Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 27, 1902, Image 1

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    The Omaha
TwertT-Three Italian! Art Arrssted at
Geneva for Anarchistic Plotting.
They Plained Cad Endiag forFleaiaat
Trip Into Germany. 'fy .
lint Day's Only Inoidenta Art Oration
by the Loyal.
Ho, In Reply, Tells How Pleased He
Is that Italy aad ltd Hilly
Neighbor Ar Friendly
LONDON1. Aug. 26. In a dispatch from
Genera the correspondent of the Dally
Express reports the arrest of twenty-three
Italians, supposed to be anarchists. In con
nection with an alleged plot to derail the
train br In Ring King Emmanuel to Berlin.
ROME, Aug. 26. King Victor Emmanuel
left Racconlgt this morning for Berlin.
He was given a hearty farewell by the
crowds. SIgnor Prlnettl, the minister of
foreign affairs, will Join the king later on.
GESCHKNEN. Switzerland, Aug. 26. The
train bearing the king of Italy and bis
suite emerged from the St. Oothard tun
nel and arrived here at 5 o'clock this
vvenlng. The railroad station was deco
rated In honor of the -king's arrival and
ha was greeted by the playing of the
Italian national hymn and salutea fired
from the heights surrounding the town.
His majesty was welcomed to Switzerland
by President Zemp of that country and the
'federal counsellors. In an address Presi
dent Zemp said this visit qf the king of
Italy was a fresh proof of friendship and
that he was convinced It would draw closer
the ancient and good relations existing be
tween the neighboring nations.
Replying to the president. King Victor
Emmanuel said It was a pleasure to ex
'press the cordial friendship between Italy
and Switzerland, and he hoped It would
constantly become closer. After this ex
change of courtesies the king's train pro
ceeded for Berlin.
German, Experts Sail la. September for
X'mXtrA nn tno
BERLIN. Aug. 26. The object of the
Journey of Count von Thtele-Wlnckler, a
mine owner and prominent German finan
cier, to the United States In September Is
specifically to study the United States Steel
corporation. The oount takes with him two
lor threa experts and he may be regarded
fcimeelf as an expert, since ha is a practical
Iron man,- though no "chimney baron." as
the Germany nobility sneerlngly character
ize tba recently ennobled business men.
Count Wlnckler has asked the manager of
tba United States Steel corporation tor an
bpportunlty to really study its organization
and details of administration at first hand,
and the county has been Informed, through
the Deutsche bank, which made the In
quiry, that ha would have every facility for
to doing and suggestions have been made as
to how he best could accomplish his mis
sion. Count von Thlele Wlnckler, who la one
f tha richest men in Germany, Is said to
have undertaken the trip as an unofficial
lommlssloner of his government. Hta earn
istness and the fact that he takes technical
experts with him gives color to tha idea
that ha contemplates forming a combination
sere Ilka the United Statea Steel coropra
rhoee la Londo Invite Patroaaare of
Peoplo with Parcels for
C" States.
LONDON, Aug. 26. A letter appears In
the London papera thla morning signed by
leveral London shipping agents announcing
Ihelr readiness to transmit parcela to the
United Statea at as advantageous ratea aa
the aostofflce.
Henry Norman, II. P., has written a
letter to tha Times, complaining that tha
proposed parcels post service between Great
, Britain and tha United Statea ia restricted
lo transmission by tha Cunard and White
Star lines. Ha points out that tha use of
steamers of the North German Lloyd line
would In many cases 'save three days In
the delivery of parcela in America, and In
Bo way discourage the building of fast Brit
ish ships by extending preferential protec
tion to tha slow ones.
Rovorament Troops Reeaptaro a Towa
from the Flrmln.
' OAPB HATTIEN. Aug. 26. The village of
tlrabe, eighty-two miles north of Port Au
Prlnca, has been attacked and recaptured
y tha troops or the provisional govern
ment. Llmbe waa In the possession of Fir
Unite soldiers from the Artlbontte dis
trict. Tha fighting waa severe and lasted
from midnight last night to midday today.
Many men on both sides were killed. The
town was destroyed by lire.
Gives Evidence of Another Bllloaa
Attack, bat Hot of Former
ST. THOMAS. D. W. I.. Aug. 26. Advices
received from Dominica today aays that
between 10 in the morning' and I o'clock
In tha afternoon yesterday (Monday) clouds
of dust were seen in the direction of Mont
Pelee and that detonations at long inter
rale were heard until tha morning. Light
howera of volcanic dust fell on Dominica.
English Towa Will Resist Temytatloa
to Reach for tha Capacioaa
CaraeaJe Pocket.
DOVER, England. Aug. 26. The town
councillors today engaged in a long and
seated discussion, during which the idea
of begging waa deprecated and a petition
from Influential townspeople requesting the
souncll to ask Andrew Carnegie tor money
to establish a public library waa rejected
hi a vote of I to T.
Omaha Physician Made fhalrmaa of
Medical Seetloa, National fra
ternal Association.
DENVER, Aug. 26. The National Frater
nal congress, the central organization of
lh? fraternal and Insurance orders of this
country snd Canada, met In annual con
vention here today. President W. A. Warer,
M. D., cf Topeka, Kan., presiding.
There are over 200 accredited delegates In
attendance. Fifty-seven fraternal societies
Hold membership In the congress and the
. spt officials of more than fifty of these
- ending the convention.
a. ' opening session welcomes were
extend. "'nlted States Senator Thomas
M. Fattet- . on behalf of the west, by
Governor Orman on behalf of the state, by
Mayor Wright an behalf of tha city and
by F. A. Falkenburg on behalf of the Col
orado auxiliary congress.
The annual report of President Ed L.
Young of the National Fraternal Press as
sociation was largely devoted to the action
of Third Assistant Postmaster Genersl
Madden in excluding fraternal publications
containing advertisements from the malls
as second class matter. Many apeechea were
made denouncing thla construction of tha
Tha medical section of the congress was
called to order by President M. R. Brown,
M. D., of Chicago. Among the papers read
was one by Dr. O. Millard of the Knights
of the Loyal Guard, of Flint, Mich., on
"Mortality and Its Costs." He reported
the national fraternal congress experience
table to show a death rate at 40 yeara of
13.9 per cent, starting with 100,000 lives
at 20 years. As to this table, Dr. Millard
"I am constrained to call the attention of
this body to tha fact that our table shows
at the age of 40 that the mortality haa In
creased about I per cent over that of tables
that have been standard anywhere In th4
United States or Canada, except In tropical
countries for a long time."
Dr. Millard suggested aa a probable
causa the "hustle" of the lodge system
with the desire to Increase membership and
at the same time the payment by the frater
nal societies of about one-third tha aum
paid by old-line companies to their med
ical examiners for a like amount of work.
Officers were elected today aa follows:
National Fraternal Press association, presi
dent, E. L. Wood. Flint, Mich.; vice presi
dent. W. M. Haag. Philadelphia; secretary -treasurer,
N. E. Stevenson. Chicago. Med
ical section. Dr. Ira W. Porter, Omaha;
vice chairman, Dr. F. N. Smith, Zaneavllle,
O.; secretary, Dr. E. D. Cook, Detroit.
Paper Credits Him with Taking a Bold
Stand Against Party Wire
pullers. LONDON. Aug. 27. The Times this
morning published an editorial article dis
cussing President Roosevelt's decision to
appeal from party wire pullers to the
people on the trust question. The paper
aays: "This Is a bold decision if Presi
dent Roosevelt is ambitious, of a second
term, but he Is shrewd sa well as courage
ous. We cannot, however, venture to form
a Judgment of hta chances ; ot success
against the strong forces arrayed on tha
opposite side. Tha American people
themselves have no very clear Ideas on
thla aubject and their political prophets
ara all at sea In their speculations.
"It la Interesting to observe that In
America It Is frankly assumed that Mr.
Roosevelt's object la to throw a protecting
shield 'over the capitalist and his attacks
on the trusts are? regarded with suspicion
by American protectionists.
"The result of the struggle between a
eravlng for protection and Impatience of
monopoly will soon be visible In tho
United States, and Mr. Roosevelt, appar
ently will have credit for having raised a
great Issue with conspicuous fearlessness."
ljudge I.acombe I'pholda Validity of
Will of Lata Daalel
Fay erw rather.
NEW YORK. Aug. 26. A decision was
handed down today by Judge Lacombe In
the United Statea circutt court deciding,
ao far as that tribunal Is concerned, the
noted Fayerweather will case. Judge La
combe's decision confirms the decision of
tha atate court of appeals of July, 1897,
which admitted the will of tha lata Dan
iel B. Fayerweather, the millionaire
leather merchant, to probate. Under the
terms ot the will tha greater portion of
the estate, estimated at $6,200,000, was
divided between various colleges and uni
versities mentioned In tha will. Judge La
combe's decision dlsmlssfd an action
brought by Emma Fayerweather and Mary
Wachter, niecea of Lucy Fayerweather,
widow of the dead merchant, to contest
the will and leaves the colleges and uni
versities In the undisputed possession and
enjoyment of the money granted them.
Tha decieion, however, does not mean
that the case will end, aa an appeal will
be taken at once to the United Statea su
preme court In Washington.
LoasT Paper Aeeoants for His Deposi
tion from Traasvaal Le- .
LONDON, Aug. 27. In a dispatch from
The Hague tha correspondent of the Daily
Mall declares Dr. Leyda, who was the Euro
pean representative ot the Transvaal re
public, has been deposed because ha re
fused to account for a large sum ot money
missing from the Boer exchequer. The
Boer cause, continues the correspondent,
will be agitated through the length and
breadth of South Africa on the model of
the home rule campaign in Ireland, and this
sgttatton will call for all the foresight and
firm nets of which British statesmanship is
capable. Tha first move in tha game w'll
be the proposala tha Boer generals will ask
of tha British government aa the prlca of
their assistance in the reconciliation and
settlement ot South Africa.
Two Men la tha Same Towa Daager
oasly 111 with tho Samo
PRATT. Kan.. Aug. 26. Mrs. Kimball Is
dead from "lumpy Jaw," caught from cattle,
and Mr. Cochrane of tha Pratt Republican
haa been brought to a hospital ia this city
dangerously afflicted with the disease. An
other man, whose name has not been
learned, has caught the dlaease by chewing
straw. Mr. Cochrane caught the disease by
lying down la a pasture In which "lumpy
jaw" cattle grazed. Tha doctora hero say
there ara only alx casea on record where
human beings have caught "lumpy Jaw"
front cat Us.
Pise Barrens of the North Present Problem
to Agricultural Department
Believes that with Proper Treatment
They Will Become Valuable
Dairy and Sugar Beet
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Aug. 26. (Special Tele
gram.) Since bla return from his tour of
the west the secretary of agriculture has
set his experts to work to solve a problem
which has been presented to the depart
ment, namely, denudation ot the pine for
ests of Michigan, Wisconsin and Minne
sota. Ths stump lands of these states, he
saya, form a desolate wilderness, but he
has faith that his experts will soon de
termine the varieties of grains, grsssea
and legumes beet adapted to the conver
sion of these lands Into productive farms.
The problem Is unlike any heretofore pre
sented, for tba reason that both the aoll
and climate condttiona are dissimilar to
those prevailing in other sections of the
country. The secretary believes they more
nearly approximate the conditions govern
ing Danish agriculture than any other por
tion of this country. The annual rainfall
is twenty-five inches, while the dense fog
which floats Inland from the Oreat Lakes
add to the humidity available for plant
growers. Tha soil Is strong In vegetable
food and is largely permeated with iron,
which renders the clays a deep red. The
secretary will detail scientists from the
department to examine the soil and will
probably send others to Denmark and Nor
way to make observations of agriculture
under similar physical conditions. At the
present time large numbers ot Findlanders
and Scandinavians are aettllng in the dis
trict referred to, which the secretary esti
mates to equal in area the atate of New
York. There is also a sufficient number of
American settlers to teach the principles
of self-government to their neighbors.
Necessity for Reformation.
One of the peculiarities of the situation In
this deforested country Is the necessity ot
Immediate attention being turned to refor
estation with a view to providing fuel, fenc
ing, lumber, etc., for the aettiers. Mr.
Wilson predicts that this section will be
come a great stock and dairy center, and
that the land, will yield handsome returns
when devoted to the culture of sugar beets.
He says that In time the beet sugar pro
duced from this vicinity alone will equal
the present output of the entire country
and that the residue or beet pulp will be
fed to large herds of dalrv cattle.
Assistant Secretary ot the Treasury Tay
lor today decided to accept the site of
fered by Alonzo J. Barklay for the new
public building at Boone, Ia. This site Is
situated at the northwest corner of Eighth
and Arden atreeta, and the price Is $11,600.
Roatine of Department.
The comptroller of tha currency haa ex
tended the corporate existence of the First
National bank of Seward, Neb., and tha
Firat . National bank . ef . Caaaeltoa. H. v D..
until tha oloae of business on August 26,
The Continental National bank of New
York haa been approved aa reserve agent
for the First National bank of Burt. Ia.
Kittle Herring of Waterloo, Ia.. haa been
appointed a $900 clerk in the pension
agency at Dea Moines.
Rural free delivery service will be es
tablished October 1 aa follows: Nebraska,
South Auburn, Nemaha county, an addi
tional route; area covered, thirty-two
aquare mllea; population served, 625. Iowa,
Latimer, Franklin county, two routes; area,
forty-one aquare miles; population, 640;
the postofflce at Coulter to be supplied by
rural carrier. Strawberry Point, Clayton
county, three routes; area, seventy-two
square miles; population, 1,500; the postof
flce at St. Sebald to be supplied by rural
Democrats Pat t'p Candidates la
Illinois aad Ohio Dis
tricts. PARIS. 111., Aug. 26. The democrats of
the Eighteenth Illinois district today nom
inated H. C. Bell of Mashall, Clark county,
for congress. Hon Joseph G. Cannon la
the republican nominee.
SPRINGFIELD, 111., Aug. 26. Ben F.
Caldwell of Chatham was nominated for
congress by the democrats of the Twenty
first congressional -district.
JONESBORO. 111.. Aug. 26. The demo
cratic congressional convention for the
Twenty-fifth Illinois district today nom
inated Jamea Lingle of Union county. Thts
was the second session of the convention.
Reed Green of Cairo, who waa nominated
several weeka ago, having declined the
MANSFIELD, O., Aug. 26. George D.
Neal of Knox county was nominated for
congress by the Fourteenth district demo
crats today. Before tha convention as
sembled It waa understood that Mayor F.
J. King of Lorain would receive the nom
ination, but aa temporary chairman ot the
convention he made a speech, endorsing
Mayor Tom Johnson of Cleveland and criti
cising ax-Presldent Cleveland, D. B. Hill
and W. J. Bryan, and hla name waa never
presented to the convention.
One Blank Space Left to Be Filled
by Womaa -Candidate If
SPRINGFIELD. 111., Aug. 26. The peo
ple's party of Illinois held a convention
here today and the following atata ticket
waa named:
Clerk of the Supreme Court W. W. Scott
of Marlon county.
State Treasurer Dietrich Balser ot Mad
ison county.
State Superintendent of Public Instruc
tion W. C. Gullett of Fulton county.
Trustees State University Richard Stan
ley ot Morgan county and Henry Johnson
of Vermilion county.
Tha selection of a third candidate tor
trustee waa left to the chairman of the
state committee, and If possible a woman
will be aelected.
Joseph Hopp of Chicago was re-elected
chairman ot the atata central committee.
Resolutions were adopted favoring ths
Initiative and referendum; a law to prevent
blacklisting of employes by corporations;
a law to prevent use of convict labor la
competition with free labor; holding It to
be tne duty ot the government to take pos
session of all anthracite coal lands and mine
coal; pledging support to the union label,
and declaring that trial by jury should be
given In contempt cases growing out of
violations of court Injunctions.
Repabllcaa State Conreatloa Is Try
lag to ( home Betweea rive
SACRAMENTO, Cal., Aug. 2 The re
publican state convention reassembled this
morning and after ths presentation of com
mittee reports sdopted a platform. It
deplores the death of President William
McKlnley. The administration of President
Roosevelt Is Indorsed aad he Is especially
tbanked for his support of measures pe
culiarly beneficial to the coast, such as
Irrigation of arid lands, the exclusion of
Chinese and the Isthmian canal legislation.
The convention Indorses the "firm, but
enlightened policy pursued In, the Philip
pines, which baa secured peace In the Is
lands," and urges that "contention over our
policy In the Philippines should now cease
and the beneficial plsns of the civil govern
ment be given the united and cordial sup
port of all the people."
The convention recommends that liberal
pension provisions be made for the soldiers
and widows of the lata civil war and of the
war with Spain.
On the question of trusts tha convention
expresses Itself aa follows?
w condemn all conspiracies and com
bines to restrict business, to create monop
olies, to limit production, or to control
prices, and favor such legislation as will
effectually restrain and prevent all such
abuses, protect and promote competition
and secure the rights of producers, laborers
and all who are engavd In Industry and
commerce, and we approve and commend
the efforts of President Roosevelt to en
force the laws against Illegal combinations
In restraint of trade, and pledge him our
hearty support In all his efforts to protect
the people from all oppressive combinations
of capital.
The platform recommends the construc
tion of government ships In government
navy yards and urges the adoption ot an
eight-hour schedule for labor on all gov
ernment work, whether performed In public
or private establishments. The platform
opposes "all reciprocity treaties Inconsist
ent with the protection to American labor
and Industry," and any reciprocal policy
not laid down in the republican platform of
' The platform also favors legislation which
will ao regulate the process ot Injunction as
to prevent Its exercise In abridgement of
free speech or peaceful assemblages. The
platform rejoices "in the fact that the act
providing for the cutting of a canal be
tween the North and South American con
tinents was passed by a republican con
gress and signed by a republican president."
It waa quickly noticed by the followers of
Governor Gage that the platform failed to
Indorse the state administration, and a
warm debate followed. It being declared
that the omission was for the purpose of
prejudicing the cause of Governor Gage,
who la a candidate for renomlnatton. The
matter waa finally compromised by the
adoption of a resolution Indorsing all the
. .
Five candidates were placed In nomina
tion for governor, namely, Henry T. Gage,
the present Incumbent; E. B. EdBon, the
present railroad commissioner; Dr. George
O Pardee of Alameda, Thomaa Flint. Jr., of
San Benito and J. O. Hayes of San Jose.
Three ballota were taken without result,
the last one standing. Gaga, tZ2; Flint,
27; Pardee. 121H; Hayes. 67; Edson. 89.
Adjourned until tomorrow. !;
Second Primary May Bo Necessary to
Settle Soath Carolina,
COLUMBIA. 8. C., Aug. "26. Democratic
primaries for tha nomination of governor
and a state ticket, congressional repre
sentatives and state legislator wera held
throughout thla state today. Ballota were
also cast to determine a successor to United
Statea Senator McLaurln. It Is eatlmated
that -30,000 voters were recorded, but on
account of late returns only 30,000 votes
had been reported up to midnight. Owing
to the South Carolina primary law, which
demanda that successful candidates must
receive a majority of the votea cast In
primaries. It Is possible that a aecond pri
mary will be ordered. In which those two
leading candidates for every office which
failed to receive a nominating vote will
be entered. Every nomination, with the
single exception of state treasurer, waa bit
terly contested.
From returns that have been received It
Is understood that D. C. Heywood of Colton
la far ahead In the race for tba guberna
torial nomination, with ex-Congressman
Tolbert aecond, and Lieutenant Governor
James H. Tillman third.
Partial returns from forty-three counties
show that In the contest tor the United
Statea aenatorshlp to aucceed Senator Mc
Laurln, Congressman Lattlmer leads, and
therefore will be In tbe second primary.
Hla probable competitor will be either D.
G. Henderson ot Aiken or ex-Congressman
J. J. Hemphill.
U. X. Gunter Is named for attorney gen,
cral and Colonel McMahon la named for
superintendent of education.
A aecond primary will be called to de
termine the nominations for lieutenant gov
ernor, secretary of state, comptroller gen
eral, railroad commissioner and congres
sional representatives.
Gold Democrat Slated to Be tho Nom
inee of Parties for Got.
RENO. Nev.. Aua. 26. Tha
convention waa called to order at 1 o'rlnev
and A. J. Denton of Lincoln was choaeu
temporary chairman. The pnmmiu.. nn
credentials waa appointed, after which the
convention adjourned to attend a reception
tendered the delegates by Francis O. New-
The silver convention waa rail. ,
at the same hour and Governor Sadler waa
elected temporary chairman. A committee
on credentials waa appointed and reported,
after which the convention aril nil rn A.I fn.
the aame purpose aa the democratio wing of
me organization adjourned for.
The indications ara that thr win k.
fusion and that John Sparks, a gold dem
ocrat from Washoe, who voted for McK nley
two yeara ago, will be the fusion nominee
tor governor.
Lem Allen of Churchill will be tha nnmi.
nee for lieutenant governor.
C. D. Van Duser. another democrat win
be the fusion nominee for cona-reas: J. v
Talbot of Elko, for supreme Judge; Wil
liam Woodman ot Ormsby for attorney gen
eral; P. C. Weber of White Pine, for comp
troller; E. D. Kelly, Washoe, for surveyor
general; David Ryan, Story, for treasurer;
Andrew Maupe of Nye. for aunerlntnint
of public Instruction.
The conventions ara now In iminn mn
the sliver convention Is discussing tbe ad
visability of Increasins the delegation from
Nye, Elko and White Pine.
Commltteea on permanent oraanlzaiinn
resolutions, platform and conferenr will ha
appointed tonight, after which the two con
ventions will adjourn until tomorrow. There
la much speculation aa to tha outcome.
Blackburn's Joint Committee Inoounteri
Bom Stubborn Legal Propositions,
Majority Proposes that Coanty Com
mittee Shall Take Control of Pri
maries, as It Is Required
to Do by Law.
Tha Mercer-Blackburn Joint committee,
which attempted Illegally to absorb tba
rights and powers of the county committee
last Saturday, hesitates to proceed with
the game mapped out for It. While Mr.
Blackburn, who appears to be the whole
thing in the joint committee, just as he Is
in the congressional committee, professes
to be In a position to carry out his original
plans for controlling the county primaries.
It Is plain to be seen that ha realizes that
he haa overreached himself, for he wanta
now to talk of compromise with the ma
jority of the county committee who have
called another meeting for next Saturday.
Mr. Blackburn's Joint committee, with
aeveral absentees, met twice yesterday, but
transacted no business, indicating that the
Mercer managers feet the Illegal ground
that Is under them. During the day they
conferred with E. J. Cornish and W. J.
Connell, and expressed their willingness to
make concessions if some arrangement
could be made to have a part of their pro
gram, as started last Saturday, carried out.
At the conferences yesterday Mr. Cor
nish and Mr. Connell discussed the legal
phases ot tha situation with a clearness
that left no room for doubt aa to the county
committee's right to name the primary
election officers, select the polling places
and apportion the delegates from this
county to the congressional convention
among the political divisions of the county.
It was also shown clearly that tbe county
committee has no authority In law to sur
render the control of the primaries to a
sub-committee, even of Its own creation.
James H. Van Dusen, the author of the
primary election law, waa quoted aa say
ing that "the intent of the law was to
safeguard the rights ot the Individual
voters by permitting them, through their
direct representatives on the county com
mittee, to control their own prlmsrles."
Furthermore, Mr. Van Dusen la authority
for the statement that tha law does not
contemplate the delegation of the work of
the county committee to any small frac
tion thereof, which would not be directly
representative of each and every political
division of the county.
Blarkbnrn Is Anxious.
While In interviews Mr. Blackburn con
tends that the meeting of the county com-
tnlttaa ea114 for T t Rttird7 niM fta
Ignored by his Joint committee, he Is dis
playing great anxiety aa to the probable
action of next Saturday's meeting, and waa
ready to discuss terms upon which his
faction might enter the meeting. He waa
told that the majority of the county com
mittee had come to understand -that their
action of last Saturday waa clearly illegal
and the purpose of next Saturday's meet
ing waa merely to correct the error that
had been made. Tbe coming meeting had
been - called . tar tha purpose of selecting
Judges and clerks and polling places and
assuming general supervision of the pri
maries In Douglaa county by the Douglas
county committee as a whole, In compli
ance with the plain provisions of the law.
While the right of the congressional com
mittee to make the apportionment of. dele
gates among tha subdivisions of the county
was denied. It was said by Mr. Cornish and
members of the county committee that
there was no disposition to make an ap
portionment different from that already an
nounced by the Mercer congressional com
mittee. The assertion of Mr. Blackburn that the
meeting of next Saturday had not been
legally called, because "Chairman Goss had
not even been consulted," was not given
serious consideration. "It Is absurd," said
a member of the county committee, "to
assume that the created Is greater than
the creator. As a matter of fact, Mr. Goss
was out of the city when tha call was pre
pared, but even if he had been here, a ma
jority of the committee would have had
tha same right to call a meeting without
his acquiescence. Do you suppose that If
the president of a bank should die, or dis
appear, the board of dlrectora would be
powerless to meet and continue the busi
ness T"
Mr. Blackburn'a claim that the necessary
Ave days' notice of the meeting had not
been given la met by the fact that the call
was Issued and mailed to every member
of the committee on the 25th, just six days
before tha 30th, the date ot the meeting.
Intlmatloa that He Is Going East to
Coasalt with President
DETROIT, AugT 26. General Russell A.
Alger, former secretary of war, leaves for
an eastern trip tomorrow. It Is Inti
mated here that tha trip savors of a call
on President Roosevelt for a conference
regarding Alger's candidacy to succeed tho
late Senator McMlllln aa United States
senator. It Is said the president would
like to see the two senators from Michi
gan mora In harmony with administration
vlewa than Senator Burrows haa been and
that be is inclined toward Congressman
W. A. Smith as a successor to Burrows
two yeara hence, and that Alger Is likely
to get the administration's stamp of ap
proval In the present campaign. Smith
and Alger had a conference In Detroit yes
terday. Senator Alger declared he was
In the campaign and would be there with
hla friends to the end. Tha general had
been previously characterized aa a passive
Two Persons Killed and Three Serl
oasly Injared In Aeeldeat at
Long- Braarb.
LONG BRANCH, N. J., Aug. 26. Two
were killed and threa injured In an auto
mobile accident at the Park Avenue bridge
over tha New York ft Long Branch railroad
tracks today. In trying to avoid running
down a man, Frank J. Mathews, president
of tha Realty Trust company of Jersey
City lost control of his machine and It
plunged against tha ratling, broke through
and dropped to tba rails, thirty-five feet
below. Mr. Mathewa was Instantly killed,
tha heavy machine falling upon him. Mrs.
J. H. Cobb of Richmond, Vs., one of his
guests, died later at tha Monmouth Me
morial hospital, and Mrs. Louis I'lxzlnnt,
her alster-ln-law, Is believed to be dying.
Rev. Father Grant of tbe Paullst church,
New York, suffers from shock and bruises.
The chauffeur, Rudolph Meyer, escaped
with slight Injuries, as he leaped to tbe
bridge just aa tha machine plunged over
the aide.
Forecast for Nebraska Fair Wednesday
situ iiiurnuijri warmer weunesaay.
Tmperatar mi Omaha Yetrdr I
Hoar. Dea-. Hoar. Dear.
B a. m io 1 p. an tid
fl a. m fin 9 p. m HH
T a. m (is It p. m w
A a. m ..... . nn 4 p. m ..... . HH
O a. m K p. m
1 a. m .ei A v, n till
11 a. m trj Tp. m i
13 m 64 ft p. m H
p. m...... T
St. Joseph Batcher Declares Prices
Vnlform, bat Secret Rebato
Made to Bayer.
8T. JOSEPH. Mo., Aug. 26. (Special Tel
egram.) The first testimony' In the alleged
Beef trust Inquiry commenced today be
fore Special Commissioner H. I. Kinley of
Kansas City.
John Wood, a local butcher, waa the only
witness examined, when court was ad
journed until tomorrow forenoon. Wood
testified that he had, for twenty yeara,
bought beef of the packers and about two
yeara ago he was Informed by the packers
that the price of beef had been raised and
that the prices were uniform. Since then
he had been given a rebate by tha Ham
mond and Cudahy companies, but waa sworn
to secrecy by the salesman of whom he
purchased the meat.
"I was told that If I squealed on a
aalesman, his house would have to pay a
fine of $50," said Wood. Witness further
stated that he had tried to buy meat of
the Ottumwa (Ia.) house, but tha meat
could not be delivered.
Most of bis testimony was objected to
by Attorney Alexander New, who conducted
the case tor Swift and Company, on the
ground that it waa most all on hearsay.
Disagreement Anton the Stockhold
ers Given as tho neasoa for
KANSA8 CITT, Aug. 26. The Culver
Lumber company, successors to the Kan
sas City Southern Lumber company, owning
extensive timber forests at Craighead, Okl.,
with lumber yards In Kansas City, Mo.,
and a sash and door and box factory at
Kansaa City, Kan., was placed In a re
ceiver's hands today. Assets are esti
mated at $50,000, and liabilities at $2.r0,000.
A receiver has also been appointed for
the company's Arkansas property, said to
be valued at over $500,000. In Arkansas
the company owns land In Green county,
with two mills at Sedgwick, a store and
twenty miles of railroad.
Receivers were appointed in Kansas Cltv
upon the application of Mary C. Culver
and H. A. Culver, majority stockholders,
trouble having arisen over the manage
ment of the firm, whose capital la $300,000.
Tbe chief creditor Is the National Bank
of Commerce of Kansaa City, Mo., which
holds a claim of about $30,000 against
the company.
Ed S. , Orris ofBmfralo Bald to Be
. Indebted to tho Grand
SALT LAKE, Utah, Aug. 26. Official an
nouncement has been made before the Elks
lodge in this city that a shortage of $16,000
has been discovered In the books of Ed S.
Orris of Buffalo, N. Y., grand treasurer of
the grand lodge of Elks.
Mr. Orris was re-elected at the recent
reunion In Salt Lake. According to a mem
ber of the grand lodge the shortage was not
discovered by the auditing committee until
after the election. Mr. Orris, when con
fronted, stated that he could and would
make the shortage good at once, but this, It
Is announced, has not been done.
' The official announcement does not state
what action will be taken In the matter.
Officers Of that City Detain Stranger
Resembling; the Chicago
FREEPORT. 111., Aug. 26. A man who
waa arreated at Rock City today on suspi
cion of being Bartholin of Chicago, was
brought to Freeport tonight by Sheriff
Fox. To a representative of the Associated
Press ha aald his name was O. G. Holcomb,
tbat he had recently been aelllng wines
for a Weldon. N. C. firm and that hi r.m.i.
became exhausted at Madison, Wis., and b
left there on foot last Saturday night. He
says that ha was auditor of the Lexington
hotel at Chicago In 1901 and 1902. He bears
uech a striking resemblance to the Chicago
man that Sheriff Fox has decided to keep
him until his identity Is established.
Supreme Court Decision Causes Latest
Stampede of Land
EL RENO. Okl.. Aug. 26. The decision
of tba supreme eourt attaching a atrip of
land four miles wide to Oklahoma from
the Chickasaw nation has brought thou
sands of people here to file at the, land
office, and today mora than 400 filings were
rejected. Special tratna are bringing in
additional crowds and the rysh for these
lands promises to be almost aa gree
the opening last fall. There ara abott
1,500 farma In tha atrip.
Coroner's Rcvlwera Come Oat Plainly
la tho Caso of Tom
CHARLOTTE. N. C, Aug. 26. The coro
ner's Jury In the caae of Tom Jones, the
negro who assaulted and fatally Injured
Mrs. Smith, and who was lynched yester
day, has approved tba act of the lynchers.
The names of tbe men are not known, or.
If known, are not mentioned In the verdict.
Movements of Ocean Vessels Ana-. 2H.
At New York Arrived: Frederick der
GroKse. from Bremen Stilled: Consuelo,
for Hull; Kron Prlns Wllhelm, for Bremen
via Plymouth and Cherbourg; Patricia, for
Hamburg via 1'lvmoulh and Cherbourg.
At I'shantl Passed: Neko, from San
Franclsoo via Valparaiso, etc., for Ham
burg. At Rotterdam Arrived: Ryndara, from
New York via Boulogne Pur Mer.
At Bremen Arrived: Hohensollern, from
New York.
At Cherbourg Arrived: Kxiserln Msrla
Therewa, from New York via Plymouth, for
Bremen, an-1 procedi-t.
At Quernstown Arrived: Ivernla, from
Bo'tnu, for Liverpool, and proceeded.
At Liverpool Arrived: Taurlc, from New
At Plymouth Arrived: Kaserln Maria
Theresa, from New York, for Cherbourg
and Bremen, and proceeded.
At Genoa Sailed; Lombardia, for New
Praaidant TJisouueg the New Eepublio'i
Keedi in BpeVoh at LowelL
Bellevs, the Isle to. Be Bound to Fifox
In Future Affairs.
United States Can Go Farther Than Dutj
with Profit
Punctuate Hla Plain Itteraaeea with
Spoataacons Oatharata aad Cheer
Him Load I y 'Wherever They
Catch Sight of Him.
AUGUSTA. Me.. Aua. Jr. Pr.M.n.
Roosevelt today passed throuah three
states, delivered elaht aneeches and ra.
celved th plaudits of 250,000 people. The
greeting wblch baa marked his progress
through New England la flattering In tha'
extreme and today'a experience demon
strated his popularity perhaps more than
ever berore. Everywhere at the regular
atops and the smaller stations along tha
road the people were strenuous In their
efforts to catch a glimpse of him. or hear
blm speak, and at Haverhill. Mass.. thla
desire assumed such a form that the crowda
completely overrode the. police and sur
rounded tbe president's carriage, making
It difficult for It to advance.
The day's Journey was not without tt.
Incidents. As the president was about to
noara bis car at Lawrence, Mass., after
delivering his address, the leader of tha
band stepped un and made himself known
to blm. He aaid his name waa Bansn, a
former cowpuncher and barber at Medora.
N. D., where the president's ranche is lo
cated. Tbe president Immediately recog
nised and greeted 'blm as an old friend.
The man, evidently desiring the president
to know that he bad profited by his ad
vice, given some years ago, said to him:
"You told me to get married 'and aettla
down and I did. I have got alx children
myself," which afforded the president no
little amusement.
Tonight hs Is the guest of Governor Hill,
who met him at tha depot and escorted
him to his residence, where tba president
made a abort address. The governor"!
house has become historic because of the
fact tbat It waa the home of James O.
Blaine and the president occupies tonight
tbe Identical bedroom used by that states
man. Talks of Porto Rico and Cuba.
LOWELL, Mass., Aug. 26. President
Roosevelt arrived from Boston at 9:19 a.
m. and spoke to an Immense crowd hera
When I got on the train this morning
on of the llrst to- groet mo was ex-Governor
Allen . of Porto Rico, your fellow
townsman. (Applause.) . .
Now, you don't hear much about our
government of Porto Rico, because there
in nothing sensational in a complete suc
cess. (Laughter and applause.)
Under Governor Allen and since under hli
successor Porto Rico has been governed
so well that it Is not entitled to any space
in the newspapers. (Laughter.)
Now, gentlemen, we have done our full
duty by Porto Rico. We have done our
duty by Cuba. But I want to ask this peo
pie to act further than tinder a sense ol
bare duty. To act In a spirit of generosity
such as befits a great republic dealing wltn
a new republic. And I want, furthermore,
that pur people should be awake to their
cwn Interest In the seaa and lands south
of our country.
We drove oat those who had been on
preening Cuba and we cleaned house for
them. Not an easy task, for many of tho.te
cities had never before been cleaned in
their entire history. We Introduced a
tchool system. We made Justice in fact as
well as In name. We atamped out the
plague of yellow fever, a plague which was
a menace not merely to Cuba, but to our
?nndehntrn "tate'1 A then w le" th"
frees Reciprocal Trade.
But from the very necessities of the case
rfih-0"" to uhave "tmata relations
with them. Cuba has got to be in a sense
a part of our International policy system,
and I ask most earnestly that In return we
It K.ihr part Pf our economic system by
establishing reciprocal trade relations wuh
bright AApplause' cheers and cries of
1 ask It In her Interest, and I ask It In
?UL"r.v.Tliere '" ? sre,u market In Cuba, and
I wish to see it controlled In the Interest
of our own people. 1 am speaking In one
of the oldest industrial centers of tnla coun!
try and one of the places In which modern
Industrialism In America took its rise I
am speaking In a place which, In addition
to being an Industrial center, has always
bten willing to devote Its best blo$ and
Its effort on behalf of any moral question
Jens touched the consciences of its citl-
I think, men and women of Lowell that
you are in those two points" typical of tie
u,L .Aner' citizenship. You hivj
Jnd.eup,hla, city, through the develop!
ment .,,yourJ, factories, through the busi
ness skll and enterprise and the manual
labor both hard and skillful, ot your sons
Y-M-ave dor" .that and wh" the country
ca ed you sent your sons to answer ths
call. You have feit the need of doing the
practical business work necessary to be
done and you have alao responded to every
call to do more than that work. v,r
Lands Governor Allea.
Now I ask that you show both tralta in
dealing with the country s islanda and the
Islands south of us with which we have
been brought Into such close relations aa
the result of the Spanish war.
We did well in Cuba. We did well In
Porto Rico. That waa because we could
coiint on the service. vt men like Governor
Allen, services which should be both In
terested and Intelligent. Mind you. both
You have got to have morality first, but If
morality hus not got common senaa with
it the result will be unhappy.
l!d.!!ow. '.1 dealIn wll C"'ba, in dealing
with the Isthmus across which we ara to
build the great Inter-oceanlo canal we
must remember, that we can do good with
ourselves permanently only If we do good
to thos with whom we are brought Into
contact, that we must keep both facta well
in mind. We must keep our own Interests
as well as the Interests of the weaker peo
ples whose destiny Is now Inextricably in
terwoven with ours. I ask you, then to
'V1 that e S,ve Cuba reciprocity
with thla country, primarily in Cuba's in
terests, but also tor our own great bene
fit. 1 thank you.
Yoaaar Vets Participate.
Acting Mayor Badger and a committee of
tbe city government met tba president at
tbe station and wera preaented by Charles
M. Allen, former governor of Porto Rico.
After a few words of welcome ths party
took carriages and drove rapidly to tha com
mon through streets arched with bunting
and lined with cheering people.
Arriving at tha speaker's atand, tho pres
ident was presented to ths people In a brief
sentence by the acting mayor.
A aeutry, a Spanish war veteran, stood
on either elds ot the president as he rose
to speak. Cheers and applause greeted him.
At the close ot hla speech the president
passed to bis carriage. At tha rear of tha
platform he found the local camp of Span
ish war veterans drawn up at a "present."
Tbe president smiled and. standing up In his
carriage, spoks a few words to them, con
cluding, "aad I'm nighty glad to sea you."