Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1902, Page 4, Image 4
THE OMAHA DAILY SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 1002. OWEN LOSES HIS OWN CAME ,1U Up in Pitching Jat Long Enough U Oil dnm Victory. NEITHER TEAM SHOWS MUCH LIFE tnndon tho Only Player of the Eight een TVbo Seemed Inclined ( Do Anything Worth tho People's Watching-. Irf the pretence c( 3,000 people, ha'f of whom were women, Frank Owen yeiterday presented Denver with a gams. It was as Unnecessary It was disappointing. In the eighth Inning, after two men were out nd two strikes bad been called on Frisk, Owen gave him a base on balls. After get ting two strikes ,on Dundon, Owen allowed blm to hit safe, and then Ramey came along With a three-base drive to right center. St was well fielded In. but Hlckey let the throw get away from him, and Ramey didn't aven hesitate at third As a whole the game was a sort of day after affair. - Everybody but Dundon seemed to be dopey and lack snap. Dundon played a very fast game both In the field and at the bat. One of his stops was of the circus order. Whlterldge gave the most remark able exhibition of somnambulism ever keen on the local diamond. He wasn't awake a moment during the game, and his Victory Is due to the fact that the Omaha batters were nearly aa sound asleep as him keif. Owen pitched gilt-edged ball with the exception of that one inning, but that one as enough About the only feature of the game came la the fourth. Up to this time the mega phone chorus had been having all kinds f pleasure, singing, "Oh, How Easy," and "Home, Sweet Home," for Denver's benefit. Jones opened the inning by beating out a bunt. Dolan made a mess of Frisk's grounder, and Dundon beat out a bunt. Tho bases were full and no one out, and that megaphone brigade lost its individual and collective voice Immediately. Ramey struck out, Radcllffe forced Jones at the plate via Hlckey, and HcConnell rolled one down to Thomas. Omaha pulled out of a tight hole, but the megaphone men were so badly frightened that they did not recover during the entire game. Omaha's two runs were made in the sec ond. Stone struck out, but Dolan hit for two, Thomas for three and Oondlng for one In quick succession. Carter opened the third with a bit and went to third on McConnell's error, and Hlckey drew a bass on balls, but neither Oenins, Stone nor Dolan could deliver the hit. Carter also opened the eighth with a safety, but Hlckey nd Oenins struck out,' and Stone was thrown out by Wblterldge. Scorer ' . DENVER. AB. R. H. 0 0 0 1 o. 11 0 A. 1 0 0 0 4 0 2 2 2 Telehanty, 2b... Preston, cf Jones, If Frisk, lb J)undon, 3b Ramey.' rf RadcllfTe, ss McConnell, c... Whlterldge, p... Totals. ....... H I OMAHA. 8 27 11 AB. R. h. a A. a. Carter, rf..,.. Hlckey,-3b.A, Genlna. cf.... Stone. If Dolan, ss...... Stewart, 2b..., Thomas, lb... Oondlng, o.... Owen, p 0 -4 0 0 1 6 0 0 6 IS 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 i. 4 Totals , 33 2 6 27 Denver 00 0. 00003 03 Omaha , 030 0 0000 0-2 Earned runs: Omaha, 2; .Denver, 1. Two base hits: Dolan, Frisk. Three-base hits: 'Thomao, Ramey. Bases on balls: OR Owen, 8; off Whlterldge. 1. Struck out: Hy Owen, ; by Whlterldge, 6. Stolen baaea: Oenins, Carter. Double play: Owen to Thomas. Left op bases: Denver, t; Omaha, 4. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Strauss. Kawlona Wins In Twelfth. KANSAS CITY, Aug. 21 Maher's two errors in the twolfth inning allowed Kan sas City to score tho winning run. At tendance, WO. Score: R H E Kansas City 11000010000 1-4 10 3 Bt Joseph 00030100000 03 7 3 Batteries: Kanoaa City, Olbson and Mea sltt; St. Joseph, Glade and Roth. Milwaukee Still Climbing;. MILWAUKEE, Aug. 22,-Mllwaukee won from Peoria today in a close game. At tendance, 600. Score: R.H.E. Milwaukee 00011001 -S 1 2 Peoria 00000011 0-2 6 4 Batteries: Milwaukee, Adklns and Lucia; Peoria. Bchafatal and Wilson. Lack Still. with Des .Moines. DES MOINES, Aug. 22 The Dee Moines team followed up Itat batting streak of yes terday, winning the second game of the series witn Colorado BDi-tnss here this aft. ernoon. Fceney, for the borne team, was enecuve at critical limes. Attendance, duo. Score: ' . R.H.E. Des Moines.... 30000204 8 10 2 Colo. Springs.. 0 0 0 1 0. 1 0 1 0-S 1 ' Batteries: Des Moines, Feeney and Han son; Colorado Springs, Newmeyer and xicusiana. Standing; of tho 'Tea ma. Played. .... KM .... l'l .... 107 .... 107 . Won. Lost. P.C. 63 42 ,6'A 0 43 .63 62 46 .579 68 48 .bU 66 60 - 48. , 87 .4.'.7 41 63 ' .3118 81 70 .M Omaha ..... Milwaukee Kansas City ...... Denver Bt. Joseph Colorado Springs Des Moines Peoria 106 Mi . M3 Ml Gama today: Denver at Omaha, Peoria at Milwaukee, Colorado Springs at Des juuiuca, oi, euecpn an tvanaas illy, ! GAMES IN' NATIONAL LEAGUE Leach Wli Two of Them tor1 Pitts, t bars; by Ilia Soperb I . Batting;. FITT8BTJRd, Aug. 2?.-P1ttsburrf took both games by. oj (playing the visitors at every point. Lxach's batting was the fea ture of both aamea. hla home run -In. .ah first counting for three rune and his three bagger In the second clearing the bases for thrte more. Attendance, 4.o;o. Bcore, first PtTTSBlRO. BROOKLTM. . . . R.H.O.A.B. R.H.O.A.B. nana, ii ... j a a a a sharkard. If. 1 1 I s 'Baauiaont. af I .. I a a Hir. rf.... s 1ct. lb I Dolaa, cf.... Itahlao, aa. .. t lHnoaa, lb. S rooi, tb.... i Wall, c Kttaon, a. . . . S Vmui, lb. Rlubair, lb. ;caaray, aa.. Crollua. rf.. 'glmmar. a.. IwlMaj, p.. I 11 1 e T 0 I c s I a I a Wbaalar, lb. Tola la IT II u s Tola la ... I is 14 Total! Pittsburg 0 7 3 0 0 0 6 11 Brooklyn 0 001001 003 I Karned runs:' Pittsburg, 7: BrooVyn. 1, 'Two-base hits: Beaumont. Warner Bheck. 'ard. Rltchey. Three-base hits: Leach, Con- roy, Crollus. Home run: Leach. Sacii fle hit: Conroy. Stolen bases: Watincr it). Conroy. Zlmmer. Double piaya: Rltchey to Waiiwr. Dohrnv to Hltrhev la rimmv to Wagner, Kltchey to Conroy to Wagner . iji rirai oase on Dans: urr iMHany, oft Kltson. 3. Hit by Ditched ball: Wan tier. Btruik out: By Doheny, 3; by Kltson . iiu pucn: jvnaon. lime: l.aa. era plre: Irnln. Bcore, second game: PITTSBl'RO. I BROOKLYN. R.H.O.A.B. R.H.O.A.B n.raa. If ... 1 I a Sharkard. It. 4 4 I 4 Baavawnt at I t I KmIw, rf.... S Utcb, lb Mjliolaa, cf.... e lahii. aa.. s'liouovao. lb Flood, lb... iWall. c a Wraaa, p SI'Kltaoa Waanar. lb rvka. lb.. Conroy, aa., Croatia, rf. glauaar, a. ChaaMa, p.. I IS - IWtiMUr. lb Total ... I 4 IT I i ' Tatala . - 'Batted for Evans In ninth. 1 I 14 t I Plttsburar ,, a o o o 4 S Brooklyn 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-1 Earned runs: .Pittsburg, t Three-base bit: Lataeh. Sacrifice hits: Leach. Burke, Kealer. Stolen bases: Beaumont. Zlmmer Pirst baa on ballet Oft Chechro. 1: oft Jvvana, 3. lilt b Huhed oall. i luud. Wall. Lawn Tennk Singles for the Championship of Iowa Nebraska, Kansas and Missouri, Under the Lawn Tennis Association, at the Omaha Field Club Courts, August 18 to 22, C. S. Cm-ey. Sioux City, la J. W. Towle. Omaha E. McBrlde. Topeka, Kan i Carter Wilder, Kansas City, Mo O. 8. Erwln, Omaha 0. A. Abbott, Jr., Urand Island. Neb.... L. Mlddleksuff. Lexington, Neb C. 8. Peters, Chicago, 111 H. Clarke, Omaha Fred Hamilton, Omaha, Neb C. H. YoUng. Omaha W. a. Parker, Arkansas City, Kan W. F. Prowett, Fullerton, Neb W. 8. Oilman, Sioux City, la v. E. A. Carey, North Platte, Neb J. B. Brown, Omaha Richie Volk, Lexington, Neb C. O. Hllea, Sioux City, la Iee VanCamp, Omaha K. Farnsworth. Urand Island, Neb..... F. R. Sanderson, Oalesburg, III J. F. Webster, Omaha , A. F. Ryan, Omaha M. Hopkins, Minneapolis C. C. Cockerlll. Pittsburg, Mo L. P. Paswalk, Norfolk, Neb E. M. Ashcraft, Chicago William McNeal, Sioux City, la 1. Raymond, Jr., Lincoln, Neb George Howell, Sioux City, la H. D. Copeland, Topeka, Kan.. J. Magee, Bennington, Neb.. F. Dufrene, Omaha George Prttchett, Omaha Dr. F. E. Sheldon, Kansas City..: K. H. Oraves, Lees Summltt, Mo H. M. Holland, Oalesburg, III .". e). 8. Cnldwell. Omaha F. J. Hill. Omaha , Charles Croskey. Topka, Kan. ........ Struck out: By Chesbro, 3; by Evans, 1 Wild pitch: Cheabro. Balk: Chesbro. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Irw'n. Daggleby Das la 'too Late. CINCINNATI. Aug. 22. The Cincinnati team landed on Duggleby In the first two innings and piled up enough runs to win. After the second, however, they could do nothing with him. Hahn was steady except in the sixth, when he allowed two bases on balls and both runners came over the plate. Attendance, 8,000. Score I CINCINNATI. I PHIIADKLPHIA. R.H.O.A.B. A A ' R.H.O.A.B. K.ll-r. lb.. Bx-klrr, lb. Crawford, rf Sarmour, cf. 0 I t 0 Taeniae, ef.. 0 I I t s 7 1 liwolr't's, . lb, 0 S 0 I lis Barrr, rf I 0 I 0 0 I t Krvjf. It 110 0 0 I I OiHulawttt, aa. 1 4 I 1 x (Ijaanlnsa, lb. 1 1 ttooln, a Stilt I CblWa. lb.... lift 1 1 Dun'obr. p. I 1 Plata, lb.... Corcoran, aa Maloner, If. Berg-ao, c... Hahn. B..... Totals ..'.I I 27 10 l Tetals ... I 4 M II e Cincinnati ..... 1 0 ' ' ! ! M Philadelphia O o a v w v-a Two-haaw hit: Hulawltt. Three-naao nus: Crawford, Berkley, Hahn. Double plays: Corcoran to Pelts to Beckley. First base on balls: Oft Hahn, 3; off Duggleby, L Btruck out: By Hahn, 6; by Duggleby, 8. Time: 1:32. Umpires: O Day and Brown. Boston Lands on Plttlnsjer. CHICAOO. Aug. M. "-Boston won today by tlmalv hittlnar. Plttlncer's great pitching and costly errors. Attendance, 1,400. Bcore: BOSTON. . CHICACO. R.H.O.A.B. aa... till R.H.O.A.B. Daxtar, aa Bchaarer, lb. 0 t 1 1 Slaale. It.... t I Tenner, lb... t Cooler, if.... 1 Carnay, rf... 1 1 II Clark, lb 4 4 10 t Dobba. ex.... I l a w Kilns, a 4 1 1 t 1 Demonl. ID. 1 Luth. cf I Oram'f'r. lb. 4 Tlnkar. aa.... Silts Lowa. lb 0 0 I 1 s Padroaa, rf., 4 1 4 S Moran, o a Pltttngar, p.. S Taylor, p.... tills Totala ... f t 17 II I Totals ... I 1 17 ll I Boston Chicago .00002020 16 ,01010000 02 Left on bases: Chicago. 3; Boston, 1. Roerlflfie hits: Utnl.r. haiM! niuiB, uioiiiiiiBii .... ' Dobbs, Moran. Double plays: Kllng to Clark, Tinker to Clark. Struck out: By Tavlor. 1: by Pltttnger. 8. Baees on balls: Kling, Oreminger, Carney. Off Plttlnger, 1 Time:. 1:80. Umpire: Can- tillon. , , gtaadtaar of tho Teams. Played. Won. Lost P.C. .753 .642 .630 B05 .480 Pittsburg Brooklyn . Boston ... Chlcaao . . 7 25 ..107 100 ,...,.,..103 v,102 .104 68 63 62 . ,' ' 47 M li 4 47 61. - 67 , , 3 . 64 ' Cincinnati .... St. Louis .462 ,..398 .Philadelphia 103 368 Oamea today Boston at Chicago, Brook lyn at Pittsburg, Philadelphia at Cincin nati. New York at Bt. Louis. Blatters Downed at Danbnry. DAN BURY. Neb.' Aug. 22 (Special.) Danbury and Sergeants Bluffs played a last game or Dan on me local uiamuna, Danbury winning by the score of 2 to 1. Features of the came were the double play ot Heaves and Conway and the pitching of Morrlssey. Bcore: BH.E. Danbury 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 11 t 0 ttiuns v u u v v v a v v i m Batteries: Danbury, Morrlssey and Brock- man; Berfroanta tsiuns, nuies ana noages. Time: l.w. Umpire: Adams. GAMES IN AMERICAN. LEAGUE Mullen Hakes Detroit's Victory Easy by Confining; Baltimore to Fssr Hits. BALTIMORE. Aur. 22. Mullen allowed the Baltimore American league team only four hits today and Detroit won easily. At tendance, i.iuu. ecors; DETROIT. BALTIMORE. R.H.O.A.B. 4 4 10 0 R.H.O.A.B. Harl.y. If... Elbcrfald, sa Caaay, lb... Barratt, ef.. Mrrarl'd. ef. 1 I I 0 1 Smlta. If.... I 4 S Williams, lb. I 4 4 1 Howell, lb... S 1 1 1 Aroat. rf S 1 t 1 Ollbart. aa... 0 I 1 I S Roblnaoa. s.. S 4 I 4 s 1 1 I 1 I I Holmes, rf.. I 1 1 11 1 t Bark, lb Olaaaoa. lb. McAI'a'r, a.. Mullen, p... 1 I Wllua, lb... 1 II S s 1 I Bblelda. p.... 1 0 1 I S Touts ...10 11 17 IS il ToUls ... t 4 17 11 4 Detroit 0 0 0 1 8 0 0 8 810 Baltimore 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 02 Three-base hits: Arndt, McAllister. Home run: Barrett. Stolen base: Gilbert. Double play: Casey to Uleason to Beck, f irst base on balls: Off Mullen, 3: off Shields, 2. Struck out: By Hhlelda, 3. Left on bases: Detroit, f; Baltimore, 1 Wild pitch: Mul len. Time: 1:46. Umpire: Connolly. St. Loots, Drops Its Third. PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 22. The home club toduy won the third successive game from Bt. Lrfuls. Mitcneii waa not in rorm nd Waddell took Ms ulace after the first Inning, ivane waa nit oara ana oiten. Ai tendance, 7,322. Bcore: PHILADELPHIA. I , ST. LOUIS. R.H.O.A.B. R.H.O.A.B Hartaal. If... 114 0 s Burkett. If... 1 I 1 0 S Fulti. cf 1 1 S 0 S Hemphill. Cf. 1 I I 1 Oayia. lb 0 1 L. Croaa, lb. 1 I 7 r rrtal. rf 1 1 0 4 I 1 0 Andaraoo, lb. 1 1 10 0 0 1 O'Wallar, aa.. 0 0 4 1 baybold, rf.. 0 I Murphy, lb.. I I M. Crota. aa. I 1 I I'MoCork, lb I I 0 Paddaa, lb. 7 4 HSuedas, e., 0 0 SiKaue, p.... 0 1 11'Kabae .... . brack, a... I I Mtlchell. p... 0 4 Waddell. p... 1 1 Totals ...11 14 17 II I ToUls ...4 10 14 14 I Batted for Kane in ninth. Philadelphia 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 12 Bt. Louia 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 04 Earned runs: Philadelphia, I;' St. Louis, 1. Two-btw hit: Murphy. Three-base hits: M. Cross, Kultse. Home run: Wad dell. Sacrifice hits: Fultse (2. Stolen bsses: Anderson, Padden, Hartaal. L. Croaa (2). Double plays: Hemphill to An derson, Wallace to padden to Anderson. Left on bases- Philadelphia, 4; St. Louis, t. First base on balls: Off Kane, 8; oft Waddell, 8. Btruck out; By Kane, 1; by Waddell, i. Time; 1:64. Umpire: Sheri dan. Chicago's Laeky Finish. WASHINGTON, Aug. 23 In a slow game the home team went to pieces in the eightn and Chicago tied the score. The visitors filled the sacks In the ninth and a passed ball, which waa blocked, let three runs cross the plate. Attendance, 2,463. Score: CHICAOO. I , WASHINGTON. R.H.O.A.B.' R.H.O.A.B. Strang, lb... I 111 I Boyle, lb.... 1 I I S s Jnnae. ef 1 1 0 0 0 La, ef 0 0 10 0 Davia. aa I I I 1 Ualek'ty. If.. 1 I 1 I Manas. !(.... 1 1 I S 0 KaUter. rf... 1 0 I 0 1 twly. lb i a i s i iMismia. it. i i i 0 4 1 4 0 Ely. aa 1 t t I 0 0 1 14 4 0 (aray, lb.... 14 110 0 4 110 Drill 1 1 I I 1 1111 sTewaaeat, p. 4 4 I t 0 14410 1 ToUls ... 4 I n 11 i 1 t n n s 0 0000008 8 t ailabas. rf. labell, lb.... aulllraa, a.. M.Tarl d. S. tirlfttih, p.... Totals .. Chicago Washington 0 0 0 1 0 1 4 0 0-4 Earned runs: Washington. 2. Three-bass lilt: fcly. Home run: Delehanty. Stolen bases: Doyle, Delehanty, Kelaler, Davla, Sullivan. 6acr1nce hit: Townsend. Double blay: Daly to Davis to lsbell. Baaea on balls: Off Townsend, : off Griffith, 1. Struck out: By Tuwitaeuu, S, by uruuln, S. Left on baaes: Chicago, 6; Washington. 4. Peased balls: Drill, McFarland. Time: 1:1a. Umpires; Carruthers and Johnstons. Johnson Bees Boaton Hanslllated. BOSTON. Aug. 22. Cleveland completely routed Boston today. Young being the easiest kind of a mark, while Bernhard was effective. Boston was badly crlptled lu the Uinlng ul I'vlltua. I'raaldeul ban SCHEDULE Bye Bye By Bye Towle df Wilder df Abbott ...3-3,8-3,8-1 Peters .....df Clarke df Parker t-1. 8-8 Bye Bye Pye eye Bye Bye Bye Bye Oilman Brown 8-0. 3-1 .4-4, 8-2. l-I df Gllman .8-2, t-0 Hlles Farnsw'th Sanderson ' Hopkins . ; Cockerlll ' Ashcraft Farnsw'th ....8-0,3-1 ..-0, (-0 ,.-0, t-0 ,.8-2,8-2 df Sanderson .-. t-1 Ashcraft . ..t-1, (-1 .t-1. 6-4 nJ Raymond ...T-o. t-1 ...t-t, 6-3 Bye Bye Bye Bye "Bye Bye Byo Bye Byo Bye Bye Magee Dufrene .df Sheldon 6-2,6-1 CMweII 7-. 7- Croskey ...3-8, 7-6, 6-4 Johnson saw tho game. Attendance, 7,672. Bcore: CLEVELAND. BOSTON. R.H.O.A.B.f R.H.O.A.B, Day, et I 1 Brafllay. lb.. 1 1 Lajol. lb.... 1 8 Hickman, lb. I I Flick, rf t I McCarthy. It. 4 I Oorhn'ar, sa. 4 0 Wood, a 4 4 s Olcaaoa. If... 1 I I S S gthl. ef t 4 t t 1 Collins, lb... 1 4 t 1 I Fraamaii, rf . 4 1 4 f Parant, aa... I 1 4 4 4 S LaCh'ce, lb.. 4 4 11 1 1 1 r-ma, lb..., 4 4 111 s Crlsar, 4 114 1 damla, a..... 4 1 e.Toung, p. Barn hard. I ll Iiotaia .. Cleveland 0 0 0 1 1 1 I 17 It 4 It 2 0-6 10 0 0-1 Boston 0 0 0 0 0 Earned runs: Cleveland. 6, Two-base hits: Parent, Stahl. Three-base hits: Bradley, nick (3), Hickman, Mccartny (Z). Stolen baaea: Bay (2), Bradley, Flick, Stahl. Double plays: Lajole to Uochnauer to Hickman, Young to Parent to La Chance. Bases on balls: Oft Bernhard, 3; off Toung, 1. Hit by pitched balls: Wood, Brsdley. Struck out: Cleveland. 3; Boston, L Time: 1:44. Umpire: O'Laughlln. taadlagr of tho Teams. Played. Won. Lost P.C. Philadelphia 93 67 41 .682 Chicago MO 65 46 . 650 Boston 102 6 46 .649 Bt. Louis 99 64 46 .645 Cleveland 104 61 63 . 490 Washington 103 47 66 . 466 Baltimore 102 43 69 .422 Detroit 98 40 68 .409 Oamea today: Cleveland at Philadelphia, Chicago at Baltimore, St. Louis at Boston, Detroit at Washington. IN AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Colsmbsi Wlaa After Bttllasr Four teen Fierce Ianlnars with Toledo. TOLEDO, O., Aug. 22. Toledo and Co lumbus played a rourteen-lnnlng game to day. In which Columbus won. German and Wagner each pitched a- brilliant game. At truuiuice, a.vuu. Bcore: COLUMBUS. I ' TO LB DO. R.H.O.A.B.! R.H.O.A.B. Hart, tb S 1 4 4 4 Maany. rf.... 0 1 Its Boldan. rf... 0 MParl'. of. 1 s Barna. lb.... S 1 T I s sTurnar, as... 1 1 t I S s KIlnow, lb. 1 t 14 4 1 1 OraAus, c... 1 4 4 1 S Ollka, ef 1 S t 9 S Smith, tb.... S8I1S S Mock, if 4 I 1 S S Oamaa,' p... 4 14 11 Turner, lb Myers, lb. Knoll, if., Hopka, aa Vlos, as.., Vox, s Wasaer I t 17 1 4 Touts ... 4 141 t t ' Totals ... I 11 41 IS ll Two men out when winning- ran was "ado. Columbus 0001000030000 1-S Toledo 010 00 80000000 0-4 Two-base hits:' Ktelnow, McFarland. Sacrifice hit: Burns. Stolen bases; Burns, Ollks, McFarland. Double plays: Hopke to Myers (2), Turner to Myers. Btruck out: By uerman, t; by Wagner, j. uases on balls: Oft German, 8. Wild pitches: Wag ner, 6: German, L Time: 2:25. Umpire: TUidalL. Mllwaakee Pata 'Em Teg-ether. MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 22. Milwaukee won tot" ay 'a game by bunching hits In the first and fourth. Minneapolis had a chance to tie the score in the ninth with two men on baaea and only one out, but the next two men flew out. Attendance, 700. Bcore: MILWAUKEE. MINNEAPOLIS. R.H.O.A.B. I R.H.O.A.B. Ounaan, If... 0 111 0 Lynch, of.... 1 1 I 0 s McBiida, cf.. 1 I I 0 Qulllln, as... t 1 1 4 1 Schtebeek, lb 1 t t I Lally, If 4 t 4 0 0 Hantaan, rf. s S I 0 1 Yea far, lb... s 1 s s Cllnamaa, ss 0 1 t 4 I Warden, lb.. 4 4 11 I 1 Rcnkla. lb... 4 0 1 t o Byere. a 4 4 4 1 s Donahue, lb. 1 1 11 1 0 Oraat, lb.... 0 1 4 I 4 Spaar, s 1111 s'Bulllvan. rf.. 0 0 14 0 AUrook, p.... 4 14 1 0 Crlbblna, p.. 4 4 1 t I Totals ...1 7 n 11 "l ToUls ... I 10 17 10 0 Milwaukee 30030000 04 Minneapolis 30010000 08 Earned runs: Minneapolis, 1; Milwaukee, i: Two-base hit: Yeaaer. Bases on balls: Oft-Alt rock, 2. Left on baaes: Minneapo lis. 11; Milwaukee, t. Sacrifice hits: Wer den, Altrock, Bpear, CUngman. Stolen baaes: Lally (2), Lynch, Hallman. Um pire: Ftggemler. Time: 1:35. First ta Bt. Paal'a. BT. PAUL, Aug. 22. The borne team took the first same of the series from Kansas City. It waa oloaely contested and replete with brilliant, worn on Doth sides. At tendance, til. Score: 8T. PAUL. I KANSAS CJTY. R.H.O.A.B. I R.H.O.A.B. Oeler. lb.... 0 0 .4 t 4 Rothniaa. rf. 0 1 I 1 0 Shannon. ef..O 110 Bay 1 1 la. e.... 0 I t I 1 DlllarO. If.... 0 110 Nance, cf.... 0 14 0 0 Lumley, rf... 1 I t 4 Orady, lb.... 4 4 I 4 S Huaslus, la. 4 1 4 I O Loawa. aa.... 4 1110 Kallay. lb... 4 t 10 1 0 Smith. If 0 t I 4 0 Pierce, a 0 4 I 0 0 McAnd'a, lb. 0 0 0 t 0 Marcaa. as... 0 Oil 1 Thai I, lb 4 Oils farauaoa, .. 0 0 1 I 0 Gear, p I 0 4 t 0 ToUls ...7 7 t7 It 7 ToUls ... o7l4u7 St. Paul 00000010 1 Kansaa City 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Two-base hits: Kelley, Rothfuas. Throe base hit: Bevtlle. Stolen bases: Shannon, McAndrews. Sacrifice hit: Hugglna. Base on balls; Ferguson, 1, Struck out: tty ueer, l; by Marcan, L Lert on bases: Bt. Paul, 3: Kansas City, 1 Time: 1:1. Urn plre: BtuarL Standing; ot tho Teama. Won. Lost P.C. 73 , 35 .176 70 38 .618 62 47 .MS M 87 .42 tl b .4H 4J 14 .4M 40 ft .370 88 78 .Kit Louisville ... Indianapolis Bt. Paul .104. It ..108 ..io7 ..10 ..118 ( Kansas City loiumoua ... Milwaukee .. Mlnneapolla Toledo Oamea todav: Milwaukee at Minneapolis. Toledo at Indianapolis. Columbus at Louis ville, Kansas city at ot. raui. took Yard Boys Trowneed, HARVARD, Neb., Aug. 22. (Special Tele gram.) Harvard, assisted by four Clay Center players, Sanderson, a professional pitcher, and Perry of the western league. defeated the boys representing the Union Stock Yards company of South Omaha easily. Qutnn waa knocked out of the box In the fifth. The featurea of the game were the batting of Henderson and Qulnn. Ihe boys were entirely outclassed, bcore: R.H. Harvard 30018380 -17 Li Juniors 000003130-3 Batteries: Harvard. Sanderson and Ros- enbaum; Juniors, wulnn, Caughey and Mil ler. Two-base htta: Perry, Ling, Rosen, beum, Qulnn. Three-base hit: Sanderson Home run: Sanderaon. Bases on balls: off Banderson, 8; off Qjlnn, 1. Btruck out: By csugbey, z; by Banderson, IL Umpire Llnd. Time: 3.00. Loalsvllle's Kaay Game. SPRINGFIELD, Neb.. Aur. 12. ISnectal Telegram.) Louisville and Springfield played their Aral game of the season here, the locals winning with ease and Third IMseman xoungs In the box. Bcore; R.H.E Springfield 0 0 1 2 0 4 8 0 4-13 II I Louisville Oliioaoia 7 Batteries; Springfield, Youngs sad Micuoison; LfOUisviua. Maaters and Carter. Throo-1 Leagae. At DavVviiuvi i Biuoinington, 4; Davrn nort. 1. At Rock Island Rock Island, 8; Terre Haute. 1 At Cedar Rapids Decatur, 1; Cedar Rap- lor, v. At Rockford Evanevllle, 7; Rockford. I OF GAMES Wilder -l Wilder .8-3. 1-8. trl Peters 3-0, -0 Parker t-0, (-1 F"nsWth..M, -. -l Farnsworth .. .t-l. t-J Sanderson 6-7, t-1. 6-4 Sanderson B-T, M, t-1 Raymond .4-t, 6-4, 6-4 Sheldon ..t-1, 6-1 Caldwell Sheldon 6-6,6-1 .6-1 6-1 LORD DERBY ONLY SECOND Tho Monk BeaU Him Two Heati at Readville. ONE MILE IS TROTTED IN 2:05 3-4 Other la nearly as Fast anal Horse ot Ploas Itamo Finds Him. self with If ew Rec ord. READVILLE, Mass.. Aug. 22. The one great surprise at the Readville track today was the appearance of Lord Derby In the 1:07 trot. The surprise was not carried out to the extent ot his winning the race, tor Ed Oeers drove The Monk under the wire ahead of him in two straight heats and won. In the first heat establishing a new record for himself of 2:06 and a new race record for the track. Although 12,500 waa offered In this trot, only four horses "were entered. Ed Oeers sent The Monk away first with the bunch behind. -Down to the quarter they went, with Lord Derby dropping back at every stride until he was last. The half was passed and Lord Derby began to show speed. At the three-quarters he tried to overhaul The Monk, but It was too late and Oeers finished under the wire behind a record breaker. The time made was 2:05 and while It broke The Monk's own record, it by no means damaged Lord Derby's repu tation, for when .the second heat was called he was still .favorite at even money. In this heat Lord Derbr made no mistake in laying back too far at the start, for he followed The Monk like a shadow to the three-quarter. Then began a drive by both ueers and Spear, but to no avail, as they went under the wire with The Monk safely la the lead, Tomorrow's. card, Includes six events, one of which, wjll Jyviha. trial by. Dan Patch against the world's pacing record. Sum maries: -" ! .' 2:16 class, .trottlns-. nurse tt 000? Alice Carr, blk. m., by Gam- betta Wllkee-Nutmontle, by Nutwood (Garrison) 1 1 a 1 1 Re-Elected, r. hi. (Macey).. 1 211 8 1 Mary P. Leyburn. ch. m. (Paige) 3 8 13 3 Gene D., blk. m. (Lassie) 3 4 4 ro noweuan, o. g. (uoiden) I 8 3 ro Prince Selma, br. h 9 11 8 ro Hylle Bird, b. g. (Kpapp) S t 7 ro my cnance, cn. n. (crowiey)....n ro Silver Bign, b. h: (O Dollin) 7 10 6 ro Alvander, b. h. (Maloney) 8 7 10 ro Adda, br. m. (Gadder) 10 8 8 ro Walnut Hall, br. h. (Benyon)... ds lime: z:n. z:io, 2:11. 2:llVt. . 2:10 class, nsclnsr. Duree 11.000: Junius, ch. g., by Online-Daughter of New York (Saunders) Ill Miss Wlllamont, b. g. (Miller) 3 8 2 Pan Michael, ch. h. (Hyde) 14 8 Josh, b. g. (McMahon) 6 2 7 Dick Wilson, br. h. (Wllaon) 8 6 3 Ethel Mc, ch. m. (McCarthy) S 6 4 Bora Roaie, b. m. (Allen) I I j Anslle, b. m. (Maloney) 8 7 8 Bultana, br. m. (Ryan) 4 ds Knox's Gelatine Baby, b. g. (Grusle) ds Time: 2:08. 2:08, 2:0Sft. 2:07 class, trotting, two heats In three, purse 32,600: The Monk (Geers) 1 1 Lord Derby; b. g. (Spear) 2 2 Dolly Dillon, b. g. (Saunders) 3 4 Chainahot. b. g. (McDonald) 4 3 Time: 3:06. 2:06. 2:13 class, pacing, two heats In three, purse 31.000: Carl Wilkea. ch. g. (McDonald) 1 1 Anldroela. ch. g. (Kent) 2 8 Prince Direct, blk. h. (McHenry) . 6 2 Jesse H.. b. g 2 7 Mace, b. g. (Allen) 4 S Go Bee, b. g. (Proctor) 7 4 Dewey, blk. g. (Miller) 6 6 Bylvlaone, g. m. (Ervln) 8 8 George Wilson, ch. g. (Gillies) 9 8 Hale B., b. g. (Richardson) ds Curtis, ch. ft (Bever) ds Time: 2:0S, 2:08. JOSHUA PIM BOWS TO WARE English Raeaneter Goes Down Be. tore tho Wlsard ot Bos- ton Town. v NEWPORT. R. I Aug. 22. The tennis of the fourth day of the national champion- imp at tne casino rumianed ine best sport in singles so far of the tournament and was made noteworthy by the defeat of Dr. Joshua Plm, a former cnampion of an Kn land. L. E. Ware of Boaton accomplished the downfall of the British veteran and did It In straiKht sets. This match, how ever, waa only one of a number of Interest ing contests, In which that between M, D. Whitman and Beales C. Wright attracted the most attention, Whitman winning three sets to one. In this latter the absence of smashing ana ine rest, close worn at tne net made the spurt rather dull to watch and half tho crowd went over to see the contest between H. L. Doherty and Richard Stevens. Here tney found the excitement wnicn tney craved, for by playlns hla usual steady base line game Stevens not only took a set from the EnclUhman. but rams within a single stroke of another. With the aets 1-nll the aramep 6 to 4 and the acore 40-80, Stevens missed scoring on a fine pass by a few inches, the ball solng that distance outside. Dnhertv then evened matters up without difficulty, and although Btevena won another ismt the Englishman ran out the set 8-6. The next set went to him 8 to 1 and the match was finished. The star match tomorrow will he between R. F. Doherty. the elder of the English men, and W. J. Clothier of Phlladeipnia, who beat W. A. Lamed at Lonerwood last month, and a lively contest Is anticipated. At U:10r when the Whltman-Wrlaht con test waa started, nearly 1,000 enthusiasts were clustered about the court. The match started with Wright serving from ths east end of the court. The points on the first set were as fol lows: M. D. Whitman 4 4 0 8 3 4 4 2 430-8 B. C. Wright 2 2 4 4 4 0 2 4 2-24-8 In the second set Wrl'ht's smashes seemed to have more force in them and ha won many strokes by passing Whitman. The score by points: B. C. Wrlrht 5 42484022 435-8 M. D. Whitman 2 34331444 3-294 In the third set Wright's errors and fur ther sharp work at the net by Whitman gave, the latter the set. 6-3, and made the score 3 sets to 1 In Whitman's fsvor. The points on ths third set were as fol lows: M. D. Whitman 8 4 3 8 4 3 4 4 4-38-4 B. C. Wrlk-ht 3 14 7 112 1 1-241 When the fourth set began Wright was serving, and a:though the first game went a deuce twice, he managed to win. In this set Wright relied on Whitman's errors for his points. The names kept going bar and forth, each winning his service, with the sore 8-alU WrUM Suddenly 1st up la his Auspices of the United States 1902. Farnsworth ...8-0, t-1 I SANDERSON S' 8-4, 1-4, t-1, trl Sanderson 6-L t-1 play and four successive nets gave Whit man the odd game. In the midst of the Whitman-Wright match the Ware-Plm contest waa finished and to the astonishment of very many the Englishman was beat in straight seta, 7-5, 7-5, t-3. The defeat of the former English cham pion waa the surprise of the tournament. The score by points of the Ware-Plm match is as follows: First set: L. E. Ware.. J. Pirn ....... Second set: L. E. Were.. J. Pirn Third set: .27264744106 4-4A-7 .48441610443 0-39-4 2 4 4 0 4 1 4 2 4 0 4 4-35-7 41242404442 0-31-6 L. E. Wars 4044S104 4-26-8 J. Plm 2 4 3 3 3 4 41 1-23-3 This practically settled the match, for Whitman took the next game with ease snd with It the set and match. The points on the fourth set were as follows: M. D. Whitman... 54783444344 4-80-7 B. C. Wright 71834160620 2-40-i Some fine playing was done in the Doherty-Btevens match. Doherty took the first set. Stevens won the second and was within one stroke of taking tho third when Doherty rallied and won. He also took the next set. This gave htm tho match, three sets to one. Summary of the morning's play: Championship singles, third round: S. Waller beat D. F. Davis by default. H. I. Doherty beat R. Stevens, 6-1, 4-6, 8-6, 6-1. H. F. Allen beat D. F. Appleton, t-0, 8-6 8-L Fourth round: R. H. Huntington beat 8. Waller, 6-0, 4-4. 6-3. R. D. Little beat H. F. Avery, -4, 6-4, 6-4. Krelgh Collins beat H. H. Whitman, 6-1, 8-2, 6-3. M. D. Whitman beat B. C. Wright, 6-4. 4-6. 6-3. 7-6. U E. Ware beat Dr. Joshua Plm, 7-5, 7- 5-, 6-8. L. H. Waldner beat I W. Olasebrook, 0-1, e-i, e-i. R. F. Doherty beat L. E. Mahan, 8-2, 8- 0. 6-4. Whitman's victory todsy will undoubtedly carry him through the finals, as D. E. Davis withdrew from tho tournament this morning. Whitman may have a hard set or two with Krelgh Collins, the Chicago player, but he should win. Ware's victory over Dr. Plm will bring htm against H. Lv Doherty either tomorrow or Monday TO : , DECIDE CHAMPIONSHIP gnyder and Tremalne-'Moore.-Strelght Ball Clnha to Meet tor Third Game. The entire commission district is involved In a discussion of the relative merits of the base ball teams composed of the em ployee of the firm of J. R. Snyder 4k Co. and those of Tremalne, Moore 4 Co. and M. u. Btreignt dt uo. bo rar nas ine discussion gone that the employers have become interested and two of them have enrolled themselves upon one of the teama for the purpose of increasing the chances ot winning. Two games have been played between the rival clubs. The first was won by the Snyder club end for a week or more me crowing wnicn came irom tne northwest corner of Eleventh and Howard streets made the people on the southeaat corner wnite witn rage, ine secona game waa won bv the combined forces of the opposition and the morning after there was displayed a banner In which the de feat or the erstwhile champions waa heralded to the world. There was a threat that the banner would be destroyed, but the champlona of the victors In the second arame threatened fire and sword unon the man whose temerity would lead him to touch their banner. Saturday afternoon at 3:30, on the grounds at Twenty-seventh and Caas streets, the third game of the aeason. the deciding ne, is to be played. The une-up is as ioiiows: T., M. ft Co. and H. O. S. J. R. Snyders. Btepp Belts Troby Marsh Hunter Marsh R. Trimble. Position. pitcher catcher first baae ...second base..., ....third baae ... shortstop .... .... rlghtfield .... Lynch , Henry Fenwlck Benson ...Purcuplle Howes Moore Stanley.. lertnem Vapor Brown C. Trimble eenterfleld Matlaco Rnees Today. Ths mile track at Council Bluffs, ths scene of this afternoon'a matinee, to be held under the auspices of the Trl-City Amateur Driving club, was not Injured by Friday nlght'a rain. Men were put to work on it yesterday and It will be worked again this morning. Unless It rains during the nignt, tne tracK win oe llgntning fast. Four events, two match races and an ex hibition to pole are 011 the program, and on account of . the length of the program the racea will be called sharp at 3 p. m. Cars will transfer direct to the grounds and admission to grounds and grandstand will be free. The following la the program and entry list. All events will be half-mile beats, best two In three: Class A Blugen (C. C. Kendall). Toney W. (W. A. McKey). Nellie Ash (Dr. C. E. Cosford). Clasa B Poverty (Russell), May Day (J. W. Bouquet), George R. (Rose), Black Kate W. B. Huston). Class C Governor Taylor (Crofoot), Locket (Campbell), Straightaway (Arnold), bay gelding Watterman). Class D-ZIpp (Gall), Twlrley Maid (Wy mtni, Ole (ware), unknown (Weatherbee). Class E Match race: Jim 1'nderwood (Vnderwood), Almont Junior (Dudley). Class F Match rare, teams: I'neapnh and Lady Blaine (William Underwood); unknowns (A. M. Hutchinson). Exhibition to pole by Lucky Jim and Durada (Tom Dennlson). Games at Field C'loh satarday. The Omaha Field Club first baae ball team will play the Omaha Rubber company nine at 3:46 Saturday afternoon on the club grounds. At 8 o'clock the second team will meet the South Omaha Young Men's Christian aasoclatlon club. The Une-up of the first team game win be: O. F. C. 1st. O. R. Co. .Campbell ....Morris ..McLean Tracy ....Btemm Howe Owens Karr Chase .Plnmaen Abbott ... nrst .. Second ... Third .... ... Third .. Short ... Rlght..., .. Middle .... .... Left , . Catcher .. Pitcher .... .. Pitcher ... Knox Crelghton.. Neville Malone McBhane... Hoagland.. Reed Van Camp. Martin Gordy Blooaner Girls Poor Ball Players. BEATRICE. Neb., Aug. 22. (Special Tel egram.) The Boston Bloomers, an aggre gation of female ball players, playod a game here today with a team from this c'.ty. The game, which resulted in a vic tory for the home team by a score of 13 to 7, waa a farce. The women could not hit the ball nor run raeas. A small crowd witnessed the exhibition, Hansholdlers Detent Bloaaaars. Ht'MBOLDT, Nsb., Aug. 22.-Spec!al.) The Bloomer Girls, a baae ball aggregation which la touring this part of the state, wss on Wednesday defeated by the Humboldt boys by a score of 13 to 2. The visitors were entirely outelaaaed and In fact did not make much pretense ot playing tho national gams. 1, SANDERSON WINS TOURNEY Gtlfttburg Mm Lands CkampionWp in Tennis linglss. FARNSWORTH BEATEN BY A VETERAN Grand Island Player Makes Hard Fight tor the Honor, hnt Ills Placet la Hot tapportet by Safflclent Strength. F. R. Banderson ot Galeiburg, 111., de feated Earl Farnsworth of GraD& Island, Neb., la the final round of the champion ship singles In the Intorstate tennis tour ney at the Field club Friday evening, after a long-drawn-out atruggle, ths score being, S-C, 8-4, 1-6. 6-S, 6-1. The match was the most stubbornly con tested of ths tournament, and by winning It Sanderson takes ths handsome loving cup, which was in 1901 the challenge cup, but which this year goes to the winner for good and all. He also gets his name on the big challenge cup, the first one to go there. Two more such engravings will give this cup also to Sanderson as a per manent possession. Sanderson's victory over Farnsworth ends a most notable tournament in singles. In a field of forty entries there were no less than six strong favorites for first honors, besides other hovering luminaries. The final battle was fully up to the standard which such a fierce campaign deserved as a fitting close. Five long sets ot forty-two unusually protracted games took more than two hours of steady play, and at the end ot It both men were nearly played off their feet, Sanderson being a little the fresher and stronger. Sanderson won the match entirely on Its merits, for he systematically pursued Farnsworth along the only plan which could bring him victory. This was to wear the boy out, and he persisted In It throughout the match, with the result de sired. The visitor had sized up Farns worth's strength and weakness, and acted accordingly. He see-sawed ths balls from ths right corner to the left, keeping Farns worth always on the run. The latter re turned almost everything, and won games and sets. He was cheered to the echo for his great ground covering. But those who applauded did not realize that this mar velous work was beating him. Sanderson did not worry about the games, taking one whenever he well could. He lost two sets at one-sided scores of 3-6, 1-6, while In pursuance of his plan ot killing Farns worth off, but he did not waver. Sanderaon Hnabanda Strenttthi Meanwhile Sanderson himself took it easy In comparison. Farnsworth, too, was plac ing balls magnificently, but Sanderaon re fused to work as hard. When a ball was wide from him he let It go without even a try. People wondered why he passed tip so many points In this way, and thought It a sign that he was fagged, but the re sult Justified the means, which seemed risky. The match was throughout stow and scientific. There was none of the smash- itlg CP ChSC p!7iua aCruito t!ia.t i,hnr acterlzed tennis ot a , decade ago. The two played a much easier ball all the time than did Parker and Farnsworth, tor the game was largely lobbing. Neither ever smashed unless he was st the net with a sure thing. A spectator aald that the play was Just the style that the stars were play ing In the east now careful, speedless and long-drawn-out. Every point was con tested through exchange after exchange. And that Is a condensed explanation of how Sanderson, beat Farnsworth, although the latter by actual count, made more points In ths match. Reference to ths analysis of tho match shows that Farnsworth won 141 points, Sanderson 133. Ths two games were extremely closs all around. Sanderson placed 44 balls beyond reach of Farnsworth and tho latter placed 43. Sanderaon drove 38 Into the net, Farnsworth 46. Sanderson put 69 balls out of court, Farnsworth 60. Sanderson mads 1 double fault, Farns worth 3. Contest of Endnraneo. A three-five set match Is bound to be more sr less a contest of endurance If men are evenly matched In play. When Sanderson saw a set going strong against htm he let It go, but in a scientific manner. He Just played the back corners for all there was In It, and kept Farnsworth running. Thus, while not effective as to winning actual games at the time, hs was hurting Farns worth mors than the tatter's victory was helping blm. Farnsworth, meanwhile, would playievory point to the bitter end, no mat ter what the status of game or set. Hs killed himself trying to win every point in the match. Instead of letting hard chances go and saving himself. Even at that, Farnsworth might possibly hgve won had he persistently taken ths net He is good at that game, and Sanderson's lobs, usually so Infalllable, were a little off. Had Farnsworth smashed them and played net every possible moment ha would have saved himself snd also saved points. But he early got Into the rut of a back court gams, and kept It up most of the time. Sand erson would take the net as soon ss he could work up to It, and then It wss a foot raco for Farnsworth from one side to the other till he could lob bis opponents bsck again. I That feature of ths game developed Farns I worth's most remarkable work. He not only returned apparently Impossible bans irom the back corners whlls on tbs dead run from side to side, but he returned them perfectly snd placed them perfectly. Sanderson him self was sstounded. Said he: "I know that I placed ball after ball that no other man In this tournament nor la tho middle west would have touched, yet Farns worth not only reached them, but returned them perfectly." Sanderson Seasoned Veteran. It Is no scrub player to whom Farsnwortb has succumbed. Though he has not played much tenuis recently, eight years ago Sand erson was a crack In Illinois outside of Chi cago, and ones won tbs singles champion ship in a state tournameat st Peoria. Sand si son's long experience and perfect head- work make It doubtful that Farnsworth could have beaten him In any way. It was plain that Banderson wished the set to go five tots, and even bad Farnsworth not played so nicely Into bis hand, he would have doubtless have had some ether scheme equally effective for gaining his end. His game throughout was a beautiful exhibition of brains, and people who wonder at tho coolness and nonchalance with which he took defeat understood later. Sanderson gave Farnsworth every credit for being the best player entered, and was afraid of blm. Despite the heavy rain of Thursday night the courts wero In good shape for play at 4 o'clock, and the championship match was given ths best court. Sanderson won tho toss and took tho north side, which was ths better, there being one wet spot across tho net. Farnsworth started serving. Hs won the st 8-3, on places chiefly, passing Sand erson twelve times. Then the latter went out great deal, not on lobs, but on driv ing. Ths acors: Sanderson .. 4 1 6 4 1 8 3 ? S Farnsworth 4 1 4 4 8 3 4 8 6- S7 Sanderson slated serving in the second set. He gsvs Farnsworth a love game for a starter on tour drives into the net. Then Sanderson began passing his man, and took four straight games. He then began find ing the net again, and Farnswortn took three. Then Sanderson took two anil tho set, playing the net, where hs was Invlncl tble. The score 1 Sanderson 0 4 4 4 4 0 1 2 12 4-Sr-8 rarnswurth ...4 1112444 10 0 324 Ths third set Sanderson never had a chance to win, and he wisely admitted this fact early. Instead ot wearlpg himself out In a fruitless attempt to pull out or make the score an even one, he let the set go. 1-8, but put In the time those seven games killing his opponent. He tried after no lobs or wide passes which meant a run, and spectators thought hs was all in. He relied on Ma place to make a point here and there, and didn't care If he got those so long ss he could tee-saw Earl from side to side. In di recting his strokes he seemed guided only by a desire to put them where Farnsworth woutfj have to run for them. Several times, even when at the net, be would Ignore a. good chance to smash ths ball oft at a sharp tangent and win a point, sending It Instead to the back court, where Farns worth stood, and making him chase to get it. On such occasions Farnsworth, by beautiful work, would always return safely, and then generally go ahead and win a point, but Sanderson seemed Indifferent to that. An analysis of ths game by points shows: Sanderson ...1 1 14 10 8 4141 Farnsworth 4 4 1 4 4 6 6288 Sanderson had to have the fourth set or lose the mstch. He got It. Farnsworth' was plainly tiring, and Ssnderson, though still showing lassitude, spunked up at times enough to win the games, t-t. Farnsworth lacked the speed ot his early game. Ths score: Sanderson 8 8 4 4 4 4 4 8 4-24-8 Farnsworth 3 6 8 1 0 1 3 4 1-23-8 The fifth set was almost easy for San derson. His Job of killing off wss about to the climax, and though hs was himself about all In. Farnsworth was worse. Ban derson ran hla serve and played a net gams this set, winning on it. Farnsworth lobbed out at first and gave up ths stroke tor a drive, which Sanderaon handled. Four et the seven games were deuce, and ths last was fierce, Farnsworth letting go with his life. Ths score: Sanderson 4 6 6 3 4 4 6326 Farnsworth 1 4 8 8 3 3 4211 F. R. Sanderson: Double Place. Net. Out.Fauit.Total. First set 7 11 8 1 Second set 13 8 14 0 35 Third set 4 6 8 14 Fourth set 9 It U 1 34 Fifth set 12 10 9 1 SI Totals 44 46 60 3 in Earl Farnsworth: Double Out.Fauit.Total. 17 0 f7 10 0 81 13 0 28 8 1 23 11 21 Place. ...12 ... 8 ...10 ... 8 ... 6 ....43 Net. 8 14 6 6 6 78 First set... Second set. Third set.., Fourth set. Fifth set..., Totals. . 69 1 141 In the three remaining contests, ths championship doubles, ths consolation singles snd doubles, ths play Is now up so that but four matches rsmaln in ths cham pionship doubles, but two la the consola tion singles and but three In the consola tion doubles. . All will be brought oft today, play commencing aharp at 9 o'clock this morning. Ths finals In these will occur in the sfternoon. The event In the consolation singles today was the defeat of Howell of 8loux thus bringing himself Into the finals, where he will meet the winner of the Hlles-Young match. Holland won from Howell; 6-2, 12-10 In a fierce smashing contest. Young beat Towle, 7-6, fT-S. In the consolation doubles Haskell and Clarke won from Croskey and Hill, 6-4, 6-4. They should glvs Gllman and McNeal a hard push for first honors. 1 Corbett Secnres Haarters. " CINCINNATI, O... Aug.. 22.Toung Cor. bett, with his manager and trainers,' ar rived today and took quartera temporarily In a hotel. In the afternoon he went to look for training quarters. It is probable that he will choose the place on Price Hill where Jeffries waa In training for the fight which waa enjoined here. Niagara Tennis Tournament. NEW YORK, Aug. 22.-The Niagara Lawn Tennis club of Nlagara-on-the-Lakea, Ont., announces that It will hold the Inter national championships on Its turf courts on Wednesday, August 27, and following days. R. F. and H. L. Doherty, the Eng lish players, are expected to enter. BEERS Famous the World OverFully Matured. Order final H. May at Company When you want a light drink that Is full of snap and sparkle that never leaves a bad taste or a headache that Is always pure and Just right that Is a bracer when you are tired and a tonlo when you are all' run down try Gold Top. Jetter Brewing Co. So. Omahs, Neb. 'Phone I. . Omaha Office, 'Phone 1542. UE MITCHELL, Wholesale Dealer. 1M3 Main, Co. Bluffa.o'Phone 80. V'aaa. PARKER'S 1 Hair Balsam fruuioiea the growth of ths hair and gives It the lustre and sllklneas of youth. When ths hair la gray or faded it BRINGS BACK THS YOUTHFUL COLOR. It pre rents Dandruff and batr failing and keeps the scalp clean and healthy. a,a,a,,e,,o k la fttlLfa aaa 4..I4 fir I alia t.u riaaca. 1 aaa aa ate-r. ritaea. lkinau R.rt rvaa a k.lV U- m 4 lakil Sup ( "rftn. i .4 4. la rpnl.uaM, Taaaliaiaalala A' laiallial. 1 0.Oue TmImU,. hi) k"" ' all DiMii... c kl.aaatar t kaaalaalpa. bum ska aaaai. staSai aar- ttiii-JZyU EASY MONEY ! ! IMCOPPOBATID (100.000.00 1 .9 nuaae llue br aur Sara an aafa wataai ai tan lataatoiant fcutlralT ' ataa Fit Kg. WrlW lar It auiia THE loLO!.sa IjaLV in.. Tart Ceaiaiia Sluacra. Ui tUi kUaat. Calll AlaUa rw bmiomhtiS'3 iraatiSN f CHlCMlJTKfc"TtNGLL'4HI