Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1902, Image 1

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    Fhe ' Omaha . Daily Bee.
XWfio Steam Sarif atlon Company Befusei
, to Carry Colombian Troop.
Incident May Involve Several 5atioii
Before it it Ended.
Wort on Fart of Government to Compel
Oarrjbg of Troop Fail,
C-olomblaa Officials Assart Fallur to
Transport Soldiers Has Delayed
. Casanala;a and. Mask
Si '. Vnmm of Life.
PANAMA, Colombia, Aug. 19. The British
cruiser Phaeton, as cabled to tbs Associated
Fress yesterday, left hers hurriedly on Sat
urday and It was believed that It had
sailed tor Buena Ventura, In the department
Of Cauca.
Inquiries mads by the correspondent of
the Associated Fress regarding tha war
ship's sailing, show that serious Interna
tlonal complications may arise at Buena
Ventura, where the Colombian authorities
hare been endeavoring to compel the agents
f the British steamer Ecuador, owned by
the Paclflo Steam Navigation company of
Liverpool.-to transport troops to ths isth
mus. It was at the request of the Paclflo Steam
Navigation company that Phaeton left
Panama for Buena Ventura, w tiers the
Colombian government has assembled 1,000
troops, under General Vslazco, Intended to
reinforce the army In this vicinity, and
the government officials at Buena Ventura
threatened to compel tha steamer Ecuador,
which was at that pert, to transport the
reinforcements to Panama. '
Ths agents of tha Una, however, refused
to embark ths troops and appealed to the
company's representatives here, who In turn
placed tha matter before the British consul,
with the result that Phaeton was sent to
Buena Ventura to protect British Interests.
Action Caasaa Great India-nation.
Tha aotlon of tha Paclflo Steam Naviga
tion company In refusing to transport the
troops has caused Indignation In Colombian
government circles. A high official, who
waa Interviewed on tha subject, said that a
tsuulrnvt wmm iuu t thS 37S?&!HC2t Is
1879 with the Paclflo Steam Navigation
eompany by which the government granted
many liberal concession to .tha company,
such as exemption from the tonnage and
ether taxes Imposed by the national gov
eminent, tha Importation, free of duty, of
the coal necessary for the company's ateam
er, and any other exemptions and privi
lege granted ta other companies any time.
The Colombian government, it was added.
has, since tha contract was signed, paid the
Paclflo Steam Navigation company over
120,000,. in subsidies la- consideration of
which tha eompany agreed to transport
Colombian civil and military employee, prls
oners, malla and soldiers at special rates.
There 1 BO olausa In the contract. It was
further asserted, providing that during a
revolutionary outbreak the obligation of the
eompany to transport troops ceased ta be
In conclusion, the high official of the
Colombian government referred to aald that
tha present refusal of the Paclflo 8team
Navigation eompany to transport Colom
blan troop here may he sustained by the
presence of a British war ahlp at Buena
Ventura, but, nevertheless, It Is a clear
violation of tha contract between the
Colombian government and tha steamship
eompany, made la good faith by the gov
ernment, whloh has faithfully adhered to It
In government circles It la claimed that
the nonarrlval of tha reinforcements of
troops from Buena Ventura will prolong
the revolution In the Isthmus and cause un
necessary bloodshed, and that, consequently,
the government of Colombia has ground to
claim damage from tha Paclflo Bteam Navi
gation eompany. There la no doubt that
tha government wilt bring ault agalns the
company. An eminent lawyer haa already
left Panama for Bogota, the capital, to pre
sent and sustain the government's claim,
which, ao cording to tb terms of the con
tract, muat be decided by the Colombian
Several People Killed aad a Mai
fcer tajared ta la.ikip at
Beltaar Station.
ASBURT PARK, N. J., Aug. 19. A regu
lar Pennsylvania train on the New Tork
dt Long Branch railroad, bound north, waa
run Into from the rear at Belmar station
where It had stopped tonight, by a special
Central Railroad of New Jeraey train. Tho
engine of the Central train telescoped the
tear ear of the Pennsylvania train. Six
ears were wrecked, aeveral persona were
killed and a number Injured. A little -girl
was killed as she was being put aboard the
waiting train. The engineer and firemen
of tha Central train have not been seen
sines ths collision. It Is believed they are
under tha wreckage.
The freight shed at the depot was demol
ished and the depot badly damaged.
Fltspatrlck, a brakeman, waa caught in
tha wreckage and badly scalded by escap
ing ateam and hot water, Brakeman Towle
waa badly Injured and may die.
The little girl killed, was Alice Bigger,
aged 13. who lived at Rahday. The first
body removed waa that of an unidentified
man aged about IS. Harry Van Cott, con
ductor of the Central train, waa injured,
but not seriously.
Engineer Llpplncott of the Central train
tuck to his post. His fireman Jumped and
Is said to have been Injured.
Two hundred feet of roof over the depot
platform fell and haa not yet been raised
and no attempt to explore It has been made.
Tha work of clearing away the debrla is
proceeding slowly.
rally Eighteen Tkaasaad People At
tnd tho at
Moaad City.
MOUND CITT. Mo.. Aug. 19. (Special
Telegram.) Thla was fraternal day at the
midsummer carnival and fully 18,000 peo
ple were In attendance, representing the dlf-
falwui fiai.ruii wd-t. !t7. G, II. Schlch
of Omaha delivered tha addreis. Wednes
day will be Old Settlers' day, and on Thurs
day United Statea Senator Dolllver of Iowa
and Hon. W. J. Bryan of Nebraska will ad
dress tha people. k
William Will Make Headquarters at
Frankfort-oa-he-Oder laetead
of la Prasetaa Polaad.
BERLIN, Aug. 19. Tha headquarters of
the spproachlng army maneuvers have been
abruptly changed from Posen, Prussian Po-
and. to Frankfort-on-the-Oder, province
of Brandenburg, Prussia. Emperor ''llam,
the general staff and the forely ''f 'its
will therefore lodge In a sympathet- ",, ,
lan city instead of in an unfriendly K ';..
atmosphere. V
No official explanation Is procurable of
the abandonment of the program which waa
arranged montha ago. Even so late as Sun
day the list of residences in Posen at which
distinguished persons were to be quartered
was announced.
The official Inference Is that It would be
more Judicious to make a prolonged stay at
Frankfort-on-the-Oder than at Posen, be
cause Polish political hostility might be ag
gravated or an opportunity might be given
for an unpleasant Incident. It is not sup
posed, however, that the police have learned
of a definite design to make trouble or In
sult the emperor, who Intends, regardless
or the change of program, to review the
army in Posen September t and then go to
i' ranitrort-on-t ne-Oder.
Another view la that his majesty will not
so far honor Posen aa to remain there
through the maneuvers and thus give tha
embittered Poles a chanoe to profit by the
visit of many strangers and troopa. The
field of maneuvers lies between Posen and
Frankfort-on-the-Oder. hence tha latter is
ss convenient geographically a Foien for
tha headquartera of the army.
.aad at Rotterdam aad Are Received
r Municipal Authorities aad
Others of Prominence.
ROTTERDAM. Aug. 19. Dewet, Delarey
and Botha, tha Boer generals, and their
party, landed here this morning. They
were given a hearty welcome by the mu
nicipal authorltlea and representatives of
Boer associations.
Many women presented bouquet to the
generals' wives. The ahlpa In the harbor
displayed their flags. Tha party proceeded
to The Hague.
THE HAGUE, Aug. 19. A public reception
was accorded to the Boer generals on their
arrival here today from Rotterdam. Gen
eral Fyter, In a speech, paid tribute to
their berolo deeds. General Botha replied,
expressing tha appreciation of the Boer of
ficers at ths warmth of their reception and
referring to tha consolation which It had
been to them to knew that while they
fought their women and children were being
supported by Dutch generosity.
ine time, added General Botha, had not
yet arrived to make publlo all they knew,
but probably at no distant data they would
publish their account of the war.
The visitors were escorted in procession
through ths town In open carriagea and
were everywhere loudly cheered by the
crowda assembled. A number of Boer who
served during tha war formed a guard
of honor for the generals.
Many Ifaare Miles of Timber Barned
and Mine BuiUlaaa
TMIR. B. C, Aug. 19. One of the most
disastrous fires which has ever occurred In
West Kootenay la raging about Tmlr. Many
square miles of timber bavs been burned
and a number of mine buildings wiped out.
Wagon reads and bridges have been de
From the cyanide worka of the Tmlr com
pany to the Foghorn mine, a distance of
five miles, every building haa been de
stroyed. The cyanide plant was saved by
the herculean efforts of the employes, who
dug holes In which they Immersed them
selves In water up to their necks while they
bandied the hoea In ahort shifts.
The buildings of the Wilcox and Black
Rock mines wsre obliterated. At tha former
mine the men took refuge in the tunnele,
Into which the wind blew the flames, which
Ignited the timber. With a meager supply
of water, handled in tin cups, ths men kept
the lira from spreading until danger waa
Wlfo of a Former Prima Minister Ex
pelled from Veneaaela by
President Caatro.
PORT OF SPAIN. Island of Trinidad. Aug.
9. (Correspondence of the Associated
Press.) Mrs. 2 olio Bello Rodrlgues, wife of
former President Andrade's prims minister.
and her four children arrived here recently
on a ateamer of the Royal Steamship com
pany, having been expelled from Vans
xuelan territory by order of President
' She waa compelled to abandon her home
and family and leave the country within
forty-eight hours. Hitherto the govern
ments of Venesuela have alwaya regarded
women aa neutrals and have never held
them responsible for tha acta of their hus
Japanese Craleer Ordered to Land at
I. land of Tort.hlma Earoato
to Marcae Island.
YOKOHAMA, Aug. 19. Ths Japanese
cruiser Takachlho, which Is going to Mar
cus Island, haa been ordered to call at
the Island of Torlshlma to auccor any pos
slble survivors of tbs volcanlo eruption
which occurred there between August II
and IS and aa a result of which all of the
inhabltanta of the Island, numbering 150
persona, were reported to have been killed.
Dnrlngr Maaeavero Near St. Peters
bars; Fifty Chares lata River
aad Are Drowned.
LONDON. Aug. 20. In a dispatch from
St. Petersburg the correspondent of the
Dally Expreas aaya:
"During the maneuvers near here
squadron of cavalry waa ordered suddenly
In charge. It galloped Into a river and
fifty men are reported to have been
drowned. Details of tha affair are difficult
to obtain."
Cablo Service Restored.
NEW YORK. Aug. 19. The Commercial
Cable company today Issued the following
We are advised of the restoration of the
cauie uvi.rtu DL. fivivita mutt likluw n.
Oil Discovered ia Yacataa.
MEXICO CITY. Aug. 19. There Is much
excitement in the peninsula of Yucatan,
where petroleum ha been discovered.
President of Steel Corporation Gives Oat
Statement Himieif.
Says tbat Bo Does Not Look Like Sick
Man, bat la GolasT to Take Rest
and Treatment at Mln- ,
ral Springs.
NE. " "K, Aug. 19. Charles M.
Schwab,-. tdent of the United States
8teel corpo.. on, arrived here thla even-
ng. He waa accompanied by hie brother.
Joseph Schwab, and his private secretary.
He stepped briskly from the csr and aa he
did so he said to a number of newspaper
men present: "Now, gentlemen, I am go
ing to tell you three things and I don't
want you to ask me any further questions.
In the first place, I don't look like a sick
man. In the second place, I feel the
neceastty of a rest and I am going to take
one. In the third place I am not going to
resign and have no Intention of retiring
from the presidency of the United State
Steol corporation."
"Are you going to Europe?" Mr. Schwab
waa asked.
"Yes," ha replied, "but don't ask me any
more questions; that's all I have to say."
ALTOONA, Pa., Aug. 19. C. M. Schwab,
who passed througn here today, disclosed
his destination to an old Altoona friend,
who talked with him stnes he has been at
Loretto. He aald be was going to Francs,
where he will take a course of treatment
at the mineral springs of that country.
His chief ailment la an affection of the
nerves. The steel magnate's visit to the
acena of hia boyhood evidently did bim
good, aa he told hla friend. F. D. Saupp,
of thla city tbat he never felt better, and
Mr. 8aupp emphasised this by stating that
he had never aeen him looking better.
Mrs. Schwab 1b not with her husband.
Sh will remain at Loretto during his ab
sence. PITTSBURG, Aug. 19; The private car
Loretto, belonging to Charlea M. Schwab,
president of the United Statea Steel cor
poration, waa attached to the day express,
which left for tha east this morning.
No Information could be obtained from
the attendants of the car, but It waa aald
Mr. Schwab and party would board the car
at Cresson, Pa., for New Tork and would
sail for Europe tomorrow.
Wisconsin Central Train Derailed
While Ranalsg at Rata of Fifty
Five Miles Par Hoar.
NEENAH. Wis., Aug. 19. The Wisconsin
Central "St. Paul Flyer" was derailed
ahortly after midnight one mils west of
Fremont while running at the rate of fifty
five miles an hour. - Nearly 100 passengers
were on the train and all of the coaches
left the track except tha roar truck of tha
laat aleeper.
The entire train narrowly escaped being
precipitated over an embankment. The
cause of the accident la unknown, but waa
probably due to the apreadlng of the rails.
Nine persons were seriously Injured and
all of the passengers were badly shaken
Among ths Injured were:
F. Zlmmerly, Oshkosh, badly hurt about
Mrs. M. Dougherty, Oshkosh, severely
bruised about body.
Mrs. D. W. Agnew, Waukesha, Wis.,
ahoulder and knee badly bruised.
Mrs. Anna Klesehold, Minneapolis, Minn.,
aplne Injured.
A. E. Groas, Boston, 111., chest badly
brulaed and internally Injured.
Proposltloa la Pytblan Grand Lodge
Relative to Sabordinato Lodsros
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 19. Ths atten
tlon of the supreme lodge of the Knights of
Pythias waa taken up today principally
with the consideration of a proposition to
so amend the aupreme statutes of the
order thst no member wbo haa been ac
quitted of a charge by the subordinate
lodge In which he holds membership can be
held before the aupreme tribunal for a re
hearing of the caaa. The question in
volved the sovereignty of , subordiuata
lodgea. The discussion waa long and at
times heated. A vote waa taken and the
proposition defeated by a vote of 69 to
48. Had It carried the need of a aupreme
tribunal would to all purposes have been
done away with, aa only such caaes aa
contained questlona of law could be heard
by It. ' The matter was tbs outgrowth of
tne Kennedy-IUnsey case.
A statute waa adopted reducing the su
preme tribunal from five members to
The following were elected members of
tne supreme tribunal: John F. Alexan
der, Leesburg, Va.; Tully Scott. Cripple
ureek, Colo.; John A. Helcher, St. Paul,
negro Coaflned ta Ohio Jail la Dan
ger of Lynching; by Mob
of Both Sexes.
JEFFERSON. O., Aug. 19. Because It Is
believed that John Grooms, colored, as
saulted two old women, Harriet and Sa
brtna Hotchklaa late last night, a mob sur
rounded tbs Jail today and there la danger
of lynching.
Orooma Is alleged to have assaulted and
nearly killed the women. He la aald to
have chewed an ear off of one and torn ths
flesh from ths arm of the other with hla
The women identified Grooms as their as
sail ant and his hat and part of his clothing
were found In the Hopkins home. Some of
the women In the crowd are hysterical and
are Inciting the men to take the law into
their own hands.
In tbs afternoon the negro waa bound
over on the charge of burglary and at
tempted felony and will await the action of
the grand Jury. This procedure haa allayed
much of the excitement that existed.
Saperlateadeat of Iowa Dlvlaloa of
Rook lelaad Railroad
ts Oat.
DES MOINES, Aug. 19. The resignation
vf W. U. StliiWiil mm SupvaiutvudcSt Of
ths Iowa division of ths Chicago. Rock
Island A Pacific haa been accepted and
William Given, trainmaster of the Des
Moines and Fort Dodge division, appointed
toTuocaed him.
Coroner Will Try His Haad at Solvlna
the Barthoim-MMchell
Marder Mystery.
CHICAGO, Aug. 19. Intereet In the Bar-
tbolln-Mltchell murder mystery today cen
tered upon the Inquest, which may de
termine the cause of the death of Minnie
Three men already stand accused as prin
cipals or accessories of tha crime, Oscar
Thompson, former roomer of Mrs. Bar
tholin; John Claffy, stableman, who took
care of the horse Thompson drove, and Ed
ward Counselman, intimate friend of Wil
liam J. Bartholin, the supposed matricide.
Two new witnesses appeared today with
atorles that Bartholin, the missing suspect,
was seen In Chicago as late as August 15.
Both men declared to the police that a
man whom they balfeve to be Bartholin
was waiting In a ealoon that night for some
one who was to- bring him money. In
spector Hunt believes it was ths missing
man waiting for his friend. Counselman.
Four members of the Mitchell family
testified at the Inquest that they could not
make a positive Identification of the body
fcftind lying in the weeds on the prairie at
Seventy-fourth street and believed to 'be
that of Minnie Mitchell. These four per
sons, tho father, brother, sister and sister-
in-law of the missing girl, declared that
the only Identification they could mske was
that p"art of the clothing found near the
body belonged to Miss Mitchell. Follow
ing this Coroner's Physician Springer made
a statement to the Jury, In which he
termed the body as that of an "unknown
or unidentified woman." Dr. Springer
ststed positively that he did not believe
the body to be tbat of Mlsa Mitchell be
cause of the advanced stage of decomposi
tion. When the body was found Miss
Mitchell had been missing but eight days
and Dr. Springer claimed that it would be
Impossible for her body to have decom
posed aa much as tha one discovered on
the prairie.
Inspector Hunt produced a witness who
positively Identified Oscar Thompson, who
is under arrest for complicity In the crime,
aa one of two men on a atreet car near the
place where the body was found, and a
photograph of William Bartholin as tbat
of the aecond of the pair.
Thompson, "Dad" Claffy and Counsel-
man, all of whom have been held to the
grand Jury, were present at the Inquest,
Dut tbelr attorneys refused to allow them
to testify. The Inquiry waa continued
until tomorrow morning.
Inspector Hunt received -word tonight as
to Bartholin's poasibla whereabout that set
every bit of the police machinery in mo
tion. By midnight n score of detectives
were ransacking the neighborhood of Ken
sington, Harvey, Pullman, West Pullman,
Rlverdale and aa far south aa One Hundred
and Thirty-ninth street In search of a man
supposed to hold tha secret of the fugitive'
hiding place.
Concerns Oatside of the Trn.t Abont
to Go Into a Con
solidation. LOUISVILLE. Kr.. . Anr. 19. The Pot
say: A plan Is now .an foot to form a
combination of the outside distillers In Ken
tucky, and tha outside spirit distillers In
Ohio, Illinois and Indiana, the proposed con-
aouaation being a rlvlal of the so-called
"Greenbaum blan" which waa in it.
infancy three years ago by the formation of
tne preaent combine, known as tha Distill
ing company of America.
The plsn which has been auletlv dtscu.aait.
has not yet taken definite form, but it Is
proposed to Interest In the scheme tha lead
ing Jobbing houses of the country and to
Intereet permanently ail the distillers whose
plants are bought by Including In the deal
tha agreement to have the gooda manu
factured In their old locations under their
old brands, thereby making them customers
af the new company, affording an outlet for
the gooda manufactured and leaving the
brands and output In the hands of the orig
inal owners.
It Is claimed that the outside distilleries
of Kentucky would have a combined output
capacity about equal to that of the trust
and that the outside spirit distilleries would
have a combined output greatly In exceaa of
the trusts.
It Is further ssserted that a new combine
might offer big prices for outside properties
and yet have a capitalization much less than
tho bonded Indebtedness of $16,000,000
which tha Distilling Company of America
has Just underwritten.
Fifty Thousand Men May Be Throws
Oat of Employment Because of
Shortage In Coal.
PITTSBURG. Pa.. Aug. 19. The Post to
morrow will publish a atory to the effect
tbat a fuel famine la threatened for the
mills In this district and 60,000 men may
bs thrown Into enforced Idleness through
the lack of coal and coke. The trouble
cornea from a scarcity of engines to move
the loaded cars.
It Is reported that on the sidings of tha
Baltimore at Ohio railroad leading Into
Plttaburg from the coal and coke regions
there are nearly 6,000 loaded cars. Many
of these are aald to have been ready for
shipment for a week or more.
Farmer Living; Near Sallaa, Kansas,
Mardera Three Girls and Boy,
Then Shoots Himself.
SAUNA, Kan., Aug. 19. Joseph Ander
son, a farmer living east of Salloa, in a
fit of despondency today drowned hla four
children, three girls and a boy. In a cistern,
and then ahot himself with a revolver.
Anderaon la still alive but will probably
die. Financial matters had affected hla
mind. The crime wss committed during the
absence of the mother. The oldest child
waa alx years old and the youngeat a
babe of four months. Anderson left a note
on a table In the parlor notifying the mother
that .the 'children could be found In the
Chinese Coaaal Geaeral at Saa Fraa
- clseo to Q,ntt tha Service
for Two Yeara.
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 19. Ho Tow,
consul genral for China at the port of Saa
Francisco, haa aent out a formal notice that
ha Is about to take an extended leave of
absence. He does not Indicate that hs In
tends returning to this coast.
II. Im Lv.vll iuttrrrvlcd iu commercial
enterprises, which will occupy him tor two
yeara or more, and he expects at that time,
In the event Of hia not permanently quitting
the diplomatic service of his country, to bs
assigned to some ether consulate.
Volume Containing Statements as Required
j Law Has Been Issued.
Sammary Shows Grand Total of Over
Eight Hundred Million Dollars
Waa Appropriated by
Last Connreee.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 19. The volume
containing statements of appropriations,
new offices, etc., required by law to be
prepared and published at the end of each
session of congress under the direction of
the committees on appropriation, senate
and house, has been completed for the
first session of the Fifty-seventh congress
by Thomas P. Cleaves and James C. Courts,
chief clerks, respectively, of those commit
tees. A' summary of the appropriations
shows the grsnd totsl of $800,624,196.65.
The details by bills are as follows:
Agricultural t 6.2OS.9.00
Army 91, 730.136. 41
Mplomatlc l.M.v?5.9
District of Columbia 8.M4.4K9.97
Fortifications 7.2!Vi.9f.5.O0
Indian .flse.O-.'VlO
legislative zS.SW.RKl.M
Mllitnry academy 2.61!7.32t.42
Naval 78.V56,3ia.l3
Pension 139.842,230.10
Postofflce 13M16.S9.75
River and harbor 26.771. 442. n)
Sundry civil 6U3.3o9.18
Deficiencies 28.'50.07.32
Miscellaneous 2.772,795.13
athmlan canal set
Permanent appropriations 123,921.220.00
Total $300,624,496.66
In addition to the specific appropriations
made, contracta are authorized to be en
tered Into for certain publlo works re
quiring future appropriations by congress
In the aggregate sura of $262,711,465. These
contracta Include $21,069,500 for additional
ships for the navy and for permanent Im
provements of and Increased facilities at
certain navy yards; $17,943,660 for additions
to old publlo buildings and the construction
of new public buildings In varloua cities of
the country; $38,836,180 for Improvement of
rivers and harbors; $3,500,000 for recon
struction of old and erection of new build
ings at the military academy at West Point;
and $180,000,000 for the construction of an
isthmian canal.
I Hew Offices and Employments.
The new offices and employmenta, of a
civilian character, specifically authorized
number 6,386, with compensation far the
year of $6,343,596; and those abolished or
omitted aggregate 1,165, at an annual pay
of $1,289,080.50; a net Increase of 6,221, at
a yearly cost of $5,054,514.50.
In addition to the new civilian employ
menta ahown the volume also exhibits an
Increase of sixty-five In the military estab
lishments at an annual cost of $42,308; and
300 officers (Including 285 additional mid
shipmen), together with 8,000 seamen In the
naval establishment and 750 additional men
In the marine corps with total yearly pay
of $1,343,777.60.
. Of the total net Increase In civilian em
ploymenta, thirty-four are for the library of
congress; seven for the state department;
thirty-three for the navy department;
179 - for the - treasury -, department;
306 for tha postofflce department. In
cluding 266 on account of the rural ' free
delivery service; seventy for the depart
ment of agriculture; 117, Including forty
six school teachers, twenty-two policemen
and aeven firemen for the government of
the District of Columbia; fifty llghtouae
keepers; eleven for coast survey; thirty
two for the diplomatic and consular service;
and 4,300 for the postal service, Including
118 assistant postmasters, 3,134 clerks In
postofflces, 169 agents and othera In the
rural free delivery service.' and 866 railway
postal clerks.
Of the net total 6,221 civil officers and
employmenta authorized only 921 are out
side of the postal aervlce.
The number of salaries increased is, 725,
at an annual coat of $118,676.10; and the
number reduced Is sixteen, in the total an
nual eum of $13,120; a net Increase of 709,
at a coat for the year of $105,465.10, of
which number 481 are the cadeta at the
military academy who are given an In
creased allowance of $69.50 each; thirty-one
are consuls and consular clerks; sixty-four
are officers of the revenue cutter service
whose pay is made equal to the similar of
fices of the navy; thirteen are In the Ufa
saving aervlce; and thirty-two, amounting
to $33,000 annually are In the department
of agriculture.
A comparison of the total appropriations
made at the laat session of congress for 1903,
$800,624,498.65, with those of the preceding
or short session of the Fifty-sixth con
gress for 1903, $730,338,575.99, shows an in
crease of $70,285,920.66. In this amount are
Included increased approprlatlona for the
department of agriculture, $626,640; for the
diplomatic, Diatrlct of -Columbia, legis
lative, executive and Judicial and naval
aervlce, $1,706,981.74; for tbs military
academy, $1,864,670.74; for the postal ser
vice, $14,633,910; for the whole of the river
and harbor act, none having been passed at
the preceding session, $26,771,442; for de
ficiencies, $12,132,660.38, and for the isthmian
canal, $50,130,000. On the other hand there
appear reductions of $24,003,912.69 for the
army; $65,056 tor fortifications; $761,442.99
for tha Indian aervlce; $5,403,000 under re
quirements for pensions; $1,632,649.08 by the
sundry civil act; $5,267,223.64 by miscellane
ous acta, and $437,000 under permanent ap
proprlatlona which cover Intereat on the
public debt, making a net Increase a
atated of $70,285,920.56.
Reg-alar Republicans of Delaware
Hold Convention aad Name
DOVER. Del., Aug. 19. The. "regular"
republican atate convention today nomi
nated the following ticket: For congress.
Helsler Ball; atate treasurer, Martin B.
Burrows; state auditor, P. B. Norman.
The platform Indorsee the administration
of President Roosevelt and pledges blm
ths support of ths Delaware republicans
for renomlnatlon In 1904; commends the
work done by the Ftty-eecond congress,
but recommends trade concessions for
Cuba; indorses protection end reciprocity
and especially commenda President Mo
Klnley's reciprocity sentiments as ex
pressed in his laat apeech at the Buffalo
Hewtoa Cross Thought to Know
Something; Aboat Tints
MUSCATINE, la.. Aug. 19. Newton
Cross, a former cuibasd of 11 r. Jc.aie Tu
man, waa arrested tonight under the be
lief that he knows something of ths killing
of ths woman and her husband. Dan Wil
liams, who lived with the couple, 1 still
Forecn.t for Nebraska Fair Wednesday
and Thursday.
Temperature at Omaha Yestrrdari
Hoar. Dea. Hour. Or.
5 a. m rt 1 p. m . H4
6 a. m 8 S p. m Ml
T a. m H S p. m
Ha. m lilt 4 p. m Ml
O a. m.J.... Ta 5 p. m
10 a. ni 7R 6 p. m T4
11 a. m Ta T p. m Tit
U 11 81 p. m Til
9 p. m TO
Peoplo of that City Object to tha'
Statements of Railway
NORTH PLATTE, Neb., Aug. 19. (Spe
cial Telegram.) The statement as given In
The Bee this morning, made by an official
of the Union Paclflo, that North Platte was
In a state of riot, that the property of the
company waa absolutely at the mercy of
the strikers. Is branded by the peaceable
citizens of thla town as a malicious false
hood and an open Insult to the people. To
say there Is or has been a riot In North
Platte is not true. To say that property
to the amount of a dollar has been injured
or destroyed by the strikers is also untrue.
To say that the strikers are the arm of
the law or have arrogated to themselves
any police authority ia another untruth.
To say that the marshal of this city. In
conjunction with the sheriff of the county,
cannot preserve the peace Is a reflection on
ineir executive eoiuiy ana a aireci insin
uation against hundreda of law abiding
men wbo can be called upon In a moment
to aid In suppressing any disturbance
which may arise through the connivance
of a railway official or be brought about
by the atrained conditions now existing aa
a result of the strike.
The facts are, and all the railway officials
and the governor combined are challenged
to disprove It, the only action bearing any
semblance to a riot was a common aaloon
fight, which occurred a few daya ago between
a man Imported by the railroad to do guard
duty and a fellow who objected to the In
sulting remarks made by the guard in ref
erence to the atrlkera, and yet it haa to be
advertised to the world In all the dally
papers of the state that North Platte Is In
a state of riot, and according to the Union
Paclflo officials the militia are necessary to
compel the citizens of North Platte to keep
the peace. It Is a foul slander under which
no citizen of North Platte will rest without
a vigorous protest.
A warrant has been Issued for the arreat
of John N. Baldwin, general attorney for
the Union Pacific Railroad company, for
using abusive language toward Editor A. P.
Kelly, tending to provoke an assault. Mr.
Baldwin was angered bec.uot, of tclGiirams
sent to The Bee by Mr. Kelly setting forth
the conditions at North Platte.
Heads of Packing; Concerns Declare
Ramored Mersrer of Company
to Bo t'ntru.
CHICAGO, Aug. 19. (Special Telegram.)
The report current today that the pack
ing Interests Of the Cudahy company had
been sold to a combination of Armour aV
Co., and Swift and Company was denied by
H. A. Valentine of Armour A Co.
The report came from Omaha and was' to
the effect that a price of $21,000,000 had
been agreed upon to be taid to the Cudahy
Interest through Michael Cudahy. The
step, It was reported, was made to com
plete the alleged packers' trust. Michael,
John and Edward Cudahy were to retire
from the packlug business for a term of
yeara and turn over all their plants and
the good will of the corporation. The deal
waa to go Into effeot September 1.
"There Is no truth In the report of any
sales of the Cudahy interests so far as I
know or so far aa thla company la con
cerned," said M. Valentine. "There are
rumors afloat to that effect, but they are
not true."
Michael Cudahy, for the Cudahy com
pany, denied that any merger waa to take
Two Women and Three Children
I Lose Their Lives In a New
York Tenement.
NEW TORK, Aug. 19. In a tenement
house fire at 36 Essex atreet today two
women and three children were burned to
death, another woman waa burned severely
about tho body and face and a man had
three rlba broken by Jumping from a win
dow to the pavement.
The bodlea of the dead woman were
burned beyond recognition. Tha Injured
woman la Mrs. Rosa Moeea and the man
who Jumped Is Jacob Moscovltz. A woman
named Mrs. Hannah Balothln could not be
found after the fire, and It waa believed
that one of the burned bodies found waa
Nathan Liebowlser reported to the polio
tbat hia four children, respectively 3, 6, 6
and 8 years old, were missing, and a search
of the building resulted In the finding of
the badly burned bodies of two children,
supposed to be Llebowizer's. The body of
an elderly woman also waa found.
Prominent Produrars of Six Statea
Meat at St. Loals to Aarltate
tho Matter.
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 19. About twenty-five
prominent apple growers of Kansaa. Ne
braska, Missouri, Indiana, Arkaneaa and
Illlnola are meeting here today for the
purpose. It Is said, of uniting tha com
mercial apple growers of the United Statea
and Canada Into an organization to regulate
the price of that fruit. J. H. Stanton, of
the Illinois State Horticultural society,
"For years we have been handicapped by
the fact that the apple buyera or Jobbers
have been able to dictate prices to us.
"Now, If we are . the producera, why
should we not have some voice in regulating
the attuation of prices? Tbat ia what ws
Intend to organize for."
Movement, of Ore.. Vessels, Aug;. IV.
At Boulogne Sur Mer Arrived: Potsdam,
from New York, fur Rotterdam, and pro
ceeded. At Bremen Arrived: Kaiser Wllhelm der, from New York via Plymouth and
At Antwerp Arrived: Frlesland, from
New York.
At Movilie Arrived: Furnesala, from New
Tork, for Glasgow.
At New York-Balled: Kalserina Maria
Theresa, for Bremen via Plymouth and
Cherbourg; Moltke, fur Hamburg via Cher
bourg. Arrived: Kron Prlns Wllhelm, from
At Hong Kong Arrived: Doric, from San
Francleco via Honolulu, etc.
At Sydney, N. 8. W.-Moans, from Van
couver via Honolulu and Brisbane; Ven
tura, from San Francisco via Honolulu and
Important Seaport Captured Without Finn)
a Singlt Shot.
Command Under General Velutini With
drawi Without light
Embark on Steamer Ouun for a lafai
Will Visit La fluayra la Few Hart
and Announcement Is Causing;
Considerable Speculation
aa to Object.
WILLEMSTAD, Island of Curacao, Aug; '
19. Newe baa Just reached here that th
seaport of Cumana, In the state of Ber
mudei, Venezuela, was occupied at noon to
day by the Venezuelan revolutionist with
out the firing of a single shot
The government forces, commanded bj
General Velutini and the local authorttlei
of Cumana, evacuated that town last night
They withdrew to the Island of Margarita!
about forty miles north of Cumana, oi
board tha ateamer Ossun.
A report la current here tbat a numbet
of British warships, under command of aa
admiral, will visit La Guayra, Venesuela,
In n few daya. No reasons for ths pres-.
ence of the warships In question at La
Guayra can be obtained and the report li
causing considerable speculation.
Cumana, which' ts about 200 miles east
of La Guayra, waa occupied for ft fhort
time by the Venezuelan revolutionist laat
May. Upon thla occasion also the govern
ment forces left the town without offering
resistance. Cumana Is about fifty mile
east of Barcelona, which waa captured by
the revolutionists ths early part of this
month. The revolutionists now hold the
custom ports of Cludad Bolivar, LaQuayra,
La Vela, De Coro, Carupano, Barcelona and
Court Denies Application for Injunc
tion In Noted Colorado- t
DENVER, Colo., Au " Tha John W.
Gates faction of th r .Jo Fuel and Iron
company haa lost .ther round In It bat
tle for the control of that eompany. Judge
Reiner of the United Statea district eourt
tonight denied the application for a pre
liminary injunction to prevent officials of
tha eompany from refusing to allow them
to vote proxies they claim to have at tha
stockholders' meeting scheduled for to
morrow in thla city.
The suit, which waa brought In the nama
of John J. Mitchell and othera against tha
Colorado Fuel and Iron company, waa bated
upon the alleged fraudulent and absolutely
void by-law which waa adopted by tha
board of directora of tha oompany on July
30 last, and whtch the complainant
charged was framed and adopted for the
purpose of enabling the preaent offlolala of
the Colorado Fuel and Iron eompany to dlo
tate the action of tomorrow' meeting and
alao to deprive the complainant and the
shareholders they represent by proxy from
voting at auch meeting.
Judge Reiner held that all objection in
the bill of complaint were met and an
swered by defendant company. In denying
the application for a preliminary Injunction
the court was not expected to pass upon
questions of law. However, he would say
that on Its face the by-law provided for
an orderly and lawful method of conduct
ing a shareholders' meeting and that ap
parently there was no other purpose In
view. The by-law was adopted In good
faith. The application for a preliminary
Injunction would therefore be denied.
The- application waa made several day
ago and a brilliant array of legal talent
waa represented on either aid of the caas.
The court room tonight was crowded with
spectators, among whom were tha leading
members of the local bar, who have watched
the courae of the battle with deep Interest.
Mr. Gatea and hla friends listened atten
tively to the reading of the decision, and
aa soon as it was completed left the court
room with their attorney
Eight Seriously Injured, Two Pay
tally, la Aocldeat In Kew
York City.
NEW TORK, Aug. IB. Eight person
were seriously Injured, two of them at
least fatally Injured and ft dozen ather se
verely so, tonight when on of tha heavy
open atreet car of the Union railway line
of the Bronx left tha tracks on Jerome
Park avenue, near tha crosalng of Moabolu
Parkway, and turned completely over Into
ft ditch.
Two of the men taken to tha Fordham
hospital hare not been Identified. Their
skulls were fractured and tha hospital au.
thorltle aald they would likely die.
Othera taken to Fordham hospital were:
Michael Donohu.
William Eisner.
C. H. Perrln.
A. L. Merrill.
Bernard Feeney.
Patrick Dale.
R. W. Crawford.
Goes Away on Vacation and Returns
to How. Tork to Find Man ,
, ' la Hla Plaea.
NEW TORK. Aug. 19. Edward Croker,
chief of tha New Tork city fire department,
waa auspended from duty today by Fire
Commiasloner Sturgia. Mr. Croker, who I
a nephew of Richard Croker, had been ab
sent on a vacation, but returned to the alty
yesterday, saying he did ao to resume his
duties on advice of bla attorneys. Mr. Cro
ker aald thla advice waa given because bis
name had been mentioned In connection
with the hearing of charges againat Chief
of Conrr'!n Pyen f h 1prtrant.
When the chief reached hla office yesterday
he found that a new lock had been placed
on his desk, so that hie key would not fit
It, and that hla letter booka for -three years
past had besn carried away.