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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1902)
8 TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: "WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1002. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Trad In Oralni lUatlots, but Value Quit with Good AdraioM. UANIPULATION INJURES EARLY SUfPORT Data Rata strong, feat Cora Inclines Ttwirl Dullness, Tkoagk All Lines Malta Gala, kf Aid of Lata Bally. CHICAGO, An. 13. Omlrt trade wss restless and nervously broader today. Tho u iinr-t ii vti wrmiier inu jnnpr atminiiK ui an anuria, ii'Krinrr wun uiminipniiiH imi tract stocks, started a brisk, early support, a. a miial manintilitlnn r . , i ...1 a Kthirk but excellent cash and seaboard bjslnem orougnc a rany in wnem ana otner grain. wiTintTij By miBinriiciiiir, ai imc ciiiao Peptember wheat was lc up, corn S'Hic higher and September oats SSc higher. Feptember provisions closed 2Vc to 20c ji 'Mnrr. btrong northwestern markets had murh j u tviiii iiiv upturn ill wiichi. nam at Manitoba and the northwest made short, nervous over tho spring harvest situation. There also was fear of the, manipulator ana at ine start mere was a Cood spurt. September opened ViSc to frc up at 6M,c to 68te and sold to 70c. Thi Mrlv Hmnn . nrt n fall ft .ml trails grew somewhat dull. Hulls, however, soon w u j 1110 m i uiiiciii 1,1 ri j iinio , n 11- i.ii.-i wiicai nun extremely poor graamg. ..I. I n t nnrlkwaalapn av.,4 i.Hm. lighter than a year ago. A good cash btm sprang up and the seaboard reported 24 loans taicen for export. Clearances at tha seaboard equalled 8l,00fl Bushel, In -wheat and flour, or 1.229,000 bushels In two days. This started a late reaction and September, which had dipped to 694iS6dc on lagging trade, closed strong, lrjlc up at 70V.C. Cables were firm. Long holders let go on the bulges. Loral receipts were 470 cars, SO of contract grade; Minneapolis and Duluth reported l2 cars, making a v in, mi uirre puinti ot on cars, .against 622 last week and 808 a year ago. Prlmsry receipts were 1,007,000 bushels, against 1,168.000 bushels. Brad streets reported- the visible supply Increased 258.000 l.iiflhttla Corn started strong on the weather and 1 inaa, nowever, was Inclined toward dullness. Any little de ir.and caused upturns because of the big short Interest In September and the very light receipts. The stocks here decreased and the visible supply was lower by over l.uio.OOO bushels. Cables were firm, but the cash demand was good. September sold between 61e and 62c and closed firm, 4,r He up st hVtiblc. Receipts were 48 cars, seven of contract grade. Only 10 cars are expected tomorrow. . 'ftU -!ad off In supply her until bushels. KecelpU were good at 856 cara. but contract grading was retarded by the weather to such an extent that scattered buying resulted and prices advanced. Of r,?1".were Y.ry "ht the market Iuv d ti'on"- September sold from 82 to 82c and closed SSc up at 82Hc. ihTih-- wye.udul,( but flrm- Hogg were higher and there was a fair supply. .l"mn 1d 'j lard at tlmf helped the rest of the list. Beptember pork closed 7Ve "P " 6.024, September lard 2$e hgher at 10. and Beptember ribs 2Vic up at 9 7V4 Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat teir-10 cw- 146 crt: ho: The leading futures ranged as follows t Artlclea.1 Open.) High. Low. Closed Tey. Wheat Sept. Dec, ' May Corn wept. Dec. . May Oata ia Sept. lb Sept. lb Deo. 'Fork '. Sept. Oct. I Jan. i Lard- Bept Oct. . Jan. Rlba I Bept. i Oct. , Jan. 94f To 66$ 67V6 61W'A M 04$ 3 a SH ... 17 82 i02H urns it n is i7v, liiJVi Ht5 10 27H 10 48 82V, f 60 to l W t T2H JlJVi J22V, T 60 7 66 1 I i HI TOH'o V4 H m 67 C8H 6!rV4 WAHW HVi MtWSJ nu H H H os 3H ts M 2H!n4 MX 819l 82 V4 12 29HTa3 sh 16S7H M02H 15 W WW 1I1T4 1110 "I7V, 14 42V, 14 M WJTH 10 W ! Kw ! t7 t27H lt2Vi I27H JTH t 87h tS ! l iu w T 60 7 6JV4 T60 ! a Old. k Kew. No. t. ' " ??,hT,,uot,,on w,r Allows; 'TUMi PtenU' .tralahu1! :iENAoeV"v4c7,CS N- ",rtn' jgOATS-No. 1. Z4V44J290; No. I white, a2 RYE No. J. 6oVi61c. ,i?r5i0- 1 flaXl 11 No- 1 northwest-'Jul?-44! clovr. contract grade, 19. PROVI8ION8-Mess pork? per bbl HE fiS '?" , I-tM. P" 100 IbC 6 jVm ' Shorl ribs aides (loose). 9.6S31 aTPry salted shoulders (boxed), l.7B8.87V4. Short clear aide, (boxed), tl0.6O10.e7H. WHISKY On tha basis of high wln.s. Tha following ar, the receipt and ship, itnta: Flour, bbl Wheat, bu. Corn, bu... Oats, bu... Rye, bu.... Barley, bu Receipts Shipments .... 20.000 7,000 ....178,000 92.000 .... 69.000 i2,nno ....833.000 127.000 .... 18.000 .. . 1Q Ml On the Pruitiiit. awak. . , . . .'"'" ter market was weak; creameries, loilc: dairies. UVifelbc. Cheese, steady.' 10Uo.' Ltjgs. steady; fresh. 17Vo. " HEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. Qaetafloas of tha bar mm Yarlo.s Coaasaoaltlea. MI?,STh7..RK- Aur "i-OUR-Recelpts. M.100 bbla.; exports, 7,716 bbl,.; market lr- fanry, large. 9r; fancy, small, new, state full rrfamrv rnlnrd. 9Tc KOUS Rei-e'tpts. I2.0;i0 pkgs.j steady; State and Pennsylvania, ' fovc; western candled. KVk'&lDci western uncandled, 1.V9 17Vc 4(lT 1 QCCO Q,..v. XT. fWl... 1'OL'LTKy-Allve. steady; chicken,. ij-i; iurays, uc; xowis, ijc; aressea. MKTAIJ4 All metal markets were quiet iiiimy anu so mr as lorni prices were con cerned there were r.o change, noted. The demand for tin was . dull and spot was Hiiiiieci ai yrniFiniy s nature 01 The foreign price waa raised 6s, ciosl . . A. rn" 1r. a f n 1111 a. fti.i 11m mill luiuiri n v &in , 'I c J t ' . j. .11 . . 1 ...J ibii n.i. v.iir was juni us hum mm 1111, ii ss buyers are not (n the market there la no pressure to sell and prices are there fore steady. Standard, spot, closed at 110 90 K!ii.z, laae at n wiii.iu, eiectroiyiic ai fll.WVll.IHI SOU C'BHllllK m L 4Tfl.Tll ll-IMHi Copper In London Improved ta 9d, closing with spot at 61 1.1s 9d and futures at bi. Lead ruled quiet and steady at M.12i for epuL. aim uonn'in mivanrcu as oil iu svii ta 9d for spot. Spelter abroad gained 2s 6d and closed at 1 15s for spot. The local . . m . . . A.1 . . . Rrice remainea nrm ti -. in. 1 ne loreigi linn ill n 1 nrm irui iii niiKin kmiiib. iiih , 1 . . r n.i i uuji 1. k- uw lii'rcu all una p. i hiiii iniijiiirnuuiuuf ii at 62s td. Locally the market had a flrm uniipnuuo anu uiirriiiaa were sciirce. cur rants were nominal. No. 1 northern foundry was quoted at K'3 OOgS.00; No. t northern foundry. I:?2 0023.00; No. t south- ern luuiiuiy, i.'if m.wt rtu. a souinern soft foundry, IU.WaX.W. , , miner paienis, u.ti (i3.90: winter atralvhia tt tU. w, " -iVOK.i!?lit"Ea"y: yJ'ow western. .6; City, 11.23; Brandywlne. t3.45i&3.M. KVK Bteady ; No. t western. uixc. f. t. h., afloat; state. MV.tK.7c, c. . i.. New York carlots; No. 1 track. Wc, Buffalo Y"DUUi feedln. "o. 0. t f.. . WHEAT-Receipts, 101.200 bu exnnrta W", prm; No. jEd. 73c. and 7i7tlSc. f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 north- ZTtiL. Ku.Tl".n Jc- r 0 b-. afloat; No! 1 hard, Manitoba, 84e. f. o. b. afloat It r.VVT'e"''' day.,n wh't- Th roar, ket opened flrm on rains and higher cables, weakened under liquidation and then had a second sdvance, following corn. Shorts bought freely oq the final bulge, being Influenced alao by the smaller Interior re ceinta. lure. .akAaH i..... - . . . . , " . . . iii.t-ii mi pre a 1 iLTl0' fur(her 'alna west. Closed flrm I closed at 74Vc; September, 73 6-l3T4c clo?. a WHc; December, 72V71 U-le. cloaed at 72 ,C. CORN-Recelpts, 61.750 bu.; exports, 1020. Spot, flrm; No. t. tie. elevator and S3c f. o. b., afloat. The option was genl eraily flrm all day, particularly In the after noon, when very small carlot estimate, at t tilcago Impelled vigorous ooverlng. Rains west and smaller Interior receipts also brought In buying ordir,. The close was rrm at HijlSc net advance. May 43Va 44Vc. closed at 44o; Bptember, 67fiMc cloaed at 6.c; December closed at 4iVe ' OATS-Receipts. 2S2.uO bu. : exports 7 790 bu. Spot. Irregular and weaker; new No. t mixed KtWc; new No. t white, 66c; un graded white. 47(&62c; mixed. J6uSSV,o. Ot tlons were fairly active and atronger on small receipts snd showers west. J1AT"r!rnV. WPPin. 70c; good to choice. $1 Ooki 1 W. U1CE Steady: domestic, fair to extra. 4U (Tic; Japanese, 46c. HOPS Steady; state, prime to choice. 11 crop. lV4!6avc; lSuo, loc; olds. tt9c; state, common to choice. 1901 crop aiu2c- ia crop. lei?c; olds, 7tiloc; psclflc coast 1901 cYCwi-,ir:2!WOfroP,18ci olds- I.KATHKR-Steady; Buenos Ayres acid !4p '6c. HIDES Steady; Galveston. JO to 26 lbs i5.ocM'fbr.'.,3c,., 10 a ,ba-,Sc: Te" dr'- WOOL Quiet; domestlo fleece. IVTiSOc. TAIOjOW Steady; city ($3 per pkg.). IWe: country (pkg. free). A,ai,c. PHOVIBIONS-Beef. ,teady; family. Mm ei 0o; me.,. $13 -tf 13 60; beef ham,. 321004 tt oo; packet. tl4.Wi4i6 ; city exua India njeea ;1 004,24.00 Cut meat,. qulei; pickled, bellies, n.5jli.O: pick led ihoul dtr,.; pickled hams, IMUVii to Lrd, firmer; western steamed. llO.ttoi 10 70; Auruat closed at tlO .86. nominal; reflned. quiet; South America. $11.60; compound, .12Wti 60; continent. $10.86. Pork steady asyl7,76.flil, 7iU6; "hort c'r- H 7i21 00; . U L'TTE R Receipts. .$11 pkga; barely steady; Imitation creamery, HkoxTUc: fao tory. 14j lc. CHSa-old-Raoalpta, l.tot pkga; flrm; OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS CoadHlons of Trad and Quotation, ob Staple aad Faaey Prod ace. EOGS Candled stock, lc. LIVK POULTRY Hens, 8Veioc; roosters, uiii. i j .a , lafi lumrvi, CKaflVx.; ducks and geese, 6c; spring chickens, per BUTTKH Packing stock, lV413c: choice dairy. In tubs. Uaibc; separator, 8021c. FRESH CAUGHT FI9H-Trout, loc: her ring, tic; pickerel, 8c; pike, c; perch, 6c: liiiltQln ilpau.. ; -,1KaiK 1. 1. . n . whltenih. loc; cat Ken, 13c; 'black bass, 'l8c! V. .. M . . . .... 1 l. w . . i- . . iimiviai, in,, Hiinun, tve; naaaoca, lil.,cl llsh, 12c; red snapper, loc; lobsters, boiled. i.TTi .iv:, luuBwia. irnu, uer ip,, movi bullheads, 10c. CORN 68c. OAT8-64C. BH AN Per ton, $16. mi ' rm iiuuiea iiy urainii vvnoiesve Hay Dealers' association: Choice. No. 1 upland. $7; No. 1 medium. $8.60: No. 1 coarse, 36. Rye straw. These prices are for hay ot good color and quality. De- ma im Aaiir. nrcrii'i" iiani. VRfiV.TlHIPa NEW CELERY Kalamasoo, . POTATOES New. per bu., 2530o. fivt Wh3 fiMiova -ji . . u.w,u... ' . . . v . . a i uui,, svwruina o Slxe of bunches. l&20c. j. tjKiNii-H rer bu., soc. BEETS Per basket. 40o. GREEN CORN Per dos., 6c CUCUMBERS Per bu., 250. LETTUCE Per doi. bunches. Mo. RADISHES Per doi.. 10c. way uiriva n,. ' iii'iiig f i w ii, fmr IIIBI a.TTl basket. 26o; string beans, per market bas ket, 25c. CABBAGE California or horn gTown, new, lc. ' ONIONS New horn rrown. In sacks, par bu.. 65c. TOMATOES Per market basket. 464J60. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $114. FRUITS. PKACTtF.S California Tjata CrmmrfurAm 76c; Arkansas Elbertas, per four-baske crate, 76c; per six-basket crate, $1.25. PLUMS California, per four-basket crate, fancy, $1; Japanese, In peach boxes, ti IT .UH V. . H-'lO; Tragety, too'; peach plums, $1.00; p! PRUNES-Pr box, 90c. ravofltc. Colorado, $1.60. APF'l.Ffi Siimmur nriaHu thl C RAH APPLE 8 Per bbl., $2.60. CANT A I .TIT 'PR1 nor ant. ti n. per basket, "Oe. ' ' WA'IKKMELUNB-Crsted, 1S3200, OR1PRR flmithaira Calaaiha. n .w crate, $1.60; home-gtown, per ' a-lb. bas ket, 86c. TROPICAL FRUITH. BANANAS Per himcJl- aeAoriltnar mtmm $2.26(32.76. ORANGES Valencia,, $4.7836.00; Mediter ranean sweets, $4.0004,26. , LEMONS California UmonsJra, $4.00(3 186; Messlnas, $4 606.00. MiaLliljlxAINEOUS. CIDER New York. $8.76. UlhVU VI b -. au.. Mift-o a.v. kiuvii, Wi m green, 6c; No. 1 salted, 8c; No. t salted, 7c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12V4 lbs., so; No. I van, m in ui iui., mai ary nines, scaiuc, sheep pelts, 76c; horse hides, '$16002.60. X3rvrcixj v? y.. iu e . i-iT.. a v wii i-ci iv,, pu, pneiiva. tc. WTTTI Walnula KT 1 .k.ll ... II. lie; hard shell, per lb., UHfl; No. 8 soft shell, 10c: No. 1 hard shell, tc; Braalls, per lb., 14c; Alberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft shell, 16c; hard shell, 16c; pecans, large, ger lb., lie; small, 10c; eocoanuts, per dos,, rir.r. unitu a t ai. .wa. a-aMAna-Mj a. m. ninii vjuuici IIIV following prices: Iron, country mixed, per ln ,11. 1 M -I . 1.. V .O. I fia, . m in iiiaia, i-arr lull, mmj Conner, ner Ih. SljLn? ttraas hanvv lar lVm. flta.c: brass llarht n.r lh KUn am na, IK lc: sine, per Tb.,'lHc; rubber, per lb., Vic.' vtXBSoe; Arkansas Elbertas, per four-basket crate, 854jSOc; per six-basket crate, $1.60. St. Loals Gnl, aad Pro-rlaloaa. ST. LOTUS. Aur 19 WtTR AT HI oh... VTA -t i. . . i. . iiu. a icu LdBii. fjicvaiior, mu, iracK, Oii,(ar 66V4o; Beptember, 63N,63?tc; December, 64c- No. 2 hard. 6SV4&&c. CORN Higher: No. 2 cash, 64c; track, 66c; OATS Higher; No. 3 cash. 27Ho; track. ac, oeptemoer, 20c; uecemDer, oic; No. 2 white, 88689c. BI-Hteaay at 4XV4'0c. T.. r aitd i.. i . a a . . . . r iai. n-r iiiii, inn run winter patents, $3,1044.20; extra fancy and straight, $2.80 BEED Timothy, nominal. $004M.25. COKNMKAL Steady, $3.06. BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, 602o. HAY flteadV! tlmothv Xxnnrll no. nr.l.l. $6.56-a9.o6T ' ' WHISKY Steady; $1.81. . . IRON COTTON TIES Higher, $1.07H. BAGGING Better, 6 6-16f l-16c HEMP TWINE 9c. pnnt'TRinKs Pnrit tia.h.. ikki.. -t IIROK- H ,1aJ; lanl tl.t.1. 1A ,lT' ' salt meats (boxed), quiet; extra shorts and clear ribs, $10; short clear, $10.60. Bacon i boxed), quiet; extra shorts and clear ribs. 10.76; short clear. $11.S7V4. mmaui-mm; firm at $4.00. Spelter: Firm at $0.16. . ,JTri. - " 'h'ekena, fHc; sprfngs. iinniiw, .uinca, jaiididc; uuca,, yc; geese, . I 4VV". Jiuus steady at 16c, loss off. to riour, bbls 9.000 n mm Wheat bu 1S7.000 IM.iXW Corn, bu 11 (WA nn..i Oata. bu 72,000 4t!d00 Liverpool Grata and Provisions. LIVERPOOL. Aug. l.-WHEAT-8pot: Quiet; No. 1 northern spring, 6 2d; No. 1 California. As 4d. Futures: Quiet; Septem ber. 5a HHd; December. 6s Md. ..F9R:l8,,ot: Qa'"'; American mixed, 6s UHd. Futures: Quiet; September, 4s 11 Ud: October. 4s 9Hd; January. Ss U4a. PROVISIONS-Beef, strong; extra India mess, 107, 6d. Pork, flrm; prime me,s. western, strong, 83s 6d. Hams, short cut. land cut, 28 to 80 lbs., quiet, &&std: ,hott ' .... . - Hii nm mu, lung clear middles light, 2ft to 84 lbs., quiet. 68a: r - , . 1 I I w w TV 1 !! , oulet, 6is 6d: short clear backs, 16 to M "u,t- c,!rar b''lll. " to 1 lbs., steady, 62s. Shoulders, square cut. 11 to 12 lbs., quiet. 47s sd. Lard. duU; prime weat ern. In tierces, dull. 61s 3d: American re flned. In palls, dull, 61a d. " r CHEESK-Oulet; American finest white, steady 4is6d; American finest colored, quiet, 48s 6d. TALLOW Prime city, quiet, 28a: Aus tralian. In London, dull, 82a. taFlXUR-8t. Louis fancy winter, steady, Jj!J,.8-At London (Paclflo coast), steady, BUTTER Nominal. PEAS Canadlnn. steady. 6a 8d. Imports of grain Into Liverpool for tha last three days were aa follow,: Wheat. 314.O0O centals. Including 11,000 American: corn, American, U.9u0 centala. Kaaaas City Grala aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Aug. l.-WHEAT-Seo-temher .Hc: December, 2i,ic; cash. No. 3 hard. 654iM4c: No. 8. 61(&64c; No. rod, 4VC; No. 3, lV4(5ac. S(J -Bept ember, 4J4t42Hc: December. 83ia,(fi'!31c: cash. No. t mixed. 4a4Wc: No $ white. W-: No. 8. 64VCo6c OATS-No. 3 white, S5o. RVE No. t, 46c. prairlTv,C Un,,hjr' W 506 10l00: cholc "'"T'EH-lOeamery. 19c; fancy dairy, 17c XKlS-8teady; fre.h Missouri I and kin. sas Block. 14Vc loss off, cases returned. Receipts. Bhlp. 116.200 62.SO 1J 36 21 13,000 U.OuO tember, Hc; December, SlHc; on track, No. 1 hard. 7Vc; No. 1 northern, 76ic; No. 3 northern, 74'.ic, FlaOUR Unchanged: flrnt patents. $3.80 tT3.u; second patents, S.Oo.f.7(i; nrst clears, a.iiiM. in; avconii ci-irp, BRAN In bulk. 311. 11.76. TOLEDO. O.. Aug. 11 WHEAT Dull. stronger; cash, 71c; September, 71c, bid; December, 7olc; May, 72Vc. CORN Dull, stronger; cash, 69c; Sep tember, 6l'74,c; December, OATS Dull, strong; September, 83e; December, v.o. BEED Clover, dull, firm; October, $5.50, bid; January, $6.30, bid; prime alslke, $7.40; ro. s nmomy, t.w. Philadelphia Prodoeo Market. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 19. BUTTER no tower; creamery, jHtic; nearby prints, ZJC. EGGS Steady; fresh neerby, 21c, los, off; fresh western. 21c, loss off; fresh south western, lcy loss off; fresh southern, lf liv. iiihb oil. CHEESE Stead v: New Tnrk full r.... prime small, 10Vi(gl0c; New York full creams, iair to good, vvkwioc. Peoria Market. PEORIA, III., Aug. 11-CORN-Slow and easy; No. 3, 67o. . OATS-Easy; new No. 8 white, 83c, billed VII UUll. WliiBKY $1.81 for finished goods. Dalatk Grala Market. DULTTTH. A tier 10 WIT IT IT ri..K x? 1 hard, 76Hc; No. X northern, 70Hc: ko. 1 iiuiLiirrii, nw, eepiemDer, (tsvc; Decem ber, 6oSc, UA'iB September, 81V,c; December, 28V4C NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS. Volaaso of Dealings Increases, bat Market dalts Dall and Irrenlar. NEW TflBr A ... nTi.. : shares of stock sold on the exchange today ... jr.inuii., aeaungs rising again over the 00 (M1 ihur. Ma.l, T . 1. . . ,. - -' ' " - - .....a.. .lie IUUA on a fair appearance of average strength. tin. n 1 1 1 I . I 1 . . . "ii.iiii. win biiuw mm ine sains in the majority of usually active stocks are fractional. While I h. ra.llv alrllrlna, are confined to a lew spots In the market. ine dealings were largely In professional hands and were supposed to reflect the operations of speculative pools, Including some of the prominent capitalists of the country. The situation of affairs was not materially changed from that of yesterday and the new demonstration of strength waa baaed larcrclv nn ih. - 7 . n -j . . . v ai'rn urn. iiiiia 1 1 - turn to New lork of J. P. Morgan, which nao caused a renewal of many long current rumors of financial projects and railroad deals, which are nnnn.a.H 1,1. . , . r . I w na,. ,1 D av- tlon to be put Into force. The most prominent of these In Its effect upon the speculation is the formulation of a TI I a 1 a. nnn waI ' T . . . I . . . ... f---" awa .viium "1 aXJUinVllie B INSSnVlllG. There seems a fairly general agreement that thla plan will take the form of a,te ot a livldend on Iulsvllle & ashvllle. rnmmnMu iinn...4 A k... i flxPd at 7 per cent. aTh.moyement lei by Louisville made l..e",it ,n other southern stocks, notably Illinois Central and Nashville, Chattanooga wa. avu.B. nui nil. a. w i.rn n wl 'hesapeake oV Ohio were also supposed to 7i . a....i.v aium-iius cause, al though the advance In Pennsylvania and Baltimore dt Ohio pointed to speculation on the soft coal traffic. A settlement of the coal strike and a de cision on the question of the presidency of the United States Steel corporation are also suDDoaed to await Mr Unrcni. op tion. " "" v The upward movement in Southern pa clflo was aggressively renewed today for Trie first lima .In... ika n n n . . . . . , . . , 1 "in niiiliiuill fllirill vi he proposed $lOo,ooo,000 mortgage to pro- . ,vl unuei meni. i nis move ment wi also associated with the home- Waronntinil mAvamanl n . t , . ... .. . . ...... . w I a. well BIIUWI1 speculaOve leader, who has onerated largely in It In the past. Canadian Pacific and Ita subsidiary com panies form another center which radiated trr.-fr. lr..4 tv.n j-ahi an . . , .... B ... -. . ' m t.v.v.uui.1 liir rise pointed to efforts by that company to (cure an entrance into Chicago. The strength of Wisconsin Central and of tho Chicago Terminal stocks memmmA li.a. . .k. Same rumor. ..I weret various other points of strength In the market, but .ft mmmmA equally due to special causes. The money market wna not innra.i.v.i.1 week, although there waa less tendency to flurry than yesterday The rste for call money loans was well sustained at about r pan or ine loans. The recent rapid downward course of foreign exchange was arrested and there WSa . leMrlan... a aa.H..... I . . - . - - '-""'f iCTu.n in mai mar ket. Rome aAlllnap rt a,,AAi,a V. a . ' , a, v. 111-ig ur liUD dpn account waa, a factor In the firmer ex- cnange market. ' It h.l-lm. Illl.ail laila- !.. Liuiu. In aoln tail hlnn.ii ..... . i. . A " ' . , ,. . .. fc ... iuv v 1 1 u 1 1 1 1 y yes terday ro Buenos Ayres and appeared to be ... F iiiuvinK io crops mere. A h-.ab . . I V, . , . i . i, iwiiiiB in voioraao Fuel followed a suggestion that the atruggl, for control might throw It Into the hands of a receiver. The stock rallied au. th. market closed dull and Irregular. The liquidation In Central of Georgia bonds waa cnntlmuM a.i.. $1.925.000. ', va,uo- nUtnilie?tar bot"1" wre all unchanged on the last call. vTh5T fo"Sw,.nB are the dosing prices on the New York Stock exchange: Atchison ti An Bfd IliOa. Baltlmora A An . I a Cnadln Faclao. . . ..1S7 UIMul BO mi Cha. at flhla a. a. Chtc,o A Alton ptd TVt Chleafo. In4. A L... IS to ptd M Chleaso A E. Ill 311 Chicago A Q. W U ao in pra dA nfd Riu Chlsase N. W....IM r a f .v v nih Chleaso Tar. 4 Tr.'! 13' . aM .... .l ..104 .. 14 .. TI .. it ,.1TI Wheat, bu. Corn, bu... Oats, bu.... Mllwaakeo Grala Market. MILWAUKEE. Aug. It. WHEAT Steady; No 1 northern. T7trTc; No $ northern. "r77c: Reptemhar Cuup RYE Firm; No. 1, 61Vic ' ARLEY-Flrm; Ito. 8. 7tp76c; sample, CORN September, BlVie. Mlaaeapolls Wheat. Floor aad Braa. MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. It-WHEAT-Sap- do M C. C. C. A St. I Colorado Bo , da lat pfd , da td nfd Dal. A Hudson. Denver A R. O. do ufd Erla do lit pfd da Id nfd Great Nor. pfd.., HocklDf Vallar. do pfd Illlnala Cantral . Iowa Central ... a. nrd Laka Erla A W. do pfd L A N Manhattas L.... Met. Bt. Rr , U.K. r.nlp.1 Nat. Rr. ot Max Mian. A Bt. I.... Ma. Faclfio M.. K. A T do afd N. J. Central ... N. T. Caatral . Norfolk A W.... do nfd . Ontario A W. ranna-ivaala Raadlnf do lit pfd.. do Id nfd t. L. A 8. r do m prd.. 4a Id afd... t. la. 8. W.. do pfd St. raul do p(d So. Paclflo Tsuj Bo. Railway 4ou da rttn .-7 Taia, A Paciio""!!! iu Toledo, 8t. Ia. A W. '4 no pro Union Paclflo .... da nfd Wabash do ptd iVnMl. AT. V do 3d pfd Wla. Central .... do pfd Adama Ex A marlcan Ex I'nitad States Ex. Wlla-rar,o Ex.. Amal. Copper ... Amor. Car A P.. do pfd Ann. Lis. Oil... do pfd , Ann. S. A n . - do pfd . Anas. Mining Co. SO. Rroalilvn tl F fi. Cala- ,u, Iros!!! 7H idm. uaa 222 .IH Cont. Tobaeoo pfd.. .1214 i'ih nan. taiacino ..... . Horklni Coal .1V Inter. Papar . SO I do pfd . STVa Inur. Power . SB ilatcloda Oaa 1 National Blacult . .16tt National Lead ... No. Am.rlr.a .... .HfS Paelllo Coast . M Paclflo Mall i. 11 Psopla', oa .111(4 Praaaad g. car.... 1171a do pfd Pullman p. Car... A Hapuhlle Steal ... 1M do ptd un Busar ! Taon. Coal A I... So I nlon D.f A p... H do pld 1 tJ- S. Leather .... M do pfd Mat V. S. Rubber TI do ptd tnv 0. i. g.,,1 M do pld Weatarn Union ... M Amor. LocomotlTs T7H do pfd 1SK. C. Southern... 1MV do pfd ..ina .. (i .. 12 .. 481 .. 34 .. 38S, .. 30 .. 5 ..310 ..36, ..114 ..0 .. J5 .. 2 .. 2V .. (0 .. 46 .. 7 ..103 .. .. 21 .. T4V Vi .. 89 .. 47 .. 36V ..12214 .. T7H .. 43 ..104 .. 4 .. to ..240 .. II .. 74 ..112 .. M4 .. 14 .. ? .. IS .. M .. If .. M .. 40 2H . 3 . 3 , 3 6M New York Money Market. ttlY, Auir- -MONEY-On call, alwii loaf1"4 "r closing bid and WJi laW cent- Prlma mercantUo pa per. 4y per cent. STERLlrfo EXCHANOE-Steady. with actual business In bankers' bills at $4 87 for demand and $4 34 1-6 for sixty-day bll Un posted rales. $4.4 854 and $4 MVafii 11' commercial bills, 4 8S4?4 mv. ,,7,!,,' SILVER-Bar. BcTMexIcan dollars. .aliiTroTrIfa, foTlows0""' Quoutum 01 nds are as ,.11 ,.,. caatral 4a 2W . do 1. Is,..." 31 ..lfcU W An.. ....... .-"-I ta. B lUS U. S. rat. ta. rag do la. coupon . da la, rs do coupon do saw 4a, rs .112 do saw 4a, coupon. 1J2-j da old 4a. rag aa eoapoa do ta, rag do coupoa Atchlaoa. sa. 4i do adl. 4a Bal. A Ohio 4a.. do 3a do eoav. 4a.... Colorado Bo. la.. Caolral. of Oa. aa do la loc rfc a ii .ia.. Chleaso A A. IWa! C. B. A Q. a. 4a.. C. M A St 1 a luaw .luti M . K. A T. 4a list do la 4 N. T. Central la 101 " ,orai avta in ..104;N. J. -. u ..ii:Kor. radio 4a.... ..loa', do la .. 4 N. A W. eoo."ta' ..101 Raadln, (an. 4a .. ,8t L A I M . ta. ..Ill Irt. L. A B - r. 4a. ..110 Bt. L. 8. W. la." ,..110. do 3a .. 7 S. A. A A. P. 4a.' .!, oo. raiine 4a . 8a. Rallwar 4a. ... . sola ax. av i. .. i . ... Ill T . II. L II a!" .... 1M ...104 ... 74 ...101', ... N ...117 ... -a ... M ... 0 ... la ... 4 ...111 -.-- . ...ia ., bi. I., a W C. A N. W. con Ualoa Paclflo 4a' - - -a aa luaia ao coav. aa ' ccr. A St. Ia. ,. 4a. li2 'ahaak la Chleaso Tar. 4a e do Colorado A Bo. 4a... M do deb. a"" PesTar A R. O. 4a.. 101 Shore 4a . Krle prlar Uaa 4a.... H Whaal. A L. g f. W. A V. C." la!;!ll4 Coaa. Tobacco 4. Hocklas Val. 4a...lo "acce a ..104. lua ...1111 lot TT 114 4a.. s M 4H Forelcw Ploaaelat. LONDON. Aug. 11-Gold premium at Rome Is quoted at 83V,. Money was not plentiful In the markt? today? but good demand In connection with the pay ment of calls to recent new Issues of caiil wi' nU?f t0 ,bout e6.U00.uua Discounts wera flrm. ihsra waa no prospoct of rates being materlallv easier while the market largely Indebted n the Hank of Knilmrl Business on the Stock exchange opened rstner heavy, but trndina was subsrauent moderately active snd clneed quiet. Consol reacted and partly recovered the loss Home rails Improved slightly with th weather. Americans had an uncertain tone in response to New York, but Improved tsier, especially Louisville, prices closed nrm. Rio tlnto, recovered on the copper siHiisiics. Ksmrs wavered. r AKis, Aug. 19. Prices opened firm on the bourse today, but business wss Inanl mate. Rentes hsd an easier tendency on less Investment buying. Spanish 4s snd Spanish rails were In demand. Turkish securltlea were heavy, but grew firmer. Rio tlntos hardened on favorable copper siatisiics. industrials snd Ksmrs wtN firm. At the close prices were generally eir-aciy. ine government rate of dlscoun was 3 per cent. Three per cent r?nes, lonf WV for the account. Spanish 4s, 81.72V Be.Ki.iM, Aug. 19. Mines were firm on the bourse today owing to a rumor that the minister of railroads had given large orders for equipping the state railroads Spanish 4s were firm on Paris advices I anadlan Pacifies hardened on the traffic return. Transvaal, Improved on repur cnases. BOSTON, Aug. 11-Call loans. 8tyt?l cent; time loans, 4Vi per cent, closing ot stocks arm bonds: nH per Official Atrhlenn 4, Oaa la Mci. Central 4a..,. N. E. O. A C Atchison .. ........ do pfd , Boaton A Albany., Boftton A Malna . Ftoatnn L N. Y . N. H. A H Fltchbur, pfd ..... t'nlon Pacific , Met. Central Amarlcan Busar..., do pfd American T. A T Dominion I. A S. Oen. Electiie ... Maaa. Electrlo .. do pfd N. E. O. A a... V. 8. Steal do pfd Adrantura ..101 lAllnuet , .. II lAmnlKamated ..... . It P.ingham .. I7lralumet A Hocla.. .. I2l-i 'Centennial , ..102;cnpper Range 161 loo 1S ..144 ..IM'4 Dominion Coal Franklin tula Rorala ... Mohawk Old Dominion , Osceola 31 v. Parrot ...11J ...llo ...170 ... TH ...114 ... 40 ... 7 ... IV ... 40 ... ... 11 'Jutnrjr Santa Fa Copper. Tamarack Trlmountala Trinity t'nlted Blatea .... Utah victoria Winona Wolverine United Copper ... . 3 . f ,. II .6111 ... IS ... 87 ...141 ... 10 ... 11 ... ... ) ... (I .. 24 ...121 ... 1 . . .170 ... 14 ... 11 ... m ... 30 ... s ... I ... Ik ... 34 Londoa Stock Aug. 19 4 p. Market. m. Closing stock LONDON, quotations: Conaola for money.. M T-l Norfolk A Western do acocunt. Anaconda Atchison do pfd p.ltlmore A Ohio. Canadian Pacific... 15 I do pfd t Ontario A Weatern 14 Pennnylvanla 10a iReadlns 113 do 1st pfd , 142H1 do id prd.... CheupMUe At Ohio.. SIi Southern Railway.. . S4 ao pra .110 (Southern Paclflo.... . 41 t'nlon Paclflo . t do pfd . 40X'nlted Rtataa Steal. .. T0 .. Do ..171 ..10 Chlraao O. W C , M. A Bt. P Denrar A R. O.... do nfd Erla do lit pfd do 2d nrd Illlnola Central Loultvtlle A Naah. M., K. A T do pfd Kew York Central ia BAR SILVER Steady ounce. MONEY 2V4 cer cent. The rate of dia count In the open market for short bills is z- per cent: for three months bills x u-itxtt-aili per cent. do pfd Wabaah do pfd 'Onanist! 4a 12 Randa 44DeBeers Tl 34 .. 14 .. 43 .. 37 .. 41 ..lo .. 74 ..111 .. 4 .. 41 .. 12 .. 12 .. 411 .. 41 .. 11 at 84 $-16d per New York Miming ftaotatloaa. NEW YORK. Aur 19 Tha fnl1owln .r. ine ciuBing prices on mining stocks: Adam, Cos 30 Alice i lo Rreeca 10 Brunswick Con Comatock Tunnel Con. Cal. A Va 115 Deadwood Terra loo Horn BIlTar 126 Iron Silver 11 Leadvllle Coo I Little Chief .. Ontario Ophlr Phoenix Potoal Baraga a . Sierra Nevada Small Hopaa Standard .. 11 .350 .101 . . II . I . 1, . 30 Bank Clearings. CHICAGO. Aug. 1. Clearlnas. t34.7z7.oAl: balances, $1,676,911; New York exchange, par to 10c discount; posted exchange, $4.86 sixty uny, ana tt-oiy, uciiiarm. BALTIMORE. Auf. 19. Clearinrs. 14 741- vu; Daiances, inn.zu: money. 6 per cent. NEW YORK. Aug. 19. Exchanges. 12X3. 400,300; balances, $15,290,880. BOSTON Auar. 19 321 OM 1S- . i a. r A . ' , , ,, ai,oro,Ul. PHILADELPHIA. Anar. IS n..rln-. $20,826,953; balances, $3,622,383; money, 4tf per cent. i ST. LOUIS, Aug. 11 Clearings, $7.f)61,25; Daiancea, i,4: money, steady. 6ro ner warm, i-cw una exuiianae, ioc aiscount. CINCINNATI. Aug. 19 Clearlnsrs. 13.049 659; money, 3V46 per cent: New York ex. cnange, ioc aiscount. Condition of ,tlje Treasnry. . WASHINGTON. Auif. 11. TodaVs state. ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve in me division or redemption, Eiiuwa-. cssn Daiance, J04,06. 746; gold, $106,321,664. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 19. COTTON-TCu. lures opened quiet but steady; August. 8.47c; September, 7.9fc; October, 7.R7c; No vember. 7.79c: December. T 90c; R.hrnnrv 7.80c; March, 7.79c; May, 7.80c. Spot closed sieaay; miaaung upianus, vc; middling gulf. c; saies, wi Dates. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 11 COTTON Quiet. unchanged; middling, 8c; sales. 93 bales: receipts, 151 bales; shipments, 620 bales; stock, 13,0)10 bales. GALVESTON. Aug. 19. COTTON Oulet 8 7-16c. LIVERPOOL. Aug. 19 COTTON Root moderate business, prices steady; Amer ican middling lair, 6 7-82d; good middling, a di HOa. ijjii . . . r .a... iii-iiiii, niiuuiiiiK. i iu low aninaiinar. 4 ?f.-!CM woriii iirilln.rv 191-(Hi nr.lU ,. w.. 4 13-32d. The sales of the day were 7. OH) Daies, including &oo bales lor speculation and export, American 6.500 bales: recelnts. 4,000 bales, no American. Future, opened Orm and closed quiet. American middling g. O. c: August. 4 42-64(ix4 43-64d. sellers: August and September, 4 37-644 38-64d, buy ers; oepiemoer and uctooer, 4 iK-wqr z-64d. value; October and November. 4 22-61(3 a nn i' v. . . . , . a so-o-ai, uuyers; rnovemoer and iecember. a vnu, Brut-rs: uecfrnuer ana januarv. d iB-tLAA K , , .. a ... - I . . 1 T.' .. 1 ' . 1 ""j, .p, ,.iiuai j a. 1 1 i rcmuarjF, 4 18-64d, sellers; February and March. 4 17-64 4j4 18-64d, buyers; March and April, 417-64 4 i-Ma, ouyers; April ana May, 4 17-64a 4 18-B4d. buyers. NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 19. COTTON spot, steady; sales. 426 bales: ordinary. 815-16c; good ordinary, 7 7-16c; low mid dling, Th-iBc; middling, 8c; good middling, 8c; middling fair, 8c; receipts. 890 bales; stock, 35.T74 bales. Futures, steady: Au gust, 8.32.S3c; September, 7.91i87.92c; Oe- toDer. (.mo t.ttc: iMovemrjei. 7.ba7.67c: De cember, Dotif.tWc; January, 7.67(!j7.6Sc; reuruar;, i.oiitf i.ooc( marcn, i.oii.oc. Wool Market. BOSTON. Aug. 19 WOOL-There has been considerable doing in the wool mar ket, although a little quieter than last week. The Doslllon la firm, with hett.r fiiice, gradunllly obtaining. Territory wool ncreases In firmness. The tendency Is still upward with the wool dealers having wool to sell that have cost them even above the market price here at present. Fine staple territories', Kmonc; strictly nne clothing, dj'osoc; nne and nne pieaium. 6063c; me dium, 43g46c. Texas wool Is In a very strong position, with the offerings small. Fall cleaned basis, nominal, 4.V(i4c; twelve months, u'uc; six to eignt months, spring 62df66c. Fine fleece wools are higher, but the offerings are small. Ohio and Pennsyl vania XXX, nominal; XX and above, 28c; X, 26(27c; Michigan X. 2&2c. Delaine wools are exceptionally firm; Ohio Delaine, 30-tMlc; Michigan. 27V(&29e; No. 1 combing, 2si:t0c; No. 2, 27tf(2Sc: coarse. 24fT26c. bt. iAJi'its, Aug. i.wuuia steady: me. dlura grades and combing, 13alMc; light nne, i:b'ik; neavy nne, nxaiic; tub washed, lofifiec. Ckaagei In Available Sapplles. NEW YORK, Aug. ll-8peclal tele graphic and cable communications received by Bradstreet show the following changes In available supplies compared with laat account: WHEAT United States and Canada, east of Rockies, decrease, 941.000 bu; afloat for and In Europe, Increased, 1.200.0W; total supply Increased 259.UOO bu. CORN United States and Canada, east of Rockies, decreased, 1,134,000 bu. OATS United States and Canada, east of Rockies, Increased, lfl.OuO bu. Among the more Important Increases are those of 8(19,000 bushels at New Orleans, 3w.O0 bushels at northwestern Interior points, lM.OuO bushels at Newport News, luO.OoO bushels at East St. Louis, 86,0u0 bushels at Lincoln and 61,000 bushels at Chicago private elevators. Principal decreases sro those of 231.000 bushel, at Depot Harbor and 136,000 bush els at Manitoba storage points. Saaar Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 19. SUGAR Raw, steady; fair rf fining, fc; centrifugal. M test, 3c; molasses sugar, c. Refined flrm. NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 19. -SUGAR Mar ket strong; open kettle. 2Vi3 8-l(c; open kettle centrifugal, 8a3c; centrifugal yel low, 3Q4 1-16c; seconds, lS334c. Molasses, dull; centrifugal, 6&15c. i QM ,sd Host a. OIL CITY, Pa., Aug. 11 OIL-Credlt bal ances, $1.22; certificates, no bid; shipments, 100.76 bbls.; average. ,14 bbls.; runs, 15,2f7 bbia.: average. 76.963 bbls. NEW YORK. Aug. -19 OIL Cottonseed, dull. Petroleum, steady. Rosin, aieady. Turpentine, steady. 47a47Vka OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Good to Choir Cattle Sold About Steady bat Others Wars a Little Lower. HOG MARKET STRONG TO NVE HIGHER Heaviest Ran of Sheep for the Year to Date, bat Wethers and Yoarllnga Sold at Steady Prices Lambs Tea to Fifteen Lower. SOUTH OMAHA. Aug. 11 Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Official Monday.. Offlclal Tuesday.. 7.9W 7,618 Two days this week 1R S7 Same days last week 8.700 7.1B 10,968 18.153 lo.2!4 12.910 10,838 17,044 12.189 14.018 17.i60 31,768 26.949 17,o6 18.415 18,c.'2 19.6,2 frame week before 11.2S) rame tnree weeks ago... 6.3S1 I?amo four weeks ago.... 6.4rti Same days last year 9,650 FOR THE YEAR TO DATK. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for iim year to aaie and comparisons with laet Cattla 474 248 leTs l,19.Uf.4 Sheep 619.843 The following table ii ice mi nugs sold on Inc. 34.148 0,779 Dec, iiiarspi me last sereral days parlsona with former years: Date. 1901. 440,100 l.5t,275 678,400 .., snows tne averaga tne nsoutn omsha 28,607 mn com, I 1902. l01.UO0.lS!9.lf8. 1897.18fl6. I 41V4I I 66 5 15 4 19 $ 79 tTt I 00: it, 5 lxi I 79 16 16 Ihltll S4 7 ..v; 6 801 T 27Vj 6 65) August 1. AllKUHt 2. August t. Augusc 4. August 6. AUKJSt f. August 7. August 8 August 8 August 10 August 11 August 12 August 13 August 14 August .16! August Itii August 171 Afgust 181 ru August 19 6 72V 6 89 177 1 16, 7 04 f 78H 6 81 '4, 6 73V4 6SV4I 4 6774 6 65 t 74, 6 74 6 74 6 78 6 74 6 7Si 6 77! 6 83 6 04 6 14 6 16 4 -b 3 741 3 4 4 331 3 67 8 471 I 4 43 3 61 3 67 2 85 4 45; 3 71 8 Mi 1 9i 1 3 77 4 3S 4 S7 3 81 6 04 1 4 32 8 67 b 0" 4 99 a 4 96 4 9i 4 97 4 9S 6 00 4 95 4 2S 4 23 4 3a 4 4.1 4 441 4 32 4 36! 4 47 4 60, 8 8 27 3 48 3 74 a 8 75 3 78 3 74 3 M 8 671 3 43! 3 45 8 421 3 631 3 61 3 02 2 92 f 76 a 2 76 2 80 3 56 2 80 3 64 3 681 a 3 701 3 71 3 W 3 73 2 74 2 3 2 83 a 2 84 2 92 3 8 Indicates Sunday. K...!.i.. . c ""tuber of cars of stock "l " louay py each road was C. M. A Ht. P. Ri Wabash $ Missouri Pacific Bv . ik Union Pacific system. 61 C. A N. W. Rv F.. E. & M. V. Bv or C. St. P.. M. AO. Rv B. A M. R. RV C., B. & Q. Ry 1 C, R. I. A P., east... 4 C. R. I. ft P., west... 17 Illinois Central Cattle.Hogs.Sh'p.H'aes. 13 Total receipts .306 4 15 63 V. 20 40 2 19 14 16 1 11 22 1 .. 1 163 71 1 ttle. Hogs. Sheep. 654 1,641 . 837 91 751 2.144 3,612 658 3.279 2,404 706 3,304 2.052 433 67 80 144 1R1 304 370 47 125 241 242 827 121 72 131 616 469 683 .... 7,618 as follows, each buyer purchasing tho num- v. iiu jiiuicateo: Buyers. r Omaha Packlnr Co G. H. Hammond Co Swift and ComDanv Cudahy Packing Co Armour A Co Cudahy, from Kansas C. Swift, from country Armour, from Kansas C R. Becker & Degan Vansant & Co Carey & Benton Lobman A Co... W. I. Stephen Hill A Huntslnver William Underwood Livingstone A 8r nailer.. Hamilton A Rothachlld.. U F. Huss H. L. Dennis A Co.. B. F. Hobblck Wolf A Murnan . A S Other buyers , Total 6,923 10,837 16.023 CATTLE There waa armtha H... of cattle here today, which makes the sup ply for the two days considerably In excess of the same days of last week, and also of last year. The same as waa the case yes terday, a large Dronortlon of the nrr.rlnin were feeders, and most of the tat stuff was of rather Inferior quality. lucre were aDout a dosen loads of corn fed steers on sale and the htier irrnHna sold at about steady prices. The common kinds, though, were dull and weak, the same as they have been ever since the western cattle began to arrive. The fact that Chicago waa quoted lower had a ten dency to make buyers bearish at thla point, especially on the common kinds. The cow market waa steady to a dime lower. The best grades sold In just about yesterday's notches, but when It came to the medium and common grades sellers had to take off a nickel and sometimes a dime. Trading, though, was fairly active, all thlnga considered. There was no particular chinr. nniiM. able in the prices paid for bulls, veal calves ana stags. in spite of the heavy receipts of stock-. ers and feeders the heavyweight dehorned cattle of good flesh and quality sold with out difficulty aU steady prices. The same waa true ot prime yearlings. The com moner grades, though, were verv rluli ami 610c lower, aa speculators have a good many ot that class of cattle on hand that they carried over from yesterday. The de mand from the country continues active lor tne better grades, and veaterriav .hunt jo cars were aiuppea to tne country, western oeei steer, were ratner scarce today, so that the more desirable grades held just about steady, although -Chicago was. quoted tower. ine common kinds, tnuugu, were more or leas OI a drug on the market and were In most cases a little lower than yesterday. Range cows of good quality held Just about steady, but tho common Kinus were weak to a dime lower. Desirable grades of stockers and feeders were also steady, but common kinds were neglected and slow and 6&10c lower. Repre sentative saiea: BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No Av. Pr. 1 1060 I 40 I MO I TS 3 710 4 00 IT 1111 T II 1 U 4 M II 1901 1 M II IMS t 40 14 1M4 T 15 41 101 0 64 1IU3 1 46 COWS. 19 cows. rows.. 1 cow... 42 cows... 12 cows.. 11 cows.. Bur Neb. 17 cows.... 8 cowa... 1 cow , sw ims , 90 .. 844 I 80 8 cowa... H. C. Blsblna Neb. ..V 2 40 34 feeder.. 907 ..1400 4 60 2 cows luSO Dsn Egan Neb. .. !W7 2 90 C. J. Renllman Neb. I lcow.... 2 90 4 60 4 50 4 50 3 60 V. R Tlseman Mah 23 feeders.. 1202 4 fio 3 feeders.. 1202 M. E. Rose Neb. ..11 3 10 23 feeders.. Kit 4 00 1 bull 16.4) 2 00 Ormesber Neb. 3 25 48 feeders.. 94 4 25 6 feeders.. 1022 A I Mnrrlmn niah 22 feeders.. l:'59 6 16 1 feeder Eil Ctnnn K'nh 2 feeders.. 919 4 40 1 feeder... 740 C. 8. Baker Neb. 914 927 t. 26 feed era.. 107 22 feeders. .IK'S 1 feeder. ..In) feeders.. 1123 346 I 80 4 m t 76 1030 t 3 cows.., 1 cow..., 1 cow..., 46 cows.., 59 cows.., .urn .. : H. .. 9M ..1OJ0 $ OA $ 00 I 50 $ 60 $ 73 3 71 25 4 26 1120 4 23 t 26 I 36 883 780 ,.1002 .. 920 $ 20 $ 00 t 15 U 1 cow 1150 4 0 21 feeder. .12843 cows ;o 3 70 Hanson A Hagerty Neb. av ircuru.. n.w 3 M II COWS.. I tfer... 710 8 76 2 cows.. 1 bull 1250 2 26 . . F- Kin-Neb. 32 feeders.. 1049 4 15 13 cows.. 2 feeders.. VH9 3 60 2 cow.. 1 cow 1020 4 15 II. nrnhtv Wvn 25 feeders.. 6S6 4 30 2 feeder.. 816 160 R. Van TVInklo Won 1 feeders.. 974 4 26 1 feeder.!. $70 k feeders.. 800 4 26 James Htnhha Wvi 38 feeders.. 95.6 4 55 46 steers.. 102 10 steers.. ..1340 6 80 E n Ruiar Won cows 973 3 10 21 feeder. .1063 12 cow 1041 4 00 1 cow 1100 L. R. A. Condlt--Wyo. t SO f I ao 4 20 8 10 16 feeders.. 86 8 feeders.. 1013 1 feeder... 1140 10 heifers... 650 Kent 80 cows.... 21 cows.... 4 36 6 00 6 00 3 00 A Bissell 965 3 75 993 4 00 3 feeders. 1 feeder.. 2 feeders. .1108 1230 ,1086 t 00 00 too Csttle Co. Wyo. 30 cows 949 2 90 1 COW 830 8 7S R. FnntaWvn 80 feeders.. 850 3 80 1 feeder... 790 S 80 F. M. Btrattnrv Coin. 48 feeder.. 1110 4 66 Phlllln WatsanT'nln 64 heifers... 615 2 90 81 cows.. 17 feeders.. 647 4 00 tnowa.. 39 feeders. . 851 3 76 (bulls.. 1 feeder. ..1020 8 00 V. P. Glenn Colo. 2 heifers... 710 9 75 l hull 11 heifers... 616 3 76 1 cow l heifer.... 500 3 26 15 feeders. fllATi T-rie-rtai pA,n 15 feeders.. 730 4 00 5 feeders.. 700 1 40 I.. 1 f rnnnii Cnin 17 feeder.. 841 4 00 1 bull 1300 I 76 bulls 783 8 40 . . W. L. Bush Colo. 6 steers.... 880 3 86 Spear Cattle Co. Mont ... 7S ...1000 ...1344 1840 , 700 645 t 75 8 75 2 60 00 1 60 3 15 22 steers 5 steers 1 steer., . O 24 cows., 8 cows 940 z cows 890 ..1218 4 06 .. 942 4 05 ..1160 4 60 F. and J 990 3 10 2 70 2'26 2 stags 1668 1 stag 1300 14 feeders.. 1223 F. Tllden Mont. 1 feeder... 1070 42 feeders.. 914 1 bull 1270 1 bull 1270 60 3 W 4 56 as' a is 8 10 2 cows 960 2 60 25 heifers... 838 2 96 E. J. Turn. f.ka 85 feeders.. 1060 4 65 6 feeders.. 903 3 76 1 feeder... 880 4 66 L. 8. Pond Mann 48 feeders.. 1126 4 75 1-lOUS There waa a llh.,.1 .f K . .ioc lunar, urn. unaer tne innuence ot a good demand the market nnenan .-iiv. mnA oa nigner man yesterday. After about 40 luaua nao cnanged hands, however, the market for a time waa verv oiil.t w K r trading started In again It was generally on a basis of a 2V4C advance, aa compared with yesterday, or In other words, the market closed with part of the advance of tha morning lost. There waa more or less unevenness from start to finish, jo that some sales looked considerably better than others. The bulk of the hnn sold at fnm $7.70 to $7.76. and aa high as $7.86 was paid. Practically everything was disposed of At a reasonably earlv nn"r It was very evident today that tha 11 rM and butcher weight hogs were selling to tne oest advantage, ana difficult to get a bid on until the morning was Representative sale: av. Sh. pr. No. ' .tsi no I u . ta.... 40 t M 14 K0 M 140 I7Uj M JIT 110 1W ITV4 ST. No. 78.. 14.. 74.. 40. . 4.. 64. . 14.. 7.. 41.. TI.. M. . . . 17.. ... II.. . . 17... .....184 141 Ill I0T in 2M 117 HI ..u.140 ...,..! 140 141 HI 2T.0 234 24 M I HI o hi Ji::::: in fact it . was the hesvy hogs well advanced. - Av. Bb. Pr. tO I TIU. 1 1 1 I 13 8 . , 40 . HO , 170 , M4 , 160 , too 3 00 3 00 3 10 3 SO 1 J" 4.... 1.... 4.... .... T.. HEIFERS. 4 W BULLS. 8 64 1 I Ti 1 .1043 .1020 ..1320 .. Ml 8 40 I 60 10 4 60 4 0 . 860 . 130 .11M 3 ti I 15 I M 1 1640 1 1160 1 110 1 II . 1 1 It) I 16 CALVES. 141 I 15 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 1 430 I IS 1 700 1 9 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS 10 741 ( heifers... 6S8 2 feeders. . 6S5 feeders.. 1148 14 feeders.. 1148 8 feeders.. 1148 7 feeders.. K68 2 feeders.. 96 1 cow 1 cow 6 cows.... 10 rows.... 10 cows 708 4 cows 8o0 1 cow 1010 8 cows 1040 2 cows I1"") cows 940 12 cows... 2 cows... 2 cows... 7 cows... 1 heifer.. 1 steer... bull.... 1 bull.... 1 bull.... 1 bull.... 1 heifer.. 1 calf 4 cows..., 19 cows..., 1 cow 1 bull. t feeders 10 feeders . 1037 1 feeder. ..lulO 1 feeder... fMO 12 feeders.. 671 1 bull 1310 22 feeders. . 655 lstsg 750 21 heifers... 644 1 heifer ... 830 3 heifers... 7(40 1 heifer ... 640 1 bull TV) 1 bull 1030 I M I... I M 10... NEBRASKA. too , 44 4 II 4 U 1 calf.. 7 cows., 6 cows. 13 cows. 17 feeders. 300 1011 778 836 958 .1010 .101 ) ,. 920 ,. 7X2 .. 968 .. 990 .. 870 .. 837 .. 710 ,. 780 .1550 . 730 .14h0 .1230 . 410 . 210 .. 95 .. 912 .. 850 ..10M) Ml 12 cows.... 65 cows. ai, 963 3 90 3 75 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 2 00 3 CO 3 75 2 86 3 25 3 25 2 36 2 35 4 60 3 00 3 20 3 25 3 60 2 60 2 00 3 00 T 75 2 50 3 20 2 60 2 25 2 60 4 00 2 60 3 OS 3 00 2 60 $ 60 4 10 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 40 3 70 3 00 3 90 3 00 3 26 2 K6 3 60 3 90 COLORADO. 2 70 15 cow, 3 80 26 rows WYOM1NU. 4 26 1 stag 890 Cattle Co. Neb. 24 feeders.. 946 24 feeders.. 1019 7 feeders.. 1157 1 feeder... ltWO 10 feeders.. 693 2 feeders.. 86 44 feeders.. 834 28 feeders.. 1011 7 feeders.. 620 1 feeder... 4-'0 30 feeders.. 794 1 cow 1030 1 cow 1170 1 cow 1090 2 bulls Mo6 1 bull... 24 steers. 1 steer.. 1 bull... 2 bulls.. 1 heifer... 1 heifer.... 350 2 cows 1076 2 cow s 970 2 cows 12JO 10 heifers... M0 II OPWS.. 10 cows.. 1 cow... 1 cow.. . 13 cows.. 4 cows.. 1 cow... 2 cows.. 1 cow... 42 feeders ..1040 ...1035 ,.. to0 ..1590 ..1560 620 ..1064 .. 871 .. 9H0 ..L''i0'20 .. 9h2 ..l'K0 .. 9W0 .. 9) lrt6 68 feeders.. 1(116 22 feeders.. 736 1 feeder... 4T0 21 feeders.. 1077 964 12 feeders.. 1000 Duck Brand 64 feeders.. 964 4 26 C. F. Coffee Nb. cowa..... 174 a 13 s tear a. -1125 4 60 8 25 3 60 2 90 3 86 4 40 4 50 3 75 2 90 3 50 3 60 4 50 3 75 4 00 $ 25 3 ti 2 75 3 00 3 00 3 15 3 35 4 06 3 25 2 50 2 50 2 76 3 50 3 00 2 25 2 90 3 16 3 30 2 75 2 60 3 40 3 86 3 00 3 60 2 60 KS 4 6 4 ?5 2 60 t 00 2 90 3 80 2 80 $ 60 ,'.2S1 ..121 1.166 ,.6T -V.134 .,146 ..280 ....IH6 .....260 ....ISO ....247 . ..'.. ....172 ....t0 ....264 ....146 ....130 .2X1 .22T .271 .171 .166 .276 4 l:tn T 171 b4. TO., II.', 61., TI.... 10...., 61...., 61...., IT...., II TI., 64.. 4., II.. 23.. 16., 71.... 71..,. 66.... 46..-.. 61.... 66.... ... 67.... II.... 64.... 6T..., 61.... 61., 41., 69 40 17 10 61 13 66... 71... II... 40... 6... 70... 60... II... ... 17... ft... II... 4... l... 41... 71... 7... 70... at... .277 Ill 297 281 121 235 ...261 ...261 ...Mi ....241 ....261 ....lit ....$47 ..ioe ..,.260 ....242 ....161 ....!! ....! ....217 ....107 ....161 ....241 ....264 ....121 ....117 ....220 ....24T ....246 ....141 ....131 ....267 ....111 ....1JT '....231 ....231 160 M0 140 tso 120 200 40 60 'io M 40 0 110 U ro to 'io 40 40 ioo M 110 10 44 1M 44 lid 120 40 0 140 M 14 ino 80 140 660 144 t nv 4 47 H4 ITV, 4 TO I TO 4 TO I TO 74 4 T4 t TO To 4 TO . 4 T I 70 TO 4 TO t TO TV I TO 4 70 I TO TO TO 4 TO I To t TO I TO 4 TO 4 TO , 4 70 . 4 TO 4 74 - T4 4 TO I TO I TO I TO- TO 4 TO I TO 4 TO 4 TV 4 TO 4 TO 4 TO 4 TV 4 TO 4 T4 TO 4 TO 4 TO , I TO 4 TO 4 T4 4 T4 4 TO TO 4 TO 4 T4 4 T4 4 TO 4 TO TO 4 TO ' 4 TO 4 T4 . 4 TO 4 TO 4 70 4 Iti IV" 4 Ilia, 4 Ttu 4 T1V ..164 ..JIT ..1M ..lit ..141 ..117 ..M4 T4. TI. n. IT. ft. 46. 41. TO. 10. 41., 61. II. 44. ...; 61.... T2.... 71.... 41.... K.... II.... 71.... II.... T.... .66. ... T4.... 44.... 13.... .... 41.... 12.... 40.... 41.... 21.... T2.... TI.... 1.... 60.... I.... TI-... 61.... 1.... 11.... 11. ... 6.... 41.... 41.... TI. ... 44.... 1.... 14.... 47.... 74.... 41.... II.... 71... 41.... 14.... TS. ... 10..,. II... n.... 61.... TI.... TI.... TI.... 44.... 40.... I.... 111. .260 171 M4 ....'..161 167 231 174 140 137 161 164 264 160 Ml Ml ...... 160 ..I...14I 214 ......210 121 ......224 231 ...121 ....21T ...211 ...141 ....11T ...11T ,..140 ...111 ...til ...144 ,...171 ...111 ...144 ...111 ...214 ...241 ...til ...161 ....121 ...111 ...304 ...Ki ...t;s ...120 ...IM ...111 ...111 ...2:i ...ITT ...124 ...171 ...111 v.6l ...12T ' ...111 ...121 ...226 ...111 ...IS ...20T ...131 ...244 ...110 ...112 .,.124 ...111 ...274 ...216 .244 144 I TlVa 4 71 4 TI . 4 71 4 72 V, 71 I T2 4 Tt 4 TI 4 T2 4 TI TI t 72 4 T2 4 T2 . I 71 4 41 4 T2 4 TI 4 TI 4 TI 4 72 4 TI 4 T2 4 72 72 4 71 4 TI 4 T6 4 Ti 4 T 4 T6 4 Ti 4 Ti 4 76 4 TI I TI t Ti 4 Ti ' 4 T 4 TI 4 Ti 4 7 4 TI 4 Ti 4 To 4 TI 4 Ti 4 Ti Ti 4 T' 4 Ti TI I TI I TI I 76 4 Ti 4 TI 4 TI 4 Ti 4 TI I TI . I TI 4 Ti 4 TI 4 Ti 4 TT 4 T7 4 77 4 TT 4 T7 4 TT 4 T7 4 TT 4 la I M 4 M I u I u 4 H 18 yesrllng wether.. 418 yearling wethers.. 669 cull lamb 88 $ 0 W0 $ 80 17 4 40 CHICAGO LI VIC STOCK MARKET. Cattle Dall, Hova Higher Lower. nd Sheep CHICAGO. Aug. ll-ATTLfi-Reclps, 000, Including 2,000 westerners; market very dull. Oood to prime steers, $8 0i? 8.90; poor lo medium. $4.35"-7 00; Blockers snd feeders. $2.6va-V60; cows, $1.60tf6.75; heifers, $2.60fr 00; canners. $1.6ntjt.60; bulls, 32.254r5.30; calves, $2 5007 60; Tesa-fed steers, $3 0tVry6 5O; western steer. 4 6W4.2&. HOGS Receipts, 14.000; estimated tomor row, 26.000; left over, 2,000; market, 6c lo 10c higher. Mixed and butchers, $6.30477.10; good to choice, heavy, $8 SOraTlTU; rough, heavy, lib 76; light. $.3(tf-7.00; bulk of ales, $.60tjj&ftft. SHEEP AND LAMB8-Reeelpts, .(inO; sheep, lower; lambs, choice dull; other, lower; good to choice wethers, $1 7MH 00; fair to choice, mlsed. $3.601.80; western sheep. $25(386: natlvo lamb, $3.754341.30; western lambs, $4.6Ofi.0O. wniciat yesterday; Cattle 1 ............. null , Sheep Receipt. .PI. 4 10 .80.412 .33,131 Ship. 6.8O0 7,139 1907 Kansas dtp LIto Stock Market. celpts, 18,450 natives, 1,100 Teans; calves, 7L!'n'. , IS0 " Killing trade li. ir,a,AJ07,r'ri. f,od -h"8 an! feed! ers, stead- to blaha--. .hniaa . tl'J"' "l- 7-J.: fair to good. $4.00iJ.6D; Blockers and feeders, $3.7ft5.e. western-fed steers. W.75J600; Texas an , Indian steers. 38 ovum on- t.,.. -V fiS4!2L,!5,lv c,w"' W.26SWI.60: native heifers, WM.OO; canners, $l.o236; bulls, $1,900 140; calves, $3.004j.6T. ia"?0 wRclpu.'. 4 750: market, steady to 10c hlcher: ton 1710. K.,11. ..1 j "P..AND LAMBS Receipts, 1000; -IT. t!. 1"t'"d: native lambs, $3.20e.0; lan,b' OWOOi ntlv wethers iwe? SnVaTTl. ". 32.30ilfS.96; fei MiinlMS-.08-0, Texa. clipped yearling. 33.00ff3.R6: Texas. Cllnna i.;.-7.. stocker. and feeder $2..96.' Market. 264 bead; veals sold head; nominally "w York LIto (took NEW YORK". Ana. 1a nrcr.a . a.1.1. JA. W , . - IIADIC9 a. celpts 402 head; a car of native steer sold t 10.40 and a bunch n a,....-.- aw. Prices tg. $4.60; dressed beef steady. XT a-mericsn steers at 13314e, dressed welahL asm. rmtri 1 n- k 7 . UV4frlte. " - r - .-.- -t CALVES Recelnta At 37.60(3 8. 26. MOOS Recelnta txt steady. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpt. 7.282 if?- ': t?t? duM 'nd easier; lamb slow, light common lower; sales of all grade average . easier than veaterdnv- sheen sold at tf Shiri.i M i.v fi . .. $1.60: lambs. 84607 Kk ..,.'.,.,J $7.0O(ff7.O6; culls $4.l0; dressed mutton, i7q OSS Ih HMa..J lawika EU1I. ' W , -i.'B, St. LonJ Llvov Stock Market. SI' i"5?18! Au5 -CATTLE-Recelpts. 200 head. fncltlnlnar mlmVt -r MT! market steady; native shipping and export llt'Z- S-gP&S1 baf and butchij K76j7.60; steers under 1.000 lbs., $3.76 J5XI0- stockers snd feeders. $3.00(8 26; cows and heifers, $2.254.4,.00: canners. 11 7k-9 . bulls. $2.603.46; calves. 36.00tiff.M! nd Indian nteera miumik. 1 helfra,$2 254Sl.26. ' " "u .G!RcSlp.."v4,00 B,d: market steady t36.76j VmW KW bUtch;?.rMSo SHEEP A Kf. T.AU!,flI..aal.4. mui head: market steady to atrnnv .nJ. .Yr tons. $3.504.35; lambs $S.76fflS.0- culls and anuria401 t. 8T. Josepk LIto Stock Markot. 19 CATTLE Re- a. ht .. firiuA wtvS JOSEPH. Aug. 14' ?w ,nd 10c lowori nVtlve; iiocke '..d CeK VrjT w-w5 head; lambs, steady to stronar: ihun 'iiairf. to weak; Idaho lamb, M 38. Slams City LIto Stock Market. PTTOTTV I'M'f V Ta A ,. v in . a 1 . r . . ii u. . (opBciai isie- gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 2.M0: market 'tf"ad:bSr?ti 7S.60; cows, bulls and m'V;1, $2.60jr4.60; stockers and feeders, $2.75 6.00; yearlings and calves, 32.6OtT4.00. HOQB Recelnts 4 son- in. KiC34JlLin higher; selling, M.t0O.7O; bulk, $6.609166. took la Slgkt. Th .followlnk table ahawa h cattle, heg and sheep at tha Ave principal market for August 19: Cttle. 7.618 Omaha , Chicago Kansas City St. Louis fit. Joseph... Totals.... . 6.000 .20.750 . 6,200 . 2.937 Sheep. 17.750 21.000 6.600 2.000 3,570 ..43.606 $8,715 60,920 Ht7Ct.'rJTI " ever, consisted of feedeTs" fpacaer toot .Vengs'SalS active and just about steady with yeeter day. The quality, though, was noth.n, extra, and the common kind, we're Tliwl There were quit few cara of i.k. and the market eased off a llt'ta b5 thought they paid too much for what the? got yesterday. Their bid. were lofclSc lower though In aorae.i "J ii were made that did not look that bid Although there were a good manv i.. ers included In th. reeipti? thS msrtet held fully steady, ss a good many bSyS were on hand. Anything desirable ao.1.1 . just about steady prices. oM Quotations for clipped stock- cinnA choice yearlings, $3 75(34.10; f . , tTVood $3.5oSS.7S; good to choice wether. $3 zJ.Tm fair to good wether,, M.16'ova 35 choir ewes, $3.00 3.26; fair to go ewe", ' $ 75 3.00; good to choice spring lambs, 86.75fi4 00- . i V . . 1 yeaning,. 33 'i4j 8 40! f.Mlf r I u TT1 h. K,wwa 4 A . a . I1.25&2.2S. Repreaantatlve sales: No. 3 cull ewes , 12 cull awta , 4 Nebraska ewes 748 western ewes 237 western ewes and wethers.. 79 weatern wethers 100 Nebraska ewea and wethera 820 feeder wethers 33 western wethers 260 Nebraska yearlings la western yearlings , ewe,. 249 Idaho culL ewes.. 14i Iiia hi cull ewes 639 Oregon feeders 65 Oregon ewea 31 western ewea 44 western ewea 193 Wyoming feeder wethera.... 21 Wyoming feeder yearling,.., 238 Wyoming feeder yearllna,.. 17 weatern wethers 60 cull Ismbs 63 western -yearlings 73 Idaho yearlings 446 western lambs 434 weatern lambs 73 Wyoming ewes 61 feeder yearMngs 943 feeder yearling. Ill sheep and yaarilngs U0 wslfeara and ysarliaaa. ........ Av. 107 , 111 96 100 81 75 94 83 116 97 89 14 ' 1 92 M 137 114 94 72 73 139 67 104 101 Pr. 2 00 2 S 3 16 3 20 3 26 1 26 3 80 $ 35 $ 40 8 54 3 90 3 V 2 40 $ 10 $ 30 3 26 $ 25 3 "S 3 60 3 50 3 65 4 00 4 00 4 00 ID U3 $ 21 CHEAP EXCURSIONS YIA FROM OMAHA (l)-St. Paul, Minn..... ', U Minneapol.s Minn' U--Laka lalnnetonaa ..." ' U; Mauisou Lake, Minn tij Waterville. Minn. tLnfc T tonka)! UJ-Vvaaeca, Minn. " ' U Duiuth. Muir. ' tl Winniptg Manitoba tiar Lak. Iowa hp'"-" ia U,-Waupca. Wis ;i'tf?'i.,I!'lu?'' vvu W Oshkosn ..a W-Poft Huron, -Mich " . U-Bultalo, N. Y l2 Waterlco, Iowa ..,...., 121 Chautauqua. Laks Points, N. Y.... I) Dubuque, Iowa Rates aoov named are for round tickets. (D-Dates of sale: Aug. 1-I6th. inc.; Sept. l-10ih, inci. , Return, ct. 31st. On other days In July and August rat will bo on tare plus $3.09. t2)-Dates of sale: Until Sept. 80th. R. turn. Oct. 81st. (3)-Date, of sale: Auguat $-7th. Inclusive Alao circuit tour via- Duluth or Chicago and Hteamer, via the Great l-ukta. Bpeclal excursion rate, to many other point In Minnesota, WUconaln, North Dakota and ssstern points. Write us where you ar going and w will be to give yoa-fui Information. Let us make your Sleeping Car ar ai..... reservation In advance, Call at Illlnola Onlral City Ticket Offlo No. 1402 Farnaro tltroM. or sdraa. ' . , , W. H. BRILL. Dlst. Paaa. At.. 111. Oenr. KTk, Omaha, Nak. $. , 10 la 7.6o 7 W 7.6j .. 8. to 2v6 J hl.lj 2106 41.10 11.86 40c trip OMLV 71 7 3 l 3 $ 80 FOR THZ PUBXST, BU2EST AUD ES3T . CC3STIP1TI0II CUR3 IU THE WORLD. IT 13 U fraat tenle laxAtivA Tt1 tho oafa rejaedy that does It Werk fteaNy and aala, )esly and at th aaia tlin sou a general tool. U Avr tall to fell t run.tlpatkm pronipUy, but at tk ub time u roatalDs valuable toale properUoa Wblch beip you inateaAef barUag yon. II straDgTbens all the Orgaa aad SMuiAea aai smmiWUi, tU tlOCd. tr- mmmm m BACKACHE XZlrA For sal by bberman aV M.-Cono,l Drua Ca Omaha. Neb.