Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 25, 1902, Image 1

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Omaha Daily Bee.
Maachugstti Crowd Cannot lUfr&in from
Chring EooierelU
Ha Appsan, but Only U Briefly Bow Hit
' Acknowledgements.
Xrtnt Goes. Into Newport History as an
Important On.
Comes on Sylph for Few Hours with
Her Husband He Speuka To
duy at the Nahant
NAHANT. Maai., Aug. 24. President
Roosevelt left Newport thla afternoon in a
sumptuous train of four cars. Accompany
ing him to tbe train were Mr. and Mrs.
Cbanler and Senator and Mrs. Lodge, the
two latter journeying with the party to Na
bant, the borne of the Lodges, where the
president will spend the night.
A more quiet day could not have been
pent by tbe president. As is bis custom,
lie rose early and after eating a light break
fast, left tbe Chanler house about 9 o'clock
and went out to meet Mrs. Roosevelt, who
had come up on Sylph during the night. Tbe
president was aboard the ablp for about two
hours. Mrs. Roosevelt accompanied him
ashore and spent about half an hour at the
Cbanler residence, taking a look at the
baby, but did not remsln for tbe christen
ing. She left shortly before the event for
Oyster Bay. The president remained at the
Chanler villa, where the ceremony of christ
ening tbe baby was performed by Rev. John
Diamond of the Episcopal church In the
presence of the president, who acted as god
father; Senator and Mrs. Lodge, the latter
acting as godmother; Mrs. Julia Ward Howe
gnd a large number of the personal friends
of tbe family.
Christening; la an Event.
The affair was regarded as one of the most
auspicious events of the season at that fash
ionable resort, due not only to the national
prominence of the Chanlere, but to tbe fact
that the president of the United States acted
aa godfather.
. Traveiiug uu Suuumj t ms awutatMr HC
for the president, but In thla Instance he
was obliged to depart from bis custom as
lie went to Newport for no other reason than
to attend the christening, and It was neces
sary to reach Nahant today in order to main
tain his schedule. Lieutenant Governor
Bates and Adjutant General Dalton of Mas
sachusetts met the president at Newport
and completed, the arrangementa for enter
taining the president In Boston.
The tact that, the. interest In the presi
dent's Journey shows- no abatement ' Vas
made evident today by the crowd gathered
bout the depot at Newport, which cheered
bit arrival and continued cheering until the
train was loat to view. Stonebrldge, R. I.,
Fall River, Taunton and Mansfield, Mats. J
turned out In force to greet the executive,
and aa each place was reached the train was
lowed down, the president appearing on the
rear platform and bowing bis acknowledg
ments. Even Boit.n Whoops.
At Boston the entire psrty entered the
peclal train which was standing on an
other track, the crowd In the meantime
keeping up a continuous cheering. Upon
arriving at Lynn, where carriages were In
waiting to take the party to Nahant, the
sight was one long to be remembered.
Stretched from the station through tbe city
nd across the peninsula to Nahant, a dis
tance of four miles, were fully 60,000 people,
who cheered again and again aa the presi
dent passed. There were two miles of car
riages on either side of the road. The pres
ident rode with Senator Lodge and was es
corted from Lynn to Nahant by a troop of
Tbe arrival at Nahant waa signal for
another outbreak of applause and the two
-'places seemed to Tie with each other aa to
which should be the more .cordial In Me
Tomorrow afternoon the president will de
liver an address from the steps of the li
brary building In Nahant. '
The most extraordinary precautions were
taken by Senator Lodge for the presldent'a
afety. Tonight the entire house Is sur
rounded by a number of policemen.
Mm. Theodore Roosevelt, with her son,
Theodore, Jr., arrived in Saunderstown, In
Harrengansett bay on the Sylph today, and
waa entertained by C. Grant La Farge of
New York.
How London ta Expecting Hint and
Randolph nnd Greeley
NEW LONDON, Aug. 14. Major General
NacArthur, who is to be In command of
the army maneuvera In the coming war
games with the navy, la expected to arrive
here tomorrow to assume personal direc
tion of the preparation In tbe forts at the
eastern entrance of Long Island sound.
With him will be General Randolph, chief
Artillery officer. General .Gillespie of the
Engineer corps and General Greeley, chief
Signal officer.
lie Is la Jail at lied ford. Accused of
. Poisoning Then for Family
BEDFORD, Ind. Aug. 24. Msrt Collier,
aged (2 year, the husband of Mrs. Mart
Collier, who, with her children, grandchild
ren, aona-ln-law and several boarders, were
seriously poisoned with arsenio Thursday,
waa arrrated today and placed In Jail on a
charge of poisoning with macule the flour
from which cockle were baked and aerved
to the household. Collier and bla wife have
been separated.
Dominion Uner Starts Across front
Portland with Three Thon.
and Head Aboard.
PORTLAND. Me.. Aug. 24. The largeat
shipment of cattle ever -taken arrcas the
Atlantic lift last night on Norseman of
the Dominion line. In all there were 1.179
bead of cattle and 1.3'jS ahsep. Tbls, ac
cording to Dr. Huntington, cattle Inspector
for the port, breaka all recorda from tho
new to the old world.
Informs Court that Flllptnns Appoint
ed Were Better Than Their
War Records.
MANILA, Aug. 24. The defense In the
Freedom sedition-rase has called Governor
Taft aa a wltnes ' show that many former
Insurgent learfi -.were guilty of va-
of war have been -v ' to civil poal
tlons. -x
Governor Taft gave He., ' o the f
fect tbat many such form. ts had
been appointed, but that , the, "ived
honest, straightforward and e .le
said that some of them hsd heen V nf
murder from American standards, bu tbat
from their own standpoint they undoubt
edly believed their conduct of the war to
have bren legitimate. Governor Taft said
that he had found these appolnteea to be
loyal and that they were not chosen be
cause they happened to be Insurgent gen
erals, but because they were men of Influ
ence among their own people. He said the
experience of the civil authorities Amnnar
theae men had been moat satisfactory.
uovernor Taft has resumed the governor
shin of the archl nelasn. relieving T.tik W
Wright, who has been acting governor dur
ing larte absence. Commissioner Wright
is preparing to visit the United States.
Mrs. Chaffee Is Rate.
MANILA, Aug. 24. Mrs. Chaffee, wife of
General Chaffee, who has been seriously
111 for the past week, is now improving and
ia out of all danger.
Turkish Sultnn Instructs that De
mands of United States Be Con
ceded at Once.
perial order haa been Issued, commanding
that all tbe demands made by the United
Statea on Turkey be conceded and the rela
tions between the porte and the United
States lgatlon here have assumed their nor
mal condition.
The noh-executlon by the Turkish govern
ment of agreementa reached, long ago on
several questions affecting American citi
zens led to somewhat strained relations
between the United Statea legation and the
porte. Last week Mr. Leiscbman Informed
the porte that he would not discuss other
matters until the terms of other matters
already decided were carried out. The de
mands made by the United Statea de
manded the rebuilding of the United States
mission house at Khaput, destroyed at the.
time of the Armenian massacre jthere, and
granting permission to Armenian-women
and children to Join their husbands and
fathers who are naturalised Amer cans. Mr.
Lelschman also had difficulty In negotiating
with a responsible Turkish authority. His
Intercourse haa been with the minister of
foreign affairs, whose agreements have been
annulled by the grand vlcler.
r ii i
Two Fatal Agencies la , Philippines
Continue to Destroy at
s-v-- ; intervals,;" ;f"
MANILA, Aug. 54. Official cholera sta
tistics show a total to date of 25.664 cases
and 18,040 deaths. The actual number of
cases and deaths is greatly. in excess of
the official list. There were but eight cases
reported last Saturday. In soma of the
provinces of Luzon the cholera situation is
baa. Four hundred and fourteen eases and
217 deaths were reported from tbe province
of Hocus Norte last Saturday.
Ten members of tbe native constabulary
wore ambushed laat Tuesday at a point
near Magdalena. In the nrovlnce of Sorao.
gon. Luzon, by a band of alxtv lad rones.
The latter were armed with rlfl..s and bo-
los and a desperate fight at close range
took place. One member of the constab
ulary waa killed, two were wounded and
three were captured. Seventy constabulary
nave taken the Held In pursuit of the la-
Chinese Who Murdered Missionaries
In Preasy of Fear Are Or
dered Punished.
PEKJN, Aug. 24. An edict has been Is
sued ordering the murderers of an English
missionary named Lewis, and an Australian
missionary named Bruce to be punished.
The crimes were committed at Chen Chou,
In Ho Nan province. Tbe government ex
presses deep regret at the occurrence and
promiaea to make reparation.
It ia teported that the murders were the
outcome of an outburst of superstitious
frenzy on the part of the populace, based on
tbe idea that the missionaries in question
had caused an eptdeinlo of cholera, which Is
raging at Chen Chou, by poisoning drinking
water. Tbs mob wrscked Xhe mission build
ing and killed the missionaries, who had but
recently arrived at Chen Chou, where they
were cordially welcomed.
Supply Boat FrlthJof Haa Rat Been
Heard from ail Zelgler
LONDON, Aug. 24. Cabling from Copen
hagen the correspondent of Dally Expreaa
says William Zelgler of New York, who
financed the Evelyn B. Baldwin exploring
expedition, has ordered Mr. Baldwin to
proceed to Franz Joseph land on the Amer
ica, in aearch of the boat. FrlthJof, which
haa not been heard of alnce July, when It
was dispatched to take relief to Mr. Bald
win. The boat America reached Hanangsvsag,
Norway, from the north and paaaed Frlth
Jof at sea. FrlthJof waa commanded by
William C. Cbamp, secretary of the expedi
Post Graduate School Patteraed After
Those ta America Apt to Be
BERLIN. Aug. 24. The Loksl Aazelger
says aa evidence of the growing American
ization of tbe world Is shown In a plan to
establish a post graduate medical school
at Frankfort after an American model. A
private person baa contributed SSOO.iiuO for
tbe establishment of this school.
It Brains at Sussnlta, Ends at Koi
ne ra- nnd Is hr Wireless
BERLIN, Aug. 24. Experiments In wire
less telephoning were conducted successfully
between SassnUs and Kolberg, distance
ef miles.
Many New races Scheduled for the Benito
After the ronrth of March.
Congressional Campaign Has ot
Progressed Far Enough to Make a
Forecnst of the Lower
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Aug. 24. (Special.) Of
the thirty senators whose terms of service
expire on March 2 1903, at least halt of
them and possibly more will bare difficulty
to retain their aeats In the upper branch of
congress. Thla condition of affairs haa not
existed for a generation and Is much com
mented upon by old-time polltlclsns about
the capital.
William B. Allison, who heads the list of
those to retire by reason of expiration of
service on March 3 next, has been re-elected
and his credentials have been filed 'or an
other term of aix yeara. Alexander S. Clay
of Georgia, democrat, will undoubtedly suc
ceed himself, the primaries in his stato
having declared for hlra. William J. Deboo'a
successor has already been elected In the
person of Mr. McCreary. William P. Dil
lingham of Vermont, it is thought, will suc
ceed himself, as will Charles W. Fairbanks
of Indiana. The credentials of Joseph Ben
son Foraker are on file, the Ohio legislature
having re-elected him last spring. Senator
Gallluger of New Hampshire has no fight
on his hands and will succeed himself, as
will Henry C. Hansbrough of North Dakota.
Senator William A. Harris of Kansas, It la
believed, will be succeeded by a republican,
and indications point very atrongly to the
defeat.of Henry Heltfeld of Idaho, who will
be succeeded. It Is believed, by a republican.
Jamea K. Jonea of Arkanaas is out of the
running and John P. Jones of Nevada, ac
cording to Senator Stewart, will be suc
ceeded by General Hawley, a republican and
a wealthy mine owner, who, It la understood,
will have the republican support now that
Senator Jonea 'has declared that he will
take no band In the fight. Senator Klt
tredge of South Dakota has been endorsed
by the state convention, and, It Is believed,
will be elected unanimously. Samuel D. Mc-
Enery of Louisiana will succeed himself.
John L. McLaurln of South Carolina will
be succeeded by a straight-out democrat.
Stephen B. Mallory of Florida will aucceed
himself. William B. Mason of Illinois, it
Is thought, will be , unable to command
atrength enough to Secure hla re-election.
It la not, however, certain that Congress
man Hopkins, notwithstanding the endorse
ment of th tte? contention v!!l land ths
prize. Boles Penrose of Pennsylvania will
In all probability be re-elected, although
there Is a considerable fight being made
upon him Inside the ranks of tbe stalwarts.
Senator George C. Perklna of California
haa a fight on his hands. It Is, however,
believed that be will be able to elect
enough leglslatora to Insure his re-election.
Edmund W. Pettus of Alabama will aucceed
himself, aa will O. H. Piatt of Connecticut.
Chaotic In Hew' York.
Conditions in New Tork state are- soma.
what chaotic, although the wiseacres pro-
met tne re-election of Thomas C. Piatt.
Senator Prltchett of North Carolina haa the
fight of his life on his hands and the elec
tion Is clothed In doubt and uncertainty,
with the chances against his rerrrrn. Jo
senh L. Rawlins of Utah. It la rnnflrtontlv
believed, will be succeeded by a republican.
Joseph Simon of Oregon cannot read his
election In tbe stars. Senator Mitchell la
against him, as Is also ex-Senator McBride,
and aa the Mltchell-McBride forces are In
the aaddle In Oregon, Senator Simon will
In all nrobabtlltv be aucceeded hv
who wears the Mitchell badge. The fight
being made on Senator John C. Spooner of
Wisconsin la known throughout the coun
try. Just what will come of the bitter
strucsle coin on between tha T .a jTntt
and anti-La Follette forcea It Is Impossible
to say. although the senate would Iran nn
of its ablest and most brilliant members
sbould John C. Spooner fall of re-electtnn.
The fight In Colorado grows In Intensity,
but the chances point to the re-election of
Henry M. Teller. George Turner of Wash
ington, who haa been acting with
the democrats, but elected hv fuainn
of populists and democrata, it Is pred'eted.
win ne succeeded by a republican, advices
received la Washington tbe last few weeka
Indicating this conclusion. Senator c.
G. Vest of Missouri returns to the shades
of private life at the conclusion of hla term
on March I. bavins: begun his senatorial
career on March 4. 1879. He will, of course.
be succeeded by a democrat, but It has been
Impossible aa yet to indicate who that dem
ocrat may be. Georgo L. Wellington of
Maryland Is already preparing to leave the
aenate, his successor having been elected
In the person of Arthur P. Gorman.
And so of these thirty men whose terms
of office expire on March next at leaat
one-half of them have bitter fights In front
of them, and In a verr lars-e mlnHt tVoi-
defeat ta confidently predicted
Mimed on Lower House.
In the absence of anything like authsntle
Information upon which . to baae estimates
of the probable result In the congressional
electlona the political prophets of Wash
ington are giving out prognoatlcattons based
upon hopes.
There Is absolutely no way to catch
the real drift of political sentiment through
out the country at the present writing,
for the very good reason that neither party
baa yet perfected tta organisation and no
canvassea whatever have been made. There
la. however, basis tor ths claim of tbs
democratic congressional campaign man
agers that large galna will be made by the
minority party. The democratic representa
tion la the preaent congress Is . far below
the normal and nearly a score of seats now
held by republicans attach to democratic
districts. If the republlcana conduct an
apathetlo campaign tbey will . lose many
of these seats. But on the other hand,
they have the advantage in tbe number
of new aeata created under the latest re
apportionment act.
It Is not to be expected tbat the repub
llcana can hold the heavy majority in the
Fifty-eighth congress which they have In
the Fifty-seventh. To secure control of
the house, however, the democratic man
agers must win Id at leaat twenty-seven
districts' now represented by republicans
and In addition muat carry a majority of
all tbe new districts which will be rep
resented for tbe first time after March 4.
Whether or not the party leaders on ths
democratic aide of the political fence really
desire to obtain control of the -house In
the next congress is an open question.
Should they do so they will' have a de
fensive instead of an aggrestve campaign
on their handa two yeara hence. If tbe
house in the Fifty-eighth congress is demo
cratic, the democratic party will be held
responsible tor all tbe alna of omission, ss
well as commission which may be charged
up to the popular branch of the congress
(Continued on ruth Page.)
, .
Nashville Boy Rescues Young Woman
After Nearly Losing Hla
Life for Her.
MOUNT EAGLE, Tenn.. Aug. 24. At
First Point last night Vlnnle Tucker, a
prominent young woman of Decherd, and
one of a party on a mountain trip, stepped
over the cliff. Sidney Cowan ot Nsshvllle
sprang to her rescue and caught her, but
to late to prevent her fall. Both were
dragged over the precipice together and
landed on the Incline thirty-five or forty
feet below. . Though Cowsn was badly
ahaken up be was still conscious as his
body rolled down tbe ledgo snd caught In
a bush which stayed his deecent. Miss
Tucker, bleeding and unconscious, waa roll
ing down the way he had gone. Aa she
psssed he caught and held her. They
were but three feet from the edge of
300-foot chasm. Their companions quickly
organized a rescue party, descending to the
ledge by narrow winding path. Cowan
was found clutching the unconscious girl's
clothing in one hand and a clump ot bushes
In tbe other. Both were .saved.
Northern Paclile Announces n Volun
tary Cnlform Raise, Effective
Next Monday.
ST. PAUL, Aug. 24. Fonr hundred tele
graph operators one-half of the force
employed by the Northern Pacific railroad
will get an increase In wages September
1. An order increasing the minimum sal
aries In amount from 32.60 to $10 per
month' was Issued by the company Satur
day. ;
This action, which was voluntary, will
add 125,000 to the payroll of the company
and affects operators along the entire sys
tem. O. C. Greene, superintendent of telegraph
of the Northern Pacific, when asked about
the order stated that It was entirely vol
untary on the part of the company and
was decided upon without the least agita
tion on the part ot the employee. The In
crease of from $2.50 to 110 will be graded.
Superintendent Greene said, according to
tbe amount of business done at the re
spective stations. '
Ship on Which Sho ta Pnaaenger Is
Crippled and. Proceeding
NEW YORK. AUST. 24 Tha HrlH.h
steamship Shennv Allison arrived frnm Mid-
dlesborough tcday and reported tbat on Sat-
uraay wnen aoout soo miles east of Rnitnn
It had aighted the Hamburg-American liner
Feurst Bismarck, which signaled that ita
starboard shaft was broken and that It waa
proceeding under one screw, Captain Ber
ends of Fuerst Bismarck trflri Tantain Wil
liams of Sheppy Allison that all were well
on board and that he was proceeding on his
voyage at a speed ot about fifteen knots.
Fuerst Bismarck sailed from No VnrV
Thursday morning for Hamburg, via Ply-
mouio ana uaerDourg, gcibJidaBjioard a.
large number of cabin na
them were Mme. Helene Modjeska. George
Albert!, Henry Adler, Franz Joseph Freund.
Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Remey, W. J. Simp
son, Dr. and Mrs. C. Benjamin Kopf and
George Waterbury.
James Masterson of New Albany In
Jail ns Slnyer of Mrs.
NEW ALBANY, Ind., Aug. 24. Mrs. Min
nie Masterson, wife of Jamea Masterson, was
murdered here tonight and her husband Is
In jail charged with the crime. He denies
the charge. He says that be and hia wife
were returning from Louisville to their
home on South street, this city, and had
Just gotten off a car when a man stepped
from behind a post and grabbed his wife,
who was a few steps ahead of him, and the
woman screamed, "For Ood's sake, Willie,
den't!" and three ahots were fired In rapid
succession by her assailant. Masterson says
tbe murderer of his wife fired two shots at
him, one of which took effect In his arm.
He was bleeding profusely from a wound in
his arm when arrested.
First Meeting of Annnnl Convention
Will Bo la Denver Today
Maay Espeeted.
DENVER, Aug. 24. The annual conven
tion ot the National Fraternal congress
will be in this city tomorrow. The con
gress Is composed ot fifty-seven frater
nal ordera and 300 delegates, representing
4,000,000 persons, will attend the conven
tion. Many important questions for the
r-etterment of the fraternal lodgea will be
discussed. Prominent lodge men from all
parta ot thla country, and Canada will at
Lawrence Slanor Kills Himself nt
' Terra Haute After Loalag
His Savings.
TERRE HAUTE, Ind., Aug. 24. Lawrence
Sianer, an Austrian miner aged 29, who was
recently from tbe cosl fields of Pennsylvania
in aearch rf employment, threw himself un
der the wheels of a passing train today and
was decapitated. He reported to the police
yesterday tbat he had lost $160. The loss
of the money Is believed to have been the
cause of Slaner's self-destruction. '
Eminent Labor1 Leader Considered ta
Bo la Critical Condition and
Is Delirious.
PITTSBURG. Aua. 24. Theodore J. Shaf
fer, president ot the Amalgamated Associa
tion of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers and
prominent generally In labor circles, is seri
ously ill. Tbs nature of hla nines could not
bs ascertained, but hla condition Is consid
ered critical. Mr. Shaffer was taken alck
Saturday night During the greater part of
today he waa reported aa dellrioua.
Chlengo Drug Clerk rails from Boat
While Merry aad le
ST. J08EPH, Mich., Aug. 24. During a
fit ef laughter Thomas C. Garrett. 27 years
ot age. a drug clerk of Chicago, lost bis bal
ance, fell out of a boat and though hla body
was recovered la fifteen minutes life was
Prof. Bhaler of Harvard Draws Vivid
Picture of Prosperity.
Application of Existing Supply Will
Solve the Food Problem nnd Make
the Development of Latent
Resources Easy.
HELENA. Mont.. A nr. It HAiuoi.l n.
N. S. Shaler, dean of the St. Lawrence
Scientific school of Hsrvard unlvaraftv nhn
Is visiting in Helena and who Is largely In
terested In gold mining, says: "The domi
nation ot the Pacific coast and the acquiring
of the paramount Influence by the United
oiaies in tne commercial and political af
fairs of the Oriental nations is tntlmstely
bound up, if not entirely dependent upon,
the development of the Rocky mountain
region by the means of irrigation. This Is
the great national question of the future.
It Is not by the tneana of ships, guns and
armies that we will control the Paciflo coast,
but by acquiring the trade of the teeming
mllllona on the other side. It la manifest
that this goal, for which the commercial na
tions of the earth have been contending
since the dawn ot history, cannot be suc
cessfully won in competition with other
nationa and the articles which we require
to trade with these people be hauled across
2.000 miles-of unproductive country.
"Land transportation is alwaya more ex
pensive than water; thla being true, we
must develop nearer the Paciflo coast a
ourco or supply for the materials with
which to trade with these people, so we
can deliver them to the ships with short
land hauls. Mv intimate pnnlnln OK
the Rocky mountain region, extending over
. i.noa ot oeany tnirty years, has con
vinced me of Its wonderful resources, mln-
crsis, timber, manufacturing
tural. of which the thousand of millions
in the precious metals which Montana has
proaucta is a mere promise of what it will
turn out in the future. It is manifest, how
ever, that under present conditions you can
not measurably increase the output and en
large the variety of the mti. nmnx.i
until you have cheaper Isbor. Cheaper
iaoor in turn Is dependent upon cheaper
living, and cheaper ltvinflr ran nnlv mrva
a result of the development of the agrlcul-
iur resources or the Rockies.
Water Is the Key.
"Water , ia the key that aolves ths nroh-
lem; once turn upon tbe 160,000,000 seres
of government land in Montana the water
which now runs to waste past It. causlna-
ue.ii ucii noods aiona the lower rearhna
of the great streama that bead In your
atate, and it will produce ot agricultural
produce an amount equal to ' any In the
United 8tates. Irrigation Is not an experi
ment, it la older than history. We read
of It In the hieroglyphics upon the temples
of ancient Egypt; we find worka atlll in use
in India that were created thousands ot
yeara ago and again la Arizona and New
Mexico we find Irrigation canals so old that
great forests have grown over them, de
cayed and a-ga!n a hew forest haa -replaced
the old. Long before the advent of the
white people in the United Statea these Ir
rigation canala supported a highly civilized
people. We have an example in modern
times, England reatorlng the irrigation
worka of the Pharaohs and of the prehis
toric races In India. ,
"Once wake tbe people of the United
Statea to tbe Importance of Irrigation as
unlocking thj treasure houses of the
mines and aiding the United States in the
acquiring ot ita true position on the Pa
cific coast and tbe opposition, which con
servative people naturally have to the un
known, and, as they suppose, untried, and
government appropriations for national ir
rigation will come even more freely than
they do for the Improvement of rlvera and
harbors. 1 say to you from actual knowl
edge that the land susceptible of irriga
tion to capable ot supplying to the world
as much of the necessarlea of life aa doea
the great Mississippi valley. Tbe semi
arid region ia about one-third of the entire
area of the United Statea and of this area
about one-third can be reclaimed; this pro
vided the government undertakes the mat
ter and carrlea it out on a scale com
mensurate to the results to be achieved.
So great Is the productiveness of tbe soil,
undsr perfect conditions for agriculture,
viz., long days of continuous sunshine dur
ing the growing seaaon, fertile aoil , and
water applied just when It la needed, that
thla one-third will equal in aggregate pro
ductiveness both In quantity and quality,
the average productiveness of the whole
aa compared with the Mississippi valley.
In other words, the one-third, for which
there Is water available for cultivation
will produce from two and one-half to
three times as much aa any similar area
of land In tbe United States, making tbe
production of the Rocky mountains fully
equal to any other similar area of land.
Natural Power In Plenty.
"While the Rocky mountains are aome
what deficient In coal, not in quantity but
In quality. It has what ia better, a supply
ot water falling from an average eleva
tion of 2,600 feet, eonatant In quantity
which la capable ot producing power suf
ficient to turn the wheels of the continent.
Now that electricity haa permitted the
transmission of thla power to polnta re
mote from where It ta generated and this,
too, with excellent efficiency owing to tbe
dryness of the climate, I am quite sure
that I would prefer the water power ot
the Rockies to the coal deposits of tbe
Alleghanlea. My observation telle me tbat
the climate of the Rockies will produce
a race ot men and women capable of the
very best things; It is Invigorating, stimu
lating and Infinitely more mild than the
Mississippi valley. It permlta, except at
very high eievationa, the carrying on ot
any sort of business during the entire year.
It la free from destructive storms and to
sum up. It is the best In ths United Statea.
I predict for thla region a future ot in
finite promiss. Once solvs the question of
ths food supply and give consequent cbesper
labor to tbe Rocky mountains and there
la no- portion of the Untied States whose
future is so great. Here Is the combina
tion and I cannot aee now, though I have
carefully sought for them, any flaws in
the structure. Great fertility of aoil, mar
veloualy atlmulatlng and perfect climate;
mineral resources surpassing any similar
area of country in tbe world and more
readily acceaslble; unlimited power and
peopled, aa It will be In the future by a
auparior development of the beat races of
northern Europe. What more could one
ask tor any country? Harvard collega
has recognized ths Importance of tbia prob
lem by establishing a professorship to
teach tbe young men that come to our
school the Importance of the development
by Irrigation of the Rocky mountain region.
Prof. Elwood Mead is tbe teacher of thla
science in our college, he having been for
yeara In charge of tbe Irrigation worka
In Wyoming and now connected with the
government Irrigation department.
Forecast for Nebraska Local Rains Mon
day and Tueoday.
Temperature at Omaha Yeeterdart
Hour. Den. Hour. Iar.
B n. m ft l p. m it
sw m Ml 1 p, n mm
T n. m R( ft p. m TO
An. m o 4 p. m , TX
n m a 5 p. m T4
10 n. m 4 H p. an TJ
11 a. m tll T p. m TO
IS an......... UT p. m hm
p. m KM
Attempts to Speak of Battles Tbey
Fought Together, bat la
NEW TORK. Aug. 24. Taps were sounded
today for Oeneral Franz Slgel. Simple and
unostentatious was his tuneral. Surround
ing ths flag-covered coffln wherein lay
tbe general, attired In the well worn uni
form he had usud during the war, stood
the fe-v surviving comrades who had fought
with the veteran in two hemispheres. Some
ot thess spoks simple eulogies and then
the body was carried to ita last resting
place In Woodiawn cemetery, followed by
a long line of scarred and crippled veterans
bearing with them tattered flags.
Conspicuous among those who paid tribute
to the memory of General Sigel, waa Carl
Schuri, his comrade as arms, first In the
great uprising which swept Europe in 1848
and later in tbe civil war. As Mr. Schura
stood by the bier of his dead friend and
recalled the battlea In which they had
fought together he gave way to emotion
and had to lean heavily on the lid of ths
coffin. For three hours the body lay In
atate and during that time at least 10,000
persons filed paet. There were several
relatives, the chief mourner being tbe widow
of General Slgel, his sons, Franz, Jr., Paul
and Robert, hla daughter, Mra. Lela Schehl
and members of their respective families.
Following them came the orators of the
occasion, 'Carl Schurz, Dr. A. Jacobl and
George von Skal.
Crew's Guests Mnimed and Brakemaa
Killed on Alton Rood nt
' Mexico, Mo.
MEXICO, Mo., Aug. 24. One man waa
killed, three fatally Injured and one seriously
hurt at midnight last night by the explosion
of the boiler of the big mogul engine draw
ing the first section of the Chicago A Alton
train No. 86, eleven miles esst of tbls city,
while going thirty-five miles an hour.
HARRT C. MARKWELL. brakeman. Sla
ter Mn
Fatally Injured:
M. L. Stevenson, fireman. Slater, Mo.
L. C. Ebatlenberg, Slater. Mo.
J. T. McMaban, Springfield, Mo.
Seriously Injured:
M. O. Pag. Slater. Mo.
All of the men were riding on tbe engine
when the accident occurred. Engineer Page
and Fireman Stevenaon were running the
engine and the others were visiting them.
The boiler was blown 200 yards and nine
cars. ware "'-r--' - , , , ,
Molten Iron Gets Into Water Guard
and Five Heavy Explosions
Quickly Follow.
SHARON. Pa., Aug. 24. Sharon waa
ahaken from end to end today by five suc
cessive explosions at the National Steel
company'a furnace north of town. Tbe
explosions were caused by the molten
Iron breaking out ot the stack and running
into the water around the boeh. The shock
was so great that houses were rocked aa
if by an earthquake. Great damage re
sulted to the furnace, and the stack has
been forced to close down and will have
to be partly rellned. Tbe plant will be
Idle probably a month and the loss to tbe
company will amount to tbousanda of dol
Orient Rood's Construction Gnnga
Knocked Hnrd In the Center
of Town.
WITCHITA, Kan., Aug. 24. WItchlta peo
ple were awakened tbls morning by 600
railroad laborers building a track for the
'Frisco road on Moaeley avenue, on which
a right-of-way waa granted recently to
the Kansss City, Mexico A Orient. Until
daylight thla morning no Intimation had
been given that the 'Frisco Intended to
occupy ths street. The police remon
strated with the men, but no heed waa
paid to them. There is talk of tearing
up the new track tomorrow. This Is the
only available atreet tbat the council can
give the Orient road.
Thle Tlmo . It's tho Emporia Corre
spondent Who Hna Distressing
Things to TelL
EMPORIA, Kan.. Aug. 24. Hundreds ot
farmers are fleeing from tbe waters ot
tbe Cottonwood river, leaving behind tbelr
deluged farms and flooded homes. Tbe
river baa been rising steadily for a week
and great damage Is now resulting. Some
farma have been under water twenty-six
hours, causing certain deatructlon to crops.
The Neosho river is entirely out ot Its
banks below ita Junction with tbe Cotton
wood. The Santa Fe railroad la troubled
much with washouts and has discontinued
running some of Ita passenger trains.
Bryant Schick of Chicago Awakens to
Find His Wife and Chil
dren Dead.
CHICAOO, Aug. 24. Bryant Schick waa
awakened thla morning by a dream that a
mishap bad befallen hla wire. He found
the bouse filled with escaping gas, and his
wlfs and two children, a girl of 2 years
and an Infant, dead. It la aupposed that
Mrs. Schick turned on tbe gaa while tem
porarily Insane. She left a note, but It
waa ao poorly written that no one could
read it.
Movements of Ocean Vessels Aug. 84.
At New York Arrived: Bovlc, from
Liverpool: La Gascogne. from Havre; Min
nehaha, from London; Zeeland, from Ant
werp. . .
At Queenstown 8alled: EtrurLa, from
IJvrrMol, fur New York.
At Southampton Sailed: Koenlgen, from
Bremen, for New York.
At Movllle Arrived-: Sardinian, from
New York, for Glasgow, and proceeded.
At Hamburg Arrived: Pennsylvania. from
New York via Plymouth and Cherbourg.
At St. Michaels Arrived: Cambroraan,
from Boston, for Genoa and NspKs.
At fit. Johns, N. B. Arrived: Siberian,
from Glasgow and IJvsrpool, for Halifax,
N. eua Philadelphia.
Blug Equadroi Captured Whit Off ilia
cheiter, lazachnietU
Surroundi ths Enemy aad PilUbury
Eat to Surrendar.
Higfinwn's Vigilant aid Quick lotion
"Ba? Ooait"
Three Ships of the White Squadron
Attempt to Capture Harbor, but
Are Cnptlvea Themaelves
Within Two Hours.
ROCKPORT, Mass., Aug. 24. The naval
aesrch problem on tbe New England coast
wss terminated at 6:40 thla morning by
the signal "Surrender; demand uncondi
tional" from Rear Admiral Hlgglnson'a flag
ship and the reply "Accept surrender,"
from the foretruck ot Prairie, Commander
Plllsbury's flagship.
The battle between the Blue, or defend
ing squadron, and the White, or attacking
squadron, waa thus quickly ended, eight
miles south of Thatcber'a Island. Ths
enemy bad most signally tailed to make
a harbor, having for Ita objective Salem.
A preponderance of fighting atrength, rela
tively (4 polnta, represented by the battle
ships Kearsarge, Alabama and Massachu
setts, Scorpion and a torpedo boat, bad
overwhelmed the 45 polnta represented by
the auxiliary cruisers. Prairie, Panther and
Supply. To speak from a tbeorstto atand
point tbe White squadron was entirely de
stroyed by the guns of the defending bat
tleships. Thus on the fourth night tbe game of naval
strategy waa brought to an end. It having
covered a period of unceasing toll, sleep
less nights ot anxloui, and wearing vigil
and grave uncertainty to Ita partlclpanta.
Story of the Test.
The destruction ot Plllsbury's squadron
occurred at a point Just within the outer
limit of Gloucester harbor, not over eight
miles southerly from Thatcher's island, off
which It had been anchored since Wednea-
day, when the war game waa declared
The surrounding and "putting out of no
tion" of the aquadron In command of Com
mander PUlsbury waa the culminating in
cident In one ot the most Interesting chap
ters In the peace history of the American
navy. For tbe placing in operation of the
maneuvera of the war ahlps oft the coast
ot New England the navy had long pre
pared Itself and bad looked forward with
keen anticipation. . Aa planned by the na-
rtrr- vrrtHTrtt 'M'; -f asM a pr9twea?nd'- a '
.... ... , m k. ..., 4..... , V - ' '"t.t
the blue, tbe defending fleet, and ths other
the white, to be a hostile fleet bent upon
effecting an anchorage In aome unprotected
harbor in the coast from Cape Elizabeth
to Cape Cod, opposed all the time by the '
defending fleet. Tbe anchorage bad to be
maintained against tbe defenders for.
period ot aix hours.
Boats Engaged.
Commander Plllsbury's White aquadron '
consisted of auxiliary cruisers Prairie
(flagship), Panther and Supply. The two
former boats were each assigned twenty
polnta of fighting strength, while Supply
waa assumed to represent five points. Ad
miral Higglnson's fleet waa actually su
perior in the number of Its members, and
by tbe same arrangements made as to the
PUlsbury fleet It represented a total of
ninety-seven polnts of strength. Kear
sarge, Alabama and Massachusetts battle- .
ahlps were given twenty, the cruisers
Brooklyn and Olympla eight each, Leydon
and Montgomery, Gloucester, Mayflower and
Scorpion three each, while a number of tor
pedo boats mads up the remaining numbers.
To win in the mimlo war tbe Blue squad
ron had to bring against the attacking ves
sels, aa 'it did early today, warships su
perior In their combined aasumsd fighting
power. Each aide bad the right to cap
ture Individual craft ot tbe other fleet br
overcoming them In point ot atrength, an
under the rulea ot the game tbe oaptured
vessels were to retire altogether from the
field of action.
In tbe defeat of PUlsbury tbe defense,
with three battleships. Scorpion and with
a single torpedo boat, had sixty-four points
ao that the balance was sgalnst tbe at
tacking squsdron. Throughout the mimic
war there waa placed in Operation aystem
of coast defense which waa admittedly of
credit to those who engaged In 1L
Experience ProBtable.
The problem waa ao complicated that on
the war vessels here tonight the week's
work la viewed with satisfaction for ths
ons reason, if for no other, that the aquad
ron has bad Invaluable practice. The final
event of these war moves waa the aequence
om many complicating developments.
The capture came at the end of a night
filled with rumors aa to the location ot'tbe
attacking squsdron. At 1:20 o'clock last
night three battleships of tbe Blue aquadroo
got under way In a hurry and aalled to tbe
eastward. Tbs Intention waa to move on
to Portland and If tbat bad been carried
out Admiral Hlgglnaon, aa It later devel
oped, would have awung tbe balance of his
fighting force to tbat end ot the coast llns,
aa PUlsbury had Intended he sbould, but
which was not done on account of heavy
seas running outside Cape Elizabeth. Hlg
glnaon, however, deflected his course back
to Olouoeater after a awing aeaward, in
response to a report that the enemy had
not been aighted when It was believed
he bad been, but In the last boura ot the
night, PUlsbury sailed toward Cape Ann
from the outside and, aa It proved, right
under the very guns of tbe defending aquad
ron. Commander PUlsbury when still out
to aea, after maneuvering beaded atralght
for Salem harbor.
Sighted at Slgnnl Station.
But the desired vantage point was never
reached. When bla boata had arrived off
Magnolia tbey were aighted by the signal
station on Baker's Island. A message
waa aent to the station at Rock port bare
and tbe torpedo boat, Barney, waa aent to
notify the Blue aquadron. The atatloa here
had been informed before Higglnson's bat
tleships had been sighted off Gloucester
and that later they bad returned to their
bertha under the lee of Harper'a Island.
Barney's commander was mystified there
fore wben after rounding Stralgbtsmouth
he esw no evidence of ths presence ot
Kearsarge. On a hazard Barney waa eteered
AfWr Hlgglnson'a ahipe bad cruised up