Increased to Give Greater Ve locity aad Peaetra tloa. WASHINGTON. Aug. 28. Connecticut and Loulalana, the two new battleships author ised by the last naval appropriation bill, will carry th most powerful guns, meas ured by caliber. In the world. With the building of each new set of battleships Ad mlral O'Nell, chief of the Bureau of Ord nance, haa tried to Increase the power ot the main batteries, and for Connecticut and Loulalana he Intends to increase the length of the big turret guns to forty-five caliber. Heretofore the longest naval guna FREE SAMPLE ECZEUA Schaefer's, 16th and Chicago 8ts., Omaha. Kuhn & Co., 15th and Douglas Sts., Omaha. J. H. Merchant, 16th and Howard Sts., Omaha. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co 16th and Dodge, C. A. Melcher, 2401 N. St., South Omaha. Geo. S. Davis, 200 W. Broadway, Co. Bluffs, la. and receive a free sample ot Call at Eloiiiicli's The treat remedy for Eczema, Lessen Laundry Labors by using ts It cleans the most delicate fabrics jv but never I ft injures U Mad by Swift & Company built have been only forty tlmee their caliber. Not only will thla lengthening ot the guna Increase their efficiency as to range and velocity (and therefore pene trating power), but it will constitute a distinct advantage to the ahlps. The mux xles of guns of forty caliber, when swung; broadside, juet reach the rail, and the eldo blast when fired prevents the use of sec ondary guns Immediately below. By In creasing the length to forty-five caliber the muxxles of the gun are carried welt outboard. Some improvements also will be made to secure higher Initial velocity. INTERNAL REVENUE IS LESS Jaly Collections Show Decrease aa Compared with Same Month l.aat Year. WASHINGTON. Aug. 28.-The monthly statement of the collection of internal revenue shows that for the month of July the total amount ot collection were 922. 238,825, a decrease as compared with July, 1901. of 17,107,537. The receipta from the several sources of revenue are given aa follows: 8plrlts $11,636,197, Increase 81,401,764; tobacco $3, 428,887. decrease $46,788; fermented liquors $6,066,418, decrease $3,724,000; oleomargar ine $144,846, decrease $261,156; adulterated and process or renovated butter $8,083, law in force only alnce July 1; miscellaneous $951,966, decrease $4,485,442. Topcka for M'lreleaa Tests. WASHINGTON, Aug. 26. The gunboat Topeka, -which Is on Its way north from Venexuela, will be used in the wirelesa telegraph tests. It will go to Norfolk for repairs and will be equtpped with a mast for wireless telegraph purposes, after which It will be uacd in establishing communica tion between the shore at Annapolis and the aea. Later another vessel will be as signed to work ..with It in sea communica tion. WEIDENFELD W0N'T TESTIFY Fnrnisb.es Another Tangle In the Peter Power Salt to Prevent -, Merajer. NEW YORK. Aug. 26. There was a hear Ing today in the proceedings begun In th suit of Peter Power to nrevent the Nnrih. ern Paclflo Railroad company from trans ferring its stock to the Northern Securltlet company. Mr. Guthrie onened tha nlnn by calling Camilla Weldenfeld to the atand, Din ireauweii Cleveland, of counsel tor Weldenfeld. said that Mr. Weldenfeld hsd been required to appear tomorrow to sign hla testimony, and not today and that Mr. Weldenfeld would not testify further. Mr. Guthrie read a letter to tha aralner explaining his reason for calllna Mr. weiuenreld and said: "Mr. Weldenfeld Is in court, I ask him to take the stand." "Mr. Weldenfeld declines to taka iha stand," Mr. Cleveland replied. "He haa re. talned General Tracey aa counsel since th examination of Mr. Thomas. General Tracey is not here and Mr. Weldenfeld will not take the stand." At this juncture Attorney Paul Vf p,,n. offered the testimony of . Mortimer IL uouiweu or Minneapolis and A. W. Bulkley of Chicago, aa to the conversations which took place In Chicago aa to Peter Power's ownership of Northern Pacific stock. For mer juage caay of counsel for George Al fred Lamb, replied that Mr. Lamh'a . did not require the calling of these wit nesses. Then Mr. Cleveland In a long ad dress charged Lamb with belna tha In. stigator of th "Peter Power" case. Mr. uutori wa offered by Boutwell and Mr. Bulkier riven an -- " aaa'. a,) I 0 l TJ t, 1419 land on Thursday and th hearing wa aujournea until Thursday. SANDBAGGED ON BROADWAY Fred West of Boston Die at Sara toaa from Effects of Woaads Received. NEW YORK, Aug. 26. Fred West of Boston is dead at Saratoga from the effects of being sandbagged, says an Albany dis patch to the Times. Mr. West had just emerged from a club house near Broadway, when he waa aet upon by two men, who beat him down an 1 emptied hi pocket of several thousand dollars. CHRIST'S IMPERSONATOR WEDS Anton I.ana;, the Oberantmersau C'hrlataa, Marries th Villa; Blacksmith's Daaghter. MUNICH. Bavaria. Aug. 28. Anton Lin. the Chrlstua of the Oberammergau "Passion Play." and Matilda Ruts, dauehter of tha blacksmith of -the village ot Oberammer gau, ana a participant in the play, were married yesterday. CAN BE CURED Pimples, Skin Eruptions, Piles. Eczema (Sure