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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1902)
12 TI1E OtfATrA DATT-iY BEE; SATURDAY, AUGUST 23t 1902. 100K FOR GRAIN RATE WAR fsiUrn Freight Officials Prepare for Sharp Conflict This Tall. DUt TO HILL'S CUT IN SHIPPING PRICES Jllsaearl Rlvr-Cnlcon-o Mnee 'Will Coaklat to Ftht Sorth western ers an Keen Grain front Colas Throat h Dnlatfa. A lively fight among western rallrosds ever grain rates between transmlssourl river territory and Cblcsgo U likely to ensue ai a result of the heavy cut made by the Hill lines In grain rates from the northwest. It la held that President Hlll'a prompt response to the request of the farmer of the northwest that rates be lowered contemplated the ahrewd schema ,' ef diverting the great bulk of the western (rain crop to Duluth, thence to Atlantic eaporta and across the waters on Hill teamars. TO head oft such a scheme officials of western lines have been In conference for several days' and a desperate effort la under way to check It. At a meeting of officials In Chicago Thursday, -however, 'no atlafactory terms were agreed on and there is much consternation now for fear that no restraining action can be devised. Aa had already been published the west ern lines generally Intended to advance 'rates on grain on August 15, which, In view of the tremendous crops, would have swelled the revenuea of every road. But thus far no such advances have been made, , and how any. can be made In view of Hill's ' recent action is what la puxzllng the freight men Just at present. None of the roads represented at the conference in Chicago Thursday offered to atand by the original purpose of Increasing rates, and the Wabash and Burlington announced the cancellation of their order to reduce rates this month and the matter waa left In a very unsettled and unsatisfactory state. Rates Row in Effect. At present there is a proportional rate of eents on grain from Omaha to 8t. Louis and I cents to Chicago, and a proportional f 7 and t cents from Kansas City to St. Louis and Chicago, respectively. "These rates are scandalously low," said a local freight man yesterday, "and we are boplng they will not be reduced any fur ther." . Oeneral Freight Agent Crosby of the Bur lington at Missouri River has gone to Chi cago to endeavor through higher officials of the Burlington to bring about some action that will maintain the rates and prevent another slumi.. , Mr. Crosby doubtless Is pursuing the course of many others In his position, and what their efforts will come to Is regarded as entirely problematical. The general Impression Is that before the western lines will submit to Hill's divert ing the bulk of grain which usually goes Into Chicago to Duluth they will make a fcorlsontal reduction in rates to Chicago. And It Is believed In this they would have iney co-ope ration or lines east oi Chicago. On this point a stubborn battle Is looked for. but It la believed that with all the waa tern lines that do not enter the north wast arrayed together against the North ern Pacific and Oreat Northern and the Milwaukee meeting Hill's exact figures the Treat Minnesota magnate may not have al together smooth sailing. Unanimity of no tion between the lines seems to be assured. At preaent there Is but one road publicly quoting rate higher than thoae screed on and stated above and that Is the Omaha, Kansas City A Eaatern, the Stllwell line, whlca haa a rate of cents on wheat from Kansas Cltr to MlssissiDDi river nointa. But this line Is not a formidable factor and no trouble on its account la anticipated. Invading; laa Joaqaln Valley. , Colonisation Agent McDonnough of the Union Paciflo aays that road will soon place a large number of Dunkards on a traot of land comprising 2,730 acres In the Can Joaquin valley, near Kingsbury, Fresno eounty, Cal. Mr. McDonnough returned from that country only a few days ago and will go back next Thursday to perfect ar rangements for the introduction of this train of Immigrants. "We are engaged In the most extensive colonisation scheme In the San Joaquin valley which that . great homesteaders' country has ever seen," said Mr. Mc'Jon aough. "We are devoting special efforts to nettling up that rich territory already well inhabited and abounding In mineral and agricultural wealth. It is the most fer tile part of the state and the center of the great raisin and fruit country. Fresno, a nourishing oity , of some 18,000, is the metropolis of this territory and there are other splendid towns and cities which are tsadlly growing. We are planning to co operate - with Celtfornians In establishing sew Irrigation canals In addition to the al ready wonderful watering facilities and re sources of this section. In the, Modesto country, north of Fresno, a new canal has been completed which will. It is believed, surpass even the great 'Seventy-six' canal, which runs through Fresno, Tulare and Kings counties." The Union Paciflo is promulgating reduced rates to Callfornta and Oregon and Wash Ington. as well in connection with Its plan of colonisation and tickets on a reduced basis will be sold every day during Septem ber and October. From Chicago a one-way rate will be made of 133 and from Missouri liver points a rate of 125 will be In force. Corresponding rates for Intermediate points will also be la force. , , SUSPENDS PATROLMAN FILIP Serareaat Complains to Chief ffleer Goes OS Peat W Wh eat Fersnlaalen. that Patrolman V. Flllp waa suspended from tie police force Thursday night by Sergeant Hudson, who said that Flllp was absent from his post at ths gate of the Union Paciflo yards at Thirteenth and Webster streets for about tbirty-nve minutes, with out permission. Seraeant HuHinn fit A charges against Flllp with the chief of police this morning. The sergeant re ported that be went to the gate, and after wafting for Flllp for over a bait hour, found him sitting on the Inside of ths yards talking to the watchman. Flllp t ill Powder, Pills and Tablet may temporarily relievo the pain, but Horsf ord's Acid Phosphate CURES the) cause of the Headache, so that the pain doe not recur. It improves . appetite, perfects digestion and nutrition, induces rest ful sleep, and strengthens the) entire system, increasing ca pacity fur lator. bm a vif ossviss tatv. denied the charge and said he bad been absent about ten minutes, having left bis post to get a drink of water. CHANGES IN MAIL SERVICE Darlington Takes Off Sense Trains, Making- New Star Roatee Hereeearr. The United 8tates Is advertising tor a contrsctor who is willing to tske a star route of the mail service from Culbertson, Neb., to Imperial. The Burlington railroad has a branch between these places and until the present time a train was operated once day each way between them. The com pany has now served notice upon the Poet office department thst the trsln will here after make a round trip between the towns only upon Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days. The government desires to have a dally service to Imperial and will put a carrier between the towns on the days when the train does not run. The postal service between Curtis, Neb., and Cheyenne, Wyo., over the Burlington has also been changed from a dally service to three times a week, because of the de cision of the company to operate Its train between those points no oftener than that time. By this change two county seats and thirteen towns will be given service every other day, whereas tbey have heretofore had dally service. The county seats left with crippled service are Grant, In Perkins county. Neb., and Holyoke, In Phillips county, Colo. An official of the Postofflce depsrtment said: "The Postofflce department has no power to maintain the trains In this part of the country, but It Is at a loss to understand why the trains were taken off, as the com panies all seemed to be doing a prosperous business. It Is Understood, however, that it is the policy of the present directors of the Burlington to make each train pay its own way, and it this la so. It can be under stood why the change . Is made, as It Is probable that a dally train over the terri tory in question is made at a loss. "The distance between Curtis and Chey enne la ao great that we will probably make no attempt to cover It b" a star route, but we will probably Increase the star routes In the territory adjacent from Union Pacific stations. There Is already a dally service from Ogalalla to Grant, and this departure of the Burlington will mean that a greater part of the business will go from the east over the Union Pacific. A star route may be placed from a Union Paciflo point to Holyoke, If it is found that it will be needed. The dropping of the train will have little effect upon Cheyenne business, as most of the. mall now goes over the Omaha and Ogden route." On acoount of the Increase of business on the Omsha and Ogden route, A. E. Archer and George W. Karbach. both of Omaha, have been appointed as clerks. W, H. Penn, assistant superintendent of the railway mall service, bas returned from a visit to Des Moines. He will make an Inspection trip over the Union Paciflo nest week. INSPECTING CUSTOMS OFFICE Looks lato 'Affairs of Port of Omaha. The office of the collector of customs of the Omsha port Is being examined by Colonel la. M. Montgomery of St. Louts, as sisted by Colonel B. Polk Johnson of New Orleans. The port la In the district of St. Louis, which is one of the departments un der the New Orleans office, and each year an inspector from the New Orleans office assists the Inspector In charge of the St. Louis district In making the examination. ."The Omaha office, aa well aa all other In the district. Is in good shape," said Colonel Montgomery. "There la a showing made this year which la somewhat remark able. The volume of business has inorsased to a great extent, but the money received from the duties will be little if any larger. This la due to the changed character of the Importations. Under the existing schedules the more expensive goods bring not so much customs duty, comparatively, as the cheaper articles of similar character, and It Is the better class of goods which are being im ported." . ARE ON AN EQUaTTfOOTING Omaha sal Kaaaaa City ava to Excur sion Rates foe Fall Festivals. Some controversy having arisen 'over the relative advantages between the excursion rates for the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities in Omaha and the Priest of Pallas In Kansas City Inquiry waa made at local passenger offices which proves that Omaha and Ne braska are given equal favora with Kansas City and tributary points. The claim bad been made that the rates to and from Kan ass City applied for a radius of 100 miles, while the Omaha rates applied for only 100 miles. The fact ts that the Kansas City rates ap ply to all Kanaas points and points east of ths Missouri river and from Nebraska points where the regular one-way fare Is IS or lees for the entire festival period, October 1-11. Ths Ak-Sar-Ben rates apply to all points east of the river from which the regular one rate is S or less and practically cover the entire state of Nebraska, as they apply to points as far west as McCook, Grant and Hyannls on the Burlington and correspond ing points on the Elkhorn and Union Pa cific. And the same arrangements are made for points between here and Kansas City, which places the two cities on an equal foot ing ao far as their festivals are concerned. SAYS PEARL JS A BAD BOY J. T. Lyons Wuti Denoty Coast? Attorney- to Proseeata Son tow Incorrigibility J. T. Lyons and bis wife again attempted to get Deputy County Attorney Abbott to file a charge of Incorrigibility agalnat their aon. Pearl Lyona, and were again unsuc cessful. After the deputy county attorney refused to file the complaint the first of the week, the parents said, the son became pos sessed of .the Idea that he could do as he plessed and that ths county attorney would stand between him and harm. The father reported that on Thursdsy Pearl collected 14 which was owing to his brother and spent It. Hs refused to stay at homa and anent I hla time Bleeping in box care with tramps. saia me inner. Mr. Lyons was Indignant at ths action of the attorney and will take his troubles to a justice of the peace. In the meantime Pearl threatens to have his fsther arrested if the latter whips him. Pearl is 1$ years old and contends that bis father compelled him to work and refused to pay him for It. Logons Is sngsged la the express business. Don't neglect the warnings of nature. If your appetite is poor, breath had. tongas coated, you will be sick unless you take steps to put your system la good condition. Prickly Ash Bitters la ths remedy yon need. It cleanses the entire system. Dee Moines 4 Hatara, M-OO, Via Rock Island system. Dates of sale, August t to to. Final return limit Sep tember 1. City ticket office, 13Z1 Farnain street Publish your Waal notices la The Weekly Bee. Telephone tU. PROSPECTS FOR SETTLEMENT Report that Preiiesnt Bart is About Bendy to End 8trike. STRIKERS PREPARING FOR COLO WEATHER Althoanh Mta Wool Not Be surprise by Early Settlement of Troablo They Are Arraaalaaj for Lous; Siege. The report from Cheyenne that President Burt had written to certain state officials- of Wyoming signifying his willingness to enter Into plsns contemplating a settlement of the strike on the Union Paciflo Is received In local strike circles as authoritative, though no actual confirmation can bs of fered. Inquiries at the president's office failed to bring out any definite or satisfac tory answer and the Impression, therefore, which bas been current 'for several days that the company was ready for a settle ment Is strengthened by this report. . From the office of President Burt came this state ment: "It you can bring us the letter we may be able to tell you more about It." "That is, you might Identify it," waa sug gested. "Not exactly that, perhsps, but If any such letter could be produced we certainly would be more enlightened than we are now. We csn say nothing of the writing of any such letter." The report from Cheyenne which told of the receipt of this letter said that the presi dent intimated his readiness to enter into negotiations with the strikers as soon as he wound up certain matters now under way. What these matters ars Is not known. While there is no way of getting at the ex act facts In this and similar cases, since the officials of the Union Pacific positively refuse to commit themselves, the belief Is becoming more popular each day that the company would welcome a settlement of the strike, although averse to Initiating such proceedings. Few Additions to Shoo Forces. Strikers point to the fact that scarcely any additions to the shop forces In Omsha have been made for a week as of great sig nificance in connection with the reputed Intention of aettling the strike. On the other hand, the officials treat all such re ports with Indifference, Implying their abil ity to endure conditions aa they are for an Indefinite period. Strikers admit that the company bas them badly puzsled as to Its Intention, and apprehending the possibility of a prolonged fight Into the winter, the union men are preparing to' equip 4helr picket shanties with stoves and other com. torts. They also are preparing for finan cial aid tor a long period. Superintendent McKeen left again Friday morning for western divisions of the Union Pacific, to be gone about ten days. Oeneral Manager Dickinson and Superintendent of Transportation Buckingham are still out on the road looking after the company Inter ests. president Kennedy of Uie lioliar makers la In receipt of a letter from the Interna tional president, John McNeil, who npent some time In Omaha, saying he has been called to Pittsburg to endeawor to settle trouble existing there In the contract boiler shops. OBSERVES CITY CONDITIONS Cltr Eaclaeor Rosewater Talka of Bla Trip to . Canadian afaalelpalittea. . City Engineer Andrew" ' Rosewater re turned home yesterday morning after a two weeks' trip with Mrs. Rosewater and their aon Stanley to Canada by way of the lakes, and has much that Is Interesting to tell re garding hla tour, particularly In the line of comparison' between Omaha and some of the Canadian cities In which be stopped. Mr. Rosewater said: "We went from here to Chicago and thence by steamer on Lake Michigan by way of Georgian bay to Toronto. From there we went up tb,e St. Lawrence river to Mon treal. Although Montreal Is, of course, the larger city of the two, Toronto Is the more progressive, and there I spent considerable time with City Engineer Rush, whom I knew, and gave considerable attention to municipal conditions.' They are now build ing a new city hall In Toronto which Is to cost 12,000,000. Toronto is a much cleaner city than Montreal and la really remark able for its neat appearancs. The principal thing I . noticed while away was the su periority of the Omsha sewer system over that of any of the cities In which I' stopped. The Canadian cities use the old trap sys tem, and at nearly all of' the street corners you can detect an unpleasant odor. In tact, at some places the odor Is very offensive. I am still further confirmed In my belief that to aecure successful sewerage you can' not bare too much ventilation. '' "We returned on the Canadian Paciflo to Bault Ste. Marie and on the way back to Chicago stayed a few days at Macklnao Island. "In nearly all of the cities I visited I noticed that tbey had all the streets plainly marked with signs. Most of these signs were in white enamel on a black or a blue background. There Is no question but that tbey ars a great convenience to a stranger." Hayden Bros. big ad . Is on page 7. BRYAN GIVES ENTIRE MONTH Colonel Says Ho Will Devote October to the Cajapalga la . ' Nebraska. W. J. Bryan was In Omaha a short time yesterday enroute home from Clarlnda, la., where he bad been on personal business. Yceterday morning Colonel Bryan called on the democratic candidate for congress, but did not remain in town long enough to call at state headquarters of the fuslonlsts. To Manager Scott, whom he met on the street, Colonel Bryan said that he bad arranged bla dates in order to be able to devote the en tire month of October to the Nebraska cam paign. He will return to Omaha Saturday and deliver an address at the lawn social to bs given by the St. Cecilia parish at the residence of Bishop Scannell at Thirty-sixth snd Cuming streets. It's money In your pocket to buy at the big store Hayden Bros. Read our ad on page T. St. Cecilia's l.awa Social. " All preparations are completed for the annual lawn social of St. Cecilia's pariah, which will be held this evening at the lawn of Bishop Bcannell's residence. Thirty sixth and Cuming streets. Judging from the popularity of this annual fete In previ ous years it la expected that the num bers preaent this year will overcrowd this beautiful and spacious lawn. As already announced W. J. Pryan. who has already arrived in town, will deliver the addrnaa nf tbe evening. The Walnut Hill and Harney car lines run to the grounds. The Peril o Oar Tlsae Is lung disss'- Jr. King's Nsw Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds cures luua iiuu'uki uf uu pa, wvu, v Beats Aotonaoatlo Heeerd. LONDON, Aug. 21 C. Jarrot, the auto- moblllst, at Welbeok today did a kilometer i about 1.0MI yarda. with a flying start, lo 1-6 aeconda and brat the record, 2 1 eeconda, recently mads by W. X. Vender but, jr., ta a ranwe. I - -lc I" '" N t '. "I-N F"1 T" ft FTTN I ""HI ft "' . . . II ft watch J p Windows Still Another Mighty Embroidery Sale Never before have we shown such remark able values. . ' 43,000 SAMPLE PIECES OF EMBROIDERY At 3Jc, 5c, 10c, 15c and 23c a Yard. 50c and 75c Ladies1 Hose at 25c. 60c and 76c Ladles' Hose at I5c Immense lots of ladles' Imported Lisle Thread Hosiery all the latest styles In fancy colors; also In plain and drop over one hundred styles to select from choice, twenty-five cents a pair 35c Men's SSc Man's Socks at 17Ho a pair 460 dozen Fancy Lace Bocks, silk mercerized, lisle thread great variety of fancy colors In lace and and drop stitch . effects choice on bargain aquare... $1.00 and $1.50 percales and silk stripe Oxfords not one in the lot worth less than II to 11.60 toaay at 15c Men's Linen Collars 5c. 500 dozen, of the celebrated in different shapes, worth Watch our Windows, DOG UNDBUNNING SHORT After First ef September Unlicensed Canlnea'MaV Wanner "WI1I. ; t t. , ' Present Indications are that after Sep 'tember 1 dogs licensed and unlicensed will be permitted to wander at will through the streets of Omaha, Tbe fund provided for carrying on the Wot of catching and kill ing unlicensed dogs Is nearly exhausted and In the depleted condition of the general fund of the pity treasury It is doubtful it any way can be found to replenleh It. Mayor Moores, discussing the situation With a re porter of The Bee, said: "We have only a' little more money In the dog fund and after that ts gone the work will have to stop. The amount which now remains is but $497.10, and that will last but a short time. Tbe original appor tionment from the levy to carry on the de struction of unlicensed dogs for this year waa $4,923.60, and with the exception of the $497.10 that bas all been expended, but out Of that there waa a payment mads on the new dog pound. If there waa anything left In the general fund tbe council could make an appropriation to cetrry- on the. pound master's work to the end of the season, but as It Is, I don't see what we can do but stop operations Just where they are. The poundmastsr, John Laughland, Is paid $1 each for the dogs he catches and destroys and out of that he pays bis own help." CONTRACT FOR STREET SIGNS Am Seen as It la Executed Work of Marktna Streets W1U Benin. 'City Attorney Connell has drawn the form of contract to be executed between the city and tbe .Western Anchor Pence company tor the new street signs through out the city. The contract follows the general requirements of the specifications under which the bide were received In pro viding for posts, each of which shall have two porcelain signs four Inches wide and twenty Inches long, the cost of the posts and aigns to be $ J 15 each, and also for similar porcelain signs to be placed on buildings wherever practicable and to cost CS cents each. The contract provides that the poet and signs shall be placed by tho contractors at such locations as shall be designated by the city engineer. This contract will come before the city council for approval at Its next meeting and after the execution of the contract the work will be commenoed at once.' There is now an appropriation of $2,000 for these signs and the contract is so. drawn that an ad ditional appropriation may be made by the council ' at Its discretion and ths work carried . farther. - 1 . It Is estimated that under ths present appropratkon about 1.000 signs will be placed ita position and that about 600 of these will be In the down town and busi ness district, where only the signs alona will be needsd. Fortify the body to resist malarial germs by putting ths , system in perfect order. Prickly Ash Bitters Is a wonderful system regulator. Don't do a thing till you read our ad on page 7, Hayden Bros. Deaaeeraey's Day. i Grand outing and picnic of the Douglas County Democracy TOMOItROW, Sunday. Aug. 14. at Arlington, Neb. Tickets read ing to Missouri Valley will be accepted on special train to Arlington, which leaves Union depot, 10th St., at I a. m., returnlcg at I p. m. Dancing, base ball, games and sport ths order of the day. Fill your lunch basket and come out with your family and nave a goon time. Uaaaa Toalgbt. Jolly Eight club's lively ball this even ing. Washington hall, lsth and Haruey streets. Floe orchestra; a grand, good time for jrea, Oeata, We, Welcome. i uj uy I i. h i. win A New Tork Importer's sam ple pieces and odd lota of High Class Embroideries and Inser tions, Including Swiss, Nainsook and Cambrlo. This lot consists of the finest dainty Edgings and medium and extra wide widths of the finest Embroideries ever shown in Omaha. Almost five hundred styles to seleot from worth In a regular way from 10a to 75c a yard will go In lots IVic. (c, 10c, lfio and '26c a yard. 3c 5c 10c 15c 26c stitch lace effects, ff Socks at I7ic. Shirts far 50c. Saturday we offer you the choice of ISO dozen high grade Men's Negligee Shtrtg. These are all the season's newest novelties in plain and pleated effects. They oome in plaia white nainsooks, colored madras, fine 50c B. & B. Linen Collars, C, 15c, today at .... El Watch our JVJen and Big Boys Buy your shoes of the exclusive men's shoe store. ' ' ' Price is the same' always $3.50 and $2.50 Shoes are for men and big boys ex clusively. Recent 205 South 15th St. MRS. POOR COMES TO OMAHA Victim of Hallactnatloa tbat Some Oao with Marderoaa Intent Follows Her. - Mrs. Charles 8. Poor, formerly of this city, and who during the last year has at tracted considerable newspaper notoriety by being tbe victim of an hallucination that someone wss following her in order to take her life, is again In Omaha. - Some years ago Mrs. Poor's busbsnd was shot to death in this city, and his violent taking off Is supposed to have caused ths woman's strange notions of recent years. Several months ago in Iowa on two' occasions Mrs. Poor jumped from moving trains, laboring under the Impression that somone was try ing to murder her. She was severely In jured both times. ROOSEVELT CLui MEETING Conatltatloa and' Bylaws to Adopted and Precinct Con nilttees Named. Be The Roosevelt club will meet at Idlewlld hall Saturday night and will adopt constitu tion and bylaws s well as form Its working committee of two members from each vot ing precinct In the Sixth ward. Several prominent republican orators hare been In vited to be present and the names of the speakers will be announced in the morning. All republican voters of the Sixth ward are Invited to be present Dysentery Cured Witkaat tbe Aid of a Doctor. "I am Just up from a bard spell of the flux" (dysentery) ssys Mr. T. A. Pinner, a well known merchant of Drummond, Tenn. "I uaed one small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and was cured without having a doctor. ' I con sider It ths best cholera medicine In the world." There Is no nsed of employing a doctor when tbia remedy is used, for no doc tor can prescribe a better medicine for bowel complaint In any form either for children or adults. It nsvsr falls and Is pleasant to take. We've got the goods you want and are making the prices so you can buy them. Read about our Saturday offerings on psge 7. Hayden Bros. B. W. Slmsral has moved his law offices to fit Bee buldlng. third Boor. OHQD Another IB ig Saturday, all day, your choice will be unrestricted to any shirt waist in the house. All our $2.50 Waists All oiir $2. 0 0 Waists All our $1.45 Waists' Come to this store Saturday, pick out any shirt waist you want, hand the saleslady 45c. You know the reputa tion our shirt waists have. You know our motive for this sale! It is only when the season's work has been accom plished that such liberal inducements can be possible. When it is simply a matter of clearing up. ' The loss don't count for clearance is a gain in modern store orderliness. As usual, this sale will have an im mense response So come early. , i Out they go at 90 cents Shirts that sold for Shirts that sold for Shirts-that sold for ' All the high grade shirts in the house are in this sale. We won't show them next season; so we must close them , out' now. .Mde of the finest imported madras'" and per-, cale cloths, cut generously full, in all sizes and sleeve lengths. S?V I Didn't build Coiien's hotel, 60 days; '' "'" Did build In year great reputation boys' suits. SPECIAL SALE FOR SPECIAL ' OCCASIONSCHOOL OPENING Norfolk and 1-plece suits, worth double, school opening price, $2.75. - Norfolk and l-pleoe aults, worth double, school opening price, $J.50. Norfolk and t-plece suits, worth double, school opening price, $3.75. Norfolk and S-plece aults, worth double, school opening price, $3.95. Norfolk and 1-plece suits, worth double, school opening price, $6.00. HKW LOCATION 151 (1 K OMAHA On a of the best equipped of the Keetey syetom of lnstltntes, tj E?cr rrVf only Keetey Institute la Nebraska. Cures Drunkeaneea. Cures a-aa-lod 1 . Drug Users. Booklet free. Addreas aU afcUccs ' INSTITUTE Home Treatment for Tobaoco Kattt. coet 69 two Blocks Horth of KrugS tark and another out on Center street were among the destinations of pre scriptions' which we delivered yesterday. Unless there was a saying In price and the quality of goods was entirely satisfactory, would these people come so iar-f absc.u SO MANY OTHER, DKUO STORES TO OET MEDICINE8T $2.00 Chester's Pennyroyal Pills $1.00 $3 (0 Marvel Whirling Spray By rings... $2.25 Prevent hay fever with Ciera Catarrh Powder sflc $1.00 German Ktmmel Bitters T5c $1.00 Temptation Tonic (genuine) 2Sc the Hire's Root Beer Extract 9a $1.00 Cramer's Kidney Cure 60o 25c Laaacola Kc $1.00 Peruna Mc 11.00 Plnkham's Compound 64o 11.00 Butler's Kernels Regulator this preparation absolutely, guaranteed.... 75c $1.00 I'alne's Celery Compound (to OPEN ALXi NIGHT. . SCHAEFER'S CUT PR ICR DRUGSTORE Tel. TS. . W. Cor. 10th an Ckleaco. The Cooling Influence of a Glass of Beer on a hot day xannot be overestlmsted, especially when it la a glass of pure and, invigorating Mets beer. It Is without a rival In flavor, palatableness and dellcloua neas, and Is a bracer that will keep up your strength during summer's depressing heat. No one should be without a case of Mats beer In the house. Aletz Bros. Brewing Co. Tel. 1. Omaha. Or Jaooe Neumayer. Ast.. care Neumayer Ho tat, Council blurts, laws. J. P. Those suffering from weak neeees which sap ths pleasures of Ufa should take a duller but. lis of Juven fills, una Dotue will tell a story of marvelous results en a create profound wonder. Tbia medicine has mors rejuvenating, vitalising force than bas ever been offered, bent by mail in plain parkage only on receipt of tbla adv. and $U ' This Is ss worth of medicine for one dollar. Mads br It originators C L Hood Co., pro frtttort Hood's aorseperUla, Lowell. Mass. Tumble $L75 $1.50 $1.25 on sale ' mtmr DOFGLAS SEW LOCATION. Does If our Boy Wear Shoes? If he does and hs Is ss lively as the average boy. It eoete you many a dol lar to keep his little toes covered up. Did you ever think that changing ahoemakers might cut down ths ex pense T Many a mother has found by experience that our boys' shoes will wear longer than some others and so that, for the price-$1.60-we give the best shoe In. Omaha a real leather shoe. There Is a great difference In shoes these are all leather. We lit them with care and always try to please. Saturday Is boys' shoe day at our store. Droxol Shao: Co., Onaaha'e I'n-to-date ghee Beaae, 141 MUM TP.atBT. Bee Want Ads Sell oti' Their Merit No free gift to neeeetary to make them worth toe price we ask. The Bee bas the circulation that's why. ' 90c