Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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niE umaha Daily Bee
Dally lira (without Sunday), One Year..
Unity ! mm bumlay, una ur t.W
lllimiruled nee, one ar 1M
bunutiy iiee. One lear z.iw
fcniuruay liee, one War lv
Twentieth Century rraer, one Year., l.uu
pally Hee (without Sunday), per copy... 1c
Latiy Ilea (witnout butinay), per ween...Uc
Kally iiee onciuulng Hunu)), per week..l7c
fcunoay tfee, per copy o
tvenlng ilee (without Sunday), per week. Iik:
swelling Hee (including ttunuay), per
week 16c
Complaints of Irregularities In delivery
ahoulu be addressed to City Circulation
Omaha The Bee Building.
Bouth Omaha city Hall .Building, Twen-ty-tlnn
and M Street.
Council KlurTa It) 1'earl Street.
Chicago 1MO Unity Hulldlng.
Mew zork Temple Court.
Washington ool fourteenth Street.
Communication relating to news and edi
torial matter should lie addreaaed; Omaha
bee, Editorial Department.
Business letters and remittances should
be addressed: The lice Publishing Com
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Payable to '1 be Hee 1'ubllnhlng Company,
only 2-cent stamps accepted In payment of
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State of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss.:
George B. Tischuck, secretary of The Bee
Publishing Company, being duly sworn,
ays that the actual number of full and
complete copies of The Dally, Morning,
Evening and Sunday Bee printed during
the mouth of July, W03, was as follows:
1 SK,B30 IT 2U.M0
1 8U.BT0 IS 20,580
I SO.fflO It at, 570
4 80,520 tO Ji'J.BtB
1 8O.320 11 ZIMSOO
I ,.20,600 22 29,(100
7 20,610 U 20,510
20.41)0 U 2D.51M)
20.B4I 25 20,070
10 8,BB0 26 20,840
11 2W.B10 27 2W.4S0
12 2O.020 28 29.BB0
U 20,013 29 ....39,5(10
14 20,000 ft) 2,010
16 29,000 81 119,580
1$....: 89.60O
Total D10.450
Less unsold and returned copies.... W,o2tl
Net total sales BOO. 824
Net dally average 89,258
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
before me this 31st day ct July, A. D. ltfi'2.
(Seal.) M. B. HUNOATE,
i Notary Public.
King Cora distributes his titles of no
bility by conferring- on his devoted sub
jects decorations In the order of pros
perity. It should be distinctly understood
that every democratic politician reserves
a woman's right to change bis mind on
shortest notice.
Second wind for the claimants to the
Fair estate means a second windfall
for the lawyers who succeed in break
ing Into the litigation.;
If our coming state fair Is a faithful
reflex of the present condition of agri
culture In Nebraska, It will be a show
worth going miles to eeo. ,
It Omaha had all of the market houses
In brick and stone that have been
erected on paper, It would have a mar
ket house on every other 'corner.
Senator Ilanua It quoted as saying
that be is very sure no extra session
of the senate will be called to pass on
any Cuban reciprocity treaty. Senator
Ilaona usually knows what he Is talk
ing about.
The reunion of the Society of tho
Army of the Philippines has been re
freshing In this that it has disclosed
the fact that there are still a few vet
erans of the Philippine war who do not
claim to have been anything more than
privates. .
Governor Savage's honeyed Labor day
proclamation will not wash away the
bitter taste of bis insulting letter to
the union plumbers. The proclamation
Is au official formality, while the letter
uncovers the man's real sentiments
toward labor.
The democratic congressional conven
tion may rest under a cloud of a few
trifling Irregularities, as gauged by the
requirements of the election laws, but
In the democratic copies of the statute
books the election laws are made appli
cable to republicans only.
If Charles M. Schwab should be dis
placed from his 11,000,000 job at the
head of the Steel trust before bis new
$3.o00,000 residence In New York Is
finished, a half built palace may be
thrown on a market which only multi
millionaires can patronize.
In their real to convince the public
that the railroads of Nebraska are over
taxed, those railway tax bureaucrats are
Just liable to prove that the roads
are really entitled to an annual sub
sidy out of the state treasury and total
exemption from paying anything into It.
Colonel Bryan declares be Is not anx
ious to be convinced that he Is the man
needed to lead the democratic hope
next time, but he Is convinced that sev
eral other self-styled democrats who
are auxlous to lead the democratic hosts
are neither needed nor wanted on the
The necessity for the republicans of
the Second Nebraska district to noin
Inate for congress a man who makes his
home here and whose Interests are
Identified with this district Is now more
urgent than ever. Tho people will no
longer stand for a non-resident con
In the aftermath of the sham battle
crowds at Luke Manawa the collection
of empty porketbooks, In evldenre of the
activity of the pickpocket brigade, con.
stttutes a striking reminder of what
used to happen In Omaha tinder a for
me reform pollee. ma-lma, It$ hasn't
happened lu Umaha, however-, since the
late Martin White au4 his successor.
John J, Iiounhue, have had charge of
the polloe force,
A drowning man grasps at a straw.
It Is given out by the backers and ad
mirers of Congrt'ssmsn Mercer that his
visit to Oyster Hay would bring about
a change of front on the part of The
Hee With regard to his candidacy for a
plith term through the Intervention of
President Roosevelt
If Mr. Mercer's mission to Oyster Bay
had DO other object in view, It Is des
tined to prove a dismal failure. Presi
dent Itoosevelt Is not in the habit of
Interfering in local political contests,
whoever may be Involved. Only Satur
day his Influence was Invoked to bring
about an amicable settlement of the
factional Delaware senatorial feud, but
he hns positively declined to mix In, al
though it Involves two senatorshlps, and
Delaware Is in the same condition that
Nebraska would have been in today If
Mercer had succeeded In his desperate
effort to prevent the election of any
republican senators unless he .was one
of them. It is not likely therefore that
the president will change his policy of
Don-Intervention Just for the sake of
Mr. Mercer.
Up to this time at least President
Itoosevelt so far as:we know; has not
shown the slightest solicitude for the
nomination of D. II. Mercer and will
doubtless be just as well satisfied with
any good republican, 1 The editor of The
Uee has had four Interviews with the
president within the last six months,
but at no time was the name of Mr.
Mercer even mentioned by the presi
If Mr. Mercer's only hope Is to Bave
his political life by grasping at a straw
from the 'White House, his chances of
landing on shore are awfully slim lu-
lndeea. ' " . '
The combination of shipbuilders,
known as the United States Shipbuild
ing company, the organization of which
was completed last week, has for its
object to put American shipbuilding es
tablishments upon such a basis that
ships can be built here for foreigners.
In order to do this the American ship
builders must be able to compete In
the matter of cost with European ship
builders and If the combination can
effect this without reducing the price
of labor, which now makes the differ
ence in the cost of ship construction
between the United States and Europe,
it will be a good thing for the ship
building industry of this country.
According to the statement of an offi
cial of the company, it is building the
largest cargo carrying steamships in
the world and has a fleet in course of
construction of the value of J3,iaw,uw,
composed of every known type of ves
sel, and the total contracts In hand
aggregate $30,000,000. The combination
therefore starts under highly favorable
conditions. Enlargement of the ship
building Industry of the United States
Is certainly to be desired and there ap
pears to be no reason why the so-called
Shipyard trust should not be highly suc
The disclosures regarding the weak
features of Great Britain's navy,
brought out by the review of the chan
nel fleet, are really not new. For sev
eral years English naval officers have
been telling the government that many
bf Its 'vessels would bo found almost
useless in case of war. The statement
of a naval critic In regard to the home
fleet, that a majority of the ships
"might as well be built of cardboard,
as they are mere dummies, too feeble
to fight and too slow to run away," has
been said la effect many times before.
But none the less Great Britain's navy
Is by far the most powerful in the
world and would still be so If all the
ships which are deemed to be too feeble
to fight were put out of commission.
Omitting these from consideration and
the British navy still is equal in fight
ing power to the combined navies of
France and Russia, in both of which
are ships that may be classed as dum
mies, too feeble to fight and too slow
to run away. And Great Britain is in
creasing Its sea power as 'rapidly as
any other country. She Is building the
most powerful battleships and cruisers
ever constructed, thus maintaining her
policy of keeping her naval strength
about equal to that of any two Euro
pean nations. This she may not al
ways be able to do, but there is no
doubt that is her position at present and
will continue to bo at least until the
French and German programs of naval
construction are carried out
The fact is that warships built fifteen
or twenty years ago have become an
tiquated and would bo useless against
the latest battleships and cruisers.
Great Britain has a number of such
vessels, but she also hns enough mod
ern ships to mske her position as a sea
power secure.
The movement against child labor In
the mills of the south cannot fall to
have good results. The facts In regard
to the employment of children under
12 years of age and the deploVable con
sequences have aroused a feeling In
the south that must result in remedial
action and it Is safe to assume that
there will be legislation In the southern
states for the correction of the wrong
that Is being done to thousands of chil
dren In depriving them of opportunity
for schooling and subjecting them to a
slavery which ought to be Impossible
la this country.
Some of the southern papers claim
that the statements which have been
published as to the number of children
employed in the mills and their con
dition are exaggerted. Thus the Trades
man of Chattanooga says that all who
have written on the subject have been
either ill-Informed or Ill-advised. Hav
ing Instituted an Investigation that
paper asserts that the employment of
children below the age of 12 years Is
not so large as has been charged and
that the conditions are not generally so
bad as has been represented. It admits
thnt In some Instances Injustice and,
possibly, cruelty Is shown, but says
they are exceptions. It la to be hoped
that the Tradesman's information Is
correct, but If so there Is still shown
to bo a situation that calls for radical
and effective remedy. There are BO.OOO
children estimated to be now employed
in the mills of the south, most of whom
have hnd little or no schooling, who
are worked twelve and sometimes four
teen hours a dny aDd whose condition
is that of practical slavery. We think
no one will question that this is an
Intolerable state of affairs, which should
be promptly and thoroughly corrected.
The mill owners are not likely to do
this. Possibly a few of them may make
some concession to public opinion, but
the great majority will continue to em
ploy child labor until there Is legislation
prohibiting it below a certain age. This
labor can be had for a mere pittance
and Is therefore profitable. It Is also
submissive and may be worked to the
full limit of endurance. The agitation
against this wrong must not cease until
the wrong Is remedied.
The democrats and the populists bave
each opened separate state headquar
ters In this city, from which they will
conduct the fusion campaign In Ne
braska this year. Speaking of the
work of the fusion committees, the
chairman of the populist organization
declares that the populist campaign will
be conducted entirely Independent of
the democrats, although the manage
ments at both headquarters are to be
In constant consultation "for the good
of the ticket"
This double-barreled campaigning Is
one of the unique products of fusion as
practiced in this state, and part and
parcel of the systematic deception prac
ticed in order to keep up the fusion
farce. Although there Is but one fusion
Ueket in the fluid, the name of every
candidate ou it will appear on the otH
cial ballot labeled both democrat and
populist. In order to make the popu
lists believe that there Is a populist
ticket In nomination, all the campaign
work dealing exclusively with populists
will be conducted by the populist state
committee, while to convince the demo
crats that the democratic ticket Is not
tainted with populism, all their ad
dresses, communications and literature
will come out of democratic headquar
ters. When It comes to raising the wind,
the theory of fusion is that two solicit
ing agencies, operating under different
names, can gather In more contribu
tions than one acting by itself. When
It comes to tooting the Dins, nowever,
the connecting pipe between the two
reservoirs will be found clogged. In case
either Is confronted with a deficit
Requisitions "for the good of the ticket"
will not be honored by the democratic
financiers If drawn by the populist cam
paign managers, nor by the populist
treasure-keeper If drawn on democratic
Double-barreled campaigning Is a
great thing. It Is designed to fool
everybody, except those who load the
The specially commissioned astrologer
of our local popocratlc contemporary
has discovered by the aid of a long
distance telescope that the entire semi
arid region of the western half of the
continent Is the penalty paid for the
destruction of the forests that previ
ously covered the whole of Mexico at
the time of the Spanish conquest The
crime of the sixteenth century over
shadows even the crime of 1873, and
the barbarity of the Spaniards calls for
severer condemnation than the avarice
of the money power. In the Interval,
the only thing left for us to do is to
plant trees and look happy, no matter
how we feel.
The new police board Is already un
dergoing an irresistible impulse to trans-
fact business behind closed doors, In ex
ecutive session. As The Bee has re
peatedly remarked, no public body, act
ing In a representative capacity, has any
excuse to conduct its proceedings iri' se
cret to avoid the enforcement of re
sponsibility. Public officers who insist
on meeting behind closed doors will
bear watching.
Nothing stands In the way to pre
vent Aguinaldo from coming to the
United States on a lecture tour except
the prospect of falling down .on the
gate receipts. If the wily Filipino Is
as shrewd as he Is credited, he will In
sist on a guaranty as a condition of his
coutract and see that the money to
cover it is deposited in the bank before
be walks out on the stage.
Central Labor union will favor Gov
ernor Savage' with another communica
tion, telling him what its members think
of his repudiation of his promise to
them under dictation of Baldwin and
Mercer. This will give the governor
opportunity to favor the public ith
another expression of his remarkable
views upon the character and claims of
organized labor.
All the river craft calling at the port of
Omaha bave been placed under an em
bargo und navigation has been com
pletely closed by the seizure of the one
vessel that piles along the river front
Strange to say, this sudden interference
with our shipping industry baji not, so
fur as the naked eye tun see, bud any
tendency to stuguute commerce or par
alyze industry.
St Louis Is in raptures over the prom
ise of President Roosevelt to partici
pate In the dedication exercises of the
Louisiana Purchase exposition. ' Plainly
tho ill-fated star of the Buffalo show
is having no deterrent influence on
President Roosevelt.
Tw of v Kind.
Chicago Post.
Russell Sage now stands shoulder to
shoulder with Senator Hanna as a friend
of the laboring man. "I feel that the bet-
tar you treat ths employes the better re
sults a corporation will obtain." And uncle
Russell Is certainly looking for "results."
Consider the Trice, Doe.
'Chicago News.
Chancellor Andrews must think young
men have a lot of nerve when be asks them
to plunge Into matrimony while meat and
provisions are at the present prices.
A Cnrb Bit Keedd.
Indianapolis News.
Trusts go ea forming. One might as
well trr to ston the laws of aravltatlon
sa to stop this economical and industrial
evolution, but some direction and control
is dally becoming more Imperative.
A Hefage for Crooks.
Springfield Republican.
It is a great pity that that precious pair
of fugitives from American justice, Oaynor
and Greene, should nave ths Canadian
courts on their side In the extradition pro
ceedings. Two mors impudent Offenders
against ths laws have never snapped their
Angers at the American authorities from
the best hotels across the frontier. It Is a
long chase, but Oaynor and Greene may
yet be landed before a United States judge
on American soil.
Gash (or Foreign Consumption.
Washington Post.
General Joe Wheeler is quite enthusiastic
and wants us to send our officers over to
study the English army. We fear the
general's Judgment has been slightly
warped by ths heroto entertainment he
has received on the other side. The Eng
lish army gave us ample opportunity to
study It during the recent affair In South
Africa. And, then, our forefathers had two
seasons of most practical study in that
particular branch and succeeded in grad
uating with ths highest of honors.
Relieving; Pools ( Their Money.
Minneapolis Times.
Another get-rlch-qulck scheme has come
to grief in Boston. The concern was
known as J. M. Fisher & Co., and It of
fered marvelous profits to investors. The
dangerous character of so-called invest
ment enterprises that promise 60, 100 and
200 per cent a month has been shown so
often by their collapse with the per cent
all made by the proprietors, and can be
demonstrated so entity by the application
of the rules of arithmetic add the laws
of probability that it is a wonder they And
such liberal support. Mr. Barnum's maxim
applies in other matters than the show
Hot Air on the Oeenn.
Chcago Chronicle.
"By a singular coincidence," John M.
Thurston, who it ex-Queen Lilluokalanl's
attorney in her claims against the United
States for crown lands, sails for Honolulu
with Senators Burton and Mitchell, who
are charged with investigating those claims.
Mr. Thurston Is happy in these coinci
dences. When hs was In the senate he al
ways happened to be around when anything-
was up affecting the Union Pacific
road, of which he was likewise ths attor
ney. In tbs present case, however, Mr.
Thurston will likely come to grief as the
result of his devotion to the interests of
his employers. It is a nine days' trip from
Ban Francisco to Honolulu, and In that
time Burton will talk him to death.
Ur. Schwab's Latest Deal In the Game
of Banco.
Philadelphia Press.
Mr. Charles M. Schwab has "mads" $18.-
600,000. f,
He bought the Bethlehem steel works for
17,600,000, so H ts reported. He has "sold"
it to the shipbuilding trust for $26,000,000 in
Us securities, or, as the report runs, for
$10,000,000 of trust deed certificates, $8,000,
COO of preferred and $8,000,000 of common.
This Is the way people once "made" money
la the tulip mania in Holland. Everyone
concerned "made" a lot of money until some
foolish man tried to realise. Even Mr.
Schwab cannot eat the shares and bonds of
the shipbuilding trust. They will not do for
wall paper. The' trust can make no more
money than the business of Its- separate
plants can make united, and there Is not
one of them but, to the knowledge of all
men, has had and not long ago the driest
of dry years. t
This money can be "made" only by sell
ing these socurltles to the publlo. Will the
publlo buy? It has seen asphalt smash, It
has watched rubber go down and It sees
even the great steel trust hanging at prices
which are ridiculous If people really believe
that full years In Iron and steel can last
If the publlo does not buy this money will
not be "made." It will go where went the
money "made" In tulips, in South Sea se
curities, In mines and the New Tork realty
erase and the western realty booms about
Indianapolis and other western cities In
1873, In California lands in 1883 and In a
great array of southern land sites and mines
in 189$.
Dakota. Movement to Control and
Market Farm Products.
Milwaukee Sentinel.
The Farmers' Nations! Co-operative Ex
change company was recently Incorporated
In Pierre, 8. D., and Its capitalization fixed
at $50,000,000. The purposes of the organisa
tion are to buy and deal la grain and
other farm products and to build elevators
and warehouses, storage plants and stock
yards. The information Is given that the
stockholders will largely consist of the
farmers of the middle western states and
that the company intends to aggressively
enter into competition with ths companies
and corporations which have practically
controlled the marketing of western farm
Fifty million dollars, the capitalization of
this new company, seems a small sum when
compared with the $1,000,000,000 capitaliza
tion of the steel properties or of the hun
dreds of millions of capital stock of other
combinations of corporations and compa
nies, but It may be sufficient to give the
project a fair trial. This new plan may
afford a solution of a mooted economic
question. It Is asserted that the farmer
has always been the victim of adverse con
ditions imposed by the sggresslons of cap
ital and has always In one form or another
been paying tribute to capital. Possibly a
combine, first of the farmers of South Da
kota and later of the farmers of the entire
country, Is contemplated, with a view to
syndicating all their resources to control
production and the sale of all farm com
modities and thus turn the tables upon the
so-called industrial enemies of the farmors'
If the owners of steel mills, of har
vesting machinery factories and other in
dustrial plants have a right to combine, the
American farmers have the same right. The
probability of an American farmers' trust
is, of course, remote, but Its formation Is
no more impossible or Improbable than was
the organization of a $1,000,000,000 syndl
cats from the viewpoint of twenty years
ago. Syndicates control the price of wheat.
corn, oats and other farm products, and It
tuuft be aduiittfd tht s wcll-m&uc4 ju
dicata of farmers, having the power to
regulate and control the production of com
modules, as well as their sale, would be
a powerful as well as novel Industrial agent
la the field of com nitres,
Gossip and Incidents Noted at tho Ie-
erted Capital.
Announced changes In the personnel ot
ths supreme court started a flood ot gossip
about the august tribunal, and gave Wash
ington correspondents a chance to shake off
tho midsummer dullness. The chief fea
ture of the gossip worked oft on a large
number of newspapers as a recently re
vealed truth Is that the retiring Justice
Gray, and not Justice Shlras, Is the man
who executed a somersault In the Incoms
tax decision. One of the traditions ot the
supreme court Is that no affirmation or de
ntal Is ever given by members ot the se
cret deliberations or conclusion In the con
ference room. During all these years the
legal and political world has labored un
der the Impression that it was Justice Shl
ras ot Pennsylvania who at the eleventh
hour changed his vote so that the court
stood five to four against the Income tax.
Since the retirement of Justice Gray and
the probable early retirement ot Justice
Shlras, the statement Is made that "it
waa not Justice Shlrss who changed his
vote, snd his colleagues on the bench will
not say so." It is possible that no official
statement from the court on this subject
will ever be obtained, but there are cer
tain circumstances recalled In exclusive cir
cles which throw a new light upon what
has heretofore been a dark secret.
When the case was first argued only
eight justices sat In the ease. When the
decision was announced in open court the
chief justice stated that the court was
equally divided. No explanation ot the vote
Is customary, and the public was left to
guess as to the details of the vote. All ths
justices, except Gray, Shlras and Brown,
delivered individual opinions. Thus the con
clusion was reached that those who voted in
favor of the Incoms tax were Associate
Justices Brown, Harlan, Gray and White.
Those against It were supposed to be Chief
Justice Fuller snd Justices Field, Brewer
and Shlras.
A rehearing of the case was ordered be
fore a full bench, and Justice Jackson, a
democrat, who had been ill, sat in the case
on its second hearing. When the decision
was rendered it was found that the tax had
been declared unconstitutional by a vote of
6 to 4. Justice Jackson announced the rea
son for his vote, so there was no doubt as to
the views of at least six members ot the
court. Justices Gray, Brown and Shlras re
mained silent and ss the final result could
only have been reached by a change ot one
of those three votes, suspicion was put upon
Justice Shlras, because It was said that be
waa a corporation lawyer.
As a clincher to the story the Washington
gcselpers say that when Justice Harlan was
referring In vigorous and emphatlo terms to
the sudden change of heart upon the part of
a member of the court, who had previously
favored an inoome tax, be turned and stared
at Justice Gray. The force of this circum
stance Is drawn from ths fact that at that
time Justice Gray sat on the left ot the chief
Justice, -lth Justice Harlan, while Judge
Shires . . on the right ot the chief justice
with Justico Field.
ThA new llminr law of Washington boosts
tho license fee from 8400 to SSOO a year.
and It is expected the raise will reduce
the number of barrooms from dis ia anoui
800. Tbs ratio will be about one saloon
for every thousand people. A great many
Wnahinrtnn saloons and some that are
most pro&perous are those which cater to
the colored neonle. It is interesting tho
promoters of the law to see Us effect on
these saloons. Unless the groggery Is mak
ing considerable monev it will not be able
to continue business snd only the more
thriving establishments win survive. Al
ready the saloon men have put the ban on
the 6-cent growler; nothing lees tnan a
dime's worth will be sold in a pail. In a
number of places bottled beer has been
r.u. tmm in rnli to IB cents a clnt and
a general understanding has been reached
which abolishes the free luncn counter.
Crackers and cheese Is all that is served on
the side.
Attorney General Knox is credited with s
desire to leave the cabinet. He said to s
friend at Atlantio City the other day: "1
left a law practice of $70,000 a year in Pitts
burg to come to Washington to take a cab
inet plaoe that pays m $8,000 a year. In
Plttaburg I had my city bouse and a little
place out In the country where I used to go
and romp. In Washington I have just one
place, and to get out ot doors and have some
tun I come to Atlantle City, where I pay $72
a day for the board of myself and my family.
Oh, I am getting rich at It. The joy ot be
ing in ths cabinet Is wonderful."
Meters. Gaynor and Greene appear to
have climbed Into the right side of the
Canadian scales of Justice.
J. N. Casanova, proprietor of the Ha
vana Post of Havana, Cuba, is In New Tork.
He was formerly the mayor of Phillips
burg, this state.
Prof. Reginald A. Fcesenden of ths
weather bureau has been granted patents
on eleven different parts of wireless tele
grsphto apparatus by the patent office.
Prince Henry of Prussia is insured
against assasstnatlon. The policy Is for
$900,000, which sum Is not payable In case
of death from any other cause than that
Ex-President Steyn of the Orange Free
State is recovering his health at Schwen
inger Holland, where hs intends to spend
ths remainder ot bis days. He is still "un
reconstructed." Commandant llolltr, lately of the Boer
army, was not bcrn to be shot. During ths
conflict with Great Britain he had twenty
one horses shot under blm, but never re
ceived a scratoh.
Governor Crane of Massachusetts takes
no long vacations, winter or summer. He
did go borne one day earlier than usual
lust week, and even that bit of relaxation
was considered something unusual at ths
Barrett Browning, son of the two emi
nent poets. Robert and Elizabeth Barrett
Browning, has bought a new residence In
Florence, Italy, the city ot his birth, where
be has long resided in an ancient palace
once occupied by bis father.
Eltza Cook, the oldest "old lady" of ths
American stage, Is dead at the age of 80.
Although It Is some time since she was In
active aervice, she did not by any means
"lag superfluous" upon the earth, for her
disposition was sweet and cheerful to the
last and her word ot encouragement was
never, wanting.
Several more Prussian nobles will visit
tl is country. They are Count von Tlele
Wlnckler, Count At'elbert von Slerstorpff,
Count A. von Pturules. Count von Verns
torff and Baron von Ruhle, representatives
of aetstocretlo Prussian houses, who are
coming with the emperor's consent to study
social conditions and observe the methods
used here In educating the sons of leading
American families.
James B. Conolly, whose stories of sea
adventures havs given htm high rank among
the younger American writers, is off on a
European trip In search of new aeas to
conquer. His Gloucester yarns are well
knows. Last year he wet Hvlsg wits the
Other folk of the North sea and the Baltic.
Now he has turned bis facs southward, and
will cast his lot with the sailors and fish
ermen of the Mediterranean and ether
southern seas.
Kearney Democrat: ' So far as some of
the functions are concerned, Governor Sav
age Is tbs biggest and busiest mayor Omaha
has ever had.
Blair Pilot: The new Fire and Police
beard in Omaha seems to be upsetting things
generally and there will be weeping and
gnashing of teeth.
Beatrice Sun: The letter recently sent to
the labor organizations by Governor Savage
was not copied from a book on polite letter
writing. It was original with the writer.
Ord Journal: It would seem that there
are soms people In Omaha who do not like
the Fire and Police board appointed by Gov
ernor Savage, nor the Influence that brought
about the appointments.
Beatrice Sun: When Governor Savage In
timates that a large sum ot money would
have been paid If he had appointed the men
that certain Omaha Interests desired he
leaves the people In doubt He should be
more specific.
Kearney Hub: Governor Savage's recent
epistle to the head ot the labor unions. of
Omaha Is simply still further Indubitable
evidence that ss a letter writer he Is a
monumental failure. His epistles kick back
like an old-fashioned army musket.
Weeping Water Republican: Oovernor
Savage has announced his probable In
tentions of locating In Oregon after bis
official term expires. He says he has had
some flattering offers to engage In the
lumber manufacturing .business In the
Blue Springs Sentinel: The labor unions
of Omaha have passed some very warm
resolutions against Governor Savage ap
pointing the fire snd police commission ha
did. They claim that the governor Invited
them to submit names from which he would
give them a representation snd then turned
them down'.
Blue Springs 8entlnel: The governor has
taken his pen In hand to let the fellows who
are on the outside of his fire and police
board In Omaha know that he Is well and
hopes they are the same, or words to that
effect. The sparks that are being emitted
from his pen are quite electrifying, but po
litical letter writing has dumped many a
man Into the pool of forgotten possibilities.
Valentine Republican: Omaha has an
other fire and police commission and it
Is disgusting to ses how some papers,
through jealousy, are trying to throw the
harpoon Into E. Rosewater in connection
with the same. Rosewater, as editor ot
a state paper, is the only man with back
bone enough to fight corruption and in
stead ot assisting, the other fellows are
always Jumping on bis back.
Fremont Herald: The Beo charges that
John N. Baldwin, Union Paclno attorney,
dictated the appointment of a Ore and po
lice board for Omaha, for the purpose of
"converting the police force Into a rail
road constabulary." . Nobody denies that
hs dictated the nomination of the little
man, Mickey, for governor and the peo
ple are going to tell him next November
that he made a fr -nt mistake. Bavage
acta as though he had nothing to lose.
Fremont Herald: Mayor Moores speak
ing of the active part taken by D. K. Mer
cer and John N. Baldwin of the Union
Pacific Railroad oempany, in dictating the
appointment of the new police board In
Omaha, declared, ''It will lose Mercer 8,000
organized labor votes, and ho will be
defeated by 2,600 that is if he succeeds
In getting the nomination. Hitchcock or
Ransom would have a walkaway with him,
and anybody running against him will be
Norfolk News: It is rumored that Gov
ernor Savage may bo given a federal ap
pointment after the expiration of his term
of office, in vlevf yt. the regard In which
Savage is held throughout the state, It Is
considered that a very grave mistake
would be made by the general govern
ment In appointing him to a position.
The people have already given it out that
they have had enough of Savage and they
are of the opinion that any office In the
state or nation will hereafter be too good
for him.
David City Press: For appointing a Are
and police board In Omaha, opposed to
Rosewktei. "Senator Millard, David B. Mer
cer and Baldwin of tho Union Pacific have
agreed to get Oovernor Savage a good fed
eral job when his time Is out. He was
turned down for pardoning Bartley, but
that was to fool the voters. The state
ment Is made that ths president has al
ready been seen. The president Is billed
to come here this fall, and endeavor to pur
suant demo-pops they should vote the re
publican ticket.
David City Press: ' Bros ten. one of the
men Oovernor Savage appointed on the
Board of Fire and Police in Omaha to spite
Rosewater has a record. For instance, an
exchange offers the following: "As for thrift,
no business man but of politics has shown
greater capacity than Broatch. He drew
three salaries at the same time, one of $3,600
a year from the federal treasury as Mis
souri river commissioner, one of $3,500 a
year from the city .treasury as mayor ot
Omaha and a third of $800 a year as mem
ber ot the police board."
Beatrice Times: Governor Savage, in his
reply to the labor union of Omaha, cuts to
the quick. He vigorously denies that he
lied about appointing a labor union repre
sentatlvs on the Omaha police commission.
He goes after tbs walking delegate and the
principle of labor unions in working en
forced idleness upon thoss of their number
who. if unfettered, would willingly work.
The governor's letter Is readable because
of its breezlness. His intimation that the
lettee to blm from the union was written
bx the editor ot The Bee will probably
bring something rich from that paper.
Grand Island Independent: The Omaha
labor union makes an excellent point In
an answer to Oovernor Savage's letter
to them, in which he gave but little credit
to the honest, Intelligent manhood, that
is associated nearly everywhere with the
labor unions. The governor Intimated that
money had been offered him for the ap
pointment o( certain men on the Omaha
Fire and Polio Commission. The labor
union asks who offered the bribe. The
governor leaves this to be Inferred as
the reader may please. It is a matter
of which the people have a right to the
full particulars. The officer of the Omaha
labor union wants him to speak put. Let
the governor speak.
Norfolk News: The labor unions of
Omaha are lately discovering what sort
of an Individual has been occupying the
governor's chair for nearly two years past
and they are not sounding his praises to
the skies to any great extent. When It
was considered probable that the governor
would have the appointing of the police
bosrd of Omaha, his tnexcellency decided
thst the opportunity was ripe tor making a
grand stand play, and hs did. He recom
mended that ths labor unions should get
their beads together and make a first, sec
ond and third choice of men whom they
desired appointed on the board. This
looked fair to the laboring men, and they
made such selections, with the governor's
promise that one would be sppolnted. But
the governor forgot or declined to be bound
by his promise to the labor unions, and
when the appointments were announced the
other day they were not long In discovering
that they had been mad tfc victims ot
Bs"sge, !! that neither of their recom
mendations had been considered. The gov
ernor and his friends were particular that
his previous Intentions wtr given wide
publicity, but they bave not been so prompt
la explaining his .final actios to tho la-
terested, snd the unions have fallen lots
ths habit ot writing bitter letters and
adopting biting resolutions which Ibex, take
great pleasure in addressing to the gov
ernor's ofTlce.
Grand Island Independent: Governor Sav
age has penned a letter to the Omaha union
labor organization In which h tries to ex
plain why he did not appoint a member ot
that organization or a representative of it
on the Omaha fire and police board. Mr.
Savage seema to presume that there Is not
a member of a labor union In Omaha who
would be as well fitted ss anyone ot the
four men he had named, and argues that
really it doesn't make any difference all
men are laboring men. It doesn't concern
the people of this section much who wins
In this Rosewater-Mercer-Savage-World-Herald-rallroad-union
labor nilxup down In
Douglas county, but Governor Savage might
Just as well have admitted that there came
political demands upon him which mad
htm forget his promise.
Superior Journal: Governor Savage Is out
In an open letter to a trade union In
Omaha, In which hs Intimates that Editor
Rosewater has been trying to lead him
astray. "Large sums of money were avail
able In exchange for executive pleasure,"
Bays Mr. Savage, In relating that Rose
water wanted soms of his "pet minions"
appointed members of the Omaha fire and
polloe board. Notwithstanding the gov
ernor's angry and Intemperate utterances.
It Is hardly probable that Rosewater Is
guilty of a foolhardy attempt to bribe Gov
ernor Savage. Mr. Rosewater In the past
has been accused of about everything im
aginable, but ha has always coma out un
scathed when charges against him have been
investigated. This parade of great virtue
on the part of Oovernor Savage in an
nouncing that he had refused a bribe strikes
the funny-bone of ths people of the state.
Tllden Citizen: The everlasting bicker
ing connected with the question of the ap
pointment of the Omaha police commission
has been given a new lease of life by tho
recent decision of the supreme court, which
places the appointive power In the hands
of the governor. The ruling le a slap at
home rule with a vengeance. No act ot tho
British Parliament In Its dcsling with Irish
matters could be more arbitrary snd tin-
just. The opinion Is, on Us face, a plain
intimation that the voters of Nebraska's
metropolis are Incapable of self-govern
ment. Why the governor of the state should
be considered more competent than tho
chosen mayor to seloct a board of manage
ment for the municipality's fire and pollco
departments Is Inexplicable except upon
the uncharitable charge that political bins
or prejudice Is recognized aa of greater Im
portance than representative government.
To- be perfectly consistent It would socm
strictly In order that the governor be ac
corded the privilege of naming tho village
marshals of Tllden and all other towns In
the state.
Fremont Tribune: Governor jt
taken the publlo iuto his confltlonco in tdo
matter of a reply he haB mafio to ;i,e
plumbers', gas and steanifltn-rs' union f f
Omaha. These person's dciiminoed the
governor for not appointing candidates en
dorsed by them for members of tho Are
and police commission, whom the governor
has Just named. The reply ot the latter
is couched in language that has smoke on
It. The governor Is not expecting any
votes this year, and so he is free to say ex
actly what he thinks. He Infqrms these
persons that h didn't appoint any of their
candidates because after ho had sifted the
aspirants the best men, in his Judgment,
didn't happen to belong to organized labor.
This was merely a circumstance, one of
the misfortunes of war. The governor pays
a Just tribute to honest labor, but he raises
some big welts on the labor agitators "who
sweat by proxy." He concludes by saying
he was looking fob men who could with
stand the temptations ot bribery in the mat
ter of policing Omaha. He insinuates that
there was plenty of money to be had if he
would have named certain applicants and
this confirmed his belief In the Importance
of getting men above temptation. He
thinks he did, though he admits only time
will tell.
Western Crop Movement.
Boston Transcript.
The western crop movement promises
to be the greatest in the history of ths
country, snd ths capacity of the railroads
to handle the grain ot the western states
will be severely tested. Even In ordinary
seasons there ts sometimes difficulty In ob
taining cars, and every road will make an
effort to press all possible equipment into
service. There is likely to be considerable
complaint about a "car famine" before the
crop Is moved, but the farmers of the
northwest can hardly expect the railroads
to maintain an equipment to meot the con
ditions of some phenomenally productive
year. With an average ot 776 bushels to a
car,' to move the ertlniated wheat crop of
the United States alone at one time would
require a train about 93,000 miles long
enough to put several girdles around the
Philadelphia Press: Her Mamma You
certainly were flirting outrageously with
that young man on the bench. Don't you
know you're a married woman, and
Mrs. Uay Tfes, but he didn't.
Smart Set: Madge How la it you're net
going out yachting with Churlla again?
Dolly It took both his hands to manage
the boat.
Brooklyn Life: First American Which
do you prefer, Marius, to be very rich or
very poor?
8cond American If I had my cholce
Aurellus, I should be noli he r. I should
have u bout tb.uuu.uoa
Chic: Tribune: "I don't believe these
new neighbors of ours are people ot any
religious convictions."
"O, yes. they are. I heard one, of them
say the other day they were going to loin
one of the churches here ss soon as they
have gone around and taken a look at all
the congregations."
Cleveland Plain Dealer: Worried Con
science You wish to know what course
should be followed by a person who finds a
pocketbook In the street.
Answer Your jtistlon la too Indefinite.
How much In It and who saw you?
Chicago .' st: "Why Is It that unmsr
rled always ausert such superior
wisdom Willi reference to matrimony? ,
"Possibly It Isn't a matter ot superior wis
dom. " answered MIhs Cayenne. "Perhaps
they merely feel inure free to express an
Baltimore American: "No," declared the
honest coal dealer, "I shall not lncreae the
price of coal from my yards one penny."
"Ah, noble man!" exclaimed th llnteners
"You are a true friend to humanity. You
may take our orders Immediately."
"I will take your orders If you so desire."
said the dealer, ''but I bave no coal In nty
Philadelphia Catholic, Standard.
Let others go
For pomp am show
Where ocean beats or mountain towers,
I'm glad I've got
A home-like spot
To rest In after working hours.
My wife and I,
Contented, sigh
For nothing that' the haunts of pleasure
My or lake.
Could arid to make
Our Joy In llf of grvatur measure.
Good food to eat,
(Despite the heat
I love my nioals, and so does Kitty).
And not a care
What clothes to wear!
We're aulte contented In the city.
Although to stick '
Where walls of brlyk
Encompass on In all directions
1 hard, we've got
W re sponging on uij wife's connections!
ar y
t I
i I f