Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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llaaei FitolMw Balli Vhloa tL Oml
I ., &ngjsr Caaaot Tml
Two Rjawg jefor St. Jrrk tJasaa fa tha
a rtalder'a (kale,
WI14 Ttraw ky Dalaa
Ml a nit by Parrla.
IT. JOSEPH, Aug. lf Special Tele
gram.) PapnfRourke's prospective pennant
winners went down to defeat before the
masterly ptVfatag etaHrta today. While
tfcer fought all toe way-through nine lu
ll hjgn, they, only .had two looka In at the
game, and beta time wfe baffled br Par
rln'i wonderful pitching.. Brown for the
visitors also pitched, floe ball and would
hare ahut the Saints out If it had not been
for Dolan'a w11V throw after two men were
out. Omaha a first chance cape In the sec
ond. Stone alt safely. Dolaa' bunted, Par
Tin throwing -4 second te catch Btooe, but
too late. Kith two a as and, nobody
out Stewart waa called out on bunt strike
ad Parrla struck out , Thomas and Goo
ding. Thrf rial tore got two oa baaea In the
lata attar twavSoara vwt aat, bat Qoodlng
waa not equal to the occasion. The Salnta'
twe rang wera made In the second".; on
Koth'a fleldera' choice, Dolan'a wild throw,
of Garrta'a grounder and Pervln's alngla.
. . AB. R.
1 ;
1 ,
Maher, aa 4
rirashear, lb 4
Itrtmtn, cf 4
Helden, If t
Hohe, lb ,,,,.4
Both, o ,. .1
Hall, 2b ...!
Oarvln. rf I 10 1
Parvln, p I 0 2 0
.......81 I I U 1
ab. n. h. o. a. a.
Carter, rf..
lllckey, 8b.,
Uenlns, cf.
Btone, If...,
Dolan, as..,
Btrwart, 2b
Thorn, lb
1 1 0
Oondlng, o....
urown, p.,,
"Graham .
a... I
Totala 88 -0 24 14 I
Stewart called out en three bunt strikes.
Graham batted for Thomaa to the ninth,
St. Joaeph 0 2000000 -!
Omaha 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6-0
Two-base hits: Rohe, Maher. Struck out:
By Parvln, 8; by Brown, 8. , Stolen baaea:
Jlartman, Oarvln, Carter, Dolan. Sacrifice
bits: Dolan, Carter. Double play: Dolan
to Stewart to Thomaa. Tiros; Um
pire: Abbott.
Honors Erti at Kaaaaa City.
KANSAS CITY, Aug. Kaneaa City
and Dea Moines divided honors In a double
header, In which the hard hitting of both
teama waa a feature. Attendanoe, 1.6U0.
R H El
Dea Molnea 20000220902-14 2
Kansas City .0-0-0 10111(0 0-4 16 I
Batteries: Pes Molnea, Barry and Han
sen; Kanaas City,' Cable, 'Gibson and Mes
ltt. .
Kansas City ....1 0 M U 1 I Mli i
Pes Moines 0 4 1.1 0 0 0 1 14 I 0
Batteries: Kansas City, Welmer and
P. UO.t k. . , Srm ... U. .. UH, .aw..... Sum - ' . .
Peoria Takes Two) traaa Dearer.
PEORIA, Aug. 19. Peoria took a double
header from Denver today, making the sev
enth successive victory. Both games were
slugging matches, with Denver playing a
ragged fielding game, ' Booreet
.1 1 .:. R.H.E.
Peoria M 1 2010000 4120
Denver 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0-8 1
Batteries: Peoria. Schaftatal and Wilson;
Denver, Kyler and McConnelL
. .... - R.H S
Peoria ......,..l 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0-6 6 2
penver ..i....a..O 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0-4 11 1
Batteries Peoria,' Jones and Hanaford;
i Peaver, Whltrtiige ind . P. Wilson. Um
pire: Straus, Attendances coo. '
Mllwaukea Ontbats 4Velarao Sprtaa-s.
MH.VTATJKIIBI, Augli-Mtlwaukee out
batted Colorado Springs today and won by
a a 00 re at 4 to 2, . Attendance, 6o0. Score:
. . . .. ' R.H.B.
MHwaukeo ...i.O 1 0 6 0 10 1 Mil 2
Colo. Springs ...0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0-2 8 0
' Batteries: . Milwaukee, McPhereon and
' Ductal Colorado Springs, Oaston and Hau-
ItaBdlnar al ike Teaaas.
. . '''-.1 PlayefL Won. Lost. p.C.
Milwaukee ..14
Kanaas City
St.. Joseph. 1"
i 41 .m
68 42 M0
80 4& .671
64 48 .638
66 48 .m
47 66 .609
19 2 .m
SI 47 .214
Game's ,'. today: ' Omaha at St. Joseph,
1 oiciritao springs ai uiiwauaee, Denver ai
eorla, Ues Moines at, Kanaas City.
Crlasltea- Come Tharsday fo the
.' .;F,4aal .Apaaaravasa of tka
"" tjooa 'ertes.
" .:- - '-. , ,. . - )
Thursday fhe Omaha base ball team will
iwurn Irom H last long trip of the season.
little 'disfigured but still at the head of
the league. - Denver's1 team will be the op
ponent, ire flrral a'pnearance In Omaha this
t season. Threw- games will be played, on
Thursday! Friday and Saturday. Friday
will be ladles' lay. The earns; "
Omaha. r .. Position. "Denver.
Pears First base 1.... Latham
, Stewart 't..... econd base.. Delehanty
. lllokey- .......Tb!ni base Dundnn
. Dolan v....... Shortstop... Ra4VllfTe
Stone .v. .4.:. . . lfthcln :' Jones
Oonlns ..ii..i...C'enerrlnld Preston
Carter ..v........iti(irilftls... Frisk
Oondlng m .....Catcher McOonnell
llioinae ...n.k....Watcherj... Wilson
Gahura i. ..... 4..1M toller. Kyler
Owen .............P1t'-hes.. McClosky
Brown ,.n..,-..-...iPltrher Mohlmn
AUoway- n.,.,....Pluher. W'hltrldge
Batta Fltitrd l Speaeer.
BPENrfeR.' Neb.. Aug. i9.-8peclal.)-The
finest game of ball ever played in Boyd
county took place un the Spencer grounds
today between Butte and Spencer teams,
' requiring elf en Innings to decide It. Score!
Spencer, 4;- Butte, 8. Batteries: Spencer.
Cravens -and Miller; .Butte,-Ackley and
Jameson! Struck out: Ky Craven, 14; by
ackley, f. -'Double play: Calhoun to Woods.
Umpire: -ivnaley. - -
The married men of JJutte defeated the
- TJiartrWord!
13. E E
Possesses a soodnesi all it
Uorrrinf ttdgmcol rtttrimd
la Yh scUcUoa of wnlrriak,
backed by &'U method of brrw
hig, are ths main factor respoo
tibU'for Elatg rhararts.
- i i 1
. pnissiate er uuwas.
141S Ueaalas U Tel. IOMI.
44 stakae k ears ss4 af arnwe tt tart
lliauwi.l. Kr.ur.ry paa rasa Writs Imt a
-!. THS iMJUULSS tLT (XX, Tw null
assrs. Us CWh StSMS cuu
merrled ma of gpencer on the "peneer
a-reunde Men day. Knarr. It te 10. Bst
Wles.: Bulls, Affictns and Oebie; flpencer.
Weeds aad Ureen. Umpire: Caihaun. ,
tra Dafcata leta lea.
awttraw Taeaa Oat la tka
ST. WCJl Aag. la. Brooklyn dsfaat-ed
BU Louis easily twine today. Dahlen'a
errwr In the ninth lnnmg of the see an 1
frame enabled the St. Louls trim te soore
u only tsily of ths day. Attendanoe. 8AL
bsooklth. rr. lions.
B.O.A.. a.B O A.K.
ssrerter. Mill I'HiSsi. Ik 4 U
Rlar, rt.. J I 8 moot, r.. 4 4 14 4
iMIaa. el..,. 1 lt 4 BarrUr. U- 114
Dshlsa. ss... 1 t I 1 Uoasnn, H . 4 4
Aheirn. e.... 11144. Vvrmh. IS 4181
C Fimll, 1 I II iXnurtf, ss...
riso. Is.... I I 4 llirtmu, Is. 412
rXHsva. .... I u-N.IU ..... 4 t
WbMiar, Ik. 8 1 Tsrkaa. .... S
' raioe . t 11
Totaa ... U r U I, .
- Totals ... 4 ft
Brooklyn 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-4
St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 0 iO-O
Earned rune: Brooklyn, (. Two-baas
hits: Dola-v, Keeler. Tlirwe-baira hit: Dah
len. - SacriOce hit: Flood. Double play:
Kruger to Farrell to Brashear. Hit by
Ditcher: By Kitson, L Bnsee on balls: OS
Kltson, J. Struck out: By Pearson, 4; by
Kitson, 2. left on baseer: Brooklyn, 2; St.
Louie, 4. Innings pitched: By Terkee, H;
by Peanton, tv JJIts:. Off Terkes. 4; off
Pearson, S. Time: 1:8a' Umpire;. Brown. ,
g.U.O A R.H.O.a 1.
ninksr4. It. 1 1 1 4,nruhr. Ik. 1 14 1 1
iMlti, rf.... 1
i v vnHm,".,., e -1
Dolan, at.... 8
Dahlia, ss... 1
C. rsrestl,
W. D-T'n. U i
nto4. It.... 4
BarcUr. U... 1
I f, D'T'a. rt, 1.1
til. rami I, lb
1 1
Krsaar, ss...
Han man. lb. 4
Inu, S I
J. rVNt.ll, s. 4
Whssler, lb..
M. O'NslI, .(
TeUI ... 14 17 M Totals .r. 1 4 IT II I
Brooklyn ; 2 0 1 8 0 0 0 0 0 T
St. Loula 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11
Earned runs: Brooklyn, 2. Double plsys:
J. Farrell to Kruger to Brashear, Da hi en
to Flood to W, Donovan. Bases on balls:
Off M. O Nell, 1; off Kvana, 4. Struck out:
By O Nell, 4. Left on bases: Brooklyn, 7;
St. Louis, 5. Time: 1:38. Umpire: Brown.
Plsbarr Wlas la Ninth.
PITTSBURG, Aug. 19. Pittsburg won In
the ninth Inning by Wagner"a single, scor
ing the two men on bases. Up to the ninth
It was anybody s game, with odda in iaor
of New York. The fielding of both teams
was of a superior order. Attendance, l,78d.
rrrT8BCKo. i mw tork.
R.H O A R.H.O.A.g.
Rsssment, ell I 1 0 Brawa, If.... Ill
Leark, lb..,. 114 4 Duns, ss lilts
Wanar, It... I I Brun'h'l, rf 0 lit
Rltnhsr, lb.. 111 ekenno, lb..0 ll I
Coorsr, as... 4841 Besdls, of.... 1114
Burks, rf.... 1 111 Bowamaan, I I
O'Cenaor, lb I I I I lAu4r. lb... 1 81
Iiramar, ... s 111 Smith, lb.... Ill
Chrahro. a., a S 1 s allllrr. S S 1 1
MPbllllpsl .. 1 ,
... 1 - TOU ll4 II 1
Totals ... I 1 17 T 1
Two out when winning run was scored.
PhuUppl batted for Chesbro In ninth.
Pittsburg 1 10000012-4
New York 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 14
Kamed runs: Pittsburg, 1; New Tork, 2.
Three-base hit: Urea pah an. Home run:
Leach. Sacrifice hits: Leach, Conroy, Zlm
rner. , Double plays;. Ritchey to Conroy to
O'Connor, Smith to Dunn to MoOann, Mc
Qann to Miller. First base on balls: Oft
Chesbro, 1; off Miller, 8. Hit by pitched
bail: Zlmmer, Ritchey,. Miller. Struck out:
By Chesbro, 4. Time: 1:40. Umpire: O'Day.
Philadelphia Beats Chlcagro.
CHICAGO. Aug. l.-Rhoades was hit
safely but once in the flrat six Innings, but
In the nest two proved very easy, three
errors, a passed ball, and eight hits giving
visitors runs to spare. Attendance,
1,100. Score.
R. H O. A.B.I a w.rVA a.
Thomas, cf.. till e'WIIIIsBM, it 1 I I I I
noiT i n, is. i i i usiasia, if....
Barry, rf 1 1 I i,Maaefs, lb.. 1
Kruaar, 1Mb 1 111 0;l)obb, cf.... 1
Hulawltt. as. 1 111 STlnkjir.
Jsnnlnss, lb, 1 1 I 1 Sibnwa. lb.-..
uousias, s... I s 4 1 s
cnnoa. lb... 1
1 8 9
1 4 1
Wblta, if 1 1
Dusslssby, il l 0 4
4 4
Totals ...I 9 1111 I Totala ...I M II I
Batted for Rhoades In ninth.
PhlladelDhla o o a n o i k ft
Chicago ..' 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 1-t
Left on bases: Philadelphia, 6; Chicago,
f. Three-base hit: Kruger, Sacrifice tills:
(Tinker Bohaefer, Kruglr. ''Doubre?T play :
Hulawltt to Jennings. Struck out: By
Rhoades, t; by Dugaiesbv, 4. Passed ball:
Kilns;. Baaea on balls: Oft Rhoades, 2; oft
Dugglesby, 1. Hit with ball: Wdrverton.
Time: 1:60. Umpire: CantUlon.
Bxcltlng Gasne'at Claelaaatl.
CINCINNATI, Aug. 19.-The Cincinnati
team took the last gams of the aeries
from Boston here today. The game was
the most exciting since the team has re
turned home. In the ninrn, with Jwo men
on base and two out, Bergen sent a single
over Tenney's head and brought la both
men. .Aiienaance, J.uuu. Bcore:
R.H.O A B.
Kallay. lb... 8 1 I I I
Dsrlsr,' as... 8 8 111
Tennar, lb.. 1 I T
cooler. It.... a i t i
Carney, rf... 1 I 1
Damoiii, 2b. i 1 . t 1 4
Beck lay, lb.. 4 I I I 0
Crawford, rf. 1 I I 4 0
Seymour, cf. 1 14 4
Ptais, lb I I 4
Corcoran, as. 0 I p
Malouay, it.. I I I 4 b
L,uab, cf,, 1 110 4
Drsra'f'r, lb. 1 1 I 1
Dr(a, .... J 4 l u
Haho. 9 1111
Totals ... ii u
Moran. e 14 S
Kaaon. s 1
Plttlngar. p. . 0 0 f
A'tllla ..-..
Kltirsdss ,. 9 fi.
" Totala -. 10M it I
Two out when winning run was scored,
"Batted for Plttinger In the ninth. -
Cincinnati 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 28
Boston 0 0 0 0 0 r I' 0 .2 7
Two-base hit: Bergen. Three-base hit:
Crawford. Stolen bases: Malooey (2), Ber-
E;n, Dexter (2). First base on balla; Off
ason, 2: off Plttinger, 1; oft Hahu, 3.' ' Hit
by Wlllia, 1. 8trucfi out: By Kason, 2; by
Hahn, 2. Wild pitches:- By' Easan, 1: by
Plttinger, 1. Time: ;2S. Umpire:--Irwin.
Btaadlaat af. the Teams. '
Played' Won. Lost,' P.C.
Pittsburg 97 '" 73 514 .753
Brooklyn .ina 67 45 ' '.bA9
Boston 96 60' " 45 "" Mi
Chicago 1W -- 62 4S1 .620
Cincinnati , 98 ' 44 ' 62 ' .463
St. Louis 100 ' 46 - 66 ' ' .450
Philadelphia lis ...! 61 .-.-.)
New York .....100' 3a" 66 ' - .860
Oamea today: Boston at St. LtMils.
Brooklyn at Cincinnati, New York at J'ltta
burg, Philadelphia at Chicago.
sajaa-assss '. . ,'.
After Keeplnc Well la Oaas far Six
IobImbs Baltimore Peranlta ' '!..
Loals to Wla Easily, -
BALTIMORE. Aug. 19 After keeping
well in the game tor six innings the Balti
more team let St. Louis walk away from
It today by a auccesalon Of misplays. fcjel
bach'a record of five errors, two of them
on successive plays, Is probably a new one
for an outfielder. Attendance, 1,190. Score:
. 8T. LOl'll. - BALTIMORE.
.. H H.O.A.g. R.H.O.A.g.
Burkatt, If... I I I e McFarVeT, of. -1 -I
Hantrlck, cf. I I Aolbarh, It .. 111
J'f'al. rt 1 1 'Williams, lb. 1 1 ' I 1
H ros ll, tf-af II elHowatl. Ib.i. l 11 I
AsAarssa, lb I 1 1 ArpSt, St 4
Vtallaca, sa . 1 1 I (lilbart, as .. 111
McOora, I. Ill I umnn. a..... 14141
Padilea. lb... till V, iluai, lb... I I II I
kanva, a..... I 14 s,BuilaT, s.... 1 y 1
DouofeiM, .. 4 4 4 4 "Bun ...... 4 1 4 4
Total ...111117 14 l '. Touil . .,4 TVl U "a
Burkett out for Interference In the ninth.
Baiieo for Butler In . the ninth.
Bt. Louie ....) 0 12160 2-11
Baltimore 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 04
Sacrifice hits: Heldrtrk; Hemphill. Two
base hits: Wiltse, Selbach. Three-base
hits: Williams, Howell, Kahoe. Stokn
bas: lleldttck (2), Hemphill, Wallace,
Bcrkett. First base on balls: Off Dona
hue, 6: off Butler. 7. Struck out: By But
ler. 2; by Donahue, t Left on bases: Bal
timore, 4; St. Louis, 10. Time: 1:4a. Um
pire: Connolly.
Phillies' Wtaalasj Streak Brokea.
PHILADF.LPHIA. Aug. 19. - Orlfflth s
superb pi tolling- was a stumbling block to
the home club today and Chicago broke
the local's winning streak. Two singles, a
double and WadUell e wild throw In the
Brst inning gave the visitors the game.
Attendance, 4,ifl. Score:
K.H.O.A.Jg.l , aX.H.u A C.
trasg, lb... 1
loaaa, cf I
Uraao, rf.... I
1 1
Hanssl, . Av"
rulla. tM..4 V 4
O. Uarts, as. I
Sanaa, if.... 4
Uaiy, Ss
Ub.ll. ik.... 4
SHliiaaa, a..
it. uavis, Ik I 4 s
L. Cross, lb. I 4 I 4 4
Sarboia, rf.. 14144
'astro. Ik... I 1 1 1
a. Cross, aa. I I I 1
obrax. c... 4 1114
ft'eASell. ... 4 I 1
wais ... it 14 ij Totala ... I 1 n U
Etrcsd ru: Chlcsgo. Pht'&ddphia. L
Two-base hits: G. Davis, IL lavls. Sac
ridce hits: O. Davis. M. Cross. Stolen
fcauaea: Mortem, Daily. Double play! Strang
av wwu. aerit om piaia: iiucago, s; l n 1 1
adelphia, t first baaa o bails; Off Wad-
delL t 1 lit br pitched ball: M. Cro.a.
Struck em: Pry WadtleU, 4. Time; l.bL
Umpire: fherldan.
Waaklsgtsa Br-ats CleTClaaal.
ttASHlNOTON, Ang. 11 VTahlnarton
won the third end fin si game of tbe series
from Cleveland today. All of them were
ten-lanlng games. After Hess relieved
Lelmer two long drives by Dxlehanty and
Coujrhlte earned the deciding . taiiy. At
tenuate, SrkXk. Score:
R.H.O.A.g.1 R.H.O.A.g.
Rrsn, ef 1114s Bay. cf 41114
rviTla. lb 8 1 1 I Bradlay. lb.. I I
Paleh'ty. If.. Ill TbraT. lb. a I I I
Klaater, th.. 111 I HI-knan, lk 1 11 1
rnsfbllo. lb. 1 I I I rilrs. rf 1 1 s
Leak. it...... I SlMoCarthy, a 1 I 4 4
Ely. ss 4 111 :0.vhsr. as. 4 4 4
Bcmla. c 114 8
lluaar. s... 4 1 4 I I
Haas, 4 4 4
I II at 14 1
Totals ... 4 101 17
One out whan winning run waa scored.
Wsahlngton 0 01000990 16
Cleveland 0 100000200-4
Earned runs: Wsahlngton, 4; Cleveland,
8 TWo-hase hit: DeJehanty. Three-baut
h't: Stolen ba-ee: K stater Cougb-
lln. Sacrlfloa hit: Kyaa. Double plas:
Hickman to Thoney; Loltner to Oaurh
nauer to Hickman. First baas on bails:
Off Patten, 2: off Leltner, 1; off Heaa. L
SmicA out: By Patten. 1 Paswed bail:
Clark. loft oa baaea: Washington. 4;
Cleveland. 9. Time: l:4i Umpires: John
stons and Carnithera.
BaU Oasao PMtpoajevaL
BOSTON, Aug. 19. Both base bail gamea
scheduled for today between Boston and
Detroit In the American League series
were postponed an aooount of rsin.
StauaaUasT af tks Teasns.
Played Won. Lost. P.C
Philadelphia 96 - 64 41 Jt
St. Louis 94 B4 41
Boston 99 66 44 .fr.4
Chicago 47 - 68 44 .614
Cleveland 1(0. 49 62 .4fo
Wastilngton Joo 44 54 .40
Baltimore 99 41 64 .414
Detroit 95 39 64 .411
Oamea today: Cleveland at Boston. Chi
cago at Washington, St. Loula at Philadel
phia, Detroit at iiajtimore.
Kansas City Gives Tassg Callege
Pitcher a Trial and Colaaakaa
PsssAa Hlaa Hard.
COLUMBUS, Aug. 19. Kansas City gave
a young college pitcher named Tate a trlai
today and he- was pounded hard from the
start, while Wagner was Invincible, only
one visitor reaching third base. A feature
was the hitting of McFarland, who drove
out two clean singles, a double and a triple
out of four times up. Attendance, 730.
J.A.E.I R.H.O.A.g.
Hart, lb 1
Beldan, rf... t
McFarl'd, cf. I
Turner, lb... I
Myers, lb..,.
knoll, II
Hopke, ss....
rax, c
Warner, p. .. 9
I I Rothftias. rf. 1 I 9 I
1 1 s Barilla. 0
0 a Nance, rf....
7 4 Thlel. lb 0
Oraily, lb..
Smith, If..
McAnd's. lb.
Tats, p
Totala ... 4 14 17 IT III Totala ... S I u 11 i
Columbus ..' 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 4
Kansas City -. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Sacrifice hits: Belden, Wagner. Two
base hits: McFarland, Turner, Fox, Be
vllle. Three-base hits: McFarland, Turner.
fjuume pieiys: nemen io MopKe, urady to
ivcwv to unur. dituck out: ny wagner
hv T.f. 1 ftnaAH nn k.n. i9 n--
" -i . . " vi, .'an,, jt ,T nailer,
2; oft Tate, 2. Wild pitches: Tate (2). Hit
by pitcher: By. Wagner, I. Time: 1:37.
Umpire; Flick.
Minneapolis Shot Oat,
INDIANAPOLIS, Aug. 19 Williams shut
Minneapolis out today with but four hits,
three of them of the scratch varlotv At.
tendance, 940. Score:
R.H.O. A. . I R H O A K
nosrlever, rt 1 1 0 4 4 Lynch, cf.'... 114
fox, 4b.... I 111 SQullllo, as... I 4141
louiier, ci... 4 4 4 4 Lii. It w 4 S 4 e
Orlm. lb 1 I 14 SiWIhnot, rf... 4 101
Klhm. U..... I e,Yater. c..,. 114 4
O'Hrlan, aa.. 114 Warden, lb.. 1 10 1
Kuhne, lb... I I Oram, lb 0 I 9
MalLh.wa, o. 1 1 1 1 t Cooler, Ik... 4 1 1
Williams, p.. 8 1 0 I O.Bporer, p.... 941
- Totala ... I I 17 II I .Totala ..t 4 14 10 I
Indianapolis 0 0 0 1 2 0 2 0 6
Minneapolis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Bases on balls! Off Williams A? off flnnrar
8. Struck out: By Williams, 2; by Sporer,
2. Three-base hltl Hogrlever. Sacrifice
hits: Fox,. O'Brien. Double play: Qulllln
to Werden.- Stolen base? O'Brien. ' Left on
bnsca: Indianapolis, 6; Minneapolis, 7.
Time: 1:86. Umplren Ramsey. . -.
N Even Break at Loalsvllje. -
LOUISVILLE. Aug. 19 -LouIsvllle and St.
Paul broke even on a- double-header. Both
games were featureless. The second game
waa called at the end of the seventh In
ning on account of darkness. Attendance,
8,219. Scores:
' K.H.O A E.
Oeter. lb.... 1
0 V
1 1
0 0
1 1
I 4
Kerwln, rf . ., 0
0 8
Shannon, cf. 1 1
Chech. If.... 4 1
roogherty, rf 0
Huislns, lb. 1
Keller, lb... I I
Pierce, s 1
Marcan, sa. .. 1 I
Fersuson, p.. 1 1
Bonner, lb. . . 0
Oaniel, lb... 4
Floaraor. If. 1
1 I
I 11
I 0
Clymer. as... 0 4 1
Odwell, cf..?l 1 I
SYhaub. lb... 1
Schrlever, s. 0
Flaherty, p.. 0
1 I
1 4
ToUla ... 4 II U 10 ll Totals ...I U II 1
St. Paul 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 8-6
Louisville 0 200000010 0-3
Left on bases: Louisville,' 6; SL Paul. 8.
Two-base hits: Flournoy, Schaub, Kelley.
Sacrifice ' hits: Schaub, Pierce. - Stolen
base: Odwell. Struck out: By Flaherty,
2; by Ferguson, 2. Hit by pitched ball:
Schrlever. First' base on balls: off Fla
herty, 2. Time: 2:06. Umpire: Haskell.
R.H O.A.K. R.H.O.A.g.
Kerwln. rf... I 14 0 l'oeler, ID.....0 1 I I 1
Bonner, lb.. I 111 1 Shannon, cl 8-144
Oaniel. lb... 1 1 T 9 0 Chech. If 0 1
Flournoy. If. I I 1 l'Doutiiortr, rt 4 0 I
Clymer, ss... 4 I 14 V Huiglns. lb.. 1114 4
Odwell, rf... 4 4 1 0 0 Kelley. lb..,0 0 11
Schaub, lb... I I Pierce, c 0 1111
Bpiea. 1 0 Marcan, aa... 0 0 14 0
Coons, p 0 4 8 4.Btlmmel, .,. I 4 4 I 1
Totals ... I 11 11 4 ll Totala ... 1 I 11 11 I
Louisville .........2 0 1 0 8 0 28
St. Paul 0 0 0 1 0 0.0-1
Left on baaea: Louisville. 4: St. Paul, 4.
Two-base hit: Clymer. Tree-base hits:
Flournoy, Shannon. Sacrifice hit: Bonner.
Stolen bases: Clymer (2), Odwell, Flour
noy, Kerwln. Struck out: By Coons, 6.
First base on balls: Off Stimmel, 1; eft
Coons, 1. Passed ball: Pierce. Time: 1:45.
Umpire: Haskell.
Milwaukee Oatbats Toledo.
TOLEDO. Aug. 19. Milwaukee outbatted
Toledo today and won easily. Toledo's
three errors were costly. Attendance,- 601).
Score: ,
R.H.O. A K.I R.H.O.A.g.
Dungsn, tb .l 1 I I Meany, rf... 1 1 0 0
McBrlde, cf. 0 0 1 4 Bums. lb.... 10 111
Bchrlbeck, as I I I I 0 Turner, ss... 1 1
llallman, rf . I 4 1 0 0 Mock, lb 1 I 11 t
Elliott, It ... 1 111 kGramua. c... 111
Kunale. lb.. I Gllka. cf 1 I
Donahue, lb. 1 II 1 8mlib. lb.... 11.1
Spear, c 1 1 I 1 t of t.well. If I 1
Allrock, p... 1 I McNeal, p... 4 4 4
Totala ... T 11 17 16 ! Total ... I I M 4 1
Milwaukee 2 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 7
Toledo 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0-8
Two-base hits: Mock, Grafflus. Sacriflce
hit: Allrock. Double plays: Bchelbeck to
Dungan to Donahue: Donahue to Spear.
Struck out: By McNeal, 1; by Altrock, 1.
First base on balls: Off McNeal, 1; off
Altrock, 2. Hit with ball: Altrock. 1.
Time: 1:46. Umpire: Tlndall.
Standing of tba Teams.
Pliyed. Won, Lost P.C.
V 71 3o .470
1"7 69 38 . 645
1 61 45 .676
17 - 62 65 .44
14 60 b Ai
Louisville ....
Bt. Paul
Kansas City
Columbus ....
..14 48 66 .461
Minneapolis 1 40 (KS .377
Toledo 110 . 86 74 .227
Oamea today: Milwaukee at Toledo, St.
Paul at Louisville, Minneapolis at Indian
apolis, Kansas CKy at Columbus.
Mr Cook Takes a Close One.
M'COOK. Neb., Aug. 19. (Special Tele
gram.) McCook won from Falrbury today
by bunching hlta in the last hair of the
ninth, in one of the fastest names ever
played In southwestern Nebraska. Score:
McCook 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J-Vi
Falrbury 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 12 i 4
Batterlea: McCook, Beltzer and Doane;
Falrbury, Redmond and Spencer. Two
baae hits: Hood. Jones, Spencer and Red
mond. Struck out: By Beltxer, 8: by Red
mond, 7. Umpire: Patlon of Arapahoe.
Features of ths game were the magnnicent
pltchlns of Beitser and the slick work of
the locals in the ninth inning.
Wilker t kaatlsea Friend.
W1LBER, Neb., Aug. 19 (Special.)
Friend met Its Waterloo at Wilher Sunday,
losing to the locals by 10 to t Tbe feature
of the game waa a triple play by the home
rlub In the ninth Inning. V liber played
anappy ball and won easily. Score:
W!!ber t 1 f 0 1 4 Irt li 2
Friend 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 02 4
Batteries: Wllber. DeYapp and Mosher;
Friend. Whltcomb and J owe. Struck out:
By DeYapp, U; by Y hilceaib, 4. Umpire:
To protect your health and our reputation, we will gladly pay this big reward to any one who will furnish us Infor
mation on which we can secure conviction of a dealer who tries to sell worthless fake imitations,when C ASCARETS
are called for. When you're offers something "Just aa good', it's because there is a little more money In he fake.
Buy CASCARETS from the honest dealer. They are always put up in blue metal boxes with long-tailed trade
marked C on the cover every tablet stamped C. C. C, and they are never sold in bulk. Remember this and when
ever fakes are offered when CASCARETS are called for, get all the details and write us on the subject at once.
1 I . vet. 1 4
OTTA TBL fal'KlrD l'a
Dead i la, sa Unea wtad em t.a ilmrk, kleauea bawela, SMU aaaxita.
aicojdivs't. aalrrat laa, prf an ,., ealaj mflw eaUaa, llrcr tnebln, amlln-w .
;!.,iaa a4 SI ! ll - m WWra yaor bavr-ela rte t sarv aseilarly rem eteej
r a tale s aak. C'eeietlaan kills e aeeala tM eJl ekr aiernastaetaar
I la a sieia lass far U ekraala akllaat. eeS toss vaara ot snavrlns; tfct tissue
ewwl Wa W aula wmm. IU4 taAlaa t-AaCaKITTfl Mar. far
yam will new irel wall aaS
risna. ,ke ear aarirfi
English Champion Players Defeat the
Chleaaa Mea Wlthont
Serlons Dlffiealty.
NEWPORT. R I., Aug. 19. R. F. and H.
L. Doherty beat Krlegh Collins and L. H.
Weidner, 2-6, 6-3, 4-6, 6-2, 6-3.
The first match started was between W.
J. Clothier of Philadelphia and T. H. Behr
of New York.
There was a general rush to tha cham
pionship court, when, at 11 o'clock, the
Dohertys, followed by Collins and Waldnar,
came cut. As the men took their places
It wa- nvted that Collins would play R. F.
Doherty, with Waidner against H. L.
Doherty. '
The match started with Krelgh Collins
cervical fro n: t2is res cud of the court t r
L. Doherty returned tire first ball, low, and
Collins drove Into the net, giving the
Engllnhmen the first point. Then there
was a change. The westerners began fast
work and Collins soon, showed that be
would rely on a net game. The Americans
took two games with a rush and sent tha
next to deuce, but the Dohertys won It.
The next was a lore game for the west and
in the fifth the Englishmen only scored a
point. "dir.,.
Botn the Chtcagoaos appeared . to have
the height of the net gauged to perfection.
Their net play ytas the' strongest seen at
Newport In many years. '
They soon hsd the set five games to two
and then took the next and the set, 6-2.
The points at the first set were made as
follows: Collins and .Waidner, 445, 442, 44
31 ; R. F. and H. L. Doherty, 217, 014,
The westerners Kept up their good work,
taking the first game In the second feet by
sharp work st the net,, their quickness
being surprising.
Then the Dohertys began to lob and won
three games. About this time the Chicago
players seemed to slacken up. The Do
hertys adopted an easier but more exas
perating game and they got many a acore
through their opponents errors. They won.
All through the set the Englishmen
played Waidner almost continually and he
made many errors. The points In the sec
ond set were aa follows:
K. F. and H. I Doherty 2M 624 244-53-6
Collins and Waidner 4112 4;i0 612243
The third set started with the Chicago
players winning the first game on H. L.
Doherty's service. Waidner resumed hi,
whirlwind game, sometimes scoring, but
oftcner driving Into the net or outside. Col
lins plsyed steadily and the pair seemed to
hold the foreigners. Dohertys now contrib
uted a number of errors, Collins seemed to
have some success In his twist service and
the net game won points. In vain did the
Dohertys try lobbing. The western players
were Just ss crafty and after the games
were 4 all took the next two and the set,
making the acore 2 aets to 1 in favor of the
Americans. The points In the third set
were as follows:
Collins snd Waidner 624 026 145 5336
R. F. snd H. L. Doherty. ..341 443 413 3-) 4
Without taking the customary rest the
fourth set waa started, with H. L. Doherty
serving again. This time he won a love
game and while the western players took
the second their opponents soon showed
that they were out lor the set. They put
greater speed Into their returns, and while
the Americans fought nearly every point,
pome of their allies being long and bril
liant, the set was soon 6 frames to 1 In
favor of the foreigners. Then came a fine
rally, the Americana again scoring by
their quickness at the net. They won two
games by their fast work, but could not
hold the pace. The Knrllshmen pulled away
and took the set, making the match 2 sets
. The points in the fourth set were as fol
lows: R. F. and H. L. Doherty 425 664 04433-6
Colllna and Waidner 043 3ti2 462273
With scarcely a watt to even catch their
breath the players went In for the fifth and
dec-tiling set. The Englishmen took the
first two gamea with a rush, principally by
beautiful place shots. Although both Collins
and Waidner showed some erratic play
they steadied, however, as the set pro-
frressed and won a love game. Then tl,ey
ost a love game. Then they won again,
the Englishmen getting only 1 point. The
tennis was very fast. Errors began to pile
up against the Americans. These helped
the Englishmen to take the necessary
Pur ens' s!
the Uwful
awawan- aaa.-aa a 44 U4J
great is the parents' responsibility, and
how important that tin taint a-v licao.a ;a
j - w
icii in me Diooa 10
tallino the mnfit ntti
with offensive sores and eruptions, catarrh of the nose and throat, weak eyes,
glandular swellings, brittle bones, white swelling and deformity
How can parents look upon such little sufferers and not reproach them,
selves for bringing so much misery into the world ? If you have any disease
lurking in your system, how can you expect well developed, healthy children t
Cleanse yourown blood and build up your health, and you have not only enlarged
your capacity for the enjoyment of the pleasures of life, but have discharged a
duty all parents owe to posterity, and made mankind healthier and happier.
. AAv ,viAAjr iua. ure.y
irMiV1aa as O 4t
, - . , . . . -v.-. . w.
medicine, harmless in its effects, and
wunout fear ot any bad results.
Write US ahnut vnnr nw anil 1 f
Tv;. ;u Z ' . ... jjiynu.uinu auvise ana neip yoa.
This will cost you nothing, and we will also send you our book on blood and
disease. Tilt, 4VWIIT eTPaCCiriC CO., Atlavasta Ga,
T. nfl keaaijl ti wsalas, awvcaalrlna. V1T1
B.a well all the liana natll r sat yesir Wiweils
wiia auswra mmxm i
frames, the set and the match. The points
n the fifth set were:
R. F. and II. L. Doherty 442 4H 144276
Collins and Waidner ..114 140 4 J 1173
The match was one of the fastest ever
seen on the CBBlno courts, five sets being
played in Just one and a half hours.
The Dohertys will meet Ward and Davis
for the championship Thursday. Results:
R. F. and H. L. Dohertv, champions cf
the east, beat Krelgh Collins and L. H.
W aidner, .champions of the west, 2-6, 6-3,
-6, 6-3, 6-3.
Championship singles, preliminary round:
S. C. Williams beat T. E. Wood, 6-0. 6-0,
O. I. Dunn beat W. K. Brice, 6-4, 6-1, 6-0.
W, P. Knapp beat B. M. Grant, 1-6, 6-2,
6-2, 6-0.
H. W. Warner beat W. B. Wood, 6-0, 6-0,
J. R. Bell beat B. R. Lyons, 6-2, 6-2.
B. C. Wright beat J. H. Balllnger, 6-1, 6-1,
J. P. Paret beat I. Lyons, 6-2, 6-0, 6-2.
Richard Stevens beat W. H'. Bates, 6-0.
-0, 6-1
D. F. Appleton beat George McFadden,
6-1. 6-1. 8-6.
J. C. Willis beat W. D. Hatch, 6-1. 6-4. 6-1.
First round:
D. F. Davis beat C. E. Sands, 6-7, 6-4, C-2,
W. J. Clothier beat T. H. Behr, 6-2, 6-2,
Analysis of championship match:
R. F. and H. L. Doherty:
Places. Net. Outs. Faults. Total.
First set 4 . 10 4 1.11
Second set 8 15 9 1 31
Third set 11 8 11 0 Si
Fourth set 9 8 15 1 31
Fifth set 7 10 9 1 27
Tbtahi'......':.39' 61 48 ' 4 ' " 142
K. Colljns and L. H. Waidner: ' '
Places. Net. Outs. Faults. Total.
First set.; 17 6 9 0 31
Second set 14 6 4 1 J4
Third set 16 12 5 0 33
Fourth set 9 13 6 - 0 27
Fifth set 8 23 6 0 26
tockrorn Drop Two.
AURORA, Neb., Aug. 19 (Special Tele
gram.) The Vnlon Stock Yards Juniors of
South Omaha attempted to play two heavy
games today one at Bradshaw and one at
Aurora, and lost both. After the victory
at Bradshaw Monday the people Insisted
on the klda playing another game today.
On account of several hundred dollars hav
ing been lost many bets of I to 1 on the
Juniors were ofTered and had plenty of
takers. The game today at HraJehaw re
sulted In favor of Bradshaw, 9 to 7. Miller
and Qulnn were crippled and out of the
game. Score:
Bradshaw ....2 01011310 911 2
Juniors 5 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 07 6 2
Batteries: Bradshaw, Senlnger Bohner
and Canfleld; Juniors, Qulnn, Adams and
Miller. Cmpire: Mason.
Aurora defeated the boys, 10 to 4. They
were entirely outclassed, but put up a
plucky game. They were worn out from
the morning game. Mooney hsd them at
his mercy, striking out twelve. Score:
R It E
Aurora 00060211 10 14 4
Juniors 0 0021 1000472
Batteries: Aurora, Mooney and Jeffers:
Juniors, -yulnn, Caughey and Miller. Two
base hits: Talbot, Miller, Diets, Woodard.
Home run- Obanon. Struck out: By
Caughey, 7: by Mooney, 12. First base on
balls: Off Mooney, 4. Umpire: Edmondion.
Tkree-I League.
At Davenport Davenport, 0; Terra Haute,
1. I
At Rockford Rockford, 0; Decatur, 2
At Rock Island Hock Island, 6; Bloom
Ington, 4.
At Cedar Rapids Cedar Rapids-Evans,
vtlle game called at end of eighth Inning on
account of rain, the acore being 0 to 0.
Plans Contract for Nest Reason.
CINCINNATI. Aug. 19.-Jaeob Beckley,
first baseman, has signed a contract with
the Cincinnati Base Hall club. National
league, for the next season. Others are
expected to sign contracts soon.
la Southern Association.
Memphis, 11; Shreveport, 0.
Atlanta, 3, Nashville, 0.
Chattanooga, 2; Birmingham, 1.
Little Rock, 6; New Orleans, 11.
Postpone Headrllla Races.
BOSTON, Aug. 19. The trotting at Read
ville was postponed today on account of
r.ln ,
W af
It is the right of every child to
! Well born, anrl tr tn. narenta
guardians of that right!
tbe child must
look for health,
happiness and
success. How
- - v v uuvagw
ie transmitted to the helpless child, en- c ttwi -.. I . 1..- . 1 . . , , ,
reacnes aeep-sea.ed, stubborn blood
O A. 4
t o. o. it. eearcnes out even hereditary
poisons, and removes every taint from the blood, and
builds up the general health. If weaklings are grow
ing up around you, right the wrong by putting them
on n r-nima f C C O T. ' . . . .
w. i oii. 11 is a purely vegetable
can be taken by both old and voune
. -T"uu5
v: - , . .
OT A llf IB TO t't'MTti Wivw re.
CA tt RTf4 weia aalU. Kew It ta ever alx nillnes
saaallar smlMaa In the) vrarlii. Ttl, l obo.
tlMaa In aha vrarla. i' L I o I abanluta rr.of eaf sra-l snsa-aa. avaa
atliaanleO. Wa bantHlta, atad will aall tl ASK Aivj ill i i i last It
I ta eaira as ssoaey refnaded. Or. hay leoar, tsra cUas aaiiii, arlvs
tiaaeef trial, aa sinuate illraauoM, aa4 XT ywaaar aisaflalr'l
nr neat tfatl
liaeia a IVIt-, tiaerat trial, aa step sinuate UXeUeoa. aa4 it ymm ear na4 m
afur nalaa ana AOs eax. reaara tWa nanasd -ee Vaa aai laa eeamaW
na ay sas4L ar tha amas-lat ffraas wbona yea
K far nwm pm,xj. 1 aaa aar anTira-aa
nalth will naloaJy failaw aa4 yaa will blaaa
aftlilKit It a A a. Jsnaa trw ay aaau. Aaai
allied troubles,
lain to him our
va, w, a, cooK,
; . D4saaaea nf ,
rka S a, aa m a, m
- e-aa niaaaaa. - guarantee to eure
" aaaaaaa ! j . clt, ,ou .
Mm. formation Is desired by sincere people, to oases that we
nave cured to stay cured, whlon nao oeen aoanuonea oy lamny pnysicirtn una
so called experts. What we have done tor others we ran do for you. If you
cannot call, write us a full and truthful statement Of your symptoms. Ou
homo treatment la successful and strictly private. Address,
110 aa 11 4tk at., Omaka, Jtek. .
Prickly Ash Bitters 2
If You Want the Best
In looking at offices In different buildings, the greatest praise ths owner ot
rental agent can give an office Is to say th at it la "as good as an office la Ths Bee
Building.' It may be In soma respects, but It can not' be la evsry respect.
The Bee Bunding Is one of tbe only two absolutely Broproot office building! la
Omaha. Ths Bee Building Is tbe only building having all night and all day Sunday
elevator servlue. Ths Bee Building furnishes electrle light and water without ad
ditional cost. Ths Bee Building is kept elean, not soma ut ths time, but all of tbs
Keep these points In mind when looking tor aa offlc.-, and you will take on ot
those listed below, if you are wis.
. List of vacant rooms in
The Bee Building
, - Rental
Per Month,
ROOM Hi 16x41 feet. Faces Seventeenth street and has windows along the
alley. Tnls is a large, light room, and the rental price Includes heat,
light, water ana Janitor service. It has an entrance both on The bee
Building Court and Seventeenth street , Price 646.04
ly'ITB 101 1 There la no finer office suite in Omaha than this one. It Is located -Just
on the lignL liauu of ina great niaruie stairway, and has unusually
large window, looking upon the iront entrance way 01 tbe building. It
lronts on iarnum street. One room is 17xi9 and the other azl9. It has a
burglar-proof vault, marble mantel-piece, hardwood floors, and will be
frescoed to suit tenant IVlcs 276.04
ROOM 10-44 This room is Just at the head ot tbs main stairway oa the first floor,
it would be a very desirable otllce fur some real estate man or con
tractor, a he Hour space is 16ii fee t Price t20 A
ROOM VOS: This room Is 21x2 teet and is
elevator. A sigu oa the dour can bs readily seuu in stepping off the ele
vator i rice 215 04
ROOM Hart: This room is 17x42 feet and will be divided to suit the tenant.
This room is particularly adapted tor some concern Deeding large Ovor
space and is a decidedly banuaoine office, having an entrance facing the
court and windows looking out upon Seventeenth street. It has a very
large burglar-proof vault, hard wood Hoora and is one of the choicest ofll
cc in the building i'rice 160.0s
Fourth Floor.
aaOOM 401 : 15x13 feet. This room Is next to the elevator and faces court. It
aia. n 11 so uuigiar-uruui vauu sou
and for the price turnlshes tlrst-clats
SLITB S14: ThiK la a very large room, l.iU teet. It faces west, but Is very
light and well ventilated. It Is very seldom that specs of tnls else la of
fered in The Bee Building. It could be used to advantage by aoine Arm
employing a large number of clerks, or requiring Urge floor space a
wholesale Jeweler, or manufacturer s sgent, who would like to be In a
fireproof building, or It will be divided to suit tbe tenant Price 250.04
noOM Cat; Thla room facea tbe court and Is lixll teet. It has a burglar-proof
vault, and as It Is near the telegraph oftlue and on the same floor with a
number of grain firms. It would be a paiticular good room for a grain
firm desiring lirst-clasa accommodation , ...price 120 09
Sixth Floor. f
IITB "IO: This consists of two rooms, both 18H11H- Each of them has a
1 large burglar-proof vault, have been newly decorated and are rooms
where any business or professional man may be comfortable. Price for
the two 126 01
Rental Afents.
Western Electrical Go.
Electrio Wiring, Bells and Oaa Ughtlng.
jo. W. JOHNSTON, Mgr. 1610 Howard Bt.
25c. 50c,
re asNS Ikn ssraS
a a ynts i
nnresaees la. a a ejfae f a aur saoar y
. . waa bhi yraw aaan wiw v.
ta Say van Dral mmirr fcn nau
Hiium laasi asx. Baa sasaert
Cured in ft days (to stny cured).
We want every man afflicted with Vartoeeels, Con
tagious Blood Felson, Nervous Debility. Stricture, 01
tp come to our omce wnere we wiu ex
method of curing these diseases. We
Invite in particular all men who have beeome dissatis
fied with treatment elsewhere. We will explain to you
why you have not been cured and will demonstrate to
your entire satisfaction why we can eure you safely,
quickly and permanently. Our counsel will cost you
nothing snd our charges for a perfect cure will be rea
sonable and not more than you would be willing to pay
tor the benefits conterred.
la whst vou want. Ws will glva you a written leva I
you, or refund your money. We cuti
f,y DermUBion. when satisfied that in-
very conveniently located near tha
is wen venule '.ea. Has good light,
accommodations fries
Ground Floor,
Bee Building
Davis & CowgHI iron Works.
1601, 1602 an! 1506 Jackson Street.
Omaha, Neb. Tel. 628.
E Zabriskts, Agent, J.' B. Cowglll. Mgr.