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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1902)
, THE OMAHA TiA Carpet Department third Hero is a MONEY-SAVING OPPORTUNITY Iti floor covering floor that has never been excelled. 9Xirf h'S1- oT19 RUg8 Q A ft A the brok "tock lQ our Velvet QCn north flo.OO, at .... ...V.iO Carpets go at, yard . OOC 0x12 Brussds Itugs-worth 18.00, yr QO Heavy grade of Drusselg, 3G-in. wide, fast 07t at AW.VO colors, per yard C Lace Curtains We will close out all our 2 and 3-pair lota of Fine Lace Curtains at less than cost. Lot 1 contains all the $3.00 and $4.00 cur tains, price to close, per pair 1QC Lot 2 includes all the curtains, worth from O C . J J 4.oo to f7.00, at, per pair O.OU Monday is Special Bargain Day Munyon's 1612 & 'HARNEY STS. CO K.OJ lit" II Y W Ji ii in the Jewelry Dept. ... i SILVERWARE HOLLOW WARE FLATWARE Quadruple Plated Tea Bet, five pieces, bright burnished or satin en- A HE graved, worth $11, choice..... ..VO Fickle Castors, In colora, with 1 in tongs, choice l,JyJ Butter Dishes, handsomely engraved, worth IS.OO, tomor- a row i It49 Cake Baskets, crimped g:mj dcelgna I.O Balad Dlshea, lara;e , Nut Bowla, cold lined Candleatlcka, worth $1.48 1.25 1.13 75c fruit Dishes, 12.48 Z 1.60 B?rr? Bowla, worth 12.75 .1.98 c?ker J"rg- w,t" cover, worth 1.98,. tomorrow 1.29 call Boys' cap, Hardware Dept See AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Aiother Propciitien for tin Furchua of fljndioate Park. NEIGHBORING RESIDENTS IN THE DEAL Caralry Troop IarlteA to Participate la Mancavcra at Fort Riley TweatyFoarta Street Parla nepalra Nearly Dose. Now there comes another proposition for the purchase of Syndicate park. Thla time Attorney A. L. Sutton la at the head of the movement. He atated to a Bee re porter last night that about thirty prop erty ownera In the vicinity of the park had been talking the matter over and they bad practically agreed 'to make an at tempt to raise tunda for the purchase of , the park. It will be remembered that a number of years ago, when lota near the park were being sold. It was given out that the park would be open to the public, but after the property had been disposed of the park waa fenced Since that time several plana have been submitted to the ownera of the park, regarding the opening to the publlo ' of thla tract of laud. All of theee have been declined, and as the city Is In no position to take bold of the matter at thla time, the property owners In the vicinity have been trying to devise wave and means to secure the grounds. The plan la so far incomplete, but It Includes the Incorporation of a company by a certain number of people residing near the park. When this la done funda will be rataed, so Mr. Sutton states, to pur chase the park. After the deal la consum mated the park will be used aa a private ' park by the Incorporators. la order that the cltlsens of South Omaha may have use of the grounds when da- , sired. It haa been suggested that thla tea be arranged, providing the municipal au thortt tea will station a pollcemaa oa the grounds at night. Thla la all. Mr. Button . aaya. that will be asked of the authorlttea. A meeting le to be held at Mr. Sutton's office thla week to confer about this matter, lavltee Hollaaa's Troops. i Adjutant General Colby hae aeat orders i to Captain W. l Holland, commanding the South Omaha Cavalry troop, iuairuviluo his to take a vote of the men and ascertaia whether the troops deairea to go to Fort ' Riley, Kan., to participate la the military . maneuvers. This notice from Oeneral Colby - kaa been poeted oa the bulletin board at the troop armory and will doubtless be Knives and Forks, Spoons, Ladles, Etc. Beat k 1 triple plate Knives and Forks, 11 pieces, guaranteed to wear, to- morrow only One dosen best A 1 triple plat 4 7fi extra finish Table Spoons One doxen best A 1 triple plata BE plain flnlsh Table Spoons , I.OO One dosen beat A 1 triple plata QO Teaapoona, axtra finish V7(7W One dozen best A 1 triple plate 4Qr Teaapoona, plain finish , Sugar Spoons and Butter Knlvea, 25C Beet quality triple plata Meat "TRo. Fork, only, each - w Best quality triple plata Berry TOc Bpoona, each I Best quality triple plata Gravy 7 Am Ladles, each.., Best quality triple plata Soup a flQ Ledlee, each......:. .. I.VO Finest solid German ailver Mesh Purses, ex ceedingly pretty tops, Worth A OH WW, go at .. 4.0D A new line of finely finished gold filled gents' Fobs, In ajllk and leather, at the fot- 8i.Tinf2.wy(JoICM: SC: '"V In our SPECTACLE AND OPTICAL DE KAK'l Mun i' mere wiii be e&uert uuiiva to test your eyes FREE, TOMORROW. German Silver Spectacles, fine en lenses, worth $1.60 OUC Steel, nickel plated, good lenaea, ORn worth 7bc ijC tOOpalrs Speotacles, worth 60e, IOC And other grades up to 'm.00. , In Our Shoe Department If you wish to shoe yovr beys and girh with such shoes as will not give you any care for the nevt few months, at W. R. Dennett Co. 'e Shoe Department under the balcony. See the prices of some that will wear. storm calf bale, with double extension soles, nice neat ahapa and still very strong Boys' box calf bale, with double extension aoles. High school cap, dressy, but a wearer Misses' dongola lace, patent tip, low heel, extension soles 1.25 We male a specialty of good durable shoes for boys and girls. Everything we sell is guaranteed. our superb Harney street acted upon at a meeting to be held en Monday night. . In case the troop deciles thai it la not adviaable to go to Fort Riley at thla time of the year. It la understood that an effort will be made to have the commissioned officers and aa many of the non-commla. aloned officer as possible present on the day when President Roosevelt will review the troops In camp. Cashier Bostwlek Retaraa. H. C. Boatwlck, cashier of the South Omaha National bank, returned Friday from an extended western trip. While away he looked over his ranchea, located near Sheridan, VYyo., and then went oa to Dome lake and other resorts in the vicin ity. In speaking of the cattle condltlona to a reporter for The Bee yeaterday Mr. Bostwlek said that the range graae wa fine and that cattle were In excellent con dition. He predlcta heavy ahlpmenta to this market from thla time on until the range shipping eeaaoa closes. "The coun try in the northwest." said, Mr. Boatwlck, "never looked better tbaa It doea at the preeent time, and ranchmen are not only prosperous now, but look forward to a good aeasoa next year." Kaasaiaatlea Papera Filed. An order wee recently leaned by the Board of Education to place all examina tion papcra of the teachers en file. This haa been done for the first time la the history of the city, and now all of the teachnra who took the examination in June may find their papera neatly bound and on file In the office of Superintendent McLean. Heretofore the examining committee merely made a report to the teachers' com mittee, giving the standing of thoae who passed the examination. Thla was not considered satisfactory and ao It waa de cided to have the examining; board mark every paper and file the aame. Theee have been placed la alphabetical erder and bound in canvaa covers. The papera are open to the Inspection of the publlo upon request. Repairs Coaapletea. City Engineer Beal aald yeeterday after noon that the repalra te the Twenty fourth atreet pavement were praotically completed. On the west aide of the street (67 yards of concrete was laid, while oa the east side It took only 314 yards to place the street la a paasabls condition. The cost of the repalra thla year amounts to 11,751. In IIW the cost of repairu was ll.0; In 1900. fl.124; In 101. l,bg, and this year. J1.7JI. The original cost of the pavement to the taxperere waa I110.M7. Thla waa laid In tha years Ukl a as The bid for the work waa 13.77 per square yard. At for the repavlng of the atreet the eaglneer thinks It U1 be cheaper for the city to fV W. R. BENNETT CO.'S Big Dry Goods Bargains 5,000 yards Garter Elastic, black, white and fancy colors, f and f inches wide, worth up to 10c yard our price per yard Clearing up our stock of Summer Wash Ties, white and colored, worth 1 Q f up to 50c, our price -' 100 dozen Children's Black or Tan, all sizes, fine ribbed and fast colors, worth' 15c pair our price 10c a pair, OCp or three pairs for Jw Two specials in Ladies' Wash Shirt Waists plain colors and white, chambrays, dimity, Swiss and percales, all sizes Lot No. 1, each, 39c Lot No. 2, each, 89c BARGAIN CIRCLE, Main Floor. We have just received another lot of "THE PERFECTION SKIRT SUP PORTERS." This is attached to the belt and holds tip the skirt, made of black corded ribbon with buckle and clasp; will not tear the skirt our price each kJVJk student , .1.75 2.00 Boys' satin calf derby cap Misses' vlct kid patent tip extension aoles, Just the thing for school wear Two-burner Gasoline Stove, regular price Brooms 20c regular, tomorrow Brooms 25c regular, tomorrow appropriate about $1,000 a year to keep the roadway In repair than It would be to vote bonda and lay an entirely new pave ment. Want Rosebad Usd. Another delegation of South Omaha peo ple propose starting within a tew das tor South Dakota for the purpose of tak ing up land on the Rosebud agency. Dr. McCrann and his party returned about ten daya ago and succeeded In filing on some desirable claims. Slnoe that time a couple of doien property ownera here have gone to Chamberlain, 8. D., for the purpose of looking over the ground. New there Is another list made up and a acore or more have aenl to Dr. McCrann for Information. It la figured that South Omaha people will be largely lntereated In South Dakota lands before the area allotted by the gov ernment le exhausted. Hospital Aeeoelattoa Batortalansaat. A aeries of entertainments will be given under the auspices of the ladlee of the hos pital association August 18. 29 and 10. Friday evening Mlaa Bertha Clarke. South Omaha's popular elocutionist, will pre sent two Interesting comedies, "Which la Which?" and "Mr. Boh." The easts are composed of the following popular young people: Fred Conroy. Our Roberta, Leonard Legro, Eunice Ensor, Nellie Enser, Edith Orey, Adam Cox, Roy Towle, James Duncaneon. Mlssee Oeneva Oarlow, Alia Ollchrsst, Nora Smith. Delia Clarke; spe cialties. Master Roland Ensor and Mar guerite 8mlth. Maglo City Coaslp. James J. Fitagereld baa gone north for a few daye' atay. Mlaa Gertrude Parkhurat haa gone to Iowa to visit frienda. F E Houseman Is In the west looking after bualneae intereata Miss Amelia Allen la home from a visit with frienda at Sioux City. Mra. O. K. Paddock, la back from a vlalt with friends at Perclval. la Mlsa Ruth Turner la home from the east, wbre aha apent her vacation. Mra. Carey of Neligh. Neb., waa the guoat laat week of Mra. A. A. Thurlow. Mra. W. U Holland returned laat night from a six weeks' tour ot Colorado. Rev. C. C. Smith will occupy the pulo't at the Methodist church thla morning. Barrett at Co., undertaken and embalm ers. 4lh at N Sta. Always open. Tel. 10J. Mra. John Cox, Twenty-eecohd and N Streets, haa been Quite alck for two weeka. Rev. George Van Winkle will preach thla forenoon at 11 o'clock at the Baptist church. Orln . Merrill haa gone back to Pueblo, Colo., after a week'e stay with hie parents he i. A son haa been born to Mr. and Mra. C Vv. Bander iii Kuiih taenty-uiih street. Thomas Hortor returned yeeterday from Iowa, where he went to look after buainesa matte ra. The members of tha elty church cholre and all singers In the rlty have been In vited te meet Mr. Colbura at the United MONDAY we will place on sale all our Fine Imported Dimities, French Mull and Satin Striped Zephyrs, in all the new fancy stripes and patterns worth up to 50c yard, will be closed i ffy out at per yard IvL 36-inch All Linen Suitings, elegant qual ity and all desirable colors, QQp worth 65c yard, at All our Fancy Silk, Ginghams, Ribbon Striped Sheer ay i Table 52-inch, Heavy Double Fleeced Table Padding, worth 40c yard, 54-inch Heavy Quality Table Padding. The only Table Padding free from lint worth fl yd., at OL 34-inch All Wool Fine Quality Silk Em broidered White Flannel, worthy Qn 65c yard at per yard HrOL 34-inch extra quality, handsomely em broidered White Flannel, worthfC t"j 85c yard, at bals. with double extension tolas, 2.95 Monday.. 2.20 ...15c 18c Brooms Brooms General Tea Show-its Presbyterian church at 1 o'clock thla after noon. Arrangements are being made for some Interior lmprovementa to the First Metho dist church. Frank Spear, the N street mail carrier, will return to duty Tueaday, after a two weeka' vacation. Mlaa Grace Megrem of Red Oak, la., apent last week here, the guest of Miss Loralne Johnson. Captain D. & Parkhurat haa been called to Broken Bow, Neb., by the aerloua III neaa ot.a. brother. Mra. P. J. Johneon haa returned home from a two months' stay with friends and relatives In Wisconsin. The Insurance adjusters have paid the claim for tha damage done ty lightning to the First Methodist church. Mlsa Carrie Clark, ona of tha teachers In the publio achoois, returns today from the weat, where ehe epent her vocation. Mra.' George H. Brewer and daughter have returned home after a visit of aeveral weeks with friends at Davenport, la, Zack Cuddlngton came In from Ottumwa, la., yeaterday evening and will put In a few daya here looking after hla property Interests. Robert Baldwin and alstar Deadamona re turned home yesterday, after a few daya' visit with Misa Uoldle Johneon, Thirteenth and O atreeta. , Kdltor Merrill of the Presbyterian eays: "The Agitator Is on the road and wtU re veal some wonderful atatementa In regard to the petition for Sabbath desecration." George Mllo, for aeveral yeara past man ager of Armour's wholesale and retail markets here, severed hie connection with tha company lust night, after giving a week'a notice, and will go west, where ha will engage In buainesa with hla brother. NOT A HOT SHOT AT LYON Presldeat's Reproval of Teaaa Rcpa. lleaae Hot Aimed at Coaa aalttee C'aalranaB. PROVIDENCE, R. I.. Aug. 21. The friends ot Cecil A. Lyon, chairman of the republican state committee ot Texas, are considerably exercised over the recent an nouncement ot tha prealdent that ha wished to warn tha republicans of tha south that It they wanted anything from him they would have to get out and aecure votea in stead of getting delegatea to. republican national convections, and looking for fed eral offlcea. i Judging from a dispatch received aboard the train today the friends of Mr. Lyon seem to think that he waa made the special ob ject ot the preeldent'a ultimatum and waa held responsible for the political quarrel la Texaa, but thla was found to be Incorrect, the president saying that bis remarks ap plied te all. ladlaaa Will Meet at last, TTNDALU S. D.. Aug. 21 (Special.) The great Indian convocation will meet this year at Saatee. Neb. It la expected that from 1.&00 ta 1,KK Indiana will be present. Chintzes, Lace Striped i Lrench Batistes in a great variety of colors and patterns, worth '"JQri 75c vard. at OVv, Paddings oyc per yard .1.50 1.50 30c regular, tomorrow 35c regular, tomorrow House Paint, regular price 1.10, a glimpse AWAIT COMING OF THE KING Visit of Vloter Emmanuel to Germany to Be Brilliant Event AFFAIR ENTIRELY OF SOCIAL NATURE While Disarmament Fropoaala Hay Be Dtaeaaaed tbe Yesag Monarch la imply Kaklaf First Call . I'poa Hla Frlead. BERLIN, Aug. It. Gilded masta sur mounted by evergreen crowns are being aet up along Voter dea Linden In preparation of tha entrance into Berlin or King Victor Emmanuel ot Italy on Thursday next. The Uater den Linden midway la being bordered throughout Ita length by large rows of potted greenery. The program for tha king's entertainment, which Includes receptions, state dinners and a gala per formance at the opera, ends on Saturday with the great fall parade ot troops on the Tempelhof field. The object of King Victor Emmanuel's visit, as explained at the Italian embassy. Is that the young king la aimply making hla first call, elnce hla acceealoa, upon hie friend, the emperor; that such was tha only purpose of his visit to Russia and that It la Quite probable that the king will vlatt France next year. Austria la not likely to be visited by King Emmanuel for the reaeon that Emperor Francis Joseph never returned the lata King Humberts visit to Vienna, because he wished to avoid oavindlng the Vatican by aeeiag King Humbert In Rome. Aa King Victor Emmanuel on his visit to Berlin will be attended by the Italian premier, Slgnor Zanardelll, the relations between Italy and Oermany will naturally be dlacuMed, but anything approaching negotiatlona with a definite object, growing out of the question of King Victor Em manuel'a dlaarmament proposala, are for thr emperor'a personal ear and are not official, and the frultlessnsss of making them la already well understood by the ministers here. As for the rest, the Berllaers are looking forward to a brilliant show and officialdom aatlelpatea a wearisome aerlea of fuactlone which it must attend. ST. PAUL'S MUST BE MENDED Voaadatloa at Faaaoaa Loadaa Cathe dral lasers frosa Eisavatlsa for laeergreasd Traaao. LONDON, Aug. 21 A full report la ex pected soon from Corners Clarke, tbe ar ( regular price of 15c a cake, for only 10c a cake while it lasts. This is good news for all the household, from baby to grandma. Good news for baby, because it surely and quickly cures all forms of summer eruptions, hives, rash, chafing and prickly heat. ,. Good news for sister and mother because it will preserve the creamiest' complexions and cure all kinds of facial blemishes. Good news for father and brother because it soothes the skin while shaving, and is the best shampoo known, eradicat ing dandruff and relieving itching and burning scalps. Good news for grandma because it makes hard or harsh skins soft and gives the glow of youthful freshness. Yes, THIS SALE OF MUNYON'S WITCH HAZEL SOAP AT IOC A CAKE will surely be welcomed by all the family, for either as a medicine for the skin or as a toilet luxury that is fast supplanting the high-priced imported soaps it has do equal. Better come early per cake, 10c. aJs DECORATED FINE CHINA Salads.' Berry Bowls, Frutt Compotes and Cake Plates, choice for. . .35c Table assortment of Extra Fine Fruit and Fancy Tlates, values cut deep, choice for 12c Decorated China Chocolate Pots : 50c Decorated China Sugar and Creams 30c Decorated China Syrup Cans 25c Decorated China Tea Cups and Saucers 10c English, Print Set of six '. .42c Crystal Fruit Bowls I0c Peerless Table Crystal Wares pyrj Mason 2-QUART JARS, riViM J SPECIAL . dozen SECOND trjtv Woodenware Department , . A few 3 cent specials for . Monday r..6pT. 3c T Three-arm Towel Rack ....... at 22c Over stock of Lawn Mowers 26c biff reduction for Monday sales tomorrow 76c at hardware dept. in everything. of "Sunny Japan' chitect In charge of St. Paul's, but there seems to be small question, In spits ot tha denials of the dean, that the chapter Is seriously worried over the condition ot the cathedral, the foundations ot which have been weakened by bad draining, coupled with extensive excavations In connection with tbe tube railroads and other sub surface work. It Is said on good author ity that prompt and extenelve repalra, es timated to cost 11.100.000, are Imperative to Insure the safety of the historic build ing. As the cathedral authoritlea are de cidedly pressed for funds it Is not Improb able that tbe public may be appealed to. CORONATION" CROWD LEAVES None Left of the VIsltloaT Potentates that Crowded and Amaard All London. LONDON, Aug. 21. King Lewenika has departed for bla kraal in Barotxeland, northwestern Rhodesia, with many Im pedimenta, one ot the most cherished Items of which consists ot six silk bats. Ras Makonnen, the Abyssinian general. Is' also homeward bound. Among bla baggage Is a big balloon. The Indian princes have disappeared, and with the departure ot the shah ot Perala, Monday, London will bo bereft of Ita laat show visitor. Ths West end of London, from a so ciety point of view, Is a desert. The members of tbe royal family, tbe cabi net ministers and tbe foreign diplomats are scattered, and all tboae with money enough to enable them to do ao have fled to the moors, rivers or various conti nental health resorts. Twenty-one West end clubs, aggregating a membership of nearly 10,000, are closed for renovation and the shuttered houses of Msyfalr add to the general gloominess. There la talk, however, of a "second season," commen cing In September, with tha reopening ot Parliament and the return ot King Ed ward to town. The ahah haa been tbe object of much attention on tha part of the newspapers for a week past. The round of entertain ments provided for him included every thing ot a light and ahowy character, from a visit to the waxworka to a big review of artillery at Woolwich, while the short In tervals were filled up with coaversatlona oa political matters, such aa Russian at tempts to aecure porta on tbe Persian gulf, the fulfillment of which would ne cessitate large additions to the British Beet in Indian watera. The Perelan'a jewela were an unending aource of gossip. A jewel merchant who waa present at tha shah's reception Tues day estimated that if the geme the mon arch waa then wearing were put up at auction they would fetch II.750,CHg. Tbe last of the Indian potentates, the Witch Hazel Soap for 10c cake The Great Skin and Scalp Remedy Makes Mother and Baby Sweet as Roses. Here's good news! Munyon's Witch Hazel Soap, that is marvclously cheap at Iti Crockery Table of bargains: CPTPriTUn TfrTT?T A T. A ttgttjt a V CZZL FLOOR. $ dosen Clothes Pins at 3c 3c 1 dosen Plcnto Platea at 3c ePvlfeb oc maharajah of Jaipur, aalled for hla home Friday, though officially he commenced hla journey homeward by deputy on Monday. It la customary for the maharajah before . etarting on more Important journeya to con sult the etate astrologlst aa to whether the planeta are favorable. The astrologer advised the mabarajah'a departure Monday, but aa it waa inconvenient to do ao, the ' maharajah determined to trick the planeta and deputized bla aide-de-camp and aome 4 membera of hla suite to start and await him ' at Dover. Tbe maharajah haa caused London host esses endless confusion by having the name of. hla apeclal god printed on hla visiting . cards above hla own name. Various amart , women were hurt by not receiving answera j to their invitations until it waa discovered' losi loer Din uvea kuui viiru iw iui suit : Instead of to the maharajah. ' . j The embarkation of tha maharajah's bag- i gage at Dover caused a aenaatloa among j the provincials, especially tha removal from i the train to tbe ateamer of an Image ot' Buddha and copper vessels containing aa- ' cred Gangea water, which waa carried out ; by the priests of the eulte with great oere-; modal. Among the maharajah's baggage' were a bicycle, a horae and a email tricycle. Increase TralBo Faellltlea. ABERDEEN. 8. D.. Aug. 22. (Special.) ' A party of Milwaukee officials were here th'a week looking over their terminal fa ellltlea for the handling of their extension business at thla point. They decided to put on an extra awttch engine and crew, also improve their present facilities. A wVeaEi Sftomniaciu Indigestion la of ten caused by over eating. An eminent authority aayg tha barm done thus exceeds that from the excessive use of alcohol. Eat all tbe good food you want but don't over load tbe stomach. weak stomach may refuse to digest what you eat. Then you need a good dlgestant Ilk Kodol, which digests your food with out the stomach's aid. This rest and tbe wholesome tonics Kodol contains soon restore health. Dieting unneces sary. Kodol quickly relieves tbe feel log of fulness and bloating from which soma people sutler after meals. Absolutely cures Indigestion. -a-e M. m.l huuui itaturo a ieui Prepared only by E.G. DbWitt Oo., Chicago, Tbt tifermulnslH tlniesthefrflr pcwunurnctAULY lUStttS Ths fatoous little pills for coasllcaUoav t