POLICE IIAVE A NEW CLUE Jfi &on Be All to SoW Bartholin Mjrtcry at Chioago. FRIEND OF ACCUSED MAN IN CUSTODY Edward roiatrlmai Held Ae rr After ' the Fart anil la to Be Fat Through tha Intalliif Process. CHICAGO. Aug. IS. Development! today In the Bartholin-Mitchell murder mystery have led the police to believe they are nearer the aolution of the problem that has been putzllng tbem for over a week than ver before. Edward Counselman. the Intimate friend of William J. Bartholin who vu held for possible knowledge of the crime, waa taken before Justice Qulnn today and held for .ten daya in bonda of )10,000. charged with being accessory after the fact in the mur ders of Minnie Mitchell and Mn. Anne Bartholin. Counselman admitted be had met Bartholin and that Bartholin laid he waa In trouble over Minnie Mitchell. - The moat damaging teatlmony aa to Coun elman'a possible guilty knowledge of the murdera of the two women came from a Dew wltneaa whom the police found today W. M. Allen, a fellow workman of Coun aelman'a. Allen aald that Counaelman had told hlra repeatedly that he knew a great deal about the trouble Bartholin waa In. When Allen suggested that Counaelman toll the police what he knew the latter aald he would do no such thing, that Bar tholin waa his friend and that he waa too ahrewd for the police. Allen aald that Counaelman even expressed the opinion that Bartholin bad easily had time to reach the eaboard. Allen said that Counaelman expressed, the greatest anxiety over the case aa It devel oped In the newspapers and that frequently Counselman would walk from the suburb of Harvey, where the two men worked, aa far as Kensington, to secure the papers. For three daya Counselman did not do any work because of nervousness. The police have the testimony of another wltneea, who la positive he saw Counselman and Bartholin together on August 7, the day the body of Minnie Mitchell waa found. It la the purpose of the police to put Counselman through the sweating ordeal today, and they aay they expect valuable results. Counselman'a wife begged him repeatedly to tell the police what be knew, but so far Counaelman baa been obdurate. A note from Bartholin to Counselman asking for money and saying that the writer was In trouble la held by the police. It was this note which Counselman had tried to secure from hia wife by choking her that led to hi arrest. The postponed inquest over the body of Minnie Mitchell will be resumed today. It la probable that a verdict will be re turned with recommendations that the men ,now in cuatody be held to the grand Jury. MOROS RENEWING "ATTACKS Ontpoate and Pack Tralna of Amor leaaa Suffering; from Harass ing of Thla Tribe. MANILA, Aug. IS. The Moroe on Min danao are renewing their attacks upon the outpoata and pack trains of the American column at Lake Lanao, which Is under the command of Captain 1. J. Pershing, of the Fifteenth cavalry. The Americans have Suc cessfully repulsed the Moro attacks and have Buffered,' no.leaaea. . The commanders of the American forces on Mindanao re port aggressive-, aetton agalnat the Moroe to be necessary and aBk permission to move agalnat Bacolod ' and other strong hold! of the hostile Mohammedans. There are about 2,000 American soldiers on Min danao available for the dealred aggreaalve move. It la believed that thia la sufficient to defeat the Moroa. though It would poasl bly be necessary to strengthen their base before undertaking the movement. WASHINGTON, Aug. 18. A cable dis patch has been received from General Chaf fee stating that in his Judgment an active campaign agalnat the Moroa tn Mindanao was necessary in order to curb the opposi tion that has been growing agalnat United States authority. The dispatch was con. sldered of sufficient Importance to be re peated to President Roosevelt at Oyater Bay. . .General Chaffee haa been directed to use his own discretion In the matter and will no doubt engage in an aggressive move ment against the Insurgent Moroa. Some time before Secretary Root left Washington the Moro situation - waa under considera tion, and from a dispatch then at hand the secretary was of the opinion that the Moroe must be dealt with severely before they would respect the authority of the United States. , ' General Chaffoe la now in Mindanao, hav ing left Manila some daya ago. If the cam paign ahould continue tor some time he no doubt will remain In the Philippines Instead of leaving on September SO, as. he had planned. It Is understood a the war de partment that General Chaffee has sufficient troops to make aa active campaign. .' ; MUTINY ON D0S HERMAN0S Boatswain Plana Dead to Item Treasure Aanountlnar to' S1SO, 'ooo, bat Falls. MANILA, Aug. IS. The following details of the mutiny of the native crew of the Interinsular steamer Dos Kermanos, which occurred at Port Vlrac, Island of Cataa duanes, last Thursday, have been received. The crime waa plotted under the leader ship, of the native boatswain of Doa Her manosi . The mutineers ' purposed to steal $160,000 which they, supposed to be on board. The- officers of the steamer were dining when they were attacked. In addi tion to killing the chief engineer and wounding the captain, the mate, tbe sec ond engineer and a passenger, all of whom were Spaniards, the crew killed the stew ard and the carpenter of the ship. . The last named were murdered while defend ing the officer. The native constabulary who went to the rescue of the officers of Dos Hermanos killed three and succeeded In capturing thirty-four of the mutineers, whom they conveyed to Albay, Luion. Saeelal Pel lee wen Fatally Stabbed. MARICOPA. Aria.. Aug. 18-Leonardo Torrea and Captain Oonwi of the Cananrt (Mexico) apodal pollca were fatally atabbed by friends of a desperado whom they ar rested and were attempting tj convey to prison. The murderers made their escape Scrofula Few are entirely free from It. It may develop so (lowly aa to cause little If any disturbance during tbe whola period of cb.110.hood. It may then produce Irregularity of tbe Stomach and bowels, dyspepsia, catarrh, and marked tendency to conauuiptluu before manlft-stln itself In much cutaneous eruption or glandular swelling. It is best to be sure that you are quite free from it, and for Its complete eradica tion you can rely on Hood's Sarsaparilla The best of all medicines lor ail humors THEY TURN DOWN THE OFFER Gates Faction at Colorado Fael aad Iron Company Woatd Fettle, bat Osajood Mrs Refase. DENVER, Colo., Aug. 17. Two Important features today of tke fight for eontrol of the Colorado Fuel and Iron company were the rejection by the Oegood faction of a proffer of compromise from the Gatea fac tion and the filing of the answer to the Gates' suit for an Injunction against the officers In the federal eourt. A meeting of the board of directors was to have been held today, but do quorum was present, as all but two 'of the directors who are supporting John C Osgood In his efforts to retain control remained away. John W. Gates requested J. A. Kebler. president of tbe company. In whose office the directors favorable to Gates had as sembled, to go to the office of Mr. Osgood, who Is chairman of the board of -directors, and ask him to attend" the meeting, in order that a compromise might be discussed. Mr. Osgood refused to accept the Invitation and aald that he would not listen to any compromise. Mr. Gates seemed to be net tled at the turn affairs had taken, and stated later that he would continue the fight Indefinitely and waa sure to gain con trol. . The answer filed In the federal court de nies that the court haa Jur'sfiletton, alleg ing that the sum Involved le lets than $2,000, and declares that the suit 'was Im properly brought. 1 It alleges that in the demands made by the different persona to see tbe books of tbe company no proper evidence waa In troduced to show that they were the real owners of the stock which they purposed to hold. It states that no book had' been prepared ahowlng the names of peraons who hold the stock but that the secretary was Instructed at a recent meeting to prepare such a book and that he la doing so with all possible speed. ' The answer alleges that Gates does not hold the num ber of proxies that he claims to hold, and that Osgood has a majority of the votes. In an affidavit Mr. Osgood states that he has been asked by John W. Gates, Charles M. Schwab and others to dispose of the company to the steel trust and that the efforts to depose him followed his refusal. Judge Rtner announced that he would limit arguments for each side to four hours. Joel F. Vails made the opening speech for the plaintiffs, andhe will be followed to morrow y F. M. .WV Cutcheop of J7ew i ora. WANT CONVICT FOR MURDER Haa Arrested at Falrplay, Colorado, for Killing of Two Man la Wrosilag, DENVER, Colo:, Aug. 18. (Special.) The police today received a letter from Frank B. Keyes, a deputy sheriff at Falrplay, Colo., stating that Thomas O'Brien, an ex nnnvict who was arrested here last week on a charge of safe blowing. Is wanted at Rawlins, Wyo charged with the. murder of S. Morrla Wain and C. V. Strong. ' Wain and Strong belonged to prominent families !a the esst. Strong's father In 18S8, the year of the murder, was a Walt street operator. Wain came from Haverford, a suburb of Phila delphia, and his brother Jacob Is a com mission merchant in that city. Strong and Wain came weat on a hunting trip, and on August 14, 188S, their dead bodies were found. The bodies had been stripped of every stitch of clothing, and an examina tion revealed that Strong's skull had- been split open with an axe and Wain's' head nearly blown off by a charge of buckshot. No traoe . of , tbe -wagon-,-, Krearn jar the money of the Victims waa ever" toudd.' ' ' O'Brien was not suspected of the murder until after ho had been lodged In the peni tentiary at Canyon City for horse stealing. The Wyorr' j authorities secured requisi tion papers and were prepared to arrest him on his release from prison, but . he waa liberated several days earlier than they anticipated and he made gpod his escape. death record:; ,., Funeral of John- R. Cox.. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., Aug. 18. (Spe cial.) A large number of relatives and friends viewed the familiar face of John R. Cox yesterday at his home tor the last time Tbe regular rltsal funeral services were held In St. Luke's Episcopal church at 3:30 in the afternoon by Rev. H. B. Burgeea. The choir sang several appro priate hymns sweetly, the first one being "Nearer, My God. to Thee." . The floral of ferings were beautiful and ia abundance. Not half the number of those who desired to hear the service could gain admittance into the church. A very long procession followed the body to Oak Hill cemetery, where the body waa, laid to rest. The pall bearers were Samuel Waugh. W." J. White, Judge B. 8.- Ramsey, George Dodge, F. G. Frlcke and William Ballanoe. W. D. Dlrkson. 1 W. D. Dlrkson, one or the best known Insurance men In Nebraska, died suddenly Saturday night at Qlenvllle. Neb. The deceased had lived In Omaha many years and waa at one time assistant superintendent of the Prudential Insurance company here, which position he resigned to accept the position of stats representa tive for an eastern oompaay. Mr. Dlrkson leavee two aons, Harry W., a dark In the United States National bank, and John, with Martin-Anderson company. His wlfs died last November. The de ceased was 49 ysars of age. Mrs. Ha rasa a Wlebe, Beatrice. BEATRICE, Neb., Aug. 18. (Special Tel egram.) Mra. Herman Wlebe. a prominent resident of thla city who underwent an op eration several weeks ago, died this evening aged 41. She Is survived by her husband and ten children. 8. . This name must appear on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Qulntns Tab leta, the remedy that cures a cold in oae day. 25 centa. Segre Breaks lata a Room. MARSHALLTOWN. Ia,. Aug. 18. (8pe clal.) An unidentified negro entered the home of Mra. Beckwlta late last night and broke Into a room occupied by Miss Beckwltn and assaulted her. Hs waa fright ened by her acreama aad Jumped through a window Just as her mother came jo the resoue. An effort is being made to track the man, but there ia slight hope of his recognition. ' , Bold Horaetbtevea. ' MUSCATINE, Ia.? Aug. 18. (Special.) A horse thief became very bold here and took from a hitching rack on .one of the prin cipal streets a horse and buggy belonging to George Lefevre. The horse was last seen about o'clock In the evening and must have been taken aoon thereafter. No clue to tbe thief. . . , i Answer to Jena. W. U4ea. DENVER. Aug. 18, Attorneys for, the officers of the Culorado Fuel and Iron eom janr filed in li Inderal cuui I uia. il arswer. Instead mt a demurrer la the rnm plaint of John W. Gates and others. The charge of a conspiracy to prevent Qatt-a and hla friends from voting the stock held by there ai, the annual meeting of the ccmpuny, to be held oa August 80, la de nied. Judge Kiner Is hearing arguments thia afturnoon an the application of Gates and his f fends -for sa tnjuaclloa agalnat the otneera of the company. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE; TUESDAY, IN A BLAZE OF SPLENDOR 6hah of Per.! Attired in Gorgeous Ooitnma Visits King Edward. TAKES UP RESIDENCE AT MARLBOROUGH Trala Raas at Rata of Twenty Miles an Hour So Potentate May Have Time to Dreas for the Orcaaloa. LONDON, Aug. 18. The shah of Persia. Musarffar-Kl-Dln, and his suite, who ar rived at Dover yesterday, reached London today and took up their residence at Marl borough house, as guests of King Edward. In accordance with the Persian mon arch's express wish, the train from Dover only traveled twenty miles an hour. He therefore had plenty of time to array him self In full state uniform, and when he left the train at Victoria station he waa resplendent In a blase of diamonds. On his tarboosh (cap) a huge diamond stood out like a headlight, his epaulettes were adorned with large emeralds, and his breast was covered with Jewels of all kinds. The gems worn by the membere of the shah's suite were only a little lees rich than thoee of his majesty. The prlnoe of Wales, Lord Lanedowne, the foreign minister. Lord Roberts, the commander-in-chief, and the members of the Persian legation and others, met the royal traveler at the station. The prince of Wales and the shah shook hands and the visitor was- Introduced to the prominent persons present. The prince of Wales subsequently conducted the shah to a royal carrlaga and they drove off, escorted by a detachment of Life Guards and followed by other carriages. Tbe route to Marlborough house was lined with troops. The weather was miserable, so the sight seers were not numerous. WANT TO ENLIST IN ARMY Bagrlleh Soldiers Whs Fonght the Boers Anxlooa to Go to the Philippines. LONDON, Aug. 18. Time-expired South African soldiers have been the victims of a curloue delusion which is causing the officials of the United States embassy con aiderable annoyance. ... Former British soldiers who have served agalnat the Boers have been applying In numbers at the embassy for enlistment in the army in the Philippines. They all tell the same storr, saying a report waa in circulation at Capetown and Durban that the United Statea waa enlisting ex-Brltlsh soldiers tor service in these Islands. At the London embassy scores of applicants have already been turned away greatly disappointed. Distinguished fssseager List. LONDON, Aug. 18. The steamer Majestto, which is to sail from Liverpool Wednesday for New Tork, will have among its pas sssjrsrs ?!?- asd Mr. Chsr!f T. Yertr.es, General James H. Wilson, who was to have represented the army of tbe United States at the poetponed coronation of King Ed ward; Dr. Joseph C. Hartxell of Cincin nati, missionary bishop of tbe Methodist Episcopal church in Africa; William R. Hearst, 8ir Edward Barton, prime min ister of the commonwealth of Australia, and Sir John Forest, minister of state for defense of the Australian commonwealth. To Fight Clark Extradition. : TORONTO', ' Out..' Auk. 18. George W. Clark;' arrested bn an 'extradition war rant from Pittsburg, has been released' on bail.- Tha , young man's father., who ia said to be very wealthy, has taken apart ments here and will make a fight against extradition, alleging malice on the part of tbe Pittsburg authorttlee. Frank Colby, Inspector of police of Lynn, Mass., ia also In town to prosecute the extradition cass agalnat Clark. Cholera Spreads la Manchuria. ST. PETERSBURG, Aug. 18. Cholera continues to spread in Manchuria and iso lated cases have been reported In Siberia outside of Blagovetchensk, where it has a firm hold. Up to the laat reports there had been 274 cases and 178 deaths at Blagovetchensk, 446 cases and 28S deaths at Port Arthur and 88 cases and SO deaths at Dalny. War Ship isTea a Steamer. ST. JOHNS, N. F-., Aug. 18. The British first-class cruiser Ariadne, flagship of Vice Admiral Douglas, saved a large ocean steamer, supposed to be a Montreal liner, filled with passengers, from going ashors off Cape Race in a dense fog yesterday. The steamer waa heading direct from the coast when the war ehlp signaled its danger. II I ST h Hoaor for Musician. ROME. Aug. 18. The Italian government has decided to offer Pier Adolfo Tlrlndelll, director of the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, who has Just arrived here, the di rectorship of the great Venice Conserva tory of Music. NEW TARIFF F0R CHINA Present Ad Valorem Schedule la to Bo Chanced to Spaelua Ratea. WASHINGTON, Aug. 18. The new tariff, which was signed by Mr. T. B. .Sharretts, the United Statee commissioner for tariff revision in China, and by the representa tives of six other nstlons, chsnges tbe pres ent ad valorem tariff of China to specific rates. This is in accordance with the pro tocol. The speclflo rate agreed upon Is baaed upon the average value of products im ported into China during the last twenty years. Under the terms of the protocol this change from ad valorem to specific rates doee not need the signature of China. The change will no doubt make some slight difference tn the rates of duty, but la not regarded as a revision of the tariff to any general extent. It le expected that in a commercial treaty the tariff will be changed to a considerable extent. The commissioners oa the pert of ths United States to negotiate thla treaty are Minister Conger, Consul General Good sew at Shanghai, and Mr. Feely. The treaty which they negotiate, it is expected, will be completed within a short tlms. G. A. R. Kaeasnpnaeat Headuaartera. WASHINGTON, Aug. 18. Arrangements hava been completed by Oeneral Ell Tor rance, commander-in-chief of the Grand Army of the Republic, for opening gen eral encampment headquarters, where all applications for free quarters bsresfter will be received. The place will be ready for occupancy tomorrow. It alao waa announced that by direction of the president all available regular troops In the vicinity of Washington will partici pate in the parade. Commerce of World for lttOl. WASHINGTON, Aug. 18. The State de partment made, public today a report from 1'nlted States Consul Winter, at Anna berg, dated July 19, showing the com merce of the world for 1901. according to German statistics. Ths total import and export trade of all couatrlee le given aa approximately 123.800.000.000. Oreat Brit aia and Its colonies heada the list With the great total of nearly 87,000.000,000. Germany Is placed second with 82.818,000, 000 and the United Statea third with 83, 118,200,000. According to United Statee treasury figures, tbe United Ststes" shsrs was 82,840,000,000, FOUR HURT IN AN "EXPLOSION Gasoline lanltea Darin a Pyreteek- leal Display at a Cbantnn ejnaa Aatenkly, PEORIA. 111., Aug. 18. Four persons were badly hurt last night by an explosion of gasoline during a pyrotechnlcal display at the Old Salem chatauqua.- Those hurt were: Colonel W. F. Merriam of Wllllamsfleld, III., a thumb and two fingers on one of his hands blown off., Henry Levering, director of the Chautau qua, was struck with a flying missile and three fingers were torn from his right hand. . Fears are entertained for the life of Arthur MoDavltt of Auburn, a victim of the explosion.. He Inhaled flame and emoke and at noon today his life is despaired ef. Lyle Watklns of Auburn, who was badly burned, may recover ' POWER TO APPEAR IN COURT Attorney for Plaintiff la Northern Faelflo Case Promisee to Prodaeo Hla Client. NEW YORK. ug. 18. United States Marshal Henkel today received the follow ing telegram from Montreal. Canada, from George Alfred Lamb, the attorney In ths case of Peter Power against the directors of the Northern Pacific Railroad company: "Shall positively surrender Power to you Tuesday morning, aa agreed. Body of Plnkertons here. Look to you to see there is no interference bn train by anybody." It le supposed that the Plnkerton men are armed with bench warrants for Power's arrest and it may be that they will at ones arrest him as soon as the train croeses the border line. Power la wanted for contempt of court in refusing to appear before Judge Lacombe of the United States circuit court n response to an order. KNIGHTS RETURNING HOME Pythian Delegates and Vlaltora Are Preparing- to ' Leave tho Golden Gate City. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 18. The stay of the Knights of Pythias In this city Is draw ing to a close, j Many of tbe visitors have already left for their homes and others are preparing to depart before tbe final busi ness .if ihe conclave- is completed. . The final session of the supreme temple of tbe Rath bone Sisters was held this morn ing In Native Sons' hall and the sessions of tbe supreme lodge' of the order were continued at the Palace hotel. The day was devoted-to concert and entertainment at the pavilion. LOCAL BREVITIES. John McDonald, an expressman living at Thirty-fifth and Blondo streets, wss ar rested last night on a warrant from the po ice court, charging him with larceny as bailee. ..ri... . ,. Fred S. Patterson, who was married to JAdella in Quaker Street, a town In New ork state, on May 20, 1884, petitions for Ivorce from her, alleging that she de serted him last November. . At the request of his father young Lee Sullivan was arrested Inst night as an In corrigible. , The elder Sullivan says that the boy Is beyond his control. The Sulll vans live at 2416 South Twentieth avenue. The Theodore "Roosevelt club of the Sixth ward will meet at o'clock thla evening at Idlewlld hair ,to hear the reports of .com mittees and aeranjre for a meeting to com plete the organisation. -All members are requested to be present. ' , T Peter Cktroll has been taken to the etate fienltentlary to earve three years for burs ary. Ills brother1 Thomas is about to be re. leased after serving two years for the same offense. They sre sons of a highly re spected Omaha pioneer. A match carelessly thrown down after use caused a 810 fire In the atory-and-half frame dwelling 1569 North Seventeenth street, occupied y John O. Stadter and the property of John I. Redlck. The alarm waa rung In about- I o'clock, last evening. Sergeant Beboul of the police fores is In receipt of telegraphic news of the death of hia mother at Horton, Kan., at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Sergeant Bebout left at 10 o'clock by the Burlington and will be absent five days.. He was notified of his mother's Illness only at an early hour yes terday. . N. L. Waelchll of 18l6Chlcago street nar rowly escaped being run over by a Harney street car yesterday afternoon. He waa riding a bicycle north on Eleventh street and as he crossed the Harney car track he waa struck by a westbound car and thrown violently to the pavement. He was stunned for a tine and was badly bruised, but it was thought that- bis injuries were not of a serious nature. ' . A Jury In Justice Charles Potter's court yesterday found for the plaintiff In the aum of 847.EO in the suit of John Roude-baua-h against the Moler Barber college for restitution of tuition paia. The plaintiff requested ths Jury and put up ths 812 for It. His attorney Insists that the winning party always pays the Jury costs in such suits and threatens to mandamus Roudebaughr who In thla Instance declines to follow custom. George Endicott, a 14-year-old boy from St. Joseph, is believed to be roaming around somewhere In Omaha and his rela tives have written to Chief of Police Dona hue to locate, arrest and hold him until they aend for him. George ran away from home. He wore at that time a blue shirt, a pair of gray striped knee trousers and a hickory hat The two first fingers of his left hand-are off at ths first Joint. He left home August 2. Frank Volenec, 4 minor, -asks the county court for 81.0U0 Judgment against the Omaha Street Railway comrjanv because of injuries to spine, neck end head alleged I to have been sustained when a conductor I rorcea mm irom the step or a moving car between A snd B streets on Twenty-fourth In South Omaha, October 20 last. Of ths 11.000 a tenth is for doctor's bills. The petition further sets forth ss a particular injury ths boy's Inability longer to concen trate hla mind on bis studies at school. Last evening as Miss Durkln of 1920 Dodge street was nesrlng the top of a flight of stairs lesdlng up from the street in a building at 1ZJ6 Sauth Thirteenth street a little dog Jumped suddenly at her. Mlaa Durkln was startled and moving backward Involuntarily lost her balance . and fell backward down the steps. Others hearing the noise of her fall ran to the assistance of the young woman and took her home. Miss Durkln suffered a sprain of one of her ankles and a number of bruises, none serious. . A GIRL'S PLUCK. Food That Cat Work la Half. The food that' will enable a person 'to accomplish In ons year ths work laid out for two years is worth knowing about Miss Annlt Avery, a atudent In Lanark, Ont., writes: "I kuow I felt my 111 health even' more than If I bad been engaged In any other work, as the confinement of school only Increased my sickness and In ability to study. "Last year I was oa the way to a gen eral breakdown In health; I suffered from ssvere headachee, was becoming a con firmed dyspeptic, nervous system broken down and my condition went on from bad to worse until I wss unable to study or even go to school. "My parents were very anxious about me aa medicine did not help snd mother hearing about Grape-Nuts obtslned eome and I cemmenced to use It at once; I was very much surprised at the quick effect the food had on mi. I began to get better and aa a reeult from Its continued nss I am no longer troubled with sick stomach and headaches, nor am I ths nervous girl I was last ysar. 1 feel so well and study so well, thst I am making aa attempt to get my certificate with but one year's work, when at the very least two years are always allowed for it. I have gained 80 lbs. since using Grape-Nuts and now enjoy good physical and mental health." AUGUST 10, 1002. SCHOOL BOARD IN WRASGLE Acrimonious Debate Over Besolntion to advance Clerks' Salariea. MEASURE FINALLY SECURES ADOPTION ftuperlntendeat Pearao Submits His Annual Report, In Which He Makes Mrennons De-fen se of the Ktnderaarteas. In the course of proceedings at a regular meeting laat evening the Board of Educa tion became Involved In an animated and at times acrimonious discussion at to proper application of Its own rules of government, and even en appeal to Roberts' Rules of Or der failed to completely restore harmony, The question' arose In connection with a report of the committee on sslariea, set ting forth, la substance, that the commit tee Was of the opinion that the amount allowed by the rules for the salaries of clerks In the offices of the superintendent of Instruction, the secretary of the board and the principal of the High school were not sufficient to get ths needed help In those offices, and, while the 'committee would not recommend at this time any change In the rules,- It would recommend that the superintendent and secretary be allowed such ' additional sums for clerk hire, respectively, as taken In connection with the amounts now paid would make the total in each Instance 180; and that the principal of the High school be allowed an additional aura to make the total amount to be paid In his office $70. Barnard Warms I'p, When thla report was presented Presi dent Barnard declared that he considered the plan which it proposed to be merely "beating the devil about the stump," as Its adoption would be practically a sus pension of the rules. Robert Smith took the floor to protest against tbe remarks of the chair, which he declared to be in .bad taste since no question had been ralaed on the floor. He advocated the adoption of the report as a perfectly proper manner of correcting what he believed to be an Injustice which had been done In the rules fixing salaries. Mr. Wood questioned the privilege of the chair to enter upon discussion of a measure before the house when bis dis cussion of that question might prejudice him In ruling. Mr. Howard said that the evident pur pose of the report was to avoid a suspen sion of the rules, and as far as he could see no attempt had been made to disguise that fact He was In fawor of the adop tion of the report. Mr. Mcintosh thought that If the board believed the salaries of the young women In question to be Insufficient the proper course would be to suspend the rules and Increase the salaries in the regular way. Wood Charges Discrimination. Mr. Wood suggested that the president had discriminated in his rulings upon en forcement ef the piles and had even voted to expend money In the manner now pro posed. He argued that the board could expend the funds of the board In any man ner it should deem proper by a majority Vote. . After some further discussion the chair ruled the report . out of order and Mr. Wood appealed from the decision, which was upheld by a vote of five ayes and seven nays. A motion to suspend the rules was then lost by a vote of T to 5. A substitute resolution by Mr. Mcintosh to Ax, the salaries qf the clerks In tbe of fices of the superintendent el Instruction. the secrPtary "of the board and the princi pal of the' high school was lost. - ' President Barnard entered Into further discussion of the matter and Robert Smith questioned his right to discuss a measure from the chair, whereupon the president declared it to be an outrage that a mem ber of the. board should so question the president's right. . A second motion to put the previous question was ruled out by the ohalr, and on an appeal this action was overruled by a vote of 8 to 3. ;' Report Finally Adopted. ' The question on the adoption of the re port waa then put by the secretary and carried by a vote of 8 to 2, the president not voting. A resolution by Mr. Wood providing that Inasmuch as the board bad found It would have $9,000 more at its disposal than was, supposed, the salaries of employes should' be restored to their former figures was re ferred to the committee on salaries. On recommendation of the committee on kindergartens it was determined that Misses Edith Ewers, Mary Chapman and Helen Edwards,' having fulfilled the re quirements, should bs placed upon the list of assigned teachers to be used as their services may be needed. - The high school committee was authorised to employ W. W. ' Roberts br Jasper Robert son as teacher In charge of the commercial work at the high school at a salary not to exceed $1,100 per year. Soma Appointments. On recommendation of the committee on heating and ventilating the following ap pointments were made: Joseph Cornaby, engineer at the high school, at a salary of $85 per month; Phil Foran, fireman at the high school at a salary of $60 per month; Mrs. Cruse, present Janltress at the Mon mouth Park school, to be Janltress at the high school gymnasium at a salary of $40 per month; and Mrs. Emma Emerson to be Janltress at the Monmouth Park school. A warrant was authorised In favor of A. Schall ft Co. in the sum of $191.10 aa payment In full of all claims for labor per formed and material furnished for the new high school. , Claims and expense bills aggregating $4,430.07 were allowed. - On recommendation of the Judiciary com mittee the - offlcera of the board were authorised to sign contracta for the year with Carl E. Herring, attorney; E. F. Galnee, custodian; and Duncan Flnlayson, superintendent of buildings. By recommendation of the special com mittee on the Monmouth Park school the secretary was Instructed to Inform the agent for the five additional lota which it is Intended to purchase that the board Is willing to pay $1,750 tor that property. On recommendation of tbe committee on buildings and property the bill of the boiler Inspector in the sum of $180 for inspec tion of all the boilers In the school build ings was allowed. Report oa Finances. Secretary Burgess presented a statement of the amounts apportioned for tho various departments for tbe year ending June 80, 1903, tbe amount expended during July, 1903, and the amount remaining Auguat L 1903, together, with a comparative statement of the expenditures for July, 1901 snd 1903; condition of ths High School building fund August 1, 1902, and the general fund war rants outstanding August 1, 1902. This statement was as follows: Apoor- Remain tloned Expended. Ing. Advertising 1 US 8 Li. 00 $ 1J2 00 Architect s serv's.. J,t) I.'mVOO Books 8.0U) 7 00 7,Slu0 (jariage x.iii . r.'i au Cer.su eniim-. 1 2'X) 816.77 t.S.ii Construction ZS.OuU XS.imi.w Drawing, kinder surlen and music supplies 3.7W 3.Tf"l Election expense.. l.Tt 812.04 3.17 4 Electric power .... 1M 10. W Examining com... 75 78 00 "Exp. and freight.. 5- . 16 en 44 Vuel IS.O'JU 17.72 V.iU-M J.nnn nn 669.17 2,4.-.9 on 22.04 9..W83 1.XA1 00 46.41. 75 30.54100 777.96 Jonoo 1.6J6.20 100 0ft 127.50 8.400.44 9.748 34 2.OD0.00 8.9XI 0 I71.nnO0 1.378.60 46.040 00 1.000.00 173.80 aw 6!9.5 846. 68 96.20 ' iii'.w Totals 3508,900 37.250.71 8501,(4929 of expenditures Comparative statement tor July, 1901 and 1902: Advertising Architect's services Books Cartage Census enumerators ........ Construction Draw., kind, and music aup Election expense Klectrtc power Examining committee Express and freight Fuel , Furniture 'improvements Insurance .,.. , Intereet and. exchange Janitors Ilght and fuel gas Printing Piano rent and tuning Rent Repairs Bftlnrlea officers and clerks. Stationery and supplies. ...-r Teachers .'..v.,.. Miscellaneous supplies Bond redemption fund Insurance fund 19"1. .$ Li no $ . 406.18 190. 13 00 7.00 810 916.77 4.70 . 904.60 6.60 '$3.00 'a! 48 7.61 812.04 "75 0O 16 40 17.72 423.18 6t.17 1. 333.18 2,652.00 3 52 148X5 48.13 '!43! 07 916 66 193 92 250 79.78 Ml. 25 1.459.OT Z2 04 173. K0 "22' 66 69966 96 6 96.20 'uiib Totals 8X.079.75 37.250.71 warrants outstanding August 1, l!? ' ; $1S7.M3S1 Cash In treasury August 1, 1902.... 106,742.20 Deficit Anviifet V "iftrrt .. Balance in High school "buil'dinV fund August U 1802 :..,.$ $,866.97 Superintendent's Annnal Report. Superintendent Pearse submitted tha twenty-fifth annual report of the publlo echool department In which was Included the following statistical summarv of tha work of the year: Population of the city (census 1900)... 102,655 Population of school age (5 to 21 years) ..... 30,559 Population subject to compulsory at- Enrollment of pupl'ls g'to 14 years'.'.!'.'.'lol713 In High school (grades 8, 10, In grammar grades Vs, 6,'7,'8)!!!'.63ti4 - r z r In klnnArs- A rt ena ... r S'nuea i, a, s, i;....s,twj In night spools...! . 2.1ns .. 627- 19,704 In High school..... i.jtj ramrnar and primary grades.. 12,331 ah ninuriguriens 1,1117 In night schools (No. 173) 62 14,863 Number of withdrawals during year.. 4.097 Number remaining June 13, 193l 15.263 White pupils enrolled 19,180 Colored pupils enrolled 624 Number of teachers: In Itlrh irhnnl M9 In grammar and primary 'grades! !si0 In night schools (No." 12) !".'.'!" S tn Number of pupils per teacher: On enrollment At In High school.....; jj; Jn grammar and primary grades 4 8 In kindergartens j$ n In night schools 44 0 Pn ?.vJ'a,f llv attendance '. t&'.t In kindergartens 2 1 In night schools...' 15'j Increase In total enrollment 820 Increase in total average dally attend- ence Decrease in total number of "teachers'. 1 Cost of Education, The report continues: The cost of educstlon for the year for fS.cA PUP.1! ,n average dally attendance was 326.68. This Is 27 cents more per pupil than the coat the preceding year. Thia small Increase sppears In different funds. Cost of teachers increased 83.633, this Increase being due principally to the small natural increase provided In the rules for Increased length of service. Coet -of Janitor service Increased 38r697."-ruel and lights coet 8927 mors.. Text books cost 32,472 mors. The COSt Of text bOOkS fluctuates thla hjln- due In large measure to the different num- oer 01 doc its wearing out In different years. Stationery, etc., coat $1,134 less than ths year before. Ordinary repairs cost 35u8 mors. Ths' subjects of night schools and na ture work are discussed in the report and 1 the work of tbe teachers' lecture course le briefly reviewed. Reference is also! made, tn ttia niinenA nf t.A a. ui.-v ' if nww in M u school building, ths Increased demands which made It a necessity and the greater facilities' which It affords. Defends tha Kindergartens. In . defense of the klnderaartan avatem Superintendent Pearse says in part: The kindergartens have established them eelvee firmly in the regard of tbe people as a part of ths publio school system. ...... n.uvuw 11 1 i inirooucea It was not unusual to bear criticism of ' parania who waniea weir chil dren advanced to tbe regular school work. After tho kindergarten haa been for a Yen r In anv u.vT,i,ml. . 4 i. ,1 i . . "f ...... ....... wii, vuv tuuu ok a amlly haa (passed through It, these objec- 7 away, turn parents realise tbat these schools not only form a moat annrnnelata lht.iutii.iU. i i Ufa, and irepare the child fresh from the horns and Its freedom to be a comfortaLls 1(7 r1"".";"14 '' of the new world m.iwu iuua m iiu scnooi, wttn its nec essary restraints, but that ths child in ths klndergartsn receives training and educa tion which ae In ,..... ,.1 i v , still more valuable In fitting him to Uke up easily and eucceaafully tha work of the grades beyond. Even ths assailants of ths """" w uui any longvr attack tha value of theae echoola or claim that thav ara tint a nwir m A . ... i . m the school System, but now attack them tne financial side, referring to them ae i "Omaha's Costly Kindergartens." "-" ". cunrsa mat many children In I n a klnit.rnrt.n. , , ., . m . legal school age. Is without foundation. tra tnmt ln w unusual cases children nearly years old have besn rs- f etved fnr th Im ... V, . . 1 1 i I upon payment to. the Board of Educe- linn nf . . . . ,T . i. rL wmcn would ad mit tbem tf their parents were non-real, dents. The number of these haa probably j--- ;ai vr ten oui or ins 2.104 children enrolled In the kindergartens - . - n a lew casee, 100, Da Kit: iSvA J1? eeP6f ...... ...... iu arv BUI WICJI. liltO til kJnderartn Mor th proper tlm?. 21 matwr of fact, th grtifmt oar lm x- 4rrlslf4 tn ear. l..1a e.J7 . u - . ' Childrtn Who a. rat tv.lnw U - i . . m'l " .T nwa over in tbe his tory of the school. " rMlea Care Wlfkaat tke Knife. Itching, blind, .bleeding or protruding piles. No cure, no pay. All druggists are long standing. Cures ordinary cases in els daya; the worst cases in fourteen days. One euthorUed by the manufacturers of Pato Ointment to refund money where It falls to euro any -ease of pllse, no matter of bow application gives) ease and rest. Relieve Itching instantly. This la a new discovery and is the only pile remedy sold oa a posi tive guarantee, do euro, no pay. Price too. If your druggist don't keep It ln stock send us (0c In stamps and we will forward same by mail. Manufactured by Psrls Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo., who also manufacture the celebrated cold cure. Laxative Bromo- Quinine Tablets. TheBadge Furniture $.(mo Improvements ...... 10.o"0 Insurance l.ejo Interest and exch. 47.rt Janitors 83.0"O Light and fuel gas fM) Maps, charta and glohes ... jrvi Printing l.faio Piano rent snd tuning im Rent i.-4) Repairs IO.OuO Salaries officers and clerks lMCTl Ppeciel taxes 3.0U0 Stationery and supplies 8.000 Teachers .; 271, (Vo Misc. supplies 1,600 Bond redemption fund 4R.W0 Insurance fund ... l.t) '; , ,'l'UE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTU and vigor tbat haa bean sought for ee eagerly can. be lound lu our blue fubtton beer. The beat way to remain young la to keep up your constitutions! atreiigth wltB a I otors brawlng Co. in hot waelner a a uiiuia, suit u uiaaya vili'.sble. - 'TBlephona Is? 60 IF Y OU ARE CONSCIOUS OF FAIL ING STRENGTH AND ENERGY THIS MONTH, MAKE, USE OF Paine's Celery Compound No Other Medicine Can Guarantee Such Happy Results. , Men and women, young and old, of every rank ln life, freely admit that they are more conscious . of overtaxed nervous ttrength ln the hot weather than at any other season. ' . , . When such a condition Is - experienced, Palne's Celery Compound affords advent-,, agee and results that no other remedy eau' otter with honeety. , It Vigorous! cleanses the blood and regulates the tardy circula tion. It strengthens and encourages the kidneys and enables them to filter- front, the blood all waste' end morbid -matters) , It secures strong, firm nerves gives sweet, and natural sleep to tbe nerve-tired and brain-weary. In a word, Palne's Celery Compound Is a true summer life-giver and health builder. Mr.. E. M. Stephenson, of the American Baptist Publication Society, 177 Wabash Ave., Chicago, III., says: . "I used Palne'a Celery Compound for-on acute attack of nervous prostration-at a time when I had a large number of ea- ; gagements ahead. I took it according to. directions, and kept on till two bottlea had been uaed. All trembling, throbbing and vertigo disappeared the first week. I , kept on with my engagements after that, week and gained all the time.. From the, start my appetite Improved, and I assimi lated my food and Increased In Weight. The Compound strengthened my voice; alao, preventing weariness i In - speaking and singing. A vsry noticeable affect was ' the strengthening of the eyes,- making it eaay to read oa tbe trains." DR. McGREW SPECIALIST. Diseases and Disorders of atea Oalr. ST Years' Experience. 1U Years tm Onsaba. VlDIPflfCIC cured by a treatment WAnlbUuLXu which is the QUICKEST, safest and moat natural that baa yet been discovered. No pala whatever., Treatment at office or at home and a permanent curs guaranteed. BLOOD DISEASES i.D30 60 Hot Springs Treatment for Syphilis And aui iiiuod 1'oisons. tin "Ulw.ivi.'.ij OUT" on ths skin or lace and all external ' signs of the disease dlaappear at once. A treatment that la more aucceastul and far more satisfactory than the 'old form" of treatment and at less than HALF THi CQ8T. A fennaaent. cure, for ,llfe, .'k OVER 30,000 raty??! and atl unnatural - weaknesses' of men' Stricture, Gleet, Kidney and Bladder ,lls-; easee, Hydrocele, cured parmnuauUy. , CHARGUg LOW. COHgUl.TATlOn FSEg Treatment by malL P. O. Box 764. . Office over n 8. 14th street, between Far nam and Douglas Sta.. OMAHA. NEB. ' SB.oo a nom Specialist ; Id ail DISEASES' and DISORDERS' of MEN. 13 years la Omaha. , SYPHILIS cured by tfca QUICK. ' feeTT, saf eat and moat natural method thai Fat been dlaoovered. Boon every atgn and symptom dleapoaan i cp lately and (graver. No ''BREAKING. . vr or tne aisease on ua sun or face ours tbat is guarantees to be oarmauaul r hie. VAniOOCELE SfSoV .SffiS A dctovdda. trvm werlc; fsrmitfttt cur i fttsaVfenAl9wl WIKAJC MB at from Excaaeea or Victims to ervoua Debility or Exhaustion, With (ng Waakaeae with Early Decaf In Tounar and aJiadie Aged, lack of tin, rigor and areagtn, with organs Impaired and wss It TnMOTVsVK cured with a new Borne ereatsaeett. No pain, oe detantiotl (real ' business. Kidney and JtlaAaer Trouble. Coaealtaafaai Fae. Tvaatnsaskt by kinAV . CWAJlOatsI leOIT. 11 I. 14th St., Dr. Searles & Stailes, Osaiia, Neb. L3LOOD POICOrJ la the woxat uiawaae on atarin, yet tns easiest to cur. WHk.N You KNOW WMAT TO DO. Many uave ptmpua, spots) on the skin, sores In the uiuuik Ivors. ailing hair bone pains, - uatarrn; don I now it is ulajuu ruiDvn. bni to Dn, iDAU'U OClK A .... I. Sit LJl.ll .A Z , eJW JV-, , iiitaunitlli., a. or BROWN'S BLOOD CL'RK. ft DO par ottlei lasts oni. month. Hold only by barman afcconnail Urug Co.. .-nth an Podge Its.. Omaha. Brown's Capsules &r tz ?&w ill Dodge Bureau, - CURa TOUR Bts Use Bis f lor nnrataia I a t Sara, aW har Ln Can lum t lOna. Iiriiauuts er aloarattua tanrwm of aiaeeae wrUul nau toa-a raialaas, sad aut eaua tJtCaUiWOa ' r Soawmaa, I Irailnaja Oa tail 'lOMie'im.Ti.s.r 1 aa sy DrnsxlaCa, a ay DrnsxleCa, t ia Slain wrmae. a esaeaa D. . A. I Y ro wr UUiUI, Tha MllliRn tglh and Doasrlaa Sta, OMAHA, MlU. ", --"" Omsha s Leading Hotal SPltlaLnCATtlKl , . luncheon, virrg CENTS. u:sv to s p. m. , SUNDAY 8.80 p. m. DINNER. ,tSo, Steadily Increasing buslnsss has necessi tated an enlarsement of the cafe, doubllnf lis former capacity. ... Of Purify It Is both food and 8 . - t Omaha. ' spv f-f a. r i i '""ft i