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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1902)
ENGAGEMENT IS IMMINENT Pfndin5 oqaadren ia Mock War Thiols Enemy Bear. WILD SEA COMPLICATES CONDITIONS Flagship's Laaaeaea Rata .Dlmealty la Maklaa La ad I a Crate Ar (111 tCaJoylagj ttrtiaa( Ei Isteae "latnt feaal Day. ROCKPORT, Mati., Aug. il Commander lllsbury and hit fleet 'of three auxllllary rulsrs arc ati:i at sea. .Unlets the .com Bandar of tbe white squadron makes an ef fort to reach a harbor within alxtjr houra Urom midnight hla efforts in th war game will bare failed, for theoretically It will be sonsldered that hla ship" lave sunk. or be baa found that tbe bTockade established by Admiral Hlgglnson from Portland to Cape Dod cannot be broken. It la only fair to aay that naval experta believe' that Admiral Htgglnton't defenae ia food. . Everything today certainly favored an attack by the enemy, but no scout cf the bine tquadron reported signs of Commander Plllsbuty's fleet. Fog and. atorm twept tHe oast during the afternoon and though for a a-hlle tonight' the tkywaa clear, hate con llnued on tbe water. . ,. .' ' ''.'' Admiral, Hlgglnson three battleahips ware, at a late Jour. still, at anchor off Thatcher's Island,' and' with 'them two tor pedo boats,. but there waa" a 'nasty see run alng. At midnight th flagahlp'a launches found difficult work, Jo making landing and Incoming craft resortta" a wild aea outalde. On tba battleships tbe-rncn are wide awake, a everyone tpcta t get word of tbe en my before daylight. . ' ' ". . Pat la , "Try-la Day,. ROCKPORT, Mass. Aug. II The con trast In tba conditions prevailing eft shore thla morning and thus of yeaterday were meat marked and? these participating cr watching tbe war ' maneuvera of the navy early today found things favorable to the fleet under. .Commander John E. Plllabury. Thle-.-uornlng a fog so thick that the-water of .the harbor could not be seen from, naval headquarter shrouded Cape Ann and the adjacent oeean. Yesterday, for miles, In tba bright,, clear atmosphere, object at aea could, elearly be seen. When the sun came up today the atmos phere was al oiear as t rould be and extended observation were made from all signal and lookout statlone. ' It was not long after sunrise that the fog set In. It was a dense eloud and at first Impenetrable to the eye, beyond tent or a dosen ' feet:1' 'Just before O'clock there were Indication-that the sun was burning through the mist on shore. Asiae from'ihe faerthat Kearsarge, at least, waa still at anchor off this place, lit tle waa actually known her aa to tba potl tlona of the various ahlps of Admiral Hlg glnaon'a squadron. Scouts had ' been ' re ported oft Portland. Tbe cruiser Brooklyn skirted the end of Cape Cod early In th forenoon and went aeross to Plymouth. said to be well guafded, and aa tbe naval experts her felt reasonably aura that Ala bama and Maasaebuaetts were with Kesr- aarge off Btraltsmeuth Point, th center waa thought to be sat. Uaktat Utf Established. The station, keepera her have been, ad visited tha the .lookout Una las been ex (ended to ,$4Ukaty head, on Nantucket, wner in ivirejes telegraph atation la lo cated. FWbV there all Incoming veasels will be queried aa to whether or not they tave aeea 'any '(if Commander, Plllsbury's snips, ana in Results of these inveatig tlons will be signaled to th acout boata or tbe land atation . ', , By 11 o'clock the. fog had lifted and the battleships were see 4a their usual posi tions. Observation 'la .tha dlatance, bow ever, was Impossible -awing to a bat which bung low Over th jeMer, All th signal and lookout station, .reported during th forenoon, showing that th message system was Intact- All th scout boats were beard irom Before 11 o'clock cither at the- atation her or board Kearsarge. It la learned that th rules of th maneu vera In which ib vessels ar engaged per mit th destruction of th ships ot th op posing squadron, and It appears that tha rear ibat PtlUbury wsy dash in and "disable- one ot th vessels is on reason why the defending fleet Is kept so compact by amirai iigginacnv. Oat' Hear tba riaaahla. Oa board tbs flagship Kearsarge, Friday, Aug. IX, 1 a, m.i-Admlral Hlgglnson haa hla ehre battlashlp at eochot In tbe tame positions . that, , they occupied at aundowa last DlgbCcVVItA steam up they ar ready to start Jor, any pviot at th slightest warn ing. . :-, '. s , . . Th hlek fog obscured tha vision ot th lookouts on the ships early this forenoon and . more 'uncertainty waa apparent on board than has been seen at any previous time slnoe th maneuvera began, aa It was th opinion that It waa an opportune time for Commander Plllabury and hla fleet to make a dash under cover ot the fog and land at soma convenient point during th clear weather, i -, Th condition were fully discussed on board and It vat learned that Commander Plllsbury's authority enabled htm to lake possession ot certain steam craft, auch aa a tug or a yacht that cam In hla way, to be used, in connection with hla plan of at , tack, a I figured that It he should do so he might place aboard auch a eraft. a fore from oae .of, hi ships and under this dls guise lend them near some llghthous or algnal station used by the defenders and thereby interrupt the system of communi cation maintained by Admiral Hlgglnson and causa anfamunt of trouble. " Matte aa ay War Basle. Hatter certainly ar oa a war baals' oa thv defending fleet. (TeatrdaV afternoon trill waa dispensed f(wlth and 'officers and msa alike atered wp plenty of good aleep la anticipation of tha enemy being located during th sight. Th watch slspt on deck prepared for Inataat call. One during, th aright there was an ex citing moment. At 11 o'clock a flash algnal came tram shore. When th meat age was caraple'td there waa a tumult, for It atated that th enemy was entering Salem harbor. An Instant later, however, th message waa nmendedU having been discovered that the fleet Included a three-masted schooner, a 'acht and a aooutlng torpedo boat. On other eaua tor alarm ram in th prolonged abaence' t oae of the torpedo boats, ahlch waa not reported within rea sonable time. Later, however, the missing Vett waa located. SALEM. Mass., Aug. 21 The torpedo What arc Humors? The are vttlatod or morbid fluldt codr Ing tha veins tud affecting tbe Ussuea, They ar cuismoniv due to defective dlgea tloo hut ar sometimes Inherited. Uow do they tuaolfest themselves t . Ia many tortus cf cataneoua eruption, rheum or acsama, pimple and boUa, -4 im lcor, ?e??al -bllty. Row ar they expelled f By Hood's Sarsaparllla which also builds op tha system that haa suffered from tbem. It 1 th best mollis for Q baiaota. boaU Bagley and Blddl of Admiral Hlg glnson's squadron put In her early today for fuel, after which they left to resume patrol duty. The torpedo boat Barney was also sighted cruising outs'de the harbor and It waa expected that It would put In for coal later In the day. Owing to th scarcity Ot feel considerable difficulty waa experi enced in procuring a aupply for tbn torpedo boata. FORTS TO BAR REPORTERS Soldiers Movemeata to Be Seeretlv Darlaat Coaalaat.: Army aaai 4 Ravy Deoactnatratloa. "WASHINGTON, "au. !. Th reneral plan ot the joint "briny -and navy maneu vera.. which are t i t0fftn Aniift en agreed to by Major1 General Mae Arthur and Hear' -Admiral Hlggmaott, the respective corrtrtfnders of the land, and aea forces, at their recent Newoart eonferene. hv reached Washington) and the Instructions cnicn .win be issued by tbe two branches f the Service to the oobonenta In th wr game -will-be prepared here. These In structions will be tt the aame character aa those which wer Issued to the com mandert of th Whit and Blue squadrons. wnicn now are.vieing with each other off the New Eneland noaat. Iiar whan t.- joint . maneuvera ."begin, tba character of the problem ai worked out . by th war board, together with the Instructions and the rules governing tha. contest, will hm made public. , Theartlllerv conananlra mlnUnnA . h. defenaea of Insr Tslanil'an in K- opportunity to brush up on' their marka- maBanip ;usi neior tne naval attack et the North Atlantic squadron under Rear Admiral Hlgglpson begtna. During the In terval between August 25, the closing day oi tne national- search problem which la now In progress, and Remember V ih.. the maneuvera ar scheduled to begin, ex tensive target practice will be Indulged In at th detenae named and alao at tha other rorts along the New England Coast. The principal feature .of the. practice at the Long Island forta will be firing at moving targeta, ' proficiency In which Is particu larly needful In view of tha impending at tack of tbe war vessels. The tsrgeU are rigged In various ways, tome of them being fashioned to repreeent aTwarwhlp. They are to be drawn past tha forts by small tugs. A number of the ordnance officers on duty at tbe War department left Wash ington tonight to b present at the target work and General Crotler,. chief ordnance officer, who Is a member at nnr.i m. Arthur's staff., la expected to view th wora at tne several forta- NEW York.. .Aug. ....-Relative to th coming army and Jiavy . maneuvera tha Tribune will say tomorrow oa the authority of an interview with General MacArthurr General MacArthur haa prepared a list of rules, which, with various other data, I now la tha handa ot the acting secre tary ot war and will presently be published. The army feels naturally handicapped In Ita position with refereno to the maneu vers. A fleet of dispatch boats, operated by newspapera...wiU follow th fleet; each movement of the-;Mg ships will b re corded ' mrA tha iA...t.i- . ......., - -l"U UCfRI ItUtUl will loe no opportunity of reproducing the fleet. ; ' . Newspaper men ar 'to h excluded from th forta, not because -of any rule, but In accordance with theVstandlng rulea of th army. Th stories of the Correspond nu, if they are admitted. to the forta, would not merely be ot value to th Bubllc, but they would be of Inestimable importance to foreign oountrleei- Therefore, the share of th army, in -th affair-mutt b viewed from a diatanc. h ''ia Major General MacArthur start 'for tha soeae f (he operations; ha Monday. HI headquarters will not, however, be on ahort. He will us tug Kanawha, almost entirely, passing from on fort to another along th so and observing th situation. Hla baals of observation will be FUhera Island, on which Fort H. a. Wrlvhti thaa mrvatf a. I a of th work guarding th entrance to th .uuiiu, ia auuaiea. "From our point ilf vUw," said tha gen eral to a Tribune reporter, "th value of th anair lies-in th preparatlona we hav mad. W' hav put these fort in a perfeot atate or preparation. There will be little of a spectaoular nature on our aide. In fact, tbe reiult of various problems to ha worked out will not b known until Inn ftr tt. n. ration haa taken nlaca. Durine th. m.n. euvers I shall Issue bulletins from tim to urn rrom my neadauartart a K.nawh. uiuu(u my aiaa omcer. Major General MacAr,thUr wiij confer with the acting aecretary of war within a day or two w aeiu in nnal Oetalla of tha turn preparatory, to starting fop tba Held. aa Ka Car, If Par- . ' ' Tour druggist- -wHl retnnd your money If Mia uintmsnt rails to eura Ringworm, Tetter. Old Ulcers and Bores. Ptitinl.a oiacineana on in tac. ana all skin "dls eases, 60 tents. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Prababla Ikawsrs tatardar. with farlabl Wlada I Praapet for Nebraska. WASHINGTON. Aug. M Fopecaa't: For Nebraska and Kanua Pr-hM showers Saturday; variable winds. . ror Iowa Partly cloudy Saturday, with peestDiy ehowers in south and west por tions; variable winda. For Missouri Partlv cloudv Saturda with occasional ahowers; variable winds. ror south Dakota Partlv cloudv day, with probably showers; wsrmer In oonocast poruon tonight; varlabl winds. Laoal Record. OFirifK Da THH wviTun nTTBti'i,, OMAHA. Aug. a2.-Offlclal record o? tern-' peratur and precipitation compared with th corresponding day of the last three years: .. IQfl. 1om 1 r n. . W. Maximum temperatur...V so , si KS M Minimum tempsrature.... dl 88 TO 7u feiAn t.mD.r&tiir. . - &a -a Prevlpltailon U .Ou .04 .til Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha. Neb., tor thla day and since nl.rf-n K. 1WJ!!' Normal temperature .;.,.,... 71 Excess for the day...... 1 Total exceea slnoe March l.............. 1(T7 Normal precipitation .10 Inch Tnfal rainfall aln,. Mirr-H w.. - - - - - - . ....w.w iiiunoa IVfli'leiicy since March 1.". ;.. I.r7 Inchia Deiicidm-y lor cor, period lonj..., T.ji7incha Deflclency for cor. period 19O0.... 1.47 inch Ueyvrte lraa tlatleaa ai f sa a. r?3 3!i' as I pi! I 111 CONDITION OF THB WKATHR. Omaha, cloudy. Valentine, cloudy.... 75! KOI 1 1 1 Worth Halt a. Hart cloudv.. if ' jo 11 l Mi Ch-nne, part,n,.. Bait Ike City, cler....... Itapld City, clear Huron, raining Wlillaton. Clear S 74 as 7 Chicago, clear Bt. iul. clar,.. Bt. Paul, part cloudy... fk.ynnarr. rU , K ansae City,' clear..'.!.''.'" Havre, clear Helena, clear 71 Ti 7u "T . 74 ...... so Hlamarck, cloudy..... 7H Oalvealoo, clear... 'Ml liS T iudlcale trace f precipitation. K A. tt 9H. Local orstaat omoUL THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, DECLARE TRUSTS A MENACE After a Warm Debate Traaimisaittippi OangTasa IdopU Rolatiein. ONLY ; TWENTY NEGATIVE VOTES CAST Dalakie of Besaloa Devoted to Adoa tlea of Vote of Thaaka for Coartealea aad to th - ' " rioslasr Beatlae. ST. PAUL, Aug. 12. Although yester day' discussion ot the trust question and the later action of the resolutions commit tee in lamorinar the matt.r hart h..n - garded at the end of consideration of that prooiem Deiore ine rranamississippi com mercial congress, such proved not to be the esse. When the congress wis called to order today for the closing session, J. A. Gard ner ot St.' Louis secured the floor and moved th adoption of resolutions which he nresented. Thr. aliirhti. riirr.r.A the Wetmor resolutions iffered early !n th session and precipitated another lively debate. The point of dlsouaalon waa more whether th proposition would b looked upon aa partisan action by th congress than on the merits ot the esse. Little ot Importance had been left over for thla closing session, so the attendance was small, but th warmth ot th debate mad up for that. A vote was finally reached before 11 o'clock, and by a vot of 190 to SO th resolutions were adopted aa follows: Whereas, The trust system has been an.i a menace to republican Institutions, and, Wneret, If allowed to form combinations In restraint of trade and the elimination of competition the wealth of the entire country will b concentrated in the hands of a few, and, Whereae. The said combinations are cal culated to. destroy the hope and ambition or the youth of the country, it belnsr well understood that the ambition and hope of the young men of this nation have made It great; therefore, be It Resolved, ny this congress, that the president of the United States be respect fully urged to use all the power vested In his office to the end ihat the growing power snd the Influence of the trusts may be destroyed and be it further Resolved. That If In the wisdom of the national congress the laws now on the statute books are Insufficient to suppress this growing evil, that other more etrln gent and efficient lawa be speedily enacted. Th balance of th aession was devoted to the adoption ot votes- ot tbanka for courtesies and to closing routine. ROOSEVELT ON WARS . , (Continued from First Page.) deal with hU own home relations, and yet muaf In addition to that be a good clttten IAhe. ,tate " lare- 80 a nation must first take care to do well Its duties within Its own bo-ders, but must not make of .ii tjcMB ior laiung to ao tnose of Its i f." performance of which lies with- ,.. Review Foreign Affairs. President Roosevelt then continued aa fM lows: , .. Thev event of the last fow yeaM have forced the American republic to take a larger position In the world then ever be- r Vs aa a rkil MAAahAaA - - -- --,L4 "-'urB mora man ever oerore ,0 poncern h.i-eelf with questions of policy ""j-" "'ii "cr inieresis Deyono ner own borders. As a people we now have duties .nH rn,w....ll.- i -w- - i . . vKru.,Ui,jUB in iiio iropio seas ana it" 5 "Lutn of u s well as in this of iai iihtbi mi, ana mucn aepenas upon jne way in which we meet these -duttVs, the way in which we take advantage of these opportunities. f From the days of Monroe, Clay and the younger. Adams we,, a a people, have al- , - .. ... ...... ihlci r. ii pi) ii i west Indies and the isthmus connecting the two "" itciiin inai. anyining nappenmg in those regions must be of concern to our welfare.- There In now ampler reason than ever before for this feeling. The outcome of the Spanish war put us in possession of Porto Rico and brought u peculiarly In touch with Cuba, while the successful negotiation of the Hay-Pauncefote treaty -- - v.c.c.. wax ir ma construe- V . I01UI1I1AIJ vauill. Porto Rico tbe Example. Porto Rico, It Is a pleasure to ssy; may now serve as Sn examnla nf th. methods of administering our Insular pos sessions. So excellent have been the effects of our administration and l.alaiatinn n- cernlng this island that their very excel- una resulted in meir Being almost forgotten by those at hnm. Th.r. i. hardly a ripple of failure- on the stream of our success ana so. ss is spt to be our way, we do not think of It at all. Y. it la w.i worth while to think of It and it Is pleasant to learn by an experience which teaches us what to follow Instead of what to avoid. First and foremost In Porto Rico, we have consistently striven to get the very best nun iu auinuuaicr me anairs or tne Island. It is desirsble throua-haut our 'tinhllo Ice to secure a high standard of efficiency and integrity, but after all, her at home, we always have In our own hands the remedy for any failure tu provide such Sualltles. In a far-off island things are lfferent. There, wrong doing Is more easy .nu inuis wno auner irom 11 are more help less f while there is less efficient check In the way of that public opinion to which puuuo men ar sensitive. Reqalrenaeats Ar Great. In conaeauence. th. nlmlnliintinn r,t thee Islands Is, beyond all other kinds of anminiairauon in our country, tha one In which tha highest standard must be de manded. In making appointments to tho Insular service it Is necessary to disregard any question' of mere party expediency and to look at the matter solely from the standpoint or tne nonor of our own nation and the welfare of the Island Itself. This haa been tha atandnnlnt aith.r.4 tn In selecting the men who represent our government in Porto Rico; governor, treas urer, attorney g.neral. Judges, superintend ent of education every one. In cone quence. all Americana should feel a real pride in the way In which thlr compatriots who are responsible for the government of the Island have administered It. Moreover, In ahaping the government of tne isiaiin we nave acten with sense st well as with good faith. V' have not been frightened or misled Into giving the people of rhe island a form of government un suitable for them, and while providing thst they should govern themselves so far as possible, we have not hesitated In thetr own Interest to keep th power of shaping their destiny. Record la Caba. In Cuba th problem was larger, more complicated and more difficult. Iter again w kept our promise absolutely. After having delivered the Island from Ita op pressors we refused to turn It loose, off hand, with the certainty that It would alnk Into chaos and savaa-ery. For over three years w administered It on a plane higher than It bad ever reached during the four centuries sine the Spanlarda first landed on its shores. W brought moral and physical cleanliness Into the government; vve stamped out yellow fever in ltaelf an Inestimable service both to the Cuban peo ple and to the people of our own southern states; we established a school svstem; we made life and property secure, ao that in dustry could again begin to thrive; then wiicn we naa laiu aeeo ana Droaa the foundations unon which "civil llberiv mnA national Independence must rest, we turned the Island over to the hands of those whom the people had chosen aa the founders of the new republic. ' le Peeallarly Related. It Is a renubllo with which our own areat republic must ever be closely knit by the ties of common Interette and common as pirations. Cuba muat alwaya be peculiarly related to us in international politic. Una must, In International affairs, be to a de- free a pari, of our political system; In re urn she must have peculiar relations with us economically. 8he must be, In a sense, part t our economic system. We expect her to accept a political altitude toward ua which we think wisest both fur her and us. in return we must be prepared to put her In an economic position as regards our tariff system which will give her some measure of the prosV.:r!tr whlcH we enjoy. We cannot. In my judgment, avoid taking thla attitude if we are to persevere in the course which we have outlined for our. selves as a nation during the last four years, and. therefore. I believe that It is only a matter ot time, and 1 trust only a matter of a very ahort time, before we enter Into reciprocal trade relations with Cuba. t'sseerslsg the Canal. The Isthmian canal represents what la probably to be the greatest engineering '-ine greatest iaat or tne kind t the twentieth century. Hefure w. atari mw.n th cuuauucUua of th tnal, owuUa v.u-, tlons of detail and of our relations with the people owning the soli have to be settled. When this has been done the first question Will come up on choosing the commission which Is to supervise the bullillnn or the canal. Here again we have to rteal With an enterprise ao vast and eo fsf-reachlng In Its effect that but one tnouaht is per missible how to get the very best men In the nation, the men of the highest engineer ing and business and administrative skill, who will consent to undertake the wora. If possible I should like to eee these- men represent different sections and different political psrllea. Hut these questions are secondary. The primary srt must he to get men who. though able to control grester salaries than the nation Is able to pnv. nevertheless possess the patriotism and the heslthy am bition which will make them willing to put their talents at ths government's service. Sansralne of 'Reaalts la Orient. Bo mich for what has been done In the Occident. In the Orient the labor was more difficult. It Is rare Indeed that a great work, a work supremely worth doing, can be done save at the cost not only of labor and toll, but of much puazling worry dur ing the time of - the performance. Nor mally the nation that achieves greatness, like the Individual who achieves -greatness, can do eo only at the cost of anxiety and bewilderment and - heart-wearing effort. Timid people, people scant of faith and hope, and good people who art not accus- lomea o tne rougnneas oi tne ine or er fort, ar almost sure to be disheartened and dismayed by the work and the worry ana overmuch cast down by the shortcom lugs, actual or seeming, which In real lire always accompany th first stages even of eventually turn, out to D in most brilliant victories. All thla In true of What has happened during th last four years In the Philip pine Islands. The Spanish war Itself was an easy task, but it left us certain other tasks which were much more difficult. One of these tasks was that of dealing with th Philippines. The easy thing the thing which appealed not only to laxy and selfish man, but to very many good men whose" thought did not drive them down to the root of things, was to leave Ui ituauus. Some Other Satloa'a Chanee. Had we done this a period of wild chaos would hav supcivened and some stronger jHiwer would have stepped In end seln-d the islands and hav taken up the task which we In such a case would hav flinched from performing. A leas easy but Infinitely more absurd course would have been to leave the Islands Ourselvea and at the anm tlrri. tn aaa.rt that we would not permit anyone else to Interfere with them. This particular course nouia nave combined all the possible flis advantagea of every other course which vls advocated. It would have placed us In a humiliating position, because, when the actual test came -It wnulit hnv. 'r... quite out of the question because -some striking deed of savagery had been com mitted in the Islands to stand by and pre- l.r lo-emry oi civilization into tuem, while the more fact of our having threat ened thus t0 guarantee the local tyrants end wrongdoers against outside interfer ence by ourselvea and others would have pui a premium upon every specie of tji.mijr buu anarcny -witnin tne islands. Success Crowns AH.. Finally ther was the course which w adopted not an easy course, but one """, w:tn aanger ana difficulty, as is genet-ally the case In this world when some i is 10 oo accomplished as an In cident to working ojt national destiny, e rnaun up our minds to stay in the leianas, to put down violence, to establish j.c. .,,u uiuer, ana men to Introduce A Juat and wise civil rule accompanied by a measure of self government which should ircrease as rapidly as the islands showed themselves ready for It. Well, it was a formidable task, but think of the tnarvel- iwollanVd? m Wn'Cl, U it?Lhe ."r ni-Vitally Important feat was the establishment of the supremacy of th SL hK A.merlrin '"" and thl had to be 5 J? ,he enort -of those gallant fellow-y.h7;:"!.5,-iy-:wi,0!n reat a of th. T-niVlV o Vlcer" "na """"'ed men or the Inlted States army, regulars and vo unteera alike. In a sucoesslcTr T of cam. palgna. .carried, on, in unknown tropic Junglea againat an elusive and treacherous foe, vastly Outnumbering them, under the most adverae condltlona of climate, weather ii,. rroopa completely broke I.LPJi Sf ihe "surgents smaahed their armies and harried th broken robber bands Into aubrrrtsslon. Mayi . 'Chastise Mores. J" ! stage the war against our rul sank lnbr, tnere" brlgandag and what ?hl Hi???. h.a?taw i10 to hunt down hi Wl" f T,trtnea. It waa not a task which It waa humanely possible to ' ac Evm.h.n mnth'r a yr, but month inn r?.,i5;e.arAfl.yea wlth "nwearled Int Maolutlon. our army In the E pPine", dld the UBk which . It found, until the last vestige of organised Insur rection was stamped out. I do, not refer , "" wnn wnom we nave exer eiaeu me utmost forbearance, but who 17 i . .lo nastis them If they per. sist In attacking our troops. Among the Fllinlnoa peace haa come. Doubtless hers and there sporadic outbreaks of brigandage will occur from time to time, but organized warfare against the American flag has ceased and there Is no reason to apprehend Us recur rence, pur army In the Philippines has been reduced, until it Is not a fourth of . ?. 'LT'8 at the tlm the outbreak waa at its height. otep.b.y. Bte?,.'1 th armT conquered the rule of the military waa iiinnii.j v... .k. rule of the civil authorities, the soldier uiwon oy i no civilian magistrate, xue utmost car tiaa Mn -.-,.,--. , f hoolnt th,e yP of Americans for eivu poauions. ana the actual " """"iiiairttiion naa Deen anno so i.iuio oy native r uipino officials uuuer ines Americans. Prals for Taft aad Staff. The success of th. airnrt v-H derful. Never has this country had a mora umlaut nur an aoier Doay of publlo repre sentutivee than Oovernor TafF vi. jrv.?.1, Wrl.h "nd tnelr subordlnatea in the Philippine Islands. It Is a difficult matter piaui ceux to appjy ine principles of ar orderly free rovernment in an -k,H-ni. people struggling upward out of barbarism ." "uhjectlon., It is a task requiring infinite nrmnesa. patience, tact, broad mindedness. All this and countless other neueeaiuea nave oeen found in th civil and military officials who hav been sent over to administer the Islands. It was, of course. Inevitable that ther should be occasional failures, but It is astonishing how few theaa hav been Here and there the civil government which had been established In a a-lven rli.rrict k.j to be temporarily withdrawn because of ume uuiuiean, out at iaat, on July 4 Just passed on the one-hundered and twenty- a.u aiiniveraary oi our independence It waa possible at th same time tn n.ri.r. amnesty throuxhout the lslanrla ni Hen. nltely to establish civil rul over- all of tuem, excepting in country of the Mo hammedan Moros, where th condltlona were wnuuy ainereni. Already Freest of Orientals. Each inhabitant of tha Phlllnnln.a la nnw u.i.nmii ma civil ana religious rights, and his rights to life, personal liberty and the pursuit of happiness, subject only to not Infringing on the rights of others. It Is worth noting that already the Philip, pin people have received a area tar ah. e. .... n ....... 1.1. .,..1. M . t of self-government, thst they have mor to aay aa to how they ahall be governed, than is th case with anv other runni. hn In the Orient, which la under foreign rule. Nor Is this all. Congress has. with far seeing wisdom, heartily supported all thst haa been done by the executive. Wise laws for the government of the Philippine have been placed upon tha statute books and under these laws provision is made for the Introduction Into the I'hlilpplnea of raora- aentative government with only the delay absolutely necessary to allow fur th estab lishment of definite peace, for th taking of a census and th settling down of the country. In Filipino's Own Interest. ... . wv piivct uuip in eiiipinos primarily in their own interest and for their very great Denent, and we have acted In a practical fashion, not trying to lay down rule aa to what should be done In the remote and uncertain future, but turning our attention to the instant need of things and meeting that ned In tha fulleat act amplest way. it would be hard to aay whether we owe most to our military or our civil renreaent. stives In the l'hl Ipplnes. Our soldiers have snown spienaia gallantry in the tit Id, and they have don no leaa valuable work la preparing th province for civil govern ment. The civil authorities have shown the utmost wladom In doing a very difficult and very Important work of vast extent. It would be hard to find In modern tlmea a better, example cf constructive states manship. Unjly, In the Philippines, aa In Cuba, th Instances of wrona-dolne among either our civil or military repre sentatives have been astonishingly few and punishment has been meted with even handed Justice to all offenders. fieaents llooe People, Too. Nor should It ha fors-otten that whll. wa ' V thU5 SCt6d In tu Ililvlvat if t the lalandera themselves, we have also helped our own people. Our Interests are as great In th Pacific as in the Atlantic. The wel. far of California, Oregon and Washington is aa vital to the nation as th welfara of New. Kngland. New York and th south Atlantic states. The swakenlna of ths Orient means very much to ail t naUoo ( VUnpUudvro, , AUGUST 23, 1902. commercially no less then politically, and It would be short-sighted statesmanship on our part to refuse to take tho nec-esasry step for securing a proper share to our people of this commercial future. The possession of the Philippines has helped us as the securing of the open door In China haa helped us. Already the gov ernment, has taken the necessary steps to provide for the laying of a Pacific cable which safeguard absolutely the Interest of the American public. Our commerce with the Kast Is growing rapidly. Events have abundantly Justified, alike from the moral and material standpoint, nil that we have done In the far east ss a sequel to our war with Spain. Tonight after hla address at tbe Colt teura th president waa th guest ot Ex ecutive Secretary John T. Robinson on Asylum avenue. " The president Invited Mayor Sullivan to meet him at Mr. Robin son's home. The mayor it in ex-clerk who was elected by the laboring men, a fact that the president waa familiar with, and he ex pressed a desire' to hav a personal chat with Mr. Sullivan. President Roosevelt expressed hit satis faction at the substitution ot drive tor con ventional handshaking. This method ot en tertainment seems to hava given th people the opportunity desired of seeing him. It obvtatea th crush that has been ao ob jectionable In previous receptions. Along; tho Rente. NEW HA VEX, Conn., Aug. 22. President Roosevelt entered upon his New England tour ' today and New Haven waa th first point visited by th natlou's executive. Th yacht Sylph, bearing tha president, waa lighted off. New Haven harbor juat before 1 o'clock.. Half an . hour later the vessel waa lying alongside Belle dock, having mad the run up New Haven harbor to the accompaniment ot universal salutes. Th president acknowledged th salute from th. yacht'a quarter deck. He cam ashore at 1:20 p. m. at a special landing constructed for the occasion. Mayor John P. Studley and a. committee from th board of aldermen greeted tha president and his party and conducted them to th carriages iu waning. Troop A, Connecticut . National Guard, constituted the military escort. The pro gram provided for nothing but a drive and th progress of It took th distinguished visitor through tbe alums, tha factory quar ters and center ot tha city. Th factories and shopa were clomvi and th city wat gaily decorated with flags and bunting. - Tha pretldent'l train left th Belle dock yards promptly at 2:30 p. m. The president stood on the1 rear platform of the train and bowed repeatedly to th throngs. Tha loco motive and factory whistles In the vicinity gounded parting salutes for several minute, i MKRIDEN, Conn.. Aug. 22. The special train bearing President Roosevelt and parly reached here at 8 o'clock. A salute of guns greeted tha president and all th bells In town were rung, whll 20,000 people lined th streets through which th procession ea corting tn distinguished visitor passed. Tbe program included singing by 1,000 school children stationed on tha lawn In front cf tha Methodist church and a greet ing, to tho president by th local veterans ot the Grand Army ot the Republic In front ot the city hall. , , B, W, aievs, Thla name must appear on every boa ot the genuine Laxativ Bromo-Oulnln Tab let, the remedy that cure a cold In on day. 26 cent. NEW FRENCH AMBASSADOR M. Jaaaerand, Minister to Copenhagen, Expected to gocceed Jalea Cam bo n at Washington. PARIS, . Aug. 22. The correspondent of the Associated Press waa Informed that the successor of, Jules Xambon, as French am bassador at . Washington, had not yet been appointed, .but that M. Jutserand, the French minister at Copenhagen, .had been aelected for the poet. M. Jusserand apeak English fluently and ia the author of several English books. His wife, who waa a Miss Richards, Is an Amert can and' haa resided for a long time la Paris. M. Jusserand haa been prominently connected . with the movement for the de velopment ot athletic sports In Franco. It is not true that M. Cambon la going to St. Petersburg aa the successor ot Marquis de Montebello, French ambassador tA TOuaala Tt la M nn mnnA aiitfinnllw that M. Cambon will be appointed French .n,v..p..o. .f ti.rit-M M - i . wv.U, Patenotr. Fatal Qaarrel at av Roaadop. GRAND JUNCTION. Colo.. Aug. 22. Charles Sleber. a wealthy cattleman, and one of th most prominent citizens of this town, who shot and Instantly killed today by Joseph Harris of West Watar at a round-up on th Little Dolores river. Th two men became involved in a dispute as to tne ownership or soma unbranded cat tle and Harris fired three ahota at Sleber, an ot voicn iook enecu Western I'nlon Itanea Brook. NEW TORK. Aug. 22. Belvldere Brooks genersl superintendent of th eastern divi sion or the Western Union Telegraph com pany, has been appointed general superin tendent of th southern division of the same company, in place ot James Merrl- new, to i Rue enect Beptemoer l. This combines th two superlntendenclea under on neaa. , Goorartav Peaches Bold In Eneland. MACON. Oa.. Aua. 22 ReDorta from Fort Valley are to the effect that the re cent experimental shipment of two carloads oi weoreia peacnes to England was highly successful. The fruit arrived in fin shape ana orougni nanasome Dronta. Those who expeot the European market to be opened tu uvuriis irun are eiatea. ENTERED INTO -T. Friday evening. August 22. 1902. at tha residence of her daughter, Mrs. W. A. Rediek. Mrs. Phllena Elisabeth Wood, In her Wth. year. Funeral notice later, HIT A SOLDIER. The Experience of On of Oar Man. Th soldier boya who fought during th Rebellion went home as a rul in pretty bad shape, caused by exposure and im proper food and tha us of quantities of coffee which left Ita mark in tha wreck of many a stomach. Merrill Hutchinson of Reading, Mass., tells hla experience. Tare an old eoldler who served all through th war ot lb Rebellion and my coffee drinking commenced when I en listed. I drank It three tlmea a day and at tha close ot tha war returned home al most a wrecg. "For years I had dypepeia of th worat kind and could not drink anything but warm water or warm milk, aor eat enough to hardly keep a man alive. After Buffer ing this way for years, and half living, 1 was told by a friend ot your ' Postum Coffee. "At first I rsfused to even try It for I thought It meant mora suffering for me, but at last I consented and It did taste mighty good, for I wa a dear lover of code. "I waited for the distress In my stomach that always had com with common cof fee, but it never cam. I drank It at first very carefully and then got reckless and wanted It every meal and tor over five year now hav been drinking nothing els. I hav no dyspepsia now, no trouble about eating anything. My weight, wbta I using Postum Cereal Food Ceffe. wat 1U pounds. m finer g y.sre elj saj wcigb about 160 pounda and am aolid aa a rock and able t do a day's work with ary of th boys. Now I do not claim that Postum Cereal la a medlcin but la my wa case It la both victuals and drink. I think that whsa Dostum Coffee is properly made it ia tar aoeaa of coa.n .... BODIES REMAIN IN PARIS i i . ........ . . Hot of Mr. and Mr. Fair Ira Hot Ibaard Ihip. - REASON FOR JHE DELAY. IS SUPPRESSED Famines' Attorneys Hav Usg Con ' fereaee with t'onaal General and . Postponement Take oa A -pearnae of Mystery. (Copyright,-1909,-by Pre Publishing Co.) PARIS. Aug. 2. (New Tork World Cablegram 8pcial Telegram.) Whll relatives ar threatening to go Into court to secure the large estate left by the lat Charles L. Fair -and his wife, wh were killed In an ' automobile accident, ther now arises a family disagreement with re gard to the possession of th bodies. Two hearses arrived at the Church ot th Made leine at- S o'clock thla afternoon to con vey th bodies to th railway atation on th way tb Cherbourg, whera It 1 aatd tb remains were to be shipped on board th liner-St.' Paul, aalllag tor New Tork to morrow. Shortly .after arriving at - th church th hearses left without getting the bodies. They mad a turn In the neigh boring streets and cam back again, but tha coffins were not ready. - They moved away again and waited In a street nearby. Tb undertaker waa greatly annoyed. , Several persona appeared to be interven ing In th matter ot th disposition of th bodies. It was -stated that discord had arisen owing to tha attempt by tha re spective families to obtain tbe bodies, al though neither, family, -to tha aurprlsa of the people here, seems to cara about hav ing prayer aald for th dead. Representatives of both aldet ar con ferring with Vntted Stat Consul General Oowdy... who, It -Is understood, cabled Washington earlier In tha day for Instruc tions In tha matter.. . It Is impossible definitely to ascertain th object ot thla consultation, but It 1 reported that tha lawyers representing one party deslr that a post-mortem examination be held befor th bodies leave Franoe. . Mr. Oowdy haa received no reply to hla cablegram ad dressed to Washington. Mr. Ellis, manager of Hotel Rita, whera tha Fair had apartments at the tim ot their death, has charge of the shipping ar rangements. . When questioned today, he was very reticent. He said the shipment ot the bodies had been postponed because definite Instructions for forwarding them had not been received from tbe family cf Mr. Fair.' He professed to know no other reason why they. should not be moved,' and said they would not be shipped Until auch orders had been received, ' HOLIEBEN IS NOT TO LEAVE Itomored Change In Gersaan Ambas sador at Wnshinarton la Dlecred- i ' Had la Berlin. ''BERLIN, Aug' ' 2i The statement pub uaueu iu tue unuea mates by a newl agency that Dr. von Holieben. the German ambassador to the Cnited Statea, Intenda to retire and that Dr. Mumm von Schwars enststn,' the German minister at Pekln, Is 10 succeea mm, is entirely Incorrect. Dr. von Holieben. who Is here, informed the Associated Press today that so far aa he " waa concerned the report waa quite unrounded and the foreign office in con firming this addad that Dr. Mumm von Schwarsensteln, who Is now on hit way to Garment on' l'eav of absence, will In 'all nrohahllltu. Vot urn i v.wi ' ' '" - ' ; Tha Idea that Dtv Msmm van Sob. war enaiem tnay succeed Dr. ' von Hoi let a is not -new. It has been talked of both In Washington and Berlin, but when It reacbea the government here It 1 alto gether discredited.- . . THOMAS UPTON IN ACCIDENT Aalomobfte Craahra Into Raillag aad Is Smashed, bat tlr Thomas Escapes tSerloaa Harm. wn,'a. sir Thomae Llpton - was in an automobile aocident while com . 4 . t VI. . . . " -n - iiuui am country House. His twerve-horte power car, which he waa driving himself, skidded on the street car rail at- Woodgren and crashed vio lently into the-Iron railing bordering tbe road. . - The car waa wrecked and the railing waa smashed for A considerable distance, but 81r Thomas - escaped with a ahoek and a frw bruises", -.v.-.. A special dispatch from Madrid aay that advtcea received, there from Tangier an nounce that the sultan of Morocco had a dangerous accident while automoblllng near Fa yesterday. The driver lost control ot the cat, which dashed into a atone wall. Aa the) Vehicle wa vot going fait, tha tul tan eteaped with a shaking and a fright. FINED , FOR;; FAST MOTORING Magistrate Himself Almost Knaeked Down by Aaftomobll of th , Dtfeadaat. - - LONDON, Aug. 21. Rutherford fituvvaa. ant; the well-known clubman of New Tork, who married the Countest Warranter. widow of a Dutch' count, on June It latt, and the driver ot hla automobile were fined yesterday by a Kingston-on-Thames magis trate for furious motoring. A police constable testified that Mr. Stuy. veaant'a car traversed a measured quarter of a mile in thirty seconds. Mr. Stuyvet ant expressed the opinion that It wai not going mora than ten must aa. hour. Tha magistrate, however, said that ha had Just had , A personal xperlnc of tbe pace at which the New York gentleman traveled. ' On his way to court be encoun tered Mr. Stuyvessnt't ear rounding tha corner and only his nearness to th curb stone enabled him to scsp being knocked down. ' ' ARRANGING ' T0KILL ABDUL altaa'a Marder Prlaclpal Baslaess ot Former kfaeedoalaa Coat aaltte Caatrmaa. VIENNA, Aug. JI A newspaper pub lished in Buchsrest, Roumsnia, allegrs It hss learned that M. Saraboff, ex-leader of tbe Macedonian committee, has organised committee, the- purpose ot which la to as sassinate the sultan. Military lavcatlaatloa Ordered. BERLIN, Aug. !!. So much haa been aald about tbe ovation at Oumblanea to Lieutenant Hildebraad; who was pardoaed by Emperor William after having- served seven ktvontba of hs sentence of two years' Imprisonment for killing Lieutenant Bias kowlta la a duel, that a tall It ary eourt haa been ordered to ascsrttln by whoa com mand th. cavalry escort participated In th Heutenant'4 trunphal passage to th railroad sution at Guaitlsu.a. Admiral Voa Ufdrtebs Realca. BERLIN. Aug. . Admiral von Died- erichs bag regigned hla post aa chief of staff ot tha navy. ., He haa been, succeeded by Admiral Burhelv Admiral yon Dlederlchs la the Ulcer who. aa ric admiral, waa la command of th Qernaa tquadro of Sv crulterg in MasJla ha at the tlait CoflUBO- Nourish the Weak Nerves, Build Up Wasted Tissue, and Purify the Stagnant fclood in August. PAIHE'SCELERY ' COHPOUHD, Nature'. Sunfiner Mcdlctne, Tha On Grant Heath IlullJer. Paine'a Celery Compound supplies th needs ot the weak, alckly.aud diseased lo a way that no other medicine ran do. . It never fails to brace and strengthen tha weskened nerves; It forms new tissue and Quickly purifies the foul and stagnant blood, allowing It to njre with traedcan and Hf. to every part of tba body. Paine'a Celery Compound la the great furnisher of nutn. ment for weak and rundown nervout ays. terns. : m The use of m few bottle ef Paine'a Celery Compound producea results that are most astonlehlng and ' happy to tha 1 tick.' The thin, emaciated "body soon "takes on solid flesh, the tkln la clean the eyes bright and sparkling, pain In the back al banished, the' liver and kidneys work healthly, the di gestive organs do duty with unfailing regu larity, feelings of new energy and well be Ing take the place of nervousness, despon dency and melancholia. . Nourishing the nerves, Hbs formation of fresh tissue, and cleansing of the blood br Palne't Celery - Compound ' means a 'new, vigorous and happy life. ' There' can be ho failure when Paine'a Celery Compound t need; It truly ."mikes kick people well. ' "CMldren Like It: And Ask For It" When a medicine 1 so pure; so pelataMa, " ' o speedily yet patnleiaiy effective, taat children Mr to taka it and will ask for .' it, la not that good proof that it is a good . mediolaet Puoh a medlelne 1 . . It la tha only tnnlo. laxative, and the only on that bullda up the system while acting aa an alt-around blood-purtner an tonic It speedily clears the coated tongue, checks colds aad simple fever, aad.iro- ?l bote aleep. Tb best Children' remedy t. In tho world. Mothers are Its greatest ' friends, they nee It and recommend IV .', i ; i . Laukel ia not only the meat efficient ef Unllr rcRMdMa, but tha gam economical, became It una- billet two m4klMi for or price, tonic an laxatlro. .. . fH' fl'""' l ana 50 cont, of froa mat. U To . For aala by Sherman A McConneU Drug Co. Omaha. Nb, ., Worried women v should use Pan.Tan-Oot T)Uk an tlv. will be regular to a day. vNo uncertainty." no anxious waiting, no .auppresslon, but natural, healthy functions regularly main tained. A sped no for painful periods, safe, harmless, certain; WRITE FOR CIRCULAR or send 12 for one box Pen-Tan-Oot Disks, postrald. . - Bold by 8hrman A Mc nntiall Drug Co.. Cos.' lets aal Donga st., Omake, Nak. - - , . IF TOUR "HAIR.- is Oray. creaked or n)eeefea.M eta be restore to aay beaatUul eeWhy The Imperial Hair Regenerator T the acknowledged STAND XftB HATH OOLOBINO for Gray or BWh.ifWBU?"1 ennotbegetectrd. Nampleofnatretilore-'' tree. Oorrsaneadsae eoBJMnnUel. . t Imperial Chemical .Jo.. 13 W. tut fcr'.'N, T. Bold by fiherman a MoConhell Drug Co.. . Omaha, Nek. REiOHTS. ase Vlatan Street Park. J ' DENVER vs. OMAHA Aaaost ' 33. ' Game ealleoV at Si-iB. KRUtXPARK Extra, 645 p.m. Sunday, Aug- 24th THB OH EAT 8E5SATI0.1 AL DOUBLE BALLOON ASCENSION Br H. Hall and Prof. J. W. Hall. Amer. lea's foremost aeronauts, who will attempt to break the world's record. 1 HOTELS. FECIAL IttTlRKIl LUNCHEON, FiFTT CENTS,"1 l.m to I p. tn. EUNDAT p. m. DINNER, ,45e. Steadily Increasing business- haa nasanL . tated an. enlargement ot tb cats, doubling it former capacity.. dors, now Admiral, Dewey waa operating agalaat the Spanlarda, - - , Emperor William, In accepting Admiral von piedarlch'a resignation, . referred la highly flattering terms to bit services In Atta and in tha organization of tha navy tpd appointed him honorary admiral of the Naval corps. Admiral Count von Baudlsstn. who waa la command of the Imperial yacht Hobentollera when Prince Henry visited tb United States, hss been appointed second In command of tha Astatic squadron and will proceed tb his post immediately. Coal Declared Coatrabaad.' PORT AU PRINCE, Haytl, Aug. -Th Cuban steamer Lauenberg, belonging to the Cameron steamship company, which sailed from New York August IS, arrived her today with 2(0 tons of coal intended for th Flrmlnlst gunboat Crete-. Pierrot. The government seised the coal, declaring It to be contraband of war destined for th revolutionists and claimed that It must be sold In favor of th sender. . Receive faeclal Coroaatloa Medal. LONDON, Aug. ft. filler Reee Hutchi son of New Tork City, who sailed today ea th tsamar Celtic, was summoned to Cows and received a special coronation medal. Mr. Hutchison had been treating th queen tor deafness, but her majesty ascribed her gift to th efforts for tbs interest of deaf mutes la London, In whose welter sbs Is greatly interested. . . . . v . Coaeervatlv Haa Marrow Majority. LONDON. Aug. It. H W. Forster, con aervatlre, baa beea re-elected t th pari la -ntentary vacancy tn th Sevea Oaks dlvUlon of Kent, caused by hla appointment te t lord emmiilonrthlp of th treasury Hla majority waa meager, li vetes vf tb libera) candidate, Beaumont , Mauj-tea. The oatest cntr4 oa tb education bill. ' ' , IllloaU Ceatral Urlar ', , CHICAGO, A ua- S3. The'" uiatli.s of stockholders ef tbrtlllaol Caatral Railroad Cessnas? ts authsriis kstjs sf SU.M0.5)3 of new stock will b held Otjtober U, Ne meeting was h14 today, -, t-, ' Maal Makas -Hsey.Usa. ' r ' Tb pur, rich blood, mad by Dr. King' New Lite Pills. - Th-ry. proaiot beauty. Olv clear tkin, roy chttka. ' tie, . M 1 ) Ji I 4