Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1902, Page 3, Image 3
TITE 031AITA DAILY BEE; SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 1002. 3 ( c f i FIFTEEN THOUSAND IS CAMP Amy ltanetmrs at Fart Eiley Aw to Ba on ft Lrg Seal. BUILDING AND LOAN COMPANIES PROSPER Increase of Half a Mlllloa Dollar Orf Last l'fif la' Amoaat Which Haa Oaaa Into Hones. (From a Btaff Correspondent.) . LINCOLN, Aug. 12 (Special.) Ths forthcoming military encampment at Fort Riley will be oo of the largest peace fathering! of troops aver held In the west, for the mobilization will Include upward of 15,000 regularly uniformed and armed anon, representing all branches of the land ervlee. Major General Jehn C. Bates and a staff consisting exclusively of officers In ,the regular establishment will be In com mand of tb camp and will conduct and direct all of the military maneuvers.' The orders Issued by th War department In 4lcat that tba various state or reserve or ganisations participating will be subject to the same rules and regulations as the or ganisations of the national army. Besides tba regu'ar army contingent, th?rs will be oaa battalion of infantry from Ar kansas, two regiments of Infantry and two batteries of Held artillery from Kansas, and two regiments of Infantry, with possibly one or mora independent companies, from Nebraska. In the regular service there will be several complete cavalry and Infantry regiments, . batteries of artljlcry and en gineers, signal and hospital corps. Tha maneuvers will begin soon after Sep tember 20, the day fixed by tha War de partment tor the mobilization of the troops, ' and will continue for ten days. It Is un derstood that! the state troops of Arkansas and Kansas will remain In camp through out the period, and both Governor Savage and Adjutant General Colby are anxious to have the two Nebraska regiments do. like wise. All forces will be organised as a division, and although there will be no hostile flags visible, the camp will be con ducted on a war time basis, so that all aoldters, whether members of the state or national organisations, will be given the actual experience to ba bad In a camp In time of wan Tha orders of tha War department, which explain fully tba preliminary arrangements for tha encampment, follow: ' War Department Order. With tha approval of the acting aecretary f war the following organisations will be assembled In camp at Fort Klley, Kan., about September 20, 1903, to participate In the maneuvers to be held at that point during a period of ten- days, beginning Monday, September 29, and continuing until Wednesday, October 8, 19i2: First battalion of engineers: headquar ters, band and First and Second squadrons. Fourth cavalry; Third squadron, Eighth cavalry; Sixth, Seventh, Nineteenth and Twenty-eighth batteries,' Field Artillery; headquarters, band and twelve companies, Sixth United States Infantry: headquar ters, band and twelve companies. Twenty second United States Infantry; headquar ters, band and eleven companies, Klght- unitea mates uuaiiiry, uvini-iimaui Signal corps; detachment Hospital corps. Posts which will be left without gar sons will each be cared for by a guard con sisting of one commissioned officer and the smallest number of men consistent with the proper performance of the duty. It Is jslrable that the organisations partici pating In the maneuvers shall have the maximum number of man available present for duty. All organisations of the regular army participating In these maneuvers will be provided with the regulation allowance of wall tents for officers and conical wall tenta for enlisted men at the rate of. for cavalry, ten men per tent; for field artillery, twelve men per tent; for -infantry, twelve n3.l2fir AV Va V'f - '".'. The governors-Of Arkansas, Kansas ami Nebraska having signified their acceptance of the invitation of the aecretary Of war to participate in these maneuvers, arrange ments will ba made for the -following troops:' Arkansas, on battalion of Infan try; Kansas, two regtmente of infantry, two batteries of field artillery; Nebraska, two regiments of Infantry, ten companies each. The regular and militia forcea will be or mm ganised as a division. Major General John C. Bates, U. 8. A.. Is assigned to command ' and will proceed to Fort Riley, Kan., not later than September 2. 1M2. accompanied by his aides. The following officers are assigned to duty durin the enrnmpment on the staff of Major General Bates and will report t6 him by letter without delav and In person at Fort Rllev not later than Seotember 20: Maior J. W. MnClernnnd. tJnited States cavalry, assistant adjutant general, adjutant general; Lieutenant 8. C Mills. Inspector general; Captain C. D. Baker, quartermaster, chier quartermaster- cantata H. J. Gallagher, comrnlasarv. ch!-f Baker, quartermaster, chief quartermaster commissary; Lieutenant John Van R. Hon?, deputy surgeon aeneral, chief surgeon: Major G. P. Scrlven. Signal corps, chief algnal officer Balldlaa dad Loan Statistics. Secretary Roys at the State Banking board expects to lasua a report tomorrow of tha building and loan associations of tha atata. which will show that tha total loana of tha associations have Increased over $430,000 during the last year. Tha report of 1901 showed- loana aggregating tJ.41.4tl. Thla year all of tha associa tions, except one, which has not yet re ported, ahow a total of $4,074,445, the net Increase of those reporting being $433,000. Tha delinquent company last year had $34,000 of loans, so It. will be aeen that tha Increase will be upward of $500,000. There haa been a marked falling off In tha number of sbarea In the smaller towns 'throughout, the atata, but the city associa tions, almost without exception, showed a substantial Increase, and It Is expected that tha total number of shares In force will aot ba far from last year's figures. Reject Offer for School Land. Applications almost without number, all for the exercise of the Tight to purchase etat school land under lease contracts taken out durlnz the period from 1879 to 189T. were rejected by the State Board of Educational Lands and Funds at an ad journed meeting. The reason for the ac tion la tha failure of the appraisements to meet tha requirements of the board. ' Gov ernor Savage, Secretary of State Marsh and Land Commissioner Follmer attended tha meeting, and all agreed to act favorably only on those applications which were ac companied by the ahowlng that the land Bought had been fairly appraised. Only 240 acres were disposed of by tha board. Some of thla la In Beward county and brought $40 per acre. Applications com'ng from Boyd, Cedar and Dakota coun ties were all rejected. Articles of Incorporation of tha Chapman State bank of Chapman were recorded la the aecretary of atate's office today. Tha bank la capitalised for $5,000. Ita Incor porators are: W. V. Scott, J. Cleva 8cott and J. T. Engelbardt. Barbell la tha Caaspalga. Congressman B. J. Burkett haa accepted Invitations to assist la tha campaign work lL. ' l V V In nearly every congressional district In the state. He feels that there Is acarcely any doubt about the outcome of the fight In the First district, and therefore he will have considerable time to devote to pa triotic work elsewhere. Shortage of Brleklayer. Slow progress In the construction of the Catholic orphanage near the bishop's man sion, southesst of the city. Is due to the shortage of bricklayers. The structure has been completed to the upper part of the third story and the roof will be In place, It Is thought, by the middle of the next month. Bishop Bonaeum, la proud of the tulldlng, as It promises to exceed In con venience and beauty of appointment any orphanage Id the west. Clerks In the county treasurer's office ara busy compiling tha delinquent tax list. Under rulings of the court they are com pelled to compute back Interest for ad vertisement purposes. It Is estimated that there Is over 11,000,000 of uncollectable taxes awing to Lancaster county. The con dition of a fairs existing In this county Is tha history of nearly every other county In the state, tha only difference being In tha amounts unpaid and uncollectible. STORM RESULTS GOOD AND BAD Hall and Wlad IMay Havoc In Some Section While Rain Revive ' Dry Corn. t WEST POINT. Neb., Aug. J2. (Special.) A terrific hailstcrm devastated a large area of test central Cuming county last night. Corn tuftered greatly, being about halt de atioyed. Window lights were broken In the farmhouses and much damage done by high vatcr in Cutrlng creek. It rained and ttormed for eight hours continuously, being by far the worst storm In that section for many years. WINSIDE, Neb., Aug. 22. (Special.) This section was visited by a terrific hailstorm about S o'clock last night. The ground was white. It was followed by heavy rain. It did great damage and no threshing can ba none tor aeverai days, in farmers are heavy losers, as they can neither thresh nor stack. NELSON, Neb., Aug. 22. (Special.) This section got a good rain of about an Inch this morning. It came In good time to b of great benefit to the corn crop, which now promises to ba a record-breaker. Tha late corn was beginning to need It, but the dan ger anticipated seems to ba laid at rest. FREMONT, Neb., Aug. 12. (Special.) Atout an Inch of rain foil here last night and water Is standing in pools In all low p'.aces. Corn would be benefited by hot, dry weather, but is growing fast and unless there Is an esrly frost will be a big crop. KEARNEY, Neb., Aug. ft. (Special Tele gram.) A good general rain In this section of the state fell last night. The fall Is re ported from about .60 to 1.50 Inches, the lat ter amount falling east of Amherst, while there was an average of half an Inch along the other line of the county. It will make the corn grow rapidly and was much needed. YORK. Neb., Aug. 22 (Special.) Last evening there was about two Inches of rain fall over York county. With what fell day before yesterday, this Insures ona of tha largest crops of corn aver raised here and equally aa large aa any crop that can ba raised in any state. Farm laborers ara vary scarce and farmers are anticipating a large corn crop and already engaging help, and offering I cents a bushel and board, agree ing to furnish work all winter. FAIRFIELD, Neb., Aug. 22. (Special.) Fully .85 af an Inch of rain fell here laat night, making a total of two Inches for the last week. Tha early corn. Is practically made and lata corn promises well. It la good weather for threshing and fall plowing. EDGAR. Neb., Aug. 22, (Special.) A heavy rain fell here last night. The pre cipitation amounted to ona Inch and was accompanied by a high wind and much light nlng and thunder. Tha weather waa so very hot and dry here from July 11 to August 19 that farmera report that corn on high ground haa Buffered oonalderably, but on tha low ground tba prospect Is that corn will ba a heavy yield. . HUMBOLDT. Neb.. Aug. 22, (Special.) This part of the state waa thoroughly drenched by 2.50 lnchea of rain, which fell at an early hour thla morning. It was ! welcomed by the farmera, aa It puts the ground In excellent shape for fall plowing and also helped out the lata corn. . BEATRICE, Neb., Aug. 22. (Special Tel egram.) Beatrice and vicinity were visited . . .. , .,, ... by a welcome rain this morning, and. ac cording to tha government gauge, .4 of an Inch of water tell. This will practically Insure tha corn crop In thla aectlon. FOUND FLOATING IN PLATTE Aana Jokssita, Formerly Employed In Omaha, Rescued from River at Fremont. ' FREMONT. Neb., Aug. 22. (Special.) Anna Johansen, a girl recently employed In an Omaha hotel, made an Ineffectual at tempt to commit suicide by Jumping Into tha Platte river last evening. About o'clock yesterday afternoon, as D. W. 8hocknease waa crossing tha Platta river bridge, ha noticed a woman In the river. Jumped In and rescued her. She was floating down atream In about' five foot of water In aa unconscious condition and partly revived aa soon as taken cut of the water. Shu waa taken to the house of George Flnnleson and . a physician . sum moned. The girl at first gave her name aa NellU Fecny and her residence as corner of Twenty-fourth and Cass streets, Omaha Her father, she said, waa an employe of the Northwestern railroad. A. telephone mes sage to Omaha disclosed the fact that no such family lived at that place and the Northwestern company had no man by the name of Feeny In Ita employ. The girl refused to talk much last night, insisting that tba atory she first told was true. At noon today she finally admitted that her true nsme was Anna Johansen and that her parents lived near Cedar Bluffs, Neb. She Is about 20 years old and up to about two months ago worked at tha Her Grand hotel In Omaha. She left there and worked at the Madison on North Twenty- first s rest, Omaha, where a alater Is bow employed. Mrs. Axtell, her employer there, told tba officers hcra that the girl left Omaha yea tcrday afternoon for her home In Cedar Bluffs. She evidently arrived here at 4 o'clock and atarted to walk to Cedar Bluffs. Aa there la a rail along the north end of the bridge, she evidently climbed over It and deliberately Jumped Into the river, In- tending to drown herself. She will give no explanation of bow shs A Vlien the weathers MOT.- GET THE RIGHT KINO Our Blu Ribbon beer U the summer drink par excellence. It Is pur, wholesome, refreshing. Prepared and buttled In absolute cleanliness. In accordance with tha moat approved method. It's Just tha bear for family us. y Telephon e T?00 Omoh ajf i l t i4a r i I ' happened to be la the river and la evi dently still suffering from the shock. She had no baggage of any kind, but about IIS In her porketbook. Her father was no tified and came over after her thla afternoon. ROMINE HELD AT WORCESTER Wanted for Alleged Eaabeaale ment at Mitchell, Jteb Awaits Extradition Papers. WORCESTER, Maui., Aug. S2. (Special Telegram.) Dr. J. S. Romlne, wanted at Mitchell, Neb., for alleged embeiileraont of $41,000, Is held here to await extradition papers. Doostla Connty Veteran meet. ELK CITY. Neb., Aug. 12. (Special.) The election of officers of the Dcut'ai County Veterans' association, held yester day, resulted: President, Charles Harrier. Atlanta pest. Valley; flrat vice president, W. E. Somers, Atlanta post, Elk City; a-c-ond vice president, Fred Etter. Kearney ptt. South Omaha; secretary, D. M. Hav erly, Grant post, Omaha; treasurer, T. L. Hull, Crook post, Omaha. Company F, Twenty-seccnd Infantry, gave a sham bat tle In the afternoon at 4 o'clock and guard mcunt at 6 o'clock. It Is estimated that 2.000 people were on the grounds Thursday. Ju'ge Scctt, Mr. Ed Cornish. Omaha, Mr. Holllster, Elk City; N. C. Pratt. Omaha; Mr. Debord, Omcha, made warm addresses. A camp Are was held at night and songs and stories rehearsed by the veteran flag defenders. Three Europe Drowning;. A8HLAND, Neb., Aug. 22. (Special.) Wednesday afternocn Peter Lenhart, a farmer living south of this city, with his family, had a narrow escape from drowning, while returning from the Woodmen's plc nlo at Greenwood. The approaches to a small bridge across Greenwood creek were covered with water and Mr.' Lenhart at tempted to drive through It, The bugey was overturned and his wife and ch Id were thrown Into the flood. Mrs. Lenhart with tha child clung to a log lying partly In the water and her husband succeeded In extricating her after much effort. The water was five feet deep. Salt creek rose eight feet Thursday as the effect of the torrential rain of yesterday, and la over flowing the bottom lands. Bart Republican Nominate. 'TEKAMAH, Neb., Aug. 2a. (8pec:al.l The republicans of Burt county met in county convention In this city Wednesday afternoon. There waa a large attendance of representative republicans. Chairman Sward upon taking the chair made an able address. Under auspenston of the rules and by acclamation the following nomina tions were made: W. O. Bears for member of the legislature, A. N. Cm-bin, Jr., for county attorney, P. L. Rork, E. D. Beck, H. A. Preston for county supervisors. For chairman of the county central committee John F. Piper was unanimously chosen. Kon. E. J. Burkett, member of congress from the First district, waa present and addressed the convention at tba close of Its deliberations. Requisition for Cattle Thief. TOPEKA, Kan.. Aug. 22. (Special Tele gram.) E. E. Overman, county attorney of Webster county, Nebraska, Is here to get requisition papera for L. C. Fitch, who la wanted In Nebraska for stealing nine head of 8-year-old ateera from Ous Roats. Fitch. It la alleged, drove the cattle to Jewell county, Kansaa, and was Just ready to ship them to market when captured. Roats got tba cattle back. Fitch la now In Jail at Mankato, charged with violating a Kansas law by bringing stolen property Into' tho state. His attorney wants him tried In Kansas and will resist the application for a requisition. Child Ran Down by Morse. HUMBOLDT, Neb., Aug. 22. (Special.) Master Irvln Pool, the 6-year-old son of tha late Charles C. Pool, who baa been making his home with his grandparenta In this city, met with a peculiar and painful accident yesterday. Ha was coming uptown and met a playmate on horseback, when the latter playfully started after him. The little fellow ran, but failed to ge out of the way, the borne running him down be fore the rider could check it The animal had Just been sharp shod and stepped on the boy's foot, completely aevertng one of the toes of the right foot. Stria of Aecldent at Wlaslde. WINSIDE. Nob., Aug. 22. (Special.) Yesterday was a bad day for petit acci dents. Oeorge Calbcrt's son In climbing over a fence fell and struck his head on an Iron wheel, cutting a bad gash over his right eye. Chris Nelsen, plssterer, stepped upon a large spike In a acantllng and ran it clear through hla foot. Ernest Phillips, a farmer, got hla hand caught while fixing the concave of a thresher and tore out quite a piece of flesh. Carl Schneider, sa loon keeper, mashed one of hla Angers, tearing " the skin off nearly the entire length. Hundreds at Woodmen Ptenle. 8BWARD. Neb., Aug. 22. (Special.) The picnic of the Modern Woodmen of America yesterday was a great success and nearly 6.000 people attended. Tho Bur ltngton excursion from Beatrice and Lin coln brought In twenty-alx coachloads, one coach from David City and one from York and the rain the day before making It too wet for farmers to work, everybody around here turned out to enjoy the day. Oonfeience Delegate Gather. NELSON. Neb., Aug. 22. (Special.) Tha Ministerial rssoelatlon of the Platta river conference of the Evangelical church and the conference branch cf the Women's Mis sionary aoclety, also the conference branch of the Young People's allance, held their conventions here this week, closing last night. The metlngs were full of Interest. The attendance was about US. Traflte Poor for Grant Shipper. GRANT. Neb.. Aug. 22. (Special Tele gram.) Nearly $12,000 have bees paid out here for cattle during the past week. Ship pers have ccns'derable trouble getting their stock out over the high line on account of trains running only once every day and these often twelve hours late. Five cara of cattle welted eleven hours for a train east today. Dies from Heat. KEARNEY. Neb., Aug. 22. (Special Tele gram. V Daniel Cooney of this city died Thursday morning from becoming over heated la the hay field. He was a member of the Dunkard fraternity and waa burled from that church Friday afternoon at o'clock. He was 45 years aid and leavea a wife and five children. Ship Swine to Iowa Fair. FAIRFIELD. Neb.. Aug. 22. (Special.) George Bricgs ft Bon shipped today to the Iowa state fair thirty-five head of the finest Duroc-Jersey show swlna that aver left Clay county. They will ba on exhlbl tloa also at tha Nebraska atata fair. Tba Fairfield Normal college will cpen Tues day, September 2. Deatrnetlv Work at l.tarht atear. OSCEOLA. Neb., Aug. 22. (Special.) During a heavy thunderstorm In Hack berry precinct lightning atruck tha bara of Jacob Deeds and the structure and con tents were consumed. Tha Insurance, $700, trill but partly covtr tha loss. r v . SURVEY AMERICAN LABOR British Trade Commission Probes Conditions in Iran aid 8teel Indastrias. DEVELOPMENT DUE TO PERSISTENCY America a Workman Aspire to Illaher Grade of Labor and I Better Fnld Than Briton Worker. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Aug. 22. (Special.) Labor conditions in the Iron and steel In dustries of the United States, In contrast with those In the I'nlted Kingdom and Eu ropean countries generally, are discussed at great length by the commission appointed by the Brttlah Iron Trade association, which recently visited the United States ana thoroughly studied Its great iron and steel manufacturing establishments. This commission consisted of J. 8. Jeans, whose name Is already well known to the people of the United Stales as an authority upon these subjects; Axel Sahlln, an expert In blast furnace work; Ebenezer Parkea, whose special study wss sheet and tar-m'li practice, and Enoc James, who gave special attention to the steel Industry, while Mr. Jeans' special work wss to report upon th general economic and Industrial conditions. The report of this commission, according to some extracts which have reached the treasury bureau of statistics, points out that In the United States the Iron and steel Industries are face to face with conditions that make both the dearest and cheapest labor at present to be found In the world the dearest In point of nominal remunera tion and the cheapest in Industrial and eco nomic results. "The workmen at American mills," saya Mr. James in his share of the report, "are generally supposed to be working much harder than they do In this country (Eng land), but this Is not my own view. After much conversation with many men In vari ous branches who had been employed in lmllar works in England, and some of them subject to my own control, the con tusion I have arrived at Is that the American workmen do not work so hard as the men In England. They have to be ttentlve In guiding operations and quick In manipulating levers and similarly easy work. They are also much more desirous of getting out larger quantities than in England. They are better paid and more regular In their attendance at the works, loss of time through drinking bablta or otherwise not being tolerated." Ame -lean Workman Ambitious. Mr. Sahlln In his aectlon of the report aays that tha American workman generally spires to the higher grades of labor, leav ing the purely manual labor to workmen from other countries. "Thus It Is," he says. that around American blast furnaces the American Is found In a vory decided minor ity. Ha may be a foreman, master me chanic, blast engineer, locomotive driver or tova tender, but he will not work eighty- four bours per week shoveling ore or wheel- g scrip. For these duties ara employed Is tba south the negroes and at tho northern furnaces Immigrants, mostly Irish, Slavs or Itallaca." , ' On this question of higher grade work and higher grade wages of American workmen attention la called to the fact that in cer tain works Polish and Hungarian laborers were receiving $1 to $1.60 per day, while American rollers working alongside of them were receiving on tha average $12 per day of eight hours. The report quotea Mr. Carnegie aa stat- ng recently that the aversio -wages of men in his employment at Homestead was $3 per day, or an average of 187 'per annum, against an average of 68 per annum as the. earnings of Iron and steel workers In Lancashire and 79 per annum received by the steel rollers In South Walea. On tha question of cost of living .Mr. Joans de clares, aa tha result of his Inquiries, that 'the average American workman, in most of the essentials of life, can live, mutatis mutandis, as cheaply aa he can In tha old country." Human Factor Paramount. "The Importance of tha human factor," says the London Statist In summarising this report, "Is fully realized by all the membera of the commission. It Is all very well to admire American plants, the In genuity of machine tools, the devices for saving labor and ao forth. But, as Mr. Sahlln remarka In his special report, 'It Is not the guns which win the battle, but tha men who atand behind them.' What the American admires and honors Is the ability to do; that capacity in a man, through bis own sagacity, nerve, enterprise and skill to create and employ a fortune. Nobody la above hla work. Everybody works, and for the sake of work, and thus has been pro duced In America within a generation an industrial potentiality more wonderful and mora to be feared than all the factories and machinery and "plants' that theaa worker have created. 'It cornea to thla, then, that American labor la not more efficient, though it la better paid, than ours, and that American manufacturing development Is due to tha persistent, unresting industry which onca characterised the Briton, but for which trade unionism and athletics have given an apparently growing distaste. "All the reporters, however, seem struck with the strenuoueness of American life. Tha comparative absence of a leisured class la toted as one of the prominent char acterlstlcs of the principal cities and in dustrial centers of the United States. In the avenue of Industry a man without a regular business, or who Is not concerned In the development of some Industry,. 1 as a nsn out of water. Nowhere, we are assured, la the struggling youth more kindly encouraged, more generously aided and more readily trusted than In America, and It la pleasant to read of an esprit du corps among worka managers which one would hardly expect to find In a land of such feverish competition." ENDS LIFE BY STRANGULATION Falrhary Hotel Proprietor Arrested an Wife's Complaint Commit Salelde la a tell. FAIRBURT. Neb.. Aug. 22. (Special Tel egram.) Oeorge Busboom. landlord of the Farmera' hotel, committed suicide laat night In tha county Jail by hanging In his coll with a strip from a blanket. Busboom was arrested Tuesday on a peace warrant sworn out by his wife, but waa released at her request on promise to leave the city, He did not do ao, but yesterday morning went to the houae, making more trouble. He waa again contaed In the Jail and at o'clock locked in a cell, wbera ha waa found this morning, having used a atrip torn from a blanket, tying ona end to an upper bunk and the other end around his neck. Ha then leaned over the side of the bunk until be strangled to death. Ha leavea a wife aad four children and carries $1,000 Insurance In tha Maccabees. BEATRICE, Neb., Aug. 12. (Special.) The annual picnic of tha p'oneera of Gage CwUut7 Will b bold &3 tu CLuUtu4ua (rounds September 11. Pleneor' Plenle Bad. HUMBOLDT. Neb.. Aug. 22. (Special. Tba old aattlera closed their two days' plenle yesterday a!tersooa at Retbanbar AT THE NATIONAL WHITE HOUSE A VETERAN USHER USES PE-RU-NA, Thirty-six years in the White House la the record of Thomas F. Pendel. an usher, who was appointed November $, 1864, by President Lincoln. He la the oldest em ploye at the White House, and Is the only survivor of the force on duty at tha Execu tive Mansion during the Lincoln Adminis tration. He Is still hale and hearty aa the day he entered the service, although ha la seventr-s's years of age. Although thla Interesting old gentleman has found small need of medicine during hla life, he has tested the virtue of the world famous catarrh remedy Peruna. In a recent letter he saya: 'I can conscientiously recom mend Peruna to ttnvone suffering from stomach trouble in any form, especially in catarrhal trouble of the stomach II I OS. F, PENDEL. Every human organ la subject to ca tarrh so Dr. Hartman says In a recent lecture at The Hartman Sanitarium. No part or organ of the human body Is secure from catarrh. Catarrh goes everywhere, stops nowhere. It spreads and spread and, It not cured, pervades the whole bedy. It never stops when once it gets started, unless cured. Below Is given a list of the organs most commonly affected by catarrh, with the most prominent symptoms caused by It. Catarrh of the head and frontal sinus, headache; catarrh of the eyes, watery eyes; catarrh of the nose, discharges and scabs; catarrh of the throat, hawking and painful swallowing; catarrh of the larynx, hoarseness; catarrh of the stomach, dys pepsia; catarrh of the bronchial tubes, cough and soreness; catarrh of the lungs, consumption; catarrh of tha liver, bllllous ness; catarrh of the duodenum, wasting; catarrh of the small Intestines, diarrhoea; catarrh of the kidneys, Brlght'a disease; catarrh of the bladder, smarting and acald- ger's grove with a crowd of nearly 1,000 people present. The audience listened to literary and musical program and a speech by Hon. 8. P. Davidson of Tecum sh; also a lecture on "Taxidermy" by F. Frits of Brownvllle. Thla was followed by an enthusiastic experience meeting mong the pioneers, who hail this Important event with Joy each year. CLOSE OF FRANKLIN REUNION arse Crowd and Favorable Weather Uave Made It a Great Success, FRANKLIN, Neb., Aug. 22. (Special Tel egram.) Today Is the last- of any Impor tance of the thirteenth annual session of the Kansas and Nebraska Interstata Orand Army of the Republic reunion. Tba weather during the week has been perfect and the attendance has been large, yesterday being the largest. It Is estimated there were 6,000 present. Captain C. E. Adams of Su perior, past commander, waa one of tha principal speakers today. He aaya tha grounds are the most beautiful and the most suitable for a reunion that he has aver aeen. He complimented the management on the eminent success of the reunion and wrote resolutions of praise which were en thusiastically endorsed by tha large as sembly. The prevailing aentlment of the old soldiers and other visitors Is that thla has been the cleanest reunion aver at tended. The program today waa carried out In every respect. The base ball game between HUdreth and Franklin waa very exciting and the beat game of the aeries. Franklin winning by score of t to 8. The pitching of Rob inson of tha Franklin club was the prin cipal feature of the game. He struck out fifteen men. Franklin did not lose a game during the reunion. The Hlldreth band fur nished soma excellent music. Republican Senatorial Convention. TRENTON, Neb., Aug. 22. (8peclal Tele gram.) The republican senatorial conven tion of th: district is called to meet at McCook September 10, to place in nomina tion a candidate for state senator. Fifty- five delegates ara entitled to aeata In tha convention. Teh adjourned meeting of tha representative convention meats at Cul- bertson August 29. The call has not been Issued for the fusion senatorial convention. Large Store for flatten. SUTTON, Neb., Aug. 22. (Special.) Sut ton has aecured a very large department store, to be operated by a Chicago stock company. It will be managed by two for mer managers of the Fair and Boston 8tore of Chicago, who will conduct tha business on the same lines aa the great stores of Chicago. It will occupy tha entire Wit tenberg block of three floors, making 20, 000 feet of space. Catholic Dedicate Chnrch. WEST POINT, Neb., Aug. 22. (Special.) The Catholle church at Aloys, a village ten miles west of this city, waa dedicated Sunday in the presence of a large congre gation. Dean Joseph Rueslng performed the dedicatory rites, assisted by six of tha neighboring clergymen. The Beverage of Health No temperance drink hai won rmch universal popularity as a thirst quencher and blood purifier as Rose's Lime Juice The product of the choicest West Indian Lime Fruit. It ii always Delicious Wholosomo Refreshing Ask your grocer or drupf gist for it and insist on having Ing; ca tarrh of tho pelvlo o r g a n a, urinary and female difficulties. Peruna cures catarrh wherever located. Peruna is a systemic medicine, and does not depend upon local application for a cure. Peruna curea per manently. It gradually eliminates the dlseaaa from tha system and removea the symptoms by removing the causa of the disease. Every ona having any of tha above symp toms should take a thorough course of Po runa. Dr. Hartman'a latest book on chronlo catarrh la a 64-page book In Low f " " MAI vwniifc nuuot uantKAy X.. aTUn.n 1 Aft B-C m "a w v - b -. r 7 to CALIFORNIA, OREGON, and other Western Btate. Every day during tba months' of Septem ber and October, 1902, tha Union Paetfle will sell One-Way Settlers' Tlcketa at tba following rates: i ' ... . . VclV From Mlssowrl Riven 30.OO Ogden and Salt Lake. ' 820.00 Butte and Helena. V2S.SO Spokane. iio.OO Portland and Ashland. Ban Francisco, Loa ana many oiner Correspondingly lermoaiata City Ticket Offloe, U24 Farnam St. TaL 111 If You Want the Best la looking at offloea la different buildings, tba greatest praise tba ewaar o rental agent caa give an offloe la to aay that It la "aa good aa ha office In Tba Baa Building.". It may ba in some respects, but It can not ba la every respaeL '' Tha Bee Building la one of tha only two absolutely fireproof office building la Omaha. Tba Be Building la tba only building having all night and air day Sunday elevator service. Tha Bea Building furs i nee aleetrlo light and water without ad dltlonal coat. Tba Bee Building la kept a lean, not aome ut tba time, but all af tba time. , - . Keep theaa points In mind when looklag for aa offlo. and yea will take one of those listed below. If you are wise. List of vacant rooms in The Bee Ground ROOM Hi Uxtt feet. Faoaa Seventeenth alley. This is a large, light room, ngnu water ana janitor service, building Court and Seventeenth FirstFloor. 111TB 101 1 There la no liner office suite just on ins rignt nana oi me great large winaows tooKing upon we iront entrance way oi tne ouuawig. fronts on Farnam street. One room is 17xl and ths other exit. It n burglar-proof vault, marble mantel ireacoea 10 sun lenani ROOM luai This room la Just at tha bead of the main stairway on tha first floor. It would be a very desirable ottic for soma real estate man or con tractor. Tba door space ia lixlM feet Price t3 Third ttOOaf SO0; Thla room la tlx! feet and elevator. algn on th door can valor pvva otto. I tilm room w iiiu icei ana Tola room la Daruculariy adapted auacs and 1 a decidedly bandaome court and wlndowa loo ulna out large burglar-proof vault, bard wood floor and U ooe of the eboloeat offi ces In lb building Price CM Of Fourth Floor. 1 aiOOM 401: lixU feet. Thla room la next to tba elevator and faaea court. It baa a large burglar-proof vault aad la well ventilated. Haa good light, and for tba price furnishes first-class accommodation Price Fifth mm aid: Thl l a vary large room, 1 ixU feet. It faces wsat, but la very light and well ventilated. It la ver r seldom that apae of tbls sla la of fered in The Bee Building. It coul d ba used to advantage by some firm employing a large number of eler ks, or requiring large floor space a, : -wholesale jeweler, or manufacturer a agent, who would like to be In a n reproof building, or it will be dlv lded to ault tba tenant Price ROOM B2l: This room faoee th court and la 11x14 feet. It baa a burglar-proof vault, and as it Is not r the tel.gra pb offloe and oa the same floor with a -number of grain firms. It would be a particular good room for a grata firm desiring first-class accommodation .........Prise $ arrs sixin fClTB aiO: Thla eonalita of two room, lars. buralar-proof vault, have been where any or proi imi tb two R. C. PETERS a CO., i Cental Arentf. structive ly illus trated. It la now being a a n t ' free by Tba Peruna Medi cine Co.. Co." lumbus, O. It you do hot de rive prompt and sat isfactory results from tha usa of Peruna, write at onoe to Dr. Hartman, giving a full atatamant of your case, and he will be pleased to give you bla valuable advlca gratia. Addreaa Dr. Hartman, President of Tha Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. Rates WASHINGTON i Angeles, San Dlere cailiorma points. low rates from In- points. Buildin Floor. x - Rental Per Month, tAfl Ih. 1 atreet and haa wlndowa and tha rental price Inoludea beat. VWMB ' " it haa an entrance both on The Bee street Price 4a.0 In Omaha than this ona. It la located maroi stairway, and Ba unusually It - piece, hardwood floor., and will be it. Price I7L.0I Floor. la very conveniently located near tba b readily aeen la etepplig off the el- irlce Wat w ui d uiriu.a rid.d to suit tba tenant concern needing Urge fivor ' vlng aa entrance faoing tba , for some office, havina uoon Seventeenth atreet. It haa a verr Floor. now. both '.xllH. Each el them baa a newly decorated and are rooms c&r. ba ssmfcrtbla. Prise fcr M tJ.l Ground Floor, Bee Building 1 I $i I ft Mf W. A, WEIXt, Sollcltes, M Broadway, Ceaaall Clan's, law.