Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 27, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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Kin Charteri Inad ) One Day by the
BUt Cankmg Board.
Secretary's Turtm Kent Besy Reeelv.
Ia Katrlea (or tb State Fair
Coaaell Nllra Aaalaat
(FYom a BtafT Correspondent.)
tJNCOLN, Neb.. Aug. . (Special.)
Banking business In Nebraska hat been In
creaslpg at-a lively rata during the lam
three year. Todar cbartera were Issued by
the Stat Banking board to nine new Instl
tutlona Incorporated under the itate law.
Thli bring! the total of atate banka up to
Not only baa the number of binki In
creased, but all Important Itema, auch aa
loans, deposlta and caah, bare gone upward,
some of them being nearly twice ai large
a four or flvs yeara ago. - In March, 1!)9,
there were 305 banka In the aute. when
tne republican administration waa Inaug
urated lait year there were 412 banks under
the atate jurisdiction and since then cbar
tera have been Issued to eighty-seven new
banka. Four banks were closed or consoli
dated during the period.
Following are the Institutions chartered
todar; -
Commercial State bank. Coleridge, Cedar
county: capital, 20,000; directors, George A.
Orey. T. T. Linkhart. N. I. Nellsen, U. O.
Brldenbaugh ar.d John Horsch.
Frmersr State bank. Ithaca, Saunders
county- capital, $5,000; O. F. Wagner, presi
dent; w. t.. Deck, vice president; J. M.
Hall, cashier.
American Exchange bank, Bristow. Bovd
county; capital, iiii.ono; John Frostrom.
resident: Kdwurd Renard, vice president;
I'- rrnmu, caanicr.
. niate nana" of Bee, Bee. Sewarjl county;
appital, 15,000; president, H. T. Jones; vice
president, Oeorga B. Campbell; cashier,
W. B. Thorpe.
The Farmers' bank. Sholea, Wayne
county; capital, 18.000; M. S. Merrill, presi
dent. Grafton State bank. Grafton. Fillmore
county; capital, 110,000; Frank W. Sloan,
S resident; George E. Aldrlch, vice presl
ent. Archer State bank. Archer, Merrick
county; capital. $5,000: Joe A. Haya, J. Si.
Templln and C. Hostetter, Incorporators.
First State bank. Hartlngton. Cedar
county; capital, $30,000; J. O. Beste, George
8. Beovllle, J. C. Robinson, W. 8. Weston,
IXL E- Jones. Jr., Stephen Seln and C. D.
S n aif1law Hal aba.
L.fvJh .rirandetH A Bona. Omaha; capital,
' W.O; Incorporators, Arthur D. Brandels,
uiuium anu nugu n. cranueis,
Mur I'.n tries for Fair.
Secretary Furnas and his staff of assist
ants are working unceasingly In the making
or me nnai arrangements for the state fair.
Entries ara coming in rapidly and unward
of a score of clerks are kept busy assigning
pace to tne exhibitors. On Thursday Sec
retary Furnas will remove his office to the
rair grounds. '
Anticipating an unusually large attend
ance at the fair the Union Commercial club
as publicly asked cltlsens to open their
nomes to visitors who fall to find accom
modations at the hotels.
Vladaet Over Tracks.
ine city council or Lincoln last night
tabled the ordinance to require the Rock
Island Railroad company to build a viaduct
over Its tracks on East O street. Thu a.
tlon was prompted by an outburst of oppo
sition on me part of taxpayers In East
Lincoln, who Insisted that the construction
of the viaduct would greatly reduce the
value of their property. There are only
w iracxs crossing the street and these
are carefully guarded.
Preparations are being made for ths en-
isriamment or the Nebraska. Retail Oro-
eery Mens association when It holds Its
.state convention In Lincoln October 16, 17
and II. It has not been decided in which
Dunning me meetings will be held. A ban
quet will be one of the principal events la
me way or entertainment.
, W. J. Bryan will address the Grand Army
nepuDiio reunion at Hastings on the
afternoon of September and will open the
-democratic campaign of Missouri with a
apeecn at joplln on ths evening of Sep-
Joining counties. Rev. T. Martin of Topeka.
Kan., national prelate of the Knights and
Ladles of Security, and Miss Ella L. Karks,
state commander of the Ladles of the Macca
bees, will be the principal speakers. A
special train will run from Lincoln for the
Ppteadld Institute at Greeley.
GREELEY. Neb.. Aug. 26. (Spoclll.)
One of the most successful Institutes ever
held In Greeley county closed last Fridsy.
The enrollment reached seventy-fire and
the attendance was extraor llasry, bolr.g
ninety-six present J. J. King of Albion.
E. A. McGlasson of Orand Island and Miss
Bertha Henderson of Falrbury were the In
structors. During the week 8uprlntondint
King delivered an excellent lecture, "a
Man of Quality." Rev. A. A. Creianian of
Grand IslsLd gave one of Ms popular ire
turea, "Tom and His Teachers." and Stats
Superintendent Fowler gave nn ;nleitiin
Ing and Instructive address Thursday e.en
log. Superintendent D. D. Donovan la highly
pleaaed with the result of the first Insti
tute under his superintendent.
Falls City laatraeter Chosen. .
FALLS CITT, Neb.. Aug. 26. fSrtfc'el i
At a meeting of the Board of Education last
night E. L. Toble, a graduate of the 6tate
university, was elected instructor of set
ences in the high school to fill the vacancy
causea ny tne resignation of A. J. Mercer.
ine salary or the principal of the h gh
school waa raised from $65 to $70 per
monm. Mrs. riom Flfer of Lincoln Is prln
. me puonc scnoois nere will open
monaay, September 1.
OH Soldiers Gather at Cambridge
CAMBRIDGE. Neb.. Aug. 26. (Spec al )
Yesterday was the first day of the South
western aiBtriet Grand Army of the Re
public reunion. Several hundred people are
on the grounds already. Great preparatlona
are being made to entertain the crowd that
is expected this week. Mlnden and ' Me
Cook play ball here this week and Wilaon-
vlllo and Arapahoe are expected to have a
contest in tennis at thia place some time
tn s week.
Hard Storm Strikes Crete.
CRETE, Neb.. Aug. 26. (Special.) A se
vere electrical storm passed over here early
mie morning. Lightning struck the homes
or c. F. Baker and J. Vltek, but tn neither
case did It do much more damage than to
demolish the chimneys and tear off some
plastering. Halt an Inch of rata fell and
again the farmers are complaining of re
ceiving too much moisture.
Lla-htnlaa- Destroys a Hoase.
BEATRICE, Neb., Aug. 26. (Special Tel
egram.; ine residence of Mrs. Mary
nuoaa, tocatea near Virginia, this countv.
was struck by lightning this morning and
Durnea io me ground with all Its con
tents. The family escaped wHh only oer
' enects. jxss, $1,000, with $560 In,
To Enlarge York Mannfaetory.
iukh.. Neb., Aug. 26. (Special.) The
Downle Wright Manufactures
nas purcnased about four lots
adjoining Its other property In North York.
?vbl" Wl" BoT n opportunity to expand
.m3 plut m Imeiuosa ueuiauua. "
Hall of Bart Named.
uakland. Neb.. Aug. 26.-(Speclal.)
iuw repuoiicans or uurt and Cuming coun
ties met in convention here Mondav .n4
nominated Captain Joseph Hall of Burt for
senator rrom the Seventh senatorial dis
trict. . Captain Hall, who Is an old soldier
and an early settler of Burt county, has
served ens term as float representative of
n ana wasnington counties and also
three terms as commissioner of Burt
Blae River Baptists Elect.
bsathicBj, Neb.. Aug. 26. (Special.)
D'e iviver Baptist aasoctatlon held a
thres days' session at Union hall. Island
Grove townahlp. closing Sunday night, Ths
mowing, was largely attended. Officers
were elected ror tne year as follows: Mod
erator, nev. u. l McBrlds of Liberty
"clerk. Miss Nellie Winters of Western)
u jmm aiapies or Beatrice.
W. C T.
Fear Early Frost.
GENEVA. Neb.. Aug. 26. (SneclaH n,
"""" couuuues misty and cool and some
fear an early frost. Mercury dronned v...
terday afternoon from 9S to 68 degrees.
Perpetrators of Aberdeen Basic Theft
; .Discard Nickel. ..d , Dines, ' '
bat Keep Big; Money,
ABERDEEN. S. D.. Aug. 2 .foni.i a-ii
egram.) Up to this tima ... v
found of the robbera who entered the First
....mM 0.aK nunaay night. The money
found under a aldewalk laat ni.h ..
rnoatly in nickels and dimes, evidently too
bonvy for the thieves to carry. The actual
loss 1 a little over $3,000. not aa heavy as
at first supposed. Officers think the stolen
silver Is planted somewhere in the city
and are trying hard to locate it.
James GUIespla Inataatlr Killed and
Partner Injared by Blast in
Homeataka Mlae.
LEAD, g. D.. Aug. 26. fSn.ei.1 t 1
Gillespie was killed outright and bis part
ner. Timothy Gordon, injured by a blast In
the Homestaks mine. It is supposed that
the men struck a charn of ...
had been loaded In a hole several months
prerious and set It off. Gillespie was blown
to pieces, his body being dismembered
Mitchell to Have a Cora Palace.
MITCHELL, S. D.. Aw. s
Mitchell will have another corn n.i..
The business men of th .
bnen canvassed on tha n
, . .... -."...ion ana
they signified their willingness to support
the enterprise by subscribing over $4,000 to
the fund to defray the exDena.. .v.
affair. The following committee has been
selected to have charge of the enterprise:
end treasurer;
v. laaveattoa at B.ati-i.
. BEATRICE.' Neb. Aug. 26. (Special.)
on-nventwlir'he'l-d 5 mera. TZ
next month, and members r th. i"., ' "tr?c10"' R- Kee. secretan
branch of the Woman's Christian Temper-
" uwaiDg rianorate prepara-
iur toe nueeiing.
Electrical (term la Gaa Coaaty.
BEATRICE, Neb.. Aug. 26. (Special.)
aaTcre eiectricai storm passed over this
section last evening. Lightning struck the
Bostofflee and also a dwelling in the west
pan or me city, but neither of the build
ings were aamaged to any extent.,'
secret rv
mjt. n. r . IJundaaa .I...
tlslng; 8. H. Scallln. buildings and'd...
tiona; J. K. Smith, manager of agricultural
dlsplaya. The aervlcea of A. Rohe of Uw
rence. Kan., have been secured t
the building. The data. r. .k. ...
. " . lu. paiace
have not been settled unon aa .t t.
I. likely thst they will be made 'for the
v ua7a in neptember and the first
eaak laa. a - V
Eainfall ia Greater Portien of th State
Abore th Normgl.
Warm, Dry Weather Seeded from jow
en to Matare Cora CSroaad la
Good Condition for Fall
Following Is the report of the United
States Department of Agriculture, climate
and crop bulletin of the Weather bureau,
Nebraska section, for the week ending
August 26:
The last week has been wet end cool.
The dally mean temperature has aver
aged 2 degrees below normal In eastern
counties and 1 degree below In western.
The rainfall, with few exceptions, has
been above normal. The amount has quite
generally exceeded an Inch In eastern and
southern counties, and In considerable
areas ranged from two to four Inches. In
the northwestern portion of the stale the
rainfall was less than half an Inch.
The showers of the week retarded haying
and threshing and considerable hay in the
northern sections was damaged by rain.
Threshing from shock Is in progress In
northern counties and some damage to
grain In shock has resulted from the wet
weather of the week.
torn has, with very few exceptions
grown wen, and continues to promise
very large crop. The rain In the southern
counties was very timely and beneflcia
to corn. Warm weather is needed to ripen
the corn crop, as It Is maturing slowly
ana is now sngntly behind normal develop
ujrni a mis season or the year.
me sou is now in excellent condition
ior plowing and aeedlng. Fastures
unusually fine.
Soatheaatera Section.
ni . ..
. 11. ,ne outhern and western
portions of this section was needing rain
at the close of last week; some slight dam-
Vi."'" cr"P resulted In parts of Jeffer.
ayL "'more and a few adjoining
counties. The heavy and general rains of
IJ " rell'Ye1 "'I drouth conditions
and were generally beneficial, although the
continued excess in moisture In Polk, But
ler. Beward, Lancaster and adjoining coun-
' ,uce continued growth and
retard ripening. Corn is maturing slowly
and some late flelda will require more than
i l" oeyona damage by frosts.
ine snowers Interfered with threshing in
...w iiuri juni auuin or me fiatte river.
noca inresning Is completed
- , Rround is now in excellent condition
ror plowing and considerable progress has
j-. w.m inia woric tne laat week.
laying nas progressed slowly. Apples are
... Vl'MUlllVU.
Northeastern Beetloa.
Th continued excessive rains of the last
week have been rather Injurious to crop
'"'TJ1'-, Very little progress was mado
with haying and threshing, and some hay
wss spoiled by rain. Hay will be a very
large crop, but dry wthi i. r,uri. ,1
a.n.,.. I. ' iu
Corn has
Pastures are In
. - wvssvai Liu 11. f tf
r.r-B, wuu piuma ana trtoei -r gnnH
Betiveen September :l Oth and 15th we wilt oven tin a nm Aoei
partment on our second floor, Finer, more contpUte and better
stocked than any shot ttore west of Wew York. It will be a shoe
store not only up-to-date, but up-to-morroio.
First showing
and first
sale of
new fall shoes
arrown well hut ! ma !....
, aJ iiicvh win require a
to be beyond danger of Injury by
Central Section.
Hayine- and Iliru1iln . k.... i
tarded by rain. Tha hav prAn will K.
.-i . 1 aA, . . a -
uuiiib wen ana promises a very
!i,VLCop but 18 later than uu and is
maturlnr verv iinwi
places damaged corn
Hall in several
small areas,
' Instltnto to Open at Beatrice, t
BEATRICE,1 Neb.. Aug. 26. (Special.)
ins annual uage county Teachers'. Insti
tute will convene In this, city Monday for
ens week. Ths enrollment of nearly 300
teacners is expected.
Fraternal Pleale at Crete.
' CRITB. Neb.. Aug. 26. (Soeclal.l-Pr.n.
aratiens are being made for a picnic to be
eld here August 21 by the orders of Knights
-u taaies oi security and Knlghta and
"Mies or the Maccabees of this and ad.
Bad Blood
Pimples, rashes, eczema,
boils, headache, nervousness,
debility these are some of
the results of impure blood.
Medical authorities agree
that impure blood can be
made pure and rich. Your
doctor .will tell you about
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Bad Mood follows constipation, and
constipation follows a slutjish liver.
AVer's Pills art liver pills. They pro
due natural dally movements In a
natural wy.
Mem. J. C ATU CO, LevaH, Bass,
Mitchell Train Borvlee Bettered.
it? en -i iinii
"'""U . n.. Aui. It. o i..
TV.1- .... ii . . x yvimi. i
Wl win nave a better train
over the Omaha road, commencing Sunday
A new night train will be established with
- 'i cuies. xne train will 1..-. v
i.w p. ra. ana arrive at s-is .
l.n.. Ill L . .
aya ana It will be a valuable
ment over aervlce to Minneapolis and St
Paul. Efforts are being made to eeeure the
extension of two traina on the Milwaukee
read, which now stop at Yankton and Can-
wu. io nave mem run to Mltehaii .-i.i.
those additional trains there are few towns
In the state that would have a better tr.i
acmes ana out than Mitchell.
Ta Beeare New Cathollo Chare a.
biuua FAtia, S. D.. Aug. 26. (Soeol.l
Father Egan, pastor of - tha r.fku.
ivuuiuu ( nasonaa, nas commenced ths
wora or raising funds for the construction
or a new cnurcn building at that place.
The edifice Is to be tn every wav worth.
of the large and wealth, n.ri.h . e.
r . pi.
rairicas church, where it will be lneat.4
.i win coai oetween ii&.oo nd xia nnn i.
lll be built of brick, trimmed with
reus granite, and will be finished eleaanti.
Adjoarna Coart in raraaera Behalf.
MITCHELL S. D.. Aug. 26. (Soeclal
Judge Smith has adjourned the terms ef
court for Aurora and Sanborn counties until
a later period. They were to have been
held In September, but owing to the im
mense amount of wirk th.t the farmers have
on nana curing that month the Judge has
decided to give them a chance to clean up
their work as much as .possible before haina
tailed on for Jury duty.-
The around la In ui mnjuin. . ....
plowlni la in progress; " ,
Sonthwestera Section.
. .
ii ra v v rama in th or... n .i.. . i . ,L
. .u.nur. .lung t II O
v I intW iHimfr V.ri . . II V. .
showers In the northern hnrilin' Ae,h.
X i wr oenenciai, nut more rain
DI ivearney county,
Threshing and haying have
Corn in most parts of the section has
improved In condition th. i. u.n
plowing la In progress. '
Western nnd Northwestern Sections.
In the eastern Dorttnn nr hi.
wt,weth" has retarded haying and dam
aged considerable hay. Small grain Is
mostly cut and Is a good crop, but thresh
ing and stacking have been delaved by
J" tnf western portion of the dis
trict light rains have been beneficial. Hay-
si."..w'I,tadvanced- Pastures are In fine
condition throughout th. Hi.t-i,.. . Z
Is doing well. "u
Pair of J unit Deal era
Kemnserer, Wys, for Alleged
Killing; of George Norton.
KEMMERER. Wyo.. Aua. J rsn.i.t i
The body of the man found on Willow
creek a few daya ago has been Identified as
that of George D. Norton, who, the authori
ties believe, was murdered. J. W. Jones and
Frank Hutchinson have been air..t.
charged with the crime. The men confess
that Norton waa killed by a bullet from a
gun held by Jones, but that the shooting
was accidental. The men tell the follow
ing story:
While they were In camn with Nnrtnn .
discussion arose and Jones and Hutchinson
charge that Norton Jumped up and grabbed
rne mil stood against the waeon. with
this he struck Jones over the head and
then slipped a shell Into the barrel. Jones
grabbed the gun and in the struggle that
lunuwea it was nischaraed. tha nnii.t
""" la' ref or Norton's head, causing
luiisui ueam.
me aumonties say that it would have
Deen next to impossible to have killed Nor
Inn Irk Iha. -m .
manner oescriDea by the two
men, whose story. It is alleged, does not
correapona witn tfte details of the killing,
Big Green River Lnmber Drive.
OREEN RIVER. Wyo.. Au. 26 -rsn.,i.i
The largest lumber drive that ever came
down Green river arrived here yesterday
-uu " saug oi men is now engaged in re
moving the ties, mine props and other
iimoer rrom the water. The drive was
conducted by the Green River Lumber and
company ana tne timber
the headwaters of the river.
ine urive consisted of 200.000 railroad
tlea and over 220.000 mine props, besidea
mucn nnisnea lumber,
Women's Welt Sole B"
at $1.98
Four new fall styles and genuine
vlcl kid lace shoes with patent tip,
cloth top, Cuban heel and extension
Another vlcl kid lace shoe with ex
tension sole and bull dog toe.
A lady's vlcl kid lace shoe with ex
tension sole, plain leather Up and bull
dog tne. ,
A lady's extra high cut golf cycling
and skating boot, with an extension
welt sole, made In box calf and vlcl
kid, a real 13.50 shoe at $2.50.
A new freak last with an extension
sole, patent tip, bull dog toe and vlcl
kid upper.
at $2.50
A lndy's vlcl kid lace shoe with
beautiful dull kid topping, extension
sole and bull dog toe.
A lady"s vlcl kid shoe with a kid top,
patent tip, and a rope stitched exten
sion sole.
A lady's kid shoe with a dull mat
topping and opera toe and Cuban
at $3 & $3.50
And three new styles of patent
leather shoea with dull kid toppings,
light, medium and heavy weight soles.
Ladles' enamel leather shoe with ex
tension welt sole, opera toe and milt
tary heel.
A lady's very fine vlcl kid button
shoe with a mat kid topping and ex
tension sole and military heel.
otid Lace SllOeS
See Our
Window LIS)
II il t I "I If ill
Zf m hv .1 IWJJ
Sea Our
A lady's vlcl kid shoe with a patent
tip, kid top, extension sole and mili
tary heel.
And two styles of Ideal kid, patent
calf and patent poleskln shoes.
Half a dozen new styles of French
kid shoes with Louis heels and Em
pire heels, plain kid and cloth top
pings. Ladles' enamel patent goat and gen
uine Ideal kid shoes, with military,
Louts and halt Cuban heels, plain
welt, extension and rope stitched
soles with the three new toes.
Condition.- Dorlne tha Lait Waek
Farorabla for Eiptning Crops.
Sprlngr Wheat Harvest la the North.
west Is Not Yet Flnlabed, Hot.
Inge Been Delayed by the
Continued Showers.
and the train came on to Spokane. The
train was in charge of Conductor William
Gilbert of Helena and was heavily loaded.
ST. PAUL, Minn., Aug. 26. A telegram
was received today by the general manager
of the Northern Paclfio railway from a
division superintendent stating that train
No. S of that road had been stopped last
night by a gang of seven or eight men. The
express messenger refused to open his car
notwithstanding the threats of the bandits.
About twenty shots were fired, but no one
was hurt and no one robbed. The work is
believed to be that of tramps.
New Hallroad In
GUTHRIE, Ok!.. Aug.'
28. A territorial
charter was granted today to the Guthrie.
Shawnee ft Coalgate Railroad company,
with tl.nnn, OOn capital, tn biilld a llna fron!
Guthrie westward to Beaver, a distance of
150 miles. The Incorporators Include ex
Governor Barnes and hajf a doxen other
WASHINGTON. Aug. 2. Followina- i.
the Agricultural department's weekly aum-
Ei&ry of crop condition.! ;
As a whole the weather condition! aaat
of the Rocky mountains-, have not been
favorable, being too cool In the northern
districts eastward of the Missouri valley,
with too much moisture In portions of the
central valleya, while excessively hot In
the southern states, with drouth of greater
or less severity generally throughout tho
cotton belt. . ,,.
Although cool, the conditions were falrlv
favorable for maturing xrops in the Ohio
valley and over the southern portion of the
middle Atlantlo states, Us well as on the
Paclno coast.
Corn Is greatly In need of warm, dry
weather throughout the northern nortlon
of the corn belt, where the abnormally cool
weather of the last two weeks has greatly
retarded Its maturity. Over the southern
portion of the corn belt an excellent crop i erlng. The encampment would bring
and 3,000 old soldiers to
la a disagreeable creature to live wltht
A ma t a 1
udod is iq the stosroch
newels. Bbe needs
Prickly Ash Bitters
This great remedy removes at once the bilious Impurities In tha
c -'S?! 'I:! BCT"' r-di woman bl
a- wrNiui fUlUes
at aroma.
was cut on
Harley Board Lets Contract.
mutx FALLS. S. D., Aug. 2.-(8pecial.)
.u nuncj ooara or Education ha.
awarded to D. F. Bennett, a contractor t
mis ciiy, me contract for erectln th.
.wu scnooi building at that nlace. Work
on ine new structure will commence at once.
ii is me intention to have the bulldlna
tuiuyicieu auo reaay tor occupancy at the
commencement of the winter term In Jan
uary next.
Women to Raise School Pnad.
SIOUX FALLS. S. D.. Aug. 2.-fSWl.i
The Catholic women of Brldgewater, with
commendable enterprise, have set out to
raise funds for the construction at that place
" scnooi ouiiQing. to cost about 15,000.
me women win raise part or all of the
amount ny serving dinners, holding fairs
Believed to Be Work of Flrebaaja.
LANDER, Wyo.. Aug. Is. IRn.rl.i
Forest fires are still raging tn the moun.
tains In this vicinity, althouih th. for,.
of fire fighters employed by the . interior
department Is doing everything possible to
extinguish them. It Is alleged that in th.
section where fires were extinguished others
were set n uuuovt parties.
of early corn la now practically assured.
In portions of Iowa and central Illinois torn
has badly lodged, as a result of local
Spring wheat harvest is unfinished tn the
northern portion of the Red River valley.
where It has been Interrupted by frequent
snowers, which have also seriously Inter
fered with stacking and threshing. Sprout
ing and rotting In stack and shock are re
ported from Iowa and in southern Minne
sota threshed wheat Is damp and discolored.
Harvest Is about three-fourths finished In
Oregon and will be completed in Washing-
ton during the present week, with yields
about the average, though less than ex
pected In Washington.
A decided deterioration In the condition
of cotton Is reported generally through
out the central and western portions of
the cotton belt, as well as over a large
portion of the eastern districts. The most
favorable reports are from the Carollnas.
In North Carolina the condition of the
crop continues very promising, although
the prevalence of rust Is widespread. In
tiff soils In South Carolina new growth
blooming and fruitful, but on sandy
soils rust, shedding and prematura open
ing are prevalent.
Throughout the central and western dis
tricts with the exception of northern Mis
sissippi and portions of Oklahoma and
Indian Territory, where the crop is doing
wen, tne reports indicate a decided decline
In Its condition, rust, shedding snd pre
mature opening being general,
Body Found la River nt Yankton.
YANKTON, S. D., Aug. 26. (Special Tele
gram.) The body of a man was found In
the river here this afternoon. It had been
In the water about a month and would be
hard to Identify, hut was that of a man
about six feet tall. -No such man is miss
ing from up-river points so far aa known.
After Veterans' Encampment.
WATERLOO, la.. Aug. 28. (Special.)
The local Grand Army of the Republic post
Is after the state encampment for 1903,
wnu a gooa prospect or securing the gath-
tween 2,000
Fair Wednesday nnd Thursday, with
Warmer Wednesday,- for
WASHINGTON, Aug. 2. Forecast:
For Nebraska, North and South Dakota
Fair Wednesday and Thursday; warmer
For Illinois Fair in north, showers In
south portion Wednesday and Thursday;
fresh east to northeast winds.
For Iowa Fair Wednesday and Thurs
day. For Missouri Fair In north, showers and
cooler In south portion Wednesday; Thurs
day fair.
r For Kansas Fair, tmnt
southeast nortlon, Wednesday; warmer
Wednesday; fair and warmer Thursday.
Local Record.
OMAHA, Aug. to,. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of tha laat thr..
Maximum temperature
Minimum temperature
Mean temperature
1902. 1901. 1900. 1809.
.70 90 M 82
PARTS 1 to 2.4,
Tlie Living
Animals of
the World
At The Bee Office
Prjce 10 cents By mail 15 cents
the VL '.q.ulf St "h?"' for glrla.
vyiioaw oi Haiti
Graduates of Vsssar
..64 78 75
..T T .00
Record of temDeratura and nr.nlnit.tln.
t Omaha. Nel.. for thl. t.v .nri -in.
I March 1. 190":
In Texas i Normal temperature 71
the deterioration has bnen pronounced and I ""nciency tor tne day 10
under th. most favorable future weathor NornL"Pe.S
conditions a yield In excess of ths average I deficiency for the day 10 inch
is Improbable. 1 To'ai, ranfa'l "'nee March 1 20. 8 inches
mrm-iBiicy aiiice oiarcn 1 .21 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1901.. 8.23 inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1900.. 1.71 inches
Reports from Stations at T P. M
.10 00 m tw :-- "iciuuea in in rnrn. - 1.
oi extended
OI v
1 I V "-"ut-iiuii ai ine nest masters
mn.. 1 i...rr. r- '"- couegs. ttHaciirr
:o' fn."""l''.?5 and the University
...1,, . Mu'f, art and the
J?ni ln, Euron'n capital
rnciii tnuruuon anil nr. .
Robbers Hold Vp Train, bat Secure
Nothing; Becanse They Cannot
Blow Open Expreas Car.
SPOKANE, Wash.. Aug. 26. A westbound
Northern Pacific passenger train was held
up at Sandpolnt, Idaho, sixty-five miles east
of here, laat night.
The robbera, of whom there were seven,
forced the engineer to stop the train, after
which they uncoupled the baa ..e
Then they compelled the engineer at the
point of a revolver to null un tha track
Omaha, cloudy ,
Valentine, clear
North Platte, clon.1v
Cheyenne, clear
about three mile, further, where thev tried V.fiear"
WEATHER. : S : ?
: 2 ,: S S
: l: 3 :
i "1! s
li? i
fc . . . .
special attention to the development of IndivM, .Ti.S c"lnc" admits to college.
Te. K."fi' ""i3' "PonBlblllty. Thoroughness .t.'nl "" ,n development of
B.rfili,ild'nr u'-door aports and ! Urga ? ...S Upn " charac!
Swedish apparatus. Physical trainlns dailS ZSn".Z Gymnasium oquipped with
Instructor Hanpy home life. Terms modlrat. dlrec,l("' of a orofeaslonal
Macrae. Principal. Omaha. ncierate. Send for catalogue. Address IvJjs
nvei m 7 ww a iu cub rn ni 1 ni
. m.. .. . . - . ' r ior nn.rna r i ,
eutloa. Handaomalr llluatrW.Tr,-.:. wf,S,,r".;.,n"torT of Mu.lo. Art .'n VZ
" rrea. IWbart . Cook, a Tilu
10 wreck the baggage car with dvnamit.
Tha explosives failed to work and after
spending fifteen minutes with the car the
rentiers decamped, allowing the engineer to
go back to the train with his engine.
Two other bandits had guarded the train
keeping the passengers inside bv flrinr
revolvers along the sides. No attempt was
made to molest the passengers and after the
engine came back the other robbera i.rc
lluron. .cleur
Chicago, clear
St. I.ouia, cloudy
Bt. Paul, clear
Davenport, clear
Kansas City, raining
Havre, part cloudy ..
Helena, cloudy
lilsmarck, clear
Galveston, clear
r r t w a a '
iiacinc toiicoe DVORAK
Grammar School! Dramatic School
"Tho School That
6S1.8J :
82 .00,
78 .00
72 T;
Bin im 1
781 .00
88 .00
T Indicates tracs of precipitation.
1. A. WELSH,
Local Forecast Official.
' rrti irir'nifTfp
, r ma ansfcHi in rr m'iai rm it 1
Brewod from carefliUy selected barley and hops never permitted to
leave the brewery until properly aged.
fMos Uanly Doys."
Pupils Study Under aa Instructor.
IU Graduates enter any College er
University. Social and Athletig
Advaatagea. Vfllitary Drill.
For Boys mt to IT Yeara Old.
IUuatraUd Catalogue sent on apptW
oatlon to
Beary Doaglu Robinson, Warden,
HSMlaa. WbsaaalB.
Kimball HaH. M Wabaah-ar, Chicago.
CaUlog Mailed rsa.
Lake Forest College
:EV. It f f 1 1 r r r. 11. Q.
."J. A.
Chicago -Kent
Collegeof Law
kv -taw department Lafca Foreet I'nl-
.7. uargo r aeaiiy. uegra - ,
oatarrwl on aomplctloa of ttira
yaara aogja, Frapree far Btlmiaaloa
to bar In all slates.
Day and Evening Sessions
enablUieT young men otAerwiea env
p oyed an opportunity s pursue rsT
ular course of studies. Extension
ininiur courae. inaivuiual la-
"iv. lticiiAnn r. harlan
I ' . " s a ana ocienans eoursa.
r "" m um Micnigan. BamU
rural eurroui.dlnss; healthy; experTava!
Good dormitories. Modern gymnaaimj x.
i'r Acada
Ulseourl L-Ttngton.
Woaiworlb Military
In r.n.i. i '"f""1 "'Ury .chosl
aov,t supervlsns
and eflulpment- Arnry oAlcer i
jatUd. vJL tWord iler'ili.
lf-"CbltleadtaBiII." Kearney, Neb.-IJl
in. :Jr" 1 Vna" .WU1 Pn h" new board
BlfiSi ff uXMW'i to e known as "MAN
Snnil wCU wOC,J lfpt-.a Boy recelvad
Yt 7..r 1i K?r f u'1h' Information addreaa ,
Chitten4en Wall. Keajrnsy. Neb.