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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1902)
The Omaha Daily Bee. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, TUESDAY MORNING,' AUGUST 2G, 1902-TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. TRUSTS HIS THEME Pretideit Takes Up Corporation Question in Plain 8pech at Boiton. URGES THAT CONGRESS REGULATE THEM Proposes that It Given tha Power and Besponsibilitji EXECUTIVE BRANCH WILL DO ITS PART loita Undertake by En ox Are Not for Mere Effect PRESENT SYSTEM, HOWEVER, INADEQUATE Vlrat Chans Desired In Provlalon for Compelling a Greater Publicity f Affairs of Merging Corporations. BOSTON, Aug. 25. President Roosevelt's train left Lynn at 4:40 and reached Boston at 6 o'clock, on schedule time. Under escort of cavalry be proceeded to Sym phony hall, where he delivered the follow ing address: Governor Crane, Mayor Collins, Men and Women of Boston: I am glad to have me chance of saying a few words to you this evening. There are several matters that I should like to discuss, and 1 can say. In all sincerity, that when I come here to New Kngiand, when I come to Uoaton. I like to go over as many subjects as possible, so that 1 can get light on them. 1 have great faith In your Judgment. I wsmt to take up this' evening the gen eral question of our economic and social relations, wtth specific reference to that problem with which, I think, our people are greatly concerning themselves the f problem of our complex social condition ns ntenslfted by the existence of the great corporations which we rather loosely desig nate as trusts. But I wish to say one or two things as preliminary. In the first place, I have not come here to say that I have discovered a patent cureall for the trusts. Promises and Their Keeping. When people's minds are greatly agitated on any subject, and especially when they feel deeply, but rather vaguely, that con ditions are not right. It Is far pleasanter In addressing them to be Indifferent as to what you promise, but It is much less peas ant afterward. Of course the worth of a promise consists purely In the way in which the performance Bquures with It. That has two sides to It. In the first place. If a man la honest, he will try Just ns hard to keep a promise made on the stump as one made off the stump. In the second place, If the people keep their heads they won't wish promises to be made wmcn are iuiyusaiuie nf nerfnrmance. "Now you see that one side of that ques tion Is my duty and the other Is yours. Mankind goes ahead, but slowly and It foes ahead mostly through each of us rylng to do, or at least through each of the majority of us trying to do, the best that la In him and doing it In the most in telligent and sanest way. Common Cltlsea's Responsibility. We founded our republlo on the theory that the average man as a rule will do the right thing, that In the long run the majority are going to decide for what Is ane and wholesome. If our fathers were mistaken in that theory. If ever the mass of the -people do what "Is unwholesome, what 'Is wrong, then the republic cannot stand. Now, when we coma to the question of good citlsenshlp, the first requisite is that the man shall do the homely, everyday hum-drum duties well. He has got to bs ' good bread winner, he has got to take care of .his wife and children, he has got to be a neighbor whom his neighbors can trust, he has got to act squarely In his business relations. In fact, lie has got to do all those everyday, ordinary things or he is not a good citizen. If there Is any one quality which is not admlranle. whether In a nation or In an Individual, It Is hysterics. Now, It Is of no possible use to decline to go through all the ordinary duties of rltlsenehlp for a long space, of time and 'then suddenly get up and teel angry about something or somebody not clearly denned In one's mind and demand reform as If it were a concrete substance and could be handed out forthwith. , Problems of Progress. Now, this is a preliminary to what I vrant to say to you about this whole ques tion of corporations as affecting the public. There are very many and very difficult problems with which we are faced as one of the results of the forces which, taken all together, we speak of as progress. It Is worse than useless for any of us to rail at or regret the great growth in Industrial centralisation of the laet half-century. The f radical thing to do Is to face the conat ions as they are and see if we cannot get the best there is in them out of them. We are not going to get any complete or per fect solution for all of the evils which come to our minds when we think of the trusts by any single action on our part. A good many different ways will be re quired before we get many of those evils even partially remedied. We have got to, first of all, think clearly we have got to, girobably, experiment somewhat. It Is a little difficult to set clearly before us all of the evils, but I think that those gentlemen and especially those gentlemen of large means who deny that the evils exist, are acting with great folly. I am far from being against property when I ask that the question of the trusts be taken up. I am acrlng, In the most conservative sense. In property's Interest. When a great corporation Is sued for violating the anti trust law it is. not a move against prop erty, It Is a move in favor of property, be cauae when you can make It evident that all men, big and small, alike, have to obey the law, you are putting the safeguard of law around all men. System Mar Be at Fault. When you make It evident that no man shall be excused for violating the law you make it evident that every man will be protected from violation of the law. I am Inclined to think that much the greatest trouble In ttny Immediate hanoling of the question of the trust comes from our sys tem of government. Gentlemen, if what we read In the papers la true they are speaking of a number of International trusts. It would be very difficult for any set of laws, on our part, to deal completely with a problem which be comes international In its bearing, but a' great deal can oa done In various ways I now. A great aeai is oeing uone ana a great deal more ran be dune If we can see that the power Is put somewhere to do It. On the whole our system of govern ment has worked marvelously well the system of dividing the functions of gov ernment: of arranging a scheme under which Maine, l.ouisiHii. Oregon, Idaho, New Tork and Mouth Carolina ran ell come in together tor certain purposes and yet each be allowed to work Its salvation as It desires, along rertaln lines. But while1 I moat nriiuy believe in nxny or policy, i do not believe that that policy should be fossilised and If it is to be changed we must change our governmental method to tneet it. 1 believe with all my heart In the New England town meeting, but you cannot work the New England town meeting in' Boston. You have gut to try something; ie. u w m lien iiiia ku verii men i was founded there were no great Individual or corporate fortunes and commerce and In dustry were being carried on very much as they had been frum the days when Nineveh and ltabvlon stood in the Meso- rotamlan valley The wagon and the pack rain and the sailing craft thono were the methods of commerce. Everything has been revolutionised In the business world since, and the progress of civilisation from being a trickle has become a torrent. There was no particular thing at that time to bother as to whether the nation or state had control of fhn rorooratlons. They were eay to control. Now," however, the exact reverse Is the rase and remem ber I say "corporations." I do not say merely trusts, merely combinations of cor porations or corporations under certain pe culiar conditions. For Instance, some time ago the attorney general look, anion asitlnkt a certain tru.t. There has been coiiKiilerable dLscusslon as to whether the trust aimed at would not seek to get out (OontUued on Second fags.) COLOMBIA REBELS STRONGER Government Garrison at Colon May Rot De Able to ueressf ally Defend the Tons. KINGSTON. Jamaica, Aug. 25. The Brit ish steamer Orinoco, which arrived here to Jav from Colombian pcrts, reported that the rebels of Colombia are increasing their forces continually and, that there is great activity In the vicinity of the isthmus. It Is feared that the government garrison at Colon c' it Luccessfully defend the town, owing 'rengfh of the rebels. Orlrit, ',';-. passenger Captain Na varro. wh, -ding to the Island of T.lnldad to . . 'I od of the Venez uelan revolution.,. -' known aa Ban Rlgh and Bolivar"--,, Colombian government is reported. . acquired from the Venezuelan revo. dary party for warship service. COLON, Colombia, Aug. 25. The first batch of Isthmian reinforcements, number lng 600 men, which arrived here yesterday from Savanllla on board the British steamer Barnard Hall, consisted of three battlatlons cf Santander troops under the command of General Rafael Rodriguez. General Gonzalez Valencia, commander- in-chief of the army of the interior, la ex pected to arrive at the Isthmus with the next reinforcements. The reinforcements of yesterday camped on Monkey hill last eight, a mile distant from Colon. They are des tined to strengthen the garrison of Colon. The British cruiser Phaeton arrived at Panama Saturday from Buena Ventura, where It went to protect British Interests as the result of the Colombian government's action In attempting to compel the British steamer Ecuador, belonging to the British Steam Navigation company, refusal to carry troops to Panama. PROPAGANDA MEETS SEPT. 1 Coadjutor for San Francisco and Archbishop of New York Are to Be Selected. ROME, Aug. 25. Cardinal Gotti, the new prefect of the nroDaa-anda. has rnnvoked the congregation of the propaganda for September 1, when among the business to come up will be the questions of the ap pointment of a coadjutor, with the rlaht succession, to the archbishop of San Fran cisco, Most Rev. Patrick William Rlordan, D., D., and the nomination of an arch bishop of New Tork. The Associated Press learns that the congregation Is almost unanimously In favor of Rt. Rev. George Montgomery, bishop of Los Angelos. Cal.. as coadlutor to the archbishop of San Francisco, and ki. riev. John M. Farley, vicar general, aa .- .- - V V I -. V - ... . , mUukiduuk Ul iltJW 1UU. In the event of Bishop Qulrley not beinr appointed the congregation of the propa ganda is likely to request that a new list of candidates be submitted. The prevailing opinion at the Vatican is that the pops Is likely to appoint Right Rev. James Edward Qulgley, bishop of Buf falo, N. Y., to the archbishopric of Chicago, notwithstanding his expressed preference for remaining in Buffalo. CANNOT TEMPT THE BOERS Generals Visiting European Continent Refnse to Be Inveigled Into Schemes of Mischief. LONDON, Aug. 25. The attitude of the Boer generals on the continent Is regarded here as absolutely correct. It has been found Impossible to Inveigle them Into schemes of discontent and mischief. General Botha's reported statement that Is is the duty of the burghers wishing to live In South Africa to respect and observe the laws of the British empire and render themselves faithful subjects of King Ed ward enhances the respect that Englishmen have hitherto felt for him. BRUSSELS. Aug. 25. The Boer generals have Issued a statement that their services at the Transvaal legation will no longer be required after the end of September, when the legation will be abolished. When they conferred with Dr. Leyds laat week the generals suggested the desirable ness of his surrender of his position aa rep resentative and on the disappearance of Dr. Leyds, it la thought probable that former State Secretary Relti will become leader of the lrrcconclliablcs and attempt to organize an antl-Brltlsh campaign In Europe. DISCUSS PRESIDENT'S VIEWS English Newspapers Comment In a Conservative Way Vyoa Roose velt's Recent Trail Vtte ranees. i LONDON, Aug. 25. The newspapers here are taking time to digest President Roose velt's views on trusts and there has been little comment on the subject thus far. The Evening Standard conalders that his definition of the position combinations ought to occupy "Is precisely what la ex pected of a man of the president's tem perate, logical mind," and adds that the "suggestion of governmental supervision of capitalistic rings Is practicable In theory, although It la not easy to surmise how It can be made operative." The Pall Mall Gazette remarks: President Roosevelt's pronouncement leaves no doubt that he Intends at least to scotch some of the gigantic enterprises which are deleterious to the general com munity. At the same time he Is too wise to Ignore the fact that the tendency of commerce is In the direction of a concen tration of forces, and that this force needs guidance and not blind opposition. FOR LIBELING A FILIPINO Dorr and O'Brien Each Sentenced to Six Months and Fined One Thonaand Dollars. MANILA, Aug. 25. Frederick Dorr, pro prietor, snd Kdward O'Brien, ed tor of Freedom, have each been sentenced to six months In Blllbld prison and fined 11.000 each for libeling Benito Legara, a native member of tha civil commission, by pub lishing a certain article In Freedom. Coin Dorr and O'Brien have also been convicted of sedition, but have not yet been aentenced on this count. The caaea have been appealed to the supreme court of the island. JOHN BULL PAYS THE FREIGHT Representatives of ladla at the Coro nation Will Have Their Expense Aeeeants Allowed. LONDON, Aug. 25. Announcement has Just been made that the Imperial govern ment will defray all the txpensea horns by the guests reprcseotatlve of India at the coronation of King Edward. This de cision sets at rest a much-aired grievance, the first intention of the government be ing to make the Indian government bear the expenses of Its representatives at the crowning of the king. PREDICTS CHEAPER BEEF Secretary Wilton Baeaa Opinion on the Immense Corn Orop. AMERICANS THE GREATEST BEEF EATERS Western Trip Leaves Secretary Confi dent of Republican Success In the Fall and In lttOe. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Aug. 25. (SDeclal Tele gram.) "If no damaging froat occurs w thin tne next thirty dais." said Seortarv Wilson of the Agricultural department,, "there will DC tne greatest corn croD harvested this country ever saw. With this crop matured within the next month and feed ng to begin about the first week in September, I feel confident that within three months you will see some reductions In the price of beef." secretary Wilson explains that the loss of Australian mutton has increased the de mand for American beef and that Americans themselves are becomtnc the areatest beef eatera in the world. He adds: "Despite this increased consumption and foreign demand, I still believe that out tremendous corn crop turned Into beef will bring down the prices of that article of food." Secretary Wilson, who has recently re turned from a trip In the west. Is most confident of the republican outlook In the fall campaign and In the 1904 fight. "President Roosevelt is a great favorite throughout the west," he said. "He Is the west's candidate for next president overwhelmingly. His policies have all been popular throughout the western states." Routine ef Departments. E. F. Gast has been aDnolnted noatmaater at Holmqulst, Day county, 8. D., vice Au gust Gast, resigned. The comptroller of the currency today da. clared a third dividend of 10 per cent In favor of the creditors of the LeMars Na tional bank of LeMars, la., making In all 60 per cent on claims amounting to 1126,711. John u. Benbow of Fort Madison. Is., has been admitted to practice before ths In terior deaartment. A . postofflce has been established at Wllke, Hardin county, la., with Christian Boddum, as postmaster. The postofflce at Brant Lake. Lake county, South Dakota, has been discon tinued. The comptroller of ths currency has an. proved reserve agents for national banks as follows: National bank of North Amer ica of Chicago, for the Commercial Na tional bank of Council Bluffs: ern National bank of Minneapolis, Minn., tns second Nailcza! task n' !....-,., la., and the Citizens' National hank Slsseton, S. D. Otto W. Woodward of Orlnnell Willi. m M. Taylor of Creeton, Leonard D. Bane of Dallas, Frank Nesvacll of Iowa City, Fred A. Nelson of Grlawnlri T Jerome M. Hlgman of Lander, Wyo.. were toaay appointed railway clerks. l no comptroller of the currency htm proved changes in Nebraska national hnir officers aa follows: Omaha National bank. umaua, vnarieg K. walte. assistant cash ier. In plsce of E. E. Balch; First National bank of Valentin. J. T. May. dent, and Cora L. Watters, assistant cashier. Lieutenant Colonel Martin P. frn.i... Tenth cavalry, has been ordered tn tir station at Fort Robinson. Rural free delivery routes will he ...h- llshed In South Dakota on October 1 aa follows: Bath, Brown county, one route; area covered, thirty-four square miles population served, 375. Valley Springs' Minnehaha county, one route: area thirt.. eight square miles; population, 425. War ner, crown county, one route; area, forty square miles; population, S75. The post offlce at Rondell will be discontinued. DRAMA HAS REGAL NEW HOME Willis Wood Theater Opened In Kan. sns City by Messrs. Burgess and Woodward. j KANSAS CITY, Aug. 26. Kansaa City's new $500,000 play houae, the Willis Wood, was formally opened here tonight by Amelia Bingham and her company, presenting Had don Chambera' "A Modern Magdalene." In the company were, besides Miss Bing ham, Henry E. DIxey, Wilton Lackaye, Ho bart Boaworth, Ferdinand Oottschalk and Joseph Holland. The occasion was made bril liant by the attendance of Governor Dock cry of Missouri and an audience comprising the fashion of this part of the southwest. Previous to the opening of ths play, short speeches were made by Governor Dockery, Walter Sanford. manager of the theater, and others. Miss Bingham said: "Thla la the most beautiful theater I have ever seen." W. J. Burgess came from Omaha for ths opening, bringing with him a party of nswa paper men. The Willis Wood was built hy Colonel Willis Wood of St, Joseph, Mo., at a cost of over $400,000, to take the place of the old Coates house, destroyed by firs two years ago. It Is conceded to be one of the hand somest play bouses In the United States. STEPS IN FRONT OF" A CAR Mrs. Mrie Antoinette Hopkins of St. Louis Meets Drnth In a Tragle Manner. ' ST. LOUIS. Aug. 25-Mrs. Marls An toinette Hopkins, widow of the Iste WIN Ham A. Hopkins, former United Statea m nlster to the Argentine Republic, waa In stantly killed by stepping In front of a street car going at the rate of thirty miles an hour. Deceased waa born In Paris. France, In 1839. She was a marchioness by birth and a baroness by her marriage In 1860 to Baron von Renthel. Five children survive her. all of whom, except Constantlne L. von Renthel, are residents of other countries A daughter. Helen von Renthel, Is at present sojourning In Odessa, Russia Alexander, the eldest son. Is stopping In Rio de Janeiro. Brazil "h. i. , . , a real- dent of Buenoa Ayres. Argentine Repub- ..... -u.i aoomer son, Frederick, Is a resident of Austria. Cablegrams bavs been forwarded to all of them relating The cir cumstances of the death of their mother Mrs. Hopkins was an ardent Christian worker and a devout member of St George'a Episcopal church. WOLSELEY SAYS 11 IS TRUE British Field Marshal Now Concedes that American Army Is Best la World. LONDON. Aug. 25. Replying to a corre spondent who asked t eld Marshal Lord Wdseley If the repcrt was correct that he had described the American army as "ths best In the world," the field marshal writes that he believes tha Quotation describes that army. OHIO LEGISLATURE CONVENED Extra Session Called to Restore Jarla- ! Inpreme '"'I Court) COLUMBUS, 0.. Aug. 25. The Ohio legislature convened at t ?. m. today In extraordinary session to 'enact laws to provide for the government of municipali ties and to reatore lost Jualadlctlon .to the supreme court, these matters having been rendered chaotic by the action of that court during the early summer. After roll call the governor'a message, accompanied by a municipal cods bill, pre pared under the direction' of the executive, was received. Following; thla resolutions were offered on ths death of Hon. William Bell, Jr., former secretary of state, and at the time of his death h member of this house. Adjournment was then taken. In his message Governor Nash first calls attention to the act, passed last May, de priving the supreme court of nearly all the appellate jurisdiction formerly possessed by the court. The repeal of the act Is recommended. Continuing, the message says: "During the last days of June the supreme court of the state handed down several de cisions which practically deprive our muni cipal corporations of all government. It la apparent that thla is an extraordinary oc casion, which needs a remedy at the earli est possible moment. "Constitutional government must be re stored to our cities snd tillages. The labor demanded of us is not so' much a work of construction as of readjustment. The question now Is not what We think would be a" 'model' municipal government, but what we can get considering! the constitution limitations and all the circumstances sur rounding us. - "The task must be approached with a spirit of 'give and take' and with a determina tion to accomplish something which will bring order out of chaos. It Is time enough to attempt to have our favorite ldess In re gard to the municipalities Incorporated Into law after order has been restored and when the general assembly has ample time at Its regular session to discuss and consider them," The governor then traces briefly the his tory of constitutional government of mu nlclpalities In Ohio and advises that the legislature Ignore the requests for a con stltutlonal convention. He then submits his Ideas of the neces sity of the situation In the form of a municipal code bill the enactment of which he recommends. Concluding, the governor says "I suggest that by joint resolutions you refer the school lawa to the state com missioner of common schools and the at torney geenral; the laws relating to the compensation of county ' officers to the auditor of state, secretary of state and the attorney general; the laws relating to registrations and elections to the aecre tary of state, and the laws relating . to annual beards of equalization to the audi tor of state, with Instructions to revise and re-codlfy aald laws, remove therefrom all Imperfections and . have their work ready for presentation to the general as sembly of Ohio on the first Monday In January, 1904." goes jo Goraqn Jenks nominauen "T msiscrait at Aiakima Primaries Blips Past Johnston of Jefferson. MONTGOMERY, Ala., Aug. 25. In the democratic primaries held today for the nomination of candidates for state officers William D. Jenka of Barbour, the present Incumbent, won over former Governor Jo seph F. Johnston of Jefferson for governor by a majority which will nrobahlv reach 20,000. This election was the first held since the adoption of the new constitution, by which the negro is eliminated aa a po litical factor In Alabama, and the new or ganlo law was made an Issue in the cam paign. It was Indorsed In Its entirety by Jenks and Johnston also guaranteed tn nn. hold It. although he opposed Ita ratifica tion. R. M. Cunningham of Jefferson defeated C. E. Waller of Hale by almost 2(1 nnn m.. jorlty for lieutenant governor. R. R. Poole oi aiarengo, tor commissioner of agricul ture. Thomas L. Sewell of Walker for au ditor and J. Cralgsmlth of Dallas for treas urer had no opposition, they being ac corded a second term by precedent. It Is expected that a second primary will be necessary to decide .the contests for attor ney general, secretary of state and super intendent of education. The following congressmen were renomi nated without opposition: First district. O. W. Taylor; Second district. A. A. Wil lis; Third district. H. D. Clayton; Fourth district. Sidney J. Bowie; Sixth district, J. H. Bankhead; Seventh district, John L. Burnett; Eighth district, William Rich ardson; Ninth district. Oscar W. Under wood. In the Fifth district former Congress, man Willie Brewer la opposing Charles W. Thompson, present Incumbent. The re turns Indicate the renomlnation of Thomp son. The nomination of state officers by a general primary was an Innovation In Al abama. The election passed off quietly throughout the state. NEFF GETS VOTES ENOUGH Is Elected Chairman of California Re publican gtate Convention, De feating Metealf. SACRAMENTO, Cel., Aug. 25. The re publican state convention was organized to day by the election of Lieutenant Governor Jacob H. Neff chairman over Congressman Victor H. Metealf. The ballot atood: Neff 423V4; Metealf. 40. The close vote attests that the atruggle was one of ths most strenuous In the his tory of ths republican party In this state. Neff was supported by the Flirt. Edson and Hayes forces .and Metealf was backed by Gage. The Neff people declare that the capture of the organisation by them in sures the defeat of Governor H. T. Gage for renomlnation. It Is pointed out by ths Gage men that Neff's success was due to his personal popularity and that It waa not a square test of Governor Gage's strength. The convention took a recess until 7:30 p. m. IDA RALLIES THE SOCIALISTS roagreasloarl Banner In Denver Will Bear the Howlet Name Boyce for Governor. DENVER. Aug. 25. Ths referendum vote of the socialist party, just completed, has re sulted In the nomination of the following ticket: For congress. Ida C. Howlet of Denver: governor, Edwsrd C. Boyce, Den ver; lieutenant governor, R. A. South worth, Denver; attorney general, Carl Whitehead, Denver; secretary of state, C. H. Norrls. Buena Vista; state treasurer, George R. Arnold, Golden; auditor, William M. Nash, Delta; superintendent ef public Instruction, Abba P. Parrot t, Goldfleld. COMMITTEE TO MEET AGAIN Ceuntj lepnblioan Organisation Callad to Beoonvsne Next Saturday. TO CORRECT ITS IRREGULAR ACTION Thirty-Six ef the Sixty-One Members f the Committee -Quickly Sign the Call In Absence ef Chairman. Since the meeting of the republican county committee last Saturday members have come to realize that they failed to comply with the primary election law, and to avoid the possibility of having the noml nations declared Invalid a majority of the members have issued a call for another meeting of ths committee. When the Illegality of the proceedings under the action of last Saturday's meet ing was called to the attention of Mercer, Blackburn and Gurley yesterday by Mr Breen, they admitted that the law had not been observed In Its requirement of the county committee to designate the polling places and appoint the primary elections places and appoint the primary election officers, but declared that they had prece dents for their action and manifested no disposition to join in retracelng their stepa to correct the irregularities. In the Interval a call had been prepared to reconvene the county committee next Saturday and It was quickly signed by thirty-six, more than a majority of the members. Copies were mailed to all mem bers of the committee last night to give the full five days' notice required by law, The call with the slgnaturea attached Is as follows: We, the undersigned, being a majority of the members of the committee, do hereby call a meeting of the republican county central committee of Douglas county. Ne braska, for Saturday, August 30. 1902, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., at Washington nan, in me cuy or umana, in said county for the purpose of carrvlna- out the nro. visions of the law relating to the holding of primaries In said county and appointing me junges ana clerks ror the republican primaries to be held 8entemher 19. ino2. In said county, and designating the places for iioioing eaia primaries, and ror the trans action of such other business as may come before such committee meetlna-. All members of said commlttoe are hereby iiuiiucu io De present at said meeting. Dated August 25, 1902. First Ward-A. M. Back, William Hutton. George Cathroe. Second Ward Thomas Callopy, James Dusatko. Third Ward George A. Mead, H. B. Zlmman. Fourth Ward J. H. Adams, Lee E. Orler. Fifth Ward W. I. Klcrstead, C. W. De Lamatre, A. B. Hunt. Sixth Ward-O. W. Wlnshlp, R. B. Carter, "vv. a. Ask with. Seventh Ward Theodore Olaen. Eighth Ward-C. It. Hutton, U. B. Bal combe, M. F. Singleton. South Omaha Michael Smith, Joseph Koutsky, Peter Olson, J. C. Troutan, Steve Schultx, J. E. Kryder. Dundee C. A. Potter, A. Rogert. Clontarf Joseph Munser, F. A. Burke. McArdle William Olandt, George Rohwer. Florence Charles Kclrle. Chicago O. H. Denker. Union L. C. Ducker, C. C. Curtis. Jefferson Henry F. Helde. NEVADA SILVER FORCES MEET Warm Fight for the State Offices Hay Prevent Faslon ef the Various Factions. RENO, Nev., Aug. 25. The silver party and the democratic party of Nevada will meet in separate conventions here tomor row to nominate a congressman and a full state ticket. Fusion may or may not be effected. The delegates of both conventions are already here and the questions of fusion and the distribution of the offices are being discussed. It Is Impossible now to forecast the result. The democrats are fighting Saddler'a re nomlnation for governor and It is believed that Congressman Newlanda. rnnriM rnI. United States senator. Is behind the fight. John Sparks, a wealthy cattleman and mine owner. Is being boomed by the democrats for the position, but ha has not vet Ann - aented to run. Saddler clalma votea enough to secure the nomination. C. D. Van Duger is an avowed ran A Mat for congress, but there are aeveral others available. Lcm Allen la another aspirant for governor, but it la thought ha win k. content with the nomination for lieutenant governor. Howell, the present Incumbent, has opposition tor the office of secretary of atate in the person of Nate Roff, also a sil ver man. TAKES FRIEND FOR BURGLAR Richmond, Vs., Man Shoots and In stantly Kills Another Occupy ing Same Houae with Him. RICHMOND. Va., Aug. 25. Mistaking his friend, who occupied the same dwelling with him, for a burglar, J. D. Wilson shot and Instanty killed G. F. Apperson here late last night. Apperson recently had changed his Bleep ing apartments and Wilson, seeing a form which In the darkness hs supposed to bs that of a burglar, challenged and, receiving no answer, fired. FIELDER . VAUGHN SHOOTS HIM Landlord Mitchell of Peoria Haa Me mento of Milwaukee Club's Visit There. PEORIA. 111., Aug. 25. Shortly before midnight Harry Vaughn, right fielder for the Milwaukee base ball team of the West ern league, became entangled with W. Mitchell, proprietor of the Mitchell hotel, and In the melee that followed Vaughn shot Mitchell In the hand. The wound Is not a serious one. No arrests have been made. MILES GOES TO PHILIPPINES Secretary Cortelyou Corroborates Ru mor and Explains Purpose f the Visit. BOSTON. Aug. 25. With reference tn tk. statement that Lieutenant General Miles la going to the Philippine Islands Secre tary Cortelyou said tonight? Miles is going to the Philippines with the permission or the president to Inspect army conditions there." NEGRO LYNCHED BY A MOB Woman Who Was Victim ef the Brute Dies ef Wouads Indicted In the Straggle. m RALEIGH. N. ,C, Aug. 25. Tom Jones the negro who criminally assaulted Mrs. Will Smith of 8evea Springs, who died from ber wounds, has been lynched by a mob whit a took Jonea from his captora. CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Local Rains Tues. day; Wednesday Fair. Temperature at Omaha Yeaterdayi Hour. Dear. Hoar. Dea B a. m , tin 1 p. m Tt l a. m , ttd a p. nm 11 T a. n tttt 8 p. m Ta a. m (Ml 4 p. m T9 R a. m HH dp. n.ii.,1 l 10 a. m i p. m Til 11 a a.ii,,i m T p. m To IS m TO H n. sa BS 8 p. m MI SPANISH WAR VETS' DESIRE It Is to Place Memorial Tablet for Captain Wltherell on Bed loe's Island. BINOHAMTON, N. T.. Aug. 25. At the state assembly of Spsnlsh war veterans In this city today a committee waa appointed to secure for veterana of the Spanish war, If possible, the same preference now ac corded veterana of the civil war under the civil service law. Delegates , to the na tional convention were instructed to as sist in an effort that la to be made to bring about an amalgamation of all the Spanish war veterana' orgaolzatlona In the United States. It was decided to erect at the base of the statue of Liberty on Bedloe's Island, New York harbor, a memorial tablet to Cap tain Alexander Wetherell, U. S. A., who was a veteran of both the civil and the Spanish-American wars, and who was killed at the battle of San Juan hill. It woe announced' that President Roosevelt has promised to attend the dedication of the tablet next spring unless something unexpected prevents It. FLOUR FREIGHTAGE IS LESS Minneapolis Shipments to Move at Smaller Cost After the First of the Month. MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 25. In confirma tion of the conference decision reached last Friday, the flour committee of the roads entering the Twin cities today decided to reduce the rates to Chicago and St. Louts. The present Minneapolis to Chicago rate of 12V4 cents per hundred was reduced to 10 cents and ths rate of 16 cents per hun dred on Minneapolis to St. Louts ship ments was acaled to 13 cents. These re ductions go into effect on September 1. They are made because of the general reductions In wheat rates from southwest ern points to St. Louis and Chicago. ANDREWS IS DENIED BAIL Alleged Detroit Embessler la Granted Habeaa Corpus, but Is Still la Jail. LANSING, Mich., Aug. 25. The Michigan supreme court has granted a writ of habeas corpus In the case of Frank C. Andrews, recently convicted of misappropriating funds of the wrecked City Savings bank of Detroit. The writ la made returnable October 1, and Andrewa will remain In jail meanwhile. Andrews' attorneys, wanted Judge Murphy of the recorder's court of Detroit, to Set -hall foe thel rlUnt namlliia an appeal to tha supreme court, but Judge Murpny refused and the question of bail will be argued before the aunreme court at the October term. SHE LEAPS OFF EADS BRIDGE 1'nldrntlfled St. Louis Woman Evade Bystander and Leaves Life by Water Route. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 25. An unidentified woman, apparently 60 years old, jumped from the Eads bridge into the Mississippi late tonight. W. E. Fitzgerald, crossing the bridge, saw her on the railing and aelzed ber. She told htm she simply wanted to look at the river below. He walked away, and turning saw her aprlng Into the darkness and beard the splash as her body struck the water. This is ths first Instance In local police annals of a woman committing suicide from the Eada bridge. BRIGHAM YOUNG IS VERY ILL Mormon Leader Ieft In Critical Con dition by Operation for Dropsy. SALT LAKE CITT. Aug. 25. TlnnfflM.I announcement la made today of the serious Illness of Brleham Younr nrenMent nf th- Quorum of Twelve Apostles of the Mormon cnurcn. iresiaeni zoung, wno has been on a trip through the Jackson Hole and Teton Basin country in Idaho for his health, has been operated upon for dropsy and la said to be In a critical condition. Aa president or the quorum of Twelve President Young Is next In line for the presidency of the church. IDAHO RAISES THE ROADS State Board Applies Increase to Great Northern and Northern Pacific. , BOISE. Idaho. Aug. 25. The Stats Board or Equalization today followed the course foreshadowed by lta action last week, when It adopted a resolution in favor of taxing the gross earnings of railways. There was an Increase of $250 per mile on the Great Northern and Northern Pacific, and aomo minor changes on branchea; otherwise the aaaeasment stands as last year. There was an increase of 15 per mile on the Western Union Telegraph company. LIMIT FOR A BANK WRECKER Washington Judge Gives John Dlx Ten Years of Steady Inside Work. WHATCOM. Wash., Aug. 25. Judge Net- erer today overruled a motion for a new trial for H. St. John Dlx and aentenced him to ten years In the penitentiary, ths limit under the laws of this state. Dlx waa convicted of wrecking the Scandinavian-American bank in this city. He Bed to England and waa arrested tbers about six months ago. Movements of Ocean Vessels Aug, SB. At New York Arrived: Bluecher, from Hamburg, Boulogne and Southampton; Ethiopia, from Ulaagow. At Antwerp Arrived: Vaderland, from New York. At Lizard Passed: Nederland, from Phil adelphia, for Antwerp. At Plymouth Sail, d: Waldersee, from Hamburg, for New York. At Prawla Point Passed: Rhyndam, from New York, for Iloulogne and Rotterdam. At Browhead Passed: Taurlc, from New York, for Liverpool. At Glasgow Arrived: Sardinian, from New York. At London Arrived: Minneapolis, from New York. Balled: Menomlnle, for New York. At Bremerhaven Arrived: Grosser Kur furs l, from, New York. SWIFT TO BE HEAD Chicago Packer 81ated far Fniidanoj f Oonielidatsd Ooropanj. WITH M. CUDAHY CHAIRMAN OF DIRECTORS Iafarmation of Thair Isleotiao. Comet frem Autteritative gonroa. REPORT THAT E. A. CUDAHY WILL RETIRE Omaiai to Hold 8took in New Concern, Bnt No Offioe. J. 0GDEN ARMOUR ALSO BOOKED TO GO Latest Information la that Comblua ties of Big Packing Houses la to Become Effective First Day of September. A prominent eastern capitalist who owna stock In aeveral' of the packing companlea waa In Omaha yesterday and aald to frlenda at his hotel that the merger of the packing interests waa going through. Mors than this, he said that O. F. Swift would bs at the head of the combination and that Michael Cudahy would be chairman of the board of directors. It waa understood from the asms author ity that E. A. Cudahy and J. Ogden Armour would retire tor a time from the business. These two capitalists will, however, hare atock In tha amalgamated association. It la understood that the official an nouncement of the new organisation will be made about September 1. Later on a message came to Omaha that T. W. Taliaferro had Just returned from a trip. Mr. Taliaferro Is general manager of the Cudahy Interests here. To a reporter for The Bee Mr. Taliaferro sail that ha had Just returned from his ranch at Stan ton and that he knew nothing about the proposed merger. It Is known that Mr. Taliaferro waa In Chicago when tho merger deal waa con summated and that he returned only a few hours before the query waa put to him. On good authority It la atated that aa Inventory of the Cudahy plant la now be ing taken. Thla work haa been In progress for a day or two, but the management haa kept the matter quiet. No one at the Swift plant In' South Omaha seems to know anything about the m?rger. Mr. Mnch. th" mansror is noncommittal, as he gets all his instruc tions from Chicago. General Manager Howe of the Armour worka says he doea not know a thing and Mr. Benn of the Omaha packing plant la In the same posi tion. It Is a fact, however, that the merger deal haa gone through. CORPSE NOT TO BE EXHUMED Doubt as to Identity ef Body Burled aa that of Miosis Mltetiell ' Still Prevail. I CHICAGO, Aug. 25. Doubt ae to tha Identity of the body buried as Minnie Mitchell must for aome time complicate the mystery shrouding the Bartholln Mltchell murder case. For the second time Judge Brentano today refused to Issue an order to ex hume the body of the woman which was round on August 7 In the weeds of a lonely Held at Seventy-fourth and State streets. A plan was on foot to have dentiets who worked on the young womsn'e teeth in spect those of the dead body to clear up the doubta of Identity, but Robert Mitchell, brother of the aupposed decedent, declined to sign affidavits necessary tor tha ex humation. He said his family waa willing that the body be disinterred, but that, although the only means of identification they had were articles of clothing found near the body, they were not willing to take the Initiative. Chief of Police O'Nell today received In formation that leada him to believe Wil liam J. Bartholin, the auspected murderer, waa In Chicago Auguat 16. He aald he thought the fugitive waa not dead and that he waa aeen with a valise, and probably left the city two daya after the dlacovery of the body of hla murdered mother In her home. BELIEVE BOY WAS MURDERED De Soto Cltlseus Are Hunting Body of Horse Trader's Companion gad Making Threats. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 25. A special to tha Republic from De Soto, Mo., says: Nearly 100 cltltena of the neighborhood three miles east of here on the Valley mlnea road, are up In arms over ths supposed murder of a 17-year-old boy named George, who la strangely missing. A posse has been search ing the woods and the surrounding country for three days for his body. Charles Fulkerson and James Harrington, horse traders, and Harry, ths tatter's 14-year-old aon have been arrested In connec tion with the case. George worked for Ful kerson. Fulkerson Is held on a charge of murder without ball, but Harrington and ths aon, who were only charged with being ac cessories, have been releaaed on bond. The boy's family name is not known. Fulkerson says he employed the hoy three months ago at Kennett, Mo., and since then he had been traveling with him In their covered wagon. The boy has been missing since Thursday night and the citizens be lieve that during a quarrel over wagea he waa murdered and his body hidden. Har rington asserts that Fulkerson took ths boy Into the woods and came back without him. Fulkerson denied that he killed tha boy. WOODMEN ANXIOUS TO CHOP At Preernt Fraternal Congress The? Will Propose Pruning Prevail lug lasuranee Ratea. DENVER, Aug. 25. The opening of the annual convention of the National Frater nal congresa, embracing fifty-six societies and 4.000,000 members, scheduled for to day, waa postponed until tomorrow, as the national officers and more than half tha delegatea did not arrive until late la tha day. One of the principal questions which will be considered by the convention Is the proposed reduction of the Insurance rates. The congresa some time ago established a schedule making tha minimum rats, 03 cents. The Modern Woodmea of America, It la said, will make an attempt to have thla figure etlU further reduced.