Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 19, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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ef each day's program, beside tolscellan.
ous smusements.
Cavil Mils drugs.
Btoekert tell carpet and ruga.
Lettert, eyesight specialist. 409 Broadway.
Mrs. W. E. McConnell Is vlaltlng friends
at Whiting, la.
Lost, gold Elk button. Reurn to 148 Glen
venue and receive reward.
Special offerings In framed pictures. C. E.
Alexander ac Co., 333 Broadway.
Mies Cella Mulqueen Is home from a two
weeks' sojourn at Colfax Springs.
M. L, Alleehouee of Rockport, Mo., Is the
guest of his brother, P. O. Alleshouse.
The Misses Myra and Frances Hutchin
son have son to visit friends In Kansas.
Wanted at once, boy with pony to carry
Bee route. Apply at the office, Ho. 10 Pearl
Miss Mabel Taylor left yesterday for
Visit with relatives and frlenda at Red
Oak and Qriswold.
Michael Riaski and sister, Mies Mary
Ttlaekl. left last evening for a sojourn at
Excelsior Springs, Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. John fiheflW and children
are home from JBoaton, where they spent
the summer with relatives.
Mrs. Hoimes of Cedar Rapids, la., ar
rived yesterday on a visit to Mr. and Mrs.
frank Morgan of 741 West Broadway.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Broadway
Methodist church will meet this atiernoon
at the Associated Charities on Ulen anu
to sew for the children.
The annual picnic of the Union Band
Sunday school of Woodbury avenue will
be held Thursday at Falrmount park. Din
ner will be served at noon.
Members of Abe Lincoln Woman's Re
Ht corp will meet Wednesday afternoon
at the residence of Mrs. Bkinkel, Eight
eenth street and Second avenue.
Ernest Kllngel began suit In the district
court yesterday for divorce from Lillian
Kllngel, to whom he was married
on De-
icember 24,
lHUtf. He make
Rev. Henry DeLong has tendered the
Salvation Army the use of his mission hall
at 629 East Broadway for Its meetings and
the corps will hold services there each
venlng of this week.
Marks A Co., proprietors of the Ogden
livery barn, 168 Broadway, have an elegant
equipment of rubber-tired rigs. Horses
boarded and enred tor, $10 per month. Best
llverv service In the city. Telephone, 108.
Esther, the 2 year-old daughter of Mr.
and Mr. J. A. Pratt of Crescent, died yes
terday morning from cholera Infantum.
The funeral wlllbe held this morning at 10
o'clock from the Latter Day Saints' church
and burial will be tn the Crescent ceme
tery. Miss Effle Folsom, employed at the Bluffs
City laundry, lost the third finger of her
left hand yesterday morning wr
g wnue attemDt-
ing to clean-
a shirt polishing machine
while It was In motion. The linger was
caught between two cog wheels and
crushed, so that It had to be amputated.
Attorneys for Wesley Seldon and Wayne
Shoup, the porter and barber on the Northwestern-Union
Pacific Overland, bound
over to the grand Jury on a charge of rob
bing a Northwestern detective, were un
able to secure a writ of habeas corpus
yesterday owing to the absence of Judge
Wheeler from the city. In anticipation of
an effort to secure the release of the two
men Detectives Fsnnlng and Stevena are
remaining In the city.
Sherman H. Tucker, a specfal officer em
ployed at Lake Manawa, was arrested
yesterday on complaint of Mrs. H. H.
Hunch, who charged him with the larceny
as halle of a sold watch and chain and a
ring. Mrs. Bunch said she piacea the
Jewelry In Officer Tucker's care the day of
the sham battle at the lake. Tucker on
being taken to Justice Bryant'a court at
once turned over the Jewelry and the case
was promptly dismissed.
Gravel roofing, A. H. Read, 641 Broadway.
Barned by Gasoline.
Agnes Nejson, a 14-year-old girl, was
severely burned by the explosion of
gasoline store yesterday morning at the
residence of ber slater, Mr. Fred Peter
Son. 849 North First street. Mrs. Peter
son and'heY young sister were preparing
breakfast and In soma manner the tank ex
ploded throwing tbe burning oil over Miss
Nelson, wbo was standing nearest the
stove. She was badly burned about the
lower limb, but her Injuries. It Is thought,
will not result seriously. Mrs. Peterson
escaped without Injury except to her bands,
which were burned while attempting' to as
sist her sister In tearing tbe burning
clothes from ber body. With the assist
ance of neighbors tbe flames' were extin
guished before the arrival of the Are de
partment. The damage to the house was
alight, being confined to a slight scorching
of the woodwork In the kitchen.
Dnvls sells paints.
, Salt Grows Oat of Plcnle.
Charles Burke, who had charge of the
tolored citizens' picnic at the Driving
psrk Sunday, and John Achats, who bad
the concession for dispensing liquid re
freshments, are unabl to agree over their
accounts and as a result Burke yesterday
brought suit In Justice Bryant's court
sgalnat Achats for $26. Achats claims that
fey his contract he was to pay $2 for every
keg ot beer he sold and that be sold twelve
ifegs and consequently is Indebted in tbe
sum ot 821. AgklBst this, however, be
claims as offset 123.16 which be alleges he
(.aid out at the Instance of Burks to get
the picnic going. Burks declines to honor
these payments on the ground that Achats
was not authorized to make any payments
sxcept at the request of the committee In
charge. A Jury will be called upon to ar
bitrate tbe controversy.
Plumbing and heating. Btxby Sea.
Real Eatate Traaafer.
- These transfer were filed yesterday in
the abstract, title and loan office of J. W.
Squire, 101 Pearl street:
Julius C: Haaler. trustee to E. D.
.Otto, lot . block 2. Mlnden, w. d $
Silas A. Skelton to Nancy E. Laugh
lln, 6 arrea tn ne"4 ew4 and 4 "4
acres near center ne sw!4 17-77-44,
Q. c. d
Pottawattamie Investment company
to V. A. Karlow, lot 6, Rice a eub-
,lot 27 and at. Johnaon'a add. a. w. d.
Samuel L, Etnyre to Ionard
Everett, executor, lot 7, block 14,
Mill add, w. d
Thomas W. Dawson to Dena Olive
Dawson, lot 82, block S, Maynea
add, w. d
Total five transfer
$ 1.066
Gfton Disagree With Us
Because wo overeat of them. Indl
featloa follows. But there's a way to
escape such consequences. A dose of a
good digestant like Kodol will relive you
at once. Your stomach is simply loo
weak to digest what you eat. That's all
Indigestion, is. Kodol digests the food
without the stomach's aid. Thus the
stomach rests while the body is strength
ened by wholesome food. Dieting Is un
necessary. Kodol digests any kind ol
good food. Strengthen aod Invigorates.
Kodol Makes
Rich Had Clood.
Prepared onl y by E. C. PaWrrr at Co., Chicago.
1 be 1 boUlecontalrnlvjttmnstlieSOc
hMViri 'leh "'! 4TJM tf
'A oeruia oure tor piles suit! Uu
(Successor to W. C- Estep)
U ra-AHi. TRk.lCT. Tkone T.
Decides, to Leaf ths It ate if Stock ii
Assessed in Osaooil Bluffs.
City Assessor Asserts He Is Only Fol
lowing; the Law la Making- the
Assessment aa Be Did
Last Spring.
If the attempt to assess It for taxation la
this city Is persisted In the Portland Gold
Mining company of Colorado will remove
from the state of Iowa and reincorporate In
some other state. This was decided upon
at a special meeting of the stockholders
held In this city yesterday at which the
board of directors was given authority te
dissolve Its Incorporation In Iowa and re
Incorporate elsewhere. Present at the meet
ing were James F. Burns, president; F.
Peck, treasurer and secretary, and Judge
Ounnell, general attorney of the company.
The meeting was held Is tbe office of Roes
Ross, local agenta and attorneys of the
In making the assessment of the city for
19C3 City Assessor Everest decided te in
elude the corporation stock of the Portland
Gold Mining company, one of the many
Colorado mining companies Incorporated
under tho laws of Iowa and having Its
principal place ot business or legal head
quarters In Council Bluff. With this end
In view he left the regular blank form wltb
Messrs. Ross sV Roes, as the local represent
ative of the corporation, for the company to
make Its statement on as required by stat
ute. No notice was taken, however, of City
Assessor Everest's request and no state
ment was ever furnished by the company.
During the trial of the famous suit of
James Doyle against James F. Burns, pres
ident of tbe Portland Gold Mining company,
the evidence showed that the corporation
stock of the Portland company had a face
value of $3,000,000 and an actual value of
three times that amount, or $9,000,000. As
sessor Everest In the absence of any state
ment from the company decided to place the
actual value of the company's stock at the
market value $9,000.000 soaking Its asie
able value $2,260,000 or one-fourth of the
aotual value. He accordingly notified the
company to this effect and Included tbl aa
sersment In his returns to the county aud
itor. As there appeared to be a serious ques
tion ss to whether the corporate stock of
the mining company could be legally as
sessed here the county auditor did not take
this astessment into account when figuring
tha total assessment of Pottawattamie
county for 1902. The county auditor took
the pcsltion. that It the courts held that
the assessment was valid, the county would
be Just that amount ahead and the tax. If
ever collected, could be readily added to the
county'a revenue for the year.
Position of Assessor.'
City Assessor Everest, takes tbe position
that be 1 only following the law in assess
ing the Portland company on It stock In
this city, which Is Its legal headquarters.
The Iowa code provldea that all such cor
poratlons ahall be assessed In the place
wnicn is tneir principal place ot business
and that the basis of assessment shall be
the actual market value ot their stock. They
are entitled, however, to deductions for the
value ot their real estate and for -this pur
pose are required to make a showing to
the sssessor setting out the amount of
stock, the amount of value of their real es
tate and other data 'required in determin
ing what the sasessment shall be.
The company in refusing to stand for an
assessment In Council Bluffs takea the
position that as its stock is already taxed
In. Colorado, where Its property He. It
cannot be taxed again In Iowa.
After the meeting yesterday Judge Oun
nell, speaking for the company, said: "We
shall certainly resist any attempt to assess
our corporate stook In Iowa and in order
to prevent a repetition of this trouble tbe
meeting of stockholder ha authorised
the board of directors to dissolve the Iowa
corporstlon snd reincorporate In some
other state, where we .will be tree from
any such controversy. : At the same time
tbe company would , prefer to remain a
corporation of Iowa and will do so If no
further sttempt Is made to compel us to
pay taxes here on the same property on
which we pay taxes la Colorado. If, how
ever, the city of Council Bluffs is deter
mined to push this matter snd attempt to
enforce this assessment tbe company will
quit Iowa and locate elsewhere."
Asked If the state of Iowa derived any
benefit by the company retaining Ita In
corporation here Judge Ounnell waa forced
to admit that it did not. All that the
state ever received from tbe eompany was
ths original filing fee for the article of
Incorporation which at the time the com
pany organised waa materially lower than
It I now. To Incorporate In Iowa now
would coat the company hundred ot dol
lars mors than It paid at the time It In
corporated. City Assessor Everest, when Informed
of the action ot the Portland company,
stated that at this time he could not eay
what atcpa Pottawattamie county would
tak to enforce the collection of the tax It
any. It waa a matter, he said, for the
county attorney and Board ot Supervisor
to determine. He bad returned the assess
ment of the company with the other as
sessments for the year and that ended hie
duty In the matter. County Attorney Kill
pack was not In the city yesterday and bis
view oa the question could not b ascer
City Ceeaell Aaxlons te Have ravine
t Harrison Street Cent,
ror about ths tenth time the city council
last night passed a resolution directing the
city engineer to notify Contractor Wlckham
to begin the paving of Harrison street. A
few weeks sge the city council ordered
Wlckhsm to begin ths psvlcg cf this street
ss soon ss be completed the work on cer
tain atresia In ths Fourth ward. According
t statements mad to ths sldsrmea last
night by residents snd property owners on
Harrison atreet Wckham is preparing te
rave South Sixth street snd has made no
visible sign of intending to do say work oa
the former street It wss stated that Wick
him is unable to secure sufficient Council
Bluff brick for the paving ot Harriioa
treet and that the property owner are
willing that he should us sny ether kind
of vitrified brick provided only thst be be
gia the work st once.
City Engineer Etnyre reported thst he bsd
Instructed Wlckham te begin the paving of
Harrtsoa street, but ss far as be knew there
ss no Intention ea Wtckham's part to com
ply with the Instruction. Mr. Etayr stated
that h had refused t set the stakes for
ths South Sixth street paving until work
was commenced oa Harrison street. Ths
I council feared that the refusal to set the
stakes might give Wlckhsm an opportunity
jto sue the city for damages snd directed the
engineer to set them snd at tbe asms time
to notify Wlckhsm to begin the Harrison
street paving within ten days.
Several means were suggested to com
fel Wlckham tn nKv lha aMh a (h.
I council la regard te the paving of Harrl
son street bnt nothing was definitely de
cided upon. One suggestion wss that no
estimates be allowed on any paving until
he bad demonstrated that be Intended pav
ing this street this fall.
During ths discussion It developed thst
Wlckhsm was preparing te pave South
Sixth street with Galesburg block whereas
his contract called tor Council Bluffs brick.
Ths city engineer was Instructed to notify
him to conform to tbe requirements of the
Aldermen Huber and Tlnley renewed their
fight on Street Supervisor Taylor and were
loaded with reaolutlons requiring him to
furnish all sorts of statements as to the
number of men employed on each street
and an Itemized report ot the cost ot clean
ing each street, etc. The resolutions failed
of adoption, aa ths other aldermen were ot
ths opinion that such reports ss Alder
men Huber and Tlnley demanded were Im
practicable and that to make them would
necessitate providing the street supervisor
with a clerical force. Alderman Tlnley in
sisted on having a report ot the work
done on tbe streets In psyment of poll tax
and the supervisor waa Instructed to make
a report of the aggregate number of day
work performed la payment of the poll tax,
this report to be referred to a committee
consisting ot Aldermen Tlnley and Huber
to check over with ths supervisor's books.
Aldermen Tlnley and Huber declined to ex
plain for what reason they demanded these
reports, which caused Alderman Lougee tu
remark to Alderman Tlnley that "the alder
man from the Third ward seemed to have
something up his sleeve," and Tlnley re
plied by saying that "All of them would
soon have aomethlng up their sleeves."
What thla referred to, however, was left un
explained. On the recommendation of the committee
of tbe whole the ordinance Introduced on
behalf of the motor company, providing for
ths narrowing ot the sidewalk on Oak
street between Broadway and Pierce street
was laid on ths table.
An ordinance changtug the grade of Vor-
his street between Lincoln avenue and
Union street was Introduced and passed to
its second reading.
The McCormlck and Pioneer Implement
companies complained about the defective
condition of the paving on Tenth avenue
between Blxth and Main street, snd the
city engineer wss Instructed to notify Con
tractor Wlckham to repair it at once.
James Casey snd C. J. Hsrden were
granted permission to conduct a saloon at
60S West Broadway.
City Electrician Bradley was given leave
of absence for five days.
On ths recommendation of the committee
of the whole It was decided not to settle
the Henry Lock personal injury Judgment
against tn city out of court. Tni decision
was reached at a session of the committee
previous to the council meeting.
Final action on tbe resolution calling for
a sewer on William street between Ave.
nue D and Mill street was taken and the
elerk Instructed te advertise for bids.
Alderman Lougee asked to be relieved
from the chairmanship of the streets and
alleys committee, aa he expected to be out
of the city a good deal of the time be
tween this snd winter. His request was
granted, and Mayor Morgan aaid he would
I appoint some one In his place by the next
meeting. ...
mo council aajournea to next Monday
N. T. Plumbing Co., telephone ISO.
Walks Oat of Coartroom.
William Desmond, against whom
charge of assaulting his wife, better known
ss Mrs. Emma Metcalfe, has been pending
In Justice Bryant's court for two or three
months, ventured into Council Bluffs yes
terday, was taken Into custody and while
his case was being determined cslmly
walked out of the court, took a car back
to Omaha and Is once more out of the Jur
Isdlctlon of the Iowa courts.
Two months or more ago when Desmond
was arrested at the instance ot his wife be
wss released on his own recognlzsnce, but
isuea to put in an 'appearance when his
ease came for trial. Yesterday morning
jnrs. Metcsire telephoned that Desmond
wss st her plsce again and making things
aecioeaiy uncomfortable. Constable Albertl
hastened to tbe Metcalfe place, but failed
to locate Desmond. He wslted around how
ever and was rewarded an hour later in
finding his msn as be waa crawling
iorougn a rence back of the premise.
Before the court Desmond attempted to
secure a further continuance, but Justice
Bryant refused and then Desmond when the
constable's back was turned coolly walked
out or tne courtroom snd cstcblng sn
umane car waa soon serosa ths river.
Once bsck In Omaha, where be Is em
ployed a bartender, Desmond telephoned
to Justice Bryant and apologized for so un
ceremoniously leaving hi court, but ex
plained that be had to go to get a clean
Davla sell glass.
Let Depot Coatraeta.
Anderson Bros., eontrsctors of thla rit
hsv keen awarded the contract for the
construction of twelve depot on the Una
or the Great Western railroad. The towns
whers the depots will be erected snd And
erson Bros.' bid for each are as follows:
Moorland, $2,440; Somers, $2,700; Lohrvllle,
$1,676; Carroll, $1,044; Halbur, $1,606; Man
ning. $3,(16; Botna. $1,606; Irvin. $1.46;
Harlaa, $1,044; Harlan trelght depot,
$3,188; Mlnden, $2,196. The plans for the
depots In Council Bluffs hsve not yet been
completed, but officials of the road state
that the lepota In this city at least equal
those of the Northwestern and Illinois Cen
tral la appearance and cost.
Aatl-Salooa Leasee Men Roast
Sloea City Admlnls
tratlen. SIOUX CITY, la., Aug. IS (Special Tele
gram.) Tbe Anti-Saloon league has com
menced a second crusade against the
saloons by acorlng tbe city admin
istration snd by securing Injunctions
sgalnst eight saloon. Rev. T. Carter Sun
day night delivered sn address In which he
accused Mayor Caldwell's administration of
openly allowing lawlessness, and saying
openly that a recent raid on a gambling
hou wss a mere farce. The league people
say that gambling houses are running In
open violation to the closing order and that
this is being done with tbe connivance of
the mayor and chief of police. The city
authorities have mad no answer to their
Snee far Lest Baalneas.
CEDAR PALLS. Ia., Aug. 18. (Special.)
Mra. Lottie Lower of th Hotel at Denver
has sued Bremer county for $3,000 dam
ages resulting from the loss of trade during
ths smallpox scar when the officers closed
ber place of business and kspt It closed.
A rival house hsld as opening during th
time and secured tbe business
Kissing Portions of Machinery Arrivs and
Patient Can B Oared Tor.
Telephone Cent pa ny Takes a New
Tack ea Its lajaaetloa Proceed
ings Against the Strikers
and Their Backers.
(Prom a Staff Correapondent.)
DE8 MOINES. Aug. IS. (Special.) Infor
mation was received today by the 8tate
Board of Control to the effect that all the
matter which have been causing delay In
th opening of the new state hospital at
Cherokee have been settled and that steam
wss turned on the pipes snd engines today
tor tne first time. A large part of the de
lay had been due to non-arrtval of certain
essential parts of the machinery and to th
breaking of some other minor parts st a
critical moment. The parts which hsd been
delayed have arrived and been put to place
ana otner parte were received by exoreas,
The hospital cannot be operated without the
use of tbe steam boilers and engine, a
the hospital I fitted with all the latest ap
pliances for ventilation, electric light,
pump for water, etc. Already Insane pa
tient are being received from the counties
comprising the Cherokee district, which is
the Eleventh congressional district and the
north half of the Tenth district. Arrange
ment are now being perfected for the
transfer of Insane from Independence and
Clarlnda and announcementa will be made
In a few days of when this work will be
dene. The legislature made an appropria
tion of $5,000 for the work of transferring
patienta and they will go by special train.
Chairman Cownle of the State Board of
Control Is st Cherokee to ssslst In th
Telephone Company Chances Tactics.
The lows Telephone company today with
drew its application for an injunction
against ths officers of the Trades snd Labor
assembly to prevent them from assisting In
the removal of the telephones where orders
hsve been given for removal and ths com
pany has not complied with the orders.!
The court ruled sgalnst the company in
the matter of enjoining the labor leaders
from Interfering with the company prop
erty, and now the matter of the boycott
has also been left free. The labor leaders
sre still st work inducing business men to
take out the 'phones. The most serious loss
to the company has been In the removal of
the 'phones from city buildings by order
of the city council. Interest In the strike
is dying out with the public.
LUhtnln Kills Cattle.
riiteen head of valuable cattle were
Kiuea by on bolt of lightning
on a tarm near Des Molnea prob
ably Saturday morning. They ha
longed to a farmer named Samuel Hender
son, and the dead animals were found lying
by the side of a barb wire fence, along
v. men naa passed th fatal bolt of light
ning. The cattle were valued at about $50
eacn ana were insured for $30 a bead.
Soap Company Reorsraalsatlon.
A new company composed Of the Agars
of the Agar Packing company, a Mr. Peets
of Kansas City and Captain Howell of this
city is being organized to take over tbe
property of tbe Puck Soap company, now
in the hand ota a receiver, and handle It
wun large capitalization. The Puck com
pany has been doing a large business, but
had not much capital and waa forced into
a receivership.
Articles of Incorporation have been filed
with the aecretary of state of the Leader
Department Store company, Des Moines, by
narry uiotcKy and others, capital $26,000,
ana oy tne Relmer Bros.' company of Keo
kuk. capital $10,000. The Wlnterset Sav
lngs bank haa been chartered to do business,
wun a capital of $26,000.
lansaal Fall of Rain.
The Weather bureau report that th fall
oi water in Des Moine tbe bast week a.
gregated 4.56 inchee, which I unusually
"r mis season of the yesr. Tbe
fall last night and Sunday amount" to
1.01 Inches. At Iova City 8.63 Inches of
water reii yesterday. The water In the
river is slowly rising.
. uuniaer, proprietor of the ni
mines east of Colfax In Jasper county, waa
found dead along th Rock Island tracks
mis morning nesr his home. It Is known
be bsd been drinking and It la supposed be
ieu irom a train. Ha was a man of con
aidersble property snd business sblllty.
Osteopathy Reboots Reeoanlsed.
secretary j. r. Kennedy, of the state
ooara or medical examiners, haa com.
pleted making out the certificates for ths
286 osteopathic atudenta and practitioners
who were not compelled to take the ex
amination for admission to practice under
tne new state law. There are about elxty
of theae who go to persons giving their
aaaresses as Des Moines. The 285 ner-
aons wno received certlficstes sre gradu
ate irom tne following schools: American
tscnooi or Osteopathy, Kirksville. 132: Co
lumblan School of Osteopathy. Kirksville
6; Still college, Des Moines, 141; Minnesota
institute of Osteopathy. Minneapolis. J:
Northern School of Osteopathy. Minna.
apolls, 4; Southern School of Osteopathy,
rranann, riy., i.
Mall Carriers to Meet.
A meeting of the Stste Assoclstton of
nurai Man carriers has been called for
this city August 27. An sesoclstlon was
formed last year and a majority of ths
rural mall carriers of the state have become
membera. They have taken a decided stsnd
In favor of legislation that will benefit the
highways of the state snd sre using tbelr
innuence for better road laws.
Fortnne tor aa lowaa.
Private telegrams received in this eitv
from Norwich. N. Y.. tell of a fortune
amounting to more than a quarter of a
million which has fallen to Mra. E. R.
Maaon, wife of Clerk Mason of tbe United
States circuit court. Mr. Maaon la now
In Norwich, called there aome time ago to
look after th affair of the estate to which
his wife I the only heir. George Rider,
tb tather of Mr. Mason, died about s
yesr sgo, leaving an unencumbered estate.
He was formerly in tbe piano manufactur
ing business snd st on time waa at th
head of th wood alcohol trust which mads
Its millions. Mrs. Mason was th only
daughter, other member of the family hav
ing alnce died, and ah ba now com Into
possession of the entire fortune. Mason
has been clerk of the court here for more
than thirty years snd Is a brother of United
Btstes Senator Maaon of Illinois.
Hardla Csssty Fair Opeaa.
IOWA PALLS. Ia., Aug. 18. (Special.)
Th thirty-second annual county fair of
Hardin county opens at Eldorado Tuesday
tor a four days' display. With good
weather the meeting this year will eclipse
any held In recent years, a tb entries la
all classes will bs Isrg. As exceptionally
strong field ot horse ba keen entered snd
a fin speed program will be carried out.
Two thouaand five hundred dollars la
prizes will be bung up for theae contests.
Athletic aports wUl form a strong feature
KEOKUK, Is., Aug. 18. ThI city was al
most cut off front telegraphic and tele
phonic communication tor the tweaty-four
hours ending this afternoon, when some
wires were again raised to surrounding
towns. Sunday afternoon lightning, wind
and rain worked havoc sit over the coun
try sround here.
A score of towns In Hsncock and adjoin
ing counties la Illinois were hard bit and
about 100 farm bouses snd barns struck by
lightning. Tb city ball of Carthage was
truck. Torrents poured down th streams
esst ef here, wsshing out bridges, culverts
snd telegraph poles and delaying and stoo
ping trsins on ths Burlington. Wabash snd
Toledo. Peoria & Western rosds. The total
damage will be great.
Th center of the storm seemed to be st
Nauvoo, 111., and the old Mormon town
almost panle-strlckea as it became black as
algbt tn ths middle of tbe afternoon. The
large grape Industry Is bsdly damaged and
corn flattened to the ground by wind and
torrenta of water. Bowen, III., waa tbe I
center of damage te telephone line, many
of which were rendered uselsa by lightning
ana wina. leiepnone line around th dis
trict ot carthage, in., are alao badly
The atom was as severe en the Iowa
side of ths Mississippi river. Port Msdlson
had smoke stacks snd trees blown down in
the city. FarmtngtoB had a hard storm.
Lightning, wind and besvy rain damaged
crops and farm buildings throughout Lee
county, and the path of damage extended
into adjoining counties.
xna ues Moines river, which reeentlv
flooded Its eatlre valley. Is again rising taat
ana is already one foot over the bottom
anas soovs here.
A second storm, almost equal In aeverltv.
raged over nearly ths ssme territory esrly
h'STer Becomes Coaaolona to Reveal
. Identity HI Mar.
MUSCATINE, Is,. Aug. 18. (Special Tel.
gram.j jesse Tuman, the man found
nearly dead Saturday night In tbe wood
north of Muscatine, hla wife being found
muraerea nearoy, died tonight at 8:46. He
never recovered consciousness nor revealed
anything concerning the Identity of the mur
aerer. It I thought cerhana mam n,rtlu
re implicated. Officer are at aea and clue
are difficult to And. Excitement her is in
A stranger met two boy on a road and
told them that a man lay In a hut in th
mldat of th wood, bruised and bleeding.
They boy knew tb Injured man's hut snd
wnt to th plsce, finding Tuman nearly
dead. The nuds body of the women wss
found about 160 yards un the bill frnm
the house. A bloody sx was discovered 100
yaroa Deyona tne woman's body.
A mysterious telephone messsgs csm to
toe coroner here Friday morning, saying
someone wss killed, but did not tell wbo,
where or whan. The message cannot bs
trsced, but Is thought to have connection
with the murder. The only clue is that
Williams telegraphed for money from Texas
a week in. Th in
pltsl in this city. Tbe doctors performed
sn operation end ths victim msv recover I
sufficiently to tell of ths fight, but Is so
far unconscious. A coroner's Inquest will
do neia tooay.
Both Tumsa and hi wife carried life In
surance policies. The but Is In a lonely
woods, half a mile from any other houae
or public soad. Tuman wa. a woodchopper
In winter and gathered pearls In the sum-
mer. He never banked anv mn .
have had a larr. ...m
1 HllVllkV
None of the Passener Are Killed,
Taoagh Bene Are Injared
ta the Accident.
MUSCATINE, Ia., Aug. 18. The El Paso
limited on the Rock Island road wa
wrecked ty a washout early this morning
and five coaches snd the engine were thrown
Into the ditch a mile west of Letts.
i ne train carried a heavy passenger list
and there war many miraculous escapes
from death. Many are reported Injured. I
some, it la thought, fatally.
The washout was cauaed by a cloudburst.
accompanied by a terrific elsctrlcsl torm.
Two houses in the adjacent country are
reported burned by lightning, and It Is
feared much other damage was doae.
CHICAGO. Aug. 18. It 1 tated at th
Rock Island offices that the baggage, mall.
express and two chair ears of tbe train
wrecked near Letts were ditched, but that
tb engine and Pullman remained on tho I
Teleerapn Wires Daws and
Damaged y Torreeta
f Water.
track. According to their reports nobody people, have just announced their mar
was seriously injured, slthough some werer1e- which occurred at Omaha April 2(5,
brulaed. I
Remains of Maa Fen ad Secreted la
Weed Rear Red Oak, Ia., with
Skall Crashed.
RED OAK. Is.. Aug. II. (Special.) Th
body ot a maa auppoaed to be Moae Tu
nick wa found hidden under aome weed
near this plsce. His skull wss crushed
la and a coupling pin found nearby. Tb
body bad evidently lain there aome time.
It Is thought that th man wa murdered
by tramp, as a number camped near th
place a short Mm ago.
Th omosrs found in tb pocket ot
th clothing a declaration of Intention to
become a cltlxen of th United State by
Moses Tunlck, a natlv of Russia, taken
out ia New Tork October 81, 1887. and
duplicated October 87, lt&. There wa
alao a receipt from th New Tork Mu
tual Gaslight eompany for gas used at
88 Suffolk street, and datsd August 8, 1801,
and a Southern Paclfle ferry ticket from
Benlca to Port Costa, dated June 24, 1808.
Tber wa no money la hi pocket.
Iowa Farmer Baaeeed.
WATERLOO, Ia., Aug. 1. (Special.) Tb
Central Valley Telephone company ba been
notified of a fraud agent wbo has been
working th country districts about May
nard aclllng pole at greatly reduced price
to farmers on th pies that tb line in tb
country were to be abandoned and th
pole removed from th ground. H la
caraful to select men having ne 'phones.
Receipts are lasued is bis owa name for tbe
money received. Tbe eompany baa no such
sgent out, as poles sr scare sod hard to
gat at any price.
Waterlae Greece Will Pleale.
WATERLOO. I., Aug. 18. (Speclal.)-The
Waterloo Grocer' asaoclatlon haa selected
th Epworth Laagu park st Colfsx ss th
place of holding tb annual plcnle and out
ing September 11. The Great Weatera haa
granted a rate of 81.(0 for th rouud trip
and tb grocers snd a majority of tb ether
buaiueae buua t the cii sarml lv
cloae and tak th day at Colfax.
Tripe" Oil Fields Flaal.
CEDAR FALLS. Ia., Aug II. (Bpsclal.)
Th Pioneer Prospecting Oil company ot
r Elpi
5". psu"w
kggg -g
MALTA-VITA is good board for all mankind. Relished by old and
young, sick or well.
MALTA-VITA 'Is the original and only perfectly cooked, tbsrssjbly
malted, flakes, and feasted whole wbsst food,
MALTA-VITA is the perfect food : perfect in taste, perfectly cooked
and malted ; perfect because MALTA-VITA contains all of the elements
necessary to sustain life and invigorate mind and body. Perfect health,
sound, restful sleep, clear complexion, bright eyes, clean, white teeth)
sweet breath are the blessings that follow a regular diet of MALTA
A week's trial of MALTA-VITA as a diet for breakfast and supper
will convince the most skeptical of the superior merits of MALTA-VITA,
Beware of imitations. Insist on getting MALTA-VITA, "The Per
fect Food." Requires no cooking, always ready to eat.
Per safe by grscers.
Battle Creek, Mich. Toronto, Canada
I Tripoli has ceased oneraHnn in h ti.i.h-
borhood of Frederlka after drilling 1,175
I et in the earth for oil. Tbe fund ot the
I compsny bsve been exhausted snd they
I nave shipped the mschlnery to Streeter,
nere they will prospect for coal. The
Wspslr Valley company Is still st work
I DUt n Indications of value hsve been found
I t0 show thst oil wss there In psylng quan
I Works Poolroom, bat Cannot
Be Found When Polite Look.
for Hlaa.
SIOUX CITT. Ia.. Aug. 18. (Special Tele-
f,rm'Th1S,0U5t CUjr P0,lce DeUeve w"
L m B,rth.olln' th Chicago murderer, ha
r"m uwr" lur we"- r nave received
instructions to look for him from the Chi
cago police. J. H. Smith, who runs a pool
2102 Fourth street, aays Bartholin
V.- , ....
him a little over a week.
He says th man
answering the description given of the Chi
cago murderer looked seedy and bard up,
came in his place and aald be wa from
Kama City. He gave tbe name of Bert
Hardy. Smith thought nothing of It until
I he "w Bartholin's pcture in th Chicago
PPer yesterday. He immediately notified
I tns police of what be knew and hence the
Instruction to the Sioux City officer.
smith says th man (topped st the Wsshing.
ton house last night snd the police are
searching for htm. He says be is sure be
is Bartholin.
Towns; Coaple ef Red Oak Are Mar
ried tn April, bat Make a Tardy
RED OAK, Is., Aug. 18. (Special.) En-
ward A. Merrltt and Miss Dessa Marie
Rathbon. two well known Red Oak young
when Mr. Merrltt wa a dental atudent.
Th bride I th daughter of J. Q. Rath-
h00 "a ,h ,room u the ,on of R,T-
w. tv. inerriic, one ot tne earnest set-
tier of tb county and a brother of th
late Darwin Merrltt, one of the officers
wbo lost their lives in th blowing up of
th battleship Maine.
Cathollea Gather at LeMar.
SIOUX CITT, la, Aug. 18. (Special Tele
gram.) A widely diverging step In Catholic
church custom will be discussed and prob
ably inaugurated at the coming retreat,
which opena at LeMare thla evening.
This Is th flrst annual synod of tb dlo-1
cese sine the Installation of Bishop Gar
rlgan, which will be held In connection with
the retreat. Bishop Garrlgan will have
busy week before him. He will preach four
times a day and will say ma one a day
during the week.
The commute In charge of th arrange
ment la: Rev James Barron, LeMars; J.
A- Gerleman, Sioux City; P. X. Feursteln,
LeMars; P. J. O'Connor, Sioux City; J. A.
Griffin, Sallx.
Iewa Pythian Degla Caaaaaisja.
IOWA FALLS. Is., Aug. 18. (Special.)
Tb Knight of Pythias campaign In the
Grand Domain of Iowa has Just opened snd
whll th grand lodge has prohibited th
us of political method In aeeeklng an
office In th gift of tb grand lodge, soms
earnest solicitation will ba mad over th
tat wltb a view to securing the honorary
positions that will b bestowed by the
grand lodg which meet In Des Moines on
October 8.
Pastor Leave Hi Flock.
WATERLOO, Ia.. Aug. 18 (Special.)
Rev. O. A. Bryant, pastor of th Baptiat
church at Jeaup, ha disappeared and It 1
feared b has goes wrong. H borrowed
2i from member ot hi flock and left his
family. He has not been going right for
some time snd It ia believed he has gone
east to Join s womsa with whom be bad
become lnfstuated.
Bey Haa Fatal Fall.
310 UX CITY, la. Aug. 18. (Special Tal-
grm. Tt little It yesr c!d ioa cf Dsnlel
Richardson fell from tb elevated street
railway viaduct last night snd Is now lying
st th Samaritan hospital snd may die. The
boy waa walking along tb edge of th via
duct when th accident occurred.
A HCV. Removes Tan, Pimplaa,
S i o efSGrO Freckles, sloth rawha.
iRfi"' s3!5C5 Raah and Skia CI-
t?3 yVV IA) and every
r c ! Syr& r9 f b'nuii auty.
'33. Tr" I and daft Citao-
e3 VI e7 y ""- It baa etoos
B A ' 71 ra, and la a
narmleaa we taste
It to be ears '
Is properly made.
Aeeepl ne eountaew
rut of similar
me. Dr. L. A.
Sarr said te a la
dy of the neut-toa
Aa you ladles will uaa them. I racom.
mend 'GOURAUD'S CREAM' aa th least
harmful of all th 8kln preparatlona." For
sale bv , all Druggists and Fancy Good
Dealer in the U. 8 and Europe.
87 Great Jones St. N. T.
a ttua IIkiiii) br Cor
jm Imperial Hair ReeenBrator
jwlll remedy this. Any ahada fmaBlaafe
ue ugntMt Ash Bload srdaM4,
Color are darabla. lull, appli4. As
anlntAtv uhiIml HWmiiUr k&i
ne vowaaponaenc eouMantlal.
Imperial Chemical Co.. 135 W. 23d St. N. T.
Sold by Sherman at McConnell Drug Co.
Omaha, . NL
Call up
and a
Bee Advertising Man
will call on you .
to get a Want Ad or
a Hal! Page.
Every Ycnsa
is laMresua sa4 caoaid I
.. , b4 UK wi4tls8
uriinsj Bora
h!M, but MnA mj far II
lunnuad book mW1.1i iItm
full ini-tun and (tlrnruont ia.
vjuii 1 UrtiM. MKVU te.
Boom tat Times Bid.. K. f.
pur bate oy
Corner Sixteenth and Dodge streets, Omaha
Not in Nature
for anyone to always feel tired. Tber
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without ambition.
Weak nervee are responsible for lan
guor, depresaloa, debility ad ari
Diseased nerves, whether dae t over
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men and women into strong, healthy,
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you Dad thla Un t an, yoe get rear
money back. ,
81.00 per box ; Sboxe (with gmena.
lee). Boos f rc
Fee eels by ataha as Cn.. etaa
DlilcQ'a Drug turn, South Om&ii.
Deris Dru4 Ce-. CouaeU Blufta, lav
.wwa. waasw ww ww aw m
WHITS OOVI CUlli.mitwnr,nh
Ins (or treu drlak, tbe tmuu tor wales saaaot
tlat aftr uftias tats remtdr. Olvs ia say Ituul
lib u wltbuul ssoeUMse ef pauaali tti tmtl)
Saaraaaa e BtcCeaaeU "H gnao ' j aufj
y wrr !- in i ' 1
Vf f Jna
' 1