13 TTIE OMAI1A DATLT BEE: SUNT) AT, ATJOTTST 24, 1003. MONET TO LOAN kEAL F.ITATB. MONET to loan on Improved Omaha real ultU. UrennaA-Love Co., $09 o. 1.1th, W 79 itt PER CENT on business property. I per cent on residence property. Options to pay whole or part any time, W. B. MEIKLE, ul B. 16th Bt. W-740 WANTED, city loan, and warrant,. W, Farnam Smith A Co., 1J20 Farnam St. W 741 FARM anil city loan,, low rate W H. Thomas, Flrat NaL Bank Bldg. Tel. IMS. W 742 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bond and warrants. R. C. Fctera 4V Co., 17ul Farnam St., Bee Bldg. W 74$ LOW RATES. Private monee. PAYNE INVESTMENT I'OMPANT, Main Floor, New York Life BMi. W-7M I PER CENT loan. Oanrln Bros.. ISO. Farnam. W 741 PRIVATE money. F. D. W,sd. 1524 Douglas W-f6 $100 UP; low rate. Prichard. 1712 Farnam. W-747 " i PRIVATE money. Bherwood, SJT N. T. I W-749 SV TO S P. C. money. Bemla Paxton Blk. W-748 WILLIAMSON MOHET TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY WHEN you And It necessary to borrow, five us a trial, after wblch we will , air treatment attempt to retain yjur patronage. We loan from $10 up, on fur niture, pianos, live stock, eto. We also make loana to SALARIED PEOPLE without mortgage or lndurser. We do not deduct Interest In advance, we charge nothing for making or filing papers and our service Is quick and confidential. Ws alwaya try tn please our patrons. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 11 Hoard of Trada Bldg. Tel. 2295, (Established 1892) 80S So. Ifith St. X-M512 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO BAuAlvllliU r ry i LjVj , mercnantn, team-; aters, boarding houses, etc., without ne- curlty; easiest terms; w omces In jirln clpal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trad Bldg. X 751 Cnatrl and Palnry Loans PHOENIX CREDIT CO., Successor to J. W. Tayloe. 745. 633 Paxton Block. X M752 Tel. DO YOU NEED MONEY? SALARY AND FURNIT1RE LOANS. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Room 303, Third Floor, Paxton Block. X S3o MONEY loaned on plain not to salaried oenple; buslnch confidential; lowest rate. $14 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Cr. X-7S4 MONEY loaned on furniture, llv stock. Jewelry, to salaried people. Foley Ixan Co., suo. to Duff Oreen, Barker bioek. ' X-75S MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, lew. elry, horses, cowr, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 8. IS. X-767 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C VAN 8 ANT' 8 school. 717 N. Y. Life. iw BOYI.E8 college, court reporter principal, N. Y. Life. 769 NEB. Business & Shorthand College. Boyd' Theater. 770 HOTELS. LANGE HOTEL, upstair. 13th tt Jackson. 189 S7 BARKER, 13 & Jones; AmerL & European. 190 87 TYPEWRITERS. LAMBERT TYPEWRITER, price $20; I fast, efficient, durable, easiest to learn, use and care for; sent on approval. Mon roe A Co., 811 No. 16th St, Omaha. w rM12S NICKEL PLATING. OMAHA Plating Co., Bee Bldg. Tel. 2538. 787 ELECTRICAL REPAIRERS. GRAND Electric Co., IS Jackson. Tel. 2S4S, -78S 3 TINNERS AND CORNICES. E. SAVAQE, 2822 Farnam. 'Phone. IU1. Mt 3 HI EXPERT ACCOUNTANT, PRIVATE ljbsons In bookkeeping, etc.; night class Mond., Wed., Frl. O. R. Uathbun, room 16, Cora'l Nat'l bank. M52$ PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglus. 7S1 TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad ticket everywhere, P. H. Phllbln, 16o6 Farnam. 'Phone 784. 863 riR DRBSSINU. O. R. GILBERT CO., Unnera. 1424 So. 11th, 789 ANNOUNCEMENTS. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Tale phone 2190. (11 South Thirteenth street. -779 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. BT1LLMAN 4k PRICE, 21 U. 8. N l Bk. Bid. 777 . -i fATENTfe. PATENTS Hue Co., Bee Bldg., Omaha; no fee unless successful; advice free. SKI 819 LAl'NDRY, OMAHA 8 team Laundry; shirts, 8c; collars. 2c; cults, 4c. 17&u Leavenworth. Tel. A-KSi 77J GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOI Y GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and o-.au animals at reduced prices, tm N. 10. FLORIST. I. HENDERSON. 1&19 Farnam. TeL 1262. Send for price list, cut flower anil plants. -Mill JUNK. MIXED country scrap, til; stove plate. K. A I pirn, Mtt Kama in. 774 AITOMOBILES. ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILES. XXrlghf. in? rsinarn Mreei. - fie BALK TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale lis Co., 811 North Itth. ,8 PATENTS. PATENTED and unpatented inventions bought and soli. Lucas at Co., St. Louis, MO MMU 24' STATION KRY. ALL descriptions; ornamental, etc. 712 S. 14. at vis BRASS FOINDRY. wRABa and aluminum easting, nickel Dial ing and finishing. Specialty MXg. Co., 41 CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE for Bdjsts Am-ei List Wsek Than Any Time Bines Last Spring. MILLINERS IN PARTICULAR IN EVIDENCE Ha ay New fares Notice Antona the Arrivals sad Heavy Baylaat Tk riaee la All Depsvrt neat. Iat week wis a busy time with Omaha Jobbers and manufacturers. More buyers were on the- msrket than during any week since spring trsde waa In full swing. Not only were buyers numerous, but they were also looking for large stocks, and as A result wholesalers did a rushing business. Each week seems to make retailers morn confident that they are sol. is to sell more goods this fall and winter than ever before, which explains the liberal orders now being placed. Another favorable feature which was noticed last week waa the large num ber of new customers. Previous to thi season they had been going east, but de cided to give Omaha a trial, and so Jobbers have some of the largest orders on their books that they havn ever tnken. Each year the number of merchants doing busi ness tn Omaha' territory that pass this market by In favor of some eastern city la growing smaller and Jobbers hope In a short time to make the number practi cally sero. The special railroad rate of a fare and a fifth were In force last week and the good effects of the reduced rates were plainly evident. There Is undoubtedly a growing tendency on the part ot merchants to come to market at least twice a year. Instead of depending upon traveling men' samples from which to select their stocks. The markets are In vary much the same position they were a week ago. A few rhsnges have taken place, especially In groceries, but nothing of any great Im portance has been reported. As a general thing prices are firm all along the line, with the outlook favorable for continued healthy markets. Canned Salmon a Little Higher. Wholesale grocer report the volume of business for the week as being very satis factory. There has, however, been a little disappointment In the movement of some lines of canned goods and especially of tomatoes and corn. That probably Is due to the large amount of garden truck which has been available throughout the season at low prices. The most important Item In canned goods during the week Is the open ing of prices on 8ockeye salmon. The season' catch amounts to something like 600,(KK cases and the opening prices are about 90c per dosen higher than a year ago. It la thought that the market on Red Alaska salmon will be affected to a greater or less extent by the advance In Sockeyes and a sympathetic advance may take place. Red Alnskas could be advanced 10c per dosen or more and still retail at 15c pr tin and a brand that can retail at that price Is always popular. The dried fruit market continue rather dull. There Is, however, a fair demand for apricots, but other lines are quiet. Rolled oats are a shade easier, but manu facturers claim that they are experiencing considerable difficulty tn getting good mill ing grades, from the present crop, as there ts a good deal of rust. The sugar market I In Just about the same position It was a week ago. The demand, though, 1 still Increasing and Jobbers look for the heaviest trade wf the season during the next six weeks. The announcement is made by the Conti nental Tobacco company that all their brands of both smoking and chewing to bacco will be advanced September 15 lc per pound. This will make the second ad vnnre that bna been mde since the rov ernment revenue was reduced on July 1 and tobacco 1 now selling at .the same price It waa before the reduction. In other words, the manufacturers are now getting the revenue that the government previously received and the consumer receive no benefit from the reduction. Other staple line of groceries are selling In Just about the same notches they were a week ago. Stove- Advanced Five Per Cent. . All line of fall and winter goods are being shipped out by hardware Jobber at a rapid rate. The demand so far has been unusually large and present prospects are that It will continue so throughout the sea son, Aunough manufacturers have ad vanced the price of stoves 6 per cent, local Jobbers have not yet raised their prices to speak or, but say they are liable to do so at any time. Washing machines are also higher, the advance amounting to from 12 to 13 per dozen. Other staple goods are unchanged, but still the market l very nrm ana good are nara to obtain. Dry Good Moving Freely. There was a big Increase last week In the number of buyers that arrived on the dry goods market, but still more are looked for this coming week. Jobbers anticipated me rusn to start in about this time, but the number that Is actually arriving la far in excess or their expectations. Not only that, but they are placing very heavy or ders, and when comparisons are made with a year ago it is seen that nearly every regular customer Is buying more freely inuii rver oeiore. r.verv one seems to rtn In a hopeful frame of mind and full of confidence for the future. They are also In good shape financially, so there seems to be nothing that either retailers or Job ber can complain about. So far a the market 1 concerned, there 1 not much to be said. Cotton good are mill very Arm and popular lines are get ting more difficult to obtain each week. The way things look now. there will be a shortage In a number of line within a uuri Lime. Bl- Rnsh of Milliner. Milliners took the oftv hv i. - " " J vw.ua, m .v. . , ...Lin -ti, mult- rca- IsterAtt than . i. . v K.. . a . hundred buyers visited one house alone. This - i a.. vyviuuB m me season, ana still more buyer are expected this week. j uu-iai uruers were piacea ana it was H , I r. . 1.1 . Y. ,. . . 1. . . . ..w.v.Ui, ui iiivjr were auer gooa SIUIT PHONOGRAPHS. AVE ARE western headquarters for Fd!aon nuy rrcurus. r-rioer, 110 up. Neb. Cycle Co., 18th and Harney. M9S9 82S POIND. FOUND, brown spaniel dog, with Lincoln dog tag. Call V. M. Youngs. Bee pies room. Found 984 24 FILLINGSSB CENTS AND IM CENTS Work ennrinlpMl Pn.L grsduate. No student. We are nere to stay. Small Charges for All Materials Only. Teeth extracted free. Oold crowns, 12 88. Teeth cleaned free. White crowns, $J.t5. Soft fillings free. Set of teeth, 13.00. VNION DENTAL COLLEGE OF PAINLESS DENTISTRY. Room 4, 1623 Douglas, Opp, Boston Store. Open dally. Nights till 9. Sundays. lu to STEAMSHIPS. KQLLAHD-AUERICA LINE Ns Yorlt-K ttwrJant, vi. H iuloua, a. New Twln-Hcrew s. s. of 13,ivo tons register KiSnSr Nccrdam u Tw.a-Scrsw fieaiuer Twin-Screw Steuiuer Statendam Poisoam Sept. 1 Sept. 12, 10 A. M. Apply to Harry Moore. ltJOl Ktrnim street; J. S. McNally, Farnam street; H. n. Jones, farnam street: Louis Nsese. First National Lank. Omaha. LEGAL NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR ERECTION OF SCHOOL HOL SK. Notice la hereby given that sealed pro- pi is ror tne erection oi six-room frame school house In School District No. 7, Burt Co., Neb., will be received by the under signed lit Dec.tur, Neb., until 2 o'clock Sept. 8, lti. I'lans and specification may be seen at the shop of tutt Ho , leetiir. Nb . and at treasurer' otnee, Tekamati, Neb. The board of aald school district will meet at It M o'clock Monday, Sept. 2, to award the contract to the lowest respon sible bidder. Each bidder will be required to put ud a certified check of IIU1. The board rooerves the right to reject any or ail bida. t.. j. ukikin, Sec Boexd o Education. A--4.ll Nothing seemed too high-priced for them and the cheaper grades, as a rule, were neglected and the medium high-priced ones favored. Jobbers are more than pleased with the way the season Is opening, and ssy that they will go fsr ahead of last fall' trade, which waa a record-breaker. Leather Goods In Demand. Although the general Impression for some little time has been that nearly all the fall bills of leather goods had been sold, still local Jobbers are picking up a good many llleral orders, both through travel ing salesmen and In the house. An un usually large number of buyers arrived In tne city last week and bought quite freely. j nose wno naa nought the hulk of their goods wanted a few more lines to fill In with snd those who had not bought much of anything were after big stocks. i no duik oi tne anvance orders of lestner goods have been shipped, so that Jobbers are In good shape for handling Immediate business. Rubber goods are now being moved as rapidly as possible and some of the houses have shipped a good many of their orders Rubber clothing continues In exceptionally good demand for this time of the year, owing to the cool weather and frequent rains. Traveling men are meet ing with good success with their fall lines of both footwear and clothing, and, If the season continues wet. Jobbers Bay they will do an enormous business. Frnlts and Produce. The demsnd for fruits kent un Inst week In very satisfactory manner and In fact a better trade has seldom been experienced. Peaches, plums, prunes and pears were the best sellers, though melons and grapes are coming In for considerable attention. There were peaches on the market from California. Arkansas, Missouri and Col orado ana the price being quoted on the different kinds will be found In another column. Utah fruit Is expected to arrive this week, and, according to all reports. It will be fine. There has been no particular rhanna In vegetables, as prices are about the same. i ne receipts or nutter and eggs have been heavy and the aualltv of the butter hm been poor, while eggs nave been unusually good foi this time of year, owing to the cool weather. The markets have been rather dull and weak. Spring chickens were In a-ond annnlv sit the week and as a result the market eased off a little. Hens, however, held good and firm. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. notations of the Day on Various Commodities. NEW YORK. Alia. 23.-FLOT'R Recelnts 25,110 bbls. ; exports, 31,402 bbls. ; sales, S.000 pkgs.; unsettled, but firmly held: wlntr patents, 83.653.90; winter straights, S3.40M 8.80; Minnesota patents, 83.8tj4.on; winter extras, 83 0633.2B; Minnesota linkers, 2.1.15 3.30; winter low grades, 82 8.Vfj3.05. Rve nour, nrm; fair to good, 83.2oyi3.40; choice to fancy. 83.56'(f3.70. CORN MR A I Outcf v11ow v.rn I1.2H; city. 21.24; Brandywlne, tl.lMfJ.te. RYE Strong; Nm 2 western, 69'ic, f. o. b., afloat: state, SSH-gSRc, c. L t.. New York, cariots; xno. x track, sue. BARLEY Quiet; feeding, 64c, e. L f., Buf falo. WHEAT Receipts. 299 850 bu.: exports. 120.5i7 bu.; sales, 1,80,000 bu. futures. Spot, firmer: No. 2 red. 76Uo. elevator, and 1iu.fii 77iic, f. o. b.. afloat; No. 1 northern, Du- min, imsc i. o. d., afloat; No. l hard, Manitoba, 8Sc, f. o. b., afloat. The wheat market opened a trifle easier because of lower cables and fine northwest weather, but subsequently recovered on September covering, firmness In outside markets, poor grading at Chicago and the strength of corn. The market was finally firm oh good demand from shorts, closing Vo net higher. May, 7414&74V, closed at 74c: September, 74S74Hc. closed at 75c; December, 72Vt 73c, closed at 73c. CORN Receipt, 16,800 bu.; exports, 250 bu.; sales, 65,000 bu. future. Spot, firm; No. 2. 6H4c. elevator, and S7c. f. o. b.. afloat. The option market, while starting out easier in tore, soon rallied on further covering by September shorts, coupled with nigner canies. The close was firm aaaln on a scare of shorts, leaving off c net higher. May, 44-Vi&45.c, closed at Wc; September, tB'JifitKc, closed at 65c; Decem ber closed at 4ic. OATS Receipts, 189.000 bu.; export, 2,845 bu. Spot, unsettled: No. 2, -new, 35c; No. 2 white, new, 43c; No. 3 white, new, 41c. The option market was steady during the early forenoon and moderately active. Miy closed art 364c, September closed at 3So and December cloned at 36lic. HAY Firm; shipping, 66&70o; good to choice. 81.0Mj1.10. RICEQulet: domestic, fair to extra, 44 oic; japan, tifjDC. HOPS Steady; state, prime to choice, 1901 crop, 194r23Vic; 1900, 10c; olds. &I9o: state, common to choice, 1901 crop, 21i2Sci 19'fl crop, 18fff20c; olds, 7810c; Pacific coast, 1901 crop. 2i"ii26Hc; 19u0 crop, 1820c; olds, 710c. LEATHER Firm; hemlock sole, Buenos Ayres, light to heavy, 245ii25V4c. HIDES Firm: Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs., 18c; California. 21 to 25 lbs., 19c; Texas dry, 24 to 30 lbs., 13c. WOOL Steady; domestic fleece, 255j3nc. TALLOW Dull; city (82 per pkg.), 6Wc; country (pkgs. free), SfaVtc PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family. 815 00 Elfi.00; mess, 213.00 13.50; beef hams, J22.0KJ .00; packet, I14.0oyl5.00; city extra India mess, 222.0nfi 24.00. Cut meats, quiet; pickled, bellies, $11.2513.00; pickled shoul ners. 2rt.75fti9.CO: pickled hams, 811.rW?j)i;j.0i). Lard, steady; western steamed, $11.10; Au gust clored at 110. 55, nominal; refined, steady; South America, $12.16: compound, $7.75.26: continent. $11.30. Pork. firm;' family, $20.00a20.60; short clear, $18.7521.00; mess $18.00019.00. BUTTER Firm; creamery, leH; fac tory, 13tt&15ttc; renovated. 1617S4c; Imita tion creamery, 14V&17c; state dairy, luVjJ 18HC CHEESE Firm; New York full creamery, small colored, fancy, lOtSlOc; small white, lOtTlOUc: large colored, 9'&tfc; large white, 9(f9c. HOGS Firm ; state and Pennsylvania, 20&2Oc; western candled, 17H19c; west ern uncandled, 15ffl7Hc. MOLASSES Steady; New Orleans, 80IOa POULTRY Alive, steady; chickens, 134c; turkeys, 12c; fowls, 13c; dressed, falr'y steady; chicken, ll14c; fowls, 13Vic; tur key. 144j25o. St. Loot Grain and Provisions. ST. LOUIB. Aug. 28. WHEAT Higher; No. t red. cash, elevator, 6c; track, 61 ftsfcc; Beptember, 6c; December, 66c; No. 2 hard, 66&ti9c. CORN Higher: No. t cash, 67o; track, S7e; September, 56Vc; December, 37UiC. OATS Higher; No. 2 cash. 294c: track, SOHc; Beptember, 26Hc; December, 2tVic; No. 2 white, 38c. RYE Firm at 494c FLOUR Steady; new red winter pat ents. $3.103.2O; extra fancy and straights, 82.Mjiii3.06; clear, 82.652.76. SEED Timothy, firm, $3 .004.25. COKNMEAL Steady, $3.06. BRAN Steady: sacked, east track. 2c. HAY Steady ; timothy, $S.XXall.0O: prairie. 86.61900. WHISKY-Bteady, 81.S1. IRON COTTON TIES 81.07V4. BAOOINO 6-167 l-16c HEMP TWINE 9c. PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing, old. $16 874: new. $17,274. Lard, higher at $10 36. Dry salt meats, firm; boxed, extra shorts, $10,374; clear ribs, $10.50; short clears, $1L Bacon, firm: boxed, extra shorts, $11. IS; clear ribs, $11,874; short clear, $12. . METALS I-ead, firm at $4.00. Spelter, strung ai i m. pot LTrti Steady: chicken. 10c: springs, 134c; turkey. 1141240; duck, 7c; geese, 44c. Bl'TTEK ouiet: ereamenr. lbiTjic: dairy. ltVS lc EOU& Firm; 16c, loss off. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 8.u0 11.000 heat, bu 2o8.on0 102,uoo Corn, bu 15,0O 33.0U0 Oats, bu 6!,0u0 76,000 Kanas City Grain nnd Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 23 WHEAT Sep tember, 654c; December, tklc; cash. No. 2 hard. Mitk'; No. 8, 61wt4c; No. 2 red. tfea W4c; No. 8, 63fi4c. 04c; No. J, 63g4c; receipts, 168 car. COKN September, c: December, 84He; cash. No. 2 mixed, 5c; No. 2 white, 69c; No. 3. 64c. OATS No. 2 white. Sc RYE No. 8. 464i4;4c. HAY Choice timothy, $9.00iI9.50; choice prairip, tvi.uu. BUTTER Creamery. 18c: fancv dalrv. lsYv EOaS Firm; fresh Missouri and K annua atoca. i.c, ios on, case returned. Receipts. Shipments. wneat. du 12J.40 64 0 Ccrn, bu 11. 2u) 16O0 OaU, bu H.ouO 21.0UO Pklladelp-la Prodneo Market. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 23. BUTTER Unchanged; extra nearby prints, 21c, EcWlti Steady ; fresh nearby, 21c, loss off; fresh western. 20c, loss off; fresh souinrrn. isc, loss on. CHEE3E Firm: New York full prime mall, loVJl(ie: New York full u-MMua, im.tk ill goou, rwaiVC Peorln Market. PEORIA. Ill- Aug. U. CORN Easy; No. OATS Steady; No. I white, 144c, bUled WHISKY On the basis of $1,214. Dnlntk Grain Market. DULOTH. Aug. 28 WHEAT Cash, No. 1 hard. 74c; No. 2 northern, 724c; Septem ber, 4c; December, &e. OATo September, Uci December, 29 40. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Corn and WhstU An Animated and f ormst is Boll LaJsr. PROVISIONS RECEIVE PACKERS' SUPPORT Oat Alon Are Lan-nld, Wklle Other Cereal Are Firm or Stronn", and -Land Advance Before Close. CHICAGO. Aug. 2S.-Corn wa the bull leader In sn active grain market again to day. Fears of frosts In the corn fle'ds held In a natural advance, but there was something of a manipulative aspect to trade that aroused a nervous dread In speculator who went short yesterday. In the other pits much the same conditions as Prevailed of late were factors poor grading, fair cash demand and weather fears. Wheat was aided materially by re duced receipts and Immense export clear ances. At the close September corn wa 14c higher, September wheat Vic up, Sep tember oats 4c lower and September pro visions closel 74c to 16c higher. Corn ruled strong. At the outset there was a little offered and prices dipped mo mentarily. But at once a good demand set In and bulls let go of nothing save at good profits. Influential houses took on big quantities cf both September and Decem ber, while sellers who wanted to let ?o were only scattered. The coolness of the weather gave rise to some apprehension of frosts and fear of that was augmented by dispatches from the Interior which stated that frost had already done some damage. This steadied l)eoember, and September, which needed only continued manipulation to boost It, Jumped upward rapidly. Yes terday's shorts covered and September sold from fWc to 674c and closed lh,c up at 5Sc Receipts were 41 cars, only Ave of contract grade. Leading elevator Interest were under wheat. September had a good buying sup port after the somewhat dull opening, and although trtde lapsed dull at times, busi ness in general wa good and the tone firm. At the start cables were lower. September opened c to 4 down at 71o to 714c. Corn strength started a reaction and a fair cash demand and export clear ances In wheat and flour equaling 1,037,000 bushels put September to 724c. The local crowd was Inclined to tht bear side, but changed front to some extent on fear of manipulation In the September option. Re celpta northwest were light and primary points were rot reporting as large arrivals. There was fair selling at the strong point and September slipped back to a barely firm close, 4c higher, at 714c. Local re ceipts were 320 cars none of contract grade, and Minneapolis and Duluth re ported 166 cars, making a total for the three points of 4t6 cars, against 611 last week, and 742 a year ago. Primary re ceipts were 825,000 bushels, compared to 1,07,000 a year ago. There was little Interest In oat. The early lower prices In other grain started a decline and there waa little rallying power to the market. September sold be tween 33c and $3 4c and closed 4c lower at 334c Provision had good strength on packer' support, particularly the nearer months. The outside sold the distant future or. a omewhat easy hog market and the slow ness of the pit. September pork closed 15c higher at $16.80, September lard 74o up at $10.86 and September ribs 74c higher at $10.10. Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat, 245 cars: corn, 65 cars; oats, 26a oars; hogs, 80,000 head. The laadlnrf future ranged a follow-1 Artlclcs. Open. I High. Wheat i I ov-l. nwii4 724 Dec. 6741 A, 6N May S94&4 69(h-70 Corn Sept. 564f567 6874 Dec. 42I&424 434 May 394W4 404 Oat a Sept 33M 334 b Sept. 274 274 b Dec. 34 304 May 304 31 16 70 1 80 Oct, 16 75 16 95 Jan. 14 66 14 60 10 85 10 90 Oct. 9 70 8 75 Jan. 8 36 8 36 Ribs Sept. 10 10 10 IS Oct. 9 75 9 824 Jan. - 7 60 7 62 4 - j . .... A I 4 1 -ml I 1-"M 674!67ftV67'Vrt'4 694 664 157 42H 894 83 27-4 434 404 1 394 33 27 30 334 27 304 0V 804 304 304 16 70 16 75 14 60 16 80 16 66 16 80 16 924 14 SO 10 86 9 75 8 35 10 10 14 tt 10 824 10 774 V 70 8 80 10 10 9 76 35 IOO24 9 824 9 YD 7 60 7 674 7 I a Old. b. New. No. 2. Cash Quotations were a follows: FLOUR Steady: winter patents. $3.4C S.tfi: straignts. a.vy6.v clears, 2.n"a.).'i; spring special?. :4.2o; patent. $3.&0&3.v6; traistg. $3.0tKri3.35. WHEAT No. 2 spring, 734c; No. S spring, 684W04C; No. 2 red, 72(jj73a tun. wo, z yeiiow, eiyi'oozc. OATS No. 2, 294c; No. 3 white, 8437c RYE No. 2. 6lc. BARLEY Fair to choice malting. 62(S63e. SEED No. 1 flax. $1.41: No. 1 northwest ern. 1.46: prime timotny. I4.60G14.70: clover. contract grade. $9.10. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl $16.70 616.75. Lard, per luO lbs.. $10.7510.774. Short ribs sides (loose), $ Dry salted shoulders (boxed). $S.75(fi 8.874. Short clear Ides (boxed). $ 10.75(10.8. 4- whisky on the basis or nigh wine. $1.81. The following are the receipt and ship ments: Receipt Shipments. 12,000 17.000 210.000 410,000 64,000 433.000 266,000 16S.O00 28,000 41,000 23.000 1,000 Flour, bbls. W heat, bu. Corn, bu. Oat, bu. ., Rye. bu. ... Barley, bu. On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steadier; creameries. 14 lNe; dairies, 13fcl7c. Cheese, steady at ltxuloaC Kgga. easy at 17(i;a Liverpool Grala and Provision. LIVERPOOL. Aug. 23. WHEAT Spot. strong; No, 1 red, northern, spring, fis 4d; No. I red, western, winter, 6s llVd; No. 1 California, 6s 6d. Futures, steady; Septem ber, tso; ueccmoer, os lu-fta. CORN Snot. American mixed, aulet at 6a lid. Futures nominal; Septemher, nominal; UcioDer, oaia; January, 48 a. PKOViHitiN-Beef, steaay; extra India mess, 107s 6d. Pork, firm; prim mess, western, firm, I 83s 6d. Hums, short cut, 14 to 18 lbs., quiet, 65s 6d. Bacon, Cumber land cut, 20 to 30 lbs., steady, 68s; short ribs, 16 to 24 lbs., quiet, 69s; long clear middles, light. 2H to 34 lbs., aulet. 68s 6d: long, clear mlddlea, heavy, 36 to 40 lbs , quiet, os; snort clear dicks, is to 30 IW. aulet. 68s: clear bellies. 14 to 1 lbs.. steady, 61s 66d. Shoulders, square cut, 11 to 13 lb., steady, 4Xi 6d;. Lard, prime west ern, In tierces, steady, 63s td; American re- nnen. in pans, steady, ws na. CHEE8E Uulet: American finest white. steady, 47a 6d, American finest colored, quiet, 48s 6d. lALiiUW-pnitii city, steaay, ctsm; Australian, in London, Irregular. 37s 3d. FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter, aulet. 8s 3d. hops At London (Pacific coast), steady, BUTTER Nominal. PEAS Canadian, quiet, Sa Sd. Hew York Mosey Market. NEW TORK, Aug. 23. MONET On csll. nominal: nr transactions; prime mercantile paper. 4VB51 per cent. BTtiKUNU EXCHANGE Barely steady, wtth actual business In bankers blUs at I4.h7-.(4.7jo for demand, and at $4.842w ana 34.84376 for sixty days; posted rates, $4 Wa 4.8b'4 and 24.88; commercial bills, K83 4.84. SILVER Bar, 62Vc; Mexican dollars, 414C. BONDS Governments, steady; state. In active; railroad, steady. The c'oalng quotations on bond are as follows: U. S. ts, n do coupon do la. rag . MIU A N. enl. 4a. .10-iei. Castntl 4a. I do la Inc ...101 .. ... 12 ...100 ...100 ... US ...101 ,..I0T ...1M ...104 ... 71 ...101 ... do coupon .is:- M A Bt. L. 4a.. do saw 4a. raf- ..ll.'VM.. K. A T. do coupon ,.U .lo .lua .104 do old 4a, rg do ooupon .... do aa, rag T. Central la. gee. .... J. C. gan. fa. do coupon .104 1N0. Pad no 4a... Atcalaon . 4s 1 do la do adj. 4a . W eo" Bal. A Ohio . 1 wj nvwuixa a"- aa do la do coot. 4a Canada So. la a t a I H a. 11a 111 St. L A S F 4a ... M .110 St. L. 8. W. Is. Central ot Oa. (a.. .Ill I do X . 7 8. A. A A. P. 4s .100 fxioc 4a . a2 So- Rallwa-.- aa... do la Ina Chaa. A O. 4a .... Chi. ago A A. ! C. B. A Q. a. a. M 4 111 ,. 6 Taxaa A Pacina la. .12 C, M A St P ,.11- T., St. LAW. ds.. u C. A H. W. coo. la..l4 !" racme aa. 14 C, R I. A P. 4s. ...II' " ... .lot .111 lo " .111 Chicago Tar. ta ' do .. Colorado So. 4a do deb. Danvar A . O. 4S....1'-'! W Skora 4a Kila prior Ilaa 4s....i0 I SO gan. aa a . " . P. W. A D. a U....U4 Cob. Tobaoca as 4 Hocking VaL 4a...lv Weekly Bssk Stateasoat. WTMf tadv . . . . aa Thai 1 V state mrnt of average of the associated banks sr.ows: iosns, iii.oBi ,w, ubciiwi hu; deposit. (ta,zo,guu, docrea m..V; circulation, $.12.415in. Inrrea" $.9.800; legal tenders $76,248 nn, decrease $1,101,500; specie, $li"l,r2.2i. Increase $724,200; reserves, $246. 8lfi,t, decrease $377. n; reserve required, $.'37.0R7,4., decrease $2,994,060; surplus, $9,743, 8.1O. Increase $2,614,760. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS, Despite Brisk Operation y Speenla- tire Pool Interest Wanes. NEW TORK, Aug. . The Interest In today' stock market wa rather languid In spite of some brisk operations on the part of the speculative pools and a sub stantial Increase In the surplus of the banks, which Is usually made a signal for an upward movement In stocks. It did not escape notice, however, that the actual reterves of the banks failed to show the xpected Improvement, the turn In the tide of the eubtreasury operation having taken tip entirely the contribution to the money market made earlier In the week, so that the cash of the banks wa decreased some $377 300. The contraction In the loan of $10,460,100 thows that the funds which supplied the stock market during the week came from the trust companies and from proceeds of borrowings abroad, a had been sup posed. The action of the banks In reducing their loan account Is In expectation of the com ing demand from the Interior, which ha evidently set In for the season. The decision to postpone the dissolution of the Southern Railway voting trust, by refraining from the declaration of the divi dend on the preferred stock had only a slightly depressing effect upon that com pany's stocks, as It is supposed to be a step toward the completion of the arm with the Louisville & Nashville. Colorado Fuel was erratic and became after n early advance. The newly arrived operator whose buying advanced Southern Pacific published extensive an ncunpements to explain the faith that was In him, and the demand for Pennsylvania was suppose) to come from the same source, 'the moderate advance that fol lowed the movement and the publication of the bank statement met selling to realise and the market closed Irregular. The bond market waa unsettled this week by the reduction of the yearly Interest dis bursements on the Central of Georgia first lncomo bonds from 6 to 8 per cent and re sulting In active liquidation. The market has been higher and the only Important dealings have been In the speculative Issues. United States new 4s and old 4 advanced 4 the 2s 4 ana the 6s 4 per cent as coin pared with the closlntr cmi nf lux .JI n?. oll2w,"" re the closing price on the New York Stock exchange: Atchison 24 Kt. ui pfd IN dv pid Bal. Ohio do pfd , Cuisdisa Psolna... Canada So Cbs. A Ohio Chicago It Alton... do pfd , Chicago, lnd. A L. do pfd lui 1W M So. Pacific 11 Ho. Kallwar do ptd 7 Ttui Pacific Toledo, St. LAW. Kris 43 1 74 M do pfd.. .. 48 ..luKVa .. t2H .. ,. 4S .. 174 .. 40Vt .. nvs .. 4 ..111) ..11: a ..tiu .. M .. 14 .. II .. 13 .. to .. 44 Union Pacific .... do pfd , Wabaah .. do pfd Wheeling ALB. do td ptd Wis. Central Chicago E. ill 114 Chicago A O. W do lt pfd m do M pfd to do pfd. Chicago N. W....I41to!Adama Ex. C. . I. p lUitlABMrlcan Ex Chicago Tar. A Tr... la t'nltad SUtas Ex. do ptd .. 44 ..KM" .. Mia .. 7a .. $14 ..III ..7 .. 494 .. fH .. 404. .. 4 .. r6fe ..106Yi Walla-Fargo Ex C. C. C. A St. L. Colorado go do 1st pfd do Id pfd Del. A Hudaon.. Del. L. A W..... Denver A R. O.. do pfd Erta do 1st pfd do td pfd Great Nor. pfd... Hocking Vallejr , do pfd Illinois Central .. Iowa Central .... do pfd La ha Erla A W.. do pfd I A K Amal, Copper .. Amar. Car A r do pfd , Amar. Lin. Oil.. do pfd Amar. 8. A .... do pfd 17 Anne. Mining Co.... 102 Brooklyn R. T Colo. Pual A iron... 74 ICona, Gas Cont, Tobacco pfd. ...122 ..lew uan. Electrla la Hocking Goal to ..m Inter. Paper .... 11 74 in 47 ts iif 74 4 104 l 40 11 .. 40 do pfd .. 17 .. S ..111 Lacleda Oaa .... National Blacvlt National Land . 1 Manhattan L 1144 Pad no Coast ... Pad no Mall .... Paopla'a Gas ... Praaaad 8. Car.. do pfd Pullman P. Car.. Republic Btsel . Mel. st. Kf I4T Max. Central lt Max. National Ir4 Minn. A St. L, Ill Mo. Paclfla , M . K. AT do pfd N. J. ("antral.... N. T. Central .. Norfolk A W.... do pfd Ontario A W.... PannaylTsnfa ... Reading do lat pfd do td pfd Bt. L. A I. F... do lat pfd do Sd pfd...... St. L South... do pfd St. Paul ..1UX . M4 do pfd. 71 .14 Sugar 112 .1444 . 71 Tenn. Coal A 44 14 . 7 1J St it , U , 41 . 0 1 t6 , 12 M . 17 . U Union Bag A P.... . to . lH .16014 . 47 . M . 74 . 74 . tn . 77 . do pfd U. 8. Leathar do pfd U. S. Rflbbar ..... do pfd TJ. 8. Steal , do pfd Waatern Union .... American Locomo. do pfd 78 K. C. Southarn... ..1st do pfd , Boston Stock Qwotatloa. BOSTON, Aug. cent; time loans, 23. Call loans, 4NH per twwa ner cent, timciai closing of stocks and bonds: Atchison 4s Oaa la Max. Central 4a.... Atchison do ptd Boaton A Albany.. Beaton A Ma N. Y., N. H. A H. Fltchburg pfd tin Ion Paclfla Mx. Central , Amar. Sugar ..101 Allousa Amalgamatod Bingham Calumet A Hecla. ... 1 I ... ao ...460 ... 17 ..ISA ... 10 ... 11 .. 4o ... SS .. H ...Ua .. 1H ..171 ,.. fM ... 11 ... o ... t" .. 4 ... a .. 17 ... (1 2 101 Centennial 11 IDomlnlon Coal ... too!Franklln 121 lle Roralo 144 Mohawk 10 Oaceola Parrot 1U IQutncr do pfd Ill IBaiita Fa Copper. Amarlcan T. A T....173 iTamaraok , Dominion 1. A 8 77 Trlmountala Oan. Electric 17 Trinity Maaa. Electric 19llTnltad itataa .... do Dfd (7 Utah united Fruit 112 Victoria United Copper 14 Winona . s. steal 41 wolverine do pfd so Daly Wast Adventure 11 Lesiss Stock Market. LONDON, Aug. 23.-4 p. m. Closing: Consols, money M 1-14 Norfolk A Weatarn... Tl do pfd tt Ontario A Waiters... 17 do account ta l-lt Anaconda 4 Atchlaon X Pennarlvanla .. U .. In .. 44 .. It .. 41 ..100 .. 77 ..111 .. H .. 41 .. M .. 4 .. 41 .. 11 .. 11 .. It do Pfd 104 Reading do lat pfd do Id pfd Southarn Rr...., do pfd Baltimore A Ohio.. ..Ill Canadian Pacific 142 Chaaapaaks A Ohio.. 66 Chicago O. W U C, M. A Bt. P. ,.lo .. tl .. M .. 41 .. 11 Southern Pacific. Union Paclflo.... Danvar A R. O. -do sfd so pre V. S. Steel. do pfd Brie do lat pfd do Id sfd .. SO Wabaah Illinois Central 171 pfd Louievuie a nana... lto M., K. A T U Spanlah 4s , Randa Pfd 4 N. T. Central le I BAR bibVER-Steady; 244d per ounce. MONEY IMiilV. per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills is 2 ll-164i 2 per cent and for three months' bill is z per cent. Flew York Ml -I rig) Haotatloa. NEW TORK. Aug. 23-The following are the closing prices on mining stock: Adans Cob Alloa o Untie Chief .. .. 11 .126 .luo . 4 .. f . 11 . at ..14 Ontario Breace . 60 . . .lit .11 . to . I ophlr Phoenix savage ...s.... Sierra Nevada Small Hopes . Standard Brunawlck Cos Comatock Tunnel. Con. Cal. A Va... Horn Silver Iron SlWer Leadrtlle Cos..... Coadltloa of tke Treasary. WASHINGTON. Aug. B. Today' state ment of the treae nry balances In the gen eral fund, excluaive of the $160,000,000 gold reserve In the division or redemption shows: Available cash balance, 1204.714.- sta; gold, 107. it3.307. - Bask Clearlags. OMAHA, Aug. 23. Bank clearing today, tl,O4,0u9.69; corresponding day last year, JW7,lb2.t; increase. $lo8,846.U. Wool Market. BOSTON, Aug. 23. WOOL--Flne staple terrltorle. eaiiiobc; inctiy nne ciotn'ng, Mtifcic: tine end fine medium. ooS62c: me dium, 43i46c. Tesaa wool 1 In a very ntrnnar nualtlon. with the offering small. Fall cleaned basis, nominal, 46j4c ; twelve months, 664358c, six to eight Bionths, spring, h-l'aiAr. F'lne fleece wools are higher, but the offerings are small. Ohio and PennsvU vanla XXX, nominal; AX and above, zxc; X. St&STc: Michigan X, 268c- Ielalne wools are exceptionally firm: Ohio Delaine, PKfrKlc; Michigan, 272c; No. 1 combing, t?iS(ic: No. 2. 27B'28c: coarse. 2426c. London, Aug. a. wool-u the wool trade In the laat week business was weak Buyer looked for lower rate. The ar rival for the next series, which will open September IS, number iki.mo Dales, in' olurima- 69.000 forwarded direct. The lm norta for the week were as follow: From New South Wales, 2.300 bales; Queens land sea bales: Australia. 17 bales: New Zealand. 11,477 bales; Cape of Oood Hope and Natal, 1.6GB bales, and elsewhere, 1.1 j bales. ST. LOUIS. Aug. II. WOOI Steady to firm; medium grades and combing, lMc; light fine. UWlSHa; heavy fine, lu lie; tun wasiieu, iam-o. MlaaeapolU Wkeat. Fleer tsi Jria, MINNEAPOLIS Aug. 22- WHEAT Bep tember, tc; wc'mtmr, 4ia6o; on track. No. 1 hard, 7oS-; No. 1 northern, 4c: No. t northern. 7-'c. FIjOUB First patenU, $3 SO94.0O; second patenta, W wa sb: nrst clears, ia.ou4.lv second clear. 1 1 30 rt. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET H.S.TJ Beoeipt sf Cattle All ths Wssk snd Common Stuff luffersd. HOGS A LITTLE HIGHER THAN A WEEK AGO Liberal Raa ot Sheep, tat Price Ar Steady to Test or Flfteea Lower. Wkllo I.asaks Have Deellaed Fifty to Seveaty-Flve Ceats. SOUTH OMAHA. Aug. 2S. Receipt were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Otllclal Monday l.ltio 14,011 Official Tuesday T.KU lO.SoS 18.41 OfTlclal Wednesday 4."0 .3. , Offloial Thursday 6,,ViO 6.2SS .782 Official Friday 577 4.17 2.4J3 Official Saturday 272 4,341 Total this week 27,176 38.917 Week ending August 16.. 19.176 4o,4.16 Week ending August 9... 18.186 38.375 Week ending August 2... 11. IK Si.330 Week ending July jm lo.dtio ,18.570 Rm m wvlc 1 a t ...... lit id uivrl 60.17 60,128 11,417 34,128 28.'iti8 33,681 -- - 1 . j v , , ,u,imv mm w,vt RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipt of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date and comparisons with last years ... 1M2. 1901. Inc. Iec. Cattle 4S0.850 451.49 34.4o0 HM l.tH9.M t&96.3"2 44.61S Sheep tk,970 7t,15i 23.970 the following table snow tne average price of hugs sold on the South Omaha market tk i-. . . K parlsons with former yean; Pl- I 102. lOl.l0.18!.icSS.1897.189. August 1-1 J 41141 5:l7iT, I S 16 0 i l.l o IB: 4 19 79 S 77 e 2 W 2 86 2 9H 3 02 2 9-i S 7t e 2 76 2 SO 2 SO 2 74 2 83 2 83 a 2 84 2 91 2 88 2 79 2 S5 2 97 Ai'ttLct August August 4 -tt, it 33 It 87 4 3 3 Cl 3 45 t 47 I 57 6 79 it 15 4.1 7 394j 1U August I S4 4 461 711 t 63 Augjst 8( t 65 t 04 I 77 4 S8 4 7 t 81 4 82i I 67 2 43 2 46 e S 42 August August August August August 7 27UI 6 14 i 16 1 6 66 7 li 6 74 6 04 6 74 ! 6 7H, 6 74 I 7S; 6 77 uo, 4(99i 4 96, 4 28 2 67 I 63 1 m 4 2 4 3b 443 4 44 4 22 2 27 X 61 August a ruix 3 48 I 6 August 13 ( Sl;, I 74 e I 64 August 4 V a 68 a 3 70 August August 151 6 tsVa 19 67 17 a 4 97 4 981 3 76 2 73 August Afgust August 6 83 6 00 4 30, 3 74 3 71 18i f'M) 1 72m O... tin 4 96 5 03 t 02 I 01 4 47 2 66 3 67 3 75 e t 69 a 8 4 60 August August August e 4 42 4 42 3 70 a 76 21 1 6 86H l 7 Aill. August 231 9Vi 6 91 4 9 4 41 3 74 S 83 Indicate Sunday. The official number of rare nf atnek brought In today by each road was: CattlA linn H'r'a C, M. A St. P Missouri Pacific 8 1.. L'nlon Pacific System C. & N. W 13 F.. E. & M. V 17 7 C, St. P., M. & 0 4 B. & M IB... C. B. & Q 7 C R. I. & P.. east 6 C. R. I. & P., west 8 Wabash 2 .. Total receipt 17 66 Th. rilHnfieltlnn nf IIia Hair1. Mi-.ini. m,a- as follows, each bjyer purchasing the num- wr ul ntsau inuicateu: B u vers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co... Swift and t'nmnAnv... 1,038 ;o 1,243 1,066 26 Cudahy Packing Co... Armour ot Co Cudahv. from K. C Ms Squires HO Other buyers. ., 2 Totals 265 4,387 6 CATTLE A few cars of rattle arrived thl morning, but they were not offered on trie mantel, so mat a test ot value was not made. For the week, however, as will bo seen from the table above, the supply has oeen very uuerai, ana in fact western cat tle have never come In aa freely In Au- f;ust as they have this year. The Increase n cattle for the year to date as compared with 1901 amount to over 35,000 head. In eplte of the liberal run all the week corn-fed steers have been very scarce and especially good to choice grades. It is eafo to say however, that the kinds that sell from 37 up are Just about steady for the week. Those that sell from $7 down, how ever, come In competition with the western ranger and are I5(&25c lower for the weok. The best grades of cows are very little If any lower than they were at the close of laat week. The medium grades, though, have eased off and are 10g20c lower for tho week. Canners have not shown much of any change. The demand for cows has been quite active and the market on the whole very satisfactory. Oood bulls are about steady for the week. but common kinds are a little dull and lower. Gooa feeder bulls have been In ac tive demand and fully steady. Veal calves have been scaice and have not shown much change. Stags are also selling In about the same notches they were several days ago. There has been a big run of feeders here all the week, and In fact the big end of the receipts consisted of stock cattle. The good dehorned feeders, though, have held up tn good snape and are right cioso to steady for the week. The common kinds, and es pecially the common horned cattle, are all the way from 26c to 40c lower for tne week. Prime yearlings have been In good demand nd are just aoout steaay. Western cattle, of course, made ud the bulk of the receipt all the week, and as supplies were heavy at all points packers naturally pounded the market. The best grades are probably only about 15rrt26c lower. The Kina ot cattle tnat make eitner aood killer or good feeders are not much ot any lower, aa competition Is sufficient to hold tne market sdoui steaay. rne grades, though, that are nt very fat and that feeder do not want have suffered the most and they go at 60376c lower. The horned cattle lacking In quality come under that heading, also dehorned cattle of poor quality. Undealrable grades of feeders of all Kinds nave siumpea on in oua snaps and are fully 26tfr40c lower. There ha teen a bla- demand from the country for good tuff, aa from 76 to 86 car of cattle have been snippeo out every auy. Range cows of good quality have held rlaht close to steady, but the medium grades are 104(20c lower. Canners ar also bout steaay. itepreseniative sates: HOOB There wa not a heavy run of hog here today, but reports from other point were rather bearish, and as a re sult packer took off a little here. The market opened steady to a shade lower on the good light and butcher weight hogs, but no bids were mode on the common and heavy packing grade. When they did start In to buy those they wanted them i'liSc lower than yesterday. The big bulk of the hog went at W 96, and at 17, but quite a few good load went from $7.05 and $7.10. A few of the commoner loads aold around $6.90. Everything wa disposed of In good season. A will be seen from the table of receipts hnva ths suDiily this week has not been excessive at all, aa there Is a decrease as compared with laat week, and but a alight Increase over the sama week of last year. The tenaency or prices nas Deen uDward. and the total advance amount to about 9UC. itepresemauvo sales: No. Av. Sh. r. No. Ar. Sh. Tr. 7 M 40 4 10 ' 10 HI 110 1 00 .4 147 ... 4 IS 110 a) IN 10 144 ... 4 M 11 144 140 1 OS tl.. ...... lit ... 4 0 44 lie ... 100 0 114 (0 4 0 U 1S 40 1 0 tt M ... 4 2Vl 41 231 M 1 SO ft 171 SO 4 N 44 Ill 40 7 Ot tt 14 40 4 M (t 14 to 1 00 11 14t 40 4 H 10 l:4 ... 1 ot M lit 40 t W tt Ul M 1 00 II 171 40 4 M 4t lit 120 T 00 tl 12 00 4 M 47 Ill at) 1 00 tt S4 40 46 42 Itt 10 1 00 to 2M ... I M 44 lul 110 1 00 IS 164 10 4 6 14 121 ... TOO tt 267 ... H 17 Ill 40 1 00 U . ... 4 M tl Ill 120 1 00 14 147 4 N 41 M 1M IN 48 161 ... 4 t 40 141 ... 1 00 16 1S4 ... 4 16 to It.4 10 1 40 tt 161 140 I 44 44 13t 140 1 40 tl ill 40 4 M M Kit 110 1 00 41 161 ... I M ft Ill 40 T Ul U 14 40 M 11 IM 110 T 4 to 144 ... f M tt Kit W IS M HI M 4 tt tt 144 ... T OS II 16 120 0 tt Ill ISO 1 4 II 261 40 4 06 II- 214 ... T Ot 44 144 40 M Ot 144 tt 1 (It tl IH 40 tlVa 04 20 40 T ot 11 11 44 I7S, 44 141 10 T Olttj 11 1't 140 1 40 at 141 M 1 (tits 41 tut 40 1 00 04 120 ... T 10 It 141 ... T 00 4 Ul 40 1 10 IS 141 140 T 00 U i ... t 1 SHEEP There were no sheep on aa' today with which to make a test of the market. For the week, however, receipts have been quite liberal, a big gain having been made over the corresponding week of laat yeat. A compared with laat week, however, there Is a slight decrease. Owing to the liberal runs at all point the general tendency of price ha ben down ward. Prime yearling are about ateady, though In some cases the are, perhaps, a trifle lower. Ewes and wether ar a little lower, but the decline would be covered by l'jj 16c The lamb market 1 what haa suf fered the most, aa price ar 676o lower than they were a week ago. The break Is not limited to this market, however, a a corresponding decline ha taken place at other markets. Itim demand for feeder has been fully equal to tbe supply, and Uie ausukat may be quoted active and strong on U deelrablo grades. Ju Utl n for clipped stock: Oood to choice yearlings, 3S.7yu4.0n; fair to good, H.otKijS 75: good to choice wethers. 2S. 25(1-1 50; fair to good wethera. .iti3.26; chnfc ewe, t3.OMi3.2S; fair to good ewes, U 5"f 2.90; good to choice Iambs. $6.26(85.60: fslr to good lambs, $iaitj&.26; feeder wethera, 1 $2.7i.j3 36; feeder yearlings, tSJtVtt&KO: feeder: lambs, $3 5ti4.2&; feeder evees, $ Representative sale: CHICAGO MVB STOCK MARKET. Host Steady to Lower aad Cattle, Sheer aad I.asnbs Steady. CHICAGO. Aug. 23. CATTIJi Receipts, J00 head; market steady; good to prima ser) nominal, t8.004;i8.76; poor to medium, t4.25i7.60: stocker and feeders. 12.50rfi5.26: cows, tl.5C4j5.60; heifers, 12.254??. 00; cannejs, . 1.5ij'i.50; bulls t2.2fv0C.OO; calve, tl booi 7.00; Texas-fed steers, t3.0C&6.00; western steer. t4.6n43ti.O0. HIM18 Receipts, 13,000 head; estimated Mondsy, So.000; left over. 1.000; steady to 5c lower; mixed and butchers1, $4. 6437.45; Ccod to choice heavy, t7. loft1?. to; rough eavy, to.SO'trf.lO; light, $6.7btli.40; bulk, of sales, $7.O04j7.3O. SHEEP AAD LAMBS Receipt. 2,000 head; sheep and lambs, steady; g-pod to choice wether, $3.6tir4.00; falr to cholco mixed, $2.6U3.60: western sheep, t2.50itrt.86; native lambs, t3.764fti.Q0; western lamb, t4.5n'o6.0O. Official yesterday: Recel pt a. , Shi pmen t . Cattle 2,840 (,54$ Hogs 1.49 2.017 Sheep 1,870 3.04S Kaasaa City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT, Aug. 2.1. CATTLK Ho celpta, 600 head; market unchanged; cholco export and dressed beef steers, 27.353.10; fair to good, to.l5f7.30; stocker and feed em, U Hi6.20; western-fed steers, tt.lne 4 60; Texas and Indian steer, t2.60y4.2i; Texas cows, $1.754,4.70; native cows, $1.6 4.10: native heifers. t3.0ttii'4.6O; canners, tl.5S 62.25; bulls, t2.50ftj3.2f; calves, $2.00jf4.75. , Receipts tor the week, 6s, 780 cavtUo, 8,730, calves. j HOOS Receipt. 1.000 head; 'market steady; top. t7.36; bulk of sales, $7.0tir7.2S; heavy, $7.304ii7.35; mixed packers, t7.0.vt 7.25; light, $S.80tf7.06; yorkers, t7.007.u6: lg", te.2&Q.90. Receipt for the week, SO.- SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 600 heed; rrsrket Bffeady; native lam he, $3.2O4f5.0; ; western lambs $3,004(6.00; native wethers, 3.4K(;4.40; western wethor, t2.96vSi8.96; fed ewes, t3.35sj4.l6; Texa clipped yearling. I3.0o3.86; Texa clipped sheep, $2. 9033. 10; Mocker and feeders, $3 J0(iir2.0. Receipt for the week, 43.000. St. LobI LIT Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Aug. tS. CATTLE Receipt. 400 head. Including 8U0 Texans; market dull and ateady; native shipping and export steer, $5.607.fi5, with extra fine stock worth $8.76; dressed beef and butcher steer, $4.107.75; steers under l,nx lbs., $3.70io4.80; stcckers and feeders, $2.40-.o0; cows and heifers, $2.2b;&6.60; canners, $1.75(82.75; bulls. $2.00(8-J.76; calves $4.75.00; Texa and In VI'to r cow" nd , heifer. HUOS Receipts, 800 head; market teadyt Pigs and lights, $S.757.a0; packer. $7,000 7.30; butchers, $7.15187.50. BHEKP AND LA M B8 Receipt, 700 head; market steady; native muttons, $3.003.8.".: lambs, $4.Xri6.00; culls and bucks, $.0UtS 4.00; stockers, $1.60t&-3.45. New York I.I to Stoek Msrket. i NEW YORK, Aug. 2S.-BEEVES No re ceipts; a few cows and heifers sold at $4 per cwt.; dressed beef steady; city dressed native Bides, 8H(&H2ViO. Cables last received quoted American steers at 12&13Hc dressed weight, and refrigerator beef at HH(gl2o. Exports today, partly estimated, were l.tlj beeves, 105 sheep and 7,460 quarter of beef. CALVES No arrivals to be sold and no trading; city dressed veals, 10fifl3c per lb. HOGS Receipts, 141 heud; market nomln. any nrm. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, i J.J7S head; market firm; medium lambs possibly -higher In some cases; one car of sheep . unsold; sheep $2.76fc3.&0; one deck, $3.76; lambs, $6.25(i7.O0; dressed mutton, 607c; ' dressed lambs, 8ft llo. . . Slo-x City LIT Stock Market. 1 BIOUX CITY, la., Aug. 23. (Special Tele-' gram.) CATTLE Receipt, 300; market steady; beeves, $6.50W7.5o; cows, bulls and , mixed, $1.6Oig4.00; stocker and feeder. $3.25(34.60; yearling and calve, $3.0004.25. HOGS Receipts, 2.600; steady; selling, i $6.76&7.00; bulk, $6.806.90. , SHEEP Steady and in demand. - , ' St. Josepk Live Stock Market. . .. ST. JOSETPH, Aug. 23. CATTLE Re- j ceipts, 479 head; market nominally steady. ! HOQS Receipts, 2,tSl head; market steady . to 6c lower; light and light mixed, $7.06 7.15; medium and heavy, $7.06&7.ani; pigs. ' $4.60&6.00; bulk. $7.1(K&1.25. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 238 head; ; market steady. Cottoa Market. NEW TORK, Aug. 23. COTTON Future very steady; August, 8.62c; September, 8.15c; October, 8c; November, 7.92c; Decem ber. 7.93c; January, 7.94c; February, 7.9c; March and May, 7.91c. Spot, quiet; mid dling uplands, 83c; middling gulf. 9e SPlcs. 156 bales. Futures closed very steady: August, 8.4$o:' September, 8.16c; October, fi.Ole; November, 7.9ac; December, 7.96c; January, 7.98c; Feb ruary, 7.96c; March, 7.94c; April, 7.94c; May, Toledo Grata aad Seed. TOLEDO, Aug. 28 WHEAT-DulI. firm; i cash, 7c: Beptember, 72Ho; ecember. ' 71" - bid; May, 73c. C N Dull, strong; cash, SH4c; Beptem ber, uHc; December, 42c asked. OATS Dull, easy; September. JSc; De cember, Zlc clover, active, firm and higher;' "ber, j.90; January, $6.67V4, nominal. Oct RYE 52c Sogar Market. NEW TORK. Aug. 23. STTOAR Raw, steady: fair refining, tTc; centrifugal, 98 teat, $Hc Molasses sugar, 2Sc Refined, steady: No. 8. 4.20c; No. 7. 410c; No. 8, 4c; No. 9. 3.96c; No. 10, 8.90c; No. 11, 3.86c; No. 12, 3.80c; No. 13, 8.80c; No. 14, t 80c; confec tioners' A, 4.60c; mould A, 4.90c: cut loaf, 1 15c; crushed. 6.16c; powdered, 4.760; granu lated, 4.66c; cubes, 4.90c, Clneimaatt Whisky. CINCINNATI. Auf 23.-WHTSKT-Dls-tlllers' finished good Arm on aaal of $1.31, 17. Farnam Smiih & Go. 8TOCK8, DOND3, INVESTMENT SECURITIES WE BUY AND SELL Omaha First Mortgage. City and County Warrant. County and Stat Bonds. Stock or TJnlon Stock Yards, South Omaha, Omaha Street Railway. Lincoln Land Co. Omaha Bank. And other stock of all kinds. ' I For Immediate snd futur delivery. 1320 Fsrnsni St. Tel. 1064 BOYD & MERRILL ROOM 4 X. Y. LIFE BLDG. - GRAIN STOCKS New York Stocks sad Chicago Grala bought and sold for cash or on margin. Tel. 1030. OMAHA, NEB, MONEY. HOW OTHERS MAKE IT few valuable point set free by SAN FORD MAKEBVKR a CO. 84 Adam St, Chicago, 110 Broadway, New York. gfJQBBa$aai SUCCESS 111 speculation;. OUU U LJU $100.00 laeested la Urate ot """,-" btockabour "aWtaty Valv Pisa" should result la a profit oi $500.00 to $1000.00 withla $0 days. Writ for particular and seed for our free book "Madera Metkedd tor Sea Imreotasoaf. R. D. OLIVER 4 CO., Bauakere aa Broker. rkleao Stock . Ksckaaao BsUldi-;, Ckteage. , ' s :;t, ...i," urr , II -1 ,4 : :1 u fi S.I It' 1.1 ."ft A vf -JI .-1. '.1 .-,.,1 t V'7 ni i I is : f Ml I'