Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 17, Image 17
17 fOH tALB-HEAl ESTATE. FOR IALR REAL ESTATE. I rOH tALB REAL ESTATE. FOR R KMT HOI BBS. PERRONAU BUSINESS C HANCRg. BlSINK-e CHANCE". TIIE OMAHA DAILY I.EE: SUSDAT, AUGUST 24, 1002. D. V. SHOLES CO., N. T. Life. Tel. P BARGAINS. $5th and Burt, lot i..xl:V. largs trees, south front, good 7-room house, modern, and for quick sale I reduced to )2.2iA, ana it la a snsp. Owner wants quirk sale. ee ti and make quick bid. Bound to be aold Boon. East of 27th sttreet, near Farnam, lot Wot 182, south front, excellent 7-room modem house, nlrkrl, porcelain bath, furnace, good large barn, and for quirk sale price reduced low and will take cash, bal ance monthly. Fin opportunity to get a fine home eaay. tfcth and Chicago, w r offering BPECIAL SNAPS for people who want home clo In to High school, WALKING dlatance, en car line, too, 4 very cholca lota, 84 feet front, good depth, atone walk, atone pavement, and Just the place for pvone of moderate mean. Price only two to $1,0H; terma to ault. These are the moat central CHEAP lota EVER OFFERED, Remember there are ONLY four of them. See ua MONDAY quick for CHOICE. BOUND TO BELL BOON. ACRES. II arrea on 42d and C atreeta, with (-room bouse, nice repair. MAGNIFICENT loca tion. Ilea fine, about to fruit treea, large and email; large fro re, FINE PLACE for future rise In vaiuea. The beat thing- of the kind on the market for MONEY, MARBLES or CHALK. GOINQ to sell THIS WEEK. Do not fall to aee u. W E will Interest you If you will only let ua how It. FARMS. 144) acrea, Ot-ge county, very fine land, a mllea from Wilbur, good improvements, actual bargain, 46 per acre. O arrea, 4 mllea aouth of Union Stock Tarda, South Omaha, very fine, excellent farm, well Improved, $S0 per acre. 4$ acrea, Dodge county, near North Bend, an exceptionally well Improved, fine bot tom farm, never too wet or too dry to Ineure a BIO CROP. Price 121.000. ft 1 flneat of land. 98 acrea, near Onawa, la., fine bottom farm, the beat land that ever lay out of doom; good Improvement, large 12-room bouae, aplendld barns, aheda, stock yards, to.; only 1 mllea from station; 846 per aore; 85 to 810 per acre In It by March 1. RANCHES. 12,000 acrea, Dawes county, at $16,000: fine ranch. 1,078 acrea, near WRAY. COT JO., with Iota of water and range; fine ranch for $9.0oo. Large ranch In Iliewn cojnty, Nebraxka, with over 760 head of fine bred stock, $37000 T"nt n "II rancn implements, Writ iia. re A CANADIAN BARGAIN. oon after my return from Canada this Summer the .following offer was made me. know the land well. It being but a lew plies from the capital of the Northwest Territories, but 1 am not In a position to handle It at present. I know It to be a bargain and shall be glad to give any In formation I have to Intending purchasers: 8,040 acres; 1,200 acres under cultivation; 60 acre In crop, 4ft0 acrea wheat and balance oata; 1.700 acres fenced, three strands of wire, cedar posts; 400 acrea fallow for next year; 20 head of heavy work horses: K head of cattle, one pure bred bull; 8 owe and a boar; 1 steam thresher, new; 4 binders; 1 mower and rake; 4 drills; A Slows, 2 sets of harrows, 2 cultivators, 2 iak harrows; 1 horse power; 1 flour mill; 1 fanning mill, 2 rollers, and other things ipr working the farm. Good frame house, J2x2 feet. Btable and granary, 120x60 feet. The cattle and horses turned out at stable have two miles of run, all fenced In. Bet of harness for each horae. Good well and new windmill; lVj mllea from atatlon. Stores, hotel, school and church at ata tlon; 4 elevators at this point. Every quarter section taken up. Crop looking splendid; 1,200 bushels of wheat rl1 mat year ana l,uo busnels oats; $18.00 per acre takes the whole thing. Tht offer remain open until August 29. LY8LB I ABBOTT, . 400-1 Ware Block. RE (KH 24 NEW MODERN COTTAGE. A bargain In a brand new cottage home, Just completed, five rooms, closets, china Closet, porcelain bath, hot and cold water, enamel sink, cemented cellar, aewer con nections, best nickeled plumbing, per manent ton yard walks, nice lawn and lot, location 2017 Miami street, close to 20th street boulevard, two blocks from 24th street and Dodge street car line. MUST BE BOLD THIS WEEK. Sea us for price and terms. five-room cottage near 16th and Leaven worth streets; this week only, for 8800.00. iSSatrlck Ave., T-room house, corner lot, five-room cottage, lth and Leavenworth, rents 816-00 per month; price, 21,630.00; a bargain. lsJ9.-orbr Bt- eottage. city water, rent 6i22.00 per annum; price, 1.150.00. GARVIN BROS. 104 Farnam St., Com'l Nat. Bank Bldg. RE-8M- 24 AN ALL MODERN 9-room house, lot 60x 128; barn, lots of fruit trees In the yard, paved street all paid for In full, first-class location, 82.200. .An K4 1 1 m iirla n 9b ah Ts&a ia I ia(m a. front, paved treet paid In full, close to borhood, 2,5oo on easy payments. TWo-atory 7-room houaa, corner lot. dtj water and gat, small stabla and kooJ location, close to school and street car, ne $ and one 4-room house within easy - -m.hvw vi tuv iuiiice, Drini lng an Income of $22 per month, property . V mi. , r ' sii, win pru iur one wee iflf Si fu Sfl Ten-room house with barn, lot 50x140, south Ten-room house, good lot, south front on ii Am "u 1 we qi ine xtign school A very niea 8-room cottage, lot 60x100. close iiO "' norm part or tne city, -1XT LOVGREN, 438-7 Paxton Block, RH 853 84 TWENTY ACRES, improved. 8 mllea from Florence; Fine rich land; t acres berries, t acres grspea, 100 apple and lOO plum treea. Price, 21.8O0.00. Bee ua for othee h,rin, nw . , - THE BYRON REED CO., 212 South' 14th St KUi eoO 24 . H. C. M'KIBBIN, Tne Leading Real Estate Man of , ' Lexington. Neb. loo Ranch of 1 R'.l . r 1 1 m - - - -- "mil llllluVffU. 2u0-Ranch of too acrea. all fenced, good nuunv. w of 1,440 acres, finest In the county. Ranch of 1.000 acres, well Improved. 800 1.820 acres grasing land, all fenced hre wells. 00400 sores fine alfalfa land, 100 acres seeded tnis year. W0 700 acres fine alfalfa land, 400 acres In cultivation, 800 In wild hay. 09-40 acres fin pasture land, all fenced. good well I006O.0U0 acre of Improved farm lands for sale. 1.000 Ursslnr landa for sale In tracta from 160 to 2.000 acrea. 1.000 tons rane alfalfa and wild hay for aale, with usa of 7o0-acre ranch. See ua before buying. M. C. McKfhMn. Ix Ington. Neb. RE 4)12 24 FOR SALE or trade, an extra quality lt room residence In Hanacom district, quipped with every modern convenience, desirably located near boulevard: fine barn. tree, cistern: will ;rade for larger residence or unimproved property! extra low price for rash. Address M, care P. O. Bos 1273, Omaha. RE FOR SALE, the best 2S0 acre stock and corn farm within ten mila of Omaha; all necessary improvements. Including windmill snd tanks; fenced and cro fenced, only 860 per cre: this offer onlv Cood for thirty days. This farm Is good irel land; all ran be farmed; It 1 well worth $tW per cre, only 860 per cre. Who will be the lucky man? For further particulars call o or address Oeorge F. Pierce, Stilt lecatur St. F, S : I have other. se me before vou . uy. O. F. P. RE-916 84 FOR SALE, cattle ranch, has 400 acre of Irrigated land; will a.-1 1 ranch alone or with Block; pasture 1,000 cattle. I bve land for merchandise. T. M Cllne. 1238 O St., Lincoln, Neb. RE-M740 !l A MONTHLY payment bargain In I room houaa. U. M NatUngcr. none 4a RK US3C RANCH sd far !a4s f-r ! y t Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAUeeter. land commissioner. Union Pa cina tieaaquarlera, Omaha. Neb. RE-7S1 $7 10 MONTHLY will buy msll house sad lot in South Omaha near lih and S sts.: o other payments. W. L. Selby, lA ttosjA til Tmla hl.ia- n, ., Nn RE-kisa IN BEMIS PARK 1,93 fleven-room, new, well-built house In one o the prettiest parte of BK.A'JTI- r i u mk..mis rAKK. All moaern, pro celain ban clothee chute, etc. Lot, 4Ax 14", fine lawn, shrul.tiery, trees, grapes and other fruit. Half block from car. Price nnlv t2.U for a nhnrt time 8.3 Another, block further west, for 22.- i'). Bee It. I.o Another, on Cuming street, for 83,000. Paved atreet. Also several pretty lots at 2450, 1750, 8900 ana im CHEAP HOMES I.3S1 Four-room brick house. In good re pair, nsir Dior nortn or Cuming, on 2Mb.: rltv water, flnlv ISLVi Beven-room house, with city water, In Or chard Mill. A harailn for nnlv II 2110 2.354 Plve-room rottaae on Bouth 12th, with city wster and sewer connection. One block from car. for tQoft 8,3S2six-room, all modern house, with fur nace, at ana nuggiea, near Ames ave nue car. Bhade treea and a barn. Price only 21,300 lor a modern house and good lot. B.1M Well-built 8-room house on 18th. Just norm or L,aae, near itountse riace, .near two cars. Price. 12.000: easv terms. Small cottage on 21st St., north of Minder- son: gns, city water and sewer; full lot; good neighborhood. Price, 81,200. ALFALFA LANDS 100 acres, half In alfalfa, only 8 miles from rorui naue; pertectiy level ana sub Irrigated, being an Ideal alfalfa farm. Price only 226 oer acre, or 12 6.10 820 acres, near Overton, Dawson county; mnes east or Lexington. One of the best bargains in the state of Nebraska today. About 200 acres Is the best kind of alfalfa land, balance ftrat-clasa pasture; good Im provements. Price. I4.A. Send for a copy of our little ALFALFA FACTS." PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY Main Floor N. T. L. Bldg. OMAHA. RE 997 24 FOR SALE AT A Bargain 7-room house newly painted with good barn, 100 barrel cis tern, well, fruit trees and flow ers, $0 ft. front lot. One block from car line. Owner leaving the city and must sell. 3186 Meredith Ave. For prices and terms call on POTTER, FORGAN & HASKELL, 420 New York Bldg. Phone 470. RE 862-24 CHA9. E. WILLIAMSON. SHAB. E. WILLIAMSON. HAS. E. WILLIAMSON. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. CHA8. E. WILLIAMSON. CHAS. E. WILLI AMBON. 1203 Farnam Street. U. 8. National Bank Bldg. Rttt31-M RANCHES AND FARM LANDS. 5,120-acre ranch, with 8 miles front, on Callmus river, In Loup county, 30 miles N. W. of Burwell, one-half of ranch la bottomland, with about 1.200 acres hey land, part of which can be Irrigated and would raise fine alfalfa. Around 6,120 acres la a tract of about 86.000 acres range enclosed by fence and divided Into four .Mturfs. TMs n-.cii la capable cf .tK!r care of 2,000 to 2,600 head of cattle, good four-room house, barn and large corrals. Price. 217.600. 700 acres alfalfa land on Republican river, 8 miles east of McCook, land Is all under fence and all bottomland. Borne of the beat alfalfa In Nebraska can b Been adjacent to thla ranch on the same kind of land. 640 acres H miles N. E. of Bpauldlng. In Greeley county, 160 acres under cultiva tion, balance pasture, well Improved. Prloe. 210.000. 220 acrea south of Papllllon, Improved, 160 acre unaer cultivation, Balance nna pas ture, with stood running water. Price, 810.000. 160 acrea within three miles of dretna, well Improved, a desirable farm. Price, 8ii2.60 per acre. HOUSES FOR SALE. $1,660 for cottage near 17th and Vinton. I rooma, flrat-ciass repair, cast front, de sirable location. $1,600 for 214 N. 26th st 4-room house, rood as new, city water, sewer, gas, etc. Will ell on easy terms. 21,800 for 1M1S Chicago St., 7-room house. CHEAP BUILDING LOTS. $1,400 for two full lots on 28th st, north of Farnam, on grade, paving and all sneclal taxes raid In full. 2506 for lot on north aide Cass it, east of .win. W) for lot on Howard st.. near 41st t. GEORGE A COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St. RE 8S8 24 SNAP 8M-ar cattle ranch, all fenced, four wires, red cedar posts; good house, barn, windmill, scales and sheds; sis miles from Oenoa; price $16.00 per acre if taken quick. McFayden Wllnon, Oenoa, Neb. RE M802 26 R. C. PETERS CO., Oround floor. Bee Bldg, 5-room house, south part of city, 81.200. 7-room modern. 22d and Clark. 82.100. 8-room modern, facing new Presbyterian seminary, soum iront on .mmeti street, 84.006. East front lot on Park ave., half block soutn of park; any reasonable offer ac cepted. t-acre fruit farm, fine Dressed brick house. good barn and outbuildings, for leas than half what the Improvements cost. 40 acrea Sarpy county, house, barn and or- onara, &,iw. 68 acres Sarpy County, $46.00 per acre. 812 acre Vt mile from So. Bend, house, barn and cribs. $30.00 par acre. Half section fine farmlna land near Can. tral City; would consider trad for Omaha residence or business property. RE 978 24 BARGAINS. I have a number of 6 to 8-room houses for saie; small payment down, balance monthly. If you are looking for a snap i in una ivb J. n. rarroue, rax ton blk, RE 879 24 BUILDERS WANTED To these bargains In' vacant lots: Fin lot fronting Turner park, $1,200, East front, 78x140. Georgia ave.. 82,000. Large lot, paved atreet. near Joelyn'a, 81.600. Corner 80th near Leavenworth, 31.6oO. ' South front. Marcy and list sts., 8400. Two lots. Dodge and 4Sd for the two. $900. Dwlght Lyman's, on Boulevard. 8M0. Fine lot. West Cuming addition. $260. Also some acre tracta, from 6 to 16 acres each, great bargains. All near the oitv. I JOHN W. ROBU1NJ3, 1802 FARNAM ST. MODERN HOUSE, near to car Una, small caah payments, balance monthly Install' meuta, $l,8ua Bemta, Paxton u.a. RE-M $4 LIST YOUR BARGAINS. We have eold so many of our bargain recently mat our llat needs reolenlahtng If you have any real good bargains ou which you wish to realise quickly In either Improved or unimproved property. and will list them with us, we hav the cufliomers witn me casn. JOHN W. ROBBIN3, 1802 FARNAM $IT, Ktt il 24 FARM BAROAINS. 240 arrea In Ssrpy county, cloa to South Omaha, $76 per acre. 220 acres In Sarpy county, cloa to Spring- neia, siv per acre. 220 acre In Dodge county, near Fremont, itw per acre. 160 acres near Gretna, Sarpy county, $75 per acre. Have several tracta of from 1 to 40 acrea near South Omaha that ar good bar- O NEIL'S REAL ESTATE AOENCY, South Omaha. re ma h FOR EXCHANGE, store bulldlnr and eot tage. renta for about $400 per year; want email (run laxm. Aaareea ii nee. RE 082 24 FOR SALE AT A SACRiriCK. Elegant modern, up-to-date house In on of in nnest residence neighborhood in city must be sold within next ten days. A1- Oreu u u. umaha tie. KS 114 24 EASTERN Kansas land, rwlce 210 to $30. Addreea D. K. Hitter, Yatew Center. Kan sas. RE M 104 feUi 10-ROOM nouee, nearly new. water, gas, sewer. On lawn, near motor and school; rent fc. inquire Wm. L Klaratead, City Hall. D 491 HOUSES Elegant 10-room brick house: a few block from I he uostomc. Juat the thing fur a flrst-rlaas boarding house, BKNNAN-LOV CO.. tut South Ub St. i-6eu-$ ACREAGE AND LANDS, I arrea on N. 24th at, this aid of Miller park. $2,009. 20-acre fruit and garden farm, with five room house, etc., 82m. 20 arrea, quite smooth land, $1,800. 70 acres near Benson, $4.RfV0. 80 acres near Elk City, $4.&o0. 80 acres 7 miles wet from P. O., pared stseet. cheap at 7.ln0. lift acres, good. Clay county, adjoining town, 10-room house, barn. $8,000. 120 acrea, 12 miles wet. 8.0"0. )o arrea, 7 mllea west, $12,800. 2M acrea. Improved, Burt county, $12,600. $20 acrea, Sarpy county, $21,000. CITY PROPERTY. $4,ooo for southwest comer of 13th and Cass, 1.12x64 feet, paving paid. $4,600 for 76x142 feet, "double frontage." room for alx flats, near 24th and St. Mary' ave. $1,000 for (-room house near 17th and Vin ton, lot 60x110 feet. fl. for 2247 Pierce at. $1,200 for 8-room house, 4389 Franklin. $1.6o0 for 2M6 Poppleton ave.. five rooms. 81.t0 for 1414 Durras St., t rooma. $1."0 for 26 and 2808 Caas 8 houaea. 2.2i0 for $ rooms, nesr High school. $2,700 for 672 B. 27th St.. lot 60x132 feet, rooms, paving paid, cheap. $3,600, West Farnam st., 8-room house, barn, corner lot $3,600 for northwest corner of 16th and Center, 8-room house, lot 76x140. 23.7W, $ rooms, modern, Kountse Place. $4,600, twq 8-room modern houses, near 25th and Harney sts. $7,000 for 6 houses, rental $1,088 per year, f round 80x126 feet. 000, row cf brick buildings, ground 100. 144, rental i,ni per year. John N. Frenzer.Opp. 01 d P.O RE- Great Bareain A ovautilui lo-room residence, ne.v and modern throughout, splendid location. This property has been held at lo.oou; will rent easily tor $66 per month; owner must sell quick and we can offer th:a week for $,u. HICKd, 228 BOARD TRADE. Telephone 1169. RE-114 24 SMALL RANCH In western Kansas, lota oi range ana plenty or water, good ouiid Inga, M head of cattle, horses and Im plements, H.oOO. Bemls, Paxton blk. HE-m 24 FOR SALE. 81 acre fruit and garden ana, eigni-room nouse, gooa nam, ap ples, cherries, plums, eight acrea In tim ber, twa mile from car Une. Addrosa 103 a First, Council Bluffs, la. RE-95J A SNAP! Elegant modern -roora brick o weiiing. nounts riace, j,th, wortu $8,000. Franklin J. Grlften. 712 N. Y. Life. RE M27-A2a BEE PAYNE, BOSTWIC.K A CO. for choloe int Kl V T lA Ul.' T.l inn RE 71 Ull 1 TAIUQOIM CHARLES H. 1208 Farnam atr,t. RE 762 HOUSES and lota In an parts of city; also ere property ana iarm lanas. id u. M, Davis CO., Room 662 Be Building. RE 762 20 ACRES We can offer for sal thla wee a 20 acres very Una land lust west of city and close to macadamised street, for only $2,860. HICKS, 32 BOARD TRADE BLDO. RE 116 24 GEORGE O. WALLACE, real estate, raort- remais. insurance, urowo block. Khr ,04 HOUSES, lota, farms, ranchea, loans; also nr insurants, ttemie, raxion Diock. RE 766 v FOR SALE. 21,780 Ten-acre tract near Omaha: ha nouse. Darn, well, etc. only half-mile from Center st. macadamised road. This will ssll readily. If interested call at one. SHIMER & CHASE Suburban Property, Modern Cottages. 804 Be Building. Tel. 1442. RE M83 24 KELSEY'S. wall paper, 17th and Douglas. rum loo. he-tu CLOSE IN, eleven-room modem house, b,ouu; or win iraae. uemis, paxton blk. RE 996 24 FOR RENT HOUSKS. WE have a large list of houses and flats for rent Call and get list. R. C. PETERS & CO. Ground Floor, Bee Building. D 941 24 2128 CHARLES, four-room cottage: rent in. wm. k. .rotter, receiver, umana Loan and Trust Co., 802 Browu block. D711 nUUOCOr, D,via Co., 60 Boe Bldg. : ... it 7tw VANS and baggag wagon. TL 1196. TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co.; omn uuti arnara, or xei. lto-wj. J-70S MAOGARD Van Storag Co. Tel. 1491 D706 BEE PAYNE. BOSTWICK CO. for choice nouses, sui-8 ti. z. UK mag. TL loia. D 704 OOOD modern 8-room house. 8604 Blondo. D 712 HOUSES and flat. Rlngwalt. Barker block. HOUSES, store. Bemls, Fazton block. vno FOR RENT, 1842 N. 224 it, 7-room house, $12. 1214 B. 22d tu 8-room hous, 820. Th Omaha Really Co., U01 Douglas st. UX.WM -ROOM modern, good repair, on Bo. 814 avenue, r-none ue. uui FOR RENT. 10-room, brick, modern resi dence, 818 N. 19th at., 846. 12-room atona reeldenee, ititm heat, t42$ Cass at.. IM. 8-room modern frame residence and barn, 2014 Emmet St., 825. 8-room modern brick residence, $15$ Farnam at., 8-room modern residence. 111 S. 29th ave., 820. . 8-room modern residence, 1128 8. $lst St., $34. sni.nnAn-uivK to., so a. uth sr. D M818 28 2626 CALIFORNIA ST. Ten-room modern house, large lawn, stable for horsea and buggy; In good repair. 1908 Capitol Av. D-eXe FOR REST. $10 4-room houaa on 26th L, north of Cum $16: room house near 26th and Cuming. SHIMER & CHASE Real Estate, Rentals, Modern Cottages, 4-4 Be Building. Tel. 1442. D-M334 24 MODERN 7-room flat, $25: steam heated. H. B. Graham, agent, 24th and Farnam. D 44 2026 ARBOR ST. -r city watr In yard. $6. 1312 S. 24th BL-4T., city water and sewer, lO.uO. 2104 Mapl St. 7-r., modern axcept furnaoa, 818.00. Ti Burt St. 4Vr., all modern, new. $22 60. 2107 PInkney St. 8-r., all modern. An place, will repair. $24.60. 22$Z7 60Urt 8tt"r' Inodro except furnaoa, PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. TeU 1781. Main Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. 2722 SPRAGUE. I rooma, 810; 8009 Webster, $ rooms, bath, $1S; 2422 Erskln. $ rooma. em; others' Rlngwalt . Broe., Barker diock. u MStl CHICAGO. 2028 Dearborn St., near Armour Ave.; swell nouee lor DUsmeas or reel' denca; money maker. D 9o8 84 207 SO. 24TH, modern house of 16 rooma. 8-1 19 Charles, 8 rooms, modem, 1-5 00. lOoS Dudf. 8 ro-.rr.s, modern. $21 0". 827 80. 24th, $ rooms, city water, $13 60. 74 K. !ii. t ;oomi, city water, gas, 810.00. 66 So 4th. 6 rooms, city water, 84.00, Iu7 B.. 2uh, ( rooma, city water, $8 00. fc16 Marcy. $ rooma. cltv water 27.00. 2217 Cuming, store and 6 living rooma, $16.66. UAHV1.N llrioa., 1604 Farnam kt- Com. Nat. Bank Bldg, e-87 U. HOt'SH and barn for rent, modern, $ rooma, In good repair; price, $40.n. Apply 607 N. 19th at. D 9m 24 FOR RENT, 8-room mod. house, Dundee, 916.00. 7- room mod. hoime, 218 B. 25th St., $23.00. 4-room bouse, 521 N. lth. $100. 8- room house, JK"8 Ontario, $lo.go. 6-room house, V N. 82d. W.tfl. 4-room house, 2on Poppleton, $ 60. J. H. PARRUTTE, Paxton Blk. D M9M 24 PAYNE. BOSTWICK CO. 8n8 8. mth. 8-r. nlre shape, city water. $S. 11.17 N. 24th, nice $-r flat, $15. ra S. 8th, 6-r, city water. $4.60. 2322 8. loth, fine t-r modem cottage, only $18.50. 2215 Miami, good 8-r modern house. $22.50. 812 N. 22d, 10-r. close In. modern, 836 Two fine houses In West Farnam district, 836 and 840. Fine 10-r house on Wirt St., $46.' 2602 N. lth St.. 10-r, modern, nlc yard, $25. PAYNE, BOSTWICK CO., Phone 1016. 801-8 N. T. TJfe. D 992 24 FOR RENT. Fine house, 2719 Marcy at., 10 rooma. strictly modern, well arranged, good barn, large ground, vacant Bept. 1. This Is a desir able place. $37.60 per month. IMS Dodye, good 9-room house, $30. 602-4 8. 28th, 10 rooms, modern, cheap, $34. D. V. SHOLES CO., 210 N. Y. Life. Tel. (W. D M9K7 24 FOR RENT, 8-room all modern house, Georgia ave., vacant In a few days. J. H. Bherwood, 937 New York Life bldg. Phone 8S8. D M990 26 404 N. 23d St., 8 rooms, modern, $36. 2619 Caldwell St., 6 rooms. $12. JOHN N. FRENZER, OPP. OLD P O. D 970 24 FOR SALE rlH.XITlRE. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. New and secondhand, bought, sold, exchanged. O 720 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, only been used a short time, very cheap. Call or addreea 2420 Templeton st O 891 24 FOH SALE-HORIES, WAGONS, BIO. ClOSING out buggies cheap. Johnson A Roberts, John Deer Bldg., 10th and Lea v. P-M321 S9 NEW and second-hand buggies and wagons: low price. Frost, 14th and Leavenworth. P 721 FOH SALEMISCELLANEOUS. WHITE sawdust; season checked oak tlm bars, cheap; hog fence, etc. 901 Douglas. FOR SALE Phonographs; superior to any other musical Instrument; $5 up. The Wittman Co., 1621 Farnam. Q 728 NEW and secondhand typewriter. 1119 Far nam. Q 724 100 STYLES trusses; catalogue free. Sher man A McConnell Drug Co., ldth and Dodge, Omaha. Q 724 INDIAN gooda and relics. 1119 Farnam. Q-72 2DHAND sate cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. tj 728 VIM puncture-proof tires, $4.96 and $7.00 per pair, umana uicycie i;o., 10m ana tni cago Sts. Q-728 PIANO for sal or trad. O 14. Bee. Q-M127 S4 EDISON phonographs, $10, $20 and $30; moulded records, 60c each, or $5 per Co.; res T.'hcelt, J1S up; Jdh;n1 ?R Omaha. Bicycle Co., 16th and Chicago Sts. Q-M222 L. M. E. always hurry.Tel. 780. Q MS54 EDISON, Columbia pltBhographs; agent wanted. Write. Fredrlckson, 15 A Cap. A v. Q M54J S15 FRESH Jeraey grade, big rich milker, first class family cow; young and sound. Tur ner, 28th and Center sts. Q M800 24 FOR SALE Two cows, fresh, at 2826 Web ster St. Q 242 2S BARGAIN price, mantle folding bed, bed room suit, 2 rugs, gas rang, ga plat, breakfast table, work table, 2 couches, chairs, curtains and cooking utensils and other articles. 118 B. 26th Bt. Q 852 21 KINDLING, $1.00 per load; also corrugated and galvanised Iron from Union Elevator, 13th and Marcy St. Q M858 25 FOR SALE Good 8.600-pound flour scale, desks, stove, letter press, etc. Call at 806 Jonea street. Q 855 THREE showcases In first-class condition. Milton Rogers A Sons Co., 14th and Far nam Sts. Q 943 24 SECOND HAND SEWING MACHINES $1.00 to $1100. W's went machine at 76c per week, or $3.00 per month. We repair and aell part for any macnine manuiacturea. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Geo. E. Mlckel, Mgr., Cor. 15th and Harney. 834 Broadway, council Blurts la. 612 N. 24th St., Bo. Omaha. Neb. y-Wl 24 FOR SALE, or will trad for horses, white hearse, good condition. Mark & Co., lbs Broadway, Council Bluff. Q 963 27 FOR SALE, a nice lot of Belgian hare can be bougnt cneap u taken at once. Apply M. J. Franck, Midland hotel. Q-109 24 PIANOLA and $000, made to order, extra large upright piano, manogany, used 4 months, for sale until Sept. 1 at a bar gain: cash or bankable paper. 262 N. 40th, Omaha. Q-MU3 26 CLAIRVOYANTS. GLYMER Omaha's Favorite Palmist If you desire to know your future consult Mm, uyiraer, tne oniy uie reader in ine west today who Is recognised authority n all affairs of Ufa Gylmer's advice is the beat to be obtained. She la without doubt the leading palmist of the country indiv. t'haraea reaaonable. Parlors, 216 8. 15th, In Granite block, 2d floor; tak eievaior. a km MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 1614 Cass St. MME. GYLMER. genuine palmist. 216 B. 16. Miss Morgan, palmist, clairvoyant, me- mum, will D pieaaea 10 giv aavice 111 business, love, lost or stolen property discovered or no charges. lso9 Chicago. 8 107 24 ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. AA1&4, vapor bath, 124 N. 16th. R. 7. A el Bis MME. SMITH, baths. 11$ N. 16, 2d floor, R I T 132 b- GLADYS RUSSELL, 623 8. 16th. 2d floor. 1 haws D-r- GRACB O BRYAN of Ky.. 720 Bo. lJth. T M 4flZ BU- rsKiOBAi. PRIVATE hospital before and during aon- nnement; babies adopted, jmub urant Bt. Mrs. Gardela. TeL F-lliO. U 731 VIAVA. woman's way to health. Horn treatment. Booklet free. M Bee Bldg., umaoa. uJM TEL. 780 for L. M. E. msasanger. u usoe GRAMOPHONES aud bappllea. wholesale and ralall. Colllna Piano Co., 1622 Doug Ua. U-73a SHAMPOOING and halrdreulna. 26c. la connection with Tli Ba'thary, Zii-tM Be wuiiuiag. in. I. 7 CHIROPODT a pcJalty. In connectloi with 1 he Bathery, rooms tla-220. Bee Bldg TeL 1711 VTM PR. B. M. JACKSON, room 4. Frenser uium, curonio oiseaaea a specialty; coi sultatlon fr. u 7i to make acquaintance of refined, middle- gauuemaa. atuwi a w, ue. ii-m $4 $30 RUPTURE CURFID FOR $30 No knife. 'io pain, uo detention from buslnrsa. Bend for booklet, etc. EMPIRE RUP TURE CURE CO., 932 N. Y. Life Blilg., Omaha. U -sil HA1RDRESSING. msnlcurlng and chlron- ony, ror ladles only. In connection with The Bathery. 218-2J0 Bee Bldg U 731 TRIVATB sanitarium for Indies before and during confinement. Dr. and Mr. Gerlsch, 4ui N. lath St., Omaha. U-449 PARIB WOOLEN CO. New location. 141 Douglas. 'Phone L-2221. U 4M S10 PRIVATE home for ladlee before and dur ing confinement. Babies adopted. Mrs. Burget, 2620 Bjrdetta St. U4i4 BepUl ELITE PARLORS, $1 S. 16th St., 2d floor. U M&28 R7 MME. SMITH, baths, 11$ N. 16, 2d floor, R. 2. U Oil O-iS HANDSOME., Intelligent American lady. wortn ix&.oou, win marry immediately and assist kind husband flnnjnclnlly. Addreea Belle, 134 Van Buren St., Chicago. U-890 24 RETIRED merchant, middle age, worth swmm), seeks at once poor but faithful wife. Address Mr. Hamilton, 402 Omaha Bldg., Chicago. U 688 24 FREE Hsndsome watch, gold-Oiled esse. wsrrantea w years, movement 7-jeweled, for half hour's work; no peddling; par ticulars free. Royal Watch Co., Weight man Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. U 881 24 CAN YOU write stories; we can sell them iur yuu. r rum urn, encione stamp, rress New association, Box 644, Omaha. U-917 24 "PERSONAL" ENLARGE YOUR BUSTS, LADIES! 4 to 10 Inches at home, with Dr. Conway's Bunt Tabloids, at trifling coat; $1,000 for a caMe we cannot; thoao developed In past 12 years prove 'tis permanent. Healed facts, 4c stamps. CONWAY SPECIFIC CO., 16 Temple Place, Boston, Mass. U-4I2S 24 GENEROUS gentleman, wealthy but lonelv, eiegant nome. win make nome nappieat place on earth to kind wife. Governor, .12 Holland Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. U-824 24 YOUR fortune told from cradle to grave; wnat 1 ten you cornea true, send dime and birthday. Prof. J. Myers. Drawer 704. Chicago. U 958 24 WANTED, young man a partner In well established business; must have 8300.00 capital to Invest. Address II 43, Bee. U 928 24 I AM of good appearance, well educated. middle aged, very wealthy, and 1 want to marry an intelligent, practical, sym pathetic lady, no matter what her circum stances or station in life. Mora attention Is paid to hunting gold than a true com panion, hence he number of unhappy marriages. 80 why not go about It In a businesslike manner? It Is of no conse quence how people become acquainted; the paramount thing Is the Individuals, and I have set aside custom, as the happiness of a lifetime is of more moment, believing there is somewhere In this broad land a genuine woman whom I can love and with whom I can share my vast fortune. If she will lay aside her scruples, as i have mine, long enough to address Mr. Weller, Real Estate Board Bldg., Chicago. U 963 24 VERT wealthv, attractive lady, large bank BtLuuai miu property, generous, would marry and financially aid kind husband. "Amiable," 62 Koken Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. U 962 24 DEAR LADY, did you ever realise that wnen you pay xiz.uu or 815.00 for a hat that we could sell you at $5.00 that the dear iauy irienu wiiu liiiiiy rvuuiuiueuua a certain place often gets a very large reduction In price for herself for the con sideration of her Influence among her friends? Our price strictly on price, and u- waicr iree, f t-ssistLiij, Millinery, 1&14 and 1616 Doug las ot., over tne Binger otlic and Lind say jewelry store. U- SUPERFLUOUS HAIR wart anrf mole permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and confidential- all work guaranteed. Mlsa AUender, 1612 Douglas. I MAKE a specialty of obscure chronic and nervous diseases or men and women, and Dost lively euro cases which 1 undertake. CONSULTATION FREE and confldentiaU UK. B. M. JACKSON, Specialist, Frenser Block, 15th and Dodg St., Omaha. Neb. Office hours, $ to 6 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sun days, 10 to iz noon, uut 01 town sorrer er, write. U I WAS saved from consumption after my case nod been pronounced incurable and hopeless by eminent physicians. If you re suffering from this dread disease and will writs ma I will gladly tell you how It was done at home. My sole object Is to be of some benefit to humanity. Rev. Melvln L. Peden, pastor Church of Christ, 144 Stone St., Glbeonbjrg, O. V 947 24 A FRIEND in need Is a friend Indeed." If you happen to be feeling badly and need something to soome your nerves try a STOECKER CIGAR ind you will then fully appreciate the sen timent expressed In the abov quotation. TJ 999 24 WANTED, by young man of good morals, place for winter to do chores for board, two meals a day. Address H 46, Beo. U-4172 24 HANDSOME young lady, with nice homo, i,uw; nas veryiiung to mate lire pleas ant but companionable huaband; would assist right man. Address "JULIET," Box 676. Chicago, 111. U 108 24 MBDICAW SR. PRIES, th acknowledged leading epeciauai in diseases 01 women in umana, would call th attention of suffering ladlea to hit unsurpassed accommodations before and during confinement and his treatment for irregularities, no matter what cause. Call or addreea, with stamp, Dr. Prlea, Arlington Block. 1612 Dodge, Omaha. 767 LADIES' Chichester' English Pennyroyal Pills are the best; safe; reliable. Take no other. Send 4c, stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Ladles." In letter by return mall. Aak your drugRiat. Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. DR. W. HUTCHINSON, specialist of women and children; 30 years' practice. Office, 2205 Cuming. Residence telephone. F-2790; offlca, B-2a3& LADIES, use our harmless remedy for de- isyea or suppressed period : it cannot fall; trial free. Pari Chemical Co.. Milwau kee, Wis. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. WANTED Coal miners and machln run ners, Wyoming; bridge men, surface gang and extra a ana. Wvouilna and Nebraska: coal shoveiers, Colorado division B. A M.; cuai auoveiers ana laoorera, u. r. 1. M, Western R. K. Labor Agency, 210 Bo. 11th. -4V.2 MANIKACTIRINU. P. MELCHIOR, 13th and Harney, ma chinist. 776 CMAHA Safe and Iron Wks. make a spe cialty of (Ire escapes, shatters, doors and sales, u. Andreen. Prop., I'M a. loth 8U -778 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repair ing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, cvm ana i.a k e atreeta. 8 m MIBICAL. MRS. F. H. WRIGHT, piano, 1812 Webster DU 13, B-4 STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co.. 1511H Farn. Tela. 1569-64. 1 ij ACCORDION PLEATING. IDEAL PLEATING CO., 1610 Howard. -136 THINKS AND B1GQAGB. TWIN CITY EXP. 'Pbona 1717. 606 So. 14th -MM L M. E. hauls trunks. Tel. 78 am STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramg Bld. Jil GENERAL MERCHANDISE. $3.ono, 8i',.oo, 8t.u, 8i.i"i. $l., clean staple stocks in live country towns; pront ahie btialnees; ran handle good Improved land for the larger stocks. oimt'i:iiM. $1 to $4.6iO, fine staple stocks in and out of city; psylng business; can be had at right ngure. HARDWARE $2,500 to $4.5nn, staple stocks In city and gooa country towns; good land and casn zuneldered lor some. DRUGS. $2,600 to $6,500, clean staple stocks In snd out or city; would consider good Income property lor the former; the latter does 8I.M00 monthly business; It a a hummer. Dim TS AM) $5,ooo up-to-date Block, flne Neb. town; a.T),tu annual sales, will give liberal dis count. JEWELRY. $1,500 to $4 000, well selected stocks, doing paying Dtisineas in live country towns; liberal discount for quirk sale. IMPLEMENTS AND TUOGIE9. WU selected stock In live Neb. town; con trols large traae; casn or good improved land will do, STEAM LAUNDRY PLANT.. In live Neb. town of IO.00O people; $1,200 to .wo monmiy Dtisiness; o,iw in gooa Neb. land will ault. NEWSPAPER AND PRINTING PLANTS. $1,000 to $1,5(10, well located In Neb. towns; Eooa propositions; would consider good ind for one; Investigate. BAKERY AND t'ONl KECTIONERY. $800 to $1,500, In and out of city; fine trad; win give gooa aeai. fruits and (HiNrRrrmvPRT. $700 for fine business In city. SHOE SHINING PARLOR. On of the best In city: Investigate. vnjAria anu hiam), Fine location In city: atock and furniture oi a room at a bargain; owner non resident. MESSENGER BUSINESS. A paying proposition; cash or good lot , in satisry. MILLINERY BUSINESS $1,600, clean staple stock, Lincoln, Neb.: mr- uaue, cam anu ciear property will answer. PHOTiMHRAPH OAT.T.F.RIFH $360 to $1,000, good ones In Neb. towns; will l 10 iook into, CHATTEL T.OAN THTHTVIT.Ba $6,000 to control, $4,000 monthly loans at 10 per cent per montn: umana business. LIVEHV RI KINKPa $7,000 for stock, barn and resilience In good no. town; gooa iarm win ao. FLtlKHlNO mills 60 and 76-bbl. capacity, fully equipped and doing profitable business; $A.0u0 to $8,000 n aooa urouerty or land considered. HUTELB AND ROOMING HOUSES 7 to 60 rooms, well located, completely fur- iiiFiieii. aoing gooa DUBiness; tney are in and out of city. What have you to trade for furniture of 87-room hotel In good Neb. town doing good business, value, -.000? Bee me Monday, as I have spe cial bargains In some fine rooming houses. WANTED. PARTNER. With $1,600 and experience to enter Into nsrnware ousineae; also pnvsiclan witn $2,0W to buy H Interest In practice, office in city; $i00 to $ monthly canh re ceipts. Full particulars concerning any thing In this fist can be had at my office. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Phone, L2270. Y 977 24 E. J. ARNOLD A CO. of St. Louis. Mo race nurse owners ana Dookmakers, in vite the speculative public to an Investi gation of their methods. This 1 an old and long established concern, amply re sponsible and reliable In all Its dealings. A rigid Inquiry into their business will develop a condition unattalned by any other Investment proposition ever offered for public participation. Subscription to their capital may be made In amounts of $20 and upward, subject to withdrawal In full on demand. Dividends nald In cash fifty-two times every year. The best pav. Ing safe Investment In the country. Refer ences: Banks, trust companies, commer cial agenclea, St. Louis business men and prominent men everywhere. For full par ticulars address. E. J. Arnold A Co., 9th and Pine Sts., St. Louis. Mo. Y MAKE YOUR FORTUNE QUICK. Small capital required. ' Our little booklet explains everything. How to be success ful on the Board of .Trade and New York Stock exchange. Write at once If ypu wish to make big money on a small in vestment. Highest bank and commercial reference. Union Investment Co., Rial to Bldg., Chicago. Y $94 24 WANTED, an Investor with $2,100 cash to join in laying out town in new railroad; success and big profits assured. Address H, 40, Bee. Y M 24 TO GET In or out of business csll on Wil liams, noom 4U, Aiccagu building. Y-7$$ WHEN you want to buy, aell or exchange Jour ousineiB or property quick, see J. i. Johnson. 843 N. Y. Life. Y-M759 FOR CASH $2,600 buy the bet grocery lore in oiuux uy, J a. Aaaress Li. u.. General Delivery. Y M796 24 WHOLESALE bakery for aale, good loca tion and good trade; falling heulth la roa- son ror selling; new prick oven. Addrns Box $76, Geneva, Neb. Y M227 IF YOU WANT CASH for your business, city property or farm send full particu lar with best price and will tell you how to get It, provided 1. is located in the United States. My plan a winner. Write today. Emerson De Puy, Des Moines, la., sixth floor Iowa Loan and Trust building. Y M346 89 FOR SALE, a hotel and furniture, with very nun in connection, in a thriving town In central Nebraska. The only hotel In the town. Good business already established. C. A. Robinson, Kearney, Neb. Y-M796 FOR SALE, th Porter house, furniture and outbuildings. Thla hotel la doing a nice business, but on account of poor health owner wants to quit. It will pay you to Investigate this. Address Fred Porter, Dodge, Neb. Y M602 27 WANTED In Kansas or Nebraska, pasture vi iuuiii itu. siay, aiiuca corn, etc., for about alx montha for eight hun dred to one thousand cattle. W. F. Mo Gulre, Buena Vista, Colorado. Y-761-2J LOCAL agents, good sellers, Mart mail oraer Duainesa at noma, 82 and up. West, Paxton Houae. . Y 671 24 A CHANCE for a fortune. We ni I nee otiii weeaiy xor small investments or 210 and upward. This Is an opportunity for the small Investor without a parallel. Full particulars iree. jonn J. Ryan Co-Opera-tlv Investment Co., 606 Commonwealth Trust Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Y-8 24 'SUCCESS IN SPECULATION." $100.00 Invested In grain or stocks by our "Safety Cl.n" V.nuM .. 1 i u . . - l.DUll ,, L IMISUI OI $500.00 to $1,000 within 30 days; write for particulars and send for our free book, ''Modern Methods for Safe Investments.'1 Richard Oliver A Co., Bankers and Brok ers, Chicago Stock Exchange Bldg., Chi cago. I htib 24 A PROFIT of 232 averaged monthly on very $100 Invested. Send for free book let. Reed A Co., 120-122 Liberty St., New lora. X 878 24 RAILROAD corporation desires services of energetic wen recommended represents, tlve in confidential capacity. AtHrs C. F. Seainger, Sec, 937 Drexel Bldg.. Philadelphia, pa. Y -7724 ONE DOLLAR. saved weekly for 10 weeks makes vou tun best reference; thorough Investigation so licited. Address Standard Chemical and proprietary Co., wt Broadway, New York. r 921 34 $6 MAKES $46.00. WrlU u at once and we will show you how $5 Invested now will make $16.00. Ureateat opportunity ever offered umall investors No racing. Legitimate bucl neaa proposition. Adiirem, Anglo-American Corporation, 78 Fifth avenue, New York. X 20 24 PROCURE capital by Incorporating your tusins; we sell stock on commission. Address Bruce A Co., 78 Fifth avenue, Mew xork, X 19 24- A PHOTO gallery in good town fitted to 8x10, for sale cheap for cash. Address photographer. Imperial, Neb. T-918 24 "THIS beats New Jeraey." Charters pro cured under Bouth Dakota lawa for a few dollars. Write for corporation lai blanka, bylaws and forms to Philip Lawrence, late a unlet ant secretary of state, Huron, Beadle Co.. South Dakota. X Bull 24 EASY MONEY, incorporated 2100.0HO; $10 makes two by our sure and safe system of turf Investment; entirely new plan free. Write for It quirk. It costs only a poatal card, lbs Douglas Daly Co. turf commissioners, 112 Clark St., Chi cago. X 47 24 THE Guaranteed Fund has paid dividend of 1 to 7 per cent fortnightly. Send for fre book. Fact and Figures, explaining option trading. On born Grain Co., 813 phoenix Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Mem' kr Chamber Cvnuuerva. X tot $i W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. Manage Estates and Other Properties Act as RECEIVER, EXECUTOK GUARDIAN AND TRUSTEE for CORPORATIONS, FIRMS, INDIVIDUALS and fiscal agents of CORPORATIONS 1 1320 Farnam St. Tel. 1064 FOR SALE A good photo car and com- rieie outni. Address, v. 1,. jttcner, Firth, Neb. Y 986 24 HUT WHRAT AND CORN. $100 Invested In grsln or stock by our Safe) Method Flan should result In a profit or $2fi0 to $.VW within 3u days. Write for particulars and send for our free book, Modern Ideas for Safe Investments. M. M. Flower A Co., Bankers snd Brokers, Trsders' Bldg., opposite Board of Trsde, Chicago, 1IL y90i34 FAKE oil and mining stocks. Do not own tnem. Obtain free sample ropy f inan cial Bulletin, containing Defunct Stock List, latest mining news and valuable In formation to investors. Bulletin Publish ing Co., Box 1042, Denver, Colo. . Y MEXICO Special Information regnrdlng? nusiness openings, t or concessions, mines, ranches, collections, reports, native prod ucts or any confidential service addreis Santiago Davie. Durango, Mexico. Bank references. Y 606 24 $1,000 AND services secures $1,500 yearly ap- 1.1, mi Hn-m roarittaer 10 receive appiw rations for loans; money secured; refer ences required. Secretary, 208 Security Bldg., Chicago. Y 9i4 24 MANAGER, We hava an opening for a, capaoie man to take cnarge of the ofnce and wnrerooms In Cincinnati of an old es tablish manufacturing company, who ar owners and manufacturers of goods used in every section of the United State.; salary. $1,200 n year nnil a liberal com miaelon; must Invest $1,000, which Is held, as security during the term of employ ment; none but those with good reputa tions need apply. A. A. Hartley, Conti nental Bank Building, Chicago. Y-814 24 WANTED, a partner In a good paying gen. masa. nusiness in good town m west ern Nebraska; stock about $7.0"i, or run offer good position to anyone having a few thousand dollars to loan to help carry on this business. Address for full particu lars, H 32, care Omaha Bee. Y 913 24 IF YOU have a business or financial propo- suion to promote, get our successrut method of financial advertising. Hnyder & Johnson Adv. Agency, li Tribune, Bldg., Chicago. Y 90S 24 Patents Guaranteed PATENTS SECURED OR FEE RE. TURNED. Send model or sketch for FREE opinion as to patentability. Send for our Illustrated GUIDE BOOK, finest publication issued for free distribution. Contains 100 mechanical movements. Tells HOW TO OBTAIN A PATENT, HOW AND WHAT TO INVENT FOR PROFIT, HOW TO SELL PATENTS, LAW POINTS FOR INVENTORS, etc. Patents secured through us advertised without charge In the PATENT RECORD. SAMPLE COPY FREE. We aluo send free our LIST OF INVENTIONS WANTED. Addres EVANS, WILKENS & CO., Registered Patent Attorneys, Evan Bldg. Washington, D. C. x-- THB Co-Operatlve Turf Syndicate pays S per cent weekly dividends; a legitimate business proposition with .dividends paid firomptly each week. Write for full par Iculars to the Co-Operatlve Turf Syndi cate, Roby, Ind. IT- MAKE YOUR MONEY EARN MONEY. A SAFE INVESTMENT, weekly divi dends, sums of $20 up received; your money always at your command, and all money to your credit can be with drawn on demand. We have earned and paid between 6 and 6 per cent each and every week. This Is no gambling, but a legitimate business proposition. Best of reference throughout the United States. Write for our booklet free. Ad dress H. Brolnskl A Co., Salt 403, Outf Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Y DON'T GAMBLE OR SPECULATE, . BE A BOOKMAKER. Our weekly dividends corroborate our claim that bookmaklng la a sure money-making business; co-operate with us, $50 and up ward will net big earnings weekly; send for booklet. Homer Shelby A Co., St." James Building, New York City. Y 909 24 WE HAVE several customer who want to rent or buy a good farm. What have you to offer? A fine stock of hardware, well located, for saie. Also good house and one acre of ground near Hoopaen, 111., to trade for 40-ace farm near good town In Iowa, or will buy that property, pay $700 or $S00 cash, and pay balance In monthly' payments For sale, 9-room cottage In West Farntm district. Also 9-room modern house, bath, gas, etc., In Omaha, to trade for Nebraska farm. If you have any kind of property to sell or rent, or If you wish to buy or rent property, write us. We charge no com missions. Commercial Bureau of Inform ation, 620 Broadway, Council Bluffs, In., or 425 Paxton block, Omaha. Y 969 4 IP YOtT want to Invest few hundred or few thousand In good safe money-making ?roposltion call on C. R. Glover, 401 N. I. Ate, Omaha, or write him care Crestun Electric Ry., Light, Heat and Power Co., Creston, Iowa. Y 117 $1 PATENTS Inventors' Guide Book mailed free. Thla 1 full of valuable Information for in ventors and ronialna 100 mechanical move ments; explains all about patents and how to obtain them; tells how to sell a patent and explulns what to Invant for profit. O MEARA A BROCK, PATENT ATTOR NEYS, O 6t., N. W., Wash.. D. C. Y-10$ 24 $10 Invested with u ha returned over $60 profit in a single month; legitimate prop osition; no turf, oil or mining scheme; ten years In business; references. Re liable Information Co., room 4o, 97 Nas sau St., New York. Y looO 24 FOR SALE, or rent, my large store build ing on Central Main street. West Point. Neb. Best location In town for general business. Storeroom, $3x76 feet. Base ment under all. Shelving and counters. A splendid opportunity for good retail business. Charles Bartels, West Point. Neb. Y-M110 2 FOR EXCHANGE. WANTED, to exchange an Onaha or South Omaha building lot for pair of brood marcs. Write or Inquire Room 334 Board of Trade Mils;., Omaha, Neb. 7. MKil 23 I . 1 LOST. LOST, gold stickpin, diamond setting, and chain guard; lost in neighborhood of Woolworth and Park avenue. Dlberul re ward. Return to U26 So. Join Ave. Lost 809 LO8T, watch fob, A. O. V. W., emblem; corner 16th and Douglas, Thursday even ing. Reward for return to Bee. Loit 874 26 LOST, pocketbnok containing money and papers. Return to W. A. Maurer, Council Bluffs, and receive liberal reward. Ist 92 24 OSTEOPATHY. GD. E. A ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Suit 616, N. Y. Llf Bldg. lfe -778 PR A. T. HUNT. 612 McCaguo Bldg. Tel. 2362. 774 MRS. GRACE DEEOAN, 638 Be building. Tel. tS!. 63H MAttSETIC HUAI.l.tO. IF A sufferer with pain and disease con sult, free, the gifted MAGNETIC JlKAl.KR and VITAOPATH physician. It. Chaa. L While, Farnam street. -S$-4U