Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 27, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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Ha was thro driven buck to the station
Dd in ten minutes the train started out.
Loyal Sena of (.awrrarr,
LAWRENCE, Mas.. Aug. 26 President
Roosevelt and his party, amid the booming
at a aaluta, wer received here by Mayor
Leonard and member of the city govern
ment today. The president was escorted to
4 temporary stand erected at the atatloo,
where be addressed one of the largest
crowd that eer gathered In thla city.
Splendid weather conditions favored the
event. The president waa greeted with en
thusiastic cheers when he arose to make
bla address. He said:
l Thla la the section of the country In
which the first blood waa shed In the revo
lutionary war that made tia a nation, and
tt was here also that the two cltlea of
Lowell and Lawrenca (rave their sons to
pour out thtr life blood, the first of the
orenn of life blond poured out from "si to
'f to keep this nation one and great and
free. And so It was characteristic of your
ctty which sent these men- here to tb
great war when a lesser war came up.-my
comrade, men of the Ninth regiment, with
Whom I served before HnntiBgo. In your
turn sprang to the country's call when
once again there waa war In the land.
(Cheer and applause and other eornrarim
of youra, men whom we knew, men of the
Ninth regiment, other men In the far off
Philippines, have, after three years of un
speakable toll and hardship, against a
cruel, reckless and elusive foe, finally won
victory for the American flag.
Our people owe the greatest debt possi
ble to you who fought In the great crisis
In the great war, but there Is a debt owing
also to the men who so gallantly did their
Uutv during the past three years to atve
the'honor of the flag which you handed to
them unstained, should be kept undlmmcd
(applause), and now they have fought and
their success has meant what the success
of the American soldier has alwaya mennt.
Men Go Back to the Plow.
Tou triumphed, and your foes and tfe
tractora said that as mighty an army a
youra waa mcsnt the eslauiisnmeni 01 a.
despotism In this country, and the minute
thst the war waa over you went back to
the plow, to the factory and the farm and
the office and became citizens again. (Ap
plause!. And now In the Philippines our
loldlers have fought and won. To do what?
Tc lesve the country and establish the rule
Of civil authority under the American flag.
And now we have brought peace to the
Islands. They are better off than ever be
fore. Never In their history has each man
had, aa he haa now, such a good chance
for life, liberty and the pursuit of happi
ness. You hava brought self-governing In
dividual freedom to the Filipinos of a kind
that they could have never known under
an anarchic tyranny of their own.
Now we will govern the Islands well, we
will govern them primarily In their Inter
tsts. but In our Interests also. Whether we
will or not, we, aa a nation, confront a
treat destiny. We can -decide, whether we
Will do our work, badly or well- but ws
rannot help doing It. We have got to do
It somehow and I ask that all men stand
shoulder to shoulder aa Americana to see
that they do it well. .. i
- Alter speaking the preildept stepped back
to the train.- Aa It began to move, whistles
from a dozen engines were blown and the
battery (una boomed again. The train left
it 10:30 on schedule time for Haverhill..
President Talks of the Havy.
HAVERHILL, Mass., Aug. 26. President
Roosevelt's special train arrived In this
city at 10:45 a. tn. In a brief address the
president said:
Naturally, at the- home . of Secretary
Moody, 1 should like id say a word or twi
about the navy. Siou'see that when one
v(a.anv, man would leave the Navy
department 1 had to find another Massa
chusetts man to take his place.
I hinic tit whenever we touch the navy
we are sure of a hearty response from any
American audience. We are Just as Biire
nf irh a resnonse out of the mountains
and great plalna of the west as upon me
Atlantic or Pacitlc seaboards .
The entire country Is vitally Interested
In the navy, because an efficient navy of
an adequate else Is not only the best guar
ntv ,r neace. but It la also the surest
means for seeing that If war docs. come
the result shall be honorable to our good
nam. and favorable K our national Inter
ests. Any. really great nation must, be
nnxuiini-iv nii1vA to two things: Stain
on the national honor at home and dis
grace to the national arms abroad. Our
honor at home, dur honor In domestic and
Internal affairs. Is at all times In our own
keeping and depends simply upon tn na
tional nossessinn of - an awakened public
conscience. But the only way to make our
hnnnr as affected, not by our own deeds,
but by the deeds of others, Is by readiness
In advance.
In thraa axeat crises In our history dur
Ing the nineteenth century In the war of
JM2, in Ue civil war ana again in uie spin
l.h warthe navy rendered to the nation
set vices of literally incalculable worth. In
the civil war we had to meet antagonists
even more Drenared at sea than we were
On both the other occasions we encountered
foreign foes and the fighting waa done en
tirely by ships built long In advance and
bv officers and crews who had been trained
daring years at sea when seamen's quali
ties were put to the final test.
It waa tnls preparedness which was the
trua secret of the enormous difference In
efficiency between our navy and that of the
Ppanisn nation, mere was no isck oi cour
axe and devotion amons the SDanlards. bui
on our aide. In addition to the courage and
devotion, there was alao that training
which cornea only aa the result or years o
thorough and painstaking practice. Ann
spoils la, with the sole exception of Its
sister academy at West Point, the most
typically democratic and American school
of learning and preparation that there la
in tne entire country.
There each man enters on his merits
stands on his merits nd graduatea Into a
service where only his merit will enable
mm to be or value.
The enlisted men are of fine type, as they
needa must be to do their work well, and
out of the fine material thus provided th
finished man-of-war-man is evolved by
years of sea service. -It Is Impossible after
tne ouioreau or war to improvise either th
ships or the men of a navy. The ship
builders and Buumakers mast keeD evai
on the alert so that no rivals uasa them bv
and the officers and enlisted men on board
tne snips must in their turn, by the exer
else or unnagging ana intelligent seal, keei
themselves tit to get the best use out of th
weapona of war Intrusted to their cam
The Instrument Is alwaya important, but
tne man wno uses it la more Important still,
hots That Coaat Those That Hit,
Ws must constantly endeavor to perfect
vur navy in an us auues in lime OI peace
mu, iiuyo an, in nimieu enng in a sea
way and marksmanrhlp with the krea
guns. In battle the only shots that coun
are those that hit and marksmanship Is i
matter- or long practice anil of Intelligent
rsui!inf. a navy a cuciency in a wa
aepeivas mainly upon its preparedness
the outset of that war. We are not to be
excuseu as a nation If there is not sue
preparedness of our navy.
No nation haa a rliiht to undertake u hi
task unless It Is prepared to do It In master
ful and effective style. It would be an
Intolerable humiliation lor us to embark on
such a course of action aa followed from
our declaration of war with Bpaln and not
make good our words by deeds not be
ready tu prove our truth by our endeavor
whenever the need calls.
The good work of building up the navy
must go on without ceasing. The modern
war ship cannot with advantage be allowed
to rust in limine. It must be used In active
service even In time of peace. This means
that there must be a constant' reulaceinent
of the InetTectlve by the effective. The
work of building up and keeping up our
navy Is therefore one which needs our
constant and unflagging vigilance.
Our navy la now efficient, but we muit
be content with - no - ordinary degree ot
efficiency. Every effort must be made to
bring It nearer to perfection. In making
such effort the prime factor Is to have
at the head ot the navy such arr'offlclal as
your fellow townsman, Mr. Moody, and the
next Is to bring home to our people aa a
whole the need of thorough and .amnio
preparation In advance: this preparation to
take the form, not only of continually
building shlpa, but of keeping those ships
In commission under conditions which will
develop the highest degreo of efficiency In
in uuicrrs anu enusieu men aboard them.
Dover's First Presidential Visit.
t DOVEH. N. H.. Aug. 26. For the first
urns in ins msiory ot Dover, which was
founded In 1602, a president of the United
States was a guest here today. Thousands
Joined In the welfoo) to President Roose
ye It On tb arrival of the presidential
Jiarty they werj received by Mayor A. O,
Wbitteinore and a committee. Th guests
were escorted to the platform In Franklin
square, where the president delivered an
address. He said:
I speak here in on of th oldest cities
Yoar Liver
Will be roused to ita natural dutle
and your biliousness, healach an
constipation be cured If you UUt
iSoozl'c PHIa
old bj all orut'f lata. tS sent
of the old thirteen colonies from which
eprar.a- the fnlted Htates. and both In your
rnst and vour preaent vou enltomlse much
of the national life. We are all of ua apt
to get to thlnklna- of the nation and state
as abstractions. If we will think of our
selves and our neighbor, how we get along
and how they get alon. we will have a
pretty fair idea of what can be done, sim
ply on a larger scale In -the state and the
ration. Look at your own history here In
Dover; go through the pioneer days and
from them down to the modern city, the
product ol the arest Industrialism of our
We are here now vou are here now I
am addresslna you all, because of the great
Industrial expansion svmbollsed by your
factories, bv the- railroad, the telegraph
and all of their attendants. W'e would not
be here If It was not fnr them, but their
exerclre has caused great questions to rise
In our national life, ft Is a more compli
cated business, Mr. Mayor, to run than It
was to run Dover when Pover .consisted, of
a dozen log cablae. With the growth In
wealth and prosperity has come an acceti
tjatlon' of differences between man and
man -which do harm In twp ways, which do
harm w-hen they make one man arrogant,
which do equal harm when they mak an
other man envious.
, Road to Salvation.
Ouf salvation now, as In the old days,
lies In the practical applying of principles
that In theory we admit to be the only
principle according o which It Is possible
to administer this republic. 'The principle
of treating with man on his worth aa a
man la the principle of recognizing facts
aa they are, of recognizing our material
needs und therefore the absolute necessity
to the prosperity which must satisfy these
material nteris, and of recognizing further
that nothing la to be hoped for from people
who are content only to satlafv their ma
terial needs. If we have not got It In us
the lift toward righteousness, the lift to
Hr.methlng more than material needs, prps
perlty will be a curse instead of a blessing.
I don't care how honest a man Is If he is
timid he is of very little use In the world.
You have got to have courage aa well aa
honesty. I don't care how brave and hon
est a man is if he la a natural born fool
ou can do little with him. (Applause.)
President In Maine.
PORTLAND, Me., Aug. 2. President
Roosevelt came into Maine this afternoon
after having visited many places In the
other New England states and before his
departure tomorrow nlgbt. he will have
Islted every congressional district Itj the
state, the principal city In each district
nd the home, city of each of Maine's
United States senators.. At, -every stopping
place along the line a great. crowd had
gathered, and th president wa accorded
genuine Down East greeting. At Old
Orchard, where th - first stop was ' made
after crossing the state line, thousands ot
people from York and lower-Cumberland
counties had gathered. The halt was for
only twenty minutes, out the president,
sfter recolvlng a , tumultuous . greeting,
poke brle'riy before the Journey, was con
tinued. ' - - r.v; - '
The president addressed- his opening re
marks to several Grand Army veterans
who were present-and spoke t-of Maine's
record in the civil war:
In those davs Maine waa a lessoa to all
for the way .her eons bor themselves In
war. pince tnen ana now sne is a lesson
to ua because of the high average ef cltl
zcnshlp that shows within her borders, and!
I thlr.k It la the same reason lnn-cese aa
n- the other. ' The fact I that here on the
Whole you have remained true to tne old
American theory of treating each man as
to his worth aa a man without regard to
his position.
Now, you over mere (pointing). He was
In the great war. When you went to war
interest in wnat tne man on your right
hand and on your left did, but you. did notl
late 111 ilia lcl lliltuitl UICJ 'nil-
ers or lumbermen or farmers or what if
they stayed "put" (cries of "That Is
right"). That la what you wanted (cries of I
know was wnethe'r the "UVklnTof stuff
was in mm, ir ne had you were for him
and If he did not you wer not tor him.
In cltisenshln.. You have aot to anolv the
same principle In civil life that you made
a success in tne days wnen you fought be-
cause th nation called you in. her direst
When the train left for Portland Senator
William P. Fry had Joined the party.
Greeted by Naval Reserves.
It was Just after I when the presidential
party reached here. A the train arrived
at Union station, a aajute of twenty-one
gun was fired by the .Portland naval re-
serve. m President Roosevelt was met by
Mayor Booiaoy ana wa introduced to a
delegation of citizens, Including Thomas
B. Reed, Judge William L. Putnam, Judge
Clarence Hale, ex-Governor- Henry B.
Cleaves, General Joshua Lr Chamberlain,
James H. Baxter and ex -Governor Freder
ick Robie.
The president was escorted to a raised
platform Just outside" the train shed and
spoke for fifteen minute to a crowd that
filled tb great square.
Compliment to Reed.
Tho president said:
I wish to say a word to you In recognl
tlon of the sreat services rendered, not
only to all our country, but to the entire
ircuiuo ui ueiiiu.-mii government tnrougn- l
out the world, by one of your citizens. The
best institutions are no7 good if they won t I
worn, ii you duiiu tne nanasomest engine i
and It would not go ita usefulness is
limited. Well, that la about the way con
greaa had become about the time Thomas
Brackett Reed was elected speaker. We
had all the machinery, but it did not work
inai was ins iruuoie ana you naa io una
some powerful man who would disregard
ine storm ot oouquy sure io De raised Dy
what he did. to Ret it to work. Such
man waa found when Tom Reed was made
speaker. Now-we -may differ' amona- our
selves as to policy. We may differ among
ourselves as to what courae the govern
ment should follow, but If we possess any
Intelligence we must b a unit. If govern
ment cannot go on It l n government. If
tne legislature cannot enact laws, then
there is no use ot mla namina It a leelsla
tive body and If acooriUng to principle the
majority la to rule, some method by which
It can rule must b orovlded Oovernment
by th tnajorlty In congress had practically
come to a atop when Mr. Reed became
speaker. Mr. Reed,, at the cost of- Infinite
labor, at the cost-ot the fiercest attack,
, 1 1-f. n .1 H In rwilnrln H - r,M -HlTnlnU
and now through congress we can do well
or HI: according aa (he people Remand. 'but
at any rate we can do something. We will
be that much ahead and we owe It more
nan to any other one man to your fellow
cltlsen, Mr. Red, and It Is a great thing
tor tne country, a great ining ror any man able to feeK that In some one Crista
o lert his mark deeply scored for cood In
tne niatory or nis .country, and Tom Reed
naa tn right to that feeling.
Kind Words for Veteraaa.
NOW. a word or two morav I waa araeted
here not only by your mayor, not only by
otner men standing nign, but by you. gen
erui (turning in uenerai joanua L. (.'tis
berlaln), to whom It was given at th
upreme moment of the war to win the
u pre me reward of a soldier. All honor to
he man and may we keen ourselves from
envying, because to you came the supreme
good fortune of winning the medal of honor
lor mighty deeds done In the michtlest
battle that the nineteenth century saw
Gettysburg. I ace everywhere I stop men
who In the times that tried the nation's
worth rose level to the nation a need and
orrered up lire Kladly to the natlon'a altar
men wno ioukoi in tne great .pivii war
from 1MJ1 to 1m'6. They taught ua mucn
by their llfj In wartime and they have
tausht us aa much by their life ever since.
They were soldiers when . we needed sol
diers, and tney were or the very best kind.
and wnen tne need wss ror citixenshlo In
civil life they showed us they could give
tne nignesi sina oi ciusensniUk . isol merely
did they give us a rauulted country, not
merely did tney leave us the memory of
the area! deeds they did. to an forever
after an tnsplrstlnn to us. but they left us
th" memory ol tne way tne dead waa done.
All the time, gentlemen, we have neonle
often entirely well meaning who will rise
up and tell ua that ry some patent device
we can all be saved In cltlsenahip or In
social life. Now. general, and you, and
vou polntlna. who wear the button, when
you came down to the root of things In
wartime you had to depend upon the ouall
tlrs of manhood which had made good
soldiers from the days when the children
of lurael marched, out of Egypt. Rides
now! Instead -of bows then: but the man
behind the rltte is mors important than
thT,?J"!uf . " .'v ' t,
Al iui prraiucui yuarurq us train
aud the party was off for Iel.toa fir
minutes later
Kew titin Ueatroyer.
Dr. King's New Discovery kills consump
tion and grip germs. Cures coughs, colds
and lung troubUa or no pay. 60c, $L
Strong Foro ii Hurriedly Despatched to
WeiUrn Trgcivaal.
Boers Betarntnar , Inarmed to Their
Farms Are) nt the Merry of the
Colored Tribes, Making;
Situation Prerarloas.
JOHANNESBURG, Aug. 28. A strong
force of British troops has been dispatched
to the western border of the Transvaal,
ostensibly to relieve troops ordered to
India, but It Is currently reported that this
step Is taken owing to disturbances among
the natives. Rumors are also current here
of an Intention to annex or establish a
protectorate in Swaziland, where a strong
fore ot constabulary Is now posted. ,
A recent dispatch from London thus
quoted one of the foremost South African
authorities: "Among the Immediate danger
In the Transvaal, native attacka on Boers
returning to their farms and other assault
are threatening to lead to serious conflicts
between Boer and blacks. A great number
of blacks In the country have managed to
secure anus. There I therefor the anom
olous situation of unarmed white and
armed blacks living In proximity on outlying
Natives of the Transvaal have been re
ported as wandering about the country
armed with rifles.
In an article published August 23 In the
Vienna Fremdenblatt General Botha was
credited with saying:
"The civilization of South Africa Is
threatened by the Kfflrs. England armed
these tribes to fight for her, and now the
war 1 ended the Kaffir have not returned
their arms, but have retranted with them
to Inaccessible places In the mountains,
where they are reported to be engaged tn
dally .shooting exercises and preparation
tor war. Unless the English authorities
display the greatest energy the Kaffirs
are likely to cause great trouble."
Swaziland I inhabited . by a warlike
Kaffir race, and lies to the east of, th
Transvaal. The western front ot - th
Transvaal Is formed by Bechuananland,
which Is Inhabited chiefly by th Kaffir
race of th Becbuanas.
Rebel Leader Issues Proclamation
Concerning; the French
WASHINGTON, Aug. 26. The proelama-
tlon Just Issued by General Urlbe-Urlbe,
one of the leader of the revolutionary
force In Colombia, urging hi follower to
continue the warfare against the govern
ment forces until 1904, when, he declares,
the franchise of the Panama Canal com-
pany will be invalid and negotiations can
ci.j ucmctu u.uiuu..
and the United States, 1 regarded with
nnnilHAnhla lnMil tn Crtnl .n Mn.h
. , :, , " "
American diplomatic quarters her. The
officials of the Colombian legation in Wash-
,nton th th
io tne ranama company a irancnise, grantea
by former President San Clemento, Is open
to question of legality, for the reason
that, while It wa approved by the Colom
6uul cabinet, it waa not ratified by the
Colombian congress. Indeed, It is stated
here,-the proposed extension was not even
submitted to the. Colombian congress, th
country belnar then in a -disturbed condi
tlon, which precluded a calling together of
thar body.'
However," Colombian official her point
out thai the questioned extension ot tlm
ha nothing whatever to do with the present
negotiations between tb United States) and
Colombia In regard to the canal. No one
In Colombia, they atate, questions for
moment the validity of th franchise up
to 1904. Th intervening time they con
elder ample for the clearing of title by
the French company, and the transfer ot
Its right to tb United States government,
The extension of the franchise, they claim,
will not enter Into the matter at all. Tb
officials are Inclined to acoff at the Idea
that a revolution of sufficient strength to
prevent the government from carrying out
tt plana In regard to the canal can be
kept up until 1904.
Senor Concha, the Colombian minuter
here, ha furnished the official at Bogota
with a number of modification which Sec-
ri. ...., i tarma of
Ury Hay has proposed in the terms or
tn canal treaty. tnese moaiucauons, it
a stated her, have not been received witn
disfavor at the Colombian capital and th
official are confident that they will t
agreed to.
The Colombian legation tonight received
I . . i . . ...
I cablegram from Bogota corroborating pr-
I vloue omclal reports announcing tne paci
fication of the interior ot the country, and
also giving Minister Concha further de
tailed Instruction regarding the canal
treaty. Th dispatch say th Interior ot
Colombia 1 now entirely at peace and that
there I nothing left of th revolution, savs
on tb Isthmus of Panama and a small
force ot th revolutionists in the state ot
Magdalena.' The latter, according to the
latest official advices. Is giving the Bogota
government no uneasiness. About 10,000
men are being dispatched to th isthmus
and probably 1,000 of them will be detailed
to cope with the situation In Magdalena.
It is said that torn sharp action may
shortly be taken by Colombia a the result
of reports that the rebel gunboats are coal
ing and receiving arms and ammunition at
the Nlcaraguan port of Corlnto.
Certain Tumi Practically Monepellse
Mala Lines af Mann,
WASHINGTON, Aug. 26. The eenu
bureau today Issued a bulletin on th lo
calization of industries, which shows that.
measured by the value ot products, mors
than 85 per cent of the collar and cuff
manufacture la carried on In Troy, N. Y.;
more than (4 per cent ot th oyater can
ning induatry in Baltimore, Md.; more
than .64 per cent ot the manufacture of
glove In th adjoining cities ot Glovers
villa and Johnstown, N. Y.; mora than 48
per cent of tb coke manufacture In the
Connellsvllle district. Pa.; more than 47
per cent of th manufacture ot brasswar
in Waterbury, Conn.; mora than 45 per
cent of the manufacture of carpet In
Philadelphia, Pa.; more than 45 per cent
ot the manufacture of Jewelry in Provt
dence, R. I.,' and the adjoining towna of
Attleboro and North Attleboro, Mass
more than St per cent of the silverware
manufactured In Providence, R. I.; more
than 35 per cent of the slaughtering and
meat packing Industry In Chicago, III.;
more than S3 per cent of th manufacture
of plated and brttannia wars in Meriden
Conn.: more than 24 per cent of th arrl
cultura? Implement Industry In Chlcsgo and
I more than 24 per cent of th silk industry
In Peterson, N. J.
The number of wag earners engaged
in slaughtering and meat packing In South
Omaha. Neb., constitute 90 per cent of th
total number employed In all induatrlea in
the city during the year.
The Iron and ateel Industry formed (I
per cent of all ths Industries In McKees
port, Pa-; ths pottery Industry, (7 per cent
In East Liverpool, O.; th fur bat In
dustry, t per cent In Bethel, Conn.; th
glas Induatry, Fl per crnt In Tarentum.
Pa.; the cotton good Industry, to per cent
In Fall River, Mass.; the boot and ahoe
Industry," 77 per cent la Brockton. Mass.;
the silk manufacture, 76 per cent In West
Hoboken, N. J.; th glove manufacture, 75
per cent In Gloversvllle. N. T.; the Jewelry
manufacture, 73 per cent in North Attle-
boro, Mass.; the collar and cuff Industry,
69 per cent In Troy, N. Y.
Explanation Is Made at AVer llenart-
meat of Delay In His De
parture WASHINGTON, Aug. 26. President
Roosevelt's order to Ocneral Miles to visit
the Philippines reached th War department
In th mall today. General Mile I In
structed to "proceed about September 15 to
the Philippines to Inspect the army there
with reference to Instruction, discipline and
It is the understanding that tn that ca
pacity, though of superior rank, General
Miles will not Interfere In any way with
cither General Chaffee or his successor.
General Davis, In the direction of th army
In the Philippines. He will critically ex
amine the condition a he finds them, de
voting his attention entirely to matters of
army administration and not to political
affairs, and the results of his work will be
embodied In a set of reports.
It Is believed here that h will be ac
companied by at least two members of his
staff, namely, Lieutenant Colonel Wh tney
and Colonel Reber, the latter his son-in-law.
Colpnel Maus, who Is the Inspecting officer
of the staff, also may accompany General
Mile If his health, which I somewhat Im
paired at present, permits.
It developed thst General Miles applica
tion to go to the Philippines wss of com
paratively recent date, and was In no way
connected with hi application of several
months ago. When the first application was
made It was coupled with certain sugges
tions as to terminating the war, and Secre
tary Root'a refusal to grant the first re
quest was based largely upon these phases
of th application. In view of this It Is un
deretood that General MIlea restricted his
recond application so to make the trip
on for purely military purpose. Although
the text of the application wa not given
out at the War department, it I said that
on of It feature Is a request that the
return from the Philippines be fay wsy of
the eastern route. As the application I
approved. General Miles will return by this
route, which will Insure his visiting Europe
on. his way back to America.
It Is expected that Mrs. Miles will accom
pany th general to the Philippines and It
may be that hi married dsughter, who 1
the wife of Colonel Reber, one of the gen
eral's aide, alao will accompany th party.
Th general will return tomorrow from his
New England trip, when his plans will fee
more fully made known.
NEW YORK, Aug. 26. Major General
Nelson A. Miles came to New York this
afternoon from Sandy Hook, where he bad
been attending a meeting of the ordnance
board ot the army. The general declined
to talk about th situation In the Philip
pines, ssylsgft "Tiers fctts been toe ssuch
In the papers about that already."
Canadians Representative Throws
Cold Water oa Invest-
WASHINGTON, Aug. 26. The golden
star of the Klondike Is on the wans, ac
cording1 to the report of George H. Hees,
who recently wag, sent to Dawson by the
Canadian Manufacturers' association to
make a thorough ezamlnatloa Into - th
business prospects, of ths Yukon territory.
The State department today made public
a communication from United State Con-
ul Brush at Niagara Falls, dated August
t, giving some ot the principal featurea of
Mr. Hees". report. Mr. Hees points to ths
tact that the total yield of the Klondike
last year was $24,000,000 and that the pro
ductlon ot the coming year will not, ac
cording to government estimates, exceed
$14,000,000, a falling oft ot nearly one-half.
Moreover, no nw discoveries have been
made for over a year, although sine 1897
thousands of prospector have been explor
ing every creek and mountain tn th coun
try. At Dawson Mr. Hees reports ten ap
pllcant for every job, yet boatload after
boatload of men continues to arrlv.
Major Richard E. Thompson, acting chief
ot the signal office of the War department,
received a telegram today announcing that
the army telegraph Una between Fort Lis
cum, at Port Valdez, and Fort Egbert, a
Eagle City, Alaska, which haa been la th
court ot construction for nearly two and
half year, has been opened. This will
be welcome Intelligence to officer of tb
lgnal corps, for now all that la needed
to open communication with Yukon terrl
tory la the successful installation of . th
wireless system, for which contracta have
been let.
General Randall, commanding th Depart
ment of th Columbia, who has just r
turned to the Paclflo coaat from Alaska
has Informed th War department that the
progress making In ths construction of th
army post at Haines' mission in Alaska ia
not sufficiently rapid to permit of Ita oc
cupatloa thla winter. Therefore he has de
ided to keep th troop now in that sec
tlon at Skagway.
Hakes Special Experiments with Lssg
Field Teleieopte for Ise oa
WASHINGTON. Aug. 28. The army ord
nance bureau ia experimenting at aeveral
army posta with a new type of rifle teles
coping sight. The new sight I known aa
th Longfleld sight, and Is attaohed to the
rifle, running parallel with tha barrel.
Th bureau also baa sent out to tb Phil
ippines a consignment of bolo bayonets,
which are In demand among the troops
there, who believe the curved weapon to be
uperlor to the straight weapon In a hand-
to-hand fight. The troopa have found diffi
culty In withdrawing the straight bayonet
once It haa become embedded. Tha cavalry
men want to try detached bolo bayonet for
cutting through underbrush.
Colorado Decides ta Take Part.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 26. A telegram
wa received at tb War department to
day from Governor Orman of Colorado,
stating that that state naa reconsiaerel
Its former decision not to participate In
tha army maneuvers at Fort Riley, Kan
next fall. Th governor says that he will
be bl to dispatch 250 ot th Colorado
National Guard.
Baanharded for Two Days.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 26. UnlUd States
Minister Bowen at Caracas, Venezuela,
Advises the Stat department . by tele
graph that a government war. ship re
cently arriving at La Buayra, reporte that
for two days It bombarded Ciudad, Bolivia,
after which It withdrew, having ex
hausted its ammunition.
Victims af Astatic Cholera.
WASHINGTON; Aug. 24. The War de
partment today received a dispatch stating
that W. B. McCalt. of Branch port, N. Y.. a
clerk la tha Manila postofflce. died yester
day of Asiatic cholera and that David Back,
formerly of Junction City, Kan., died at
Manila of tha earn disease August It.
Milliter of Finance Eiprtuei Viwi an th
Bngar Question.
Gnlded by Their Own tntereats. In
Which Event Rasaln Will Con
sider Itself free to Disre
gard Treaty gllpnlntlons.
ST. PETERSBURG, Aug. 9 (Corre
spondence of the Associated Press.) The
laet note of M. Witts, the Russian minis
ter of finance, to the foreign press on the
sugar question has not been published In
Among those Russians who have read It
In foreign papers. It appear to have
caused unbounded astonishment. M.
Wltte's conviction "that In this question
h power will be guided by their In
terests and not by what la right," and
hla threat In case any Increase ot duties
a enforced against Russian sugar that
the Russian government will consider
Itself free to disregard treaty stipula
tions when it thinks fit," along with the
system of guerrilla tariff warfare he laid
down, are considered a outwitting even
the Russian finance minister.
The Russian critics of M. Wltte point
out that aa th sugar convention will be
come effective after the expiration of most
of the Russian "commercial treaties, th
finance ministry will be wise not to "tako
general measures against the powers col
lectively," but to adopt "measures which
will be the most advantageous for Russia
tn the special circumstances of each
case." they also point out that about
year ago M. Witt was fulminating
threats ot what he would do In case Ger
many carried out Ita tariff policy, threat
of which nothing more haa been heard
Embarrasses Other Roaalnna.
Alwaya a subject of lively Interest, M.
Wltte and his financial system and policy
have lately more than ever engaged the
aerlou attention of Russian economists
and men of affairs generally. They are
filled with unconcealed misgivings when
they consider the situation of the country
after ten years of his administration and It
la expressing matters mildly to say that
the possibility of his plunging the coun
try Into a aerie of commercial conflicts
has caused downright alarm In wide cir
cles of th Russian public.
Th anxiety from this source would be
Intensified were It not suspected that M.
Witt Is Indulging in a bit of bluff. Since
M. Wltte procured the closing of the Im
perial free economical aoclety after over
100 year of honored activity, hi critic
have been largely silenced except In pri
vate conversation and In foreign publica
tions. Lately, however, they have taken
The official report of Russia's foreign
trade for the first months of 1902 shows
the American Importations to be virtually
the same aa In. 1900, apparently Indicat
ing that Russian buyera have become fully
convinced It ia better to buy American
machinery In spite of the discriminating
duty against It. Tn comparative ngures
for 1900, 1901 and 1902 are respectively
$8,980,000. $7,158,000 and $8,913,600.
In the meantime German and British
Imports have fallen, their figures being
$34,061,500, $32,216,500 and $30,297,000 and
$15,064,000, $14,817,000 and $10,894,000. - The
whole importations have continued falling,
so that the share of America Is relatively
larger than In 1900. The exportatlons
continue .to Increase.
United State Conrt of Appeals ' De
clares Colorado Lave la Violation
af the Coastltatloa.
ST. PAUL, Mlnn., Aug. 26. Judge San
born of the United State court of appeala
In deciding the case of Aaron Keyser against
John W. Lowell, brought here on an appeal
from the circuit court of the United States
for the district of Colorsdo, held that the
Colorado statute of limitation la void and
tn violation of the constitution of the United
The case dates bask to 1885, when the
plaintiff recovered Judgment against the de
fendant in the Utah courts. In 1901 action
upon the Judgment given In 1885 waa b?gun
and Judgment rendered In favor ot the
plaintiff for $9,052.61. When the Judgment
wa obtained the cauae of action waa barred
by the Colorado atatute of limitation. Judge
Sanborn's decision waa very lengthy and re
verses the decision ot th lower court.
Chlrasro Will Reqnlre School Children
to Brlngr Their Drlaklngr Water
with Them.
CHICAGO, Aug. 26. Becauae of the poor
condition of the city water the Board or
Education decided today that it would be
necessary to shut off the water supply from
all of ths publlo schools when they open
next Tuesday. The committee having the
matter under conaideratlon hopea that the
water can be Improved before the achools
ppen, but If thla cannot be done the water
will be ahut off. Pupils desiring a drink
I of water during school hours will be com
pelled to bring a bottle ot boiled water from
meir nomes, or go wunouu An umiuiiieu
use of the water would, tha members ot the
board fear, cause aa epidemic of typhoid
fever among the pupils.
Probably Attacked by Vertlce While
Lesalag Over the Rail aad
Fell Overboard.
NEW YORK, Aug. 26. Captain C. W.
Phillip, commanding tn ranama Kan
road company's steamship Advance, dis
appeared at aea on August 21, during the
voyage of that vessel from Colon to this
He waa 6Z years 01a ana resiuea in
Brooklyn. It waa tnougni on ooara mat
while leaning over tne ran ne waa at
tacked by vertigo and fell into tn sea.
Among the passengers wno arrived on
Advance waa H. A. Gudger, United States
consul at Panama.
Kaasas Paplls Wlthoat Teatbooks oa
Aceoaat ef Jalaae-
TOPEKA. Kan., Aug. 26. Stat Superln
Undent Nelson laid tonight it waa prob
able that th opening of Kansas schools
would have to be postponed next month
on account of the Inability of the Ameri
can Book company to furnish books. The
company haa a contract with the State
Text Book commission which It haa been
prevented from fulfilling by a temporary
Injunction Issued by a court nero.
Guaranteed Pure. None So Good.
Order rreaa H. Mar Compear
ellers oa the Atlaatle Coast scan
Sea and Rnsh ta
. Arma.
NEWPORT. R. I., Aug. 28 The warm
ing Lp exercise of th army of the defense
In this vicinity become quite brisk today
with almost continuous target practice
from daylight to dark, and a general alarm
over an Imaginary foe this evening. No
leave wa given to th men from any on
of .the three fort defending the entranr
to Narragansett bay. Every gun in Fort
Greble and Wetherman, as well as th
mortars, wa used today.
Shortly after 8 o'clock ram the roll of
th drum and the acurry of troops to the
parapets. Almost a doien searchlights
burst forth sad began a critical Inspection
of the channel, while algnal lights were
used In addition to the telephone In com
munication between the two forts. Aa
only a tew belated fishermen were dis
covered running in from sea the game did
not seem worth the candle and th troop
war recalled. Searchlight practice wa
kant lin fnr anma tlm aftar. The little
flying quadron of torpedo boats arrived
a.rlif thla mrMn, frnm tha aatwr4
POINT JUDITH, L. I.. Aug. 26.-A squsd
of twenty-slx men from the warship with
wireless telegraph Instruments and a war
balloon arrived her today and encamped.
Th. an...,! I. In enn.rn.nn . n I l.nt.n.nt
nilffnrd and fcs ..nd.r.tnod tn be one of
nm.,n. hi.. kii.. -,i.ih .e. ..nt
to man the moat advanta.soua nolnts for
observation In thla vicinity la order that
the movements of the aggressive fleet In
connection with tb maneuvers may be
quickly ascertained. ,
NEW LONDON, Conn., Aug. 26. Major
General MacArthur, commanding the - De
partment of the East, accompanied by all
th army officers here, today visited tb
fort in this vicinity and conaidered la
detail tb plan of action and th best
methods of thoroughly testing the ef
ficiency of the fort.
FISHERS ISLAND, N. Y., Aug. 28. For
several hours after midnight last night tha
searchlight ot the army station at Napa
tree Point, off Watch Hill, exchanged sig
nals with a light at Fort Trumbull, New
London, presumably conveying informa
tion' to the army officers regarding the
war gam between the army and navy.
which 1 to begin next Friday at mid
night. -' Summer residents of this island have tor
weeks been deeply Interested In th plan
for th maneuvers ' and the presence of a
camp of artillerymen, among whom the
strict discipline of actual wartime la al
ready enforced, has of Iste added to that
Interest,; : From a hill road near the cen
ter of the island It Is possible to look
down -upon th military ' reservation and
observe the bustle of activity within, but
no near approach to the fort ia permitted.
Major General . MacArthur, commanding
the Department of tha East, haa arrived
here, accompanied by General Harrison and
his personal staff. The general declined to
be. Interviewed regarding the army's part
In the war maneuvers. He did say, how
ever, that all the detail would be perfected
Just as quickly s-possible and that the
army .would , glv good account of Itself
la the s-n:3 oi "T.
Police "Can Find No Trace of the Body
(., or Kven of the Place Where
,,. Maa Died. .
CHICAGO, " Aug. ' 26. Peculiar circum
stances aurrbundlng th reported death of
Thiletua Jonea, represented aa a Boston
millionaire engaged in a targe real estate
deal is 'Chicago came to tha notice ot tha
pollc today. Notice in last Saturday'
paper told of th sudden death of Mr.
Jones ot heart dla-M at th. res.denc. of
a nephew in Astor street, but neither the
name of the nephew nor tb trt number
... . . a ,
waa given. The police nave found no one
here who Itnew Mr. Jones, excepting John
A.. I. Lee, through whom, aa agent, Mr.
Jonea waa reported to be 'negotiating the
purchase' ot certain property. From. Mr.
Lee it ha been learned that the body has
been ahlpped to Boston, but no record ot
tb death can be found In tha health de
partment offices her nor have the officials
Issued a permit for the removal ot tha
body from the atate. Lee tays that Mr.
Jones was accompanied by a nephew, Mr.
Alton by nam.' Lee says that an agree
ment to purchase the property wa signed
by Jones within a specified time and that
on August 2S he received a note from
Alton announcing the death of Jones, that
the body-would be taken to Boeton and
that after ' the funeral he, Alton, would
return and complete tb purchase. .
The -police learned, that tb house at
142 Astor street, in which Lee said Jones
lived, -had been sold recently by th for-
mer owners to a stranger. Ths doors and
window of tb house were locked, and it
bore, every evidence or having been closed
tor the summer. Neighbors said thsr did
not know the new occupant of the house,
but they were positive no funeral had been.
held there and no body had been taken
away, - unless it had. been done sscratly.
The detective will investigate further tha
aale of the Astor street residence, and if
It' shall be found to have been aold to
Jones, It may be broken Into and searched.
Dr. Thomas, an attorney, claims that Leo
waa indebted to. him for money loaned,
legal fee and office rent, and to satisfy
this debt Lee had . assigned to Thomas
$1,100 of a commission to be received In th
Jones' real estate deal. Th police hav
a theory that "Phljetus Jonea" is a myth.
Lee is nearly 70 years of ags aad la said
to be a member of th Lee family of Vir
ginia. For eight yr in that state b
served a a Judge of the circuit court.
BOSTON, Aug. 26. Th nam Phlletus
Jones doe not appear In tb Boston or
Cambridge directories nor th stat di
Governor Beckham Has Commission
Called to Take Preventive Action
Aaalaet Boads.
FRANKFORT, Ky., Aug. 26. Tha stat
railroad 'commission will bs called to
gether early next week to Investigate th
proposed merger of the Louisville Nash
ville and Southern railway by the Morgan
Interests. This action will be taken at
the. suggestion of Governor Beckham, who
addressed a letter to Chairman McChord
of the commission today, calling bis at
tention to the persistent rumors of tha
merger. Ths governor asks thst tbs In
vestigation be mad In order that he may
take steps t forestall the merger If the
oommlsslon - finds that one la proposed.
Section 81 of the -Kentucky constitution
prohibits parallel or competing line of
railroads, telegraphs, telephones or com
mon carriers from combining their capital
atock. Tbla aectloa has been upheld by
tb supreme court Of tb stat and under
ita provisions Governor John Young Brown
prevented tb merger of the Louisville k.
Nashville and the old Chesapeake. Ohio
A Southwestern road a few yeara ago.
letsn Far Cent Profit in Farming, KlU
Bailroadi Mak Arnafe of 5 Far Cent
Shows Why Nebraska farm Are la
Great Demand and Why No More
Railroad Art Bring Con
atraeted la the Mate.
(Issued Under Authority of the Railroad
This I a comparison that has been sug
gested by many ot the country press, and
a It I a fair question to be asked, w
have been ble to compile th figure after
considerable research. v "
No better estimate of the -Value of Ne
braska railroads can be used than the
figures presented to the stockholders of tha
various railroad companles y th officers
of the road In their annual Teports.
It 1 not probable .that tiiey would under-
v,,ue the y,ue ' th Property of ' the
Company In .that lnStSBC. ' FtOm theSe
"f'"1 "Porta ths average value of a mil
" .., iruiu
' 'ntmBt average net earning
,n Nb"" ,n lm w" 2'040' out " n,,n
Um $803.15 Wtt paid fOT taXeS, leaving lh
,Ura of 9MM S the net fenue. Out Of
hlch Interest or dividends wer paid.
W,,n tBta Ura ot mDr t Investor
could have purchased 710 acre of land at
$50 per acre,- a sum over.' tea time th
average that Improved land Is returned for
in Nebraska tor taxation (i.. ., 13.47 . In
1900), and th .following would been
th result If only th average crop was
raised, which the census returns, or those
of the "Bureau of Labor and - Industrial
Statistics," report of thai year for the state
of Nebraska. -
It planted -In . the following , croos tha
figures would b as follows, taking th
state Bureau ot Statistics flijre as being
correct: , , . ', :
e o
740 acres crirn.. 17 1-10 20.064 .27V4 86.M4 75
70 acres wheat 16 - 11.81 M t.KO 00
710 seres hay., 188-100 .1,021 60s . 5,g K
- 1 ,
For a period of twenty-five , year th
value of the corn crop In Kansas has aver
aged $7.81 per acre,' and' In 1895 the Finan
cial Chronicle' edrhplled' statistics which
showed that for that year the rverag value
of the corn crop la the United 'States waa
$6.91, and ot wheat $6.99 per' acre, which
confirms th above figure,' and as Nebraska
la a banner Corn state,' the Kaneas average
la low enough on that crop.
To raise a orop-bf" wheat- tha only reliable
data that could be secured 'wa from the
State Board ot A'gYlcultur of Kansas. From
a compilation of report f rem 120 farm
and nineteen years'' experience they glv
th cost of production of wheat aa follows,,
per acre: . .- . . , ...
Average cost of plowing (or disking). ..$. .M
Averaee cost of harrowlha .28
Average cost of seed and seeding .tut
Average cost of harvesting, v stacking
(or shocking) 1.86
Aversge cost of threshing and putting
In car -........ 1.60
Average cost of wear, ..tear and in
terest On tOOIS 23
. Total 15. H
Tha same authority gives th following
a the cost of production t as acr ot
corn; :;.-Mr. j,.iix' s-iuini-,
I goed ....... .)..:.ii::.;:Jm
Planting with llater-or check rower
rj.nter .w
Cultivating ...i. .......... .i. 1.030
Husking ana putting in crin -...,....,.10
Wear and tear and Interest on cost .
I . ne tools 1.90
Total ,.......$3,267
Thus U would seem, that the 'following
net result would accrue .from the average
farm of 740 acres. If properly conducted In
the year 1900 In Nebraska: - ,
Gross Operating -.Net .
RerelDts ExDense Receipts
740 acre wheat... I4.flni.40 fl.916.64
740 acres hay 6,268.18 2.350.00 2.9U8.16
or an average of -fz.640.4v net roelpt. If
the three crop bad been planted.
In tha foregoing figures ws do not credit
the farm production with th average value
ot tha wheat atraw (80 cents per aofeV. or
cornstalks and fodder ($1.14 ' per acre),
which would b as addltleaal profit, ff esti
mated. ?.,,' -
In Nebraska Improved land Were re
turned for taxation at an average of $8.47
per acre In 1900. This figure would make
It appear that this land would havs, been
assessed at $2,467.80 'that year, end as the
average rat of taxation was $4.27 pef $100
in 1900, the tax- collected would-' hay
amounted to $105.87. The' comparison' wbuld
fleiire aa below: : . - 1 -r "
..v . ' percent'
-Net .! ! Met Taw Net
Earn- Tax Rave- Earn- -lng..
Paid nu lng
in railroads. . .82.040.00. 8X0.U 81.8S6.86 W
66,979 Invested.
in rarma i.wv.w juo.oi z.dw.ub ,
It certainly does not show that tb
farmer baa th wort of it. . '
Th railroad Investor til ' 1900 averaged
5 per cent on hla Investment In Nebraska-
Th farm Investor In 1900 avefaged 7 per
Cent On hla Investment' In Nebraska. '
Tha railroad investor paid nearly twice
aa much tax as tha farmer.
and fijd St.',
N, Y.CIt
Flrcpaeef aoeeseinio
Moderate Rates
Its tea it v Library aaaeiaslve
OrcAaauai Concert JCvsry evening. .
All Care fmmm tko a.mpire.
and for descriptive Booklet.
U:Pi to f p. in.
SUNDAY iM P ;fn. DINNER,' 7e.
Steadily Increasing business has neoeaaU
tated an enlargement of the cats, doubling
Its former capacity.
. . - 1
Fifty-five Musicians. Twenty Soloists.
I IV o ciocK. - a. is u yiocs.
Fifteenth and Capitol Ay. '
Oeneral admlaslon. 35c. Keservd at a la.
I )0o extra. UaUnesv K-o. .