Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1902, Page 11, Image 11
THE OMAHA UA1LV in,! NATTJ KTAY , AlHHTST 2;t, t1)02. 11 SPECIAL NOTICES Advrrtlaeaneata far these .! rill taken, til 11 aa. far tha Talaa- edition and Ill SO gt. an, far aanralBC anal Snaday edition. Rates, 1 t-2e a word Srst lasertlen, la a ward thereafte. thing; taken far than V far 4ha Ural laser tlaa. Three- advertlseaaeate aaaat . ha eoasreatlvrly. Advertisers, by reqeestlaflt tiered cheek, aaa have aimrt f Tka Bar. Aaewere aa addressed will ka delivered aa presentation at laa nee at aalr. FOR 'ALE CIGARS. $50.00; IN GOLD. It i.avs: to buy your cigars of ua. Tou may wake up noma day and find yourself tne foMMiwr of Fifty Dollars In Oolil that ste give away to our customers aach month. Butler & Miller, tt. W- COR."lSTH AND FA BN AM 8T3. ' WAXTED-SITt'ATIONS, A STENOGRAPHER When you want ona call lb Uc mansion Typewriter office,' 1619 t urniim. street .. Telephone 107$. . 77- . " ; n A-M403A24 WANTED, by reflned woman, poaltlon aa home-or (raveling companion; good refer ancea. (Address 11 20. Bee.. " A 770 ?& BOOKKEEPER and general oftlce man wants any-position;. Arsi-class references; foreign wi.Kile, moierae aalnry ex pected. Address, Hi Bee Office, Council tluna. . , , A-M84 24 furnish typewriter and give g'xid rerer-tu ences, Auuress, M 2, Bee. A-S2B 34 ' WAKTED-MALH HELP. WANfETCanv8ser. Man fanriilar with I hnnlr n4 nawBoaoor work preferred. Must be hustler. Apply Room 1U7 Hue I Building. ; 1 ft-a V.i'FOR HALF A DATS WORK. ' If yod live .In the coitntryor In a amall town . and' have a !, good acquaintance snYbng ths farmers gnd stock raisers In by fur tr Hve houFa' work. , Write us and .we wliv eend you our proposition. The He Publishing Co., Solicitors Dept., Omaha. Meb; -' . . a mi WANTED A goo mn In every aounty to take subscription for The Twentieth Century Farmrr. ' Our asrenta rnake good waxes vsrywher: lieferenoes. required. Address, . Twentieth: Century; FArmer, Omaha, Kab, t BOLl&lfORS WANTED. THS GUARANTEE FQND LIFE . ' ASSOCIATION; Wants-Ifva' local agenrts In yery town In Nebraska.: fEne woposlllen nossessea spe- ctat mem. unan eaeuy wi"tjn. omm , rnmmioinn to- the rinht man. ' Address I fr C. BulUhSjtun. secretary, A1Jlan?2Vi I OOOn mesaehgert. wanted; ftrst-clasn pay. . A. D. T. Co.. 212 S. 13th. B 727 818 WANTftrv two1 cooks for" Wyoming west em railway- Labor agency, 310 8. 11th. I .','. ?".. B M787 .. S.-it 1 . . ,.i . : vttiVfRn-1 first. nlssa" weaver at Capitol f 'arnet 'Cfenntnar indRilg Factory. 1321 HlOth-Bt., Ji.C(rtn, NeV- 'B MS06 23. a.X. r , ' l' - r s - . . f r M d . avn w & ' A i . dros Jos?pli 6hleelsr,--&ntraetor, Yutan, . 1 f. ..... - . U i .i ; ' fc-Vl. ' i i ; so', i. r., , WANTED, A good oftlce' -boy. one who has hal' sortre xi'lnce 'preferred. Apply . ' ' . . - . . . . i. - .n Q,.o n , I omce &osiun oiore. B 8t 24 WANtED, 'managers and salesmen to en gage with" a large manufacturing concern, who will-establish permanent branches In ever state, . G.- H. Gregory. Manager, room 62, 26 W.- Broadway, New York City. j r' . , " i Mta sr WANTED, piano player, who plays horn lr band specialty, people who can play I small parts: long season; salary sure, Address B. F. MoraanHamburg, la. " . 5"- B--M81S 24 . JROCERT clerky-voTid references. T. W, Bhrade5s,2006 N. f6th. t ... B 827 24 WA"NTEDftr U.' 8.' Army; Able-bodied un- I married men' between ages of 21 and 35, rltiicna of United States, of good char acter -and temperate habits, who can apeak, readi and write English. For Information- aDDly to Recruiting Officers,' 16th and Dodge at., Omaha, and poatofflce building, Lincoln, lyeorasaa. 1 t BttBSCRlPTION solloltor. able and experi enced, . to solicit subscriptions for three periodicals;, Great chanoe for live man. Exclusive territory granted and existing bustneaa transferrrd to satisfactory party. United.- t'uDiienera ", corporation, bud. Dept.. ISO- Nassau .-, N T. B M839 23 WANTED SALESMEN. WANTED, four good Brltannlea salesmen; I territory. Nebraska. Kansas, South Da-1 kota and Iow.' American Newspaper aa eocl&tion. 622-23 . New . York Life Bldg., Omahg. M806 WANTED, by large northwestern hosiery mill. cemcetunt rounr salesman, thor- cjughly familiar with Nebraska, to carry Une of hosiery , on. commission; don't pb- Ject, to ' his carrying small side Una of non-donfllrtlng goods .If Sold to mm trade. . Address H 26. Bee. . MS17 23 Jtn WANTED-rEMALH HELP.' loo' Girts, call Canadian oce, ,16th ft Dodge. CVM WANTED, two young" lady student ta ltarn halrdresslng. manicuring and chN ' ropody ana ictejulflc massage: Call of write rtoom u, aaa. am.: . . j a WANTED, lady cook. Eureka Restaurant lu4 Caaa St ,, - C 7w I i -L. ; ii1 1 I',, - . WANTED." a competent' girl for hojseworkv . - 1 -. . ' C 234 ARB YOU a Cathollo and unemployed? Bee me; Hixenbaugu, ouu ware bioca. , . C-J197 WANTED Good wagea t a good cook: none Vother .need apply. 2324 Harney. " "' ' '' - ' GM7as NCR.SE3" COLLEGE, Pueblo. Colo.; three months' -course; diplomas; opens October 1; wrjte. . : . , C M7S2 S19 WANTED, a good girt for general kouse- work,. small fajuiiy, ' good wages. Apply Monday, August 36. to 123 N. 3lst Ave. :.. C 791 25 WANTED, girl for general housework. Uii iChloagO- Bt - C 810 23 WANTED Four experienced cloak aales . men at Ha'Uen liros.' .tloak drpartmrnt k, ojo ao- WORTHY. young-peraon to take arholar- .1.1.. lit I , . . I u ' 4 I . , .v V. - . ., , I 111,1 . . t ijiii. 1 1 , m ir.uuii i.ii.iiiv .ii. shorthand colUge and pay for It when courev is mntnea aaa posiilon securea. Address H, Jo. Bee. - C M&37 86 100 SEWING MACHINE operators at M. E. Bnjun at Co., Uin ad J-Vugia. -... "... C-M834) 23 1 FOR. REXTlio.lSES. $jn CHARX.F8four-rom Cottage: rent 111. Wm K VPotter, receiver, Omaha Loan and Trurt Co., so Brown block. ... .. .. .. i-:u HOUSES ft JS" The O. ce- Pldc. DIui VANS kBil'taggege aagoua. Tel. 119a. . . . ' , D701 1 ' 1 - 1 TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Bterage to..; omce iasr ". r iein. i-&j. . t (US MAOOARD Van,- Storage Co. Tel. 1496. DlJ 6IE PAYNE. BOiTH H-K ft CO. fcr chotc bouaea. ul-l N. It. Late faiug. Tel. lulS, D To OOOD enAdera s-room houae. 2&04 Blondo. U , ii HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt. Barker block, - - -. D 7ua HOUBKS. stores. Bemls, Paxton block. D-710 HOUSES Elegant 10-room brick houae; 1 few bl-Kks from the poalomce. Ju.t the thing f.r a flrat-eWas boarding houae. f 'u. LiitN.SA LuV t CO., 3u9 bouth Uth hi. i-40-34 run rknt-moi sks. MODERN 7-room flat. $?5. sgent 24lh and Farnam. II. B. Qrarinm, D 405 10-ROOM nou, nearly new. watef gas, fr. fine lawn. nr motor and school: rrnt $2S. 1 mi 11 Ira Wm.' I. Klerstead, City I I All. L ll 5-ROOM houM for rent. 83 So. 23d St. D-778 FOR RENT. 1S42 N. I2d st T-roora house, 112. l'-'M 8. 22d at., l-rcom house, $30. Tba Omaha Realty Co., lH Douglas at. D-M80S i - . .. -ROOM molrrn, rood repair, on Bo. avenue. 'Phone 623. D 777 FOR RENT, 10-room, brick, modem resi dence. DIS N. l 'th at.. 845. 12-room atone residence, steam heat, 2423 i u at., I J -room mortem frame realdenca and bam, H4 F.mmr at., ln. 8-room modern brick residence, 3169 Farnam' at., -;. 8-room modern realdence, 113 8. .29th ave., ... S-room modern residence, 1128 S. SIM at., $10. BRENNAK-LOVE CO.. 8. 13TH ST. - D MS16 Ti 2526 CALIFORNIA ST. Ten-room modern house, large lawn, stable for ' horsee and buggy; In good repair. 1908 Capitol Ave. I U 6- - - FOR RENT. 110 S-room house on 26th at., north of Cum ing. i-room house near 2Cth fcnd Cuming. SHIMER & : CHASE Rest F.Htate, Rentals, Modem Cottagea. " )t Bee Building. Tel. 1442. D M31 24 FOR RE?IT-FIH WISHED ROOMS. ELEGANT rooms, finest location In the city. VfM Capitol Ave. - JB MH3i DEWET European hotel, 13th and Farnam. rcn tvitu, n. uio 01., ona diock south of court house. E 71 AETNA HOUSE, European, 13th and Dodge VIENNA HOTEL, 10U-1J Farnam St. E 191 67 NICE front parlor. 2001 Burt. -E 207 t NICE cool furnished or unfurnished rooms. 2604 .Davenport. B 431 I ROOMS, 2080 Harney. E-M745 24 .COOL, neat rooms, new flat. 220 North 17th. E-759-8-17 l FtRMSHED, ROOMS .AKfD BOARD. THE ROSE, 2020 Harney, large parlors, single or ensulte; also,. smaller rooms; Him rv.Bup.uit, , .... r to AV Merrlam, comfortable summer home. Tel. Si, til ROOMS and board. The Albany, 2101 Douglas. UTOPIA. 1721 Da7enport St. F-667 Ai pevtitr HdTrr. 9in j no, v.i 1.1 l. rora P -; trn,ent. $'-2. Per. diy ; home TWO nicely furnished rooms, 808 S. 20th st. TWO modern furnished rooms, with break- fast. 1616 S. 10th st. F M644 26 I FOR RENT CNFIRMBHBD ' ROOMS. DESK room space. $5 per month; ground floor room In The Bee Tjulldlng. faciiio farnam street; no expense for light, heat or Janitor service. R. C. Vetera ft Co., cum,. su. Dn VUllQing. u lis UNFURNISHED rooms. 209 a 24th. G M409 1 1 FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. , FOR RBNT Desk room or large spaoa suitable for merchandise broker or party I . . 1 L.ii.1.... . 1 1 j j ... . . r I doing buslnehs In wholesale district In quire xiene as -o., yi f arnam street. . M324 FOR RENT The building -formerly oocu baa four stories and a basement which was formerly used aa The Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C. C. Rose water, secretary, room 100, Bee building. ... - , 1 zti FOR RENTStore In first-class location: rent reaaonaoie. Appiy n. u, meters ft Co.. ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1266 8TOK1C, witn nxturea suitable for grocery. 2403 Leavenworth St. 1 o3 W AGENTS WANTED. WANTED Canvassing agenta . in every county to solicit subscriptions to THbJ TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds ? uFht NY5"? ifftNT,.?"path" 3teady employment, with assured good in- and warrants. R, C. Peters ft Co 17u3 8 9 Sl6, N ut B ' - e1, lm m come. Agents In the country with horse Farnam St., Bee Bldg. W 743 . .. t - 8 come, and buggy especially desired. Canvassers mako easily $60 to $100 per month. Ad dress, Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, xee Duiiumg, umiu. 1S SOMETHING NEW I I Just out. Send for sample. . combination uoor Knob and Bell. No cutting or ruining the door. Put on any door In a moment. No batteries to worry about -o springs to-wind. Noth- Ind to set out of order. Own your own bell. No landlord to trouble. Pries and Bell absolutely guaranteed. Send II. W for sample. Agents wanted. WESTERN I Btrcet, Omaha,- Neb. J 71 .ARE YOU a Cathollo and unemployed? Bee me. uixenbaugn, mjo ware block. J JT I WANTED, agents In every locality to sell contracts for the purchase of homes or the satisfaction of mortgages, the money for. Burn .ourposes belnc advanced with out interest, with the right to repay same in small Installments; everybody wanta mnnav. Moeclullv If it can M had with out Interest and It It can be, used to buy property without other security. We make It Dosalble to buy a home at an out lay less than rent: our contracts sell themselves; agents make big money; we pay them well. Write for particulars at 'once, aa territory la being . rapidly al lotted. Address ' Provident Home Co operative Company of Pennsylvania, Odd reiiowa lempie, nuaueipuia fa. J-M829 J6 WANTED TO RENT. YOUNG lady desires room snd board in a privats family wnere terms are rea sonable; -Baptist family preferred. Ad dress H 21. Bee. ' K WANTED, room and board In private family Dy a single lady; terms reasonable. Address roam 323, Bee building. K M821 WANTED, four unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. Address H 26. Bee. K-M818 34 WANTED, to lease rsnge land for cattle near Kearney, iveo. write W. L. Belby, .31 rsuura 01 iraae Diag., umana, iNro. K-M8S3 26 WANTED TO Bl'Y. WANTED, to .buy, an 80 ta 180-acre farm in oarpy or uougiaa county; give run de- I acrlptioo of lniprwvements,lf 27, Bee. r Aisii it soap wrappers or trsde marks at 12 60 per l.oto. will te at paxton hotel August 23. I p. m. Inquire at office. Brng in your wrappers. i jtjs n FOR SALE FIRNITIRE. CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodse. Tel. 2020. - ,ew ana seconuuaud, pougut, sola. exchanged. u is) FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. CI-OSINO -out buggies cheap. Johnson ft Roberta, John Deere Bldg., 10th and Lea v. 1 P-MC1 b9 NEW and aecond-hand bugglea and wagona; low prices. Frost, 14th and Leavenworth. P 721 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOIS. I WHITE aawdust; season check! oak tim bers, cheap; nog leaca. etu. o Ivuuiu I FOR SAIJi Phonographs; superior to any oilier uiuaicat iii.Lruiiieni, 90 up. 1 he Vsinman Co., 1621 Farnam. Q 723 NEW and secondhand typewriters. 1119 Par nam. w M luO STYLES truaaea; catalogue free. Sher man a fticcuuneu Ur.ig CO., l.ih and Lodge, Omaha. U 74 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. INDIAN goods and relict. 1111 Fa m Kin. W 7& 2DHAND tare cheap. Derlght. 111 Farnam. W ,28 VIM nuncture-pr'wf Urea. H K and 17.00 per 1 1 , .. 1 t .. .. 1 . K.k . '1. i nalr. Omaha Blcycla Co., 16th and Chi- I eago 8ta. J 724 PIANO for tala or trade. O 14, Pee. Q-M127 BP EDISON phonographs,. 110, $20 and ; mouiuea records, oc eacn, or fa per uo. ; new wheels. Hi up; idhand, 13 up. Omaha tucycie co., itn ana Chicago t. L. M. E. always hurry. Tel. 780. Q MS64 EDISON. Columblw plJiographs; agenta wanted, write. Fredrlckson, 15 & Cap. Av. IJ-MMl sis FRESH Jersey grade, big rich milker, flrst- cihks inmiiy cow; young anu sound. Tur ner, 3ih and Center ats. Q M 24 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 1514 Cass Bt B 729 JJME. QTLMER, genuine palmist. 31S 8 It, " . 8 3S MRS. DR. EDWARDS, the greatest clair voyant, trance medium ana palmist or the age. All affairs of life. .Satisfaction or no charge. 1 South 17th St., near Dodge St. S 790 23 ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. AiUJMS, vapor baths, 124 N. 15th. R. 7. MME. SMITH, baths. 113 N. 16, Id floor. R T 133 E5 GLADYS RUSSELL, 23 8. 16th. 3d floor. T M4S5 B-w GRACE O'BRYAN of Ky., 720 80. 13th. FSRIONAI. PRIVATE hospital before and during con- nuemeni; Daoies aaoptea. Kiug urant Bt. Mrs. Gardela. TeL F-1182. U 733 VIAVA, woman a way to health. Home treatment. Booklet free. 34 Bee Bldg., Omaha. .. U 734 TEL. 780 for L. M. E. messengers. 17 M85 GRAMOPHONES and buppllas, wholesale and reUlL Collins Piano Co., 1622 Doug- as. u 73o SHAMPOOING and halrdresslng, 26c, In t .1 j. "on wun ' Bathery, 21C-220 Bee puiiuing;. mm. w 787 CHIROPODY a specialty. In conneotlon V , 7, 6 Bthe"y. roomg l-220. Bee Bldg. 'U 7oa DR. B. M. JACKSON, room 4, Frenier uioua, cnronio aiseaaes a specialty; con sultation free. U 738. $30 RUPTURE CURED FOR $30 No knife, no 1 pa pain, 110 detention from business. I Se nd for booklet, eto. EMPIRE ItlJP- TURE CURE CO., 933 N. Y. Life Bldg., HAIRDRESSING, manlourlng and chlrop- vujr, iur Mum oniy, in connection wun The Bathery, 216-220 Bee Bldg. TJ 731 PRIVATE sanitarium for ladlea before n1 during confinement. Dr. and Mrs. I VteriBUU. VO n. iota Bl.. Omgna I tt u I PARIS WOOLEN CO. New '". & Douglas. 'Phone 1,2221. U-45 S10 PRIVATE home for ladles before amd dur ing connnement. Babies adopted. Mrs. Burget, 2620 Burdette St. U474 SepUl ELITE PARLORS, CIS S.. 16th St., 2d floor. V M428 H7 MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 152i floor, R. 1 U Oil -16 . t REFINED, middle-aged lady wishes to Am.nlnanMA n ' a. .. ,1 - II 1 , - aged gentleman. Address H 19 Bee. U-769 14 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE.' MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate, erennan-xove co., j . 13th. W-739 4Vi PER CENT on business property. per cent on residence property. Options to pay whole or part any time. ona to pay wnoie or part an W. B. MEIKLK, 401 8. 16th , Bt. W-740 WANTED, dty loans and warrants. VT. s arnam cmim at o., ixw x arnam St. W-741 FARM and city loans, low rates. W H. Thomas, First Nat Bank Bldg. Tel. 1U8. W 743 LOW RATES. Private money. f Airtc- invnoinsnT COMPANY Main Floor, New York Life Bldg. W-T44 I PER CENT loans. Oanrln Bros., 1604 Farnam. , w 7 PRIVATE money, F . D. Waad, 1524 Douglas I W-746 $100 UP; low rate. Prlehard. lTll Farnam a w PRIVATE money. Sherwood, $37 N. Y. U W 748 Vi TO B P. C. money. Bemls. Paxton Bik. W 749 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY WHEN you find It necessary to borrow, give us a trial, after which we will by fair treatment attempt to retain your patronage. We loan from $10 up, on fur niture, planoa, live stock, etc. We also make loans to Ithout mortgage T or Indorser. We . do jt deduct inurest In advance, we charge BAUARIED PEOPLE w not nothing for making or flung papers and our service Is Quick and confidential. W always try to piease our patrons. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. lit Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. i-M. (Established 1892) 306 80. lfith St. X-M51S LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO BALtAKifeu rcor-uu, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc.. without se curity; easiest terms; 40 offices In prin cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade bldg. Jt 7sl Chattel and Salary Loans PHOENIX CREDIT CO.,' Successor to J. W. Tayloe. Tel. 746. $3$ Paxton Block. A. MliJ TX YOTT NEED MONEY? SALARY AND FURNITURE LOANS. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Room 303, Third Floor. Paxton Plook. ; X-36 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; misinets connaenuai; lowest rates, 614 Paxton block. The J. a. tiutron rt 1. X-7 764 saorx r. 1 loaneu un luriinure, live sioca. i.K.lrv a a I n r I m ri n,,nl Foley Ian Co.. sue to Duff Green, 8 Barker biick. X-7b MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, tew. elry, horses, cowr, eto. C. r. rieea, ' B is. A tol BISINESS CHANCES. WHOLESALE bakery for sale, good loca tion ana gooa iraae; tailing neaitn is rea son for selling; new brick oven Address Box 1.6, Geneva, Neb. T M327 TO GET In or out of business csll on Wil liams, uoom u. alccague buuaii.g. Y-7H wTTeN you want to buy, sell er exchange your business or proitrty quick, soe 4. It. Johnson, MS N. Y. Life. Y-MW IF YOU WANT CASH for your buelneea. city property or farm rend full particu lars w lib tvst price ana 1 win ten y-ju how to get It. provided it la located lu trie united urates. My plan a winner. Write today. Emerson De P" De: Moines, la., sixth Qoor Iowa Loan and ! Trust Dull ling. Y MU16 S9 FOR SALE, a hotel and furniture, with livery barn In connection. In a thriving town In central Nebrirka." The only hotel In the town. Quod business already established. C A. Rubluaou, Kearney, x BISINRSS tHAKEJ. FOR SALE, the Porter hnuf. furniture and outbuilding. . Thl hold la doing a nice business, hut on account of poor health owner wanta to quit.- It will y you to Inveatlgate thla. Address Fred Porter, Dodge. NerV . .Y M503 17 WANTED In Kansaa or Ncbrasaa, pasture nnd plenty of rough feed, hay, shock corn. tc, for about alx montns tor eight hun dred to one thnumnd cattle. W. F. Mc Oulre, Buena Vista, Colorado, TTBi-a FOR CA8II 3.6iO buys the best grocery store In 8lnux City, la. Address K B., General Delivery. T M75'24 IF TOU HAVE A BUSINESS TO SELL COME AND IS. WK CAN RF.NK- FIT TOU. BHOl'LD.VOU WANT TO HUT DON'T FAIL TO SEE VS. WE HAVE ALL CLASSES- OF HCB1NESH AND MANUFACTURING INTERESTS TO DISPOSE lF OH SECURE AIDI TIONAL CAPITAL. HAVE SEVERAL (jnOI) PROPOSITIONS' FOR PARTIES WITH CAPITAL. FROM fc00 TO $".10 AND SERVICES. ALL SAFE INVEST MENTS. COME AND SEE US OR WRITE; r . MARKS BUSINESS COMPANY. 438 Good Block, Dea Molnea. V I CAN BELL. TOUR BUSINESS. No matter where It la. Send description and cash price and learn how. I have or oan find the. business you want to buy. Tell me your requirements. W. M. Oj trander, Home Office, Bulte 14491 North American Rldg., Philadelphia. Offices In fourteen cities. T FOR EXCHANGE. WANTED, to' exchange an Omaha or South umana nuiming lot tor pair ot tirood mares. Write or 'Inquire Room 334 Board of Trade bldg., Omaha, Neb. Z MW2 24 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR BALE. 31 acrea fruit and garden land, eight-room house, good barn, ap ples, cherrlea. pluma, eight acrea In tim ber, two miles from car line. Address 103 S. First, Council Bluffs, la. RE 959 A 8NAPI Elegant modern 9-room brick dwelling. Kountxe Place, $3,799, worth fct.000. Franklin J. Grlffen. 712 N. T. Life, RE M627 A2 1 SEE PAYNE, BOSTWICK ft CO. for choice bargains, aui N. z. J-4ie uiag. Tel. 1018, RE 761 BNAP 8S0-air cattle ranch, all fenced, four wires, red cedar posts; good house. barn, windmill,' scales and sheds; six miles from Genoa; price 115.00 per acre if taken quick. McFayden ft Wilson, Genoa, Neb. - ' RE M802 25" WILLIAMSON Fa1.8 ...... RE 762 HOU8F.S and lou In all parts of city; also acre property and farm lands. The O. F, Davis Co.. Room 663 Bee Building. . RE 763 GEORGE G. WALLACE, real estate, mort gage, rentals, Insurance. Brown block. RE 764 RANCH and farm lands for sale, by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAUester, land commissioner. Union Pa clno Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE 765 FpR SALE! cattle ranch has 400 acrea of irrigated land; will sell ranch alone or Willi etui;. (JHBiuiv muc. X navo land for merchandise. T. M. Cllne. 1233 O st, Lincoln, , Neb. . RE M740 24 "U,TSL m Vtr"V l'ila house. G. M NatUnger V- HOUSE8. lots, farms, ranches, loans; also fire Insurance, Bemls,. Paxton block. , . : . IUC 766 $7.60 MONTHLY will buy small house and lot in South Omaha near 16th and 8 sts. ; no other payments. W. L. Selby, 334 Board of Trade bldg., Omaha. Neb. ; :, RE M SSI 26 ' FOR 8AT.'E. '..' $1.750 Ten-acre . tract near' Omaha: has house, barn, well, etc. Dnly half-mile from Center St. macadamized road. This will sell - readily. If 1ntrested call at once. j-...- .'.. - SHIMER & '-CHASE Suburban Property, Modern" Cottages. 604 Bee Building. - Tel. 1442. ' RE M835 24 EMPLOYMENT . AGENCY. WANTED Coal miners and machine run ners, Wyoming; bridge men, surface gang and extra gang, Wyoming and Nebraska; coal shovelera, Colorado division B. & M ; coai anoveiera ana laborers, u. P. it. K. Western R. R. Labor Agency, 310 So. 11th. OSTEOPATHY. DR. A. T. HUNT. 612 McCague, Bldg. Tel. MRS. GRACE DEEGAN, 638 Bes building. Tel. RS)8. bM MEDICAL. . DR. PRIES, the . asknowledged leading specialist In diseases of women In Omaha, would call the attention of suffering ladles to his unsurpassed accommodations before and during confinement and his treatment for Irregularities, no matter what cause. Call or addreaa, with stamp, Dr. Pries, Arlington Block, 1613 Dodge, Omaha. - ' ' . 76 - ..-r-.,.,: , , . . , .r SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C VAN RANT'S school. ! 717 N. Y. Life. 10 BOYLES college, court reporter principal. in. x. iai: its NEB. Business ft Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. 770 LOST. gold stickpin diamond setting, and ?,hain tuar.djrf 1, J'hbjti!uo'1, 01 WooJworth and Park avenue. Liberal re ward. Return to 1326 Bo. IKlh Ave. ..'.. Lost 609 LOST In Auditorium tent, Thursday even ing, pair goia spectacles; reward, win. 1. iviersteaa, city Hall. . lost B2& 32 MANt ACTIKINU. P. MELCHIOR, 13th and Harney, ma chinist . .. . ITS OMAHA bafe and Iron Wks. makes a spe clalty of fire escapes, shutters, doors snd sates, u. Anareen, rrop., lux a. win au 776 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL, kinds of carpenter -work and repair ing promptly attended to. j. x. Ochiltree, xuin anu iaae streets. iiu MIB1CAU MRS. F. IL WRIGHT, piano, 1313 Webster bt. ' 137 STORAGE. OM. Van Btor. Co.. 1611H Farn. Tela. U6-8t. ACCORDION PLEATING. IDEAL. PLEATING CO., 1610 Howard. J8B THINKS AND BAGGAGE. TWIN CITY EXP. Phone 1717. SO 80. 16th . . M-IU L. M. E. haula trunks. Tel. 780. MS56 HOTELS. LANUK HOTEL, upstairs. 13th ft Jackson. . las Bl BARKER, 1$ ft Jonea; Amerl. ft European. IK 1 H TYPEWRITERS. LAMBERT TYPEWRITER price $J0 use and care for; sent on approval. Mod roe ft CO., Ml iso. utn at. ornaca. M125 DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING In families or at home. alias Sturdy, 26 Harney. 33 All KICKKL PLATI0. OMAHA Plating Co., Bee Bldg. Tel. r-is. 787 ELECTRICAL RKPAIRF.R. GRAND Electric Co., 1$ ft Jackson. Tel. 2"44, 788 STAMMER IXG AD RTl'TTERlHG. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 480 Ramgo Bldg. -791 TINKERS AID CORNICES. E. SAVAGE, 2S22 Farnam, 'Phone, 2111. MR43 81 EXPERT ACCOVKTANT. PRIVATE Iwsnns In bookkeeping, eto 1 night clase Mond., Wed.. Frl. O. R. Rathbun, room 15, Com'l Nat'l bank. -M5?J PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable acenmmndat , lrig; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. 7S1 TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere. P. H. Phllbin, lu Farnam. 'Phone 784. -803 FIR DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO., unners. 1414 Be. 13th. 7s ANNOUNCEMENTS. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Tele, phone 2190. 611 South Thirteenth street. . 7'9 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. 8T1LLMAN ft PRICE. 23 U. 8. K'l Bk. Bid. fATENTS. . PATENTS Sues ft Co., Bee Bldg., Omuha; no fee unless successful; advice free, m S!9 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, Ic; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4a 1760 Leavenworth. Tel. A-17S1 773 BICYCLES. CLOSING out new and second-hand bi cycles, less than cost. Louis Flescher. M746 2 J '-' GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced prices. 621 N. 10. Tel. 1779. 780 FLORIST. . HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. TeL 1253. Send for price Hat, cut flowers and plants. MT84 JUNK. MIXED country scrap, $11; stove plate. $$. Aipirn. Kri r arnam. ?7 AUTOMOBILES. ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILES. Deright's, -785 1119 Farnam street. DALb 11K.S. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., 8U North Kth. ISO MAGNETIC HE4.LING. CATARACTS, granulated lids and all dis eases of the eyo and cnronio diseases of ail kinag cured without tne Knife or medi cine by Dr. Charles I. White, the mag netic: healer and vltapath physician Office, 1915 Farnam St. P, O. box 49. Con sultation free. r MN40 23 PATENTS. PATENTED and unpatented Inventions bought and sold. Lucas ft Co., Bt. Louis, mo. ttr STATIONERY. ALL descriptions; ornamental, etc. 712 S. 16. M838 I POSTOr FICE NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested. aa changea may occur at any time.) Foreign malls for the week ending August 23, 1902, will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at the general poatofflce as follows: Parcels post malls close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels post malls for Germany close at 6 p. m. Mon day ana weanesaay. Rerular and supplementary malls close at foreign station halt hour later than closing time ahown below (except that supplement ary malls for Europe and Central America via colon ciose one nour later at foreign statloui. Transatlantic) Malls. K jn m VTixrrv per s. s. umoria, via wueenstown; at 7 a. m. for ITALY direct, per s. s. Lahn (mall must be directed '-per s. s. Lahn "; at 7:30 a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct, per s. s. Rotterdam (mall must be di rected "per s. s. Rotterdam"); at 9:30 a. in for SCOTLAND Ulreot, per s. s. Co lumbia (mall must be directed '"per s. s, Columbia "); at 10 a. m. for BELGIUM direct, per a. s. Kroonland (mall must be directed "per s. a. "Kroonland ). . . PRINTED MATTER, ETC. This steamer takes printed matter, commeietal papers and samples for Germany only. The same cUbh of mall matter for other parts of Europe will not be aent by this ship unless sueciauy airectea py 11. After the closing of the aupplementary transatlantic mans named aoove, addi tional supplementary malls ate opened on the Dleis of the American, En linn. French and Oerman steamers and remain open until within ten mlnutea of the hour of Bailing 01 steamer. Mails for Soaib aad Central America, West Indies, Eta. SATURDAY At a. ui. (supplementary 9 30 a. m.) for FUltIO RICO. CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. s. Caracas (mall tor Savanilla and Cartagena must be directed "per s. s. Caracas'; at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10: 30 a. ' m.) for FORTUNif ISLAND. JAMAICA, SAVA NILLA and CARTAGENA, per s. s. Altai (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "per s. s. Altai"); at 9: So a. m. (supple mentary 10:) a. m.) for HAITI and SANTA MARTA. per a. s. Valencia; at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Morro Castle via Havana; at 12 M p. m. for CUBA, per g. a. Ollnda, via Matanxaa (ordinary mail only, wnicn must us directed "per a. a, ounua ) Malls for Newfoundland, by rait to North Sydney, ana (hence by steamer, close a this oftlce daily st 4:30 p. ra. (connecting close here every Monday. Wednesday ana Saturday). Malls for Mlauelon. by rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, close at this office dally it 6:30 p. m. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Florida and thence by ateamer. close al this oftlce dally, except Thursday, at o:so a. m. (tne connecting close are made on Mondays. Wednesday and Saturdays. Vails for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed for dlspatcn by steamer, close at thii office dally except Sunday at 1:30 P. m and ll:3o p. m , Sundays at 1 p. m. and 11:30 p. m. Malls for Costa Rica. Ilellse, Puerto Cortes and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, and thence by ateamer, close at thla office dally except Sunday at "1:30 p. m., Sundays at "i p. m. (con necting closes here Mondays for Bellse, Puerto Cortes and Guatemala, and Tuas- days for Costa Rica). P.eglatered mall tloses at 4 p. m. previous day. Traaspaelge Malls. Malls for Hswafl. via San Francisco, close here dully at 0 p. m. up to August !, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Alameda. Malla for China and Japan, via Seattle, close here dally at p. m. up to Augua -". inclusive, lor aiaoatcn per a. Slilnano Maru. (Registered mall must be directed "via Seattle i. Malls for Hawaii. Japan. China and first class matter lor the Philippine Islands, via San F.-inc'.sco. c'.srr hen daily 6 a0 p. in i.p to August 21, Inclusive, for niaputcn per a. a. Korea. Mails for the Philippine Islands, via San Francisco, ciose bare dally at :J p. in up to August M2uth. Inclusive, for die patch per U 8. Transport. Malls (or Hawaii, Japan, China and first class matter tor tne Philippine Island Via San Francisco, close tieie dally at POSTOFF1CE NOTICE. 8:30 P. m. UD to Aucust "Sth. Inrlnstve. for dispatch rter a. a. Malls for Australia (except West Au stralia, which Is forwarded via Europe), New Zealand. Fill. Kimnt and Hawaii via San 1 rancisvo, close here dally at SO p. m. after August 14 and up to Auguit SO, Inclusive, or im arrival of a. a. F.trirla. due at New York Anauat 30. for dispatch per s. s. Sonoma. Malls for China and Japan, via Vancouver and Victoria. U. C. riiuie hrre daily at ;) n. m. up to September 2d, tncualve. lor uispatcn ier s. s. r.nmress or China (registered mall must be specially ad dressed Merchandise for L. 8. postal agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Canada 1. Mails for ' Australia (except West Au- etraua, wnicn goes via E-urope, and New Zealand, whlth goes via San Francisco), and Flii Islands, via Vancouver and Vic toria, B. . C, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. after August 30th snd up to Septem ber "13th, Inclusive, for dispatch per a. s. Aoraniri. ' Malls for Tahiti and. Marquesas Islands, via oan r rancisco, nose nero aany at ;30 p. m. up to September 'ith. Inclusive,-for dispatch per s. e. Mariposa. Transpacific malls are forwarded to rort 01 sailing oauy ana ine scneauie ot clos ing is arrange on tne presumption OI their uninterrupted overland transit. Registered mall closes at 6 p. m. pre vious day. CORNELIUS V AN COTT, 1 Pnitmiatar Poatofflce, New York, N. Y., August 15, lis '3. BANK STATEMENT. Statement of the Condition of the MUTUAL LOAN 'AND III ILDING ASSO CIATION of Omaha, Nebraska, on the 30th day of june, issu: , ASSETS. Flrat mortgogs loans .....$19,148 49 biock loana...... 09 Real estate $.02i 18 Real estate sold on contracts.. 4.427 t.i Cash 466 08 Delinquent Interest, premiums and fines 470 8? Other assets 1!S 76 Total. , $33,709 78 LIARITJTIE9. Capital stock paid up ; ;. $27,348 12 Reserve fund I.01B 91 Undivided profits , 715 33 uue snarcnoiaers on incomplete loans Wis to Other liabilities..... 205 9 Earnings distributed 4,170 63 Total :. $33,709 78 Receipts and expenditure for the year ending-June 30, 1902: RECEIPTS. Balance on hand July 1. 1901 8 4 .229 03 Dues 8,190 47 Interest, premiums and fines 9 464 97 Loans repaid 18.079 AO Rents , 1X7 80 Foreclosures 8S4 30 Miscellaneous n 2,52 i 74 Total. ,.'..$36,065 91 ,...$ 1,290 01 .... 1,127 22 .... $1,707 40 .... 4B OS .... 4F.I 96 .... 1.019 34 EXPENDITURES. ......................... Iyians xpenses ....... tock redeemed. Cash on hand.... r oreciosirea . Miscellaneous .. 1UIHI , JO,'Jr.O VI State of Nebraska, Douglas County, as.: 1, George Mr attinger, secretary of the bove named association, do solemnly swear that the foregoing statement of the condi tion of said association Is true and correct to the beat of my knowledge and belief. UEOHOE M. NATT1NUER, and Sworn to before me this 18th day ot August, 1903. MAllUAtltl 8. COLVIN, (Seal.),,' Notary Public. Approved: C. E. REYNOLDS, ' W. N. NASON. CHARLES P. SOUTHARD, ' ' Directors. GOVERNMENT NOTICES. FORT RILEY, KANSA8, JULY 25, 1902 Sealed proDOals. in triplicate, will be ra. ceived at thla oftlce until 11 o'clock a. m., August 25, 1902, and then opened, for the construction of the following buildings, In cluding plumbing, heating and electrio wiring, " w here same la specified, and for ovens and bead-making machinery In Slace In bakery. Construction of one ouble Cavalry Barracks, one Artillery Barracks, one Gun Shet,, one Artillery Stable, one Cavalry' "Stable, three Field Officers' Quarters, two Double Line Officers' quarters, two oouDie ,N. c. Staff Quarters and one Bakery at Fort Riley, Kansas. r un instructions' to Didders snd blank forms of proposal will be furnished tinon application to this office. Plans and specifi cations may oe seen nere, aiso in omce a of Depot Uuartermoaters at Chicago, III., Bt. Louis, Mo., snd Omaha, Neb, United States reserves the right to accept or reject any or all-bids or any part thereof. Envelopes to be endorsed "Proposals for Public Buildings," and addressed, "CAP TAIN G. O. CRESS, Constructing Quarter master." . . J 28-d-4-t-A-23-24-m OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER MASTER, Observatory Offlco Building, Des Moines, Iowa, July 26. 19 2. , Sealed pro posals. In triplicate, will be received here until I p. m., August 25, 190Z, for construe- ng, piumoing. electric wiring, steam heat ng and gaa piping at Fort Des Molnea, owa, 1 Held officers' quartera. 3 double sets officers' Quartera. 2 double sets non-com- mlaaloned officers quarters, 1 double cav alry barracks, 3 cavalry atablea. 1 a-uard house, 1 administration building, 1 hospital. noBQiiai steward s ouarters. 1 nay shed. granary. 1 magaslne. 1 oil house. Inform. at Inn- eiirnlshi in .nnllf-atinn V, a n . uepot wuartermaster s oruces m Chicago, 111.: Bt. Louis. Mo..-- umaha. Neb., and St. Paul, Minn. U. 8.: reserves right to accent or reject any or all proposals, or parts thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be endorsed, 'Proposals for , ldressed it. a. Turner, W M. ' i July 26 28 23 SO A22 23M LEGAL NOTICE?.. MONITION. In the United Statea Dlatrict Court for the District of Nebraska. Bouth Omaha Pontoon Bridge and Ferry Company, a corporation, Ubellant, against the ' Steamboat Henrietta, her enginea, boilers, machinery, taCkle and furniture, in admiralty. in obedience to a warrant of aelsure to me directed, in the above entitled cause, I have seised and taken Into my possession the following described, property: The steamboat Henrietta, its etmines. boilers. macninery, tacKie ana furniture, for the causes set forth In the libel now pending In the United States district court for the district of Nebraska, at Omaha, Neb. I hereby give notice to all persons claiming the said described steamboat Henrietta, its engines, boilers, machinery, tackle and fur niture, Knowing or having anything to say hy the same should not be condemned and forfeited, ana the proceeds thereof d'- triuutea accoraina to tne prayer or tne nuei, mat. tney be ana appear berore the said court, to be held In and for the dis trict of Nebraska, at the United Stales courtroom, in the city of Omaha. Neb.. on the 16th day of September, luui, at 10 o clock on the forenoon or that day, if tr.e same shall be a day of Jurisdiction, other- wise on the next day of Jurisdiction there after, then and there to interpose a claim for the same, and to make their- a Ilea a tlons In that be buff. T. U MATHEWS. U. n Marshal District of Nebraska. i.UtWAI TlMst, (.Ann, Hi BURLINGTON Mis !fi!iOilili souri ltlver Railroad "1 he Burlington Route" Gen eral Ofllcea, Northwest Corner Tenth and Farnam Streets. Ticket Office, 1602 Farnam Street. Telephone, too Burlington Station, Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 12s. Ijeivf. Arrive. f.incnln. Haatinca and McCook a b:o am a 7: pra I I .. ....1 nanva, rVil ' rado. Utah, Callfornlaa 4:zs pm a 1:10 pm Alliance Express a 4:25 pm a 3:10 pm Lincoln ft Black, Hills. ,all:10 pra a 6:45 am Montana, Puget 6ouid.all :10 pm a 6:46 am Lincoln Fast Mall b 3:10 pm a t.ll am Wymore, Bea'i'.ce and Lincoln a 8:40 am bll:56 am Dt nvcr. Colorado. Utah and California a 6:46 am Fort Crook. So. Bend. Louisville, plattsm th b 1:20 pra bll:06 am Bellevue, Plattsmoulu Pacific Junction a 7:60 pm a 8:27 am Bellevue, Piatt. mouth ft pacific Junction a 8:00 am a Daily, b Daily exoept Sunday. i KANSAS CITY. ST. JO la i-.v, rv-v e-. -xi seph . ft Council Bluffs (lIHMillt Jiauroad " 1 na tiurungto Route "Ticket Office, lie! IL iii-M'. e arnam Kt.t lelmihon 2iO. Depot. Tenth ' 1 Mason Streets. Telephons Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 9 2o am a 6 t pm Kansaa City Night Ex.al0:30 pm a 6.16 am Bt Leulf Fiver, for S' Jo.eph end tit. Louis. a 6.10 pm am a uauy. RAILWAY TIME CARD-4 oatlaaed. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON gulncv Hallway "The Burlington K-iute " Ticket Office, 150.1 Fat nam ftreet. Telephone 2f. lepot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 13S. Iave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Pp- rial a T oo am all:o pm Chicago Vestlbuled Kx a4 "0pm a 7:30 am Chicago Local Expresa.a 9:0 in a 4 pm, Chicago limited a $:06 pm Fast Mall a 2:1$ pm a Dally. FREMONT. ELXHORN ft Missouri Valley Railroad "The Norlhwes'ern Une" General Offices United States National . Bank Building, e. W. Corn.r Twelfth anil nam Bts. Ticket Office 1401-Farnam St. Telephone 661. Depot, i6th and Vbt-r Bts. Telephone 1408. " . . Leate. ' Arrive. Black Hills. Deadwood, Hot Springs a $:oo pm a 6:00 prn Wyoming. Casper and Dougiaa ..d 3:00 pm a 6:00 put Hustings, York. Dav.d C.ty. Superior, Geneva, Exeter and Seward b 3:00 pm b $:n0 pm Norfolk, Verdigre and Fremont ..b 7:30 am bl0.2Sam Lincoln, Wahoo Fremont .....1..., Fremont Loral ... , and v.. ..b 7:o am bl0::l am .u 1 .irr 111 a Dally b Dallv excent Hunrtjv. n Hun. day only; d Daily except Saturday, e Dally except Monday: . CHICAGO A NORTH western Railway "The Northwestern Line" City Ticket Office, 1U Farnam St. Telephone 661. Depot, Tenth and Maroy Streets. Te.e- phone (29. Leave. ' Arrive. Fast Omaha-Chicago, ...a : am atl:29pm Local Carroll-Omaha. ...b 1:65 pm al0:20 am Local Cb cago-Omaha..,alO:63 am a 4:06 pm Fast Omaha-Chicago. ...a 4 :' pm' a 4:( pm Fast Mail ...a 8:0) pm a f 4f pm Omaha-Chlcogo L't'd. '.a 7:46 pm a :.0 am Fast Mail ;,, a 8:30 am Cedar Rapids Passenger '" a 1:30 pm a Dally. b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL, Minneapolis ft' Omaha Railway "The North western Line" General Office. Nebraska Divi sion.. 15th and Webster Sts, Cllv Ticket llftlc. 1401 Farnatr. Bt. Telephone 66L Depot, 16th and Webster Bts. Telephone 14S8. . .. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Pasaengei 6:30 am 8:10 pm fioux city Passenger. ..a 3:110 pm all:IOam Emerson Local b 6:30 pm b 8.10 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. SIOUX CITY ft PACIFIO Railroad "The North western - Llne'WJeneral Offices, United - Statea National Bank Building, 8. W. Corner Twelfth and Farnam Sts. Ticket Office, 1401 Farnam St Telephone 661. De. pot Tenth and Marcy Bts. Telephone 129. Leave. Arrive. Twin City. Fast .'..a 7:30 am ai0:2S pm Twin City, Fast. ........ .a 7:66 pm a 8:46 am oux City ,.. 3:66 pm b 10:30 ana a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND ft Pacific Railroad "The Great Rock -Island Route"- City s Ticket Office, 1328 Farnam . street. Telephone 428. : Depot, Tenth ' ' and Marr.v itrMi. Telephone 629. Lave. -Arrive. ' EAST. ' : - . Chicago Daylight L t d. a 6:00 am a . Chicago Day.lght Local.n 7:28 a an a 9:35 pra Chicago Express bll'.15 am ' a 6:06 pm Des Molnrs Local. a 6:20 pm bll:60 am Chicago Fast Express, .a 8:06 pm a 1:26 pm TV UOl, Rocky Mountain L't'd..a (:S0 am ft 4:50 am Lincoln, Colorado Spgs., uenver, puemo .and West a 1:30 nm a I:e nm Colorado, Oklahoma ft Texas Flyer ...a $:Jf pm -al2;40 pro a Dally, b Dally exoept Sunday. UNION, PACIFI C-"THB Overland Routs" Gensral Offices, N. E. Cor. Ninth and Farnam- Ste. City Ticket Office. 1824 Farnam Bt. Tele, phone 214. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Bts. Telephone 629. Leave. 1 Arrive. The Overland Limited.. a 40 am a 7:30 nm The Chicago-Portland - Special a 9:40 am a 70 nm Tmj Fast Mall... a 8:60 am a 4:35 pm The Mail and Express.. all : pm a 4:86 pm The Colorado Special. ,.all:30 pm a 7:00 am Lincoln, isrsLirice ana ' Stromsburg Express.. .b 4:05 Dm hl3:3S nm The Pacific Express.. .:.a 4:26 pm The Atlantic Express... a 7:00 am Grand Island Local b 1:30 pm b 9:36 am a Daily, b Dally except Sunday. ILLINOIS ' CENTRAL Railroad City Ticket Of. flee, 1402 Farnam Street. 'Telephone, 246. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Bta. ijjo' Leave. Arrive. Chlcaao Exnrea. a 7:35 am A 5:10 pra Chicago Limited 7:60 pm a 8:06 am Fast Mall ! pm Minneapolis ft St Paul ' ' ' Express ,.....b 7:36 am bl:S6 pm Minneapolis ft St Panl Limltea ft 7:ou pm a f :u am Fort Dodge Local from Council Bluffs b 4:50 pm al0rt am Fort Dodge Lraal from ' " ' Council Biurrs .........a :oo am a (Dally, b Dally exoept Sunday. aAa.. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL WwXftFfc road General Offices and W'".; Ticket- Offices. Southeast corner 14 tn and Douglas Sts, Telephons, 104. Depot, Union Station. Lea vd. - ' Arrive. ' Bt. Louie and Kansas :' --' City Express ,..aio:ooam a : pra K. C., Bt. L. Express. .. alO:W pm a 4:16 am leave from lotn ana Webster Streets: Nebraska Loeal, . Via' , Weeping Water... b 4:10 pm B10-.45 am a Dully, b Dlly except Sunday. WABABH RAILROAD Tic , ket . Office, 1601 Farnam Street - Telephone . $22. De pot, Tenth snd. Maroy Sta. Telephone, '629. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis Express .a 6:66 ant a 8:30 am St Louis Local (from Council Bluffs).. a :io am aio;?u pm a dally. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE) ft St Paul Railway City Ticket Office, 1504 Farnam Street. Telephone, 24. . Depot' Tenth and Mason Eta. Telephone. g29. Leave.- Arrive. PJlLWAUKL Chicago ft Omaha Kx.,.n t: am d s w pm Chicago Llniltei - "' " " Daily, b Daiiy fria a..,... STEAMSHIPS. HQLLf.3A!IEniCA LIHE .,.u.lL,,ii,rdin. via. houlosaa. . ii. New Twln-Screw a. a. of U.0W) tone aegistcr Twln-horew bteamer Twin-Screw Noordam Aug- u, 10 A. M Statendaia Potsdam Sept . ' lo A. M. Bteamer Twin-Screw Steamer AnDly to Sept. 13, 10 A. M. Harry Moores' MOi Farnam' aicNallv. 1323 Farnam atreet; street; J. S, H. S. Jones, 15u2 Farnam street; ixiuis hieeae. Flrat National Bank. Omaha. A Rnab Order. Baltimore American: "Tour husband must be very busy these elays," aald I ha neighbor to the wife ot tha historical aov- ellst. "I haven't seen him in the yard for ' a week." ' "Ob, the poor man is almost distracted, aald tha wits. "His publishers have or dered a atory for Immediate publication Introducing tha characters of May Tone. Pat Crowe, Outlaw Tracy and Peter. Power,' and he doesn't know wbstber to hive Pat Crow kidnap Peter Power er have him marry Mary Mac Vane la tha last chapter.' Get Oae sf These Right. baili more Americas: "i wonder way aa) many men live double ' lives," says tha earnest student of humanity. - "It may be," ventures the equally earnest student of humaa nature, "that they do so la order to vorractv la ana -of tha Jlvsa tka mistakes they make la tha ether. u8 3 V