Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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InUnUte Tsnnii Tourney Stirti with liaa
Lilt of Pltyem
Eight Matches Will Be Played OH
. TU1 JCtnoa te Harrow the Cea-
teet Dowa Sixteen far
j First Reaad.
A host of tennis players from st home
'and abroad waited anxiously around the
, Field club Sunday afternoon for the com
, pletloa of the drawings for slnglee In the
Interstate tournament, which commences
today. When tbe committee had finished
this work and the palrllngs were being;
(Chalked up on the bulletin board, that
corner of the veranda was quickly a
'. aolld maaa of peering faces.
At the club nothing else was talked
'. of but this tournament. Promising weather
the presence of every entry and the com
pletion of all arrangements for play and
for entertainment seem to predict an un
'qualified success. Of this the drawings
proved to be no small part for fortune
' arranged them In most Interesting se
quence promising critical and sensational
finishes. The list reads:
C. B. Carey, Bloux City, a bye.
. J. W. Towle, Omaha, a bye.
K. Mcnrldc, Topeka, a bye.
, Carter Wilder, Kansas City, a bys.
O. 8. Brwln, Omaha, a bye.
i O. A. Abbott, Jr., Grand Island, a bye.
L. Mlridlekauff, Lexington, Neb., a bye.
C. 8. Peters, Chicago, a bye.
T. 8. Blair, 8t. Louis, a bye.
Fred Hamilton, Omaha, a bye.
C. H. Young. Omaha, a bye.
W. G. Parker, Arkansas City, Kan., a
' W. T. Prowett, plays W. 8. Gllmin,
'Sioux City.
E. A. Carey, North Platte, plays John
B. Brown, Omaha.
Richie Volk. Lexington, plays C. O.
Hllea. Bloux City.
Lee Van Camp. Omaha, plays Earl Farna
worth, Grand Island.
' F. R. Banderson, Galesburg, III., plays
J. F. Webster, Omaha.
A. F. Rvnn, Omaha, plays M. Hopkins,
' Jtflnneapolis.
C. C. Cockerlll, Pittsburg. Kan., plays
L. P. Pasewalk, Norfolk. Neb.
E. M. Ashcroft. Chicago, plays William
Michael, 81iux City.
I. M. Raymond, Jr., Lincoln, a bye.
Oeorge Howell. Bloux City, a bye.
' H. D. Copeland. Topeka, a bye.
J. McOee, Bennington, a bye.
T". Dufrene, Omaha, a bye.
; Oeorge Prltehett, Omaha, a bye.
F. K. Sheldon, Kansas City, a bye.
E. H. Graves,'s Summit, Mo., a bye.
H. M. Holland, Galesburg a bye.
8. 8. Caldwell, Omaha, a bye.
, F. J. Hill, Omaha, a bye.
Charles Crosky, Topeka, a bye. ,
How the List Works Oat.
Those In charge found themselves with
juat forty names for .singles, Fred Bhep
hard and O. A. Loveland of Lincoln ' hav
ing decided not to play until the doubles,
when they will be a team. These forty
men are paired off as lUted, numbers 1 and
2 being matched together, I and 4, and so
on. The total of forty, however, necessi
tates a preliminary round, In order to eveu
the number up for working down to the
aoml-final end finals. Sixteen men, there
fore, were drawn to play this preliminary.
That would leave Just eight to go In with
the other twenty-four, making thirty-two In
11 for the first round proper.
, These sixteen begin wlfh W. K. Prowett,
who Is number thirteen In the list, and
end with William McNeil of Sioux City,
la., number twenty-eight on the list Those
tpalrs, Prowett and Oilman, Carey and
Brown, and so on down to Ashcraft and
McNeil, will play off the preliminaries this
afternoon. Meanwhile, the other twenty
four are given a bye until Tuesday, when
reinforced by the eight winners out of the
preliminary rouod they will begin the first
Interesting; Karly Matefcea.
The arrangement of the list wss ex
tremely interesting. As the men are paired
It is easy to pick the players who will win
cut to tbe seml-finsls on the basis of form,
'which, of course, is not infallible. In the
first eight namea C. S. Peters of Chicago
hould come out, although Carter Wilder of
Kansas City may give him a bard run. In
the next quarter, Including the namea of
T. S. Blatr, through Earl Farnsworth,
comes a beautiful fight. In the very first
'round Conrad Young, champion of Omaha,
Is matched against W. Q. Barker of Ar
kansas City, Ark., who, aa a New England
champion, beat the great Lamed some
years ago. Then down at tbe bottom stands
Earl Farnsworth, who will undoubtedly
play the winner of the Young-Parker match.
The undoubted ability of all three players
makes it Impossible to say anything more
definite than that one of them will come
out of this quarter for the semi-finals.
Even at that some say that T. 8. Blatr of
St. Louis, who leads the quarter, wilt be
trongly In the running.
In the third quarter are found F. R.
Sanderson of Galesburg, E. N. Ashcraft of
Chlrsgo, Ike Raymond of Lincoln, George
Howell of Sioux City and Jerome McQee
among the promlnenta. Ashcraft should
pull out ahead In this quarter. The last
eight names would seem to necessitate a
predlotion that F. E. Sheldon of Kansas
City 'would be the winner there. On that
basis of prognostication there will be
Peters and Ashcraft of Chicago, Sheldon
and either Farnsworth, Young or Parker for
the four men In the aeml-flnala.
Visitors at the Courts.
Practically all these players were at tbe
Field club Sunday afternoon, and were bus
ily slslng esch other up, though none
played. All tbe visitors were extreme In
their praises of the Field club courts,
and say that a better place for the tour
nament could scarcely be found. The
strangers came to mostly on the morning
trains, and were met at the stations by
Flsld club men. The Millard hotel, their
headquarters, presents an animated and
athletic appearance. Devotees of golf and
baseball and bowling had little place at the
Field club Sunday, for all the talk was ten
nis. This preliminary around the singles will
begin at 8:30 ibis afternoon. Then Tues
day morning play begins at 9:30, and will
continue both morning and afternoon until
the tournament is finished. Drawings for
the doublea will not be made until tonight
or Tuesday, as there Is still some doubt In
the osscs of a few palrtnga.
The entertainment committee plans to
Doctors Bills
Seem large to you? As a
rule, they are not. Doctors
earn every cent they charge.
Trust them. When your doc
tor says Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral is the best thing for that
hard cough of yours, believe
him. - Coughs, colds, croup,
bronchitis, consumption.
"I havt used Ayer1 Cherry Pec
toral in my family lor eight ysais anil
think it a most wonderful medicine,
especially for the coughs and colds of
children, and even for pneumonia."
Mr. W. H. Brymer, Shelby, Ala.
Uc.Mc.ILI. J. C mt CO, LrrsO, Kmc'
snake a great thing of the ping-pong tour
nament, which Is to occur on Tuesday night
In the dancing pavilion. All the visitors
and all tennis players at the Field club are
entered a list of forty-six. A dosen ta
bles will be In use. The drawings were
made Saturday and read:
1. Collett. U. pialr.
2. Caldwell. 25. Sanderson.
I. Colley. JV. Ryan.
4. Sherwood. 11. I u Irene.
8. Mclntyre. 28. Brnrn.
s. Grave. . t'ockrell.
7. Holland. ). Farnsworth.
8. Croskey. 31. Young.
. Sheldon. J2. Carey.
10. Copeland. aa. Hopkins.
11. Van Camp. 34. Bllsli.
12. Raymond. 86. Volk.
It. Abbott. SO. Hamilton.
H. Hill. 37. Peters.
15. Pnsawalk. !W. Hllfs.
16. Prowett. 81. McKrlde.
17. Ashcroft. 40. Howell.
II. Ms gee. 4L Mldakauf.
1. Parker. 4 Carey.
Jo. Towle. 43. Hlrsted.
21. Webster. 44. Wilder.
22. Piitchett 4S. Oilman.
S3. McNeil. 46. VanDyke,
Ralea for Plss-Posg.
For the ping-pong tournament the com
mittee has issued the following announce
ment concerning the object of the tourna
ment, the rules governing its play and tbe
The entertainment committee at the ur
gent request of the tournament committee
and local players have instituted for Tues
day evening a ping-pong contest, to be held
In the dancing pavilion at a o clock rharp.
The oblect of the contest le ae follows:
1. To familiarise the members of the grounds
committee wltb the various and diverse
complaints they are apt to encounter in tbe
fulfillment of their duties.
2. To give them greater persuasive power
and to round out their strenuous lives with
a little well seasoned abuse ere they under
take the serioua trials of a real tournament.
3. To give the visitors a chance to admire
the grace, agility and phenomenal- mental
endowments of the local players.
The following rules of the tournament
will be moat rigidly enforced:
1. Preliminary rounds will be confined to one
set, this to encourage a style both dashing
and debonair. Semi-finals to be two out of
three; finale three out of live sets.
X. Anything is legitimate that escapes the
eve of the referee. Mr. J W. Rut tin Tt is
hoped that the contestants will take It upon
memeeives 10 tesi nis competency 10 tne
S. All complaint are to be referred to the
grounds committee; all commendations to
fhe entertainment committee. If the
grounds committee proves too arbitrary In
any of Its rulings force Is permitted to any
or all contestants, acting singly or In a
body. In case of disablement resulting to
any member of the tournament committee
a reasonable charge for temporary repairs
will be assessed. If a funeral be necessary
the club will cheerfully pay all expenses.
The members of the entertainment com
mittee, singly or in bunches, absolutely de
cline to be either pall or litter-bearers, al
though as a matter of accommodation they
are willing to assist In any mutilation that
can be accomplished without any danger to
Tennle shoes must be worn by all con
testants. This is to save cost of unnneces-
sary repairs to the floor and grounds com
mittee .
The following excuses are permitted to all
defeated contestants:
1. Opponent too windy; balls could not
pass over the net.
z. not recovered irom last loss or appen
dix. 3. Disabled from the blow of a nlnr-nnnr
ball In preliminary match.
Each defeated contestant will give excuse
by letter to F J. Hill for official record.
Tne nrst prise win entitle the holder to
the title of Ping-Pong Bill. The runner-up
will bear the proud cognomen of Plng-Pong
BHIson. The prices are:
First trophy, a loaded flaBk. The commit,
tee rerervea decision as to the size of the
load. It will be based upon an unbiased
mental measurement as to the capacity of
the winner.
S?c?r.d trophy, a !!! prayrr fcnslt. It Is
the desire of the committee that by ardent
use the owner and winner may become a
proficient plng-pongster.
Suitable prizes will be chosen for the win
ners In doubles.
At the end of the contest Mr. Mclntyre,
the "Ping Pong Bard." accompanied by
F. J. Hill, the "Flutester." will chant a
commemorative ode that haa already been
handed in by the victors.
Saatalas Serious Injuries and Taken
. to Central Hospital lit Vnr
eesielost Condition.
Two car and one driving accident oc
curred last night. About 9 o'clock Mrs
Henrietta Anderson of 1713 California
street. In alighting from a car at the In
tersection of Sixteenth and California
streets, fell to the pavement, suffering a
wound on the back of the ecalp. She wss
taken Into the drug store at 81xteenth and
Webster streets and bsR. wound .dressed.
About forty minutes later at Twenty
fourth and Franklin streets a young woman,
apparently a Swede, met with a similar
accident, but with serious results. She was
taken to tbe Central hospital, where at a
late hour she had not recovered conscious
ness. The left side of ber head and her
left hip were Injured, and severe internal
Injuries are feared. She la said to have
stepped from the car before It stopped.
Tbe woman was thought to be a servant it
the house of L. Goldsmith, 2414 Franklin,
but her name could not be aacertained last
Frits Denker of 417 South Fourteenth
street was driving at a reckleas pace north
on the Tenth atreet viaduct, when Just in
front of the Burlington station hla horse
struck and knocked down a woman, who
was waiting for a ear. She was only
slightly hurl. Denker waa later arrested
aa he was entering the premises at 1417
Howard atreet. The name of the woman
could not be ascertained, as she boarded
the car. This latter aecldent happened at
10:15 o'clock.
torsa In Georgia.
SAVANNAH. Oa Aug. 17. A severe
electrical elorm, with high wind, passed
over the southern section of Georgia last
night. At Stlllmore the roundhouse of the
Air Line railroad was blown down end
wrecked. At Waynesboro a dwelling waa
blown down and one man killed. At Bar
tow the Baptist church and the academy
building were struck by lightning and nar
rowly escaped destruction. At fcTwarnaboro
a building was struck by lightning and
burned. In all the section the opening cot
ton was whipped from the bolls and ruined.
The loss from this source waa considerable.
Fred W. Smith of Sut North Sixteenth
street, assaulted William Rhue, from Caa
ttna. la., in Klynn's saloon at 6 o'clock yea
terday afternoon. The two were locked up.
J. J. Reynolds was arrested Sunday after,
noon and locked up, charged with carrying
concealed weapons and being drunk. Rey
nolds claimed to be a watchman In the em
ploy of the Union Pacirtc. He waa off of
the Union Pacific grounds when arrested.
John Mclughlan went to sleep. In a
chair In the Chicago lodging house yester
day morning and when ne woke up later
on he wanted to know what time ft waa
Hut he had to look at the hotel clock, fur
someone had removed his silver watch from
hla pocket and departed for parta uuknown.
As Patrolman Ferrla was making an un
obtrusive examination of the alley In the
rear of the premises at Twenty-ilrst and
Webster streets at a late hour last nlnht
In the hope of finding burglars, he waa
seen from a rear window by the woman of
the house. She telephone)! to the station
asking that a polh-eiuan be sent up in a
hurry ss a mu was breaking Into her
barn. The patrol wagon made a speedy
trip, only to find the officer.
. Jim Wiggins, a negro lad, saw a mule
wandering down a atreet lute yesterday
afternoon and recognised the anltrnl as the
property 01 rrea Bcnneider ef Twenty-Mrst
and Decatur streets. Jim said "Whoa!"
and the mule atoiuied. The lad lumnul nn
with the intention of taking the stray mule
home, but enjoyed the ride so much that
he got away out to Twenty-fourth and De
catur streets by :4i and was thre ar
rested. Several men who knew the ltd
hastened to bail him out, as he had always
itau a guou rectiru.
W. A. Common, a car builder. was
robbed yesteruay afternoon of a watch and
114 by a companion with whom he had been
having a convivial time in a Capitol avenue
aloun. He Waa able to give the police a
fair description of the thief. I-ast night as
Jwteciiv fHvxe whs walking fr.-.iu Fr
nain to toulae streets on Kleventh a man
accosted htm and asked th dlrrctlnn f
Douglas street. The atranger closclv sp
prualmated the description given by t 'onir
ic 11 and he waa arrested. He gave the
name of James R. Green, with residence at
tU Munroe atreet. Chicago. When Corny
ton was confronted with the suspect he re
fused 10 say whether Green was the thief
04- BQta
Boiler Inspector is Chief Tepio for Bcheel
Beard's Meeting.
Former Would Consist Offlrea of Ma
chinery Rea-alator and Bad Boy
Recalator, bat Latter Fnvora
Examining- Engineers.
A special meeting of the Board of Edu
cation has been called for tonight, and It
is the Intention of some of the members to
transact business of Importance providing
there Is a quorum. Repairs to school build
ings, Including interior and exterior, will
come up, and then there will be allowing
ef money to contractors for work already
done on additions to school houses.
Colonel Lott and others want a boiler
Inspector, but In this the city may take the
lead, for the reason that the suggestion
was made some time ago to the city fathers
than an Inspector of boilers is a neceaalty,
particularly on account of the number of
Janitors who have been chosen lately by
tbe board. It Is asserted In official circles
that some of the Janitors know nothing
about the management of a heating plant
What the council wishes to do Is to have
all of the engineers, or those who have
charge of boilers to sppear before a board
of Inspection and pass an examination. If
this Is done, it Is asserted, there will be
more of a feeling of safety among parents
who send children to tbe public schools.
Some of the school board members wish to
work In a combination and elect a truant
officer and a boiler Inspector. This Is not
considered practicable by some, and it may
never go through, for the reason that tbe
mayor and city council will hardly ac
credit a school district boiler inspector,
even if elected, appointed and placed upon
the pay roll. A city official aald last night
that the Board of Education might elect
all the truant officers it wanted to, but
whan It comes to an Inspection of boil
ers the city ordinances and the charter
will prevail, whether the board likes tbe
proposition or not. 1
No one who Is conversant with local af
fairs denies that there is need of a boiler
Inspector, but the trouble In the past haa
been that the packers objected. Then came 1
the plan to pass an ordinance cutting out
the packers and ths Stork Yards company.
This ordinance was decided to be out of ths
queatlon, and so the matter now stands.
In talking about thia proposition last
night, S- member of the council said:
"Should the Board of Education elect a
boiler Inspector and tbe council do the
same there would be a constant conflict
of authority. The elty will never permit
any Inspector named by the Board of Edu
cation to Inspect boilers and give a cer
tificate to Janitors for the reason that there
Is too much politics in the school board.
and certificates might be Issued to parties
who cannot pass an examination."
If the council and the Board of Educa
tion gets into an altercation over this mat
ter eouieililug uf iutT&t may ccsis up.
Cattle Receipts Heavy.
The livestock market here laet week
was notable Tor Its heavy receipts, the
total for the week being 19,175 head. Of
these nearly if not quite 90 per cent were
western range cattle, comparatively few
corn fed cattle being on sale. Aa
compared with the same date last year
the cattle receipts show an Increase of
24.038 head and hog receipts an increase
of 41.258 head. There Is still a deficit of
60,000 sheep, but this le rapidly being
wiped out. Heavy receipts of cattle and
hogs are looked for this week. In order
to properly handle the big receipts of
cattle there has been an Increase in the
brand Inspection force and from thia time
cn until the close of the western ship
ping season additional experienced brand
Inspectors will remain on duty here.
Another Damage Bolt Threatened.
Tbe city Is apparently In for another
damage suit. It is the same old story of
washouts and holes in the streets left
unprotected. A few evenings ago Dr. James
A. Kelly was driving along Thirty-eighth
avenue Just north of Q street,, when his
horse fell Into a hole, tipping over the
vehicle and throwing the physician and
a friend out. The shafts of the buggy
were broken and both men sustained slight
bruises. It took considerable time- to ex
tricate the horss and the animal has
since been under the care of a veterinary
aurgeon and cannot be used for several
Want Alley Graded.
Since the city haa been so slow In secur
ing dirt to fill washouts, property owners
In the eastern part of the city, and espe
cially those who live on Missouri avenue
have suggested to the members of '.he
eouncll that the alley between Sixteenth
and Seventeenth streets and Missouri ave
nue and M street be graded and the dirt
used to Oil some of the big boles in Mis
souri avenue. It is estimated that 2,000
yards of dirt can be moved from this
alley without any delay and at a very
small cost to the city. What the offi
cials say, however. Is that the only way
the alley can be graded Is to go through
the regular form of a petition and have
the coat taxed up to the abutting prop
erty. George Parks Is now looking after
the petition and expects to have It In
shape to present to the council within a
week or two.
Broadwell Makes Transfer.
On Saturday Frank A. Broadwell, rep
resenting the J. M. Glasgow estate, -transferred
to tbe city of South Omaha the
property at Twenty-third and M streets.
This ground was purchaaed by the elty
for 13,500 and will be used for the pro
posed Carnegie library. The officers of the
library association will at once notify
James Buchanan, No. 6 West street. New
York City, of the fact that the city la
now In possession of the deed to the
property and then the expectation Is thst
Mr. Carnegie will remit to the association
$50,000 for a building. Plans have been
drawn for tbe propoaed structure and
the association hopes that work may be
commenced this fall.
Conaell Heeling Tonight.
So far there Is very little business on
hand for the council to transact tonight.
Very few communications have been sent
In within the laet few days and as for
ordinances only two or three are on Die
and these pertain mostly to ths levying
of tsxes for Improvements. It Is ex
pected that Miller, who has acted aa
street foreman for som? time will tendor
his resignation and that Mayor Koutsky
will announce tbe fact and also stats
that for the time being City Engineer
Beal will assume charge of the atreet
work. Under three conditions the atreet
force will return to work and thua de
clare the atrike at an end.
Magic City Gusalp.
Charles Ulrch is at home after a month's
Stay at Montarey. t'al.
"Ptie grading of North Twenty-seventh
street will commence V'day.
Ralph Towle has gone to Mexico to spend
a eouple of moiiili. uh hla U other, Gcr
malne. Fred 1-aP-jfce fcs been appointed organ
izer for this territory for the American
Labor union.
P- A. Wells and wife, S14 North Twenlv.
fifth street, have returned from an ex
teudad eastern trip.
Preparations are being made for a se
ries uf entertainments ivf itte purpose of
raising funds for th South Omaha Hos
pital association.
W. C. Sionne continues to Improve and
his friends hope that he will be all right
again In a few days.
Tercy II. Bell Is back at his desk agMn
at the South Omaha National bank after
a two weeks' vacation.
Membcra of the local labor unions are
preparing to take an active part In the
Labor day celebration on September 1.
Comes to Omaha and Toaaea Green
barks Aroaad In Careless
H. Chestnut, a rsneher of the old school,
blew Into the city a few days sgo from the
west and put up at tbe Barker hotel. Since
his arrival he has been celebrating after tbe
manner of the gocd old frontier daya, and
all day yeaterdsy, so It Is said, be was
tosalng chunks of paper money about the
hotel office, gifts to those who chose to pick
them up. However, In a place last night,
he fcund his liberal pocket empty, and asked
John Tansey, ons of ths recipients of his
bounty, for a small rebate. Upon John's
refusal to remit the rancher grew sore and
spoke bitterly of base Ingratitude, The po
lice were summoned and Chestnut, Tansey
and a negro named Robert Walker were ar
rested. Tansey hsd 1193.96 upon him, which
be said Chestnut had asked him to keep.
He also owned to having spent nearly $100
more. Walker must havo heard of the free
money late, for he had the westerner's
pocketbook and last $10 bill. In his pocket
were also $36.40, which ha claimed as his
own. These two are employes of the hotel.
Chestnut said that he began the fun with
$700 and that he had no complaints to make.
Old Henry Patterson Fonnd In Coal
Shed In Critical Con.
Old Henry Patterson aald that he got it
for alcohol in a drug store and that the
clerk made a mistake. At any rate he had
a bottle of commercial ammonia, from
which he took a good nip, before he no
ticed the ammonia bouquet. Then he was
in much pain and, he says, atarted for tbo
house of a doctor he knows, to get relief,
but soon became so weak that he could
only crawl through the fence and Into
the coal shed. Luckily Henry waa seen
from the house by one of the occupants,
who thought him a hurglar and telephoned
for the police. These found old Henry
and look him to the station, where Surgeon
Nick attended him. At a late hour be
seemed to be resting easily and out of
any danger. The shed where he was found
Is on the premises of Dr. Porter, at 1824
Webster street. .
Efleet of the of he Nntlonnl
Confectioners' Association.
Since the evolution of the candr trada
from the "gumdrops" of our forefathers to
the "all day suckers." "frosted fllta
"Foxy Orandnaa" and other mndam bin..
of confectionery, savs the Nsw York Trih.
une, tbe candy makers of this country have
lucieaoeu meir product from an annual
value of $3,000,000 to one of more than mi -
000,000. In the last fifty years the Increase
In the consumption of candy has been
twenty-seven fold, although the population
of the United States has increased from 21,
191,876 to 78,803,387, or a little over three
fold. Thus It may be seen that the growth
of the candy trade haa bean nine iimu
fast as that of the population.'
Much Of this growth Of buslnaaa h..
been due. It la aald. to the fre. t ..
National Confectioner', association. The
organisation was formed for the purpose of
prohibiting the manufacture of poisonous
candies, or, as expressed by Us constitu
tion, to advance tbe standard of confec
tionery In all practicable ways and to abso
lutely prevent hurtful adulterations hi..
to 1884, when the candy manufacturers held
meir nrst convention, la Chicago, the pub
lic had become nreludiced mimi tt..
Ing of candy because of certain poisonous
kinds, which often cgused sickness and
even aeatn.
Thus It grew to he the
w a- -e v a sat wag
that color in candy was poisonous and that
me Drigmer tne color tbe more potent the
poison. As a result of Occasional lna.MM
tions, started by local health authorities, it
wss aiscoverea that harmful dyes and con
coctions were used by some candy makers
for the purpose of obtaining a greater mar
gin of profit, and at the same time to dress
up their products and make them more al
luring to the Juvenile appetite.
me manufacturers aaw that In order to
build up their trade on an andtieln k . . 1 -
they must take the neonla into th.t. -..
dence. Candy must be mad. , ..4
wholesome. Harmful dru ni .
be eliminated. The buslnaaa . , .
ducted en thorough economic principles and
imuu auu aautierauon must he prohibited
Thus In seeking to further their own busi
ess ends the candy manufacturers contend
that they have rendered a great nubile
service In guarding the million. -kii.
dren of the land against harmful or deleter
ious sweetmeats.
To carry out this crusade .n.f
ous candles the confectioners of the coun
try held a widely attended convention at
Chicago In 1884 and decided to secure the
enactment of pure candy laws In every
state In ths union, aa well as a federal
statute at Washington. Because of the be.
let of many constitutional liwnn th.t .
federal pure-candy law would not be upheld
by the courts the chief energy of the as
sociation haa been directed toward obtain
ing atate atatutes, and at the convention
next Wedneaday ana Thursday It will be
announced that laws have been passed in
thirty-two ststes prohibiting the use of
deleterious products in the manufacture of
The slates where such statutea have h.n
enacted are for the most part In the east
and west. The last etate to pass a pure
candy law waa Arkansas. Many of the
southern states have not vet enacted
such statutea and In Texas, Kansas, West
irginls, Washington. Colorado and Ne
braska pure-candy bills are atlll nendlna
enactment. A federal Dure-fond hill in.
corporatlDg certain provisions recommended
by the csndy makers for the manufacture of
pure candy, was Introduced at Washington
at ths last session, but It was sidetracked
in the senate.
The Emblematic Ragle.
New York Press: We have a habit of
apeaklng of the American eagle as if only
America had an eagle. "Let the eagle
scream!" la a net savlnr Tha an 1.
dominant In the coats of arms of Mexico,
Kusata, Chile, Austria-Hungary, Prussia
and Germanv. It waa tha enslim r it.
ancient kings of Babylon and Persia, of the
rtoiemies and Beleucides. The Komana
adopted It, and Marlus made it the ensign
of the legion. The French under the em
pire assumed tbe same device. The esgle
is ussd for lecterns in churches, because it
Is the natural enemv of tha aernnt n.
Mexican coat of arms is aa eagle holding
a serpent In its beak and talona. Austria,
Germany and Russia have two-headed
other to the left. The two heads symbolise
toe eastern or Byzantine empire and tbe
western or Komto empire. The eagle slg
nines fortitude.
A Nan Badly Injured,
. Or painfully hurt, burned, bruised or
wounded gets quick comfort from Bucklea's
Arnica Salve. It tonqusta pain. &,
A thousand and one useful and valuable premiums
in exchange for wrappers from
White Russian
A household and laundry soap made from the
purest materials under modern scientific conditions.
No fatty odor or grease stains in the clothes
the result Of poorly made SOap. Call for Premium List,
161 J FARNUM ST., OMAHA, or bring the wrappers to our store and select your premium.
Long Lost Gsld Workings Said to Hare
Been Discovered tt Last
Find Canaea Rash to Diggings and
Thousands Look I'pon Golden
Crevice nnd Stake Oat
Hundreds of Claims.
CASPER. Wyo., Aug. 17. (Special.) Tbe
location of the famous Lost Cabin gold mine,
for which miners and prospectors have been
searching for years, has been found. This Is
the belief of a party of Buffalo miners that
have been prospecting on the south branch
of Otter creek, sixty miles southwest of
Buffalo, for five or sis years, and who last
week discovered rich veins of gold ore In
that vicinity; also what they believe to he
the workings of the now famous Lost Cabin
mine Itself.
Albert E. Sutton and Barnes C. Burrla
hava been at work la the district far s lacg
time, as have many other miners who be
lieved the story of the lost mine, and who
were confident of some day discovering the
workings from which many fortunes were
said to have been secured In early days.
Each year the men secured enough float to
pay for their time and labor, but not until
a few weeks ago did they And anything that
looked like a rich strike.
Tbe discovery is a drift In the side of a
nearly perpendicular cliff about fifty feet
high. The workings are In carbonate,
which are so rich that a dollar's worth of
gold can be picked out of a square Inch of
the wall with a pocket knife.
On one of the walls Is the following In
Gorham and Wllhelm Arbach,
There has been a Christian name before
tbe surname Gorham, but It cannot be de
ciphered. Thia inscription Is taken ss conclusive
evidence that the Lost Cabin mine Itself,
which waa believed to be nothing more than
a crevice in a high cliff from the stories told
by Indiana, has really been found.
When the discovery became known In Buf
falo and the aurroundlng country there was
a rush to the scene, and by this time fully
2,000 people have gazed upon tbe wonder
ful cliff and tbe golden crevice In its per
pendicular side, while hundreds of acrea of
ground In the vicinity have been staked off.
Since the discovery the story haa been
told that six years ago an old man arrived
from Buffalo from the' east, and In company
with four young men left for Otter creek
on a prospecting tour. To some acquaint
ances hf said he was one of the original
discoverers of the Lost Cabin gold mine,
that his party was attacked by Indians and
all aave himself killed. He escaped from
the red men, but nearly died from exposurs
and hunger. For several months his mind
was a blank, and not for many years could
he recall the location of the mine, which
he described as being fabulously rich. Hs
spent several weeks in the country, but was
unable to find the mine, or at least he told
the young men of his party that hs saw
nothing that looked like it. At Wells post-
office, enroute to Buffalo from Otter creek,
tbe old man died of heart dtaease, and If he
had rediscovered the famoua mine tha secret
died with him.
Many Conflicting Reports Received
Concerning Recent sheep
ROCK SPRINGS, Wyo., Aug. IT. (Spe
cial.) Many conflicting reporta have been
received from tha New Fork country, the
acene of the recent raid, slaughter of aheep
and reported killing of a herder. The latest
story is to the effect that the trouble
was precipitated by foreign flockmastsrs;
that ths number of sheep killed waa about
,000 Instead of 4.SO0. and that Sam Oule
tletlez, the Mexican herder, reported killed,
probably left the country. No one saw
him go, however, and no one can be found
who has seen him since, the raid.
Affairs in the New Fork country are
now quiet and there are no feare of
further trouble. The sheepmen. It Is un
derstood, are willing to respect tbe deed
line, and so long aa they do that they will
not be molested by the cattlemen.
Boy Accidentally Killed.
BUFFALO, Wyo.. Aug. 17. (Special.)
Carl Mather, the 18-year-old son of E. B.
Mather, waa killed yeaterday by Harry
Holloway, 15-years-old. Tbe shooting was
On Fisherman's Story gtrangly Veri
fied la Rvery Particular.
" 'Age cannot wither nor custom atale
their infinite variety,' " quoted the Board
of Trade ma a as he fanned himself wltb his
hst and espelled his breath with a half
whistle, relates the Chicago News.
"But its true," protested tbe leather
merchant, drawing up a rocker and sink
ing Into It with a sigh. "He doesa't look
like much of a fisherman, and a liar doesn't
usually show it not If hs's much of a
liar so I was rather Inclined to disbelieve
him myself when hs told me about catch
ing as suck auinf as that. J haven't fca4
thirty-two bites, let alone thirty-two fish,
since I've been here."
"Fish bites, I suppose you mean," sug
gested the Judge.
"Certainly," assented the leather mer
chant. "Of course," he resumed, "wo
might possibly have believed that he caught
thirty-two fish, with a liberal discount tor
Immediate credence If he had had the fish
to show for It; but to come back and say
that the string had broken loose from
the boat and he bad lost them all seemed a
little strong."
"It did. Indeed." agreed ths Judge. "There
is no precedent for letting mors than one
fish get away at a time. Testimony intro
duced to that effect should at least be sup
ported by the affidavits of witnesses. This
man offered no material evidence In cor
roboration of the story, I bellevet"
"He showed tbe rod he caught 'em with,
told tbe number, the kind and the probable
weight, and offered to lick any man who
said it wasn't so," explained the leather
"I don't think I would have said any
thing about It, myself" said the Board of
Trade man. "I'm sorry he told It."
"I'm not." said the leather merchant, de
cidedly. "It was Injudicious, perhaps, but
as it happened it turned out all right. He
did catch tbe Dsn. 111 ten you bow i know
"I'm nothing it I'm not persevertng,"
continued the leather merchant. "And this
afternoon I thought I'd try It again. I took
minnows and worms and flies, all three.
I thought I'd suit tbe appetite' of the most
fastidious fish that ever wiggled a tall. If
there was a tall wiggling in the lake which
I doubted. I got out Into the middle of the
lake, mark you, put on a worm and dropped
in my line, and almost Immediately I felt
a well-denned tug at my hook. I gave the
rod a Jerk and began to haul In. Of all the
splashing and Jerking every which way you
ever saw! It extended three or four feet
out I thought I'd got a whale, but I hadn't.
What do you think I had got?"
"A can of salmon, maybe," hazarded the
Board of Trade man.
"It was Simpson's string of thirty-two
fish." said the leather merchant, imprea
sively. "You see, he'd strung them on a
thin line that didn't Interfere with their
breathing to any extent, and they were as
lively and fresh as' if they'd never taken
a hook, let alone swimming about for three
days tied together by the gills. They were
Just as Slmpeon had described them sev
enteen rock bass, four herring, seven sun
fish, two perch, a bullhead and a shiner.
Come down to the bathhouse and I'll show
them to you."
Brave Rescue of n Rather Being
Carried Out to Bra.
Charles Ouskaden ef Plttaburg, who is
stopping at a prominent beach front hotel
In Atlantlo City, owes his life to the hero-
Ism of two young women of Philadelphia,
Miss Blanche Soutbhelmer and Miss
Kathryn Tougue.
Cuskaden went in bathing with friends.
but remained In 'he water long after they
had gone out. He swam out beyond the
breakers and soon was caught in the swift
current running from the inlet. All his
efforts to reach shore were unavailing.
The awlmmer realized hla peril and called
for help. ,No guards are stationed at or
near this point and only a few bathers
were in the vicinity. Miss Tougue and
Miss Southhelmer, who were walking along
the beach In bathing aulta, heard the cry
for help. They unhesitatingly plunged In
to the rescue.
They swam out to tha man easily, but
when they attempted to return it was a
struggle. The plucky girls each bad aa arm
around the exhausted man, while swimming
with the other. They battled bravely in the
strong current, realizing that the trio would
probably be drowned if their efforts were
not kept up. After what seemed a lifetime
the beach was reached and the exhausted
party aank on the sand, completely fagged
Mr. Cuskaden Is profuse In bis praise of
the plucky girls. Miss Tougue Is 13 years
of age. Miss Southhelmer 17. Both are
expert swimmers.
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