Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1902, Page 9, Image 9
TIIK OMAHA DAILY BKE; WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1002. 0 f 'A i ft SPECIAL NOTICES will taken asm IX aa. far th tlf e-altlaa aad Mill SO a, a. f aseralac Saaday t4l(Ui. !, 1 l-2 ward flrat tasertlea. a ward tktrfHiritr, Katalasr takea far lea ftkan trtcr far tka arst ier tloay ,TkM ivHtatU aaast a raa .eaaaeeattvely, - Aararrieere, by- reqaestlaar m rese ta a ttaWnl latter la car af Taa Baa. inwtn a a greased will dellrer aa araaaataUaa at taa alveola aaLr. . . rUR SALKCIOABSV. : $?0J00.IN;.COLD. It pay to bujr ydir ' Mgurg 'of us. You may wake up some day and find yourself tiia poseesftor- hf fifty Dofiwrs in Gold that glv away (9 our customers each month. B utter: 6c-Miller, n. w. con. imr aku farnam stb. .... ..... . fcWi . WANTEDSI VUATIONS.- A 8TENOORAP1IER WJtft you want on call the Remington Typewriter otflje, 1619 arnam-, street. 'islepnamv lb72. ' , '' V -' A-M1-A24 WANTED-Bltuatlorr "-by registered phar macist; In years" oountry and city expert ence; slng.e, nest reTerOnces. Address, Hi. be: vr 5. J A 764 Si POSITION- chambermaid without dining rovm work la Omaha rHeV or ay hone.: keeper in bachelors or-widower home. Adorers lv B.-At.,.yne.rB.i Delivery, 'Roct- tOEd HI v ".! A 774 Ur WANTEDS .r refined woman, position as : home or traveling companion; good r-Terences.? Adciroa ,14. W, Bee. A 770 2i ' WTEp-SjALK HEI.P. WANTlStt Cirin-ssser' Man fannilar with book ' and newspaps WorK preicrred. 4 Hunt' be' Hfl tier." AVPty Muom -lur Bee iaundlng. ' i :'. 4 u It 'FOB 'HALF1 'A 1AY'8 WORK. ' If you live in the country or In a email tOwnrramU . twn : a guod aociualniance among the farmers anu stock raisers. In tho iie4sjoorhoud you can piane K easily by lour cr live hours' work. Write us add w '.tftkU eju JOH our proposition, i'ne- lie 1'uulluhUtg Uu., JJollciiprs' Dopi., UnabaJ.uj. . . ...... B Mi4 WANTEtA good (nan tn,. every county to take 4tcnnloi, , tot- The .Twentieth . Ctntiuy.i-annul,,. Uur agents make good wages every wii.e. ,Kct(rences required. Aouress, Twentieth ' Century Farmer, Omaha, Nob. . " B-il3 TEAM driver,- coal and building materials; 10j0 -jiee .week,,,' Sufherlana Bros Co., -KDth.and Jllckory t., ., . ,.,B 625. , WANtftt, mrt to- isajrit barber , trade. . Practlvu.1-tratnlngv expvtt - Instructions; elKtrt.wtPk required. . W present- tools, ; gaay Saturday Ma Rea .guarantee positions. . .HpecuUi induCj mn W t--uppllcaBts Irom distance. Write - today. Moler. Barber dlte-ei 4liW P"Maa st, B Mo3a WAN.TBD.-1 actlvo 'iman' weh". acquainted , with grain shippers In southern and cen tral Nebraska tA consignments of g'alrt ;'tate lowest salary expoctod, with '. rt'ttrto'1."' Address, 'O' bS, omiihit ' Bee, Omahtl; Web. f - "" -; B-4J45 '20 WANTED, state -organizers for Nebraska by thl established insurance society; pays sicks.--accident ap4 death claims; plan ' yKS'Ufc r. fil".""! eciirsr rnemliers: JmUrAfid; columlsiVjh. Writ tkt terms. -AddrifcT5vfciwx;,4iU&.NV Y. ut HUg... ' Kansas City-Mf. ...Mention papt-r. " '''I.i'crt.iRAvANTED. " ' THETUCAHAliiK FUND LIFE ..'K'V.V - :,.-..AtuUAXl,0.'. ,.. .. V ants live loctiia5'nJls every town,, in Nebraska. The pipposluon puaaesses ttpe clal metjt,, .aiii, is aily written. Salary or cornmisnrun to the right man. Aduress JrV-lUkOWgtoa, wcrctary,. Alllanue, Neb., WAJiflSlJ.-ra oad "barber;' no 'student- or booier ned apply; guarantee tlO per week. Madser l&b Mam,-' Fremont. Neb. B M756 20 . i ,-t'iit trrrtr. h.l.-: WANTED- toachmlm:-'' For- Information apply to A. Hhaw:- -care- Hay den ' Bros.' harness: dvpwrtmnnt. B 7Ki 20 "WANTEIt. three teamsters. Apply to Hiy xitn Bros. I-;: v- - . B 772 fjo TWO COLI.ECTOH3, 112 per week and ex penses. Iowa and Nebraska. Hlxenbaugh, VJ0 .'Ware' block: B MTai WANTtETI, iao6 singers and dancers, male and Itrple; , (host!. hQ . play strings pre ferred; i a I so iTuHyTnn and opener; good roenejifu hnrd Avocktrsi fair ground show; all day grind. Address Walt E. Dewey, 230 B. 11th St., Lincoln, Neb. B M7S3 21 WANTED, young men and women to write for our free booklet" "A re Your Hands Tied?;' It tells hoWswa-have -helped thou eanda to iipiVirf -4henmclvps while we qualified ttiria.for hlth salaried positions In englnrt-aioit or architecture.-' Write the InternsrtiCprfawofioteiXc Schools, box 1868, B( ronton., ra-.; -or "H day or evening at theAj"11 "4c i'aitton block. ,., jyv. ' Jlt": . B,Af;8u, WANTBDl, roeit'.whe are .weak pr diseased to wrte'fui; free' bJtiXIet edited bv the 1 -. ... .2 .. A . . 1 - i 1 1 -. ,'Uni nuw'Vlui VJCViail3l III the United tStBtom;- Address J. Newton tm rhamrHv L$a;v: V; 62 Commercial block. eioux city WANTED, eVeYt1'et,r hustlers to tack signs, distribute neu4ars. samples, etc.; no canvassing, good pay. Sun Advertis ing BueeauC'ldeBgo , ' ' B W7.1 2J e . WANTED, a ftrst-class barber of good habits; no student need apply; straight salary, 12 per . week.- XHerks, 4th and .Main. Fremont, Nebi :' B M7S9 20 ' VYANTED. at once,:' Orst-clasa barber; -jnuat .ba ltablo,p sober and Industrious man; good wages. . Address U, A. Merry, Walnut, la. . . . . B M7ss 21 WANTED, two cooks fon Wyoming- west ern railway. Labor jigancy, 310 a. luh. : .. ' B M787 ;. j; WAKTED FTfiMAXK HELP.. 400 Atria., Call Canadian oroce. 16th & Dodge. 1 : : r-T . . "WANOED, tao t ug -.lady students to learn halrdressing, manicuring and oht ropody -uu vcljiil)lc uia, Call or .. viriterHooot 440, W Bid, i . . C tifti W'ANTED," lady cook. Eureka Restaurant. 1M Cass $tr -j . C JoO T " I I WANTEPtAompeteot gtrl for housework. , Ura. AU.f.rUu(uiOU.' Lataystte Ay. ! . F r. 1 ' C 2o4 ABB ,Voy a.Cathollo and ' unemployed? 8oe taa; ' Huenbaugh," 600 War Tglock.. . . . . . , ..... ' CWl WANTED, '-'glrf ' f or ' general housework'; - smaii lamuy. vn . f ierce ui. , JO ' WANTiqp."6uiig lady lrt every llv town In Nebraska and Iowa, only part of your tlnw rejiilr4d. 4 Write Nis 'for particulars. TrfU, Cyle Co.. l&th and Harney his. WANTED... "mpet, girl for general M 8o. 40tb C 716 20 housework' at goo. i Bt. .Tal- 'Mi. j ,waga. COMPETENT girl for general housework lu fnniiU .ef.HM; must. .leave city; good referent eulred; wniiportalUjn lur nlshed; wages, a a week. . Inquire tor Mrs. BtLkrr at T,f Qra.i hotel cn Wed nesday, h, from I to 1 p. m. C 72 19 WANTEH lood wages to a good cook; son otbr need pplA 2324. Harney. v ; C-M7tfi WANTED, a good sirl far general houke worm. 4N.,23d 6V : v C-J-774 3t WAit fi ifiCZiWaaes.' : Apply to Mr, y aimer, liciuivit s vafo. ,1 ...4 ."'.: l . O-MTMtM HCXME WORK, m moalMy copying tatters; etiber arnd two saampa for parucu- lars, lituk'g (supply ,C (64 JUlnll St., CMoagu-, v - .T i CAI7H 20 NrR8f;SFVfa,KOj7! FilebUj. Cola; three momtis' rlmrae: dfoloiflss; bpens OcioSer 1; write. ' C M7S2 81 WANTEl. eeKeShifllee: ahlysuCh as have had actuiirvrl.!e (n selling dry nods ned apply. Call between a and j) clock a. to, J. L.. Brandta Sons n dr c 771 tl WAITRD-rEMAlB HELP. WANTED, competent girl fnr housework; family of three. Mn, F. W. Judson, t24 Lafayette Ave. C 775 11 WANTED, 25 girls for catalogue work. Apply to Haydcn Bros. clothing Dept. Wednesday morning. C 771 r WAITED SALESMEN. WANTED Two traveling salesmen to sell our line of farmers' repair' tools In Ne braska through the hardware and tm plement dealers; must be salesmen; thor oughly reliable; bonds required; machine men preferred. Also two men for South Dakota. C. H. Harper Manufacturing Co., Marshalltown, la. 11764 IV FOR RBXT-HOIIES, 2123 CHARLES, four-room cottage; rent 111. Wm. K .Potter, receiver, Omaha Loan and Trust Co., 303 Urowu block. 1-IU HOI ISF ,n Pr,s cltv The O. nyUJLOy, Davis Co., 5o Bee Bldg. D 7ua VANS and baggage wagons. Tel. 1196. O 701 TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co.; office loU Farnam, or Tela. 1&5-Mi. D 703 8KB PATNE, BOSTWICK CO. for choice houses. Gul -3 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 1016. . T D 704 MODERN house, I rooms, 2723 Jackson St. Wheeler Wheeler, Douglas and lr.ih St. Tel. ISC. . D-MStt MAQOARD Van ft Storage Co. Tel. 1494. D 70S) GOOD modern 8-room haute. 2504 Blondoi D 712 1812 N. 2TH BTT, 7 roomr, bath, gas, barn; rant 120. Wm. K. Potter, receiver, Omaha Loan and Trust Co., JOa Brown block. D 711 HOU8E8 and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker block. u 70S HOUSES, stores. Bemls, Faxton block. D-710- MODERN 7-room flat, 125. H.-B. Graham, agent, 24th and Farnam. D 405 10-ROOM nouse, nearly hew, water, gas, . sewer, fine iswn. near -motor and school: ' rent 125. Inquire Wm. 1. .Kleretead, City "" u im 191 CALIFORNIA, 8 rooms, modern, 132.60. lbiio Blnney, rooms, modern, 115.00. loon-5 Blnney, Double house, 18 rooms, mod ern, 130.00. . 1R14 N. 2fith, 6 rooms, city. water, 113.00. 1813 Charles, b rooms, city water, aewer, 114. ALi.Ai.ii, tn uruwn mocic. . u oi HOU8EB Elegant 10-room brick house; a few blocks lrom the postoftlce. Just the thing for a first-class bearding house, 145. Ultt.NNAN-LOVK CO., lo South 18th St. , , - . D 64024 2C2S CALIFORNIA 8T., 10-room modern nuune, targe lawn, staDie ior norses ana buggy; in good repalr.r 1908 Capitol Ave. : . D 690 5-ROOM house for rent. - S26 So. 23d St. , D 77s -ROOM , modern, good repair, on So. J2d ' FOR RKm-FtRlSHKD IIOOM9. ELEOANT rooms, finest ' local ion In th. - .city, im Capitol Ave... . JwM&Ji D1SWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. ' Hi il II PER WEEK. 422 S. 18th St., one block i""'i i courv Bouse. H. ilk AETNA HOUSa, European, 13th and Dodge . Kim . VIENNA HOTEL, 1011-15 Farnam 8t. tli 191 87 NICE front parlor. 2001 Burt. E 207 2 KICK cool furnished - or unfurnished iwi davenport.. . . . . JS 431,. .TWO-ROOMSifor light housekeeping. 2568 ! Douglas. - ir.tK7i ot 'jtQtJM. :'208) : Harnejr. E-M.746 24 ' pttlOR, upstairs reomsj 'phonel modern, M749 21 COOL, neat rooms, new flat. S20 North 17th. . ' ' ic 76-a-i7 Ft'ftMSMED HOQ3IS AD BOARD. THE ROSE, 2020 Harney, large parlors, - . ..i.uiw, .ftwu vuicuier rooms: rales reasonable. :al f 6& Ai9 MerViam, comfortable summer home. Tel. 85. ...... ji ii . ROOMS '.and board. Tho Albany, 2101 Doaglaa. F-M4o Ai4 TJTOi'IA. 1721. Davenport St. .F-7 K CENTER HOTEL, 210 N. 17th, half block from P. O.; transient, 1.2o per day; home cookiiu. , . F-M4i S9 TWO nicely furnished rooms. 808 8. 20th st TWO modern furnished rooms., with break last, lmtf s. lutn aL F Mj44 jfe THE STEWART Two lam io.nh.n.t rooms. Uooa table board. Reasonable, lioe Chicago. . - F 7o8 FOR HEST- ISiFlRMSHED KOOHI, DESK room, space, 25 per month; ground floor room In The. Bee buiiaiiig, laciiig farnam street; no expense lor light, heat or janitor service., iv. C. Peters u Co.. rental agents. Bee 'building. U 11 UNFURNISHED rooms. 20 B. 24th, U-M40S TWO or three unfurnished rooms. 2504 Davenport St. ... O M742 21 FOR RENT ITOKEfi AND OFFICES. FOR RHNT-Desk room or Urge space suitable tor uiercbanuiae broker or party Uulng business in wnoieaale district. In 4iuir Heue at Co., si arnui street. 1-M24 FOR RENT-rThe building formerly occu- Lied by The Be at 91 Farnam SL It aa tour atoriee and a basement which was tormeriy used as Th Be press room. -Tula win be rented very reasonably, if interested apply at once -to C- Ci Rosa water, secreiary.-room 100. Be bulldiug. 1 iti FOR' RENT Store In flrst-claes location: rent reasonable. , Afply R. C. Peters to CO.. ground floor. Bee Bldg.,- 1 tf STORE, with fixtures suitable for grocery. 24ui Leavenworth tit- 1 ooi AGB.1TI WANTED. WANTED Canvassing . agent in every county to solicit subscriptions to TlIU TWENTIETH CEMiUitY FARMER. Steady employment, with assured good in come. Agents In the country witn horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers nikko eattly oo to tluO per month. Ad dress, Century Farmer Solicitors Bureau. ' Bee building, Omaha.. Wii BOMETHINQ NEW I I Just out. Send for sample. Combination Door Knob aad Bell ' No cutting or ruining the door, put on any door in a moment. No batteries to worry about. No springs to wind. Noth- 4 Ind to get out of order. Own your own bell. No landlord to trouble. Price and Bell absolutely guaranteed. Send tor sample. Agents wanted. Wtdi'ERN ELECTKlCAL COMPANY, 1212 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. - ' ' J 7i ARB YOU a Catholic and unemployed? aee ma. Hlxenbaugh, 6uu Ware block. J-7 WANTED TO RENT. WANTED, a furnished 6 te s-room modern house or cottage, wtthlaeasy walking distance of the Crelghlon eruversUy; will reut for one year, payable monthly in auvanoe; no children; can give best of references and guarantee to take good rare of the property; would like to occupy oepieinorr 1. looj. Address J. f. Jenat, Harliuglon, Neb. It-i7 19 WANTED TO BIT. WANTED, 1,000 old feather bds; highest ea nu lu. Auui A. ii. iA.k, general delivery, Omaha, Neb. Mail nr. Oers promptly attended to. N Mj41 21 ElOHT-KOOM house; must be good prop, eny ahd cheap for' ch; state location. Q (a, Baa. K-ioe So FOR SALE FIRNITIRR. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. Holii. New and aeconUband, bougot, sold, exchsnged. O 420 FOR SALE HORIBI, WAOON9, ETC. REMEMBER, Harry Frott puts tires on and fixes vehicles. 14th aid leaven worth. P 721 C1X18ING out buggies cheap. Jdhnaon St Roberts, John Deere Bldg., 10th and l.eav. p-m:oi f! FOR IAI.B MI9CELLANROIS. WHITE sawdust; season check d oak tim bers, cheap; hog fence, etc Mil Douglaa. 4-ii FOR SALE Phonographs; superior to any other musical instrument; to up.' The Wlttman Co., 1621 Farnam. Q 7zi NEW and secondhand typewriters. lll Far nam. W 724 100 STYLES trusses; catalogue free. Sher man 4k McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Dodge, Omaha. y 724 INDIAN goods and relics. 1111 Farnam. y 7 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam, W 728 SECOND HAND SEWING MACHINES $1.00 to $15.00. W rent machines at 75c per week, or 12.00 per month. We repair and sell parts for any machine manufactured. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Geo. E. Mlckel,.Mgr., Cor. 15th and Harney. 1W4 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. 612 N. 2tth St., So. Omaha. Neb. y-722 20 VIM puncture-proof tires, 14.96 and 17.04) per pair. Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and Chi cago Sts. 44721 FOR SALE, two houses, to be moved Im mediately. Inquire A. Murphy, 4J0 8. 14th Street. Q 490 19 PIANO for sale or trade. G 14, Bee. Q M127 84 EDISON phonographs, 10, 120 and 130; moulded records, 5oc each, or 15 per dos.; new wheels, 15 up; Sdhand, 15 up. Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and Chicago Sis. y-Mrt L M. E. always hurry.Tel. 780. Q MI54 FOR BALE, automobile, almost new. L. F. Madsen, 829 Broadway, Council Bluffs. y M531-21 EDISON, Columbia plaiographB; agents wanted, write. Fredrlckson, 15 & Cap. Av. Q M547 915 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant 1614 Cass fit 8 729 MME. QTLMElt, genuine palmist, 316 S. 16. 8 S36 ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. Ajiio, vapor baths, 124 N. 15th. R. 7. T-616 813 HUB. SMITH, baths. 118 N. 15, 2d floor, R 2 . T 132 S5 GLADYS RUSSELL, Jl3Vi H. 15th, 3d floor. T M448 H9 GRACE O BRYAN of Ky.. 720 So. .13th. T M4S2 81 rsusssA.!. PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement; baules adopted. 230s Grant St Mrs. Uardels. TeL F-Uoi. : U 73 VIAVA, woman's way to health. Horn treatment Booklet tree. 346 Bee - Bldg., Omaha. u 74 TEL. 780 for L. M. E. messengers. . U-M&5I GRAMOPHONES and buppUaa, wholesale and retail. Collins Piano Co., 16tt Doua-Ia- U-7i SHAMPOOING and halrdressing, 25c, In connection with The BaUiery, iC-32 Bee building. Tel. 171. . . - V 737 -4- CH.I?9.?01JY epecialty. In connection with 1 ha Bathery, rooms iUVi20, Ueo Bldg. Tel. 171. , . u 73 DS- B- M- 'JACKSON, room 4, Frenxer block, chronlo diseaaes a specialty: con sultation free. U 738 230 RUPTURE CURED FOR 130-No knife, uv uctetiuou iroia OUS1118S. Bend for booklet, etc EMPIRE RUP TURE CURE CO., 132 N, Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. U 831 HAIRDRESSlNG, manicuring and chirop ody, for ladles only, In connection with The Bathery, 216-230 Bee Bldg. U 731 rRIVATE sanitarium for ladles before and during confinement. Dr. and Mrs. Uerlsdi, 404 N. 15th St., Omaha. U 449 PARIS WOOLEN CO. New location, 1415 Douglas. 'Phone L-2221. Ut-454 810 SOME cigars are good End other tlgars ar bettor, but the STOECKER CIGARS Are always -BEST. u 477 19 PRIVATE horn for ladles before ana dur ing confinement Baolea auopted. Airs. Burget, Burdette st L4i4 SepUi ELITE PARLORS, 616 8. 18th st, 2d floor. U M628 87 MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15. 2d floor, R. X U eii 8-it MORAL young man, means, wishes cor respondent, good lady, wail fixed. W. Douglas, Yauaton, 8. D. U 739 21 REFINED, middle-aged lady wishes to make acquaintance of refined, middle aged gentleman. Address ti 19, Bee. U 769 24 MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE, MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real sutte. l?reuuan-Love Co., Bus 8. Win. W-iJ9 1H PER CENT on business property. per cent on resluenc property. Options to pay wool or part any time, W. ti. MailKLi, 4ui o. luth tat. W-740 WANTED, dty loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smlin 4k Co., 1M Farnam Bt W-741 FARM and city loans, low rates. W u '1 bomas. First Nat Back Biag. Tel. 'lets. WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. R. C. Peters it Co.. LuJ arnam St.. Be Bldg. w 74 LOW RATES. Private money. PY.NK.r,INViK8TMN1' COMPANY, Main Floor. Neif Kork lata Bldg. . W-744 I PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. W J4 PRIVATE money. Ff D. Wad, 1524 Douglaa - W-316 HOO UP; low rate. Prichard. 1T12 Farnam. W-147 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, BIN. y L W-7 4 TO I P. C. money. Semis Paxton B k. ' W-74 ' MONEY TO LOAN CHATTEL!. MONEY WHEN you find It necessary to Borrow, give us a trial, after which we will by lair treatment attempt to retain - your patronage. We loan irom $10 up, on fur niture, pianos, live stock, -etc We also make loana to SALARIED PEOPLE -without mortgage or lndorser. We do not deduct Interest In advance, we charge nothing for making or filing papers and our servlc la quick and coii,1dcuUu. We alwaya try to pleaae our patrons. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. li Boa.d v? Ti ,u, DM. lil. (Established Wit u So. 16th St. X-MMJ MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, jew elry, horses, oosi, tc C. F. Read, 1)1 8 11 X-77 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. LAROEPT Bl'SINFPS IN IjOANS TO SALARIED PEOl'LK, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity ; easiest terms; 4o ofrii-es In i-rln-clpal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trad Bldg. X-iil Chattel and "alary Loana PHOENIX CREDIT CO.," Successor to J. W. Tayloe. Tel. 745. .H Paxton Mock. X-M73J DO YOU NEED MONEY T SALARY AND FL RNITI. RE LOANS. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Room 3"3, Third Floor, Paxton Rlock. X-35 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business confidential; lowest rales. 514 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton C'e. X-754 MONEY loaned on furniture, Uv rtock. Jewelry, to salaried people. Foley lan Co., sue. to Duff Green, 8 Barker bl-x-k. - X 754 BISINESS CHANCES. WHOLESALE bakery for sale, good loca tion and good trade; falling heuith Is rea son for selling; new brick oven. Acdrrss Box 375, Geneva, Neb. , . Y M227 TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, Room 411, McCague building. Y-75S WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your business or property quick, tee J. H. Johnson, 842 N. Y. Life. Y M769 IF YOU WANT CASH for your business, city property or farm send full particu lars with best price and 1 will tell you how to get It, provided It is located in the United States. My plan a winner. Write today. Emerson De Puy, Des Moines, la.; sixth floor Iowa Loan and Trust building. Y M346S9 FOR SALE, the Porter' house, furniture and outbuildings. This, hotel is doing a nice business, but on account of poor health owner wants to quit. It will pay you to Investigate this. . Address Fred Porter, Dodge, Neb. , Y M501 27 FOR SALE, good paying restaurant In good Iowa town; good reason for selling. Address G 56, Bee. , Y M5J0 20 WANTED In Kansas or Nebrasxa, pasture and plenty of rough feed, hav, shock corn, etc., for about alx months for eight hun dred to one thousand cattle. W. F. Mc Gulre, Buena Vista, Colorado. - Y 751-2 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE, U acres fruit and garden land, eight-room house, good barn, ap ples, cherries, plums, eight acres In tim ber, two miles from car line. Address 103 8. First, CounoU Bluffs, la. RE 869 A SNAP1 Elegant modern 9-roora brick dwelling. Kountze Place, 13,799, worth 16,000. Franklin J. Grlffen. 712 N. Y. Life. RE M627 A28 SEE PAYNE, BOSTWICK CO. for choice bargains. 001 N. Y. Llfo Bldg. Tel. 1016. RE 761 WILLIAMSON SrtsA' RE 762 HOUSES and lota In all parts of city: also acre property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room 552 -Bee Building. '. RE 763 GEORGE O. WALLACE, real estate, mort gage, rentals. Insurance. Brown block. RE 764 RANCH and farm lands for sale by th - -..". - 1I.H1U.U viilll)ijiv, x3t A, McAUester, land commissioner. Union Pa- t aaaist .vsill 1 II loniu 1JC I , J clfto Headquarters, Omaha, Neb RE 765 FOR SALE, cattle ranch, has -400 acres of Irrigated land; will sell ranch alone or with stock; pasture 1,000 cuttle. I have -land for merchandise. T M. Cline, 1238 O st, Lincoln, Neb. t RE M748 24 A MONTHLY paymeht bargain In 8-room house. G. M NatUnger. 'Phone 463. ... ... - -.. RE M53S HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches,' loans; also hie .Insurance. Besnliv Paxton block. , i;3 - RE 76 160 ACRES near LaPIatte, Sarpy oountv, 16,500; 40 acres neafieiorence, Suttatile for fruit or summer hornet 13,000. F. D- Wead, 1624 Douglas, ., , v .,b . , RE-76S 21 FINE home, 918 Bo..K S3d St, hot water heating, bath, closet, sewers, trees, 13,500; email cash payment, balance monthly. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglaa St. . RE-787 21 EMPLOYMENT; AGENCY. WANTED Coal miners and machine run ners, Wyoming; bridge men, surface gang and extra gang, Wyoming and Nebraska; coal shovelers, Colorado division B. AM.; coal shovelers and laborers, U. P. R, R. Western R. R. Labor Agency, 310 So. 11th. ' 603 OSTEOPATHY. GID. E. V ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Suite 615, N. Y. Life Bldg. TeL 1664. . -lid DR. A. T. HUNT, 6U McCagu Bldg. Tel. 2352. 774 MRS. GRACE DEEQAN, (33 Be building. Tel. 2968. 26 MEDICAL. CR. PRIES, ' the asknowledged leading specialist in diseases of women In Omaha, would call the attention of suffering ladies to bis unsurpassed accommodations before and during confinement and his treatment for Irregularities, no matter what cause. Call or address, with stamp. Dr.. Pries, Arlington Block, 1513 Dodge, Omaha. 767 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN 8 ANTS school. 717 N. Y. Life. ' 766 - BOYLES college, court reporter principal, N. Y. Life. 769 A. NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd s Theater. 770 MISICAL. MRS. F. I. WRIGHT, piano, 181S Webster .Bt 137 b-4 STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co., 1611V Farn. Tela. 1563-Sa. - 73 ACCORDION PLEATING. IDEAL PLEATING CO., 1510 Howard. 131 CARPENTEHS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repair ing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree yih end Lake streets. T70 THINKS AND BAGGAGE. TWIN CITY EXP. 'Phon 1717. 606 Bo. 16tb M783 L M. E. hauls trunks. TeL 78a MS5t HOTELS. LANGS HOTEL, upstairs. 13th A Jackson. 1S9 S7 BARKER, 13 Jones; Ainerl. 4k European. 19 j 87 TYPEWRITERS. LAMBERT TYPEWRITER, price 120; Is fast, efficient, durable, easiest to learn, use and care for; sent on approval. Mon ro A Co., 611 No. 16th Bt, Omaha. M125 , , SM MAN I'FACTl RING. ' P. MELCHIOR, 13th and Harney, ma chinist 775 OMAHA Safe and. Iron Wks. makes a spe. clalty of tire tscapes. stutters, doors and safes. U. Andreen, Prop., 102 8. loth St. re BICYCLES. CLOSING out new and second-hand bi cycles, leas than cost Louis Flescher. .VI l DRESSMAKING. DREB8 MAKING In families or at home. UlM Sturdy, 26 Haroey. ' S32 Ail TINNERS AND CORNICES. E. SAVAGE. 2S?2 Farnam. Thone,' 2111. M3 81 PATENTS. PATENTS Sues Sk Co.. Be Bldg., Omaha; no fee unless successful; advice free. 881 819" FLORIST. K HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. 1253. Send for price list, cut flower and plants, , M74 E.XTERT At'C'OlNTANT. PRIVATE lntsons In bookkeeping, etc: night class ' Mond., Wed., Frl. G. R. Rathbun, room 16, Com'l Nat l bank. M573 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 8c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. A-173. 772 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced prloes. 621 N. 10. Tel. 1779. 7H0 TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere. P. H. Phllbln. 15u Farnam. 'Phone 784. 853 JUNK. MIXED country scrap. 211; stove piste, 18. Alpirn, 802 Farnam. 778 AUTOMOBILES. ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILES. Derlghf. 1119 Farnam street --7 BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., 811 North nth. 7S6 NICKEL PLATING. OMAHA Plating Co., Bee Bldg. Tel. 2535. 787 ELECTRICAL REPAIRERS. GRAND Electric Co., It ft Jackson. Tel 2846. -788 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 13ul Douglas. 781 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. 791 FIR DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO., tanners, 1424 Bo. 18th, 7S9 ANNOUNCEMENTS. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Tele phone 2190. 611 South Thirteenth street. 779 MESSENGERS. QUICK messenger service. Tel. 1017. M4oS A21 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. 8TILLMAN ft PRICE, 23 U. 8. N'l Bit, Bid. 777 NEB. Collection Co., 206 N. Y. Life Bidg. 348 A19 FILLINGS 2 .CENTS AND SO CENTS. Work guaranteed. Post graduate.. , No students. Wa are here to stay. Small Charges for All Materials Only. ' Teeth extracted free. Gold crowns, 12.88. Teeth cleaned free. White crowns, I2.&5. Soft fillings free. Set of teeth, 13.00. I'NION DENTAL COLLEGE OF PAINLESS DENTISTRY. Room 4, 1522 Douglas, Opp. Boston Stor. Open dally. Nights till 9. Sundays.10 to 4. POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as changes may occur at any time.) Foreign mails for the week ending August 23, 1902, will close (PROMPTLY in all cases) at the general postoftlce as follows: Parcels post malls close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels post malls for Germany close at 5 p. m. Mon day and Wednesday. Regular and supplementary malls close at foreign atatlon half hour later than closing time shown below (except that supplement ary mails for Europe and Central America via Colon close on hour later at foreign station). Transatlantlfl Malls. . WEDNESDAY At :30 a. m. for EUROPE, per a. s. St. Louis, via Southampton (mall for Ireland must be directed "per a. s. St. Loulo"); at 8:30 a. m. (supple mentary 10 a. m.) for EUROPE, per a. s. Teutonic, via yueenstown. THURSDAY At 6:80 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. s. F. Bismarck, via Plymouth, C herbourg and Hamburg (mail for France must be directed "per s. s. F. Bismarck"); . ut 7 a, m. for ; FRANCE, SWITZER LAND, ITALY, SPAIN, PORTUGAL, TURKEY. EUYPT, GREECE, BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MARQUEZ. per s. s. La Lorraine, via Havre (mail for other parts of Europe must be directed "per s. s. La IiOrraine"). SATURDAY-At 5:30 a. m.4 for EUROPE, per a. s. Umbria, via yueenstown; at 7 a. m. for ITALY direct, per s. s. Ihn (mall must be directed "per s. s. Lahn"); at 7:30 a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct per s. s. Rotterdam (mall must be di rected '"rier s. Rotterdam"); at 9:30 a, m. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. a. Co lumbia (mail must be directed "per a. s. Columbia"); at 10 a. m. for BELGIUM direct, per a. a. Kroonland (mail must be directed "pec s. a. "Kroonland"). PRINTED MATTER. ETC. This steamer takes printed matter, commercial papers and samples .for Germany only. The same clasv of mall matter for other parts of Europe will net be sent by this ship unless specially directed by It. After the closing of the supplementary transatlantic mails named a bo v., addi tional supplementary mails aie opened on the piers of-the American, English, French and German steamers and remain open until within ten minutes of th hour of sailing oC steamer. Mall far Sooth and Ceatral Amerlea, West ladles, Eta. WEDNESDAY At a. m. for BRAZIL, er s. s. Coleridge, via Pernambuco, iahla and Rio Janeiro (mall for North ern Braxll, Argentine, Uruguay and Para guay must be directed "per s. s. Cole ridge"); at 12-30 p. m. (supplementary 1:30 . m.) for ST. THOMAS. ST. CROIX. EEWAKD and WINDWARD IPLANDH, and BRITISH, DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per a. s. Korona; at 1:30 p. in. fur JAMAICA, per s. a. Captain Bennett, from Boston. THURSDAY At ( a. m. for CUBA, YUCA TAN. CAMPECHE. TABASCO and CHIAPAS, per a. s. Monterey (mall for other parts of Mexico must b directed "per s. s. Monterey"); at t a. m. for PONCE, per a. a. Arkadla (mall for other parts of Porto Rico must be directed "per s. s. Arkadla' no registered mail for warded by this steamer i -, at 10 a. m. for HAITI, per s. s. Oranje Nassau (mail for Curaceo. Venezuela. Trinidad, Rrltlah , and Dutch Guluna must be directed "per 3. a. Oranje Nassau"): at 1:30 p. m. for JAMAICA, per s. a. Admiral Schley, from Boston; at 11:30 p. m. for NEW POUND ' LAND, per . a. Llvontan, from Philadel phia. FRIDAY At 12 m. for MEXICO, per s, s. Niagara, via Tamptro (mall must be di rected "per s. s. Niagara ; at t l) trara : at JO n. m. for HKK. fax. N. H. for BERMUDA, per steamer from Hall- BATURDAY At a. m. (supplementary .3o a. in.) for runTO RICO, CL'iiACAo and VKNEZUEI.A, per s. s. Caracas (mull for Savanllla and Cartagena must be directed "per s. s. Caracas ); at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10 3o a. m l for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA, SAVA. N1LLA and CARTAGENA, per a t. Altai roSTOFFHK NOTICE. (mall for (Vista Rica must be directed "per a. s. Altai"); at I.Jo a. m. (upnle rnenlnry. H': a. tn.) for HAITI and SANTA MARTA, per s. s. Valencia; at 10 a. m. tor CUBA, per a. s. Morro Castle, via lUvsna; at i;kp, tn. for CUBA, per . s. Ollnda, via Mstania (ordinary mall only, which must be directed "per S. s. Ollnda"). v - - Walls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, and (hence by steamer, close at this office dally at :S0 p. tn. (connecting close here every Monday. Wednesday and Saturday). . Mails for Mlquelnn. by rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, close at this office dallv st p. m Mnlle for Cuba, bv rail to 1'ort Timni Tcr.. end -thence by steamer, close at this orllce dally. except Thursday, at 8:30 a. m. (the connecting closes are . made on Mondays, Wednesdavs and - Saturday. Malls for Mexico t.ny, overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, close at thla office dally except Sumlny at 1:30 p. ni. and 11:30 p. m., Sundays at 1 p. m. and 11:30 p. m. Malls for Costa Rica, Bellse, 1'uerto Cortes and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, close at this office daily except Sunday at "1:3 p. m., Sundays at "1 p. m. (con necting closes here Mondays for Bellre, 1'uerto Cortes and Guatemala, and Tues days for Costa Rica). "Registered mail closes at 6 p. m. previous day. Trsnipselle Malta. Malls for Hawaii,' via Han Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to August 18, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Alameda. Malls for China and Japan, via Seattle, close here dally at :S0 p. m. up to August 20. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. a Shlnano Maru. (Registered mall must be directed "via Seattle"). Malls fon Hawaii, Japan, China and first class matter for the Philippine Islands, via San Francisco, close here daily at :S0 p. m. up to August "21, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Korea. Mails for the Philippine Islands, via San Iranclsco, clone here dallv at :$ p. m. up to August "25th, Inclusive, for dls patch per U. 8. Transport. Malls for Hawaii, Japan, China and first class matter for the niliit.plne Islands, via San Francisco. cloe here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to August "28th, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Gaelic. Malls for Australia (except West Au stralia, which Is forwarded via Europe), Jew, Zealand, FIJI, Samoa and Hawaii, via Ban Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. in. after August "16 and up to Augu-jf "30, Inclusive, or on arrival of s. s. Etrvria, due at New York August "30, for dispatch per s. s. Sonoma. Malls for China and Japan, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, - close -here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to September "2d, Incusive, for dlopatch per s. s. Empress of China (registered mall must be specially ad dressed. Merchandise for U. 8. bnstal agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Canada). Malls for Australia (except West Au stralia, which goe via Europe, and New Zealand, which goe via San Francisco), and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver and Vic toria. B.- C, close here daily at 6:30 p. m. after August "30th and up to Septem ber "18th, Inclusive, for dispatch per a. a. Aoraniii. Malls for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, vm oan rancisco, close nere dally at :30 p. m. up to September "20th, Inclu sive, for dispatch per s. a. Mariposa. Transpacific malls are forwarded to port nf a.illn. .4i.ll.. . . I ..... . v. uaii.v miu me ecneuuie or clos ing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit "Registered mall closes at p. m. pre Vlous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, . . f UBLIIIUIB1. Postofflc. New York, N. T., August 15, LEGAL NOTICES. MONITION. . In-Jhe United, 8tates District Court for the District of Nebraska. South Omaha Pontoon Brldn an vrrv Company, a corporation, llbeliant, against the Steamboat Henrietta, her engines, boilers, machinery, tackle and furniture, in admiralty. ......... In obedience to a warrant of seliure to me , directed, in the above entitled cause, I have seised and taken Into my possession the following 'described property: The steamboat Henrietta, Its engines, boilers, machinery, tackle and furniture, for the causes set forth 'In the libel now run4in In the United States district court for the dlstrlot of Nebraska, at Omaha, Neb. I nereoy give notice to all persons claiming the said described steamboat Henrietta, Its engines, boiler, machinery, tackle and fur niture; knowing or having anything to say why The same should not be ' condemned and forfeited, and the proceeds thereof d's- iriouteo. accoraing to trie prayer of the libel, that they be-and annear before tUa said court, to be held In and for the dis trict or -nenrasaa, at me united States coiirtriWim In rh. ,.ltv a .1.. v v. . on the 15th day of September, lsxli, at 10 o clock-on the forenoon of that day, If the same shall be a day of Jurisdiction, other, wis on the next day of Jurisdiction there after, then and there to interpose a claim for the same, and to make their allega tions In that behajf. T. L. MATTHEWS u. o. Marsnat District of Nebraska. NOTICE TO BRIDGE CONTRACTORS. iiuuco is nereuy. given mat seaiea dius U. I 1 t t.A .. .W. . .. -. T I ...i. , . . .i , r.i n k i . ciern b office ' In . Bloomlngton, Franklin county, Neb., up to. 12 o'clock noon, on the 9th day 6t September, A. D., 1902, for the erection of one steel bridge across the Blue, at Campbell, Neb. plans and speci fications must accompany each and every bid, together with a good and sufficient i'"iiu i, in., m uui ki i. io,vw 1 lie unilgQ will be 75 feet in length and sixteen feet roadbed In th clear. Bid will be re- ceiveo. on one-span onage, general plan to be left to tha bidder. TV. va-a-. . V. , J ... 1-. . - . .... k-IUIIlJ v.a. U Ilia 111(111 II reject any or all bids. By order of the - ... i . i, Tl n rA t On ..n.i.ln.... 1-lt v. .. . j . j u .. . a . u Kl'vi ' lain . . , L X 1 mi n 1 1 U county, Nebraska.. Dated at Bloomlngton, Neb., this 9th day of August, 1902. in i-iw piptfrn ,-n. ...... ri..b AI3-20-27 S3M RAILWAY TIME UHb, i BURLINOTON a MIS- i$ sourl River Railroad "Th W.'VWl)rVV.i Burlington Route" Gen HP eral umces, iNortnwest Corner Tenth and Farnam Streets. Ticket Office, 1502 Farnam Street. Telephone. 260. Burlington Station. Tenth and Mason Streets, 'lelcpnon Utt. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln, Hastings and McCook a 8:40 am a 7:45 cm Lincoln, Denver, -Colo rado. Utah. Callfornla.a 4:Z6 pm a 3:10 pm Alliance Express a 4:25 pm a 3:10 pm Lincoln .ft Black HUla..all:10 pm a 6:46 am Montana, Paget Sound. all :10 pm a 6:45 am Lincoln Fast Mall b 2:10 pm a 9:17 am Wymore, Baafi-'.c and Lincoln.... a 8:40 am bll:65 am Dt nvcr. Colorado, Utah ' and California a 6:46 am Fort Crook, 8o. Bend, Louisville. Plattsm'th.b 1:20 Dm bll:05 am Bellevue, I'lattsmouth A Paclno Junction a 7:50 Dm a 1:27 am Bellevue, Plattsmouth ft funno junction a i:o am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. r-t KANSAS CITY, ST. JO- hhjjii c i.ounnii Diuns Railroad 4,The Burlington Route" Ticket Office, 1503 Farnam Street, Telephone 250. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 128. Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex.... a 9:20 am' a 6:05 pm Kansas City Night Ex.al0:30 pm a 1:16 am 8t Louis Flyer, for 81- Joseph and St. Louis. a 5:10 pm all:15 am a Dally. a CHICAGO. BURLINGTON Sir ' tJ-Y il Wulncy Railway "The llllltit'l'Hl III Burlington Route" Ticket d-' 1 Office. 1502 Farnam Street. J . . k i. Telephone 200. Depot, 'I'SHf4,' Tenth and Mason Street. I T.Unhn,.. 11. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe- . clal a 7:00 am all:00 pro Chicago Vestlbuled Ex. a 4:00 pm a 7:30 am Chicago Local Expreas.a 9:30 am a 4:06 Pm v. nicBKu Liiuiiieu ...a o.uo pm Fast Mall 1:45 pm a Dally. CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND A , Pacific Railroad "The Great Rock Island Route" City Ticket Office, 1323 Farnam . street. Telephone 428. Deoot Tenth and Marcy streets. Telephone ta. Leave. Arrive. EAST. Chicago Daylight L t d.. a 100 am a :45 am Chicago Daylight Local a T:25 am a 1:36 pm Chicago Express ...bll :15 am a 1:06 pm Des Molnea Loral.., a I 20 pm bll:f0am Chicago Fast Express, .a I:u6 pm a 1:25 pm WF.BT. Rockv Mountain L t d. .a 6:50 am a 4:50 am Lincoln, Colorado Spgs., , Denver, Pueblo and - W'eat a 1:30 pm a (:4J pm Colorado, Oklahoma ft . Texas Flyer a 1:20 pm ali:40 pm a Daily. Dallji spt Sunday. ptll.WAY TIME CAR D font Inaed. CHICAGO, MtLWAUKKn St. rani Rsllwav (liy Ticket Ofnc. lhfi Farnam Street. Telephone. .IM. Iepot, Tenth and Mason Sts. Telephone (if. Chicago A omaha Kx...b 7; am b I 40 rm rhloMito iJntr-Mi Kx....a W pm t JA aru a pa llv. b Dully xcfpt Sindny. - till .. A IMti i 1 A La IV a-'aL.a. n FRKMONT, KIJCHORX ft Missouri Vallev Railroad "The Northwestern Line" General Offices United States National Bank Building, S. W. nam Sta. Ticket Office, 1401 Farnam St. Telephone Ml. I).nni lKtK mrA i -K-... Sts. Telephone 1468. Liav. Arrive. Black Hills. Deadwood. Hot Springs ......a 1:00 pm a 8:00 pm W yomlng, . Casper and - Dmiglas ,.sd 1.00 pa 6:00 pm Hastliifis, York. David City, Superior, Geneva, Exeter and Seward. ...b l.-OO pm b 1:00 pm Norfolk. Verdlgre and Fremont b 7 JO am bl: ata Lincoln, Wahoo and Fremont :....b T:W1 am blO: am Fremont Local ..o 7:30 am a Dally. . b Dally except Sunday, e Bun day only, d Dally except Saturday, a Dally except Monday. CHICAGO ft NORTH western Railway "Th Northwestern Line" City Ticket Office, 1401 Farnam St Telephone 561. Depot. Tenth and Marcy Street. Tal. phone C29. ' ' Lear. ' Arrive. Fast Omaha-Chicago.. ..a 8:oo am ail:20 pm Local Carroll-Omaha. ...b 1:66 pm a 10: 20 am Ixical Ch cago-Omaha...al0:6S am a 4:0$ prn Fast Omaha-Chicago... .a 4:56 pm a 4:0 pm Fast Mail a 8:0) Pm a 2:45 nm Omaha-Chicago L't'd...a 7:48 pm a f : am Fast Mall v , a 8:30 am Cedar Rapids Passenger ' a 6:30 pm Dally. b Dally except Bunday. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL, Minneapolis ft " Omaha Railway 4The North western Lin" General Offices, Nebraska Divl. slon. 15th and Webster RtB. rltv Tlnlret rim.. 1401 Farnam St. Telephone 661. Depot, 15th and Webster Sts. Telephone 1458.' Leave. Arrive. . Twin City Passenger.... 6:80 am a 1:10 pm Sioux- City Passenger... a 2:il pm all:l0am Emerson Local ...b 6:30 pm b 1. 10 am Dally, b Dally except Sunday. . . SIOUX CITY ft PACIFIC Railroad "The North, western Line" General Offices, United Stales National Bank Building, S. W. Corner Twelfth Bnd.Fnrntm Rta TlfW Office, 1401 Farnam St. Telephone 661. De pot, Tenth and Marcy Sts. Telephone 29. Leave. . Arrive. Twin City, Fast a 7:8ri am ai0:25 pm Twin City, Fast a 7:55 pm a 8:46 am Sioux City b 1:56 pm. b 10:20 am Dally, i b Daily except Sunday, UNION P A C I F I C "THH Overland Rout'4 General Office. N. H. Cor. Ninth and Farnam Sis. . Cltv Ticket Jlliit3- 0flc, 1324 Farnam St. Tele. 4Illly Phone 816. Depot. Tenth and eii Marcy Sts. Telephone t.29. Leave. Arrive. The Overland limited.. a 9 4 am a 7:30 pm The Chicago-Portland Special a 9:40 am a T.S0 nm The Fast Mall a 8:50 am a 4:35 pm The Mall and Express.. all :30 pm -a 4.36 pm The Colorado Special. ..all:30 pm a 7:00 am Lincoln, Beatrice and Stromsburg Express.. .b 4:06 om M2:23 Dm The Pacific Express.. .. a 4:26 pm The Atlantic express.,. - , a 7iw am Grand Island Local b 6:30 pm b 9:34 am a Dally, b Dally exoept Sunday. s'. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL. lfliTnjt road General Offlce and - i Ticket Offices, Southeast iiJX'u3' i Corner 14th and Douglas iSTTlr 8t41- Telephone, 104. Depot, yjiWiT Union Station. . Leave. Arrlv. St Louis and Kansas - Cltv Express al0:00 am a 8:28 nm K. C, St. L. Express... al0:50 pm a 6:15 am Leave irom itn. ana - - - Wabster 8treet9t " '' ' ' Nebraska Locil, Via Weeping Water. .......b 4:10 pm al0:tt am a Daily, b. Dully except Sunday. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Rallroad-Clty Ticket Of. flee, 1402 Farnam Street, Telephone. 245. Depot, Tenth and Uarcr Sts. Leave. Arrlv. Chlcaao Ex Dress ,..a 7:36 am b.10 pm Chicago Umlted a 7:60 pm a P06 am Fast Mall al0:34 pm Minneauolla ft Bt- Paul Express .................o T.3 am bl0:85 Pm Minneapolis ft 8 1 Paul Limited a i.wt pm a 1:06 ant Fort Dodge Local from i council Bluffs d 4:sv pm . aw:uv am Fort Dodge Local from Council Bluffs a :w am , a Dally, b Dally exoept Sunday. WABASH RAILROAD Tic ket Ofnc, 1601 Farnam Street. Telephone S23. D not, Tenth and Marcy Bt. Telephone, 6z9. Leave. Arrive. St Lout Express. ......a 6:55 am a 1:20 am Bt Louis Local (from . Council Bluffs). ....... .a s:u am sau:w pra a dally. STEAMSHIPS. HOLUND-AUERICA LINE New York-Rotterdam, via. Honloina. 8. M. New Twin-Ucrew s. s. of ll,UuOtonrrlt; lV?r" Rctterdam Au,.M.ioA.ii 1 C'rSrew ' ' Att:iS0jL M bteamer w Statendam Sept. , 10 A. M. AddIv to . Harry Moores. 101 Fsrnaaa street; J. 8, McNally, 132i Farnam street; H. 8. Jones, 1602 Farnam street; Louis Ntese, First, National Bank, Omaha. ' 4 Bee Advertising Man ; will call on you to get a Want Ad or J a nan rage. 4444'. 4 MAY SETTLE OUT OF COURT Barllagtoa and Northwastera Trylaaj to Agree oa Jahblaa- Dls trtet Traelm. The Burlington and Northwestern rail road companies are trying to settlf out of court th differences between thm rela tive to th occupancy of Eighth and Harney streets. Sine th Injunction secured by th former company wer dissolved th "af ter ha been ualng part of th Hoe laid before th Injunctions wer issued, but th xtretn eastern end baa aot been used, and while there Is no Injunction to prevent It use It Is understood that it will ba per mltted to II Idl pending th negotiation now la progress. It Is said that th negotiation will not b confined entirely to th portion of tit city in tha neighborhood of Eighth and Harney streets, but that growing out o( them may be a new division of city territory In which th high contracting parties wilt b not only th Burlington and Union Pa cific, but th Northwesters a well. Ead Ha4actee'a Tartar. ' Lazy liver aad alugglsh bowel caus headaches. Dr. King's New Lit Pills mov th caua or no pay. Only 2fic tX ' k V Call up 4) j 238 1 nnu a (