Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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United Aitociatioa Xeaffinnilta Pelicy with
Eagard U Civilian Soldiar.
Financier of Clear Makers' t ala Kx
lalne Working? of System la
' Von with Hli Organisa
tion) to the PI ambers.
The relation of members of the Plumbers'
union to the state guard and militia or
ganlzallons other than United States volun
teers waa defined by the convention of the
United association yesterday. A resolu
tion was Introduced by Horace Veach, a
delegate from the Indlanapolla union, de
claring that aa long aa the state mllltla la
uaed for the purpose of protecting tbe priv
ileges of the employers and to overawe em
ploye no member of tbe Plumbers' union
should enroll in any auch military organlia
tlon. Tbe union baa a provision to this
effect already In Its constitution, but there'
bad been reports that aome of tbe mem
bers bad disregarded It and tbe resolution
of the Indiana delegate waa to reaffirm the
position. In tbe discussion which followed
the Introduction the author stated that It
was In no way Intended to atop members
of the union from enlisting in tbe armies
of tbe United States or of any state when
tbe country waa at war with any nation,
but that It was aimed aolely at thoee mill
tar? organizations whose members are em
ployed the larger part of the time In civil
pursuits. The resolution waa adopted by a
practically unanimous vote.
Tbe greater part of the time of the
morning session was taken tip with the
discussion of the nationalization plan.
W. A. Campbell, International financier of
the Clgannakers' union, was present by
Invitation of the nationalization committee
to explain the system In vogue In his
society. The plan proposed by the plumb
ers' committee Is a slight variation of the
same system, the metbod of equalizing be
tween; the local unlona being Identical.
Replies to Questions.
After his formal explanation Mr. Camp
ball replied to questions asked by several
delegatea and said that he would remain
In the city during the time the convention
la In session and will be pleased to anawer
questions and explain difficult or obscure
points to 'delegates at any time. He ex
pressed himself as greatly pleased with the
system as It operates in the Clgarmakera'
union. A rising vote of thanks was given
tbe International officers of that union for
their courtesy In supplying information to
tbe nationalization committee...
While a majority of the members seem
generally In favor of the committee's report,
and tbe amendments ao far made are trivial.
It is expected that a hot fight will come up
later on the question of the proportion of
dues to be paid by members to be retained
In the local union. The-dues probably will
be 80 cents a week and some delegates are
In mvor of as much as one-third remaining
In tbe local treasury, while others would
V v Km tCtttll. ' '
Delegatee Take a Few Hoars from
Bastaess to Enjoy Them-
. aelres.
Tbe delegates to the International con
vention of plumbers; who have been put
ting In aome good faithful licks at legis
lating for the last few days, deviated from
the dry routine of business last night long
etrougH'td; 40107 a K evening In' tbe -banquet
ball. The occasion was a smoker given by
locnl lodge of plumbers No. it and It was a
"huge success." ' President Harry McVsa
of Central Labor union, one of the most
active local plumbers, presided at the
meeting, when speeches, yarns and songs
were In vogue. . There was mirth galore
and enough of the serious side of life to
gratify tboae not Inclined to laugh out the
entire evening. .The attendance 'ws very
large and the reception a successful one
In every respect.
Keep the: body healthy at this season by
using Prickly Asb Bitters. It Is a neces
sary condition to successfully resist ma
larial germs.
treet Car Hea Bead lor President
- Mafcoa to Coaae and Complete
. Organisation.
Tbe new street railway men's union held
a, meeting lest night In tbe room over tbe
Jacksoolan club and took In ten new mem
bers. ' There were about 100 In attendance.
This brings the total membership of the
union up to something like 170 and the men
look for larger additions at tbelr next meet-iff-
In view of. the opposition of the company
to the union a telegram was sent last night
to President Mabon of tbe Amalgamated As
sociation of Street Railway Employes to
come to Omaha and supervise tbe comple
tion ana perfection of this organization. It
la expected, therefore, that Mr. Mabon will
be here within a few days and that he will
be Instrumental lo- enlarging the ranks' of
tbe new union materially.
"We have no special grievance now," aatd
one of the union motonnen lsst night. ' "We
are not asking the company for anything but
the recognition of our union, We did have
grlevancea aome time ago, but they have
been redressed and now wo are organizing
lor our-own protection In tbe future. We
are not looking for trouble and do not want
any. We are determined to maintain our
union though, and when the time cornea,
which will not bo In the Immediate future
i we may ask for more pay, for we believe
we will be entitled to It
"We look for naarlv ill nf Iha mn
unite' with the organization. Of course there
ire a few of tbe oldest fellows who will not,
tor they think 20 cents an hour Is enough
Woney, but prominent men are in sympathy
kith our step and urge us to continue, not
Intlclpatmg any trouble, but merely Justice
In the Farnam street line there are but
kiee men not In the union already. The
Majority In the Harney street barn are in.
be strongest antl-unlon faction Is In the
ienty-fourth street barn. There are many
C day men there who are not prompt to go
to the movement."
Why not? A little vanity
a good thing. Perhaps
;ou can't be flair-vain, your
air is so thin, so short, so
ray." Then use Ayer's Hair
'Igor. It stops falling of
he hair, makes the hair
tow, and always restores
olor to gray hair.
" I ucd Ayera Hair Vigor for
tver 40 years. I am now in my 91st
Tear and have an abundance of (oft
brown hair, which I attribute to the use
of your preparation." Mr. Mary A.
Keith, LellevUU, 151.
Seventh ana ninth Ward resale Hear
Candidates Cornish ana
The West Bide Republican club held the
second meeting of Its existence last night
with a large attendance, considering the
number of voters of the neighborhood. The
club Is composed of voters of tbe Seventh
and Ninth wards, thoee from the former
ward being In the ascendancy. E. J. Cor
nish and John P. Breen, candidates for
congress, and W. A. DeBord, candidate for
county attorney, were present.
Mr. Cornish wss tbe first speaker, say
ing in part: "I do not expect a delegation
for myself from the Seventh ward, as you
have one of the three who presume for I
understand It la presumption to be candi
dates for congress. Under the peculiar
conditions we are confronted with we are
forced to light a congressional machine. I
was In ohe fight In Sarpy county. In that
county I bad a alight advantage. My
brother and myself owned a farm there,
paying taxes on about $30,000 of property,
so the people of the county thought 1
would have some Interests In tbe county -I
at least more than a man who had no In
terests there. I also found that there were
some disadvantages. In every town there
was a postmaster, whose1 Influence had been
pledged td work for Mr. Mercer'a nomina
tion. Every member of the county central
committee was pledged for Mr. Mercer, but
while Mr. Mercer Is one of tbe best hand
shakers In the state, he cannot convince
every man that be really Is bis best and
nearest friend.
"In every precinct In that county there
were circulated copies of the World-Herald
which told what a good man Dave Mercer
was. In that county there are three demo
cratic papers all supporting Mr. Hitch
cock and drawing, their inspiration from
the World-Herald. These papers all ad-
vised the republicans to work for Mr. Mer
cer's nomination. I told the 'republicans
of the county that Mr. Hitchcock was the
probable candidate of the democratic party
nd that the democrats would not advise the
nomination of the , atrongest republican
against the owner of l5e . World-Herald.
Tbe expected has happened. Mr. Hitchcock
waa the etrongest candidate of tbe party.
Mr. Rosewater haa much Influence In the
democratic party. Mr. Hitchcock was nom-
lnated by the antl-Rosewater democrats.
It was a wise political move', for If Mr.
Mercer Is nominated he can get no antl
Rosewater democratic votea this year, as
they will all vote for Mr. Hitchcock. The
republican nominee will have to be elected
by republican votes this year."
Mr. Cornish was followed by Mr. Breen,
who raid, In part: "I have nothing to say
sgalnst Mr. Mercer except so far as It Is
deserved. Mr. Mercer makes the mistake
of classing all of the men who oppose his
nomination as followers of Mr. Rosewater.
Everyone who knows roe knows that I have
never been a follower of Mr.. Rosewater, and
I do not like the light In which Mr. Mercer
would place me. I simply claim the right
of every American citizen to aspire to any
office. I have supported Mr. Mercer for ten
long years. Now, Id all candor,' I ask: How
long is. Mr. Mercer entitled to remain in
officer Has he the right after ten years in
office to designate every man who would
succeed blm as a yellow dog? All I ask is
fair treatment and fetr play. I am done
with Mr. Mercer and his record. I have
lived In this district sixteen years. I am
simply a laborer In the ranks. I hope you
will select the best man for the place." '
W. A. D Board, when called upon, re
ferred to bis candidacy for tbe office of
county attorney, saying that he had never
been a .candidate, previously and now asks
for the position believing that Be can be
elected and can fill the office rather than
occupy it. ,- '
The last speaker -waa F.. O. ' Davie, who
announced bis candidacy for tbe legislature.
He said it bad been forced upon him, but
now he was In the fight to the finish.
The club adjourned to meet Tuesday ntgbt
at Rlewe'a ball.
Organisation Resolves to Indorse
- President Roosevelt and His
At the meeting of tbe Sixth Ward Re
publican club last night a resolution waa
adopted which waa Intended to show the
club's thorough endorsement of President
Roosevelt. On motion It was also decided to
pame the meeting place Llnwood ball, as
It haa heretofore been spoken of rather
Indefinitely. The meeting was addressed
by Messrs. J. H. Van Dusea of . South
Omaha and F. A. Brogan of Dundee. The
club waa . presented by President . W. G.
Sbrlver with a framed precinct map of the
ward, for which a vote of thanka waa given.
Before adjournment W. M. White made the
announcement that he la again a candidate
for assessor In the ward.
Omaha Tarns Oat la Fore to-Hear
, Mails Under His
Rlvela and his Italian band played to
about 2,000 people last night and made
further progress In their work of becoming
popular in Omaha. That the little band
master will become the musical Idol of the
city within the first week of his engage
ment Is not doubted, for the people are al
ready giving him unstinted applause. This
Is, perhaps, because he has a band which,
in many particulars, excells tbe organiza
tions of previous musical festivals.
A Wagner overture and a selection from
Boito's "Meflatofele" were ' the big events
of last night's concert and they were
played . with remarkable technique. For
encore numbers Rlvela made' some happy
selections ' from the popular catalogue,
catching the fancy of many hundreds of his
auditors who know little of technique and
care less.
This evening Conductor Rlvela and Man
ager Ellery will be entertained bjr Mr. and
Mrs. Harry 8. Weller at dinner, covers to
be laid for six. The other guests will be
Mr. Marc E. Perkins and Dr. R. W. Bailey
Monday noon Mr. M. C Peters will enter
tain Car. Rlvela and Mr. KUery at tbe
Omaha club.
Programs for the concerts this after
noon and evening follow: .,
March Southern Echoes Faurette
Overture oru tieua Off n bar h
prise hong uie Meiaier-singer Wagner
Trumpet solo ty Bianor fa ma.
Selection II Trovatore .Verdi
Doioe oy oignori rairna, Marino and Curtl,
March Chinese '. Mutso
Walts Blue Uanube Strauas
La Paloma ..... Yradier
Uems of Scotland ..Godfrey
duios tor ail instruments.
Marriage Licensee. r: ,
License to wed was Issued yesterday to
in rouowing: ,
Name and Residence. Age
John W. Meta. Bloux City. Ia Zi
Marie Bt)nbeck. Sioux City, Ia U
Fred Suuuviiachein, West roini, is at tbe
Mrs. Maude Qoklensmlth. Seattle, Is' at
me Milium.
L D. Bhurtleff. Ogdeo. Utah, Is a guest
at ixio Minara.
Mrs. 1- A. Puffer. Colorado Springs, a a
pictures In the coming
number of The Illustrated
Bee. It has been a lTOr
time since a single number of this
great art publication has contained
so many separate pictures, and they
are all about people at home, folks
you know, who have been doing
things. Several very Interesting af
fairs have transpired during the last
week or two, and these have been
properly preserved for current and
future history by The Bee's busy
photographers. Among the features
of tbe next issue will bo found the
-1 OHM J. M'CAITHY, republican can-
did ate for congress from tho
Third Nebraska district. A fine pic
ture of this well known lawyer and
lawmaker adorns the front page.
' ' Twelve fine pictures taken at
the Grand Island tournament, show
ing the -hose teams, hook and ladder
teams, and other Interesting features
of the competition.
a full page group of views taken
at Council Bluffs during tbe recent
meeting of the National Society,
Army of the Philippines. -
' ia told in a graphic group of
photographs taken during the recent
session of the grand lodge, B. P. O.
E., at the Mormon capital.
afford a topic for Frank G
Carpenter's weekly letter. Illustrated
from photographs made In Sheffield,
" United States it told about in a
special article, which gives a detailed
history of the Institution.
explains some Of thf illnalnns
which have delighted and mystified
the publlo when projected from a
to make the cuts for tbe next
number of The Illustrated Bee,
which will be found full of good
things, ' carefully prepared.' : Not a
department has been overlooked and
no feature Is ever slighted. The
Bee's policy of "only the beat" Is tbe
one that governs the. .preparation , of
the Sunday magaiine supplement. If
you are not now a subscriber you
should leave your ' order today with
your newsdealer..
City Comptroller1 Makes Statement la
Preparing (or Fandina" Bond
Preparatory to the presentation before
the council of a new funding bond ordinance
to meet the shortage in the fund , for the
payment of bonds, which haa been cauaed
principally by cancellation of taxes. City
Comptroller Westberg has drawn a detailed
statement showing la what districts tbe
shortage, exists. A recapitulation of the
statement is aa follows:
Paving districts .$ 83, 4f.2 41
Alley paving -. 1,117.02
Curbing and guttering ll, sis. 99
Grading 26.076.00
Street improvement to.741.67
Total t2UO,OU.00
Btadent leesrti Jndament Aalast
Barber College la Jaatlee
Potter's Coart. '
The case of Merritt Ashcroft againat the
Moler Barber college, the last ' of fifteen
cites brought by as many studenta to be
tried before Justice Charles Potter, has been
decided In favor of the plaintiff, who waa
awarded a verdict for $110 and coats, which
amount to more than 150. These cases were
prosecuted with the assistance of the Barb
ers' union and depositions were taken In
many parts of the country. In every one
of the students' cases tried before Justice
Potter the plaintiff won.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Friday,
August U:
Warranty Deeds.
J. L. Corrlgan et al to' Josephine
Humes, lot 1 and 4 lot 4, block 1,
Waterloo I (2g
F. W. CurmlrhaeR and wife to Luclle
P. Matthews, lots 1 to Si, block 19,
Halcyon Heights 1,000
E. U. Jones and wife to C. B. Smith,
lots 8 and 9. block 1, Halcyon
Heights 400
United Real Estate and Trust com
an to P. U. DavldHon, w 40 feet
lot S. block S. Forest Hill add 1,000
Granite Savings bank to J. H. Par
roite. s 41 feet lots 4 and 8, block t,
Myers. K. T.'s adi (60
J. H. Parrotto and wife to G. A.
Johnson, same 77S
T. J. Lund and wife to C. C. Soren
sen, e 17 feet lot 1. block 7. Shlnn's ;
.a?d A W . l.soo
i. u do a et ai to v. u. roweil, lots
I and 4, block J. Irvlngton ' too
Benson Land company to W. D. Mar-
ran, lots 7 and 8. block H. Benson... 1.200
gonn lhhiot ana wire to r k,
s 15 feet lot 11 snd n IS feet lot 11
block 1. McGavock O K. add 1.600
B. Jetter and wife to J. M. Jetter. lota
1 and f. Uwli L I ! HIS! 800
teit Clalaa Deeds.
P. L. Ferine and wife to J. T. Osier,
lot 4. block A. Lowe's sdd
A. S. Bllllna-s. jr.. and wife to A. A.
miUnaa. lot 6. block 1. Hitchcock s
11 add and other property 1
ToyU amount et transfers 0,..,,..u,sn
Vajtr Kontiky Has lessioa with Baloon
Van on Sunday Cloaiif.
tome Say that Mayor Told Llejaor
Mea that He Coald Rat He
vske Hie Order at
This Time.
A meeting behind closed doors was held
yesterday afternoon between Mayor Kout
sky and a doxen saloon keepers. At this
meeting the liquor dealers took up tbe
proposition of opening on Sunday and re
maining open as late aa they pleased at
night. All of the leading dealers were pres
ent, as well as representatives of some of
the breweries. Mayor Koutsky wsa In wait
ing for the delegation to reach the city
hall and he conducted the members of it
Into the office of the city engineer, where
the matter was talked over.
As soon as tbe session concluded the
mayor was reported among the missing, as
he could not be found at his office or hla
home. One of the liquor dealers asserted
that the talk was a flat-footed proposition
to open the saloons on Sundsy and that
the mayor asserted that be could not do
so at this time, but If the saloon men
wanted to go ahead they could do so at their
own risk.
Another report waa that the mayor would
leave the city on Sunday and that the
police would close their eyes to any viola
tion of the order promulgated seven weeks
ago by the mayor.
Oeta Another Chance.
The trial of M. J. Duffy, charged with
obtaining money under false pretenses, oc
curred In the police court Friday, witnessed
by a full house of spectators. The com
plaint charged that Duffy had prevailed
upon one Charles Korgle to pay him the
sum of $5 In return for attorney's services
to be rendered. Korgle claimed that not
until afterward did he learn that Duffy was
not an attorney. The trial was an Inter
esting one, backed up, as It undoubtedly
was, by tbe South Omaha Bar association,
and simply excelled in technical points.
After deliberating the entire afternoon the
Jury reported to Judge King that it wag un
able to arrive at a verdict, and after, some
delay It was discharged. The case will
again be tried In police court within the
next few days.
Little Flna-er Broken.
Morris Travis, through bis attorney, i.
Breen, flies a claim , against the city for
$500 damages on account of personal In
juries alleged to have befallen . blm on
Twenty-third street, between L and M
streets, a few days ago. He asserts that on
account of a defective sidewalk he fell
and broke the little finger of his left hand.
Besides this, he was badly brulsad and bis
feelings were hurt. He wants the city to
pay him for the Injuries sustained.
Streets Cleaaed Yeaterday.
Acting under the . directions of Mayor
Koutsky, the street force st work on the
streets yesterday made a Vain attempt to
do away, now and forever, with the debris
on the streets of the city. Armed with
brooms, baskets, tin palls and "gunny
sacks.'' the corps of just four men started
out, without a swagger, at an early hour.
By noon they were receiving publlo con
gratulations on the work accomplished,
and when they ceased i bight they stated
that no estimates would tie furbished as to
what the would accomrjjii'h today. "
Another Vlndaet Story.
Rumor had It yesterday that there waa
going to be a Viaduct . built across the
tracks to the stock yards! It waa asserted
that the Union Stock Yards officials and
the Union Pacific people had agreed upon
the amount to be expended, and that before
long arrangements would be made for the
construction of a suitable bridge. While
nothing definite has been given out by
either President Burt of the Union Pacific
or General Manager Kenyon of the Union
Stock Yards company, it is understood that
negotiations are in progress and that the
bridge will be built next year.
Intersection Looks Bad. ,
The pavement at Twenty-fourth and N
streets Is In bad abape and water is con
stantly In the holea formed by the de
pression in the pavement. When the con
tract waa let to repair the pavement on
Twenty-fourth street It waa found, after
the work had commenced, that there was
scarcely enough money on hand to com
plete It, and , therefore, it waa slighted
throughout. The attention of Mayor
Koutsky was called to the condition of thla
Intersection V day or two ago, but so far
no attention has been paid to the request
of property owners that the pavement be
made so that It will at least shed water.
Magle CUT Goaslp.
Mrs. E. Lk Howe is visiting friends at
Bedford, Ia.
Mrs. John Flynn has gone south for a
stay of two weeks.
Thomas Kelly of the Cudahy comDany la
home from an eastern trip. .
Georere McBrtde Is home from a trln to
the western part of the state.
The teachers of the DUbllc schools vrill
meet at the High school building Aua-uat
A. H. Murdock and wife returned yester
day from a ten days' stay at Manltou.
Mr. and Mrs. Krlttenbrlnk. 294 North
Twenty-ninth street, report the birth of a
Mrs. H. Lovely and daughters Viv and
Lottie returned yesterday from an extended
eastern trip..
Jay J. Laverty Is expected back tonight
from Cheyenne, where he went to look
after aome business matters.
Mark Coed, one of the bookkeepers at
the Packers' National bank, haa aona west
to spend a two weeks' vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Martin. Twenty-
second and N streets, returned yesterday
from a three weeks' eastern trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Arch L. Coleman are now
residing In Chicago, where Mr. Coleman la
engaged In the brokerage business.
City Engineer Beal will announce the
cost of the proposed Twenty-fourth street
pavement repairs within a day or two.
H. C. Boetwlck, cashier of the South
Omaha National bank, returned yesterday
from a three weeks' stay at bis ranch In
Mrs. Peter Jacobs arrived here yesterday
and will at once remove the remains of hir
huaband from the morgue at Council Bluffs
to Babetba, Kan., for Interment.
Cart and Gatter Contract Let, hat
Parle Jab Awaits Pleas.
' are mt Owners.
The advisory board opened bids yesterday
afternoon for paving and curb and gut
ter on Seventeenth street, from Harney to
Jackson streets. The curb and gutter eon
tract was let to George R. Crandall, whose
proposal to furnish artificial stone com
bination curb and gutter was Cl.l cents
per foot.
Tbe bidders for the paving contract were
t.. k. ranning, who offered to lay Tltrlflsd
block at 11.98. and the Barber Asphalt com
pany, who bid 12.25 on class A ,4
1199 on clasa B asphalt. The award of
ibis contract his been deferred until the
property owners have selected which kind
of pavemeut they want.
K. W. arevs.
The name must appear oa every bos of
the genuine Laxative Bromo-Qulnlae Tab
lets, the remedy taat cures a cold U oae
ATTOT7RT 23, 1002.
Barllnatoa Kmnleyo and Fly Iloraea
Inelaerated la Expensive
Fire at Lead. '
LEAD. S. D.. Aug. 22 fSDeclal Teleeram.l
A feed stable burned at 1:15 this morn
ing. Five horses were burned and Peter
Carr, a Burlington grader, was found
chsrred and unrecognisable. He la thnnsht tn
bare been drunk and started tbe fire from
a cigarette. Three horses belonging to the
Thalley Lumber company and two to tho
A. C. Davis Fuel company were burned.
E. C. Waren while putting a horse awsy
at 11 o'clock last night beard a man talk.
Ing In the loft. Five shoes were found In
tbe debris.
The loss Is 14.000. with no Inauranp Tha
barn was the property of Alderman. Camp
bell. Herole work of the firemen saved a
block of business houses across a narrow
alley. Coroner Zerflnr will hold an inmmt
over the remains of the man tomorrow aft
Boya Rob Sample Caaee.
SIOUX FALLS, 8. D., Aug. 22. (Special.)
Two boys, Emmett Wicks and Arthur
Kruger, have been arrested for abstracting
between 160 and 170 worth of meerschaum
pipes and cigar holders from the sample
caaes of a commercial traveler at the Cata
ract hotel. Upon pressure being brought
upon him, young Wicks, who waa elevator
toy In tbe hotel, confessed the crime, and
took Chief of Police Martin to where he
had the greater part of the stolen property
hidden in an unused room on the fifth floor
of the hotel.' Kruger also confessed and
showed the officers where the remainder of
the stolen property was concealed.
lajared While Chaslaar Wolves.
CHEYENNE, Wyo.,' Aug. 22. (Special
Telegram.) While chasing . coyotes near
this city this evening, In company with
Lou M. Housman, sporting editor of tha
Chicago Inter Ocean, Harry Hynds, referee
of the Root-Gardner fight at Salt Lake
City, sustained Internal Injuries by - his
horse falling upon htm. Hynds lay un
conscious on the prairie for some time
until found by Housman. He was brought
to bis home bere and Is In great pain. No
bones were broken, but. the nature of the
Internal Injuries cannot be ascertained to
night. Work la Copper Mine Saspended.
BATTLE LAKE, Wyo., Aug. 22. (Spe
cial.) Work in tbe Ferrta-Haggerty copper
mine has been suspended until September
1, pending the transfer of the property to
the new purchasers, the North American
Copper company. The tunnel is now in
1,050 feet and about 100 feet more work re
mains to be done to bring the breast of
the tunnel under the old shaft. An upraise
of 160 feet will make the opening Into the
old workings. , As soon as the new manage
ment assumes charge the development work
will be resumed.
Chaataaqaa at Follerton Cloaea After
Successful fteaalnn nt IflfTJS
Days. ,
FULLERTON. Neb.. Ausr. 22. fSneelaM
Great Interest has been manifested through
out tne. entire eleven days of the asaembly
here and thousanda of people have visited
the grounds each day. Yesterday the usual
program- was carried out. In addition to
which Dr. F. H. Sanderson of Fremont gave
a fine lecture, subject: "Men Wanted."
Last night the Wesleyan male quartet gave
a farewell concert and Prof. Frank R. Rob
erson gave tbe second of his famous stere-optlcon-
lectures, "The Mantlnique Dis
aster." The assembly closed today and many
broke camp, but the program was as Inter
esting as usual. Prof. Soanderaan leeturnd
this morning on "Is Marriage a Failure?"
and It was well received. In the afternoon
Prof. Col burn conducted the chorus and
Charles Cullen Smith closed his evangel
istic services. This evening the First Ne-
Draska Regiment band gave a concert and
the Chautauqua icloaed with Prof. Rober
son's . lecture. "The McKlnlev Enoch in
American History." . ...
The Epworth leaeue of tha ftrand T.lonrf
district elected aa officers the following:
President. E. Beaumont Kins; of St. Edward:
first vice president, Prof. J. H. Bartell,
uoiumbua; recording secretary. Rev. M., M.
Long. Wolbach; corresponding secretary,
Dr. E. E. Copple. Fullerton: treasurer J.
A. Barr, Greeley; missionary secretary.
Rev. J. A. Crews, Genoa; junior superin
tendent, Mrs. H. H. Millard. Grand Island;
directors. Rev. J. M. Both well. Fullerton.
and Rev. Carr, Grand Island.
Too much credit cannot be riven tha man
agement in Its efforts. to entertain and In
struct the people throughout ' the entire
State Salvationists Eneamp.
BEATRICE. Neh ' Aur. IS rBiwwl.l
The state camnmeetlne of tha R
Army convened here today. The meetings
win ne in cnarge or Brigadier and Mra. J.
Toft. Enslm T. H. Harrlnsrton of Omaha
Is In the city to assist in the meetings.
Land Brlaas Bin; Money.
BEATRICE, Neb., Aug. 22. (Special.)
The Clarke farm of 1(0 acres three miles
northeast of town, was sold yesterday for
$100 per acre.
THIS IS A TYPE of the bright, up-to-date girl who
is not afraid of sun, wind or weather, but relies on
Cuticura Soap assisted by Cuticura Ointment to
preserve, purify and beautify her skin, scalp, hair and
hands, and to protect her from irritations of the skin,
heat rash, sunburn, bites and stings of insects, lameness
and soreness incidental to outdoor sports.
J-Much that all should know about the skin, scalp, gad hak U UM is
tha circular wlU Cvtjccha Bext.
Board of Eduottien Awards Contract for Its
- ' Asnual Report.
Soperiateadeat'a Brother eenrea Fo.
eltlea ( Teaeher of Biology la
Hth Scheel at ninety Dol
lare Fer Month.
Kramer Chandler will print the an
nual report of the Board of Education, and
as a result of hsvlng rejected all bids end
having Its secretary secure prices from In
dividual firms the board will have the
work done in this city by union printers
and will save between $70 and $80 In com
parison with the lowest of the competitive
bids received. The committee on supplies,
to which this matter had been referred,
made Its report at the special meeting of
last evening, recommending that the con
tract be made with Kramer Chandler for
printing 1,000 copies of the report at the
price of $2. Si per page. The judiciary com
mittee reported favorably aa to the legality
of the contract; and each of the reports In
turn waa adopted by unanimous vote.
Of the competitive bids received for this
work the lowest was one of $2.82 per page,
submitted by an out-of-town firm, and the
board after seme dlscuseion decided to re
ject all of these proposals and Instruct the
secretary to secure prices In tbe local
market, with the result as stated. The re
port will contain about 140 printed pages.
When the meeting opened, soon after 7
o'clock, there was barely a quorum, the
members present . being Messrs. Funk
houser, Howard, Theodore Johnson, Levy,
Maynard, J. J. Smith, Robert Smith and
Stubbendorf, Vice President Howard tak
ing the chair In the absence of the presi
dent. The first of the committee reports
.received was one from the committee on
grounds and buildings, recommending that
the superintendent of buildings be In
structed to Isy a new floor In the lower
hall of the Walnut Hill school, and It was
adopted by a unantmoua vote.
From the committee on high school
there were two reports. One, presented by
Mr. Levy, recommended the appointment
of P. A. Claassen as teacher of German in
the high ' school at a salary of $90 per
month,. end It was adopted by a full voto
of the eight members.
In the Fearse Family.
Then J. J. Smith presented another re
port from that committee which, he ex
plained. Mr. Levy had declined to sign.
but which the other members thought
should come .before the board for imme
diate action, even though the chairman,
W. F. Johnson, was absent from the city.
The report recommended the appointment
of A. 8. Pearse aa teacher In charge' of the
department of biology at the high school
at a salary of $90 per month, and A. M.
Randolph as assistant In that department
at the same salary. J. J. Smith said that
the other m-febe'S of the CCESSSltUe ouui.l
all like to wait for the return of Mr. John
son, but the need of early action waa ur
gent, aa Mr. Benedict, who has been In
charge of the department of biology, and
Miss Dint ruff, his assistant, both of whom
were expected to remain, had suddenly re
signed their positions, and something must
be done to fill their places before the open
ing of school. When a vote was taken on
the adoption of the report Mr. Levy de
clined to vote and Robert Smith questioned
the propriety of permitting a member to
so act when there was 'a bare quorum
present While the discussion wss In prog
rear, however, Mr., Cermak arrived and re
lieved what might have developed Into a
delicate situation. It. waa decided that it
would be necessary to elect the teachers
by ballot and all of them, including Mr.
Claassen, were then balloted upon, each of
them .receiving eight of the nine votes. It
la to he presumed, therefore, that Mr.
Levy voted Only for Prof. Claassen and one
of the other members voted only for the
othef two teachers.
On the subject of additional room for
the Saratoga school J. J. Smith recom
mended that the board rent two rooms In
the brick building at the corner of Twenty-fourth
and Ames, . just opposite the
school building. The rent of the two
rooms Is $47.60, Including janitor service,
which the board regarded as reaeonable,
and the report was adopted.
Beats All lie Rlrals.
No salve, lotion, balm or oil aa com
pare with Bucklen's Arnica Salve for heal
ing. It kills pain. Cures or no pay. 25o.
"Boston" Oreen, Jolin Cain, Joe Sweanay,
Mike McCarthy and Frits Whttehouae were
arrested in various parts of the city laat
night for being drunk and disorderly.
"Billy" McDonald, claiming New York
City aa his home port, was arrested yes
terday afternoon on suspicion of being the
person who broke Into Henry Bolln's
grocery store at 1814 Chicago street Thurs
day night. He will anawer to the charge
of burglary. v
Francena M. Benedict haa filed suit in the
district court for divorce from Harlo 1.
Benedict, alleging as cause of the action
desertion dating from October 1, 1899. The
ccuple were married, complaint states, at
Butler county, Nebraska. July 1, 1873, and
have two children, Frederick and Wallace.
Meg and Women Who Suffer Intensely fronr
Pains in the Back Hire kidney Dit.
case and it Should Not Be
Curei all Formi of Kidney, Liver, Bladder
and Blood Dlteaiet, and Drive Out
I'ric Acid Poison.
..,?EW YORK CITY. (2411 7th Are )-.
arners i Safe Cure Is certainly worthy
" I" any man. woman or child who
suffers from kidney tro.ihlo. lume hark or
" I'infr internal nisorcor.
I stifTVrvrt rr months, with
excruciating aches snd
lampnpss In the back. My
physician helped me but lit
tle, but hearing so much of
the curative powers of War
ner's 8af Cure 1 thought
I'd try- It, Its effect was
marvelous and I am en
tirely cured and never
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heartily recommend War
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bles ef this kind."
1 1 1 1 1 V' tl-tT C . V
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table and contains no narcotic or harmful
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ant to take; it does not constipate; It Is
put up In two regular alien snd sold bv
11 00 A OT T LK " ' " W CENTS AND
WAKNKR8 8AFR m.T.S move tho
bow-els a-ently ajid aid a spoedy cure.
Refuse substitutes. There la none "Just
as good' an Warner's. Insist on the genu
ine. Substitutes contain harmful drugs.
??12.m"nuractlJ,n, " Irmly bellnve that
WAKNKHH SAFK CCTtK will absolutely
and permanently cure any diseased condi
tion of the kidneys liver, bladder or Wood
that they will send postpAld, without any
cost to you, a large trial bottle If you wlil
write J)aj-ner Safe Cure Company, Roch
u'J. Ji Yn? mention having seen this)
Iberal offer In The Omaha Hee. The aenu-
we.?r8.ft.of thl7. 0!Tpr 18 f,,ll' guaranteed,
vvrl e the medical department for advice.
S? ual .b.0?.klet d'aKnoels and analysis,
which will be sent you free of charge
A u v ft. i a oirti .t'..i.. i .
of MEN.
12 years In 6m ah a.
cured by the QUICK
EST, safest method
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Soon every sign and symptom disappears
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OUT" of the disease on the skin or face.
A cure that Is guaranteed to be permanent
1UI lilV.
BLOOD DISEASES r.d m3Q to RQ da7.
VARICOCELE rurotialnro
detention from work;' remanent cure guar
anteed or MONKY HEKU'NDKD. '
1,1.1 UL1M M ix ... . .
" a'm rann inmi ruxcpffsefl or ViPtima
to Nervoua Debility or Exhaustion, Want
ing Weakness with Karly Dcay in Yountr
avuvtwio .ngvu, mc ui vim, vigor antl
trength, with organs impaired and wea-k
HTHirTllim ia t v -
w ...I. m. imw nomfl
Treatment. No pain, no detention from
business. Kldnnv and I Hariri or
Consultation Free. Treatment by Mall.
iai a a a t am aa a ww r i .
winun.o its a. let at st.
Dr, Searles &Searles, Omaha, Neb.
Stronir Nerves
are the true source of good, healthy
appearance. v
Persons with half-starved nervesal.
ways look worried and "dragged-out.n
You cannot be happy without nerve
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produce a healthful e-lmr wrhlch mrt
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face and form to lines of health and
beauty. ' i , .
tl 00 per box: boxes (with written
guaraqtee), t.00. Book free.
for sale by Kuhn Co.. owiaha.
Dillon's Drat Biore. South Omaha.
Oavla rua Co Cwunoll BluOa. la.
Diseases mm Disorders 4 Meat Only.
ST Years' Experience. 11 : Years la
VIDIPHPCIC cured! by-- a treatment
lAnlUUuLLL which is the QUICK&dT,
s hi out and most natural that has yet been
discovered. No pain whatever. Treatment
at office or at home an4 a permanent cure
Hot Springs Treatment for Syphilis
And a.. Uiwwd folaona. No "BKbAKlNGt
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treatment that Is mora successful and far
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OVER 30,000 uSi3ty?To.. 0o'f ?5
and ail unnatural weakneases of .man.
Stricture, Gleet, Kidney and bladder dis
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Treatment by mail. P. O. ' Bos 76.
Office over fli 8. 14ih street, between Far
nam and Duualaa bis., OMA11A. NUB.
la the worst disease on aarin. yet the
easleat to, cure WHt-N Yuu KNOW
WHAT TO Lhj. Uany have iilmples, apeiaj
on the skin, sores In the mouik, clears,
falling- hair, bone palna, catarrh; dorVt
know It Is BUjOD roibON. bend to 1)H.
BROWN, a Arch Bt.. Philadelphia. Pa..
for BROWN'S BLOOD CURU. ti.GO . par
bottle; lasts onw month. bold only by
Sherman & MoConnell Drug Co.. 16th ntl
Dodge Bts.. Omaha.
Brown's capsules V KV? vin
-bodge Hueeu.
iirttl I v Bigs lot UDtisiaial
la 1 1 ft .r. i eucbafs,iBS.ui.igutv
miit 'of wte.aes r
" ija. sidIm. ana tut saifMai
tut lt 0a S'"' solwawaa,
r j 6 "issn '
rcavt liiOCiLMy rrgu
ur; enroll ajf-t, ite-at,
afetaut .fjiiilain V.rtttiL
V""II,V. j
Tsr. Paisnrrojrevl , not .igt fsimrtn kiiigt. invt
ei-atlUaiU tracfl rUUV4 In. A fW !), MM A
AUereubtt. i. C AYES W, LmU.
aa. aa tata